HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-03-11, Page 3FIRST All) FOR ISTAK.DTGESTION 'Like learfy Etary Trouble Afflict intligoation io le 111 foe Bina everybedy experience times, When the organa of ihgeetion eliew Painful sign a ef Weak:Peas. Soule &tight disturbanee of . the healthstarts the trouble; then the patient tekee dielike to feted, and dull heavy "pains in the .abdomen give worsung that the stomaeli is anz able' to, do its. proper work. Berne- lemilliM0t. IMAWNATIQN 11111 -PEAR, 'IS "Fear,‘" said the officer reflective - 1131,. "is Imagination, •proMpted by lIe fondled his eoffee cup, warm- ing his fingers . a, manner that seemed to becoMe habit with men who have event, days and daysill trenellea, eays the, Landon Mail. "All a uO, SUppOtie, have the instinct that prompte fear' for that instinct is the inetinet of' life-Pre- sarvation itself. But over and times a falseeravingor food arises; , a ove this instinet, oomrema to all satis!1.-the resolteliaaddle -0 Me-MenrIlimeimed.Patienaa""-• " tionail•fort,°" •- atalerfecaer-deowee Ara se.„ -vivid-, ,imaginistiort, that- depreseion, sick 41043411e anel'naii.; builds upon thin basis oreusgeotie„.0 sea' aro c9m,m4o. signs of indigeee gear, adding.and -adding to itteintsl Lion. The feolieh practice of taking st ereate0 0,, grand structure' of her- ' draatio, weakening purgative S at :ror that yields an exquirlite terture mei% times ebouldle avoided. Indi- te) the. mind. 1 am. one Of. those gestion arises /rein stomach weak.' PM" • • . He -was. quiet ,for a time, lollieg, easily in the unusual luxury of a ehair, his eyes wandering, to mid fro atongablii li.ghts, of the candles our the inantelpiee,e, "You can't think," he went. On: with 'O. smile; "how oarefully I have aratohed nIY- aelf end, analyzed' myself in tight •.red•-bloecl needed to, strengthen the: InoraesibS': .1knoiv inr weakness, you 'etomach, thee 'inverting ,e, ,healthy ,` , ' . • • : „Appetite encbcaring indigestion ;and • Be Paused and oddede ,"The Ark, Other stomach disorder's. Mr, Thos. 'fire I was under •was ithell'ArceE. • -ness, aocl the only effeethal method • of caring the trouble is to ritrength- en the fee organs of digestion by • reipplying them With richer, purer blood 'This is the true tome treat- . „ 'neat, hY,Whiek natural method Dr. Willsams Pink Pills achieve: great 'results, These pills make, the viols . liemford, N.S,, sae's: "For five years wae , a gre.at gut: ferer from indigestion, which wreck- • ed me Physically. I suffered so much that for days aa a time I could not attend to my business. I had --ainotherieg-espells,4o-ebad eltatintew that I was afraid th dOwo. I was isr a village, alone. A ehefl went with a .whistle overhead, Then another,•then another. know ex- octlyewhat clici. 'I etood stock etill and looked up into the sky, I know how silly it was e I was trying tee see_ thotte_sliells." I was .uneany, afraid if you like, but riot serious- - ddetoted and . trieclamany mediemea 'so.. Yet I- felt somehow that'if 1 but with no benefit. I 'saw Dr. Wile could essay Sete -those shells I should• , lianas' Pink Pills a,dve.rtisertio cure' be safer:- As shell after shell 'Went • the .trouble and • decided to . try. whistling by , without effect I began • theta: .1 had hot -beet. taking them to feel .more seouxe. •The Sheila long before' found that I had at were impersonal, as it were-.-inter- last it upon the right .inedicine. esting, rather terrible phenomena, Theeimpseivent-in-my-heal thing_to_do with me. re- -'• eenstaeit, and after I bad used tea slimed my Wank.- Su,ddenlyene shot es a In s' of rooa and T felt -Me., riglrb my-view.---:-The-chire-% physicanY ;better than I hod , done for_ years. I Alai. never easeto praia Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for they- proved 'a real blessing bp' me," - Yeu ',man get these pills *from any •dealer in meclieine or by mail' at. 50 tvvelye •bexes I coald eat an .s- caught lb chimney-staok gust° near thing then would haw *topped rofte emesa. 444- heats -all `on it/ own.' 1 heel s_puttied the fellow with, the Maisine. It wee birai 1 **awl. Ifia it waa who w*g. giving us the majority of thou bullet*, and it was him I must get to save our owp skin. That, I say, was my frame of mind as I peltod over the ground. All wrong argument, perhaps, but etill it war; Nvlux4 foil,. "Wo .vot trench andl got the Maxim •fellow. As eue fellOwe were butehering along tho treneh withh their bayonets and „fists and boots, etepPing for nething, the -GerMano, cankl not •stx4 it; and" flung dowleth,eir rifles aod bayonets.