HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-25, Page 4, ••••r• e- '11 G. R. 0. ?Itil;lfht Ledge Meets evoxy =weds xii‘o be tho. full in the 143; gait fag "Linfr°01:01.'s'treei L eknow W a'ionald„ B. W., ' 11 Cameron; J. W., 0. MarLin, fteoy., _ F. court shorwooa, roloknow, meets everylast Honaay of the month :In in the tiddfollinv4Ha,11. Visitlingbrethern • etardiallY Invited to attend, Chief Ranger, -•oeo, potter,- Rao, Seey.;-Itobt,--tirriham,-- Seos"., Hobt. Johnston,. Trees, H it, ' • fr ; n. 7.,.„7777.71" _ 4ro o •*, 1,,XICKNOW OISPITEIRL 545151 •5•4•51P "t• 4,1*"ellf7.3191,111,7P1! Taitiary 06111;ts 19t • -1 ig Clearing Sale Great Redaction* offered ea slavery Sae *A good** ',Cie* and Bo3eti Overeoet* *redly reduced pricea Mee* Peed iinoa Underwear, , Very beet Erpiality, .reviler floe ****** *fitt*-4•4 **** frillt4101504 Olifils $1,00 *Oa 45c9 to,* t.590. ituclafie, Ladies natty Tee Aprons., reg, 25c. for. ** ....... Drese Geer* id' the neve colore and "'lades, will be cleared at greatly maimed prieee. Girls mad. up Proem, selling •Isidieri •Comte, all sizes, and very beat, qualidea, will be eold at reduced prieee, - Spools. N•15414,5101•1551, 1.4911 ;, Men 's Sox, rep* 2110. and 35e, ° *Ube sold at... 4,19. aid 221e. Shaker Fhinnal, Fes, .12k, and. l9o., for •1Qi, and 81 °onto, Plaid Arose goOde, reg. 15e, and 20e,, for..,12/t Great Reductions in Men'sand Bore SOO Anti • Oiercoats: Brew*, reg. 25e, and 35o., clear. fag mile 0.9e. We pay 5"OcE. alb, for horse hain • Bring ne your raw fun 411d old ltubbere : oseriewerwre • By BLITZSTgIN'S bargain Stoke : Neitt deer J*. G. Armstrong' '• 8t°' „ linshisi and Satiety Cards Ton sualikautas WAR the suer' Had the Ceram taxpayer The German threat to torpedo with- Irefuked *Di wish Gr demand of the GOT - out notice any ship found en3E.tairj1 TflfliOfltthat had this national end hi trade about tile easte of &Rein will rieat Had set GernianY submitted to h4e the effect a se404ing many ships eeeeciiptioa for yew% all for this pur- thlitrPerrto tlie lie*.Xnorder to we - the situatioa the ordinary sailor Will , have tb develepe the courage' of the imie. Ight Kludutotti Otuttutt • acox_.011Wattt._ LAND tc BONS, 1..t.t1., 01.140, `At,. - ,F4eurinee, e'lrh and Marine. • ' HARViirir .1,1.,TNDBAk,LEnoirnow_,Ont, .gont for various lines otinsurasiee, vire and UM •• Myst class comtanies guaranteed. 9n1.1" resident *gent in .t.uoknow of the London Ittutual. A number of village and farm ranpoities for sale. • O. .F.-Zuchnow ire meets every Fri ay • coning at Cloak in their. Hall, 'Cony, •• ball street.. All brethren cordially invited, .0racersi-Nehle Grand, Thos. Watson; Vice • igrand,11`, T. Armstrong; l'reae., Alex;Roes; Reatr.S00., A. 0, Boyd; .0,14 , engin. • ; Pabliehed areal Thuredar morning Lueiguew, Ontario. A. I). 1414MKNISIK. Pro •srlotor and Vditar, Tamispia, FEB. 25th, 1915 THE LATE 1,14R. MURDOCIIIn't and taire Shaneu. ---- • -That thedeetruction of oho. elkie A roma. ireTratlY 1004:10 Peeelw-Brite,b, 18, ita, likely, to , so great. . . arra faterelk epportunityt Why .eletrigewlien conerned got off ...the TR4VELLERS' TAUS, rosy hilx-sp 01 II stiogo Wheu lobe, Cunningham, meinager of the Dominion Stove Werke, WInghiln* posei opened o sUitease in fold Thttraday, It the tie was not propitious for the he reeeived one of the surprisea ins launehieg of the German campaign lifet for instead of finding hie own wear. ffar"une°1:14intdi gIN'eVaatylleir'ot