HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-02-04, Page 2ARS A TERRIFIC STIMINEE OF JHI MOLE WESTtiW #I11.0.1.1 IS DARING, BVT GOOD WAITER: au Mr* or the' British Fleet in tke North Sea. • 'Upon no Teal in the Empire WANT eaa there be e. heavier ntrain thaa upon Sir jelin Iellkoe,adneral•in- -oumrsarld of the Upset Fleets). The SETWEEN ONTARIO AND. UM. USU t°014.14111.1a Iteete From Prostate* Where Deal Ontario Bop stud Girl* Are Portage la Prairie the local patriotio,bind has already passed the. S8,0n0 mark. • • The Alberta provincial laboratery will in future make) vaccines fer officers and sailor* under bun musk medical men. ou, *bout the daily'," duty without 1 rel: talt,o Ant ,time in its history1 When cosapetiter failvd to do to,. knowing at *int moment they will Edmonton used all snoter-dri.ven ap- this •fact was announced by ringing be veiled upon to facedeath; but paratus. in lighting a Are. • " bell,and • thus the other camped- jetlieoe is besidet thie ever.prea• !Several deerinvaded the -barn- tore "were kept informed of the ant knowledge the coliAnioueriess yard..of Alex, rata, at Manitoba, number of competitors still left ' that lz him more than upon any Man., and playedhaVao with Ins and °tering prises to those who make a 'pipeful of tobacco lat•st the lenge*. On the night of the' competition Wernher* gathered round the tables, while the tobacco • Was, itakert out of a jar and each eompee ar's allowance carefully weighed on a *mall pair of troll's. #is allowance consiotcd of Qxactly forty-five grains. The pip'. then casrefully filled, and at a signal the competitors ,struck matchea and lit their pipes,. Then the Matches' were removed from the tables and the jues snt carefully watching eath. competitor to see that ihe regularly emitted smoke from his mouth, and • time.' proved that his pipe was alight. , e contest- , After the contest had been in Pro - ether „ not excepting Ititeliener ,feed, • ' ▪ nd French: .the British, Empire, deli A :rest roont- for the. unemployi.ed grese for about threo.quarteraof an i hour has been opened. the Industragie critical period began, for then required the greatest care on pewit) for victory in tit* gray,* war: If • the fillet uotteAr lo13coo cold bo Bureau at Portage la Prairie, 1011.. the p.art of the competitor4 to leer deetavred oc outwitted then indeed Winnipet has set, aside a rOOM-ill the tiny spark of. Rama in. the we stughthave-0eme 'reateon for, dee•• its corttegta library as 'a readings pair. • A3ions 1,9* reMaltut int** waiting and amaing room for rite °4 the pipe, 444;the w°411.1 frequently .have to ottarout 'Smoke, or ectualirluereaMO•311 otren013"o soldiers. 108,4 " in ,t theyraighib' it, la there can Ims. no possible •ont.- ,A• d• •• nised P eorder tila x ,War but Anal enceesefor vPatu is uuliF urda sep that -the Tarieits, pipes WOO/ eta! -Iowa to develop elaY denasits near alight • •• ' • • ' ' the Mik 'Fortuit-oftga j'iXte4e4 13 Empire 143 J0111,409 a -man ,qattaani,all.- It la said aatorY 'EXItet Y,Whatlini recerd tisner.ls it '1114 „, • -.• iidiffienit to Isay; but from inquiries • The lighting plant in the rear of which the writer has made, it ap- the, Manitchee hotel at Elkhorn, pears that one ot the beat perform - Man,* blew up, damaOng the hotel ewes was. that of a competitor of, •- W11() eanhear the moat barrage etrans for months .at a etretth, andi never knot moment sag to it.• • A..Feelhardi Youth, . , . In the Brit/hill navy there Must be gietusands of men of whom it ean bo ..40 it is said of lellieees that, he 'does not understand the *Weaning -4 ,101)Vsioal Not long ago his old 4•-ntirike. WAS intOrviewed, and slie said that even as ehild j'allietre, was -afraid of nothing., His, reekleasnesle indeed, was such as to. terrify ins • parents, and threats weS•e Rowe4eSs,' to cheelt-hie alsriningActivities,-Ilut , the,foeiliardy. e4P1Olts.. of, his Yenti. do not 140104 the Man'e character so clearly as an incident that omir-, ',red in tbe. Aourse. of-ths_dimatrOus retirement on • Tien Tsin, at the • time of the Boxer Rebellion. 4 -el* licue was desperately woundedi The' • At prince Albert. Sask., dobtor did not, think then was, a .whon% as of tlie R lst W M tot left ..clutnos of his. locoVery;• but. it ap- ••11 1 *pears that i"JeliiccTe had silently ilzv,.;.1"A...t.'•:!?!..,,L.e.„441H'Irs.443`jeleelame.,:aesemPto ..rolved to get. better, and • to ;the, " •"'"'" v'EtMaZeineat everybody did so. bring b"k•4441Rilfc'Tbua46 Plan *1144 ' An officer who woowitit lenieee at, had become insane. • New lluinWne TN) or Catching Ubaldo. I t hills the aniinalinetantly in ing the fur. It\is the ]fl vent of a New OntariO triptier, and has:(received the' endoreagull of theliUmane Sonietf, FILM Wilt 013 [IOC 1S Br, L%IL,A110.11T; 494,W T • HULL.0* rEOLE%... and several' adleininghuildings, • .13<niftes-Smoluaff-Olnhi who kept --gfeurrPnees - The-- ,Lanil---That Rev, V. G.