HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-25, Page 2tCW Outhefarm „00,40401.40,04,4044, Raishig At "Orphan. Volt, • In ease the mare dies or has no • IIED CROSS, f4OCIllit, • eters' *I Canadian Nur** RIMS French Hospitala, xis,* _ Lindisayt the' first wart. frAlizada.- since ,"•the ontbrealr a war, and graduate of the Royal Vic- toria hospital, Montreal; who for 10441, be rateed an the Past five months liae been nursrnHc - 'cows' milk, if •the attendant (*Qn** t+IN..47t*N.ulideurllyr north :ft .Pthaeirish,estfits- tbe foal duets the work patientlY and intei- tior9..yedLin the city and paid a visit ligently. . 'Choose the milk ef eow tall; .0hanse wrheiceehntglivec:vivieidk, por;fairi-1 atnoe041i4Z____*-44,0...eer gc'',rttet3.4)3,f.ettheerge; aafte4ar71.., butter fat,' for mares' milk while soripniA03rea 5111: gave A: graPbie. del • rieh in sugar, is poor in fat !Sweet- . ausLindas.. nuriin 411p:7ilr en the mill; with molasses orsugar • ris at tlbe ou?Thisak r ,4A, and dilute with warm water. Give silo once offered her iservkeo to a. little of tbis prepared milk at the Preneh Government, and was intervals irtha a.slaide&nure- sent to Neuilly, *hire she has lug 'bottle and large ruttier niPple, nursed British, French, • attrinally Be orefal to keep the lhottle and Morrocan and Algerian wounded. nipple scrupidenely Clean. Add an At one •time. when the. German ounce of lime water te, each pint of forces arrived almost before the tate prepared milk and anew half a gates ef,Pariain their maxi dash for Cupful mice an. hour .at arab, writes that city, before- they Were thrown Mr. A, P. Alexander. . • back by boYf • VII; mAllaziete,:_flioractss.-14,Intdstha.; As the feal grows, gradually in- crease the amount of,:tailk• fed -and was only nine. mile* from the firing lengthen the intervals between line, and §alfv'coukl .di*igotly .11,o0r meals. In alew days feoiranay he. -theBring•Of the big guns.„ ,given,'Six • times -4, day and, later, ...Asked- to„ a de•scripti4u'.of the four timesdailyt' The toe,,,twill soon WOinids, that the allied 'soldiers ro- learn to drink ',from a pail, if al- ceived aad, whether the report that is,wed ,t4 mitt ,atendiol,tis fin, the Germans were using Darn Duni: sere at first. bullets were true, Miss Lindsay • • , Until the bowels move freely that while she had never ac - give reetal . injection's night . and yned•W Seen- a Duni Dum buliet, she , „ morning. ,14 the 100.1, n„„ saw a, great many explosive bullets w have her Haub' airap t tecl time gmrs two ato tour, tII40;;;Omnj•;” i,fr,,°,-,n1 the ehtaPeet. These' raes,:rTelalysTIlleg.',isritrtitheeksthreere,t-wo lolpt,pagarrs fide of mixture of sweet' ancl elle• eiRilaineadr.exPleded-aft . Imo MEN I:SE 'WIRELESS, Instrument Manipulated By Xii..' ' dian$ in,South Anierlea. •• That a qsteni of wireleo tile- graphy existed more, than 0000 'years ago amoiag 1,6 u5avatio 1,••e•,..bris 1 , of South America, was the infanta - Oita brought by Captain J. Camp- ' bell Besley. adventurer,and exp/or- , er, who arrived -home recently with • •his party after More tban ITI, Year of exploring throitgli the wilds -of Aanaton. Valley... Captain Besley started thimigh Soutli Aine riea from Lima, Peru, and Made his way across' the c notinent • from • the •soureelo the delta of the Agna4914 river in five months. .4., nolieves that his party is the Only one that his: evet accomplished tbit feat. .; • '`.!It. Wes in the Juamara region •that We first ]earned of this %Vire.* less..Systenti" said Captain Besley. ''We..vvere" mat at the'•entrance Of: a .village lay a nuMber of natives. They had evidently,bgen expeeting us, and when WO 40,1011 11.0*ItheY knew that, we were coming ...they. Pointed' te * Crude ioeking errange4 meet syspended between two ' 'tree staniips• . on , ..s.. ,•liorisontal . bar. Through' on r Indian interpreter we learned that it Was a "wireless ati. , , . , . . , ,.. , Parattis tLor 'isenrinieand receiving messages Irani • the various • tribita throughout the 'Annazon • Valley. The transmitter filliaS . a heliewed -Amok of a tree .suspended from the ,pale so that...the, base was sliOtly off the ground. Insid&. it had been arranged.,very,...nmeli like_ our /ins. It'avas •explained that when- the,liastrument, was .strnek !smartly, with a small rub'ber hannher aivi- bration nv•as ;created that Carried' for iniles Orel" the hills. The re- ceiver is very similar to the trans-, mitt,* except that it is placed on, a hardwood platform. the 'base of the holloNved tree trunk' being •grouruled on the Platforin.