bwahvYe waitedthe"f tier 1°n9ilegwa apparel- iuclQ8ed. ketredrYtiiiienirilaribiitreidei8-e MIJ •Ot 1,4141t11011 044 vicinity the Past few one might at first ottPnoSe,,-bi suggested nave selected to tiebt the world, WWI dela "It will be harl to fill the place by the feet that the German, sebentrines MIR% by umtinni German public/ .,,Ft,tirarlortiff(10,I,Laniirdienr their oron ana Bruce tram at It.onapoout. Initsflociteo:77at by the gleett• t of Mr, thuoaveguota robe ertobillitopogelyt helcvite,n zetboef in3e1tItt.,teattittluuettalaelerr r4dhahteszoo„rfroarobyeeins 7.:,:pen:eitnsreraeu";;;13,:icu,rptifilrodon7et:ttfietiro;r,:rziteadvetl; • past eh menthe, have been eueagerl • in equal to the (*casks), and can defeat all of a lrawlYonlede Ault, some tra- Though1":,vrai snrng "every claYi transporting men and euppifee from her enemies at ouce. '• yeller's samPleS.a,pipe and e fireet.1110e- laud to France. Ilischieven* an the Op 0411%1 submarine pleeketle may prove, it isshardly possible that the benefits to Germany will offeat the' barna she. hut , done herself by exciting the enmity oc °IQ" in nninteiPatnfralY•44 Pr9Ininenb' as every n' entre' nation by suggesting that at basins* Man, Ole in time of TOlitieol. their ships might be sunk' it they ..were Strife, Wier. ready to do hie part well at eneenntereit in the neas adjaCerit eocial or. Pisiblie functions,. keenly"imEd Britain. The euggeatien that „Gerniany intelligently .nte,reet!Od.in'the affaire: ,Urant$ to become. einbroiled with, the the cchtutry and the; world • , be ,Wits yet', whole civilized, raid in order that she fnOln°8‘• tbe .gentlemanly 'Snort's a ''EriaY bek out Pr:thn war '-i)etter' we scarcely reidir,ed many-andvaried •e,etivitiee—end that in each department of Clime ectivitiee be WM among the fir• et Suriremely active in clitirch work, foro.. the community. Ile will be greatly miss IgAr;:oerhi:dtr to her g rwir enemies, however, f14 from, the church, the Council, the pot,- She may find the. tereas of peace so huM. *tical arena, fromtheatoreaneoe'etteek Iliatingthat they will be' difficult to ec the Publit; meeting+, tho rink. 'a:n. tho , emePtthee*G7erfror°,„1: pea rte4rcly ipau:raqvnie4.0'0;38euerin;1., bowling Aeon. - Teel it will he hard to ed it rend be- a matter • of , "get out 'of. fill the "place in our community rendered the gove,rning business.?', vacant by the death of Mr, X. a lifer - 40011, ° • • • . , litUSSIAN ADVANCES ow Butixtere activity' was not the only VER3E0 qualitlr in 34" U1149all wh.ichc°1411”"id" Of all the false reports, regarding the ed him to Ma fellowe, NOt only, was he Trevose of the war the most ridiculous ber of other articles, - It ought to be understood that Ger. eisrew1 suppose we- willbee bed . . many, ori in other words, her ber military luck the 'resrof our days" murinured the •governore, cannot atop the War; for the blushing bride, as a tear trickled down simple reason thatio do so wotdd be to her cheek.