HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-06, Page 4_TE
1:yffir Tr;
Wk. mad
is *• rim isoser
loom, impulse mak.
we say with
aod.• 11111111
weal it &ow. It
eseacsistresei hero she eery
elememits to smith *sir Weed. It
weakness to strosetb; it asks*
thee& stemkr wed *Wag mad attiv‘
issee* vows*. Tows% ost.
iselittes sod Society Cords
tita=4.04 kw, Va. Qv**.
$1^}2,0 jammintewitritt.
ot *it
Jur& et village and
It C. Old Light Lodimaineets
avers xtk or full
41.0. (*art No. O. Dude**.
Modsy _of the month. In'
• * vhatinstheethere
attend, Ghia Bangers
8. Iteht; lirakain
Joimaten, Treas. 11) ASK
14e. 1St meets
we" ia the ode-
wormnan, Mao -
Sem, his,antose_ ;lie*.
Thew. Alex. was.
Piadieksid every Thiender rilareiag
et loaskasw. Oara,eki.
A. D. NA.C1111117.1C. Pro *labor
mit WSW.
THXYRODAY, MAY 6th., 1915
Under s wonting just inined by the
Peet Oe Department, auy ane
ad* who leaves a lstter, eta:ruler or other
whited matter Olt & customer, client •or
The reason I el tut is now heist heavily towed to pty
give* 14 ihAt• prohibition, either itetienal the *het* *pa Wow* of tlis sUJIoos
or keel (tot la by immicipelitiee), I that Um, thin, goats into the poke** cf
would too aerrouely interfere with the greftes, some of whoo are to-chying
'obits of the people, ia luxury cm the revenge fro* the
°pities* with regard to even the ex- reocierthue secured.
casein nee of intoxiceting liquors ap- The 'And* bormi b7 ishereholdere
Peers to 1* di:roma rn J3ritaht from in laanciat; ioduetriel on4 eommerelai
what it la in.,Vinada and the IToited oorporations, Practicid!Y all a tilem be
Stetee. Thetrefill is by no • mews rat in g people who heve lived carefully mid
diacredited there es here. It is said.that seved their moncy.
g !section of the olergy of the ilhurch of A hurriedinveatptin b7 e Visas,
England •declined to approve of total sib- mentry Ocarnittee allow* that war or-
stinenni; and wore of the leeding men dere 'Unproved hams* for middle -
friend ie liable to I AM 01400' foe each of that church kava failed to discontinue men and thieving contractors, Milliona
lettet and * dePartment hitends to en -1 the tri of li.quor it their own homes more will piiaa into their pockets, to
foreethe One mor not lean a let- , despite the example set. by King Georgebe added to our debt end paid: off by
tar at * Mena how* oa his way to bin- Neeessity, however, luxe 'driven the. the rest Of ua inereese4 taxea
tams in the morning,- no OW the IP.' gaVerlitilent to zwpoae reatrictions in the one min alone Cana4tan manufacturer
eer'e hoy-4w any othermeeseagee-leave armament district* Therethe traffic pod a go„bet'ween heeler over :pima
.44 hook,* when be delivers, goods, will be taken out of private. hands' Mid before he Was able to get ,en ordolr fo
Thia ntlingis with a view' to forcing conducted through government dispen- goode n.ixrean, ilereand, IMO 'alliCaint,
to the PO4t Office revenue by making atthe. military canine, Title, *exam,
canteee Wad added to the. cost. to. the Govern,.
