HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-11, Page 411.
Great Reductions
In all kinds 'of Men's
and LadiesApparel
%%Wit Utopia* Oifei4
%fete* Fur Cremate regular
$15. end 16.W will be sold
. $8.95
Moe* Spring Suite, beet tweeds,
'ropier price $10.00 for *6.25
lien's Worsted Suits, reg. 14.
and $15, , Sale prir,t.e.. 1.016
,A11 kind, of bop suitv., best.
roalte,. regular $6.00,, now $3.25
Shelter Flannel, reg. 121 end
10a., for ..101 end n Oats,
"laid rime gOoder.rei4 160. emd -
200,, ...Int cents.'
Prieto, regular 16,12i arid 10e.
9 Ana fiio.
"tinlixtiegt,,:reintler-Ille. and 160°.,
ter., ane.113/01,
•Men's. Top air* regular ,00ori
'mond $1, for .... 39 and, 69e,
Bleaehed Cotton, 'miller 10 and
The ftaiiroad itYyeralle, the writ
best make and Materral, will be
sold at reargmaide pried. AhlP
ISMocks ef the eame goods and
• LaMar* Handkerchiefe, 10 . for
'QAT. 4250,
veryday Aprone„ regular 26e.,
tor• • • • 114 R • :e • • 15%
• Tea ,Aprons, fancy made. reg.
26o., for. . • ... oo••• .15e.
Ladies' Pinnies of the finest
realm" may be worn as a dress,
reg. --600.- for, :T.. 1 • • • ,is.,145.
Be:vegan *ore ,
-Next door to J. G. Armstrong'S
Preg,;S.tOter- •
illtuknont *tunny!
Pidoliabad. truer Thunder saaelikag
at laiakaaw. Batavia.
11.4.0XANZI14. Pronlatoe
aad Mum
I !MOTOR 'Irallit t teAttED
I Tho tut that tho "Dada" has le.e..t Etery effort le hi:in; ir.zole by th
seized by a Freeeh cruiser AY/4 tiwit. Imotanner e to increase theli tint yea's 'ii
ship and cargo shall, in ill liklihopd, UA, put of toed, so that the world's abort4-
conficated, will be learned througholii may be met, and the departmeatef agel
British countries, with. eatisfection, , culture is, making a valiant and probabl
The. "Dacia" WAS a German -owned ',successful egortin it* advertleing can)
-- striwhiehehaneeditirtielt the-habeiar- *gale etie-every-agdeultilrt lir t
At Gabio--,-61-11, Texas, when war brOlia country tor do his very heat this year
out. She could not leave the harbour and is malting a weialty of lielang the,
Without belegeantured by the Biatisla to use more fertitiz.ora.: Yet, at the Eiln
' or French, and ' lie for Several menthe tin*, another department of the govern
she leyidle there., • • • ' ment Lae hit the farinera a hard blew. ,,,I
She Waft:then bought by: Mr, •,R. 1.1. •haa raised the duty on fertilizes ••t
Breitung of Michigan, for the sunk of seireo,and a half percent That b t
$16,000; 0114 registered as a. United say; it is taxing the material with which
State, ship. She was loaded ° with cot. the farmer,feeds his crops. it is, by this
ton to the value of $800,00 and started ; .act;•Adeling to the probabilitythat the
on. 4Toyage,to Itotterdam..Helland. land, ; on Which the intim °Kaneda, eh-
1 when- it was,44et reported that the .solutely depends, Will be Ieft without fer
elfin,' lied?' been old, by her GerMan. ;010% It is inciting the farmer to re
'oWners to an .American; 'the 43ritisk Old h.i!l*ItictAh4. year of it richness withou
French governients annondoed.that• the giving it any return, so making it les
ship *Quid be. oeized upon the ocean productive next year. Surely trap
and, if fottud to be still a Gerinenvessel,. not g004 bilS111000; There has be.en. Ji
, within the -law governing such intatter, the past altogether too MuClf or oli
'bold as a prize of war. ' . robbing of land, and we are going t
There can be no doubthut the whole pay dearly for it.; It is the most exeen
-affair of. the sale and the sailing of- the Rive kin4 OfTia-finitig; Toes. 14 othe
Pada was a- 1.P,1-4 arl j.,01.P .to create country putalinty on fertilizers? Th
trouble-betweenAliii-United States and United Strites heti long had the mos
Britain and France, ': . , . . exclusive tarriffs: in the world, 'but i
The pure:440'i ramie "Breiturig" is a pots no duty On fertilizers with whio
give away. Hale .a German -American, the farniereleed their greernd. In Au
rendly iii:.._Olet':12Mily., Ile' knew trali, 1: • I : I 01 : I • I t 1 . es th
that Britain and,France would seize tlie• phichaSe-' of fertilizers by offering:ix
Dacia if she eailed; but he eipeetediliat finance turners an th*'. purchase. T.,h,
ito-- Vnitod-Stikte_o i0110171111011.tYltight duty on fertilizets.was,,,beforethe enact.
