HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-25, Page 41 i. for ; 1.10•4‘,. / /It 4/10ic :and .7 - Great Reba:ins Tne Leeallow semertnec !MEM ettillitlit being mada la the countr{, and the yr. ernment wee able and willing to pay a, • good price, But erdinary, reattonable Wooden SOldlere Stood Sentry, at preats were net enough, Insatiable greed , Her poor. BACILIONZIN. Pro *Ietor 4103;it itCopportuinty and Bdttar. from the tbrone• of AS the a V"1 e , . 41 Titi',Ifidalyt Mar4it 20.4,18 PRINCESS WAS POOLE% P OF-4AMPARIN; PliblIelied *vire Therado moodier 1.4uoknow, Ontario. In all ltias of Metes . and Ladies Appsrei (treated IMMO Ottered 90.9.8110...1 eafs Par Overcoats regular pcIo 1115. and 16.00141 be sad 04/14•' 14846' .1.04,*.M . 4 it mac set a In MI5 V'ertlinand IV. wee driven:. few more dollars, though the. army member* ot hie family, „cent, "All nhoilld, be 'rendered Inc:Wattle' and tie' aged lialf-eititer, fled to Qf • the lonely old Bourbon prineees who. EttoPire deetroYetl. ' • ,reinaleea In the iai.d Where ber 1-• - """e"." ' faX0-11r bad reigned.1 Ve Onto 'game. &gelid 10100SS. • rad -tells -a teuehtug little story. _ The victorioutt French, who had ![.. • ---MndaY. :March: z40". 'd.riven Ferdinand• from the hrOne. =Immtn=gi TRUBADAY, MARCH .20tb., 1010 ===== SASIKATCHEVAN, GAAS 11IPY Premier Scott, of Saskatchewan; 11.04$ t Mos% Spit* suite:130st tweed atnaminced that It ov r hal)Irwbi made a bu4inette..trip to treated the old:lad with every e e tutten • Millar price $10 00 for $O 20 the near future, pose a law forbiddiog 11ipley last Saturday. eideration. The- u w XiP11". $010P11' 190 $15. Sale 10.20 ti*Provillee. rid* will come into °31 rzen uorder that' oreat war. Ito a preihninary step coin Ica Annie:114M ta Wile again after OhoUld be • renieved • ilicatienti conehed in ever v ' i GERMANY'S 9BSESSION Nati, and Empire) Altura German ivritera asaert thet no foteliner eau understand Germany or the German mind, there are smite neu- tral obiervere who appe,ar to haveiorne, ed some altrewd, if unflatteeing, opinions upon the Fatherland. One of them is Prof. Theodore tlerk Smith; professot of American hiatory William College, Ivho ec•ntrituten to the New York Times an admirable artiele upon "Germany's. metes warisea .suit; reg .14 the eide et jutexiestiet Arera Gepege. Roo, of mount Forest, caned . reocoeftelltv'teirt*- reot,PerBtY and ber Natmnal Olisesmon, n Introdue. f here lately. • the eau, vibe tut he 1111: tory remaxya prof. sioth siva that never All kin& ef hoya. a:iiibst 'beat. *i*et 4* tile Oat 44 of 4tily next, and *is* An te Fisher le :learning the .0too d before th -4 1. a 711" has a Publ. been . SO „tithatded with AT- ,. 43 oar' at the Place's gamentil, appeals, explanations and just - now. , and had saluted• wnen ate named • makes regular fltioilow, $3.25 rema• in in force lintil th 4 f -Inakt°1414 10%. for anal eepte„ =nein* on the bit alk ari I las M. hn • he rem d . y arietY.ef au' _e en o the • • . • fl Shalt, er reg 123 . And, on thla ding 80//10 time on. the 01. con, point, in spite of the, whicesa, onatie . guago and from -every bert ,ef person- . :from the Olienceller hims31f, from diplo- aall t t . e , , . , . 0 stout of LimknoW, is bcezeed atoateigrie Teathadji/Zrrirchyaadi mate. aline,ve 4, from university profes- Into ilrees • reg. 150. anti. 4040 a seveno'clockin he vetting visiting at th0 10)410 CU...NOR Campbell., , Mr.allitMO. .Tolni Bess, of Olivet, a Inge a•if.e7 dr properly be accorded to ger t4a0doed ardmiahnorvo% si"titofutireeeleeitoletheatvtderawttoeun • ' '' " .4. This is the moot drastic piece of anti Were the peets of a forte of their, friends' Thme• reteig oft tehistamesiliiiii t .ree ; t accept 20e„ for ...;„ . li2i canto, ea'a...4 'claY 94 341014,er arg °Pen. ' utitorlegislation ever passed in Canail. It need Must 110 WON' it il.lberte follows the example ot her sister Rrev, 9 pee ,aliCe they -Would long -since'. have , wounded the .princees more, 6caply „cOn4nered Anietica,,h4f Wheys thertiest• We are 'OW telrePert that Sal4•dene. For 'Abe iiret;tinie she felt her. 4re• on Yet, to ProduM itnY ifiesSoraW • • rriatei regular 15,11 and ioe, here last week.