HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-18, Page 5* • •
liture4ay, gare,1 't§tS
• 'Second- 11:Vea Of
Sale •
Men' s Suits, of Fancy Scetch
"tweed, $10.00 fer $6.05. 1n8 -
u flue broWn tiveeda, $12
for*' $. Also in other kinds
of fancy Suits, 12,-14 and .$0,
atitreat Tedtictions.
0 »
Men's OVerioate,' in all colors
and qualitiee, 25%. lewer than ,
the regular price, -
MAO'$ bt�ck benvor alien coats
with otter collars, ,pluen lined,
regulat price $15,, sale $1'0,45;
A new line of fine Shirts just
.nerived,all Isinds.of' ALM
viers, with celor and tie of the'
aeon° .goOds,
Arse a range of flee Shirts
made of fine 'Scotch Flannel,
Fancy and Staple
Dry Goods' at story low prices as
-Meptiened its last week's "Ado
• .
Eighth gon.t Kinloss
-Monday% March lOtih
• Miss Nellie Trainee had a gailties bee
2i:Q0 Rutledge (Tent Tuesday eveniao
at Thos. liarris's
Miss I,•isx' le Yehng ePerit Monday
with friends jn Teeswater.
• 31,10;'Cinte. Congram Spent an after-
this week with Mrs, Thos.; Hods,
Alex. Harrisand Miss Susie, Ilarris
visited with triads in Bery*ie on Wed-
nesday. , • *
A number from here attended" UM,
. Win Culbert% wood bee anti party on
A few from here attended. the
of the late John Robb, of Amberley, cn
'Ineeday, • '
Mehl* n Irwin and the Misses Young
and tleury spent aa evening this week
A a
-Rottrood attended the pany .Charlid
...u.Mber of the yoan.,gpeople of
'Wall's. on Thursday evening. '
s,Mr- and Niro. Win. Cengram, inters
tareedever thirty of their relatives to as
party on Thursday.evenieg in honor, of
their conein;Pigh- Scott, before his
departure for the NIteet:' • •
. we hear that the Holyrood Women's
Xnstitate intend is holding a reception
nett month for all ite members, and that
the ladies, have the privilege of inviting
a gentleman. We hope that one of the
Young ladies will not forget the seribe.
ths Wass. .
is notto be cured,
by harsh purge-
tives; they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For a gentle.
but sure laxative 11 Ile
Chamberlain's ilitOmach
and Liver Tablets. They
stir up the liver, tone t
nerves ' and freshen the
stomach and bowels lust
lila an internal bath. o
- •
CiLiAm BtAf
)( 9
,„WoMan's lest friend.
From girlhood to old age,
these little rad health re••••
_storeys...am an.. unfailing
ihide to anactiveliverand
a clean, healthy. normal
.•-ertorreach..- 'Take -s
' Chamberlain's Stomach
Tablet at night and the
,our stomach and fer-
mentation, and the
headache, have all
gone by morning.
All druggiets, 25e.,
or by mail from ,
Chamberlain Medicine
coneany, T010010 12'
-Tuesday, March 16th,
'George Brooks. lest his, driver.
• Alex. MacTavish was in Kincardine
on Saturday. ' •
Mrs. Borden vitiated relatives in Kin-
cardine last week,
Oliver Wilson spent a few days with
friends a. London:
Miss Gladys Wilkinson, of Ripley,
had charge cf the topic at League here
last -week. The subject, "The Ideat
Church', was, w,eil handled,
The members of Olivst Epworth
:League spent Monday eveuing with
tucknoW Methodist League. Olivet
League .furnished the progra,mine.tQr
the evening and latekirevy League 80.11,Y -
ed refreshments' •
.127490 NitOT 4.17GrlIA.
.41nsizbit: Tale Is Now 'Unfolded te
the•Effeet That a Devoted Doable
of the Emperor Gave Ilbuielt
Up and Died on St. ilotensi,44.-
Poleon lthoselt pied row)*
SCP21, IVIN Saida .
Every student: of '-Napoleon la
ready le declare, On oatli that the
erapertir died on Max 5th, 3$21,s1n
his narrow chamber at •LougWood.