undertake" to defend the American. ment.Of t4anew tariff, ten percent, pow
"owner,- itiktno doubt pro -German paPers, it is Seventeen and a; half, that late say
in the .-United States arc. accusing'. the it has ,been • increased by •Si!Serity-fiv
President and Secretary BO= for sleek. percent; The Ontario farmers . are ,coni
nese in the matter, and of being afraid plaining, of the. dutY. on , cottOnt,_;siest
to quarrel with the •Allies;',. . * meal. Surely this 1.9. another • ta*: on
, That the aeisnre Should' be made by Meat raising. , • ' -
-.11e.ii*Ch*Ii.(7„!:h!ln 'hY• ,th.q! British - '
was a good stroke of diplOniaei' . The,re'
is in the-Viiited States no element" of
:thepepulatien,hestile to_Fia,nce;',whilk:
AlbeAsBeli, Pr flolYrood, had a parti
so much cannot be said -''regarding „Brit; -
ale, • .ttnY controversy, therefOre- Which all.MaadaY evening:- •
• , . . .
may arise over °the "Dacia?' will ha4.6:
httle. pablin•syraptithy, in the 'Unitea
States. Besides the fate of the Park is
far more 'certain in a:French prize corm
thin it would be in n, British court,
France)** admitted that. shiPs
' From Gernakoy :14 Aukt‘ F
• thers Lae been no weird e .f tins
the ado of intoxieeono with a slew t..,
efficiency in the war. If no such step ie
takeu "John Barleycorn" Will yet prow
one of the wog. effective spate not gen-
erally counted areoriz the allks.
TAXING THE $011,,,,
• (Montreal "siVitues)
m• Wears Thera While °namable
Illsee He Can't Get Claim Halide.
While the surgeon's suet** depend*
io a large extent upon his fonds, they
are at the owe UMW a Wares et the
irreetest dearer to himself and hie Pi.
I dent.
No promo* nes yet hem • discofered
• which Makes at cortuin that a sur.
scores hada ere free from inieroliee
And Meupante of earrying infection to
- a patient This is why the. goodsur
teOU will not perform the *nest trivial
operation without liret Fovering his
band* with. PrePerlY sterilised gloves.
Y rraleliged eernhhing with 'soap end
" running water, Villowed hY another
illortnigh 'airoPhing •Br'from--Ift-toc;
, Per 'cent alcohol. removes Abe outer
laYerS of skin and baeteria and MOMS
telituo.u,d4ce ,of the., nap& audieleatlY
But Iherb atilV renmine the •danger
t• that man' microbes 'which OW con
.eeocardhe; loatttiehpabatiff•gtrnefivieccem;filtbtellobrarlease
to @urine° by perspiration and the
use of the .hands lin •bundling 1ust5u*
meta and. make Oh infection. of The
Wound posiible., practiciil eS.