ment. •
the business -doing public to contribute series after the tashica of the
them maid through t.he poet office, dOcu- d la hopzd, ,while not ilePrigiOlt the'.03en party intlaence has'alwitia beep an
Anent", at the new high rate of, pootage,' altogether of licin,ept, lefieen tong tufteio leader, &add oPeldY de
whiek erurld be otherwise delivered at drunkenneee... nounce the meat,* If we -mistake not
leso eost and lee' trouble, Besides this sPeolai :arrangement tor sir Jobe Macdonald wari-nm eble, to do,
It Dia good example of-- bed and :the armament districts, there •th .••• a con- -more than drop thO,offelidere from, the,
wasteful witY ?flatting revenue. It not *lovable *create zu the excisa. duti.ea .eabinet and Mallet of frienchi;
only exact the 'higher estage, but t the tax levied, on. the .manufactivt of • VineweeKhowever, the Firline
foraes:Men tntiondlict hOsineas u ways 114110P. :nig; it,. is ,.°10.eqied*yill at ter,' in, lksPeech,k the I1ft.vise,"0-1!6fria.ft
that are More wasteful than Other wayaonce add to ,the national revenue and re- 'fle,cleubtas to his sineerityeennemned
that.mightbeariPptod. Thedepartment duce the salee," Thahew excise duty 0 tile prnetlee, readd out rit- the Conlierva-
wilt tikely expelience`, Arline difficulty 'In ,beer is graded. from. 0.09 to 99.00 'Pei
enforcing this arbinexy njle, and it is to barrel, *cording to atrength,.k,;•The duty
ha hoped that it will not be lOng insist; on 'sparkling wanes" is OM per gallon.
ed ern. , , Iti Preaenting the bifl for- thin- very
lunited meamire ofprohibition AIL Lloyd
:George Stated that the less of tima.
aniong the armament, „workerli through,
'exceesive drinking in equal to the work
o 100,000 men Ile' added that "'the
tisk Of,finding a selutiontb the- drink
problem is the worst' th4 arida possibly
befall a Minister. After seventeen:W(1AS-
el work on tbe problem 1 am 'prepared
anta.pltedgeyenrver huc. drink
"Nothing butrearnecessity; he: con-.
-tinned, Afkas driven the Vevernment • to
submit these 'proposal& Theconsidera-
• luZiVeLleft. )..1;0. Et, O. 1Y. oinett.to
soaks* Baton Block, VtAte, •81100
• ittlentleit WAWA nista wning and
wean wrox end ard.
or mica mostlit Gnosis Thur.
0, A. NWrON. D. D. S.. Dentist. ofiloo
• Allln Book, L11011:410314 Ont. Aa modem
;. Veiled* used.' Beet matowials furnishe&
Crown and Bridge work. Peiniew extract.
the nee or the lat..,gipiplest and
most remedy. 8031110Evam. Newest
thing* axt1cLsi teeth. Alum** Plats*
non breakable
• .
estern University
Forward Movement
'Greatly Enlarged' Funnies in Arts
and •Medicine.;
Vastly Improved Equipment,
Isliciratarted etc- •
• Seven New Sch:Alarships,
. Record it nrSlnielit
Inquiries Solicited. -
tiraitirividte,11. A., Pb; D.
ataret*TirtAn. ONT.-
iretatarices Beat '
Practical Training" School
We have thicrofigYeolutes and
experienced instructors in each
, of our three departments. C.blit-
latacialwSHO&TH.AND AND
TntgortaPnv, Our graduates
succeed and von should get out
Urge free catalogue. ` *he for
it at once.
D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal.
,Cream Wanted',
Having an tip -to -date breaniery
. in fun operation, we solicit your
patronage, We are prepared to
• SY the highest market 'prices for
good cream, and give' you an hon-
est business. Weighing, sampling
Ind testing each can of -cream re-
ceived carefully. and returning a
full statement of same to each
pitrinirWe fuTrnish two cans to -
each patron, pay all express
charges, and pay every two weeks.
Write for further particulars or
send for cans and give as a trial
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
- Seater%
"Are the -Canadian people dishonesti
Do the 'revelations at . Ottawa warrant
the belief that they lira' asks .an ex -
Change; and it adds* "Our applp trade'
was in dagger because of dishonest
packers, and our butter and :chew -if for
export have to be carefully inspected."
:Welt if the:Canadian people sea, whole
are not dialionest, it looks as though
there are finite, a number of dishonest
people at large. Everybody with a feW,
years' business experience knows that,
many of "the Canadian peeple"-.--and . it
is likely as true Of Other People -era
glika,of an opportunity to •make. ,a few
dollars by lying andmisrepesentation.
