HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-05-06, Page 3A GOOD. MEDICINE
Do Not. Ilse Harsh Purgatives
Tonic Is All You Need
Not exactly efelte-but not feeling
4 quite well. That is the way most
people feel in the spring. Easily
tired, ',appetite fiek1i, ometimeo
NeElaches, anti ac feeling of depree-
oleion.- Vintpk•ii or • eruptions may
VW -ay en the skin, or there MitY
bo tw)ligia them:nation -or netie-
algia, Anr of thewindicate that
the blood la out of artiereethat the
indoor life of wintekr ha a left its
markupon you andmay easily deo
veilop into, raere.,4erions trouble.
Do not dwea. yentrisili with
g&t.ives, a o many people do, in
the„shopsthat You WI'put your
tliood right. Tengativeil gal!i4)I)
through the.systean and weaken in-
. stead a giving strength. Any doc-
tor will tell you thip.is true. „What
. you need in spring is tie took that
: will make new blood sad buikl u
nerves. 1)r. William:est PnJ
Pilla is the only medicine that oati
' do thia ;speedily, •eafely and surely.
; Every, dee?) of this medicine- makes
isew 4109a which. .olleittra the -skin,
ttreagtbens the appetite and makes.
tired; depressed niei, women ad
children bright, active and strong;
Mrs.. S. E. Stephens, Topeka,
...:Altse; says: -eUffered :severely
ltorm 1.jegldaolteet na4.1. W44.S.1)4(33.-37 run
lown in health. I• had tried ,severall
•Dernedie0 with ; no 'benefit; Until '',1'
Arae. advised to try Dr. Williams'
•• Pink Pills, and these have fully re-
itored rny 1rqtalth., and 1 can moon -
'mend them with confidence to all
weak women.”
• Sold by all medicine dealers or by
MI* at B0 cents a box or 96,X 11.02EAS
r • $2:50, from The Dr.
itedicinie Co:, Brockville, OnL.
9bjelets:for Which it Stands are to
General Adatitage of Canada '
, Athour Da$ is not observed' in
Qaniada to the eXtent'which ita
portanee warrants. : • '
„ .
1Yeol?4,..'iranat‘Tcver keep -
t mind' their dependence upon her
eepreste, Wittle large areas suitable
„.onlY :.for forestry purposeN,, its. is
'essential rthet- the Value -of treeS
--and ' hrproaction- -should ber
,eclioroughly impressed upon Cana
:diens. • •
• ,.
While Arbour Pay is OhberVed„ia
the rttral seheols; and in some city
-- -schools; its reooseition by the gen,
%oral public is not asieneral as it
ehotild hp.;
*In Ontario; .Arbour.,_1137---is:*0--
brated to a limited extent in
. seho5le,ebuteits obeerVance eideceild
begeOetal.. Ther.eis need. in every
• • Peirt.,,Of •Canada, for the education
:and inetriietion which -Arbour Day
repre.sents, It should be obierved
se a, public' holiday -at 'a time most
' suited tO the ;climatic conditions of
,the loewlrity. The planting and pro-
tection oVeiratte trees.' preparation
.of !lower. and '.vegetaiilegardens,
--eeeeand•thortnigh cleaning -lip of hoinets
be ad-vo-
Arboue 12fay- 'lies its 'justification
-in theevalueeof-treese-Nothingeioni"
tributes somiich to make the world
a jizleasant place to live in as trees.'
'llhe true home feeling is not satis-
fied without. the presence of the
• .trees, with their shelter and shade,
their beauty of form and leaf, their,
blossom and fruit, their varying
sthadei with the pasaing of 'the sea-
• . Sons, and their fulness, of 'colour; in
. the autuinn, clays. 'Illieralso 'afford
• homes and shelter for' our leather-
• ed friends,-..-theelaiidef during -their-
. annual . .
Nothing adds beauty and -value
' -to a, home or Scihoolhouse more than
•the presence- Of trees; nothhigadds
• more to.the eomfcgteef. pedestri,ani
than shade trees. The way May 'be
tong .and. dusty; but tinder the cool
• shade of the treee relief is found;.