- Wilson, • of Re,gina, pipe alight for one hour, ,Relgas Sent' • e th COW M n e Wit' his cengregation that he had tmentY*olle ululate% thir0,tlinae collected .raere for charity in 'Abe' "°°134"' • • niereful World, last four months than in the pre - lions 10. years -of his pistorate.„ James Esse, an Indian from the rewire near Portage lae Man., was instantly killed while bunting in the Riding Mountains. ENAW FUNERALS:: .f...•••••••• • SCOtthh ." Writer Tells , Regular "Guests" Who :Never. Mate.' z. • The typically Scottish Amend of jzto vas_nustaken fo•r 4,4teer, the old days has been :ntinishao. for' 4.91in• Bow ot.oertun .1 man., gocid, says a Writer. '`in ,tha''Vitoolciy received a letter Iran) .her 'brother, cSaeseerldEtes .rjon°eb:rjenadv.eort'')s4ceeenttle; nal Jai. Russell, who was. taken 'Prils" an interment. The fashion of sending otter' hSi• the' Germans. Mrs. •-1301 :round the Whisker -and bruntocica- and has two other brothers fighting with cheese has •not been altogether abandoned in lion,ely .eauntry• districts, where hearses aro still Unknown, but It le seldom that the bounds of dec- ency :are overstepped It Was not an waYa 00. '.'here aro many 'cases on record of 6funerals lasting 'awe and even three days, Partly as the result of snowsterms. and partly. due to the too rapid and contingens; Paesing Of the whiskey. • , ' : - • One can see la alt the cities and per cent. of the faintilies; employ towns of Scotland long strings Of dontestic servants. mourning ecraclieti in; :the wake of a It is POhkted• ant that the , ate .;,,,,,this time, sityw that be as suMreon", J. L'flialareon. forest; ranger, re, ..6.4 ,b..,tar, 4,,,,,,,,i,,,,,,,i„h,.. 4,,,n,.,,,,,„ti. 44 ports that:the: quantity of wood be- .4";;kea hi; 0111.1=74: t';;;;;:,7thingic ing. taken out around 'Dauphin . is !were:gang.. He *ries to put s 'ooct verrainall eompared with previone .•. face on matters, 4oAct eonomes: (4r, Years, Unless there is .a. snowfall earse., And in. these d.ays, nothing pago,sof ,f0ohat would Throw ',war ,y. 40...not think I. shait aver forget Toi.a: the eat will he very light., . • ' is easier,than.te neeomea "guedr., at ,.59.,000...wogo-earners :idle, and ,iii;!., ,:oeatemotaousi iinoh of, the ,ayta lin, - Iii.' order to givethema, shorter 'a tuueralrniore esPeelallY at .14 funeral 01,,a04. owane or the iino.a.tient. re...,, route .. to ' market" the, farmers ot some leading,:eitipen, All,:that .is 'peril $...P.i(x4;w9 '6'1 e.aPikat ...mati; 'Tell. me, the,. truth; tanuxt around. Empress are Petitioning:the 'required'. to be 'crone As to stoy tue. •••4 .. recruiting dememetl'atien at Ant to.4 own wound iii, the, provincial seveounent to build a obituary . advertisements ' inviting' Cardiff, ---pr..(Auced three recruits friends of the,deceased who'intend..be., 'While. theusiinds Of young men Were. ., • ..--aboulder he inerelY . ekidl. '411a!rd .ferry aoroas -Vie' Sishakile*"'"' lug Present te, ' J4013140/. to. A, certain..,at a -professional fOOthall .. Inek 'lust'. •*. 05V.'! '' .' ItiVer....' '.. . •:`., ' . ' ' ' 1 eoach-birer .their.' intention, so Oat -,.. All the insuriffite. agents ' A. Brilliant *Went.. 2-mt."":" -.11,abbifs, whieh' have • been thick carriages to the:requisite number maY , . Watford district have' pledged them- • in the e. .:. SirJohn•Jellieoe was hem pn De- Or9tiziCt 4w.an R4ver, Man.; until re .be in waiting. A . post card or tele,- .. .. . I; ,i Selves to.'seenrii itleast, three ' re- eember 4,- leOcti. liho ..0011- - ci.t gogittPqr :cen'OY. 'are: 00* slYileg off • It is said phone call is ell'that isneeeSserY, and „ of ths„......0*.teltaca.„:„,,rnatinje.,:...„.the.„.„Iata• _they,..4re_.,clying„froin .,,_the_.::_,..atoeltse .-anY name Can„,:;_andeftenjis".;_far.:;ilat_ crnita caeh:fortlic_ariny.,....._ ., . - • ..7„.00t..,..alla. J. .n. J. Jameoe;.,ilie.,,viaz, whiolv.04triea,;lhou,,..,af_eonn,_overt. m6atterk.givent; for ••the---Petthig-eetabe-_•. .wo' Ouvrteare-ti...,as-olatiheorr. hanitvd:-.:40,:lortn.a,-.4.41•64.1:. - ', g• dtteated: at. ,Itottingdaan,-:,PML,*1,,'''Llears- ': • -. •1 .' ' ' ' 11 itine4t.;1.41ekrotit ..4.170°„er!. of the „.;:d.,4espitolie , . \ a•ladiesl...work- , - . - : • tered the nava,1.•,service:4 aTeadet ---_,10:11.0.t...P.,P.: Tz.1.7;Pilin ,,....' Of the 'ed,to 'he present, ann .dops trouble in, varty. at: tile , ,parin !.:0.,•0217, .itt ,- on July 14, 1.572 pasaingant Of. the. 'Royat'Nerthwest Mounted ;-Police. iabout anything ,elkie, ...Besides .it , ;Britannia the • first of • his; .0.1aal,?•-bv .....), Te . ''''” Sunbury C.Oninion.