HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-06, Page 5•
Thursday May 6th 01 5
war isTows)
Out of thia war will cornea new fash-
ion for Men" Mouataches will be preva,-
,lent, Duriug Napoleonic tit** it wart
.the rustom for aoldiere to be cleanly
shorn, eri,ve for ;14, clump of truculent aide -
whisker. And followed the mil -
Airy style. Drying:the Crimean VITar
nearly all the returning soldere
ed bearde of nioreor less luxuriance,
Thenceforwercl hearde were cultivated
with imperiative ardor
• They'ouqgest Clubman wanisot batis
fiedluntd buyolto adornmentsfralled over
hie frilled shirt and became entangled
in Ida Watch-cbein. As before, the citi-
zen followed theVklier. But too many
follAwed him, Therefore the military
officer began to shave hie chin and wear
• droopy eide-whiskere known in these ir.
, reverent deyster Dundrearies.. lints it
wasinntil the lateet Dundreary was sae-
. riteed and, soldiera 'wf re informed, by
General Order or otherwise, that moue.
, tidies only were de rigueur. Now every
'recruit in emery British country grows 4
rnonatnehe and cianaps it together at the
ends with Wale
• The tendency pf the -civilian in the
• last ten years hue been to clear hie race
of Ail underbrush, whatsoevere iu the
hope that peoPle will think 'leis a few
Irearayoneger than he really is,. Btit.
, now, when soldiers are giving every day
, eilch proofs- a courage and devotion,
owiliau entlieslaem blosisom in the
• chltivittion of lip decoratiens. Three
,Yeare hence im faehienable hesinese• Man
• .will,a.ppear in piiblia with.• -a bare and,
1141 uPPer'lip• The PrefeSSMtial fash
inns, of course,mill not.Change.,ClergY.`
Men, naval efficera, „ and lawyers will
• seill 'choose between full beards and nA
hair at all, ,
Met 1141141111010,1
baa been dee' 164 tbstPuntsee who
Gorge lienry Thompaon, Goderich, The Kiuoarclino Turf Olub have de 8r. IV. were marked in Arithmetie
and Harvey James Dorraueo,fieslorth, eided on holding *race moot *In Juno are going to tito front 1444 who have 4114 0041046°", other Ow** ill
eoldiers at the front, are repot 3rd., when. $00.00 will be given ba beep Iowa honoruy lank wilioutemanw; gooeral orofsmenoy.
wouncluct in the 8reat battle of Y pre* prizee'fee throe race*. and 6,11 iftleh entitled to the salute of Sr. IVAllarry liaelrett, Verna Stroud)
whoa strew who. a eoutde of soldiers, acknowledge it by ned 11174 TW.,fllie,,,,Vrel4te•Lt 57;
Page s
S a W 0, Asminum
Z Riddle, merchant of Auburn
wan'Oev 'rely injured on Wednesday of
last week by being 0114 beneath Ids
, Whether tber aboofd bow or salute in Niro 4, T ',*-N.461,11110,31 .4"0,400. Iry Web.Wonthi rigoi- Wel Out the Bruce Agri- "u
auto when the machine overturned ef- ed the skating reek there, to be (teed ad that* tied' to which MAY be added :14:rt ersollhiTe4hu _To tbsoi, „to. mfam,, wait.. 0-4....-..1
tor striking a done. The oar was alee as a garage during the summer nionthe. perhaps a oloile if desirable will serve '" ''''''---7-""` ''''"'""i "'.'"V".
.ordir t'itoltinaeur4e1YuctswmilltQW*34tedeneb4cotencluf3r4 1.48eizra°MilYret1)011° 0 1141,11thle* BcAjafttin, AFTleclredwis,
cultural Works at Tooswater, has r-nt-
bodly darnaied. , lie Is cooduntmr, a repair shop. all purpoSes. Tide (wail recalls the pre- y rr• 1,, ,- ' .r,, ,,,_., .a.
Snamererreti-Feetriee -e-- Clarence' Joha Vance, a, onO,timo resident of diction made by ogx.Atta9bet" ilk the 644rtrou9:113;r14,30748611143/Zier
D. Shackleton, of Ash6eld, and, Mies . Kincardine riorof tyf4nitcmibt. ja.1411d, Fittaburg,Dispateh, who says teat the st,„ p p .1 nm,,,,, Pearl ,
Lizzie Flenty, daughter of Mrs...faMee • paid a Visit'to friends in the former war is vast& improving the vial:word of — '...t..--.400.4 mayoun, Beaton,
ried at the home of the bride's inoth,er . of age., but etin lotie, end hearty.
mar' town last We.** Re, is new 85. Yells `tEntegmiltomen7ilibecatary"4, fortsieofv:futtamntilopog, W.4,14re°PilVar041_,'-:-P1)8ENzeva:?.14:44eerb'stec-:oee-ii 0:ob.,
He b• h are likely t survive after he
Ineuth Wingham, were quietly
OH Monday, April 2f/th,, Rev. Er tx. moved..0 Manitoulin over, 30 years' rs :ever, and in Mere the
Wer" . t*/Br'' 0 / a 8 0 4.„3/03 0 0 ii n Webster, • 'Edna.ifft.„ ,
Dymond officiated. ' .. . ,
. . age, . tablislied in lien of the American l3anct, b. D 4hy AndersonHarold 00.4,..