• ` • than -many more 'whine 1osse8 bad Striking feature of is their utter IA- , . . Glib" wire bag, ,,beea iltror aMag.tiFigtit$ self aa outcast.. an exile, la her:Own effect upin'Argerictin sentiment." Shirting, replay IN. and i6c. able In be °peasant, :, • - 0 , land. She grieved 'tie Steadily :that' 0faimak 'ZioTioi'T or DEPPiea for...........12c. and Inc: 'MO GeOeIrwin entertainel. a leiviof . er strength began to Ian. _ Tbe. wri er behevert tha e e•liee. Of e e.s,eniegiast.week, . , stayed w th, their mietressi decided oat ' gine by ••taking„ two t rnee• g Ma3r".expePt that nearly atiforward 'legislation in Canada, both ,fdominiOn and Provincial, will 'have ital. origin- in •tbe.Weet, 'The people Of the Went are far alore daring tban-600"e_ pi the Fotat- We jewneigilbora and friends, of JACknow •••,Pinii'llri the leyal servants wifo.had:thelstore is that eiter7 oerrnan apao., , Tho,.00. von,' scribe would inalte a reetore the We I order grantsd 40 0; fundamental . assinnution Bleached 09tton.' regalar 10 a,nd partner for anebody hi life; but, like • old ladYlt epirite. ° AO- ", eyes voietea every cording' they hio ed t wlugh Ac - IOL. af'.• is/ * 'it *0 O• 0,* 810:* Mei& Tog skirt; reghlar . 704. and 1,?' for ....39 and 690. P4 to resort to -a subterfu n to • atone g er everybody goou else, often makes unknown wooden riodier, ofai;g4ed 4444 glflaaar;,. thing he ear - he key to this ditlicul- The ..itailroad Overalls, the very As. tilkea. We will: not critisize. dui appearance: on this, deremy they. ty is to; be found in the fact that. a single beet makeitnd Materiel, Will be, ., . • , With the telephone and Rural Mail Painted the gay entferni. of the 11$1a-: InIM011 OROS'', a "PI= of -romPai$o;" - sel4 et-re*inable- -price.- -Atm because "' " new' Wkez:i..t1"7,1"e that ' 'delivery any girl that wouldn't Want. to Politan grenadier, They set the lig- bas doMinatd all gernum ideals Off 41,7 Smooka of the ea= goOde and,' ' 'a thing is Tight a- profitable - they go live en a term Whetter Away from -it; Aire in-teatentry•hox by -the -gate or -thsk - fierna.tional- relations and domestic _goy'. . . r the mistress to -drive -out. - , • • - campaign instate .that, --Germany- Must Ladies'. Handkerchiefs, 10 for,. and Practice% Saskatchewan has .hild a a 'il • . ...1 0 h ha h • . Tha ceuated mi the 'Mare -1046d- ' have the strongest•ariny in Europe, and Sec,....,, m 2., lu iv?, een. meeting nese of the prineeee, and on the fact . nos he able, iii ease ef wert ta• ciefeat • 'Only .., 4O.4.: • / r t • . or, 256... COaple, of hard years. '' At. ir eVident . W en arm more that sbe alwayl paused through the the argiige of any enemies by an 'cier. Everyday 4.'e.,p' 1,0,...e; *one, 24.; enough that the saloons. have greatly .472 'tr::repoarct/edaletein% ea:gem:lie offit, irili gate in her. carriage, to make the epee whelining attaCk, and must carry on the fat.. i„. -.„ ...;:, , ..„.„,,,-„- ,,,„, ,...150, i..nitio7rtshed..inanY Of the. PeOP1% milt, 'record the most. enjoyable winter that euceebefut And when at test the car- ' Tna.r.krorm farmy madeo.eg, ing things volute- than AMY 'otherwise, haa been spent by the Young 'Nora° for' :Jay:. did Pass. theY samptbillYeet411; ictalacde iivaleirl)Pennalt:foeameYo'sertomritniteZail. -11133hi; 200•0 for.., ;,..