St. • Helena. A storm. via .retllua
over the. Mond prisons and on ita
winks; motterinq "Frauee--Arv-"=,,
Head of the, Army----310sephiner the
Most dazzling genius of the modern
world passed out of Met •To .this
history posterity hoe adhered: •
We bnye euother and far Stranger
oue. to 'Unfold. - • •
'Napoleon: died, .n0 at t. Helena*
but, in Auetries H. -died, noViithis
• bed., with the faithful reMiallUt
his followers beside him, but mbot. by
• an Austrian sentry. ^ He .died, net as
Napoleon;,:but as 811: 0113011Xe refittlee
front! XtalYss. ••
licis"Ccan we make good talo so
extraordinary? •".s•
Napoleon had a double. ' This dou-
ble,, bis very image, had"More than
once been employed by the
to pose: for him in one ittuatiOn or
another; sometimes to test the truth
of some new story of 'plot against
tho great man's lite,-pioto more
numprons_inan. history, in the main,,
is aware of. •Tis the imperial Tslitilice
the double was known tooth by -sight
and fry naine, thouglilthceirlfiWtaot
always, Of course, in. tlge,secret of his
comings and goings. '
Well, the day Cornea when, 'after
Waterlbo,--and the, drums of the Old
Guard .have .rolled the dirge of the.
last mareti • of the het army of Na-
poleon -the fallen emperor, the cuP
finally' at his lips; intuit Bail, an exile,
• to the rock in the Atlantic. But he
,-iloes not sant -It ie.the devoted dou-
ble who gives Minitel! 'In. charge to
()attain Maitland of the Bellerophon •
(the Buny Rattan : of the sailor-:
Man); the double who settles .down
with. Bertrand, Mtintholon, Las Cases,
to the ,appalling 'dreariness of $t.,
nolena.' _ ;
And Napeleon? What' becOmea. of ,
hini? Napoleon, more or leas Irene -
formed in style and apPearanee,
ivithdraivs.secretly to Florence. In
r lorence he inireb,ases the shop and
Imo warm" seminal;
• War Pept. horse buyers Were in
Bruseela one day losit Week and secured
17 horses.
The Zurich Flax Mill Co. has sold
its mill and farce land to Herdman
Eros. the consideration hoinif 118,090.
The el., bad been operating :the mill
for 20 rani,
Mrs. 11,..Ttsalter, of Iltillett, announ-
ces the engagement of her daughter,
babel's. "Prances; to Mr. John Leonard
Ileard,„ of Stanley, the marr'ittge to
take place the end,ef March.
Mr, and hfors. Alexander Davidson,
iSf Sea:forth* reetin,blY -celebratetrtlie
diamond anniversary of their marriage.
The couple 'are aged $a and 77 respec-
tively, and both are still quite' active..
The'special lax.to be Jailed by the
Ontario Government on Municipal as
Memento, accertliiig to •the Cleik of
Clinton, .will amount to, 4684- to that
town. In Brussels it will be .10100.on
, .
r -0-110tici'ands-
forthwith enters on the mt extra!'
.itlE BATTLEFIELDS ordinary phase of the ra •extraor-
v dinary career inEurope. e gains
The above is the title -given a Ipicture !lir esteem of the neig. ors. The
that will for many years to •conie be a sguise of the Man of ‘ De tiny must
highly prized treasure. It is a photo- have lacked something, f -they per-
• grap c repr uc on s g , ,
bd ti the ;32 000
men Of Canada's first. contingent break-
" Purple 7,Grove ing carop.and on the, -march to joie the
•• Continental for.ces. It shows Irides and
• ., . , miles of the white tents and the, march-
-Wedeesday, Maid' 17th: ing.men, • It is a most inepiring sight.
