HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-04, Page 4• ••• e 4 +NV .74:77--"F .7"r"---."••••-•••NT irne -Lockpitnie surrrnet. Thursday, Vebuaq 4th 1915 military ritteseiThe old rircler hi reveisul 11"4"""aw • 4' 4544411": lioughsharea are being totaled Into *words andlikuning hook* inte apears. Stiehl* the reitetionary, degrading effect Publkeed every Tharsaer morabig at lareanw. Oats*. 4. A. liACIZENZIE, oat' - and Editor; TRIIRSDAZ YEB- 1015: tut spormima RANT gument advanced- in favor liee pool rooms, -"that the *young au Will spend th,eirmoneybs way event 'and it is only's. question of hew: net altogother,sound. „ The hahita which a young man will cultivate *ad acquire will depend lergelY Mt opportuititieS. As to the money - gentling habit there is a tatriking •4414- traet betWee4 the you)* man from the Muntiy =Atm :young man from the town.' Young men in the country Require the habit of saving largely heekur there ntopportunity every evening COMM Aa Grafonol a s and records mium.m.CANADA Cream Wanted Having an up-to-date Creamery In full operaticn, we -solicit- -yodr-, Patronage. We are premed to PriY the highest market Prices for good cream, and give you an hon- est business; Weighing, sampling " and testing each can of cream re- ceived carefully:and ,retarninlif--agg . full, statement of Same to each patron. We .furnish two cans to - each, patron, pay ;all express . chargeS,'atal!.paYeVeVP, two weeks:. Write for further give or • fiend, for cans and give a trial. The Seatotth.Creaniery CO. „ •Seifortii, rOit; , Business and Society Cards JOTIN STITRIARLAND SONS, Ltd:, Guelph. Ont., Insurance:Mize and Marine. • • , SIARVIGY J. LINDSA ,I.ucitnow. Ont. Agent • • . for various lines of insurance, Fire tail Life Firqt class onsupanies guaranteed. Only reeident agent in Lucknow of the London Mutual. .& number of • village and form ' properties for Sale. * ▪ bt&LOOMS()N, Barrieter. Amt. onnveYs,ncer, Lucknow and NM At Lucknow office. every Tuesday. Dux, hot the balance of 'the week all- work in Lucknow in. connection with con'veirallaing,' wills. estates, loans, etc. , WM be attended tO by Mr. Joseph AgneW under my super vision anti directi , „. uructiow. morn , JOSF.PH, .A.GIVEW commiseionerand Conveyancer. InsuranCt BrOker. 114ife, Fire, Accident, Plate Glass and Weather- Insurance. Real Estate boughtentl sold. Money to Loan. Mew •Allin Block. • - GEO. A. SIDRALL,' leteunow,, Ont. Real klstate. Moneyte loan on first and. socohd mortagee, on farm property', and. on single an&joint notes. ' FireInsurancein ai it 'branches. Offige hours: JO A. „N.f. to I 0. Lucknow Lodge nieetS eiery Friday evouingatItO' Clock in their .Camll-• bell street. All brethren cordially invited. , Oilicersc,L4Neble Grand, Thos. Watson- Vice hi the German way of getting even with . Grand, F.T. Armstrong:Tress., Alex.Edes; Reo, we.. A. H. Boyd: Piu. Secy., Dr. Pat- the .134t,ish, for the beating recent.ly, ad-` ' export. •• ministered to the German fleet ur- the North Sea, They must know that the A. F. A. if. 0, C Old Light Lodge meets - every Thursday night on or before the fall whole eiV1Hied. world will regard their Moon. ill the Masonic BaU.,llavelock street .” Lucknow. W. M., A. Maolfonald; S, W.. &Cameron; J. W.,O. MartimBeoy., W. A. of