The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-18, Page 6%
.0 Of
. . . . . . . . . .
volved Are Affeete,-L
ow Ae Varlas Voinatrito T*�
t -vy ID 4" -The euly vageai oi
tural War BoOr, publisiked �y tl4e Pep*rtmeut of. Agiiculture twkl
brocds last. The qartennuter Ott, Y�
T+* baze. of eON',0 of the Dair.
hl4 vjheej. The, -tube jkre 4 byjejtsfi0?y* priil-ci� Is, All j
over the bi#4 to. dab1e a KIcom in palf� on z1hurA VAtter* but 'of
-a and he� 4P Wit, in
111L girl Sttistics 0 f-410
palt sf-,ad v uprise peeV -u- talk 'he
lis eyes. �104 n tile, 4lity of Atli, all,, by t -tious!y ver tW Frkk7,.!,Mx dunes, I he Inclinometer fibowsf the pro. �if The,*ArA outlWag the crap. 4 the WlAud T46 dial of It Uter,,Q.1 0w by te
'Low z,-=arQy 'W is.polating1lie craft -(Vllntq JDoln
fox trc!�s creste-1 whZt caunon. Slow
icultui4i fol law VV ly the.pale ffite. tjtpoiagll t4he men ztl� 4, of Agr oaus&a, cow. eO profes�
PrvsentV his tub,
rr`e19 1 5 �Peks, $01113 Of ivilizuh-pial �A ovvr 0o fier
Up I piston experimel4a: osummarizestbe results of in
�iaft w1leel'. P. - 5 qirles. X j4p1low tuu4n iuft5t
e r L� z,3. la - rial by,
1, 1 -441 t1te j5h� must
Tho El�,a ar4 -Y , snaps
w;i& hVA4 f tprpiz4o, chamber deta in brief of eavIt European .Ue a great, uidulating j at as v4iluez of 11 down, g
of - ftrin blonket 4A -haze. vlj�k�, into .11gittiog tr (2) the At.,the fectkd by the w
three an4i,pf 141119s. -of farm livd. 6elf,ikIl over 4ind,(3) the'y
Frout t1lis, 'As and T 0 AV
It 15- Woken but not, enemy otork In, 1014, aill tQ ff niliaid 'thuds, And thili, to the Itum. of WrAi* 16arxled that -prior to the outbre-ok Wv- relieved, by gru 041Y 6f hostilit!vs, BelgiOnI wAg V F9X 1b ha!t tile'
by this' mdlis
vW sofflla 8) 1
Der It e. a laxid, held fQr, Is
'frqm the in the 3�.Q--t thicu- npeakiug tulit ;wbeth-er ilin- t4lation
n -at 4j$o-'jj]tpoUt -t lu.ystevy and M=dL proved, or'w�mprbved,
Were- it,not with-, `40MMUM6, jnclud� tqnx �j vn
for the porth .0mingl toxWdoes -at the most in Vie, Arit .89
ruhigun-A buoya tho gl 'Nvellfng house
-their WArni hauii�aj dayoo t,3 fthew tb4 value 91, A Ci eed no
one, Dd, ollter zo�� ; re4dF,,, th, -Aec
and. 4. goo:-aiyss, 4nia,, e "te tbrugh t4e, foaminik bi, cfwa-. ais.-ret.urneL r a o,
the - lt �u -d as 1w
t $j,o59,pB8 OW. t A. 0'.Q 411)'Dr
a, school of.sea, 11an l ward to�itg fi thkt 104' WIN't A 9
dwil' bmi, #oi�ep out of ood bel6v� thg .,0xfa0;, ligal �3,614,000 acre. *ihiv
saute he $1111t. in. 190, x it can pit Y.
of buo$$, UIP04L *11 _W bwive a�, Waq syo
6z.ed; pro- the vMu
lea r ain J144 per
bd o�eq"l extent. loal a, wa
let miru#r -1 tblep vhd�liwl tholt $30'41
jawled with' andhor The, A 'hug %it AAinj fle4t Ruiilia,`VhiIe. an returned by, tbe,- ble should bej cleiLaed
vl -self of'the Istla
-his ly .A re:
'ri The
�ntry, prod=irk twas
"bolibinra, gentl tip and -as 4 screen, the sitbilia" is A41-0 -ag cultural but i rm 4111 0,06upiis,
jnaludig daiii, an"'bia poles - are t to itake one i arne-IoLurth of - the wo nclown Me iloat� in �somg gian a 4ore p&6k ver the Our- nd 0
d The cel
fisibing ta face *1thout being detected by the wheat, fully 0. f4urbb of its oats, farifis nly recentl� s6ttled' all con
af1ber4ore701 le Ir
vin VA ues
e; thWd of �,tg harl4ey and
manu- ces, av ge, trot6 00 e
range fri
it dustrio%. it Din $21,3�,er gere erti. largeilyAron.