„ ....., ..;-10e• .‘"eld have been.Pei" that reason they .8°;ti°1°' 't . 4 ti • t • tithPat ettliea,.thaedamneott.dettheected the deceP. It the Germaa Ilarsire came into ' being, • • • • They are ^ not afraid of 'a thing simplY both ter her Owl' geed aad tkese areand Princess' reeldeinee. and Waited ter' ermeq iiftY, years. This "plan of make.' ' • - • right -after it, regardless of old customs Phildee of. the finest are to be olosedup; rronner Scott is a e re°3° wood -bee an dance a tien Sam 'Congmmis was a delided camas, ' • • It was practised in 1886 at Austria's ex. about 14 cards of wee& being cut; and Prorethat time the princess re. pense, and in 1870 at ; the expense of *the.. MAY be wen* al a dress Po. swan of extraordinary *litenes is Post,- France. Sincethenthis • princ.ple has reg. and•tlierei is no doubt but be stranger at the party reports it one* of vivdellh* The ae.atrY never lett h . . , ,, an , e pr newts never diseotere,d the been accepted by.every militery chieftain • • '' ,. ,, ,, . gogedbefore takirlh.leiag tauPeinatIrt). ill the„ Pr°v/n. , ae„ taihaeabhee8tredheiteoYnerthwouse wabLOWwleircea‘,rce:aeregt: rereseteort;Yd:wlihelhatierritisoYaaitidliebrver litejahltahit. in hGeeldirinthanki4oannlyd by aesYmerlsheibitlezoeifne'neiviet , B. tlill'ZSTElli'S . . '' °f , , ,. ,,, „ . ... . • . , to the,whole.aftair. When the • Second- But oecaotonally she dt-d complain t„ednefGeoesrm. Ty w . ' Prohibition will be a ruinous - blow ers.do anything they do it right, , it we .that under the new. regime soldiers • win. This is the german r did. not preeent 'IlYn18; all theY , we sys m, and because the .•. , . had-- people in. the 'United States' believe/ that Itergain atom . ' many of the hetelkeepers in SeSkatchel do say it ourselves. • • . , e win. 'A:luring the preePerens Years " of• dahf"- in ther. daYa wile°. her hr°thel. the wade defensive and offensive hail) . • -trios stivo..• . ... ,, _ .tbo, icont boom, the ho tin b.a ING stiooTA0E,, • ' • ian * profitable and• LiveVinnow in Tube For Bait. • hotel properties tvereeeld at ridiculous:. Next doer'. t4 •0 fi . was, • 1. . 1 / ' ' ' ' could not in justice a •y 0 _ . will have to he ,niade..• up from •- _ •.. - „ • ' • ,' , , . ' • countries that are enjoying the lessing8 his ambitions are unsatisti d, •II r •Nr ', - VA,. P:tiourt Sherwood No: WO .1411eltilinr. IlOn. I . ' . ' - e One of the%) is • Canada. • It is started out in life' with great ninbl- , . I mete wrepy last Ilitty.of the month in , in the Oddfellowe' , Visitiingbrethern our boneden duty to see that. :Britain floes to _become a Pxime Iiii_nistei..- a. wra Wont to command .the applause cvmdlaur invited to attend, °Met Ran o- ' THE• E. oummas. 000TE shall not as far •as preventable, 81 cr ..-- -s- ,-- , - ...,(1.12 ....kel.rt.c', 'BeRelt Johnston, na,°Treas.bt GrahDli: ' ---,--' , * from a hick of foodetaffa,•or of such at or :of listening senates, to achieve great i,„ riches. He•slowly finds that his ini- 77---.:. . - - - There seems no getting away frIldit-11-a lidosecfeu.:1- ininit'eotriheirptothrdiss,„°°buoutthrr men ,l'a'n'd tial ambition can bear no - fruit and' '1,:''''", ' 6. 4 -Po' U. *W. lineknow Lodge, No..137, ;meta fact that many at,ue anadian so ers ' . second Monday of,eaohmonth In the,Odd- that he must be content with -little. was the sole Justification for Germany f - . hed . boots h. h women are called upon le put.ferth their lle ra• ust.• learn• to secure a degree •of going -to war. He peints.mit that at the . ,c , • renews' gait ?Laster Work:loath .Y. Mae- were furnished with, -Iv ic were best efforts so that when the time fames oomfort in lowering his ambition to very moment when Russia and Austria. • 'f „„ ,. 