HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-04-01, Page 1.4111.7717
WI" ‘,116•411MMON!MIk
'Pr7711"Fr79.77.7' --,;•••-• - ,••
I. per year, in advance; $1.25 otherwise
• When arelrpuDoing
to Purchase that
Now is. time, QS you
arelOing- to be. married
this SUrnmer, are you",
Wre •have a lieauiiful
line ol,Pearls, Rubies,
Diamond s; Garnets,
etc,, especially for the
' urpOse;.
lAfatchinaker, •
Jeweler and Optipiast
't.g.Pretcted up:to .*rinesrlay,Aooni•
Peas'. .4 4...0 • 04.11c. t • '11 • • Op • 20
. .
ems. freali• -Is
.„„ , • . • oOlf•V eV,
Hogs ......... .). : . 84Q
- I
Melee Plow Boots, at tittle's $bee
Store for 12.40, - .
Mr, Oben, .0oulter returned to Tren-
-ton this meek. . • ' .
' To•MorraW will be "Geed 'Friday" and
a public holiday. ' . • .. ,.
''. Public andlligh-SchOols. &tie to -day,
for the Easter 'vacation..
Mrs, E. *deter of Q.inton, visited,
1 lrientlS in toliwii:,lait week., ,.
14:411.4/4ein.41foonlihmeosn' trinay.tnruetV, homo
' 10, ThohlVetaon is at present 0411',
Aniaktor:the bouse by, illuesg.
Mrs. joini O. tiliott of Goderich Mi.,.
ie yisiting friends. in Aslifteld.
Mr, Gee. H. Snlith is 4 victim of la
' grippe this week, but it last tepo,rts is
Mr, Leonard Xenonakt has returned
after spending atew days with frieeds '
in- Goderich. . '
-Dr, Alf, Newtan of Detroit. and ,T4‘4i
of Hamilton: Nerniall will 'spend Raster
holidaye at home? - . • ' •
,.. -
Mrs.. G H011eobeek returned on Sat-
urday after epeudiug a week with, rel-
atives in Torento, - : • "
. - .
'Representatives of the Militia Depart-
•ment.bought-lbliersea_intown Wednes-
day oflast weeks- , •,
. .
. VrE,C N..: L. bampbell who has been
ill with. pneumonia is ,prrigressing
favorably toward recovery., '
. • toitotiTo rutetv InocurDIM •
, , , •
Wheat. 1• . 49 to $
" Oats, busi 6$ to.
Barley, linsb...‘, • 85 to 90
•• Peas, hush ... 1 25 to 1 ...35
Timothy, tay, 21 30 to 25 00
Mixed end Clover, t6 GO to 18 00
Italed.Tiniothy No i,... 19 0940 20 oo
choice heavy,steera.. 7 $0, to' • 7 75
• • • •
Calves, ,, '9 GO ,to - 9.0
Storing_ ; . 6 00 to 8-Q0
$hep,eWeS, cwt rzs-to • 6. so
Butter, lb. • .: 33 to! • 3,8
Ogg., doz (, 23 to :25
Potatoes, : bag, • 65 to 75
Our Stock el new
- -papers-As readyfor
*ns ection. -The
.-patterns, color's and
• prices preaiiirou
-A large asSoilinent-
to choose from. You
may 'return remnants
-or add to your order
without ' expense- or
delay a9 'occurs "when
you send out OftowiL
— Examination invit.-
DRUG 6110110
1 '1
- Are its,A.for
r"1"ws Interest Coupons.
The (meat West Permanent loan Compaq
1 7 20. Kiel St,We.st • • Tor ors t
1•104 00erit 10001atit DO Sale0 11.19140r
M01, 00 P(9140A041. • •
%..1404490t. March 20. -"We are fighting
Germany, Austria and drink, and so far
eel can see„, the, greateet of these: threo.
deadly fem..* drink," Sld David Lloyd
CtemSP Ohauteller of the F.xchequir
%replying to -day to a. (imitation of the
:Shipbuilding EMPloYerd.feciesationitbn
• members .of which were pintail:00 in,
; Urging that, in order tameekthepatipnat
.requirements at tins present:0111e,, there
should htt a total prohibition .anting, the
petted of the war ofthe sale 'of • intde„1.
Iathig Iiqnors. ;'„•Chie..51guild• apply • .not
0011rtqlMblic:honseNbut also to priVate.
.clubs„ so as to operate equally with all
classes- of the comoninity. '
lo• was •stated thatdespite the fact
• ,that werk was being, :carried 'on, night
at oPtda WaY0 ritfi el 1),Vge lin days inteh,e vvreleate thin.e
nearly afl the .British shipyards oivse
'actually leek than -before the War and the
average productiveness 'prOdfictiireness had, decreased.
Teere :Weter Many Men- doing splendid
and streMigus work, probablyas good as
themen in tin) trenches, but wally did
not even. .aMprotiniette lull time, thus
disastrously reducing the average.•,...
