HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-20, Page 61 1 NORA RON
--"7— 47777
of ro. The,
;0308,of grain, howevow, THE INDLE IN
V= NUAT VAIRS 4�1r" frow &14 rtz"Iffro:M60 0"QW "P" -v- is^ WUVh
wok 1 NwOor UA to keep wag '"1141 Ur
4Y JOW- WWI* aWt UU40r tdW 0YR LU JWAW 0104 *e STading, b6c&UN
004404 the, 'bU lortlw
*0 XrOk *40 U A4Wui*- it is impoew
HARIPLX01, GRAMM A a *i= ^u4 16 bw1odWo terad on -a civil oervioe b"i " to kwp vlose *irrveillaom on every
"Oat *0 004akwtion. vokauts oft 'exon4ow 'by 44 r4ull in the wuntry. .
r"Ic *0 OPOW400VI Ole- Bo" of Xxsagwo. They be ROI�W�r_, dw
must putto which *r400 TIon Volou
*INT VAIRt T*tw% the distribution of e4wo, *W ruen *1 "ility, mad "o'"*rAtholy few, ",� Oio re-
ttK't**# between fwv*t* wnd w4h^ "ow*dge <4 grain. :Ultla 6r43 considered, ijuite vatisf"-
trat* buypw& a"A A. Z#_ 1- 1_1
11 VWXV111; W W QV
-e -ion Items From Provinces Were Many
X44 t* P"ient"Mola lit Batter. good gr"nv; *o. th iuspeot
th grain to such,;w exte t that JFroteetlye 1extubtlex. I . - outarlo Wye And Are
1%e i%wrtaut loiats in butter ' as# TrxJv*t*tJ0% 'Ju.. 0JR4*4 C*an6t be � VIW4 in "eTput
6rough %he growth 'of MOM upon the 111094 muU *at hayor � JAua- age' railway Y*r&. Fura*.r, 0404 om. ndVY- Second, that,'whou'Itaudled, Jxtereat* DO Cai)Adiaa Qr*in Act prQJ_1i" Uer$ E�W�tld not -be far from the The twomAn, whether in her �ome tho tub lining, wrapperx or In, tho in this Way, they wiR very readily th" UP01 &PA04104 11`014 UU X"- plapes where the gta;in ia� bought or in 44ae work of thow ,orJ4, needs b*tter i�well, which lujuresi the TILP population a -r.ewa salexbility of xharoduce, have led take tO the ha, asad & limited WuMWO the B06rd Q1 GrAW iwd� sold. - The #etusl gra4i�g,; thei §a.me physical � and mental
Witit wbe4t hoveriW vouud 00mmiaxWoero 4shall inYeW94e the therefore, and the igouin atrotigth *aher brother. T<� think is now Mft
111001111t of ll*.v etu be fed - g. of -qer-
rLs to investigate this isubject. very oat- V, 00 prodo6pre. It us Afie t4oatea are -,done in tue Winnipeg waut*d five younOwly
ishL& $1.74 *ud the Ruropmn wx crett� *06040 office# wisely And, Vail imaglam-
lvfouud, in securiog, just
in butter is usn3l 're Power t* Qrde'r tl* r*#W`aF COM-. Nuted, in he U-04, abilk to Tr of . -the ib
w UiAltss, just mis good ing'A4evand for sr4a th4 thivt, by the. Govie mu're 441 1 rariano and 100-or-plie4.
-at, caw to 4r*Au our it )AV PAVY to build or eaW , M1044
areas With, some growth of wyee- leu Co.* than where grain aloue W 1 90 tble 11044- building, f the' ssT A� Rituotion. The, Winuiveig'g 0001 board! thisye#V
Ut mW, literolly that -the e3p" of V* lug Plat -form., The bwj4 hak Vqw, sampl, , oria otbries $lie 4490010Q.
the . aurf4ce. (A) felk Third, th4t the greatest ad- wbole world are jo�u wheat, - We4 er to gnsix&,Olevso licenses, aiid es token Iknu the car. mtAm, thrqugl�
livau under vantage to Winuipvp
r 4etM eoesea, y for fliv. tella �herchildj- is developing hat. - i1arr. Wh
Saudom or -dirty green areas, be gained in teediag vpe1115 prosperit3� 1or our 'Weat. 0an JummAss thk 'operator PPd Of bertificatea.oro done power of,imai.-Onation. hiclk� will bouight a residonce-44 _114Y in the winter is the "vlaf 'of Ev , On more me 6 16
e4th" entirely iuxide tho' �butter or. 'he does, _Pr� withdrWhI -119e, flA- pe4Vt4d -VJO� in ya S., kelp bim in every life situation. But Winnipeg, for $30,000.
