HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-18, Page 4,wriPPPOIrlen,11.•••••••, •Charing Se Reap • ..,tt on every goods. Viest'il and 11. marmite at y red - priers. Plowed lined ITaiderwmir, qualitatv, regular $1.00 . NOWINAte rt • " .754 Mures Cep, regular $1.007 and - Tact, for and 39c: Iodise rimy Tee Aprons, reg. e. for ...... Dyes' Goode4 a» the" new colors and shades, will" be clewed at' greatly reduced prices, - Girls made up Dresses, sfling Lathe* Corsets, all sixes, and beet qualities, be stria et reduced prices!. Sp,00te. - Men's Sox; regubtr 25c and 350. will be sold at,., ,.. la, and 2210. Shelter Flannel. 'reg. 12k and 10c.,, for ......1011 and 8cents. Plaid dyed goode, reg. lee. and 20c., 1214. con. Great Iteductiena in Men's and Bufa Suit* aaa,0 Overcoats, Braces, reg. 25o. and 15c., clear. lag sale pr;ce....... -IR A6, • We pay 300. alb; for horsehair. Bring us your raw furs and old Rubbers • . r B. RUTZSTEIN atargainiatorn, Next door to Gy Armstrong's ' Drug Store. - 4 • lintknont eintitte ratillAsa svsryThurotisy marni4 Lueknew, Oinario. sth.e/VONZIX, wistot said Uttar. THURSDAY, ifEB. 18th; 1910 Tiii, 4,PACM7440WAR TAXES" • Very soon we obeli not have the slight- ed chance of forgetting about the war, orra taui feat that Canada is an iretive party in it'. Presently we SiWi be effiir jug to all our letters and pooteards, .11.,4 only the usual pee4ge dual* but War •Ilevenuttatarnne eis well; and every let- ter and card we reeeive •(of Oanadisa, origiu) shall be Ornamented la the same way. All bank checks, numey orders, and postal notes •theillegkewise decor Iated. So, not only big headlines in the newspapers, but every , item of our busineseandiocial corresPondene;Wal • remind tie of tlinGreittWar. This is, vett td 7inance Rio is t er `Whittennlanfor adding to the .erniniiy'il revenue. It will constitute quiie a bur- den to buoiness„ but, on the whole, it is better than many other means ofraising reirectun for, in paying it; we know Slid what we are doing, and practically every -wet we Pay Will add so much to the funds of the Dominion treasury, ; .• • Naturally all wavier), to escape the tax as far as practicable. We May -ex- peceto see quite a falling off in the num- ben'of letters niailed. People will write fewer Ietterslana longer. Bank ,cheeks fer small amounts will not be se freely issued, and bank ROW auOE coin willbe more in evidence. . One would have mach more sat isfab- tiOn in Ming tliOfe extra stamps if knew that he was contributing to •the expense of the war, and thus helping to crush the German madness. ..Unfortun- ately we cannot have that .satisfaction. Tho hundred inglien.dollars which 'Can- , ado is spending in forwarding men,and munitions of war IQ France will be her. reWlid and constitute an addition to the national debt. The extra revenue. to be raised by 'the revenue ;stanips and other extra taxation will all to make up a difference between ordinary revenue and the ordinary exrenditure of theGoverr- inept. This deficit, however, is. largely due 'to the war. The war has had a de= 'pressing effect upon trade: There has been alreat falling off in the .. quantity of goods brought into the country,' and as the bulk of the Dominion, revenue is raised byatax on imports,there was • a corresponding falling off of reverine. , .J3esideathe special taxation through the use of revenue stamps, there- is an increase of the duty on imports, .