Mrand Mrs 11n Loganspent-
Sun : frhe size' la 20 * ',4d_ inches.' altireadY for
. ..'.e'
'day at Jas Hodgins, Kinlooghs framicg: This piettire is .sure w be a
. - . _b .ilte ,pepnlass,pouveniesetsthe War a.s far as
' - 'Bs 1 ° 1-1"18itmil .ers'i 1., (*nada is concerned', aed will be in great
MYS.,Frank •Funston, at•Pine River demand,' It is owned by The Family
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson enter- Herald and Weekly Star, of 'Montreal,
tosiined a number of, friends last Thursand a copy is beiug presented to All sub-,
day evening.. • ' ' scribers to that great national weekly
. Miss Sadie Pollock his gone ts Mild- newspaper, The Family Herald, Mon-
• a -lay, and, Miss Nina Blackwell to Shake- treal, whOse subscription ,ot one dollarn
speare,• for the millinery seasen. • .• year is received frent this date for a
1. Mr. Cleve 'Hill has returned home limited period.•
after a. three months visit with due
breather,. &lion Hill, at Cobalt, New
• Ontario. ' • •
•• • West Wawanosla, Mach 2
- Gonna -met -on--Aboye date, as
adjournent. Members were anpresent,
Reeve Murray presiding. Minutes -el
(Iiitended for last week)
• •
" Tom Palmer is home from -Underwood
fOra few. days. .
Miss Annie Bron is spending A few
days-mstowal..at3 on! .
Mr. Tom Bay has gotie to Hudson,
Mich., to visit his sister, Mrs. C. Morse.
Miss Gladys Perrin has returned home
• after spending Week at Mr. John Wal• -
den's. '
Missestlorothy Sawyer and 3,492111
• Mullen were ,visitorsat John
on,Sunday. • •
Meirld Mrs. 0._ H.- Wray . and . Wit-)
- children, of Govan, Sask., are visiting_
the lattees mother, Mrs. Geo. Blair.
Strength Past
'Fifty Yeari
can be maintained by
adapting the right norms
ment, and lialMit's
food in Scoit's. Emulsion
has strengtgoned thousands of men
and women to continue their work
and usefulness for many years.
----ScottisEnialsion-is a load,a_Med1-
dna and a tonic to keep 'the
blood rich; aveld" rheurneirsin-
an thWart nervous conditions.
It ee from injurious acids
rM armful dnigs. Thelest
„Phys. c • na prescribe it. 14-5e
1.,1CCWNF 0110.4r., 're,/ • IN
last meeting Were read and confirmed on
onottoki by Naylor and Mallough. •
• Financial statement WitS read by
treastirer; Showing balance on o
4213,88. Thisreport was' flied es,teo.on _Napoleon,
and -sound Of the boy, had. stolen. to
ceived in him, a notable , keneSs' to
Napoleon, and farailiarIY ; bestowed
on him that nam.e Which ild .shaken
empires. Then, one day, on a .sud-
den, Signor "Napoleone," optician, •
.disappeared. 'The little hop' was
closed and shuttered; the drirsalan-
, so curiously resembling the vietteof
Atsterlits, the ylctim of Waterlt,
OM lbnger stood-. bedind his cOunt r ,
tT- gossiped in diis 'doorway; FlOrence,
in brief, beheld him no more.
I To the new It fog of France, how7
over, Signor "Napoleone." before de- !
parture, had „addressed a fetter, the
contents' of which filtered sortithow
from the throne; and to buy the et- .
Vince of those persons who had be-
corae aware of. this missive Louis
%VIM' distributhd - among theM a
large sem of money. Almott in the
same hour a small and rather ,corpn-
lent. individual, fifty years of* age or
thereabouts, 1$1 fired at and killed by
a soldier of the', Emperor Of Austria
while attempting to scale a *allot
the .park Of Sehoenbrinn. It was at
Schoenbrunn;* readers win remem-
•ber, that Napoleon's son and. hope,
the gentle young Duke of nefebstadt,
languished -neglected by his. care-
leini *tiler, Marie 14ouise-4n the
raonit wretched always Inning for sig
hed of. gilded Cantkvities;
• Mr ancillfra Wm. EVang1.4 Sto:O:„
tkey•ToWnship,,!'-anniiuneo the 'arigagesr
ment-bt their daughterelda 'Victoria;
Co Mr. janies Alexander CESPergh of
Toronto; the marriage to thkel-Placo
early in April. , , •
Mr, A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., for
West Hurcin,' addres.sed the _students
in the Contrnerce and Finance Club of
sthe Virlyersity of Torsonto, on the On-
tario budget one evening laet week.-
Innolear and able manner be putlisi-
eJ the means and ways by which On
tario secured its revenue.
Members of the, Clinten Patriotic
•Society are preparing to bold an "Old
Rubber Day" the first Friday in April.