- One afellow Nag go seared:that he would he killed that he palled a photograph of his wife and held prey YOu ney horst Sideways like a e sank in a; clod pink4ellow dust. ..By tins my mind jerked brutally. id fulleat tension. • This shell fire, did Conduit • me-intimat . In- eta,ntaneously with that crag reef- LIMING TARTAN KIM• 'SW Tod His Atighbors *AXING. OVER BELGIC!, Sefeethig Taglt for the ragtime? Pretritio Agolinot Wog fikb,opY mid Architect. Nilto of Xhaltl. An. opportunity for eity building Anyone acquainted with the len- nuique tin the annals of mederii civi- timenthl rega•rd wide)) Scottish -Iwo- lization will be offered by'l3elgium ple have for -.centuries had for the tartan kilt --who realizes that it hal after the wax, A .1 -ergo number of been the dietinetiVe deem, of loin° cecittli)11'r,ettlhwan:e ahnetlenlriplallrg; si!en that been the mf)51.gaiuguo..wip7illiwat3 in th° 5411(e udy, Young Biatiltoba Earo piet,24, deztroyed by fire anti explo_ British Army, and wile has noticed iner• Sick for Tive Years, Tells sives. If the Allieo fiatt.their waY tthhreotrgthruelantlf tlifir $oGlin5ttiewhilrallee 64t5:51lt :11•ew 114 6" a 1"w ir4ea€1-° of "Ile'. Itthern°t1Tehr thirriegiivilluul lit:''atetheill,61gererrnatael; iltte waoartio.Onbaly acnosyt.bnorfilye sitwhoonid*all3wrvauycsi . (sepaegic)r._vicilue,relijanzi , Fkb44:9*- ify2rAda^77-4 elweovvaksste:tilovnheouf •bpeuaesittmegoemao.na,doplaubri; loches from los p.cck,et a.vd Statenient that in 'future Highland telling his aeighhere that he 'Orel} Of the traelitione of his cenmtrY, yid Ite,awrt Disease of two years amid- i pimaliti,rof. Belguim eat: have tie be xe- gen which has been aroneed hY the- nuns. farmer living near here, is underetand the feeling Of indigna. ing, Mr. Mike Rudy, a well-known be_a_moit fascinatingone. Here and architectural atalleipOillt, will • ' 1-I-Jebe ;-a, the -nee: tO hifird- needel That task, from an engineeriog' towns --to avoid tia) ereeked •etreetee AND TIIR,Y TOLD BIN TRY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. --je amectie-fe-ea--eor r-F-efei:M•PA-earelci-my.aeralsakhato, his nevi .leaneof life te DoileVe That Viashliee finds inete_iuck NY -44:t like. He'd too mile)/ imagine- • 'e ""e et•ias -tbe igbartinti- or two Years," Mr. Rudy alheloe. hnLrrs:Nov,anir nliawmayeer,ou:oongooesitlInnolItf., ;ItiTeeftAnsdeeiittaidie.e.saiallthiimekoir bgr„00.! trvZotiosecithcoff 7t.yaordrelserle, .osisT41°. tat! 617;7:n7.51;4 the smallferd 017 :inithy ab 4tvdkr r y -the deliberate centralling of • terilal than is at present used , aeon, „era. I 'thole Meny different gfergolvfetahto.urefitalitehpo•WsewesPsaiagetUIX„ „6. funk, „ , Inelce our seldiere look tteren.,seitnaersfe,,,abouelt wnaosthetinleLethmeeddotctea enarkablelaoseibilities offered by the I've neVer 1'414: a 06aight man ridiculous,' says 'one 'autheritya , •. ply .and heneetlx. that he hole,' ovren )Z011141:I :lviet4rui145.v.nytseia's/VilibS°. a'domoeci":' tr°in4va.IYY have retruck certain English:nen; trhi *ho Would not confese: finite Tit arOBY t -f- to,- hart d , count y waiting - to be made oyes, "Ileering Doeld'e' 10doey Pills ,epokerl et by my 'neighbors, I 4.00cted to try • th,em. TQ priso: *Ala, relief-ooe hex 'ell red me RUdy b'Qa,nse his ';treisbles aiaeaine tion ,hira ver On* yVt -cents.'•a box or six boxes for $2.p0 spa and isietinet began to work to- , from . The ettr. Williata. „Meelleini),.gather, in„eie--bettli, et once in the • 'ea 00:., Brockville, Ont. ' - qoeerest jumblinganaiMer:' ' I 'dila; ' ed. •That ata.s• insteect. I got into A • a • . 4.1 ' '.. * 1..................,4i • a doorwayc, 'That, was reason. I put my 'heads up te, protect the, becica;of =a. head. That_w�& in- etinct. I tried the door handle tol • Oeli Sure had Ye Won't. fameus hospital surgeon was. imparting some. instraetion • to half a. dozen Students who ac- companied ...him ,on his rounds, ..Paitshwbeside the bed of an Irish- man whe•Was a, doubtful case he .• said, "New, ge-fti lEmen, yer-i. . think this is or is it nota case for •Operationl".. One by one the .sta- Omit's made their diagnosis and all of them came eo• the eonel'usion • was not. . • "Well, gentlemep, yeti _,said,the • •surgeon,, -kitchen. I awentaforward.