HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-20, Page 1• • per year, in advaiee; X.25 Otherwise lk _Suit cure lleaditales 98% of your ireadache4 are eaused fittnn --daedtive- eyes.,- '- Come and let me Fit ou properlywith &sees and your Headaches will disappear 1011APELLE - Jelif4ecanAPOISA-lt.1____ LQCAL AND OENERAI. Mrs. 3. Q. Anderson la this week visiting in Entlington. Suite pressed and cleened, ProPeilY and Clark, aferehvit Dr. Stewart, Major of I,ondon, SPellt the week end with •friend. in Lucknow.., Mr. G. S. Free, photograpeer, has de- cided to make Liteknt whis headquarters for the summer, Buggy,. Carriagc. end. Automobile re- Atelerffett-::„„- 29,14-t1, - • ec Old Town 'gin Heavy frosts swain several nights tine week,but vegetation appears to. bane es!. leaped serious damage.. - 4 just hrTiVe4- 41, 1).CW SOO of fancy pant - Call and see them. -1s. Clerk;, • Camernii. Geddeseame ap,ficin Mit- chell to attend the lanerld'of Ida greed- 1110thet. • • • „ • Aft- antt Mrti. WTilliaiii Slier ritr, 01 spent the week end,Wit,li their- ' eon, 404.4. • - . • Andettion is home after) spend.. ;of( a con,* Of weeks in Niagara mili- tary camp. . • , • , • Dr: Blake, of Winnipeg, formerly of Ashfield, is renewing acquaintances in .these parts. - - -; • Mr. and MIffi. R9010140, of Goderiek_ lipeet the Week end at:the`hhiiiii of Mr. ,and Mrs. Will Little, , • ' i••! Lucknow Bowling Club has an invita AARKeTS - tion to attend a tournament at Port El- gin on .ritly 13 and 14th, (correctedop to Wennesday non) , 'T Miss IT., Malloegli, 40; returned to . ; 4 -• .- ,Ooderieh after spendingta Month with W7 . . hiii,C,:, d o • . . a • v . :. v 7V7I'rlift—A7Lt— ' -11.er sister, Mre•-•-•-T.-,-11,--Aitorri- . , , ;• '-'When yeti are bqyitig your -snit. beef' „.., 4.... . -kialrgl..:,• • •••4 • • • • • ...poet.' 4. : - 55 VS ' ' ours, ,i ,.22 23, .. L, vg5, h Merchant Yeevery ,, iParlic;r4.11p-,to-date. , spent the ...A.., ., ino4 of the -winter with his father -in '.g.ggei4tOsh...„, .... .•, ..:. 7t..7..,.. :`,37 . 'la; Ur. ,Stieele Murdoch Jr. Who litigli'; ...-.-...:r.;';‘,....1*;-:'. .. . V OY ,own hahretuened'te tile west, , „ • Tottnifrii mr!rs wags k '- • ° ,Wheat. .1 1 50 to.s 1 65 Oats 'bush - 6S' to 66. Barley, 36 to k82 • Pensy-, bush:- ......... 1 26 to 1 35 '•Vinothy, Ifily, 18 '30 Jo: • 21'U0 Alliked and Cover , 16 00 to, 18 00 : Baled _Timothy:14o.; 17” 19 00 to 20 00 Choice heavy steers., • 1-.00 to ,11Oke, off ars, . 9,-60 to 9 65 Calves:4:7- .........- 7-, 9.0, to j,qJ oo_ spline Latubs,....„ 6 oo to 8 oo . Sheep,,eives, cwt...... 5 25 to 6 $9 • ib.......................34 to ., Menday next, May 24th.:, will le, the first sununer public holiday and 110 d ht .w111 be observed in the usual way • ' „ • . ' Evan Geri es was up from the military cainP a Leaden to attend the funeral f hiegrandinothei on 'Wednesday. , Mrs. Fred. Lucas and cleudglit', Audrey,''of Toronto, is visiting her par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Robertson. J. J. •Allin, ayesight-specialist will be at J. G.4 Arnistrong's Drug Store, Thurs- day, May 27th, from 2 to 8 o'clock: - Mr. T., L. Treleaven who a couple of • weeks ago showed some improvennent,. and was about is again confined to his 3.5 ' tiggoi doz....... , . 25 -Poktni.a. 1 1 .• • :Onr Stock. Cf. ' new papers is, ready 'for. your inspection. The •'patterns, _colors • and prices_ will precise you A large aisortnint. 1:6 choose from; You :may. return .reinii,intS'' or add to your ord0;:, without " expense or delay as occurs when. ' you aeri'd out .of fown, . z -Examination invit- ed. 77,A7, VINCE'S .iannd'sTOnt ' Are Issued -for Short l'erni of Yettri Interest Coupons:, Payable 1-,ialf-Yeer _ Assets—$7,480,339 The Urea( Wes( Permanent 1 oan Compri() 17 20. King St„West • .