They ask- that folk deliver to them all
.their old rubbers on tbat date, instead
of °theta ise disposing of them. • The
rubbers will be aold andAtie proceeds
added to the Patriotic fund.
Business men of Dungannon held, a
waiting hist Week with a view to pro-
viding for the travelling
pui 1 c. Since the destruction Of the
hotel by tire a few weeks ago. want of
accommodation of this kind has been
inuth felt and it th.4_,-some
joint action' by.the citizens isnecossary..
' •
--- • - . _sSelroeirbritlintsto--see--him
f°, 777^M • ••-.7 '
• Tuesday, Marchl Oth.
The. farmers of this 'burg are hney
tnakieg Maple syrup. •
3ii`ia5 Campbell vleiting %liar
Mrs. jfe.,oh Ilanter, at present.
Mr., and Afro, Robt. • Henry visited'
friends in this vicinity on Monday '1244.
MOW& Chambers and Soo gebn who
Itmeat a 'week visiting friends here, ;save
returned to their home in Tiverton.
°Whig to the ennditiert of the roads
the Congregation, meeting which Was
held in this church on Friday afternoola
wassinat as largely attended as .it Might
have been. ' - •
Oa Tuesday evening of last weelr the
members of Zion League entertained the
Blake's League in the halt, A short
program in the fore part of the -evening,
*ae•well received, and the remainder of
of the evening was passed in games after
Which Wick was served, and all return-
ed home feeling quite satisfied that
• very enjoyable evening had been, spent.
Wes-Madinger, :wife aad 0676..041as
ren, of Zurich; started last week for a
town in Northern' Michigantovisit a
sick relative, but at Port Huron,
,emigration officials refused them 'ad
mission to the country, and they had
to retura -home. They were allowed
half their railway fare from Zurich -to
Pert Huroni .
A quiet wedding was solemoized at
St;Ttionias Church rectory, Seaforth,
on, March 12, when Miss Bessie, the
deughter Mrs. 'Hebert' Mcfilroy,„ of
c_Killop, was united in rnarriake to
Mr. ,John Gordon, Of hicKillOp. The
ceremony was perfornied by Rev. sr.
El BrOwn at 3 o'clock, after which a
receptiOn was held at the bride's home.
The American Road Maiddrie Com-
pany of GodoriCh, have conpleted their
contract' with the Donaimen Govern-
ment for the manufseture of one hulls
dred, wagons for the use of the third
Canadian contingent. The whole 110.
wagons weroehipped in theknockdovin
condition and'eaccupied 12 freight cars,
going by the G.T.R. direct to Halifase,
SlegotAL AUDIT.-Wingham has been
having. a special 'audit of the town
accounts Joy. ',a professional auditor
from Hanthon., •A meeting of the
ratepayertWas held in the town ••hill,
test Friday night to hear the auditor's
tot Ek. 14, ()on. 8, be changed from Not Unnatufally;"theTrittitirsof- the
Letter froth Jacob Reid, asjnog that
S. 8, No. -3 to S. S. No. 13. Motion by
Naylor and Murray that the -clerk -notify
trustees of SS. NO. 3 of Mr. Reid's. re
quest,. ab30 suggest that they call a ,pub-
aic _meeting.:„of-ratcpa..yers „to try. and
adjust this matter in a W'aithat will be
•satisfactory to all parties. • .
- Trees,- Thompson aiked .for payment.
of $20 due to D. D. -P: Assn. tor court
loom aeedninitulatteis -Motion by Nay-
lor and Piirdon that thisaccountle paid
and -that. clerk write secretaiy of D. D. P.
Asap, asking that an effort jais._ by
o par ies T•mtterlytimr--.-
lora: better -understand,'
shall have in the future. Carried., Thise 'Minsk 'lila' not, Until
sentry's 'bellet made shine stir at,the
French Embassy. Not, unnaturally,
the Embassy decided to say nothing
whatever on the subject. There is
Yeta little to relate. The civil. regis-
ters of the village in Lorraine where
-Monday, Matchl5the
.clibScin dillesPie has been elittifig
wood witiehie Steam outfit le this neighs
borhood the past week, • • '
The Langeide schoor•bas been closed
for a few days on account of the . illne3s
of Miss Reid; the teacher., She hi Buffos. I
ing from a severe cold, ,
A nuither from Langside attended the
Literary Sodety meeting, at St, Helens
Friday evening Of kierweek:- As4015iste- •
formed a big feature of 'the eizenieg's
prOgrain 'Which" war Very entertaining'
throughout.• q
Monday, March 15.
