HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-04-08, Page 3'"W"rirZi • - TV 777 c';'1 „. • .• 40MTJHAVEIN-OCORD SYDNEY WRIORT'S 'NARROW tsommo ritan OVATA. and I thought I might fall mw Ui road. So I serarabted along to the poet and slid down to ilefootpath. "Youshould have seen the flags they made of me .One of the bile told ane that mu, devil always, took caw' .of Idaybe he was right, but I wasn't 'worryinrabout • that met them. 1 felt all right, but. 1.404 •Ralaneelt reit Ten Stories Just a bit shaky. • . • "Thele Was a huge crowd round - • niid Eseaaed With 44 VinV: mbin no time; for hundreds, of peo. Setatches,pie, it, neemsrhad Seen me fall„.and - • - • they, eame running from all dtree-: There is a young naafi ia Sydney, - tions. They wero amazed to See Australia, 'Wright, ine aliVe. and able to walk.. a builder's' laborer -who 'recently "I wasn't a bit sore, and after a' experieneed one, .ef, most re. •few minutes 1 went baelt to tire: Inarkable.-,eseapos, trona death' ever building.,.. I Climbed up:to the :scat-, • Chrohielod.'•• lie was fixing a seat. fold Again.. and was* going to *start ' fold on the tenth stray of; a, very my job once more when they made lofty ':buildiefr in Btidgestreet, me 'genie theZer §ahl •; • SY'aaey, 'when he lost' his balance yd. Dana taaugh: 19r One 0;4. . and went. hurtling down toWard the • roadway far below. Everybody 511°FtlY• 411$1* thatI "'we.' over to :see him. dashed to. atoms, very My limbs felt sore and but IT MarYclIona goodfertuno, af- I WA k'sensation of sielcAesia) .-so a ter falling DV feet, he dropped into a PO'li•00.Man:Ifent With me .to the 'hos- *luster of telephone wires' Caught; PAIL' ..hoad af tboul,,,:oertuubled4ioug,to "They found .04 nid '5cuts' 1. an4' •11•00 Ana ,down, to ,the pave. bruises, but nothing 6444. for • ,,ia-ent, paye. the; Wide. Wald Maga t•r6atMent; -And ',they fO,ld me to go ••' • homea,r nd-eist; • , • After.•the 'nal** escape -lie 4;e: '01)0110;1- iny acAdent 4.naalST..,,Went.haek to 111, 01 but waS p aetiutll ot ctc.ld On.3he , presently ."Caltie Over.:diZsy;" andSulAdAY inglit..1 was playing...Jibe)* tieeeinpanied by 'a. :policeman, Walk. with 'a Pack Of: eardS ii.t. Iit,ine, and ed to -the Sydney hospital, Here at * frierld of Onne kjIJed tinis by. was found that, apart from a, pm, 'telling my fortune. being dark,. I • Cutt, land:bruises, on lege, arras and was-,rePfeaented bythe jack • of, head, andgeneralfeeling of .sepatswaorn:loahllimmoeadt the jray,ktlin4heo.!w.alhede 'ehakiness, he was quite, uninpmed . and in mi.neett of 'I.:indica treat- 'Ill) with the ace of -spades meat, vei,y- de dt-4*wit .erie•- Side•-and7,the nine �f *Weight was fit for work again. _ the*Other, That, said my ' This; atitonishing affair MIS folly friend, -was• & aure sign of-eiekness- retiOrted.,•••-by•the Sydeey. Evening or death -and the prophecy °Pi* • News:, Which interviewed Wright VerY near' proving true. I suppose • at his home in Great .Bueldngtailm' a Pa'* of 'cards ealalt 'deal with Aedeern., _and obs,r, well- latch things sas telephone -wires! I known, joiiiinas. Wright's-own. thought .of the Prophecy ''just b*?"•- , Awry of bib • re.nuirkable,. experience .1 fore I feu- •, • .* is as followee -.• 'People with a superstitions turn "Itwas pie first day on the job,, ofmind will he, interested to know i•-_,LraJbetn- out of work..fer:aArrolith taw-Wlight, was', bore with a ..eanl. -.--drifting 'round, Sydney . , for , four over h4•04aeel-'*nd- 00'.'aeeiording,to- weeks 'poking Lor a billet. --and on the very day, I got a Start - -riess•happeried „ Up .Ten Sterile& . g"I-went towork first thing•in tho hwelosest Wave. . Morning: • It -was alofty new build- • - • ing:in.