HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-04-08, Page 8• ••ss
11.7...Vg,roitssinisssio. s„.10,
, T444
• '„
ThstS4syi APrit Oh WS
Special Notice
We would, ask all
who CAA to come
In the forenoons
*nd we can give
better attention
and service than
in the rush of the
Goods taken on
approval to be
paid at time and
if returned your
money, will
council um russet to *Alamo. hare!
, I Alt711 gotio too Havana toia•Y NMI
meat, on the tut . March, 10I5 with
We Wilkinson in the chair. Mem
hers were ;),11 knesent, Minutes of lot
seeming were midtd adopted
The following orthns (of the Treasurer
were duly passed: 1) R 1cLeodcts
for ahtlranitni (Unpin' for h v11; thio8
Cle4de4 $5 Sit for Istrawase; W John.
to"nn 2-30 for thseiog shhalitin .13 from
to con. 2; Ihuald. Gillis 1.03 for
UR' CLEARING SALE continues a great centre of attraction, and eacli, vveek
large quantities of goods are going out to purClia.sers who know • values and
who realize the, opportunity of -"Making-. hay While the sun shines!' and , who. apprecs
late the advantages, of purchasing 'pods. at ninth Jawer.than'ustial Prices.,-- •
Special Offerings for this Week
III13rSee 2•Special.01earing Lots of'Wonien's' Waists and Blouses
Let No.'1 COntaineVaitittit up to $1 2,5 Cl ar* g Silo Price 39 cents
• Lot No. 2 Contains Waists up to $2.00, . , • , Clearing Sala Price 89 cent',
garSee also 2 Clearing Lots of Women's Skirts
Lot No. 1,-Oldefly Navy and Mai* and. White Checks, miaow widths at , ; ,Half Price.
Lob No..—Various styles. and colors in wider Widths, fine quality cloth.
, , • • . Regular up to $5.75. Clearim, Price $1.95„
1101.-See'itedue0 Prise en:3• pieces of Linen Tablings cleats regular ;31,00 for; 90 cents. 50n,,
,45, cents. Regular•400. for 36 -cents. 'Unbleached heavy weight Table•Linen Big value 500
Irr.SeeSpeniatClearing Lot nf-Woreen's and Children's liege, extra values,- , Clearing,. prieb 25 ecots.
'See Rope Beads, various celors, s , rOgulai 1•03for 25 cents:,
otsSee Another Clearing Lot of 'REMNANTS ..ON TkURS-PAY.. • • ,
New Goods forSpring andSummer
Our New Goods for Spring and ; Sqinmer now , being opened , up are
from the best manufacturers and we can commencrtilern to you as Qeing '
Right in Quality and •Correct in Style'. . •
One stock of the
• ••,' • • .
Fanaoue Empresk,
Shoes is now sous. .. • -
plete including all • . '
that is the newest ,••
Footwear wi th o t
beingfraskisa: The'. '
Cut Shows one of the -
most popular style.s,
no. 354, Pat:Button .
with a Mat Ca,lf top
at $4,50. Weialso
'have the new Mili-
tary Bal,'Pat. Vsunp.
and quarter w
Cloth Top and Xess
FarebelandPriced: B
mpress utton -see
at $4.50. The prices Is stY e „
of Empress-, shoes made on the new stage Frenc last, h
and Slippers range ,high arch and short vamp.
from, $3.00 to $6.00. We haveether styles on this last.