,mquon.T4avrto nooyfoo.
the curtailment of
the hours -they are allowed to keep open,
'the receipts of the public houses in the
• neighborhood of the shipyards had great-
increased, in some cases 49' per cent.
As an instance of one. of .• many similar
eases, 1114 of a battleship coiningin for
immediate repairs was cited. She was
-ileloYedn whole daY, through the absence
•' Mni. Barber' of !*evelefolie, B. (3.7•••is • of -riveters who were' drinking andcar,.
prittient'viaiting at thelionie, .* her opsing. . ' •
_1114-,004.5Tra. N. L. CatiMbnll. , •In oneYard been
•!ivorking_on_theaverage...enlY torq hours
little son Of. Mr. and -MM. MAW' a week; and in 'another yard only 36
Blair,ie,,Wa---week-ngex underwent- -404 • ••, -
• recovering. :0Pconcitittion•-`-the deputation, Which
aratien for PtInnintontal is .
' .1Mr. Harry- McChatles- took adran; ,.included representatives of . the leading
1411e of • tbe EOter excursion - and IS` 8.1)41bn•ilders.°Ltl''' c°111.1trY' drevt
spending the holidays with friends in gc'n t'6••06. 60** 8°' by •1' t'814e
'Detroit. , • Bessui and urged uponi the Chancelleir,
, • • the need• drastic and immediate
Mre..Borden, -neither Of Premier.' of • The Chancellor of the txchequer,. in
Canada, died, at her tionie.at` Grand 1it6 the course Of . his. reply, Said the •reason
NevalScetia, on Monday at .tbe age! • of why the Government had net heretofore
91 Yeark . • • ••• • • . • taken more •eirastie action...on the liquor
• , .
Miss Ruth McInnis., of .Owen Sound, • gues*xt OAS because;it heeded to be PA
is the inillinerin. charge of, Mr, Connell'a •ante4 that it was not 6014g advmei
parlour this thia season. . Sheid adsistedby public sympathy; otherwise more .
'Mies MaryOampbell.- •• wonleldit done:than good.: _The GoVern -
• • • mentinu4.--feel that it haenvery--nlasCin
•.,ewing to the recent opening of viral. the eontnitinifir behind_ it.r*. When taking•
;Mail routed, „the .fellovviog: pot offices action whih interfered •seierely With in -
deject on March 314 • • Clever Valley. •..dividitalfibertieS. •Beithow be Was. Cure
Lothian,' Dunlop AgiberleY. and 0007. that the nenntrY was beginning to real'
The war revenue staging-, Caine .15e. the gravity of the
effect On April 15, • Foranfonnation re - • ROOT AND BEANO =TOMS,
garding his ime; •see an article from, the "I have. et"growing conviction, based on
. P. 0. Department eisewlierelo this bine , aeoumulating,evidence," ontieuert-the
• : ed to. •I' Alit :114 lg. Chaimelltir, "that pothing but root and
; Wit;are pleasO(0.n
Winnte, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Dr. obSrat anvtillnienthd°414inV•YvilidthIi-ethbet elvbitsiTigtet:
0000, who was confined to the Muse' lieve it iithegenend feeling thatif we ,
throughout the winter,. is able to is are to Kittle German militarism we innsf;
about again.
, , • • • • first of ail nettle ,With the drink."
'A large:nuinher of the ladies Of the. Mr Lloyd George intimated that Lord
*Mao .oiftted Murdobli.4. Cameron's Kitchener, the Secretary.: for War, and
StoreonTuesday to 1,iteuf their displo„y Field Marshal French, .: eorainand of
of suits and cloakal front the Princess .the Britiihtutpeditionary forma on the
Mfg. Co. of Toronto. . ; . -cOntinent, Were of the same opinion,:an
• '. fit An erson wag home rom he promised tO the • statements of the
dentitation .before.the -Cabinet. • He said.
Toronto •,ITiiirersity. over"Siniday-; e- • • •
notice heis wearing a aoldier'e, uniform.
ing Military drill with "maliyof•the Stu-.
]?or the laet few- days' there hm
,been.ne news of a startling Or .1inpor
taut nature from the seat of War,
Neither On the weetern fron‘tier nor
•in Poland bag there been actions or
niovementa "ef: importance. FlOiting
on a largo scalehowever Itaa been
going on in. the. Caroarthian mount -
gins between the' Russians and 'Aust-
rian, with resu3s generady in favor
of Resale, _
„ A few Xlespateli64 run AS. follows
London, March g0, -The .Liverpool
steamer Agtirda ,wastorpetleed off Bishop
Rock early to -day. " Her tatitain and
;crew oC gg were landed at•VishBuitrel-
' The report ,of • yeaterdaea ,Uritish
stearaer Valaint•b4aUen sunk by a Ger-
Wan submariii,e, was confirmed at 4 late
• hour to -day, The Velaba was sentto
the bottom yesterday afternoon off Mil, ;
ford Haver; an inlet on' the coast of
South Wales, 140 of the passengera and
crew of 260 being saved. '
The Falabs, was considerably larger
than most- of the merebantineu Which
have been sunk by German submarines..
