HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-25, Page 3:ROW - TO. eee.eaer, -4-110111. •t Lhe Disease is Always Roate4 in the Oioou, WliIch iv,iust Be Mack Kelt and .Pare • • There are still many ;people who imagine 'that luenTaartom. can be • -gored 'by •liniments and rubbing, -Overlooking the nledieal fact that the trouble is' rooted in'the • Rhelgefiti.SM, can only be cured by oleaneing and enriching the blood, thus driving out a the system the pi:4)4011one. 'Wide v.hih eauee the rheumatic Pains. Dr. Williatas' Pink Pills pure the most obstinate :osw a rheumatism° because they „go. straight to the root of the troll•- • ble in the blood Every dose 'helps to. Make rich, red 'blood, and this • new 'blood exnells; the. poisowas• . zkocr,..bringing, health' and *comfort, to •the tortured Victim, po, not wast b• time &id money in 'liniments' •• and outward applications„ Give • Dr: WilliaMS' Pink _PIUSa ',fair triIrud tiltidisease. ent' YeVr a3r4tem; ..gere is -,Tiroof of what Di, 'Williams' Pink Pills can .00 in oases at this kind, Mr. Rich- ard Palraer;Wroxeter, Ont., AP ; "For months my .life was made pis- •erable throng% a combined attack of rheumatism and Sciatiea. The rheumatism seemed to'settle in all -'itsgldifitsi-and-the-seistieer pains - were so great.that I could scarcely hobble about. I am- a :burner, and so you can understand that. in my •condition 1 was unable to do my -ordinary. work. Neither doctors nor various remedies I toplc did me .any good. Finally j. was*indnend to try Dr. Williams' Pilik Pills, - :and Or this 1 ba,Se, much. to .be thankfulfor,. as after taking a. few . --_boxeatheliams.• began to disappear, and by. the time I had taken nine • boxes every twinge of both the rheumatism and the- ''S-ciiitica had disappeared and 1 was, able to go . to work again as usual, and have not lost, a day through illness since. • I sm. thoroughly _grateful for what Dr. Williams' 'Pink Pills have done • for Me, and hope ity , experience 111 benefit Some other sufferer.'' iS---the-curing.- Of Oar • eases as these • that has given Dr. Williams'. Pink Pillstheir worldL wide popularity.; You can get the plealer or by mail at' 50 Cents a box or six boxes for $2.59 frOlin The De. Wil- • liams' Medicine *Co., Brockville, •Ont. Twenty Million Horses. , .1A -engine, this. It_ is cumPlitea lit -at -ten theusand-horseaare_killed every day in the war. Lord Kit- ▪ thener the 131' 00 VT '41413 'which postage.tree application , eall be had .gratuitously: . • Apart from thc. present demands. .of the aghting a.rMier.3, which are - enormous,' if the ratio a increase. nf etoc% in the past has beeni DULL AND OP PEAWLI%* • defieient, what must va toe • future? Canada. bus in past years beer) a large importer of sheep pro. OccurreneC", In Abe- Lanti 71‘411 re:L.9;4 F5faOlitate 11.1eiraltiakkealfid glizyt • iteisns Suprense the quautitiei or frozen -Parittop and ,mercial World. ' w'';'*'1. 1314 tkee ""'""t13'es, . • 4 pecially the fast -named, last year Kirkintillook Magistratkes will orf experienced " tremendous losses' idler the. closing of pulift6- houses at from drought. I:fence:there will be 9 P.M" thn. Period a the war: great opportunities for sheep -rale. A heavy ton a.lwaris'being paid'ennneetinn 'with wiieh it is h3r, 40therwell; 10' soldiers and gratifying be .a131e to state that sailors from, the .burgh have there has been- considerable ,iin7 ready been killed: • • • . Pruvement in the West. ITh#rove- ' ment at all a, sure intlieatzon of ' The Duke of Atbolil 'his reeeived tbat sh0eld. be made a letter 'rem his sea, ,I,4ord James. most of. In short, 'tilers is- no Stewart Mnrray, • stating that he "v is a i?Os"Cr thereis tec.rotzeliourgimin, Saltcoats Town Council has provement." Swine -havo'been sac - agreed to borrow.' $30,000_ to meet rifieed and ,elaughtered ranch the :expense Of restoring and reap- to;be`regretted rateef 'late,. in the „ rating thepid harbor. "1r was reported that the nutaber of infectious :cases , Nowmilnw netifted during the year Was 25? aa compered with ,177 , Mr. Hamilton , Pencait- land, has forwarded cardigan jack-, ets to each of the local men at the front, and mufflers to these on home service • Mrs. Peter Mans, Buckhaven„ hasjust received from her husband, Private Burns, the • Distingulalied Conduct Medal, conferred on him ..1511# ,fithea MRS, IV, MALONEY TOOK *.1)00110S. IiI0311,,W$ PILLS „ FOIL DAVIiAVIIE, kl,le Tritit,1 Numerous Other Plitefilicines, Vpinid No Relief t, Till She Vued the Great Canadian Rhiney llemedy, 104ttey )1111s, 13arachoiaVest, Gaspe Co-, Quo- : March. lfith (Special). -41r5. W. J. Moloney, n: well-known resident of this place, is recommending Dodd's. nanneY*14118 t4Ct those yyli* suffer from Mi9•484. Kidney 6...bliOgilb;es4aYsj:4::-a• n. inter- view suffering for Many' years with baekrhe,. and,: trying IlnallY reITKI•diefi . without obtaining relief, rush for tealuatou. Befoie e I. read about:1)4)dd •Kidney P 1ls year is ent and' in the 'years to ;and deeitledito try t era, • Come, there will he a inuckgreatnr "After, Using •two 'ibexes . I :Fa& 'demand. for !bacon, for ham; for 'greatly benefitted,,andrreeoinniend pork than there,ia.to-day;• OVdaity :them, to.. othey sufferers.: I also produets i Somewhat sianilk, story Used ;thenaller "tar'llitle :.giri. for has to be told'. ,• They have te9t KidneY troubls,"' ' ' , . . • ' been, rushed' on to the market.,. as bavp swine; but the increase has fallen far short of the Proportion- ate increfisa of Pensuraption. ' So much 4 this the ease that we had last year to call upon New Zealand for seven million pounds of buttr, while our exports of cheese have :declined,. This, as . well' as other aspects of the situation, Can only be oireroOme by improved breeding. • _.....,-._..p_...-,---,. . .'for gallantry. . • A remarkable catch . of flab has ben ' landed at Aberdeen by the , trawler, .SeltiPperke. ,The eateh,' whieb consisted of cod and :Cedlings; :reached 1$0,03(3.- • • . • • 'Damage to 'the. extent of $80,000 was .catised- hi' two .thitbreaks of fire at. the. Motor Norki,_in North., .Stireet, • Glasgow, and the. Chendeal..' Works the Parkhead diittriet. ...Nairn. Town Council' his -declined to support the ,res.olution of the meetingo•of•Glavrow,citizeais urging' the Government° to prohibit the sale of liquors daring the war. • . .Freeautions. against possible G'erina,n --raid have been made • by Stonehaven in , regard to the ,re-, .c*-11774..-7.1:rorSes,.-eattle, and all verfeleS. aikl-Pronerty-of-u-ge f,d-tho • The Pitlochry.. 'Higher grade _Choolpiipils have sent 762 articles; 500-liainikereliiets for Sol.-• !tilers' • and. sailors and -have. also •raised_.about for, the, 'various relief funds. • Dr .• A. IC. Chalmers, 'Medical Offi- cer of Health, -Glasgow, -states that • the po.puilatiOn of the city, on June 300,-_19i4, 1 055 930-,---the-7inerease-during theLyear being 23,702. . -in- -Bee ' titanic :struggle -the- Armageddoe--.; • Will4alit--ficree=years,• This means that upwards of ten ' • horses will be destroyed. •Owirg the *Cheek breeding.in the war zone, the loss will probably amol.fit to is. much More: . This . means a shortage in'Enrope.'alone of twenty Million.horsea, which Will have te be made "up. •Annie& will stiTi be maintained; A halt -will probably be, called tothe aspire-, tions anti itanbitions,:pf the' German . war lerds,' bet it is ;too much to • expect that all the nations of the • earth wilt subside- into a Jove -like •'existence- \ and coo to each other in • -eternal amity:-.• • • Official • litiss•Relly,.of Liverpool, a grad'- • . nide ofi-th-e-L-ondon-Vinversity, official work finder • for • women in Britain. e as een '-,engaged by the Central (Lineme- , ..ployed) Body for- liondow,, and was •' Jibe -lora hake number of applictints• • for this interesting and • unusual post. ,Ilenwerk -will consist main- ly. di) watching. ne,W • professions, helpieg women to-qnalify --for -ca- . ' reern by advice •and .guidance; and - • :•.1, hy- -keeping- ' touch-with-pti- rate and publie empleye.is • of-.z.thetry: • .