of vaor. Curiously are vanwits .4, p
h, It moves against the'tido mador obse es, a glance� tb at 110 abounds� -in' mi rSA and 4ts, lot
i's !4t
'bia IV
polig ent.
athe, ests, of wMchthere 'aye; shall mis4 ije� Large,— fiMQ-Q
yings out, akres--are e! A ti, Is V
14 p4le tramels;' "Starboard helm! ForwardtilmV, 'agri�uTfiu-�e- ng
s4ll�i- gerp 16,r feedinare abig d sr awe pa. we kr. dl
Thi; rvei Canadi's, nte _rticu low Of
Aarvei the n rest Jes 1, diary,to ruit 9'
rt,*trade of G&y- t aud R H.C11j. common. sense, mus;t,fbe exe.7rpise
from its oou-rs�,' �ffie eame lar -with t Ni"a
be expo IV
of whicli this,eouutry the' methods'of
uteftaht Refhpeirt'Asfp�itl ite. jc�ding and a'
SoMoWhat Mally', Mile t der ly�o- Id, recerl,� �ehrs. the wagesf-farm zixe'tj rules i feed-
Colur Tnanoelivir her- 0omraonder *,ao the ight" and expectktibll- to foilhe Prhii6'Minister is ja4. el I.WgIlle �Oowl
we - - The s,., 1
aAder.011he Terr6k. eraQyy
ee asince h ve.inie"ed, cotsid Under away the, im- ure' In we fronx�the ther 'Ra Vazrister� He7 is �hiilt�-&Ii'yeom Of elp h4 ingare nolb prao,i ad
Ue run, Pole hiddeR ho es'to.-cuf the -course the ighest 'der
p owift� ed as, Joned ,ffie army.' - He ��Tjje -,:*,.
dreadoVgbt,j.W.*4r Book, 'Germany uport uWieak of h6silities h LAed' their h'
a Lady 4jid ih�y iez I ag is. 4101teful tin
oafely blejow the leel a'bum1perharves 10 . coiWS..
he ht - of-all'the world feeding un.proAtoble,
in a �,conning,to love -,11. an �h Cy athis Chrteris, the. eldest dou wimyts, '-, ! f 4 wer. nde c oxteeig gp:ter of the present Lord' obit during th4,
Hi eie U kided to a jperiso*p� T has -to, ull, and -more thin Mr. and. Lad Cynthia -Asu But in k9,14 the �at a
0orted children. ith,Nive a, 0harm
e riot and' eft are, aPO X19 6 ed�-ie� Y. rili- 0, a� 'awg Ie4s labor re� , r , a �'Vhan ja tse in' igusseic P1 6 Z if
aki' egen f ack be lig up
tix Is, leyerp. He tube,, y6brly; output,, of 10ith - quired on la-rals o1wing Ito ligbte aintenance and: prodikot
ahis wm As the. wai for m,
gang Lady Cynhi
h#;% �,ule
the cot -hat 4�uch- I
inmaxider of t' Bldwa,'.. ianuf goo 3, Tan, up to h tme v
crops. Sb �. Augq,st
n- they Qiste- A lys a
noo -W e1� a�4 A
e ie, glib en. had fpr: one.of 1, TWqwalltv of mIlk-tamb-is
41i ft, Q A great, monstrusohadow comis, twel: 84
adeil Of nav4li oro Id Af te In
to a. BrAzil n Provi here t little craft� idolars 4.of least All it ply of-ilft! IMY0
th'att it
Od. conseque&nt -.&OTe by.
the *f 1111 h tdrmeAvelri"ble German Ommuna- e f
marine, K A011,13. beAring down upon,. e i ao,,11rit, of all
Z'X4Cept f4j>,t :taf,-1 jnfl� ith 'ineredi fright,. th a6 - awiftn"a it Ap� Jound-. way to for
of W its, eip, markets a 64 BrAziIiiins id y tals-lis "go
1 �t
the st to that; are 'now ad in took for I 6bi h
�closed: soer, a the,, UniiM Sta;tes who wages, The,demand as .0.
re ii; no sound, see.ming WM,6
eases 4ill -b
flt6 �teel okiu of, tho,'great su-Qtlon 'many has alsp. decreased , ecause b the feed.