060,7„icia.co.rineoleteepwri-DeimeltiMALOLIIIto8hrtoss.,Rec- Taa„,orthl,„,605 to men doing the work o any deficiency can readily be met The second lace or to thirdP ace Or to appeared able to come to an agreement . , . , ld* 'on active Service Evidence accomplishment of this does not neces- no .place at all., But • age brings the over the Serbian matter, Germany 'de • • ' - • Dental . . already sohniiiied h3, met, who got .the sari_l.y repair extra labor, ' but. it does. coipeiniitt,ion. of ,it better ,ind, gment of el.ared via.rAu'polf rtyhe.sii.a. ..N".?„ ether , . peraculany suggest more care in prepar values. , .lion conswere...moehization an excnse a_. n n,, n, n .. ‘, hootatowacw gores this beyond a doubt; dim of the sou and in. the. selection- -,o1 , ., A ..-..,,,, for war., Germany's demand that Bus- ', - .......,... _ -..•.-..atairc-- "in..."-•Thate,,•-ei• 7,0ge,-,•Tece^." sra.".terr--S°eenePe-alldit-ilintated.that the_w_hole.,firsteion- „otseedoind•in attentim to •ri • . ''' . maddening 'nun' • e_3._• •h Czar_ . ixtstrctn r't°°)12 coOrli • Isittmess was pspee y • pre • • • `: FOOD STUFFS , ot interept to fiehermen ie a novel • 'otittrikriiiieb-rieitintlY • patelited"foi. , • • • - w• • • • a single minnow •for all entire • , .1y,high prices, 'When the collapsece,rne 1115 live Bus d Society Car these properties, of eourse; rentained Et_Ye ' itness with the 111ifiS412 Soc • day'a fishing for• maskinonge or blies. with the last and hi -best. putetaiers 'nut's° "'"'"'"Y' "4'9 isslieci lvar-.''a A'atrong. clear slang tube 'is equipPed . oppositft Meanings they eamiot compre. ,!iend the ...0,Aeritzinewils-aorgrttitiwEe4t407' of 'that has exercieecteomething in the nat- tiie-of a reign of terror in Europe for moor years. . To any non -German," against the.suggese.on that the Gernsans „,,th metallic rinse, to which are at- soNs,ta., clielpli,• With big b# trade „there might .„be am a beaten nation. • He gieyithat'theY iii4ehed Winters of hooks, and a lo dseaYys,tphel.°Zlintahiloaelt.iharadeecrileaai.aaaeonr°m°1." •190.019,_ ald NFU. - - some prospect of struggling. along under are still ,Or ant ed. have' abliodont re- wire.' A live minnow placed ,within . - rutory, cotild avold tak.. io_g_ the. utmost. .the hese load of the inflated purchann sources, are:fedliP With illusions, ',and the. tillte, !Which :is filled with water. preeentions in such circumstances, It MARVEEXLINDSAi,,Icionnow,Ont. Agen• t . • ,1 • 0.11l:ntillA -conqdent... of Ultimate eueeess• and the ilshline le .attached tri' the ' Was not that ',Russia, France. , Switzer - 7 'Spring Millinery Display 26th. and 27th., , 113 Our Spring display of trimmed Millinery will'be hld ogariday and Saturday, the 26th. and 27th. . • - cf March."' Miss McInnes extends a cordtat 1n.44 vttAtion. to the ladies to .visgt. our showroam .and • a I see the newest styles for Spring.' The store will 'kbe kept open on these nights to give an opportune., ity to those who canUOt • come in the daytime. New Spring Faille Silks We have just received neW assortment in Faille Silks in blacks, sand, battleship grey and„ other • new shades, , kiee.'our "LadieS" KainCOats.- ' A special "at $5 *0 - We have a good assortment.of Mere,S 'Raincoats at different prices.' " . • WILLIAM CONNELL t wretalL.......ttt.Lnd Eggs. 11 • immorniummoiti prvaviousiinee of Ina/mace, stream. Lire WC% IllIkvithoot raanY hotel men ,Ne intimatien was•nceded of the Merl- wire loop. 