• and it, is said. the -"free hit" is practically wipeci out This, with out present ways of . .. iffiCOUlti441140 POODUCTION The Dominion Government in con junction with the Popo':•mew vulture of ()utak) LS doing *good roil. in its Patriotism and Preduction cam. potign. Orinf ere n ceo are being held throughout the province with View to illetrtletiliglarplsra OA to how test tc, take advantage of the conditions muted by the wer. The fact that the produc- tion of food stuffs will be gredly tut- ....sarnistitonst.00000000101.010000001111.110 I ItUON COUNTY NEWS &inns Ford, au aged rmident Lower lariughem.died at the home of grandson d. It Finlay, on Feb. 2. Deceased wss hi years of age, and be fore retiring to Wingintro had lived in tk• The winghani town ooireeit recent ly awarded the mina of 01,200 te the widow of Cheeter Hill, who Jost his life last fa 1 tty-.a sewer caving in on top of BRITAIN IS READY FOR GERMAN MOVES 'nue AY) VOrtilt ••• 1• T th” 791$44 attorehill Ejector's "filet the flitv Decide liege ..f Wite-Aet Afrel0 of Threats • "Atetratinr will not to adbpt * taster* of enea piracy *awl nsurdet without s.ctive rearlsolse (la's Oared, "Valeetna Chureliiilk First Leo tailed piactically over Earope; but or 00 'Adadraltal la the Om* of wileatomy ussia,permitny Fraay faro. was left with, *bendy tleenaose oe, *fendey, engaged in Sghting, and that next yevr 14"t-61) uWiLag rewrobto, t -h, owl hos is likely to, see a very o.ctive deurati for at he; '16riikrantiere.;ri lftro.tito.. at Roe coo. who .wo lawet,,, reconsider tuo snob. products is being inipressea upon Rge ° ra• rfu, whuNe maiti"!' altaation. The Clovertumnits ilartla-WaS .ayrie, was, fornirr Veal Win .probaiar make 'a declaration the A Business Sadefir Cards r 'JOHN SUTBJIRIJAND & eoNS,•Lte., insuralton. Vire and ritaripe., for liARVEY4,1,..INneAe,rei.eatove9at. t various lines of insurance. and p First class companies guaranteed. Only resident agent in Luoknow of. the London A number of, village and farm • neopprtles for sale. becauseo,greAt ilie4-25"twee s1414/ ehilf/fcll -!11/nnt 1" 14Y9 l‘it stsinla the 1°4 Winn ea, t* fO94 _into clertneer;' sett utity to reap a great harvest' of Proaf. Without the information being given out by the government representative: at these conferences it is just poseible that many who are in a position to take adrantage of the rate oppOrturtity would Wait tolearn by actual experience—that is, the great. demand. and high. pricer likely to prevail next: season Wonid in- direepthera to put• forth- enema) erode' for the season follo,ling.: Thi ,r1 would result in a icarcity next year and. a glutted market the year flillewing. ,Thea. gen* %ally is the way that an uninstructed public acts. With the Information given hefareb.and provisionpay be -made be. in time to take advantage of the active demand, and producers will have the , goods when wanted. With the men from the great produc- tive e;reas of France, Belgium, Germany, Austria . an4, Russia all fighting' eie3h other and-debtroyingtropertyinteadof producing it there is little danger of over -production on this confluent_ • oZASIr VILLAGE MONEY' 4WD. A. "SIDDALL. LueenOw , Ont, Real Estate. Money to loan on firsttguiti second inortages, on farm property, and on single and joint notes. Eire Insurance in all its ' Wallace. 011ionlitpus:14A. 31, tO 'en: 0, F.iamitnowLodgemeins everf Friday & evening at O'ClookIn their , Camp- bell street. All brethren cordially invited. theeerse-lowe Orand 'Mow Watson; Vice tirand,.r. T. Arms_tgongVrreas., Alpe. Rose: Bea, eece-A.. Bad; tieor. Dr. Pat- .• • • . B. O. Old Light Lodge meets • every.TWsd_ay night On or MOM the full Moon, in the Masonic 1-0311, Havelock street • Lucia:10v. W. M., aaaenonater ,e. W., 1). thuneron; J. W.,0. Martin; Secy., W. A. Wilson.. C.O. F. Court Sherwood; No. 50,- Litoknow, moots evorriast Monday of . the Month 'in in the tkldtellowellall. "Wattling brethern voLdiMlY invitedto attend. Chief Ranger, 'Gem Potter, Rea' Robt. Graham, . Fin. Sat Bent,- Johnston. Treas. II It. tieet. of the teaarelnp of Oar trek, but re9ved Winglitim about 24 year ago when she nattrieti. `Mr, Winn. . , Rev. Dr. W. L. ' Routledge, pastor of the ,:ldetiroatot Oltureh, taiiitton, has been granted, a two .otimthe !owlet of stitienNi and. will leave' foe 'Baltimore for treatinerit. Eta iles h id in iernal trouble for years -ter: R. G. ?dwell will eunelY• his absence. • ..; 0. V. y. dewetv, B mithernatieid master of Chatharn C011egiato and a SOD at Rev' flee. Jowitt Blyth, has enlisted with the Ord. Ounadrari 0011- i,incent. and ha' gone WU: training at ;theaiondon camp, He has been pur- suing a military ' course for aerate! . imurners, and is a captain. , Messrs.