Women's Coats an
„ <oWe aro showing -sonio very °nice coata' in
lateSt,styles Ane,elotli and pleasing shades
at $8.50 araii 12.50.. Also seperate , skirts in
the.new flare effects at $3.50 to $6.50
gr. Wm. MeCarthy is ill with peen-
Morgan Dalton made & bolos& trip
to•Lundon last, week ,
We are pleased to seeMLis Julia
•ilfatin• after her resent
111114.41,ioint Clarey of Stratford. pent a
aaallia at slays bat week visiting .atS.1
leselltotS Pltsiz-holes on.sidelinet, con 1) tlton s. •
st; 11svid Ilsonlr 1 23 forniscingsidelille MSS Reruadette 'O'Loughlin of Otal,;,
13 from eona to win. 114 Tho. OaviloY i pending her vaeation, at her
3 00. for p'ittu 4 1') id Of grayel on ,h0nin: here., • ,
rcac4 .°Ider W. 11. 1404 for oue • Mrs. As. Dalton, Vr..Micliael O'Con
being eaneeliet. Jacob, Gates' 699'Part' nor'and:Mr lir.40.kott are on
ef caretaker, and 7.00 1!"r egtra the sick not; •
meetings. total Sam. Ltive 2.00 • -
read L.,15, coys-0; the Trews, • Mr, Itlelvm -ts. is. mires the Valltrth4n
User of the Corporation of thelownshin,''FIsPress Office Stratford anent tbe• Week
:Of Ashfield; 31,00' for„ 'ball nee due. eqrt at hi hOlne- hero. • •
boundary account, 1914; the Municipal Mr and Mn. Rtinithl Mai/anon, Of
World '2.14 for Assessment Detroit are, visiting the latter's parents
Chas. Warded 1 00, seftindot dog tat Mr. find .Mrs. John T. 'Griffin. * .! • •
he having no dog; ;Ripley. Acetylene Jos 'ari'ffin, Si'., and Michael 136W1ett;
Gas. Cos LiniitedS4.00.. for hill. s• ef:Gotleriell, attended the.funeral•at ti*
th.14, Colas late Pattleh,Longnn Tlintsdaylast
citresPee90Y Urgeo, ntiort the PPITI1P4 Mr.,ThetfGlarino left' -.: last Week Jet,
f;overn Ment „tho necessity .0fdeclars st„ jeseph(a tleadoo, there, to
•IUg it polierwithsresnect to-sabsidieS under& treatment for a few Weeks.,,
trgaP4r.eleal'Y'S'h°°71-1114..'hIltaradltreaet. whet* ia the ellaPle3i''
.strinstion-inni, Operation •tly .,]the 'nyaro, Joseph Icft • to.daY.
',Eleo•rie Power Clouniststion., and that 01 4,ent!'.°1 $.41tf°14: ersh".
said tioliak, be so esioressed that' it, Will ...TIP° "nr7• „„, `••
allow ProVincittt - The -Misses stose O'Reilly, ance D d.
vtob*otieersofvr:0411,to Ibe Ernit 4%4114 LthaByr4 va,'Cl;rt:n* ittrqt4.171,0.7 11,'A',ra(•'•„,
dro-Elentsio. POWer Cominissien of Ores PeetiVe homes hOIss; ' •
Uric, to anticipate ,.' said'iSitbsiclieS, and. The .'stistletittr Ishqh4i.o!a• bEen.'.attend.•;-
ptoceeti with 'the- laiinediate construct- , ing Gorlerich' Collegiato[InstitUte, viz.
ion J the road; and that -sonissotthia: 'Genevieve. . " 0.00tiner;7':Zlearibri' Joye,-•
Resolution be sent to the 'light Hon, • Hermit:la,' Grif0n; *Patricia .Sullivan,:
Sir ItObert, L. Borden, P. Cs M. F. 'MadelineSullivae,. Walter .Dalton end
Prime; Miniater,the Hon. Friuik Coftho..;josePli Garvey are spending the :Hipster
rane, Minister of 1-1.Ailways: end Canals, hdidays under their parental reefs.
the, : Meroher'ef Ptitliament for this. Rid• ineerr drove ,the stage
i the Se,aretaty 'ef tha 11"sdr.• tweets Goderieli .and: Amberleyon.its,laat:.
'Eleetrie RtilwayAi:sedation 'olCatario. trip last Wednesday,.,and. Tnatiday
.catried; „ . , the rural:mail delivery,system between
taker:of ball' he •anthorised to .pay to dons, with Mr. Babb; of Goderichi as
of ball. as follewst • Patriotie Coneert
the Treasurer $37,03 received `,'.for rent :
.'Wilkineon-13roWniThat the Care,- .GodirTich::::' Kin's:H.:cent meneed -onsrat
ennr'et'. WernienrW,,Wileaivtnedbent:t9anf*d;:u.°IsanialliYa
04,00 entlenton'S J34.11.:1 0,00; ,Ceneert essiv,skab:tins Kingsbridge.P. O. betweSu
on;,. Bex •. and Pence •
OPOnior Oentinuation SeltOol' •ik,"
eoi 01:7•lr1gs.1:4rf lotliwe ,:411ntta..0,8eti e,ii)bos- 1raaorIntL,,L anPAt rh. tf1:1( ;1;7 ;51! jAd:vo .ga hoe tad; °Y,rnelieYoao;Co:lydi
iLWilfrid; according to the, stateinenV
transferredi No. 2t6S S. C). yollngC0fl1pII0Iwho.