• E:. - it, $wertz, proprietor of the . Dr. 'Gerald. Reamer° V. S ef Car shake, the Latin hew,. arid the OrientAl .° '°, -
British gxchanga 11°W; (4°411014 gill, has offered his services to:the Brit- Vgam. TIlv flglishmaa,is e,,hArtabu„.,,u,t ,.‘iinnlier.on :roil; 28; averaie ' attend.
Gard -
died in the Alexandria hospital there, foi army as e... vet. and has been at,,, ,m4nfl-sbalcing,'ande 24 •
following several weeks' Illnese, He • cepted. He left. last week foe -Halifax, '*atea 4134 14 the Canachan cibea' the '' '''.
was I50 years of age and is survived IPY II. M. Young- usban V. S. „"c 1•0•4'• 'hanc1434akels' 'e°-•idered 41 "cee;idarY1 ' . -Xa17.1t. °IitiVrt'; Teacher
, h d, ... ,
Swart; of Winghare, is ahrother. . cargillio ei4ronereis, 'absence, ., '
a: widow. and 'two Sees,' ' John, E; tewa, wile leek after ehe pra'le;i4ee 0,1 ;Ialor4fTottl, ttasYtehie;taciostinnif o°nf-4 ataat to ffoluasd-Y. - *TyS.L': Bi3;rNt, o. 9, 'go;art,
form of intreduction., .ie. 43fir„ Smitli, Sr. • Johnston. e
, demon, Lennon O'Loughlin,: Oeo, Wenn,
T.#, tiolret office at 'Kincardine and . Inttlls4.14TOPS AVM Giulia .
Carried trWay a drawer which they Oil. : ,Arneng. the liege peoplee when male Jr. 11" --(Tillie Hackett, Lautetta
acquaintances Meek. it iricustomarY fer •
. , • Beckett) dee', .
servative candidate in Centre Hureer,
has. heen APPointed jusPectQr ef 'dently theught contained. the caeh, It them 0. raise, hats fi!Rt 49,,, as pro:, Jr., III ---Madeline 'Johnston, Fran
dwi4gchtrig:wahniedh ilifneteduer, Measures -HuforivnLo. n;duen. :happened., however, tnet. they 'get the Moran; Fred: Finlay,. (Olive' Anderson%
9667 t.auc,in,,outain_ ,foundiT as though.; theY", wert greeting. •Gteergi, Twwinky).,ties, Toni: waxier.
Porter is a' fielt 9f•-•:0Se isits • Reht"rPt. iwnrg" egni4:1;t:erfeelve; rtheber• stariape,-451.„ ` , •aciade,il'n 4)gilsmeu.8°°rnecins releutt,a, etre:, ' ' Yfr. ,I-,-Ii?rninn.;91/ORgYrIng, Dam' .ell
Poi ter, Once well;kleekrn pOlitiCiin in •Hackett, FiniAy Shackleton, ...gstbot'
this county and Wbe, for e timeisrepre• -4 Qug. s .• , ...i other Igir.rtSinileete a !rind,' :tEverl if °lazier, .gyrtle Shackleton
Rohe 4 lvt il 11. who for it:Liiirrabin •'''.1 41tQq• obsequious,.d.g
eentea West won in:, the pemietee of ,•trears has been in • grocery nine the sin le is too bright it is frowned up- pt ir_Auin..rinlawFaimer Kxfpat„,
, ;.• . . , . , ,, , ,baltery business in Teeewater, has sok! on by the cenventiells,...which consider- riok.•Li ie Alton, ', • . . d.