'Toil cannot indict a 'whole people.'
A sweeping statement as to the -honesty
or dishonesty of a whole people will not:
be true. And the same may be said
1 regarding any, dais, profession, • denora.
illation- or division 'whatever. Every
400°Piderah1e 1)04 of lieollie will be found
tograilsall the way.from the man who.
Will kill one,. of his feting/EY for .0. paltry
gain, to the inan who will havoriothing
but that which is honestly Ida..
• • •
We are in the market.to buy•
, Cream, sweet or sour; at the high-
est -market price. . Wesupplytwo
coma free- to PArti of.pur......patrans.....,
pay all express charges, pay. twke
each month, cheques at par. Re-
ceive cream any day in the week,
test each can received, and send
Olsr patrons &statement of same.
Write for cans and give our ,
Creamery a' trial: Reference: -
Any Bank.
Palo Creamery, Palmerston, Oat.
Arc THE7wAY,--.
Toronto -Montreal
Por Chicago
•taste tertintO SAO • M., 4.40 p.
• and 11.45 p. m. daily. "
Far Montreal
tegve Toronto 9.60 11. tn.. 8.30p.
mid 11.00 p. in. daily. '
en100t11..00kabeac •
r ifighest, Chas Of ;AtiniPmerit.
particulars'. and terth reservation'
. at Grand Think tic et °Mos.
$teattiship tieketit Oil Side
Agssto losoknow.
itni vveolPvaetdi7 ibni eth°011*!ggrenfeta, 704sistmeirurteporna.
reatitution, iniked the DrIpartment of
lustier, to see whether -the law cannot
Put them behing penitentiary bare, and
promised further 10VeatiRdt1CalS; He also .
annpuoded tbe $stablislinnort of a. (3101N
eminent purcballinOeSpartnlent, as nrg-
Ode by tlie,Finantriel Fink • The One weak
feature in ari', otherwise courageous
speech was the 'reference to, similar scan-
dals under the •Liberala. The example
of one party hai been too long the ex:,
cuse for graft in another, ,
The 'Ford Times is antlierity for this
tion of theseouestIons was forced upon one: "The Yegng ebildree of a Chicago
us ayaiviiptee1
bY the officials ' who are responsibie :IcbVraaeligtMlr7:
hunter looked aboutfor ord'. 'rhink-
ing*her pupils did not understand,' the
teacher asked them,.., 'What is a foal?
tAhilnitgt.lieikegiralosatiiudictIcsiTionlew.7. It's.,49°1°-
Thursday, May 6th., 1915
r -
„t' •
A Lesson F Om . the Aepiplane
TH E force that makes the aerOplane a hea,vier-than-air machine overcome the la.w
tf gravity is the propulsixepower cf the motor. • 'Stop‘the engine and gravity
exhibits its „law.
In much the same way the prOpulive
power of advertiaing makes a. bualuess
triumph over dragging down tendencies, • n
personal inertia, quiet times and generar
Wildness depression,
AdVertising is the propelier. The
merchant ia bispilot. Hia busiaess 14
the machine, His conneunity is ilia
sustaining Medina, 0 -
Xf you want business to soar, Start
, the captor of advertising;
„ .
To 00. Peoplejo afiit .Abotittildfiow.
:The pilots of every dominant and progressive business..in Lucknow .are .using the
propelling force of advcrtising-in some form or other Tbe must powerful
form of 'Wvertising• is newspaper publicity*
Advertisements Sare
for the output of war Materiel, The
reporto.ShOwed that the drink evil' was
largely responsible :for our failure -to
produce war material as fast as we
The bill effectifigthe changes in the
liquor traffic and the increased ' taXiition
was not submitted eats' tennierane
Measure, but as an amendment to. the
"Deferice Of the Realm .4.0t."
We all are impatient about the pro,
ftWhcan't the Bitish and
gess of the war, eepecially, the. west.:
-17111..REE.11-11NOS- MAKE
The Most Delightful in all the World -
All artists of note seek to
_Columbia Records cost no
QUAL rngs •
for clarity, VOlurne-- and --
sweetness if tO'ne,.. and .
durability of material.