• SHOWFA IT, TEETHIN TIME TR(lUBLES. Baby's teething. time is a. period 'of anxiety for mothers unless babes stomach is kept sweet .and -his bowels regular. • No other Edgar Allan -Poe to deseribe the, medicine has been found so .valu- end Of the German erniser'Emden. what entold arbount will the grs,n able during teething time as has as it was. described to the British total come." 'Baby's Own Tablets'. They make Weekly Disp.atch, , one of the Mrs. libileney got relief f backache •because • Doddre Pills cured her Kidney oiri her Kroindhng, LOSS BY Ali IN BELOWN. LK prawn Up by ik taiga% of . Brawls Court. An article recent iSslie of the Paris Figaro plem the finale- eial,darnage done to 13nlgium by the Oerrnans klt31,509,5811,000. Of course this Cannot. give any idea, of the suffering' whick Ilea been (licked on the e&intrY and its in 'habitants. - It considers only the losses Of materialtnature which cen be Hated in terms. of dollars. and gents. The article. is headed "A Note to he Paid," and "says .'`."Drm.foliewing list, dra*n up by lawyer in the Court of Appeals. m Brussels; shows the damage Which . the Germane have inflieted Q11 Bel - Own. *.•Ifere is the list: • • "Liege and •environs, buildings, andthat was the cause a her back- ache. Dodd's Kidney •Pills cure "diseased -Kidneys. - Cured Kidneys .do their. work and strain all the impttrities out of Um, blood. That's why, Dedd,'s, Kidney Pills cure so many"diseases-that are Paused by impure- • 'I • EATEN ALIVE BY LAND CRABS • . •Pate of Wounded Sailers Off Ger- man' Cruiser 'Paden. ; It would need. the imagination of trade., and forte, $M,500,000. ;".Tirleinent, trade. and buildings," $0,52°,014,4• „41',33`dllot uyu".:111.1$37u,lloivoepoisit.y, buildings echlan eathedral -wierks ,- of et,c , $7,09090- . • Aeciltot,, $4,240,006. j lc ,, `Na. ur' • hinislingl, comrn ea, and forts, $23,W21000: .' • ffDinanfr (including the, oliateanx near,*e 'riyor); $1.5,05,000., „, ., • : • fcCbarler4 48,Nd.:VOkki"ous, !dial& f , "Mona, 0680, 00-• i inks, and 'factlies, 4)AI/3,160,000- ' ! "Tournai, Lu ze, and Ath, $500,- 000. . i "Itasselt, Tliourout, and. Moll; $1,542;000. '5Aloat, trade, $1,960;000• % "Termonde, $4,170,900. '• "Damage, caused in tli, rtiral districts,Props, •cattle, hogs, Sheelf,,, horses, ,iliatiettux, land farms burn- e1or pillaged, $283,614,000. • "Anvers sand environs, forts, t e, churches, inerehandise, and •foodstuffs, $101,150,000. , "To the State, buildings, foreign .holdings,' , monuments, bridges, roads etc., $240,000,000. --PTA-al, $1,96M84.000. ' "With this for an example,. to te•ething- "painlesa arid by their use . . baby, gets his teeth ..so easily that the mother scareely .knows they,are coming. Concerning, the - Tablets, Mrs F. Goldsmith, Nelson, , B.C., Nkirites:_.‘Baby's Own Tablets' are _ . . . .i. - .-sland6,- 'Before thWhe4.-haPP-Wd ,t1,1nothor:11.4Folitga1/4-,11c1P-"ri'n the her.--deck&had-withessedSceued' of: .„,•0•1;fax ..iends,,ibet:a_,M..egeacje....et.1-1,,.919. horror .unsnr.Pflage4 - teething period." ,The Tabrets are - in theetory_Of , ----- „..,, - ,to .Many People. . • &Old by niedieine dealers or by Mail.' naval warfare. .Not only were men at .25. cents a .box' from The Dr. absolutely,annihilated 14 the fire .A. • • ' ville,-- Ont. .... of our, ihells,. but. they 'Were -Otit ":' Ilalita'' N'S*1 Dec. 15 -When- -tater- Williams' •Medieine'r Coi,-. -Brook- . . • , .•• . lined; in •Irescoes.of flesh and. blood Viewed -6111W 'hOmre• at 194 Argyle -St., ..against .the Steel wallsof the tor:. Mrs. Haverstock•was quite willing to., •rets. -The pristinera...aaid 'that it,, talk of her peculiarly. unfortunate ease, . • DAIRY PROD r (TS. I was just as though the whole oet- -"I 14"-ea,-Sivia:Ye -*blue' and •depressed, crew who ,sank the german •raider. . .T1* cletaits.of the .affair. are well -.known. -The :Emden Ives driven ;ashore -by H...111, S. Sydney; and she rritinded upon a, reef of the Cocos , BJ11,AIN it 'MOB* SOBEI4 Remarkable Oka of War tpon. • Habits of Nation. Is the country growing more 04E41 P YVi$: result Of a special; invest'. gation by the • Xancheeter Guar- dian, this fact is- proved. • The 4‘On the -whole there has been detidedly iescdfin1;ing efilw the delight. The TTED blEALTS.