HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-04-08, Page 8• ••ss 11.7...Vg,roitssinisssio. s„.10, • , T444 • '„ ThstS4syi APrit Oh WS Special Notice We would, ask all who CAA to come In the forenoons *nd we can give better attention and service than in the rush of the afternoons, TERMS: CASH Goods taken on approval to be paid at time and if returned your money, will refunded, HURON TOWNSHIP t#OUNCIL s b04 council um russet to *Alamo. hare! , I Alt711 gotio too Havana toia•Y NMI meat, on the tut . March, 10I5 with We Wilkinson in the chair. Mem - hers were ;),11 knesent, Minutes of lot seeming were midtd adopted The following orthns (of the Treasurer were duly passed: 1) R 1cLeodcts for ahtlranitni (Unpin' for h v11; thio8 Cle4de4 $5 Sit for Istrawase; W John. to"nn 2-30 for thseiog shhalitin .13 from to con. 2; Ihuald. Gillis 1.03 for 404041•011.04• UR' CLEARING SALE continues a great centre of attraction, and eacli, vveek large quantities of goods are going out to purClia.sers who know • values and who realize the, opportunity of -"Making-. hay While the sun shines!' and , who. apprecs late the advantages, of purchasing 'pods. at ninth Jawer.than'ustial Prices.,-- • _ Special Offerings for this Week III13rSee 2•Special.01earing Lots of'Wonien's' Waists and Blouses Let No.'1 COntaineVaitittit up to $1 2,5 Cl ar* g Silo Price 39 cents • Lot No. 2 Contains Waists up to $2.00, . , • , Clearing Sala Price 89 cent', ••i• garSee also 2 Clearing Lots of Women's Skirts Lot No. 1,-Oldefly Navy and Mai* and. White Checks, miaow widths at , ; ,Half Price. Lob No..—Various styles. and colors in wider Widths, fine quality cloth. , , • • . Regular up to $5.75. Clearim, Price $1.95„ 1101.-See'itedue0 Prise en:3• pieces of Linen Tablings cleats regular ;31,00 for; 90 cents. 50n,, „ f�r ,45, cents. Regular•400. for 36 -cents. 'Unbleached heavy weight Table•Linen Big value 500 Irr.SeeSpeniatClearing Lot nf-Woreen's and Children's liege, extra values,- , Clearing,. prieb 25 ecots. 'See Rope Beads, various celors, s , rOgulai 1•03for 25 cents:, otsSee Another Clearing Lot of 'REMNANTS ..ON TkURS-PAY.. • • , ••, New Goods forSpring andSummer Our New Goods for Spring and ; Sqinmer now , being opened , up are from the best manufacturers and we can commencrtilern to you as Qeing ' Right in Quality and •Correct in Style'. . • Bootsan Shoes One stock of the , • ••,' • • . Fanaoue Empresk, Shoes is now sous. .. • - plete including all • . ' that is the newest ,•• Footwear wi th o t beingfraskisa: The'. ' Cut Shows one of the - most popular style.s, no. 354, Pat:Button . with a Mat Ca,lf top at $4,50. Weialso 'have the new Mili- tary Bal,'Pat. Vsunp. and quarter w Cloth Top and Xess FarebelandPriced: B mpress utton -see at $4.50. The prices Is stY e „ of Empress-, shoes made on the new stage Frenc last, h and Slippers range ,high arch and short vamp. from, $3.00 to $6.00. We haveether styles on this last. Women's Coats an Skirts „ <oWe aro showing -sonio very °nice coata' in lateSt,styles Ane,elotli and pleasing shades at $8.50 araii 12.50.. Also seperate , skirts in the.new flare effects at $3.50 to $6.50 Corsets • gr. Wm. MeCarthy is ill with peen- .W°41.jgr. Morgan Dalton made & bolos& trip to•Lundon last, week , We are pleased to seeMLis Julia •ilfatin• after her resent 111114.41,ioint Clarey of Stratford. pent a aaallia at slays bat week visiting .atS.1 leselltotS Pltsiz-holes on.sidelinet, con 1) tlton s. • st; 11svid Ilsonlr 1 23 forniscingsidelille MSS Reruadette 'O'Loughlin of Otal,;, 13 from eona to win. 114 Tho. OaviloY i pending her vaeation, at her 3 00. for p'ittu 4 1') id Of grayel on ,h0nin: here., • , rcac4 .