They, are and. truly
have Columbia' Records----- ---
perpeitiate their.fame..
From. Grand Opera. Stars
like Maryry Garden and
THE PNTKOLIAtitMers, oa GRASS; •Znate!1° such leading
7 t±
flPmllts • • t st as Ysa e• and
Tbe 'Brim Ch the D.4'
partment,f0Agtietilture h9.a juE,t issued
-mime in &stem Olinader. which- has
Circular Na. 5,•,nif .!1The.Control, of Lo -
been. preirred 4r.
Chief Assistant 'Enteinologisk This
Circular has bewritten speciktily to
• on help farmers ami Oilifts in
JESS WILLARD AND THE .Pll'ES ernron. y r
tiiete _where fthetle,' estructivg, insects
French -organize and carry out that big
have caused, veryserious losses in recent
years to variouskinds drips, such as
• , spring drive?
• • -- • -
Irri-eatd itukt ;TAP Willar ; • The answer is to besound in a brief T
in, certain locailti thedOiltieetei knoWn
innekiniout the ,bik---negro-ehlutpioni: paasi4e7 Oppe-raliave appear -
on visiting different cities Of the United eutmitiinethe bill .restrictieg, the liquor ed in such uiormoiIa nunl_bey,.s. that ,theY,
States, was aceerdettaire-entht*Shilf- traffic He the tiMe 'comes' have beentheeusaof farrnetsvacating
tic' reception than iliot Mniallying given.. to drive the nnemy .out of Ett..nders anA their fartild. .16 .1'0•1,4%.the
• 1.
cal 'Branch co niluctediniportant expert -
the President of the ItePublic. . France, the 'expenditure of money and ments in tlie Veontre•l: of' locusts with,
This would seem tosindicate a, rather :Materiel must be on a. scale unprecedei. mixtures qf bran; I1/401's green, .molasses,
to in anytynno. • lemons, ete.,0and the reitef this work
of Jeffrey and French
dently is simply to hold the Germans
until they are assured of .tite, reguired
4rnaterifil!'4For the "produCtion, of -this
material factories ata machines '. had
to he • built. 5 The Germans already
TnetanAppktInnitTrze • had these when they started the war.
_ .
degraded taste •on the pert of the Amer-
ican people. But it does not necessarily
mean that . The low.grades, to whom
the prize fighter as ,supreinehuman
hero, are moredemonstrative, and alike
more fass, than ..d0 ,those who 'admire
men in the presidenes class.
-It will be .
some time yet before we HARRY THAW ONCE MORE
learn even' the extent of the leases to
the. Canadianxarmy in the regent great That perennisi subject of nei"PaPer
,__ . ten '
battle at pros. Latest- reports indicate gop and comment, Harry K. Thaw'
that over 5,000 were pit out of mho.P_en.gages the attention of Neu, y,ork,
quiries regarding these and. other insee
or taken prisoner. Apart from the Pat +,
mate law colitis; and it looks this- tune pests shotild be addressed the Dow
ricia14-tliereVel'Ef-ab011t721;a0at CifiraW-
Aho h' elight.win out,Iget. -inion---EntomObigityit-Depalit-mene -
-i'. Paw,
ians soldiers at the front, so that some -certificate of /milers have sanity twis,„ and go,vvrangieovoil
thing like one out of four went Aiwa in
It is arranged that a jury -it •..diriiniOn,
the great battle Which Appears to have it
everyday jury -is to pronounce as to been very severefrom, Thursday, April
until ftnday the_04113,._
But thelosses were not the Main
thing. Our.soldiere showed a courage
4"-Ileter/P-datiwir-in-tht;/--bat.tle-7441*- whar-rilay--._ ''''elith-efiie frirl cTlaVo
phthes.thein amongthe test soldier's visited- at -the tatter's 'parents' *ere ...pn
Sunday. •
Rev. -Mr. Boyle of Itelgthie; exchanged
pulpits with Rey. Stuatt, of 1White-.
