HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-25, Page 41
i. for ; 1.10•4‘,. / /It 4/10ic :and .7 -
Great Reba:ins
Tne Leeallow semertnec
!MEM ettillitlit being mada la the countr{, and the yr.
ernment wee able and willing to pay a, •
good price, But erdinary, reattonable Wooden SOldlere Stood Sentry, at
preats were net enough, Insatiable greed , Her poor.
BACILIONZIN. Pro *Ietor 4103;it itCopportuinty
and Bdttar. from the tbrone• of AS the
e , .
Titi',Ifidalyt Mar4it 20.4,18
PliblIelied *vire Therado moodier
1.4uoknow, Ontario.
In all ltias of Metes
. and Ladies Appsrei
(treated IMMO Ottered
eafs Par Overcoats regular
pcIo 1115. and 16.00141 be sad
04/14•' 14846'
. 4 it mac set a In MI5 V'ertlinand IV. wee driven:.
few more dollars, though the. army member* ot hie family, „cent, "All
nhoilld, be 'rendered Inc:Wattle' and tie' aged lialf-eititer, fled to Qf
• the lonely old Bourbon prineees who.
EttoPire deetroYetl. ' • ,reinaleea In the iai.d Where ber
1-• - """e"." ' faX0-11r bad reigned.1 Ve Onto 'game.
&gelid 10100SS. • rad -tells -a teuehtug little story.
_ The victorioutt French, who had
![.. • ---MndaY. :March: z40". 'd.riven Ferdinand• from the hrOne.
TRUBADAY, MARCH .20tb., 1010
Premier Scott, of Saskatchewan; 11.04$
Mos% Spit* suite:130st tweed atnaminced that It ov r
hal)Irwbi made a bu4inette..trip to treated the old:lad with every e
e tutten •
Millar price $10 00 for $O 20 the near future, pose a law forbiddiog 11ipley last Saturday. eideration. The- u w XiP11". $010P11'
190 $15. Sale 10.20 ti*Provillee. rid* will come into °31 rzen uorder that'
oreat war. Ito a preihninary step coin Ica Annie:114M ta Wile again after OhoUld be • renieved • ilicatienti conehed in ever v ' i
Nati, and Empire)
Altura German ivritera asaert thet
no foteliner eau understand Germany or
the German mind, there are smite neu-
tral obiervere who appe,ar to haveiorne,
ed some altrewd, if unflatteeing, opinions
upon the Fatherland. One of them is
Prof. Theodore tlerk Smith; professot
of American hiatory William College,
Ivho ec•ntrituten to the New York Times
an admirable artiele upon "Germany's.
metes warisea .suit; reg .14 the eide et jutexiestiet Arera Gepege. Roo, of mount Forest, caned . reocoeftelltv'teirt*- reot,PerBtY and ber Natmnal Olisesmon, n Introdue.
f here lately.
• the eau, vibe tut he 1111: tory remaxya prof. sioth siva that never
All kin& ef hoya. a:iiibst 'beat. *i*et 4* tile Oat 44 of 4tily next, and *is* An te Fisher le :learning the .0too d before th -4 1. a 711" has a Publ.
been . SO „tithatded with AT-
,. 43 oar' at the Place's gamentil, appeals, explanations and just -
now. , and had saluted• wnen ate named •
makes regular fltioilow, $3.25 rema• in in force lintil th 4 f -Inakt°1414
10%. for anal eepte„ =nein* on the bit alk ari I las M. hn
• he rem d
. y arietY.ef au'
_e en o the • •
• fl
Shalt, er reg 123
. And, on thla
ding 80//10 time on. the 01. con, point, in spite of the, whicesa, onatie . guago and from -every bert ,ef person-
:from the Olienceller hims31f, from diplo-
aall t t . e , , . , . 0 stout of LimknoW, is bcezeed atoateigrie Teathadji/Zrrirchyaadi mate. aline,ve 4, from university profes-
Into ilrees • reg. 150. anti. 4040 a seveno'clockin he vetting visiting at th0 10)410 CU...NOR Campbell., ,
Mr.allitMO. .Tolni Bess, of Olivet, a Inge a•if.e7 dr properly be accorded to ger t4a0doed ardmiahnorvo% si"titofutireeeleeitoletheatvtderawttoeun
• ' '' " .4. This is the moot drastic piece of anti Were the peets of a forte of their, friends' Thme• reteig oft tehistamesiliiiii t .ree ; t accept
20e„ for ...;„ . li2i canto, ea'a...4 'claY 94 341014,er arg °Pen. '
utitorlegislation ever passed in Canail.