•' placO thenfaves in an untenahle'noeitton 0.0"ttelpharreetibearet:pewehanedt rg.eNt • r Mtn hefUre.thu German iteoPlo, TbeY Must "But," sold be, "never mind. It will ell fight on in the hope that; .00= Own- tura outright: Why al buy you, a new. able %ranee wflL appear for bringing the eutfit and we will resettleoer honeymoon Af atras thou nothing had haPpetied=" 4 leaving their t add eggie to in eau, Mon an tipportenity . e rot ress might be 'found, for (Pow*, in Om the, youngcouPlo took a train for the entry of the United States into.the war. City of the Straits, where they intend 'Theitaisei•iii 60,000 might verY. Welt, spending floitie hofldavs ,prior to their expect to find sympathy athem.) were ,return to A 601 nee! teen' Ores, e.i118. he to say that he mot quitbeem Ger.. hie. detained, by the G rend Trunk dation 'many entild not be expected to fight the authorities until he forward* the 0110. world. •.. • which caused him to faint, three _times, • vEttir nusi viomari It, has taken. the Vivaeirala ladies of warm and salubrious California to: ate fo•tlie •BnpreMe heighta. of enthusiasm in Miss Siattli is visiting at the .honm of their efferts• to provide Comforts for the Chas. W. Alton this. week. soldiers at the front in France. Mr, Geo.'B *Kenzie,. of LUcknow, is 9heo Hall, former editor of the Winghani wickzinn.gwici,whothylkeBo:as9n 13-idc. ler,• the Advance* now bf.Picisadenal' California, list, is ableBilito around eon. writes that the lat6strfad with ladies' of 14 is tako then' hnittingTtn -iilipsartollWIteandillivElbailrtr-dm;lizsilteditat'wierniehn.4", church with them and add to the length Isaac_ craustee,e'eheeeteznairs men: of the socks and mitts•while they, listen- *a buoy as a bee since b—e moved is into to the Bolton, •hit new quarters. • _ 11-arry,Milleri our new blacksmith, has PRAUOULEEttr mores arrived and cOninienceci. work, and hopes Toronto de.'7r-TT--1 'spa a apt week 0.4.0; laaflaaartrouPaatar°07.4graera' Hvbejaagnka'atintibees _84t. 'After F°hrnarY 15 tunving'Pletur"‘ anni* • A number frim, here enjoyed them-. ences 'throughout the ' province no ettliee' et the . home .4sees_ Samiders ,010fliwgearr.beAthuriolriedtwhitashthkeesetnirrzesdeenbeys .semti7iehixilozdts7 adnadheiAntirmit.(alu- -enTpersi. tthhcaltoanutastai,t 110ifihurdseafre,copnrsoobrisiottOtetah ddeuffr during ate an ideal Host nud toStess. the continuance of European . • .„„• The action followli Wconiinunicatian re- ' • ' winghant neived frotir-the-•-militia-autharities--at - • ' Ottawa, Anything .that is represented Mr' is 41'' M!,- the as occurring on the fields of '4'rrince Dew nrganiit and eli°11.nlaster of 8i: -13*.toin not be shown. , sod .Andrew?si Presbyterian Church i took np is duties for the first tune. on Sunday that na Canadian audience bee as yet 1?„ .• • . seen. mot lug pictures. that Were actually "I" • "' • reproduced front scenes in Prance or, DEaTT1 •OLD LApv.--There died in , • We bave lot of Ladies' • Coats too many for tbis Season of the.year, Vront now on • we will give you from • 25,"5o per oem -off tq clear. onnisamoinotj Ladies' Furolined - Coats Ladles' Fur Lined Coats with mink ot sable collar at prices you cannot pass if you want a • bargain. Reductions,' Furs. Big.Cuts in Per- sian Lamb, Cub bear; Russian Filch a Blue - Wolf ,Setts. The same 'in -all muffs 'and. stoles. • A Jot of Sweater :.09ats were 245 , ,t• lteo.Oo Cuts in: „Ladies', and Chlylren's §weater Coats Now is tbe .time to $O,Ve • 111000.7: maimmilawain •-• • - • ,W1,14LIA#1. cONNILL . . (Intended far last Nveeh) • active and eeergetic, but his activities come. from the u elan ,field of °elver* ,were areeted along:twit Nees ea. battle, •Wild-eyed newspaperlepertors arerecognised assbeing -for the -general have .seen the Russin:n steam rniler'ninv-; ing forward with:irresistable force* able good, When.a. moral lasUe was raised to crush all Germany and all A!,letrle there, never. Was 'doubt as to .the Bide Up beneativits weight. ,AccOmling tiv these on wbitili Ur, litltirtlocli Would eaSt his 'Austria was crushed, cruniplecl_ up and tniluenee, lie had pronounced COIreid- PractleallY•.OUt' of . the fighting three tieilti and the COUrtige to -sherd' by them innnths-agrs• Cierlrlan had, ben - • olaughtered by the millidno. "DISTRACTED MEXICO ' 1, ; For the pant two weeks there hos been Were it metier the war in Europe we reports of nothing but ittiesian defeats all would be keenly interested- :in the Mexicali troubles. As iwearesati fiect. to Watta briet.OunlinarY of •the ,pro, ceedInge everyweek' or two weeks, ,.0140, a .ffalp appear' to 13e gong, . This is what might have been expeet.: and if we are to accept the reports, both' -Prussian andAustrhin. terdtory;will presently, if they are M net already, clear- ed 'at the invader. • • from bad to worse, COnditiens in the nd. Russia • i's'llugs ancl. saightv ail right Aertairo are much wumc but sho must havodifficulty ia gathering everybody than they Were ill the days,oi and eFtui'DPing •het" arFiliefF millio ns the despot, Diaz. E.Lcii,of the ao,eausd. Ausahr Wean% armed to the teeth aEi reformers wantirhimselflobe.a-despok: nern:knY--W-65*-2=1-11-1113-' eadY nneeesaes -of 'No sooner was lluerta out Of the country anOla-were4n640-91°416.t- ori;,; thin hie opponents—Carienia, Zanata- leanY 'Wen kept 'Ilne4Pete(11.Y. eelves rebe oe-eitry as a whole is with. •are 'N'iCrik-47sr ebT t,he fbtieebta of BJgitun. •.thnnt 6nCiokottiebvtreeldAcciotypertevides .timt, timothy, mit a government while in the Con try;the rOnn and iti al- her a number of years ago:. , The deceas- u . • alfalfa , seed ;nust ed laid her husband were almost the first acceMit eather ctinditions, ,unable to' ' Put on osar;dfor the purpo a of ttlers Winghain; coming while it v The Business s ting., • • . . . , • . • ' , • • . • • Winghatn,.. On Tuesday, February le, • and:V:111a,, took to fighting animigt1wes•;,tho *tilt 111° reeentR.,nsaan_ rever4c5 be• mad'e ' Martha Cunningham Clark, relict of the THE KED LAW late ..Sextus Kent, aged 92 years* -6,..li:'-ho_onening-ef-',.-therlits--- seed --rmerdtebrice';7011ente"rattleleir-'1'vilileavehhifreridiaatek. , Seedsment farmers and gir_deness. tebruary lcat for the Whigiliain I InaY'lvIsh to reTl_ew t_he conditiTonhse,usne.deedr 86xmieutserx_yen; ste,rtvwhicoptobriv‘e ,e7tp.red,w_aease o'c ock. 1.4uchnow ididge, No. i31, meets -• second Monday ofmonth in the' Odd.- feUows Hall. ' " iarer rignomot.h.!?Auc Gee. Potiteri Laos., Aleit. 1,teso4 " Dental , S'O'WLE.14.L. D. Di s„, Office ap , Stains Jillt,ten Block." TegEneater, Spec, • -1stiettentioittnold-41_atee--, eroWiringLand , ,bridgewOrk....Vielte Wroiceter 1st. ana•Ord, - IVegueltdfet sr each month; Gerrie Thur.. 14 * 0.• A. NEW'roN, D. D.- s.;'Dentist. Office ' .4111n Block, _Luoknow, Ont. All inodern •• methods io$041. Best materials tarnished. Crown and Bridge work. Painless extpet., ion by:the use Of the latest,_ _ _shnglest and safest remedy, ,.i3011,EINOPORH. Newest thing M artificial teeth. ,Alumium Wooed ••• ton Dream* ; The First Stcp Often means so much,. has meant : suc.cess to thonsapds of young 'people who wrote •,• /or our catalogue as the first, step toward a good salaried position. Take. the step to- • ‘-AddresaCentral.: Ilusi- ' ites$ 355-voligi St., •-• w 11. SHAW,• • , '• • President' . . G AND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM , . • ALL THE WAY • ' DOM 111 / Toronto -Chicago roronto-Atontreal----- • • • in I by the various chiefs there is 01 w , seedin without, being in) *larked • • ' itch, law no they care to impose" • axert the ueual prcsstive on the Germans . g . P A Y was Id N • a wi erness. The family of Kent eme in is par o Canada. She There 'never was any reason for slip- seed below No. 3 in quality only to deal „. litexicobave:heen destroYed, ' and . the gang turn. • CarrenZa appears to be =. • re. afigaexPinlaunst.beeeemea'arkileddthmosae poifa`ier!reaanids in. Tiq. L. O. L. —Th- adjourned annual armies *by shOtild they without bias me(hoes may be judged of , fiy bis The ItussmihrWill do welijf they--aeolt.t. ornerees-of-anyinoiiioucweed-seecle-pr ceiving equal... Anislinterit themselves. delihie manner with the- common name 'Meeting of the North Enron County L. 0..1.04aSleldin_WingliarnunTueaday: Wiot,b, the grade, namely; EatrE 0. F4V erg May :eSte d ' t f Pe ra religien.. bliss Birdie lin.,:misinthIfiserolei.oee left in e g y 13S et was One the in st hi hl ed d , The water werks supplying ilia city of on the western front. N 1, No 3 fn condition of the city must be 'desperate posing that the RusstaUs eiMia• inolet ers"to be cleaned and bronalit up to All other grass, clover. end. for- , 2 th(i"s secnt tion 'to" ft is, in•fact,'at the mercy Oteaelr robber such. aWftil slaughter upon the Gerrnau grade. and in control of ..the capital* present, and with a large attendance: The following Et crushing defeat (and the ' slt; ' • ; • 0 office were elected. Count" `.Master • recent o • rder that 013,00• 0 lie • distribided • f • • r0 . Y Shows...whether is progressive' . or rorogressive. .11e• nntst use the neatest, - cleanest and, best printing.he can if he would nu- .— press,his—business- forcibly, .t.-ripon. his fellowineri. ' 45. We are 115ere to •° Do Your PrIntin *lilt. splendid equipment and a • large a.ssertment of type. ready t� ietye pin-. We print ' •*. • .Tife7•Widy.y.oitWantiFWhen You Want it ' The -Sentinel Presses, L46knoikr. lb • • • • • .... ' . • among thcl pow:, ono, no doubt,,woo •d.angee. ot ibat) until spring weather and .........Seed0 cereals, grasses, clovers, John1 it; D 0 , bid for popularity; the nioneY would be dry ground eliable the French and Brit fve'rgetabiPlantsi s field- r°°gthenanniiidatgaionr6' onf n' 'ILier:evlete.s'n*D7fignannin;en;.ebnP.In3lin':.: - Rev. - J taken from the financial institutions .liab armies to get to work in reel earnest tXt.hiredas 1101111.geh,..,i,A6Arrea:ninge standard oftWamin. glietr; ; vitality for good seed of aid' kind or be „r* -1,1 . "In lecturer, 0 . which. suMve; At the same 'time " cienerat Obregon, a eeherdinatel of car. ANOTHER DRY DRY STATE ••• nayrkbelde owf gitehin:liiinmaj'ipilegr,neoupt4apgeer'etahaseter Jsa 13Leet,Ifc,initteZtrestacrz! 10704 demanded -frOEM the- Catholie Arkansaa le the latest te--jOir.i thn meae-eat b nieihed with the year in whieh :rirver,s7w.inli.fitcy4:ss,t,Wwrio:gehteart usam: thet,he.would taho_ehursh prppeity liqUota is:forbidden by law:: A 'bill to Representative samplea of 'steds for h 010 sY WAS g" ' • n to the See ralr Ottawa. Two _taken lessonsfroni.:the:gerinatis Eel_ islaturo-oa, Feb; ett. -am signed by the .oinces of moss—seed,' 3white or'. e-ie-ihe =hi winghara on Slily In next, and the-- ' gOiernoTtiti deY;'-''Tbo-la-W he,. clover; four Minces Of red clover, alfalfa next anunal rneetiug to be held inWing- 01 seed of like size and one pound f "a" " • • , , , .o , cereaiii are 'ciesircd, Samples under 8 DEATH Or OLD RES.IDENT.