'with some 4urfae growth. grAin *u4 lowering of t latious. of t Care 14 eveg more t aa.fhe imwnA ion perity for CaaiU4.,. I* Act rva�
-surface Colonies, either upon feed; Quo kwwv C4 rifr% tof*, if±014fil"
eve vch, 95 tick� et wGreen tW will 'be the- Axing -of his attitAidesof wa 0,00
ry o the first'fw - to, 9 1
the butter, cAusinit 4ecomp9sitiou, er *�gs, the ate*med adws m0bod of grading grain i;;% in I I O'by. VIV In- Waupathy and 144,deritanding of li. With the ld ets Are :4%utibted " eeder.' Ile wae4t, 4.41 L
or upon Jibe -container o alfalha, gave The boa,ird has the power A
r wrapplagi couslld-�raSly better re- tho best in the -worI4 and hxt in. ispetctoi upon.111110 presented The i4otho 4p would turi UV Uegiiia's estimates for, An exo
us YeStigatiou and th rqpQen= ocall
which will ini4re flue xlp�arance of suits than the a' Of drY h�Y, the badling, b gig of to Wai, and Rs the 40C`5 VOt 0ee"the her -child to Jtv well to Pouilituro of the the, writer w-OU14. uot� A40 gad books. fi reoi to eir fr�ax whi-4 *e �s lea hiLve, ICA" �,�ft ly
Weighing, trwaspoitiog T
-th" D Q gr, ig pr,) 4,-I.U,g Ino s u I
the the-Ai"butiow of eb tak vi. Osseatill th to� think, Q e,� strong fichoo
'a 4uprem b4se upon the principlo' learl, . At''D44-Phin, man., the
_ Y,'.To
Quile praoice until th ery
-aples of butter in- aabove 'MOM 040. C411110T111a,- 10 fair average .4mole be- him.
artisc ally in sio PUY-4,0411Y and me bi passed 4xp order
ntajly!� I oArd lips
suits re substantiated by more ber fruit Jam.$ grain shipper j,4 to',Couut�43 one, Vurther, ao_tfio leng-th of Ont be. himaetf is!,not onou
Sh. edicate that a grcwthf vold in f urtli a �h ie em ,D the form- -in
dilo er44W the, harve
eo=P44 tweel.4,
obimt. butler is favoi�d y exces. ir' trials i I ously tc ti pr r lwr And Orb olopa
vigation 6 n The
Poo" wOU
thi fe�djng of *I he G
Ve'mad� in- falfa a*muAl prosperity a.regisf-ered by 'Lakes i6 of his &WA 'big 0wera. a pairs, bf -.4nd 10 sarfs'.tv
next, winta ban�40tir 01er PrJjitte CrQPS.
Aiv#. Curd, by lbutter, or by 'equally. Da4h is, 'eatitled
*et vurf4ces) wei` 'wrappings or I how,to Was pally bout So 4"tp ot for Sxve Sall ut f rn, and uobo. -Is Uth .40 in tu , ty day&, no, obsta, may highly,moist air,. ttter, Paolds For Canada Us, puroued �d;r fitl �Cie ust, be
If bip ePut In the'wa 0 that"a car. The ma, the J�Zjy ;of V9, le. 'and Construe- aimportgtiou of 'tho or
ily.. it 4'aa indivatio ;LENOTH. ASTOP$ nw,-N t1w, applicatld� of this,
k keepm -a re %4� 4ea*h..`WiuuiPe 'was reMOY
. f� b, . ast, of 'fied"t . � - 9 OVC111 ad
sufficient'saltingi.4s 4�zalt up tot,,24 preicri he -,CA One�of`Qdrjgretest aouthorltioaou from the. vxu
Of it,
Q SUR tLei ultu ocuree�t .,t 'h
the met ro I= a
Per lmo I st nW"ugg it ;SaMP 'well 494 113iog: to cem
as -diy� The I.-$ . *or vent' wolit r redu0 it t� a nexii" im� -.maile for asaid, "I$torl West;- The elev4tor& lor 0 le k to� tho
hand axmQuat. Te gro�wtl f ut, d 1�ffi0 0 -
Id -- evatqrs�that 4r -�n o111- A'brakq 11 1.orm, u, that' ge Per AIR _P
�op� a in.of Ungf her. No". t �i orishifts., 'T
r :. -Vitai -brea MY 2jW0,0QQ w igon' bcCMUW I �W,.O�k V ai V�'A Aax. Sqo it.