04100 shwa that his dapger hi Ver7
,yet ita possibilltY, linifielent
usiness.and'Society Cards •
1011/tratITItaitstAND & SONG, ttd., Guelph;
Oat., !insurance, Mr. and Marine. -
HARVEY J.DINDS.A. I4neknow, Amit
- • for vatiouslinee of insurance, Fire and, idde
Virst class coMpanies guiaranteed. Only
-'resident agent in iiilldralOW of the London
Mutual. A number of. and „farm
Merin:100 for Rao!,
0.0. lo, Lucknow Lodge meets every' Friday
'Waning at 80' Cloak in their Nall,. Camp.
bell street. All brethren cordially invited,
Ofileersi-Noble Grand, Thom Watson; Vice
Grand, F. T. Armstrong:Treas., Alex. Ross.
Rea, 8e0., 11.B09d1 Pla.Sewt,Dr.Paet
---Ii.;47:78*.a.-aL.G G.-. oat tight -Lodi.) me-ets
every Tim's& night on or before be full
• nioon, in the aHall..Havelock.street-
Lnoknow. W. 1$1.,.'"A.• lliaoHonudd; S. W.,
D. Cameron; J. W., Ow Marlin; Secy.; 'W. A.
V.. Court Sherwood, No. 60, Luoknow,
moote every last Monday of the mouth in
in the Oddfalloivs' Hall. Visitiinirbrethern
cordiany invited to attend. Chief Ranger,
Geo. Potter, Roo. Sear:, Robt. Graham;
Fin. Secy, Robt. Johnston; %'reas. R.
,•to make ft undesirable,ever tooPerate-
:with the bare na ruit7Newlfort Mee
teen:: • •,, .
Feats Of the Arab Boys of Egypt, Who
• Ara 'Export 'Swimmer*, -
o Among the most expert of ewirathera
tb; 34,311,tii.)Pts- Egypt. Like all
Ai, 0e 6,7 y are ten4 Of Orspiernit"
„ their .shili before .strangers. Tble Is
how they 'sheet the repida of the Vile!
Seating theinselven; evitrlde a 100 coT
t wood atm* feet long and buoyant
enough to support them 'waist high out
;et water, the„y rldelt with. thespatprui.
„ • gesterea , Of 'a jockey and with bands
7.-alird feet keeri-trunnsht-wnh-theltu
) et the e r t. •
a The fall shot' with an ease and
grace that do 'away: with the ..V.O.Ps..e. ot
daoger one Would eztio4 to feel -a -See:
ing' a human being hurled aiong.arnid.
, such- tell and tiarmail Of waters.. but
o once. at the bottom the youngsters bait,'
a hard sttuggie to liadtice their "horses"
to turn out of the course, ,
.To do this. they avail themselves of .
the impetus •accniii,04 „hy the...10g, in its •
sheet; and, throwing themselves , fun,
• length neon. it; they seem, With a sud-
den .stroke frote.?,thit. left :leg and arm,
; to detre it -ape thelneelVen ent.tit
Eighth Ktoloiss'
Mr. and Vie: Max 'Maynard:. open
Monday with friends. the line... •
Mrs John Culbert and
with Kincardine friends this week..
Mr. and Mrs, ,Tames Rosa anent Mon-
day 'evening with. friends on the 10th„
A uuraberfrom here attendeclihe,sa',.e,
'longing tea country at war.Might besog • at efiihn- olwell'S, of the fah; On Thurs-
day. '
escapeSeIT; Alin item., and Ethel •.0.401( y.
,_4Ztire. has„.4adinitten.L _
that where it- hona, odc. sae could attended The Mies -Insfitatii"
' in Ilaphiy OR Wednesday.,
proved the sale might berecognized.and Mrs. Edward. Palmer ac -
That the "Dacia'shall belost to 'lief family, or Kincardine. sent over Stiedet
Michigan Owner a ..tertainti • It is with his sistert_Mrs;Ihoi„
• ,Mr. Haines and Misses Sarah an,
Nellie Ilaines attended the funeral e
his daughter, Mrs. Drehmati, of BayAeid
:A number from this vicinityattpnded
the•RiploIIigli School "At Heal& ks
Friday and ..pronounced It a decided
sircaese. ,
• .
THE ,, isiAlt-Mr* and41.11;;;ThEiiP1 Culbert
t,a,ined their friends and 'neighbors :at a
- party on ermetouy evening.
