HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-04-01, Page 2*
VVIE -NpaVE STrAC1.8. ,
Noe Nothlaa t Bat Dtulge the
naafi* .Drapped by the Allied.
Writing from the BelgiartIront-
ier, 'Percival . 4Orrespond-
eat of, the London: Daily. 17,xpress
i8ysternatie air raids .over the
German positions in North,ein Bel-
gium are responsible for easnaltis
of& new kind among the coast gar-
risons. .
.Marines and infantrymen have
been sent to Binges and other base
hospitals suffering bean. nervous
disorders. The constant strain of
watching for ,liostile aeroplanes,
which drop ;bomb& at the moat un-
expeeted titaes; and often With
telling effeet, has been too mach
for the inidd1e.-age4 Wurttemberg-
, era and raw men of the Xarotsert
brigade, who, are leadingkind of
troglodyte existeni auioig the
garrulous aentry.on the Dutelt
frontier made this confession to a
neutral who had wandered to the
edge of the war zone, hoping to
catch -a glimpse of the treops exer-
)3i:sing ,beyond the first fringe Of
The sentry was of comfortable
thickness, with a beard, a lemilY in
Karlsruhe, and a grievance. He
was perhaps fifty yeare of age, and
until the 'first week in7Deeembe.e. a
Paleraher of the Karlsruhe fire
gade. Then he fell into the -mili-
tary dragnet and was swept,aeross
Germany,, through. Belgium, to the
edge of the North_Sea, where con-
templation of that,restless waste
of waters has driven, his Birople alga
to the verge of madness.
"We 'oatne to Belgium to .ght tbo e out of work in that country
Column* of *rime and Lan4.
aturni infintry are turned out in
the wet 4404 for c mortise each de/.
There is nothing els* for them to
do. They can be seen frouithe nen.
trIdinica KiorOre train!).
lag disPiritedly up and down beside
the tumbling breakers, while of-
figers stroll about and occasionally
peer seaward witb their glasses.
There is nothing to look at but
the waste of 'white capped waters
wrapped in mist, with sometimes
the shadowy form of a distant war-
ship to remind thera that they have
not been, fergotten, '.rhere is no
wand except the sea th rumble a
the, land guns below Ost en ,and the,
whistle of the wind width swecps,
across ,the empty plain, toward
Bruges, _The rain beats •on them
uneeasinglY, end -when the dark-
ness descsmisithey go to their dark'
end houses •behind 'the dunes to
dream of bombs that drop in 'the
;rag t.
, The Belgian coast has eeased to
be an ideal health resort,
QVZTIODr. '.0.aarilri
1 AUa. iliausiit'et 609,
am hie plan, .
'In his own image, A.r.
Maae Ma a. Inau,
Where am XI.
Prn progressivsworld
searching for light,
That 1 may tralY love
• Kreeoere and. Ilight.
row; OV EASTERN mom
War PIN Han Illauy Interesting and
. Some Heautitul
Warsaw, the (bief vitY of Russian
Poland,' which the Oermans have
, made 110 less than threehrave 'hat
unsuccessful atteinpts to capture,
Was originally not a Polish eity at
all. 'When we first hear o11t in the
• ninth eentury, it -sviis the residence
of the Pukes -of MaZ,evia; And 11fo"
Rvia did, not -belong te .Poland un-'
1,ZIZQ altheugh the inhabitantsof
t 141,10116$14.
-*1-71• ',.*1?5.4611**ite, .
goo,ina • .
Wh7 am ,
am qad.,a partner hero
"His,win to 41%
That X may help to MaKO
AIL life more trite.
'4••• • ••:••• • •••••-• • ^ '
"The.: Wid011,08, Nito"-'-Tr oaks ot.PrOneli Oilleeps, Who Died eikrifield. of. Battle.
All these little trunks (only .one is 'allowed to each ofdeer in the field). belonged,. to officerSr of the.:
French Army who fell im. the field of battle in a seireve action between the French and the germane in
We 'region :of 'Soissons. The little trunks, **bleb. hold fhe personal'proporty of their former owners,
'and yvhielt bear. the officers' names addresses, and ranki'are here gathered at the, depot to he fe,rwpad-
ed tOthe WidoWs or the neoreat..relatives,
"."Aa spring .approathes, the. ques-
tion of 'work for the, unemployed
beeornes more and more *lite,
These Who reniember., the terrible
balVeninge in Lancashire during
the American Civil War, when
chose -upon 200,000 Men Were known
for the Fatherland,, not to he shot
at like like rabbits .in a ,:wilderness," he
,eaid to a. neutral who stood -beside
the German flag Marking the limit
of military occupation.
"It was bad enough for our Men
_ . _
behind the Yahr,"" he -Continued,.