°Ider W. 11. 1404 for oue • Mrs. As. Dalton, Vr..Micliael O'Con being eaneeliet. Jacob, Gates' 699'Part' nor'and:Mr lir.40.kott are on ef caretaker, and 7.00 1!"r egtra the sick not; • meetings. total Sam. Ltive 2.00 • - read L.,15, coys-0; the Trews, • Mr, Itlelvm -ts. is. mires the Valltrth4n User of the Corporation of thelownshin,''FIsPress Office Stratford anent tbe• Week :Of Ashfield; 31,00' for„ 'ball nee due. eqrt at hi hOlne- hero. • • boundary account, 1914; the Municipal Mr and Mn. Rtinithl Mai/anon, Of World '2.14 for Assessment Detroit are, visiting the latter's parents Chas. Warded 1 00, seftindot dog tat Mr. find .Mrs. John T. 'Griffin. * .! • • he having no dog; ;Ripley. Acetylene Jos 'ari'ffin, Si'., and Michael 136W1ett; Gas. Cos LiniitedS4.00.. for hill. s• ef:Gotleriell, attended the.funeral•at ti* th.14, Colas late Pattleh,Longnn Tlintsdaylast citresPee90Y Urgeo, ntiort the PPITI1P4 Mr.,ThetfGlarino left' -.: last Week Jet, f;overn Ment „tho necessity .0fdeclars st„ jeseph(a tleadoo, there, to •IUg it polierwithsresnect to-sabsidieS under& treatment for a few Weeks.,, trgaP4r.eleal'Y'S'h°°71-1114..'hIltaradltreaet. whet* ia the ellaPle3i'' .strinstion-inni, Operation •tly .,]the 'nyaro, Joseph Icft • to.daY. ',Eleo•rie Power Clouniststion., and that 01 4,ent!'.°1 $.41tf°14: ersh". said tioliak, be so esioressed that' it, Will ...TIP° "nr7• „„, `•• allow ProVincittt - The -Misses stose O'Reilly, ance D d. vtob*otieersofvr:0411,to Ibe Ernit 4%4114 LthaByr4 va,'Cl;rt:n* ittrqt4.171,0.7 11,'A',ra(•'•„, dro-Elentsio. POWer Cominissien of Ores PeetiVe homes hOIss; ' • Uric, to anticipate ,.' said'iSitbsiclieS, and. The .'stistletittr Ishqh4i.o!a• bEen.'.attend.•;- ptoceeti with 'the- laiinediate construct- , ing Gorlerich' Collegiato[InstitUte, viz. ion J the road; and that -sonissotthia: 'Genevieve. . " 0.00tiner;7':Zlearibri' Joye,-• Resolution be sent to the 'light Hon, • Hermit:la,' Grif0n; *Patricia .Sullivan,: Sir ItObert, L. Borden, P. Cs M. F. 'MadelineSullivae,. Walter .Dalton end Prime; Miniater,the Hon. Friuik Coftho..;josePli Garvey are spending the :Hipster rane, Minister of 1-1.Ailways: end Canals, hdidays under their parental reefs. the, : Meroher'ef Ptitliament for this. Rid• ineerr drove ,the stage be- i the Se,aretaty 'ef tha 11"sdr.• tweets Goderieli .and: Amberleyon.its,laat:. 'Eleetrie RtilwayAi:sedation 'olCatario. trip last Wednesday,.,and. Tnatiday .catried; „ . , the rural:mail delivery,system between taker:of ball' he •anthorised to .pay to dons, with Mr. Babb; of Goderichi as of ball. as follewst • Patriotie Coneert the Treasurer $37,03 received `,'.for rent : .'Wilkineon-13roWniThat the Care,- .GodirTich::::' Kin's:H.:cent meneed -onsrat ennr'et'. WernienrW,,Wileaivtnedbent:t9anf*d;:u.