4.%44e� in, -That -.we are engogedia'. a Titanl� 64me.g.p6atly elarrn�d, as aig. act odul's
ond of'the r6asedcoE;,b of board. F dust or fo
fisW. � Thia ii no -aplasli- -of fis. weiaping bottom. in''Go
hih ;reMei in, its con �of es 0
- seem the! "IM-onr or. Never stir'
liss no I -The p ungaltbih the Dominigi
Wa or , a .1,
Ing, 01 t dc 6, Be tque o g6it ilato the Wilk
wat 'M0ti0Tf;-.-ADD17't, summer, us: �h ring e ble, 0 hfth reason: for the' great er mont 11 8. . ja;rgel 'r��l -e
of fhz,oc,6ajj 4-aptills, and lio "'I "to the dbm4ilo y by, ot our ouy nationul fortitude�.. 4nd increase' Am�erlckn' N ibbard, were $35..55 far mail Whether to feed the cow
t 4ght, hut �tm b hoped, bd ty v ju a ait oin, our -.For- o4 -4,ebated*
-the- 0A to ag� wel er wcfor
fa% 01 "What it .01'44alA� intoresi �ig. 'g board fav -
the at -bb ar�xlored
U a& q, gr. h tful perapti will reaklily 0011A the year, inioludin question. '1b is -not tut all daner4
V in- -1,913. produced william1k. . ., , ,
tion'4 - -4e.9 'were, pro
t be some'tmti traino 'WE for,, i
th the- -pppinS 14rQughlfa�t that German� bus tolf dihem. a:,. litle
acce. <)D q e
,entra -bandv dra;ma; ales � and $189 - Ur -Up nd dirst, or- ing the c� r in Wy -thefj?reg6nVEm- nieel. A, flig; tji�, 14-1�, guni- gr1in with ' bax� 9 720,00.t0iist:Pf'rejan�d, aur,4 f 0 -this wo The 4ri iti &6 is;1 AM
t ' �6 of oocpi600, , tons, .6 no ma�tks A new.
peems, blow beets, min, '� 26.
-of this the t D. 04111 a'dea r role. io� hilst Aq berae com. of"boArd airee41bile odars.
'6a lignite, V,819,000 tons of in.. widh4e tory of 1�ealj cially. in ke- -W,
fty Aultane Coal io Play 0V 3olftik, espi -'$14.27 for
dart &w,, raft, the 'h -(Toi.
ouslV,.' Othe ain tube in k� 61it to As a ir4le, Ygiv doivp.
F: at e 11ittl< un�� of, ourr 5 e r or lAtin t' fo, ff * a,.' Bismarcki Pex
'NO I " V in but whoeve, (> reign a var molif the e9ws wil a z i d -b y',o t e r 11�eh- t peip'' d tha' uslog, 1 11 as1their igilk more 'freely. vhe
he for'$' -all , t, - an i4iw- cut W-Mle in control ' �oilfined German mz
0 w.)isfeypr-the klipa dman ing, nort':and litarboard1okne� tha. year'.of pewc�-'225,80 ton$ Of t>mp ed -%Vl
d 4r 'th sle.49 and $9.653 ini and a
4jc f 7 7 N 10�, The qtitrter'� a spi]0 the.