witneied the accident, was playing' in
3, the Clerk iss'hereby instrueted to
tees of the SeetiOnsinterested,•-vf tn
notify' the Said atiPlicant ,tb.9:4tatit,n, it,'/.°44.111,''d'el),481ht°,ngmi hei°01:‘,
was hanging on a wall felt to thegrenuel
titstneti.;atobsi,BC•iy14'nw°,1 torthetrt,hhee and diieharte,ed. The Chosgs piereed the,.
Pase‘Of: Malting said t r f e r,' d 11,44,4011.,,ft10°.st ',11AtIne'dt,11:iit,tktnt0e°r'eciinttectbin013,608:
•chiongt es( he.: hounds ries of • the ., .sa. •
,0SCalliToreldseetionS. acesrdancatheresSithid(4•148'inft:•hand and nlightly 'Oridnd his
„.. • stoMaCh Sirripson of Intil
, , , , • • , -
•I'''rlIv`14-Ca'9.413heltH11:191 therayer 7111:1014eardt39t11641:!th(0°C1A7C.r:neell_t!'.(;Vtilf)‘thWarie'r4OiSdrai;
. • .
,Cot thO• petition, of.. R.,' 'Mateyo' and 45.1
fOritifi it 'neeesSarY, to einpiuta,. re the hand•
el her ratepayers and inhabitants of the,
Wituam:,sieQartbSs the „hey's(riOt. an exi one granting h;ii the ,
ill froin an
oroll,ge of ,mq-ticia,p01Q4:,,aaciloria,,„,„ father at 'predent: very.
'46".'16" attack Of'pricainetiia.:',./W.tlititinie- .Of'
wites inid necessary eSnipment'for. dee-
,: Writing; Tuesday evening, patients,
trie light system On the- streets': lanes. '•
and higltwaYa, in the. POlice of lax,e na.n..bn (x•Peats‘.1.' •
This store has lona been noted for its large
• Corset trade, as the very best makes and not
, est' fitting Corsets. are kept in skink, thus , giv
ing you large *assortment. , 'select from.
Our Specials in this line env., Cfoilene,
D. & ,A,, 'Marino's, •13elt and CrOkipten's C.
'La Grace.' ' , •
. _ •
5 VV ow Draperies
,01..r new range of ,DtaPeries are I3eautiful in
appearance and design and v o 131
prieeSif -and15-&-s, yard,
. " " • .
' • .
. ‘.,. . ' • .
Second Cfcni- skin -loss
- "„ ''••• Willlisher,.of Itaitilltori; syistted:, at
' * Bo& Campbell's Islet week, „ •
, .
, . It has all appearances of a cold season
„ . . . •
not .winter, as quiltings are 'very num-
. roue on theline.
• _ _
• ' ': o Red.:Campbell; sold his Salnahle team:
• ‘• 'M hellos, to 'W. St:lilt's, Of Black atirse,,
svhich brought a ueat stun. • • .
TGA. was acen going lVest hot Sufi-
. day . lihrdestination is a mystery,
Iferb NrilleN one 'ef,,Otle,luildiers in
. ' London; spent the week -end at nielfeine
' C.rewe
George still makes the „laud trip up,.
