HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-18, Page 8•
ewe e
TINA :LPINKI'4011V 41011‘11.11K
Goode taken on
atierovg, to be
paid at time and
reAttraiecl your
money,, will 14 0.
refunded. •
1 VAPABAISO, March 10th.--7.The
British itualliatv cruiser Grum& arriv-
ed in port thie morning, :bringing 10,
wonntied german* from Atnit„sunken
,German oral** Dresden. Among the
.,Wourii.leci Aire the . tiiird officer,. the
lieutenant commander. and Captain
lii)riebliti.- of the Dresilan'the last
named so severely wounded that It is
feared ho will not HIM- .
The story told -by one if the officers
of a Biitish Ship follows: • •
., .
'At 3.30 on Sandal morning we
slighted stile German cruiser • and the
Dram.% Kent and Glasgow imerierlittite
yadvaiieed to the atteek. . The prow
en at that time *air about 10 miles
off Masatierra 14,114 "
• : ., ' ON VIRE AT oIfog
' ,"Alnient with the first shote fired by
the 'Glasgow the bOw of the Dresdea was
seen to on fire. The Dresden fought
for only five witintee, but. without .orie
of theekelln iioling:a marki 94 4.4k of
Oar Ships. -.• . ' .. • , e • • . .
; "Two shots from 'r.thii Dresdenpaised
from 30 to 60 feet aft ,of tiw• Chong".
"Finally an ,explosioa occurred for-
ward in the Dresden Alla the ship e0111-
pienced to go down by the head.
"The British ships all lowered boats
tr„). save the German'e crew. Fifteen of
the weended were broughttolValparaiao
Pi* frins'illiesgsw Mrs* * Ornstilein
•e-r•litrittillit Tea MOW *sty.
" •
ANY PEOPLEevidently read' nur "Ads" in Lucknow, Ripley. and Dungannon
papers la.st: week and then showed their wisdom and business shrewdness by
coming to our .store and Reaping a Share of the Harvest of Bargains at this GREAT
CLEARING sia:p. As our stock is very large ill even' department, this sale will
be continued for some weeks until the stock is greatly reduced and changed into cash
to meet immediate requilements. • We would again suggescto those who can .to come
in the forenoSns when we can give better service than irt he rush of the afternoons.'
Special Bargains for this Wee
. we have- Already considerably reduced our Col
..lereciDteas Goods; and c this Week °ire; eiferi '
inducementaln clear out -.out BLACK, DIgSS -
GOODS of 401ric wlillave a large and aplondid
assortment Of qualities andstyles cut down to.
low -clearing prices, many lines At 25% off reg.
prices, and some: at 50% off, or just ONE
HArz-vonmgft, -
• gui• Stock of DRESS TE111/MIlsTGIS is '
ceptionally well assorted,' and., very many lines
-offered•at 25 anc1,50% off regular prices.
- •REMNANTS.-Seeour_targe nile-otcRZ114-
NOTTS clearing at SACRIFICE:in:00ES. -
Ladies' Collars4-2 Clearing•rots at c and
. . . .
- .4tilete-teitag:t.Avoing--tots . at fie&and„
.Ladies-Fatie3r:'airdleke'-- reg. 75e.•-and41,00„
Sale Price 400i' " • -
Men's and. Boys' Caps -See Clearing, Lots at
19e. arid /9c. '
BOYS'..Knieker Pants., leg,. $1 00 and '..61,25,
Spebief 7,9e. • • • ,
• 4 Pieces Ffalcv Serpentine . Crepe; reg.. 20e:' •
•,•for 14c. • • • 4`,• •
•, Clearing Lot oo. Lace Carta" only oee pair
...of a kind, at I.A.A.LF 'PRLICE. •
,Ladieti". Black TYRderaldra-SPECrA.L 62e '•
Dttaing. theicAst thi*. yesra .0912,13,
and 14) the' Denartinent'iof 'Botany of
the Ontario Agricultural College, in
oonnecticn With the Work of the Ontario
Agricultural and' Bxperimental Union
earrietton co.opergive operiments in
the eradication of 'Weeds. Sem forty-
five farmers co-operated in this work.