• .., ' .„ . . _ ,t.. . ,< ..}.x.4eit - ki._;-. •‘,•. .--...•,.eg4a, .recently superintendent 'ways Potsible for a man`ith'" bi- k ...m„,„e, won one mina - : • ./ - . • -• ' •• superintendent ways dress Witte findwreontai -lithe 'Laneaehite "Iandewneli are ''binit :. the: examinations tot„0..'0,4,,riinFaton' n''04. bz:., iietext1,1)' eirioest,•niatelleatelet94;:fl.vtilhl 13•,ct•lie 'mourning :coaches dfoor.oer iTorinowlai their:14mA. to •• 'reernit ferrners'' ' which ' rank 4).4104 Mg': Yeks: WeA.,. ; of gdnioilfrOlx.. g ; ..ra .° ° .;. ..„°‘,-.. 117 'Pt°411PEIS" temet'el;: Sons and farm laborers • who a t ., he .0•4$„ Ark* In , tnten,, „anniect, . ;web , . mole ed. „. ..mierte,:.. will ., uot ,,•,,die'...,, , ',PE:Aran-0P- .. ' , . : . • . ,. : . ". • . :the present have been Slow in 'rola! . is< even'Yet. Considered.a- reinarkShle train :for taxes this year: as :Seme. iSh.. Church, Glasgow, where re' aili .of ''111114'"e3reitir,00;601 Pulliam ,(1'.d ' - -11`1:'.G• . ,ntlanding. at4n-George,s par. - to" . pettninnknee. ,F.rnm the,,,firs:ktte, 4pp., melitbers 0-1: the oonaoil ,',,,ktirneele4,' the Urge 'funerals -start from, . X:. •was' .. . • . t' , ciali2ed.,,:ii:' gunnery, • ...and, aIthengh, surnrised"lhe .ether daY ,whina The:Maj.-94V 'thought that the .fie,-. bm .Norri.4), director of the Arsenal and .' . pit,, pever se,04 is; imlopeay: , &opt ealiar. eeni,,litiiiine ina,de it; inudv..• ii., , ;014..5 a -hiring establishotenthfoluntin ..'''elhithe 1%.C-..): is :t.r.Yin'ig: i4.t). raise 'a ' 'greet credit for the.seforms he2M- to • a: gentleman Just getting into a. •!`bantaiii".regiment,"with 5 feet is able t? take such a :harsh:4tep, ' • . tredneed. ny ;the •sliavv..wlierebY'Ahe- During D .. .t , - .1, • . . •.inourning: CoaCk Whisiierek. "Do .you the minithima height, . tArgot.,..ini.4,41,013_44401.proatedi,.4., is - •,;. _ ' ---,---a-P-P, „ , ...,„ --.0P..„, see that -old -chap? He has-been-1min- , Jo, South Lancashire telephone , -Only just -get •tfi jellicce to say that for poems„were received oY.n.: W. • to funerals ..for' Years:aidiehaa aper- 'antftelegraph wires beenbrok, , 4e• eont*ibUted .toiTS.oOtt*s 4111000w in IteLeodi .for homestead bads, in the Erect erase: ter there,. and never misses . . . nig .to;-eireurastances the ditty pot 'an ilooktit40 ,(110grue 'h.Y. ilia ppg1:01- • asui: ancl;..,Opert knowledge .of :this .1nAreber,,,alitows, an . increase • over the Wainwraght,l, Alberta .tlistriet.: ThiS. InVitation'in.,tne.iteWSPapers., And he an opportunity when there isan onen chminv.poti-hurled from houS8a by euflown nand gionsandeof slitteand the decisive, advantages. to bergaP?' te let .plip the linportant, it. May be ' :branch .,,of 1„.1*..sni.v..ioe,., .,. when .,h4.4 corresponding tPerind last year * fof Is one of the .elieeriest old, fellows' I .41, htirriCane of wind and rain. ' • ed by'euek'raleanc." • ' wa•S' in COMMand Of. the -Drake. he : 00 ..,., ,., . , , . . , . . : . , ... . have ever met.. :He told me one. time . Tu. „seirei Educa.tjon' Committee .,... war. ,aa women ami chodieri'. . when I remarked to hini that must have. •sanctioned,the aduniton . of ' :inail. her...one'Of ithe.- best ShOntiligi ' Alberta claims that When the .re...' . have' assisted in in ' I 1 ' Ile. ' ' ' Belgian children, tc.• .! the. Wttlion. Among the questions and answers in. this book are :- • •. • • . . '''•puips.na 'tete: navy.. ' • ' • •.',•. • cruits for the Ithird.ventingent are hilndrede 'of., the citizens of Glasgow, edhou .vi_he.re.ibiy:,are ihein ton ht. ..,ishotrici;_pc,seetui..4jatittit„_,61 - ,.. • . -•---Je_ Bice' e. Invada,,t•E. itglasi---•.., •-•-:aliraised, ,•---.She.-vvill-._..._have--furiiished-,that.W-dtlat•-hiiii--Lnothlagmtnats.,41, --. La,ter--,,iyib,.o.s. Dime- t4x,_ of_juvaL, Amu ;oi. the overseas..force„ equaX.:,Ways_a, nice change.4 . Imagin.e sp ehk. ing of a funeral :as a niee,olionge. .. ant Ina lc n -J. --L e • rent . Ague.% • ' in invaded. (thin -0 y.7-6 :exposed to Ordnartea : at, • the 'Adnairalty . he to, onefourth 0 .the total P_ P , ,._ 1 oula4:' . .., '...(1t...iteliener Annie,' ,IS .4, new title the fire of ..their own-- troops 7" ' 4.Sti;itiiiiinersHiga ..i was engaged at givretiAo.-0_,-_-publie- ouseopposate- the- ill'oret, , it, May; be: indispensable,- • gratilr---4010Tk the sighting Ar.. -tien.,•<:-'TThist_doeST-not-inelit-de .1 000 -,- - -a •131g.posting•-eatablisliMent: '.1*..::. the: :Soldiers'. • and ' 'Saitore"Institnte, 'but' ita main .ju'stifieation is that it langeraents ' on ' the 'leigr.ganc, .04ect: nxitiih:, Prebelv-iiianOgi411 l'e'60Y- l'erthobire+Bighlanda. • • At the funeral 'Wiridser,_ in subStittitiolt„olthertg, :4,- collesottif.2,41^ . — •. ••• • • - 7 -had. installed: . upon '-eaCh..,-hattla.; iits4Who, have- .gou..o,-- - .,., .