HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-28, Page 7• "F.. ‘7'.(;.7
. -
Thuratio, ja uary *11th, tot s
• 04114\k, ei .10MiltOti in Strong .
, Position
' ,„
. This. year, ,when. Bank Statements- aro
beio.g eagerly watched for an indication
of the country's. Welfare, it ie eneourag-
Ingle •see the strength. -shown . by our
loyal banking inetitutien--the Bank of
. :Ilareilton.: . . • . - , -
_,,.. . - :Over eight -million -dollars of its 000
are in the form of mob on hand, balances
r, (N. - . in banks, ete,..-and form 23. per cent. .of
• ' its total obligatioria to the public. Such
a coriaervativepolleY bas bad theeffect,
O f ,oisboyrcduclog profits, but the •ms.
dum of thie avtion on the part of the
. Bank of Hamilton •nrust.be apparent to
• depooltors,'borrowera.and .slrateholders
.T alike, - . - . . : ,
- . .. • ..eise•cantron mwilit•deriall-pgikte iabler to•
-otate that. its ,old eue.tomers. have mem-
• W.: the ,oeceigiaiy, .aeceithandatinn. for
' .lausineial purposes, . - ' w • • .
An interesting not in the - report. re-
•• *reed Otto the -Statement of - indepen-
dent eutlitorkwitiek isrequired by -tho
' . new Bank -Act,. and 'which . is operative
' ;this year for thehist time. •
.., . • -
. .
The ,411.00. Detective,.
, • ,
Big Clearing Sale.
The second weeks. of our
sale i4 going to be exept-
form) for .Ready -to -Wear
Clothing, -the-finest riavys,
tweeds' and worsteds,
0 %-erco tts, different hinds;
also with.fur' collars' and
.plush lined to be , sold at
manufacturer's price.
. '
. and straight pmts.,
7 Boii? 'Civereoati
'iiil ages
to be solditt: Clearing? Sale .
'Pi iced;
. Greet Reductions in Ladies',
Coati, alsoerbest goods of ,.
-Tweeds, Plush and Blank -
T, et ()loth for Ladies' Coats
and ` at exceptionel,
• low prices.
Mens' Fleeee lined' Under-
wear, tegu dr $1 pe. •. suits, •
•tO direr at 75e;,. All Wool,
$2.00, Bale price $f,45.
_ •
-Also Shirting, Flannelettes,
.Cotton; bleached and un-
bleached.• . •
Printi-WraPperete of WI: .
• kinds, and all kinds of Sta-
ple goops. at Clearing Sale
prices as last weeks achrt.-
, Spools, 4c.
•Prrr:. '
Rev. Wilkimein, who hos' been i
charge of tha• Mildmay Methodis
church einee early lost Hummer, ha
enlisted tor the vrat, and le now at tb
training cantRat London,
, The tot-0mm of 1!)onrild liartyn who
died recently At Chicago, werebroukh
to RiplOy on Monday of last week
where interment was made, Rev Mr
McLean conducting the services. .
' Ur. and Mrs, Edward Bildstein of
'Porn 03% 04100,Unca the engsgemen't of
their daughter, Genivieve M., to
AnthOny'I• 'Kleine:the marriage , to
take place in St. Mares churelki_Yers.
rnixesai-enrTwist al4;,;'reb, 2nd.• '
At the nimearniiitifig.lif the: Smith
BrUee Telephone Company held at
Mildinay,on Wedneadey of lagt 'week
the affiars,of the company were shown
to be in good. shape, the arranges. .being
in bettor condition than a year OgO, •
',owing to .tit; resignation of: Rev.
Fr Lehmann frQw the • pastorage, of
the Mildthatlt, 0. Church., duo••' to.
failing beruth,, uov,.Fr larohnuinis; of
ifecton, has beenappointed his elle
'fawner and asPuiried the duties of his
charge lafit:Sunday.
-047.1417 IMF 4,4 '41, 744r -i4411.40,
11118%1940:1101, SeffilMeli
°Way, lan 26th,
Mrs. 'rhos, Moore was in Kincodine
for * few days holt week.
Aliso SAdjatuttle visited her sister,
Mrs J. 0011.ing, this week.
Miss MaePalmer'of 101;0144in%
Ei ot, a few daph
witUrs. Borden..
r Missee Jennie Ilarriogton and garg-
ant Black went to Detroit last week.
