The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-27, Page 1.0
x o per year in advaxlce; $x.a$ otberw se.
LUCID/OW, CONIree THURSDAY, MAY 2ltb.,. 1915.
ure Cure
1 f. ,
' ead
98 01 your UeadaalaeS
caused fm
e fective a e9., •
me t
me and,
you, propetly i=
ds .S
�1 l
nd. clll
fltf d=s i a
H n q
"�.'� h�?r r
Jeweler" and Optician
l;Cor'rected up to Weitiiesrlayrt1bon
Wheat;, .*...,
.,..•, •70
aria ..,{' 4 • 44 r• , .• r
`,' '•2g
fresh •17 16
'J.oRZ3NTW ring*, '@fliS'W ing:
Wheat bubli 1.50 to„. 1 65
Oats, bush... 65' to 66
Barley, bash . ; 80 . ,82
Peas; bush.= s...-,.,,5 for 1 35
Timothy, .:ay, .....,.... •18 30 to '21 00
Mixed and Clover, ... • . 16 00 to. ' 18 0"
Baled ,Timothy No. l ... • 19 00 -to 20 _
Choice Heavy. steers 3. 00
flogs, aff"=�s....r= • 9 60
Calves' •• T,. ' ....: • 7 G0 to. 10 00
•• Spring Latnbsr .,r , 6 00 to' 8.00
- Sheep,. ewes, cwt.: 5:25 to; 6 50
• ' Butter, lb..•: , 32 Co 33
-•Egg!),: doz.. '.�.*, : ,..., ';_ .23,to: _ X25
=potatoes;- ,....; • , 60 to;; 70
lr, Clare Agnew was in Waterloo :a
ew days this week,
Mr. W. • J. '�Moise event the recent
holiday at Teterboro,
b day
bra.; Pill
MacKenzie spent a few days
in Toronto, this week, '
ot Mrs Handl, Toronto, ' spent Sundu'y
with Mrs, Will Little.,
lteid v i friends
,Mie. ' T. S. is ted r. , . i
Mitchell during the holiday,
though Luc'know.• wouldn't
lr,�ks: as t
have much baseball'thisseason; "
Mr. O. S. Mitchell. of 'reroute Tari r
Pity, spent the holiday at hie; kerne.
Ur. T. A. ■G'►rvin of Saskatoon, was;
in town a, few' days or: the,past.weeik.: .
'Mr ' A. Mc ue of Gulrosa,: Spent the.
Weekend with •itrs.:Donald Graham, .
... a It n 't•
of �S o .Out,
Mr.. ;Caeaarr, tde , t,
Piled on fri` nds:intown on. Monday,
esi . � ..
Su8ie Webster and. niece, miss..
` Mica
Hazel,'.visited at Kippen ou `the 24th.
Suits .pressed ' end cleaned; properly
and well. -T. Clark, Merchant: Tailor.
Martha of . G3odericb,: is
friss M.. th Begley,. ,.
'the guest of Mrs.Earl Begley this' week.
t ' .an - .>u
X . Juat.artived; a s nuA::rr#1.....x i�u
big. • Call and see •thein. T, .dark,,
Tailor. ,
Bugg- Carriage and :Automobile.. re-
aintiindone. by Jiin C. Anderson,
P J;
, , Old Town Hall;
. anddau ghter "of ,Sea-
qtr Sutherland�;.. ,
forth, Mem:spots- of .Mr. and Mrs. Will
• the4•.a:."_,>:.
on 2
e r•`
a► sod
and M s= Cx ,n. e,� •wn.
. orGh s uta
�fro1(n t-.
Mttx Self y-+� . ,
.M. s.;Johnstone: _ ...
Miss: ;Hattie Gallagher .visited, her
friend,'Miss Agnes at Hamilton
• g
over the holiday.- .
Mr.F:and `Mrs.. John: Melt in 'visited a
fowedays with'the 'latter's Itarenta, Mr.
aid" Mrs.: Habbicx. •
Weare pleased to note that Mr; Wilf..
Anderson-*as'successinl'in his 'first year
University a a4ns
Miss ''1/1adeline McMorran, from Stirat
,ford Normal: School;, -_spent' the holiday
with her parents here.•
Mr,'N C Graham, of the head office
'staff, Imperial Barik,`Toronto was home
00 for'the recent holiday. • •
to - 8 25: ' ' When yogi are -bityitig your suit: -see
td,, • .9 65 'ours_,'',! We have every, price `up-to-date.