°IsanialliYa 04,00 entlenton'S J34.11.:1 0,00; ,Ceneert essiv,skab:tins Kingsbridge.P. O. betweSu on;,. Bex •. and Pence • OPOnior Oentinuation SeltOol' •ik," eoi 01:7•lr1gs.1:4rf lotliwe ,:411ntta..0,8eti e,ii)bos- 1raaorIntL,,L anPAt rh. tf1:1( ;1;7 ;51! jAd:vo .ga hoe tad; °Y,rnelieYoao;Co:lydi iLWilfrid; according to the, stateinenV transferredi No. 2t6S S. C). yollngC0fl1pII0Iwho. witneied the accident, was playing' in 3, the Clerk iss'hereby instrueted to tees of the SeetiOnsinterested,•-vf tn notify' the Said atiPlicant ,tb.9:4tatit,n, it,'/.°44.111,''d'el),481ht°,ngmi hei°01:‘, was hanging on a wall felt to thegrenuel ni9leteetfiito titstneti.;atobsi,BC•iy14'nw°,1 torthetrt,hhee and diieharte,ed. The Chosgs piereed the,. Pase‘Of: Malting said t r f e r,' d 11,44,4011.,,ft10°.st ',11AtIne'dt,11:iit,tktnt0e°r'eciinttectbin013,608: •chiongt es( he.: hounds ries of • the ., .sa. • ,0SCalliToreldseetionS. acesrdancatheresSithid(4•148'inft:•hand and nlightly 'Oridnd his „.. • stoMaCh Sirripson of Intil ciaand , , , , • • , - •I'''rlIv`14-Ca'9.413heltH11:191 therayer 7111:1014eardt39t11641:!th(0°C1A7C.r:neell_t!'.(;Vtilf)‘thWarie'r4OiSdrai; . • . ,Cot thO• petition, of.. R.,' 'Mateyo' and 45.1 fOritifi it 'neeesSarY, to einpiuta,. re the hand• el her ratepayers and inhabitants of the, .SYlibige-efiR5Pletlie-",granted.:Saild-Tthat'• Wituam:,sieQartbSs the „hey's(riOt. an exi one granting h;ii the , ill froin an oroll,ge of ,mq-ticia,p01Q4:,,aaciloria,,„,„ father at 'predent: very. '46".'16" attack Of'pricainetiia.:',./W.tlititinie- .Of' wites inid necessary eSnipment'for. dee- ,: Writing; Tuesday evening, patients, trie light system On the- streets': lanes. '• and higltwaYa, in the. POlice of lax,e na.n..bn (x•Peats‘.1.' • This store has lona been noted for its large • Corset trade, as the very best makes and not , est' fitting Corsets. are kept in skink, thus , giv ing you large *assortment. , 'select from. Our Specials in this line env., Cfoilene, • D. & ,A,, 'Marino's, •13elt and CrOkipten's C. 'La Grace.' ' , • . _ • 5 VV ow Draperies • ,01..r new range of ,DtaPeries are I3eautiful in appearance and design and v o 131 prieeSif -and15-&-s, yard, . " " • . , ' • . . ‘.,. . ' • . Second Cfcni- skin -loss - "„ ''••• Willlisher,.of Itaitilltori; syistted:, at ' * Bo& Campbell's Islet week, „ • , . . , . It has all appearances of a cold season „ . . . • not .winter, as quiltings are 'very num- . roue on theline. • _ _ • ' ': o Red.:Campbell; sold his Salnahle team: • ‘• 'M hellos, to 'W. St:lilt's, Of Black atirse,, svhich brought a ueat stun. • • . TGA. was acen going lVest hot Sufi- . day . lihrdestination is a mystery, Iferb NrilleN one 'ef,,Otle,luildiers in . ' London; spent the week -end at nielfeine ' C.rewe George still makes the „laud trip up,. the lonely side road. •• • - Qaite 6, number of people ate at,pres- s ertng _rem agraPPess - Mr, and Mrs. I. Gauley tipent'East- er with friends at Port,Albert; ' Mrs. Aniitin Soloman arldilon, Of Tidbit: „noir sPent. (OW days last week at hes- : - - former homehere,... • .