HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-25, Page 11. • :An', - •
MAIPMMEN apiram.
Single cop1e 3 cents
Mr&le Week, •
..Toseph -Tay*, (italt, is in town
to Purchase that Boyte School Owes $1.65 at 4. Little' 0
Shoe Store..
Now is the tihie; a$ you
are ,goinglo be 'Married'
this Summer, are you
not? ••‘
We have a bealititt:11
line of Pearls, Rubies;
PiartiOnds, Garnet s,
especially for the
. Watchmaker;
Jeweler and Optician
(Cone -dad p to. Wenneeilne notin)
Wbeat66:* 9*, • * * a a': • ;6 66 .611 110
Peas.. 6 • • • • • • •••••• • • 1 501 75
004664 1:6•06•••• •••••••••
Eggs, . • . 8 ••• • - • 6 1 6
HOP • •• • • • • -• '•••‘. • • • • •::6 • § 1
• • tottorrgo mumn,'-rsits *sax
Wheat, bush...--; 1 40 to
Oats, . . .... 66 10I
Barley, bush.. . 85 to ,
• Peas, built 1, 50 to, 1
Timothy,. Ilay,. • 21 30 to '25
Mixed and 'clever., • • .. oh to'21
Baled TiumtEY31-6,-1.... 19,00 to, 20"
Big co:West now on at 1,. 4'041414'0
Jewelry Anne.. ,
1.4ochabili and Amberley post 'offices
will be closed after April 1st•
Mr. Tem Farrish ship -Pella car load
of horses. to Saikatohewag on Tuesday.
Read the card in 14.'loadhaPelle'SJeW-
city Store Window. .
A lloyd returned It; VOW& on
Monday. after spending u 'Month in Obi=
The' military camps are growing ,inr
popularity with the young. men. Three
more Picknow young fellows, this Week
signed the hones •aod-enlisted,
By to -night they will have reported for
duty at the camp in London. They
' are Eyed Lleddea, John. McDoeald,.. (a
brother of Dan who eplisted enine tune
.ago) and Arnold -Bothwell.: 'MaY good
, fortune, attend theinly May they enjoy
good health] May they etnee back
when thii, way is Over streng and well!
Like nuriber Of others ,frem Luck -
now and vitinite vyho have enlistech,
these young men went. away ouietly„,
east:ea first, and .asked 16airi3 of their
parents afterward% - As to the course
taken, that may notbeiust as we.should
like to sectitylmt, it -should . not .1)6:for,.
gotten that'younglellowe ahent 18 and
19 cannot easi,ly approach their', parents
regardiug serious Matters' Akar
expect their, regnests will meet with
opposition. They are liable to become
angry and rmake a, row, and above
everything they'clon't avant that. They
feel that they are at end they don't
want any Inst. It may be a rash way,
.ot doing, but it is the Way of every young:
mair.-1410- 4WelOPIng--8.
confidence, '•
- As to -the -ad of .enlisting:. at the
Present time soldering in the, British,
Emigre is the most honorable of callings.
and parent's with OM at the front 'have
every reason to be proud of them.
Theyare, doing the world's best work.'
Nations' that do not produce such
young nieri.ae. _these, are to -der, under
the feet of tyrants -Jiving by leave of
the•Turk and the German. •
Mr, and, Mrs. Geo, )3axter, Goderieh,
visited Mr, and 'Mrs.! Geo. Whites on
WedeesdaY, '
Mrs. D. F. johnsten "of . Burlington
is the guest of her Sister, Mrs. J.
Anderson, Havelock St:
Xis. T. 3fergan_t_of the. Morgan House;
iftaited jack-IWO green
a Outgo. of (lays this Week.
-_4Irs, Win. McDonald ahd Mr,' Melvin
Greer were in Blyth op Monday attend-
ing the funeral of their uncle..