The weeds experimented with were the
Teteattial Sow T5ist1e, Twitch Grass,
Bladder Campion. 'Wild Mustard and
OX-.0yeDaieY, Bow very .,,iuteresting
and valuable results were obtained.
Thole who took part in these experi•
ments profited by the experience. In
nearly every instance they cleaned the
field experimented with„ and deems,
trated ,to their own satisfaction the
eirectitenesa of the methods tried; and
at the •I same time the restate furnieli
practical informetion to others.
• VE104`14XPEnDigNIn '
I. That good eultiYation, ..follewed
by ram sown in drilla provides a Means
• er eradicating beth Perennial Sow. ;This -
:tie -Anil Twitch Grasso. .
.1;• `.:That rape iti a more Satisfactory
crop°toese inithe destruction of Twitch
Grua:than buckivheat. „ • .
a That rape gives mueli better' re-
sults in the erlidication of 11,witch Grass
and Pereanial Sow Thistle %den sown
in drills and cultivated, than: it does
when sown broadcast. •
ltunidp?B5coonfl.pathen- rwfrenait'n: inumwtimboeure of the,. Th
m fall and spnIig, followed by a -well:dated-
et thorough, deep eilltivationder
tietrac Three Oeripan4 died -of- their for crop, will....41.estP3'
vfmn!ls'i? ‘13:•':.c"`" CfraommPaleQefidcug lb oat wheat and barley
' 5. That Mueta may be prevented
An entirely different ,steerY .was told, ' by spraying with a O per cent isolation
:by.one of. the Geniis' -I yequn•led, . who. of iron sulphate. • •
was visited in the imanitair :According These co opera' 0, weed exPerlineets
to his statement, the German 'Wennwill be; centinu this -year, The Weeds
and men were wounded by the fire of to be experini ted with are Pereaniel
'the. 'British ships while tie Germans Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass,„ Bladder
were in boata.'bentid for shone after: .Caiiipioner Clew Bell, ,Wild Mustard
,and oxeye Iaisy. All Who have any of
these weeds le their farms are invited
to write to the Director .01,0i -operative
poriviaent s in. Weed Eradication,
perimental work,'
having al andoned theirPabitenr the face
of superior nnitibers. • .. 7, • ‘, •
Said this German sailer; '
00n Sunday merging We were jyir
it anchor about .600' meters off ehe e,
with our bunkera 'empty, when we made
out the. Englieh firing -Squadron. In
view of their numerical anpertoritY our
boats ancdevr) e°fe tho *11 d took to eritit;;0-Inelve,;:orrd(.1:!erd 'the'
ship, whereupon he he Wes gbing,"' to blow
when the, British ship oVened.,:up
,terrific fire, • directed not against the
Dresden, but at the boats,
"Is is not • Ode -::that Oa Crew were
made prisoners". ThaV.''flad to shore
voluntarily. • *, : •
• "Oa the Wand two of the (.1hileen in-
habitat:its were wounded b3 the British
Shells". • • •
' "The whereahenta of ,tunpreaden was
discovered:. through wireless messages
which were interchanged' by that ship
-With the-ete-ainship$T, Sierra "
The etiblie beheyes that ehikitaa lieU-
,tralittyhiee_4ebt has
giveneniebttliedsby, ttohiid
and hr ,
pent, ••. • '•
The crew of the Dresden will be in-
terned... ' ••• •
I want all year ran, tura. Will Pay the vary
highest prices. a,l1 and dee MO btiteraselling-
I want your horse hair.I apVpaying 35o. per
und, and allow °meet weir; 411, ,
:.oatsi_Skirts and Suits -.-Rugs and Carpets
We always carry it large' range of Ladies' Ready- In this ,Pepaetteent.we have a fine assortineut of
to -Wear Garments, and in this Department •"StYle .. Qualities IMO Pe teems to choosefriiiif, and as the
Changes" affect us perhaps , more than in ani.other„ Rsg sttan is .ja,,,,: .aoraing jurthissiiie affords at ex -
therefore the REMOTION KNIFE has gone .very 1
cellent opportunity to secure a BEAUTIVOL RUG
deeply into the prices of our Coats, Skirts and Suits.;
• Many hike are cut to Ralf Price, many 'others offer. ,. '.''''CAl.PET a•t 47•2 IR.,AIN PitiC ...