'Upon 'caeting the minim* . aliment alignatituaknegvntlhe-renann 'must go te the wall. . • • • ' . - tude of the task tbetisbeforethe M ieS, into the viater theilulie niagaifiert thei , _lend, Beleitun,•111elaindDenma•rk &Withal' :1°Irabet or villOgo Oa ralla_ Viemier Scat RtAttid.that the question.; but, •if there were, this, sitrelystipglie, ;Minnow aunt ettriiite 'the lai•ge tioth.' feared any milsrevelted nigreesion fi ''PrePertio.S100 804e. ' • . . i 0.., o'ijr.,',142,0kuow •', -/..,. deimecia..' firita. , pri40.- 7,- , depreciation of _ „theft ..reperty due .0 .catc_ons t.liat,Lhe_Airea ..ef the, war wit 11144:irtehde, tmitheetioaanted4thilrihnunroow ii3e4nuoyt..... -men got•the conception thattheir'eclun,,, '. evening sitS0,010Ok lifthelk 'Cann, - • ' ,-- - , . '.- spreact- an tne• • near- zuture,„ and ..thet.:•...• , .„ iiti- totter lioVrintiny tinierrit le- -- o -•y .- • , col:410412"1":tdr7liaArTag."brikethreGrand'T"nr.'h'rhTreals.rdiWali=„ila . virRossvta-ice :.,ctirefthe-eilry-tride.fredl"hliglillihtalibelle: -atilliii-P'-iateiTit-iitliC'e*'-e7filxelintr4:17tyillitr'iteieslkig- '-owittlaYt..-L •:-The;',-..,S:hi-Oe;_,wxthe.4w.tttr.. :Ir_.._.e.i-----..- '._it-LYia...aG'11171.n,l.itribalsi:iiii). yt-eTwilhicia:iatiblhe:rsirr-rtenellitile 'tt14:1;:otuili.:... •• ., ,ateetztee:. 'se', ll..a1"4-yariin. •. isecy.9" .etr.Pte...`e.' coicagnea: _ co• ni. pe. needont their coni....o.n one side Or the ether,. T.h.ii • Of Catirse, .shitei:44".is.t,b„e .....13-*,4?0,4314 it Is !lib:: :and ireCniat ,. . . ed in and all neutrals by the ineani further 'Withdrawals frem agii• • . ' . . , . . • . cultural , and mclostruil activity. , ,It also indicates greater shortage in Europe.. of all kinds of fixidituffsigrein„ Vegetal:geS land' live eteekAnd of horses.' Thiti"ae -oIn of co asatwitee betel men 'foe-, the it. in addition there is lase 'Vivid Fresh water is eonstantlY admitted gerroony• It was that they knew if_frpni he Business Man's r any accident or blunder German states- • ; chided, would have to be paid out of the , &a. Tem old Lightfoodye moote pockets of the people as a whole, am • , every Thuradirimighbonor before the fall ' 'Moon, in.tha Masai* Hall. Havelock sta'eet. they could not see that the public owed isteknow. w. .A. MacDonald; S. W., D.Oameron;11. W..0.31artIn; Secon,W. A. the hotelkeepers anYthing; so • here , . The Tragedies: of old Age. • revelations of Gertriany's 'defensive' pre- (visa ans. age, s paratio, las.for invading France, Belgium With•all itsZdinp ti UV yet many tragedies turd." to endure. and Russia is absolutely incomPrehcoe- able. Germans. To there? With their 'The old maii ands t many of his ,hopes have withered, that many or belief in the necessity of doing that one thing; it Matter of coursts."4 • . . • mann The' writer quotes. front, the._.• Guinan. declaration of war upon Russia, and the, frank German admission that the fact that Jimmie was in procese of inobilizing ' S ows whether he progressive . or rettogressiVe, He must, , ' tlte neatest, cleanest .and --lest --vinting-hplean would- •,• _Riess WI btisilitS1 forcbIy upon his fellowmen.. • . • ;,#•••`• We are Here to „ Do Your Printing ,with Splendid equipment and a , p I 'large assortment. of type ready to , • d ring of live stock.. To/SIT. dian tribes Ps° ds this On t the • seeds of a maz°811auirirov-aeralled •Pareea' dtacuind ti.bgiliivzcietillonill•w9Ouldslirbaentceordtheraaetr;itivtedhees .bridgework. lal attenthia. tP4ria W tee' 1st' and 4.1 P 'tit boots Made ia flg" • with the Patriotism an . spec e ki - its renter crowning and. ti gent,. before en co-- • 4 prodoetion a_nt n. . • w . the_ a , (Ionic Thar. • to be supp . _ . being sent to Fsa-ee, conferences pro . • . which is maindet ° hen a bout of ThUrdralaw.d, sayifthe dete had an rea mut:salon mom, eesday of (Plait =Oath' - Campaign • ' t had on ple become highly a ct the