- • Vult flavored and ffierfeetly.000lred, • make ,deliciou•s nanaiviclieo, ar started," stated our conteln- PerarY. In `varies, cases is it re- ported to havel been increased; in many eases it has, declined in '04, yery marked degree. The -meet notable eaie-tiat increase is Bamw; Where the conviction s for drunken- ness show il, rise. of 40 per cent. ' “The decline'doee not appear tO be in Proportion to the severity of lite '.restrietiOnst it. is, indeed, in .some eases notably independent of it, 1 . "Reports from all pats testify to bite excellent beltaVior of the troops' in training., . Suggestions. as to ln. 'Creased drinking %among. • .wonieri are not -as • a rule sipportel 11- tli Ugh reports suggest' an hie eatite • in :Liverpool and in Lancaster;",' I Nova Scotia Case Of interest to All -Women pieniekeel .eboke. ' liverY1100's favorite. I • Liao city with such a record, of l' ii• clo of V affirio .Healthy, I . 1 i FOreanate •1 nde.ed is the Can= good ,health, as that of Victoria, IllYiri°.".11,Aia, .41°B. wn lialbfYinbitterervirLicl officer's report for 1914. The anditality rate isonly723 per thousand, .while 'the infant• mortality rate reached -the -almost incredible, figure of• -.6 per thousand. Of 18 eases of ':tYphoid, only five were decay the. remainder coming • front logging camps. ,One of the reasons for this situa- tion is undoubtedly the care taken to ensure a pure milk supply. The examinations taken during the year Showectthe htitte'r tat VO.FC41)4gP to average 3.9 per cent., the water fetitier- " Milk- Per tloW line of a man. had been .pasted by reit weeklangiiid' and utterly unfit a crude artist upon a black tir4.3y. .tablet. Limbs omen ,were every - for anywok. My stomachwas so • disordered that I had nti appetite. Vnry lo"iv in This pountry. • What I did eat disagreed. ,,1: suffered -There is a reinarkably- lixeidladi-4- -,itheiie,...'.and'.`ont -7,iffic,tr -WATIng lip greatly froin dizziness •and sick head-, cle on "The Dairy induStrjr,',' by froin helotv waS seen. too stoop and aclie and feared- a nervous breakdoWn, ;Upon my druggist's. recommendation 1 ' missioner. I-. A....• Baiddiekr in throw thei g -dismembered_franielts --re'rivaist----Mmirement--7012--faet--to---the-A-grieultu-ral- War Book i,41.1.4, 0.Lmoi ovirhc) rd, before , .... . .1. his • used Dr.. Hamilton's Pille.__,- a _ . • a giving ""I felt-betteritLonevery day_I '15roluaeffeivsarrug ef-tfieltilt.nit, -h-y-the 'Department -of 4gridulture- orders.:2 ' Of -Their ;-i-Varin:Driit* ' • , gatherings. There -are al- .• ,,--- -•,- - iniproved -In six weeloi I was a weA social woman, cured completely after ready signs that the inocement Is differ- me bath* some effect. , ' •• ent physforicians had ofailed to ngly help . • It is this reasn that I' stro Brisk recruiting has again been Urge sufferers with stomachdiges- • .or experienced in Durables, and about • five •troubles to use Dr. Harailton's •50 have j.oined Kitchener's Army, Pill." while a little less ,have joined the Dr. Hamillon's Pills strengthen the reserve battalion of the 5th King's stomach, improve digestion, strength - Own Seottiah Borderers. . ea the tierves and restore debilitated at Ottawa. From it we learn that there has been a decrease in mileb corn in all the eastern. provinces, but that the inCrease in the western Provinces makes this deficiency up with 185,000 to the go9d. We else learn that in ten years there was a most gratifying increase in the value of 'dairy products • of from $66 470 953 to $109,340,024, There All• , thig was but the prelude to the terrible scenes' which fcillowed after., The -ship struck the rocks and listed heavily: Many Of her crew, • Soine..helpless by :reason of their, wounds,, were thrown into -the shallovi waters, • Where .no ' help pould come to them. As night fell the agonizing cries of ' these poor. Wretches went unanswered, though was • an almost alarming decrease none could have guessed their fate. . . of eicPorts of butter and cheese-. They were being devoured alive by of butter from 34,031,525 lbs: in the gigantic' land crabs ,of the Co - 1906, a' record year, to 1,228,753 ccs. Islands lbs. in 1914; and of cheese 'from These crabs are well known to -215,834,543 lbs. to 144,478,340 lbs. the students Many of them are in Ate same years. Denmarkis the nearly two feet across and their greatest country of exportation to, claws are terrible weapons. • It is England in ,daity products; but appalling to contemPlate the agony New Zealand is vrrtually Canada's of the German sailors thus thrown thief rival sue.hdie_fate: -Even _Vietor Hugo' a JeLd es that the quality of our famous story of the giant °atones cows in yield o m as improved, Viler before such a ara-rtirtitire. but after giving many Valuable,Sug- the truth of it seems incontestible; gestions on enlarging of markets It is War as th-#., world knows it and orfmethods for itterea•sed -pro. . _ • auction, he concludes with the fol • - loWing table shoWing the pereen: Lame Back . Stren othened sage of cattle-cOmpared with popu: . Ir and Mils. Reid, df Tyneholm, eYeteniseto health. By cleansing the have forwarded from themselves blood of long-standing impurities, by and friends in the 'parish, a large bringing he system to a •high point consignment. of eomforts, while the of vigor, they effectually chase away school ethadren have sent knitted weariness, depressien and disease, Gadd for Young or old; for men, for cuffs, chocolates and cigarettes. ' women, for Children. .All dealers sell The • badges for war- seriice, Dr. Haballton's Pills of Mandrake and premised ,• by the Governtnent to Butternut.•. raen engaged in the construction of . war vessels and the manufacture of -riii."Yaost..of 'the Plyde 'ilia "Name." arenarnents Were recently p'resented ernen aids and en ineerin shops, A" young spark, riotoric,,es ler his. sence seieral• gentlemen about the conquests which he had. gained ove.r .the female heatt. said he,-"liere'in;liand- • sonie present I had from 19,4 inamorata," at•the same- •time halfding rotind a--13eaufital 'Leigar- case. All adinitted:the: article; • whieh had an indorsemenl-ol-iti-ilirtillry staanped upon it. •• . • -"Very nice gift,- . rernarkd one -of -theleonipttny.,---:`41..perceitte..4.0.11r It:fay:love eVeii..ba your rraine _peit .aote-,.-reemyealafter one rubbing 'Ne - thing possiNy-, toulg cure an schipg • ,,wen; :that queer,'! back faster, 'than •NerVitine;" • writes Mrs. Aaiun,. +1Coliar, of Lower- Chet-, pea, N.S. "I .caught celd and was so prostrated yvith pain ,I ceurif not bend bV:er. -We alWaYs 'have Nerviline-at 11.011 -le: and I •bn.ti the ,nainfel- region. tubbed thoroughly with this grand pain -departed. suppYriralso aboVe reproach. ; • The population of Victoria is now 55,000, ancl of the 367 death record- ed last year 90 were over 70 years ' Victoria, /°B.C., is evidently a place 'Wheie there is some. competi,- • t• hioalibitfacrirvth,e p.ositiot of: "oldefit.in- ,FAums sue. DAWSON, till18211. 4alkorns Taranto. IF Tort WANT' TC ,1317.1 • OR • sub). 'A Steels, Grain.- or . Part& write- H. Ir. DaWsion: Brampton. or OS borne tit.. Trroato, , . • ceiparni,•41to.,•!•Tsrants- 'N'OF1,10$11:Y:-S,TOCit. • QTRAWBlilit11149, BASPBEBBIE0. PO' • • TAyots,_• „ Catalogue- friss, . a Ben', POrtJSUrVrelt VAL«. ' • ••' • -11111110ELLANEOUll. ' ci amens% irtrusnis. WIMPS, BTO.. • liternar and Sztersal. caret with. -I sat este by onir itbme treatment; Write' sus' before too late, Dr; Belknap Ned1040 C.. L1rn1.collingwoodi pos. r • _ 4110,tittura • •41_1. 11/4 14. fo)rortroftwoors st.. Mr? A, Reasonable :Theory. • Boss--Nor'we haVe all the aren, -weneed.•• 1.- • -• , laborer -Seems like you could take One more, the little btt of werk• I'd do. Granulated Eyelids, ieDyes anfiamed by exio- • sure to SUN, Dust and V/ ad gEieleinedy. NoSmarting„-- quickly relieved by Marine , just Eye Comfort. At' Druggises 50c per BottreitImine Eye SalVeinTubes25caorllookeillitEygfregasIr I • • pfukkiste Or Markle Eicf Remedy Co.; Chicago • "RES'0131.,- OF SUMMER LOVELINESS "`- . 