• ::.
•eirett less than:Ralf 'Price, 'and a ' Special, 'Clearing,. .. i ,,goemitlistiar, Regoeie,E, pat:mei ,olocii; rex: :.§40;
Lot in Coats, at $3.95; and Skirts at $1.91 ' ' '11 Sale prise $32..._, . . - . - , , ,..•i
Bee what we are offering in MISSES' and OfiILD-. , • ' 2 Wilton Rugs, ' splendid -quality, 3,x4,-- reg 30:00
F PRICE.- , . , :
and 5
, . d $3.00, Sale Plied' 2 2.00 and $26.00. , ''
. . , . , i i•
'2.13rudeels Rugg,. Mitre values, 11 ft., 3 in..7113 ft:,
• en's R.aincoats'• r. 6 in., reg.. 30.00, Bele price $26;00. ' • ,
... '
• 1 Brussels Rue, Oriental: Pattern 3e:4 • ree 22.50,
• Thisia'n-god! tiiiie-to getea-ltain„Coat4o, piateeti ,„•sele..peicE;.4.20:,0‘'. : .. . . ' .. ' r". ,
Yen oeratilhoselmene e0-; bey now . Iii our• 'neVe from'bail the-weC Weather of Spring '',• Our cut peens '
. 1 Irtestry :Rug large site, 3x4, reg), // 00, Sale
of Pariniette . (Mats we :give. 10%. discount, and on` , 8-164°. -; :"1"-‘1441an.Y-Tifestl- -and----W-001; ineftalier,f4teee atItlig§
other linea20% to clear; - . .,
. . .•. • .
' - • ' ' etto_elear Reducest,pdcee..C.._.L1
. -
See Our Special Clearing Prides-On-Men's--Gravener-e-el-N-PeA-RP-ET-•&-SpenieleCleer-ing-priceteon-Viroo
ette Coats $10.00--for$6.75,01.50 and $12•59 Coats .., Union a,nd ,ileinp Carpets, ,and,:ori , short ends of
lif Art -.95;-. - • '*' ' • ' --- - - - 77 - - - .Japan Matting. e ; . , ., .
If you aro determined to make
a success of. life yen should net
fail to appreciate the value Of a
thereugli busitieewedueotkin -which
will prove of ,•untold benefit n�
matter -what, your vocation in life.
To acquire. this you douId do. to
batter than enter the
•, where you would° be efficiently
•-equipped to lake 743depliceitt,the-2
front ranks of Successful men and
There are numerous business
or With better environment than
COLLEGE:. The students are all
niade to feet at Utile' and our
graduates'are Our hest advertise-
ment*. Take your eyes Off the
ground. Debit -wait for some-
thing to Wiz. up.' 13e prepared for
great opportunities, And „suttees
half Wrinc
Udine any. time. "
Spring. term opens otyliegday• i
Atitil 4th.
• Tor 'particulate write• ,
EDWIN ar.filtAltliEVS,
•. Principal.
snits Loinity0ids,
Struthers,. of Underwand, has
received a reply to a .note enclased by
hirn in ariaek Of Otita sent to the 13ritieh-
army last fall. The reply came trona 'a
°Mt, A W. Price in charge Of the feeding
thellitti Co, "Tomei at a. tea% With
• .aft UnprOttbaineahle name in Amide,
' is proof positive that the eats
teethed their destination (A Ir...'Ctiriusly
though itnOtbtiryMte ivtts rsteeive4 brat
• Week.by 4 HOWE* 14 010 $41110;
-,---•Tuesday, March leo
MzsLueUa SheW,spegt Bunday •eritie
Ahis'Peaff-frOdd. •
ion war.t.s AND `CDis.pials• Imitation
Leather, moos the most Attractive interiors: clean, Oak
*eat and unusual. • Gives the most ordi.e $30.nary004.
ol Sr • •T ‘1‘
f001I1 111113,11C010 cnerecter.
per - only wall board with waitrigeofed an- • per
ft.. laces, WHICIvicliiiiref no farther elecorai •
. • • lion: Excellynt for partitions -in home; "Rr Ocie
MSEEMEMP office or ficiory.