`1,?..arki,.03, "'Pi,' , - ...,',.. ...2- ,....'. t,,, • ..• '•,•. ,. vitt td• AT.IX •Pree, men Of 111.0 mit Foy- it rather bad ferin that:tie mop "shmilfl , . rt.',4../...4,4miiiicent' iteoietti „E• icioYAn„
'. • '•
• ' . eat The change takes place eMay manifest pleastire at 0,4 sight 0 eacrs n de lie 'Or
Bervie. ' , • 10, Mr; Mallough has not decided other, Tbe• nod is objected to on the' r DI ace d• e
B. Class-eMar 'Finlay, ror m
Andrew POrtee, et tile Sterling Thieves last weelc. broke into the G., shake hen witlafr. 4on'es.' Ilr-7'eecil IT°1111°Dn' •larveY. An -
Bank, Goderieb, and one time Con,:
• ,
-MendaY, what he. will do, biit expeeto, te leave ground that it is rather curt, end indeed' K., t . k
it is possible to convey by nod an in -
May 3rd. Teeswator before the summer is ;Wet rie
• • • sulk se that game people would 'rather
Jambe Arnold had the miSfortune to • 'muse P•
. . e . es than be made the ietims•.of a ack w
• • . Mirawrolz.- e on re • pass unnetieed by thei• r ecqueiStances
• lose aline driver last week, ••• • Bruce le•ensecortinaisision t th • t v• • np
• • • 4 • - (Intended for last week.) L " 4.11.1earOrner„.-la Pleetitlg Wien --grhnted,--a ledgment that suggeste-their Ateimport.-
visitinghte uneje, John Sturgeon 1 -
We are skate see Ali, R, fled
• • , reason areuretagarn
• NO. on roll, 28; aver. attendance, 2'0,
Mary ITaekett, -Teacher.
No, 4,..lCrigiosii. „
84.1V24-Geeit gongram,-Weeiey
. .
Kew to sell spirituous era;anal, if not indeecrtheirdiarepute-Coa- Pliers?. •
• Mre James ifeKinn.ey'and. her -Slater Adam ICnox Proprietor -of the. hetel 'eerning tlie 13ritish bovepatriotiem-lpirle- • Jr. --V.•.-tesslie Hariie.
Mise Maggie; Sutherlandertre visiting in- at-Pinkeiten. • This hotel was refused ue be silent. It is often' almost a hos. St.III.=-Edna, Elliott
Mr J Hodgkinson, • of U. laink, was Seaforth ' • a, license a year ago", arid it. is. said tile gesture. •
. . . Jr. IiI.----"Taraes. pro -411441p, Esa Bar -
visiting bete Sunday. 4 .. Mr,.Fred Shewfelt..citent the waek-end that there is very strong • temperance • TUE CITYHAND-snaKe cis, Robert -McDonald. . • `,
There 'wee no
prayer meeting this itincercline. ••An auto wou'd be quith sentiment in anti about the villa In-cOheidering the general .British Jr rl II id r
ge . „ . ee oegram, owe a
, week, Mr, MeICetizio net being able to hendFied. • •. againet Beene:xi bar. .
dmistiitsast for theeinhatnadv-ohrhaolfretabee, marytiooit , a v n er o
• be f sJnohnsbon Fred Bailey,
attend' •• " •• ' •• ' •Mr. Eigene llielitgenairY, Of Tivertrm, FonlutIvo Sepanarre Sonooe.,-The Lopoor, There the business men Ens...09witzet, • _
'The eerviaea in The 'Annetta. Chereh spent the week end at the horn° °f :rrs• _retepeyffe _of Peell• 0401 -Seetinn have -a ell-stout:4 shahing--banas „with, A ---40e Elliott, Gertrnde Hamilton.
" will be heia hethe afternoon -instead I:4 John' Alexander,• • - No 10, Carri.:Ir. are taking steps. to• acquaintances every morniebut in view •
is__Iman4. Johnstnn. •
. Ma
do alternately 10 morning and evening. .
. • . - • rrank.;%,,thl-halIsOve:Cl-iPtc) Mv---wards-the lorniatiOn efc-fi-Sepa of -the opefilionsin which they then en- • oaroll 16. aver. attendance %13.7
••• command of the machine gun. section bas everything fixed Up fine.. F. Rutledge, Teacher.
'Lioot M d McDonald who bad Joseph Moor s reeidence in our burg and School seetion. Under- the present,
gage it might be thought that the hand-
• condition of affeirs this section is rather shake Was to he Compared to the. band --
heavily -.burdened with. seheoi eexes 'shake of tWe linellists,. wile touen, each
- --1; • - • atheila-riaitta 'ler a .second and then exert
and eac year sees matters becoming
themselves to •render each ether uncon-
„worse • so it was decided te act in .self
- --It -warr-rePorted thaeWilliantlfewittle dein-pie- a -n -d jorm-a-neparate-scbeel . 'scions -L.. `-•!Ex=Altache stye' thst the
tinsmith arrived in Mir burg on Sunday,
. . . ., city hand firidS its counte part in
but !midge has been seen him lately; sectimi of their. own, sce.the.y would the great marts of -Central' ' Asia, where
able to . incises° their aesessment.