She was 38fi feet:long and hei tonnage
was 3;011.., She belonged to the .Elder
'Line, Was owned in Liverpool. and was
engaged in the African trade, .
Captain Toftiof the Falaba, and. an
uunanied lieutenant were re p or t e d
among the dead in ,a message to the
Elder Co., trainers of the Falabi,1 this
afternorni,• though a. meting° signed'
;"Toft"' had been -received a- few hours
earlier.. Two : steriardeasea were also
drowned. The Phiet officer was in the
the water two and one-half hours before
he was mooed.' • ; •
The.„Falaba, left for LiverpoolOn Bat-
iirday for the West coast of Africa with
140 passengers and with &crew of 120 -
men. Her officers statethat when ' the .
;German subparitie appeared it whistled
- thrice -as a 'aignal-for.the.steatner to PM"
_pare her lifeboats, but that before this
.Couldheillnei torpedo struck the Shin
near the engine -room. L boat
appeared on the eeppe and paved.146.of
'the passengers and crew.
Capt. Davis, oftbeliner, was picked
up dead, Eight other bodies, were re-
-Covered. The survivors were Lauded
Milford Haven, . • '
Maroli alst,-Tle-1. official
announcement is made that among
the Miming passengers of the steamer
rehabs:which was sunk hy German
submarine, is Leon Chester Thrasher,
an An ernma engineer„ who, has „been
IfyingL, on the- Gold- dOn-st, British -
West kfrick-
• -Thr-kirrage4 at _Milord: Haven. in.
the matter of the Sinking of the liner
Falatta, . has established an Official
death Mt of 111.0 Witnesses under
oath testified to whit had previmisly
Wen charged that the submarine fired
before Sufficient Him haa elapsed for
the removal of the passengers.
Walter Baxter, chief office* of the
Faiaba, al/Jere that the submarine
crew were dressed in khaki. \ Healso
'swore. that the submarine, when' .first
sighted, flew the English ensign which
was replaced by the German ensign
prior to the attack. •
The sinking of the Falabit and, the
Aquila has caused the greatest, itidig
nation in England and denninOs are
in ionchrslifinT,41-had-therprivilege-of-anTmade on sides that-tho_submarine
audience with his Majesty this morning, crews now held prisoners be immediate -
an • -ly-tricd--as-pirates. -• The-storni-of an -
is very deeply 'concerned on thrs question ger is greater than thatarouted by the
cleeply-coneernekarta-the-condern- -bo-T-Abardirteritot-Seartetrougli, Whit-
ia-felt byhiniriluacertain,is.mhe•_E:_ Hartlepetol,"-.- --- • _
ed by all his subjects in this country. " The stories of the. passengers of the
Falaba, that the German sailors °lithe'
-• sit armes which sank the liner jeer.
Maohntrivax.-:-At 34 Marchmont Road, ed at men and Women struggling for
TOFonto, on March 28, •1916.„ to .11.1r.
and mra. J. A. madennan, a duo_ their liven in thS' water were accepted
at true by the English public •and
ter (Jean Boyd.)
Petrograd,. March 30- -The Novae
Viemya, states that at the recent
Thereat Office Dep. has issued the ference of the tliree Scandinavian -
kings at Malmo° they deeiden on what
isteireed a defintatife Where.
by Norway aid Denmark are_ to sup :
port Sweden it the latter 19 attacked
by 'Russia; Sweden and' Norway are to
send help to Denmark if the latteris
suddenly attacked. by 'Germany; and
Sweden 'and Denmark are to support
Norway if Rodsia attempts to antex
oNcoetrwnegiau territory in the northern
!Atte, two thirds otthis ellianee is
aimed against Russia, but the remain-
ing third is important m it imp'ies
Germany is a menace to all the Aorth-
Single Copies 3, Opts
Voting on Pkinday Mare One!
Sided than peneraDy
Looked Fpr
Even Jan- Joyat s Most optimistic
supporters were surprised' when the re -
0410 Of the .polling on Monday was an-
nounced. It was congedekth0 ho
might -win. by narrow 'majority, aan
11,14. Anderson Tight da the Bann), • but
..that eitlicr candidate should : 0e0Ure. a
majority •of forty Waii thought out Of the
,euestion. However, 80 the, electors' • de-
cided and 31r. brit- Chief ,eXecitt.
• tive ere of the larrst majorities etv-
en to a 41.tcnessflii candidate a intmber
• In hitt last, nampnigifer the,reeVeshiP;
When Mr, Mitchell was, the opposing
candidate, Mr.. Joynt VIAL 4400,04 by
17. The late Xr. 3tterdoeh tirks elected
in January bf a mAiority Of 86, •
The contest on Monday was one Of
the keenest ,waged in recent ;y4rs, arid
every available vote_was brought to the
polis n Pod Unite. IAA week's culn-
litug'4, was conducted. in the Usual fashion
of an every vote canvass. It was clean
. and gpornimatilike throughout, and either
candidate might accept defeat r`iithent
discredit. .