PO.00 Diamond Ring gold $25.00*ratch
lp be given away at L. 14aChapelleta
Jewelry Store, t. • „
.Mr. Harrison. father of Mrs. Dr. Gor-
den, -who.soffared a *eke of,. 'paralysis
about three weeks ago is slowing redov.-
.eringwo .••
• *
•' Several 'Realm immigrants arrived
*the station ,here. *tacky to take
positions as' farm help in -the country,
• 'Some of the lads frtftn here , who 'en:
hsted, _
inlhe ,frecond_eontingent are.,nt
'home recuperating after an attack of
'Choice heavi 59 :16 77
,.•.. 8' 50: -Jo -
8 -85
Carfes• • • • • .• • . • •,• • 9 60 .14
, • 'h 6.-00 to 8
Snoop. iivea, „pet, • . • ..2$ to 0
Butler, lb.- •- ' . 3S 10
Egg's, doe-- .2.8 to
Potatoes. bag... th '
.944 'Stock cfhW
--papers-is---reatty 44:*:
,yout inspection. The
patterns, colbrs and
• priees:11111-7pleatitr--
A large asSOrtment
• to choose from. You
May return remnants
oradd to your _order ,
expense -or-
delay as.accuti when
• top send: out ,of town.
DRug sirom
. A hale of eleven quilts and another
of clothing which the Women's Institute.
sent lastweektattle Belgian Relief was
valued at 492,00.
Several flocks of wilchgeese have been
seen in these parts lately, a sure sign of
returning spring. Robins too are here
in considerable nuinbers.
McLean Johnstone; accompanied by
Mrs. C. McLean, whii has been visiting
-friends here for the nest few weeks, left
on Tuesday for Winnipeg.
• '141as-Atinstrong,-announceS-that,ber
• -
••.".SPring- Millinery -Opening- will -be -,o
andafterVridav,,T.datolf ighen'a . of the. tongue and throat, Janieo . MO-
Cordial inVittitiOtt Ilk extended to all to Clusky,, a resident Of Wheeler' street,
-' ins;:seet-her display othatiti---;---,.2.54-c., Abdebont nine o'clock: Tuesday Morn -
',..Mr T. Henry, of near Irolyrooit •i,:han , ing.',. Ilia condition had been very "Vial
ielitAitt bis farm to„Aleitrieim.e-e: Itict:' is 1.-,r Severaieweeke;-so that his death was..
comiog slimmer. ale is bob* 41i, atie„, . year arid wee one Of the • old-time- resi-
A Kees and One CeiMnt Iniaclpstis).-#
UtlIC st Stake Ilia int
The fates bave spoken 40iit lAuckuow
electors naist turn out next Monday to
elect a Man to, fin the oiliee of, reeve of
the village, rendered vacant by thedeatli
of the late Ur. Murdoch. G. Ander.
SOP. and,Johtt bent are tile --Candidates.
and, While the briereleetion campaign is
Wolk to be a keen and toterestiog one,
no one will feel that there is any chanCe
of eleetintan,unfitbr-erfunworthy Man
Both" liiten beetijicrineiit. is
business, secialatattioli 'cal life of the
• tOwAn and both have.,before now oocum-
ed the office they now eredit
to Alieniselvee and . advantage to ',thepuhhic.'
„ • .;
• 1!, .1r,b1i4. beige on "which.
the one takes the one side and the other
takes the opposite. So far as the con-
ducting of town Odra the enforce-
ment of law goes, the candidates Are At
one, ancrboth.have the confidence of the
• Why-tlisivan election l Personal am-
'bitioeloror ireennese to serve thounlaul,
One Cannot Pay it is either of thesei As
a matter of qf fact wappear to have sort -
of blundered into an eleation. Perhaps
if either one of the candidates hadlcnown
that the other was:. goifig to accept a
..nomination, he would have Withheld his
.oante. IlOwriver, the nomitiations Were
made„ and circunictaneea developed so
-that neither felt .he withdraw
. from the eoutest.,With_heceming dignity
and thegaine is -OP-• -
"Came is iihont theAirt01,- word for
the Contest, for there hi little at stake
but th-6-avinnitag, and ,the campaign' „will
be conducted the beat good himior:
will be none,the leati; keen, .heivever,.
as both eapdida,tes are initivitaiwi. exper-
ientedbanyaesers, and both have friend's
who will do their utmotitto tecure sue-
Will Not Meet
It ja stated that the Ontario Grand'
Lodge of the Independent.Order of'Odd
Fellows will not hold its regular annual
meeting this year. Instead the .99,-000,
which xlielding of the lodge would cost,
.will-bedevoted to Inaintaining. in _geed
standing the members of , the brother--
• bond who are tierving-in the war.
km Have Colds• .
ihr Alickisizie writes, lisiasiAbinit We la
The PIP* Sad Tits True*,
• Of More real-intanett thee anything
that has appeared in. newspapers for
a month., lean account of actual 02cPeri..