Gable 45 PturgeOn haVe now • a fine ra.. • • - ' ' •
imere, are juet two pub.be traderediete all parts of the continent.
disialay of fashionable. ap-taldate Bats sell6.61 suP ` nabet te deal witth.pach other,. and where
porters in this section, a0 there will tire tongues 111"-e Wiriest as various as in the
ready. Call and visit their millinery
parlors, end see for yoareem.' - ' not likely be any serious objection •-to ower et Boo:. ..prOm tliis.'eonfueion
the prin.-weed change,. • The Minister of, there his been evolved'a sort:of siga-lew-
- lifra, Jamea -Megawatt aeti, IftaitfIt
Stewarkof Teverton,sperit a few days. Educatien has,:thima,tterin hsn'Inew.... guag0which ts ennditeted bit the traders - • "'(*) 1311313ed exams: ; - -- . 1..o4 n1 week at the' linthe 14 Ole former's. Fna linnTli BeuCE.....-.The name; .0f grasping each. other% arms at various .. • - . II. .et McMillin, Teacher.'
.eeints fronethe -wrist to the shonlder,.. '
mother; Mta. John Aleirander. ' 'Mr. D ,f. lisardi reeve of Port Elgin,
• - ol".1,,
--- - - - ••,..- ••-- Ai41.9. 9tleell)S OWn Reeiment,' of To.
.. . . S Sasto.: 6, Kneeess
..i, -
We . perry .to ' report • that • 'Adana
Cooke is
many, friends would.like to see..:
ionto, and who was kifed in ,-..,the re V:-AgrieSIOckhaxt
cent fighting in Belgium, Was a native Jr .% IV: -Grace • Lockhart, Florence
- ke-; of 'Ripley; having'beeirborn theta -29 McDiarinid, • Irene.. Mantesh, 'Wesel
years ago. 'Aftor completing his edu- 'Mclntesh, *Alum McKay: -- •
. - • , cation at the Collegiate Institute, To. Jr 11I.;--HarVey McDougall, Evelyn
...• ' . rent% he took a position with the Con- Lockhart.
.. •. „ semen' Gas Conapany where he re- Sr. II:•-auth McIr.tostr. . '
• ' . mained until he volunteered for service Sr. I: -John Beaton, Donald O'Brien,
in t ie war, •
4Olair McDougall. • -4
Jr. L------,•Georgelticharde. -.- •
• ` OMR. .1910 . „ - . ..,
anti by means o. varying pressures con:. e-- • ,. S. No. ii, KINCARDINE
f .
Our cheesemaker, Mr.. Frank Watts, is heing Mentioned In, seVeral papers
- rliii” 'Sniiings .. . veying subtle shades, ot • meaning. The • Sr. IV-Lalla ••Scott, 192; Florence
is Very buoy preparing for his season's as le possible candidate for the riding fact ,that the eoev,ersationists wear long Sheane,. 176; -Nellie Slieane, 178%
work. He mtencls teepee' the factory of North Bruce, riaesAhe pert Elgi!' loose sleeves in *Inch the head are con- Sr. III -Reggie Blackwell, . 229; Ens.-
siusi . Anived ... about the 8th. of May, and a successful Times. Asked by The Times $.9 to ceateli nilikee it iigneesible,•;fot others U.') sell Blackwell, 2093. Cotirtney Rinmer.
....6.,..r. .. season is expected. ,' : ' , whether.he would- iserionsly,consider- -Understand whateiheinAtifinunicated• son, 159. , "
Inspector -Bald made hisofficial.iiprieg the matter the reevarePlied:y "I 1144.0, •,e " , 4 ( EN0DAND ye:KRA= . Jr. Irt---f.iynnlackirell; 220; -Everett
., TEIAPLE-CLARK 'Visit to our schools around Beiyie„. and been asked by several in thia. section, TJ o war has given, every second Eng McDonald, 21ti; Erma: McDonald, -21
._ ....,„..„.„ Aeeeeltant_Taifor'. _from..ell-reppits,---found---the---work -Pro ' and also-initle7rn-firth-part•ottlite-Tid. -Oman ah d'hiforiu. Trineeeitienike -Edna Melielitie,--174II-Wilbwert -Shea-rie,,,,
. greasing favorably Under -thesuPervision erne,•if-inyninne.was
r, tO be- put- •before *count ' of --the-Various; home. .eiet-rils, 11391._Earl•Bla.cksvell 113. .
. the ooni entiOrie Mc,9111T coreitableseeridthe_worknien wh oteiCeell,..1.224: John
, -of ourvarions-teachers.
- INFERIOR -LI 3HTNINff RODS— -ThirljnioultiettemeiarService-16-tha ever, It hardly baproper t,o dis- are eIad-ln-khaki,•• it is, 'plain that the lsTesbitt, 114. '
„ • .„ ,-,.• Again I wishAo warn the. farmers of
• Ontario -aphid- inferior Fghting • rods.