wer. Ige id $8 be will twtime go iuto the I MARRIAGE MOURN RR. flootion. He wail a good Pennant sitaa of a 'carillon .Cinli When One of pen, where he will have me for re, pretty smooth, and in innale way work- mammal, lee*, intOilie greeee Ot the local order of Then ai,. ow pivot 1000400 Alt Oafellowo. ift* W91,4 appointed the, goine eonogo, Oxford, that peatilISe treasurer, but being* 'boorfer he got member who' Marries. Way reader* iired and anther' 111411 was -*eked to Wive doUhtleia beard of the lisebelense BRucE couNtv NEws rialge thcft0.1111,te. irrIttotroan deelmed to *tub lamdent, When ti• member tilie made and the anditiheol"0:shehAda efortofiXtegrarry'LliebePladill7rtallesptig; ethip%ellied.1) Oil an 1111 1 ,Atire. Steer, a; widow and Mr. A*. had been Made and the audit. Showed hcf,v1Pgruir!retutai'°: land.n:ell°0frit,14,25wheamcbeat, itaykeoph, both of Walkerton, and ti shortage of .21,000 last veer. In 04, be,t et come he moot etthoir naorried there On Monclig of last week. notices were, sent broodeatit • to noninarrYing men. , the ladk bastb:300 a"b.Fide. ` Ward get_ene„ be heard that ran, ittor.144...,!,junoasellen_phib., When._ .01....!!!1•0•711.1.101111.111rInlorlik aged respeetively 43 and .65, were the meantime Boyd had skiPped oat the Privileges ot select inuul or Two fa tbn fourth occasion On, -whiell every constable in Ontario% - where Isasimpartergithisathan 111-0eP• The Town Oo f • Pt • • " 1 0 Walkerton, Answering 0. deseriptirt was in Big over thorn genies to the callelahrof this at reeent sitting wade' grants: of rlaY1 Prmet300 tliore! 414 f°404. club an y intlandlon that member On - $300,00: to the Sea Cross Society' and the bird, he wanted enjoying himself teraplatee matrintony he is inunedinteli. $200.00 to the lees! fella for relief of at n &awe •,eardon qtlietio Herb," suranioned. for trial, in the Chlk e011rt.• distress due to the war. The 10014 Said INardt-ioroit Iowa the advantage with .the president 'ledge. Theent. ' eenorittee is expending 860 monthly of me replied Poyd', where ft pelf Prit allowed. to Plead extenuation for relief, , ' - • Ward told him that he had -a wairr1tet of bis ofrense, and neon We skill In Pre, The TOWO•CO1111011.of Hauever* for his arrest. The man admitted. 1( eeutlnit alien Plea dePencla_the ninailet of lila fine. which ranee from ant the nuniber liquor tieensei in guiltP, broaglit Wiartol, and the `town': froin tone to tb . The; ac malnen iii the cooler .heve. until al 41*()".' • • otiictive, froin Niagara came and The. hureerellEt teAture the nee ofir, woe taken at, the instance of. the a dune or a dollar. Many toVia vesidenta. ''' wil get into 'the habit, ot spending (often ,foolishly and, unneeessarily)• practically alttliefearit just beemise• t is al- ,..x.fiphi4 Ways Rrekent an Opportun' *f some Imaging enjoyment.- - The result- is that tire one liecomes financially independent while the other remains a servant all his 1,3°„)11° 1,1°11ra aftez` Wail' te dap, and ends in poverty. The permit., I !IL A, pnysiOan.succ age of young Men •whose early' *mos I mg' the 11.