• .•
'Four brothers in one limbo ed
at iillalkerton kat .week for the Attic
contingent, (Tarry, Philip, Adam and
Norman Peniy. They, are a husky lot
of boys, strdng and well developed and
will make ideal soldier,s. Harry's wife
ale° Wishes to go to the front as a Oorse
and has offered her services this Week,
• &Wept Sehiiiirr", a Mildmay citizen
eged 64 years, tilted at the hospital,
Guelph, On Jail, 'whyre, be had
gone for treatment, -It was there dia.
covered that his trouble wa9 dttOOPK' of
the stotnach, and, his, frienda were, at
once notified that, there eould no
hope for his. recovery:. HO/survived
hy_a...Widavutidien_sonfLancL d &Ugh._
W. 'Becker, a. Carrick Iridiailfter,
who wet! recently fined,. $10,00 and
coati by Walkerton • .magistrate,% :for
being ' drunk, gave the information
that he had seeered his suppdy of booze
at the Anierielin Hotel. Neu t
with the :result, that Wm. Raftieli, pre,
prietor of that hostilary, -vas called
'upon- by License Inspector White • to
appear. -before -bie same mavistrate,..
whq hned.him $25.00 and costa • '
1' The town of Walkerton is eontribuz.
tit* 17 soldiers ,to the third Canadian
contingent. They areas follows:- Ray,
llyslep, Simon Small,. Dick Addley,
Henry Vonhatten, Norman and PIANO
..DertnY, :Fred 4,00_ell__($.Patz Fields),
LOWS Runstedler, William Winter,
Frank Zettel, Arthur Dean, Jos; D.
Wallace -Jos; A. Farrel, Frank Tag-
gart, Wm. Weidner, 'Victor Bell and
Robert Turner. The.latter six .Spent
some time. guards at the. wireless
station atlobermoty. •
- Toronto -Chicago
un.eicelltd Train Service
Highest ,Class of Rquipment
Wikater Tours •
to California, Florida and
Sunny .South
Inuit Trains•-•-elthice of Routed \I' .
:Lori -Fares now in Wed.
hill particulars. consult 9, T, R..
Ticket Agents or write _ •
_ • Agent, Toronto,.
• -fiteaniship Tickets on -.Sale
0. MARTIN', Agent, Look:lair..
Biq Clearing Sale
Shaker •Flunnet, reg: 1-2i and
-..4.0..e:.:-..fer.... -._......1.0i.nnri sir ApOts,
1.Plaid dress geeds,„r41,hc._ turd.
2be,..., for. . • , . .1* Omits..
All wool Men's Underwear, reg.
$1,00 for....... ......69 cents.
Ladies - Underweer, reg. .25c. and:
-35e. for ' . 22A contd.
.Bleach Cotton, 10o: mid I 21.3,
for ' • -'- ti Ceii1K
Factory Cotton, reg. 10c. at dic.
Special bargains in M en's Caps,
reg. 75e. and. .$1.00,.,..Cleariter
. Sale price.... .. 39c. and 59c.
Mena' and Boys' Sweaters • re-
wduced to fitilf priee.
Ladies' Vevey SWeaterii; -i4g-t $2.'
for .. . ... ...--.... , . ........0.19:
Great ltednetionS in Men's -and
RoYi Suite. and Overcoats.
Bleret4.Far Ooats, the heat. bea,v••
or shell, plush lining, Persian
• iamb collar, reg..$10. for 0.46.
' ,Nten's Overcoats, beaver
shell,. ftir dollar, astrachan lined,
'reg. $15.0, clearing at 19.25.
• beet todies' Handkerchiefs,. 10
, 25c;
Lace, tog: 46. tiad'56. 'per 'yard;
'clearing , sale price • .. lel.
Braces, rel. 25c. and 35e., clear-
ling•saleisKte....,,.. .. 4 .39,e,. •
Ladies" Aprons, 40 inches wide,
reg. C. elearing,at.„., ... 1U.
Made tip pinnies, reg.. 65c, , to
Oleo, at .. w 4 11 II ' . 4 * V' 1; 4 .4 ; 4 • '4, 451a.
BargainSt te ..
10at 'door to I ArtnstrOng's
trrng tore. .
"Stinifyie, your Ilene liair and
Ititnt.Ionte; ,a -e are pang 41411.
priceo. •
(infellea /Whist' Week)
Sam. Gray: lost a valuable 'horse on
Sunday. •• •
• Mrs. Steele S', is visiting her. daugh-
ter, Mrs. Tom Scott:
Miss IOna Nesbit spent the week_end,
yin -king friends- in Lie -knew. •
Miss Clara Wilkie visited her mint,
Miss Francia Blue last week. ,
. -
Skating is' the order 'of the, day, and;
night for most,of our:Young peeple. .