One of the same companies; that:buncond
the farmers with, iron.centred rods last
' • year is reported to be telling the same
•• •
Methodist church on Sunday, last was cuss just who 'will serve the party 'Englishman -who does .not Wear sotne Jr. Il -Jean Emmerson.
e ' Pt II -Lillian Emmerson . •
well attended. The .service was taken badge of military activity is far • in th .
by -Reit.' Mr. -Ball-and Mei. Mr. Stride. .tereets lied. We are not sure that minority Th exceptions,
there will be an ., election, although rule, we *are- :old rato the general Sr, P r irn e i-katbieen Emmerson,
and speeial Maine NY3,3 proVided by the . . , , arethin. "frowned George Roach •*
choir. , things are pointine' that way. One
e, Jr•' Ernest R h'V a
•upon in the clubs and elsewhere, and if r. rimer-,_ oes , ern
. , • • thing, .if an. election is to coin°, Liber- a man has
. Our blacksmith, me: Fred Shewfelt, is not an uniform" he is expected Blackwell
and in his :as in this riding will be folind ready to have an apology. This ideawas eon- • D. M. Oneate Teacher
rod again tins; year, . Watch out for kept very busy these days, for the .fight, . Whether my mime will veyed to local theatre goes a few weeks
them.. -, -....„„-„, _ _ spare moments he is trying to train a;
. There is no diffienity in spotting these fractious colt iff ;the way it should . gc!, b.. e thchoicef the • • • not"' S. St No. 0, Knveoss. '
e: o,, ..e .convention is n ago when The White Fe,thei played '
rode. The. 'outside, covering, is a thie , Try and not let it smaili, any fences .in , . in Toronto. . With the uniform goes part Sr IV -Stela Hudson. ;
-7. for me to say. , ,
. of thamilitaey discipline, if not all of ' ' r•IV-Jack 1.
l - M'd'illeteivAnnie Ken-
' sheet of copper.. Inside of the copperas. our village, Fred. : BOY TRIER 'SUICIDE.- Mrs. Dan.
w Arthin• wife of a farmor living • a oa rehardship, n .
ic nedy, Nellie McMillan; Gretta ,, Hudson,
the malt's, 'a d the salute
The dangers of ante, riding are becom- -lc . 4 . • 'one .of the firet1Q3300$ taught the recrult. ' . • -e' a
Duncan McMillan John- Gaunt Patrick
ing qiiite real lc; the people of Betide. A few miles rioith of Durham, wsiegreat
fe* daysagoaveryonevieuralarnied-aud iy shocked One morning leer week, Soldiereare expected to salute -officers_ Me4illaa, MagOe Tiffin, Peee la
haye been a' runaway auto. This is eeen their piurip, eh° Sa* their hired .boy, The result is that Englishmen nowadays T_ t1
. . McMMan Edgar Gaunt
sonar, property damaged wherever they see them, for reasons Sr - Cl• ei
by .*hrit 'mutt" when, on. looking nate the she ver which are explaine.d inn, previous article. •
Sr III -Ruby Kennedy, ark „ c-
Werse than A wild 'hope. ' •
a strip of gelvenizid steel or :iron -one-
-• • half inali wide and two galvanized steel
- -•'•-• 'r••--'--- , or iron -wires about -No, 16. The:Copper
. • - : ' ` -sheath fativieted around the strip and
' • ' . •••• wires giving.the. Ted. a corrugated ape
' " - • • ' • . peerance, Vlie eteel Or iron' will rest
out in &OM. Ave to ten Years, •For photo- •• Joe Ses,Pep,. (if Barnedo Homer lad)
' The people around Bervie were,' sorry SuipendedbY, se rope . about his neck
; ,-:" _graph of what hoppened to a rod 'of. thiis
to hear o thedeathoJames
, ' •,.- kind in les than eight years see, Figut:e f . f 11"1": and fastened to --a cress beam". Calling
. • • .. •34, Balkh* 220, which may be -had ' y Sr,_E. of near Purple arrive, ton Saturday her son, they released the lad: in time
•' - .-: .- •-:-the Agriciiltrire, ‘ last Mr Mr. •lls*ileY was well kn"n 1° 'la savelialife,Ilnit-tbere was'nothing
thievitinity,:bobig oArnig and. 'estednied"
,• • - Toronto.: • - -nienaber-of•Beryie C • lranghe-biag011i-al ness until four e'cloek in the ermine
--,Arialiiioli firm, is „circularrzieg ,,the.