Plant this infernal Zeebrugge is
ouchworse-nothing but. rain 4Inct
, wok sand, and the 'bonihs f the
, English falling' at all hours,-' And
of all this Water' -being
churned abreit makes me siek."
He was obsessed by bombs, ,
"Night Blow Roles In Vs."
"'Those ,verdarnint aeroplanes
come singing over US,', Oein-
• plained: as he threw 'the _butt . of
his dead cigar into the .sond , and
ground it savagely with: his -boot,
.4"they Caine sailing:dowii."-so-- that
you ceirld- see the mad savages in-
1.toW2ho1es- in the 'sand' and some-,
alone, Will tremble with apprehen-
sion. At, that time the philim,-
thropical ''• spirit,* of Britain -arose
nobly to the reacim,. no lose. suM
thin 419,500,000 being pUbliolY sub -
Scribed., " This fund was so well ad-
ministered that althonghltbe;die-,
tress lasted for a period o!
Ave Years. 41650,009 ,reinained. in
the hands of the trUsteea .,and Was
expended the erection of a
eonveleseent -beinie in.. Lancashire..
Things are different in "Canada fr(mi
-what .the Were in iagland at that
they :drop their li‘ttle....bembe Whieh
tinies,iii the houses, ., , and .,Might
blow holes in us,, ,
'"At first it,ovis anansingjO .'see
thern,dodging about when the
shrapnel. 'began flY„,but thcy
keItt;,-Ooniingegain.and.: again like
hirds that 'he,..:14OV to know us, and
now they,are ;bolder than ever. f
' Very. well to sit 'under'
shell Are in the trenches', but 1 O
net, like ,bombs. from the Sky.. Some
our men ha..Ve,beell Opt back •to
the.,depot.'for rest because they
are not used to.slich:aii *ordeal,' -
.”' The Sentres admission, his been
Confirmed by . news "froni ' 'other
source's in Belgiliin. • The repeated
' raids . Of the allies.' aircraft:. ,are.
keeping the eneatAlefeane troops at
high teaSion: A portion Of' the
Zeebrugge ' garrison ' is • on, 'duty
every :eight„ manning the
7CV.aft eleethe ' Iitrolalights
• -and signal stations. There, have
been `many false' alarms, resulting
in. wild fitailades against imaginary
• aeroplahes ,a114. the-tliteiOgy out -It
. -
all the garrison gunners. . •
-;,To'far an aStertain; ' theee
'have, net been. any Geinian -Creeps
killed in. the reeent bomb attacks,.
One Ihernb, apparettlY,taimett nt
he :•bilter
Tines suppOse'd to,sholter,"neary,
hit a..,larty..ditf Marines engaged m
repairing the railway line, which
runs'along the breakwater. It,ex-,
• del. OIL:the hreakwater ttself,
,tearing,away a ,section Of the outer
protecting. wall, , •
The result of this "hit'luta been
the steadv,,wearing away of this
pertion ot. the massive, -stoner upper
works at every high tide, when en,•,
ormolu 'waves. dash 'through the
breach... WA;Shi4g out the eement,
loosening the stones, and adding to
.the difficulties of the engMeers who
.elaritgge is -iilidOubtedly-• -the
Moit desolate spot in 'the' Glerrnan
effectively -cut-
off front the rest of the inVaded ter-
ritory by a urea of - sentries' who
-prevent cammunica.tiofti between
, the tr9ops within and those . -with-
' The movements of the.. garrison
are rigorously superViSed. The -0' er.
mans, are, atraid that. further do.
taps of, their new defence prepare;
will._reaelt, their_ enemies- by
ivey, of, tho antcli frontier, and the
nt-n eztattiiy enpolgod on: themare
ifel that eny lone discovered
talking with weivilian will he sum:
warily' 'AOC,
Between the southern edge of
Diankenbero and the not -thorn; end
of Xrrocke the strip of fiat coast 18
148 bleak and .forhidding a Picture
AS eon be imagined*
Thero.are great gaps In the rows
of hotele and valor, (marking. the
tpothodieal. devaataton ordered by
Artillery officersihat the new guns
mat:have 0t/elear *range eeoward,
The &welt illanicenberge is."IL
inzrine storehouse! the railway Sta*,
tion hear ht. hes been 'pertly de.
ttroy.ed bit the buittlings that; ere
stilt auluthitableC contain treetps.
lotod ag CW,Paeltl as sardines ia
"t.ixeen. The count* was net -at war,
and although prices were high end
the suffering was widespread, peo-
ple ;had not been "called , upon for
to '•' the ", &roost innumerable
works of charity that they are irOw.