It need Must 110 WON' it il.lberte
follows the example ot her sister Rrev,
9 pee ,aliCe they -Would long -since'. have
, wounded the .princees more, 6caply „cOn4nered Anietica,,h4f Wheys thertiest•
We are 'OW telrePert that Sal4•dene. For 'Abe iiret;tinie she felt her. 4re• on Yet, to ProduM itnY ifiesSoraW
• rriatei regular 15,11 and ioe, here last week.• `
• than -many more 'whine 1osse8 bad Striking feature of is their utter IA-
. . Glib" wire bag, ,,beea iltror aMag.tiFigtit$ self aa outcast.. an exile, la her:Own effect upin'Argerictin sentiment."
Shirting, replay IN. and i6c. able In be °peasant, :, • - 0 , land. She grieved 'tie Steadily :that' 0faimak 'ZioTioi'T or DEPPiea
for...........12c. and Inc: 'MO GeOeIrwin entertainel. a leiviof . er strength began to Ian. _ Tbe. wri er behevert tha e e•liee. Of
e e.s,eniegiast.week, . , stayed w th, their mietressi decided oat ' gine by ••taking„ two t
rnee• g
Ma3r".expePt that nearly atiforward
'legislation in Canada, both ,fdominiOn
and Provincial, will 'have ital. origin- in
•tbe.Weet, 'The people Of the Went are
far alore daring tban-600"e_ pi the Fotat-
We jewneigilbora and friends, of JACknow •••,Pinii'llri the leyal servants wifo.had:thelstore is that eiter7 oerrnan apao.,
Tho,.00. von,' scribe would inalte a reetore the We I order grantsd 40 0; fundamental . assinnution
Bleached 09tton.' regalar 10 a,nd partner for anebody hi life; but, like • old ladYlt epirite. ° AO- ", eyes voietea every
cording' they hio ed t wlugh
Ac -
IOL. af'.• is/ * 'it *0 O• 0,* 810:*
Mei& Tog skirt; reghlar .
704. and 1,?' for ....39 and 690. P4
to resort to -a subterfu n to • atone g er
everybody goou else, often makes unknown wooden riodier, ofai;g4ed 4444 glflaaar;,. thing he ear - he key to this ditlicul-
The ..itailroad Overalls, the very As. tilkea. We will: not critisize. dui appearance: on this, deremy they. ty is to; be found in the fact that. a single
beet makeitnd Materiel, Will be, ., . • , With the telephone and Rural Mail Painted the gay entferni. of the 11$1a-: InIM011 OROS'', a "PI= of -romPai$o;"
- sel4 et-re*inable- -price.- -Atm because "' " new' Wkez:i..t1"7,1"e that ' 'delivery any girl that wouldn't Want. to Politan grenadier, They set the lig- bas doMinatd all gernum ideals Off 41,7
Smooka of the ea= goOde and,' ' 'a thing is Tight a- profitable - they go live en a term Whetter Away from -it; Aire in-teatentry•hox by -the -gate or -thsk - fierna.tional- relations and domestic _goy'.
. . r the mistress to -drive -out. - , • • - campaign instate .that, --Germany- Must
Ladies'. Handkerchiefs, 10 for,. and Practice% Saskatchewan has .hild a a 'il • . ...1 0 h ha h • . Tha ceuated mi the 'Mare -1046d- ' have the strongest•ariny in Europe, and
Sec,....,, m 2., lu iv?, een. meeting nese of the prineeee, and on the fact . nos he able, iii ease ef wert ta• ciefeat
• 'Only .., 4O.4.: • / r t • . or, 256... COaple, of hard years. '' At. ir eVident .
W en arm more that sbe alwayl paused through the the argiige of any enemies by an 'cier.