• It is -to be heleci„.theirefore,-that
' the celebration:6f Arbbiti pay 'Will
.•become •ratere general.; "that the
Ilantirichaid ere--of-trees -Mgt
shrubs around schoolhouses, hordes,
public spades and. by roadsides may
• have the effect,. Of 'developing &
"keener -appreciation Of the value
and beauty of tree•s; and that in
------- thus -enlargingtheefieIdeof. Arbour
Day actiVities, greater ifiterest may
ereateel in the prOtection, Of Our
• Canadian lerests from the reckless
e Welt they Are threatened: . • _
Preseribed fbangenf-Poott-Instead-
• . •, •of :Drugs.. _ „
It takes considers, o
9. doctor ;to deliberatelrpreseribfs
. only. food for a deSparing patient;
instead of resorting to the Usual
• list, of Medieinea.. •'
Some .trubr siettentiAo„.014140.10.S:...
•recognize 'said treat. tonditions as
• heyeetter- and eshould" be treated..
Here's an instance • • ;.
nreur years ago 1 *ea taken with:
•-e."-itay-on' my
on the verge, of starvatiot.
•"1 lies.ad of & doctor -*hotted a
Vialist-rand-, as -aeLait liOpe, -sone
for him. e. •
"After he oxainined me caa,efula•y.
• he advised The to try aeanall (Ivan-
• tit -y Grape -Nuts at firstthen as.
• stonmeh became; stronger ,tet
eat more.
•"I kept .0,t Itr and gradually be--
• gaif.te have color in my itt,00, mem-
ory became clear, where before
eiterything seemed a ,blatik, My,
limbs .get strtingi.er, and I 'could.
11:0 „I steadily .recovered.
"Now after a year -61i •GrapeH
1/nter4 e4gia 15a The. My people
' 'were eurprised at the._ Way 1grieve
• fiethy and Arm* ort this
° giv.i Cartadisav
CO:, :Whittier, On. Read "The,
fl• ood • td in pkgs.
"There's a &awn." • .
Meer reit tho gate** Uttar'? A snar
taw avvearts- treat thito to tibia.•Tito
ireintial, inter wet IMO id Motels
Ventilatien a Prost Protection,'
Ventilating paliltry hopozo is Ono
a the most diecouragtug `things
with, which the, farmer luta to con-
tend'. With a 2uelkieng Use of our-
taina the moat of -the frost can
lieuallY he kept lintt,t hub during
severe 'winter it er aintost. imPOKi-
ble. The best authorities advise a
• combination '' of Curtains and over
theta genie kind of an ahserbent
straw c2ihng with a litre To,Pre-
veut frotst on the -wall and ceiling
it ifie necessary ;to keep the walls
worm 40td not'in contact with the
• chilly air of the outer wall or at the
temp temperature as the outer .4r.
The. latter, of course, means a Cold
bedbeasiet - with the 'thermometer
argued zero. If the holtee isweill;
planned- and you film* laic necessary.
nunib01' of iriadows and curtains
to, Previcle ventilation; 'It wourd ba
a good plan to put in a .110, liuthq
'sure to make it largo enough. so P.
to taketont enough air. Be dare
and arrange it so you can c9iltrOl
the outlet. ,,A• Otte 14 X 14, or 18. x1-8
4acheie. *ill ...bah). in reducingthe
frost., If the flue inyourAlaity &am
is toe nmafl, you find it well
to have at least'oneniore Ton can
'see by ebserving that less frost vi.1-
leets° near theilUe. It is betteite
have another, nne;',iliStead • of ,,cae
the 'teelarge; ' ;•• -4.
, Preserving Eggs at Home.
Many reeipas for preeerving eggs
have been tried With -more or less.
success, but best reenla are secur-
ed with two. Npi1iher461 these, how-
ever, is as good as read storage..
;Their chief age &lies in their aPnli-
Cation- to home conditions, They
are applicable -*where eggs are
cheap. in the epripg but rise eonsid-
erahly in price en' the fall.; •Eggs
preserved .by them can he sed�r.
all cooking purpeseii except boiling.