.euces MilltarY‘pfaMP6 and tile
trencliee from sontione whom we all
know„, and in wham Vette:Mal Welfate we
are interaeted. A. penamai letter hes
a ring of truth, and freguently gives
tho.se details • a actual conditionft for
whieit looltIo Vain the. Vrese re'f
• . Colds have been. very prevalent in
-town and cOnntry-the- nest month, and
a few cases of pileup:Ionia have been re
perted. • Atrifing the latter is that ot.Mr.
John Watson *he was taken ill on Sat-
urday. Vhe ease at first threatened to
become serious but the disease appears
to have beer. successfully checked and
the patient isreported on, 'the way to
recovery:. ' ' ' •
- •
Death of James hileClusfty
••••:- -Mitiwof-suffering4romeances.
contemplagnix a trip .to the west the expeeted ,Wafl in his 64th•
tion sale on April let:- • • dents. of the village. Besidedl a widow
he leaves one daughter and one son -
The St.. Belem Literary Societe ,will Emma and .James, both it home. The
close a vet,/ successful hcries of meetings • funeral will be held WI afternoon- at 3
NridaY7-103-morm•w---Avening.by hotduig Vele& to Kinloss Cemetery.
'a box withal. A debate and a musical
. • .
. .
and literary program will add •t6 the Laki.ehlint For Ocead ... -
entkitainntent of the.eYening.: • The war hi going to have a marked
, ,
• . : - • effett upon 'Dike ,freight traffic during
The buying of •arni.yhorsesbrought the winnow summer. The great ocean
many farther* to . tot* yesterday with freighters of Geirtan) being all out of
aiiimala which'', ther.niteted for -' sale. commission this season and many -Brit
The heliers„ bowaver,,,are sttivvery.0ar.--. lab ships. being kept busy by the Was.
.ticitlat, andon* a smialt 'PerOntagn or Department there is a serious' shortage
iiiiiliorsiii-eitithined, 'Werer-bengirtr----,-- "or vessels' engaged in-Itlre-Atlantic_trade....
A very enjoyablatinr0 wan pent at Owners of A number of the big ',lake
-..th-Ct lirdniterl'e Institute-ineeting last freighters are going to take advantage
Vadnesdani,March l'ith.•Iti,•beingSt. of this circumstance and -ivill send th ir
kitrick's day, the program was entirely ihirrtinnaglythe-Wellanct-Oantil-
IihrltundiOnbisted of Soles, duetts„ and . down the. St.' Lawrence to the coast.
-cliorilnes, al,, en a paper en the life of St In this connection a dispatch. from -clod-
Petra. ' Ldfich was terve& There erich gays; 'All the engmeereof the
-Were gni*, a numbers,. of visitor-.pres. Canadian Stewiship Coinpany are here
ent, flee ettehonijoined tiesocietyat now fitting out the yesiele. Six.of them
this Meeting. -' • have been chartered for the coast trade
. -,I*. , • -- ---,, -,"--,_t. • --:-:' - between Sydney.-spd the West, Indies"
---The-Walien's , Lietitata .--malaa.a LA - They are: .Kihreinistiqua, Turret Crewe,
their nieettng laSt Week to continue to,.,
,,, Turret Cape, Empress of Fort 'William,
Makalltillts for the • Deigians and *la and Winona. . The Kaministiqua has to
be very glad to receive help from anY'" go ;into -drydeek to have her Propeller
one. Pleme.malre' the Want ,18 x 20 . fixed before leaving for Montreal. ' The
inakel--;--TWala t° be 04. fancy stitch Reid tug is -expected any. day to tow the
worked on thiii-11::7Tiniinehdu.s° clean- steamer Inland to Sarnia to :be nVer-
int if you findiiiin'neeentl-hend cleth7-
•ing thitt_fili. gilOd.itinditient 741.6.,Yoll
Can spare, please layit aside it :will -be
Warded *the Belgian -Relief Fund:" '
ports of the raj' correspondent. ' • ' • -
"Tetra thieweek able to. publish ,
letter' frenl Major Mackenzie, SOD of Mr.