49crfteivvitzitts lialii.d..estAtedloga't:Pgtqs. selietirV • unertualed in the, Trept0e, -,-• •13.3, PBERMitollAN," fastest, otost luxurious and sub, Steamship Utnel- • Ing Daersengorti without transfer, Salle from Nety York every 'weans - day. 11 a.m. • , gar° $25.00 tor' Rena Trip, inchidink 'berth, and 'meals. • WEST INDIES' • notihts,.,1 22-rlay drulses to the ,BAhndt_ithcillecztali1517ti:front 1:11-. Var. trid;^ 12th, 26th, 2,00 p.m, 4.pply for tickets; • • •,:• coanyaodnageSstetn.inTsohrlar; tot," iirriire4!Itictrodt, ; 'Act Age. , Howard -7110w old carilMiss4obes •bet? • Victor --Old enotigh to call col- lege men "eollege hoy's." ' -LOW PARES 'TOTHE 'CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS. • ,Vin Chicago .a Norte western Ry. ' Pour splendi•d daily .trains from the Now Passenger T'erminal„. Chicago to San Francisco, ,Los •Angeles and San. Diego. Wide choice' of sdenio and direct routes. Double track. • Automatic , electric • safety signals all the way. • Let vs• plan . your trip, and furnish fold. ern. and- full. particulars. • . 13. 11. Bennett, Gen. Sgt.. 40 onge St., Toronto. Ont. • • • , Prosperity. is usually the, result • of _thrift, in adversity. ' •. .• •treartrs74-millinept:LCurAOtandrulf--____ A year as a wreck from . voffke ttriokiog and '._was on ,the ' points...of ,giv_ing up my pesitiifiti- }11- tip ,sellool room beeause Of ner: (Tea i4 just as injurions as coffee because it, too, contains the health• -. -destroying drug„ caffeine). "1 v,as telling a friend about it. and she said, 'We ,drink nothing at. • Meal time but Postum, apd it is such a comfort to IiitVe something ve eau enjoy.• drinking with, the -; ' I was astOnisbed that' e- would allew.-the ehildren to..drink any '..kind &gee, but she said Postmn hiit a most health- • ful drink for children as well as for •older ones, and that the condition of both tho childten ' and • adults .F•hovied. that to he a fact. • • "1 was in desPair and determined to give Postiiin a' trial,' following the directions carefully. It was a decided ;success and I Was eorn- pletely Won by its ridh. delitious . flattotir. • “in a short time I noticed a .de- .SAvETCoUR BREEDING STOCK:. Here Are Seale Facts for Our Far- _ mers to _ NO echinsel is better suited to the • times -for agriulturalists than ad- vice'to save their breeding stoek: Te-sactifice4t-now_Lia.-...ti• _court 'lamentation in the future. With •eided improvement in my eonaition and kept growing. better. month after month, until now am . -healthy, and do nty work' in the sollool mon" with ease and plea, Ogre, ' I :Odd not return to nerVe- • destroyieg" ooffeo for any motley," Name given by Canadian •Poet - tura CO, WindSor, Ont, Read "The Iloti'd to Wellvillel in pkgs. l'6411111 00111013 in two forms: Regular Poston).- nuteb be well ' and 250 packages,. 'Instant Postunt - is a soluble po*derl A teaspoonful dissolvef3 -quickly of bot water and, •Imith 'dreamt and ougar, MAO a delitiftitts liettindigti arid ti00 tios. , • Poll kinds 4reit, equaliy delicious 0,nd .00st per eup about tho same. ilhere't a Itciatiore?' for Postum. 0-04.1.4by ,Greeer,s; . . rcrountrie,--- Stiffness. Taken:Right Out New Zealand -.-.-............. 1971, • _ . , . • Denmark•• ' Was Relieved in an Haur, and puree -- -United-States--.„,,,,,,,,,, 69% • . Over ciNtligithet. • Sweden . ... .1:..... : 48% • unnecessary. • • Canada, ., ........'..... •-:':431)-• •P'f 1".