the lonely side road. •• • -
Qaite 6, number of people ate at,pres-
s ertng _rem agraPPess -
Mr, and Mrs. I. Gauley tipent'East-
er with friends at Port,Albert; '
Mrs. Aniitin Soloman arldilon, Of Tidbit:
„noir sPent. (OW days last week at hes-
: - - former homehere,... • .•
, •
econa-waaa quiets •' • , •
.arid lopcseitieplatetelivel Threeparties A number of the ladies ettilded, a, • • , -1yrosSfs.y, April 5 „
, . ,
Ripley, provIsiebs that the -consent of las.Tt,a,wE'eGauc7tfuReg; Gsr•rnimn.,--R00.allij'erruersednalyoveodf
the Pohee Trustees' of said Village , and .4,
'that Of the Municipal' Eleetors. Of said fcnrc our midst One Of Ashdeld's Font -
village (if Aecessary).be first 'Obtained,, inent and best known men in the person
and., a .13y -law is passod by tise ,fsoonen, of Patrick Long, who atter an illness of . •
in accordance with the provisions of the ndarelYad'oaci:'Infeawia;idya/pAn'eSuilicneountiklib,eds'Itro. ttohnagt
Municipal' Act, , Carried. " „ o
The Police Trustees handed in to , the was\ fift'Y'eight Yearn nt age and '4'8 nn'
oCoonuoneciii irap.alV.I;iss ttlit(3411. Tkree:euese:atry6;;Baty italvirie Maraed, .„Deceased was well read, could • ,
converse freely and. intelligently ' on all
granting m r. -'te Mullen the privilege, current topics, and made many, staunch
asked ft:47,, ia tile. potitinn.t, friends. in his vide ~scope of - stet-nein-
Wilk,inSan-Rrown--That the Clerk, bother
aHndeolen,aevseiss'ttner,lninisaornlohaisnyinss one
otTntaarilaerkakianplItealk4' fltdinintg.' longat6a0t0° theft Wmoilnitlabms: .1.Tehatc'ef-tiser:terliainitoboYk°,nPiliractken:to,e0t*:
notify Mr. 'WM. Reeking that this Conn
eit will-eontraet.for Ono: feet of .3-146,, distant relations. His younger brother,
price mentioned in his Offer. ' (Carried), Thijr8dair to the Kingebrilge cemetery
Brown -Campbell ----That the -Reeve 4164wdodniabnisYlarxiethndt;r4enniijatiqs_ltrita:_xecettfic41- ....
-he-authorized -,to-purchasesfrotts,the-Sars
'aim Midge Co., font Rsad, Dregs for Place, showing the esteem in which he
Township Use, (Carried.). • ,. The
Vamsley-Catripbellssirhat the appli-
cation of Thomas Moore for the office of James and Percy McCarthy, virilliana
Sanitary Tospeetor,1 at a salary of $95.00, and George Drennan We extend our
be .accepted.,, Its farlSishing his evofir con- sincerest sympathy to the bereaved ones.
veyanee, .(k.arriecl), , , . , _., . ,. , ASTER ustc.-A, rar treat was
By:Jaw: NO.. 001, to appoint Path- enjoyed by'the congregation Uore on'
mastels, Pooadkeepers and FenceViewers tasterl Sunday in thefaim ' of wars
,(er.the Township of Huron, for the year, sp -8,_ °ea! and ,ino,ronenfai , muM'e,
e1d9,13,„. was duly passed, signed and seal'. rendered by the eiloir of St. Jesepisks
• Campbells -Brown -That this entin- lehalidreciir-Irships,hriktehiss°(ZrissinedeOlatittEritilln;" alie-.. "
• • -
Atthistime- y011 tSre,,stfr4 , to need nittnerouF.; articieS
shich will, find in our store, We have a complete ,
• stack 'orthe following. ; , • •
d varnisties we,ca. oive you.
• • • pailltwvarnish stain
or varnish to suit every popose: Also Orainfilg Tools and Graining
, • . • , • • ,
.Step- Ladders
- Tieturea ete., We •
An, absolute necessity ler hanging.
hao A ft. Ladders at 99 eta. and ft, Ladders -gixtra..stong-„?.no, Not
A good rengr
Mttresco arid :AlabaStine•
..,eqtfr0,41 at our store and the prices are as letw at:4'. the' lowest
ef colors to se
Brtishes' Paint and: Varnish Brushes at all. prices. • 'White.
- • wash, ...Brtislies from .18 cents, upwards. Scrub
'Brilshes 1.0ct.15 and 25 cents. ' , „ . '
The only sanitary sweeping eernpound---roakes
ust ane, smTepifig easy and lightens labor by keeping
doW the 'cint• Sold 91 35 c'ts. er•°':' r..et.,11.mrned.
d or v4eoiskted 040es and liooleam., yoitr iteera-eff 9enaa•s
'Cedar and Kletfto, ops the thing for;
ioaally and the Mon' will do the rest s
Beaters, -Tack 11,A11.1.11er,s,4
Chair and Furniture Slides, Picture Wire.