Peter; Effjldackeohie, of'Einless, which
gives very inteEeetinCtletaile, ^ Until
the outbreak of war Major. Miickensie.
was practicing medicine in Tbronto. Be
had been a member of -the 48th. High-
landers, Toronto; since the regiment was
-first' organized, and when the call- for
volunteers,came, he telt it his 'duty to
go-tu•the frontwithhisregime,aktheugh
(hung so involved the giving tip of
Ineraiiie•-tirftetlee, with all comforts
of civilization in the city' Dry Macken.
lie had been sergeant in the regiment at
Toronto, but while in England he gush -
fled as major and is ilow a sergeant ma-
jor. His letter written to his father on
. Feb. 20th., follows: •
"Since I wrote yonlast we have -mint-
ed up to the front -for ntriste of real War
as it is carried on now on this N. W.
frontier. •We are in Franeebut, only a
very short distance from. Belgium We
are' quartere,d a large town,„ but the
.pbpulation now is only a fraction of
What it was, and industry. of all kinds
with the exception of brewing, has stop -
THE Gurra).-,---Mr. Dundalk Speaking
of the meeting last Monday evening,
said: "rhe Devotional' Voratnitto_e
ways luis a good, meeting and this meet-
ing was no exception." ThertOPic '‘,MY
Fatorite Book of the' Bible". -seemed
rather a hard one, as So many seemed
to 'find it hard. to cheese .which was
really their fevorite: However, three
very good 'papers were given on this stib-
Jed, One being taken by Miss Mary
Campbell Oil the • book of Matthew;
another- one by Hagan McDonald on
Philippinolizand atilt-tiniather-one-
Miss Henderson on St john7s.Gespel_
Bub papar eootained & summary ,of
what the book centainedand elect sevemal
quotations from difteretiperseVISpielat
ramitiOn.;trulgit be. wide, -ot the .sein by
McLean Johnstone and the. duet by
Freda Aittheson and Margaret Mc/fain,
The reeding "Blind *Aeolus" was given
hy Norma Thompson. Mrs: dicCarroll
is the convener of the 'committee having
charge of next Monday's meeting. The
subject is "On the Watch -Tower."
March 23.
A number oi the people in this ,dis•
trict are snffering from severe"colds.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson visited
at M S, Wm. Jamieson's on Tuesday.
Miss alary-kacKenzie---has--returned
home after speeding the past six weeks
with her brother in Montreal. .
re_Philip MacMillan and children
of Lucknow, are visiting with her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. D,onald McLean.
.,., ,
: 21 hens earn $94.09. in -three Inman&
' ..
Dec. 18 40). _ 7.1.(1OZ for 433.10
--Sany:-1 to at-- sord-47-464--A0r-10:54-
Feby. l• to 28 sold 23 deg. for *0.93
- - : Mar .1 to 20 aald 23 doz. for ro.f.ite
* i, "
., .
t ago were sold at current -prices -locally,
Se_itill.1.1, ,._frdIn thise' hens can
nu Inulat. 50 mite for
------- . lotting of is.
JAS. niCitt.titi LacknOvf.
Are Iss;red fj� or •
shott Tenn of Years'
Interest Coupon* ,
, Piyable
!l' ()rex ,
gladly received ilia few weeks and for -
TO the Electors , -
It is being-cinitilited In the village
for purpose of enuedig my defeat.
that if elected T \wilt:give a bonus to
the Liu:liner Machine di Bag Molder
00. .1_, wish tO take: this opportunity
-and with the conaeot the President
of.the.CO. 1'0 say that the Bag Holder
Sq...haito not askedp.14Errupt THipt
nOrEtsii i0tIttir-Alia-M01111041.-Itif,-Anx-
bonds. Fnitheir, ter the intelligence
ef the electors:: No bonus can be
granted by a genie,. Oen With trio
hill consent of the Council. Withoot
being Submitted mid passed on %favor ;
tibly by the peeple2"
In jtatitice to my .-opponent .1 • would
add that/ coniiider Ode story as well
.,as oiheribave originated With outside
partied. ..
• • . JOHN Jeittrr.
'honied: hile these boa
chartered -or Montreal to p y t e
West Indies, it la rumored' an some
_quarters that.. these hoatS" will be te-
eliertered at ,Mofittearand-nescl-to-carry
twittery aupplica to England.