-11•1: cr'ala c,t°/1,:;y forn1 b hr. ve ki . Erartee ...,.......... ' 1,41 he, it s simply s w itayianti „ IA lame b tiif war," there nutekrome a shortage; _ 1 a •-• tftro milIionif Men .victims to the hist -in- all- departments; of berses. . of tattle; of --sbeeP; -of swine, of try and .:ef. dairy. products. With shortage mist cothe increased de: Mend !nats't come letter price's. Even betiire the -great outbreak -j- ilted% Were -indications -of w 'shifting. .of -the neceisities, Of the in -Crease .of live. stock, falling Short in proportion' to the inerease- of popt latiort. Gernlany, the United King -do -en and Austria-Hungary 811 had a larger percentage, crease of mouths to feed than they had of beef and mutton -to. put into .thein. • Canada i.s better of than ale,„fountries a in Whi le their access of population. tin& the beginning.ef. the. centuri has ben from two and half to one, and -in cattle from. five_ to one, the Domin- ion shows an increase in popula- tion of 34 per cent. ,and of cattle of 17 per cent. Russia; the Argen- tines and the United State's each had atractual decrease in cattle in the.period referredIto conipared with important inere,ases .popu- latien. The United States is the worst ofi", relatively speaking, hav- ing increased in population twenty- four per and decreased in lite stock thirty per cent. Farmers' might well digest the foregoing facts, all Of which* are gathered front „officiq tourtes, They might also Wolf ask ViiiisFelciF what they are going to do about' it., Having arrived at the deeisioil, they surely will, to. follow the ad. vice of the Federal Depattinett 40 Agricultitre, to Savo then- breedint stock, they will next desire tO'know heiv the best and nioat profitable tad eau . be -made of that stook. There eau te but ono answor-- breed to t6 besb: help to solution of the iproblems' selee., tion time. presented; the Publics,. Drateli ape Departteent of Agrioultpre at ttawn, have had, prepared iler es of Bttlletins•on the breeding and rearing of herses, oattlei One Wine kind pOultryi and ry prodneto, tr Austria • ' . Germany'• •33% United Kingdom. ' 21% 1: 'The-pereentage- -represents num- ber •of-oattIeto every_ tea of 'popa-•_. lotion. "For Country without a large' industrial"' fiOpftlittioir,"-----Mr: Ruddiek-says, "Canada takes tinVy: 113N(r place- in the ,foregoing list." Other points that' the Com- Missioner makes rire,•that the aver- age yield .of milk per cow is still very low in ;this country, and might be increased 25 or even 56 per cent.. and that ‘tMA'farmers of Canada -at'rrit class have eot yet lear.ned hew important it to keep cows in geed condition." 134e - tins on Dairying can' be hag -tree on application to the Publications Brandi, ,Department of Agricul- ture, Ottawa. •••••••••••.....irolo lommiamrail No More Corns Cure • Guaranteed NeVer irnown to acts without pain in 24-dsours. Is. soothing, healing; takes the Sting right mit. No remedy so quick, safe and sure as Putrian"raPain- less Corn extractor, Sold every- witerp--•,266. per bottle. ••• • I1411)1111A3`105%.1 POR ..Messro. Pigeon,Pigeon 84 Davis, patent Solicitors, Montreal, report that 181 Ottachan patents were is- sued foe the week ending February lath, 1015, 187 of Whitilt were grant- ed to Amerleitts, 28 to Canadians asul,16 to residents Of foreign tout. tries. Of the Oan acliall who P' reoe'ivetl patents. 32 Were residents of' On. tale:, 5 of Onelieo, 4 of, Britidh Col- umbia, of Alberta., 5 of Manitoba, MO 1 , of New 'Brunswick. Minartre Liniment nidlevoi Neuralgia,- the baaster. "1 never notieedit. •• "Took 'again,P relbiried the can- did one. ''The, ease is distinetly -rtill'rked. 'Real " • ubR colds in thedebest or sore • .1.1 throats; for rhtfirnatism •or • stiffness; for sprains and cramps. Capsieum."Vaseline!' brinks ,. gni& CAPS I:CUM in- an hour -I was --able- to 'be about. my I.'. ' 1:01,11,Estil:iini-fcrl.-Alliant t ; ' ' .f Tholamerteis was rapidly tedueedand . before retiring, and awoke as usual in -"''''"v‘de.ir. 1,1" arPr .681het)WHolil?.; '11)13eli:ta;Yg 1 housework. 