\ t*.et-hPiP were hi the eeeetrr who inicceed in b- usii:' *I 4g0h4/1'' aeirteed' wbich near* is much higher than tbe Gen v 1 to of townor city bred. wen o once ... tins Co.,- a .b This ;must be meouuted fOr by thehabit ratepayer las a9enitTkiti Yentli. On thir•othei hand iote.",of 263 to f1.,11.011a1deighle element in the cities :to:, ,v.aa waged. over elleh.4esr' ablollitAllY . vAneci• 'imacralii '23 vel'ewe'heverf'- !fd,pliylgerally..; There jean corresnenat!re se Tired- by le&element in rural -districts. This t,OO A ra' Ai ltehell, W•O.T.T.T., which presented‘ largely: signed petition, asking that two en4ea be gut ott. • - Pecuiman,Accinewr-;:-Iferr;SOM bartender at the Queens Rotel, Wel. Iterton, :inadvertently aw a ll oWe d a•-• toothpick ion() day A last ek, ..1(13V ''7101e41,1Y in ereainv rem atoin an $45 to Knit. d to ine,arcline town week was 'carried by a niay..be *mounted ftrir by the opportard,, „elrmallpejatil pati the acquiring ' aimed him; • is a sinootit one talS° .47,1pe..84fbetoggebis td: the detective, and. will Oa vitemonitojlit Zher whereat•ell menthe** Y .appear in moerningatc . At the con. Nitin.—T.19, elusion of the repast the president sot, or •yea has been it;:."cha manly tho sentence of 'elenisien,. he-te s ips of Carriek and-- Cul- and the tislinenent frdm the room 0s,89 has at last got into sericite troub'c, arid the groans and lamentations of De Clifford Express Lakelet corres. hiseretwhile clubfejlows.-London mient•give$ the follon ing account Of iiits• • • • e incident: • • - de by the famous Thenias, Bennett, 'TO'S BIG Atm"' Th"). atlin" LUXURY IN ARGENTINA. - 'he burg was all excitement recent - :7:r aMnf;t41, 171,nPt9:013e$11Grattlenagadaletitae; Aires Hotel claargee. • a IYheuRtiej vge Ca. „Bgilud a xi 0 0 id•eszetited by 7ornthne viaenvr, Th°11°018 01 )311e11" ;631" a" fa4IY • A yely hot contest (les Tom ,iitsthe Mother and Sister in *e- by law g.nd' ortly house,' ,Wlien Tom refused,to get ‘• require twe•thirati.; tb° 8paud 06;t7...14..."4„ ..11,..el!„........ allwealY4,1g?i-.4:11hke-tPlrhaevieebshiffioartiCirwrackblt°i*1 '" ""Ismr". .then proceeded with' 'Ir. team' ' 16 to organim the waird: . ,t,5;eaja a fea:rfalispaon.eSt- , . .. . .. . rush ',!3•14bittR,:•-•*,.,r-'r -7.-•-2* t:"" ''-:: -.V."::'..:,,7*.:•-‘4.--,.- 'death, near Riversci:ltli ocr;f il.;"7; ''..) gnil'it'° wiik4 ".CE -11 :-4•t°1°16.ti *ha'116i* „Weil:00.430r when idle acquire art 2fith * war of 'a t* I l - ' Oa k t b` h % 11•4' m`• 41 of 41hich'YPU tiliffork*nleAkie 7.,,tillingia,..Mpre evident then .thp4i s ene te, w I: o entred on Juni, ,,.. ,. ., .,. . , . . ,, • .„ . '. . par. mu a,r y 440 ;thrifelbd other rindesirableliabite ine'e nature as She leaves bit- tie ' ''' 4' .. , . . r , , , , , 0 ut , ve Totaq-,,, readdy' tlifin, ark ilO when rOgularlitchilaton• .:- Mrs.,;Caskenette Was dile: • tis 9his ol*I r t.'nv:•1.P1'. • • of SAO- ' 1.9.141i14-4*°4-4P' tuberculosis,• an& had:bc,n Kr. ;eroPloyed. It ni a ratter Of circumstande :thusly tit only 'since July ' last 81.1e. viVonntl ty' . was a native or 'turtle Lake Wiscon, • .. ain, where she •was married to Mr. ,../..yiuRDE!0N THE SEA Caskenette, 12 years ago sine whieb tame the family have lived on the farm The latest German exploit is the sink: ing Of; ex IniMber Of , British \m‘rchant 111°reLl'wei" WI 'which °e died' vessels in the English Channel atkd Irish wa7tATITTatTellitRtnBaerV'rtRae.