In order to boil them without
erecking the shells; a, needle hole
or two may be made in. theeehelleto
let the"; escape.. The otealitYis
. The .p.trime. requisites for. suceeis
ePp Pifiltvadi athe2nyd::::sPse;i_ar p :e
they are- not fertile:
aro, first, strictly fresh CT new akI
eggs, and ' second, .a., cool,' dark
plaCe. The eggs 1nay be laid in a
stone jaror a wOoden tub where no
metal exposed on the ineide, Af-
ter..almest filling the •receptacle
With eggs, a solution is poured ever
until •every egg in completely cov-
ered, preferably half -an-ineh-tolin„
inch deep with the solution. •
Waterglase or silicate of soda is uueharitable and unkind, inasmuch
Are We 'Downhearted -
Certainly not! 'acdno one less 00
than the British Chancellor, . Mr,
Lloyd George, judging by the pic-
ture displayed above, Mr. _Lloyd
qeOrge.* extremely busy providing
"Silver bullets" for the war; and
just new he is trying to persuade
the people of the. Old Country that,
they should stop drinking Intoxi-
cants till the *or is over, declaring
that alcohol is tbe greatest enemy
the.empire has at?present.,7 • ' •
'llaitiSe• Kinks of Punishmkilte-
i .Yeare;age, ,a little. girl; wearing
ola plaid sbawl folded corner -
wee over her Shoulders and a Qua-
ker bonnet with a green silk • cape:
left her home, one rainy Sunday
morning, for Sunclarsohooh- • .
Choking sobs and. a, tear -stained
face marked her as a very° ualiaPPY
Child, Her appearance at Sundtg-
eebool in this, uniregal rig °had° been
chosen; by her conscientious Ble-
ther as the, most effectual mode. of
Onnielunent at .her conineand for
eemet.to her mind, grievoas offence
of her little daughter. Nellie was
an extremelY. seneitive 'child, and,
hermother reasoned that her dread
of ridicule Would -tease this wearing
6f her oldest clothes on Sunday to
be ---u °punishment which she 'would
44 Sofia ferget.. And ;herein her
mother's judgirtent did not orr ; f.or
yeara afterwards. the meniory of
that day Of torture to her sensitive
spirit wohld always stand out- in all
its *Unjust PPoPert1o1.44- *IkeacY:e11..
she' satv a Child being eonapilleitto
ired'ergo the sante harsh mode of
punishment. - •• •
Is it jest, oi. wise, " to inflict such
punislune•nt ',upon carefree, happy
childhood Art there not • other
modes of correction just es effective
and at the same tlehonlillat
ing 1• Toe'subject a senditiVe person,
especiallY a, child, to ridicule, oeeins
•one preservative that can be olez
• .
• taaned of most druggists, at in to 30
cents a pound. It • is a colorless,
heavy liquid Which must he diluted
with 10; parts of pave rain water.
Eggs in tha.s solution will keep per-, - feel that she is an Object of °Bari=
feebly for. eigfht to twelene reonthol. mem, ,evei' after may carry about.
Another mixture. of lime is enade with her the effect et that oneerude
by using the following proportiOns blow to her pride and eeaf-elsteeen
eifeingredientsieTo eacb posrnd of J11_41, 431strystfut-attitude-i- towards -
fresh stonelinue add a, half poued every one with whom Si
ible •and Mtn,' quarts of Weile cositact. -
ing.water, The Maneis firs Slaked It is not ace,e_ essary, to lipertify_.. a,
with1torater itrb Ia Ana to miikeit awareof a fault.
break tion ia eecruinbly mass be- A. few iudicioeslY cflhos.en wards, . or
fore the balance of the water is if more : stringent' meths ..are
added. Water is added in half cup- deemed advisable, a • withholding
fuls at a time, until the breaking from it of some anticipated enjoy -
down is complete ; bhen the 'Mixture' meint, may oft,en have the eame
eastbreed until of theconeieteney:ofeealUtaryeresulte set/boat the often-
-Cream, .when the balance of waterdent mortification of this harsher
mode ef punishment. ;
•• 'There is a, 'certain . dignity • to
Which every -young person is en-
-as. ha.s..a.tendency te tender sech
a.ehilet .awkWard.and _self.nonecions.
e-- traits .. thoughtful mother.
ould care to • hate ' her little -one
. take on; for a ohildeonce ma,de to
. .
and salt may be added: Stereeng is
-continued until the salt i's all
precees is done the
evening before the•eolution is to be 3itled, and which it is often very
overseniiti-i'eThoy or
sediment hat settled, the clear girl to .acquire. One such instance
• liquid is siphoned off and poured
over the eggs..' • ,
If Itis desired to sell eggs stored
by either of these methods, tt price
ef &limit .5 cents lower itilian the
Current market prietiecaneuenallY
be secured.