• „ •,• roronto ltepresiiteti by Jos: . knortt, Ont i=neso===. Cut Flowers, Viewers f _ any plirpoath Wedding- Bunches ' and Irloral )e'signe Specialty-. Stewart • Cioderith; Osity Phone 108 •.. room,- Old-rurniture. revarnfshedy-stainedr- poliihect etc. Bedroom Oakes enameled and hand decorated, Jim. c. Anderson.. • .61d Town Ilan. _LittleJean Durnin-received-wordlaid week that her brotherr, Harold :Nelsen, Ragnepderlto,,Blrodbe.e.ndrdwned Prim9 The annual of the North Hur- on Liberal Association as constituted for eileral purposes will belibl•lip the toin hall, Winghain; Tuesday,May25th. at *1 o'clock p. ro. ' Clarence Spence hi:4*m from Nikes.* Ciimp; Where he Went after writingon his Medical :College :exams, -Me-- will Assist in the' drug storeduring vacation... The amulet cattle exchange -took 'Place last week when hundreds of • "etockers" changed ownershipand "'fere turned out to fatten upon the , gobs; Stine" were hougnt'for this purpose as high • as • nc. per, ox, . • ;Robt.. W. student in P:Orestri;• tit-Torento University, after spending it couple Weeks. at -home 'here left on • on ay or. , rats e iunbie,„ wherehe will be with:a surveying patty dirringlthe - • •. summer. • 4. Smith and faniily ••had 'their -houtieheld effects OrovedliiiVinglitkm on Monday where:they have secured a nice residence and are getting settled' down. They -.take the good' 'a/relies Orniany.- friends with theni to their dew' .hqme Dr, Stewart•of Saskatoon whose early tothe-Wairet&thir.Ki-fiforiti--r ;boundary Visited friends in.Liicknew and -surrentlingii feat. ilitya-tiiial7week77116 is on his way to the PrOnt in France where he vvillaesist, in hospital work. Mr. Ale= Milne,' isho has.; not been • aveltfor_ some thnethaa gone to. =eipenti • the Witmer- in Guelph with his daugh- • ter:y Mre..Bell; 80 we shall. not be able' this season season to admire his beautiful flower garden in which he se much -delight, Corporal Mortis writing 'home from England last week .said that' he and a' • number of other experienced men in the; 'forte which, recently. went from 'Canada, - had tieen drafted to be pent to Prance iMmedititely. The yetinger nien will - • - --Harry Carneton,Wilson; Port Wiltienr,- - Ont., reported this iveelt-a-C4-tiiiing -the Canadian wounded at the great battle' Ingot - was in his early youth -resident of ;near ludknow. ,He is • a. nephew of Walt. Wilson and Mei. 1) McDonald; of West Wawanosh. . . • . The inquest completed itt Smith.,8 Hill last 'Wednesday was 'frnitleas so far as placing respensibility for ,the death of Robert beim is coeterned. this connection -we windd tiraW attention to an advertisement elsewhere in this paper, Utidet the :heading 450 Deward". • The new, -Man in Aare° of the mullein- jeal end The Sentinel is Mr, I3citrani Smith who Who comets • hero frean. Toronto. He in however not new torttnee.CO. kUti. ing giant &Mae time in the printing, office at tint: ge WM off dety the etirlY 'part of this week,. owing t� the death, at cardine, of hin wife's inothqr. Mrs. Barb. • LUCItIblaW, 4114T., THURSDAY, MAY 20t1i., 1910. 00,rit 'OW% - J. t Clair 'Walker wi4efi, through The, Sentinel to thank the many Mende, ,,for land:Rea% •eynatiathy end lielivel,the time , of his. recent bereavement. T1u WAS all ,gratefill,ry • tiPPreciatek . ; • . Reath of .10.1m• • • . !'After a protracted illness Which 'con - ;fined hiot to the heef the. greater ••PPt 'of •thewinter, John Griffith,- for year* A. 'familiar 'figure ahoattown, passed away, bet Saturday, morning, He was. '6.7 Years 'et ago and p...• widower. The , eral to KinlOaa elluetety • took place Notitlaf afternoon... •-• • . • • ale • , Mr. j. 0 Anderson had word.thisWeelc that hia liejilievr, Wrn. Girvin, a young; ;nen Omit 23 years of age had been the victim of ajatail accident in Oklahoma. Deceased is well Itnewaln Luelinowhav- ing Jived and attendedschool here. The remains are being brought to Goberich for internient. • The ;nature of the 'fatal accident ,is not known,- • Malang *09,00 • - , Tha first itiatte .of tbia, Winghain Ad- vanee ender•intinagemeet Of A. G. Smith came to hand hist week presenting a very good appearance and A marked improie- mentaaver What the Advance had .been for some time.. No denbt, there will be. yet greater, improvement when the new editor geta attnailated with his surround- ingo•andeultivates a measure of familiar. ity With the editorialendof the business.1 As&us. McDonald .Dead .. -. Angus who prior to. six years ago i was proprietor of the Royal, Hotel; bete, died at Kincardine' on Wed- daY,of lastweek after n few days' illness.' *Donald mein& to Rineardirie f101 LucknoW°Abont sic years 4-F0 *here b took charge of the Commercial Hotel- 'I.'wo years ago he leased the. Queen Hotel and vette still in Oa* when h died. - Metieriald appeare to have been .,cv:ritunr aunlaartt-ase ,a4d,limeteanlkyee reiernidr.Kin 8: anI well-wishera ; here, ' who were greatly, sheeked to bear, of his Sudden death.' .yllo';nisessuotnvsi,ved by a Wow' and three .Erwin Copeland Wollogled"' HE 'BEAN MURDER INQUEST jory Noyes 1440-vi'Verilet Following the hearing of several wit- nesses in the township halls 'Carlow, .on Wednesday of last week the PIT 1111 - panelled. to inquirk into the murder of Robert Bean, retffned an Open verdict as follows: "We find that Robert Bean came to his death on the night of April 20 froin ellotgun 'wound through gclo body, inflicted by persons unknownr As far AS 10 known the police are no nearer to finding the perpetrator ef the ;rim.? than they were weeks ago. No evidence ot ikiWttiuMQ,Milli.. gilt% At3133340.119114-,.. ing liekleinn of the inquest, though -Crown AintattoloraneoyrSioaageberwnitinatieses.,a t:1Tiobreouitl:yezawnits4, 1?1.1t about 40 minutes, • David Wan, son of the, murdered faemer, was called as a.witness, hitt was unable to take the etand matil4ri one of the %lit to teat* at the afternoon sessiim, explained that her son haditieen ill for 491/16 days. _Charged hythe crown with.ipying to cover 'hp. tile,: boy's. Move - MOO on the night of tha murder, she replied that sitieti-Int had her beet] con- nected With the 'aftair she didnet think it nceessry to tdll everything 'elle knew. Mrs.- Bean' admitted te. Mr.' Sieger that Abe was ."not satnified" vvith her husband's going to visit Merfarily's as he had dope on the fatal' ,night. She ' wasLenabliaLto, explain whet _she. meant • by that, beyond that sbe thought Mt. -Bean `4!should have . bog home." • She reiterated het former- statement- that: there was no•family quarrel. . • Robert Bean staten that „there was a gun in the Bean home, but the hoyshad • never wied it. He went into details of the search for the stranger whom David BeansaYs he met on the night of the a murder and who gave hiina "lift" on the e road..eatlfer in the day. • Gordoe --tted Mrs. Bfssett, Mr. and:: James, Glen and William = McPhee told of heating shots ard seeing, and heating rigs driving along the road On the night incipestion,... but none ...could give infOrmation as to who dieve -the , • _ • • At the adjourned session on Werines 'day evening, Officers Gandry and Postle- Witite.told of the . search made fer the Man wlo fired the *shot and for anyone who had seen him, A , • Though it does not appear have reported, it 18 1101V 'mown that &win Copeland, of Wieghanr, but Edda yell 'known here, is among ,the wounded 'Canadian:soldiers in France. Writing.hoMa regarding his wounds he saye that Abut- IV o'clneli at 'night- A shrapnel shell burst in front of his face, throWing_hinx in the air and cutting...ham in the hp, around the eyes And neckand also eu the' right shoulder:. All the. - wounds are alight„.bnt he was sick with the poisonous -gas. About ten minutes atter being hit he was being dared foe by ..N.0...2...General...ifospital,___Havre,_ where he was well taken ears of. • h°12uQrrgieftltaQwitti;din9ar9nTotonrz:Iresmesbualaundee'w-t:os 'At the May ineeting of the Women's --Thatitiite the fOlrownig •olliaers were elected for the coming year: , 1?.resident•-•:,-Mrs. M. Mitchell, • : ist Vice President—We, *Muidie. 2nd Vice PresideUt,Mrs. D. N. Thompson. • — • Secretary-Treasurer—Mrs. . Rhillipa, A vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring President, Mrs. W. E:, McDon- ald, for her seryices during the 'past years. Thia, Society intend 40 again begin work for the Belgians about the end Of tide Month. Anyone wishing to contribute seeond hand .