Everyday 4.'e.,p' 1,0,...e; *one, 24.; enough that the saloons. have greatly .472 'tr::repoarct/edaletein% ea:gem:lie offit, irili gate in her. carriage, to make the epee
whelining attaCk, and must carry on the
fat.. i„. -.„ ...;:, , ..„.„,,,-„- ,,,„, ,...150, i..nitio7rtshed..inanY Of the. PeOP1% milt, 'record the most. enjoyable winter that euceebefut And when at test the car- '
Tna.r.krorm farmy madeo.eg, ing things volute- than AMY 'otherwise, haa been spent by the Young 'Nora° for' :Jay:. did Pass. theY samptbillYeet411; ictalacde iivaleirl)Pennalt:foeameYo'sertomritniteZail. -11133hi;
200•0 for.., ;,..„ ....., ..;-10e• .‘"eld have been.Pei" that reason they .8°;ti°1°' 't . 4 ti • t • tithPat ettliea,.thaedamneott.dettheected the deceP. It the Germaa Ilarsire came into ' being,
• • • •
They are ^ not afraid of 'a thing simplY
both ter her Owl' geed aad tkese areand Princess' reeldeinee. and Waited ter' ermeq iiftY, years. This "plan of
make.' ' • - • right -after it, regardless of old customs
Phildee of. the finest are to be olosedup; rronner Scott is a e re°3° wood -bee an dance a tien
Sam 'Congmmis was a delided camas, ' • • It was practised in 1886 at Austria's ex.
about 14 cards of wee& being cut; and Prorethat time the princess re. pense, and in 1870 at ; the expense of
*the.. MAY be wen* al a dress Po. swan of extraordinary *litenes is Post,- France. Sincethenthis • princ.ple has
reg. and•tlierei is no doubt but be stranger at the party reports it one* of vivdellh* The ae.atrY never lett h
. . , ,, an , e pr newts never diseotere,d the been accepted by.every militery chieftain
• • '' ,. ,, ,, . gogedbefore takirlh.leiag tauPeinatIrt). ill the„ Pr°v/n. , ae„ taihaeabhee8tredheiteoYnerthwouse wabLOWwleircea‘,rce:aeregt: rereseteort;Yd:wlihelhatierritisoYaaitidliebrver litejahltahit. in
hGeeldirinthanki4oannlyd by aesYmerlsheibitlezoeifne'neiviet
B. tlill'ZSTElli'S . . '' °f
, , ,. ,,, „ . ... . • . , to the,whole.aftair. When the • Second- But oecaotonally she dt-d complain t„ednefGeoesrm. Ty w
. ' Prohibition will be a ruinous - blow ers.do anything they do it right, , it we .that under the new. regime soldiers • win. This is the german
r did. not preeent 'IlYn18; all theY , we sys m, and because the
.•. , .
had-- people in. the 'United States' believe/ that
Itergain atom . ' many of the hetelkeepers in SeSkatchel do say it ourselves. • • . , e
win. 'A:luring the preePerens Years " of•
dahf"- in ther. daYa wile°. her hr°thel. the wade defensive and offensive hail)
. • -trios stivo..• . ... ,, _ .tbo, icont boom, the ho tin b.a ING stiooTA0E,,
• ' • ian * profitable and• LiveVinnow in Tube For Bait. •
hotel properties tvereeeld at ridiculous:.
Next doer'. t4 •0 fi . was, •
1. .
1 / ' ' ' ' could not in justice a •y 0 _ . will have to he ,niade..• up from
•- _ •.. - „ • ' • ,' , , . ' • countries that are enjoying the lessing8 his ambitions are unsatisti d, •II
r •Nr ', - VA,. P:tiourt Sherwood No: WO .1411eltilinr. IlOn. I . ' . ' - e One of the%) is • Canada. • It is started out in life' with great ninbl- ,
. I mete wrepy last Ilitty.of the month in
, in the Oddfellowe' , Visitiingbrethern our boneden duty to see that. :Britain floes to _become a Pxime Iiii_nistei..- a.
wra Wont to command .the applause
cvmdlaur invited to attend, °Met Ran o- ' THE• E. oummas. 000TE shall not as far •as preventable, 81 cr ..-- -s- ,-- , -
...,(1.12 ....kel.rt.c', 'BeRelt Johnston, na,°Treas.bt GrahDli: ' ---,--' , * from a hick of foodetaffa,•or of such at or :of listening senates, to achieve great
i,„ riches. He•slowly finds that his ini-
77---.:. . - - - There seems no getting away frIldit-11-a lidosecfeu.:1- ininit'eotriheirptothrdiss,„°°buoutthrr men ,l'a'n'd tial ambition can bear no - fruit and'
'1,:''''", ' 6. 4 -Po' U. *W. lineknow Lodge, No..137, ;meta fact that many at,ue anadian so ers '
. second Monday of,eaohmonth In the,Odd- that he must be content with -little. was the sole Justification for Germany
f - . hed . boots h. h women are called upon le put.ferth their lle ra• ust.• learn• to secure a degree •of going -to war. He peints.mit that at the
. ,c , • renews' gait ?Laster Work:loath .Y. Mae- were furnished with, -Iv ic were best efforts so that when the time fames oomfort in lowering his ambition to very moment when Russia and Austria.