• ....
intee Ron Het Viester.:,-Spring+Cepthig".-
. Msey Oa le the War.
Many Of our readers • are inct POW
'08,ung: "How Are things; in the West?,
What" Bort of Winter did they have'
, How is the SPring.oPeniafP!On't
In renewing his subscriptiim To, fr4o
Sentinel chailes.Stuartt. well 'known in
a!la about lonckebw, gives Seme‘ Orit.
hand information.. Thought the, ;letter
was not, intended for publication; we
here give our teadets the benefit of it:
COnditions,m tlija section of the West
are fairlys'neod,, cOnsideriegthese times
o.unrest. We hada good crop last sea-
son in East fiesk..and the Past Wilt.er
• has been' Ideal, just: enough snow• for
good sleighing !and beautiful mild weath-
er the entire winter With the exception
4;tfskeet, .three' very , cold days Xmas
week, and a siMilar period of threes or
four days in the liitMr part of January.
Present indications point to an early
Spring as What -little snow remains is
going very rapidly.
We have sent 150 men front MQDI30-
:min and District:to the War, most of
whom are now with, the _5th, •7110tAlion.
in 'the trenches, and a Cavalry Squadron
ped.. t.01'n has been, glhallea a good
'dial and was, ocCUPied- lir the •
at first. Here and there one feel; build,
lags -shattered; gleam breken• and seme-
tintes clean cut holes through the .brick
,Thetrench line is ;lust outside
the Warn,. and the distance • between the
trenches is from 60 to 500 yards. I
'Went up the other night with the Medi-
cal Officer of the Sherwood...Rangers
who are holding' the line. We Went to.
their headquarters in a :ruined
chateau, and at dusk made oer, way
:across about 500 'yards which is exposed
thrift fire and tio on, th- the r..,trenches.
They are about A•feet deep with opera-
:pet- of abeett-a_ foot_ more strengthened,
With-bags--ef-sand. bottniw has.2.*
walk ot bncka or lumber. ffi-• keep one
tint ofthe mud. . Every few yards there
ars lookouts for sentries with loop holes
..gotected by Irma...plates. The sentries,
Are chaliged:mierttVidlieurs4antt &sand
here watching the opposing line. There
are shelves to stand on when firing
They have dugoids for the men made
under the forward side, shored up with
Wood, and -strewn with straw, and in
here the men sleep. They have coke
fires to keep warm and cook, and they
sleep in there when they are not on sen-
try at night. Tile officers have similar
. places or sleep in the barns' or houses
which are along the line. The provis-
ions and ammunition are *might up at
night and distributed, and the wounded
and dead are.taken out, The Men have
/plenty to eat, read papers, write letters,
etc. If anything' happens they stand
too and perhaps Theme are
machine guns at intervals in protected
places, With openings, And mea spec:-
iallookouts to observe fire. A desuitry
fire is kept up all nightTote-waionally-it-
Wakes up and is a steady rattle, at
of 1.01'infniure now training here fer, the
3rd. Overseas Contingent.
• I Presume that ee account of the War,
the tialedoniaafgames will not be held'
Lticknoy, thin year. lf, however, they
should be revived4 may be. once more
present th take one more. final . fling at
the shot and hammer. We held our
first. Caledonian Games Moosoinin
-July-ancitheywere-a-suebess in every
POKE OMNI. -word: -We did not, Of
course, have Jimmie Hanter'arrayed in
‘.‘tlio biggest' Tam,e-Shanter in Scot-,
• land" to do. the announcing, but We will
extend him aninvitatiou to be present
when we next foregather. :
• Yews truly; '
Chas. Stuart
To" the` Electors -of the' Villageof
' Luckliow. . „
Tho sail circumstances which caus-
ed. the sudden death _of our late es-
teemed friend and Reeve, Mr. Mut.-
ooch, caused vacan.ty for tlieReeve's
- •
At the pressing invitation of a large
• 4Vui ab: t odifil-ltbteher?vtearISHVoeyraof , , d (r. )wi to
assured ate I would have same by at -
demotion,. Lgayft consent.