•clothing or blocks for quilts Please have them ready about that time. Further announcement will be Made later. Couldn't Make Good , • John Purvis palled On us last Saturday and asked for that automobile we re- ported he had bought , He would like .to havost td -take home; blitilidn't know_ ..sibtrumhereabouts,._a,nd thoughtpithap we did. --,..!We -had-to apologize for not being ablate deliver the goods and sug-. 'gested that it •was •:customary for can- didates cm mitering a political cainpaign' to buy an automobile, and . that liktly accounted for the Miner.. He persisted, however, that he should have to go a little-LsilOWiie than That rionor,-,-Vve may add, alsoperoists, as a correspondent —usually relia•ble-rthis week reports that "John Purvis has. bought, lIcirheallielsetter atith-oW as most en know when they la,. rt • with• $1,009. iiidi et in GI& Resident 111 11 Early Mem:lay mornitigbeath ckirned line of the very old residentset vil- lage the porton of Mrt. Murray, more. harailiarlyitilownasthniriether- of last' D. Geddes She had reached the good old tigeht Bo years; and had been ailing throughout the winter and Spring, the end coining Very'quietly and not at all unexpected. The funeral from De. Ged- des' residenee, Where deceased had • been- fOr more' than a year, was held yesterdey• afternoon to, Xinloss cemetery. Mts. Murray was a native of 1.711iple, Ross - shite, Scotland, .coming tei this cOuntrit abnut Witie:hey firdt mist, -band, bunemf•-eamirori,' was the -ADA, tailor to do basineas ." Dick now. A imbiber nt Years after the death of /tr. -ameron, ahe was, juartied late Alht Murray,;" 70f deeply. ig- VMS natere'indkincilY disposition, few women. had a greater number of warm friends than the late Mrs,. Murray in the years Of her airtive life, She WAS espee- Lilly esteemed as a friend by the Gaelic:, speaking Scotch, who, in the early days, gathered at Lucknow to attend Sacra- ment serkkes, and who always found at her house it home, few survivors ot that generation Were, maker. at the, fun- eral on Wednesday, afternoon „One Sot and two daughtera survive:, Alexander Ctitneron; Torolitoj mat,. Gickldes, et, laicknoW; and ME'S; Vincombe, of De- troit. • • Ptlitvt ,eitr Wk0 Palled Walt 00141. loraroft. t° °, • BORN, _ Xn Hinloss, Mt may is, -1910, .and Alin. Ale*, rervinA4inai, Whitechurch _ —Monday, May 17th. Mr. and Mrs. • Bell, of Myth, spent Sunday aelly:-Win: " Mr: Itobt. Henderson' is , back after. -spending a few weeks inWindsor,., Jamas' Wilson has about recovered from, his recent severe attack of pneu- monia. • -- . ' Miss Olive Terriff is ' eisiting at • the hoiiie o[ Mr. :Harry McClenaghhn, at Belgrave. _ . , Mrs. Walter Paterson, of Wingliam, is spending a few dt4a at the hcinie of Mr. litTniPaterson. - • - Mr. James Hamilton, of Indian Head, is visiting frieflds in this lbeality on his way to the, front. • Rev. Mr: Penrose.had the misfortune to have his barn burned last Thursday. Hotethe fire originated. is notjtapvil. - . Mr. James Laidlaw led the Guild' on Sunday evening; the subject being "Why it is Wrong to Gamble.' The topic for -:•next Sunday evening is "Religious, Read- ing, What and 'Why"; the leader being -Miss Olive Teiriff. Mrs. Wm. • Norman, of Mauer, Sask., visited last week with her sister, Mts. Janies• Wilson. She and Mr. Norman aro- East on atwo months' vacation; Mrs. Norman was formerly Mary Fer- guson, 'at thilross. • ' Witlixonunon Pitxsnierktiax :Cituiten Apay.gitainf.;=The 51st an- niversary services of • th_a_IYiiitecliurch_ Presbyterian church will be held on Sun- day, May the BOth., at a.in.; and 7 p.m. when Rev. Dr: J. G. Shearer, of Toronto, of Dominion -wide ienown • will - preach: On. Monday evening, May.31st., a tea meeting will lae, held atter which the Dr. will deliver his very interesting :add -teen oh 'ApPlieitaristianitYWIliek Will be illustrated ey very fine atereopti- caa views on immigration, slum and re- form work in ow -great cities, as Well an -o-therinteresting tepie-sT. -There wilrar so, we are glad to a say, be presentwith :Os on- that -occasion - Rev.- ia,-41.