-- .Clark Merchant -Pallor: -
Miis -Lucy. Windsor and Mr. A. Wind-
sor. of. Toronto, were guests of Mrs._ W.
.3.; McNeil a few days last wee& � t";
The ifelidsy.
• Victoria. Dsy was quiet in Lucknow-
that is if we.forget the occasional blasts:'
.of firecrackers and booming of miniature,
caption, by which. a number of boys. ani•
used themselves. Devotees of bowling
and;'tennls .enjoyed themselves on their
respective lawn a number attendee the;
races at Mitchel,=while a few others; took
advantage of the low railway' fares tp
visit in neighboring towns.
Alum ,be Real Maple.
The;new trtaple .syrup -,hill :reads that
no person shall Itself f�r gale, ete. any;a�r.
>ticle.of.ft zosernb11lg=on being an ir�i-
tation of maple syrup .and which is not
"pure" iwiplesugar' or syrup; or ".unless
the Article itself .or, the package contain«
ing it is labelled with :the. word*. `tImita
tion Male' Syrup or Sugar' as the case
$ uplaceand • in
'may be in, :a. conspic ,c1us •
large con icuous letters of a. different
1- f3 sp.
color:from the label';' :sixth letters to. be
of at least. one, quarter of an inch; high
'printed nit:h_eacmeiinet nd entirelysep
F. i, i the
• ion -on h
arateb.from any -outer ingcript
fleaerved• .Premotloq.
It was ..announced last Week •than
Judge Klein, . c f Walkerton, had , been-.
appointed by the Department of Justice,
toathe setter judgeship'- of• the Division.
Court of the. County of Bruce ' This aP.
Pointtnent,comes'tA' Judge Klein as a
we -merits romotion and•weare.sure
1 dp .,,
it will meet with publicapproval through
gut<the countyin 'which he bus long
served in the.capacity of. jtrnioe' judge.
-As judge' of the Surrogate Court and.
senior judge of the, Division Court, ' Mr
Klein now occupies the same position as
did the late Judge Barrett at. the time
of his"deatl.
ne� Hls B
ib c.
Snldler 1C v<f
re ce'from'the
'ef. n._
':13 °sin °a r r l.x e..
ldier in-
�n• sol
i'arable'sif the Prodigal Ben, a
a Laneashir re• intent ,who is imprisoned
� g �, ,
at, • has inffertiled flit;' :wife, at
Ashton;iietl}ern, .n8 `that-lur � starving
Ir .the' course `of:an `appareetly'cheery
messa _ e e wrote "I hope at Easter you.
read my favorite verse; Luke xv. verse
17." Puzzled, hs wife turned up the pass=
age and read "And when ' he' came. , to.
himself he said,' How many hired . ser-
vants el my father's have bread enough.
and to. spare and /perish with hunger's".
The Germans of course; will not forward
fpr their .prisoners; letters which _report
We wish to . eau your Mtention
to our lull siock of
age for infants, inval-
ids, travelers, ete, An
ideal lunch food/
tritions_ta'XiM144__c in
.ze" bottles.
Clarke the
' le C a ke maimed .bice. Temp 1 ., � m.
leadership. of the • choir of Luekuow
i'resbyterian church.
On account of the Anniversary. ser•
vices in South Kinloss. next Sunday,
there be no evening service of'wor-
ship°in Lutikuow Tresbyterian church
that nay.. • •
Tun' LE.nOUE,-,..The local League
entertained the Whitechurch League on
Monday. evening. It_ being Empire Day
the basement of the cbur'ch was prettily
;decorated: with..fiaga:,:and , myrtle , The,
visiting League« provided the program;
and,tpok as' their tome `'The Church and
Nation Building.. in :wae ably giver;,
and .rnany made , a few additional . re••
marks on, the topic at the close.. Two.
so108 and.ta uartette were. given, being;,
of -patriotic sentiment At the close of
the program 'rtners were. fond,`'• 'slice
pig pa '>P . p
having ;been.gigen -for that pilrpose.and
a short •contest wasngaged:in,-.:.dainty
lunch was, pro bythe,honte League.