• , • 4 econa-waaa quiets •' • , • .arid lopcseitieplatetelivel Threeparties A number of the ladies ettilded, a, • • , -1yrosSfs.y, April 5 „ , . , Ripley, provIsiebs that the -consent of las.Tt,a,wE'eGauc7tfuReg; Gsr•rnimn.,--R00.allij'erruersednalyoveodf the Pohee Trustees' of said Village , and .4, 'that Of the Municipal' Eleetors. Of said fcnrc our midst One Of Ashdeld's Font - village (if Aecessary).be first 'Obtained,, inent and best known men in the person and., a .13y -law is passod by tise ,fsoonen, of Patrick Long, who atter an illness of . • it in accordance with the provisions of the ndarelYad'oaci:'Infeawia;idya/pAn'eSuilicneountiklib,eds'Itro. ttohnagt Municipal' Act, , Carried. " „ o The Police Trustees handed in to , the was\ fift'Y'eight Yearn nt age and '4'8 nn' oCoonuoneciii irap.alV.I;iss ttlit(3411. Tkree:euese:atry6;;Baty italvirie Maraed, .„Deceased was well read, could • , converse freely and. intelligently ' on all granting m r. -'te Mullen the privilege, current topics, and made many, staunch asked ft:47,, ia tile. potitinn.t, friends. in his vide ~scope of - stet-nein- Wilk,inSan-Rrown--That the Clerk, bother aHndeolen,aevseiss'ttner,lninisaornlohaisnyinss one otTntaarilaerkakianplItealk4' fltdinintg.' longat6a0t0° theft Wmoilnitlabms: .1.Tehatc'ef-tiser:terliainitoboYk°,nPiliractken:to,e0t*: notify Mr. 'WM. Reeking that this Conn eit will-eontraet.for Ono: feet of .3-146,, distant relations. His younger brother, price mentioned in his Offer. ' (Carried), Thijr8dair to the Kingebrilge cemetery Brown -Campbell ----That the -Reeve 4164wdodniabnisYlarxiethndt;r4enniijatiqs_ltrita:_xecettfic41- .... -he-authorized -,to-purchasesfrotts,the-Sars 'aim Midge Co., font Rsad, Dregs for Place, showing the esteem in which he Township Use, (Carried.). • ,. The lipealdibbeltyrtpres.sw%rrroouisnadtirnigeke,onTolinkliitoridittyy; Vamsley-Catripbellssirhat the appli- cation of Thomas Moore for the office of James and Percy McCarthy, virilliana Sanitary Tospeetor,1 at a salary of $95.00, and George Drennan We extend our be .accepted.,, Its farlSishing his evofir con- sincerest sympathy to the bereaved ones. veyanee, .(k.arriecl), , , . , _., . ,. , ASTER ustc.-A, rar treat was By:Jaw: NO.. 001, to appoint Path- enjoyed by'the congregation Uore on' mastels, Pooadkeepers and FenceViewers tasterl Sunday in thefaim ' of wars ,(er.the Township of Huron, for the year, sp -8,_ °ea! and ,ino,ronenfai , muM'e, e1d9,13,„. was duly passed, signed and seal'. rendered by the eiloir of St. Jesepisks • Campbells -Brown -That this entin- lehalidreciir-Irships,hriktehiss°(ZrissinedeOlatittEritilln;" alie-.. " , • • - Atthistime- y011 tSre,,stfr4 , to need nittnerouF.; articieS shich will, find in our store, We have a complete , • stack 'orthe following. ; , • • ' ot d varnisties we,ca. oive you. Paintsand a • • • pailltwvarnish stain or varnish to suit every popose: Also Orainfilg Tools and Graining Material. , • . • , • • , , .Step- Ladders - Tieturea ete., We • An, absolute necessity ler hanging. hao A ft. Ladders at 99 eta. and ft, Ladders -gixtra..stong-„?.no, Not A good rengr Mttresco arid :AlabaStine• ..,eqtfr0,41 at our store and the prices are as letw at:4'. the' lowest ef colors to se Brtishes' Paint and: Varnish Brushes at all. prices. • 'White. - • wash, ...Brtislies from .18 cents, upwards. Scrub 'Brilshes 1.0ct.15 and 25 cents. ' , „ . ' The only sanitary sweeping eernpound---roakes ust ane, smTepifig easy and lightens labor by keeping doW the 