-:, . - ,, .- --. -et. a lotal.,notabilitY1-- to Whielf :there 1 'China fire control set of instramantsi . 4,.,,,_ .. • was an, open 'invitation - in, the . Over-, eagerly- atid,,,critleally ,examined by• Consiiiiiel:More.Toblieco-, Per .11ead- ' • . eessary number of coaches, for the ,King's Royal Bide 100rps.,iliave been "..Ort th,e,-cantrar-y, It makes.. th . , ? It took us all our timeto get the me. PIE.inee.: Le.Opold : of ' . Battenherg, '<gins?". . . • 1,. • . ' . . ' • ' ' nary. turnout • x • , • • .' F -,- — • • . ,-- . .. • Wales C4renadier °nerds and nart before•a, . bombardment ba. of Pruesia. -.: . : . • Second4Lieutenarit: the Prince, of the old and feeble' be allowed to de.: -, . .r %amnia w:oinei rand Ohildren and t/ : fOr .'4.40.430ttiniel and ,controllinfp ii,,k i ', , - • . . . ... • •• Using, coltimns of . the newspapers,. ,,,,,,),,,. long.rongs: ; shooting, ,Every inifeii-1, • . BELGIAN'S OBEAT'SIOOKEItS ' -there 'was. an extraerdi . . ., . . "..tioil. ;Connected . with Mimicry .wast ' ' • ' . • • • . • • - • • • Lot LS no soon as it. .rnade its ap-, , . chtirellYard 'Oa a golid, distance away; gasetted lientenants: : ,• • 7 bombardment all the . more ..effec- Than Othee PeroPle. .. • ' ... and Atte mourners could not nave. • • . While Showing •a neighbor a letter. bive." ' -:- - ' ' : • '.. - .. . . • Peo4l16-6:. It ' was ' he4a^lls!e 'el'Alle: '•)a JA. .e.utl- • . - . walked the dieta.n,en There: were re:: •whieLshilia*Linit .-!ra.0.9iire,d. <fhon, • • ' '.4.-7.7,.7,-,r4i..-4.-.:,. ,, ., ...-....... trei4it.^,te13.1iititiO*41 'L'ifhe:aloffly.,:1,- 'am ' - , Thait'-the'Le.Eil. lalla.;"1 - Imes; ti. euto-------sirv. , no ce 4, her scildter ton -at--thafwgtoSarah 7--'11URIIBIL.' An, 64 L • - • • .,,, ,..,._ .,, ---, Ordnanee eXPert_that Ilislenanleclige. 4.'b M''-114-e02.a116-•11r.P.sPoritgi• o°11- - the'eountrk:n-eople Wire ;gaga' ha hai, $02-iNE '''. ''...t4 allenelltes_Of. liNflinefession. ks140.... -,/i1,00:0),*100_0',...P.P.'r 14ed• tip.,n..=_, -• _,.. : '-'7'..03,0684641":44*113`: I.A.;frOikli4M-;:'"Ithe0 ''''114743tlifrilTb44-11-t-ali*1447*-111:•-to•ii'liit stobli ShoW.- . '' . - -- - , • . '.-fici ,,00tit.#1.6.h.480 tile: towing sood..prolially,•• Come: as.' a surprise to .- "A' cbachtnan who WW1 sent to.. ii, ' A ' Sheffield_ tradeitcan -is' ',eltiii,- 4.006:104.4We •astonishMent, „ jellicee -ron in the laq• nianoeVires 'e:f4,ued .rojany PeoPle; 'Their army of: etnok- Place near Inverness -attire • for the strutting. a. dog gni] carFiage and .0,..n . .. engi liewever,. formed; no Iasi, than' shooting season from our establish: :Ackleman- of 'Bongs 'Lambert eql- lape-od-rnittlellilead.,-- .. '7 ' ' V., eo.W.:711.:st."•ohitheuelnii._;:tefo•Aiiil .8?:.:5116iigarSilii:ili: st,s coneerned- as,lf.they,,,had been going amMunitiOn ,Vkagoin Which. 'eau , be :wee, eveii the.diffiettlt,task'of Iond.-„' one-third of. - rthe. .entii,e pOPulat ion, /tient inGlasgowtold me . that at a io. find substitutes , for.' a number. el . Armin either by dogs or. infantrY. _opiopeunde . int ._ulintat.. Geiiinan.:de. ing laan and 'guns: 100 nglish ioi,1•,' :. sg ,the. country, their 'annual con,- funeral he was •at when itt the kligh, ..,. ; -and liedid it with. a 'swiftness( that .sumpticif of U.0E/ebb :being -0 1.4 lb'. -.Fire intends to present it 'AO the -War-.. tient/m:1 • on , reign sources, of: stip- . .. ao,tords404 .the. experts. . Not 04 ..11:0. per..,..hoad4.ingto than three . ate.eilanie, pointed out to Min witelad not missed lands -there wae• •iita ••010. gentleman <40#1„en.I.Lii.-rue at the freht,,, . , , , pw,ch.have 1306 eut; eft ;hi the ntldSfentiod points along the *Oast, 161300mi and inic times as ninth.. as deliver the mimic bombardment' at 011.0 amount. cOnsiained'in the'United.' Sid bl di '.-• : • - 0. ' a the residents in Frankfurt • Road. a funeral far Years'vrithin• a< very cat.. A Petiti'og• signed b% ' nearly.'aP War, 'These are chiefly •iiililier and . . „gasoline. . .-' _ • • . • <., . seemed to be after the etarop of the..1-lerne But, .4.p,.$ been sent., te,‘; tho , like ' Itargepool and Whitby. 'Be' ill Itabr. , • ' t ,,•', . - • Glasgow loveri and was said to be an .Catabervitell -Borough.- Counal 'aSk.. •-stritek at.lasportant points4;ealy,. • ..,-.And ,,,it, ,,..w.,a(4. his 20..,,e,.. . kit 0.,,, good, ,adent Illieue e.verkilibig..connected with .ariit landed hp, Inert at the ' •itteodi., pipe wraen. lea, tne Belgian to inaUfp, ooflitinInd graveyards..!'• . ' • big: that the...street 'be . Chunked to k., • Casino, Louvain or. Namur .road.