bulletins, nerlin env t a n toileated an . • 00011,48 an agreement had een tr A. NEWTON . Den - dal is one rebo • - tut. m • • 9 . °der° This soldiers boot see . • of rds and reports • bon w that are ,o, e • , peoff. T Branch se the sn.0 he effect.. of result o lt r insane arrogance. s ng . • • d writer, seem • 'AMU t teriale tarnished. t d egracehdrmine° °n ' • ed totoggetnAe mee r of a dehb- • oar toeknow• Ont. An in hone in the aPP lication to the Public.rmans/as the attons .then, 'u emroettivArgaoligafidDlidirwork• Painless extroW the mos revel% , ion Y USe !liNotekthisf. !I�St Nowa& history of the try. It- be ex- ' vigeintizoirtincial teeth. Alamtum &teed, pieined only*, the Illeffitleney non _ of. the Militia --nei-nArtmenktthe insatiable greed and dishonesty of the roanUfact• tifeWbr hatiftogether; • - There shoni4 hale -been nO•trauble_.in gr . • epartment of -Agriculture, Ottawa, will ipareca so violent that more taker &ate Ina greatly help drops as ' if shot "and lies ibl intention toactbininoth nn • A nramr WItEA.T netiere' for some -time 1.1'iorhhoise accue- an outcome of the'Grin deeds as a matter f f g_ 'War. It 1E4 g , more than an aith in :the -Aecording•to,relmble•statistws. 'there tomed to •it 'are' are tied up at the . present time about log and singing' "1444' danc- "Plan of ca The First Ste Ofteri means sci mita; Ithas ' • meant .ittiteta to thousands 'of young people who •wrote for our catalogue as the first step- toWard a good•salaried ' •, •.• position. Take the step. to- day. ' Address Central Busi- , itess College, 395 ;Yonge St., • W. IL SnA.W, . President. • , • TBrifirORP• errro °Marie' -West . strike iffit: •campaign." tt Ruo 'tend aside and permit. .Germany _must two-billion-bushela-of-,-wheat,th ro. fect soon subsid4s if: (4).%:tribeh:'ule.: France and sm.:to-mobilize-would ba selecting a suitable beet for Army ser- inei ail- ever &fit have. been- -nations-producawfme,halterop„ - --"I3Y- habit •-ind.71also•pride-vie-are-ar . buying •vicein---inud--and: trenches. . Yoe- - . boots well adapted for _._ years• authinity*rguethai 4rattiox.:that_the. r!.to r/epel arguewdonsr.itein.g ,ttiefivet-s..y .. _ production of wheat.- ..A recognized r .is in-tliekiicinitY•of-lialf-thow-OrIcre-total ."'"'"7„. . • 4.,,eli.L4v:430roiltuilis being td;,byeai it . uncertain, a tTa, i ihen: t' nlinsprteo: duction of the countries at war; „Inds- .: thtkcietinh,aroi;vv ietsiviaiyfOaill:the advent g s which: preparing • fel- which, we. glory while serinoniting of the power to stalk prospector would do equally well for the rest are -Canada, the 'United Sta ad ' e this deffeit df • one-bilhon. 13 alif will_ characteristic, that ; ire lire , apt- to • • - . . about it. I-loneaf thrift 48 an alien tiered enemY. tiiT:ciAeoN;v9:Ilit;•.:otin.it. .nkitz soldier. ' ., • . . Argentina. The combined outpsn: of rgiaarnddervkotitlir .1celli:ftillesSerywhei ',What rilf 01 1 OilE P:eld7 . the goVernnietit of our eitieh and the Rnssitt was the swift unfolding of 'he If a good sample boot to serve as a these countries is only 1,249,000,000; oil Want The Way -You Want it When You Want it ,The 'Presses, Lucknow. , •••• .• • Call and See Our Goods - •• • . . ' BefoteL„.13uyin ' New Williams Sewini 1Vlachines Frost Wire and Gates -Connor's Wailiing IStradhities -Pure Mix Meal , HgmeStead Fertilizers • Teeswater' Sleighs • ......, 4. .1.. CL.tters---onli a few left and will be sold at close prices. . - . • • "pied the e.eoing. lrean, a deficit of once and , private preferred going to war t.,) rEttekriman''vi ion manias wt11 still be shown. The s a national -vice in of. the: power to guarde.hfier te'rritoery, surveying hiu and prospecting. And a x r vaeance three countries upon which the filling•Of •boot.that. will-givescood-Service to th conduct of the household and can of campaign. France had only be= • ttern for tlm inantifacturers .was no be pinch log, 86 it can easily, hEr_seen ours011100,''.