--7getr tb:; h260eithe Sea. ,TInewas accomplished b3ja couple°f and Mrs; D. M. Barbour, Hop Of large submarine; vhich Ppear to worth; when their datughter, Eva Ma. "have safely -returned totheir • The:captain °voile a, tee ,§u e. , , bob became the bride of Mr:- Wesley A. Magwoou, of }J.riovoa. Rov. Al appears to have adhered to the racogiti2..1. McClelland, of .•Howortla, Lief funned edrules of warfare,. and before' -sbAle.4.,' OremonY• .1`fhe 'e ore ',pro did no know and that is that mine th t •to k• ceded -satin with shadow hiee, and one in this burg or, iielnity have been seen-i,crabli.ed shalt .inte it., ond;Ir at- the:filiot;Contd,n,41.hevebecel , a, foot above:the headsof,youngPn. and his Yhile tbo-sovefo.. loading ter- seeend: qtlii village bleeksmith, stfoceeded in 'fait:- ing the gunInstead' of feel": ing any remorse for the pei petration of his act; Torn'. only regret was that. be had not finished, Cattcliei' ,Hath and. 'any. who -took their pert, • We have snOwii Tom 'for Oyer 2,0 Sears;"' aryl while. we knew., that .he,iliod a. meat violont 'temper: when ander the in flueneet of „best or eider, Yet AVe never thought- he would go. as far. as hedid this afrerneori. One thing We „ • • - - tweet a-bourtuetTfarmea 4;44-i boats; the -valley The young couple .will re. ingin-the-Channe ,- shot -his, torpedoes ..410,- on a farm near Hanover., The into_tnodefenceleSS ships Without ware- „Part:Vier familyforreily ing, allowing the creWs to tak2 their, teas. • ' `S1111A1'NEL el* Ousiitarr.-;-;.The bed factory at Chesley is to be turned into an arsenal. Mr Griffip tilltnianager; into secured the contract' Of •nubking 25;000 Shrapnel ,shells to be used .in the reduction Of derfruipy •;The job is worth about $100,000 and it iSeatim Chances. Fortunately, no lives were lost, So fat as reported: " •-• This mode of attacking 41.1',0, though -legitimate. in the ease of war vessels, when applied to merchantmen, ;nothing short of murder, like killing Prisoneni or , attacktegz.vdiann In undefended towns.„ated that it Will take about Oct . . . It has never been practised ie the. Whole ober to complete the contract Special history ofnaval warfare , , machinery has in be putin for the . Tit* ads of Daimler, we may:3410,9e, manufacturing.of the shells and ninety • Cont Sherwood,_ Lucknow, ▪ -71tiests-evintlast Atonally- dt,the- month -411- 'u the OddtelloWV Ball. • V Riding brothhin eordiailriuriteclio attend.. Chief Manger,- Geo. potter, Bee, Secy.. Itobt.. (Retinal,. • Fin, Secy.,. 110131. Johlistou; Truas. 1) •rt,.. 314.1hthish. • 4. 0. ItW Lucknow LtildngiemitNuei.u.11137,th,einoededts. • second Atntgailtr°f...,er.... Workman, J. Um - 2 fellows '42 ---i) it macintosh; ite0. Diarmid;Fin. Secy. , . 0 , _ Secy., uto.Yetterr.freas...-Al -t'9,1)".• Offtbezn • at -tamer •Button Block. 4Teeswater.-:-Sipeu JAI attention to geld nintes„ vrowning and bridgeWora. Visits-%Vrosetor and ard.. • wsuneadayot each month: -Gordo Thur.. NEVI/T014_, 00. D. S.,. o • Aro Sleek; Lucknow, Ont. All Modern • methcids Used. Best • ids car %heti. •••:-..•-•.-v-43rown-araL1Itishro w .Painless ex Met. ion by the urb, or fhe 1.131estrAth 'safest ,-,remedy, so *, ORM. hielves1. thing in utitionil,teeth. • um phiteeu non breakable - Often 'means se Much. It has meant success to. thousands Or young people who. wrote.. • •• for our testalegve as the fitet step 'toward ii.