„ ,
after the declaration of war • and thUS-
said; however,: and it is liklely, that,
beforesailing, she was insured by
tiermany against seizure • -
A.G. U. W. Luoknew Lodge, No.r 107, meets Ttie, affair it but anotheri
' e.hibition
, setond 1%fonday oreattli month: in the, Odd: • -
fellows' Hall.
SectHester Worlanan,, Jafackitosh; . liac- of..perman oluinsiness oiPloniacy.
Diarmid_,- 'v, D.R.Ede. • • • •
Secit 4,F1430;Rottqr; Trees...Alex. Ross.
• 0..S.POWLER.'1,1 ix 5.; Office:up
stairs Button Block, Teeswater. Spec
dal attention to gold. plates, crowning and
"Iridffework. 3V,roxeter an(13rd.
Wednesday of cacb month; (iorrie
. 0,e A. NEWTON. D. D. 114 Dentist. &dee
Allin .Blook, Lucknow, Ont. . 'All modern
methods used.. Best mat,erisis furnished.
-Crown and Br1dgo*oirk, ,l'ainlesa extract::
.safeat ',remedy; ' SOMNOFORIL Newest
tiling In artificial teeth. Alumium platesd
non breakable
e First Step
Often Means -so niucli. It has
. Meant success to thousands .
-- yottng, people • who. our catalogue as. the -first .
step -toward -a- good Salarlett
day. ; Address Central Susi-
teas College, .395 ltonge St.,
" 1/,',SHAW„. • •
litliRATFORD,„ ONT..
thitarlows. Beet_ : • _
• : PagtiCat- - -
4. I
htve therougheourseannd
• *experienced ..instructors eath
ottr_three _departments, Com-
atifticrap, Sit 0 ititHAN AND
Tat,aorraerry. our graduates
Shedeetl and you should ftet out.
• large free catalogue. Write for
it at mice,• ,
D. A. liiiciAGIll4ANI Principal'
Cream Wanted
'Hatfint.an up-to,date Creamery'
in full operation, we solicit your
-petrotiage,,.--We-nre°7prepared to
pay the higliett marliet prices for
good cream, And give you an lam.
eltbusinesa. tireighingi 44thwing
and testing ends can of eream
eeived esirefally and returning a
ton ststottiout game theit
patron. Vie:furnish two ottuit to,
eich patron, pay' expreel
eharge4Rtal 'pity every two -weeks.
Write lor further eartiettlits or
Sad for cane' and give ha a trial.
The SeaNtlit Creamery Co.
Nilo* oil. •
E Pie formal opening of the new
Presbyterian Church at Brussels will
ne held Qla Basbar Swarlay.
The: tisposita faeireve in the'
banli4 of Ontario ai'D e5t11104tc Itgt
total 0110 h4114r014 million 4,hinara.
'Buyers of army horsei Seaforth
last week made only.eix purchases out
of many horses offered. They paid
from *100 to 0175 for those bought
Mr. mid Mrs. Archibald Clark, of
Walton announce the engagement. of
their daughtery Agues to Armour
11. Dundee, Of MeKillop, ina
riage lake -Pike ILIKarett-L.,
?Ir. and aro. liohert Colelorigh, of
Clinton, announce the engagement et.
their claughterpliaggie Edna, to flee
Uslie Hanley, Sou of Me, and 21r.
Robb, .Hanley, Goderich tewriship, tbe
'marriage to take place during '
Stranded on Corica Island • at Alin
sou*. end of Lahti Anion. are three'
ieeburgs, at Ieast. 35 feet in height,
:This is something out of the! .ordinary
for Lake 'Huron, . and: the beret are
the largest that have been seen in the,
hike in,na:iny Tiara, ' •
G. .7;4, Sutherland, whe.,, has:bei
pe,stroaster „at Hensall. for the .pat,r
thirty'. seyceri year, ',ve -told( :the
mitil froth the first train into. Whig
hank has now retired. His successor,
Thomas Murdock, took. his place en
Monday, March lat. :
At &recent Meeting. of the West
Wawanosh Mutual Fire, Ins. to„ pol-
iityThoidersere given -.pernrissien to,
ksep en- the pronises: 00 galloon. ef
coal oil instead of rui- foranetly„ The
change made beeause farmers have
tat en to buying oil by tho'barrel Iot
The'.'viliag,e of Blyth is now *Without
a 13akery. Mr. Helliman sir .n hid
eloied !up. on account'of the high pike.