-Bridge; Street; being erected for Messrs. Birt. & Co. I -Welded • • PURELY PERSONAL. - • the lob -with a will feci it was quite AO ancient' , belief , :.very popular among sailors, • immune.' .from death= itr.accident.. Ile!dfas twice, beenenearly drowned, but the:4411- here-described is likely -4o remain • :'. Chaege after being:idle for; SO litterrsting Chat -AhOtit -Famoil$ long. In the afternoon I was put - Polk of the Day. • on erecting scaffolds. r*as-up ten stories -about 225 feet above the footpath -and before I got busy I had to look down into the' street. , I noticed the telephone wires that - . later _saved my life, anctit_Oourred, • to me, just in a .casual 43eit'Of wan that ti v.might corat in handy, if a Miss Marie !Oorelli is, mandolinist. ' Mr. Asquith, 'tIne..Rritish Prem ier,• is a Yorkshireman hy birti Generatloffre never hasless than tWolannelred offic,ere -yter.king-with Jahn.. at •heacignarters. • ••••-. • • man happened to fall. , I little The Germen Crown Prinee will -thought that_-___befOre very lang.1 le......thirt a e. next ' Should be dashed down headfirst to- May. He Married the Princess ward those- same-vVires, ---4.--, - -Cilie of --MeeklenhitrgeSehwerire•-in "Well, I wasup-.on the neaffild, 1905; and has four soda. : • • in themselves•daugerous,i 01' at the ray back turned_toward ,the _ toed' tOuriep .pnee,1,/rote a book • street" and had started' to nail -a. which has never 'been°. pubrihed, thought 434Perlle-'wlileb are .- far ie,- board onto an anti t, when I ra- eThe sebjeet of it was India, . and sa te • , . o , was appointed• • For instance one el these aillict-• . Hied that the post Wasn't firm when "0 f X " '• Viceroy it,almost rea,e e e • ed with partiethar form of the mal- . enough. I took it • hetweeP znY 'V' ' had11 d th knees and was about to 'hammer at. • • ,ady may be overtaken, Ate' he walks 'proof stage. Then the au oii ies it, when all of a sudden the top of along the street, by a fear of high inte,rvened. A hook on India by places. He imagines himself Vividly the past shifted outward and I lnst - the Viceroy was • net considered to be leaning over the will Ink balance._ "the thing," and in proof the work great skyoraper and feels with a , '• "I_ couldn't do. anything to save - e, barying:the Dead ' Austrians on the battlefield Before biZen4611. . • No individual graves, no funeral eereeicinies no torahatenes, or even a cross -with a name Mirk the graves Of the fallen soldiers on . . , . . Europe's battlefields. This picture was taken 'before the fortress of Pkgemysl after a furious attack upon the',AuStrian trenches "i'n- the vicinity, by the Russian legiOs. The Anstrians won the daY and repulsed the invadere, but with heavy losses to themselves.; Alter the - - battle tile: Allatrian dead were gat heredin acheap a long trench was dug and the bodies thrown in. The regimenta4 band strack up' a,. . . -mmanial-003e-and-therinirial-waii-complete,: . SitAitifftifOUSIKOR fil ol5rhisE or • riAR is. it REAle.:•.A.I141.•bMe. , Dread ,of High:Places, Crowds and • Solitude are.Synktnais of 'Men.; • tot Migada, , • A cure for "disease Of fear " one of the modern mental •maladies -Classified by:.-neurologists,•-is_being_ • Undertaken in the new psychiatric cline of John Hopkins university. It is not the natural terror which e zes on •• • ., tappingthe floor •-fole, -er came . in and plated hie 'umbrella noiselessly the'raele; she would pullit .out apprehensively, strike the...floor' four- place •it beek ...' ' • Silence brings' : nervous • crisis noon., • 'certain • psyeho4,ieurotioa., :Seine • dread, light, and 'others. are -terrified by. darkness The_phebiac . Of lath • pleees ; cannot ascend eleVator.or sit ,in',the,gallery.‘ a theater or stand near.. the edgeo1 a cliff,' or even think of the idea ef altitude ,without suffering acute an. •guisli--Thisisnot---the-naturifsere2- Sation .vertigo;. but ..naitieles.S.