copper, she'coilil but litble� figure., - -The � great A-ree- actlitt haAVe contwied . minds
d linear , y mainly�,i* Europe goesia ogpag'as-of 'the, neut 11d6A G,er-- 1910. he righi*kind odfe�`d
,o or singI6 t h" nd hee kal iiailons; those ex4 ,
is ;posted tile lwhoel c4pn-, ily th4 wwa-Lhdd �)heie. is, a. 000, tons 'Of flor wn, Ger� Average wages
rustees of'the world's 6oxismenb6:, per m6n-th in 1914 -Way toward Jbringiyjg ah -but man nnuThl
po or. 40 -sixth be far beyond
tent on gages, sho th An-ji eair leg
V normall mou1ced 6 -un- e -r4A-w&r-d- Is!-
ni the. in-Oin torpe,. U in-ourja�orjlxiialeed, o land vi2�, -$24.71 for 3xiQjes ,and,
wi I cleah Ie, stables just before milk
JI dept nex tsut, ex U Id, Stage Pilot* Bismarck and a4-�
ii4u� a -A d ' h lievel of the ith aupdrheit�a e t, rif. ume the,,v�hole,:.rolo-of---.'stai��.v-il- 4. jfor4eioales. in.-Nava-R-coK&
are <" � 1 .1
�cutting the bia, nu p Witifout, 44?u bt, gieatorimall� d $14. 86' 'and
the. We of te f Uill. At, rat y were '831-20 an
that -Will- eat
lus,of d6x-ftlian-any fitd--the
rat T lin h do Bruu�k 1p, o106k-ed t and in� NIM
40 -are -fully' an minu WAY a- de g subsid vith, inue,
tel 7 ie 611&r be pes. no enion. oll t eir Lf Ineire is any q tarit,. $32 Q9
0 woul 0 alid: $16'.651 and in n fcoiptr
4readnoujilt-isjully a bou'ght: hefteell W moth d 'onQ coylid .66se, om 0r guess what., 451 fh� el and �ight h iuler. c�ptl e' g ussia. aly
R fore
inevitab.1e, out- nekt-I,'.He was an unknWn qtian- s�nd Ili the waAerw. P�FDy- 01 m�o,i, tha'a' tliab ',A
e comman er 'and old GrL-at, Br ia war -is the
Aei to zho'ulder: with th d T
of a policy well bears the tity- and! sringing any ilices 6ey, were -for iaes $39 f3 1 in conserving Itlie soil fertility,-. 1-4111
'n bushels come,,
his eye-ou the eleven 'and twelve 0,40
torpedlo, ='r6ady, -bA, $40.61 n
boa 40 PO and w I num. 6r of uncomfortable. surp. 0 ikatchewan, not coVnivant. of A' .
fi ris
S be a o, i -n , . -8 Manito,
onlpaE-g big handi on the wfhleol" F1 ' 'I ' * * 1913 '14POrtec' 4t't'. 'of Real "tic
ire -Ill 1611ows. the. comman&, of. on. e ppop e. y' nicknamed and, $40,26. in Alberta'; females- re- '. The . jvos4t impuAar-buiiness, f
nark,- it, first,-Ptussifi and then Germany tas Ii Th-
eo 000 ton& a
verblc�l o d mimil
But before I hiln'the. Roving alie r'(Der Raise nitolb
Th or �ovvy in ka' $22.96
W eggs., atatolinelits *en �,car�yirpg% on
-tho water thpre is a, dairy Wmers s. to'in.rease, t
The whole forefoot, die ;so �.thp� t ast ditubiance yeaisl, al�id- $23.0 in Aa". quantity �of w1anurial . si.
mtly. indic4l
'th is in,
at has'taken Gera ; This zo-cale4--."Ecy is based. on - But to day 'he 7' J Ge&ma, est wagei; wexe paid
fh -in 4ertz: The,hig and -asidiply it 7he-re, it- is mst noe.4�
tanding, the lig'o *arship is lifted"clean. out,
ginear, -with -hs'im-siitants, a �aa far all oixt- bbority on polibics� and, �jn.
tiA the principle that isuprein,46 gul M 'a, vjz
by Svitclies :And lvers, -ooc, and n V, -a es,-
djB. . . - - .., ritiell �Colu e4
-ja,.Hungary.exportd in -bulk -gx - are, concerned,. -and - es and -0-1 . . . e 'th I-
Auatr de natio0i &r' mal for eni manure, b,o ii
Before.itrs -yawning freeboaW. is itd .ght the end justifies owing tp.his girest.vergatility,there All, qu
the and ese ver4ges ly and' a Id
d -instant f.6 sbDp buried in the swirling foalh, the: see- as MiAY -%On hor io -of ""Might is hould lbe saved. an: a-p-
Crew., yea y'on f ds has in does �pot OA-. Ii flian in'1910 when maa�s, 'the ond-toype4o-"166 id interil, I fripl6i "6.150,00.0: ot. 2q.0',000 the: moams; and hi erjedt is* n go 'which'he reqe��
-to diwon- ckii" im h4Ae -ami n Apjte�d to _d. I
th., se be- slime to, lay d law In.