:Church and-Lingliide; on Sunday.
are given in the:Circular, 08 well as the
coif of aPPlication; etc. In Quebec
'province where', field's were treated with
this_ new noisoned bran Mixture as many
aci 1200 dead 10E4 were cOtinted in one
square yard, • ril•notes On the life -
history ()Moabite, and• On the lour des
trtietive species whieb:Oceut in Eastern
Caalida. precede'the ,..dieoussion on the
Methods. of contra : The *circular has
five .splendidililistrations: AS it is free
for the asking,' farmers and others inter:
Wed' should apply for copies -to the
Chief of the Ptiblieatiens Branch, De -
pal Orient of Agrichirnre, Ottawa. gn-
'7° • •,`• • .
Pablo Casids. From en-
tertainers like Billy Wil-
hams, originater of Tip-
derary, to Whit Cunliffe,
of "Hello Hello" fame.
All stand ready- to reveal
• • •
theMselvev con--*Diurirbia
Records- -
made, --aid are practically
everlasting, if care ful 1 y
. „
Listen.to.a Columbia and
compare is .with,.ny other
,Record, and. your choice
will always be a
nlore than -others.
Btlt eiery Columbia Re-
cord is `a double disc- and
will playpn any machine.
-• You can*get them for as
. . low a.s:85 cts, or as much
:as But no rntter
. what price you ,pay, the
Colinubia Record at that
-price is better value than
' Can be obtained n any
4. 0
tiler recor d
Go see an ear
Columbia Grafonolas an
William. Allin's
Agents wanted where not actively represented.
Apply Mtlain SPRAY Company; Toronto, Ont.
ecord a.
• VIonday, May 3.
sanity, or -insanity. NOW all that isnec-
tarlarri.g.That one of j.Iariy's .lwyers ,chiti_BILuogeht eafeiithdeinfnruiersg. il around 'pro. _al,
"get and "fix9ope or wore of -411040 _lir. E. 14--,•••-‘„, of Sb irelens, visited
. jury and Harry will be "'men' 'C'ea .LingsidelriendS on Sundayi ' •
the world. This, of course,. waS,.to,..••he
They all were Vijunteers,
and the fad that they volunteered to
serve to„the-Mid of the-wor shnirseci that .ordinary jury undertaketo determine
'they were inert Of .the iightmetal.
The' Germarratta4r-aPpehra-to ave as to whether ot:. •
,Itarry'a lawyers really won when they
-succeededinkavinti the-Stinity
,submitted to filmy, • . , ,
it WOuld bajnat-as-sersibie
been cm ....,‘........i.... andi.oarriel oat with .. "em°111)", and t° dal' 0.3 . to. whether : he -1:"411g11241-1134lierite"til
iat a should be allowed at large. The case of
determination almost equal to that re
natty K. .Thaw ra one of which tile ''
Which marked the great battle of Plan. (Pedal a Gerinan Paper)...
"United 'States. and Pecaila have good, -17thii1e in Hogittod.,41118 done - for the-
ders last October When briinin'il "Con.