Healthy owls PetY.•
-1-01"-4gge, . the- main
• requirement is 'first-class; healthy,
vigorous stock. Such fowls, well
mapeged and In -overly fed can n,ot
help hut l'educe eggee We nniet
as 'that cited in the opening sen-
tence ' of this article nmee be the
Means,. of robbing Suelt.a. boy or
girl' of a self-posiession .and 'ease
,of manner very d,esirallel,e to .one of
a, naturally self-conscious rternpera-
ment. • •
In the- instanee . just, narrated,
which is an actual ecuren�e,noth-
Mother save the •stirring up of a
,rehellions feeling towards herself in.
the -heart of that little girl, coupled
with a certain self-aba,sement.whiCh
have vita 'ty , and titutioJ in after "amwas' sure tit'return ti
viger in fow)a that are to beeany_ all its •stinging force whenever
geed as egg maehines or -as breed- -ff411176--rYth seen.
ers. Only first-class stock should
he kept for such Goap
purposes. - it •
oh,...6.1 is a, health promoter for ervi Inc ix. You
• -ChargeeI
for the e ens. I
the -foWlste If you will put. some
theta' burn quite black and feed ' ' sign of Pa -To Dia'appearisk ..I•
a'eo.f-ecorn--in-a-hoteovenand Stiffneas-is-Ro' Jibed- Right Out-rEvery
When :Thii-grain „gig •Cold enough • .
Gee whiz-L-tliink of it,•
you -Val, Perhaps be eastoniel)ecl,-40- • No more eittornacli-des-ing necessary;
very trace of laineness, eV'ery bit
of stiffness, every sin 6f weakness in
the hack's-museles can be rubbed away
for all tithe to come by • good old
NO ,Other linintentIcan do The wbrit
So quickly, can peeetrate_so, deeply,
Can. bring ease and comfort to the
batic-weary sufferer as Nerviline in-
variably dOeS
'partake of the charred corn. Give
such a feed every* two. weeks". We
not-meanthat the.fewle should
have to • depend on the charred
grain --for the 'meal, kit an oppor-
tunity-to' e**th
,-at 't•Wi
hey sh Irani
the cob.
• ;1-10rele# Wins Recognition.
Suffered for More
'Of two evils it isn't *Amy* ;wow
Tban Two years gory to .ehoese either.
Children,are won 'hy. sweets,. wo-
men b bonnets, mon by scherors.
THE* OUP/It tittGlill FOUND fr r' -*--"What , peds-
A .01,JEB DoWS trion 1" Country Pupil -"A ratan
. NEy rms. .. who ge run over by a motor.'
Death Nearly elaiwedf
New Brunswick Lady
Was• Reitteeed to Her Anxiepi Fm
"HY When HP00 Had Oone°,
St. him, Dec. one •
oyn suggests the three (pia -
Or 1 thtle it TM teand that ?tire. J. Clients
' "t "lik 1°13(14* MQ6S"Ig...,,QQ (P. of 3 Whito St VIQUid ti:ItleCtialb JO t11411,
Quebec' 3fan. Took nig Wife's Ad. gt4PI*11g4Th°213' "4 '1•Vu'ae"'" deadly ravages .sit advanced hiducY1 ilargyktuficol4zirzi odszlirtiopm,i.
vivo 'Ind 1f$ Now 11.)311°K a 1416/tv 34441,Su'pel:'. regions • ou 0 rant ache mid kidney ,trouble hogan Year) 1,1 bust:losses. fou intervatIce oc. *polka'
y tiii kt t - • . r - "; 'Lie most plefull and isteraatiett .1 ill
* '' trouble "Biy 0 st attacks M. hack • •
i tieuse tit Ifealth, '' • condactory„,4,14 thAt Nonjes Atk /an., . For Big years. zbat film pawl/m-1 Won m Witoos Rublisatiar Coq:PPM ti
,ie. IfairgliCtrite Bay Mills, ,Sag- 1L.till rtl' 1,‘Yoss. all but the mon.loaia h1111 be04 prima.. men / es. t Wait Adelaide litt.. Toronto.
1, erted myself It was terribly intensified. I sraiu-,,,. •
lieney Ce., Que., _April A6th (SPo- 'lee,. /uell) in.ts, ' ;
Oaigal)t.13"Ygrresayoareicref tep,tgtat-pturboanito • do ' tillyou
ynoeuve.trryirn, ,,,,,flaiwci haatt yo;uri et earn, • il 4au rird)elaou. g hit lire di d the Pala was - Wien- 1 .....,-....r,..”...7-...7..."---4"WI .
liflefit• reirgr;Vfhing, but ;11-4-NerPE. TI,IliOnfi.' 14.41144, vra.