of flour and. from tbe'fact that a num-
ber of other businesi„.:pItees-..10, -town
'tiell-hread Mak! bf.reirtaide
• •
ItarorratiT 1317 t li
telepheno ti3.4,ern is now doing the long
distance work for the Bell Company.
and as result the town of Crnton
had added ITO rural. pliones. to their
already large iist of subsoriberst, The
Blyth Company have a :large number'
of itbscrib0rs in." _Hallett Township
qu ite.-aki.iwie the Uliiit-011;7104
the Board of Trade has been trying
for • Scone. time to secure -connection
With -these people, but the ''Bell Tele-
pbone'eompany l'efused .to 014'7
connection until the railway board had
'given an order. regarding it, This
order has. now been- pasted, and ar-
rangements Made. for • the ema nectitu a
to be unide at Blyth. - : •
FlgeOGRAGE.. Qn4Nrarrv-jQl'te a
To tail In tbinwoUld, he, dangerolle.
even to Arab swimmer/I. IminedhitelY
bbeealovwl. sitltentainglyraokekoswettnkwsrheicilit
• !xehange.
.They Were SOO. • - —
Donbtless you have heard the story,
et the. retired contractor vtita had en -
.gaged an artist to paint a portrait Pf
igkit Weight Fabrics
for, Spring
As the season changes from winter to spring,
customers turn their thoughts to light we i ghr
fabrics. The best Priths the market are Crutns
and ,Graftons, we.carry both. In Crinkles, Crepes
and Voiles, plain and printed, we have a large
supply. Some .special patterns in printed crepes
for waists.
Cdr.Millinery Department
Opens*Next Week,
Next week our 11/Winery 1;oepartnient , opens for
the season. Miss 1VIcInnie who was manager.of a
large business in Hamilton will take charge. She
• kts been in TcrOnto attending the openings, and
pitrchasing.a select stock of the new hats and trim-
' ',ming& We will he 'ready to ' take orders atter
Tuesday the 9th.• •• •
We ta„ „
mornorammoun •
his daughter., •Mind -LY -940 -ta- number- Of -farmers- 'Impressed
ionr. chear sloPdasiii. •goo - .
the astoniebe0' artist. !it' want, mane .t.bedisthes. 9-360t, IWVV ,favvratoe ..tho
e0Arivish,i'c' plankoroscid by Rotii.b-Thcmproir
11oraidet lends • to the 1.i
sidocft tahl • Me " the other daY,' to .?MprovedprodUctioir *--rince
story. that a teacher in One of the west eaant-da,bpiai prig, This tends
•'•abont , a little . gm:, Her parents, it bettercondition in !but .
! seeing; had been eeiporathig theiraver ,
wedding, • and llttle Rosie the :nett,
alerting... With' toolinendable
bride. was boasting' of tim..'quallty
the- presents recepred.' •-•
"There ...was, a 'whole. set," 'She said.
but -
"of Wirer terispeons:',. • .
"Are ran itosie," asked the
teacher; "that the spoons were eonqr
was tbe,reply triumphant;
, "soiid' niate"."7-Chleaga early and in clean tidy fashion 'means
": Inter ()teen.' better prices and -satisfied-. cii...toinera:'
. • • •
side' marketi- 1The day of bad butter
should about have passed, as ' with
fawuly better cows, newer methods ,ond cash
of as well as tradelor • the product, .the
inducements are 'intiohntt greater. than
years ago -to • Put • only gi* edge. ter on the ,Market. Much the same
conditions 'exist in the ext trade.
Uniform size • good Color,' marketed
Si�ws Whetherlm is,progressive • .
4 t ,
or retrogressive. He must ,use
the neatest; cleanest' and
printing he can if be would int-
.,' •
press Ins lpttsiness• forcibly upon'
his fellowmen. • •
're ,Iclere to.