-:' •• 'quarters Of thenontlierrt 004 &Ms.., mato ' : smoking competitions; when " .1c :. • : . • ..Col• wait vor. nis. chaneG, - enthusiastio devoteeS of ''"illy Lady • ' . .. '' . . ' . ' '• ' : ' ' The it); are now 1,out••1141Etenians Sir john.Jellieee is the' brother-. Nicotine'' competed'. for ,-•various._( -HEROIC- RIT$S,I.A.N. NIIIISES; ' 'Mt .04.0,11tV 1,.oritiotl„. in, France, , -Bel- - in'it'w-:°-t:' 11644'4441Q' Mi4ile's 'E-- 1)166''''' Nea4Y • r-• °en'''. ' 'Y'llri:46-';' iii6" - - .-7' .' - ''' ''''' - ' OltukesAefIgahrrae biheeen1.11t4arleidf4la":2-' _ lien, lr•haVe-died" of wourida, Ito were. prisoners; 00 .tir6 wounded and prisoners, and t6: are .missing. ' . - A . • The Birmingham, Relief now exeeedi.t•$:50t),000, • • • Thera are .00)434P.410' )4if a4 'WV U age' 41711a. :C.4'elar'49?• w4r . • manual of 'usages In war on land W4R;31110;118:1111.i.00IT,IP ,k1IzU(G OF 0EllickisT.W,AR. DOOR; _ . . Antheritative WoiI-War 0» • Non...gomibetants •quite . - Justified,. lated efforts to inaouleeture rubber ),),,r its '.ottbstitute* by ,the synthetie process, Y(:TM. eatisfartary otitutes have been evolved by com- bining ticAone and brirhol proclucts with ea outehotte. Another minas kiiroblem eon-. fronting tho ehwalstor that of pro- viding the industries and agricalp ture w.ith nitrogen. The import*. ,tioti caltpotre bas been irtr e- rrupted, Saltpetre is usetrlargelY in the production a ,nitrio Acid, wbidi isi-iMportant in the Mnnufaa. tura of, explosives, The 'supply of saltpetre, therefare, is being con- served for military uses, and Chant - Foot -and Mouth Disease: . The disease affects cattle prinelp. allY, but all croven4aoten aniniels ode 40313Veptiblet is that ,swine, sheep and, goats are sometimes strieken with the disease.- UM:flan beings sornetimea contract the in - Notion by ..drinking milk fro*, in- feeted anintals, or from • handling ists are making <efforts to al/tam, nninol,3 ka,v4vg tho litsoaso, from other sources the niteregen KlAnoutir .duteasse • 0- . 'inuitkable for the swiftness- with which it aPreada, . The disease is spread ky owitact, and aniy object that has !been contaminated _ - Tan - manuthetairtng industries.-- - • NEWI'ACgOSS"111E 00111ER :11:13dmetitairm 'nniz the ezek u .Funirey' the .infection to .healthy .,nunutwis,-„ The ems of the diaeasea may ihe earned on the shoes- or caothing, by'vebicles, on the hoots of animals, 'by dem cats or birds. • . The disease ktisizot neeassarily fa- tal, although' a 'small percentage of .• affected animalli may die i One at-- tackeof the disease does not oonfer permanent irninyility. An animal may have the disease -two or three • times. Affeated 'animals usually re- cover without anatreatment. The meat-,,pronurient---sykupbems :41IS • GOING ON •. THE Palest T,fappeitlage In Big Repuhli oudeused for -Bitty • A white wolf ha.% been shot, near Livingston, Mont, ' The town Of 'Bulger, • was , .'. • Readers,: • • ' • . 8.91,4....W.H."--LAYleswOrth for Ole- are a high 'fever, loss of appetite, dollar „ 4, • , - • • • • .ttnet the: ferMittion 'of v.iiicies ozial was e•,traqkOO'feet, down' in ter* in the nienth;. 'en the .1,973$11e well at Warroad ‘liffnu., last- and liPe, and sometames on the -ud- *eek, • • der,' Similar eruptions t k I ...trfir.siottsedsoritt. rrlerialuts. Tile police force of D' etroit is° ng - .uoieoPrir.tOgranneo ano. recorued re• g. 4,41:::5Perooito f1301:11iiell;aeeatecliii •a:04:1=1QQ! dation; .0,bosatenng. ecotitliertamhaavea; arroglsoctio,tncos • • Roman.: ' • . Chipage Wiunan'selub is, urged thealstiumwo.ni_ • N,e• temperau Street Signs of any flimair construction be allowed 4iBrInuffla,ultohls' bad st'reet ear* ;ervidelia likely to be investigated owing" to complaints. . . • .A fooster at WerceSter, Mass., peeked a. boy's eye, and his pa- rents got $5,00 damages, Nickel.lbus competition has caused tos Angeles street railway to coun- termand S..9/0 cars. • The Novi or State barge canal' fl 'is- 89 per cent. Completed' a,nd' will tracke in Britain:4' issued by the Genera Staff of the - The first Society for tha Preven. .G • • h • ...- . , ,. . - 'itharitative-work--ot-atso--kind in tioiounflaceifd, ,ICnrIenlgtylantdo fllAnniainitta. li was 'Gtees:::::IThe're Thisis a aselefetreent' 7i1).e.., rand is UOW if40.A1-0.00) si.id the,ka consideration& Wilda not infra, Ti.t. Queen Mares Fund $139.0.9404 ',. quently 'degenerate into ' estairt04-. Ifie death has occurred' of ' Sir tanty and flabby emotion. • John Barker, London's millionaire The Toyealing passage is the fol.:, departinent store, Oviner.;7in the age ' lowing r -•“A. war- -oondncted with of 7S years: < . 'energy cannot he directea'tnlemly . "Louvain" is one of the .Oliriatian against the coMbatants of the en -• names given to a girl:oho haejust emy, their State and thew positions been baPtized • at Thames Ditton they occupy, ha it will. and must Parish church. 