• When the ..message_is, struck_ in the neigh- boring village, sometimes 30 miles aWS.,k,. this receiver catches the vi- terations, causing a jerky singing sound. I undeirstancl that this sound 'system can be read by the members of the. tribe and. that in this way news.of victories and other happenings are. told througliont the cauntryside. ; .,„ ..7, lin...Ibis .way, , theIiidians all, aleig our. route,fieraIded our ap- proach and We: were et by the in- habitants all ' through. the Pate - _Iwo:, Nappo. Beni, 1),Itidre de Mee -and Mover ,grietilaya: vallw-S; the tributaries to the great. Amazon. We learned also from the Maratos, and the Iltiannhaisus tribei, •that.this method cf telegraphy has been weed *ht: the various tribes. in that dis- trict for thousp,nds .of years." - Franklin B.•,Coatesr,who-a.cted ae. •the...manager of. the -party, _Told -of the death of• Dr. J. A. Anderson; '•• A Canadian Mechaniefil 011 Pure easter oil, aliaken up in Milk, '8"41 48 the'Y Penetrata4 the body,ring one Ic't taie' aiA" 1.414S1 Of the , . and sto feeding -nil* :for two.. or and itir.MPAY eases leftterrible;Germans. • . - throe meals, snowing sweetened zu,,utntle. „Sehr;eninta. b.5enticiuoiele,ahttetiovemr, -.131.-clialisa`84Eiliplidiyeabyo•wokaisetsho, eNovninptihleeds'eubr; .40Pe when called upon worthy cause. uPAn- to-support warm' water and linle water in* wounds_PA:, very tow., Owing ylailgy AIM .I411931PtTe, *.Superintioident of stirring rds Will e surely COMe .asteeoand;a•sLitetvitiible eat tal .,./click.licroiciataitialiaylians. toeit4h tptajoevenient in moaorn onr,, to-A.ippliee .for .the canadian lied home to Canadians ats11)1helYpresent rose 'S'ociety; and she thoronghiy hour. . The crease the ape lint and add wheat it5aeY maenn • belorsPelm_aeay'Cl! le,cef;al,itoti°n4f tijeridoised 4t,, and made 0.. few ser,4_ 4 . .,,,.. Y-... were ' written bY,AL bran, In five- or siii *eel& some front. , .. . . urse who has for k VS,,k,r• .• Workshop. on. Wheels, Nnw, the Front in ,Praneei • • . 'their difficult and arcilkons duties. •Tt reniains with the generous Pejo' of Canada IoLgive, NOW, and to give with a large aid *Pen heart at Cana,cliant, have . alw,a.ys FROM MERRY OLD ENGIAND many wee B igtSilOa Whith, Will be added. to the been %performing her -task among -skim milk 'may- ;be given and phi, riench doktier,s 4' silki Miss next edition, which will be publish- the wounded not far fromethe, firing take amount gradually increase Land ay . tr ed shortly. Miss Lindsay has ap- • daily until, in three menthe or 8% They re a, ver,fine,type of • men, .Plied -to the ,Government for a posi- it MO be given freely three times a and all 'appeared very. • cheerful« diaiiire place of new Milk, 'The lo.al Even. when 'suffering from had at this` age also:will be ieating'free- *Muds, they .seeMed , satisfied with ly of grass, grain and bran. • - everYthing that was given them,„ and At all times suPPly'' pure. cold .never 00raplained or; grunibled.- drinking water. Let the foal run TheY seemed 'malted with the rip*. On't." in a lot or grass paddock for of victory, and oven in the darkest ,the outbreak Of Wart, and her vivid exercise. • Aceustoinit to be,:hand, .414s of the, war when the Germans deseription of .conditions existing led daily. ' Feed small quantities of- wer.a „so near, Paris, ,there us not near the .firing•linewoannot but jin nutritious food Often, keeping 0 the slighted • panic • among the the- Press. all Canadians, especially as .toO4 vessels elean; and' the foal Frenehp- •SO hiaire soldiers e;re should thrive 4114 develop well • Asked as to how long she thought Pr°1)(4)1Y now, .not in the actual dian sick and ,wounded •some-' ..,Reniember that • eeIt shank/ at alt the war would Miss Lindsay firing ' line7 very near. it. She has thing- sad and Iniiimosnt to tfre timesbe'adeqinatily fed so as to Said she did .not, think it could, list come right from the scene andtells,. tared for _duty's take -it_ be develep. it „perfectly. Practically beyond next allium.p2., and 'she did 'howbadly warm Clothing and little well to Annie once that he ,, half of the tail, ''ff a horse is not see how there cciiild possibly' luxuries 'eneh as candies and to- agreeably surprised, Pain, ,haereo.are needed by the men, 'We' Of course, •is to bo. seenTand 11015r gained, during the first tWelve .he another.....win:t,er campaign. The ,_in Fiace appeared' ,feel sure that the people of Canada -wounds-and fine Yon08.. men re, Months of its life. 1.1 stunted dur- g • fc..