- 'and hideous fright which he birmself. , while • in its ' 'grasp,- helplessly .'• re- alizes is prepost-. • • . • The ultimate_ .terror,, the fear of. :heing.:TafraidF-hasheed,:notaW-If .certain observers.1' classic ample•ot--pliobophobia Mau- jassant's story of a man who killed . himself the 'tight before a. duel be7 eitnie • . 7 feared he would Show • cowardice 'on the „field of. honor,- • SernetimeS the. victims,- 14 -a sue • preme exertion of their intelligence • and Will,. free thereselves•freni their obsessions. 'But -few, ever acorn: - the irrational dread whieh clutches itiPeictims-at,-tlie.4igliteotalingienot . 'myself ; just had to go over. For- tunately, however, I kept my head. I dropped my hammer and grabbed . at the post as s forlorn hope,' but it •carne with me, and„fhe next in- .. Afoot -felt myself going. I was on the outside edge of the ecaff•old, and as I islipped bacic into. niece I has remained ever, since; - hideous anguish at every atoin., of plish this. self --deliverance. •To - Emperor Franeis Jogeple when his • being the pull of ,grarvitation . ,. Neurologists, then, comes the ques- he ascended the. Austrian throne, straining to drag hira. down . 0 tion silo what can be doneto help had a•bitter curse pronounced anon death. In Vain his reason assures and perhaps cure these psyChie in - him and his family by an inferiated him that his feet are 'safely l'eip,nted valids. • • ' , countess. Since. then his .daughter On solid ground. ' A terror which he . The first' step is to seek the cause has beerr poisened; .one of his bro.- knows to bo \ irrational . grips his ,Of their mental: disorders., The feet theri Shot, his wife and Ilia nephet, • heart with's pressure ylech, utterly seems to be established that' psy- GEO MOO TO 0 IIthe Ontrage. In the saine *ay .31a- , dame -X; and Madarat Z. At Sauey- les.Provins were the victims of sim- ilar outrages. The f•ormer. w -as 31011E LIG IlEr ON ATROVIIIIES soldierto withiV'rte6votellewill er c?fif cr.°. VERMAlsiS. • 1 throat ; the second was outraged, in the preaenee of her little dangler, -.sageocIpti3m.b'..eArt-,;S:).417,n-Peunhisian.les;Raptaasm.oa,n, Ma- dame X, while her mother-in-law, Powerless to interVener onleaiored. tokeep her grandson, aged 8, front thTishirsevioallitheng geisgehita;cpo.ri)., of • 0,41y- -001131. DEMI .111.1011,1 Tail' BRITISHER Ft)E14:0 OVER MIX WORLD* •• • Will Ray and Sell AnYbia0 'rem a Camel to a Modern attleshiPi„ • mint ih,$ last' hundred years. 4:or so, John bun' has nadathe british Empire glow • at the- rate of %pule - thing like •10,4)00 square, miles a, year, and in the peaceful victories , of trade he has made ,k Pt:ogress ' leS's thaa.asteuishing, lie" London AnSwers. - • The ,Chitto; tea trado4liat fallen inttit.his hands in India E,Canacla, bus aecure4 a, great pOrtrnii Of the world's paper indifstrY.i While ships laden with Britisli goods have,'"haea in the habit of passing ;proeeisioa. like.np the Suez Canal. , 'T1ousa4,1s-of are rttriiflg railways,. ,tralaWayS, gas, and electrie faetorieS,in ahnOst • • every corner, -vof,„ the •Wo phere5. , ' Where, Lead, The :Britisher :is everywhere , .•• COMIniSSI90 Instituted by Freneh TO4kvertiniffit. IS:SaeS Itwiteupit— Muider mad Revolting Crimes: Further light on the 'atrocities on,the •sea, and off the sea, • There doesWt ,appear be'any good 'reason why . foreign nations • •should not supplY thefaselies with- inakine engineer& Ingtead of snd- ing to the ;United., Eilgdoni ler ' ' Yet of the. engineers 4aOrn and. • hrekl, at IsTorth and South Shields pad many hundred are abroati in the engine -rooms -et. -merchaat vessels and ironclads. Atg,one tUlis Spain ,and Portugal absolutely 'Po6ided anthem, to keen. their ilects in Steaming order, And it, has been • remarked that the 'United tate .Navy has Mae "Geordie" 'engin- -eets, as the :Shields non are called,_, than Ainerican;":— ' l3ritish shipbuilders . .