„,good salaried position. Take the step to- ! day. Address Central i3u5I,- :less College, 395 Yonge Bt., , W. II. SHAW, . President. CE.1111AL• Men wilA •bo employed in two shilts of 11 hours each. New machinery to:the 'value Of about $12,000 whIl have to be installed, and,the actual 'work oftern• lug out of shrapnel' shells Will' pimp -- :mince early in March.",. , ziving." him- rotten old' cider'-13ht whether . or not , he had partakenof any today we -cannot bo positive.. We are inclined tothmk that he waelmtaOhm..... He was arrested this afternoon hymn - stable -tom Wolfe had had his prelim. •iaary ,trial before F. Dixon, 'it. P. • Be Wait; taken to Ocideech , jail 'to await trial on a chatypi'of shooting with in tont to Lill, • Ctilross -Corners., (Intendedfor last week), „ Tuesday, 'Jan. 26. , Mr:. and Mrs:- Hugh McDonald visited •at W. Whytoclee on Monday: , • Bert Edgar of Salem, hoe been Work- ing a few daya with D Edgar. ; Mr. and Mrs. tleorge Belt and family, Spent'Sundayitt Mrs. R. Turner's. • sinking of '.idercliant ships With their wAticEeTpN Mr and Mrs W Benking tetitwied. war, 0 0, , . , , • n _ Crews, as murderous, for had they, wished , ofs:-.'l.Outhairipten,...waS brought to i.1111°Ibel: of f•rien48 Fr!d#.:eYerii•lig' Areircoithl have practised- it on ay an wsP. vim an 3' natl.) 10. D eAlettainsd• 8 is will probably. come-fa-rthestitoni -the ;They --are -being-driven to -desparationi' - I,Ou0k.rocIr -4140.eillit;latii.-„Anati,....p.n, I .few °f I•tr.uth• AbOtit .800 to .300 ponnda " • • . • • good and very -expensive.- One. Of ,the' 'ehespeetromme I saw inthe masa hotel 'Waal 41 a day,, European style. There. are good t3panisb hotells with, rooms from $2 a•dity upward. : The .• Mopolitan of all the hestelriee of • the The Boyer -Vincent Stook Co. ' Prwientl,titi the ' Grout 4 -Act, Comedy Dramu ALOU One 'Night ;OW in • The Town/ Hall Brim - T *Ith-ritrOlitairs'OxieryaEIfeCtu ,440ineci youivius boweiin acts, People the doili'' Firsti;Class Attraetioo Prices 25 45 and .50 , centso ,.. • - neierveu Sats u'o,ou a e at J. Artnitronfri Drug ,stere iiiiiimmommonow • - Let -Us Your Waiter 'Waller)! tire.et:Itelplog e*ere wh!M they:ask for .good :PrirttIng, •:, WO can tickle the -moat exacting tYPho" graphics appetite. People who have . `P4riakeri our • excellent: 80'000' come back for a second Serving., Our " - prices ere the most reasonable too, city lo \end, dilarotrefosion-alwaatt.408n.- deP;seenit-nt 1,1811--neueb-givirnit sittrn-pnies.rdorn4,110-m. ot"-proinnt r•6 boliroom and lte drawing . , , • mein I wait reminded .of-- the Waldorf, -Astoria. The meals are a little higher, than bi.the big,:hotels 'NOW -.Y9rk 'eitY• ',lint there are numerous small. , *Mutants . where ..geoft'retreSinitentsp, .may had at reasonable , As an `example of,the charges In the , blg botele of lItieniat Aired I may quota a ,story told me by an ,A,rgentimr,olli., flessaid that some year ngoh. coning:mon' of European sinibassadore was entertahied- by the A.rgentIne gov- ernment 'itt the Bristol hotel on the Aveirldede Mayo and that the hill ter. soar* and perfimiery. It* $15,000 a week,: Nobody seemed to compialn apparently everybody was satisfied. ' Luxuries neein to be necessities to the •A'rgenthies, for I was told that the "tariff champagne is only 2 per cent; while that on a plow hi 50 per cente•.; ational liagnalPe• -" •" Shri,W4, Advertiser. - „. The thoughtful Man thinks,. -ahead. The7'pruleizt man profits by-liis ability to forecast the •future as. well., its to ecratrita the present. One of the moat Loroilibient advertisers the. country_ lle.YeAuktnakes &rule to increase Ilbs- ady*tlizing appropriation, tvbenerer lineinesii:eiaekens. and he deribles and treblee, it in times of severe business depression'. This is his „logical coaelni. .sion: "The new customers` that I gel 'when times are hard always keep *heti- times become gocid.. They come to dia largely from these who lose them ..bectiUss their fall to contiline,tbeir pub - itchy campaigns. ',A business dews,: mon la Pin .cuuntrY never. lake long and itlit always seed time for me. Ths harvest follows when prosperity re. Orris." It Is is ic•wise man wheInnivrit his own business better thitn the ether MRS . „ • • Weight of a: Lino. -"What does a' lion 'weigh? Those who. knew. the Milk of the king of beasts Hidinittok " ' Capital Authorized $53e00,000 Capital, Paid • $3,000,000 SUrplas 750,000 „ AccpiviuLATitiG CAPITAL The lack Ok Capital stands between Ataky• a man.and\ the carrying out of a good bast - fleas idea. • • • Every young man on salary has the means of actumulating caprtal. Weekly additions{ of small amounts to a Savings. account the Rank of Hamilton soon place him hi a position of readiness for business. °ppm- tunities. , J.A. GLENNIE, Manager. ' • ••, •••• , ; .4:••t7.fT• tfia • %.„-^ I . • . 1 And See Our Goods Before Buying 1 New 'Williams Sewinp: Machines Frost Wire and Gates 1 'Connor's Washing Machtne ' ' Pure .Flax Meal • :Homeltead Fertilizers Teeswatet Sleighs Cuters— 'only a few left and will be sold at close prices. O. ANDREW. •best and how small his little. body Maltz: and ma.Y now -be compired to the red-r;lhitrge:of false -pretenses; -; cos, who - WS, Illi-Ompson has returned usual estimate, but full !troth! lion . , a. real estate agent; was arrested by • helee'nfer Visitlag friends in Tornilie: the Beale; at no IOSS than 500 d iandect • Y' • g ' '''• detective „Boyd in St. Thomason as' _The Women's • Missionary meeturp pounds. Five hundred ,and forty his time is short and his execution cer- • Minds Is the record for an African' tam, he is prepared to snatch what information laid egainSt him by ,the Ida at Mitt R. Ttuner's last week, was' sat- rrovincial Police, The Prisoner, it in,l; wen attended. • • - • •ifoir., His tone is solid and heavy as ' . isfaction he can before being manacled, •leged, received the stint of 8209 . from 'Quite. a niimber from around here elem. \ 'you. The dger MUM the lion: very ARengkil tagl`-er killed bi an and dragged to justice. , ' Mrs; John ,McDonald, of , out,h' ' -, attended' the oyster supper at Salem o aft p -- u • lislr ofIrcer scaled 520' pounds: A tiger it.