Mrs. W. J has* retureeds, io her
home here after spending last week"witli
Mrs. Ashley Blair, Lucknori:'
"Nibs Etheland Shiers whci has Charge
of Mies McIver's !Millinery, Parlors kin.
Kiecardine,-ipent the 'week.end at her
twine here. ' •
. - •
Miss Jessie McFadgen of Winnipeg,
hai just ,returned from attending tke
millinery openings in Toronto, and will
announce her opening date later, her
Parlors are one door west of the 0.
MeGaViii-Mantoshrof South -Porch;
pine; arrived. here-Sathrday to Join -Mrs,
McIntosh, who has been -here for several
.weeks. They are the guests of the lat-
• tees parents, Mr.and Mrs. A. Shier. '
A misaionary "At Home" will be held
in•the Baptist church on-ThUrs., March
18t1t,Rat 3.15 p.m. A. Hindu Widow
will be impersonated and other interest-'
ing items are on the program. Reffesh-
meats will be served. An offering will
• he taken for the. missions.
Dr..a.--EIn Vancouver, Mrs.'
•McIntoili (nee -Mars; MeDiardid) ,aged
92. "Her work on earth has ended, her
joysin heaven6begun." Mrs. McIntosh
lived id Tiverton .for very many years
ber of friends here. She Wad a member
of the Baptist Church.
number were present-T-1nd the auditor
end town council had a livelY tins°
-answering the questions propounded
by the -ratepayers. Among the ques-
tions salted Was.: "Did you find in your
suspicion of wrong • „
the , emperees . double -was. born .carry investiPtiOns anY esrs. reter ssanteloalres' (tossed of
GodErich loWnship
, -Monday. MarCia 15*.
' Miss A. Steepe, of the 9th Con.,
visiting friends in Toronto..
- Miss Dora Balkh, of Zurich spent last
week with her -cousin, Mr. F. Sterling.
• Mrs. Wm Perdue is spending a. few
days at tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Geos
Harold Cantelonsof Stratford Normal,
spent part of last week at the home of
Mr. Bert Cooper, of Goderich„ speat
the week.-endswith his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. A. Ceoper. ' •
MeAtnd Mrs. ftellt )-71:trigg-Orthse-
9th Con., visited with Mr- and Mrs.
Stevenson, of Goderich, lately.
, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. ,GraY are
spending a few days wIth the forniees
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gray.
the following legend: (Tied, at tilt.• doing on the part: -a iOlnril .01fiCialSr. ".
suer farm on the 7th -Con. to r. Bond,
Relena,", and the ' date Is preelitelY Arid the answer was . emphatically. of Goderich. The farm consists of SO
that the- _death of Napoleen, Lot 4/sjo, The bung) of sow_ smegetasiksy ,
acres and -is . coosideresione_of_ the beet_
It be added that an. English ladr of in accounts Was accounted for by the farms in the vicinity-__ We _congratulste
the aristocratic world, received
In saitiquitte-dssystena of -bookkeeping and -Mr: Bond -on-having:--secered such. an
audience at. St. Helena by the der
throaed monarch of Europe (tO, Oa auditor recommended an entirely excellent.farin; '
Geo. Holland' 'Who recently sirlieposi
whom, in. hislmperial daYtiaTabW had Ow mum; •• -- - ,- •
Awn -presented sets the Tuileriera, .
protested, formally that sh.e failed
tos.to what lights West waiiianosh .ilitonitlitlio.vrifrielivtho-prisoner- of -Sir
ing-mge in Europe has It
direct grant for .drainage purpose& IS ever seen t e g . a
• •
• _ oronto-
itexcelled Service .
Ingitest Llaas of rrtTidpnt---
. Whiter Tours
to catitornia, Florida and
Sunny Saiith
Tralint..-41tele of liontet
. •UP& Vireo lioW lit lifted..
pkttiettino colonit G.