. Where will you use it./
Matc)! Teal i9t
Three Attiattive
Finistes ° white
NEporoaET Well Board is a togh per
fibre board which comes to yoy M. sq.
Amts. coats les* than plaster and
laths. It can be nailed, to the stud-
' ding. and joists very Inieldy and
easily. Furnished in three finishes;
PJarn Oak Cream White and Bum,
- The Store that Never
Sherwin-Williams Paint
Chi Namel
'Scranton •Coal •
Durham Cement
• OgfOrd, Ranges
afternorin, but she failed to rally.- Tho
body was brolight home on the 11.25
aynodng7 urd yhwoiedwe:ouniWnoewduneasnddayi30. puTihaer
and, leaves toltourn, :besides her father
and mother. two *tilers and one Oster.'
ispoRTANccov Touv-FAcEir
Oeineldihnefor GirIsand DoysleTair
lier1011111y, to Heart
ir you stop to think about th1 for a
:moment 'TM pea whet', u tremendonely • .
iniper'huit , thing it . Is, Just aii-Teekaik
aie•-yeli 'bee* a lace the story; of p0111 ;
life will be written, on that taco. It ,
'Yoli inn -Olean „iind crabbed and Ells.
agreeable -your fade will settle' lute sa
disagreeable •expresslen. and everybody
will avoki 70U. it your disposition is
snnbjtandkind and graeloue your face -
Will bee* with goodness. °an& every-
bodywilLAtiow_iit,.ii glance. that you. ;
are linable:: :And the-eilder • you grow
thre:riloreegistliteti, wlIl-tefl-
story. • : • . • ,
.,‘Flien yeti 'go lint Into the world to
earn Your living .the: first :thine that •
neonia'vrill ask Is this, What kind of a
bey kite or what kindof a, girt is ihel •
Under our *tient indeSteial sYsteni
the .emPlOYer has .0 • teaith yoling,
sons trade titter he hires them,
eh:bele, more Interested in :the apple.
Cant% character than In -his:present,:
'AVM. Y. And the character,. be Will
learn' from the late, • "
-• It la ; inet as the director of the ante; .
ploylnent birea0 or n ,griet..deratit
inerib.store said to me: "We tinge our
'.Choletilergely non.the look*
- To lie ;Imre the, -.faces et boys and girls
are not deeply Marked. Many ,applt
ante have only begun to t4tt 0141111e on
•thes,tilanks,pag6.Of their ,chech the NO.
turelbat Willf eventually appear there.
But even a sketch tells much. We know
. Mr. George Steirart point .Sunday
wxbh-Wal. .
Misi Myrt:,e, Webster wan:visiting at
Mr. Wire Irebb's last Week:
-Tuesday, 'March ipth.
Miss Luella Shaw Sung:land. at St.
• &lens,•
Mi., George Phillips spent Sunday at ,
John 'Jamieson a. •
_ Miss Amelia , Leaver: opent Sunday •"":.•
-TueideerMarch JYrititIliss'EdualfeThoneY'' — . -
his daughter, mrs;,Ellistt_sioy; /sr_ te.. • being sick, We : to seen__seel• her
Mr. Henry' riehener,' of -Huron, visited We are sorry to' hear of &ravine 'DOW
Mr. John Aitcheson• left loan trinatueatiniheosftactinaelvditearnelly45isch
lid irwhilnicon-
ast fol7st,O_INTSaidr-Wo iv: If1i a re Ther-snitemestettleserdonleelre-
few days last week.