• Icitchen were two children, a wo- man, and a baby. My personal -fear seemed to lessen, almost to vanish, before their tear, and, I • thought that they must -he ' got into the col- lar. The task of getting themthere either -so occupied my mind as nearly t� exelnde fear or so stimu- lated it in some way as to give it a greater resistance to fear. Proba- bly something of both. I remember that from the cellar I listened to the collapse of neighhering-houties with comparative. composurd,. •and that I went upstairs agaiial 'without any considerable a.pprehension., to find the baby's cradle .and earry it into the cellar. From this I deduced :that personal fear lessens before anilety for,the safety Of others and before seine, task NiThich 'occupies the mind,' . • • • "How' .often lutve noticed this • see 11X -eel -Ad find bet r cover in- side. that was reasert. The mo- ment I entered the plaee there was a, &Orb of: earthquake upstairs, a, clash *£ bricki, and slates, a crashing,.pandemonium-that set my heart in my inouth. A shell had struck the roof. Possibly instinct ',might have prompted . me to do. soMethieg "absurd, but at that mo- tilentereason-wae-fereibly appealed to EY screams fromthe little back - 4Land I will operate - to -morrow. 6111:e -and ye iodn't," eitolaim- ed Paddy .as he rose. from ihi n bed. "Six ter • *an is a good inajority. Ilurso, give me ray clothes, I'm gb- ingheme."• • ,.: • • ' :Bill's Fine' Joh. .The story is told of an old' man awned Bill HerndOn, whose :pride in his son„ "Young Bill," flourish-. • aci in the face of every discourage-, aterit. got a fine job„" the. old- man announced bo a. neaglibor • ene morning ; "ane job Saving money Nab." • "What's he doing?' ", risked the other nuin. • lie's •Iiight printer," Bill answered. "Oh, a line :lob! He Works all night and • saves his-. lodging, •atnd then he . _sleeps all day and sayee•his ope fea POsts, wireelayere-aany• man that , und wok' ferspe. far thr his ter all, bravery -the deliberate controlling of one' e funk," . . He wes :silent for a time. 'Then he laughed and sa,id, "One of our earl:orals amuses nie. He's the la Airmen signallers advenee ere of the Scottish natieftftl dress, u ee. •••• " • , who. summarize aii fellows' t,heir •for eoneasted of but 'five yards tiff ertaltes •anosa...derigeroule.'-cloth; pleated„ whereat). ,it is tell you If he is honeet-; moat have Men areeethat.lieSuf-I froin-morthi' But: tba,t.'s the -brave asian Iles. ihe'euf•-:i a fr"osn:, Mortal ;funk jnet .ae moat: .fire„."'eand. proteste- ave.bein rhaPalsethe-oeviatet, -1.laitelte-geeli." -14r. iniiiIentiai,Pe4713101,0:ihe, impassable to -make •-a proper ;hit 'With leja than : IroVen • 'or eight. Yards," • ,•. • IsTo ,worider the a"heather on made ar Of-' ough with Ins .10)3.. Ile controls. lice against the introdnatiOn9rov- funk and `Carries Thateaf- three yards' "hobble kilt;", This is- not. the first ,Q9naslOn, ItOw- over, stnat an attempt has been made to inter:fere with the Scottish national dress. Vroni 1746 to 17132 cleat Cage • 1010w-. :goeanYti ,hdlibeitewedahriYulatf, tahnedtakitaenrirsOfp; 'telltale little-V.140101e lias. Over -Pres-alve Ple4611re; were intrPlueed (Mr again notaeed, st- en -ti bullets are witting about .•Guess. what he does?" 'could not guess, ' He turns his overcoat collar izbg a the' twtten 33ecame general -all es the only outward concession over Scotland. firnk that he makefe-liat • ' know 'what's rt�f ie"btayrtuanigtailwdilrlebgeimsetiontangilsy vreereyenetveid. 'dent -front the remarks Modelly. 111111111ber of influenhal Sootsmen. It ie pointed out to those who argue that the brilliant tertati,maliei-our ,Highland soldiers a eonspicueus target for the enegy, that the Idieki 'Oren Or' Covering which they wear' whengoing to the front is sufficient ,protectionv •• The Highlaiiders ire Very proud of their distinctive dress and' ite historical astfocia.tions. They are •thaselirir 'af:ledart.h°tert:hbeoUkitlet,aev6 IbhieehY, 41,7 the way, the War Office endeavored to. ,arbolish--thirty years ago. But the proposal-.a,roused such a storm of indignation .that the military authot. rities ultimately decided to 'leave the Highland bonnet •aaone, The origin oftethe white • gaiters royn by the Ilighland regiment also prevides an interesting ster3r, .for ere do anything ander fire Bat providing heavy -penalties for: all who either carried aruis or w•ore the kilt, But in 1782 -die harsh meas. ures Were repealed, and -the wear- wh fine and wb him Tha to a. Nervili,ne Ends Neuraigin • Brings Rdief Instantly No Remedy Like Old. "Nervitine to .