`0. Cartwright, Ganney, F. Brown apt r. Prost left Londeaboro Inst week Air Londoii, where ,tliE,y went into training for the 3rd can* diae contingent, The Methodist San, day School presented' each ..witfx pocket of the Whits and the W'ornen?e Institut provided each' with a complete ontfit•of thild-eduaforts,, , During the stem .of Feb. .3rd the bonier- of 'Harry rieeinarli-of .tbe-*-ene ratora! laa!AntIlirier etlyereepet Mom Lucknow Lodge, 1St, meets seeond Monday of each month in the Odd- . fellows' ktall. Master Workman, 4. Mac, Diarnsid; Fin. D.B..1/1colntosh;iteer. ;Secy., 0130, ,'Otter' &OWL Alex. ltoss. Dead „ '(Daily Star) ' There Must be a lot of easy money loitering around the small tdweii of On- tario,wistfully longing to get out and experience life and adventure in big world, • The ease with which village t 'money can be enlisted fc.1 distant adientare furniture, etc. Vn8 aVtd, 51r. 'Free man has since been eared for *et the pretty Well shown in the evidence npvv home of a eon; being taken, in a ease in court. A Man COUNTY ORANOR T.0.130Ei..The his hope town can ,go from office to -ffiee front ono end Of the main street to' the other without being able to homey five hundred dollars to.put Into hisjeleiZ preeeure of our naval power to honk' won uoreasny. The parolyeing Woe of this rale* of the gave WAY Bina doa the Issue of war," btreclherchill elated that the loses* of merchant 'SOS ite the flrst 41X Menthe of the war were sixty- three, ,O1417 nineteen',wbieli had .beim lost ha the lent three menthe. Tits *Ky. had lost 000 onionr. end Mel, the critter part of whom ware Witt by submarine* The •Gormitus. ha HO, hid teat a similar 'number, obillY tonlire. • / , *was oe•ena Offer n'tleek ProsPeot for German' Cruisers," he enetieued. "Britain MEW td meet any new effort, or atee• letouituito With Wont"' Plirahir 11004119yr tOrtrell to *Ole avail- able at. the bhsinning of the war." . lir. Churchill Judd that "the navy to no /onnnd no hell all WINO." s.. IWTEST AERIAL MD 14404/07010Pfe" We have a , lot of Ladies' Coats too many 'rthisieason of 'the Year, VrOm ni:1W • we will tiive s You from' per 'cent,:: off • clear, • Ladies' .Fur4ineci - Coats LP(.1;es' Fur Lined Coats with mink or sable collar at prices 'you cannot pass if you wdnt a bargqin. .Reductions U. ilio farmers. It introit la their oPpor- diet et which will PO bring thein 'Furs. C.uts in. 'Per. siatt Lanih, Cub. bean -Russian -Fitch. n d Blue Wdlf , Setts.: The same ' i0. all maffS and ' stoles. , A 101 0 Men's Sweater Coats were .2.7$ -Thr #2, Cuts in Lacliee and Childre• n's, Sweater Coats Now is. the tine :10 save „ mo• ney. -WILLIAM .CONNI3LL- `Thirtefeer 'British Mitohinie Rained I.month* on Ger** PoeitIOne% irritlay On the • lergeitt poUrii-t Its Tr• A — e Business Man' :eoneession of fIul ett, was observed to Weigher. Britiate4tlirm ff tin; be on fire, .w men is inppesed . have nano of snow In the liept over originated from the ceimpey, ben the Channel to points in Northern the •fire Was cliecovererilt .leal gained 4 1301011M held iby '; the Germane and too geoft beadenty save, ilie asehrogge inanicetoierghs. . ibroPped bombe onOstend, lirellea. • or the contents, of the 'Upper, St01 OV ,Thfrty;fpar serovarket and sea - Th'. --Freeman, who 101*!UPe0 tying planes of of .th&Britisli navy:took.Dart dangerously lit for•Iscine!weekti, was in the operatientr 'antr: all- of them removed to the stable and name of the later returned safety. to 'their Oath • without. casualty to their drivers • °al- though: two •of ,Atte machines Were .