is 'larl I M_ Psing" seed, dm
-twelve. 5tie4l oo, � grain,, )c' 'd h too o -A keeping -the biitte At low teira:pera7 490 An bo�t w have bee -A uilt Vy the en. either's_ PriL 16,
Pouu ing at,ab#r milea a. 1xi, They i's more eff
tures. lorproper The administratioxt of' tinq apt is eg4�� �charged -.w illrch64ea
000 feet, pra o4 . U -o staived 41 varoment; by eo,oper A_Kanx cousint Loagi,
yWithin in its W46U Q0 unveiled a
00mmissioners, and -the bopr4, lias triek'foxemen r. of its. bAV4
t! ere, is such, k. ealth �of
tures, ae,6=1�aAW 4-3 JeQt�,, and 4o ithout jr.1to, 0 Phations" by tbl� Ca in the, band,4 of the Bowof- Qr4in fouwon mea�. ei6,ti f Whom
it or 111 -ad in
wi beautiful
u q enth .43 d 4 '7
, are with moist conditions tbe 13gers, li aRai and by, *i- sampl� ts, f�one go -no
are 6vorable. to,,V `hiif old , 14 6r. of.iw
by the tomwhose -whorip, is cat� open:er� 'And" one �a c4r,estiaifft thut,Wldren the War.
Unatilt-2d butter is nwre, subject, to arocor(ling, Ila, in W5 0-.Vei�*herp.,should be givenonly
to hu t of Ow big-lerminil 4" to trbo work, inteo- the
a inx In is said vo rain is W rs
on Rom, microorgaUlsms cently. fors or,at V*b William a VOrt 14 fa ready the ' �best, Parexit,� And. -ad Licaito preSsi-o"n' in trade makes &or Jargerr
thtn iitter. Suoeesfaul One li�w to k Ar �Qf. about
- �T ., 11 P106 rt
aJhe," -a it - 6flo qgw �1101`14 �v . F
ow to Van ient points or diAriliut$Qn. forty-fivlo 6md the gai4g iho4ild -the hoVe torie of r is, -therefore 'ble 0, so
4torag, ucl� work,
,butt it, is, p ueder- Con 8 agob positions' Bo W�o t, hoo
ropUlOuLil'i lio. !11
n W�ao lnj
oit .
dependent Upon: ins Va. �no, I �Governmnt . is _the arbitrator finish with? it, in ie��thau-Zii Ihour.,' -fully- seleote4..-4nd� ad %Aod, - $1104
Near Raphg holast -
frige�Atjba.. sto 1 the'erading
dr�.. P �C^u he-=. A -de. ith 11 Thbcar-�qpener gpas� The f _ow-olas-
I I . r
out air. or te 4i�i The rs h - I .. 4.4
Opp x lby Full ard, ice rarely furnish This� is, Well, ixplainW in,��ne .41, the - weigblu, "d tho., trAysportition� the 6;ti -a. d pl- at
ave ofganlz the mpty sam� sic or- scientifio oo
Grain Orow6rsl a0ma , . bamed to the, ground' and. fto of
460�rgj3 I . Assiociation, whkh pie bass in kaoh *sr, 'Greut,�are. is ba liven4d
V�s W lerialt"in, prevent mold railroad'a recent. bulletins. ye Is in 'of tha stiw h 0*h"11� has hidabu;�ed. to, death,
in addition ta wotehing-le intee ig to-tho I
salted. but, - "The e4r, broke. appir gwation. taken in tAiing t a alaple, for, 4req. Qrie t t.
-9 004- 01' , h Th houli 'b
lim'created an Xarg P; Johns
tcr,'Ulthoushit be 4elayeil,6r1rols a ft6* I of
oed, .. gr In 'Canads, All &rafii is Sold ao- the :Grain. we ill-thlo whibh.,presebt idgais- gMain. called of. helpfulneps,, lady isuperi. �o4dent At the 'geneiral
t gh -the i cou Ot-
btaiwo to and. from' Cordang to, grads esta, a ital; Brandon, b" left lo
',r64ucVd.-_ Butter 'jp'o 'erly mado, nd, 6X�kie.A -by Qro gr�ln in ar... trage- and juatke, They should ;hoAp
This oompa:
-^U4 4dr-mally -:A=, eiKh. Car* law. There -a-to. 44 ,Many- As viii V_ samil
a! -in France.
