HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-04-22, Page 4rout, .,Fsolottr PAID You • want the BEST 'FENCE at the LOWEST PRICE. The biggest real valuefor your ,moneY., THEN-,-WIrY go the dealer? Be doesn't ntske fence: He only sells it. You pay, him a profit.- -but Le can't add -a -cent to the woRTR. of ,your fence. He only adds to its cost. WHY --help to pay the organizer $2500 a year? lie WHY -help to pay the Salesmanager's $3500 salary? doesn't make fence. BO Merely in, lls it to the , He doesn't make the fence. He merely bosses the dealer, tie gets a' Ane hy ra.iSing the price Organizer -who sell to the Dealer -who finally sells " (hut NOT -the, pUAlirrYi Of your fence,„ • to YOU You pay flint well. _ . • 50 to 7$ per ecat of all the money you pay the Dealer for the Fence -goes to these three men. Yet the three together can't add • a single day to the life of Your fence, But they can -and do -add many cents per rodjo its price, When you Inty °DIRECT from 'PAGIta. you give Al..Lyeur Jeliceraeneyto._ the. man „who_ retiV in-ake the Ii'on cc.e QUA LIT - and VALUE you pay elle for. ' •'there's only ,one small pro.; fit betWeqx4 you and tie. The rest of your ni ouicy bay_s HIGH QUALITY and LIFE. TIME SEll.- VICE. ' (6o1) WIllt support the "rn id di c- olon?" WILY - y PAGE PRICES f 0 r fence not half ttagoot)t wHY "dive the deal- . • er-doillar bills; 101'500 Think ' tilts ov,cr! Mall ' YOUr order with. etyyth .cheok, wqiutay or express or - tier or hAnk- draft to1\,, the neareSt PAGE BB A NOR. Oct the BEST EEN,CE at the 14 OWES T Price, Freight paid on 810.09 orders or over. Thu** Apra OW YOU HAVE sickness, doctors bills itad el work; you, know that serious sleinees usually Maisel/1th a eOld, and a ealel ooly exists where weakness gorimes. Resereeirr Mat. 00,07C01160 044 'weakness and nature 4okess the cold-tbat is the law of Corefullysvoiddrugged pilb, eregis stimulsots; they are only prep and braces end whip. ki the Pure IttEncin nourisliroent la SCOW* Emulsion that titilarly en. riches the blood, strengthens the lungs said helpe heel the air passages. And ritok this weli-Scott's Emul- sion generates bodpheat as protection against winter sickness. Got Scott's at your drug store Ior,,e/ay. away* strengthen* and builds up. 1441 art% Itiotrest. Tomtit*, °Marla. BUSIOCS5 and Satiety Cards 30,}0} BDTEARIAAW) BONS, 14tcl., evelPb; Ont., lesstee90. sitt mamma. KAANICY imegnow. Ont. AvioAt • tor Imams nom at Itootrwooe. Fire and lam lfirst clam companies guaranteed. Only • reWtasent lottokuctw ,the London Mutual. A. number of and farm g nroPeetlfia for sale, • X E. lateknow Ledge moots Dieu Friday evening at 80' °look is then* UsA (AMP - street. All brethren cordially 'invited. Otneeng-Noble Grand, Thos. Watson; Vice Grand, E. T. Armstrong.,_Tropa., Alex. Roes; Roc. DM, A. U. Boyd; rm. Secy., Dr. Pate arson, latrimunt fnit not Published *ivory Thursday volieulag at Luoknew, Ositarlo. ,A. MArMENZIE, Pro *IOW pd Editor. • 1 TITURSDAY, 21,a1., 1945 P. Sc.&.•_1(.. G. It. 0. Ola Light; meets moon,Ingdr,1=leocgtfeug xiatiknow. A. MacDonald; D. OftratirOXII 4. W.. Martin;Q., ew., 91r,,. V.0, F. Court 1u,r'wdod. No. ill, Lucknow meets every monaity or me Month. is \ the ellows'Itall, Irisitling brattier') Invited ni attend. Chief Ranger, Geo. Potter, Bea' Secy., Itobt..Graham, Vie fick Milk, Johnston, Treas. f) B. MaoinA. 