.ttl,n night a
" > n••=-,�10 7 1 s
' • Tlh•Uu , z. , ler t ux
rapider. with, the-Guildites and in spite
of the rain. Tuesday evening .there•was:a
large. attendance.. 'The ecntrid feature
`of the progttaui was a debate, = the' sub-
•ect of discussion being,' "Resolved that
Ital was justified in entering.the:''war.".
e affirmative tiv. of Hilt, was u held b
The fli n a v en _ y
'files iF Y Ewart Cameron.. an(L.' Wilfred ,
Anderson and -the negative •bye Messrs..
Hugh • elinin i and ^ i ,' D Mackenzie.
Judges were Messrs.. V. ConueU,, D, ,lt.
Mclntesh and'.'Mies Dean Geddes, and
they, after chili, weighing the arguilients
decided, that,' aceortling•to the evidence
resented, Italy lied jest caaso for mik-
. ltt' "Iii"
'er° words
,.- a ,' oh s r qui
q wru �± sG
t} r
•.victory.weet.ta the Ail rinativre. 7 wo
y. •
�p'.;.tr-iotte'reeitiatians ley i'earl:•Prinser`._and
;Norma . 'hojn slate a .chorus .hyo' `four.
Dun :ladies keelo:b Mrs' T. Clark,
and a iruxed quartette Were. other feat-,
ev i s• ro r'� m
;fires';of' ate -enjoyable ening program
Teeswater Weclnesdat of last week,
ater for the ensuing six 'tenths, The
report en foreign,missionswas presented -
by Ret.T, A. Bell, ef Molesworth. The
mit, however; appears te have been equal
ucknow geing to play tennis again
this-summer:A-meeting-of a- number
ihteresteci game was held in Mr.
Jeyntlaa office Sataidair evening, and the
Club re-organized-4ot 1916 Officers
'were elected and .cotninattees epPuinted
'cid other neeianlytu-WirWriiefirs mede.
D Mackenzie vvas re-elected president,
leyopent j#y days last; week visiting
"polished ete. Bedroont Suites enameled
Miss Charlotte' 13ome, -niece of Mr.
Decker,.has returned to her -.home in
Mil'Verton after spending - several weeks
.0. F. Richardson has moved- his-
houseeold 'effects to TeeswateA 'where he
haktAket charge of :DA ,;Giliien' drug
'Mrs. Hendereon, IfiVeleek Street,
Who.a Weil* ago wag :critically iil, -has.
been steadily' gainingetrength '"-the, past
',Grace, have returned to their • home. at
Ilifisgreen after visiting friends in and
around town. '
We. are shrry to. report, that End
Potter; Very low with pneumonia for the
.pealthrefeweeksoffitais little or no' i ns
Cabinet of silver for Oat wedding. - 14%,
r hand and yon can gall erisfsee them and
Wednesditint fast Week: for Coehrane,
Ont., 'where he owns eonsiderable farm
Clerk. It showed an Increase alLalong
is a net increase of 65 families 9ver last
'year., There is at inerease of 16 in'
officers aed teachers in the Sabbath
pupils over the previous year. In times-,
gong to the church by profession of faith
thereiwan-inerease ef 171 over the year
1913. The.number of adult baptisms.
Of -infant baPtisms an increase el In
-thTe-arridents---contribOtal-tothe• schemer
,$gpv•irreas. The retiring ,_ef the ,,ehorek, there ' is a.. substantial,
'rhe eivie cleanup plan should be one
that will enlist every , citizen, A vast
aniouht of good is accomplished through
these movements and there. is no way of
finding out just how mush 'sickness is
prevented by removing the winter grub_
1 is:
Cleanliness al-
ways attractive as well as beneficial,.
x xx .., ;.. ;
INTQw is the.time for' you to painand
fix up and. make home'. look` es if there
was a little enterpriser around you. Take
the garden rake and collect .all the old!
rubbish of 19.14 in a pile and se't afire top
itdon'tbur».the,. hoar, -= ��down'in the
,operation -and let it be burned up anti`:
never allowed to collect there a .gain.
• xx x •
•• The .men who. owns his' home • leen, a
position thee the renter can never reach
The renter. Usually. finds: that hie rent •1a'
tool ' h -nor he :is :dissatisfied ' for .iroine'
re„ s Erg , o to t
tl n n
midis res ass ` and ,disc....