,:Whilesoree_of themoney_sulgieribeel
Wits il,i-d%fok- direet relief, the bulk
,of it was invested in worlis
'that 00MMAXACTed the greatest
It is fair estimate "" to/Preimine
that at, this nieraent`- in. Canada
'there are „.!/..00,00t), Unemployed;
Mayer Martin of Montreal, has,
`Plax,eth'Itthie'nxtmat h4e5r0000f. ouintto4,,wtootirks
in a , to
there, are .known to. be' half as
maey. In the big 'Western' cities
especially Winnipeg and V, iticou-
ver there 'are . probably - another
twenty or twenty-five thousand.
$0 that ;we are not long in arriving
at the total .suggested. is no a
question of statistieS,. however, so
much as the need for instant, reso.,
.lute ata sustained :aktioA. Work
must' be is matter
of "I cannot die and te.beg ':"am
ashamed.," . Practically all are Will-
ing, to Work.- The trouble is that
they mainly'belong tOtlie construe -
five. tradas,:„.,--There-arei.'of-eoUrtie.
manY..elerks„. operatives in factor-
ies,. and ':., SaleSra0n, W.Pineir
among them,, but the hardest to .be
Silted are those ,who have been em-
ployed buildings and railway
works, which, are now almost:at a
standstill.; - "--' •
Iii:the face of this state Of affairs
the land is crying -Ter Taber: "One
thing that ean „be done is to sepa-
rate the wheat from the ehaf,',and
-eiideaVort:, first of to einploy: the
-wheat, giving preference far ,o:A4
reasonable, tcj tho men who *airs
lotIters: to support._ _ Por this Pur -
Pole, ' and in 'fact for treatracitt of
-the., Whole .situation, •cminnitteeS
'•sliould be, 'formed in every city and,
town, and registration ianibodyirig
snitabilitY•strictlY kept: : Then
public works works as are in any way
possible should be Proceeded with.
When we arrive at the matter of
-farm labor vie come to the, verY,
erux of the situation. The, large
Majority of the •unerepleyect !have
never seen a farm excep't as they
have been *travelling past. To an-
other; section' the work
Ihrhappily,___it-is. freqiieritL
even under stret,
Mei: and Vibram will not do tylerk
for which they • fiel-'Zoniplettly
fittod. But these cannot be left to
starve They nautt-he- employed; -
hitt: how is ar,raatter for the 'COM-
mittee to .decide,- As to the demand
of the land, 'farmers, must be ap-
pealed to be 4,4 patient as they can,
.tinit ter bg an lenient and - generous
as pOssible to 'melt laborers ite they,
May. obtain. As has boonsaid' over
And over again, the times are ex-
ceptional„ and not only call upon
us, 130 deatana of ital of us,_ that
we shall practice and
thus bear in Sionie meaailie hare
of the., oodinon burden, ,
'His Ideals of olselplido And' Dusty
• do Not aetird Those of linanan.
it$ and Feeling.
Tins Is how the Paris correspond-
eot a the London Times ri*etelies
the French war hero of to -day. Bo
says it has been left to. a handwrit-
ing expert to disnover the sensibil-
ity of 4-offro. .steruness, like
his callitnesi,- is a 'Pose, a magic.
which he has adopted. This -much
I learn from la person who has eX-
e,i)tienal :CPPOrtnnities, of indging.
Since the "personal factor'' ailaYs
SOr , -a role war,.I. have
thought it useful ',to, set clqvin some
unpublished facts concerning the
.0oransonderoin-Chiet. Kis self-
eontrol, the armor that he has
forged fek himself, does- not , pre-
verithim from. feeling aeutely.each
time he has to inflict acts, of discipr,
line upon others, Thus, when lie
-,.eashierecl five -gnnerals af'r the
isopthera ..inenoeuvres.vE161;:he
Angered aa, Perhalzir• as
the viatiuts. Pnit he steeled luniself
to -perform- what he 'considered to
be his duty—in the nal* of France,
'ilia whole duty 'es Soldier.
organizer of victory, is his religion;
France is his Second mother. He
has no ‘forinal cult beyond that of
ealilltr:V`,! no higher ,oleastire than met him half way. He had ,scarcely
great responsibilities. *This same
feeling' of delicacy prompted her at
Bordeaux, where she , stayed a
month -the most trying in the oper-
ations -to 'hide her identity 'tinder
her maiden name, •
The ,GeneralissianA ambition is
eminently peaceful, lifedreanis of
the time (if he has time. to dream)
where there shall be no more • war
and he may eettle-dOWn thecoun-
trylwith a large garden to give him
quietude and air. Bis concern to -
day, is for his :soldiers; he thinks
perpetually Of them, Ills letters to
,iribiniates contain. frequent ally,.