• ing•Ibis period the colt never de-- to '*at the war w9u141 be over :v"i4. 468 to the occasion. they 4ueed erawiii*g eliPPles; but *-velefiS Properly; itfeed ,therefore, pays- by the "t111211 4g. this year. have done 6° often , before, • and • the general note is cheerful.: Miss Lindsay spoke 'in high terms. take the.: Words,of_Mist Lindsay to tie& and 'hope, and a full measure , ofothe' Condition of :the hospittilit heart.. • • • f thbeit%Tnirgi.evttPauetoiefntt tion as a nurse in „the next contin- gent of Canadian niirses which will leave Canada for the front in the near future. ' • Miss Lindsay' is the first .nurieito. reach Canada from the frontsinee line. She says were up to their waists,,in water in the treneh- es. Anything:that can be sent Will be very welcorme, .as they need socks), shirts, and woollen -gloves. One of our men with a huge hole in him was singing `The Maple Leaf' .when carried on a stretcher." The following interesting account is given of the life among the In- dian ;wounded in the' Brighton pavilion :-"Should anyone bedis, posed -to -regard al* visit tri -Oar ,rhoe Gee& Riitiontc*. • but reinarked. that at , times "„t• Amongst the .gallent• . , a era 0 Entic.” • .. ,. . . heavy 'responsibility ' rested--..,•--upoir --the--EMpire;--who, are InOW-figliting , LL-•'.--Theibest •lationsiferLtlielairY • thote, in-ohorke;,:of4h0--Inetit44ione' • r•-the.-,.--&aise"-L'of freedom, and - • .. IIP°0-: the 'Peo,Ple's 'a- Canada' 'de- -v Ives...-. eat.4auty-at-the--present- -'POWtiaccorditig '4o, the Most recent For instinee,.....:-.SOnleth*4--,_ .1*-04.*40114- the ited"...C.rinak2- BecietX...,iS time, investigations .of. the 'Nebraska Col- would ; be received that. 1,0tin* pa- sending a large assortment 'of coin- alid-,. thei, - "will; without a doubt, perform--that.--cluty---asthei lege.Of-Agriciiltaire, are as ifollows tierits.WOUld arrive in abOut,a (liter-. 'forts of; all kinds; are the .. for a 1,200 pound dairy cow -of the 'ter • of An hour and everything had -fighters from the _Indian Ealpire, have Lone in the past, with an un- grucl 'mg generosity and spirit of ' 'Ilt'd '1 - • ..‘ ' in that tirne. She ;Qiicl'that every- eiety .in this city' five cases,of Alp - pounds al y . . , , . .... . . , . true!. patriotism. ;Evei. sinT3- the _proper - sort and -,Procluoing ' -,30 "to be got ready for.their. ileceptien From the heedqUarters of. the So- . • 'Red -Cross Society started its Ration No. 1 -Twelve pounds of thing' that ',; human agency could de phis have been sent. this week to. five work, the outbreak of ac- alfalfa,hs- four 3 pounds of corn silage, . for the men was being done. Trains the Indian soldiere,cand from noW. tilities. the appeal sent far. and poundi of greund 'corn, and 'loaded with-, provisions go • as 'near on cases of •socks. shirts, mufflers, - 1 . ihree pounds Of bran. ,.•. . to,.tilie firing line, as possible; and etc.; will be sent regularly to these '... Ration NO. •g -'-Where silage is not. ' those Ultima take on •them one Men. • - ,'. ' : aiailable. Fifteen Pounds of ailed. ,, nurse, one doctor and two auxiliar• No men have borne. the trials: and "fa, six pounds of ground corns eight .ie. • Ther•hring the. wounded /jack sufferings of this terrible..war,, with. * poundsof cora atover, and two 'froin • the trenches and leave the greater' fortitude than` the braVe. :iinunde,ef :gluten men). , . . worstcases a e nearest hospital. members of , the Indian expedition - •'slightly ' • wounded * Men-, are afy. force. , Day after day they have Ration No. 3 -Where neither ail.= 'The 1: -.