__•..Cure Pain or'Soreitaes,...._.._ , ,. That terrible, adhe-bow. you -fairly reel with it -that stabbing,: burning • nextralgia-What. misery it causes. Never mind, you don't belie to suffer --use Nerviline, its li, sure cure. --Not an experiment, because nearlY forty eeirs 'of Wonderful succees has made "aname forNerviline among the Pete ple of many different hatiens, 'There is nothing speedier to end Neuralgic headache than old-time. 'Nerviline,' writes Mr. ,:G.. C. Dalgleish, from Ev- anston. "Ititi de powerful and pene- • trating that it seems to eat up any pain in a minute: My. family couldn't get :along 'without .Nervilin.o. We -al- It appears to be beyond the Men - ways keep the 50d family size bottle they were worn in memory of seine ..1. ....1.1,,,, und 040 eat. ta,1_ 'ow,L,ers-of a Germa_ia to _unde_re handy- bn .1he eiteltruneutelt-t-o-eintae-uuw3- voLu•vu l'ue.Y-- chest colds, sore throat, eouglis7 ear- in the Peninsular war. • It -was clur- T•s'n . l'us• • 710 itinrr72,0134Feat ..,__ war is a part Of his religion or•it is • beeetoothacheranctuabein thOtack.- ..ing the:rotreat-ott-the for,ce-e-unsser-,--a1....,, My .1vife, swears. by Nerviline. For Sar John Moore at 'C'oritnna ' that '------;77-11-67-ettn""delkst": th.at.a,t nation shouldgO--to, war -be, we believe it is better and speedier - the -soldiera suffered • greit " -Iiiird;" . i ships their boots becoming viorn destroy the ,worslii.ppers of Mars, cramps -its : effeet :Ili astdnishing -dna Canso it is part Of it religion to thanany other household family' rem- • ' - • .” .- ' , . oanng to the rocky nature of the the wa,r god. edyIt is fontonate for ground on the Portuguese coaist: Germany that England , is not war --'-'4'-'ir.--'.. .The Highlanders, therefore, took meat,: for if ever the fighting blood DEAFNESS IN°431IILDEEN. • •the shirts from their backs, 1 tore of the.country were really roused, if .. 4 them into strips, and bound them 0••••••••• Englishmen were ever really striek- Should Be Thoroughly Treated By rand their feet for proteetion, and .en with the lust for German blood,' an llurist., , • this did not fail to attract consider- then God help .the Germans. Per- , .. , at:niftily, I am praying that the Ger- About one p•er cent. of all the ' • ° this notice at home as the white , spats or gaiters were insti. 9 mans - will have sense enough not ' - etut Ict in ' • ' school children in London, England, to repeat such eicapacles.as the, at - have discher,ging ears. There -are a• memory of 'these trying times. •gOod 'many in. Ontario who suffer in Ideas, on the reatter:-.A.inong the. ,20f1,000 reingeee, Who' were WeICOmeo to Erigland there are about", 'two handreti amehiteets, OUr idea is to bring thorn 'tegether 'and to pla,e0.at their sposal elm, experience „for the development of Belgian' towns kale *re' kadlleY:reP-11Y1 pure and If *gtheAta'PlaL are carried 0.Ut we suenie. Zi Sou have'Phiu 111' the mai sOon, ae,e'Beigium tranSforined from a loountry phyeieolly Of re. .1*a.regataireanbet igintoMPaliemitTalernd`fspoPltbluesr; town." Cities -will be laid out on an "efficieneY" basis, and laiy, rimeval villages beeenie, bust- ling equipped with all. mod:- ern- improvements; While- the Tea-. tored Belgium will have lostheavilY in things and manners - to his- tory and tradition,. that country U, from •a; . Materialistic •view - office, received from his ,eunele, Pro- ,Point, have "Advanced with un7. fessor I. Hirsele, lecturer en phy., ,precedented rapidity. And then oicaaandinathematica here-leaalsoatliPosel'hilitet-41M, lege, London ieletter .giving he re- ,whert peace ternis are, :fettled there ?Presentative 'Engliehman!s point of will be a. larger Belgium. ' vsew aid attitude tewaidThlie"-Gie- I3ack, rbeumatism, lumbago, gravel or ,cliabet,es, your kidneys• are wrong. you need Dodd's Kidney Pills. ' .111lT/ITIT , . A •Itepeesentative Point of "VieW. • , Benjamin Harris., recording 'clerk ,the New -York County • Clerk's. Ifigliestgrade bow UP* whole •414 ani*TY by Perfect haldiffs retaining their full strength. Flovovedwille sallecio aratal._ iAlitsg FOR SAI.E. W. "DAWSON, Ninety "aiiiierna earas4 TFYOU7tel,Tzghluz_,s3L-tatittt write II. W.' laymen, nreineten. or born $t., Teronto. 'P. eaweeete coi‘riss- 41....40ranION NURSERY STOPS. Mena after eix, months'of war. The BABY'S ,OWN 'TABLETS. , letter, dated at Hillel Howe Cam-, ** r bridge, England,' says in part: TnE HOME DOCOR • of present conditions. To my mind You ask me to give my impression' - --- rove FARES TO THE' OMOROO the wad striking feature of the ones shiwomuled -whiZe,..rwi,8 tth.hoeurte aareboali:lb,o1I • EXPoSITioNS.