sions "ineS braves. petits sol -
(lets," for whom he fears the wet,
cold weather. He has an. iramenar
belief' in the material at 'lila cam
-Mond, the fine41117-the world, he
thinks.. His consideration ocad the
.confidenie,he. inspires.. have earned
for Min the- devotion of his troops.:
• .
no orator and distrusts
usually limited to a, few sentences,
ex9ePt' with old and tried friends
with whom he will talk with a, eerr,
fain amount of freedom-, But .his
real forte, is his power for work,
which is prodigious. . Wly.pal his fel-
low generals appended him 'Chief
of ',Staff-3'00re reflects, I suspect.,
0 containing 1,00 •ships •of
On the Farm
" Keep Sheep •Orit of the, Rain.
A44'W daY5 44;0o while retnroing,
from our home town, I was struCk
by the 'sad and forSaken.appearante
.of Ail& of- th eep sukeected to a
UL beating rain, rWritel-atr, E. Render.
both regions were prUhably of the. son..
same etoek: Not long after 1420, `Their hacks - were hunined
however, Lithuaoia, 'which la'. the their heads drinWing Arid the gen-
'8 that lies to the eastward of oral eaVearlinee gave the ininreu,
Pritssio, was oleo united to Poland; sidle:that they' were the :victims of
and Warsaw, betause it WAS MOre eareless thoughtless tarrner.,
'eentrally situated than Craeow, the It is true that the Reece of a
eapital -old Poland, Vilno,the ikheep is quite long and dense and
chief olty of Li'llunnia,*beeeme the in an ordinary rain it is quite in
: -
capital eif the enlargad, leingdein. probable that the item shoald
Such it remained through een' come zthoroaghly, 'saturated, hut it
tuts' when Poland wAS. at the ii -eight is elsotrilo that all reins afe :not_
olits PotWei401d't11.it,ftik. the,Ye;9* ordinary ones; and we call Dever
of slow humiliation that led its. teltjuSt when „one' Of 'these beating;
arbelog rains .011 Come to canee,
When:Poland was ,divided amoria ,misery to the ,e.ns, ,a1.4. bog to 110
, -
the nations, BliSsia lioS"sesgPii farmer's pocketbook,'
of NVeraaw ; lea Outul4r1vonou0. at once. apparent 'that the
in .1.,1p05, hie city yes handed oser to ..oret ris.nqt one to de. the, e.
Prussia, 'which is. -noir•ffighting so .i43,r ciltvno'r, As )nig 'as'slie is
hard to get bold ',of. it again. Isia- 'aotaced she will- not. igraze, or if slic
,poleon. delivered Warsaw from the
bends' of the Clemons, and Medea
the Capital city of an nidepCildenb
dklebY.. Bat the dueby did not last
After th.e Ware of Napole-
on's Xo$0.Ow BMW%
again oVerran the O01,114ryr and rei
aeserted 1SoVereigrity that has
e* oity rieli historie hire; .114ver'.heen--Stiecessfully-Ilialleuged
andt llows
e Probably 01 sr4ea named after bnst.ant3ne Tasitlehit' et:erd; t;gh the Nies hots and i;aii tilthbe:tte 111;.4the worke ram is e fjei-Mi' iplibicola:bol: t1,- et -1/ '0413'3
has ant It is -to
s 1)" 0348411.4 su.nbeileeebtreeatetl .1.3Siticelige‘ Yr; ,!;)" and f'!'. last131116 .1"PSe
it is, therefore,
ewe of; Polenti, hitt which hreught 'eoinfort, resulting frent earryinte
does it it will be only. enoug
,riisli the actual needs of the body..
This is not enough. Thebreeding
. ewe Should secure more feed thou.,:
4naintenanee requires •if She is. to
dowell for.her must he '
contiireally gaining in flesh.
Prebalbly the greatest daroage re!.
ordinary size. • "
tiorelitr no other oity has undergone
s*b t manywi twit-hal, a II; ei tlficl .4bSe )lt taken IA
tivieebY the .Ordendere- 1204
and. by the Turks under Mahom-
wed' II, in 1453; the, lattor an event
which completed the extinetion nI
'the great Boman Empire, in the
Its, inhabitants are chiefly Turks,
with a .large.' sprinkling, of Arabs;
a few, Greeks,' 3.'evit, Armenian -a;
Bulgarians.Circassians au It has a. populati(fll oiabout
one millibar and ‘tv half •-111a;
hommedan s.
The eigf protected by series
Of forts, ,on the land side, but its
-defenSes-ragainst, attack from the
sea and, the Horn are, Very inade-
quate.. 'It has relied 'upon its re.
Markable location for „protection
'from war fleets of foreign nations.