• 'f „„ ,. 060,7„icia.co.rineoleteepwri-DeimeltiMALOLIIIto8hrtoss.,Rec- Taa„,orthl,„,605 to men doing the work o any deficiency can readily be met The second lace or to thirdP ace Or to appeared able to come to an agreement
. , . , ld* 'on active Service Evidence accomplishment of this does not neces- no .place at all., But • age brings the over the Serbian matter, Germany 'de
• • ' - • Dental . . already sohniiiied h3, met, who got .the sari_l.y repair extra labor, ' but. it does. coipeiniitt,ion. of ,it better ,ind, gment of el.ared via.rAu'polf rtyhe.sii.a. ..N".?„ ether
, . peraculany suggest more care in prepar values. , .lion conswere...moehization an excnse
a_. n n,, n, n .. ‘, hootatowacw gores this beyond a doubt; dim of the sou and in. the. selection- -,o1 , ., A ..-..,,,, for war., Germany's demand that Bus-
', - .......,... _ -..•.-..atairc-- "in..."-•Thate,,•-ei• 7,0ge,-,•Tece^." sra.".terr--S°eenePe-alldit-ilintated.that the_w_hole.,firsteion- „otseedoind•in attentim to •ri • . ''' . maddening 'nun' • e_3._• •h Czar_
. ixtstrctn r't°°)12 coOrli
• Isittmess was pspee y • pre • •
• `: FOOD STUFFS , ot interept to fiehermen ie a novel
• 'otittrikriiiieb-rieitintlY • patelited"foi.
, • • • - w• • • • a single minnow •for all entire
• , .1y,high prices, 'When the collapsece,rne
1115 live
Bus d Society Car these properties, of eourse; rentained Et_Ye ' itness with the
111ifiS412 Soc • day'a fishing for• maskinonge or blies.
with the last and hi -best. putetaiers 'nut's° "'"'"'"Y' "4'9 isslieci lvar-.''a A'atrong. clear slang tube 'is equipPed .
oppositft Meanings they eamiot compre.
,!iend the ...0,Aeritzinewils-aorgrttitiwEe4t407'
'that has exercieecteomething in the nat-
tiie-of a reign of terror in Europe for
moor years. . To any non -German,"
against the.suggese.on that the Gernsans „,,th metallic rinse, to which are at-
soNs,ta., clielpli,• With big b# trade „there might .„be am a beaten nation. • He gieyithat'theY iii4ehed Winters of hooks, and a lo dseaYys,tphel.°Zlintahiloaelt.iharadeecrileaai.aaaeonr°m°1."
•190.019,_ ald NFU. - - some prospect of struggling. along under are still ,Or ant ed. have' abliodont re- wire.' A live minnow placed ,within
. - rutory, cotild avold tak.. io_g_ the. utmost.
.the hese load of the inflated purchann sources, are:fedliP With illusions, ',and the. tillte, !Which :is filled with water. preeentions in such circumstances, It
MARVEEXLINDSAi,,Icionnow,Ont. Agen• t . • ,1 • 0.11l:ntillA -conqdent... of Ultimate eueeess• and the ilshline le .attached tri' the '
Was not that ',Russia, France. , Switzer -
'Spring Millinery Display
26th. and 27th., ,
113 Our Spring display of trimmed Millinery will'be
hld ogariday and Saturday, the 26th. and 27th.
. • -
cf March."' Miss McInnes extends a cordtat 1n.44
vttAtion. to the ladies to .visgt. our showroam .and
• a I
see the newest styles for Spring.' The store will
'kbe kept open on these nights to give an opportune.,
ity to those who canUOt • come in the daytime.
New Spring Faille Silks
We have just received neW assortment in Faille
Silks in blacks, sand, battleship grey and„ other
• new shades, ,
kiee.'our "LadieS" KainCOats.- ' A special "at $5 *0 -
We have a good assortment.of Mere,S 'Raincoats
at different prices.' " . •
wretalL.......ttt.Lnd Eggs.