0.11. W. Luolniow No. 137, meets second Monday of each mouth. in the Odd - RAIL Mader Worklmn, J. Mao- Diarmid: Fin. Secy. D. B. Macintosh; Bee. SOW: doe. Potter; *Peas: , Alex. Boss, G. t3.E0 . ef, . Oleo up D 0 mass D stairs in. Butt,on Bleak. Teeswater: Spec ialattention told Votes, crowning and ' bridgewodc. visits wroxeter 1st. and 344, Woduesdayrofeach.month;orrie I. 054 NEWTON, Dentist?. • Q0100 • Alin Meek,: Iouelcnow. Ont. All modern , methods ask& Bost materials furnished. Crown and Bridgework. Painlem'Oatract- fon by the user or the latest-, _ _.simplest and. safest remedy, ...13Q1INCE0E38. Newest thing in _Lithium teeth. Alumfuni,•plateed nen breakable • Western University-, • tonnon Forward Movement Greatly Enlarged Faculties in Arts and _Medicine. ' 'Vastly Improved libraris • ,e.labotatories, etc, , Seven New Scholarships: • Record Enrolment Inquiries Solicited, R. E. Braithwaite, M. A., Ph.D. President. NO TiettE iron, ELECTION It may be that the Wixom intention certain poliaciaus to bring on a gen- eral election for the Dominion perlae meet may yet be defeated. Professor Ge/O. M. Wrong, ot Toronto University,' is heading an organized Moven-Witt provenvan, election until after the war. Prof. Wrong conireands the highest mettetire of esteem, and AS hello never been actively associated with one politica party or the other, his eiTorta to prevent a contested election will not be,aacribed to political motives. The liklitood is that he has received, good, deal oteneotiragment from ,econ,,. seiVatiVti 48 vial 40 Liberalel 44 the movement Which he ia, leading will no doubt have great influence. The aim will be not only to stave off 'an, election until the War is over, but to gain tor the present government the united support of the country until the supreme *object of crushing the murderous enemies of the Empire is attaine. How encouraging is a patriotism like this aie9mpared with the Bob Rogers sort which sees nothing in the geeatest ndiureit momentous of all human history but an opportunity et winning* political party victory? It -ba- that --Bogus ..,aed his aloe, in their efforts to bring On an election, have the approval of Conserve - dyes generally throughout the ceeutty• Even if there was some reason for an election during the war it ought ' to be deferred -as an election will be deterred in Britain; but here there is net even an excuse for an eleetion. Consider that if have an election in in Aloe, the campaign will be waged the front' sad tho isomer*, tout mot by ewer goal the price up because thee ho4 * praetieol siderationa Yet Olio food of a bill 'Met tuouopoly of Oleo, googe. And tee Gien. based on the idea that only party mat- era' in ebarge had to go to a peat drat 1 tero, and that it wakea no differesee ••if trouble to get them dOWia .in to a whether .the votere know or do not know ' reesonableigere. : Contrast tlabt spirit anything about the eindidatee and the with the spirit of rt mon who gives up a questions 'involved in the election. good -position, I eves his leanly puts on There is just one Saving feature in the a uniform and, live* a hard life for a pit„ bill; and that is the clause which tango be would laugh atm n time of peace; provides that the taking of Ow soldiers and all tor the purpose of getting where ate* shall have the approval of lend he is VPTy likely to be itil:ed Ity a. Ger- , Kitchener. K. of K. is not, hi king in gen aheill • " coinage nor in tack be And one Can That le what nialiefr-me wild. Rem hardly believe that when the war will be arethese iipleedul fellowa, laying all at its height he will &ate to have the theyosseas in the world -and some of harmony of even, a pert of his Army die-• them possess Otit-on the sacred altar turbed by ar.fillVanien of party eaevesof their country ; and here are fellow citi log theeemagniffeent volunteers --who are PfeDetly expected to eontribute to funds to take caveattheir families -and yet 'they areeegaged in U.