Jack McDonald and Kenny Campbell
spent last Sunday Visiting Rory McDon-
ald, lit St. Augustine. ' - • • " ' • •
, .
Mr.; Cole•Nicholson, of Bruce Mines,
is onending a week or so Visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. MCLean.
.1.‘It's a rough road to Tipperary,
It's a rough toad to go'
It'srough road upthat side road,
To the sweetest girl I knoW.",
Such is a little:song Lorne was sing-
ing on his way _home .one night las
ing with a young lady of this plate.
frequently Ion will people •remark
that some articlenf apparel they pur-
chased did not give the satisfaction they
expected, considering the amount they
-around , •-
• ,
-People are busy making maple syrnpi
'and opertageo.ctren. ofeap, the welitly
griming fa,vorable for .the .work, • • " --
MreJe n Aitcheaoi ias, ieturned. to
the West again, *here, We understand,
he. is going te'take up ia,boniestead.
Mr Daniel .Martin is busy drawing
lemlooklogs for the purpose of getting •
lumber to bend a driving shed .and
work Shop:
safe .10li nere • -. kind 'of face we don't want. When We
h truth. good cheer and. kindliness a Child with a-face:full of courage. -
Miss Versa Woods and Ewart Mc-
Pherson, Of Winghein, -
spent the week-eed at their hom he -
we pick that child Oleic. „That is the
The March meeting of the St•
Miens aye se much to .do With our future
Women'sebistifet, will be . held:on success, Isn't it worth while to try to
Thnrsdev the 2411 g 30,at the lame moo them attractive: by being ativael
of Mrs.,D Todd, Subjects: "Interior tieeemeeeteese-ge. Nicholas. .
sort We are after." •• tbeivour faces •
. decorations", "Cheerfulness". Roll call,
answer Easterthoughts, Question draw,
le, -The- ladieli-mho have -their quilts'
ready Will kindly soda or bring them to
the meeting. A general Invitationis
extended' to all those]whoare helping to
-Monday, March 15:
,The fanners tiCrthis burg are. busy,
maikeng Maple syrup.. „
Allan Turner, of CulrosS, went' Sen-
d.* at S.,Shetwood'e. '
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ireleaven •visited
friends, at:Zionolast -week.. - -
• Sean Sherwood made business trip
tOGriderich on Saturday last.
'Mi., and Mts. John Blake of Mafeking,
visited Crewe friendaone day_last Week• . ;
Mr.and Mrs. H. Q. Curran, tf afeking,
eipent Sunday at the beim° J. Menary on ‘,
Sunday Iasi. . - • -
Hutoggo,;--whiy- .teeti
visiting friends around Crewe, returned t.
to her home Whitechurch.
-eatunber from here 'attended' the!
,debete at.St. Ittelens 1044 Friday evening
and.report a splendid debater and good
program.• • .
se t t 1 a tureeeilfo seen etel.ekt.entec
tete ta
n •amen throup I Munn & co, receive
prin g SUltlrigS,
Just -Arrived
.Exiiiirionoi :of 'a Traveler With :Two--
. • ;' Cuitoms s. ..
"When I catne.-btick front 'throve',
, •
coum..ke.thenteetipgettllare_weleonie. this heist 114-earcer-trip;o:-eald-e-
'ST. 'HELENS' td, LUCKNOW.-Eyeryob
body come our to 'the litererY Meeting eceeatime:tetn,;elarthalgidivffenerena betweefl
next Friday night. A go-W-.46We is •ea edam and an English customs'
being prepared "Resolved that the ex- Ina Thji; related to their attt-
teneion of frenchige to women would be tilde toward
.ilisti'fiable" • The affirinatiVe will be aglienga of Thine bad told nin it was
TRADE Minns*
Anyotioaanding,triol000nli Ana rioroatiptkon
/poem? eneerteln'snit c)plelen free wnotnor en
onsontion ereenbly entgitabl. ,Commetiltnt.