...reason; ori s . , a
inept: stalks before. him .'lie wants to
move. ' e does not take the,same inter-
eest in municipal affairs,' in his own affairs, '
on hand from lest year,. and as there is
less equipment to be bought this season
than last the terms of membership are
somewhat eaeier, ...Parties desiring. to
join the Club, should see: the seeretary,
aetbecomnaittee in charge making
be played off it the beginning ef the
tested istortii Bruce with. his townsman,
Hugh _ Clark,- the last Doininion
electimeL-is -to bethe Liberal -.Candidate
again. ' This was decided at a convention
held at Tara on Wednesday ef last week.
Mr, Tohnie accepted the , noinination in
what is described as a `..!Aghting speech": .
Both. Claik and .TOlnue Appear to be
very popular men in . North; Bruce and'
tile contest will no iOnbt a.,hard end
close one us either May reaSonably ex-
tiVe partY, „Clark ,wet over- "Holiest'
82; so that it will be any nulifs vietory.
Joseph Chambers of Amalie), was elect-
ed -president of the Liberal .ussociatiOn
g. Ritiy Bayles- is secretary:
The Tax Stomp .
• The war tax stamp on batk ehecke is
the nUmber of checks issued, Many
an on the thoUsatds of paytnente_ made
With the won -ads at Abe ball part it
good shap and the conteiding players.
eager V) wan the firiihltatne of,the:Seitton;
a. fast; snappy genie May be Ineked for
A reward Ot 00. hereby offered . to
' • the min whops, the evening of Sunday,
April 2St14 histt gaVe David Bean ton
itit the late Robert :Beane of .Coll;orrie,
Goderich, and later' fbe-iiiiiie'-nfgbt-
loins City; Mr. and Mrs:Herb Itlber, of
Crediton, end Mtn A11806, GirViily of
Saskatoon, attended the funeral of theie
brother, which Wee held to Duogarincn
cenietery on Friday last. .
Grant IfielKenzie, the little son of
Mr. mantra. W. L. Mat:Kenai% has had
his arm inat sling the past -week uwing
the little fellow jumped 9ff a fence, and
. that David Beaehadtio 'connection ,c eata re. lag week prom. °tin?. tye. Grer
ever with that oceurrente it Pi desirable hound excurston, ttoctericn, to petrott
that the persOn who *Die him should. atid return. An advertisement of. this
met hiniself, known withefit deict popular outing will le seen od.page1.
so clear David Peen of any ,Stiernoterl
which toy IlOW test uptin
The rewatd wilt be paid *hen the
pennon, MakeS himself ltfloWnt and given
a 'Statement as 'to WS 'Movements tLat
and the *nett Who drove him, ati
An interesting. game Of baseball may
be.looked for 'Friday evening, when the•
boa of the Presbyterian Oiass will play
the town. A Collection Will be %kelt UP
At the gaite, to &Ray a small, btit 16 g.
userititned abOVe, Spoke that tught standing debt contracted 'be the y.
%Women in atiderich from the buggy 0. A.. Game to start at 9,15.
,whicti tiler were -driving, Ott theStithlre, too .ceuncii
• 44 toed ere ettrueetlY *equated 'to mate June session at Kincardine,. commencing
Mein et to the undersigned, and to theti1 ordinit has tosVahetatcneiarttatietilLothKe
themsetves known to the said David yune itit.
114,. G. cAhlttit01.1,
Soneiter4or nold .11eitv detailed to bola a, 040140t I in the
also at suitable reward win he psi& epetlid eetertainment for the couneillors
wools autetj ootrotio Armory At that building tui he warm,. otakfor
of Mr. lobo /artiste .of St. Helens, was
suhstituted fer Mr.- J. M. BeattY, of
Pine River., aa commisaioner to the
general assembly, the letter being unable
to gm The next regular ineetipg ot the
court will be held in Witighaiii on the
Bev. E. Hilpenpy, of Toronto,
general secretary, of the Ontario Sunday
School Assoeiation; was_ in Kincardine
tiou in West .Bruce The district- will
_Kincardine Tomb_ ___Hpron_Township,
Ripley, Luatiow auctKinlose Township
Meetings Were held in Knox Church and
were -addressed by the Revs. E. W. Hal-
Cootnbe. The choir; under.the direction
Of Prof. Clarke, pseisted et the penalties.,
Officers of the assoCiation were elected
vincial-committee, John IV Pinlay,•Tine-
dine: first vice-preeidett; 'G. Mont-
gomery, Tiverton•;• second Vice-president,
Albert Collins,. Arraow; superintendeete
of depertufents, ,elementary
Mrs. -4:-.--ClarkT-Millarten;:secendary
,aivision, Ernest Ackert, Helyrood; adult
divisien WM Peters Berme Mather
i>yfgIe Copies 3. ;cent
Thelawn err K leo pe
itck:riaw on Victoria nay,, when the
a wlinse season opened at
lightful afternoon Wag spent •f n the local
green in playing oft a tournament by
light local fink.