-ling.:Weir pockets With. war profits; are taking adi mitt, of 44e. tiglit pouter in Which' their .gettn- try finds herself to chage her monopoly prices are helping the cop.)! either by Skimping the equipment of our Soldiers by imposing extra, taxes for their own ncfit on 'those itbo Meg et Wow at the endure this etruggle for life against he Germans. What ought to e one. with ruch inhuman apd disloyal mon - step', Vor the life or me, I can think of nothing adequate exeept. to. shoot them. It seemil to mo when War breaks and the country calls' for iolenteers to go, out mid meet•tbe' enemy in the gatethat . e - CENTRAL 1 1 svRATE0R.V. oNT., Ontamoss Best . Practical Training ,School We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each 'of 'three departments,, Cobs- muEeralv, SHORTHAND AND TiMgORAPRii.4 Our graduotea succeed and you should get our large free catalogue. Write, for it at once, D. A. teict.ACHLAN, .Principal • , • just 4hen,the war on' western, in Europe Will bent its height, and we may -expect Weekly,: if not daily, casualty lists hundreds of names long, perhalis from our own army: Consider the need- less strife at home, when all all attention. ought to be centred upon beating the foe abroad. Consider the needless waste of money When We all giving our last spare dollai 'for objects of relief -and the work then not hair done! -What are we to think of the men Who at such a time wonId. bring on a need- less'electionl They 'without Senae and without fabanle. eers., CLEAN UP CANADIAN' POLITICS • ' (Daily Globe Even 60 war.eraft ,,weitefuleese uncovered during the present seasion of Patliateent react in :something' 'net dtegether deeming to Canafiien. life if the atraightferward an i reoMPronaisA ing declarations of L'Airier on Wednesday night. and of $ir *keit -Borden yesterday are made the, domin- ant nete in Canadian , '- The thing about which all high mind- ed • people in Canada are concerned is not the fortunes of this or that Party politi- cian, or ot this or that political party, The (eruption is very much inelieeeriente it owlet be met by angry exchanges of "You're another" eompliments. The very life. of' the nation, its very integrity, ali its claims on the services ,and sacrifices .of self-respecting citizens in war or in peace, are all involved. lithe diSelesuree inonthskwerepllowed•to go- ' unpunished,: or if the investigations Were now blocked !with ;worse 'crimes .- myna-- clOsed, whereis the hope of building ip iii this Dominion a nation worth. fighting , for at the battlefront, or worth living ift when the War Paiti * - 'The leader of the Opposition took the patriotic groend and gevethe'statemane! lead 'when the.tergnson report, accusing the Hon. lion: Frank Olivet and Other Ube- Wa*under discussion late On "%Yea- nesdarnight. 