Tleket AActits Or Vtrite„, "
, C41. tnt
Dist ViiO4k14 *t; TOrotito,
AineWptioltett On
AgtiAtt 10#40
:Mr. ,Musgrove, M. P. P., 'writes 'from been. printed•in English, and in only
Toronte-undet dateof 1W-1-9that ane °tiler Ian°
.(were he sun araong us) fop:the pen
— •
h ht t inibject
SeLm-The -Lebow of- ht8.-Pr.°116ttYsat-RohneavAlesixa-s-Plu's
'chased the old -Weir -fit in on -t
farm on. the- hayfield „Roads a,
south of Clinton, has .changed hands,
tile purchaser being George Holland,
of Holmesville. The farm contains
238 litres tindshas long-been,:regarded
as one of the very 'best in t•lie district.
The purchase price Was 8,15,000.00.
Thirty-seven years ago -this faini Was
e lay
road is milesionth-of-, tro. iii -the
Lebeau, Bros, The farms.consiste of.
about 238:acres and is considered one Of
le best in the district.: The purch 'se
price -was --$15;0011-,- -Holland gets
possession next fall. - •
'We wish to thank- our
many, Customers „f o r
their patronage during,
our. Sale..
Isi~olosoolaSpoleeneall,"!a,pro. linftsle00.10*-0'
pring Goods
We have just' pl4ced. Oa our shelve -g several lines of
new Spring Goods. The Spring ?eel in the air
New Shoes will , be in demand. if you are--
, • •
thinking of buying a new 'pair of shoes, Il in and
let' us show you our New Mode1-6,, we feel sure:they
will please you, we have thein in, Patent' . Button
and Blucher with. Cloth top and Dull . Kid, top.
• Prices at .;.50 ,and
• ,•
peCiaL1 rides-tim tadieS, Shoos
We are pfferink several ' .of.: Ladies" Patent
Button and Blucher. with Clo,iti top' and ".1 Mat. Kid •
tops, regularprice.3.5o and $4.90. •
. Clearing out Wc $2,75.
These are up,to-date ti-oods. .
• '.
t .4
Lt/C11140W, OP1T.
• A Square Shbe Deal for E‘'rerybody.
torwirseeksose4~100.944% ultireabspioli.000;o4tpookt)
months, has been engaged with *ZIA,
-Brown, has returned to his home oil the
• Btb. Con.
Casancest.---LIn Culross, on !,i.aroh. 19,
1.915, to Mr. and Mrs.- Alex; :Inn-
eron, Jr, a daughter, '
' • ' Luiross Centre •
. • 1 Mondays March 15.
Hoard Virhytobh and Misb L. colviu
Sundayed at T. McDonald's. •
• Mr. A. Cameron, 4th. con., has rented
his farm td Mr. M.. Moyer for gnus pur:
poses. 1
Mr. F. Hughes of London, spent the
week end a.t., the home of . Mr, John
Keith.• • •
Reidy Simpson has- returned s home,
after speeding a week with • Wisgham
friends. s • '
• Mr."and---Mrse-Joe. Dickenso'u, .-8th.
con., visited at the home of W. Daysi
• •
Mr. Joe • McKague has purchased a
fine foorsyeazold• colt froin John
Leedsnear Liicknow.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Pitmen,. e•n. 10,
Kinloss, spent Sunday at the home of
Walter Riehardsdp, sr. • .
. _
Mrs. A. Stanley has returned to her
home at Kinloss, after .7sspending a few
days with friends -here..
F.. G. 'Moffatt has rented Wfiss- Macs
-XeneeTri grass Janie otherwiie"15-i
as the McDougall farm. •
un ay st. - •
. Mrs, • Walter Day spent • Thersouy - of
Kenzie,astweekwith:her mother Mrs
-10th Con Kinloss.