-erg have often:he:ea; Sent- abroad to help-sepie &ilia or the „Other,_.ancl, at. the seine title, 3,rt John Tinlr s'pooke ; •• .. • the, Aineer.,•or. Afghanistan required seine new guns to. defend • •hiscountt-Y, a small army' Of gun- . nitikers Of British -nationhiitY`wOnt: oAtSast' With a •ShiPlead-of•-•tools ,perpetrated by Grmarnsoldiers- on .a few of the atrocities eorenlittecl non -.combatants in, the re- by the &any that' hoped • to spread -port presented by the commission, its 'culture _among the nations "of instituted by the Ererielt Govern, .the world. . ' • ' meet. with a view to inveetigating " , • - acts coramitted-by-the!-Germans ETNIQUE.TTE_OF THE DR I MIRY. vrolition:of internatieeal law.* AII• --the-evideake- Wore -the. coramiasi The-Gentleman--lituat--Akik"--• was 'taken ',On :oath. and auppoiTe -Lady in the Carriage. by phetegraplis and wherever it iias been possible to give the Germans the benefit -of the doubt they hive received it. - ' . • The commissioners consisted of M: M. Georges Pa.yelle, First Pres- ident of „the °ours des Oomhtes; Apnand Molfa,rd, Minister potentiary ; Georges. •Maringer, Counsellor of State,: and Ecliiiond Paillot Counselror at the Court end appliances.„ Tim some beautiful of artillery for the John's shipbuilders turn out. all ” sorts oi vessels,'for foreign. powers. Messrs. Yarrow, for.instance,. have built Many torpedo boats and spedo boat destroyers ifor-theil-aPan- esa •Govermaient. roar jn,pan's. firstrelass destroyers Were built by •,them •at <Me tinie.. _ "Sandy" Free Scotland-. -e:fiiieW-difers th-a---WO-ild-ara- itish and many Of them egene a drosfiley requires an etiquette all `ifett,int 11136;11,i- tt...r thell„,,,ThgeLaclit'eteel6li:e:;01-- , The .Siberian-methed.of:-riding-in ?leis er sitpriwsihnighto; -ijtliethEblinggillshs°tillrafe: 1131:eat,1 ii1107fectigiltneedrs i ans all the sBe'vri7-, • yeller with encounters it forthe first . ! . „ sideratione The danger of beieg If a In"ign Pc'wr :1"14$ a g(md „thee, is based upon. bract/leak *in- vading usage, says Mrs. John 1 - .pre.. .slepherd•it. will Often'sendl.to Brit:. thrown ont has determined the a n for ,one., Qiir 'best - shepherds of Appeal.. • • 7 • Alone. , . . htinneSs la Sentlande .F.rinociPaill:' "Never haS a war carried on be- If a gentleman eioarts alady, it at 11191a.neh 114::;"...all.d tie- d.c.th.-1--• ' choneurosis has. no; physical basis. able_ enemy'.• Pillage, rePe, the one whieli at this:moment. is he-. ‘1e460.iaewreamelPVenellheal er enl• it absse33:n" 13 ° :bet t: ue 1 In Diainiihi:Pne :era .10'1:4'rs: ' 'sit TaY1311i eeeralt:11evhe• en5 re' rdeetiiiht, er7vi:dilt:idnnb!°: nsf liept etlr:di )1 rst' ^ ing waged, on our soil by an. iniallon- considered as lacking in of the Perthshire breed, and tween•eiyiliged nations: assumed the is. his task to hold her in he car . savage and ferocious eintraeter of round -her , A tau" whb .. • ',Bandy " of the Qohils ' rciEi21S(YVer -. Aged Xieked to Deatk.. • .:-. aggeration that, 2,060 of John'Bull' the brain, Or degeneration of the port,' eased. i- - Ili ideal sense and forrsttabtalefinbdut yoiturssezetsmtatrainr 4e"Ett :eple7ipliersclts Tere,working for foreign. , k o era and that another 2-,000ire brain. cells. The patient is not- „ Olarenee I,ee • in -"Across- Siberia ArerfPerflaPs•v those who leant:ale-4:-. thought, again of these-: telephone, assassinatede:his‘niecie and hiS KIS, Sickens and unmans hun. d e wires far below. ' • , ter-iie•law 'burned to death, while more he atterapte to rid his mind "They offered a bare &Juke, of his Orr and one of his etnisins have of the obsessing horrorethe more I knew' that if (trooped. eommitted.suicide, and. his. soe-in- ruthlessly is presses upon. him. ' 'straight down, I should be smashed law has heeeme..insane. to pieces. B Fear of,Cutlery. ' break my fall. , Turned a Somersanit. 