. is said that the counting of the
balk ts 'furnished some interesting
ments„aa from tithe, to titne one candi-
d ite or the other ran ahead or the two
were tied. Turing. the count on ,the
south side a. ttil atrat rectirded 4.01.044
than twenty-two times. AS tha pile Of.
ballots ran low, however, 1)4; Ioynt ran•
'ahead,. arm the count finally showed, at
in his favor. ,. • . - ;
Figures on the north and south sides
•of Campbell street were,ao follows:
• • _ Anderson • Joy,nt
South' Ward .46° 63 were o ----------------. lerk
North Ward., '
- • 4 86 1.0t) presented account twin MuniciP0 World
---- -majority for Joynt--40. •
; velniderst4nd,r. itt• or,supplies a-ndeiepress-eliarges-thareon,
one!) Move into town from his farm at also Clerk's and l'Itannteen Post -4
ac -
St. Helens, Where he has been most of counts from Dec loth to date being*
AO' 'Hain throughout thepastYettr, examieed. were ordered to he,Pald. '
Shoo" .Storp:
Established 186,9„—This is the Oldest "Boot ez„ Shoe
Business in the Counties of Bruce and. nuron and it is
still at the front.'
In Wearing Shoes'we have Men's Frenchand
English Kip. 13ocitse Youths' a'ncl. qua;
ren's in Box Calf and Grain Leathers,
The French clod English Kips have been made specially
to•our order, with extra stitching and wide soles. If
you are not trading at this store it ;will pay you to d6 so,
• • • -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••‘,
2.1ill•MININNYOS•••••••• 41•14.44160101.04••••Imo,
.Efolyrood,:March 2#15, 1915, 'WS WANT on Raw furs. I'Ve.aruftyitutt
6°111361 met: 0,0 Pet idiourcinent• CI:11g= diVilf;fi'lfs(gt alf GoO
Members were -all present and. in
-twhear ec hnr
e afa4td!,40'94711.8o°tifor:ewVierc": ZeePtiteul I14'an all Yo
ralV futs V311 PartA°
and signed. • • , . - etiTzarenv.
'Coin nniniCatiOne from several e rgan ,
.• highest prices. Cal1 and vee'ele detero
( 0 want yoor horse lotir. I nulPaYillE 413e. Pcr
• - Pound, an4 allow Correct w &Wit.
, ations on neing. read and consiaeted t • re 411,1 note.
a reasonaOle rates. insurant40, hats
. . • • • • 3,10,14,EY TO. LOAN -On in
ock afid Mutual coop Imes. _
• 01,,V, A. 8111DALL4.213.041i0ATAwlis0SY
• ,
att-20 tseltio NVIIXAT "Wooer, 'F.150 per
busbol, • Adge.f6te ono, d,
84601). • "T • --Ath-TOW Kieloss
bWe hroerne Mher 1•10 00 kY ne td foi ,tvee a r dv e et of t bh ee village 1 ge 46Ate6r1le, other-accountsLd4saanacidas jsoedhthjyiel :tap_ got zajantie,eibiaei a,u.Q gne:- att osph 01A: ling:Er:I:elan"' j..autsptt.haseurn malt:I:1111;A lea 4*t::
warden of the County," and -it may be
expected that he vvill a,gain seek to at. to sheep by &lg., $6.66 Peter .iortence..
taut that goal of the County Councillor
—Word winiiicei3/4,ed town'. this wee
that Mr, Alex.' McPherson, who has been
in Watetrloolhe past fewronths, 15 ser-
iousIy ill. Many tucknow friends will
hope to learn of his.earlyieenVerY.• _
• Miss Hattie - Gallagher returned- on
Thursday from Pastadena,
where ehe has been visiting for the past
Jew months. Miss . Gallagher attended
the Panama Exposition before leaving
the south,- • '
exchange tells ;the folloWhigt--7
;4002,_..a -AUlkettoit.--yoling-lady-----We& -following litstlee_repardinz the new. War
shopping in Ton** recently, a thief itt.:` Revenue stamps: -„ .
litived-her datelined .$11. When she • RE-olvrcOnxr-W-44-0-•-Ax ON .141MT*1s,
gets older slie May .tia•Ye Setif* 0110Mh to; AND POST 'CARDS IldtAILED IN CANADA EON
• keep away from•Toronto.ahioees_anct do DELIVERY IN.CANADA, UNITED STATES
her shopping at home, • • MExico AND ON LETTERSDIA.ILED IN
A• War tax of one cent has been itnnos-
ed careiabletter and-Po..atatifei mailed in
Canada for deliveryin Canada, the
United Stated or Mexico, .and on eaeli
letter ,nailed in Canada for delivery in
- the grated Kingdom and British Neal
-- • imsterea-generallyiAtiidAvheraver-theAttro
Cent rate applies, to becomeereetiVeron
and 'frets the•15tft. of April, 1915: •
- -This War Tax is to ber,prepaid-bythe
senders by bymearis of a War:•Starrip
Sale by, Pos.tniatiters and other poStage
stamp vendors. •
Wherever posSible, Stateps on Which
. the word "War Tax” have been printed
slionkl be used for prepqoidot of the
: War Tax, but should OrdinarY pOstage
Stamps be used for this purpose; they,
will be accepted,
This; War Stainp or additiOnal Stamp
for war pig:poses should be affixed to
the upper right hand portion'of the ad-
diess.aideofthe_envelope or ..post---eard,..
closet° the regular postage se that it
may be tetalily cancelled 10 the same
time tia the 'Postage.