—The.death OZS. 111E4. be, sent without, postage and °centred on Feb. 16th �f One of the best are tested free of charge ,to- 25 in known asiderits of'N'Orth Hurciri in the ntraiber for, each person or firm. - person of John R. Miller at tbe age of not be a candidate-lorthe .presidency; --§tx-'d Bran* Ottawa '86* er'helt he5l.: been a butnowhe has gono far as to sasume that :drtnikentrem . , , iaideitkir:411yeartlirraiEtTlvrtstrtaeobiluirl: the presidency and he haeasked feac4 „ 1916 Rules of the Road• - served4-0-4 t f.. the nal life ". aergy- the awn d arm' g- • f'StatertirwHilichtlieliale-d-,intokicat' the packet was- ' Robt---Mufrair-Belgravel,d' eputy---lec- ji t e n not forthcomin 11 has that effect was passed by the 'StaleTt4.;-- !tiltY--atti-gerin-atiolincrts'inty-A-e- leceilIeabeeltr,helr§tt-i;Acorinettiynece'. iebTrat twitt:„ •••. 'Villa, once the berg) and the hope of the ,Mexican situation, has proved him, self a mere brigandlike the other leadero. At one time he declared that he would comes effective, p.n January Ifit.,; 1916... Arkansas wasolong regarded as one of the backward states of the Unionin the MattOr of social progress and all that • .• . • • • • =• ell serve as deputy reeve, Was. mag- na ot' -derLdAll- e FFgellnealatn-rati * 'Ther following ruler _for._auto.--dro-roia.."tistrabr' for'l(Ivieurahntt away haslaa prohibitiOn for about 'a0. 'travelling on the Countif highway, have militia in the old days: He was license aesurnption.• ,:. • • he diplomats and representatives Of years, , Vor•ten Years 'after the enact- been laid down.. We do not Say that inspector fqr 2years, president of the they Shall -lie StriotlY.04breedt' liluevele.Cheese-CompatiY -20 Years and, &het na,tione.are inveipg 'a serious time 'intent prohibitioe 'Kaunas, the jam - team, the automobilist_ meet stop_offside 10 Yeare,'.., ..N1r...'.,44.iller_witita_Libencir.and UP0' ••clisco.rering-an "approaching- was president-ofAie--HowiCk-Mutua.'1-for of it: If theY deal with ' one Of , the was pretty -much -a Jailitie;: during, the - • . and cover lus noiehine with a blanket fainted to correspond with the scenery. 2. The speed binit on country roads this year, will be a secret and the penal - would -be presidents they are threatened next, ten • years conditiOns Improved . • ." ' • for many years an'elder in the Wroieter Presbyterian Church. He located in Morris Township ;With the early' settlers about 1854; coining there from New with explosion 'or death by the others.' seelewbeto and of (4' late 'the law hati been The Tradition of the country appears to fairly well enforced. ' he about as near anarchy as it ean be- • Lvitlentlit the lieelble neighb°.,,,,,,rilug ty,for violation will be 0104.0..r cary mile_ York via boat to Port Stanleyand nome, -- --I '• -states. are beginning to learn from -will- an offender -hi -ea • • •• thieircelled Train Setvice • • '. Equipment .. • g goi98. in excess of stage to London and then by oi train Si% it that •evini in Wild :Ken; it,-- ' ' northward. ' ! • to CaliforniaMortdaand „ litriatter-Vourfs-77.-- • Sunny south, - . Fait Traiiis:---ChOlce of Ratites Toew Itsreti uow in Effect, . • ' Per Patticuitirs consult . Ticket Agents er.vgilt41. , It, o . • Dista-reSs. Aitcht; IcOrolit0. • - 1- -"Steaniship tit.iLeyo on Salt • . MARTI% Adeati tuelutOW6 PLAN MINOT wink 040114 tiickyalthe land or '''moonchine4 and a in ease. ail. automobile "neakes: a is, .re.' 