• Mrs. Dick MacDonald Visited her
brother, Hugh Ferguson,. oil 'Saturday.
Miss Maggie. McDonald 'entertained a
few of her friends Tuesday evening,
, .
• . jp.mes Courtney payed -a flying •visit
• t.) his home near Seaforth last week.
• A number attended the fun :al of the
1 ite Mrs:- Davidson, Lake Shore, On
puesday afternoon, •
Mise Annie MeNain visited her grand
:parent -8;11r. andlits.-Jes.-MatDoiiiild,
Wednesday afternoon. • '•
Mrs. Wry McDonald has returned to
her home, after visiting her parents, Mr: -
and Mrs. John, Robb's.
Ware sorry to report the illnesti if
Miss Elizabeth Courtney, We hope• 10
see her well again soon:
St. 'Helens •
The St. Helens Branch of the Wom-
an's Institute -7111 . hold their' January
meeting on Thursday, the 28th,,At. _2.30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Geo. Webb
Subjects "Household Efficieney,""Musie
and its Value in the Home." Roll call.
Don'ts forth° kitchen. Question drawer,
Mtisic,' etc. Any of the ladies twit have
the shirts. Eind.sooke made -please bring].
or sena them,iii for the 211•11..
. . .
(Intended for last, week) .
$001ETY.-With the object,
of organizing a Literary Sodiety a meet-.
ing.was held in St. Helens on the even.;
•ing of Jan. 15th.. The attendance was
small owing to conflicting attractions,
ahead with the organization: The first
MSS Apnii Rutherford ba e returued
home after a niOntleti vials with relativelf
in Petrolt,
Mra, Johnston Roulston la in WO-,
him at present with her daughter, Mrs
Richard Soloman.
" Mr. and Mrs, , Mex.. .Cam,Pbeil. •aad
daughterw,irem ViTest,_ vlsited. Mr,
and Arm: David CamPhel,l.
A large number from attended
the Epworth' League and Sunday Shoo
Institute held in the Metimxii,et,Chureh,
Ripley, on Tuesdky of last week, Rev.
Mr Farewell's addressee were vets? in-
teresting ;..nd Instructive. mr., ttnnean
0 ....----,--....., Couneil hiet On januery I tat; as pe
'iari Engle id tannot Complain R. statute. Members all prevent, and har-
e/Wes iig 7-:mniolt of Baby Mtn ing subscribed the irecesdary declalatjokj
..-..... . and qualifieatien papers, Reeve Murray,
• octilafv.hco. fr-Ta Arneteraarl give in a short addrese; .ettpre$Sed the hope
that, their best endeavors would be ex.
b . toll:twin, ofricial Oerman version
1 the 41.17.i , n ia,..1 i4i ilio Eugiiise CiOn.."‘I'Llj' in. "ir'lli .Q4 tile iliAnleiPalitY
'Ma' ' ' Which had seen lit to elect them by tre-
"Our etrofq.rj in crIrr to itttaek the ciamatioll, alul that °Ile stileteat. eem.o.
ortified to ein Of Creel Yerthourk MY weal:Prevail dining 1910. vi
0•Tteorme, owbbl Igo be di itto ilyciot:tqedr other. town Marna , The followhig ()facers were :taPPoluted
were ' to serve for the 'current year; W. A.
:fed • at. There attacke were Elt Wilson, Clerk; W. J. Th.9mPsons Trew
•wered 1)37 thr tilroWing Of bOelbS• • G. Webb, Assessor; Geo. Ratiedge; Col:,
'England heti 110 right to be l-. lector; J. Cameron., Cuetalter,.. -RoAn-
irvrant. as .her flying ineclitzils and -dersen. "and Chas. girvin, AtIditere;
hips in tiros.d daylight have avaeked ,Reeve and Conncillors, Road Conarnias-
IPen towna, Buell: as IA:Ohara.; Dar -es- ionergl
Atilaam And -3wi.kelinumd,--•:--,,----r------tl'houniet,-44-:A7n.deWasr"hillingtle'n,"GISm,enetpi IT;
Aircraft are recognized : te. . he...eapeetorst :Dh-T...-g-eiRfy,--m; u;- 9:1-
lettitrilite-WeapOne In the ear -riles es Reeve Murray and J. H. McLean, 7ce.-
of medern warfare es long es 'their entivp Board of Health: *MeesnaGayeor,
440,Pcme'atilvoing tabrkes rcuonducted• lia accord.