'The. leader of the 00YOrn- inent stood squarely -on -the same ground and made similar statesmanlike declare-. tions Thursday e,fternocia, when 'MessrS. De Witt roster and 'Garland, two of his own supporters in -the House, were seen to be, damaged beyond' repair. All this is ° hopeful for better, days in the politics of Canada, hopeful as a start. It remains to be fOltowecl uP with a zeal fOr righteonsneaki.Tdetermination justice and an impartiality in pitnieli-• ment that r o - oers in both political for a generation. Cream Wanted Baing an tip;to--tinte-sereacinery in rail operation, we solidi your patronage, We are ,prepared to pay the 'highest market„prices for 'good cream,' and give you. an lion - est business.- Weighing, sampling and thsting each can of cream re- ceiiidearehtily 413.6- retigning a full statement, of same to each patron. We furnish two tang to each patrOir, pay all express charges, and pay every two weeks.. Write for further particulars or Send, for cans and give UG a trial. The Seaforth: Creamery CO. Seaforth, Oaf. ENFORCING NO LICENSE' Teeswater PeOPle' have at last grown ' silorr tired of the open and flagrant violation of the no -license law in their citizens club las been Organized, with, among other things the object of enforcing the' local .option jaw, rind a special constable has been, appointed to look after Offenders. There Is enough ,temperance' senti- ment in Teeswater to carry a no -license law with' a three fifths •majority any time; but the enforcement of the law has been left to the prOvineialT•Tanthori-, tips or to nobody in particular, with the 'result that it has not been Very well observed._ There scents to have" been wanting inthevillage a few eta -Inuits who would gee'fOgether and say "this thing must be done". Constant violat- 'ion of the law, however, appears at laet, to have nerved a number of the •better eleriaent to take a stand. The course 'Of partiallailore-And-latet. enforcement is net linetImIllen In. the _soc,pajremrsamatienacrtIlleiehf,. if;y oqfd 0:4,1 eCrt. h(rti or 42afras,mweA.A.iilleani,,i.rieffiehifeselneryy, spent a few history; of no hi It iS said that. in theStateOf 'Kanas iban wia bargained for, she -0d beSlain- ' Iii011 Wee pretty generally -a failure, arid manly I acked Against th'O' -4118S Berthi-Bushell, from theStates,. 'is visiting her 'uncle, William Bridge' BRUCE COUNTY NEWS Itobt. Trench, the welidenown light ping rod Acute et.Teeewt4r, has appointed ecinstable to eee to eiet-enforeement- of the.elopel option law in the village, . Toe StarPreamsq, Teesweter, hits resumed operations for the season. TWO. wagons were eent 'Ittet week and as the Ropily of cream- 'nemeses mere will ha added::: Alex, Peeinlore is *pia in'eharge of Oa cre,amer$, awl Jim.Donaghyand Clute, Symopa are Uneureuneg Lareett--4 nuMbee 'of patriotic and °donnish* young ladies. at Walkertop. wale time ago, zees of theirs, who ought to be will. to spend their last Cent equippmg with the aim of raising $000 OO •for . opened a "Soldlere Aid Tea room Or be Very time when wit need'afourstrerigth to t b' d the Bed Cps& and other funds. Last week tffeWoal of their laudable ambit- ion was reached and they thereupon 400.44 Up the roofs. 'Oyu half of the proceeds wee septte the And Om St"TITt'ai:tutiteuLtFhoe'r gheabhetl'iob:hti t's9W°iff; Daughters of the Empire., Jim Elliott, ati Indian from the Cape Oroker Reserve, was last 'week . son- tenced to A term in jail at Walkerton, , and to be lashed .with the eat O -nine:•• tails. The Indian when he aosured his wtfe, but it seems that the calm was SO fragrant that the trial ,magistrate did not regard drunken - _ new as a: sufficent :excuse. This is said to be the first floggVag at 1Wee` kertOn Jail ill.A.Seore of years.