ttor "tritely:effect:IMO. •pildinarrOg touratente
Whitechurch eptuarrtotke, without onstrao,„latne
A. Goon uorrania.-the concert helct-
in the Methodist church here , Thursday
evening last was WOrtdY of a larger aud-
ience, althoeglit goodly -minder *riled 1
out to enjoy the Splendid program
victed by the Lucknow quartette and
our Witighatri friend, ,assisted by the ;
Methodist choir, Songs Were song by
Miss Buchanan and Mistt /said, &cont.;
panied Mid's Brendem, of Winehete
also excellent recitals were AVM by Mitio3
11,11 t011611 rind recitations by J. L. Penrose. '
Mr, Reid, Mr. J. C. Attdereo ,ri J. t
G., Anderson and AMA •Itoberteoo, af ;
Ltiekilaw, ably rendered' songs, duets
anti, quartettes, aeconiparded by Mrs.
Reid, Mrs. Sperling, the organistt,join,
ed in ft quartette with Miss G. Middle.
. ton and Md3dre. D, and 0, Middleton. ;
TvIo good addressee *ere given by Iliva
J. 404 Iii,bbert Vinghani, and (lento
Moltinley, 1).1), of Luelttiew. The ;
Tacetigs closed ifitli,14, tlatiotiginthettlo:
handsonielt itiostratad wetddy. • .uognet
nittion oUrn
eltrigildtelere. Y
MUNN &to,20113"411'0' NOW York
llrourto Clam ON V' Pt. IV:nahlnatonn c.
. 11
, .
• made to yens order at the lied
iossbh priOte. •
Oven OW 1)&4 attention,
REG' ilArttlitTfr.
• Luotaaw.
taken. by the - MiiiseS Edna Weeds, the proper thing to slip an inspector's.
Luella Shaw,and Mr. It..Robison, of St. little present on getting beet; The ons ,
Helena; the • negative • by Messrs. A.' who ,attended •me was so polite and
Lucknow. A good program Will also be ererithing-w� bad! : numerous' tAiiilte
1"TVIlidEl'it'Unird-of 'th•e Literary. Society. the-Pustorna hmi" °film °.•,.11 •Ile et bit_
siiteess. The half: was packed ,,ta the
-h-eldliet Fridainvening wee.„auplendid -1%, 1117 .duty 1 tiettsiPt"intionnw-gitnt.-Boiet, .
Canieroir,-a; Reid and C.; McDonald, Of oto46kt. sodimmtntevdh 1:•tri:,iiitsb.,,letiatodgeolin. °tog*, uragt;
enOniger2that while I was. wapiti:4g oat .;
doors and $30re8 had only standing rooni 'din- •I happened - .
and 0-b6.:tureedaWaSk The .46teer,,lett 1.111!al,,,,/i. later tie approached
intradiictory part of the programcon..'"A lietW .."...". l', •• ; . *-
..A1,$ted of recitations a pen by Mr. Me: lit 4. vie a said toes imp thy
and Mr. McKenzie, of Lucknow; also e itt onniuney vadaittted that i hid
• •
Miss Annie Currie has returiedliome • •
from Kincardine. .
Mrs: Whitlock, ot.Cleyeleany; 'Ohio, is
visitiqg friends here. : .
It Is rumored that Clyde McKeemen '
pales regular trips to Pinkerton.
• • Albert Grovel is engaged with Robt. :
Keyes on the 12th Coe. of Greenock. •
. Sidney Johnson is engaged with Sam ,
;Keyes on the 16th Con. of Greenock : •
Miss Belle McGregor, of the 2nd of .
Bruce, Sundayed at James MeLeinnit!'s.
Misses Margaret 'Currie and Alberta '
Kirktowe returned to Paisley. on Mor..
• Alex. 'Cameron. ot Annow„ spent Sat-
urday and Sunday at N. Carrie's, 2nd Of
-John' Armour ivil-hold-hienuction
sale on Tuesdsee March one •
o'clock. • • •
Freebtun Ilodgkinson. . of. Kinleugh,,
--visited_4ris bretteedgkinson,
last we,ek. •• ." • •
paid for it They are certain, so they .
a*. that there wes a considerable amodht
of shoddy used in ins makeup.. . Also,
how often You will hear peoplee.remark
that the rubbers they get new -a -days
doesn't Wear nearly as long as the rub -
bent that they paid even less tor in for.
filer years. The reason is ;quite obvious.