-a Practical -Vb°1319"-with gPulannmebilization. Her refusal pledge t their ex rtable surplus would, of course, b I la selected, It WM 110 because such were that.the question is not one to be easily' etr. car. modern 118 nese ideas. • „herself to neutrality was seized upon by Britain not to be had. Such can be boutht in solved, and it behooves Canada •to, in. • ' Germany as a hostile eti; and PO war In No Hurry. that'll's violation of Belgian . neutralitY any minin• g town. • ' possibly can, for when dm war is. over crease her productions as much . as • she ° • - was deelared. rairly-warned b A lecturer one torrential night ode d di hi n 1 ht y Pradioal ?raisin' g School We have thorough colutes and experienced instrtictOie in eech of otir.thre.e • departnients, Com- toremot, go t *AN D AND Our ;graduates aineceed afiii.von should get out large free catslogite, Write for • • '' it at once. • Bat it lookaas though the fault was and trade begins to re.establish itself dressed an ence g would probably bring her into the ettug- have been much huger WIA,uont talt-1 tidosnods' rgeG • ' ermany wouldnot give &pledge to '; '' ..'prsce.:"L.ST.,..0f, •-•-selection of a boot as the Manufactitrers.. rehabilitation,..the dessand-rettliread. aret-urally'.:be was au•-euttiit 4e8P0.efiablgiiillea,"neittralityTALliava failure.. to Immo an article as good as stilt% must be enormous. , address,• sand: having reached what-, done's!, would have been to sacrifice part the sample. ut be that ea it may, S. 8. No.4; Hunet4, ' he *considered the payehological me- of the "plan of cempitign," end probably nient, geld ',I'm, Afraid: I've kept you to do thenl the: Germans. were -1-through-the ineieusabie fault of -the • - , • • • . , convinced that Britain wotild coma, in . . - . „:. . • - 'Capital 'Authorized $3,000,000 • „ . • ,-• . ' . Capital paw us 83000.000 • --: • • '- . s' .• afilitiaDepartment and of the boot man. ' Form IV, Ore -•:•A• Blackr11. A. claw. to6n1Viiiensrges'icaraining." only by slavishly following her original Form V -Irene Thompson. • .... a voice replied, "Go anyway. Germany believed that it was tifatturers , soldiers were supplied with leY1 L. GawleY, E. Culbert. . • Plan that she could succeed. After seven Form TV, Jr. -p. CUlbart, P. Stanley, , flubbing it in. months her a.mpaign has collapsed, and footwear that WAS practically worthless. w CollinsB m • , i . organeiathy does that hub' Er111 .30, ever, all chances 'of success have° disappeared. This is a most serious matter. It Form III -C. Hill, W. Needham, V; thne she sees you?" , She vioult1,,%of course, have' ha,d no better mains that thetigh we have men ready Morgan, Needhatn, Gawleje ' to risk their lives in th6 most deadly *war EObertson. Form TT Sr. --2.3/1. Scott; M. Collins, ever waged, our Militia DeP'artinent G. Breeree,e Atecosii, go incapable or our manufacturers 80 • Form II, .Tr. -L. Logan, Me Robin- -Son, V. Thompson, 1*, Stanley, a Thompson (absent). Form Sr. --B. trkean' Morgan, G. Emerson, W. Collins, V. Stanley. Form I, Ga.wiew, 1-T. Thomp (esoloss,000t.), Logan, Needham* V. Carter • Ito, on roll, 34. Average attendante, 30. E. D. f.'