„, Rextill Orderlies Vhirk gently on the bowels, bringing to the cheek a tinge of •gdod health. Sold only by j. G. AM - strong, The le'exen Store, 1.0c., 25c., & SOc. boxes. , • HAD LIVED AT RIPt,EV'-III the ens ixterrfarmr and 441.40:cieri___iee,7"p ni,„ity list itenh Old from. Ottawa O goes and the .mart 'who stays stays at me. That is, we should allAavo the clier spirit, even if' we merely help, aietein "bueinese"es mewl," It Ought be assumed, in e word, that we are at, war. every Man ill'eck of es Very II. -That implies tbst the soldier who. es o the front will AQ the best fight-. he can against the witty, withoet we ought co all "vollinteer %it our r ctive capacities, soldier and civilian,. spe Deering Seeding Machinery I maws- .Drag and Disc Steal Land Rollers . Cultivators--Sprinz and Stiff Tooth - ' Drills -410e, Disc and Fertilizer Frost No. 9 galvanized Wire, Gate S and Staples. Titnotliy and Clover Seed w. a. AND with the the First Conttngent.. Ernie Potions made his home with Alex Atel)dui ehy, and wont' .01tesley over year ago to: work .ritt a furniture ,fac tory, Ernie was wounded in a vii- lae in the north of France, in the bursting -of Sheepnel mei It now .16 a. hospital. in that fle was ,not on the Oleg line *hen; wounded. A .great many. pereenti. „loft , inprised', when they learned Piet, liatisous ha hee0, .aecepted,as.a-ArkldliirP He is t ' del;:cate400king.clutre and is net out of his teetee.and gave feral work . to team e.trade. lie earner ..erightelly from teenete Ungifted. - fig wh ho 001 in to all we eo ing , othrisna,,ininirg ofhi4ritiaskingh ; a.ti eP t hewkc,iOrtowto,,,iteh a(f`ldhoti: .comradps or his country. But if we ex-.. pect:thie intent conduct from -the :sol- dier, why not from the civilian?. If ,the stay.4 home is in a position to 'supply certain- articles that the cent)_ try needs for war ninpeses, why sbonld. he not be expected to volunteer to do ill And if he does volunteer to lo it, why should he not be expeeted to do it in the soldier spirit e.hos his livinm to make and his family .to support He De• cahoot do it it for nothing. But he Should' de it te-the li6i•A Of his ability, and soin the idea of ‘nialting a special profit out ,of it as a "War 'order;'''. WbY .should Major Itreilli`GRAFTERS" SHOULD BE (-Janie' go, gown into his pocket and pay the COSt Of an entire 'regiment; and another man show himself_not contented ..With an ordinary profit on supplying equipment to such a regiment!; CREAM WANTE • Wetieg4iirethe-matleet,46---bey,-. Cream, sweet or sour, at the high-. est.tharket price. We supply two cant free' to each of our patrons, , ay all express charges, pay twice each month, cheques at par. ,Itet' ; Create. any day in, the week, telt each can received, and ;$0114, Our patrOna statement of of 'satire. Write for :pang and give out Creamery a 014. ItifeZeiifief•a' Any Bank. • •. • • • 0i43i..4.. • .TgritiiitgrtklaNtOft 'NW create* 'Plitterittott 041 (Canadian Courier) General Sam Hughes, 'when. on the stand' during' the Boot Enquiry at Ot- tawa, was asked whether he had said in the West, as teparMcl in the press -that the teen to blame for selling 'certain boots to the soldiers Ought to have been shot! The General denied having made that downright statement He explain- ed that what he said was that the Duke of Wellington had ordered contractors to be shot who had 'foisted bad boots on his troops. As the Soldiers' Boot