'cint• Sold 91 35 c'ts. er•°':' r..et.,11.mrned. d or v4eoiskted 040es and liooleam., yoitr iteera-eff 9enaa•s 'Cedar and Kletfto, ops the thing for; ioaally and the Mon' will do the rest s Beaters, -Tack 11,A11.1.11er,s,4 Chair and Furniture Slides, Picture Wire. See us before House Cleaning Time. •-"'- Lueknow H wre & Coal . • . \-- - The Store that !leiter Dissappoints. Molassine Mehl $'1, 00 Per cwt Oil Cake $2.00 pet; evvt , ,v+.0••vrikoitsiiiieukawiawakii0114^4143 Under the Auspices, of the Firemen Wiliytm return '" Town Ball on Fri. and Sat. , engagement in !Lt.1ClEiN 1'1_11_16:And I_ NIGHTS ONLY• \• ' The play on Pridaynight be • M fek fig- tit ch) TAIIV -adjourn to meet again on . . - - ' at the ustiaThonr and. place: ulan,nero hut nu • Suudal • all 1?,05v,i9116 a • Mlitiay, the -20th. 'day of April, 1915, "Y4 ac4u4g- it$eit in a Iiiesttlatinr,l.thle -Tuesday, April Oth Angus Alartyn, Clerk, records. were broken. bluell time an Mae Petrie is visiting Mafeking friends - ' attention has been spent, not Oaly by this week. • . die leadep,. but by each alarissvely one MSS Pearrgiunders Spent the week ' , of its many Inelobnrar trt the endeavor "‘The NVhirlpool" - an , d oti Stittirtiay - "The Girl fititi Simply 'South. Seats (r2..so:;0 Aori.strones:pro4s,f4.,,•,F. 'Matillee:011.S41111(14-,4ftii3Ooll;7uSk-'111iir-' with Wingnain andIstiektoow friends. . Put t e Choir on s. No. 1 footing Kiniough ••• Mrs. Rev. S: Jefferson, of Creclitbn, • ". .-Tnesday,. April gth, and their eflorts.havo not boot* in vain nits the guest of Mrs, Wm, Passe last, Ak'n In60r. hei.o atte d d th' klundaY shUWOd; , unmistakably, . that : esday APril 7ill week • , u d ' • ' .„Aa.„-COopOri of. Clintoni-spent — - hex *mixt t tave-accomplishe t teirs-noble ()FIT and concort- in- Loehalsli jotet. atttpi home 01 4, 40,47 tatter vri4 sz..„ object in, the most Orpect,Pieneet. At. at Ltitenawl ° (?1. • 11:: The W. M, S. washeld at Mrs I-Lasty's home from strattera xonntd, . . Leila Blake, , ust a oven n - the eon ha 6 visitie4 hie father bore, onTaesday afternoon of last week, 1 rs ssuite nunibor .fron .here • 'attended, • Mr. ]?rank Finnigan left last Tuesday the Thanknffering• meeting "(if the W. r-:ertrik-to-theNtrest7for..:the:-4clod,.',;412,-itatoirlItnn&P•rkliiraig h18 health.: ,. • • - •;' 5tieStte3faand, Min Shackleton are • • spending their aster vaeation at their • . parents, on ion 6 b service the pastrr • ' iss Margit t McDonald, Tot Ars, re M • e e ri. spent'the week earl with ter 7 thanked also ongratulated the ehoir Miss Stewart 4 SPen-Ing Ilitr 119h" or e , • Ate and Alrrl. J. McDonald. . f th days at her home in Millarton. „ behalf of the cOngresatio motions manner•in which their int t of . Mts. Opt began, et, revive Grove, liSs4snisieSsideatier"iistr7haessistsnsr:. ,nerr4,0*(46-slelivere(1sa)ings. myOntAtAttit*ititlftit.401:11. ed herlie-after spending tile past. six •the cougregation,Sould not appreelate Water, Petet. went to, Whighata :ZiOn weeks, with her 'breitiner in Toronto. . fii„vo highly the services of t ear this . week teswork his trade. , . a. • . di spent en! f44. -4 .0f Id!, that•:.103' in;' .618 ;tit' • Wat. Itaoteari 11,38 iztarte4 an ‘egio wagon on the road this week and tit. tends basing a steady route