Do Your F'rititing
with splendid -equipment and
large assortment Of type ready to .
,• • serve you. We print
—What You Want
The Sentinel Presses, Lucicnow.
4.-Tke,t „aro& drink „:`,."ia, doing .pwie
- • . ort.a•t'lehdicl!tieae., •• .
.damage to British prcepects in the ar
' " iit i P ° P ; -• .
-. A;number of the Young folks of.thily-
then all the.: clerman submarines Put rood attended' the party at Alex,yierces,
together", lathe emPhatie.waYin_whieh 6th Con., on Friday evening.' An enjoy -
Chancellor Lloyd George eieriresse.ci his able time was spent by all,. -,- •
7,c- .
'opinion Of thedrink evil in Britain re- .Th- ladiesof Hol000d Institute 'Met
• - ‘ - - •• at the home of•LMI!3s leltii a- ret -Baker,
.., ....
'cent] • •
wi a. goo attendance on •Thursday.
Thepgtieular phase of .the trouble They decided to meet on'Thurselay next
under discussion was the_tadt that, he- at the home of Miss Lizzie Pnrvis to cut
Caul of drunkenness, meneould,net be t and distribute work for the ladies to
*got to, ivcrir !A, ,f011 Week in the. shope- amialtae f"''' the eekherscAt the fri)",
Farmers have much to do in • aiding
the so:we dealers -in seeking to • bet •
In computing candle power It:•munt. ter the.situntioii..4Brnssels pest:
ho rememberedtoja*s'there.are Many Tim mini, 8cai.00,x1,
different lilies--of-candles the rate 017Heane -131uovaie,„has
• Iien• awarded
vibuornulidegianaryd:tri.;strtithya•tof.t!higeot. fed ,
standard ,.the contract torthenew Sehoor. &Mee
audie„...upowakca.,..41agial4d7oad_ia .'" • ion' No. 10; Morris, --at Orizo
be 27i42 f
The Wilding will 't. -aith.14
'United States agree,' must be used. '
this" standard candle' in made Ot-pnie , ft Walls andcottige roof. . It Will be
riermncett 'z exactly round, . --seven, .• • constructed Of.b: .icement,basement
eighths inch indiameter and or a length With , Seven -feet Walls and cement floor.,
such that oft weigh. one. pound. and There will he two cloak rooms And a
:Adur-veleit adjusted -to burn 429Traina 'tette-bees room; all to be heated
. ..0.1'.,speraisieett Per :hour. And furnace. - School will -be "'wainseotted
ktpo'cabcPe -Power eeereldbila meat mak vvitb Geot`ght. "pine, hardwood thaw,
candles. • .• • nne •the besCUMeng medern
• . ; school lionses • It will be read -t•
* --611.131) 146 64' it Back.' eningn of th.0 fall terininSepYtenYibte-;
BroWirand Jones Were. itiiiiinroif
, palmed counter. and ,,tanaogiutituaw Thia•will be the third *hoed house in
ly..Thee 'said grown to Jones; 'tha7se0mri • The- burst wor3
: "Look-ff:ir)r.the'l'e°1adx:olnunii4*, i):14110,111(*;itePlart,H64'
wore to 18,8. When. something hetter was
miffs one:. of these- dap! and !idieuld : reqiiired • late Allan fitandsak•-erec
walk up to m9 roans and, receiving no ed the present flume.' school house 42
answer. to 'Our knock, ;should vowels', yeate ago abli cost 9550.* • -
and and thy lifeless .tiedy stretched out:
told !across the 'bed 'Now. in a :ease •
like that, What ,Wbald you do?" ,
tell you," answered joins after
11:01drikialul_ultc:iteu,t40;1:E'40Z8.4t5itilyteoaanaalfilvo.!: Good midi and -gloriosa weather- itte
1).1"d me -1.1!'; two years." ' • "I '11:1(1rill't:fvrts.$4 Bros
. ?Le New Woman. thnbOr Sale yesterday.
Said 114eotiiite.. 'ioirt4liprueetnzt
recovery. - •
figure, Wa.-...bAtilifet•-09..WP' 0,.:4ern-~ entertained
tbe conqueror. When Ye would number of their young friends on Wed.