'All 'this passed- through my.: • mind in the very act of fallipg, and ite*I toppled backward from the ;.-tieaffold I:pushed off from • the edge • with my toes.in the hOpe of Teach- •' ing them: At „the same time I IwisteW 'Inyeeif arolind so that I equld see where I Was. going, and , hurled the d)ost that had been. words in two 'months if she is put dove. Her •f windy 'was reduced to Unrealized ambitions: 031. again, "Rita," the-ifinione7Thrillaa just had, a . great conipliment paid Or. takes woman an a ease un er her, for a .00mplete. set. 0!. Iher works reeent .observation wlho Was dogged by in unearthly feareif efielerY. The has iheen. ordered by Qi.,_.eeee Mary: sight . of. --the:niost--lia,rmleiis table "Rita'", ' whe-se tea! name 18 • gi.-87 iit,ensil:venuld make her desperate. Desmond Humphries, never dip- she iiioild "nest feisis ehnteew totes.' 'She writes everything ,. in an .4issnrtnint ,0f goncts in.,..4 .barlx her own hand; and itis afterwards -ware store. - 00,7 VIT 0041'. Shiaek if typeweitten. She :writes for five she. caught a glinipse...ef Ilir hue - hours a; day -three in the morning band shaving, 'lkeneVer' frosli ea-, and ' two In the evening—and 'can lery arrived at the house 'she would produce ,a book Of 90,099 or 100,000o instantly': threatlat reut of the .twin- - ---;----'xintelling'-irlte- tivi'street-' 'These ' -tt-it-:---:-/E(.- the'nfternoon- she -never- -the•-most--ludicrousernakechiftsjot ''.itenityle-elerived-ftonea shigle via- It is not,, like many forms ,of insane and -murder are the common prac- eourtesy. :W. heel yothii, ay° tnmeeems1 Texas 11. eao be said without, ex_ ity, induced by physical lesions of •tiee of, our enemies," say, the rel, aequaint ed. with t cus . : 1 yet he' is , , '• - •• "the ' massaeres at Gerbeviller, Nomeny and Senlia 'afford terrible proof is asser- tion,- • Villagers were .torn Pro% their homes and marched off into -captiVity Gerinany; Those :kilo by their age •or infirmity fell by the•roadindewere_bayorteted or kicked to death. many instances women and children were placed as screens in ',front of the •GermiVn- trobps during the :fighting. Untied' Son'i Botta:- ' "At Gerbeyiller. 20 out Of 415 uses; ---r 1 ' Desperately:. Sick Mentally,. So the scientists have: inent,ed the "psychic wound" as the cause of the ,"disease of fear." This "psychic welled," they say, is the,result4soinetitnes of_an_accof variation of misfortunes, such v as the.grevring misery of an unhappY .niarriage; chronic MO -hey diffieul- ties, uncongenial surroundings ,or ineVements caused Me to Lstrat4:lrhat is :a, tithe iThen` her :tableware. • •••• • 'lent shockt ambits the death. of a. taro a complete someasaul b gill to aet--: goee ---.-TIrete.-"artfortunateei are net ineeneetrerelative--or-thea; len _ -r n- r - ses- - _ • kibut I was now leaking where J. •oat into:Jibe -fresh air to. interest Ilene, ----Exeept for :the- one Mental tencein a/re, a railroad iniashiip periOns _ilisseipeared: -5- 'was going, liinic) that contented me. bereau that uill take twist they are-entirery. rational • -5F a Tilipwreekhere-is e -re -taken to theefields and eXe- •• her s' • I wouldn't lhave-liked to have dir"5fliher work drop -;...n, . The pro16f itillutt.they realiie .ped down With my face toward the . bea_e_sort_ _cod& iRintaanuel, Ring of Italy, lectually-somethiag which insane • 4,40i, n4 'wbere to an; -You Ma* not believe it, but I had , watt s a keee•fieliermareand-spends hour .Persone . never do ---the absurdity -r -honr---with-,his-•redi.