Mies Campbell Of Viralktiten, .stay-
ing with Mrs. Win. McKeiiie,'"olis. is
,nvireisthintproving. as quickly as her f sends
being considered andthatthe teceesarY of os elder ,Dumas, who gore us the - Joo., Allan, who for the oast several
ittrukir t overm, t fas niating of all histories of
ment 57,3ofthe Young Drain prope- th_, Mn n e ron tori
ght sold by the owner, George ton,
' there is not a sword of truth In it!
sflj0nMr. Garrow Writes from Gederich in This inost inysterious narrative. e tuessrh.. Graham sand Wiliam Weir at
behalf of his clients to the effeet teat in. Signor: "Napoleone," • optiCian of 480 an acre -and Mr. Weir subsequent
Na br bought an additional eight acres for
UL 0 fi Il a in Florence, • and • the 'Eniperor
the event o ouncii na y, p se g ,
dies ernitinste ly for li El aster on
eitectto His Honor Judge eltOyle's find- 'tile oci In they AtiasaiN• /me- rthe late -"Ski" 8Mith And at .his
death it passed into the hands Of
Inga,sheaVill inoire.to„quaslis.
and J. --Leteau,-
take such other steps by inandamils ot
both ex
OtherViSes AB may be. advisable in the periented and capable farmers who
interests of his clients. Motion by Nay remain on the place Anita next fiat'.
lor and Johnston that this -letter bo laid
on the table. Carried.
Mr. Boyle waited on Council asking a
f i
$700. Mr: Weir disposed of the farm
th ttached double, who
Young's Drain 13y -jaw without giving poleon s r er
"di -romantic enooghsfor -the Meat dinaes .
inativo pen that everyethas sought.
to transinute fable lute fact. But
there is .fte least ene, question to
which, we fancy, the majority' of
readers tin lower: Who,
then, wrote the IllVfemorials. of *St.
nelene-4-Napoleon's testimony to
mankind? Was it the werk of hill
grant towards the building , .a
fence- opposite' lot 21, con. 5. Mr. Nide
reported that Mr. Finnigan had agreed
to remove his good rail fence and bnild
a Wireienee,•providing.interested parties
Would furnish the wire for new fence;
Motion by Johnston and Naylor that
Council aniline 700- of cosi of an eight -
strand fence. Carried. '
By-law No. 2, 1915, was read a third
time and paitsed, confirming appoint
inente*Ot.pathmastere; dotindkeepers and
o orn-1-1—fErtiett"Lng;--ibo
By-law No. 3 iMpoWeling reeve and
treasurer to get line of credit for year
1015. •
• ACOOlnitS to the amount, of 389,60
weie passed and paid on motion by Mai.
lough and Johnston.
Council adjourned to meet at deli of
.1 • Wemootowormsoi
Birds` In 'Winter.
. .
Teough birds have a much 'higher'
P temperature than a tran's•-roan's is
98, while theirs is 107 --they suffer
cruelly from the winter . cold. In it
rallttOn COtlittry it is not Uncoil -anion
te find sheep with dead birds fasten-
ed on their backs. The little, cold
ereatures tantiggie in the kheep'eswool
to get- Warm, their feet bedeine en.
,tinesleo in the tleece, and thOrstarit
to death,
- 4
--Monday, March 15.
Chas. O'Connor lost a valimble horse
last week.
.Mrs: of quineyi Mass.,
is visiting 1riend here.
Miss VrAtila d'OotinOr paid a flying
ttip'te tinclorinh lant w6e1t.
Wallov, and 1;01 ItcAdarn. lett
lot We. ;or Viestmt Carada.
Uri 'and Mn.aw1/4, 8044 0$
CiotivIshi spot *t00% totf bg
The Walkoton Times tella the follrW-
ing.storYi ."Samuel balupbell, of Ches.
ley, sued Geo. Rosewell;•of Mildmay, at
the Division Court 'fere recently, for
$11.60 which the plaintiff claimed Bose.
Well owed him in .wages. The latter,'
however; -disputed- the clainasaifddefend
ed the action in court. After hearing the
evidence, IndgeXlein returned it verdict
in fayor of ,the plaintiff for $4.70, to
/ether withrts of $6.95, making a
total* ass'ess ient-agailist lteriietifell of
$11.65, As Supbell got stuck in, A snow-
drift corning front Cliesley and arrived
here too late for the first bearing of the
case which WM set for February last, Ile
was mulcted for the costs of the firet ac-
tion which amounted to $5.7, and at he
was only allowed I y the gond $4,70 in
svpsifes, helms out $1.00 by, the suit,
While Resevrell,juet Paid into court 5
cents more than the onginal claim Called
for. . As both had lawYers engaged hud'
voonid require to pay for ' their services,
berfh are lorobablynobsideraiq mom by
tian OROlvhad aleitaih;o4tion of
gneWing„ tbSt the other (441,0* didn't
kt00 tt) !Ow 0111/4
--Monday, March 15..