1 'was'ruhhed again just T back trouble, " ' ',- . . "Not, un)less he rtip . under .an electee to the Legialatirre 7 . • the morning without a •sign of my There is no sort of: 'unsolder pain 'alias." ,vtlihouat. ta,aNedrivillveivrwo4ftoufroele.thcateitusicklAL,Y,, -am, tientalgia, seiatica and lumbago It sinks to the core of the painright• fermi& -muscle, tisane and nerve -it penetrates where no oily, greasy lint - Meta ean g� mid inirariably cures quickly. If you hare an ache. or a pain anywhere -rise Nerviline-it will cure you. Eamily Mae bottle, very' • large 50c.; trial stze 25e. at all dealers. ti Viheelo-tk-18- r-4-2- Auf 6-mat—Wive— Complete o'perating-, ftyWheelf frame, belt.,„ cylinders and all parts. Can • be shown running -at present time. - ; .Will seri at less than half cost -price:: • •' EL FRANK WILSON & SONS - 7$ Adelaide' St. -West, Tororito 0011113/1101n. 1111150MMAINISIMIU10 line Trails:irk Itiado in Canada , It 'does all that a mustard Waster vvill do. Is cleanek, easier to apply, and will not blister the skin. There/ye many other "Vaseline" preparationsTrsimple home reme- dies that -irked' be every farriii3r .“-C-arbish-te-c1—"Vasetitter—an ,.antiseptie dressing for cuts, 'insect bites; etc.; "Vaseline" Analgie,. •, for nepralgia,.and headaches; pure • "Vaseline 'rot chilblain, etc., andother. ,• torolb..s.iinsTrrurss. Insist 60 "Vie't.• • lint" ht origied patkaate Waiter Ihelurine. -CFIF.sEnmot...011 telitte.USACTEM1N9,C0.. Corleolidated. ror aale It all Chemists anti - • orner41 storm Free Vrooltlet oh requeet. • CHESE13ROUGH. MPG CCP.' (tswaillasied) -;889 CRUOT AVE.. MONTREAL , VieW Frotit 111IrgeSS rtwg. • Speaking Of panoramic views, the Canadian Paeifie itself hits just produced something outof the ordinary in this respeet. '1'lle dal photographer of tlie railway, Mr.1. C, S. l3ennett, bits marie'a priftt 22 feet long on one piece of .paper, representing n Panoedinie view from Burgess Pass, in the -Canadian Rockies. This. :photo, graph; the largest ever 'iniule Canada, which will ;be hung in the rottuldtt of, the Windsor Hotel, at Montreal, 'shows Mount 'Field (8,8,15 feet), Mount Dennis (8,328 feet). Mount ,Goodsir, tlul Van Horne range, Mount Etirgess (8,483 feet), Emerald (8,332 feet), Mount. Wapto. •'moo feet), and Mount Viet.President (10,040 fed),• and embraces a hundred tulles of 0,110W-el11d peaks and. &m- ein% with the Atoka at'Vield shown, in the valley at' the loft, vilid to the right 11 gilintse of the, Yolto Valley* , • ^ $- Mai 'rtidiittie J4hu-'1, a*L- - ,-1,Vhst aras1"•' ',I, • d ,tiaagkaeinix:-ts.'i:1,I,..64171;t.tiBittouR pi-4.00ibli,terta :.1,..ciliiiYeaped. --- a give'rne a penny to buy some-apP,Ies with. You don't. Wing, me to lase .rey ap,, yeti?". ;He: get-tha---; • ••- ' • ". • "! Mnnrd niincflt �r sale everywhere: . - ' . The Illustration if:hoots our 18 ft, And 20 ft. -power laufichei. ' We but% both sizes_ ef _this..line...,,Powered ffrn d .8 hp ., up. Staunch, eittooth, runtime and dependable craft, diteryliig dapheityvilp-to-ton-piarsonL. Illtted,fer int?, Mediate use, The finest launch for the mimey offered, and with trie isuarantoo Tretalls of cbtstritotion, fitting, power. etc., promptly supplied. Wilt* .of the builders behind it, for booklets of Launches and etVarreer. • THE PETERBOROUGH CANOE CO., Ltd. Feterborough Ontn.r1O, • Mina.rd'a Liftiment Co., .Lnitited. , . nave used MINARD11-• LINT:Mk/MI for Cirodp; found noririee•elual to • it: sure cure. ' • • MAK. E. SHARP. •itwka1t5W N.13., gent. 1St, 1005.. • As one of the viesiting forwards of hoekey team had oncturned up. Cruickshanks was .asked to stilisti- 4/tat', 'nel.agreed, hut as his -knowl- edge of. the game was decidedly.lim- -ited, he was-offending-hy rlLisiflg- lii stick' above , the shoulder. 'S4ielts ' was repeatedly shouted to him, and; tliinItink the plaYers were alluding to hie, thin.. legs, he approached the referee, "Look , here.'' ite said. "I know any legs aren't great, but it theso ch81)4 don't stop. shouting cstieks,' Im off," "It's all right, ' timid tale rr• feree, smiling; "they're alluding:to the hoelrey stieks, 11.ot walking -• 1l •Illlitertell;Lirtlittent Chits Borne, rte. ED.1.3;4: ISS11if 12-013. isoversz.ortLy._aottom$550 Boat) Pi...0VA Prepaid to any itailway$3tntierk lit Ontario., Length Beata a Pt. 0 , Depth f iTh. TA. Asy XOTOTt PITS. SpscHleatIon, No, 28 ttivilig engine priets on, request. Oet our quotations Ote.-"Tho Petiotang Line? commercial Itua Pleasure Lannzhea, now beats and Vannes. • TIIE flL1 130AT CO" IL1141111),. MliETAlig„ • „