W OML f 9. real the. child'-, ymphthiej' aii n
pe- to
3 Per fenit;4, equiValentio the use 'A in of 40 -tb§L M4a
levero transmitp. t1w onq'of thiebe grade e inspec-torp. M h
to 15 by the ep de:� d quick,e laTmek.,from Of-& er Cent. orve exe -are- Gov,6rnment t%pwiute and "of irWAing, iA doner Good his isense u
Winnipeg. It. &as -built elevators to the brakesh ----tb of the 66e the 'Igra& of, 411. krm*n 'pa�,sx 4on, the b eThey Sh6n1d,%roa4
not It" mora under *es 04 _*ng, 4ud - lvis� -,t
up 1 and iliter- ton ra,04 Ibile, ainess of �tiug
with out of the count Th, careful h ldlmv., brake Which comos in 00 t ry Wweblou�e. done betw�eu'9 A.M.' 3-P
otwiagi W aid
the wheel. As fhe� con'trollinglatCe Comiaissioaer�' whose 'Office is at A' -t fo'd h
h nort4 Tjg4, is, , per, Heart, fal to P'Ve
l� frioni-ths his -taste liter
In*iestigatOrs in: �eumai �rq, bt great lo r g�Zd Ature. We,
.4riziog, of the� brake. "and, t 466utrol Witinipeg, is. also' doeSL 'his 'Work'' north
-Governmeii FoA is -is Mot-allowed'to, ave Wilham we'etiOli, ti=ns ain]
IsUlts i0phasize the 14ob -that -n. from fie R 034. at, 164ve-.see4i this. testoi,06 can
itself is. give -the.'.-#ngine,,- o0wigL �, Hq� iiiiidow� In a4vte Pas" x6n., there waa"� A
�rho -,* _'first, &t'y. jUfe"St in eii trade n tl vidpode of''cli �tum
-Rt-, to brkes On the first "r apply, w quality of he 1 a)
Ahea buifai. is: , lesS. . SU, Itfi, a�thbiity child
n he
Mold tha tJJAt w1th4JX gr=L., k
Curd, but
f�jhe t
�1rqil wi d--co-oper-, -suoh'Itv e-:- ALVV,
bae Orgipite the, x, -he a nond;.t ri e#Sco - _kk
to ertoon says thre, are on
flow' _*Uo, Mat b iy"Six i
mpan e for- ag'.0ows ia� oquAiity depends. upon o104diag seems' to bo, w in 1611 un, ess, col6r,: weight, 7.iio Of 'cai to cat, reuired, to 'h 43, .*va accordl sale ot r
A�ve, comp ete. over7; protein.. %. . . I mers of Sask or ized-,_a 8164,9 ' 'lay. a axii,.Whea,;�.the *on I- oe Ramiel;
About- ei019 swond'4 elapsglxom, - flie, )U� giaia� t��P� ge cc�fi&ge f h . _re v en he assistanV ferrym d
"'Leaky" �'but' vhjCh� t nra co-opeirativ.e Company -1k6eli10 him�
erwan, ' eight'. 'Milex
lon Istart, �f the, grain of.Xani� tion ii� moistu n the: SaAa.tcli
ter- 4 -from the,, 6fakei!Lppiibaf is,�- ve pon'tents--this, i1n., be
ivith�*the, Ussistatice. outhe C�over. a- �houla ibe'pre- -Pa�nton, wa�
milkY'Watir Oudes, anti cOollecti ftr 164 bY the, �engmemanm, ad,,Albexta, is doubtful Q. -tested me& self.,, These stories drbwned
th' oompany� e' WTApper',ior Container iurnishes, fceteinbeTior m ad juch �orxn tb 'wheh the boat ca 0ile 'M'
_�L braking- ooa- mixtq.m is
ono'Joi the:, bpgij�_ ve-car
tra-im This a f these re wed ��by �4 `pr66.eis. .4 �e,�q -s'
90m by dealers, e- am to her. childr6n. Wffoiminif
I.A .1� and ther can to 1 th
:as, ild-tial "Olevaborfil. In $ask". t
4 ko
_ 'A V6 -Taofh 6,� V t 4stoiies_ o
areas eT-, ioiawe.jrued th* er.