4b - •• , ' 41 like manner seek to destroY the Over '900,00 households in the. total intellectual. and Material .re- Ilnited Kingdom representingabontr eeitntbessttss-e °iiiia:r6elilaarrttri in,"10 ,ienthar,isin. , . The ' London . Diktly._L_OhrOniele; The total of the Belief the introduction to I limo ait• artian puhlishes a review. of Prof: Morgan's translatioux eV:a that,. 'af- ter what happened in Belgium •thene 1So•eruol oony, the. diFentio that churelies,.schoolA, libraries an nutheninsh.e.14.41 he spared, and that, open towns 'ought not to be .born. - barrio& A000rding to .this German War book, 'assassination and incen- diarism.are, in given circumstances, 'justifiable, as ' will he :seen, by the following quotation . ' d be ,opened in 1916.. . Washington 'orders ull Pateffiees to he used in order to get woricc,for 17•B• Unemployed. . • - • Cleveland alreadiliaifears • that, after the war; soldiers returning *ill ;bring ASiatic cholera. : between the toes, at the , coronary . band, and cause extrente. lameness, Anitnals .with 'marked foot lesions • often lie down, and refuse , get up, on account o,f the pain'of stand-, , • ing. Affected, animals_ frequently • - tand-With the and with streams, of saliva flowing from the corners of the mouth, Marked dis- turbances. of th.o. digedive organs . are often observed' ' . The United States 'has demon- 'strated_its ability to eradicate the . disease, In general 'the plan is to slaughter. all inie,cted and eicipose4 animals, bury , them .4n • deep . trenches •and eerier the careasirtes with quicklime. Infocted'prennses. • are; • thoroughly ., disinfected and, k quarantined. No live sto* 'eon .• brought • to the °premises for 'Io months. Public highway's in infeet, ed territory are closed to tragic. :Persons are not allowed to visit : °leave infected Fee'd„and ding exposed to the infection are burned. 'Owners of slaughtered. anirtials are reimbursed on the ba- sis Of. utility value, appraisentent . being made by ,practical stock!. man and • an official of the Fedetal.___, Bureau of animal 'industry. One Half is paid by the Federal govern- ment andone half by the state _Pat. of , - 4 Athens- 0---admi tereste,d- - ' - in- " -Bribery of the etieiny'S subjeots y embeziling W750- 6t. the miners - • . advantage, aCceptance of offers treachery, reception of deSerte„rs, utiligatibn.of discontented element, in the population; support ef pre coffore and the like arerfeirmisei- ble Sudead: interruational law is -i no way opposed; to the exploitatid of primes of •the third parties -as- sassination, ineendiarism, robbery), and the like --to the prejudice of the enemy. The Ugly. and inherent- ly immoral aspect. of such methods cann# • affect the recognition of ,their lawfulness. The necessary aim f -war -gives--tho-kelligereat c, right and Imposes upon luizi accord 11 rt• ' 'Yale and Harvard stildents have comes off' the land early and which ladders. • . ' : • ' . for war fields. They carry their _ No Pig has everfatteued with less colors. daughter, had to he , carried down given seventeen meter, antbulances demands geed tillage is -best. . • - Cheques are cashed in saloons. 100 -acres I . • ' - . land, refuses to assist, in . Belgian' .paenty of exercise and the best of relief 11', e poor remain at home. treatment that we may keep hind tin- ' Representative Young; Of Cleve..; We need to give the dairy <.•buil. ployees are to be fired if, their pay cern on ten acres. than bushels en' Cumberland, Md., . 'railroad em- to bemade raising 75 ' bushels of pectr- Icity .and Health, feed because itsstywas plaesd in ' chard, some low growing. crop whieh . ho611-4331-46Qnme -gronncls,T.Pieell. show bis worth. - . . - ..v, H., - :-.•Fiiritt-Nues.tevsi.a4w4. 11,...4e. til he has had an opportunity to, gooddeal morep-ofit with less work and yet nothing pays better. order and system albeut Our homes add to the beauty of the grounds. ' - It costs very _little to: maintain - •"In intererenning the young. or- .:. ' „Set out fruit -trees *here -they -will% '• Are .we learning that there is a , - , Substituting electric power for . Few town Pea;le- realize the im- "steam in 'factories: directly itirfats. _the. Pcirtance•cl the dairy cow from the health �f of the Cofrimunity, for it does viewayoint.of human •life and biisi- aWay with smoke. Vor_eitaraple-sitice nes i ecOnOnry-: --: • -*"' "' - -'' - • - ' •' - _eleetrie motors began to be usedinthe Denaped asppies,, on the -g-i;uid in an orchard are a means of Carrying Over the winter . the -fungous ,dis-,. eases which Cause rots.' . 1' ' - d'SEMIGHL(GHTS'irt WAR. union funds- lie was treasurer.