prvaviousiinee of Ina/mace, stream. Lire WC% IllIkvithoot raanY hotel men ,Ne intimatien was•nceded of the Merl- wire loop. 'Upon 'caeting the minim*
. aliment alignatituaknegvntlhe-renann 'must go te the wall. . • • • ' . - tude of the task tbetisbeforethe M ieS, into the viater theilulie niagaifiert thei , _lend, Beleitun,•111elaindDenma•rk
&Withal' :1°Irabet or villOgo Oa ralla_ Viemier Scat RtAttid.that the question.; but, •if there were, this, sitrelystipglie, ;Minnow aunt ettriiite 'the lai•ge tioth.' feared any milsrevelted nigreesion fi
''PrePertio.S100 804e. ' • . .
i 0.., o'ijr.,',142,0kuow •', -/..,. deimecia..' firita. , pri40.- 7,- , depreciation of _ „theft ..reperty due .0 .catc_ons t.liat,Lhe_Airea ..ef the, war wit 11144:irtehde, tmitheetioaanted4thilrihnunroow ii3e4nuoyt.....
-men got•the conception thattheir'eclun,,,
'. evening sitS0,010Ok lifthelk 'Cann, - • ' ,-- - , . '.- spreact- an tne• • near- zuture,„ and ..thet.:•...• , .„
iiti- totter lioVrintiny tinierrit le- -- o -•y .- • ,
col:410412"1":tdr7liaArTag."brikethreGrand'T"nr.'h'rhTreals.rdiWali=„ila . virRossvta-ice :.,ctirefthe-eilry-tride.fredl"hliglillihtalibelle: -atilliii-P'-iateiTit-iitliC'e*'-e7filxelintr4:17tyillitr'iteieslkig- '-owittlaYt..-L •:-The;',-..,S:hi-Oe;_,wxthe.4w.tttr.. :Ir_.._.e.i-----..- '._it-LYia...aG'11171.n,l.itribalsi:iiii). yt-eTwilhicia:iatiblhe:rsirr-rtenellitile 'tt14:1;:otuili.:...
•• ., ,ateetztee:. 'se', ll..a1"4-yariin. •. isecy.9" .etr.Pte...`e.' coicagnea: _ co• ni. pe. needont their coni....o.n one side Or the ether,. T.h.ii • Of Catirse, .shitei:44".is.t,b„e .....13-*,4?0,4314 it Is !lib:: :and ireCniat
,. . . ed in and all neutrals by the
ineani further 'Withdrawals frem agii• • . '
. . , . . • .
cultural , and mclostruil activity. , ,It also
indicates greater shortage in Europe.. of
all kinds of fixidituffsigrein„ Vegetal:geS
land' live eteekAnd of horses.' Thiti"ae
of co asatwitee betel men 'foe-, the it. in addition there is lase 'Vivid Fresh water is eonstantlY admitted gerroony• It was that they knew if_frpni
he Business Man's
any accident or blunder German states-
• ; chided, would have to be paid out of the
, &a. Tem old Lightfoodye moote pockets of the people as a whole, am
• , every Thuradirimighbonor before the fall
' 'Moon, in.tha Masai* Hall. Havelock sta'eet. they could not see that the public owed
isteknow. w. .A. MacDonald; S. W.,
D.Oameron;11. W..0.31artIn; Secon,W. A. the hotelkeepers anYthing; so • here
, .
The Tragedies: of old Age. • revelations of Gertriany's 'defensive' pre-
(visa ans. age, s paratio, las.for invading France, Belgium
With•all itsZdinp ti UV
yet many tragedies turd." to endure. and Russia is absolutely incomPrehcoe-
able. Germans. To there? With their
'The old maii ands t many of his
,hopes have withered, that many or belief in the necessity of doing that one
thing; it Matter of coursts."4 • .
. • mann
The' writer quotes. front, the._.• Guinan.
declaration of war upon Russia, and the,
frank German admission that the fact
that Jimmie was in procese of inobilizing
S ows whether he progressive
. or rettogressiVe, He must, ,
tlte neatest, cleanest .and --lest
--vinting-hplean would- •,•
_Riess WI btisilitS1 forcbIy upon
his fellowmen.. •
. •
We are Here to
Do Your Printing
,with Splendid equipment and a ,
p I
'large assortment. of type ready to
, • d ring of live stock.. To/SIT. dian tribes Ps°
ds this On
t the • seeds of a
maz°811auirirov-aeralled •Pareea' dtacuind ti.bgiliivzcietillonill•w9Ouldslirbaentceordtheraaetr;itivtedhees
lal attenthia. tP4ria W tee' 1st' and 4.1 P 'tit boots Made ia flg" • with the Patriotism an . spec e ki -
its renter
crowning and. ti gent,. before en co-- • 4 prodoetion a_nt n. . • w . the_ a ,
(Ionic Thar. • to be supp . _ .
being sent to Fsa-ee, conferences pro . • . which is maindet ° hen a bout of ThUrdralaw.d, sayifthe
had an rea mut:salon mom,
eesday of (Plait =Oath' - Campaign • ' t had on ple become highly
a ct the bulletins, nerlin env t a n
toileated an . •
00011,48 an agreement had een
tr A. NEWTON . Den - dal is one rebo
• - tut. m • • 9
°der° This soldiers boot see .