Tri the eVent Of failure on the part df
the sender throogh oversight or negli-
genets to prepay ate war tat Ott each
lett* or postcard abotte•sprified, siith
• let,ter or postcard will bOent immediate,
lir fig 140 ,neareitt Ranch; Dead Letter,
° essential:that postage'. on, di
chuiset 05,i1 matter 5hould-he prepaid •
. special Easter Thankoffering meet-
ing of the Women's Missionary Auxiliary
of-the•Methodist-chesch-vvill beheld. on
Monday evening, Mrs. Jeffer-
son, Ot Crediton, Will laddress "the meet-
ing- along with u good -program: A
cordial Invitation is extended to every-
one. . •
THE Gurrax-An address by Mr. WM.
'Connell was .a feature of the program at
Guild Monday evening. The topic Was
• "On the Watch Tower," and the speaker's
remarks were illong that line: In plain
and simple language he showerlhow we
Ought at all times to be on the watch
tower in the matter of the formation Of
character, the influeeces we perinitted
ourselves to, he exposed to, and,the com-
pany we kept., The pointe of the dis-
course were illustrated by a number of
appropriate stories. The membership
toll was called by the secretary and a
number of new _names were added.
Another voice was ' heard for tbe first
Lime, that of Mr. It C. Towers, who with
Mr. E. Aitcheson sang a duet. Remarks
byllev-Mr-Duncau and the singing of
the Xiicional Anthem brought the meet -
24, John Waddler 25, Wm. Mcligrneyi
-ing-tc-aLclose,-The_Social Committee..
will be in cliarge next Monday evening, --2,C-nataltortalr27713an Mti"
-a 7preitieln- -.74510;firatcy „ verthe ;2'8,...Peter:Kenney;__29„.._George WItite;„
w1iaii30,. Alex. Sutherland; 31, William Bain;
Easter season will be given.
• ,32,, Thomas Harris; 33, Jas. Baker; 34,
Thoma t Henry; 35, Angus •Meintesh;
BRUCE 'DOING" ITS SHARE 36, John Robb; 37, Dari Ideineee; f3s
•• --- , Joseph Prodginii 39, Wm. Thompson;
" Some few_ days ago there appeared an 40, Ed, James; 41, John johnston; 42, -
effusion from the pen of A. E. Belcher, Wilham McKenzie; 43;•Ben Stanley; 44,
Toronto, -urging the young men of Herb: Graham; 44*,,Harry•Peerteii; 45,
Bruce to enlist. ' Apparently the writer, Jacob Eakenswiller;.46, Tames Hodgins;
.ivh0S.Lone•limie. Wfita resident .of Sough.- 47t Witham Guest; 48, Robt. Malcolm;
smitten, but of late, yeas has _heerc a 49, Thorns§ Bonnett; 50,
resident of Toronto, and white in touch -61, Reuben Stauffer; 52, SidneY--
with Teionto conditions, is sadly out ef lock; 53, Walter Kaake; 54, John Black;.
touch. witb conditions in Bruce. . The 5b-, Jamea.Montgomery; 56, Jas. Powell;
young bled of Bruce- itre 'doing -their ---57; Edward Thacker. 'Fence vitaWers.
share in the defence otthe empire. The Ed ward Harrison, Alex. Nicholson,
tact is the west hasmanyot young sons, 2.honias Malcolin, Thomas White, Frank
• -
and from &the western provinees scot es Henry, Robert lerrte and Alex: Reid.
of Bruce young men may be found in 'Poundkeepers----Alhert Stapley, Harry
the first and second contingents. We Pennell, Thomas Henry, Tyndai Robin-
fancy-ltir..11etcher decided to get his son, Alex. Philips, J. F. Dawson, Andrew
name into print, and simply pitched mto Ferric and William Wraith. ,
.Bruce Coal, knowlng that anything Moved -W Charles Bateller, sectinded
is received kindly up her. - by J. Tiffin and resolved that the Conn-
% , 'loiterer, Mr • R. Stewart Muir, a cil of Kinloss Township hereby ask and.
„former Bruce man takes 'exceptielsi .to
the insinuation and sets fork it cold
figura tlefacts that•Brum yews. men
are living tip to . the best_ traclitiens_ of
the of the coney, The only dis-
-couragieg- feature of Mr.-Maiir's-reply,is
that it offers, another opportunity for a
column or evioreplY.