• damaged. The raid Was. made in order to prevent the developments ,of enbenrine ba. -36 and establishments whit% might fur' or endanger British weriihips and mereantthent. The British Admiralty statement indicates ••. that the lead had satlefeeterY results, for considerable, damage is said to have been done to German sal* pose' tions,. railway lines and railway sta- Mora, e • • At various •points . the airmen were received by the Germans. With tiring from anti -aerial goes and,rilleie None Of the airmen were Wounded, in_theate attache. One of the ,machines, driven by Claude lereiberne-While, fell Into the sea while returning 'to Its base and :11teeitviato -telettd_ a earreVe eireePe from drowning., A cruiser was near- by and ,pielted him •up. '' Wing Com - mender, Samson was in chief com- mand the raiding. aviators. ' Dur- ing the -raid warships bombarded the German positions along the oast. • raising revenue,. maybe,-netesearYllmt: it is%a bed thing It is a back -ward step. !elite forced-, to take because of the war. ^These ,iiiitieir'OhTliiiricirte-dielite , special priVeleges for'sorne:61 our people,. . apd these will stubboriily ePPese their removal even when all peed of them ,ae a Means' of raising revenue; is , remeved. .11esiden.the,bad effect Upen business f.s.• out of proportion to the Xeienuepeeitred iv Orange Lodge held its annual TRet- ing at &dee on Tuesday, VOL. '9th, and the following officers were elected: County-liar:ter, godgiu4; Luton; ness unlesabe can give a first mortgage Deputy Pounty niter, Geo: 'Vander for thelOan or give security far in mesa' her* Porter's It'll Clinplain,. 3: P. . • • - ^' Sheppard, Clinton. Roc Seq. Peter of what ought to berequired: • . • - . - • Oantelon Clinton° Fin' ecy lt G 1111t a stranger can ca the rt Seaforth; County Trell'inrer; noon train; ask' the bus. driver driver for the Adam CaritelOn, Clinton;. Director of 'names of those in townwho are locally Ceremonies D. N. Watson; Clinton. suppoised to have money inniedin theie 1st Lecturer, Robert IRONIC rray, Bay-, gardens; and three hours'liter,he.. can field; 2nd Lectuyee, A. B. Armitage, ' LOCan. The r0111:11 todge'decideil celebrate the 12th of July, at, Lucan this year. S. FOWLER, L. D. S.f D. D. S. Office UP in this way. . 'delta:UV/baton Block, l'eesWater. Spec For the present, howev,er, there is no- luil attention to gold plates, crowning and , bridgeWorlt, baits WrOxoter let.end ardi thing for it but 'cheerfully to .aceopt the Wednesday: of back men:14g , ; * „ SittlatiOn, and pay the taxes, who . N-14 0244 ure•-asked-onli-to-PaY Atha 11 edk, Lticktiowf Dnt. =Mehl • r -.-teetiviesentsle-Beseanaterialsermensheee thing, -in fact -compared With the ' mU- Crown and -Bridge work. rainless extract - Jenny wens° of the latest, simplest and lions, who go to thefrontto fight. _istion.,30t..remedY, -8011NOVORM, Newest satitielal-testh.,--Ahunium4aatesd __Jim is one or the greatest eves of , met erealteele • • • • : wee: Governments become freed from criticism, great semi wrongs become established,, and after the, war is over we must again tekenp, the .fight at: 1,0mo • DOUBLE4BACIE ALL THA: WAY for social justice -not *here we left o�, • • but away back *Ore we fought ten or OtOlitOoChiCag0 . twenty years , oionto*Montreal- " ' • $,SEEING THINGS AT nsoirr- • 6 ilesallelrernibr-Seeiee';Tliii4:01'rerif-those-eit-Y-DaPere whicb Highest bass of Equipment made ufide man& of the "aeroigarie attack - cheap 7 -Mr teittrisigeevers..-1.ete.n.n..Mon. • hen. _ was learned that the "war craft" caudated of net mg more to Califor.