See us before House Cleaning Time. •-"'-
Lueknow H wre & Coal
. • .
\-- - The Store that !leiter Dissappoints.
Molassine Mehl $'1, 00 Per cwt Oil Cake $2.00 pet; evvt
Under the Auspices, of the Firemen
Wiliytm return '" Town Ball on Fri. and Sat.
, engagement in
!Lt.1ClEiN 1'1_11_16:And I_
The play on Pridaynight be
M fek fig- tit ch) TAIIV -adjourn to meet again on . .
- - ' at the ustiaThonr and. place: ulan,nero hut nu • Suudal • all 1?,05v,i9116
a • Mlitiay, the -20th. 'day of April, 1915, "Y4 ac4u4g- it$eit in a Iiiesttlatinr,l.thle
-Tuesday, April Oth Angus Alartyn, Clerk, records. were broken. bluell time an
Mae Petrie is visiting Mafeking friends - ' attention has been spent, not Oaly by
this week. • . die leadep,. but by each alarissvely one
MSS Pearrgiunders Spent the week ' , of its many Inelobnrar trt the endeavor
"‘The NVhirlpool"
- an
d oti Stittirtiay -
"The Girl fititi Simply 'South.
Seats (r2..so:;0 Aori.strones:pro4s,f4.,,•,F.
with Wingnain andIstiektoow friends. . Put t e Choir on s. No. 1 footing Kiniough •••
Mrs. Rev. S: Jefferson, of Creclitbn, • ". .-Tnesday,. April gth, and their eflorts.havo not boot* in vain
nits the guest of Mrs, Wm, Passe last, Ak'n In60r. hei.o atte d d th' klundaY shUWOd; , unmistakably, . that : esday APril 7ill
week • , u d ' • '
.„Aa.„-COopOri of. Clintoni-spent — - hex *mixt t tave-accomplishe t teirs-noble ()FIT
and concort- in- Loehalsli jotet. atttpi home 01 4, 40,47 tatter vri4 sz..„ object in, the most Orpect,Pieneet. At. at Ltitenawl ° (?1. • 11::
The W. M, S. washeld at Mrs I-Lasty's home from strattera xonntd,
. . Leila Blake, , ust a oven n - the eon ha 6 visitie4 hie father bore,
onTaesday afternoon of last week, 1 rs
ssuite nunibor .fron .here • 'attended,
• Mr. ]?rank Finnigan left last Tuesday the Thanknffering• meeting "(if the W.
h18 health.: ,. • • - •;'
5tieStte3faand, Min Shackleton are • •
spending their aster vaeation at their • .
parents, on ion 6 b service the pastrr • '
iss Margit t McDonald, Tot Ars,
re M • e e ri.
spent'the week earl with ter 7 thanked also ongratulated the ehoir Miss Stewart 4 SPen-Ing Ilitr 119h"
or e , •
Ate and Alrrl. J. McDonald. . f th days at her home in Millarton.
behalf of the cOngresatio
motions manner•in which their int t of . Mts. Opt began, et, revive Grove,
liSs4snisieSsideatier"iistr7haessistsnsr:. ,nerr4,0*(46-slelivere(1sa)ings. myOntAtAttit*ititlftit.401:11.
ed herlie-after spending tile past. six •the cougregation,Sould not appreelate Water, Petet. went to, Whighata :ZiOn
weeks, with her 'breitiner in Toronto. . fii„vo highly the services of t ear this . week teswork his trade. , . a. • . di
spent en! f44. -4 .0f Id!, that•:.103' in;' .618 ;tit' •
Wat. Itaoteari 11,38 iztarte4 an ‘egio
wagon on the road this week and tit.
tends basing a steady route all. sums
met. • - •
- • ' • -
ii.ansteln .was ,citttitT straw
in tom vicinity OD 110_,apir. intends
installing a shingle Min; at Isines" in
connection with bis (Stopping mill.