General Thighea, Miniger of Militia,
recently announced that it is the per -
pose ,of the Canadian Government to
keep 50,000 Canadian Seldient at the
front throughout the year, and 75,006
If the British War Officesaysthey are
needed. That's right General, and see
that they all have good boots. '
After 'giving: ne -• ninth'. . spring-like
.Weather 5,0vouglio,0 _.the„ winter 'the, . , ., . . •
WOliele8 In,stitOti ,
weather Man sitddenly changed his plans for - The regular-ineqe t'ng of 4lie Women's evening, find March sgualle and -inetttnte will be held in the Connell
; snow SIDIIII0 have been the order, • Bev- •Chamber on Friday, April 9th. ' at 2.30 •
, eral inches of Sinew have fallen, and be o'clock. . The program for this Meeting
• kted log and wood -hailing. on sleighs consists of a' paper on "Opportunity"
was ;401 Undertaken by the toateetera, a rtatlfrig hy one of the members, and a
The little hiirtardvhowriver, was not se Tiestion drawer (miscellaneouit), 'There
much Out of place sett appeatect.. Much IS RISO to be a Obilteat on pitching on
liesvier snow falls are net uticOmMint in cotton. at the ineeting,.. This was held
.. , , the Bret half of April. As late evert as over from. last 'meeting. A eoliectioli.
• nePre.$96°10 bY April tO, 1901, TdilnatO,litid a AnOW tall
. .
JoS.. Agnew, LticknOW,:-Orit pf, gi inchetf, Tha WWI'S* Bureau re- for the
910.-r tehilidersti MAntildniftiVildiaitOWrisH at:
. - .
.......„....,,,,,,,,.....:... • ,,,,___.---,..........,,,...- '.... , north 'milder'WeritherfOr .the Weelt-end.
, L -s..; . . , , . , . . .. heartily welcome. •,
. tail fo rt4iteir l'000f - s
f d sta b • 110f170Ert,?.'tjAio,!-DALptrqi ton the village of. zeeknow,
re un tate a or, 4,05; John iticT
John McLeod, iter cent on wire fence,
1,444 D. C. Tower$
Keene, •'per eget. on wire fence,
2,50; Jas.' Fisher, fixing loth side. road,
1 00; J. Guest, inspecting Stuart's con-
tract, 2.25; John Stuart,. gravel contract,
Lot 4, 2nd.R..N.,_32.40;_Alhert now,
son, plowing 10th side road; 2.00-; Ben
-10th side .toad, 2.50;
.Tho,mas--Murrayi: -re- .Municipal World,
supplies, express charges • and postage,
13:83 • • • ,
Moved by Bitchier, seconded by Hod-
gins that the following persons herein
-after named be appointed to the offices
of pathmastArs, fence viewers and, pound -
keepers for ths current year, and that
"the Clerk prepare a by-law confirming
the appointments. • Motion carried,.
Pathmasters appointed -Rad Div-
ision No. 1, James Webster Jr:;;2, James
Reid; 3, John Graham; 4, Alex, Parris;
5, Wm. Fisher; '6, John Craig; 7, VA
Jacques; 8, Malcolm Rosa; 9, AN illiam
. Dawson; 10, John Kennedy; 11,,James
McIntosh; , 12, j. P. Daivson; 134 K. ,11.
McKenzie; 14, John McLeod; 14i, Paul
Reid; 15, Kenny McKenzie; 16, John
McDougall; 17, Walter McKenzie; 18,
Albert Little; - 19, Dan McKenzie; 2Q,
Peter McIntosh; 21, Dan McIntve; 22,
William Wraith; 23, Miff' Richardson;
t'On &UM -Good Dane litinse and.' s.ble,
- acres of geed,. black soil seeded with, tin:
' Othy, good water. .14ituated,rust ea St of flu
railway at Oon. 2, Iinloss, Lot ;No. 2.
further particalars aeTy• to
Mi-- L. Box 2.
' Lue.rnow,.
- -13U11:fdi-Sal
Months old, Firs t prk.a •ft.
TeesWater 'kV Var. This Is an excel): ant.
allY,streng,unittl,a4 Of ',,heavrY iffilkint" •
Strami_and, for sale at rigout,- price.. Apply
to S. D. A. A. Stelae, Teeswater,
1 -i -100-p. •
' A Brother Very III • Business Change
The itiphitrriteita last week • flume -elect luynt Witein lensall on
. .