!o ineron, terielier. I ,xliahonezthat we (moot 'put an army i thi Etta equipped go that it can fight. Soldiers Without hoot* can .10 nothiog; and the.hoosuivlied our men °beanie worthlees in from' thtee weeks. to three ineeths, and this Under conditions whieh Woe comParativelY catty on boots. Tt is not &Omit to imaghte the plight of soldiets tramping over tough giound lot in *et treficheiwith hootafrOM which I the soles break away, or which atiO Made 'Of leather which ab be water 30 PAPei does Yet tomb were thp boots supplied g ihy our goVerninept and manuteeturera to the men islho Many taiteg had gait Uvea of comparative eve to tight in the Crcam Wanted nivitkic 1104,04ete Creamery • in 112 operation, we 'solicit yout Vett - age, We .are prepared to • pay the highest inerket inlets fog ,gooptediti, and give yort an hon - 1• est wanes". Weighing, strinipling ' kid teiting each can of `Crean! re. ; &irefully tied returning a Ecu efatenient of genie to fedi pateori. We furnish two cats to each patron, pay all expreas • eliarges,and pay every two weeks. - Wr;te fix! fartfict,. tArtiotttrott tiod Cit11$ and give utt •rt, trial, 'rho Settorih Cretinety CO: took*00. •Zurich Ccnstable Thlber, of Zurich, under die direction of the.local health odor, Dr.+ llaaitmon, .tkiced o, ainallpot etild on t11611011146 lit Chris. PiAlier, sr , the 10t1t. eon, of, Hay., on Wednesday. This 'nukes two eases in nay To: The officer t't, • ' who haft, been . invettige,ting "sOuth Of aWfhi °I all WItteL Mint village, ova that acre are anyerai • And oleo iro otote. Boo Am ',dot in the tomiship gitobott wOuld Novo Old* : sor# 1101111,41i "She kneivs rin °lily getting ale thence of stleeeRS by adopting another Plan ; bit had she been as defensive "lltrt,why the grin? a 'Week." •• 41 Was engaged. to her once and as she believes, there .would have been , • . . THE MAN WITH MONEY.' . • r " ha a an opportunity 'MO 11100 money. • , But to have a gond Bank Account, you- must o.start vvith , small Saviugs. Ovr. • Savings bepartntant will help you 'Wave. • • lieliCKNOWTIMANt- ' 7 ;".'Y '• • 4. A. GLEBNIE: Manailera • ' ; • • broke it Orf. and she afterward mar.* no tVer. ried a millionaire." ' • • ,• Not Consistent: 4 Kincardine e . ' "What 4aa I saying -when 3.4.todged• ' ; ; , --11---, 1 ...., ., &petition is 1 °big elrcithited to have thaHtraouutoviniereeb lie i'lttly'Ii ng that life is not the Williannibilig' School' at . the north end of the town re -opened. The Board of Education will likely consider the , question a their regular Meetings on March 29. avorth lreing;,1 But, if yott .think so WhY didvyoli dodge?" --, Paramount • monray, Match 22. rttday,;after spending a weeh h her le tegrave no tides win hisiten by toe depart.. . The' Kineardine Ride, Assotiation is noanxintarit for the: tim MO. Iettltaw arrived ,holae on e being, as is generally understood that tet Mont of militia te rifle assoeiat. peopl 1 ions until after the wet Mrs, Albert tiowle lets been staying 'no electric light and water tetrittitia, in DiektieW for th'e,ht6t (OW dctri. While 'IOU has undettonaideration. a plan- for Steno, is io atarge Of tlie farm . Hou00,• the improvement of the street lighting .. Ticlo 1-libbinit who has been working :eysteiri. .A. Committee voinpoced of W. in Fordyce, hen been .hoino for the 'Mt oT.1.110artol. a Waftson 044 Sulwrin. fow (tort, no ho bolt tinitothis oipit,h, ten tot Ingram has Won •aelected ;to A ittmc t'Aoki 1061S into till WO*, , 1101100100E07.'000ior • ANII111.11111.11111111ftlimm, 111'"111'"111".111'"111"'111'''IllIgJI l'"111'"111"'111 111 ' Iti 1 Ill'"111"•111"111'"t11*.'Ill"'111' ilL 14.1 -WOO' ated 1855 A GENEnakoaNKING • TitANSActi.gb • ,INCLUPINQ. . CAPITAL etticirLari,Ltrrertia Or allitOrr ifioNtr °ADM'S- RESERVE • • $6,800000. • IV.I I1 I II III 1111 .. v• 1.• •811•0 0Vi a :Savings Dank DepiiiiiOnt At all Brilricken • ittarattoiliiityidatiltiduat curriist tato .1, ToS. Reit) manager, II oclItor 41 it ill I , • , 11 .„ m t.., •• 1 " 0. . . „ 6 „ • •?; 4x, z 4. ••••••,• •