However, an acelamation was not
to be, and- to_ao_noruncOliat,
=1----am-a candidate -for -the Beeveship of
LtiCknows •
My large Interests in the Village,
,eompet ine look earefinly after its
Plfre:;IPeecteritdyr wideanotichtekijniottregsree%
outsider, out will be known -as a Man
'of actionaighton the firing linerlook-
ing to every opportunity to benefit.
Lucknow, - - •
Mr. and Mrs. Ohm Boyd- entertained: :Other -tuna it wets downtill no wound
a few of their -friends last Tuee. evening is heard, than the sharp rattle of a ma
and Mr. Hector MeLean entertained Op chine win If the English fire there is
usnally a response from the. Germans,
Friday evening: . • ,
and they have fine sharpshooters with
- Mr. and Mrs. IC.,__J-kfacKetaize_' and
telestope-sights,-and can makiLthe- -bul-
daughter: -Annie; are _whiting at the
lets ring around' the loopholes. They
home of the latent parents, Mr.., and
h4ve rifles fixed and trained on the risky
Mrs J. L. Grant, Godench.
places and fire them at night without
Rev. J. S. Hardie held .% Prayer meet- • '
any aiming and occasionally get a man:,
ing in the school house -on Monday We lost one standing •at sentry about
evening. At the close of the ineetini„ a, 5g45 in the morning -the first easuality
011°01 was organized which is •wet oneavoimdeclim a ricochet two
days ago, and there ia about one A day
inthe-English.regiment... One man Was
struck.ny a bullet_ while sleeting in a
barn. •1tWne dropping shell came through
the roof of a dugout and baled in a
ceke pile.. It saute a -kind of stale Mate.
here. , No advance is tried and any ad -
Mince would be very-hardasthetreeches
are strong,, and there is's, mass of wire
entanglement. The English seem to
have artillery -fire _now,
aricl if a German battery opens lire they
mon find him. This morning they were
sending shells over Heti the corner of
the town, and we could hear' think- sing
--alongthrough the-air_-2und-bilret,..but
they'inere failing:ram distatitelt6iitiur
dAureilongplatreadaaryel .iloyinangthaerouonetnsacnosutfi_in4
,shrapnel at them, but we haveseen none
hit. It is a strange feeling to be living
comfortably and sleeping hi warm •beds
Ade the rattle of rifles `and the boom
of guns never atop and the little grave-
yards, with their forest, of crosses, keep
filling up day by day. What we will do
when we leave here in a few days I
,don't know. We have learned a great
h and I think the Mainly quite
- - -to- start. Aptd
. . —
Itepresecnted by
titl4littOW, Cin
Way tot 'frial
Lou „ • A' .•
Teeswater appears.to be in a bad- Way
tor,a ntigiittate to :enforce the load
laws, and 10 this cans() rutuisf be 'ascribed
' the partial failure of local option in the
village, Last week man by the name
Of Andrew Hedrick Was arrested on
Charge of being. drunk and diethdeily
on the etreet. The magistrate re-
fused tO, hear the car*, and as a result
, the moused and all Witnesses' had to .
to Xineardine where Magistrates Quinn
and Mackenzie heard the evidende. Mr
.040 Klein, barrister, of lAralketton, was
enatitod by the 'prosecution. This' el.
done wit what bkit4, and be Was
Confirmation Of the theery of some
wrecking matters that the overturned
freighter Charles Price; which wentdown
in the :memorable Aorta %or.. Nov. •9,
-1.013; never will -be recoveredfroul.-tiof
hottciin of Lake Huron, but forever will
To the Senttnel Editor, , •
Dear ' .
I, enclose -the •entlosed letter for
puplication. I ate anilous Berne Of
Lochalsh friends should share its infer -
?motion with me. -
it was sent mo in reply- to-- some-
onestions I asked the Post, Master Gen-
eral," Ottawa, re the continuance or .the
closing of stud Office. It was confident-
ly affirmed to me that the Office woUld
'beoloced beereine-oflbe negations:1)f-
• feiv whe furnished tni3 Departnient With
defy a solution of the mystery of how Mlle illegality made use of by those
many Oilier crew met death received- -who, wished to retaintlie office -in oper
• • .