-IDunn,- of Royea Ave, Presbyterian church, To- ronto, -a: -forinet-pastor of this: .congrega;. Is being provided by 'the choir for all -thir services:- -A' hearty invitation is ex= tended to all. On Sabbath special offer- ings will be received to help in defray- ing the indebtedness on the church sheds f-tdross• Centra ‘. —Monday', may ' Wedding bells ate ringing in, our burg. --Hardy-Simpaion-of:Wingliainspenttlie.- •:iveeketidat . mr• Kenneth aleKenzie, Purchased • neW -kerd rsiar, tlamek,Strptherk, made a•trip Lucknow Friday last: Miss Lyle, Stanley, of Kinloss spent a few days last week with friends here. A number from here atteocled.Andrew Arinsttong's• sale, Thesday of last week. Mr. Walter Howe 'bought a driver ftbin Mi. James Whitemaii, last week. Mrs Annie McKenzie 000, 10 Kinloss Called. on ftiende here Wednesday of last week; . M. Thoe. nerdy of Vtringhata spent a lekv,tittY6 .at the lome.of last Wedt. • ' • Walter Itiehardann Jr. And AngUe Me 'Kenzie' beth haa the misfortune of losing a ,hcifie last Mrs. lohn MeHeraie arid a Ott visited at ihe )10M6 of her brother Thom *Don. It A* day i hutwek .WRITES FROM ENOIAND Huntley Oorcioni in England with tha Clem/dim arinyi has written to 'his par- ents, and apparently is enjoying English intheliiiie and .ecenery itemensely. He reports a splendid 'trip across the Atlan- tic—fine weather all the way, little sea- sickness and no submarines. 00 April 30th., the date of writing, the contin- gent WS 19eated not far from Doier, and in Very comfortable, quarters. They had been proniked a whole week -leave of absence to vieit any part of the wan - try. Huntley decided UPOtt a fialt. to Louden, ; • ' ° • tO getnif telhe:-C6htlifetirdlid 11,93' front; he said there was a call for MOO C'eattdian volunteers, po, that prospects- . for an early move- were good. Th treop, ship in which the contin gent sailed WAS aCennaPariiet across the Atlatitic by the crbisee "Cumberland" Until shenehred the .danger zone when tilie was allri'OlindediV a swarm of tor:. •pede beat destroYerewhie4 Made iellt possible for linbnittrine (co eonie within • CHURCH' NEWS - , . . While the men of the Presbyterian' Chinch at 13russela were•busy wish the erection of their fine new church, the . Ladies' Ani in tonriection were engaged ' in raising fends for the purchase of ,a pipe organ fOt•the It.ew edifige, _The_in.- strument cost 01,200, and, being install- ed, was used for the list time in the church service list, Sunday. ., Anniversary services will be held in SoutlasKinloss Presbyterian Church, on Sunday, May ;30, when Rev. G. M. Ditn'n, of Torontik(fornierly, • Of White- church and Langside) will preach morn- ing and evening; it is -expected that Rev, D. A. McLean, Ripley, Moderator of the congregation, Will cpridnet A Gae- lic Service in the afternoon. , ' Tau LEaskun. The meeting On Mori - day evening .was of a MIseionary nature, Tee topic, "Our Record"—What shall we make itl Was given both of the • record -past and what we intend to make it for futute years. Three excellent readings 'were given and also a solo.. The closing remarks vi,ere linpromtu speeches lay. the Ake presidents ()teach department on the topic taken up. . -' Next : Monday evening's meeting. will be a visit from the Whitechurch League., Tiii. Gerraa.-LNearlye. dozen brief; eheerful and nspirinreasayirbriLtrinany young ladies made up the bulk'. of the program at the Guild meeting Monday evening. The Young—Ladiei''Bible Class, Of veld& Miss MeCharles is teach:- er. undertook respensibility for the even- ing's program: Their subject was "Able Workers" and eaCh letter in these words was taken as the initial letter of a char- acteristic Of the Able Worker which in tern eaternade_thiLtutbject.A: .a two- - :ininfite essay; - 13einies the papers the clits_s_ sangtwo_choriaies_ and . Miss- •LYItt•i Little gave a recitatien. Next week s ine,etiegyvitaheAeldmiLTuesday,i__ , even- ing, in order, to aVoid, the 'holiday on 4' Monday. The Social Comniittee will have charge and the program will be of , • a patriotic nature. . . LATEST WAR NEWS Though there is nothing of a very seirational nature to report this week in connection with the warA there. are a numbrk of important developments. • It is reported