, The Bosphorus, a •narroW ehannol
eighteen. miles 'long, eonneeta the
11/arm:ire' Sea*: with the Alack 'Sea
cal the- _eide.,Avhile the.
century have -been many.- The roost ,
tragic eves that of 1863, whieh not the ewe who is -.11aturs,
only failed to restore tilo.in,leven4., tender nature, to undergo the :els-
down; on the unhappy, _!poles the Ulcolinci a damp flee,ce. the 'shirn.
e when it is warrn 11 i bad
oe:asstt4:,ta0,:riorli:cbtl.teeovoep::11t4nhiii,osrireie,radsenott national-
ontal :Iaeneorutoirii
ity had i'be-en left to .therlis Only ten :fld.
• wore, freak Tho fleece, being Very dense, it
diserders and a good deal of •blood:. days before the water 'en -
shed; the only result of • which was ,tirelY elreporate. Then tile kgreateat" ;-
spirit 'by Itnssian authority. , the beat 4zif The animals }body.
tuld!ide'ta$441YrolililoPrItiti\ Iliats's,".:evtWeiassYi; eeta."rY;It;7ttc'rt°-:Vh4rIlekraPtel;th-Aleelea'girP;,
,bemi.prosperous,.., nataral amount of Water that th°11Atthi'llr
Centre 'of large and.produitiieri; • ,atarrated"'"iieeee'weald held-. 'HMV :.
:1011.'T It,,,Stands on a Agreat, navig- sheep have :eaiight''.00iithg from this
able river—the Vistula -and VW- cense that resulted io iogairp-
inevitably flowed in upon mationt even Worse, catarrh._ - -
it: ;has iiiiireased pOpula- Elieumatisna is Often one theY
doe during the last century /rem relitlts and a sheen Once the *J'etiita
1.9,4,000 to 900;000. One-third \ 'of of this disease is of , very .
that number ate-Jelvs; It is great value, • • .
centre for lillaufaetures iron What, then, is the 'remedy ' it ie.-- -
and steel, leather clothing, tobto. simple. Provide your sheep with
do, ' sugar, rand objects of art.' As 'dry ,shelter close te their .pasture,
he,cbief. city a It need not be a costly barn; A..
shed is plenty good enough previd- .
ed-ifis-wetertight, arolit-neediaof.
' Care of the Brood Sow. :
the further repression of 'Polish aluouut of eVaVeratiou CaUsed 4
" it
4odd swift keirkrent,fort?itill-,'es va e and -mteri$1,"1112.- TeoPle,
with -Some -pleasure that it_was Dardanelles, also a narrow). aii
Is 'ss ell bumit-with many liandsOme
thre incessant NerICAN length, 'eoPaiefti thellariiier a Withpublin -
ddeaysk; in."tdhisiltw"eattY',°T$116liate.ParaltsoeSw.ul t411-1;e;11P.e:eienteirl'e4516i'ael'if°' Sr teite'd EG1 th a,nhnation squares tell; tes1agardens;• 4111 of 7;34302'
it'least partially prepared for the with quite forts, -sileoc of it, iee, “The Paris of ka.4i,
oho* of the „invasion is his' reward! and fairly 'Welt etlailaPed with mod- ern Europe!' No ther Itussiati
All his , Captain,: Colonel, ern -German arraruhents. ' • has the attiactivness and
General, he)"14$ VOIAntahly'rtaekled TO force this, passage by a hestile ?”31.
difficulties,: and difficulties 'have fleet wilit'proVe a severe task, but 149414116s8" Wr'asr-'
a/111,r. 35,5;4iehoe,e: fleets: Greatfiav 1.30,un d41.1r Britain hall Orietital et beaimtiful m;racl is Y 0S;Vciataer:slisac‘e°vi:i,si °e'dd b:aullsdy
way to near the giarmora See.,.anct
\awn' once in that, sea,: the reeisa it has a university, but the.natur-
• to "'Wit It explains his time•,tO bang. hiScurteins-7a fort-;.
charactee; a; deep faith in. 'la pat.
rte.?' .boupled with:a natural tierie,;,
Volenee, .explains is enaci
in 'his present post, (11 fantienir
boot" hia'letters . are, of such
expreshions-it explains , his popu-
larityr with the French soldier.
Trained to gia••NeedS..