• of rds and reports
• bon w
that are ,o, e • , peoff. T
Branch se the sn.0 he effect.. of result o
lt r insane arrogance. s ng . • • d writer, seem
• 'AMU t teriale tarnished. t d egracehdrmine° °n ' • ed totoggetnAe mee
r of a dehb-
oar toeknow• Ont. An in hone in the aPP
lication to the Public.rmans/as the
attons .then, 'u
emroettivArgaoligafidDlidirwork• Painless extroW the mos revel%
, ion Y USe !liNotekthisf. !I�St Nowa& history of the
try. It- be ex-
' vigeintizoirtincial teeth. Alamtum &teed, pieined only*, the Illeffitleney
non _
of. the Militia --nei-nArtmenktthe insatiable
greed and dishonesty of the roanUfact•
tifeWbr hatiftogether; • -
There shoni4 hale -been nO•trauble_.in
gr . •
epartment of -Agriculture, Ottawa, will ipareca so violent that more
taker &ate Ina
greatly help drops as ' if shot "and lies ibl intention
toactbininoth nn
• A nramr WItEA.T netiere' for some -time 1.1'iorhhoise accue- an outcome of the'Grin
deeds as a matter f f g_ 'War. It 1E4
g , more than
an aith in :the
-Aecording•to,relmble•statistws. 'there tomed to •it 'are'
are tied up at the . present time about log and singing' "1444' danc- "Plan of ca
The First Ste
Ofteri means sci mita; Ithas '
• meant .ittiteta to thousands
'of young people who •wrote
for our catalogue as the first
step- toWard a good•salaried ' •,
•.• position. Take the step. to-
day. ' Address Central Busi- ,
itess College, 395 ;Yonge St.,
• W. IL SnA.W, .
TBrifirORP• errro
°Marie' -West .
strike iffit: •campaign."
tt Ruo 'tend aside and permit.
.Germany _must
two-billion-bushela-of-,-wheat,th ro. fect soon subsid4s if: (4).%:tribeh:'ule.:
France and sm.:to-mobilize-would ba
selecting a suitable beet for Army ser-
inei ail- ever &fit have. been- -nations-producawfme,halterop„ - --"I3Y- habit •-ind.71also•pride-vie-are-ar .
•vicein---inud--and: trenches. . Yoe- -
boots well
adapted for
_._ years•
authinity*rguethai 4rattiox.:that_the. r!.to r/epel arguewdonsr.itein.g ,ttiefivet-s..y ..
_ production of wheat.- ..A recognized r
.is in-tliekiicinitY•of-lialf-thow-OrIcre-total ."'"'"7„. . • 4.,,eli.L4v:430roiltuilis being
td;,byeai it . uncertain, a tTa, i ihen: t' nlinsprteo:
duction of the countries at war; „Inds- .: thtkcietinh,aroi;vv ietsiviaiyfOaill:the advent g s which:
preparing • fel-
which, we. glory while serinoniting of the power to stalk
prospector would do equally well for the rest are -Canada, the 'United Sta ad '
e this deffeit df • one-bilhon. 13 alif will_ characteristic, that ; ire lire , apt- to • • -
. . about it. I-loneaf thrift 48 an alien tiered enemY. tiiT:ciAeoN;v9:Ilit;•.:otin.it. .nkitz
soldier. ' ., • . . Argentina. The combined outpsn: of rgiaarnddervkotitlir .1celli:ftillesSerywhei ',What rilf 01 1 OilE P:eld7
. the goVernnietit of our eitieh and the Rnssitt was the swift unfolding of 'he
If a good sample boot to serve as a these countries is only 1,249,000,000;
oil Want
The Way -You Want it
When You Want it
,The 'Presses, Lucknow.
.• •
Call and See Our Goods -
•• •
. .
' BefoteL„.13uyin '
New Williams Sewini 1Vlachines Frost Wire and Gates
-Connor's Wailiing IStradhities -Pure Mix Meal
HgmeStead Fertilizers • Teeswater' Sleighs •
......, 4. .1..