--...age nor alfalfa is available.' Tweiie .telen" in the' ,s4rnith•-rF,raaiee: ' .., . All through France,' said Miss , pounds of:millet; twelve-pciands•of Lindsay, 'little Stollens haVe beeir sorghum hay, two pounds of ground • • tea.'wth h - -R, a .0 • , . , • eree ere t ere .are e rose eorn, and three pounds of oilmeal.' • trw.ina, and,:rthe. _wounded sind siek • • are given • stimulants and warm BULL AND _HIS PEOPLE. OCiurrences•The.. Lana That . . _ Itekns .Saprenre Com, mereial World. b e4r tit'llf-ethPerelleonuteelno*fragontrirn8onms mem- bers with the :colors. . Lloyds, of London, is *Suing polioree that the war will not end before June 30th at premium of 25. per cent. • _;.A. ;scheme is in preparation at Blaekpool for the reception Of. about 1,500 Belgian refugees, in the -pottular. seaside town, Navy estimates for 101540" now issued show that the total' number. of officers,: seamen, boys, coast- '..galiahrdes-.01aa4ridwallOyal. Marines is 250;- ieh boxes which were such an interesting feature in Lon- don years ago, are, coming . into 'fashion again for special ,consta: Ides, • •• '' • The extensive 'mines at -Caecoch; North Wale!, which have ' been elbsad lot 30 years, are now to be re -opened -i -fresh -deposits of and sulphur having,beenfound:__ , _ explorers,and. ene of the are now on active service. Oft:hem. 317, --No fewer Uxan 1,495okLEtnnians 0 le ,neair:Pniante, Tern, on l79have been kiJled, 227 wounded, the Huallaga rivor after haviuig been struck by a poisoned arrow 32 wounded and Prisoners„ 18 pri- in soners and 32 , • one of the fiercest fights the party With military honors the filneral had with the Indians. took place at-.Kingstom-On-Thames "Oar dogs gaVe us first Warning of Mr. Wait Jay,. a Crimean -vet- of thwarness of the hostile In- erOn, who has been in receipt of a dittos :when they pricked up their government pension for over 58 ears and commenced barking," years. • said Mr. Coates. , "-We knew at Between 4,000 and 0,000, of the once that we were in for trouble London County Council's .employ- and the captain ordered us to lay es thitiVe,jobied the colors, and in to and •ehop , down Some. trees: council theyare laboring under These acted as breastworks for us great disadvantage in every de- and we raY'lwalting for the Indiana pertinent. • . to come .on.. There • were 22 In- - .The traffic at the Manchester diaiii in our party • besides the docks. during the Past five , Or SIX ‘ eleven white mee. At the first sign weeks has •been .very' heavy, bdth of trouble the Indians wanted to outward and inward, but up to the lie& We held them:there, however, present there has been no COnges- aol pressed guns into.their hanag wide has. been answered in no un - 'Certain 'manner. But great' is Oth need perhaps greater thanit ever,. was before. The onare- Inc:11 that take their places. in the 'firing line the more Cemforts will. be , • - - needed, and, as .the ;war continues so' will he the need, for ,comforts crouched in the, water -!logged and money continue. trenches side by side with their It' is the airibitierr.ef the'Seetety 'British comrades, and .they, hathat in. every village and town suffered Perhaps more than those . . eanada0ould be a bran& of the. Proper •.Pistanee planting«,, . • clothing .• at the depots, and the'. •••10u.rrants.•0,4a. gooseberries, three worst „eases are kept -there: or a to four feet .0:part. •• few. •dit i . • asp ernes ..an lacliberriee, vel." • • ;three. to.; Ave h four to seven .feet •• Was Lindsay. said the .motor . ani - apart. ": Tbglaritee-liave drofie a. magnifieent Stilawfb'erries for ..,fiel4; Their* goel:OSto the. firing - three to five by fearto seven feet lific and hibig back the wounded as apart'. • 1-4 ,," • .quickly - 4*, possible, MO tthat they -;..,Strawbcrries.„ :garden '6iirtaire, are attended, to ...iotn alt possible: One to IWO feet apart. Speed. We had 100 motor' .aanhtt- • . 1 lances in our bia-Spit.-ak-"ffit1147: they • -\Hairy Wisdont; • • .. • were sent factlie firing line in units •, :Olean the stalls' every ,merning„,;. of twenty. • When they reached the .niah` eawie,r,s .,ar-0 169*, wider the ,-,kioidalieeit--dr,afts on the herd.. .sone operatioos aviirm elotbing. 'treatment" of Red •,Orosa..: nurses; - Balanced• rations balance.' the 11"*s.. distributed to men and This palace was,pnee. the _aximitry alair,V••Profit-lin,syour.'faver, • aise--feed.;•-and'iree'Wounded-'Were Who, earl' hospitals'''aT-*goliene--- 'Willem he used' to., -had -,'hit• ',Stare brought back Our -erected it 'the. reeiti • tagaii •inilk • pailS..:46Iear___ani_lk,elean., goieacha,.