Rn- quiry,is etill in. progress as I write, I 'Open to treat it as wholly "sub judice', and to ask a change of venue, to 'the general question of selling, supplies to the soldiers. And, on that generalstues- tion, I' beg leave to express one man's opinion -Land that is that any citizen -who' seeks to -make an extrii: profit' by simiggiii-g into the 'equipment. of tut on Friday, appears' the name of Pte. Ernie 'Parsons of Ripley,,who enlisted at Chealay, *and went to-. the front William J. S irvis of Hanover, has Bemired Cenadian and United' -State's rights, lAteIttor stove -described the f illowing;"In stove the Combin ittion With the StOVe bear haying -the- usual fire pot and chimney- duets and eomtnunieatingllueS, of a right anew lite duet extending along the ;bottom of the Stove from, the conte t thereof and having °Ai in bottom wallotertical branches, upwardly front each end of the right angular duct, _one vertical- branch leading_thronkb suttahle opening into the fire pot 4, 1 directly beneath the grate level and the other blanch leading to. the chin:- , P.T.Me,rlf !my duot.lbus giviog .gcrod combust. Ian te.tiMfito having exonoreiet dernper-Whieleineene a _great in fuel, as Well remeviiig' cold, Or from floors sore,. and • allowing same to become heated emcee asa,...Peeitt , .110444 with.:%ortn .-f uret0to: • • • Onakkoes raunert . vu ii Oroon'oek,fornier who reed in a Maga, .ziee about 6 "Latin ,bargain Offered by. .,P41 Munti.et,k4 arm, sent .$3 DO to the Yeektio eoncereen. thounderstanding it seems, that, the lamp- Waft to be , .1 down here for 'that .sum, 'However on its 'arrival in, Walkerton last week a duty of 81.50 on it, which he relucte he vens horrified te find thae there Val aptly paid, but his feelings leoeived ' at hoeorfel i()%reasse rsiooubstaj,l'etxpw,;)081ells :boatrigneood t5ltiiat dui) Dri. it. This ileetilOdA00. of -• a "take in" for the farmer, SO he to - the ioty fused i't:1)r 0;: answerela Pie.ntWffi ehea le; st, 'N e:aiditioh,u1 16Yanti ;iehtin:krgt)ta:‘:.lier;:„ Nvott h:fhp0:31lcit114 dOeX1 6:* WiSbifig he had- forgotten . to ch eaBOicint:ciwre Tintityitphee:r1,77-"iboh;O:noila,ionieedsoNlvalth,biny auction .t4) eOVOr express chargeso... Now would, we lo with a soldier who betrayed his zonntry, who took • a course which increased the -peril to the 'fives of his comrades, Who footed • When be ought " to ,ha,ye been fighting, who sought chiefly to comae 'home from the wars withasound skin and a -f011 pocket? We; would shoot him -and make no brines Of it, But 'why should we be more gentle to, the civilian who has not even shown us the initial ;courage anA patriotism of the soldier? • ' 10100LRILLT: , PRICE LIST IIEAVY FENCE uo. of -Bta,.- tpsolog--- --..-,-- - i'IooIn Old batic ' Feria !whoa a_.pR.rh of-kiorl;qptalgi , 9ntarlo 15. 7.37 ' , 8. 9," to. . ... $0;2110 ,' H4-7- 11, „' , 48 . • 22 6k, 7%, 9,, 100. 101 .26 , .8 42 22 6, 6„.6,, '6, 6, 6, 6......., ... ... :29. - .42 -- 16k- 6.- 6;.,6.i -6, . ........... 8 47 22 7. 8%, 9, 9 ' .30 & • 47 16k 4, 5,, 5%; 7. sm, 9, ;32 " , .9 .48 42 , . 6, .6, 6,. 6, 6, 6, 6, 6., ...... .34 v • 48 16% 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,. 6, 6, 6 '.36 9 52"; - 22. '4, 4, 7,8?'. 9.9.........34 9 52 ' 16% 4, 4, 5, 56„ 7, 8. 9..9. .36 10 4$ 16.% 3, 3, 3. 4, ,5%, 7, 7, 7, 8 , .38 10 52 16% 3, 3, 3, 4, 534, 7, 8%, 9. 9 -.38 11 . 