-theetgh-the--AICd-nnraaanaab.lc es of their practically everythin,g. that was go. best of luck does not always attend chologieal sufferings. ing On around ine. I eOuld see the liisTirseatorial expeditions, Once. • This strange nervous disorder is workmen on the building. , I no. aftcr ser 1 hlr' angling had' fax from. uncoinnio,n,. but has eirdy tieed the people • walking in the streets and I could hear them about me all ,the tinit and knew ' shouting out. "What- did the fan -feel -dike -2 It permanent -.psychk• restlessness,. from which emerges, sometimes im- mediately, sometime s after months Lyears, a .ppraversiork_of sO e: rfloct, land., It has, been fund that a •ma- 'matted. The Germans •entered jority of the sufferers art women,' house took e,wityjhe .36 -year-old cute& others were .assaseinated in their homes • or shot down •as they fled from the flaines, Hetet two _of • •--f- di t ibutedever--his---eww2 nto-a-retr-ariger-s-arms,,,,,, s An American, who had lived, in dominions. Russia and N./hem we met in China, • -',There is a town of ironworks in told us that he was driving with a Russia, and it. Was. 'built up bit by -womanphysiian, a Russian, mid- bit-hy-•-•-Joha llughia,of Glamorgan; die -aged, and of the rotund-. This Welshman' not only opened up sian type. He knew nothing about trade for. Britain all overRussia, but he •converted a pritot4ca,lly waste •gece ofla-firtauto-a-thiaviiir - - to*n,.•and erected fourteen -iron-. . works for the-inhabitantS to , Work • in. That town is balled Ifigheseff, after its :founder. • • ' • his', 414y toward her, and they thrashed rounethat- three•Jhy-five .droihky .until , the woman turned angrlly -toward- him: • " - 'Have 'golf. been brought up , the hackwoods that you don't knew nongli to hold .me in OAS dresh- .1ey I'? she • said. ' • • • imtnediately--,Put7 :rOgitici her Waist.' as iar- as it would --gei-,-andLlhelelin=hard - * • • net men. een,• N;fiii. was wearing a lied gross 1 ocoe fish .,recent y been recognized as a .dis. , The most promising success • ia brassard,„ tied his hands behind -his brought him only three ea -se. ' Formerly, victims of the mei- treating the disease has thus `fat heck, shot him' in. the street and and he was returning to Inc east e, .ady wete merely fold not to be sill' been found to Ile in the use of men- then returned- and fettled his -M- lle* was that by k Peasants 0 nichy 0'141 iv, or ati- :Int a un-' 'she.d. to Conerol- them- tea suggestion. • ,The woman re' year-old ' fathet and mother. They magnificent catch of trout. , , • ‘ selves. But • to -day science, de- ferred to above, who had a 'Morbid saw their son 'stret•elied on the Sen) ete'ibe no great 'snernian. _., • carethe dibeade of fear to be a, horror of Cutlery; was directed, jug ground.. As the body • still moved. efore she. said • herprayer'seach the. Germani.poured petrol Upori it. 'glittloneel-cloaiiabrarat- hit -face ..an aiight in • ' Was "Welidethn. loriOug-t' I TeallY-iiidgeyby, yor..;.?atcli. commented real •ailinent and Is, attemPting ,10 1.- - tour& t----rde-TralW viVw.ad=setelva the4e- - shao14.-131.0' , `. pat . were 1tbnut SS lucky AS: the ][ing. -nnent.-ancl. tare: - oddly enough, I wasn't afraad-tnot in the least.. Though knewliag -itravelling-fest,•,-theedrop-'seemed-to. • . take a tremendous time. Of. con ,sle • it lasted 'only fefew geeonels,,, „ sseemed. •,candat.'expriain but all the time X was droppingropping t. reckoned had chance f ••• • '• I NeVer Expected te Oet' Mlle& strangeof-sensatiOns I ,eonld se6" myself right over those • telephone,. -wires, and they . were, coming up, to meett.ing,,.......1, felt certain had a ohance, and I- avas hopeful even when .1 saw men down below get -ting ready to gather up what Was left of me. „ "Then:there canto the bump, ' 'hit thewires-/ think with • my bead and, ohouldev-and some of them 'snapped under my weight. 