r&' for the Protection o t. ad. ago. U, is. i5r000ss either the a jollan
. the� irz�in during do t
on -Ito ay, spread -to 6 00 8 th-MughOU hgh . ad fc�.h hat
pted a Sit tludly simila be reditc6d hall
ter Atiba,Ahe ahooks iii- producer rhud- b�-- 14�nbed �And' r C ha not, only. - ente rbained -�:xlid
'hao: 0h6w ` ng soreen- as the- result 61
ApPlid i grain
_evn'ty as te',ttaiji -bon can be �,weigli, Both, are ias�ruoted but that she hAs 84�' do�
reaiing, bi q d 4d h, * Ue, vaV*,tig#tqrs, find, �wjll, thak tO =ot�.th West rn in e' 1�pnd, -4
W o
lot gr _u e�n ]Pon a SUrf I ate
�ftlll �V - - .. . 1, " ;nd-th
roan a -child
nar groulba L� -whiAh-
The Ma*L wexa, ei lirsipH
d te exj� io th#. gives for
4AG1y, In ey Will
.404inary humidities Th 'Thek1a rer may defiy4 hi4whea into this will. 41old through life.
0 atin hat"tho, control of es.,are. t iththL_.butt�j is, no Ive. the bedief, that th bring th*� insays
W a, and SYS&I-
coMpressedair, is, el, 46t, the Qovitor� and' ROA tike t6 O...P.R.1 Weite'
sistema to such perfection, phat th" wesb ,or� very,
k�; if he prefors. to hoid fi e nhtho "rosult �t axis atigallylio Jsh. 4es. They.....,nay.1ept ObI6 J;o the"niold to �ssup� iCthoo �i it, 0 grain froii good ar
will be to talte;.ibha� Ld thathe �a
on-' ni P -prospect- of 6b.:, ai, it. iecon�joex;a
ar Possibi
_fh�] -,-and d
t9ning better in ring or
at of th
y u ess evAa flio the"Ifull' 6raking e prie, e may store, at' they may� be. 'requxirod, and,, A two Cylinder m6t;6rdycle will 9
of1he nj Itoir '�heti 1, 1, . "7 _L_�._1___1_i,
oo rrou 'ter, tbe'eAgOneer 'turns' hi Aeiier." -ag, I a, ng bin two li more, wrig ht all,.,
watiou. is rs )P
=n1s, exerf�d in!L jjLorl ib
Wnling.- a, -stor- 1Cla1rence,OrtoAAivng, near.
Content " of thi , TI SiXteen � Months,
pounds; of e�
a,%P o-Pointl Gu�:rd
U 0,1� or murder-i� 7
auggage, o ucej L r_q pur
0__ __agoy, W
a rs - -----
'b cie an gr leL. grada� �h While i
rain causee, inAhewieighia�g
ur ut . t-
in 66-fheniall-safelyt7
nif -he, "Imef-ers -to load -1is-grain -into,.- in g1L "V 'the dow�h. at' _A RAP_
w i4a nigisture colleofs pOxTed.
t,mold inay -..care has,to -Ve exerca-se'd that thei whe';q- reeeivii-d'at' 4e IC 'breakoible cbmmoa.
_ffila rear may ith, -the eie:, th vatior�-di6- 11-ragile VS ar
jure, the. _f . 1. .- So "min's"In I
ppearance �'61 tho, trioL L graiiL
placed'. It
y in uce, b unffl*about eight umer ile -prc al, at P '1�1 t,th on in e�.
Irther lavixig 6-e d a few �hu a com b doted afid slial be
not eeling -f
ne & interest of theL buyer fa to vhieli. 'bin here is a, 1hiiine � I
any V4tor'. L � . � , � *e easioram4 6d 'thah" L f6rinalde &
the'� pokisqa 0'r acuall A I er n 4, 'kWift Currernt. - The. local st�yr'
changes,, 'itIL the -buttei itself. fie 't -of --0aiA to igell' ha the are'mad, of leak -arealldld out �6ndUnleSS a , r hOR near e engine. have.., dred busheiff this' work 16vaitbr,- re-coxds.' go ng.- as
f expiri�nced z eg in th dd -f 00
'a P1 A time, an
Cxieen molds xhaj.: -damage nor- S eL of a� altieraitiAre aced :C4, the o1hand,o K
lowed down,. h rivei *Soot thore rwill be w 9 i
hi kii c&m an amA909 6 'any roads 'are of snow, WX I do it Ve ry
Method 't .06 rests of bho�
"Ilk salted utte.i it cracks s pping Itoadin p ad tl are 'b
and lat men: 'As ther6 are 86 M44 grades, the' iiito, isia,the outying. is -
9. far indie,reliably than Anythifi -t many f"Me
load, ilireetli intoD. bask, 'and 0-.' 101011. Other ih'vestipatri on, th d6c grain. 1i giaded it is taken it Will run, -an errapd town a .1-6 iug.'