'Afire's'ealitiness‘ then in the
.most dreadful hours of 'conflict,
the result of will, ..11,e is the Master'
of his his fu..'te,. the captain- Of his sold.,
in the true Itenley sense,: Mbtrains
.hratnincl; like his bay, by Constan,"r
exorcise. :by setting it tasks. . The
only way- he can support the ilia.:
.melleit,v Of his work is by 'an -iron
rule•neVer. to commit exces.s. His
striet'rnederation bas,,,enabled him
to keeplii.healtheveninthoheats,
of Akita. gad Madagascar, 'and to
eseepe an:Scathed from- 17 "-Tears.' of
colonial 'service, -1Scartely ,smoking
or. employing strong. drink;.. he
-avoichreocitit junctions which entail
lateheara,, leaves
that he May bo-iresh-for the:mot-
row; :Eis÷daY'--atthe of
War,. in peace tiiiiest was. prefaced
by a gallop in the Bois, /but this ex-
orcist was Supplemented by:a walk
'trona lila Ibittettir-tOhisliomsat Au;
.tenil-a good.,three
IloComes iron -farmer Stook ;
henee his health. Eis father was a
landowner whose fruitful vines, un: -
der , the careful rnairagement„ of
Mme. Soffre Mere, lbi.ought a srnall
forkune. of $30,4)00 to. each Of I., the
eleven children ---no mean attain-,
theft in these times. The great-eap,
tain,iiiherits ,orele r2 and me th
freinc Whik Mas a'. bare;
fill manager even aitiongst the care-
ittiLirainagersIefilie her
he had a, great affectiOn -;'‘ with him,
-as with most Frentlitnen -and 'ell
southerners, . the family tie is
strong, „
nis Spoiled Holiday.
.• •
,night only—as 'Oolquel of Engin-
eers at Versailles before . he was
hurried off , Dliego Suez ;'nt
Amiens he Was Corps .Conniraneler
as well as holder of an irapertaab
fia,,,aicloitatorf" act.S4Pietchtit,Ohh4.. iretSaote; - -dst paxoy,
totem Of .1111; is evidently his
habitual atinesPhere:
Vitt It Vail a Third Tine
tance will be tem, and, weak and the. ,a'L,Knrezutebholf.e'tthearitere4instwititihtiobuy , has
city will be .atr. the mercy of the a . .
allied. .fOrces. Great advantages Russia,ns. , They o 86
y suppressed andthen osedit elenn-
would result to the allies' by the timely from 83
eappermiturte., otfheth,entistsiy anae htheirsdewsoultod, tree! usedehint po eplievrhm,itzigts pi nrsoifsetsistIr on
sweep into AnstOtt, from two direo- •Iodleing it wholly a Russian waiver -
thine, and relieve Servia. Its ad- sity, they have alienatedthe sup -
vantages commercially, 'would *be port of the 'Poles without gainingt
:ty3iiti gar:date:44e tthatin or they.; cimbiyltriti :siorr-iabb-fr-ifine-u-asstitaenj:4.nice-cinsif --mbirwyevt.ti,2_behieauczeinthilernii.,gaeinisea.,11411,14;nhet_
As the breeding Season Ap-
proaches it is necessary to have the,
sows in the best of condition, Ani-
mals intended.•for .breeding Pur" -
poses should be matured, not fat
toned; if • immature aninial,s ire to •
be used at all, they should he , •tit,.
least eight anonthS,old before being
'• During pregnancy, sows should
have abundant exercise and var-
iety of teed. During the • winter_
months, unless extra 'Care be taken,
Wood sows . are particularly
to lie in their .cpierters and become
inactive. Effort should .loe niade. to.
,groaky. hast
By Chas; ice, Denver; Colo.
OnnstantirtoPle=magic word that
coo/tires -vition,s-of---.-Turkish-nia,id,
ens ,peeping coyly:through latticed
windows of *harems; of the Seraglio
,with its gardens, groves and-foun-
,taine;..f.:pt, the .:.,‘..C4.arden.,,. of .De-
light" ; its gorgeous parterres.and
pavilioes,—,-Constantinople, before
the walls of which th.e, guns of the
Allied fleetS now beam- from .the
south, and•HuSsia's fleet.`from the
north,*terns. doomed to.. utter' de-
struction. The treseent, must yield
-to the_ cross:, and the .niinaret_give
,place. to the ,,spire,-unlesaaa signs
Startling Answers...
Brown has ,junt7lred 4. tele.
4gzene pilt tounetting, offiee
and Velma., and Itwaci very ' ,mtteh
toed with ; .
ielL you, the telePhone is a
wonderful thing, want you to
dine .aialt me thia ?evening, and x
ril1t,totify Itra, 13160Wit to opeot
you,' fipeakingihrough. tin} Ole.
phone I, 'I'' friondi •'Smith& • -Wilt
dine COI us this evening."Then
lioten And hoar tow plain her reply
comes ;thutic,o.th cattfobio tiothrot,.