itt liflOW
the wear end wit -h .5iister, J. - the good work villtoontnunt---,- .: Colwell, 0 Monday. MisS-Anhers---of Lacknew. visited
iT II It 6 " of 146n461) 'spent • o •,
MaeNain and left Monday to visit fitends
clot lust like a „wedding" only nobody quilting -bee at the home of M.ro. Gauley Mrs. 3. S Walden is visiting friehas
,getting married, was the resod for , last one day lastweek, ssotb, friends in Toronto. ' • o
‘31,111%$S Centro
• .11 t 'Monde after s riding feW home ,for a few days. • 1:114.11 Sui.iday.with con,ftie0.„. Ilan:flea:11th' 11 inisreh4r°vitbaenv$111:1:. 10 .0
• week : %Mos Iplinia.carrem ieternott pte, Murray Nytish; a • Terc:ete,-,is". ir't8S.t,es 'an't1 1147ra .,'"Lida1; ntl5Ilt• 41herrannoutit ve''etry Meeting 6till the
• COnsiditablet talk ilieut the doings of tan as Y 1Ju . • ss, .• • ginsar ols" laitraw: sAig" SnlInss a an' •• Ills Gee` ittehiraeort is sijesdraiss tiVenintS
• • smith Kinloss. congregation,,,has bean ^ nlantha her lioinc,h6fe# , (10OriS aardiriu -the holidart-10 m Ise • iso-st-s,vssisss; sot, Stussar-dinb, •
quite in order t°r 15°111° Lin* ""i'sf Quit°4 -tam ° Y°1111 P?Plke "at rd and - • IIigh Sehool,1 are SpentUng 0 seer • ,Blackwell,f tit South
number g• 1 S so s London,. „ t -sew .saya with her, sisterl London. .P4001 Maudo,0 0
Line, d friend, Thoni
Inns sta,tcnients that have been made ' tended the 'servites in Naka church mhig may vases fa 01300din toter,.
about thein are not altogether true. Thoy hot'Sundity eyening, also. the concert tay hes home g6ar.Thplez, ' ' • . 0 f • (M'
ir1:04.t,tort.. t. at ,thei!,,,,,e.spective, bodies eit•t140.4' Wet:" Woirthvrt. Ineravariwtneeki,er,
1,11 davit gtve a eall
to Mr. McLean. of. 'Monday evening.. . •, 4 Ilisgast,grie_all,whrh,tine,w4ioh..4 •
Ithreiside lioultry miss Annis Brown has tetetradliernt;
Detonator Opt. , • aftet speeding a month. Xincardinc.
Agto teke.efrertninoitalothlanifnealtetthid
c plata tour nithirred ens selehted trete a "
not Lavine' his congregation as Was re-
' 'ported front good authority. Even Qat
that, lie only had the Same ohmic(?) that a,
number of others. had to receive call.
• I „ The Zinloaapeonlii are not a selfish let,
• home from Goderzch 'for Easter.
• and inn? way .cliould the kittron collard. .ietedltilaitigrIttn:r Aggi
' raid or done. • -• ,f4 Red* White Wyatt etteallteiraletrafamat-
' eu with such ileticerela MI Moment ntoo, of
money Creek. front their Inmoueslr,izo win
rilcrflarlrirrPersIn Barred Itocks10. .0„„frair.,
gation foie them fop what hen been ,stranns.stmeAerstworoateh layarg AtraatZ
urea front then' heaviest trap nest ntoesh 8.
(r..Ancelarrlthetomt or eltr bird; that illfes•
1)11 less,stande sonfinernentananiosotnergprent
• lavers et an (:lass); Maicaleth
, bra/tom stinctsean Steele that averaged al
! wag naeltla 0 moths, and make the Sheet
rona ItV, at rest) derd6t.welabIlltr_frprit
'ca. rotes wens. 4.,tieeot r4go unto
$1.06 Weld* .'Al cats ororer 64 a piece slter
hoed e'llt,t'Se. a prote„,iluele 'ie;tee. per egg,
• unrrssnortonnso invites in retcronee to davoia
,elia'nrotttled dales. ',Motets, teener In seta
.trgAtVell at, the hiRlt,restafeetl. tlareattirtla
13111titlprodneed mo $141,1n. No In tWanteraler
ttS Jerlt JI4t '
65$0, pot mumetnic,.
, 'Plinio to your order at' tile best •
peesible prided, '
sitoe 0.EPAiRINci
• , .,
ived 6010 hint, attention, -
; 1swaio.