a� ut 't.0 'b. ' ;ht
open. spaces ard, leh i;y bia,pa,�k- iKich A
s have the cars li,&ve no easy sfound, 'that pa 'he aati�`es fotbaga o , ne of fieE6 erected at 'n�arly ill, the Govfernoient ing5pictor hamv. &M ele�ajors land Ir
raffining.,thq_,tubs Or T big a.,WoXk for'4DD* Minert i14. .'Or
v �bn�s ong a -
In or., r th,eliminatc-de,-, utee time. Man, I d -Nest Pass 4DoQcampsiS_assur6d fot.:
�boxesprve4U mo, o ' n L `thbi 4;on- 1we the -he prloa.Alhat is,t�- be,.,Iya L for it: d pp un into the e'in the South" P01,1144 in ora.-OLj to facil sfeitm.
alar, a STgU Ar. method'of an,M ' - �,,Thj-rW1j4AdS -T insp eoessAry.* An -as,,a; deeisioii. the.
�h ,,ector haa .:to guard against
talovr and t e, ineir JjY, Pj hi
hthe Summer
Q 4 iti whiah�,*he v6ode a� tompelled by -law to tef ffiese 16" tty f bobh sifl,�g I#y* cawbevoid
eSC&POL �Q �'W* ad,, when aedidens
Oms am is, placed machInL ery� break�s
not" par f tibe trapaaction�.' ]From bls4ftisiw in. wel he' 4' f1r, epaCe ioh * I
nee-ssar the tibims at any'�sit4tao�n, from, wili 9. 11119.1 L is
pla ril' and'' '0601'ri assistan-, 'd
Y r down,- - wl a a.:
for mold 'jr of a are Man jv&aixi' h, thpre. is but one appeal. 'The iiel-d- kes ontible for', t1h di e is ne'q- ad. on, the Manitabw'diisioi
r06sr1oQs is"shipped. e gra, ng In.
1jing The' farmer is An is -.grain'
1�re'vent 'hld, to f i9ber having -The - grain s onl�,. utela's
lo:ng; �,,narrow agoons aam3pr,, ae4 Ibilthe st�jdaig thb' eawtorn,- pr6du4t, as�:,
V, _' P I abut'.
;h PIS
j, "en, long' istatice I
and. -'out 1Px&d for � the, filVA time, n have 'meir
na beach -no: and.: in an any, Q, d, aias;- , If amy graifi, fL )I .
er reef ne''nitithod 'of d'
Ti iAi, nof ooral�. that sually with gjain,L a, it graded bOf these pliaces.;Aiich L. 10 . .61y.erition, the other '. Inonsequence of thev.deacrea" 19.,
.natiLVe 'Ch.
-fi 1 6. The' OD110my *agej4 amou
*1 the smvdges. maav ofte either; an'
W: hes a T& n'trsffic� �rissenger ca�rier thAt.can ng' roiivatell
'Ie ue' of elevator Q`wneA.'by &,railroadl one, ond'd-&cision ther is no app%41 the required gidif, the--, stro&n is L ut! -to app
WO Oe� month a -he reirn t
green niold� affect nornially salt�a 00- re,��)A. the matter.; stoppe'd 'insVa&1Y th * covei-Aftj miles or' .0
he �,iiretchejw'.Of sliilfow w4ter oWiiid by-.ia o� less. he,&res to and zA relb heS4,,
be ad, t
butter,only- when it, �is'held,�uiider ' .. � 7. 1oierativ'e orgoiiiza� the i'�, , , , , ,C� L,
(JA9, - _"L ri*.-And L o. ., .0 the straight five.oerrb fariL
fQr the _d lti on, or one owned by- aii indi J 'the Survey Mbard. -This �6 final samp es,,i,%re,een [lot, of gasoline hii �ot a.be
ua)l. ctibn 4 9��. �qd %P aas a ffite, for exam�ina ion, al ed --f b nts -He,. There are 16ii Stirve 0
eak8 in ro 'at ed
ure th v*jg from Boards ;i eb
iety. -C 1P. ... Care V
thbd_4A wnniMi loronto and is taken -by the'Governmbpf at are,,, fxvqrjbl�� '8s t1hem, or buildDyimr to-Agledo a, Mq-_ a&he(I SID
qu Pew ma6hineis- ha*e- it fot. fwit
porting t e "Pe,
) a
h RID may -,cs acura; e opme
t ur� t
piece o pra atreall. Unce, er" e
e ei nigLF.grai 'he* 'groan. rry Ct _0 eV W
-maV- use, the; 11i,
dit � ag- an *putes�* as, to getuf a -citize'a-Promi.
ri d_oa�qsp-
-it or- di
a 111i t sel d women and- tru sr vAi Aagt -the per va; rs .,am all Ian lit.
tY or: van hundre, -'e4r'�ad th4.ear iod'of the gradihk,. e tie, to -.of oider, #�d "will add tpleagure.. to ent-iii the 1 6 nd'! ' HP�A 4
Wbr j�aa� � HC
b'd to -Inspec -that -they
Tho 0 to, 'is, te# act.