immigrants crosslug Io as, ev4j,-y '"sy gradations -into -the Gerniin own, the ed $51.4b: and R $3%
In - Altovfher zor sbaxt the zines Nq ebifit to'haulit'. fro
saa&, exploding.xhek4naga. is ex- eop e$ Iffe ii in.vanity if not- in-
nect the
9aW ine e gines: in place, of the Varm ive. Stock,, .�to th and: apply. it as
an- erupting vo cano. e fi�61d
and cruelty, and
6gotisni soaro'be-
the roar -ofl. year. tut 6e Jual. empire7 liefthit4ey are. a dwstn p a Nora L
'of' armor, cedingly' raich 6eir ver6ign . ii'the Lord!B.
-1fie' hug6 6 lviath. -the 'Vh1Jues:,&re (well inapitaine so blow 0 this man
ds �ave: -been
to ut of force, Water. iDIbO the Hu ng-arY is ;ane- of I Anointicl.' �And even d P giaaA &� dotti- fir )xf with.the three Vien all the 1ijui
-it tanki, 6, draw oxyg*ui� z;h lat"O and, t, as, a n-jibw m -g kegoilS u' Id ha" -161W but-llttf� s permitted 19 cotilp
ballh I J. 1i t
*on to'deat* wib
iexp401 crb6fiic aosi. to*.- --stoy.L scout, strong is &,fort, -representing gritl u&byihel use l�of abiol6b'q-n1tff;
0 a,of peop, e- not a ofte yearg t2kies, 1
w6 -bat o fend,:coppreu hon* witt.a, V 'y of str . ut throughout the. mambre, may pre��ur 5�,'500, 0 buslielwo. Eh � a
rye' es, l3ipi d te-vada a,
'heat 0;0
ad, in tlie;,mint of -th& r,6 alin -
;ora', si�,000,000. the averag4�pvcdue: Ixeiii 145y00 if it ha4- not,, ltp�eh - backed- up. if Dies of million b
a. and . d, - OW Ii )lie efigtheIfilag in Germ&ny.b dur4n; 1.414 theri ha�g-ben',a, sub- 'large. 191�10
io h An go, b8kkto,--the Vtiue,�:be may o Iipone - of .1. -1� � I
aambers. to 'mako, -Clui& rerplalm tussin Monarch t1m, of a. SyAi6m, but'' h i i -also 4ta lof ho.rses;afid- 61 'awine,.- 'It is- a -Wl-ds direot, from -the, As hegc_
1p- ot .. . .-:: , *% -C
65;00 j6 000 10
11E�nera gBidebt un of'g, 61Z --tha.- We-
llbj4Qnr its screaming for hell �colm . . - jt p1d nt ner e. ne horses r th -of the futr oi - -sr
ad,do it eflitieulln in; liv$ stock, -grab- XleditlWal, dbetrine, of th dimand lor other than ff ice ald
Hungary Olis dual policy 'of land t1he d,ep
the el"will be
her ruler as jrh lim 1purpo, is. a. r ex-
iin�d. o6onirfattest. I' ing like. of ',mines, -t I- ' ' ` se - h's": fallen 'off,'
kingir, Pq 0 little"josa from
-w" ev perk on. ever arly r
than, 2 800 00' -horses, 'in It oana ]And of f AII y
ig in iw� cattle; 9,500,fts tese in, 1,779t 1� paitiipated- -with Aus,� ltvel- With 't vii4ity -50!p6r cen6than they'-wre, In adldiltiol�,-tlie W111 not be
land 7,500,UDO swie. From to 40 or
is f0rWden.. Mar� rbusing their turyetfs� overb 090, n is
ed -like quealing fig.' n. u7feg1p would- setnir that !;&-will be tria -and Russia, in, carving up in 10 knee deep, ilf: i -he mire an
st Pru-mie. attempt rally -the `�oiinlries of, .; Oing to b�& high ri�6 g'r. Tne t4ey are, turiie-d -U�'
4-1oughi StAiTVO, Germany land,:Iiis illare bingW f ain. 61th, every 14
red'a6fFa Sp"b1cen- iil�4-fiiindred � I the west- ja in-the-y'arda'' for- water nd --exer�
h 'A h" A -the-Viiited Stit
N'a, th. In s , is ow ith :Sp�uin, 11.6'r