Dodd's Kidney Pills." The speak- ' "344 *ell You are generally sorry 17,1114 gave that 0.40310.1411, giraatiOdfirtinur,71 oYattp4;terthohlrteebni:0194:44rntil9PepX:re.trris%eastnlat3.:i3,:virorlam;
get that came from' i
et was 11r. Ioseph Gagne, 4 wen- "PA found out
known resident of .03.41 ptaoa "A An honitst sun,day.,achool, boy boo Irina Of Mandrake mid Euttornut.. In. Co.. Iltrolted, Collinowoutl. Qat
hue71701.,:vdery .y reason. to. he ,entli,usa- eXPlaine,d, "suffering for righteous- 1 Itiotr cl'"Ing l'avrea' "w3 *41'. 0313,
•- uric* School 1" .
4# I ties have been instilled into Mx blood
;10 Ain& 004$14.111. POTAINUSILV.
JT eatelitiy reolort“ $ad Iii.,roraoleat
inraorted for seet. way maned (timeline
Price, oso collar pie bushel to.b.• 'troop.
toe. 4.110 vosiseisoeure Prido dna 'grit
&ma., two excelleni eel! potatoes, Yitr:Qe,
Two Xiollaro per tuNkel, jcp ey*
fpr tattoo quantity!. Cash mutt occioaa-
PAT red prder4, K. 1V. Ds,v4pa, lIrar4F,
onformogns ram SALIS.
,astie over the, great ,Canadian 1,1?-1-srlialco" 411 • P• t'husleing oo- lappeafitet,, sstroaunntlyt.ullgst5pPlrecTelit4.1;
• for..7ir fralonathall'evtivgjetrj'It; 13414Citif yAoinwawt-t, toPAPI:Tarn,YaneS;thiMaYg t"-haltelretre,'tagy vc)thl3aYi /11bletialrde°01f40%,grarladnit
Gagne eentinoed. An‘ily de,• wellion must. begin' at the bete a- medicine as D. hamilton's PM."
yeeeped hew IA011,447. and ,was,,a; tom.' Little . ,,By--' about PirerY WePlan 011tPU/d use these pine, •
.vellea?de7 ml%mntongTvheellI)' odialWiltfeidPene; .•"3144;}111R,00115' kV': "So. Yoh' want to rnirliatlY gtec'eda:4evel"grow44.4 447altilitil 1134;
Eis a trial. •
took just throe, boAve.and thty
Mode. Me weaa.- „
Doad'.6 Kidney • rigs maim their,
users enthaeraetie beeanse,they not
only ' pare the partieular ailment
ainied at but they ofiread god.
health all OVerr the body. They do
this 'by paring the Icidneps. • Cured
Kidneys' strain' all the ...impurities,
opteof the blood,- mitt, nies,ne ixxre
btodct -404:bel•e hea•Ith'nk, over thp
''• ' ,
agIcs CAN'T SWI)I.
- Did you ever see a hen try „1/0
sWini3 Pid..You ever see one sn&
eeed at it? A hen. knows better than
to try it,. that is the reason' why you
haye toesay- -to-those two-ques-
tiOns. A duck may swim all day
long on water with cakes 44 ice
floating around in it; and be none
the worse for the experience; but
a hen, would;die in short order if
throvni into such water. The duck
is builtfior it; the lien is not.
If the Lord; or the:forces of na-
ture; oi- • whatever' your religion
leads:you' to tale great "Creative
genithrzef the -eartkLunakes bens to
live only en the land and the dUcks.
tolive on either the land' or the Wa-
ter, it turt natural to .supppse that
he: alio! Makes schne•••Pionle- to be
-farrneri -and Others -to -be- doctors
lawyere, nierehants and chiefs. If
,the doctor tries to be a lawyer, or
the • farmer tries to be a merehant
or doctor, he is just abOut as sure
to prove a`faillire it.es the he is
sure to proVe a failure at trying to
be, duck' -
The .busitiefa lttanvlietber 400 -
tor, lawyer, or farmer---Iwill ,find
out what he cut out to he, - and
then stick to it through thick and
thin. ,If .does if with concentra-
tion and courageous.