- senee of vindictiveneroefr even con- aTihb3teyoocduxtsaaoll,.;. situation. is still the generaVith, tebyrn'Isin0071,,i iraests:hi Fearsplendid dailY trains from the New Yin ChIcase & North ,Wesferft NY. • „terapt_for the,Gerrn40 ve,opee. -,tng their prompt use 'when baby IS ,ail- Passenger Terminal.- chicory „to_ aa, Franeteco.-Los- 'Angeles ---end"--Ess,DiegsZ'• .• ishmen ,are joining the .colors by ing wsll save the Mother Many aiti.-- , ar.oce,nie and. direct routes. _Double '.' apd Yorkshire -L -the old '..Pturithn 'avardoctorair-tbe-housei-and everY• t3rpeithe man whiigees tis his work time our -little' ohe la: .ailing tileY meet,s so, freqttentlY an Lbareashire si4e1•13ab-fa (by' n Thhints Ab .goed track.Tomril-i:;31)f(leuinlal,:t . .. o k ' -6 ' St-'. ' : I the, hundred oones,o,: but nioe, in ious moments and baby -much pa4n; ' the iiiigio!, fipirlit. ,xes. will per. .coacernini.them, Mrs, paul•Neation;- all .tlteCw4.,.' ati° "t1.16 641."3'.:111°1114*. • • Let no n ,your. trhy,:iitti furn'alt. : .; - ' haps remdzaher_the, typeaof man_en,e_.Tugaske, Sask. . w.rites: "We con- era and particulars,: '' • .1 4441' v . . . ,, .. a IL nnettp Gen. sst f4Vrens' -- "1 601pe " 'laid one Wife , to au.; . *Ali the. sense of dirtY dominant, 800n • set WM right -aga,in.\'' The doing his work thor•aughly, not ne_,_Tablete are sold by medicine dealers other; "thiat you never nag yout husband.'" . "Only when. be is heat- cessarily beeause he likes it, but be- or by mail 44 25 cents' a, bok from The De, whams) .alechemo 00. big the regE!•," said The setond one. I cause the job is to be done. But ','Wheet. he as..ihorOuglily , irritated few or none lilte the job, but the Brockville;. Ont. . . .. - he makes. a, niuoli better jeb ef it.'". job• is there to be done. • . . e ..a.......a-, • •, ,' -.,- Britain's GreatFleet. ,.. ' . °mutilated' Eyelids; .• ' ---'; rt ..:.• 02.4 --what Is Britain's ffeet t "Eyes iiiiianied'byexpo- 4t4Withotes44itte40..cit Ityrtsworrilsd.thpeeT..1„teikniteLd , euretoSen.lhislandDisd . -qUickly.relievedlyaferhat- .-:-----, of the sea-ear:eying 4.,trade of ...the. .•Eregellie.11Y-bleSePeihie..1.-- - - world is done -in llatigh ' bott.onss. - just -Eye . Comfort.-- ' At ; Thanks to the British Fleet, these Your Druggist's .5, oc per Bottle. Marine Eye "conimen carriers" are free to sail .:6011ruggiveinsTeu obremfauriSco•:erroyllassemedkaitxbeeEoyoccirtehkaagikiis.. the seas.. ' Restricted they ,toiay be by stringent or even unfair. rules, , but the fact remains that they are "Isn't' Merton something ,of.. ag, busy at the world task of carrying iniser l' "/ sliould.say. so. -Why; goods to and froin...neutral port,s or he's toe tight to risk a saggeetion."' British ports. . . . Should th•at •. . 'fleet be put Out of action the world's fabric of sea. cou;imeroe would fail utterly.. • • ‘LITILAWBERBINE,:: MASPBERRINE , 1K,7 %%ATONE. IDAtalogno %res. .Mecognelt A, Non. Portq,nutarell.'oat.. 111111cELLANEOUL gls°' N.). internal• and eat: .caret -set pilisf,"-bytothe bonne srsokts$014,-. lorfa . es balers toe it..:111.„ Bsilmis Co. Limns& Colligsrood, Ont.. - OF INVENTIONS: • ' a* DAVI* ile.15,444112404, 1114140-4tilrfrlia ' a -lesson, on..eleregutaX7 onnpfaloworn:Dans ei•zrlitteleffogirt.r:1 reioand.o_etha4e Penny At, mates pocket. • The POIlitr turned up ;its nose -at the Penny, And said seorol. ' u y : - hyv,Iant.worthame bun - tired of you.' " "Yes ' said 4 the• 974'.e.P.,. "'API go-oirbit better tnan /On are. '1 4;6: ' every Sunday. to Church and Sun- day T. ,school both, and You never go;-__• to' either one.' .ttick on Searborough. Behind all this grin t struggle the same way. Most of this suffer- Englishmen have not lost the ,feel- meaeles, 'which are preventable dis- Death Nearly Clauned . ing is caused by seat et fever and ing that, German flesh and blood tire still humanf.and, therefOre, they do eases. On the staff of every hospi- tal ' '• where .scarlet fever and mear - New Brunswick Lady ...trthwiat two itiotamnsiuttnintloozio are treated there should 43e an au the • • OlOtt.i11..._,M •the • alone but in the VIGO of °there. ' I The -Retort tolirteous. •. . 491a, ha'," Sneered the lawyer .1'n 'court; "you: doctors are all 'alike., Your .Operations are alwaYS success- . .fel, but -our patientedie."