-Sylingithy jire--felt:fo.rA e- -Widow-and ... - ., , I .—''' Iwoald give to English manners an um-
- ' '—tadeTtrid-Otlieis idiroeitting-the-"Mast" •, . • .. He luta steppen out to me shed ror a•
formity which they„sa,dlylack.lt would, ' Pt. 11-01ive Kennedyi-Evelyn Gatint,
do much. to redeem the peotession of Helen II, aiveon, Gertie Gaunt, Grant
, . . Lightning Itod"SYsteillt . 'The; declare falluIV ' • pail of Water beforabreekfasto and in
not more an ye. minutes, MoLean, Grace Jewitt, John McIntyre,
that twisted cablea are_ positively., •den. The Parsonage; Bervie, was the Scene .. . th 6 - lei m
iialute emit' other instead of• nodding or Jean Gillies, Laura- Holmes, ...Edith
bowing ;ar shaking‘hapds or manifesting, Gaunt, Harold -Dawson, George Ken -
existence. • . . . Jr. III---Joe.Gaunt, Mae Jewitt
nedy, Robert Hansel "
other signs of being -aware of each other s
• „IteriERMING2TIfE•tnereeetl . ' Sr. II -Jean Kennedy George Fisher,
• 1 the salutashonld4iermariently-di _Vied • Tiffin; Ewen McDonald, John
pI? the other fOrms of greeting it Orowston, Ruth MeLean. ; • - •
Charlie Cheese.
• . Sr. I -Mary McKenzie, George Mc-
Donald, Kenneth McKenzie.
_ Jr. I -Jean McLean,,Ma.,egaret McIn-
tyre, Willie Dawson, john Wraith, Peter
McDonald, Alex. McKenzie.
gerouieclaiming they act like "choke- of a very pretty wedding on Thursday O-
.thi. I. arras and the odium which it has endue.
• Arthur koked in to ascer t
coils", that:tubes Only should be used, lest,. when Rev Mr., Stride, our junior ed for nearly a hundred years. After
ca,use of his delay. He had his knees ••
'that insula,tora must be used, etc. - For minister of Bervie, .was united in mar- the Napoleonic ivars it is said that the
foeicenteitte. d essermeof error -theseecir- riage to -Miss -Minnie Parkini from Hull, .. bent So as -10 threw -;the weight otehis British people -were se sick of anything
elders surpass anything eke have seen England. The ceremony' was _perform- neck, and Was black. the face when that reminded theinot the struggle that
BeWare Of the man with the iron -cell' ed by Rev Mr.2139,11; •of Berm. _ The discovered.. To the Home inspector, the Duke of Wellington suggested ,that
_ tre,. who ciainia_thtet, • eple Of Bervie and vicinity_ join in w waS„tent.,..fer,L'ke... &awl .bavieg, officers_eheuldappeeeerLuoiformassek Average attendance, ,40.
Donal& .Nielntosh, Teaeher.
ewlstedtabies nre dangerous. This•De- wishing Wm -much -joy in there wed e used the rope to heng hitheelf. He dom as possible. -We •are reminded- in
•partment ivill be glad tobe informed re:. • - • bed be,en getting on fineili with the one of KiPling's poems that the soldier: • , .
% : •
in uniform Wee....frequently ref:used...tic- ...- • • , • '
el t on .in English p hli -houses,
_garding the.operations. ofnithet_________ , , ktatioxs Jkalv.E.,-....,On T,hursdeylast cArthurs for -se -couple -of -months„
.. e la never in a cross wor .......__Eightk(Ali.; 1(1010SS
- Wm., H. Day.. .- e Patrioticoc e f B e ga, e the
the S i ty 0 ervi , V Ind- titer l d ' b - ' d c°mm° -ft--1 u-- ° -
-frIonday, May 3.
The Busy Hardware House
, 0
yes! - here on display. That new stove with
take yout order now, delimr and set it lip in your home
and make the payments sp `easy that you will haroly
realize that you are paying for it, We have enlarged
CnIr stock of Stoves and Ranges and we win make. the
•terms of payment to suit you.. We will also. take in
dxChange yopr old stove. Do not', try a stove until you
• have talked the stove question over with us.
•The -New, Perfection. Oil Stove
The -New Verfection
.the only real Oil Stove
on! the. tharket. •
• Let us4deliver. you one
on free trial,
Screen Doors;
Window,Sereehs i(/)
, ltjammoelt's
Lawn /hewers' /
Cream Separators „•• ,
" " ‘t$ ti
Faim:Niachkaery and Reifairs; or an. emelt
Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire, Barbed Wire 'and a.
New Poultry Fence suitable for chickens and\hogs,
•• „ • '
Our, Millinery_ Depgrtinetit'•- •
Invites You • ." .
• .
; LO-irdiaplay,-Of Trtrkinie-d--1Wiltinery-Was. muh
, admired on opening days.. ° :The.'sty lei _ft:4... this
-.Season'is gookAnf...1 the, prices :are.: reasonable,
GiVe 1VIcInnis a call when you want:a ,new
• Spring...Hat( Het aim_islta please, she 1}as: the.,
very best .0 choOse from.
• New Spring Faille -Silks .