all. sums met. • - • - • ' • - Isaa ii.ansteln .was ,citttitT straw in tom vicinity OD 110_,apir. intends installing a shingle Min; at Isines" in connection with bis (Stopping mill. • , itt liflOW the wear end wit -h .5iister, J. - the good work villtoontnunt---,- .: Colwell, 0 Monday. MisS-Anhers---of Lacknew. visited iT II It 6 " of 146n461) 'spent • o •, MaeNain and left Monday to visit fitends clot lust like a „wedding" only nobody quilting -bee at the home of M.ro. Gauley Mrs. 3. S Walden is visiting friehas ,getting married, was the resod for , last one day lastweek, ssotb, friends in Toronto. ' • o ‘31,111%$S Centro • .11 t 'Monde after s riding feW home ,for a few days. • 1:114.11 Sui.iday.with con,ftie0.„. Ilan:flea:11th' 11 inisreh4r°vitbaenv$111:1:. 10 .0 • week : %Mos Iplinia.carrem ieternott pte, Murray Nytish; a • Terc:ete,-,is". ir't8S.t,es 'an't1 1147ra .,'"Lida1; ntl5Ilt• 41herrannoutit ve''etry Meeting 6till the • COnsiditablet talk ilieut the doings of tan as Y 1Ju . • ss, .• • ginsar ols" laitraw: sAig" SnlInss a an' •• Ills Gee` ittehiraeort is sijesdraiss tiVenintS • • smith Kinloss. congregation,,,has bean ^ nlantha her lioinc,h6fe# , (10OriS aardiriu -the holidart-10 m Ise • iso-st-s,vssisss; sot, Stussar-dinb, • quite in order t°r 15°111° Lin* ""i'sf Quit°4 -tam ° Y°1111 P?Plke "at rd and - • IIigh Sehool,1 are SpentUng 0 seer • ,Blackwell,f tit South number g• 1 S so s London,. „ t -sew .saya with her, sisterl London. .P4001 Maudo,0 0 Line, d friend, Thoni Inns sta,tcnients that have been made ' tended the 'servites in Naka church mhig may vases fa 01300din toter,. about thein are not altogether true. Thoy hot'Sundity eyening, also. the concert tay hes home g6ar.Thplez, ' ' • . 0 f • (M' ir1:04.t,tort.. t. at ,thei!,,,,,e.spective, bodies eit•t140.4' Wet:" Woirthvrt. Ineravariwtneeki,er, 1,11 davit gtve a eall to Mr. McLean. of. 'Monday evening.. . •, 4 Ilisgast,grie_all,whrh,tine,w4ioh..4 • ---ItipleAtor-didthey-iiitend-toit-hnwro Ithreiside lioultry miss Annis Brown has tetetradliernt; Detonator Opt. , • aftet speeding a month. Xincardinc. Agto teke.efrertninoitalothlanifnealtetthid c plata tour nithirred ens selehted trete a " not Lavine' his congregation as Was re- ' 'ported front good authority. Even Qat that, lie only had the Same ohmic(?) that a, number of others. had to receive call. • I „ The Zinloaapeonlii are not a selfish let, • home from Goderzch 'for Easter. • and inn? way .cliould the kittron collard. .ietedltilaitigrIttn:r Aggi ' raid or done. • -• ,f4 Red* White Wyatt etteallteiraletrafamat- ' eu with such ileticerela MI Moment ntoo, of money Creek. front their Inmoueslr,izo win rilcrflarlrirrPersIn Barred Itocks10. .0„„frair., gation foie them fop what hen been ,stranns.stmeAerstworoateh layarg AtraatZ , urea front then' heaviest trap nest ntoesh 8. (r..Ancelarrlthetomt or eltr bird; that illfes• 1)11 less,stande sonfinernentananiosotnergprent • lavers et an (:lass); Maicaleth , bra/tom stinctsean Steele that averaged al ! wag naeltla 0 moths, and make the Sheet rona ItV, at rest) derd6t.welabIlltr_frprit 'ca. rotes wens. 4.,tieeot r4go unto $1.06 Weld* .'Al cats ororer 64 a piece slter hoed e'llt,t'Se. a prote„,iluele 'ie;tee. per egg, • unrrssnortonnso