• , •. • - • ' banquets- and grand, bans., Wound- reanx"7-• "The metal- -iontitiliineeS;" icon- ed and stricken. men MOW look- ing forward to their recovery. when they ,Will•Lonee again be „•able to -•-• . • .* b•e sent to the•fr.ont, and it draw their.. kukrie ,Rante of Ilie*fgreat-Sahili or die' for the litif; *See in 't4e •••!, total -Ma serum is also tieing used . It is ornanonly Supposed that in large quantitica n.S.' many of the It will be f , source- of gratitinie firsts Said,'_;aorcie other. aninnals are "soldieri have suffered from this and satisfackion, to :the people,' of gifted in away' filo enables ---them disease. Flannel shirts, 'Seeks and -Canada, are s� splendidly imp- ,: to see perfectly dark .:1)1aCeS •iraincylor &Caere, belts are .badly Porting, the Rpti fa!' Ithow• ... where it is iinpossible for the int; 'needed'. . It is. hard for those who that the, conifortS,..that they hate • man eye, to discern anything. • This, have not been to the front' to. fully Made and those Pnrchased with • is onlyypiartly title, however. In a realize hew badly these things are their donations, will •find their way reaHy darleroonai 'cat oit, ,eee needed." • . • to. the hoepited, arighton, and • morer, than being--;-,- -lir 0..w • Lincligy -said' -that -the comfort to the 'soldiers of'rthe :,.s.exakciarkaess'eat _di•ers_ greatly 'appreciated hard can- : Indian Empifre. „There are per - see more,' because Of a distinctive dies of kinds and-tobacto .•alI -haps- Inafir - .this vonntrt•xho • '•differetiee• in their eyejorrnation..:... .f • Si_eSpecially e;garetteaki•----alhe.--,. wonder- Avhire. -thecturiforta----,theV. The eye.of a normal person Unto- the soldiers ask for have Made (,•have folly gone. It • inatieally adjusts . itself,. in . the in- when convalescent Ise cigarette or will not. be neeessary to say that . laving and .contracting ,of the pu, a pipe. ' One .item•that.should not everyone of them 'has been sent Of, to •make possible .see;•.dis,, be overlooked is 'Money- for the where most needed,. but it may • be • tinctly ,. in 'different, degrees . of purchase of 'artificial „linibs for the of. interest to trierh to knew that fight. • • • ; ' • Men •who have •Iblit arm or ,tt leg , many' 'of them have gond to the ,When ''go from, a. darkened 'amputated. , Money is badly, need- Duchess of Connang.ht Hospital a,t room out; into the bright sunlight ed fort .these. - ' . .Clevealefi. :TapIo*T• litickti, the , the eyeti -blink and SoUrnt pail. the Mise.Lindesy .epolge 'high .terine beautiful Thames -side residence. of ; pupils have Contra,cted: snificientl3r, of the Oinixlian !hospital at Le ToA- Major Waldorf Astor, M.P.,. others • to. accommodate the 'eyes to ...the quet,..nettr Boulogne,' and", also of have gone to the 'hospital . at Le, . .quantity of light.. And • in • going the +10.4i -telt in the -tiat,in qtarter .,Totiquet in Franco, while thou-•• from the bright 'Wit' into • . dirk- in , Paris*, ia provided for by sands Of them are now being worn. ' stied room Cannot; see clearly' La, rreSe lot Montreal. Both these- by the' soldiers actually fighting in. the have -expanded to iristitutions are 'doing an. extallent, the .trenebea„ ' • ..take 41.1 the light ,;'%0.0sible. • ". work. .;• ' • ' • ' Altlietab thonsandS of .pairs of *The advantage. that •Ce,ts : and In regard to the' attitude' of the itoeits ' shirt*, sleeping -jackets, krito aranfals have is that; thg Gorman'. waiinded, 'Lindsay 'have!been ,sent' away to Abose who • Dire \ Of their' eyes aro-Inna 'paid the majority of th,ena' *Some& need there? it ;ie, not, pos4ble to • told can eXPand• so *4 to take irk, very surly and seldom spoke, even send slifficient to supply thenetde• •• inoi.e light; than the .hunian eye; In to eaelt other, though they Were o those who &witty he tali ng PlaCes that MaY ieent °quite dark' disagreeable, and seemed to be 'well. eir places. thO fighting lino. to• Inman being* there may be PrpvidedjOrf • • „ ' t1.4 cOurse of. the' month more:light than egit be taken .atistir • Lindsay said 'she -8b,060" Canadian holdiere be in the' eyea of the !animals, and this iiirtribert,' of 'aeroplanes: 'flying .over the biip,le line', and prebably , aceounta the superior gtft Avitif the -Iwapital$ and She also taw 40 600 reinforteMentS front . the • new Avbkh they are creditod. In • an- :iron dart'.which the 'Geri -Mins had EitAeilor's army, For the 'past • aboolaltly dark rootnthe cat Orally thtown from one of their airahips.. three week* large reinforcements `4fhpr'ixtlnail has no advantage. • She WASI!liown a ideas, of iron' from. havetontinually been area...Ming in- • • •• One of these darts about an. inek to Prance and alt these troepa have , ; , people. would. rather be Jong-. *Ilia hat been 'taken from to .be :am'ply provided' With warm iamoy : • little log." ;This, little child coinforts they are to perform . I , • .frour the old land. for they are used to a, warmer and drier 01113 - try, .dotted with mountain ranges, 2where '.1eattleit. are fought without _t,he_need,.