ness he Will win out,in the end, arid
be suipessiule If he ties the thing
he:is not fitted -by nitare to be, or
loses his toiirage .dbing•the thing
he is tut out to be, be: will be morp
or•less-of a failure.• •
° If the Lord -lip lie-
4-farraeri-d-o-- not -try -to be some
thing else. If He meant yon.to be
ev-lawyer otea-doetere-do-notterio-
be a farmer. Stiek to your
ing,'! it is just as great and just -as
honorable as is anything else. In
sticking, there isn happiness and
contentment; in flying off, the
handle there is failure, regret and
lifelong serrOw. •
marry my. daughter. , Weal, young
man, what are your -propeets'r
Young: Man---"Excellentrif - you
don't spoil them." . •
A Board Selma teacher, putting
his hand eaillie shoulder of a hoY of
doubtful ehateeter, said "I believe -
has got, 'hold of you. ."'
believe, so, too,' ' was the reply. .
Ohba -PI believe in early -rising,,
don't Dibbs-"Well, there's
no abstract excellence in early tie -
comes to all waantfe Rarelltea'a
mitt -Butternut
,Originator, ,
Oovernies,w4o was ,cfpyistpplor
Ooluntlins? •• •••
• WeVillieLA:re "Was the original
"See Ai:aeries, First" advocate,.
stgairma pliaineat ;•ilail4entielea,'Vrtia„S.
" A Writing._•
'ng it aliedepends Upon what you ,Whe4 ;).1. Pc:IWO:4;P V401'1404 i
do alter yeii,iSe. would; be bet:, I hiS hoUse-afterYbis eleotioit as Pre-
ve-frorgothuep.wuorl,(!, some, people Went Of the Orench itePultliC, his
mother, neglecting the ogicial, pers.
sonages present, kissed her eon in
SICKLY CHILDREN front of them 141, and then, netting
his cheek, remarked .
PROMPTLY CORHW "1 hope, Raymendethatyou ha:VC
..n4 :undertaken' top .4ifficult.a_job
You 'were never quite •,so Oleysi as
9 e 414 -79 11 r.self.,
C.1 .-•••••••,p • •
0441-11$,Xleti-arre an:ideal
medicine,. for little ones. • They
regulate the bowels 'and 'stomach
and • promptly mire constipation,• °
indiostiont cold and fevele,.
expel worms, cure :colic, and give
baby heath and happiness, 'Con- •I ,
earning thezn Mrs. Fred Van,Gor- •, •.
der, DunzwilarB, onc, writes blinawrda: tlertriymenstn9o7wItinmitgendinsx ,and
• thought _I strangle- - used, •'
1101A -1113'S 141'si.111.1.VW1',...and it cured me
at once. 1• •am never without it now.
- - Xlitirawsa.toc, ---
Nautviaewault, Oct. 21st.
have used Baby s Own Tlihleteefor
•tnY° four children and Aid theyeal-
ways giVee. perfect e' -satisfaction',''
.The Tablets are sold by "mediaine
dealers or by; mail at 25 cents a
• boX from The Die 'Williams' 4edr-
ciao Ca.
Appeal for Maple Syrup and. Sugar
'• for Red Cross Society. .
• ' The Canadian R,ed Oros Society
• IJonden Seke;. ,
The Rouse Agent -"I -tis an ;ideal
situation; Madam- panelled
rooms, lounge hall: electric light,
has sent an urgent a,ppeal to Mr. J.
R. Grimm, who is well known in
the Maple syrup industry, 'for '4, -
donation of syrup end s.u•gtie- for
the boys 'at the frent. •'
.• A letter fromeColonel derrel, of
the ' First - Canadian .Contingent,
tells . of the enthusiastic reception
accordeti a repent caw "from Can-
ada containing; • .among , ether
things, a- few. cakes ef pante •su-
He• statee,' "the Men went
fairly°. Zeszy with delight .Wheri it
was given to the1.
Th se-Canadizerawayefrani heine-
it_woutId be : diffieult teN• eonceive_of.
'a more aCceptable gift in the spring
of „the „yearethen some „genniee sue
gar or Syrup 1:triVe-
. Male"
There are few farmers who could' . he at the to -night ;. are you g.). -
not spare at least a gallon of syrup ingl" •
or ten pounds of sugar for such a • -"Not ; the one that can't
worthy and • patriotic object. noes dance wants to danee all the time,
who respqnd,..-and hoped and the one that can't talk wants
there will be many, -are asked to •to talk the time."