55 ,..16%, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5k, 7, 8k, 9. _.41 New Ontario Prices' on Request.. ALL FULL No..9 'GAUGE SPECIAL FENCE No. 9 top and baitow.... Balance No. IL 111.0h6C004." - 18 -bar, 43 -inch " $0.46 '20 -bar, . .51 3 -ft. Gate , „ 2.3$ 12 -ft. Gate 4.35 13 -It. Gate . 4.60 14Lfr., Gate. 4.85 Set tools . . .. . .. . .... 8,00 25 lbs, Brace Wire. .. . .. .. .75 25 lbs. Staples .130 FREIGHT PAM ON menus OF $10.00 OR OVER Batvie nday,, April 'the seeding, by. trenry Fortier • In reaDY` IDWillriAloolle were as openly fence and 'lett ; -, run after as before ithe- passing ot the . I. maintain- that there is a great gulf prohibition law. The Taw, however was._ ot,ea between "grafting' in tune of,peace, not rope -apt and as time. went by • ell- and .iiiiati'ng,, in time-ogiiAr-e$Pe610: • . . . ften0 re e.ymeaertfat, of tchaemitvee,alt,tweya,e .toTtesid7:403ire. connectionitywd.intswho _ha _ ,withiwor contracts, Any, Y . id- me the eampli- mentOf following,this department at all, know what r think 'of "grafting" at any time./ It is a mean, speaking, crinntnall cowardly,unpatriotic, ii lfi , rife] Wit e sIt c 7 . 1:41i. SOLtdElit VOTES . of making : a particillarly ditty dollar, , , . The Dominion Parliament' has Made We -do not 'take it half seriously enough' provision to give our volunteer soldiers, at anytime. rat not 0 "graftel.80 Along east of tervie to Prank Colwell, of xl„n. improvement, 'and nOW, fora number of years peoldbition has. been a very:real fact, almost throughout the gate, . 1.08ePli: •Armstrong, Of Xiblosi, Visited ' Miss .:,Vra,nces McLellan& „last 'week. Mrs Prank Bol e pOent. a• few :daVe with her parents, stf.. and , WS.; Adam Glahan Rev: Mr. Stride is in, l7cet,n this week *: - trying part et his. exams. We wish him every enoceks , tfarry Peter left on Tnesday for 60, PA.0 WIRE,. FENCE C ,DNE I. I "37 Kin7 St: 'West., Toronto g55 87 Church ' Walkerville• West: We lope he will sennbe back to vidnity, again. Attlee ,MeXen ney bas sold his firm Aot,-ofaiii Canada, but ii--i-i ,-tran;sior i Vile imniteritinry--aiiit fir fe-iikf in,P4' , 50,-----gar4-welkitend" .InTii.ng in in days. • „ wrierever Stationed,' an opportunity' to t, Dies 0.-04 "Society." -,, But When "graft"- 4, -fes - ' ' -. 'Miss Oa ibel Br -idles' heti heel) under in the'eV6nt'ef a -general election_ dams 0614 its , filthy ,Iingere upon the chk, ,-- ,,,,,th„," .„;.,i,‘ ps ,„,„„- ,,,, A.. „sok beingheidthe-t eating Ptinitneh' -' - - zeee8801Y hUrried--: and baffiSr-iiiiaja- ::.ge;---7a0f;;;;--i.m';ie . 'il'iii,u7sda-yl'and, The soldiers, however, will not Vote Oorts of an untitilitary government in. 'Friday of last week. for the candidates, nor yet upon what Vitaviime to Coiled as rapidly he possible //ugh -M'Athegon.5eileived old Ratudn. ever issues may appear to -be at -stake, the equipment of trOnps.--WhCrilavp-vol- cOs arM1114 liervielaetweek and. Mt. Matheson taught school, in our burg about twelve years ago and everyone was glad to see him back egAin,„ • Th A. Brink, of Teeswator, has sold out his grain elevator, coal business and weigh sales to Sohn. Clark, oft -he same village. Brink has been in the grain business for about 25 years. Air. (lark is an etaarrnei and has ,been in the hog -shipping business' fot the vast year. 'Work' has commenced in the WWI/ of Mosley On contract 2fi,000 thrapnel loceived some time ago. The installation of the necessary Maltillineg Wag' completed last Week, and the work of Making the shells ,cernmenced on Thuritlay. An expert ' shell maker is in charge ol the work, ut,forengoiother party-Censelvative r' Liberal ,1n defence of thit'bill Perreittiett eol.