Jas. teete made a business trip, to
Preston ,laSt week. •
, Miss VelmVilkie is recovenniter
e serious illness.
•,-Mies-Citristine Nesbit spent the week-
end under the parental roof.
Mrs. Bert Gray ia Visiting lier is^ s'ata,,
'Mr. and Alex.Henry.• -
We are sorry to hear that'Mrs. James
Wilkie is in very poor health. .•
. Miss •tIla; MeDonald is visitini.; her
coheir., Mrs. Albers Canipbell, •
Mr. and Mrs. Al Nesbitspenshion-
stlerafternoon Sam_.13rown's.
-Mrs. Jaa-Steele, sr., ieverY infiispos-
ed.:We-hope foe-a,speedy ,recoyery,
Mr and Mrs. Wes. Potter, of Potheil,
visited frienI; on the2nd on‘lrecluesday.
81T-'ssc,4e0.1oboinold_ancl:BEV: Aid
lyeierrieit-to friend, s- -near Bern- -lastr•-;
•- • • • ..... .
Mrs.' jaraei Iltirrigaiin *attended the 7 -
funeral of her brother, the • late, Mr. . • • .:
hb, . and has been visiting 6rk...4pd_.
smee •'
Do you- but fence because YOU, NEED IT? dr-,--to.tn'alre money for the
"middleman"? If yOu're looking foe "Number if -you, want -the B EST
-14C the-LC/WEST u
Not only because Mae, IrEtsVIV-WEAU.SsMitSt. Bat because-ferriz:lerl'irect- from -Itatioryin-with,
only a single small profit betWeen yoe and us.
Compare the 1 AGB Direct MOney-Saving Way with the usual.Pbtty through the Middlemen" Pl
Ivr..A.33n 1/1/4T. 0.41.N`A.X.Y.A.•
When you
81101VI PAGE
SITARS of the
-1(3°13°ou 3.8aavleayrou7;
h re Of tlio
Block MO.D'S
325O0share.of •Che
sm.tx4mtour 8 N. 42 1614 6, 6, 611' .6;_ 6, 6, 6... .... o-.
:\ 47 22 4. 7r8;fr4r9
8 sons Friona% Old Ni top naul bqttorh. Balance No.15.
entail** VI:m.110ga g inches or trt.!
80.31 ielrar, 48-ineh $0.46
itoOl• 1tt
-beta- noipht bicheo apt*, -of lorthooto10
37 . 22 8, 4, is, 10
• it 40. '22 64, 7, 8%, 9, 9
7 .40 • . 22 5, 3%, U7, 714, 8
7 48 • 22 S, 6%, 714, 9, 10, 10
• 8 ' 42 22 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6
s a let y.
Agent's or '
, Dealer's 20 per
cent to 33 or '
cent gpinin
ion. YOu (Wye
$-oui• share of
er's Hgtee Ex.
carotene to
Florida." .
• ••
4478 4122 1', 56, se. i,70/!'6,469.----
, • 48 16% 6, 6, 6, 6, 6; 6, 6 6
is 48 16,4 3, 3. 3. 4, W. .7* 7 7 * 8
911. 8522-N 1242i4 44: 44, 55.' 5531: 1rt: 97;i9
10 52 11 55 121/ 1:1:33,
New Ontario Prices on *quest. ALL sum No. 9 GAUGE
20. t•ar, .......... . .31
124, . Gate
.3i 13.ft. Cate .. ... . . ....... 4'.60
43 14-i 4.$8
• •.54+04.be1s 8 0
.34 25 Itn.11race Wire
'36 25 lbs.
, meow& IrAin ort ORDERS
OF tie.eo 1:nt OVER
When yoek
buy tondo
Any ether Way
you pay mem
than the fetui.
rcally Wort'.
Wham yea bn.;,'
1A0 K. yqu
Save inos I. I.!. •
''extra ea.d'ut
'Extra (lama"' ,
and Lifetim.
Serrieo at Le
• •••110t0Ve
$11Ping t*
.11014 in. GM t
Page Fen
acid get P_LT
Pon e e valu
for the inenuy„.
Ile01%,1 t /37 AVesti, Toriot
ra 871 yv