- ' is necessary..'or.. years. the. Ger- "SOnietimes:. that liappeu,S," sasaid mans have been -tmistaking En- hal: --the doctor calmfly,- "but • we • &eters . . . patience- for weskness.: an a • eeta,',4e-eanothiria- on you lawyers,- •-. You . deuce. Now-theyemaistelleecesitpel- .,.. •-reat-aietd-i4es-forayoureelients led. tia listen) -.and. we believe tha,t but you' get:all •the Money:" . .. • - ••••••••44.-,...-,..- -- ;._ 4 Minard'S COO Dandruff.: 10Hours . ,tomirrost •Flowers rist whet ean thoroughly supervise • Was, Restiolled to Her Anxious Famr treatment Of such &wen until . . . , y are cured. ily When Hope bad Clone. haldren with :discharging rears St. John, N.B., Dee. 15th. --:-At one time it was. feared that Mrs..I 'Grant,- they -will see their /sroper placer is of 3 White St.; would succemb to the/by our side and not in opposition to desteie ravages of • advanced kidney s. . . , , „ 'roo Plain Spoken. kidney ttroualtrkbegg ybenackt; n if you hear ihat Eng -hind is WI: Ile: ---1 !wish you'd. dropetifi, -tarcehuebiaen_ata•,• ... s 'ago: For 'oix years that dull_ gnawing bertaisiecl to crush Germany beyond ter" and cell me plain George. Pain has -been present. When li ex- 'redemption treat the report with Slie---Oeir; but -it would•bounkinci- ,_ -.-eirttormiself it wag- terribly-intensilled:- roi;itempt-.---WenconrrOt-crugh--seven-- -tp-tavit-you-on-yonr--periimal_a • If 1 • caught cold the pain was unen- ty [millions of - people except at. an pea,rance that way. ___- .durable. I used most everything, bait. •enormo•ue cost, and it would not pay , .;-------•--*-----• . nothing gate that certa ini-iffr efal, re- nor -would it pay us to divide G•er- INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS, -,, lief that -came -from Dr.-,Hatalltons arna-rssy-inta"sietak sud.amall-Statee. . ' _ ' ---a: .„, --..-a,„,-- , , Pills, of Mandrake and.- thitternin. In- The enemy is- -not..-Germany, :bat aeleasraa rageon rage. 0.n 05 vane, • Stead orhilitirbowed down,with pain, patent aolieitors,' l'iIontreg; report-. today I am. strong; eaioy• splendid -ailteere•eY•• ' - - • - , 'Professor=r- Itirs•ch ..saYe that . the . -that' vt't -Canadian -Patents we appetite, sleep winery. Lost prdper- ties have. been instilled into ray blood, greatest crime Germaxiy has com. isetted fOFtlie week ending Febro -Leheeks are rosy with color, and I -Mated ig that -of wilrully throwing ary 9th„ 1915, 162 of• which were thank that day that' heard of's° grand away. the fruits of its • own toil for Panted to Amerieans, 33 to. Cana' I fifty -years- *, , diens, Tho residents of Great Bri- • Te -Lm and colonierand. 7 to resUts of fere,ign countriee. . Of the--Oana.dians-whea received patents, 21 were residents of On- tario, a of Quebec, 2 of British Columbia; -2-:-of Alberta, ond-2 'of MAY ° DE TEA or corrtr -find t'litit men notide.rifleana shell *ho are at sohool should- be thor- That trusses all, the Triluble. • When the hodse is are, it's about - aele same -as Av hen •diseaseabegine....to slioe_r_is_na_tene to teak but time ,ino-st--cliscoraserting- Many' -a-ateme: -and- deafnessprevented, fire much less when they are doing something. It is the eitting idle and having thne to see and listen and think -'t e imagine, in short -that is oughly and carefully treated by an aurist, assisted by the school nurse. •If this were done, s7very large -pro- portion of such cases eauld be cured .Telieff"thirehAlt-fie-e -has- been -ape= -There-are-otheredise.asescansing . • to . not -delay is -remove • daily. hot and 'close 'I've Made. the"For a . ,he cauee of the:trouble at once. number of 37ears,". w men get out, their trenching tools - rote deafness, notice of whichshould be required' and ,therougli treatiltent -given' to reserve the child's leak - .and do something or, other" to. the srencli jusittO 'jive Ahem. somethin 4.1*, -leohargiligaear--1s very Wn--ladlr---"I -felt :Eture that 1. --West * effeeLwas hifrtireig me, 3.t.,••Y- to-ek,- -when eaairaminae_areahusy- enoileathing_;_iieexPosesathe child •2 a ; 1 la not give it , • •,12 144.4.1 _f r not only to tthe dangee of deafness, a as 641 Vt/n.t.a' Oa at, eq11 tana,nug. ;Wm, 14.ume, p ece ea At- last"' got so bad• that I but' to thedanger of death. ha.s, Ourabore I thinkreare- better • , • made up my mind I must. eather • *tic the use of toffee or ,die. . (Tea is just se injurious as:coffee cause it, too, :contains the healbh- -- 4•"Everything ate distressed me„ '• and. I suffered severely ost of the Jame NV1 pa, Pi a ton 1 frequently. woke up in the night