- Friday -evening- - • • - : This policy ot murder npon-the sea iii ton, in return for•woich he. was V,/ se- • , . this eize has, however. considerably deliberately. adopted hx the Germ -net 'curelhe release ef 'her son." frtal the • Mr. and Um, Albert The,mnsOn and more thuseular strength thin the mom, ei toot_ipannat_ jai& 'Eddie visited”friends at "Walkerton, a iestiloa. - 7 "- - pitu de „ aged to have McDonald. released, but. --e6uPre-a-dift*.slast . • s 9. tlthlfter-visitmg .lithe et he police earning; o.e transactio,i , • Awed' that the Gerinan submarines • 4thtiukviix; -;this was.for 1?tit, a short. bun!, when • he Mable and Laura Haines' hare 111044,4PS N•wenaper. f _ 4,44 16,LIns )a? and, „ _nteg. iiithot-Lbmtes:ItLTsesw4-e4 Lay,Taylornnee took a filend to see ' British eoinntierce view of Ai • t TT Will h'e interesting te See what Presi: btWeen MeDe:rd and Co e, 17 reeelve4 -On 1.4141.7 414YI°r 'hint on his manner he Wilson of the 'United States Shall. st ps have him proseented, , which can't affordio buy the Times 1 have It -fronr-tire-statkonecz---,11*-ehltrgee-in 2 verde for it, which entitles we to It --keen en hour. Mut. wilt people Be - !Net 131 our ea mer. . . • ... • • sat, or not saY, about the new on r4ge: anited4e4344•ar-0*-14--„ShOrtios tt -On Monday.—Ex. •- - • is, likely Alit, he will say and do 4• N CENTSAL FOR 'tliEFT. an us 13 Air in a telif:,:d.egreeti lower in, the „teem of che John Langton w 6 ant ecem • :r „ will warne eactiPed..from dotmtv 01..;uPtable by, jumping from.• the t train .; while 0. a Presido*Wilion No ptio!'for not 'hurrying his', the way from Tara-toWalkerton, has 24-00.-4° war; i'llt.stiretY an. ex- been ne.eaPOred awl sent *to eentral Pre:liii.pf,coritlemnatiori of the German grison*, Toronto, for one' year., •etittriges from One of the leading powera to was was first arrested on. a elleige Of • signed the Hague conveation5t•ir.tealing a teum of -homes,- 404-4-610114- , wonidilot be %It �f lititee,:_liiistead of thie, however, 'only. a'week ago, PreSident WalsOtrivent to the. trouble of wiring felicitations to the Getman Emperor, 00 tlier 0e0114011 �f hia ii6th birthday. In. tereal4plial poBrteaiell are all very 'well, but President Wilson, the man of peace, might lay well feet exeuseA:froni wish - leg, well to the greatestmurdererr of all history goPOOY Latigtow-ndinitted the theft of the team And sleigh, and ;also -of a horse and trig .bolonglnig to f), J. Matthew/5, t14tfsworib, Oh Om 301, As a 'plea for lonieficy the culprit said he had been •mariried oniy six months and that his wife was in want, 'Considering hill techrd'T.angtmi is thought to lave gotten, off with .light sentence, • A • ShOOtri Orn A.ititnnTnn-flile" Witoton Echo had the: following; Last week olfigh Constable Ward ar• rested Herbert Boyd at 131g Bay, who was wanted. in Niagara, irta gt. N. V' 4 W kre he was °mewl of haying stolen 82,000. frern the I: O. O. IL 'kw *all treasurer of this in sitit ution, About 10 years ago Ileyd left Big Bap where he *ea !horn, atia struck out to make ilia krtune, and at tho. riondelsonrs .•.:CIeiring- $410,, ...Thesec,ond :week. 017 • our.. saleieciiig to be except'. ional for Ready -to -Wear . ClOthing, the finest navys, _qweeds-Apcl-, -IS Ol'erto_!ts,..clifferebt i cis; • also with fur collars and . plush lined to be. .Sold..,•it 'manufacturers. price.' *. , • yieys* iilts w.th bio-iteora . and straight -"ante. • • • Boys' 'Overcoats all ages to be sold at Clearing f3ale - * - Great Reductions 111 Ladies' Coats, also best goods of , • TWeeds Plush. and manic,. 'et °lot() for Ladies' Coats and Suitsat exceptional . low• pIiceH. , • Mena' ll'itteee lined Under- • wear, 'toga ar:.