When the roads ;dry up somewhat, you
will see a number of Jpwie•with a box of
tin and granite ware on the back of their
wagons, tieing up and down the conces
shins and 'aideroada, gathering up the
past year'eaCceighlation,of rage and old
rubbers for which they
they are giving half . dent a pOund,.
while, in reality, they are :not giving
More than a qearter of a 'cent ae pound,
fur theereasorrethat-you-heve-to
seine article of tinware, which is. priced
just about elouble;Whatyou-- would pay
for it in Any hardware ittoreiiii exchange
for the goods Now, iteholy need sup-
pose that the old rage and old rubbers
are used for sto-lc foods, ',or, fertiliser.
Every thread of the rags', that :can
need, is woven into cloth, and , sold for
trig money. The rubber is Wiled off the
Old rubbers and used in the manufacture
of rubbet, overshoes And beets and: are
sold for
wives think that it ISA sign of thrift on
their part if they sell their old sags; etc,
-even.if they Wale eitlY a _quarter of n.
nent..a wird ter_ th eat ;_ Aim. tele-
thon. beck at probably a dollar a yard.
they Will see at a- glance e that •they iare
practicing thnpoerest kind of economy.
•We heartily .recOmmend a „good, big
bonfire in the back yardrevery Soling of
all thtseld rags and robbers; •
•Macey, instrumental; by George Stewart filretr you *Peke& * • '
splendid exhibition el dancing by
inie Ross, of Limpid°, accompanied with don Bo. .
i „,sh please take it hilt? he
' pipe music by Arch. Anderron. Then 'complied,
followfd the Star attraction of the even-, /ea may have not realized it, but
ing, a debate between Whitchurch and .
• that wealth has had,' more infloende on atntilalitne aTallitdedine ilt WYi:ll.' °beet
St Helena the aubject being: "Itedolve
the world thao education.'
Se lielens an filepector ,nrho htuidied '113' 1404i
was represented -by Messrs. ItutherL
ford, Elliott Miller and Dtintin '"egrittlritoarhigliedvelti.thehunelktedbr otr mreaglustentired,1
who upheld the affirmative, while the 00.,they eau it. As / steednear the
negative was -taker. by Messrs. White, white* he kept 'repeating, .00e.t for.
Davisoe arni , Cook, After AU OXCeed- iet, my pocket; don't forget my pock.,
„decided that St. Helens had won hY manag and banded nim a tip. View -
ikceedingly snug margin. . Next came with A *thank ‘yent,. With a rising 1,`
much avVredated selections by Misses geetion, be left file' •
Pox and a6rdon, Whitechurch, , and „
froth Maas, Allin and Caniernii. of
Lucknow, Recitations by Messrs. Brt
and Elliott Miller and Ur. McKay were
Very aninAing,''air Wait %leo a dialogue by
Misses Mogan. t 'Miller and 01 a r a
Woods, 'The Whitechttreh Minetrelit
delighted the audience with their vidieu,
Inns tostimuis and splendid singing.
rinally vet) entertaining ;lomat VAS
'fad, After Whielt inefting" broka up
Oa Meet egoin,nes$, rri(100. O1oht4Minii
iegly iiletio and intereeting debete
et, stet wan e define grasped his
l'he;deatit tOiiic place in Stratford • en
Tuesday hiomning of Meleti Pridhatti,
aged 18, fettend daughter of W. 0. Prid-
haft, Of thie tarrile ' T110 yonnlady
gill 00 TkorstlOf lint :was see* lega,
t on* 'Oa itiittorea mgt. in
4441t4 OW oil 00,09.
who had been attending StratfordNoel
nsl'SeitoOli ',fa* taken with aPpistrili.'
• Q -Tuesday, March'Igth.