.tin.A.WeMalLinitie.fiaati.bfellghther neaday-eveninglast-in--hona -eV-their
to, :the dust. Today, on the ,contrary, granddaughter, Miss Elena Lockhart,, of
no wings, the dust 'to her.'-Chieng0 Boston, Man. Friends Were present
itecord,Heraid, from LUCknow, Cuiress'and the
nAighb011.14-001111e00i0110. The evening',,
Necklet* .DorMno, , eejoymentWas brought to A close by the
isfribulr.1 see 0000 has hia Wind ,tinging of. "Auld Lang Symf and ,a
. a Ant.. mamt....yes, reckless 'driving, hearty. han.d.sh.ake with: the ost and
.Stabei Ante?. Mork., No. • Mobel--,. hbatesEl,
Hartel Mark -.No, harninere4ife. ' •
:Bee .thnt yonr"Ohildren. he tnught
not •-•only the ,lithora, the earth, but
'where guns are being Mede. L_After Att.-7 We-,:wiiii-ta-tell the %HU Con. scribe
that We iteik not riiisinfOresed auto the
tine-their..WeelesPaYPli"-§ittar4aY,-anri. coal Oil barrel or the fish, barrel, either;
indulging in a ,v‘eelly drunk, .many ' Of. andithat_we.understand that .fish Is coii,
the workmen. are unable to go...haat...to Sidered a good brain food,. 'So with a
work ontilTuesday or WednesdaYinern-_ well-fed' brain a...11d t'..b..atrel..6t"13i4-41nightb
ie our friend swam De moteto-turnout
. _ , . . _ _ .
111g! : : .„. __ _ - , .. . _ .L.- ‘ some Roy_ -good -opy tbeT laud few
Before the outbreak of war this esinl., nithiths, • - .
dition was not much nofieid,-.;Vut iinw., •
Whin; at Litita -Gteitiiejoilitdd out,' the
• need of arms is greater than theneed of
rnekthisilveekenddrnnkennesa:beemnes . . ----Meaday, March ti,
hdinger to the nation—greater "than • Mrs. R,. N. Blair is in poor health at
alrthisaerinan samarineeput together," Present. ' '
The 'Great War has Lprit a • terrible • D. B. McDonald attended the funeral
of the Tate Mr .1. O. Murdoc ,. reeve ,of
strain upon, the nations engaged in it; t .. k f • - .
. ue nOW ast ureek . •
ri ' le ,Is - ' ' ` '
A11-:terrb as i consequences': are, r i.t, ., . Lauc.hyta., It. c„pea.o , tot* nod to hu
win net be: altogether .witliori,r gond (.- hotne here after 'attree weeks' treatmeol
suit if 41..bringi,home to the natioshi,'In asthe baths tif-Preston ' Ont._ ------ • -
A way that caenot be Mistaken nor Over-, The Tiverton hockey team Played with
teak]; Weaknetises in the eianagenient the Underwood hotkey team at Port
Elgin last Thuraday evening,_41.0 boa. _
of.theithome-affairs, ". - .
CatI,an,,. See Our oo
Before Buying
New Williams.Sewing• Machines:. Frost Vire and Gates
Condor's Washin • IVIaciiine.„Xjaa,Ateal
Homestead Fertilizers :;.teeswatet Sleighs
01: tterS- -only 4 few left and will besold 'at doge prices.
a light . equalL-t0-,-1,099.000. Auto bleat. bomds, andhltegetheih Will.