'team run avray-tlie,penalty vtill • be gfi0 • - WEED SEEDS Pt SOIL - • "Whitectithierier—the "niciVe Mont fer'pro- I rile) .firet anti $10efo he (1 9 ;El secon .-„..„-• ,„-• . — . - • • , , _ pertednataVilltiiiia-.4-terntik--that,--1M. litireionia'becomingIaMidahlei ---: —'77- 111200fer the third,. et -64 -thilt th-ti-teitin- 'The fiiiience of weed seeds iaT'sails Ayeted, tehelinynt,the _preninals „doing. - ..„ _:. , __.,..___ _,_ _ ... . ., • _ , _. , vino; ITI- lid.clitipn, to the listial-dainages;• under different sYstems of _oultura' and ...tiiriein.Sing-Sing, New York', ,: and • b3 '-i'.,4 4, , Du. apprenohteg Et critter, .. where cropping should be suggestive to farmers, 111r-: Oilill"tilr ..C.A11144;Yr '41117 the automObile cannettoininatidn view An. investigation -being -conducted:- by - petting theni to work under favorable • , • ;• - . ., ty ' ) . . of the road ahead, lte must stop not' less the Seed Brance, Ottaira, shows a acid (London Free fis , conditions at, gorid pay woUld convert them into good atidlieneet citizens. The story toklof ratriek O'Tool, who is'reported to bave 'stoke money and at' other valtiablee frorii his OMP1 0Yer Lochalsh, auggeSts that Mr, Ford's plan might not work out to hie entire • eetiti st cot of -0'Toril'e • life at.Alr. XcDoneld'e was not such ae •° There' are two Germanys involvecLE faction. -T e mourn an • than 100 yards from the „tern, toot his field had been in hay or paisture The New YOrk Toner( says it is. titre. here, ring a bell, fire it 'revolver, halloo for six years to contain 19,183 weed that Germany elionla ask what alio iina: Send tip three kinbs at intervals of seeds in &surface square yard one inch, fighting for, As The Tines remarked, five minutes.• •° ' deep, 8012 in the same volume of soil at if cermet ,teetery: fcci. Jiyhieu ' detamay An tom °Mica meet rigairt be 'Bead* h depth from two to three: inches,. rind fights, beam's°, the chanee of vultory has departed. It cermet he for bettor terms,. hetause -the terms grow oteadily -Worse. 111114110 AO, Oteire • , . . Ontario,* ttiat. • ', • . . '11).tiad Ica ' Training SehOot .. . .. . . „ . ., Vire have thotongit'cotimee and ' .experienced lestritetere in, ea& " of our three departmente, -Co*. unnerat,:„ S 0.0 a..1, it A WO . AND- : .1,10./(OPEAPHiN. Our ,gratiiiates : 140Ceetil reel IfOnl: altoitht got but .1 it Oritei . t'" ' . Urge free miteloguir. Write' • lot . .. . '.' Di As A44,4414tAtio, 11.41./.4 . , 94 4..4 41,41 4.111,11041411 to thilto)thyo,or crboo,vatiOAppettroidi Pile is 'the. Clermany represented in the 6 -availed -himself of the- -firet--cop ttutity to 'make off with la employor'e, geode, , aliboltybpoitsitna.trettlii;nt4h.at i.s; so, that tl,ley ovi.l.i 004309 ataydept,.h. _fit: alto seenvenu!glet mefge with; the *total ens°11141° ilild Anoocelsei;trieemt"-owf liculichtiVhatdianb'eand rotation' - -0, Automobilea•turrning tirthe'einin.- contained 4,084 weed seeds, in th tt• i try .roads at night must send tip a ioeket , tate soil and 3,020 in eitchof tlie ° ler. every mile and Wait ten minutes for the depths. The concentration of see . - :A.% ettwiirn Iroz typiy .rtiloi f?.-tooqpct Ow surflu,:elayer thes�d ,he rinse, -military -daft, -of melitoli -tli. eiF writs ancishOet.., 'explained by weeds 1 eing, allowed to kaiser idoltiof. The. othotis the( Gerinan ing Boit* eandree reproduce themselves from v to votir ' pore at "aro. irk, amino refute: " . 