"Idren Wa4e. 'j"L
Chi nto 6nd end of the 1�revlo* 6, ra il F eif by UOVerament iniPectors, county -life' omthe ng-tthe ipA'st"17 ye ars, is d
ly and, '�Fc pd an from'- Liv6r.�
h0VVe%%r, so sati rLy, that the 44o
A bia in, lagooncarryinglitt-10, pleaUd Ore, varry-L thel�gkain oftefiLbe carii eat P4_"riOdieal
aw wa carried'oh it bhe� X6.rth bas filled with i,itu;,nut. II tbe� piIn'lihnself' to'. the 'loading Into i'164i hoaks, 'than TOPY111 1896 aaA built', th&' i
ee-feet pltfo'ri ie, he hovel hi, he
xp�eiimefi� Sf�ailoh by, W, plOtts,the iratqr�is about thr 'Wh -is.; Asible. Any ;Ot ReW or, mi 0011".
r�an her, ineilodi
a in iaue4 a r
a expensiv
at, are -no or--' -----------
Vet4rw. Animdl—Rusbiild d��, and' no*here more� than Wheat fj�m
h ea er
he Mare L S OW y.- y -using fili belfind them, v kth a
add .was1ed lboth dr I Ta
fedts upon tho,;motor rner,.., a i60ba1*e4
OY018. It Vill d
r�-10 251 ong, ijfard ier
-forhis.,4. Pe
-hod 4
sta - 'a
-,The -hpis the bap Of uju.nUt. _Siib� �abq
ut 17 -A -save.. the'LhZrie, - many, - eokfi' irom -�ne --of th
n e s ioet
the . diffUsc�g
anake-it possible; to- kee�, battta-hons lottaionlea in-,�
-only na;rcot*
fte� ry
i� 1 er.has_o! ��l A10
the C'r
sy"id 1 ime in 0
A L Y�_ e
ain- r I Ube -6* and at:7fljer
Ime WNW.- "s is
e -ha --to maw,
-one, Milk
end estimited-fhatihout 'jiogg to -third��- of-
......... ....
;a& -to. -Stay ear
'b�s the. 41P- Of t 4t time &11,4�he fish Are'. under tlio
'Won ftich, Of th6 DO=
I Uen 'ft" r IaTna� is -the lh6tofty in on - thd� Ral( grain lot. '%Vith, lift, ol the drt1g,,aa,
are p ove
the a' ri thei loading- G.T.P W d
'k 'A
t.7.au� 'to. the, 8lfjlf�� S*hpMin9VkAb04t in- a eOnfh S ving in Cos t folihd dea o
a4 sed, and firmer hapils h ain
Not 4(-"v�'- -wen+, -out ioAOt, -a' stubM4 Im, Amid- - - -
The JaM_o# 0
;ry in Hink t,6, returni search wa
H, koy
A �01R oa�', t le -ii:id'_b@k Ujiahii
was a -per J.
dr,�-, alfalfa and' 40C, *1iftthe Al d with long, koftpd-;Spe�ars� form tvaftgi�'
iilbli' the ciisob4ery 'of th body..
line Ahatreapdhe, from sidb t�o� ide Elevators for 81,720,000 Bus! e
V11fh *the' Iodated im GlAsgow.
m froin wieVed to 'in$ h�50., t of the lagoon and% ma.rafi -ilong A. W Ile -ii -6 iailu
T --be -9 �mvk been the Coo
here 4ret Nten ovators
z;avlg was $L'70 pei
10 pninds gain, for lobjed the r� tht� Ultoxicatbd'figh bef9re tb . in
and Ffenthv�e. livi4,in -Cochin, The body of Ja"k Xo�%P
. .... .. ey Ive a,
ithe a fal a
Alb d-ita., Th L hiW4 . ainan,.rw o,,.,4
-fish A -be alb#c011eew-ut, The use an ele o 6old
of 81j:720t00Q 66� ':iroftig sUrgitalcautey,hasbeen on Easter Mondayz w"- found - 1
mt capad
farther ,end Of the ligo6ji,,-the
01S.L When takeii: -his Ideini4bastfated, by A av� u1s ph3%i- 'the hihX.
jea alfaV4 i:ftati,
Vh di filfar- Was fed the j, am
Ve4 to.