The playing' commenced about 1:30:
o'clock wheneeve Joynt sentthe first
bowl rolling over the velvetyrass. This
was preceded by a brief speech from 1)r.
Spence, president of the Club for Ifi15,
who invited :the reeve to fermi)* open
the season's. play. Mr, Joynt also :made
a neat ane appropriate speech to the as-
• Later delightful
abated' ythe,' liCeVicieereatikyiin.,, edn1
by the players,.
• Attire close of the play, rinks skipped
b ; It, Johnston .and ,Geo; H. Smith were
la nt e . endplayed oftfor firstplace :
,, the Opalsa
thefirst, Johnston.
Weather conditions ` were ideal, the
green was'in the Pink,of condition, and
the afternooa will long be remembered"
as -one -of- the most pleasant spent by the
bowling fraternity.
nor' is he as solicitious of his neighbors, •
as the man who owns hid home. the .American Navy
Eighth Con:, :Kinloss •
-"-Tuesdkr, May 25th,
The farmers /here are busy planting
Missl' Ethel:Caiile visited at John
y ,•
Culbert's"'on Frrida
,Mica Rutledge spent Tuesdayevening
with Mrs,. Thos, Harris..
A=fe v f rom'here took in the ,Garden,
Party at: Bervie on the 24th.
''Ais ea and.Edna Culbert
, visitsd
at:Murdock hfcPherso on.Sunday.
MQ villose citi_ert, J)un' ailnnod, spent u.
i n
s � 't u p �,.....
few::da w c
s o e...
i frr r. .ci-e`� .
11iri` and Mrs, Chas., Congr`ain .and;
famil' "wen tto's ' ` d the" 4 li:
b's: u ie
W e
Alli; y
8ori �'••t a lra
Ilarris is very ill . and ieviinder; the: care;
ofaturse. • '.-.•
iss ylae ear• ` -re: Ackert.Emma
and Alymer Ackert motored ,to_ incar-
-dine on Monday:
Torte and Willie Eadie, . of Glenannon,
Mrs., Fay Grow, of, Detroit,: end.' two
dmightera, Loretta Gertrude and
Helen,Fay;-are visiting the fernier's sip -
.ter, Miss Marguerite Gamble; •
Term $4nding
-Alei,Nicholsony a_ Treleaven, 61;
Anna Nicholson, 60; M..' Bothwell,' 60;,
Secretary Danis e, of the .muted.
States; Navy, has come, out clearly in
rebuttal 'of the peFsimistswho think
that the American navy is inn, state .of'
decadence. •He states that; under the
Wilson. adnudrstration_ 3d nese;; ves.,elu:
have been placed in :commission, with
77 more: arranged for and in vecions
,stageg;ot construction; that the personnel
of• the navy has been;increased by 6,000,.
and the appropriationraiseci to $70,000,-
000„ as compared to. $26,000,000 tti .the
two years previous;. and that the nrdi n-
ant department "has "developed.. 'a 1:.4-'
.irrcli gun that will shoot farther;.,, shoot
straighter .and. hit beide,; titan a . ,er
= - n
foreign country," This .is . etron
by a f ,gn ry S
un talk,; but -the Secretary 'goes ori for
Thero at'e riQtv>j.�actave�servrce;�fu11!
commissioned,. 925 iesselii-o ani • charac
'ter,'which is 36 -more than ;were ` fully
-cominissionedwhen ;Ibecame Secretary.
There are .also '101 vessels of various
tyyes in reserve and in ordinary and un
commissioned' capable of, rendering ser-
vice in war. We have under construction
andauthorized77 vessels,(9 drec,!noughts,
23 destroyers,•38 subinaarines, and 7 aux
iliaries), as compared with 54 vessels (J
dreadnoughts,. "14 'destroyers, 23 ,sub
marines, 3 gunboat, ani 9_ auxiliaries),'.
which were under construction on March
1, 1913."