-of-digging-trenches,---Y these men have not, comPlained, ose Society.. In the insaoritY •of large towns and in many •of the v,illages branches have already.been forineit but there are still a - num er were no branch has been Started, The Society will be glad r--ilitai- a sPirif Siciftliy of,• -ti. .epleaidid the work ,who may' be willing to but •'• 'have performed „their duty txx-hear frens anyon einterested in. • . . • .. . •• organize ' or assist in the organize- ,. In the Royal ,Pavibon, at: jingo- •tion a ti, branch in Solite place ton, on the •south•cdalst.of triglanci, • in . the._ lovely __county. . where tins ,.has not already !been bf---:$11100zt *aye: Vrebinnitiore,-at,Thno 6hotird picture paltioes-to be oien on--8-ny,_ got -hi -m.7" -AP' arrow etrirck-bnii 'rn• . . . . . whose ,glories hive been.innuortal- •e 644:hosed to the General *tie= days ao that seidiets stationed in the left arm, pinning it to his side., . 1/ed by Itudyard- Nifiling. and other _ CaPtaiii- BeSte-y-iftiffted ant ler him-. tar Canadian -Rat Cross soelety ' the cl. t • t' M attend - , , e is ric ay,.. Vice -Admiral writers hundreds of wounded -In- air . George s; .as soon as he fell; 'and- though the Indiansfshowered•-arreaVs---at-:lii 'Niles, R.N., retired,- has died 'at the age of ,83 years. He became they !failed. to strike . him and he got 'famous- in 113'75'for his Aretin expe- the doctor ibaelc.! It was'the •nerv, dition. in which the British' naval, lest bit of rescue -i-VOI* that -I "hii..ve ,-vessels -Alert AliKr-Diseovery_ -took .ever_seen and it is i-_-_,Weliclei-lhat pia-. -• . - • . the captain wasn't; 'killed. ' . -- During the• past fOrtbight nearly: -- "'Poor old Anderson,--.10---clied fifty hands have been organized' by ;after two days suffering. ' • . • .. well-known-banditiasedrs=to -take-, - - .., - ' : 4, • ., . . • , sertices for necruiting_purpesee: , , „. . - - • . • '., ...•..: • The. Xing_ has:_given Lit . dortatiOn ' " ".1 never vet. ia,vv &girl Who ':eoti.,14 of $500 to Queen Alexandra's Field hit anything she threw at." ".‘Then Force Fund for providing cornforti you never sew my vvife thr43W out •a. for the troops on active service,2_,,:hint." • ' - --y- -:--- -•:.; •:- The magiattatedi in . accordance .' , • - • ------, ' :•t • with a, recpiest from the -military 'prac,i, jog, itt Aily Rate. ---Teacher authorities, have Closed all public "II " st ''') "B t hottats and clubs in Leeds et nine 4: (lecturing. on . one y. - o ------ 7 V.1181 now, before going any ' thr.. 1 NOTES OP SCIEN6E 1 The spirit level and sliding rule have hem corabived in a new tool. The govw•catxut, a Perri bas established , nationalaviation 4sellool tit Lima. and made them fight. The Indians At Grafeiend nna. Northflee_t Jeanie at us • obout 100 in, number,' -^on-ty_of -the ,o-ligibsi,• -elaTweridg-ou07-71ittl-e-7811--e-lter• with bineee liaovuedioinnee!stilbea,rycoltors , eintgahgea their poisoned arrows iWithent do** , big any.damage, Anderson, though, ,..boys as- .coilolu4orn en the ntreeu- ;with adventurous didiVt ears. •"•'• . like this .sort olf fighting and left Owing to the earlier 'dosing of his 4helter to Pepper the Indians. lipensed, houses, , the Gravesend Ile got. several of thein.before they To -, (1. have-deeided ta. allow 411# There were 140 'accidents cans- . ing 4133. deatb§, ia British, coal mines last year, . Powdered borax sprinkled on a, •tgiarirNheatewcayanitioers:refuse • pile. will A shirt has been invented with a neck band atljuatable to fit several' • neizes of neekS, Meatless • sausages, coniaioftit chiefly riee and Wrapped ia oiled paper, are (Made Java; The, addition of it little vinegar- ' to water in, which it is being 0)0104 will make tough meat tender. More `than one -half of the rail- roads‘. Of the world are in North Alnerica and more. *ban one. third ,..iii.WEilltihrTait• three ..