CL.tters---onli a few left and will be sold at close prices.
. - .
"pied the e.eoing. lrean, a deficit of once and , private preferred going to war t.,) rEttekriman''vi
ion manias wt11 still be shown. The s a national -vice in of. the: power to guarde.hfier te'rritoery,
surveying hiu
and prospecting. And a x r vaeance
three countries upon which the filling•Of
•boot.that. will-givescood-Service to th
conduct of the household and can of campaign. France had only be=
• ttern for tlm inantifacturers .was no be pinch log, 86 it can easily, hEr_seen ours011100,''.-a Practical -Vb°1319"-with gPulannmebilization. Her refusal pledge
t their ex rtable surplus would, of course,
b I la
selected, It WM 110 because such were that.the question is not one to be easily' etr. car. modern 118 nese ideas.
„herself to neutrality was seized upon by
not to be had. Such can be boutht in solved, and it behooves Canada •to, in. • ' Germany as a hostile eti; and PO war
In No Hurry.
that'll's violation of Belgian . neutralitY
any minin• g town.
• ' possibly can, for when dm war is. over
crease her productions as much . as • she ° • - was deelared. rairly-warned b
A lecturer one torrential night ode
d di hi n 1 ht y
Pradioal ?raisin' g School
We have thorough colutes and
experienced instrtictOie in eech
of otir.thre.e • departnients, Com-
toremot, go t *AN D AND
Our ;graduates
aineceed afiii.von should get out
large free catslogite, Write for •
• '' it at once.
• Bat it lookaas though the fault was and trade begins to re.establish itself dressed an ence g would probably bring her into the ettug-
have been much huger WIA,uont talt-1 tidosnods' rgeG • '
ermany wouldnot give &pledge to
'; '' ..'prsce.:"L.ST.,..0f,
•-•-selection of a boot as the Manufactitrers.. rehabilitation,..the dessand-rettliread. aret-urally'.:be was au•-euttiit 4e8P0.efiablgiiillea,"neittralityTALliava
failure.. to Immo an article as good as stilt% must be enormous. , address,• sand: having reached what-, done's!, would have been to sacrifice part
the sample. ut be that ea it may, S. 8. No.4; Hunet4, ' he *considered the payehological me- of the "plan of cempitign," end probably
nient, geld ',I'm, Afraid: I've kept you to do thenl the: Germans. were
-1-through-the ineieusabie fault of -the • - , • • • . , convinced that Britain wotild coma, in
. . - . „:. . •
'Capital 'Authorized $3,000,000 • „ . • ,-• . '
. Capital paw us 83000.000 • --: • • '-
. s' .•
afilitiaDepartment and of the boot man. ' Form IV, Ore -•:•A• Blackr11. A. claw. to6n1Viiiensrges'icaraining." only by slavishly following her original
Form V -Irene Thompson. • .... a voice replied, "Go anyway. Germany believed that it was
tifatturers , soldiers were supplied with leY1 L. GawleY, E. Culbert. . • Plan that she could succeed. After seven
Form TV, Jr. -p. CUlbart, P. Stanley, , flubbing it in. months her a.mpaign has collapsed, and
footwear that WAS practically worthless. w CollinsB m •
, i . organeiathy does that hub' Er111 .30, ever, all chances 'of success have° disappeared.
This is a most serious matter. It Form III -C. Hill, W. Needham, V; thne she sees you?" , She vioult1,,%of course, have' ha,d no better
mains that thetigh we have men ready Morgan, Needhatn, Gawleje '
to risk their lives in th6 most deadly *war EObertson.
Form TT Sr. --2.3/1. Scott; M. Collins,
ever waged, our Militia DeP'artinent G. Breeree,e Atecosii,
go incapable or our manufacturers 80 • Form II, .Tr. -L. Logan, Me Robin-
-Son, V. Thompson, 1*, Stanley, a
Thompson (absent).
Form Sr. --B. trkean' Morgan,
G. Emerson, W. Collins, V. Stanley.
Form I, Ga.wiew, 1-T. Thomp
(esoloss,000t.), Logan, Needham* V. Carter
Ito, on roll, 34. Average attendante,
E. D. f.'!o ineron, terielier.
I ,xliahonezthat we (moot 'put an army
i thi Etta equipped go that it can fight.
Soldiers Without hoot* can .10 nothiog;
and the.hoosuivlied our men °beanie
worthlees in from' thtee weeks. to three
ineeths, and this Under conditions whieh
Woe comParativelY catty on boots.