14 head went right thrieugh them, ivy lege eaught)"tuntled„atdim ba twinkling I tob•ttliwilkt with my ,hands. • • "Bven .then, however* I wasn't • out of tho woods, 'T was frightened 'of caualpg Itie short- eireult• r oonue; thing of %Ito sltneW ttelt about .eleetricittp.-antl, I oved very turefullrt 'The fell0V70 Lown lyelbwl, ete tod, yelled •to me :to don whoro I was„ but the iNikelf;-wortiet 'eptifortable erioitA' ceenker , inqiured kis' MeleUl• History- shows. that many illps- "Ole' 'replied the peasant, ".‘he irione persons lv,ere. etilieted by the Ili -lake -great-deal-of-linaselfais-a-alisorder-now- defiaed as disease: snOrt,sinan, hut hi'tf,is a poor" batik, Both Napoleon and Wellington inuehmore fit LO.,1b$ g'king.thall a would rush from a tociru '1,f it eon- ftell'erman." • • tained a rat. Ereatnus, .trie great • - • ,- • ,reformeir, would be throanatnt,o a poinlitt irvitAciii&pus.. high fever if he so much aslooked i ' gnored thin 14e0Plier,- *oat fiAsh or lentils bayle the phi - Vetter to 110, • ' ' Id 'fall into oonvill'• -- - bored. - sions if ,he heard the dnipping of Even a new cloak is .apt to 'show Alliter. from a tap. 'The Sight Of a the /tails of goat would make,Tycho'Bralie, the • The- WonittiriVheia theagirtful--is-"trPrignier faint away. 'Samuel never a. saceesasto: p.. Johnson • fottitied. High' living doesn't. help natal' -everT P6st' whic'h' Iio passed -if he neglected one he would retrace toward the uplift. 0! humanity. • oi bus pleas do „ehia'a **lei ,ftekeyou for steps in dismay to repair 'the ouns.;,, advice and lie will be satisfied 5.1011. . • •, Oigila timidly hits the mark, but *Bente of the Pet Aicirsilons,*••° he selects some mighty poor tar- eonceived by patients Sean, to he geta;' odd and entasing'eocentricities. The It's eager for a man to shut up bete noir of the diordared mind may a 100 -tore gate ',than it 10.0-POUriel be a, part,lettlair ;flower,. an odor, 'it' wife. caber, 'fire, or Water.. many persons ends .,Witli„.the dread stepping upon a. traeltin the Maierkge of the hero and 'horoittei , pavement, and avoid this calamity just as if, it was their finish, At gingerly as if lifo depended UM% • The avorldisa Cage in whidi hu. :it. *Cettirtien pholifas...are those of tormity is tabled:nOiso. Itattling,stettin pipes, drip Your trienclo 41;111 'smile if', you , ping water or -buzzing, gas burners kb yeur Money talk. 'will dike eonie,peusons disfraoted. The sittilailiatgad tin.' the flint An aiithority reports alt OW womait"yett',#e :hentilhltying a barrel st,tt. tits iieltd with vine his wife kidle Usually winsl the scrap., , *Ito oottld never pub. her tiliniSP011a PTO. 1110,Ven't4Oit ' had to: suffer the nousUmniation of , , t 41, -.iii-lier Wands-, and repett-Ttheler-. tirc-rn:4d- mother.- , .- , , , • • mule: ... . :, ". ,. ' • ,harne_rnylself_p,v_others. .....I :Ali ...por- ...._...,AfTliv,,,itilitige. -of -Iterigriy, . inthe"This fear is nonsense .i.. I shall , ', PinitY.' Ititirdeked• - - feelly sane, and I anygoing to get departinent of the Mouse - was tlie well. 'There is no more herrn in a 'razor than, in 4 stick of wood. escoeinntne eonfetamteenrtrigliffetdherafinirae..mAtidtatithee She was sent to the ,countrY,'.' X. thole refuge in the cellar. M. where She‘lad a garden to work iq arid Mme. AdnOt,, together with and a dog and canary to care for. theSe latter and theiramir children After nine months of .treatment slie aged la,. a, 4,„ and one year,. 7A fe‘Y declared that her fear was. gone, days afterwards the bodies of these she believed,' for ever . An minor- antorttinate people were discover - tont part of the treatment -was in- ed in th'e middle of a pool 'of blood. clueing her to see hey terror ot Nut:- Adhot had been shot-, Mme. X. had lery- iv iti Comigal•litht• - .• ---- her ;VrtZt4f and riiht-'-arin 'ent . off, - Others have been assisted by per.