in, escupperi 062-- than r6portig. would! ma it, apped he llad 'gain
ih ne erformanoe, of duty. in every ie, ii,examplz the in' the; -recent wav, w Said-, no longer cise Mcrot 01Nvrk come's at a
lik� the* nostrils' of 9PP LACKS -Vi
eel - - — j - - OD&ned the,.__ m6ddl,� for innie en iot-,het fatm. p
bag s �hav*- been
C bul tA OLMM 'fleet-jn� a �it ently
to]�ie4.' -Pria r --ancl-Itbe oil -besides be;
Every-- tion Poland way captured a e
in ihort, a tibldl Manilli Bay when De
Ge'rtnanp Without- 41kd thfro: -�pa .!per 1b. hed,: tplo�vjs ea uer
r oral. istrengthSaf as little - as, 3% conte
.17w-4nd- 1-790i %VP en mrke-T fill
smill =iauch ----Cf- �' . - - -r .':'. - s -un- -r%vo
d y.. 0 � e ,, " I�Ipg tile.wilom
that A0
113 em2nts 'took Ition' t"C�.,the lod hi's try 0� 14 &A for, ut th, trij is,s
Efirbd 0 In
finislied n'th f he- jne4 'ieas6n, on:,a� 7T
wzist6 out AS, e sma hroAd Anat at "61-011S b
next: inado,
o ier
a eawtg an , au ing. t b,,mt
Var the joke. f "rni ea *fiiatioh of' a Coolt-P16 �-Of Wes
At f of. ai��dev bresent wdr ba,� 01 it It� frMil
hL e a r., of inan is, a The an whoin'she h the assasgi L4
00 aim oliiaries'tlle� teitof are a +-`the demonsth og. 70lt
the "Roles d
-speaking.1libe. Frok the%oifficer"In mers-r an, sometiweto iMri- ncie4ed rma "as
system, eVet'
the-Chinose the lea
lbove thosi� 'f 1010. The,�ve' airetcomes an. sively referea fia, as th� `!tin sarr value bf.oar yolunt ry ya s limilbb the t1le, t r-om -al-purely Then'in 1816, I'Mesia: Per All'Ganada. conle. Q und Is'- f rozen arfd closp, -to je
rallitury Point 'of view. '�xqjired e3itrtingfralli
lrdemonstratl6d- .8axony And66- -11,hi;neP , I Its -of Ane t
stlitniore-ta 9 WA hbrae-s�- -T16
-n. w 1 6 soft .4-1
that'the military point-of.ii C dy... -1.1. 1. $ 41,11, ... � rit,6,r '. -know. ai
a�l: W h I a
a le e I uQstp in, otalev be c(insi& njficg;tion G�dymany, apalalee am ,,B . kq the -only facto ceased the it -112 f6i
$42 $7 for slie-eg hid
*,;CoVrS�'. glijiw�.- t1r6il-In, -hbs- rob] L -m -of m ntly": ikeste&- frf6m iAvine Thi 1b] for a ddiry farmer to 11 nX
I eredhi the suPreme P atfon! irf :.11 . rox : I
l-&pth dti�d, :with 'Travellloi in )f That Is the gyeat blunder i., llleaieVed10 be a roug1l aIP a- than on4thifa. of6bs nl�nitrial for,'
al, defellce' whiph *as to saye� t;D
-Vereit the `rLult of
bv� the -swift a Mhas- rnitdje� --n tbb,- undoubted t ;.I vaue. of Canh- . athat, Gerlit, -Whole -Country *ith-4, e-'
1-jer statesmVil. "sumed. -that: It wa 'In, 186 - t' f, huDdied eeii Russia an rali- Ii '�;todlc in 15a�rIY&r., iiri
n ITbirt ukaen',',Dr. w6fk'auf toll -b he ari Ae war bciwI d apAn4 dian fa
i-mallest gun. could'. send �the �Dugald Chrigtia tells the follo*h ily zit6essry to have the ariny9trOng off, rea, $297,131,00; weeks e and in4 ready, alid uyeep'all lievink teinpoyarfly the ressuk� of she ep $14,551,00, and swine $4
daisntlp�!� 444erlb the bottom. w4S.,story tat h ng or they. 'copid t nak4 the du4A:i�� bf
It -is tllkPugh� Holstein the -the spring izwalll it- acroiss -tbo'-
-hi Macintyre under- before them. But I scarcOy had they still.