Tt is not &Omit to imaghte the plight
of soldiets tramping over tough giound
lot in *et treficheiwith hootafrOM which
I the soles break away, or which atiO Made
'Of leather which ab be water 30 PAPei
does Yet tomb were thp boots supplied
ihy our goVerninept and manuteeturera
to the men islho Many taiteg had gait
Uvea of comparative eve to tight in the
Crcam Wanted
nivitkic 1104,04ete Creamery
• in 112 operation, we 'solicit yout
Vett - age, We .are prepared to •
pay the highest inerket inlets fog
,gooptediti, and give yort an hon -
1• est wanes". Weighing, strinipling '
kid teiting each can of `Crean! re.
; &irefully tied returning a
Ecu efatenient of genie to fedi
pateori. We furnish two cats to
each patron, pay all expreas
• eliarges,and pay every two weeks.
- Wr;te fix! fartfict,. tArtiotttrott
tiod Cit11$ and give utt •rt, trial,
'rho Settorih Cretinety CO:
Ccnstable Thlber, of Zurich, under
die direction of the.local health odor,
Dr.+ llaaitmon, .tkiced o, ainallpot etild
on t11611011146 lit Chris. PiAlier, sr , the
10t1t. eon, of, Hay., on Wednesday. This
'nukes two eases in nay To: The officer t't,
• ' who haft, been . invettige,ting "sOuth Of
aWfhi °I all WItteL Mint village, ova that acre are anyerai
• And oleo iro otote. Boo Am ',dot in the tomiship gitobott
wOuld Novo Old* : sor# 1101111,41i
"She kneivs rin °lily getting ale thence of stleeeRS by adopting another
Plan ; bit had she been as defensive
"lltrt,why the grin?
a 'Week."
41 Was engaged. to her once and as she believes, there .would have been
. •
r " ha a an opportunity 'MO 11100 money. • ,
But to have a gond Bank Account, you-
must o.start vvith , small Saviugs. Ovr. •
Savings bepartntant will help you 'Wave.
lieliCKNOWTIMANt- ' 7 ;".'Y '•
• 4. A. GLEBNIE: Manailera • ' ;
broke it Orf. and she afterward mar.* no tVer.
ried a millionaire." ' •
• ,•
Not Consistent: 4 Kincardine e .
' "What 4aa I saying -when 3.4.todged• ' ; ; , --11---, 1 ...., .,
&petition is 1 °big elrcithited to have
ng that life is not the Williannibilig' School' at . the north
end of the town re -opened. The Board
of Education will likely consider the
, question a their regular Meetings on
March 29.
avorth lreing;,1 But, if yott .think so
WhY didvyoli dodge?" --,
• monray, Match 22.
rttday,;after spending a weeh h her
le tegrave no tides win hisiten by toe depart..
. The' Kineardine Ride, Assotiation is
noanxintarit for the: tim
MO. Iettltaw arrived ,holae on e
being, as is generally understood that
Mont of militia te rifle assoeiat.
1 ions until after the wet
Mrs, Albert tiowle lets been staying 'no electric light and water tetrittitia,
in DiektieW for th'e,ht6t (OW dctri. While 'IOU has undettonaideration. a plan- for
Steno, is io atarge Of tlie farm .
Hou00,• the improvement of the street lighting
Ticlo 1-libbinit who has been working :eysteiri. .A. Committee voinpoced of W.
in Fordyce, hen been .hoino for the 'Mt oT.1.110artol. a Waftson 044 Sulwrin.
fow (tort, no ho bolt tinitothis oipit,h, ten tot Ingram has Won •aelected ;to
A ittmc t'Aoki 1061S into till WO*, ,
111'"111'"111".111'"111"'111'''IllIgJI l'"111'"111"'111 111 ' Iti 1 Ill'"111"•111"111'"t11*.'Ill"'111'
-WOO' ated
1855 A GENEnakoaNKING
• TitANSActi.gb •
CAPITAL etticirLari,Ltrrertia Or allitOrr
ifioNtr °ADM'S-
IV.I I1 I II III 1111
.. v• 1.•
•811•0 0Vi
:Savings Dank DepiiiiiOnt
At all Brilricken •
ittarattoiliiityidatiltiduat curriist tato .1,
ToS. Reit) manager,
II oclItor 41 it ill I
, • , 11 .„ m t..,
•• 1
0. . .
„ 6 „
4x, z 4. ••••••,•