*ua,_Flor*da alta:Jormiclable_than few..sthall.paper hal owe sent UP • eautearried iortliwardi, by the fayot- ing wind. It is said that a of the Sensational and senseless report has been an-"Opidemie -of 'reports from various parts of that-airoliipa...-hart been seen". ,,SnieTeneilah Segie. people have "nerves" ever the Werf " safpnrsq,„itia easy to be Wise after' the truth is out; and, perhaps if We were nearer. the international boundary and more steeped in the atmosphere of war' talk, We wouldn'tbe quitt so free 'from nerves; but.. rally' a little thought would have suggested the extreme unliklihooa of. such a raid as was so loudly -reported- on MendaY morning. Many about this town,' at any ince, guessed that the ,"air- craft" were but toy baloonsi The Whon-thing was ridiculous: Wendel airineo-nn their way to Ottawa drop firebai on crOsithg the St, Lawrence by war of announcing their coming, is a question that naturally suggested Wog. Soon after the outbreak of war, folk down &we on the Lake Ituron shore *ere seeing airshifis at night; arra it, aPpeare ehatta man at Odd& is positive-) that he saw aeroplanes passing ocertthe about 4:30 Ode& on the morning of the loth. But hieOurdy, himself an air- man of notot tells the Star, that` aeroplanes are nos used at night because of the fililiculty'Of finding stiitelde land. ing place afters, flight. is,to totl. ed that this will put an end to seeing .:Aliftstsiferkft towing urrt 01004, leave the town Ivith from ten to. tweet.), thousand dollars in cash and with Teepee signed up foradditionalthousands undertakings that have the same 'value is promissory notes. All the ottander needs to bring with hini blenlelornisc highiy..legal in appeakance andles1 _seete, that glitter and glee* witkvest hinres- -siveliese.•• When the stranger. arriyes in town: his gripsapk is filled with glowing •prospectsewhen:he leaves it with unny South .ratit Trains -Choice of Boatel) , Low Bares now he Effect. ..Bor full particulers eonsult T. R. 'Ticket' Agenteer write . • . • • - Hornitee, • _ Blet. Paste Agent, Toronto fiteaniship-Tiekets onSale • o. 'warns's, Agent,. Luanne/. • .11.4.6514.•• CENTRAL writAT•ronii. °sit, • Oittarican Best Practical ',training &hoot' . • • , We baYe. thorough &Miles dila experiencedinstructors In each of out three departments. OM-- • areuerme, troutxtAtiti •'•.tit4D Titti1ORAIRY. . Out graduates' , itticeeed end von ehotfid get out large free tattilOgde, Write ' ter • it at once. Di AN MciLACHLAN, Principal* ^ • - 'said eertainities. 'Of edam,' we. would ' net think. of denying that there is big money 'tO 1Y.! made places far away.: Nor, *mild we dispute the statement that to melte big money n Men must- takechance' Buteve-wetild•Pointe•net-thet le:ate)) happens that'When ainen thinks he W raking chances;-heisn't''Chance We do not -wash tneiay.anything-thaL would tend to Make Money timid. Bait what we -cermet make' out is why money that is always 'so timid round hom,c that its 'Vete existence - is unknown to . • the neighbors, can be persuaded teleaVe ihdulesonthe-inest-cLare,fleiniah- :01)1.0.en• prises and take chances that the money - •et Monte Carlo *004 shrinkJroni, CinowiNct l'ou&Tous -reWm, of GoeerieleTewnshin, has grown to; matoei for, tWe or three Seasene in n :Vey that sheave them to he a paying part of Ates..ordinary..faint orop.. _Mime are, .he says, many aphie bits of land on the average farm which engirt to be utiiized With -this crop - to an extent' 'that will add Materially to the ordin, •nry farm' revenue -•-• TOprove this he gives .his own '.experience. .• aS was not a 'fined 'one for tomatoes, ,but from e, plot of a little more than. an .te.e be picked aboet, 300 bushes of t,6 rn a,toeS. ' sold._ to. liana n : eariZ ning. factory 292 tuiiiheis and realized $90 from the acre. -He gathered each -lead-from JO to"-tte-,buthelii_Lia_iihotte two hours and -brought there into town, a distanee ofihredmile:67". _ - Council ltikaro4on. toritso.