. Those who read. the. hardware adver-
tiiement 9n • page 1 five.. will ' note-
".Mr.,Sehti Me end, Of Milk% , .gave us Toothy teliee•lii4 brother; • &age; who
that i he Arm •iiiiine M Chia week "Bell'ik,
A call On Friday. Nit- 'Itier•nOd tollOt,.t0; for a weeli„.hat been criticallY All With
that 4101 Menibersandadlierents of Mu- pneumonia. ,Mt, joynt returned home : Mama" frothed of .11611 dt Dowse'.
letits Presbyterian •Olturtill, Ai* united; on rtitstioyAtitt4ta04-tettitiyaledoiac
Mr. rifirtYfle old: .0,n.tIne intemit in itha ,
'bushiest recently, end Mr, IV 8. Mei
the. tall to Bev, 1). A. MeLeali, of Dip,. there was a fightingi,,ohoneo ,of .hitt.,
It id ilet. 'gateau all the, way, and 1 ', brethet4 *carol*: 'Reams being kept 'Lend has .heeetrieri :partner of Mr; Dell.
it big eilert is being put forth to". induce 'alive by the liberal. use 'ef oxygen, Via: Mr.; McLeod, though a yontig ilifitiihritigit;
• ilia ItiPley pitStot to listen to tliti,,...in„aor it this .coridition Tnitt be Maintained' ferthe business 'several years pet experi.
thee in the hardwire bltablesai haling
voiees who are 'eallingleihim In iiinietisi until natured efrec a "ft theater° Of teIt i -
. Mr.*Matoot;1148 gist totinY.presehers storathott ,at'iod results ,roiat be looked . been :attend-, ,YearS in it large store in .
'''llaVe been imard• lint Rev.ev• lit. ladliealt for. mMr.a do.iro - loyal is the.. youtigo.st, •bk 'storms of ordinary pOs*,•ago stAity43. Uttfiltio,N . Y., an later baying had
. wool,* thestroutf favetite..and thecoh. of the Soya brothers, and. bee Iseeii ..,..Tiiii.VAr...Tair wimp vrilt ! MA be, aCebpitit eliargebt a large Store 111 lin 1104010c
•gregStioto are brokered tO intteao OM' ..tho op* evapoittiiit ttritt fortilitgor'bia.,...iiti any ono Int,,thn• ptnpayntent •44 •potta, California. lio.ia* ',,t10444414* ot ii!it:
. , • i,.
.0tIpend„ . , ,..,„
... • •
In The Globe on Mareh 10th Mr. Unit
makes this.Veply: •
To the Editor of The.Goblr: In WI -
'emit issue appeared a complaint regard-
ing "Recruiting Bruce." The Writer
hoe obtained the following figures, which
so constitute a complete. ri,ly to such
. ,
toMplaint or criticism: *
. Lithe -fired contingent were $6 Men, 2
lieutenants and 3 Captiins, Bruce
Ccointy•sent .t4 the second COntingent. bet
men fruit quota) f Sergeant, 2 Lieutert,
ante: and 2 Captains. riot 'the third
ineaS at 116041 fOr it number of yew% ago,
— 7 •, •
.' ' - , .1 .JOI0 iloritit
. . . , 1, 4"
•• .' • ,
.11 i
requeitt the Provipcial Legislature to
distribute to the different municipalities
Ategraleg.to their respective, nilige of
riP4 a the -full Mount now coileettaf
the province for automobile licengeti, or,
incre.ase.thereto,algto that irar .toetober
to the legislation. be asked to Co-operate
4fidAhtitthe Clerk. iritify--Mv-Bowrittio
of this resolution. Motion earned, •
Council. adjourned to meet to hold
Court of Revision and general Waite&
on Tuesday, March 25th, 1915, at 10
• o'clock m. .
Thomas Murray, Cleat.
• -
Notice.to Creditors
, • . •
In the matter otthe,estateofJohuRehla,:
' 'In& of the Toliiihip.,•61 Hur'n in
the County of 'Bruce,
ceased. - • , . •
'Noticeis hereby given'thht all 'Perseus
ing any claims or demands' againd the, late
John Robb, who died, on oredout the •seventh
day :of MarobA, D. 1910,,•Itt the TO wuship o'
liaron in the•Cleunty Of Brow, are required to
send hypeSt prepaid °eta deliver to the finder- •
Signed, solueitor heroin for Rfibb and
John Smbltzer, exceute,rs under tire tVIU •
the said. John Robb, their nainesand addresses
and fall partictilars in writing' of liteir
and Statements of their accounts and the tuat-
ara of the seturities, If any...hold by them, dulY
verified .by affidttv..t.• _
ncl take,notientlate aftorthre-Tiventyixtir-
day Of April A..1)..1015. the said executer...4 wil1.
proeecti tedistribete the •assets ottlie said tle-
ceased atnong thopasons entitled:thereto, lutV-
Inn iregard ordy to the claims' of which. they '
Elizabeth Robb n Smeltter Wilt natio • '
hal-then-har-o-bc:tutie rie-i•r-atid-that,--the-saitt,,77
AO*. for the skid, ' •pts er„anypart_,,therepfx0_,_-_,,,
-tinY PerSofia iiihoir) tlfey sltulli not theft
have received .notice. •
Thisnotice.is given pursuant to ata atotate.
in that behalf. — • •
•wiliJultdAatagrnow this Thirtietii 4:0.ay
. P. A. 111alcUinsot,u
' • 'Folieltor for the said Ekeeators.