U -U And the barbed �p wheat .-to One 6f t&A
6nd, ol t
-The -�Ortdu ddo A'
g y1d M$
4 -dinxtrous -wit . apeam an&. th6 +as �dtclined �steadily had tol& 1h dlnt6 the -hid output beibg would jump i
V th6 �Utu_aut�, that_,V__�Y -few- oUtioc
w we 0iain,' . ea of Jitters an os i0f t.,ho beootAq pocigli bdore.
amany of fhl� t(i)oig6nedl f, 19`ePA3�4teiy, and SibIply bin- o more er
eiyv6�dropping ii telfe.- e''Pigs were fed, oiie� the shelbei, of the -coral re4f and, ftoa -grain if it is stored. fthl�bthor phofie dmee Jf a new -invention ;Vo ;be n. Orqpor, "b "cea; an 96. he d ftfi -9 'of thic uh, alfalfa Wde I revi Works out 1215 i)laan�d� the
bf,-ing the mount the natf�es� ctfish!l the teefl. h e y., cei-Vei Shuts out t1he W 'U L 66,te&,the 'grain iti ifilierra, tptcjal ------- 8-quall had, hpA a-�6n &,as te i
an(! put 9099 9 AM for her.
d i8in k4nep Makin- a,good gaini as� the fre4th the watqi �where they re- thb, 'rAifibad� Company for 4 4r, and 'The bosto-lighfe4 Cities
In WrOpej InAut the night lvdd lot,
M11211 ftbWerg*d for one ,or tVvo tb. ftilrda:d, �dads th propOZ'610 e gVan into to ),opulation, ard hef to
Of 64 diT. �ilfalfa, th -0 ftReing They feel about. a4�onq; the dar. dit, bis.orde.r.. Whiw it Vigh. sire4eAt tho , fie o
2S P&rig 'She vaig just -Aniobing the thiM
IhOg%, el� fteToevenh, ��5 of the oo ral fo r the listit,% ri*� Whih %ided the, faft4r Call r811 it- outh6 dono in tho otl&r 'grain r4tiou, AAKI Of theAAAMM al- theyget trith a., 011ort thrusting 8 t' L4 ftack oi hev an 86n<1 aUs. Inve.
The r, 91fig ag4inst one finhl, . Sourb iii the- - list
forWar up -�V#Ty' Oust ff6rt lor falf* Joie_�ixth, 44, &U -01i ThwpL d
TV - )ible t
mecatches and
ro or io of y maled the,
which wad tlie'fitlb' al.- 06,
44 V49 6X -P menin th6op- the fatwe�s
yftrgL 4agva life, ft
th6L -U -gsiftto -tkr �bo
ifto of *Wdrff Vxht'nurreu Ana 664169 Any 'Other Veapoao, natne v,
3 (*f, sporb. with the it he) ll mipyl
eteatmeDt fr6ni'fhe, ThIgIs Uw Arg hotAg�rAph of the. gftr6t Xmpp di-ep howitzer Of
46 +10 it WAJ W4611 t4ih,4 but t ; A"Ve, the." The tprG'4ut on, the.. bojutiful Ooator ootnp�ihj#N, b*, y 41�4us,04, whioh 60, ft,.u&. olfA To Gor&ay. it is eijkd fjoL tM 'j? jil jo� Ji s
*6 th hil hM'bom q-
�red ihis
-Ound tot 01gring. Pecu taf- 0A 5Ortq,6.f Zight-Lea t6oto 'fie,6m, flip, v uber of, its,.."
N on$, t a%� 5, UAL* �"nt io 00 flih 'of, the. the�4, 0 dna 34 'ki& to.',' suvicl, A qi1floot
It leig., to tb4 gued all
fitai mount- jog"
I' -i 1166, Ito, oiglit olw� l,s:, a4od hit iP�O )*19 150, tma P. owt, shoft wgbing an ovi-tharging to Ir Ift
a gUT" with "a OTP
Wk. ay6u.144 er
to in
td6r to get, rudo- 1, 81t ft d I riAW, -a
kos%] a4ntcE6 -0 ers
nd�ina7l spect
the g4fory,,
dW f6t, th
(On,6 X34tilfi 6 fat 1,*
t* OAU'49 iflWU i1AY 'fight wtot el$,. wgf"�OA led, to 4084 ill *a�Vwk) at r&n g�, OfL.4thirt.