0033)) J.
w0 keep hotel,"Smit.
c your friend, h, if he
ra ion and continuity are as
eoneidered as: if the ehateau
which. he now inhabits were the
Vatican and hethe Pope. Each of
his Officers is Well tried in his per-
,mnial,,iervice, each has been 'with
him at ivatiotts times career:
When war broke out, Joffre reas-
sembled aides to form a, her-
MOrlious Whole. They, ;knew his,
"system" and Methods of (work',
and could replace, him in the un-
happy event of disablement through
illness or, the various atienepts
rilade ligainet bln't by the. •(inertly.
But Xofilre is well gltarded' by his
earps d'elite, /A, pleasant Antion
credits his iwife* with following and
iwateliing over his bed. tut the
'.otrict faiot Is that Thtie, Soffre never
saw ter husband during lour -and -a.
;half **tabs,. and now. -rarely- -re-
telves his visit when he deseenda
upon Paris rbv „motor ear. Out of
deference for the rule that Gen-
eral has established for his subor-
dinates, Ume, Ieffre refrains from
btfilding Upon the lta-Ster
fail. • ' • ' •
It is 'impossible to 'measure the
stupidity Of Turkey's iadvisers when
resolv_ect to east. her -fortunea
with the dual alliance. ie. would
seem that an unseen ' force was•
urging the Mussulmen on to their
own certain desibruetion The days
of the,Turk Europa:seem to be
numbered and the, riti4her is, fag
dwindling to a fraction.The eity.. which is the capital oE
the .,Turkish Hinpire is situated at
the extreme, northerly end of the
.Sta--of-litarmore, Besphor,,.,
• u$ Straits the east andthe-Geld;
en Horn, an inked the' Bosphorus
of about sie miles in length, on
the. north. It ,is, ,therefore, sur-
rounded by -water on all sides' ex-
eept the west; and has a sea front
of about eight miles in extent; ,
The city is triangular in shape,
its apex projecting into the .tosi
phorus, and its base," a lofty' dou-
ble wall tour • tollea in. length,
stretching across the promontory
from the Sea (A.:I/femora to the
'Ciolden Aore, This wally however,
is new-ifr dilapidated COndition,,
and for Purposes of defense it may
be said to be wholly worthless.
The° street.; of the Turkish eapi-
tal are extremely narrow, dark
and dirt -so (marked that hardly
toy two of them parallel for 'any
en the end et the -War, in:nob resorted 'tOlby the' Yews. , travel , Around the: barnyard--
feicLotly_atsing_khin esome disz
mong the iotelesting acti-bt'A
.Denver, March 6, 1915. old royal' tanee frortotheir, feeding place or
tiful. !buildings are the
PaIaco begun several centuries ego by Making thera_root for gram emit- •
41,TegirsEivs -wAy, . by the'llifazoirraidukeS; thet-Cli.tirch -te'red-7Mider'litter:o.a.baro or shed —
, 7- of the Holy ' Ghost,' "" in 'which lies floor. They should not be giveli too"
Secretary Of War Will Not Stand buriqd oetheaxt. of ,Ohopin, tie triu. much of any Iriiid of feed. If exees"-
,: for tnr6asonab1eActs sien.; the 1Church of the Transfig. sively .fed, corn is partieula;ply ofir:.
uration, which John Sobieski built lectionable. -
A certain Well-known, Engliali in commemoration Of • What Vant• 11414 .his victory
firm. recently ;obtained a large Con- over the Turks rri 1683, anctni.w *eh ij
. -
tract froM the War Office. • To en- his heart bailed ;,,the ancient Toe many garxneFg have the habit-$,
,silre it being carried, out Oathedral of Saint John; the town 'of luittittg oft the painting until. A
• it *0.1S-netessary ,for the Woriegeople hall, and ,,the national Polish Thee-, house fairly weave • for
to Work overtime. they were tre. In the old part Of the town, ;they perhaps: figure that 4ey are -
.....perten. tly-141Trig to ,4;10-beling paid the narrow, Tereolted Striettg- and creonotaiting. Not so. ...Good pit"t,
at Airthjh Tata& quaint old buildings,:not unlike &killed at regular iiitervala not too
• .After &few days the secretary. of those in same of the niOre interest- far apart, is the true economy, in'
thettrade union caned upon ..the ing German towns," are 'fascinating that is not Only actually raises the.
head of the tfirm Concerned, ardniet- The most -interesting thing -about value of abuilding by improved ar
lige& hire 'that uhless, thsOvertinte the however, the Lazienki pears:net, hut through -preservative •
w&S.stopped all ;the "hands" would (lay:lens, which were laid out by ingredients prevents and arrests
be called out. As there seenied rio KingStanislas Poniatqwski in an decay., The man Who lets his house
way out of, it hie employer concern- old river bed of the Vistuia. The become an"eyesore in an .0therwise
.ttledIttinf,p,iteinfatroOtafficKeiabenhdeneUefe-, gardens. stand atjhe end of a tree-
fer the heavy damage he is doing to
vvell-kept loCaItty, should\ be taiied
lined avenue -the elrief promenade
itattplaced all the Particulars- be-, and "show street" of the city, They -;.that conimunity.
fore hint- •. • ' ; Sontaia numerous Villas'an open-
air theatre, and .an _ elegant 'little _
- His .0ecupationEn
T OltSeS aro generally low
'and their windows
Strictly dosed with lattice work of
tate, ,tho centre of whittt,
'eluded, front public view, its the.