EG. 0,Astroorr
"friti6firetbo,',14 Arm G.:.:44)-00:'-'0111'ogtio. loft ,fot• ' - ! - - ' —.'La 'ile:i:..:';1---- - : • :
• Vdrdoill- ' .- ' . their new.hoine. near Arindtior on Sat :. .. ' ••• —Monday April 6,
, ,
,,.. ', .•,, ' lioilai;ixo.A'ptit 6. lit'('47 lot. ' — '•• ' 51:Ciattra,:loitoititmLilliomo, fook Igtlatta;
. _ Aim .. . • - i
idends,in tid3 vionity., . moved into.the beOse latOlY erenpied ' ., A 1111 114' t ., I
' 'Irilifitt 1! faSer. at Peitliiis, is vialting, gr.'. nlIstts, r-•41116m134460:Travb" lialidaYa. •
imenis goswe,ii itutherf6rd; and Mu Istut.t h_.v,,iji,rei „../.1,0,14rnes.4; , ,v0,..„,„ .„.,, 4_,:, i , tiiI:rvip.teexio.,..,plan. is ea.ti, th, e 87k list:
ray Web;),, who. have been in training a,t •alioMAtniPhnift of 7 artivrrqn, ilia ' Y„ ,i n•s. no tlikvatd, sentittf ,visit04
the iniliterk tenii*..iolients the week ,o, end ritif rifted home! after; spending the past ,o,"1,;yrrtu„,,,11,„17_14•" •
at their homes here. ,. *. inotPtli: Ivitit Utt4, Wm. tidgolzik '''''vm''''''ff;-1.-iiiti";;;;Kolto.' n's'of At'ibuito in
The Sunday School, icopenee.on Sun- Will are- wiry tfurepoit that Atte A, '
day and alargo rlftrillitt tVer0 PrOsOnt. Carrler011, 4tli line. il net improving' A8 I V149i,,ittloriv'g'eli),;:y'llie°1 9:::',:irlot°,860;p3te.o,poti: It io thougla, that 1116 graded 4Yatem ittAt OS her many trioxide weitirl willi.. ;
- :: Mr. 11,. moirat arid 11,114c. Mae '06iViitt ' ii ..,i14°11,(117°Iltit:tgi Ve°13.1 ail('Ii'IYI', ° ', r
' sti.4V.0,1,,a.riel,,s,woittiidtinpalttriitotiithpect: tdile:ptshottt;of,,heth Of 00.4th lino, .#61.0 matt,104. itt, "„nlpte.p'ew,er, ha pi.rci.akeii. all: ',et*
in Kincardine The tithe lioren: of the bridn'n father 60 ' Kan' 11'4 °'It° 11"b; Mike; • ' ,
betas et, heed. Val
art old and highly teopecteit toldoot of ' &tacit 3 lei(Itti meowitt of tho wed., ' larlf. it; cimpbelit of Zobillittli'illab,
tht$ township.. We extend nor )ingerast. , ding will )el'cistici.itt tits liroco'90441 ettiler bioth,ort.Ohssi 'MO ' po,4ttriog
Impathy to (he ig4titot' . . o , - •1 . °. ' till0 wlial - :.
. 4 • i ' r ri, ,
Miss MatvillOw Creek,
is home foe, the vacation. '•• :
lelni and Nicol Gardner *hilted ut
,Itobett fienrytt knit, W66k. "
Jannis Henry, of Mafekingi itt thit
guest ofJ Oita .Gardaat at present.
Mt. and Mrs, kerb, 'Mon vent •• •
'is iMe .fir'e!ilki6;'61tact)iltiltaatitl°1ite:tri:Ltattik4
burg, • 'P
.• 'Mrs W.Skiiiltiir etIlaTeitIngi vicitt -
4 ,*"
,ed het brother.' Isaac Andre% tot
• Mil36 rdtt 1aektt tiidoni. of
ic spending naster,weele at her
home. •
ho W. . S.' held vary success., "' •
fal,ilotne concert in tho ante)* here' *, •
,ca Peaty evening. „
'David Stood, 'Will 'Minter and ,
Will Oardect had very ,succeasful
i,vood hoes reeently. , • , • ,
Mese Alm Itoim 44(1 liiughtort
Ada,. too apoodiog tho•bolidlivi wit
trii,001 in proton(