. We have just received a new-assOitment in Faille
• Silks in blacks, sand., +battleship grey „and_other
• . new. shades.. ,
- 4 • ' • . •••
aincoats for Spring; •
obr--T-adiest-• RafficcIars---.. -speital-ii-.-45.-bo.:
We ha-v-e-a,go'ocL--assor-ttn.--at-9f--M-en!s--,ltai,ac-oa
. at different pettesi•• •
. •
We take Butter and Eggs.
OwnaterdWinwoustraisasosiarewsloasitiatam avo~astse!e("~itssig)
Gettit*Jut What You Want
in Stylish Footwear
1:1 • . '• .
Vire aim at keeping ,the latest styles in fine shoes. One of
the very lateet style§ in Leclies', ie a patent bal.' with -a cloth
toy of Battleship Grey,' made on the latest,. New York lasts.
_ . , .
Th -e -C61-ontal POmp-
is gra' wing,more popular each year, :eel clirrY •there in patent' .
and viei kid at popular prices $2.75, $3:00.a,nd 8:50i
,• Department ef FllYsiest • •e4rzena'quiro-an--agreeahre change.- ef 'betWeen the Na- d to often barred-frun-theatterrenticade U3'
O. A. C. Guelph.
feel that. it was rather disgraceful to • . •
progranune. . or some neon s ey .H w m p!tt m
Alymer made his usual eall on
. AD ON env raz s. rs. mar the badge of his calling, among Ufl
have been pilingimclothes of all kinds(
t , m, Mackenzie, a resident of Culross, people. This preiediee, are day.
and bandages- and; for -a- change, hey W
• decided to take up a contribution of who, as
a 1;ewer, had won continent sure, will disappearas a result. of the William johiaston has purchased a
.11endelson's preserved fruit. To de this a Donation wide celebrity, aed at her home on war. -Hereafter the Wearer will have as new buggy.
the 6th concession on A ril 206 fol good a right to be proud of • his uttees
Dry` ,GroOds Store
Jnat redi3iverf a; new lot
Ends of Cloth and Dresil.,
• Geode tor all perposes-ler
• Men's, Leches and timid-
ree',FeOletbeS- to - be-
eiteeritiarially low iirieel;.,
. - - • -;
'Balbriggan Underwear ;for
• '•
ion's mid Ladies' Water-
proof Coats, watrantecl to
• druid all kind of weather
Men's Working Shirts.
A•1100, line of the latest
etylei in Felt Hats in all
, fancy enters to tiuit 'young
Latest new styles. in 'Prints
and (ingliains,
Also every line Of Gents'
Ottriiiel)ing!, n d La'dies'
y Goods.. tore
ocial was arranged for and most of p ,
P . P House -Cleaning end gardening a,re tne
thee° present gene tip a fine, gem of jelly lowing almost a year of illness. Mrs. ad if he were a bishOp's ',order of the 6 - -
to be 'sent .-to our. Canachan Soldiers., Miteltentie's minden name 'wee Annie and EnlPire.,. , .
•, • . Miss Rutledge spent the week -end at
The youtignierewho declared they could -Pringlerand.sho.had lived thogreater ' . ., .•- • •• • ' • her home in Millerton. , . . . '
not Obtain. anything in this line,, were part of her life with two brothers; Fourth •Lon. kinlosu .- ' ., ..
. Rev- Mr Quinn called On the menthera
admitted for the' smell ridinieelon of ;tee Lachlan and Malcolm, on the. term.
. of his church last week. •
and all get their money's Worth. A -Shrives beret in Middlesex County in (Intended ,fer hist week).
-........:......-.. . •
Davie makes frequent visits to the
good programme was given; celisistiug 1851, but moved to Culross with the :Alex, Fraser purchasetta fine driver '
ef,tioleedeeta,' recitations 'and instrue„ . _ . _ ,..... _ _ --- - -..„, .-•.m - . .; - . • . • , 10th. So_meattractiont-ehl„-
-, .
ee. 15.15•.: dc'llnion-049, W-lift79...,11„0-._„. •,....mr„anceirec:-..,„*nie, Ackert. and. _fain, .
• • - --- - • -,,,f — - - -. -
montile. The- ripe -Like -I -Of- the: evening Ittlu--11-Y 111, , . 1.r.8•, ,..--.Shiq _. _a.;
WU MY. Il:•11 CrimPbelleeif Arranii Who, Marrieu to the late w-nT.- zattekeriza --The s'.' S. at. i•kliey Oe -began TO ily visitedat CharheCongmni's Sunday.
Ladies'Alouse Shoes "
Just the kind to wear while doing the spring.- hou se.clea.nieg•
. deii5a-i--.• •
Men's Fine. Shoes
. "
• .•
- Men's Fine Shoes -Gua-Miatale-and -Dark Tan, -bal.erand --
baton are. worth lookingat before you oily' ' ' : •
' Priees '.$3:50; 4 66.150
• 141jeKNOW, ONT.' • • 2
„ Sqlidie 'Shoe Deal for Everybody.