from Rome that the Gernian and Austrian ambassadors to Italy have asked for their paspOrta which -means that their goverements will de• •elaan war limn Italy, The Past week his been a turbelant one.in Italy, votes of riots having taken place because of • the government's hesitation to make 'war upon Austria. So war • there will tie, Indeed Italian and. Austrian troops, hay, VreaAty clashed; 50 Said to have he -en killed and twice that nunabee wounded .The Russian army in galecia, afte 'fingering defeat inthe greatest battle ever Night in the world, has retreated some DO or go miles and appears to , be again. on its feat and holding the Ger- man Austrian arniiea at niest -.points 41bng the 000-mi1efront. 7 • • Lord Kitchener has announced, that he has authorized the Use of ,poliseriene gasses by 0,03d -tisk army in Flanclere, 4 as a owl* stroke to thr 9,einVing!, sort to that meatui of fighting. There has been hard fighting about 'Ypres' throughout the week and General French is able to announce very important age- eesses, l'inther south the French are able to report even greater victories over the German forces; , • Throughput the week the-•_A.vorld has '-heen eagerly 'awaiting Gnrinani16, reply to the United States note on the sinking of the:Lusitania, It is reported.. from Neiv York that the•IGerman Admiralty has issued orders that subinairnes are not to attack merchant vessels, ' Pending negotiations with the United States. This, if true, would -indicate that Ger- many was going to give up its piratical warfare: . . • . • ----Mucli-interestivas-taken-inthe-triPef the-4,`Transvlviinite,the tirst big 'heel to cross the Atlantic since the -destritetion of the Ltisitania: .spite of German threats the TransylVanut made the trip safely, ,running into Leith, *.c.etia,nd, Steed of toLiverpool,intended dest tinktioll, • . • DEATH OF MRS. WALKER LUcknow. people were greatly surpris- ed and shocked on Thursday of lag. week was reported -th it Mrs. John St. Clair Wallrer had passed away 4t_Toronto,—She had gone to Mich ael's Hospital to undergo an operation for the removal of an internal cancer,„ lant-'her strength; greatly impaxed by Jong -was not .sufficient "ktAnd. the strain, and she died while the .,eper- ation was -in progress. . Mrs: Walker, who in *tied Years of poor health, was, alwaya. eheertul and of a kindly disposition, had many Warm fraends in-Lucknow by whorn *Me. witl be greatly missed. - Tye vt as a 4/Mites„i WotaIlkheat%naBadj,dijikri Gaunt, and was bern, On the Gaunt infie:stertd;--121b.--connession-ofVia- Wawanosh, in 1861. She lived with her parents until 1896 when she and Dr. Walker were married, knee which tithe she has hied in Lucknow with the ex- ception of a few years spent in Manito. '•• Teeswater ' Tuesday, May 1,8.' • Miss Grace Foveler . Spent Sund ay With Miss MarY.Ritchie of Wingha,m.- • .• Mr. Alex Watson,d. P R. employee, takes up his duties at the other encl. of , the linel next week. Mr; Watson has been for many years a resident of Tees - water and he and his estemible wife will he sauched missed in social circles here. dk,The Presbyterial s meeting here to, day (Tuesday), the meeting in the even- ing will be addressed by the Rev. John Griffith returned missionary from China Makking Bailie Stothere returned last week: I Gracie Blake entertained a number of her little friends Saturday. • • Mrs. Jaa•Thompson, 'of Nile is visiting relatives in this neighborhood. - Thos. Roaeh of Kinloss visited his neiee Mrs. N Shackleton last week. • • Mi and Mts. P. Reid of Luckirow Vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Thos,./piderson, Tues - • 7A- • b,ingle Copies ,8 eentif fiRgEFUL.4 DESIGNS'. * TRW MASS • One design which 'is 'notice. . ably prominent when, you kee our Cut Giese display is our Astor,beaiga, we ' are ettre, yon will say is the most beautiful you. la.ve ever seen', and it is cut by the best vat- -. ters Canada, each, tifeen • bearing 'Trade Marlr. ' • Call and let ns show yod some -of these fiecesi and we'. are' sureyou 'will not accept it# imitation. - T. ARMSTRONG'. Leading Jeweler and