shock, and at tremendous Cost stopped ieruetaiiinnoefetoiti.°4bf:::::11h4tlida;4;I: diaST' °liar tegdi"i';lilge 8-aatiltikiger;:isieleesec caesiltat'dbblielyil?klikweabirtt.'litehbjeCrenn7fieulkhae's1-,'
teinetable little army" -withstood the
the German ofiritah. . Ihaw escaped the death the working man, who in Germnny has
penalty because experts pronounced.him his comforrablebeerhouse or garden; in
Ibis likely •that the Germans ri Now ti• -•t1 y of met who osevit. vitativw tkiT,b-0“:0-Ovegp,-,witta_korty
wherothe.Oanadiminwere----locited,-lc,_ experts -are gang to prOnotincabiin bane -drinking ten'. .1. ..'-..-- -• •---- -
thinking the*, !`green!';, and subject to in order that, bq may go - fre,e,„L„,sk 'least. Yet, tve11 knowing as they do, that it
panic, 'Minded' "their - attack against that•is 1,hfit :,tve einiO4,: in linPOseihki in etleb nireninntanenn arid
their position. The-Camicks,- beaten - . --, ' . -''' ' 7-7-- nvironntenth to txpect tehriety-tindi.-de- --
triade good, and the Clermana.:„Inade a . , Orley, Britd1WO-Milliiiterti, rotott- a it -t:
HOPE Fon Esspnovrateirr lowing -the worker to share in tbe amen -
mistake which they are not Jikely to --.7.-- . ities piovided for .the clubman, have re,
i (Prom the Financial Post, April 17.) course *6 compulsory htwo of abstinence
. A tew atandatd in gulosat politics by whiPh. they Seek to deprive the . Poor
Litlill011 tilArieIC114 BRITAINof their, only souree .til entertainment)
halt beep seethii week. Siii0e Confedt abile they thennielVto,,With true British
• ° h oho of the example set by Russia eration party leaders have tacitiy ex- smugness; fuddle themselves with post -
and**. France in prohibiting almost Missed graft as; a form of aocial evil larandial- WhiskleS in the esnetuni of
,totally the bale of intoxicating. Anon which could babe prevented. : Heelers the)! 1:4104tIal' dwellings' 't4 .
• intoxicated men as Well air ivomerrare
'during the period' of tho *at, and in *regarded and demanded it as •recern- daily found lying by thedtiten in streets
Spite Of the recognized fact that drunk. pent* for services rendered. In comm. and satiates' and in iMbi io , parks. ro
entiess seriously interferir with. the effie- qualm millions of dollars' of national Liverpool and Manchester girlie!, Of hel.
'iency of mtmitkiii•laeterietwitere. haste Money have gone in this Way to wafters- Ple6elY drinked W°11/ell 110 dear "tried.
to their horneri by thepOlitei where their
IS ii0 urgently heeded that the outcome and form to.dity put of our National ntherobie, and .half.stilirved, o, h I 141, 0 ti
of the War itielf . may &tend upon it; Dept. ,• ' await them,
the PO1141[064 of *Rath Vtill. not poi Possibly the worst. feature . or result This is the chosen people of England,
prohibition law., The t anggeation apt of such a condition, hitherto regarded the nation or 141144401m bYnntitee and
- diurisards, which is *Agin War ort the
pears tOji0g:otired hp Sueh a Storm of as rt necessary' evil in nationalaffairs '
,-;-° IS" IndlItdrIOUO, sociable,. ail ' Mond Ger,
opposition among all 'clergies that the that the exam& has Acted and ill re, ,n,anal Could irOti.) to further Om) thisl
oovoraSe.lit ll)00411t it 1044,100410 to 40004 in every iiityhjislpest,: Ey,er$ co Berila Tioltelitoteiger .
. . ,
-Zeman. thaei_k Ouslvh.
• desoraudwiiii' ran -Tome.
_C ovi
• decbrattil with ''Ne144011..."...i
"r •
, It is easy and so econmnical to have a beautifully
' ideeorated home, with "NEUATONE" Flat Finish. •
a The soft, restful "Neu -tone" tints will aelight'the woman
'madman who appreciate refinement and delicacy in the home,
When you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save allfuss and
' 1.otber of .washing and scraping the plaster to re -decorate.
1----:-AituPtrat*Itanother coartiVNAtvrosiw_iiide
tintdesire- • •
"lsIELI-TONE" is cheaper than wall paper. It is_truli
ND IS WASHABLE. .-Soap and water cleans a "NEM
TONE" wall and takes away dust* stains and finger prints.'
Atarldtplts Floor Finish will withstand all the wear and
'abuse to which a floor varnish s subjected; it can be used on
hard or sOft wood floors every Can -carries with it g money";
bah guarantee..
Vis hoe for .you m inny of meth tij two
keine diteration-• "Hortneny t4iii,,Toire end 'low& •
eurdtountrylioinsi". Ash fer !hem ivhatiTOU COMO
Bell .4(36 McLeod, LueknOvy:, Ont
, .1••°-• ,••••• •
1r -wit,*
• '