les ‘ or. international SutilaireVyKearne,,y, lia,i1Aeri, an.d.,),..J011,...eston,
law. Tble.hati been cleeehx dIrigiblea. '14-cervaeultliretry;e've141,1074"4814";`',080weci.'rn
The German nation, forced by England
to :fight . tor- its eatatence.' cahnot be ). !Qt.!: • „ •
gave at.:thU compelled to forego the eamloYment The Dungannon News secured the
. . .. of • legitimate reenno , Of , self-defence4; contract for printing fir tote, • . ' .
' PirrEasoN,Bm.L.--A quiet isedding and..wili• not en It, ieving ueon‘rier ..,* ,Minutes of.OatutelY nicoting. held' on
leek place at; the 11011113 of Mr; and, MI*, gOOti'll3ht,',!- , . . ' ," .‘ , :pee, foth„ 1911, read aad.confirree.d on
Artn. bell,onthe omiliag -of jotp, 1904 • 'With remark -be unanimity' the inetion,of Naylor and Jolinstee;
,w•ha4 thew youngest „lanigiter, mars .. ci'eritiaii .press apPeere to 41leet that.', 13y-laW,Ntr. 41915, read three times,
Marthii,-weS united:in, marriage to Mr, 0,1E• .17a1.4 ..ikrl11 be -, takinWed. 's.b?rtb.'. lq 'signed and mated, confirming .the ahoy::
Andy Pattersone4 younglarmer of' the 9''''.(tni' .. 1 ,..,. ,,' • „,:- .; . . • . ' - ' appOintmentii Mkt their.yeapeetive solar-
infivtoncessign,,, .13,ev... A A, ,p/ictottni . l'.e ilep.:rwsun. o4,: Ines 4a,u1. *wag four is for 1415 on motion of Naylor' and
hil.ediubeut Alitity -injiii•fed and several . mairough, .7. • , . - i ' . ....
, of Biple4 performed the , e'ereniony
iTolitegiratif rdi ehn ate .p y.joinwo;i4tdliisflie,ing them' a. 'wdt.110:n:::3„:411:Taigusieela "'ill)" ' '°Itiii. . dr amt.!. If ,e.) tha0tntreoptitichiniccfettrhanraietosnat and
, .: . .:Plinelleten',
'Skeirlitzh(1, ':itt shoemaker; . .
Dungannon and Maneliester 'get usual
• aged fifty •yors; Mrs, Taylor, an o
The .Silent Detective. alld
lady. .. ,
At. Icing.e Lynn pire*, pazoy, Moved' by Johnston and rurclou that
• I 11 MEMORIAM ,widow, •and Percy Goat, aged seven; the_Solicitor's acceant.. and the Young
teen, were 'tined.
..• And to a3trieve this result Germany
spent . miLionsof dollars.; PrePar>
atione and thoubands' • in executinirr
risking - the • 'lives of •scores of her
bravest fIghtel.s.
In memory of Al rs:-ThOMae
who died January2ed,„•1909.
As a token Of affection, '
There is recorded here •
A verse in fond remembrance
C f one that we loled dear.'
ft's in inemery Of my mother, •
No kinder, „friend could be.
have not foundanother;
:I' have been blest with many'. friends,
When Ltrinir-loge-xecA
•yet I can say that mother,'
4 Was the kindest ole of all.
Vfer Mole i i tp-metnory dear,
. And it 01411 be the same• .
Thls only. hope iny heart doth cliter;.
'Ince hope to,Meet again. - ' • '
• Mrs. Nil -Munro, White (30.
• ' . .
. .Holyrood
• -Saturday, Jan. 23.
'The cold: weatherhas awakened a nen,
scribe for Ifolyrood:
liareld Ackert spent the latter \end of
•the weekat his home here.
Percy ss thinkieg of going to town to
skate. Some attraotien ea! ,
Miss Mee Henry and Me:Vin Irwin,
spent Sunday the guest ' of Miss • Ethel
Hodgins. •
Ackert Bros. are busy drawing logs
theso days, and thcr keek_the:_read_
down east well- broken. , •
A atiraber from here attended Mrs.'