154t500 -e. •
.',Po the eleetora Of. LucknoW, vrho,. by ,
their votes, helped to place me in the
contingent there tire -75 Well, I Ltellt°them( Reeve of the villaI wish
et- 1 , .„, , hearty
ant, 1 Meijer and 1 Lieutenant Colonel. to oxtoso most ootomi. and • .
In addition, there is a 'company of 38 thanks: Your es'ilDsiteEno ce. la deeply ap-
men and 0: captain on geoid duty at the preciated by, yew. obedient servant,
proud, bgt when it is known that sons
wireless atatien at ,Tobermory.v • •
' Of. this ttleord Brtieb . may well be 4 . IiiiN JOYNT.
Of /knee, litittli hi eastern "and western . •
etbarhagasumbialte, VIuctatit gillireTteVnt .rdeaeValuti°:16 ltvair---At his home near. London, otit,‘
teloicc that our home county in nolag in -OK Als,rch ,5tli„ 1915, Rev. David
Ran, in his 65th. year. ilev. Mr.
praetical patriotistn. • Devotion to..•duty
didnot die with the hoses et 1804."..j. Ppm... who, was a superannuated
t TittiMethodist minister- once lived hear
ii 1,5i Viloi •
Notice to Creditors
In the •matter of the estate of William
• Graydonlifardner„late of thelown•-• . •
.-ship, Ashfield in the-.T-Cotin"ty-,Of-7
: • -Thir-O4,-1*.konti,n, deceased. •
. iltreastairao that'ull,persana
ingfany 'clainta or. demands against thls
%% ltllaui qraIrdeli thurdnerAc•.1wAied,on erabOut.
• therzywonty-rourthlifty or February:A,:
at the Township of Mblield in tha 'coon C.
Iptun, are required to send by post, prepaid,
,Or _deliver tO toe Musetsiimedt elicitor herein
forlititihard J. Gardner and Ohurias ititchia
executors unatmthe 'Will of the 'said William.
•lirayden Oarliner, their names' and widresses
and fun particulars in writing of theit claims .
and state:mute a their aceoun ts and the nature •.
Of the sceuirities, if any,- held by them, duly
verified by
And take notigethat after the Twenty-4:db: •
"day of April, A, D. 1016; the sad executors- will
. precebd to distribute the ussota of the said. de.
. ceased among tho DOMOUR bav-
ingrcgard to the claims Of .whieli they
bad *Otte°, and tfut. .1.targit•
Richard :J. grafter mid, Males IN. 1.1
witt oot de thole for the sad assets, or any part
'thereof to any pc, ,rsens whole cleft they .
v_e_teceravelEnutiCet,,,----- •
• • ThiS notice is gttett emtleot tho:pt-lteto
"InTliat„brIffifL7. • • • • •
• Dated at 'Lai: hew this Thirtieth. dal,' at •
Atered, A.D.1016. - •
• k. Maleatitien •
•1544,730.c. SoltelkOtteP,tite.41(1AXecaters..L___
'Aii,siss • •
• Mortgage Sale of' yarin
• West Wawanosh "
muter and by irtdo of the Poi'vor tif Sole •
.contateett in a certain regt.steted mortgage, •
which ‘s in he firotIneed at the tiffie Of sift t
upon which default in paymeht IMS beau m •
there will be offered forsake dtpublie ettenott •
at the Metlarry 1.10ese. In the vtilege of buek
• nowt in the -Clainty Of Dratte, Oh Monday, tho
ilfth day of April, 1915, at 2 O'cleek in the atter "
noon, the following lands, matiely: Aul that
certain pm cel Or .traet _of Lana and-pretabit.%-- .-
"SitunfiefL lying und being la the 'Township of
West' Wawithosh„ in the (70fttY of nufroft'and
iprovinee Onterloc, beldgeot000sett •de Irwth
•` half Of Lot Number Sixteen In the -Thirteenth
teneession Of 'tile Sala .Township of iVe44
%Vowel -Irish, containing breduneastireittiftt tam a
• hollered aereg Of „land Mae Or ie rni4 • • •
property is Abutted ftedt MI* an,1 OtiVbita
frOM litIC1EMAW AM upon It icr domeit
frame hoese 21x.26 Wed -kitchen Iilv„;.N. tr61114
bate' 1TtiAl and Alone derriere -AIM tiexIL
There are two itereg of orchard., Wet wens nett
ps omit oVeh'aeres Of fell Wheat.•
',NUM's: 10 per •eent. of the Inurelino"ItiOiley •
to be prild deWri at, the tittle' of tale' .•atal thrt
owe without iniorat in thirty days there,
After. ,
kurfqrUfer pattiehlaia oputo to " '
. •It. 114171 T104'4 &Writ*, • .
()r to , Ail Allefieneel,‘Ytts' 7.7
Dated a eactiefillaS 1110 ttf,Y, of i'AintY!It*
1014 •