Cure • • PecamadciaaVuRitYd.anc.dro...e:siir'eSOsisleiet°ty,1111:8 ninara,19 Mbilment naed by Physic.lans.
Wellington St., Montreal,. Que.
The express companies -will carry
sh pareels-free if -plainly -marked
for "The Red dross: •
tennis -court, -,park, lake, pergola.,
stabling,- garage, lienting and
^ .
.• „
: The Fair Client--"Biltit there
rooM to .play Bridge in the:oellae in
. ewes et bombardment I" ... ..
- 4...r:E14;sreeta:Rtie umiy
. Chit .11:14.elibe:
flan em d by expo-
ouretoluit DustandWidd
Yequicklyrelieved by thainti.
y. No SMarting.
, . C. onifort. At
VOW Druggittlt.NOQ tecJienie, pluillegfsi.
•SidieitiTubcseSaPornsokoltheEicrnicask ,
reggistain-Madattityc RanedyCitatlikiaps4-
-- 7t------SideMePPing' Theni--"-----.-
• "Both your admirers are,4oingto
. Jeleve_r known • te
ore fall; •• acts without
• pain In 24 hours. Is
'. soothing,. healing;'
orns takes the sting right
. ou•t, NC remedy so,
oick, safe and sure as PUtnam's Pain -
Joos Corn • Extractor., Sold every-
prliere-45c. per bottle.. •.
that of the C.T:R., where under
-normal conditions over 100,000 em-
ployees are On • the payroll, one
great. problem'. is that of keeping
the employees, so to speak, dyna-
mic pert of a living. organizatioia
and-ofemere -machines, 'Zeal
and ambition, musk be kept burn-
ing. Just as every soldier of Na-
-baton en -his knaptack, :every
offiee boy in the Company mug, 'feel
,he ia a possible • president, not
Weep Minastrs Britiatent in the ?mune.
The Deg Doesn't'Know Any Better.,
compiandd any. reepeetful
"ieF When
dey whiatio to - '• •
-me.. • •
-• , , a• • ^
Similar! 4 444 141171,11.4.11.
• czat coillegar 411,1:104,..*
le, ITV 72. ,ur w !IPA( w
N •
6 Assu's.. u�. V141
ek. vata., .0
""rigita.var, 7, mr eostai
16110 Zif 4bas•>6
.TJT,it needs •legking after*,
.10011 Carbolated will
heal quickly anikprevent .
-.xi k of :infeCtied. aid:treat- •
• n ent with ' . 't• •
. . . , •
. ,o6
• I• Mad? tnemaC. & on(14 kt• ,
I ',:is a most effective antiseptic
fitesaing. for cut, ' bruisis boils,'
• and slon. irritations of all kinds,
rr," ...taigh_as . ,eCzema, pOisOn 14.. and.,
7 barber's itch; !Alsotood for corns,
_^ _ ._.1sel tko its' 0: a itiEni dna;ocobart tomi ni lopm: i II uttievaSnt: b.7.,a1:i ttemta th.77:17:01,4., i .,.._.,
. Fri, btrilfl in negist. •
CHES4,EiTcoOnsoUnAdipterF .GtiCt:• .
Sadly iH$sed.,•
Tenuny's '111sitnirib,-1 hegr -,1•!litlei •
Willie Green . has moved.' away: e..1)6" •
you. Miss him, my :dear 1 • •" ' •
Tonin* -Yon. 110,3I We
fii#37:66113,kidithibToek 1could'.
' •
fOr Atittp4taNt and, take no 0.t3ier.;
merebr earn his dollar a TdaY
pension day. One system intro -
'dude& eiti-the Western With --
this in mind ham_prometLexceeding-
lY efficient; Bach superintendent
or oremran or ea • o a •evert -
Ment 'makes two reports -a. year on
his staff; Bright linen are thus ear-
marked for special . promotion. If
any ;man is criticized the report is
sbowntihini and initialled by Aline,
before it goes to. Winnverg. Ifer.
gets a square deal, and if he has
any life in him he mends his ways
.1.1uniaajisinge hoidenOe_monopoly leaekeepe bet maladyeae,d,e •feelee, • then -again there are
teatsof valor in warA Russian
kerViliiie is 'fgtpani& tecure. For 10V. independentntr'ScoutS, lebking fey the
, , bagp detau , •
n- eergenty..-Aheinventiv
, • ,
Oil Cookstove, .for years
manufactured in the United
States, is.now made in Carla -da.