- Clevel.and, Ohio, has put the en- tire- detective -farce out to Clean out Black Hand blacknaailers.' . arevolver.bable the Pounty Fair, Westwood,. Cal., Deputy ,Sheriff Bogart and prisoner In a fire at St. Lenin, Jackson - • jobnson, millionaire, and his 4 • ,• Madden; wlioni clio:seashis chiep nlattier Ito* 831 ill, eould boast its. Seienteen Red CrosS. Women itave - staff" soon 4.4-ato-wao appoinika Itookeremaatscliappij," 'which' al- Been litlicd in Battle. 111 supreme command. of the ItoMe 'lost unPr6'"c'un"eabl° w<" is SOitenteen N'vonatii*Uurs0s in the flet, 'each having Married ditugh.i erittivalot. 'whab we. '04116 Russian. Bed C1,rosa 'SerVice have ter'Of Sir Charles eayzer, -The taro, ''.`Smokers' Club." At these C&Mpe- mon havd long ,,boork asootiouted to., titions it was the Custom to'compete other, and aro known to he in 00M- for prize,.the winner 1being plot° accord' On Matters of naval decorated 'with .sorne floral adorn- , etrategY and tootles. The • patience ment Pinned their isrea4s, as . with which Jellicoe awaits the time visible proof of honor achtered- when lie ears strike blow at the The premier smoking club of Bel- Ocstutea• ileet shows another .plitiqa ffium was the Brugesi Snicking Club,' Of-hiSt Oltaracter; ;Daring • is whieli ineeting‘ a certain": he can Wait like Nelson' until .111!. oa,/e tin the Grande Place, Tho tOorri' sees opening. ,,, Then it is said whkh the memhere Mat was de - that he will "throw every eunoa ':roritted with ak g ltrengtk:-Att,-;.;thr opaiintanLato..1U.. „the Aral spar* neither cldPs nek`rtrnent C`i nor men.in veining hist object. Colloittlidiet Natter. truele (in reataurtait)--Bring • me tome fish. . Waiter -Item, sir; wo ha;ie blue; fish, hitkok bats, Unote .151-1, don't keer to:thin* 'filhout thp• oolor, lest to, long es WS tresh.'"a: • , • IA the 'mati *he,. Imoeto- . aothing ibut Advioe, troth Ins gives, for that it abontall get. • The necessiti for gasoline ' or a suitable subititute is'most pressing; as thES 'transpertation problem is the most , serious factor in the great war, where • men lines of battle extendingier bundreds•-tat-railit.tit both fronts must be -kept provided with food and ammunition.- The. Gfeiratin chernists•have turned to benzerandaleohol as spbstanfea. Benzol is a. by-product of the mann- fu.ctitrer of coke; an4 Che aermiln been killed on the battlefield while, production amounts to about 1.60,- 111 the performance of , their duty; An official '`."eye TwitneesY- attached which about 60,000 tons are used for 000 tons a year in torrnal tames, of the Itussiaa commander-in,chief: to the staff of'Grand Duke Nicholas, tensol ,pcscesses very valuable chortled purposes,. '' • says '• that the .nurses have shown heat ;Unita per kilo, and being only . qualities as a fuel, containing 0,500 conspicuous bravery. , -slightly' inferior to 'gasoline in this ---Ilhelateat- Victim- Wea--1111ez•laid, ,mila Alexinsky,, Who. has just died • -.....-- respect. A disadvantage in its use ()ono bannei, Poisoning, which followed a( wound. at herhome near Odessa Of blood •- . A N10101110 Marvel i.n, t ithe vileflintefte.ciztL.' bait 0..•„iffearyg ilts..be be „soon. .. ' 1 - - •-•• --A, --,..- ,, ,,,, hand' if- the Utile of Gumninen, perseverance. - Mlle -Alex rtslAsiatt wotindedtn the ":ivritn 13;ilultrigu.oina-d" art'fea r:.:,e,gaised trtioraltratinthe.413!;"-adelgl-roielsi .heroto iet, oriem +VP'641' 1.,--*' After her recovery oho *0 trans. "Vaive11070s 1 V. she's married w melt. Efforts are being made , In fact, e pipets Was a Veritti,ble tr"ent4114 tag' e°4-4tw - " 6 g'"74:4* forred to the &tiny Of General Enz. two. years and sglliirking her 'lins- ;to overcome this dicadvadtaKe by.. oki in Galicia. At Italwadok, 4(100* baud to go to aura •with her on adding nitrogen., There is, no (tau- ; 'ntlais6etnutabet% Pwirr:*0;;.iy 06.rtiii•tied tk, ter, whom she Was assisting, was Sundays." , , 'ago., joroih,i)of ii,aufdretaultifttraixg wth:rnelniaxix:ilti, ovw Lb ,;,_ h „.* kille,4 b ib .buratit ohola and Milo, 611161* °16 D'I'll sgri363614r. Chi" ' 'Aloson9 y WO badly ,6tainted: Dur- Two Pullman, porters, rereseuting :very .ratiefactory in the ekperutterits ter reaching, 0. t_tre of it,.,._10,1141,_nn, ' Cli.tr litapaiondbolingoltrZtd9 /Irtntabilr:tit was under .iirc 1/ ,hours. She was and progressed from Iriendly gossip ing the lletrow.Tutchlit battle ahe different railroads, met off duty ,atligtoleofaittafluioadhoo.lflThckisrorrAlttlypor ttolotrit , hIc int3,,,,,nt/ a ,,,,---nkirt-#.4-n--; wounded through the sbollidor' it,t to lieldtOd ttrgUltellt; Their quarrel available eupply in August last was 646thitit orillatinnai-w-hi-a—m-itiosk-it-oy-cro,'"4 the et0rtritus °I retrelron,. widen centred about whieh one worked for raore than .20,000,000 gallon's. • to thoweedi ', , wound caused her deatlw• 4 the better