Oww!".4141wW"."0"161,6614 i'40***040606.040144,4"it",
• 'praised highly the -.Work of the Atha' and with
The:farmers here are nearly through
him resided for the foltowing work yesterday'. ',Mr. ]L McMillan.
d.Berinein_theaciest,e.fforts. 4.t six years on the 4th concessiort of Cut perintendmet _ . .•_ _
seeding-Theseasonhai:been•yery fv-
thii-einse of the meeting tne-Preisident ross, -Alter Tilaiath phe returned to Quite a number along this. lino are orable.
announced that the meetings, would be her 'former home with her brothers, suffering from severe cads and some . Mr. Henry and Misses Henry and
held weekly as long as the Aver lasts. Where. She since resided:. Or it varY show signs of niuMps.. , t. : •:' 'Young were guests at S. If.,Ackert'a on
The tmecting was closed by. the singing friendly and cheerful disposition, she — • -
. ......_; . , . , , The egg -man, the rag.rean; the bet. ,SUnday. ' .• , •
of the National Anthem. . was s 'PnPular with ith, a "forgo m'c'e °I: eller and baker are on the move again. Virs Murdock McPherson and Donald,
_.,`„,.. _. . , Verdun _: _ ...., . ' rtfriends.Cia . d a , Shelni I ihadeusei.ew.o'fALthaefild' edelluain: 8ILI.I.t3 f,.!iA°.._ Of eu!nrnei7; , . visited with Whitechurch friends ,. ,
....--..--• ' fine sewing, ;Awning Or patching, and What a ins ling e . . . . , , , ,
fi . tf " - the ii, M D ial 111°)IdaY' - , , „ „ ,__ .
T.;ari *a tem= of o
Yrs -Thos. Fraser spent Friday nth'', the.
., -Mandan May 3rd was was thd winner of thousands of prizes,
eneeoritee of which were lents, , unless with -butter or for op
Can't get arr.excnse for a trip to town ' . .. *...... . g .3 A•44449-4-4..i.-Prre
. ph. . .eveeeryle'regniaraitytrds chnly'poctice -there
nOOti With friends an the 6th. con " ' Thee° were won at exhibitions and, Mee. K. 1VIcKirinon has been very m
fairsIV • 14 Al '••• at for e vo re d The courier Of Thar Bente No. 4
.. ,
Mies tessie )iifeTsYish spent an after- a.4 rner tea country and Langing ." 6Seel thee' " e a Verir Sla • . commenced to &Alva the Oen. on Satan'.
rad& with her friend,-MiaaPeMeMallen linra thelneal villatIO•fali fair to the In learn:that 4hri '0--abot--vv-eit -again. day, Maflat A-gretitc-Oonvenlence to
vills3itrSal‘erdealu' r-fghateluri,1!°-mntoelreliti. PoleedY4 el: d8ollptvieliiiiti Elgi61!itit'Onnieli.tigtily.iTrhilltd eetieore pissed over this tieighberhood 1 Donald sportiltiew 'otitfit. He ii
'The last flock of wild 'geese for this , the farmers. !.. '
diploma which she held was won ot on;. Wednesday last. .At least we hope (me of our most tip to -date young gentle
Oaringto the ftiveinalle weather coh-.
ditions, a number of tho ruiners of this Wetted in celebration of" Odeon Vie- so, meth Be Mite and•keep it innile on, girls,
vicinity have conipleted their 'seeding. teria's juhilee in 1807.• ,Slie, will be •-.,;r,w;-i;-o--tati.o-z7-ij-zr-t 0----T.--- when he comes your way.
The ladies of thn, /n40144,00 at the greatly missed by her -Iwo ',brothera• vs
„,, , atinatien; they are ‘,.rreitil: In settket 1114 •hel4meisasilir,Yartitew'e°170grotiem, visitatatteteiruend.
hoteie ef Mrs. Ihewebn *4010011e week, 1441,i?'„ityc.,,-,oltugriptto and ttlp vi;1010' itna natural. oid only by 3'', G. Arin.
riacilheit paperi Were • 'veil by Mrs, 'llnigutlotn0004' • eta wet nii rei it aiteirgeTlit ell ' ,§tore„. 104 230 tied gaonnk mom med. by her undo auct
Alited'rono4k'sod Uri, M. Moine. 1 0000f0114.1#0114110 tiAgt404,011‘ , 001041k - -, .... .., ..1 $1.0;N Xti, WI .4b4 Otbett,
. - -
, . .
. • ,
s •
ap1aluliorIzed • .
Capital Pik! up . $3,000,000
Serious' .• . •V00;000 ,• •
. -your family front want and privation.
Make it safe. • • ••
Start a Savings Accourkt in this Bank. ,
J. GLEN't,ilt, manager, •