-liersee to -owl. 100 residents, Switzerland the sMailest equine popnlatien. of- any,;' nation, ! • • • Akinninaim Can, ''be railed ipto. 'sheets one ..twOtlionfamith of ineliliv"thickness thatare strong' 450tianrtiali. In. • ode of peat and form- . . '5ed 1iintgolc,old.. briquettes hap., been used inecessfully. .for melting- 'iron .ore in , A. strip of land six miles wide an& 7avabtlitsUMpplTettle.asilioltre one-third attli erd•TI:ofatnht-1 world'. gold. • - • Clothing ca' be made resistant to fire by dipping in a solution of a pouno of anunonitun phosphate ..to a gallon of water. "• The National -Library. in Pn.riA contains the oldest mar... of -ftlie heavens, inade in 10hina 600 showing 1,460 stars. * 'Arifentlareak of diphtheria- irr_an.,•., Englith town was traced to the .- habit -of school children "wetting lead- pencils in their mouths: • . • To proteet, fruit trees from cold or heat there has been pzitented' frame over ''which Zuttains, 'mount- ed on rollers, ,•can be drawn. • large railroad in • Brea: is gradoilly converting. all its loco-- • inotive inict-toit-hurners-and•-•4aiw. other is experimenting. wit1 thorn-, In Dentinark there •is• a two-story •raMiinale • and in wfildr.. pig Sty- that. will .iie'plimodate 1,500' . nearly all the' iworic 'is done ley; electricity. •••tinueil pna,cti- • :YE vuoiL. usefuing-thateran 4. 17, King Street East, Toronto, On- tario. • ' . • Carried Loot In. Collin. • The London Times Marini from a ntetWertliy7sairrree-Ithat tives of German soldiers killed in Bo:tenter are itiONV, allowed by -the, authorities there tO'enter the even - try .to se-afeh• for`theiedeui :with the help of lagSrits and:to-talte--cofa- , fins -with -the* for the avowed pur- pose of taking' the bodies hack to Germany, for ' rejnterinent. . In Many.eas-es,, .hoivever, the . *Offing are brought ° .back full of plunder. On Saturday', January 30, one -of these, coffins fell off •s.. trifek, the lid Caine off, and silver teapots and ttrayi fell out, • . 1( . Young 7T-Oinirny ret.urne -roan shool in :tears 'and -nursing a black -eye. - `Betcher 1111 pay Billy' Bolles • thisLin__ the morning,!..!_he wailed to Ms. mother..• "No, no," the said; "you must return good for evil. make you h nice jam tart 41,114 you must take it to Billy and say: "Mcither says 1 tenet ,re- turn good •for evil,- so here's a tart for you.' ". Tommy demurred hut finally ,O0hdhlifed. The next morn- ing he returned in a worse Plight :and -sotibeci: "I gave Billy the tart and told him what you said, Then he blacked my other eye and •inlys to • send him another tart toamor-. how," ' , • • 441,4* tie Ate' AOtil0 of your ids& ,Idd,gloves," said a lady to a iihop assistant. • "These are not the lat- est istylO, are they?". ' he asked, when the gloves were Pre'auCed. "Yes, madam," replied t,he shop. man, "Pi% have had them 321, stook only two daye," "X 41On% thiali they were, because the faahlen pa- itett nO,Y blaek kids • have tan stitotee and vice veraat 1see •thc tan stitch* Ilaut not • the 'dee versa," OA being Assured by de thepoiari that vice VQrfla avst Viola for , Seven bettons, bought three pairs. • O'cleck. • ) • • owing/ to tai.4 Large ,nninher of. i.tlitliper;zothea.yhollareasitiyiYik-itoll, denrzly.taLlitend blyir twhoonktgiti!prrimiimee Because. of the amount a nitro- •gen ;they contain, raushrOoms • are. . more nearly like- animal food than any other Vegetible food substance, ining piperts PhilipPinet agree that a steady increase in -the • golclIpted. uctionlot the -Wands may . - be expected for indeAnite period.- - - - -1 A -patent -has -been -granted for a•-• , g1asrefrageriaterrlMilt.