internment within her hull, Is m anon. • •
a reports of the 'CADA States Lake IliorbOver, I Was , assured the Office
Survey Ofhte, that there is now a' clear would have remained as urinal only for
(tenth of 34 feet at low Water above the the jubelant expressions of those whose
highest point of the hull. -The wreck efforts 'secured its continuance. Itbeing
• has tiettled many. feet into the niudir the purpose of the Departtnent offically
bottom of the lake since the opening of announced to leave the office in -active
navigation last meson and DOW hies at a service Lochalsh. Having said this let
depth which le believed to Make it rici us await their explanations with equin-
longer a menace to navigation. , rot 'that lathy. This the letter:
reason Inspector .'Woortruff, of the
eleventh lighthouse distriset, gays that
the gai buoy which -the Goternnunit
maintained 4wer the apot Jost •season
will not be replaced this year,
The underwriters have 'settled with
the owners of the. Price on a OW, loss
beat& While theta •• have been • many
rumors that this boat wouict be- raised,
wreckers who have had experience in
auch matters state that tha cost of
.bringing the boat to the, iambic° would
exceed any amount which she would
bring after being salvaged. • 'The fait
that the boat id now deeply imbedded
in the lake bottom- would also add to
the Wizard' of letetliing RV •
Only 4: Few
A -compatittiirely small
number of tlamiltou
Watches ap•t made every
year. Their extreme ge, •
curacy and fine adjust-
ment. forbids makiug
them m larg quantities. •
no Rained TOnshmeor-eiAnawledif
" The SatisfaCtorn Jeweler .
•Not only the mon or Womanwtic.
wants a verraccurate Watch buy$ k ,
'the Harailwit-but the individual q
who knows about Watches usually
dery?anda the Hamilton. We ten )
supply.* Hamilton traworik-qi tit!, • '
Hamilton watches cemplete, or ., r
your present -watch ego , All-ebea- - -
for men unctwgitign,
and Optician I
WE -WANT all Haw FM'S, We ilk° joyilm,
ct.o. for the:chfiler's worth and Ma. alb
fortorse Mv.Nlikt.sON'4s. DisY- Goot:4
. SToneh
I want all your raVv.fiird.. Will pay the very ,
IlliwghaensttyPorturtiso.rs. 6eanhiiiarn.,d18°ea7ame ybelOIrt235T.11.,11pleg.-r
rui.13,Intdf., and alloo r,Orrect raorsim
. • • . ,
/HONEY to toh-14:---Op MOrtgages't.ind mite4
• at reasonable 'retest, .Fire insuranca, b.)th
COEcaorri,.--BearF.Oed.o.psfChoilrnitirtrisaiwite4at' )t.bLittsilEtoilyedost.r.l.te.
25.2,44.6.• . ilrein 'Leak e
, For Sale
FOR- SALE-HOod, Jersey tow. 7 ininiths4)11...
freshenerl. 5 Weeks ago. Jutormation
seentineL ' 25.2.21Vp.
BEANS,--:Aoholoolot otselected:Whit-F
4, Warta on hatid, Price V.0 buthel for tes .
' "
•-• - -
. . • 'praiu,and °atm-eat:MI ,
.214100.p.. , Homan. y.,ttor,44 •
Fplt eAk11-,-Eood fraine.hmise ad; stable,
acres of good, black soil seeded with tin:
' ethy. good water. Si,tUatedjusheast er tijd.
ritilwaritt Coil. 2; Maims. Lot •E. •
• -- further particulars ripply to • •
Mrs. L. _nobean, Vox 2.
25-24-f, Lucanow.
Statementa are eirculated - as irAnAt sTocic.-At• Lot s lan1cs4
to my qualifications. _My. QUALIFICA- 1St., 1015, liiht and heavy luitt9es,
lch co'ws, young cattle and. calveg.
25 340.p. •• Jo in Purvis, Auct.
. Any person using this argument
to secure my defeat 'is circulating a
falsehood and the ratepayers will, I
know; resent -such untruths. '
I hereby solicit your vete and Wu.
ne,e 'behalf diid would a k you
if .yela consider I am man or.
the poiltinfi, to Mirk -your -bag& Tee
me on Monday March 29th. lam
" • ' Your obedient servant,
. Jonarfenciim:.