- dere to vote, it *� sad that the Melt who enlisted should not an that accotta be one-olit'ot-theit-tOtets. That is alrvery gond; but if Dien cut,: )1.0t vol* intt4Nont1y It “Worditti'e au well if they did not vote at all, What poasiblo geed can come of iiesting men who know neither the issues nor the eandidateNvete in ap election?! And thaVia totsit The ptui--------------- to h carried, not only Int0the camps atI161110 0 enteered to risk their livea for the rot of “grafters' and iillthett themen -guilty of this unipeakable meatine4end blaelt‘hearted. trekkOnf should be shot Without nierey, - read inthelsOrs_that oome AaStriati tomb:ants told, the troops, who had to serve flthestiottefilled -Cerpethitio, Summer -weight prPtendingtbat it was full winter -weight, and that lum. dreds of the soldiers died of pneumonia in eonsequente, Now I de not think thwe -IMO 4 tliruite, on sucli. callous bloodsuekers as these; once . AXNUlitl$tugl'ilVI of the congre- gation of liervie ;Atetliodist church Wait bad On the evening of Thursday, Ant ii 15th,with, quite 4 goodattendance-. The Wt. Mr, took -Abe 'agile.- met tlic follovina ttporte were heard mud visaed by those *out itoport of • "Wiling .Workere" fqf ibo trcafrurer, , (label; 41.4tIlea! Aid" hy,secretary, Mrs, 'George Voir; "MialonarY14001Ote toodaty, Mr9,-Ioliti Sturm:quit ;',Adult MIAs Clam", by sweaty, Mieg lifirtie Miller; "Snit- day,Rchnorhy teemetrer,' Miss Winnie but tight into the trenches before the are sure of tbalr. guilt, 'rho simuld.he Ifol4rirChslenrof6dIal;wftroollti°8Iplievr6itot elected Gormanal and for nothing ,nlorc thmui shot and shot nutolciy, Mooting Ntr, 'Moo:rout :kitwotary,:i,Nits lleta Sturdeett- , that Grit and 'Tory may rccord %Aced, far ftogooa or. than. ttikeTretsurerMiss iirlimie le • A .4 m cue tete, it an-041mm ra, avid 'Salta as ittatt ' this case from Austria, whichis far 0,tvo* fitutpreoti, oporge mulct. , Cogtituttottdoes not recognize oa, an enemy country, W. will he able 1a, 'Mr ThIreatranetit, After the political 'patties at all, and ti rnOle 'better to appreciate- the villainy of it, 'Toil w`sis' I ratuotted terit'Alimentlt wort) • constitution or law On. The only Mad', Dili X read of other tooa-roArer IMMctrved by the *porta. ItlicO vatioilS branclAc$, slowed that the put ible voters in the etSuutrY,641 t4063 who .,-411 which Men oket114.supply certain year Tom heee one Of pro tit)? in evert • are influenced in their votingivitiimoi goods to the arm.. &peva* pima wolf o \ , Let's'interest the matt next door arid the matt across'. the street in this "Mon Mot,e1,4014 If they will do their .Attie and go after their tteietbora, you an all make- aglotiona-sueness.of this, practical,liplpful„ sensiblet - - *ho1e4reafted co...o*peration is what IS needed for. • .1)0 yonr, part 'carefully and loyally. If the House look• or: the. Porch is worn, or the-Iteneeit 41M% Pure/ taint will put put yourpined in the Spin and 'Span elatir'" . there Is any freshening pr brightening to be done inside • the house, we have the Paints, Stains, Varnishes and Enamels 'to do the work '000, satisfactorily and economically, • • In fact wit tom EVERYTHING'wit need to "Paint Up" with thelood,. old, rolia4tfortin.Senent rants and Varaishes-h1AM3 IN CANApA,..init gold with our personal goorantee of Satisfaction, • 10, 451,1 -vtckno* Ont. '; 40:44r.00•0* • for