James Robertson went tothe Hospital
in Toronto,. to undergo eh Operation.
There are slight hopes entertained Of his
andlirs. Jahn Skillineof 'Tees -
Water, announCe the engagement of
their daughter, R, Mande, to Mr.- L. IL:.
Sti nione•OfeeTeroeto,- -the marriageto
take place early in ,
Corp Melhuish is epending,his "leave
of absence" in TeesWater and vicinity.
Ile assisted at the Patriotic Concert Pre:
day evening, and renderedet solo in the
Presbyterian Church Sunday evening.
-re ,
, Mr. Alekander McDonald, who has
been cdnfined to his home most of the
winter, through a fa, "was out for the
first time Menday,iand.we hope to see
his familiar figlincon the street as usual.
• THE tiAtItiotth CoNOBliT kridity.eveni
ing was a silecesit, 'netting some OM for
the I ladies! Soldiers' Knittinpe. Work,
The program was . furnished largely by
the pitpils kin the variety§ scho°10. Mr.
Obsentey, teacher trent the 6th; was
chairman, and 'enlivened the program
:with many apt and witty stories, besides
giving a short Mit' comprehensive ga.
dabs On the War.
Rev. W. A. Bradley SVC en evening
to the young people to tlie Chinch on.
Monday at which he PhOW0d* !lantern.
alides rthin ten Hot" interspersed with
readings by the 'young people;, froth the
OHM author. A feature of ,tlin ;evening
ttitte a PredtlliittiOli CI , Pin front the
Endeavor to Wes Alice Kirkland, *Jo
is 14014 for tin Weit Mies Itirkland
boOP or OM*. Otti Ito* tioltool
px Wirt —
- Rory McKenzie, who has been .vi -sit-
ing on the ..2nd pf Bruce, -returned- to
Detroit this week. -
- Meanie Arthur Groves and •Tolin Vin
cent returned to Kerrobert, Sask., On • •
Monday After spendingthe-winter here.
-A-rinrnber of the young people nit at
the home. of Joseph PIO, on Friday
and spent a very" einoyable • evening\ . •
;together. • c • - - - • ••
• ••.
Quarterly services will be conducted
in the Free Methadist.churehlroin °
day SundaYeVenin.gby Revs D. . •
District Etder,from • •
e &rid went to Creentere 011
"Thuraday to attend • the ° funeral. of his .
titter, Mrs. Miller...Who pasded away en .
Wednesday morning after a • lingering.
Musk • • , •
Miss Ada Beere, R.'N, • of Buffalo; ,
New York, arrived 'here last week to. •
wait on her slater, Mrs. 0, Pie Russell,
who underwent an operation last Friday
and whom, we are pleased to 1'00E4 .ir
getting along nicely.. •
. Ithitidutraf„,
-• -Tuesday. larch 10.
Don't forget the literary :on Friday •
R. M. Patton Ins in Paltriersten, bee
day last Week.
Itobert Mowbray spent the last of the
• week in Ineknove • • .
Miss Elleda Zithers spent Sunday at .
the hoine of A, Fox, ,
Quite a number from here attended
the literaryin Se Helens Friday evening.
Mrs, Win. Martin has beerten the trick
hat* a tevii dais. We hope she silI
soon be better. ' ,
James and'Annie McIntosh, also Mist,
Bslla 'McDonald, or Lan4inde, spent
'fliinclay it Wes; Leggett's.
• Wm, Paterson bacilli° misfortune to
hive his barn and contents thereof buin.
, ed last Saturday' afternoon.
Rev, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart entertained
a nuinber of the young people at the
mature on Monday evening. ' • '
John Gillespie lost a very valuable
driver On Monday morning, ' It vas
kicked by another lentil and had tn be
a!,IthmeaYednild 'meeting Sunday evening'
was coridnoted by Fred, Davison, the
topie being "Our laws beefing On merale,
what they are and nowto .eaforeellteno.,
The leader for heti; Stltidity egrniite11
TlavId KonsellyhthAinibjectibelo oh*
tt , t .11.44 NA Vit
• :• , .