Th- Perfection -Stove company:, -
Ltd., at Sarnia, Ont., is rnanufac-
• 0/ • 5 ••Wring these stoves for distribution
-;14-,NOW SERVING 2,000,000 Th Irnwria-17-0i1--ebTa
• - •
Ltd. throughout_tlie
sp. that pro....nch criticism cam, he
.eWon - a , breeze.... edyovottid
al ;nt todf.,..14-0.
-Nervniile the c ourtego far LO blight 41011cithe •tidy station agent,
Plena in the follOWitig trianuer:" li
as trainniall,, the 'Man
inanition wagons te be lime -Jed -to a
emit that meant 'creasing the enenlY's
zone of fire. All the tinieshells•were
erashing among the hordes; bringing
,thera &Kilt in heanseand. frightening
suCI as escaped. Times without num.
her did the Russian driers, Sparing
neitliet ;whin or sone, atteMpt to
Urge. the ' horses forytard,, but ' they'
stood cowed and shivering with fright
Same were blindfolded, but 'the etre:it
.vtas the. eame, and only One ,horse
, showed any willingness to go,
Thertaipon the ,driVer. Jumped' down
end,- Mitting the traces of the other
horaei, droVe the Willing one lat.full
gullOp: through the lite. 'the *Mien
passed through Without 'Mtplodingt
and afterlthe light the bets° WaS do
co -rated afid the driver PrOinoted• .
There isn'4 ruttoh Use in telling a
die 1fo her natal
yott 0011..6 protty biife inourA
'0040, •
gives. Par chronic rheumatism there
Wro---Paliklestriiiiiiiiiired In 'Nur
rvillne tfiat give it first rank. The, Way
it tinnier's up a stiff joint and takes
soreness out of Strained or rlientriatit
intiScles is simply a wonder.
• If you halm an ache Or:11.‘paip any -
whore, If you have a Sore back, a stiff
neck, 'a Stiff ibint, a attained nitiaele-
if' you have congksted chest.
or sere throoto lust try Netviline.
/tub it. on p1ent1fu11y-4-k Won't tills -
it can't de anything but cure, you
quickly, The large 060.1 family SiZe
bottle' is. the most ecoltomip„a.1, of
coulee, out, you Co; from AO deafer,
deo get the 25c. small size of Meryl -
line, the king 01•bata.relleving
Meals, *
• +.* q•*oar
‘orhi*.1*...k.44*.L.4.6.6,.,•1..*.rii •
To be lila .4ibugh, Ito know better
ts. meroty a Atone of s,peeoL
•D6E6 Waite 11*our fioWers fl
tbe dakt. Throw it .6w:bouquets
to the live .onea out)
tnechenk'the stenographer who
cen rein the office when the ehief
is absent. These sconteare search-
ittg for merit only, not 'for 'faults.
Over the 'whole system Of the
eatiadian Teel& ideas and sugges-
tions made by employees 41,ree net
.011ay welcomed, but ;lead to pro -
Motion. T1se go to the Record:
011ies, where a statement of tho.
employees career 'is attached to
the ouggestiOn 'before it .is con-
sidered by a committee. lc the
ideain adopted the record of tihe
emplopie'a Career it "then, before
the eyes of the poiverthat be, and
reeo•gnition is 'sure to, fol1ow. The
needle in Ilte haystaolt in easy
enough to ,iinct with a`miegnet, and. '
there are deZeti Magnets leeking
out Mr moyitamong the 100,000 etn.
pleyeeteof the C.T.R.
the .best=knowa.a.ncLmost,likeit
•stove in the World. ()Vet. 2,000,060
. are now in use--Savinz Money and-
, labor for their users and keeping
kitchens clean and comfortable.
britigs. gas . stove conveniences to.
the kitchen. It. lights like ga,',
cooks like gas. 1, 1, 3, and' .
- burner siz6s.
ED, • ISSUE 18-i.
YaUf you ,
• _ ,NEW PERFECTION Oil Cook,-
.• stove—Made at Sarnia, Ont., b
• Calla Ian wo knielr. if hclnft-
supply ygu, writ *s direct. ' •
.Lirnit4d •.