Oiktician- EVERYBODY'S- COLUMN WE 's',11,L 1)4Y highest market price. for horse hair. Ninsoka.sow's .1.not Gout s •, Stroli•E., • 74-14-e• 14WD .01tAsS FARM WANTEII-Alasi,1. „vvell formed, and plenty of water, z2-4-trf•c. • John Joynt. ' 34°AkkerasPlIfie4rItes..ija.Fililtirellg.insagaTat..?littvo.; ' Stout and Mutual Clomp &mai. ' Urr40-A.SXHO-ALi, -Banker Lucltio , _ • , For Safe. SALE.1-Barred ',Plymouth iteck oggo, Uttinee Wattage. OeothiCS per ilui.en, 8.47t-t•e. • • 0..4. Oreer, Luc:know. . • yOftkl•-;read Corn for sale. at . the Red ..bleina • tor...ear, -at Ainericae just arrived,. _car it U. Shingles, 1).Siitutt• Wain Deale _ _ HOUSN AND LOT in the irilt!ge'of.laickno • tort:Rite. ApPlv to • ,1-4-t•-te. • 0. a Towers. , BI.TS11 IbT FOR SAT,E.-0, acres bu5h, ZI• • acres cleared, west bait Lot 14, tit: tiou... of Wes0witwanosh: • ltf luttchell, Lucke° w. HOUSE EOR Arli Ott11ENZ:-N;"ery '06$y , • anuncurvenient;- At present occutmea .0..ttusiardsea. Apribr :204-1) • . -4. Nbwton.„ . Teronto I where he spent: many years of :lira , • life. 3fr....Griflithihome_is near_Listo, -wet and he is personally known to many of those attending the Presbyterial. • The tenders for the •improvement to; the Town'Hallwere opened list' week. The lowest was for $4,9-00 which With architects, legal fees, printing and ad- vertising will bring the cost well over $5,-000-. -Othertei-Rters werUf bver- 50,000. It would be necessary to leave the bricks off the outside ta come d�wn near.the onginal estiinate of 1000: . -St -,lieleas • •• ---;-Tuesday, May lath Mlsolina-Glark-is-spen1ieg 'a. few. . weeks visiting friends m Westfield. VfIss M. Irwin, ot Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr..and Mrs 'Frank Irwin. • The Rev. Mr. McLaughlan, of Strat- ford,,preachedin gt. Helens on Sunday last. • •• We ueclerstand that Mr. James Pur - don is at present laid up with blood• poison, in his hand; •, • " • 14 Quite 'a number from around gt. Hel- ens attended the tnneral of the lite Mrs: Vaiket:OfZuektfow,----On-Ztiliffaffilfri Bev Mr;kackintesh,,also Messrs . -Z.: Miller,•George Webb and Miss- Mary Rutherford are in Teeswater te-day at- tendingAlre-Woineir-'s:PreshyterialCon • vention. • AtedYCe —Wednesday, May 19th, Mr. 1111108 Leaver -has cornmenced • the dement work on Mr John Webster's ne*Mr11.9V11.8eDoyle. has rented the old Staf- ford Win and has placed number 'of tine tattle On it to pasture, 'Mr. ittitles bow tt/la a PAW' of Sae babvbeef. cattle OM day 10,014 one of them, at ia•tinoptlis old, Weighing 1.000 pounds.' •Neittl • We Are sorry to heart:hat, Daniel Ma- tin, whOlias been on the sick list, is not 'improVing as rapidly as tne people in this vicinity would like tti iteek • ;50 AEWARD reWard of i150 is herebyoffered to the man who 011 the .evening Of Sunday; April 25th.• last, gave David Bean, son of the late Robert . Bean, of Colborne, a tide fill's. buggy from near -Dunlop - to--GaTtclerieli, and later the same night &Olio him from Goderieh to his father's home near Carlow. • The reasd_u,.for thi . advertisement is- -filat-DilVialdefinli7liatite is -being eon, netted ivitlierder-a his"-fither, whiehtook place -that name..nightrAhOut- _,TIZcloel. on tne read between 'Loyal and Carlow.'and to make it clear that DiVid Bean hadim connection what- -ever-With-thdboccurrenasitig-nestrahie that the person- who drove him should --make himself-knoWrr-N"lvithout delay and so clear David Bean ef ,any suspicion which may now rest upon hint • -The reward will be paid *lien the pereon makes ,himsellknewit-- and gives - a stateinent as ta his moVethents that night. • ' -The evidence 'discloses. that David Beanand the innn who drove .him, as mentioned above, spoke that night to two men in Goderich from the buggy in 'which they were driving; on the Square, -between'thettillsli arebabge•-aed7,-re& ford hot -,14 about-phoisedeal, and tilted men art earnestly veipi_entetiLtil 1110 'themeelves • known VS the said David Bean or to the undersigned, and to them. Alma switablereward will M. O. CAmBlaOlst,• _ Solicitor for David Bien 20 -5 -t -f, Ilarnilton Street, Goderich • AVMS Ji ALLIN EyESIGH'r SPECIIAIUST 'will, be at • Oarnet Armstrong's Drug Store • • 'Porn it to • • Thursday, May 27th. Eyes Tested and quilts Stiptilied •••----o,statert-mark;:ityain-jiitebf*iie • v .FARla FOR 8AL}.1.