--11PO4.71-a*.. ; Steel tram and •with insulating , air space, between the inner and ' • outer walls. . Plants are- fo'reed by a Danish scientist by 'administering -ohloto- forma, his theon3i. being that brief periods a rest are f011owed-AY quicker growth, • An , Bnglishhian has invented a .maebine that Utilizes waste Strips , of- wood by doViitailing and glueing . thein together into boar& of any ;de -aired Width: The outer walls of ai nes safe are 'perforated to the • gaties of 7 an explosion to escape and thereby • thwart a burglar who tries to 'blew .it open., "• • ••* . Official' estimates place' the haw; , iher of horses in the -world lit'foo;•-• 400,006, of which Russia has about . -257009TOU', a re-- a -e's 24,000000. • A liritish,patenthaa been grant- ed the French inventor- of a•-gurr _carriage, either or both •of the wheels 61 which:tie gibe folded flat against the ;ground ' steady if, THE. KAISER'S GADDFATi- _hoar an_ Ilstatein ' verted •Into a Fortress, • • • Theiusskoye Skive, just re,ceived _ in. London, is _respofisiblefor this --• .• • - ; inteAsting- Isidelight of -the :war; • - _ which it Publishes under the cap-. , tion• --of "The -itaiseei• Garden." It indicates,, according to the neWeP4P0.1:1-fhe thoroughness With which the Gernians prepared for - A Polish rniagnate living in the Government of &Weld,. Poland, -about two, and a half mule front.. the East PrusSian frontier, Tot Ms fortune'which...compelled - to • sell his 16,000 -acre estate some foir years ago. • • lands7.-.-vtimrlyave-tjoinecri*. „I p n pertY which was adorned -with an •••-• - B 0 S, 0 8 P etty is the hest PcbtY•*.“ • :teeing: •great . diffieultYT, finding" - • laborers. •• • • •• , 'The Dean and Chaker •of 'West- iiiiffe-StabYlleakein A-v-esicr With minder have approved a design for his mother to buy a pair of kni*- a stained glass 'window to be placed 'enbockers. When he had looked at in the, Abbey in memory of Lord all the varieties in the store, he Wafi p Strat. hcona. _ still clissatitfied, "I want that pair 'King George has placed' York hi the window," he protested: House., London, at the disposal of "These are jutteX'actly like theinP Lord late/100er4 secretary of state assured the vie*, 'Vitt if you want d.kurrawtaiern•tf Varesidence during the ftohratyoPtahr't'ictiAlandr Phtiel!pyroidlillegeedttherinem,' A British Arm of motor 1°,7Y,match to Bobby's satisfaction. They builders offer $125 to the first oil- bore is sign which reacii. 'These ver 'who takes one of 'the fiRn knickeillauckers- eannot be heat," lOrri.06017•61' the Rhine, and $Ssejo the one in charge of the first lorry..• I to enter Berlin, . • "NoW, Sala the farmer. to tne The London Mansion House new hand fre'm the °Mt') "I want m ttee of the Captain Scott lidemor- 3'04 ter clean uP.the pigsty told the fel Fund havir li-eeted a site facin stable' anthe 'henhouse aid all the billh.MOS in the grounds Greenwich 'hospital assigned ,by the Admiralty. ' • l'Afidon h 'Teacers Army.. A Hail tompiled by' the London Teachers' Association eontains the nainta of 082 tendon te•aehers whO have •enlisted. 'Caniberavelk and Islington •sharc between theta: 'flies honor of having •sent the greatest number to the Colors, ,eitch, district Contributing 00 Went " I the other • ouses of the stoat." The new hand worked vigorously for a touPle of days. Then fie appeared before his employer with loth eyes nearly clatd, mouth./swollen and redluraps all over' his :face and 'neck and hands.illimose my money," he said; "rin lyo •qvit," .‘:"What.' the matter I" ask. ed the fanner. "I donh.t. klioN What's tbe matter," said the WC- titn, "but ft° haPpened when I star- ed in tO clean the beehive," ancient 'mansion, but at the Attie, a- *teranger, Whe, -gave his name as *ienVerget-,. ',- dem by running the price up $350,- . 000. which he paidiin cash. The new owner soon transformed his ehtate by a lavish expenditure of 'money, He 'appeared partien; laxity addictedto landscape gar; dening. ••• He constructed new .build- ings, improvised mounds and little , ehiuni of hills, • be installed dix elaborate system . of irrigation ditelnia, put in many Wine tellare •tend capped' it all by erecting a massive ..tower. , . The article continues that when the war began it suddenly devel- , ,oped.that his wonderful gardaia IWO • nething more or less than a Ger- man fortress. The moun0 were for heavy guns, the wine cellars for the stating..of armament and am, ' mnnition, and, the irrigation diteha OS Were perfectly artanged*treneli7 foitthei.tletinan soldiers. ittook two weeks for the Ititabiantreapa- to reclined and capture this floral fortification, anal it cost many lives, There WW1 an elaborate system 61 • wireless, And 'wire communication fitin the fOlVerf which Wit,f4 admira- bly conatrutted for observing everything, within a range of many ilea. '