Turkish, women, . endeavoring to
tee What is passing in the Street
without thernsel.VeS lbeing seen
The city •is . supplied with Water
by public fountains, Whielt are (Olio
numeroue and often ektreintly
The Imhof of 6the Gelde Itort.
'is. deep, Well sheltered, an titlitt.*
a 1
Lord Eitcherier asked . for the
name and address of the trade Palace, whiph is the suinmer resi •
union maii,thinell3 here to;
-time the_next-clay 1Str. :07
Mitted • into Lord g.itchener's
gence, the trade Union .man being.
1'1186.416re, ' '-•
Thefollowing conversation then
took Plaee
Lord Xitchener.--"Now, atr,
kiedly. repeat *what you told .M.e
'yeSter,tlaf ,aie briefly as, you eiCei.".
Turniarrethe trade union Mali*
Lord K. "Mr. are theee,
facts as Statedl , •
, "Yes, my lord-i-burit is strin- h*i.A.s-,491-144-Mlar whet' pr '
he oeieded:
tee, of the governor-general•
Choosing Her Husband. ,
A Well:known 14On. d.Crajma.giStrate,
who has just retired froth the
bench, has a great repertoire of
good stories, • Ins favorite brie re-
latms. to a casein whith heappears
notnitel".. In the courge of 'this
ease he lied' to cross;exemine the
wife of a notniiious lbtinglar, "You
are the wife ,Of this man he ask-
ed. Alb," she •replied, "You
against our'rtUes t—'
Lord Kitchener; "Are the facts
right 2" ,
'Yes, my lord;
;Lord Kitohener t you tall
thosepeople out, owstrike witi get
You seven yew; under the Treason
Akit for preven4ng the supplying of
Majesbeta fences. Gottia, moth,
in, 1;6nt1eiterk."
Modern Children.
First .5iedern Parent — Aren't
Iont-thitficirt 'something of -ttv ro
iSeeond, Modern Parentres,
decd. They go away to Acheol for
38 weeksito eanip tor 1.6, and -that
leaves four whole weeks when
donq know where to Sond
did," the admitted.. "I/ow could
you possibly marry such a Mani"
the Intig.istrate demanded.
it' was Eke this,' the , witness ev-
Plained confidentially. "A was get-
ting old, and tWO chaps wanted to
marry me. It.wasnt> easy to choose
baltre.(141 but in the end 1 Mar-
•ried that man there. Tlio other
chap wai a ailWYeri Painle as You,
'eir 1"
Would Not Be $0 Ctiii•
No* that you!!ve broken your en-
gagement with laok, you of
ouzo return the dieniond ring.hp,
gAV4t, you 2.
Zetty—zCertainly not; it *mild he
a, tangent roll:under a the happi.
new he had Missed.
"My' triend,!: said thej solemn
an, ever done
Packe the community in whith -you
tike the bet -ter for Your living .
11,2 • -
4'1 have torientinch,-sir," replied
the other shrirably, to ,purify the,
homes of my fellow-theings."1.
"Ah," continued the ladl#etib 'man ,
With a pleased air, ?you distribute
"No; dean -carpets."
When a, man 'comes to: count hii
riches 'he usually (lilcoyeis that
-Melt- of -these -he -prizes lbest -are
not conVertible into cash.
'The arithmetic lesson that day .
tiaa been hard and trying, and now, •
at the closing Lent, Tommy stood • .
'before %be tettelier waiting to hear
, the reSulta, • "Your' problem iJ..•
wrong," *,ims, the verdict,
have. te ptay ,tiftex. Bohol And
do' it gain," Tommy (leaked at
the ol (141 me, oletset, haW
ma in iI out 2" he aSked„ ,
A.1131,Vet 'la two tents short," Tent,.
%via hind <lived into the pooket
Witte* his tructt ttiesured ,; possee4
Sions were stored,' giwiftly h epa.
Zated-rtsvviseiniie-alrome ahuntli'..0
stringl, 0., penknife, some manl?les
and ,pieces of ;chalk.. "I'M in a;
hurry," he eaid ; }"if you don't inirld
pay tho differenee;"