'I ehrdes. ao�ng- ille Ausfr64Ger- 4:1s -0001. by a�ft aggr6gau,. t a�z .7. 1 . ntli6'.'war, OicallY, *ilitonlyl Xiel C 1�iiddv Aeks to g� it on his. I'
Muk-- egun ,man frontier le6liness Car.
Went,on a trip4hey too rom-m irovoceition. b 530,6W for &II..:de8criPti6ns I -best, b6 Alee
and, witlIbut t ilOre they 3feanwhile, Austria, had Veea orl. Ali4;;nanie - -. I., . . ".
bU06 .6f and told to. push 'he: don to the rii F7� kle orea� t eir way. �count. InAh' -And, thus,for'te� last .-25, $ - e n
re -f 0-411- 'dt tawork With' iliss, itanst Ot, A Astwar, and, seek, compensaflo, has b"wa, gradual revehitin of big Mr. Harold' -Regble quo shoul b co to -try, to �' what 81'aV con' %n4 if.
of, 101kn, diy in sarsely inha iteddistrict, wo by �coxlquering. . .. b! Util the Brifi* coast frenzled hasi and bight, a
and their own Peo- -policy tbroughofit the- "Th Happ�, lAsh'", an airmiing 0,61 VT -zeltio of, I
-its rso-Veril 'Miles from thhe ecouOT19s, Railed, r, ist 'he C04 4
ht.."when the, coune.-i$- rd�� - 1. W tl"-- issia, annexed sw t 1R. 4 nd while PrE 'Of 'i'whlesome produet,
. At They reae'lled it ng le, that 4MR117 ea� *brld, `Bt"hik Iffis— story that Ye gbf Tf et6r.
n an
six.bells i' th!l' e -and- defending h6rsblf lot of small notth..Gerrij $tat for itha result�ed in mco!�- a liftle to' n th
the lcokout at the oninil en vi�itarpg snows, rikhteous, cause . I ressioit t tha i W at Visif4W in 'the t -had takn.Austxia's gde� e, between tia- courseof bis -tour of Ireland: heiikh of
and found 6 por fiel �vith only against the Tln]P a ,c
a fleet f This ImMitib confes-1 In 1871 as piekvd with tlli�g 00livenliealce ba,j .to 'tIn w old-lintn her ntlghbo-Ta A quarr;el'w tions. 4%g as; blitratihg a -riling tip pr;etty. one.-eommon ro6m, an� t,
!jt1s n tVp?.,k 1;6w. ii apostleg of 'the ro u L by the Germa 4 King of kruagia pre iotir 0-1 I,ItV 'of &ing 11110 'duiry wrk
-fg !4-4 and,-the,,big tntt siox retd , brqa4ka aown 4:0 tonding -ha.vt been insulted by, party Jarn I Vn ' country, night by a peagant fr:bm an7 ontl ri'ng * ;k .