-Tuesday, lllay 25.
Miss McCann, of Morris', vistted at
Campbell, 46; I'. Fraser, 44; L.. MeDen- 'afte'r sp"enaing a wee .-at home here...
M. Fisher; 43; J: Webster, 36;11. Molar, w is worming QQWII untarlo. AdittinistreWrOr Loa. h. Agnew.
Ore yen considering the pin',
chase.: of aBing='1 .1f so consider
jest, where is the beat pla e to
buy- it, . 'Then call and have us
show you. the frneat selection. we
have ever.shewn.. • ,
'thirtnogagernientn Rings
are.. ,pedally selected and we
and the most favored stories are
Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls; annd. a
8torie toneGolden-
• .
s it inTiffanySettin ;at 10.00,.
. ' x
is a fonder, Call �ns loo'r them
"1. ' e-_
. �d'get. `re
over and e r r ewes p,
iiiine stones.:. .
i ler and
L. � Jeweler
O tc1
i n
\% 1ED.--Good 'girl big tregcd € Ict. dross3o' 1113, .Lticksor.... • L7 -o -t t
MO ' WILT; PAY' highest-n/0lse1 price. for
Uoiso hair. 3'tlGsni%i.Sgri's tJx>' ti -0 01
MOON}. 74 -t -t c.
bor. Eon, sAr.m.-,„se acres, bush," 2n
Hstaler cif Mary Ryan,' likto of the or
property is situated 41-2 miles. from Dies.-
" no** -and 11=2 MileS from -t.-Ffeleus.
. .4 aria is all in gra,Sa paid, been pagt molt
honse„, barns and. driving shed • Tile:farm,
bas it•goria eig-kTeam, 'and is
Condition for 'nixed famine: Wither'
" . near Palmerston, was home for Empire Itea•tn8tAte."0111°,,,Lnekeoul,Cete kroeu-:
Administrator.•Goderich. V,S75:t•t:e at 4.
toot, .billoran Proutimet, 10,1,
77; P:Irwin, 75; L. Johnston, 73; E, Miss Stella Towle was home over San-
Twamley, 67; V, Tiffin, 63; L. Greer, 62; day and left this morning for Te•rente,
S. McKenzie, 61; B. Stewart, 61; K. Mac-. where she has secured a situation at
lijimald; 59; D.- Cook, 56; N. Paterson, Simpion's as telegraph.Operator.
N; E. Spindler; 56;. M. McDiarmid. 53; Sidney Towle in writing home to, his
M. McClure, 59; S. Alton, 48; q. Cann- parents says that he onus through the
ell, .40; P McKay, 43. • battle of Langemarck Without &scratch.
VOW& McKenzie, 83; M. Ram- He Was five day§ and night§ witheut
ilton,-77; C. McKinley,741 A. Cameron, sleep. He says that what he saw and
70; N. Woods, 65; R. Bueglass, 65; R• 'came through is beyond descriPtion. •
Stotherti, '63; M. IvIdNain; 00; L. Mit-
Pme. River
Farmers are. btu sawing( their corn
ham are attending thedistricein'eetiffen
Mr. W Ist Epley and. son Harold, of
, next Sundey•at Bethel to purchase Bibles
eaidine; Missionary department, Mrs.
_E; E, Coombe, Kincardine; temperance
derattnient, H. D.. Cameron., Leckiiovv.
Rev. Mr. McArthur \ wee' recommended
- to -the Ontario Aesotiationt, as corres-
ponding secretary, and treasurer,
cent coarge On each 'Cheek. woultiaMpunt
to coesiderable. It is fonfid.eheaper. to:
take the cash aroundoifter; the fashion
of yeara ago; and. pey Ont direcC
is by to meand geed a way of doing
busineir as bit-Aeek oh the cancelled •
check is always e coevenient *welcher
showieg,that payment hae bean, made.'
Thelankie:Aliwever, We May supPait
-Tuesday, May 25.
We are sorry to repert that Rohl ie
is suffering- from. pneumonia, but ; wia•
Martin Camibell, Of Tiverton, spent
and fainiiies motored from -Stratford to
spend Victeria Day with 'their -parents, ;..
Mr. arid Mrs. John McTavish. .*TEAMER GREIHOuND : .
anniversary services in Ashfield church. ,,,,' .