-The -1-1ifethoclist-L,Oluireli-at:LtlentAe-4-and Orange nut has burned,tbe .mortgage on their beautiful paremittee, and . all the ebai eh re (inertly on the charge is now free from debt. Celebrating the event, the corigriiiatiori getliered and the pestor, Rey.: W, Rivers, intrd: Rev- -dC. prog-awof L-arith sMai scabs; quartetti; virdire rmections and readings • Toward the, conclusion of -the :Progeiteeet,WDreSt4entf----GoriLi tin -Perhaphif-entall town-Capital-We-PIO, -turn4n-an4 takeAt few chances right at !Mine the legal' towns wonid flourish more -than -they • -•• ik4 SILLS Atio PENT,. TIMM ‘ift Ii TO PROBE BOOT PURcHAgo. pechil:Parliamentery'ammittee Will Investigate all Oiretimalaieee • 4v -A • ••• Shows.: whether he is progressive or 'fetrogre-ssive. 4" must use ' the neatest -cleanest and best , , , ,p-rintinft would ui- press his business, foicibly .upon Insf11.6w men ; We are !Jere to Do Yogi. Printing - with sRlepdid equipment _and late assortment of ,type t.e'ady- to I -semeThyou- e- Print _ T Ilatyou ant The War You Want it When YOil Want it at he7SiiiinerPreiies, Lucknovv. end 'Orange Hall Ladies Aids, Mrs. E. SPailing and Mrs.. W. G. -Strantratto- sisted the ,pastor in burning ,the mort- gage. The Grime Parsonage was built about -seven yrntre ago; daring the pastor -ate of, Rey, 11: and is a fine, red -brick boo uk.piesent- • Feb. 1„5. John " a vmsi e. - -launday afternoon. „, ' J. 0. anal A. spent -Sunday evening with friends downcast. . • , -Mrs. IL- ROM -Spent a few' 'days with .ltirs-MeDoneldlastAveek. , _ ifi' visiting friends on time 10th Con. • Afi, and Mni. George Ilia, visited Ma aRil gra G. Melvin, one day last Willie and Alex Whytock spent Sun- day with their atter and uncle On the 8th Con; Mt, and Mrs, W 3 Wraith, Luck now, Spent a few days the past week slotting the fermer'e parents. " . Nialeking • .Laionday, Feb, lin 'Mr, and Mrs S Xilpattick and family spent Friday evening at (5: Treleaven'o. Mr; and Mr's, Anson .'inlay exttertale- id a, numbor of their frienda on iMday. ,Tatueo Sanders had a ouceessful lee bee on Thureday,.after which a pleasant evening was anent, Mr and UM, J. Jandelletl, of Laurier, and Mr. end Mrs, Bed Finley, M Luck. now, spent the Week end ac Anson Fin - lay's • John Mosier paseed away on hriday evening of last week after it lingering illness. The funeral took Oleo on Sun. day tate-rutin to DucgAnnon cemetery and was largely attended, Bey. 13, J.' ,0P945"43t and Withent, "_ , -"a-milli uerite Gemble, who hir „ peeteereationthieh.ithettC 'ti th rt; friends in Detroit,beige on Saturday last. • Wendt Saturday Women's Institute intend boiling' a. -• on 'Friday evening, Feb, inch, in the Town- ship Hall. A good program consisting. .of reeitationo, dialogues, sOlOSt duets and Musie•will Refreshments be FlArlted'. Proceeds aid of the Petrie :rale Fund. Everybody come. Adnilsalon 25 emits, Parliament ' 11 appoint 'a special committee to to investigete .the charges_ that Inferior boots were supplied netts In the' Canadian overseas contingent, Following the Suggestion .of sir Wil- frid Laurier last Week. Premier.'Boe. Bor- den rOse• when the, Hound met Mends.); to 'state, that be agreed that it 'Was in the public ;interest. as: Well ati-due_to variousmanufacturerswho, .hett-tinp- lied--tlieseattichite:einAlutL.Go *Wet, that the whole Matter should beereferredeto-etrspochilecommittee-ed seven meinhere. . •x!. . . . . _ • . Mt -01v" Rtir-Wat -Joke"Tnere Were no attempted airship raide On Brookville or Ottawa Sunday eight as was generally supposed. yestigation seem; that the. aerial Craft Were nothing more or less than fire balloons sent up fiend Morristown. 