-,The Atiministi.NA'kekt 10iii 1, knalerich, in vac Uouuty of ifurottpuillisa • 'woman, deecasek taffeta fur side inert) owa ,a.or 10,...RM. 4, West 'W:kwaflOS11, lim pturiekt•Sr isiotxutced 14:miles xr0ak .tueit- • now antt Wales from fat; -aieunis.all/8 • •floarntnietipaiilisost Lv•fteaus:av.nearsit .0;tt.st.o.boeiteqviportluvti..iui,c,• giv'Ishcuenll tia; 10 iw1e, 'lje•itachrazost:h;'.'4'41;'g,u400rt hhaosusaegi goabarentasra juodaindr,Ivialinagillae.tild.-;14.1istat ftsattl•uo,si connizion'for mixed waiter. Iurcnt:1,' pin:oculars apply to 1. J. •Ityail. tiodertinit untario, Admimstaliter; Or r0J.1'7;. Aguew, Real Zstate Dealer, Luenno w; or to .ercea-.• toot, Killotan G Vreuctf,00c..figlicitors lee. • Administrator. (Women. 20-6,t-f-Oat24.',.. • Tenders VVarited4 , Port,ountgra worttr.rox 'Intmen. am ST. 11itt,g15.1i Sealed.TenderS Willbo received by the under. signed up to 5 o'clock, May -am., at per Mule yard actual contents.- 'renders wan be• opcnect. .6 • um) autir'lutor al. 6c - ileums, Abutments, 14,1„ne A ' mixed 1 tO 6 (11414nIlitin UV 101- 11-011) Ited amount of elean.atene with not, less taunt inches or concrete ruling between.sItior 0 , '•••• be coinpused oil to 4 reedit &Usu. , Contractor Lo de all necessaiy.exclivabingi.:•etraveitttrlase- ect by 0Orporation. Ad allgieS•t0 Pe•reiruorped - With old ken. VILLA and -estunate or nutteriat dm."47- °Iietliseel'essn'a,tte,,"11:14:111.tearIPiltSe.odnl,°Liqueedh"norWa.:103;e4Iriu: West Wawanosil, hbfy 15, 1915, _ Court of Revision • A. court will be held for the Revision of As:- sessniont Roll 01 1110 village'of Lueitnew for the . year A. D. 1915 in the council elminuer., 'town DaittdauckneW oii the2TEXAlay ot tuts May Inc hour ask): M. 10 aeur_auttilotermine-all - einnplaints =ado against said Assessment Holt. AU parties having business at the -said 00111% are hereby notified to govern theinsolve sae, oor4ingly, •, • ated-at-lineknew-this 15th. ('101Mart 20-54 _ E. 1 6 . . . •court of Revision- -of Assess:, • 4 — • meat Rolf--- Dairsuant-to-tAnt-Statute-in--that-behnlerat—. Ootirt o Revision. of the AsessIncnt ltoll the•ManicipalitY of the Township Of E-inloss will be held' in the TOwnship Hail ifIolyrood, ou • ' Tuesday May: 25tIt 1915 at p O'clock in the fore-. noon. • • ' •-• , 'TIUSITAMfitiltmr.. (fierk: Dated •NiatI3tli .1915 • Notico to Crectior,s. _ - • In the Matter of the Rstate . of Sohn Green 'Murdoch; late of the 'Village • --.0.-lackanyln-tiniOotttitYbiliitet----„, - Merchant;Daceasect7.--- - lic-otkets-hetety.siven that all Vex:sena Oast-- ---,- fug any claims or demandi . against the. late . Jona ureen Maratielt, who died 00 Ot 0built thaTwenty-lirat:day of rebritary,'A. t ho Vinagoof Lucknow irrtke PrilVinee °Pon- tarie, Inc required to send by post prepaid ov , • to deliver to the Undersigned., ,6'elieltor herein for Emily Jane Aliirdoch," AdminiStriitrjx. n+! the propo rty of the said Jetta Green .11furdoeh. their names and itddres.sca ata Lull particalarA- • In Writing of their clalins and statements ar their ikeeolints and the nature Of the seatirit les if any, held by them, duly Verified by affidavit And take notieo that after' the l‘venty,116.11 dayef May, A. D. 1915., the Said 1,1mily June MOrdoch will proceed Co .diStribilte the 11.§els ot thap11111 deceased hinting the persons mili. ed thereto, having regard only to trio olefins et whielt she shall then have bad notice, and that tho said Endlyilnineldttridoth will not be liablu for the said aSsets or ltriy part thereof to any .personS of whose chin* she •slIttlt not thee here reeelved notice. This tintitin IS given pursuant 40-theAtiltateinl4uttellitlf. • - Dated At'LliehhOW thIS Fatirth clay di Way, A. E. 1915: I P. A.1Vraleoinnen. • Selieltor, for the said Enifly Jane Mottle -eh. 'OA • . 1 Iligliest Cobh Price paid. fee hots° han1.-411. Blitzstain. next tlOOr WeSt of The &Minot °nice; Lucknow. • 2044,4, 6