with the. keling tliat I was almost the' infeetion of izifisseriza, scarlet -before he went <44 4 But argue as gone -my li-earrse• clued SO another, , . _ , 1 , my 3,,pu. like ; giyo reaeone and ,exp ap.a. fever, mumps; measles,. or typMid- hrestb an_.t1 the least ex- tons, .theorize, yet there are some then this par. of the ear becomes than any do (hers in this , respect. Give them a job to itkand it Can rain ire and bricks and iron Around' thean-tund the don't seem 'be notice which the tar isconneptecllay_apas- it. 01. ey. 0 s on 3r to Make ITE1443-e-,-all-the laieteehitin tube. /f a jake sot some sorb. The task in the end Of this opening is bloeked ni b .adetneicie oral!) aarewollen mu - above •costs menibrane-the swelling usual - the o • ffiCer was quiet k•m a time 1-3' behig c,:ctused. by catarrh, .or by The .main cause of oar disease and afness is to be found in the back rt the throat and nose, With. a _medicine eseDr. . • Every woman should Use these pigs regularly, because good health" pays, aniLairs_geadesigerouir-health_thate comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's 1VInndralto and Butternut Pills. • - ed and. . weak in its .ectiou, • el. fun thin ah tit *over unhealthy, t secretions ale "- -ertion set-rne-morting..-..L.slept, but Y g „ ° tained,,theaolta _•beet:fines . infeeteet. • little ---------rheamlie "0 .Yeli know <that to thee' ay I 131 - tism. a•-• , eavlarartialttainwal • • "Two Years ago I --ietoppci. asing. e Are n when nly brick i.s.."to. : the.coffee and. began tti`use Postinn it? When face it there's uncer- -,seal Iroat_the_verY: BYO / began. tO and lraviety and•asll-that„ but gi13.1ielfecl• to, be ortaged teething, • improVe. It avorke N your flesh:doom:I t plea you -tricks."- r d InriaToIe r r'' • .--WOrma Pellraigia. Ear disease_ .41 „th lam h d.d d one wa e no, move an I can eat anything and digest it He laughed and explained. "It eim nstiiith be °tired, if „1:"reallatlY • • :-TOOk Off His Glasses; profe•igteir,__who vizi extremely an.,(1-414aniecl, lease as the nearsighteda_went to the barbers,• result. ---Neture.-greinitriat, aat'doeviiiit-theilictrbefFteliallytoole e'el-aehe' *Ma is elten .*rt'ilit'Y' off bit glasses, and desirecr -be dewed, When- the.."artist",,, for ,a tune no oae dieturbe,d brim. • But ether customers began to ar- rive, and the ehair was needed, The -head herber, suspeeting that his The Fatalist. • "No, cle3.4ing, you mustn't, have any more padding -you 'would be ill." .. Little Gertie • (after, due thangli) give me gailizzer piece and send for the &eta." ° and. properly treated, an in this way • deateess is prevented. The presence of adenoids is usually shown by mouth-breatheng, snoring asleep, at night arid. other signs; but the. learned PeArOn had fallen asked the boy to wake him. The professor heard the order. "No, my goOdenan," he said, "1 ern ea asleep.. The feet, is, I ant fright- fully nearsighted. Wheu I took my glae,see off 1. lio longer able without trouble. _. I sleep like a sounds fanny, 1 knotv, but it is a ,babsr, and my 'heart heats strong fact, nevertheless, that- the body, -and -regularly. My breathing kis When goaded by gt lively itn.agina- beceine steady and nonnal, and my tiers, can antitipete•things in a re- ' 'rheismatisni has 'left me. makable way. My Avilne ss "1 feel /eel alko,ianother person, and larly fertile in antimpatinggnjursy•, it iS all due to quitting etiffee and XWJM hUit there once As kid, and • using Posturai •for 1 haven't used rAtd ever sineethen had the liveliest 'any mediehie .asid none would have consideration or my back. • • , done any ,gdocl, as tong as I kept "I often wonder how natal of so- . . drugging with ooffee.." Name given Called ..braveryi (We to, blue ftinlc,, ..,by °Antal= Postans.Co., Windsor, I'M nitre that at tititetk much Of the Pnt. -Read- --The,--ItOtt e _socalle itelLota...charge is dui to ; • vinitho. ---------------I centeauber We get •tho or " 111 :postale leemee in two fornis •der to charge once. The Germans Ilegidar Pastuni 'must be *ere enteoneed over. 100 •;boiled. , :•16.0 end 25e peelseget, , , , yards WAV.• The.bullets came Most 'Iastant soluble .pow- Itorribittliek. That didn't stop Vs. • lir. A teaspoonful dissolics quickly It ,sensationa at ina eup o hot: water and, with least 'w,Oo .something liko this': erectin and eng tr, inflicts a delielosts 'Thelonger Ire .4are getting to those'. • 1,0,,,:crago ,htstaittly. 