2aMall.,Plage_ixerose the river tte, the . result ,Of a !weaker:lake Tier scare j)iirpogett to commemorate the emitterr •of peeceedebratione- ' .41111'"lly "le–I I "111-1 ir "cm' t ureitreiratie" tne lir err" melte IDS 1100 IN CANADA , "Swine liusistedryjn Canada" is the title ,of Bulletin afp,', 17 of •Live Stock Branch of the Department of Agticul- ante at. OttitiVit. This publication de. scribes' the JPeonhog and dieenaSta his breeding and resting. • -The breedr f swir reared in Canada are described and ii history of ..eachin given, An ifitcreliting Section is do - voted to the troduction of Pork on Canadian farms. The information WAS evidently oeturi d from practical farmers in cheesefactory and in . creamery dis- tricts and- in seetions where hogs' are Mora without dairy bylproduits.. The bulletin' with artieles on hog cholera and tithercitloais, written by the Veterinary IBrector General Ara the Chid' inest inspector, teri estively.- Bridiqette bad sharp of.the Servieell, tio.' This bulletii.. is generoim.dv illustraled the house and wave. Mr, fltizitr In$ and minted in Ikea litmo ink; Copies bon a oordont here (Jr ial.tfly year,,, are available tij those who apply for Mach 0$004114 is felt for thst berearod them to the Publications *atelier the *Ifs ,1nopartntorp, cuf Agrieulture at Ottawa,. • U] • .---Real-Estata-Men to 'Stand Trial .Matehii.11 k Cooke • and the fair 1V1cOlitcheon brethere, were formally committed for trial • :by -etagistittla D01161011 -at 'Toronto. There coesiee-sv1denco--toestateeetheree-* 11...Widespread • fried going on the Magistrate • said atter listening to -titehiriRitatleeiteavitadti. " Of :the.accesedi • Holland Protests, Too-, . Tho ,Nothoriands GleiernMeitt halt ip an, emphatic note- to (torment 'arc lieWint-itho-:_a_r,-.nonclroclank Won. Of the, GOMA etimiralty, in which. it IS eoieted out that ships parrying he -Batch Dag be ro- tectedtected in the War zone proscribed In the preelatinatiOn. ° •.Turkish POI;Ce Wiped Out forte at 200 'Turks' eha Arabs, ender °entail officers, Who were prat piling to stun* the British Statleil of Tor at the entrance to the Gulf of Sees, were attacked and either killed or taken prisoners hy‘ft British' forme • • Kidnapper and Victim Caught . Ten -year-old Elate Streicher of _WY- endotte, Mieh., who was kidnapped by W. Grignier of the 'flame place, was reseed in Tetonik and the man ete rested. They had been missing for several deirti and the Child, leeMed to be terror of the man,, • ..., .. St- tielciik , • ; The St. Miens branch of the 1Worlieres, Indittite willhold their Ven. .klretilix.' On Thursday, the -"25tIr4 at tiaak at 'tin borne. of Mrs, it, It Miller.', 'Sullectte. "Gossip", '. 4‘Who1esoine 'Aiello's. for . the sielt" nail call; answer, -"Idean out sew-. ing",,-QoestionlDraWeri thitai4 tio. • Any of the bailee. thatcan contribute any. While goods suitable for bandages, :eta, ,lor the hospital..hitt* Wes along- •to 4bs. %whilst!. . Vitt*-Pli WWII . tempt • i .:Sailaga Bank Dep. artinent At Brest-1,0ms , iota* ideirst entreat ego 71 .7,111, • . .1 1..1.116 • 11711 II" 1111 • 11111 r 111 .1111 .1 .111 I ti 11 Ito Illo n1111.111, II ar eg:Ousi-470.66 u. 7New tfaalt;es Fr'pat Wire ana. CateS' Connor's Washing, Machines Pure !'lat Meal 'Horneitead FertilizersTeeslitter Sleigbs1 qua -ft - only a few telt and-wlitte -sofa it • -dote grite- •, • , , • W. O. ANDREW etTik of Hattliliori ' gleittaelA,tahituleitd 10.00)0:00800'‘ 'Surplus $3 740,000" ' ACCUMULATING CAOITAto. The lack of genital stands between wetly a Mail and the•rn,rrying out er.a soria,b0.41. item idea. • • Beery young man on salary' has the Medea ' of accumulating capital. Weekly additions of hirmall atiment6 to a Sayings account In the hank of liatiiiitoti soon pitted him in ot position of readiness for business melee- ttillitite. IL A, GLENNIO, Manager. ' --6.24111110111116E.i.o....— • t