$1 pee Anita, to altiar All Wool. $2,09, bale. pride if ' Able Shirting, Plannelettitis, Cotton, Wombed .atid, fin. bleaehed, ' • Wrapperpte of all - ' tdiid, and all kinds of ata. tile 004 At ()learn* itiale prices as last •weeks adrt, Spoola 4o, . "Madilini 1 BM a peel' Olen, nud-,as 1 from a farmer near "1..'arit, with Whore belied been working. Alto -bid rsciqiti Langton „made his way to Teterboro From there he vvrotolettera to his Nilife whom he.supposed to be staying with Mr. Telford,' of. Arra% from whom the, team had beim stolen. The letters fel into the hinds of the patio and larig• tort WInt • arrested. 00flatable Mills. had the eati4faction of bringing hint' to the Walkerton jaiL On coming be ling red-handed in his 01111it • PIEVEnSitier THE, 0111DElt L.. :in iron beasts:al factory, at chesleY hia secured -the toritract-Of, -making t5,000 shrapnel shells for British aid Canadian guns le 'the European WM*. Many other factories throughootk the country, heretofore devoted to he arts of peane are working night and day at high pressure torning out klath-dtaling experienced instraCtOs #acli maehino and material. 'United States , of our three dePartMents; • NotitOtAt, S it 0 n't Haigh Attb feeteries• have received froth. France Tarx.oearov, Out graduates drat Britain and 'Ilussia orders for seemed end v,ou should get oni large 64,0 ittleigue. Writfor munitions of War aggregating hundreds it ' Oe at 000, of ,millioits of dollars, In Bassi& „ great D. A. AtelACrill.A14, Orlielt/at sewing. mutate futovief haves betij blif004, IMO ereenele for the making of IITRATFO/1ti1 �$T. Ontotio's Zest Prisetiltai Ilehttol .We .luwe thorough mode*, and come an on •Parlodloalik • "Do you take any iteriodicaler asked the clergyman on his drat tonna of Perla b_vinits. • • --tyFellr111011%”701411ed-thir-trciiiiiiir.' 8hot, my 'hnsband fakes eni_.,frequent. .do wish yeit'd try th get hilt th Sigh' "thePledge." - Oftsn the Case.. "It Was fair tight, wasn't It? "sure it , was. The nude* dog got whipped.' • "Call that a :airtight," "Wait now, let me Minim)). . The un. der deg provoked -Lola Ets. - 111soritton find Valor.- 3140-ifoW dared you strike 'your Wife, Mr? linebanit;-Weti, she had her back to mb and th' Weber' doer Iris mien, * took a chaleta-NOW stork Lrewe •• , *-JMonday, Feb. IS , ' Mt. A. T. Never, ofOlinten, deliver. ed a verse, instruotitte Missionary address on Sunday last, The W. M. 8: 'held their monthly meeting at the home Of l‘tre, toy Maize, 011Tuaday last, • • llext Sunday will be sacrament in bttngannon in the morning, and in eon. (*Once et'thie there will be no sortiee in the eftemoeol hot tereke 1%1* Iii, oommonclort tot OW14 o, 11111" ' 111"1111"111"111"111'"111111,11' "111'"111-111"111" '111-111*"111"911"111'"111"'111"911 1 I1 -BANK A.GENEFIAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ' Inciimitaa oil:MOLAR ;LETTERS 0 FCREDIT 7----7-tottookolvgv , Savings Bank:De 'Partment ,A,t .401 Branches • latereat snowed at Behest curreet, rate _ tittihot'Clitilibitt.g • 1.4ties 'The 'Sentinel has clubbing . arrangements with ,a11, the leading and .Weeitly Papers ° in Canada and and can give yuu.tho'Veri best rafeS1' Get your pitk papers through -the Sentftiel, we do the *mit . ° ..tind take the ,risk.