7, All Members" Of the society Will;InfOrmatitai oat° the percen" Lager vitaii- all1"911-111"'ll ".111"111-11111111'"ill'"Ell'"111-111"111'"itl'"111"111'"111'"111"'111-111.1111- L. InceiPniwted At OWNS BANK f.t." A.GENiRAL BANKING titisiINEss • • - Twins/to-rip-• - • C.APITAL. RESERVE ITICLUD1110 -7„ 'CIRCULAR ixTreno or cAtuirri • . ••111ANA MoNgif oADiA5 • :aril 11,,,116,,,.111.,,M.,,i11inr, $6,8003i00. • 92 Elreinclips • Irs Can/eels . . • Savings Bank 'Department .'•• • . At. eat 'Branches • . . Menet enswed at larket current rate REID,- Itanagei,.-- -• .'.• .••• , , s. eeforp..,1:3uying . New *Williams Sewin Machines - Prosr WireandGates Connor's Washing Machines Pure Flax Meal Homestead Fertilizers „ .11g...water Sleighs. Ct.tters--only,a feW-left _ . • . • • 17 i7. • . , 'I • . • . • 1 , ...• .-5 + . I 1 , .. o . . 1 • -Conditions W14.61i would put all men an equelit,y in the met.* earning d not brinthe war to .ing on that day, field are vital.** This invest' h-ing eottntry toiltleg the weed seeds in the case of the sod • • itveig, would do emelt to lessen I crime :InilitnrSr aiair 004 o r tatiOns, but to. trike haracncd criminals fromE,tbs would immediately ho tamed against antoniobile, the automobilist will take good cultivation and preventionofo°f at 4taoffilgiatist- istio; ettai lige 66;1 owiltvelei to octo,n1t4ip :eliioiscenteeitntivIPlig:ade;fi'slci:Yttertctecti.itliae.6gin, gittautth°e,tnie°,,,bitilnotf ., nnfotwyeelleteemdpleatl.titltdet,lif.htetre4:to• dueutbethre •1 oi 1 Mahon, in, and !cad ultimately to Its. otinctiob.i 46101081On ne* because of the wrath that .; ' EEL In WV* a horse will not 'pas 4 ' an !themes the importance 4813 . i- , , wtedi, , would be OVer.doing it, The ltardned his uubieitta for havnig. nndettakm .c. ' m itotise when the ro d 4 ' • - t t `: ;,l 1, - - . -i,--' ' tailliteit,Thitileiliars6trl'' nt:„: r.enittri:iliriliSrgast:t108,,,i,atsiih,, tie.' tia y Y IT a Omni eil.t.vatiOn to i.,eeLoy grOnrif going to seed,. Other important meth - be e, eenyeeient, term to he otitEriea te,yey What OX01,00 WOUld thei:KaiEler offer '4.0 pen tied put them within reach of wealth' by the deeeived Gereatin, populace; :,,,Ipz 0 't e s I pee of Weed emitrol are almoner plough i b 10 ap,poaeliec ' nig. of sod Finds followed by freemen.- ' orberroormurorriraok ' , • . thief inakee no dietinction between steal. Ing 4114 earning mom- only Vu40.4tlin liktter 000fitO tohim thei.shorter atufbat, terwq, War, in which:Germany timid Ix, AO IlOtEtE.: Alk)%0 .44tvo to 1 mile 511 trait an(1. the_ 191Tbeateril Ilad not Geensart Oielleter Will tprinkliotbo dust 111 boo :been poured out lavls10in orclot, got: 11,t1r1"6:with#01411a: 01•Sktett)• , .114;aarrii•Tilittoia, d. 119kr OF, .411*0 ; T.110111 ' • • •••• •••••••• • weeds, thorough ,etiltivation- during tie growieg. Seaton Of heed iltena and Alla • halved caltivation of cereal OropkWilic!.. UM no tog toidad down. 0444#4, of Hatrulton CapftidAtithorized $5,000,009 Tufa-up, '13..to00,o-do ' •turnliii:i • $3 730,000 Saving money does to bitileate ri miserly or stingt. character, • but rather one with self reepect and foresight. . The kest way to open a Wing* &outfit hero. It is the safe way ati well as. easy and convenient. ' The money is tilti/tye , available for an emergency. •. 'Ji A. itliAtititt, manager. - •j`iiialeggl.1"411*."1"*"~0411.11111111itraiimostsittrassihrestitskig,..._„,,ask___ • ,