invites in retcronee to davoia ,elia'nrotttled dales. ',Motets, teener In seta .trgAtVell at, the hiRlt,restafeetl. tlareattirtla 13111titlprodneed mo $141,1n. No In tWanteraler ttS Jerlt JI4t ' 65$0, pot mumetnic,. , 'Plinio to your order at' tile best • peesible prided, ' ,L, • sitoe 0.EPAiRINci • , ., ived 6010 hint, attention, - ; 1swaio. EG. 0,Astroorr tuellitovo I "friti6firetbo,',14 Arm G.:.:44)-00:'-'0111'ogtio. loft ,fot• ' - ! - - ' —.'La 'ile:i:..:';1---- - : • : • Vdrdoill- ' .- ' . their new.hoine. near Arindtior on Sat :. .. ' ••• —Monday April 6, , , ,,.. ', .•,, ' lioilai;ixo.A'ptit 6. lit'('47 lot. ' — '•• ' 51:Ciattra,:loitoititmLilliomo, fook Igtlatta; . _ Aim .. . • - i idends,in tid3 vionity., . moved into.the beOse latOlY erenpied ' ., A 1111 114' t ., I ' 'Irilifitt 1! faSer. at Peitliiis, is vialting, gr.'. nlIstts, r-•41116m134460:Travb" lialidaYa. • • imenis goswe,ii itutherf6rd; and Mu Istut.t h_.v,,iji,rei „../.1,0,14rnes.4; , ,v0,..„,„ .„.,, 4_,:, i , tiiI:rvip.teexio.,..,plan. is ea.ti, th, e 87k list: ray Web;),, who. have been in training a,t •alioMAtniPhnift of 7 artivrrqn, ilia ' Y„ ,i n•s. no tlikvatd, sentittf ,visit04 the iniliterk tenii*..iolients the week ,o, end ritif rifted home! after; spending the past ,o,"1,;yrrtu„,,,11,„17_14•" • at their homes here. ,. *. inotPtli: Ivitit Utt4, Wm. tidgolzik '''''vm''''''ff;-1.-iiiti";;;;Kolto.' n's'of At'ibuito in The Sunday School, icopenee.on Sun- Will are- wiry tfurepoit that Atte A, ' day and alargo rlftrillitt tVer0 PrOsOnt. Carrler011, 4tli line. il net improving' A8 I V149i,,ittloriv'g'eli),;:y'llie°1 9:::',:irlot°,860;p3te.o,poti: It io thougla, that 1116 graded 4Yatem ittAt OS her many trioxide weitirl willi.. ; - :: Mr. 11,. moirat arid 11,114c. Mae '06iViitt ' ii ..,i14°11,(117°Iltit:tgi Ve°13.1 ail('Ii'IYI', ° ', r ' sti.4V.0,1,,a.riel,,s,woittiidtinpalttriitotiithpect: tdile:ptshottt;of,,heth Of 00.4th lino, .#61.0 matt,104. itt, "„nlpte.p'ew,er, ha pi.rci.akeii. all: ',et* in Kincardine The tithe lioren: of the bridn'n father 60 ' Kan' 11'4 °'It° 11"b; Mike; • ' , betas et, heed. Val art old and highly teopecteit toldoot of ' &tacit 3 lei(Itti meowitt of tho wed., ' larlf. it; cimpbelit of Zobillittli'illab, tht$ township.. We extend nor )ingerast. , ding will )el'cistici.itt tits liroco'90441 ettiler bioth,ort.Ohssi 'MO ' po,4ttriog Impathy to (he ig4titot' . . o , - •1 . °. ' till0 wlial - :. 1 . 4 • i ' r ri, , ' , • Miss MatvillOw Creek, is home foe, the vacation. '•• : lelni and Nicol Gardner *hilted ut ,Itobett fienrytt knit, W66k. " Jannis Henry, of Mafekingi itt thit guest ofJ Oita .Gardaat at present. Mt. and Mrs, kerb, 'Mon vent •• • Velday..,*thahoitiaof-ItelltilWethstetss-, 'is iMe .fir'e!ilki6;'61tact)iltiltaatitl°1ite:tri:Ltattik4 burg, • 'P .• 'Mrs W.Skiiiltiir etIlaTeitIngi vicitt - „ • 4 ,*" ,ed het brother.' Isaac Andre% tot wok. • Mil36 rdtt 1aektt tiidoni. of ic spending naster,weele at her home. • 'rVt ho W. . S.' held vary success., "' • fal,ilotne concert in tho ante)* here' *, • ,ca Peaty evening. „ 'David Stood, 'Will 'Minter and , Will Oardect had very ,succeasful i,vood hoes reeently. , • , • , Mese Alm Itoim 44(1 liiughtort Ada,. too apoodiog tho•bolidlivi wit trii,001 in proton( 4 kr