Theze' was neiblier fcaildl , nor Ism that thelf 0 'he' ir'e� while th�re foi-4,M . be- s]1: best"
ea" ais <16wn �'pon the dowsed, np tbe. If retch Amba gskdz:. -T Prgetice, Is petbalis, the ost important'� aceMplithed b tarre rope .1d a and 911PPliks as. noir, t i' th legsn. -of-tht war.. belm-e..-j h y
lamp. but the, ila of etil the- Atother Cunft, And her 11y t.jj 49 all links,'6f wind v, t,l,,L-. ra in
xe haze his Oji� n. there has �Ile�er be,, sultla; f this war are well -k
of 6e horiwn is a sp;ot' In. Gerlmaby 1110� and Opp:
Germany a:nnexW *here to J)!� 118;�j
irig, and by this dim,light I'looked coessful revolution 6t Like ancient Sparta, Nvvc; swe.epinig against Aa'' 1101180,
a.;eneral,all su e iof -Lorraite, although' y
AlttinetveT darker irlst their 00 1pm�-been exereleA.14Will all(I it wti The pza,.' gr at 31k, Ubristio. is. OL St be rksw�nb
r. With -his bipNnflara I the P -aga thi ithaffilts wer6 in4sil Gormany, and lilte, the Va'' is that toy �sked one: tb iill except I nt as I barii is pI! riv. -14)Z-
likelthe revolutfou In Zngl-and gainst ranco-German war ledto,tlib Me r r
of the old 7hell. fh6 stay�s And the French revolution11MO 'y ahei-ent epublic, hor fall will bA: u4 - arild tee his, 64 and arranged, tlier6 ig nj
blurrs'd putlineii ofjhre0*1 definite if I wo
"It Wls the tir�e.11 I Ainswered. against M6 Bqiftrbons�. The C�pnceip,: I 'invitctd, -him ib ooftie'%.. "'Pat-- obiecton -to bellehing blackk woko.. Xing. of P'itissiak V110 -aA t toi4 of tiie Oermain, foo'k,th WiMim
eems udto him t!lk-o
fUne I !h# Q�ydu YAL �jon of individual MOW never cattl� -by. 4i Vold IAN P- no Re Mg )e, t hAs c
ak , -�Popls of and the drt-atn'-of BiAMAtOk to
It �66 -un, is.'!. other
Prolilstorle uOttle I S.
tattle *1th !i tiiii - to his bzothpi bib agkod, NVI d
Ger; ecording, to eqpnt dis&veri", it -initf�
ould bd. ln-��
�4o��26 of, that %. .,
ur t' b' bl , o�e, �.It la not surbrising og�tfier the,'couri rY
u an' nation, all rioi was teffettedv he In, pt ,,Jhe Wilt' th
fertea wMa the worst,fdrih6f ;rCA dow%i long ap., 'Aow "O=, -he, ttll lhenioM 081r& to d01114111te'", =n in prehi5b6rio- llghels� al.j f1jai W40 ltjle�!A CL
IL hlair,;4�
om�ilyf withoft any .0auge - 01 P& "And not-Iling that- I eau
rn obipet t,,) jbjb,,t.�
Tbb tid tavo le toperu§ condition ois, true ut for th � ago
isbed ttoe. inttalia 44 0' Vrelich' Uf'tll 6=4 jje6t U80 eof. and h� 4ell.
0 GlIontly Fiinoe p vVhwh the `ft% fion� the he. Young, =Otliek 7 r
'0 Arellwolo * Ap, whefi .-eploring 'a to bet.,,- elea�jjn Ills, V
thd , enillg, to'. u 9
foreignora 'A lie, 1 kn�� -forap.s. 0a* 4i4�k
lol. TV ae'thle unnd'deP69:16o fpub'4d
by the 0 t sonvia ehiall knd tWO WO very�wejl Wo the trufli, y4ill are JA61-1. dle' aid tb the. tab' rato, ot oeeA 49 t1W4 to th# no used 4 to doorlit, 't%n of Qu#enj, -vith, tile
wero 66 1% 4� nio poor an*tjjor;4,4 yall The utiluft
0*,riett 4u%4 6!" u6 -a-is V6,rAV,#, to gpn, Al; our an( - f Uumia, ."d
fli V'huS M(C
48 t i ro" prk W. IAg earneAlzr q*dmell df.,tho Mod htflp, woul(I'llavo, h1a eo=0 and 10td). pf.
of an t*hi anti ZiV6 to �mporor Williaut told Von 7011, laii, I
borses ivoo 1:11b, 61d Ito criil, g4, -t dowh: at fillall , from tatly Among other. are voli dos nrt Nviint io Vhy, 'Volt ?PLj6jnj no
4 that I ted % 6114r4b I
e[16 Nil too, odlf# have Ad 1,�&o Vilo IA. tho
Mbw- far. 4way as $ov burial all tllq
ivo nFrederick dom
At oz'40 *194L�07 thoucand vfp-r. rout
WAild'AA. -.Vu A& d1l, the WV 1011 that (boy I", I
r . 1)
6% atl ju�0 Olon he thd it of.patig vidn iw�to as quick to
ed ttDaLfO.W�&6r.."AmPlia, Olt) 'of.WC
at lab
-P .04111 gob fd l 9,004 4u, 0 op �pt ftrinr4bg, W, Tha ldzter a, Man i5, 'the alaid-nt 4py t. �*o Aj, r