A. number from here attended the- .
spent Sundaywith Mr. and lilts. Peter -,, .
and Retuxit
improeiamentia their, hall'by Plastering
Inns on Silnday last Congratulations. • -.---Wednesday, May 28t,h.
...The- cheese Which .WaS_Inaiiifactiirid„ - ',. .miticoratew..rat---,Tent-tW=holiday----1.--- 1 50 -,1101J
*Another great stride will be taken by -
the WestereEniversity of .London next
year, as a, result of a further assured in-
crease jn income ' The- London City
Council has voted a grant of .S15,000
of Ito less thiee $30;000 for its Arts De,,
'ling thoniends of olieekti.t7- " the y'ear ,inst closing 'and, g38i806 the.
-tithe frii-vintik•Wad lit 'Nome easessoldi&s
in camp lifehaveeontracted it in a Mild,
form, Nearly 900 more caw% *ere re:
porWd for April, than the ,correspotAmg
montlilast year, and local •bearde of health.
are taking steps to check the epread. A
recorded, and aecording to reportti them.;
tivitiee of this disease have been redneed
tO normal. HaMilton lays claim to 485
casea of ineaslee dot of 922 reported; but
this may be partly accounted for by the
more acctfrate returns bibulated Mit
city. Toronto, with ite much greater
poplilation,:reptate Only. 64 teses.
pox •alsh ShOWS it: decrease, dila ecarlet
fever in both eases and deaths, claim onlY
half the number of a year ago. The tire
usnally mild spring ma,* aeconnt for the
ltiek of the Annual epidemic Of whooping
prey,iOusLyear. T.40 total revenueavail-
witTe. of. twtr veers. -
rive neW piOreSsOrs will be engaged
at epee, and two nevi science laloratot:-.
been seeeeed and a well known ',nitrite,:
tor and director of athletics isleing
'gegett: Plana fOr the 'tonging year have
already been shbraitted in outline to the
stoOd they will be -Aecepteble to the
Department in granting the recogt
With this handieap rentoved and 'the
Mite littered thee is being- awakened
there aril already indications of tV, great-
IY increased enrotment 01 students at,
the Western ior the Coining kekr, °stied-
ially, :this is the neutest university for
Was sold at tee: per pound': - Tnis terre at her home. . • , • „
highent price oe reeord. for the factory. , Mrs. (ftei) Stride IS spending a few
-rho ouly boat trip-. -out o "
Quite aok_uraber from the . Grove- at-
-.Mr. W.-3. Little got. delivery, ef • •his tetided, the'Gardert Arty at.Bervie•Men .. Goderi' Ch .tbia .ye4', •
new Ford car last Week and is now Mas.
. out. -Tiiiiiis attain Mean Chia :sea., 7 --tr. 'and* „re•-klerellairch-andi darettit- ' , Jun.p. 14
Ben. for Pords that the Company is two ter, Mary,,of Seaforth; Mr& M, A. John .
,Siddin Deliffiiii Comm - . .• '. ' . • --A,reinnber front , hire. attended. the
neurY MoICaY att old. and esteemed. Ackert, of Kincardine, were 'visitors at Presbytery heIdiii:Te:06Wat6ii-On 'linen. •
readmit ef Ctilross Township dropped Harry Logan's 'on Sunday. ',... .... . day of last Week. ' ,
ing. 1/0 ivas abont 80 years* of age, and fishing front the bunks uf.tlitTeeswaters -.•
cod heart., &dere. For Platy years .the .0ilross Centre . . '' River in die vicinitie. ,
ing feature ef" the: north Gravel Bead
...years 48 reeve Ceti he voluntarily retired.. .cardine, ., , ,'
tetr,,,nithiotiocahrt hititiimetdoe:ttleto:-.0,biteompZrePrenemutiheos TorontO buyers, who sbipped a tarlead tim is,f the new order .of things. The', •
recogniied in him an honest Mail • alid a in•st weoc. : . .. , . .. stagelines in •Old, Ontario long. -
faithful servaet. Far years after hts tee to' been A small toter rit the Witness and :
tiretneet from mittlicipal life's speech by xebboay Broe. have again started
mato was a plow lemurs f dia. an_ 'draw 'cream. for tha•Teeewater aeantery. .vibeit thoutleittrying, contitret is co ,
an independent; having es used the . lit and .Nita.- Cteii, Piohardson spent bY n10 rural man ronte4;01tt'fro4 1164it '