read. Their elairos, ti,g;. Problems arising from the ol.iort- Tito ehiel,014.0et 6f the elub WWI . .10*3. and arguments caret). fast and age of rubber are much More tom - not. to:break recrords ist regard to Iris-hiutin-ajo U. shave .for five IttriOng. At 148 tho tall) Pliu Part* 11416at°4;i4though 6'0411178 not 'Elio 61° 141.4"tit"6/ t.61botoo. "vsklille'd, dots i 'Barber -s es; one tside. er.:settled the dlomite %tit these same &rat 'Maportanee in connec- but to iteachito'nietnbe.ra the. use (q IiiShman-rAll right; thin shave 'the olassio WOrds: "Go .on, man; we tkrl witll'tl'ill vl'llr'• 'Tho outfit ofi tohaeof by Organizit4 tompetitions outside, • Is • Pitimbage os Bad Ain 'Llintbage t "I was simply, in such agony I eouldn't stand it with that attack of plumbego."' "What did you de 7" .... get the.deetor-14:. give inerpaitnh. interjection." industries of the borough' of Bnry, • England, not only have the twenty- four 'chimneys formerly needed for steam power gone out Of use, but, ow- ing to the e.onvenient supply otelecti4e pOWar,•twen.tyraeVen other -chimneys that etherWise. would. have been. erect- ed_lutve_not„beenput up .whe-larg qariletr-teaii 'rake of 'thernle chimney at the power .station replaces : - altogether: -iiktynn.e. smaller chimneys • • MAO Truck. • in other Patta:-of4he.-toWa.&lottithera'• in-nridern-warfard le-airChlfght Is • - more, the. fuer for ithe power station invaluable, ,(?.e. dark nights at .sea it is;- goendirentlY7frointhe freight -cam into- . the only-meann of . guarding atainst the coal' bunkers. Were the fifty-one torpedo boa s , .chinineys st14, in Use, -More. than two veal at a 'distance of twomilbe or more. hundred tons of feel would have, to be. On shore it Is the electric eye of dn. Carried •week _for. .onsiderabli'Army. It is car ' • ' .4, varts-ofithe e e e of ctiOn by minor truek, and tile trk power 'supply, tbatiii, ,free the , motor that propels the! Vehicle drives , roads of much .heavy tydillc.•• Finally0 the electric generator that supplies the the fuel consumed at the power-sta.,i -current for the light. Afost of these tion is burnenta-stientific'•WaY. Sons 'field searchlights are .171ot directed hy : to.' produce the inifinkunr• amount. of hand; for eitell inStrunient IS 'fitted with smoke.' ',Probably' that cettid net be' what hi known as the dikaitti.enzitrol, said of tne stinersedenturnaces:' Two email motOre govern ,the• vertical and the horizontal movenientc of the • , The Oanse. , light From them _eloatile•;•cable-• y 1 4 'CV44 Constant fear , that was . going to -lorao it.' ' • That's All. ftlibiLtd-thw • station of tho operator, . who 0. although , he , MEW, be SaVOrdt- htlndred feet away,. tan 'send the•rays --'- , of the light in any direction he pleases • is fair y According,thebeattho :ht.: Navy And Army anus. °Mitt& ifi. that the °bluets' picked UP trated, one ..adv.entage of this distant plAttyl_l tliwrietavii.eimrasgeejim ,a/intwtmavnitsre, ,.., More quickly and definitely; for ifthe light can be sighted operator stands `behind the light and iiLftWhenay t%tnteo iiifixeri- tdatilettp° o'llizisaillt:b6iii t; looks amperelgbythe'a bieunmminehuiss. lviejszt),11 I on the hammer. ' . • . second advantage is that the light can be placed in an exposed. position *1St- in the Punch: 7" asked the host.' _ 411, 1,gut a ,., „inoie,hrandy, ,wou4-eendath:gtegenrgattehrealandeah:fficheOr.r,buoutiaef . '', ixo ?, rewita tho hostess...y/3.e the appartus they would be certain to • content to, . leave it ai a puttee. 11 ' , receive the „ tire that is StIrtt to be Pen4--teake-it;.-a---knockont." _..-- • ...,,.._ . - . -4411fefoundv". arehlightotutt -Woad Angry Employer. --11/0 , you mean 'tocontradict ate,/ Yon.' haven't 48 Mitchsense, as a donkey. Clerk No, Or, .1 don't pretend to set 'my opinion agairtst yours,: . . • 4 A Wenlanis volunteer ..reserVe', composed of 'expert tLondon, • has organize.d h cle War office Jet an (alletnt utiea in, 'ease' klugland kill& )nore thart yon fellabs tote) 'of =Ports of l'eueutdiour4 has, stima, Atrtis 'Whave that pteee of 'Odra ti.:' e 1il i inv. a . 0, around your tutor lor 'I" "'"Ity. Iv tit it there to.remiud me topos a otter." "And did ,*eu• pest it To; she forget to give it to mc," , Instant- Aim- range- WW1 ' Turkey Passing Away. 'Tli • ' Ottoman Empire 1 iriatl ` Of Turkey. in turope-the strip of territory stretching across front gto tick Sea to the Adriatie:-Turkey ' in Asia, which ineliteles Arabia, SY- tie', and Palestine, and Provinces in the Tales of Samos and Cyprus are also under the Sultan's rubs. • ••••••WALt4.4••• • Geed talkers are. mord plengitti hun good listeners. ' EN'ery sueeessfut man know v more about his own business th0 ha' does about other menqi; '