• duading tliern to take part in social- the, little girl of eleven had a feet .. &evoked, the little bey of five had, service -work, fit w• ich, butped *Ito t:b..11 threat vat_ the trotibles Of oth vs, they forgot' •• '... . their own. Still:et iers. were belie- . Revolting Crliars, fitted W .„being taught SOMe brat ,7L11q, 'following *details Of rapiite of art,•, duel as clay Modelling, or 'Aild. murder, arson arid' other' a „.•.. „ ',.••••• ••aborainable eibiles are given ,in the report: "At Coalortiiraers a, sot - „were toothed with tousle. . . : alleg,b4me Into the ' bits° of' tBla- .' . . ' ' Somewhat the 8aiiie • g.-', . . ' - Arne 1C.,', Mt. September 6 and -sent . Orator- On the+ surface things her husband. away .on some pretext. are often rieit,. hut it 15 Nvhen, 'We, Then, in-opitie of the foot that two explirte the. depth ”. of thhigs (hat ' 'small children ' Were present,. he We see the 'deceptions of ,btir fellOW' tried to ripe the , young, woman. ti.oatura.?, • , , 'Her lrnehand,i. when he hoard her One of 'the' toown *----- "n-ttv'uor, erielli f101ied back but *al hit oil Fifty -Pour Tons '01 ,Peed, • . passion ..for_ „ate:a:atlas' has been .cemehtirig,.. the arnount of - feed •that 'the- average than eats "_Ite asserts,. that in theprocess of. attaining his threeseerelyears and - he takes About. 54 tons of solid food and 'Ca tons .Of liquid., -1i-aire „eaten 12,000 eggs, 400'pounds .eliece.e, about Rear tons of fish, and, could it have been all bilked at once, a loaf Of• :bread equal-in-_,;eireto 1111 - ..-1/Litir-regarA to the. vegetables &voured-71C-Waln. three. miles' long. would; be required_ to„hring if, life's supply. to the airer, I • is un- visHr.peciy,,qtalitnha...1;7flo!.14r.gsetthtlits.i fit:ear:taut. grateful to him. but He who forgeta. •ke 4uite der:' cent trade in animals. -He, -owns-a- great, prepo'Vtion orthekiud4s-that_._ tumble ovei..- the . Seeds of the Sou- ' dau and most, of the ungainly b Asts.of this breed' in. _the mena- geries 'and zoorol.the •world •- 4 4 • • were - bought item hint • • John's elephants,. however; are s01.4 literally by the ten; for he hs more than enoughin India for his • needs. . Be • always retains: eight,.... thousand of the 'beet ' for • 'military purposes drawing huge trans-,• . 'port trains along raountain roads, ,and moving. heavy pieces of attn.-, lery: . . • The great - hulk ef -he wurld'srflrG- in surancein-in. the hirals of John '- Ball, and thi wealthy men of ger- . many, France, Russia, and other'. ' countrierlialarinSurndltifeir--lives- ,-;--,-- cinornortilae,nioer. other of hi.s. insitran,"0 Yu -a word,. far ,perseverrince' •;•, enterprise gain Bull • • • , STOP $00THINIII.,TilifilM10-$.q.1\4"47AQ'LRO.11; The Bich 11,0Aing Balsams of OrtarrhoZtme ,kre Veatit i;t0 Colds, Bad Throat aud • Catarrh ' Simply a maiVel-you got relief sh quick from Catarrhozone, ", Try the inhaler and einint ten -your throat and nose are teared-.You feel Vetter at once, pteiy breath you take -1 s laden, with the rich piney .vapor• of 4Catairhozeno .ever' breatIt•is full -of of soothing curative medicine that do, stroys mattes and nose •tolds aIniost insfautlY;', , • , .4 „ Titiiusauds are ,using Catarrliesrate laalay who Icouldn3, live without it. IT*, It for your. Irriltable tfiroat--- test lt out .for that brotichlai angle give itin chance to rid you of that chronic catarrhal condition. Sears of, wonderful sUedeaS efid les.; 'Oniony from, the hest -people. ot out land go to prove that ,raithing fay . discovered le quieter,. safer,. • surer. more pleasant than entarrhozons., , lie application purely, scientine- is recommended only' for certain tali. meats above inoutiofred.--hut those It does certaiwila cure. • • .Usn the, cerapleto ••deliat outfit • Or CatettheZeite; it tilv.nya dots Abe Work; mind( ,hito-04e., actraPlo triat eeld by, dealers 'everywhere( .., •