° a t s
therightf •
To the Electors ofthe rillage of
Ladies and Gentlemen: --
Haying beeii asked by &number of
.citikeng to stantiler _the Reeve.ship to
.fill thevacancy ealisect_by_the _death
of our lath hintelited Reeve Miirdoch,-
Sonsenthil to do so. I regret that
arrangenieiateould not have been
made whereby a successor . could be
chosen without ,a;contest, but"sueh an
Arrangement „aeetned impossible; I
thereforerespectfully-scheitymir 'Yeti
-and-influence-in-my behalf•-•011,--Men„:-
4lay. If elected, I will do All I 'pos.
sibly e,an to- further • the iiiterests,„
the village in envy. Way. ' •
Fait -hinny •
1.1:: G. .A.pEilflON.,
hnl nth: March, 1615.. ready for their work, but we are moving
Mlill'ai itiCT3lileghtS8S .Sr' : . . A somewhere in a couple Of .day; and I
',Joe awn, Ont. . : will *rite again and give you any news
i.ton directed to itekoomedge. rd. . we can:. I spetuf most of my time stamp.
etas of vtir tommunierition of, the 601: . ipg tile censor'S ' letters The officers
"instant,. on the subject of the .proposed read them and sign thein and pass them
'ammeetten with, the estabifslimant of
in otinzofmtte-irmeentatifiseinoamreyofhtithdederowitai
closing of the Lochalsh Post ffice,.
the Department has decided to continue ankViir6thttrovWeet141;°ccalltiaPtiedholue, .
Rural Malt Delivery, fond to say, in
reply, tha1,. after flittlibi consideration, • 1 • '.h ' Met. J. Mackenzie.
,the lionhalsh Post. Offide in operation.
for the Prezsirmt:',0. Ir. , . .
Vour:obodient servant' • •
„ • ti 0000444
troucit.as-In tuoknow; on. March
l3r4.,,1918, to Mr, and ,Mre.
RobutT 1)(4144/1 d011httor.
, Bull:for Sale-
stroternonal-ti months .o1d, Flist pri2.3
'Teeswater Fall Fair. Tins Is an excepuon
aliy strong aninial,. of a heavy • ,
strain, and for sale ata right Ariee. Apply '
to S. 1). A. A. Stobo. Teeswater. ••-
1-1.100.p. • • .
• •
Mortgage :saleof • ,• • .
Varm.trt. •
-West WaWahosh±
C'zitler and by v _Irtile of the Power Of , Sale
d--tirra-cerntriirra. isrrtgage
Wliwandsli,„containing by adtheasureziMiltone -• . •
Whieh ill be produced at,the thee' of sale mut
upon which default in paynient has been made.
there will be, offered for ealo'hyublie. attecloh-
at the Metiarry•House, in the. Village of Luck
now, in theVountir of Bruce; on ..ifionday, the
fifth day of April, 1015, at 2 o'clodk in• the aaer •
notm, the following lands. inanely: All that „
eertaht parcel or tract of land and iireniise?.., •
taunted, lying and being iii-tho ;Towiishib 0 .
West Wawanosh,,in the.County_otHeroruip,t,
'Prtritifiterof Oateriti,-belirg composed of tbm•til •
half of Lot-Number-Si:Men In the: Thirteenth --
- of - the said Township uf• "%Vasil •
hundred acres of land Mere or- less. • ,Tais
property is situated about kwo. and One.tailt
milesfrom:IMCknoyir. :and. epee. it _La erected;
triune- [anise 2448 and. kitehen 12t1,8M
Tbahrenre_11.861143 t604• aonserd acres of wsohhwoOde ":41av
two pumps 4 0.w
"-ndeb-cs.'"'0.11--T..adrt,hai`T0ilall Purd114-9-0 Molter- '
..to be paid_dowttat-tha,:tinis Of Bate and- -
balanCe without interest in t,hitty days there.
b'or fur,ther (go; Irso„ ire tsx.
„ • Gederich,-OiOe'
t3Or to Jou 1:oFtellYrliesh'-tAtirlig °tat' :
1 tn.
Established in 1869.—This is the oldest Boot & -Stioe-7
Business in the Counties of Bruce and Huron and it is *
still at the front:
• In Men's Fine Shoes we have the Beresford,
• . Geo. A. Stater and Invictus. In Ladies'
Fine Shoes We have in stock The Gracia
" and Miss Canada •
We are sole agents in Lucknow for thee shoes Which
axe die best we can buy. If you are not trading at
this store it will pay you to do go.