90c and 50e GetitlanS the' longer 'those buliete •• will be eoiaing'A tar; niust iltop • tin8., • ' •, ',Both AO .ocia delieleue, these liullete.? Aral 1 did: my very enti eest per cue. about the, Sallie. • lie5t time OVer that 100 yard and -Thrre!,sa lleasott" for.Postutu. 'was nearly fen yards ahead ef The • • e zold,by GlroCera. men'by'the limo we got tlicre.-: And 'advice of an 'aurist is aall-iniportatit in Cages dt ear-athe c!rr slight deaf-. flees. ' , • I • • • . Schoellifeappeare to have an usi- favorable hifluence - on• ehilelten'e sight. It ire not hard to 13C, why when one loelce the -lighting ,c.o see nistolf itt the mirror °Ivo. some school -roosts said the paper site. Istaturelly„ 1 suPposed I had Itild-Ityptainiesactreelaifil-b -already-gen e bonito ' , bra large type should he i41e only . • • 'kind allowed Itt little 41111,dren.)t, hooks; and liglaiiig Should be 'efory ii ate' ai,a' by the rk. mho .of well looked. after anefflie Melding aikto$ 'desk Amid be well lighted. a Pelmiel" 'esert' rreeel'ted *4' ...aelenaeln,ealueuhy, Ifitpet. her with .tho following words: "If ter ' of Auxiliary Olassts for On. 'front your glove you tele The lettes4 • . 0, Your glove is love, vine's I de. thrice ' vote te thee:" To this the lady re:- mord% Moistest 40e isie,syerywhers. "turned the folloVing answer :•• froin your Page you letter Xott of eolletee edaeatioo rk/ yeor rage is age. Aina olitAvent ie acquired after titaduates., • • and re -modelling of celsoole. Every rage, finding a, yousig lady 0 it glove 1 -V A Sao invited an. tag' • lish friend Ito gol salmon lathing with . bsPhe'IEngliatenfets Awoke& at eaveitement-fill"F terfl or pads to press* rogue was no swimmerewent-to hiet ,into,th.te stream, 'The keeper, fst- . .,,_zazatcfAk UD lodlo,"7. " REST ISLES F • • ' SUMMER .LoVELiNESS." .fferma -matieor.,-SHinrta„oiaL • activities and a climate and scenery utieq,naled In 'the Teeple& ' • • 80. ."nunsforora.wp faintest, mint Slid only- Stea.nshlpiand- Ing pa:malingers. without trannfer. Sails from New York every •Wednen- Fadal':;e1.1$42.5700 for Reound,-Trip, including berth and Meals. . . ' -,OiOisao-- -to ilia Antillesi 'innings from 1.1.T, mar.. god. 12th, 26th, 2'.00 p.re. Apply for ticketa,. and ills. booklet, • Canada atestuside tines, -Unified. •.46 YOIIger St Verolite,' or any' Ticket Agei4t.• • cutting, no_plefe aid, 'when Nits leird called _Oat i- t'll°. sore spot. Putnam'. Extractor •"Whait are ye 460' pen:11;11 Get CA). ! ' makes the eorn go hand o' the rod and look *to the without pain. Takes feesh, • He will wait, but the lee& --leaves no Scar.. Get a 26e., bottle of *- Putnam's Cbrn Extroctor to -day, _ ••I out the sting over -slight Never fails': winne." 'Promptly Diteeted. Dean. litewelle toad , f modern Anieriean lettere': - "In, it Nee* England vilfage I en - tired the Matt etreeb department' -sforaonazdternoon and_isaid Ithe e14rtc at 'the 'book •connter t - • ."Let me, hassle pleate, the 'Let: ten of Oharlee , , " 'Peet office' right tteroee the street,' Mr. Lamfb, said the dark with brisk (=Nile." 'Idlilatt's Liniment Rellelies Netiralgia, • They were talking of the war. "What an age we. are living in, to• Mire l" said l'ave "Yee," the Other replied; "it is .The German do for me," •muee age."- •• Idinardle Linittent . , htitel GentlsmeiirMI tia,nicItter, tea. olu, -Was theown. from a. ele gli wad injured her elbofvr badly it reititined" stiff and VeaV painful for three YOS.rer,, Eour bot - ties of MINAR1Y6 LINIMENT eotnplotelY oured Iter sad Ste has tot Ibsen troubled f-45.-tr 4i17.°•176 :1:11' -5,7b.• " •ttra , n. VirVX. joseph. P.O.. Tatii Mir. 190.4. . tSA IAraisarinaare:AA * me Tertzher,"If there were four flies on et- table and I 4tilled one, how many wotild he lefti" • The Little i Boy -,--e '0nel-the (.10.ei ,D30..., , :elinarea iinimeeturos Mott, tie, ................,,......... ,..........„.......,4. tn. ,lis , • ISStfi 14- -1 . , • , n C6iiii3eallands Quickly-Bialed •ltapped hand s and lips always conte with cold weather, but aseline CAMPHOR ICIE • Mae le Canarie • brings sure ancl speedy relief. Citilaren esiedally need. Vaseline Camphor Ice for their rough and smarting. hands. Our new illustrated ,Imoldet scribes ati the •"Vaaline” repo - Tatiana. A postcard brings AVOIDSUBSTITtES. Insitt on "Vaseline," In original patko, ages hearina the name,..CHESE- B11,0tIGIIIIANITPAtTITIta ' IN G CO.o.Consolidated. Per sale a all Chemists ItOa Gellerat Stores. ClitSgnitOtidll M1P4 CO. (CeetOilditted) tsse citarioT Mt, WattrittAt