1 'fficaintii3napiigagegaiiiitth& .r"leteated this time - - -'_--;,,,,;.:- -,
The Tiver4I-PoOthall, ClithVave ice,
German alliance, tbe ..drink . P.V11_. 44 •treated the-Trvorton- Dramatic Club to
been reCOgilized as the moat, paralyzing a in put 01) their play, "Valley retie,
to.',efficiency.--Itutisia-zaw- that with the eproceeds-tobetlevoted-lo-Ahe-vitt-
sale of *04110. „unchecked, her armies exhibition building which the rating
could not be, gotten into the field ir
people 'look forward to using dtirtng thi•
winter months as a rink. The Drainatits,
time to save the country. The sale' of club have eorinented.and with the assig,
vodka was stopped and Blitiaitt iiiirprkied thew of the Tiverton Orchoatra, whl
the world, and Clermany. France tee again nut op their play on PridsY even -
mg, March 12.
found it ireeessarY to put a stop 'to the,
salenf absinthe, the national inteXi-
eating beverage. And aec or d i ng to
Lloyd, George, Britain is seriously con-
sidering the taking of stops to stop
of the natiOn way be increased. In the
speech already quoted, Mr. Clebrge Said:
"The tiovernitent lids wide „powers to
deal tvvith the drink question, and ie
tans to lite them". '
• When the, inealenable amount of time,
of wealth, and of energy that is every
ar wasted by•rithiikehnese hi thought
04 it is not diffieult to se that With this I
1410t4 tilialthat04,. it ift011V 110t tato Tong '
for the ttatiotit, of; recover tow the ,
peedoittdeotreetlen of the well: I
. —Tuesday March 9
Capital Authorized 009,000. •
Snrillus ' 750,000. '
Is often Said Of a man that:hp Owns vain -
able property,'buiisfer the tinie cm up".
If you would he ready • for every business
opisortnnity-:-Or ernergency-.-0; part of your'
savings should be hold for inamediate
Such funds can be safely depoiited` -at
.interest tAanik-of -Ifamiltow:SaVingt
mot.,..i....*Iiti•••*4.' •
°yell eis YEAstv-,
ditiOno ontidhat oh tool, «wit depot ;pi tot to ,..
$111161t1r•grie.crotto out otpat-o.0"«ct's..stloOtor tot
tovontion prnesur ,,,plAbfq,„1;
ttOt«iortrIotty-tottitont trit..11qt111totA on Vide:quo!
oe r tlge.nott air o go nor. lito.
tooto 114it'P. toratiott Motto ;KC°. ter !Zia
00100 f• VItitr,lat '.,1 5.110.
$tilettitt ArgitrkfitailL
lmodommly Mott:ie.:ea tool«W. bats* ors,
tottottot. et tor fil I Vetto rl.
inolletdat ttp a or. Postage *1 PAK tit
mulitil-e"..o.adttrecloost,wavi big
811 i2 OM* 24$ tv
• Langside
--Monday, .Maroli 8.
the toVellneSs nustrin..,.. 'George Tulin hea.been...hauling. wood
toticknow, plistIv.
All the News tiitery thIne,,
. th et happens
in the home town; the birth*, trim- ,
dtmeedeathe, the soolit.thafra. ,
thesunnIngs. and gobge ot the pee.
Pio-.1our neighbor*: the tiOtett 6f
tho tehoole end, ohurohet ; thee':
tnol many nthor now and Wit:WIN
thing* thli
All 4110 'ion
Tim Langside lied 'Cross Society are
holding an entertainment in )ie PresbY.
terian Tuetiday everliog, March
A number Of- the 11001)14 around here
atteeded the literary mooting and debate,
in .Whithehurch on 'Friday night and
'report a splendid. program, .
and Bari 040110., 'of the se
con. Of Crilthes, have bought thon 11011.46
rti the corner , Williairt 1/1013urno34,
and aro puliingit down atilt. toning. if,
aWar thig Week.. infeti to rebuild.
ft go ilt.W0fkr$IlOpi
° 44,•-••.•
in • J.i.A"--Gl;ENNIS; Managerz
•orkKjo ii, "-et,
r.•-z,t1" ‘,105 -ft r
=11""1111 111"411'"111"111"91 rilr"lit'"111"111•"111'"Ill' 111"•111'"IIP"111"' 01-111'11W
; ,in Caned.
4 \
CIIIICULAit•LETTERti*Iiir efittly?
thlkNit McNicY 66604
'Sii4eigS Rank fleptittffiOtit •
At oat neanohod
hitterotitlowillittitaitest igintet rate
T. St Reit), IViittiogeto
111...11713...11t: I ,0111,r71‘,11