'CulberticpartY at Puple Gioia-4_ last
week and report an excellent time.
Mr.- and)iini. E. Ackert entertained a,
number of their friends on Friday even -
log. •Everybody.reports a most enjoya-
ble tithe.
The WoMeres frissitine will hold their
next riteethigi on -Feb. 4th at 2.30 p. in.
at the bogie of Joseph frodgina- Every-
body welcome:Seey
Although not_yet quite-weVROV, Mr
RoulterWas able to take his three ;ap-
pointments on Sunday.
Last week the Junior League Meeting
.was of a social nature and the bp and
girls greatly enjoyed it. •
Mr. and Mrs. Alex; McDonald were in
•Kincardine on Mohday. •
Miss 13lair. spent Sunday at 'Doctor
SIC alinnury .heiy_Aviean-hia
••Camp Foro.second Continent •
• A despatch. to the, TOronto-Alaii apd
•Empire from pondon „says;•.-itelt
tLavingtour - a • 'Wiltshire
where the Canaditin P.11 Artillery is
•billeted, shoWs tbat: theS1616633
Which% has TreiraRed on,,theseutb Side
• of Salisbury Plain 1s. equally rife on
• .he north.* ...Spinal meningitis ha
mong' its 'latest • victims JackKen-
• nedy, of the Path Battery, •formerly
he 21st Westmont Battery.: ' .
All anticivatlons are directed to a .
.Arly move, iThich is ex'pect:d an
•• tavered from a medical •standpoint :1i :
Ikeiy to'stamp' obt meni2g.tis. .7h
szperiences • .or . the contliger t-. _a
.$alinbury Plain may mean .the.. selce
tion of another Camp for the „scion,:
-contingent. • ' .
' •
'SucCessfut Raid by Airman •on Zei
•-brugge--.Considestable Damage Gone
Airinen on Frith( •
Dunkirk,. one :of which damaged di
...inierican. Consulate, two Er...tiati
.Ors paid a visit to' Zeebrugge an
iucceeded. datoging.a ,stibmarin„,
And killing or Wounding ttie cieWs.01
the guns mounted • on the Moe t
'ereVent• attacks from the sea on Om
new German: base.. Twenty-seven
bombs were dropp.y1 at -Zech. ugge'
•One of the British aviators was Squad
Yon Commander R. ,f3,. Daviesi Prior
to reaching -Zeebrugge, Davies wa.,3
s.urrounded by siren „German airnie ,
and although sliRlitlx wonnded, suc-
ceeded in making his flight along the
coahr and returning-gafely.- -- •
Arrned merchantman itikoor ' Struck
Mine or'Founcered-All Hands Lost
It Was officlailY announced at th
13ritish Admiralty on Monday VIM
British armed merchant vessel Viknor
Chamber's, Port Elgin;
'hed been lest off Ireland, with all
Mr. and Mrs: George Biackwell spent -hands. She had been missing for and the outlook for the coming year
one day this week with the formerie -.ilia- some days, some bodies: and wree1 is piromgangi :After , the business was •
ter, 1111,8.1Blair,--Tiverton. 'age -have'been .washed aiihore on -The . through, Mr. Thoinpson Cheese Inspect
north coast of Ireland and it is pre- :or, read a paper on "06 -operation among
iumcdstnek,.1141'11113' the 'Teton, bad farMers-in the milli huskies's.' He said
weather she either foundered or, be.
We are very pleased. to •knew that leg carried out ot.her >course, 'struck
Mrs: G. MeIntosh is getting along nicely a mine in. seas .where. the .GerMans
and expects to be around in a few days.. are . known to.. have laid them'. Elle
carried about 300 1.,en.
fain matter be left in care •of., Reey.
Murray, who will eonsult interested
.partids during the week County 'Coun-
cil is in session: •
Accounts and 'drafts amounting to
8111 95, were passed and paid. -on° mot.
ion of Naylor and Purdon. •-
. Council adjourned to meet on Feb. a.
at 11 a.
.•W. -Wilson, Clerk.
Eighth Con., Kinlosu
,Ortge $
orrie in teresti n Values In Ftirs
Ladies' Cfoth CoatsEt.
We take stock at the end of this monthi
There are many lines we want to clear
,regardiess. of cost before Febriiary 1st.
"Ladies' CloteCoats wilt be tIfferett at bargara . prices;
hildre °•
Everythingwin Furs at prices that virilt teapt CuStoittet$
to. buy. ,
'Special .prices Niett's end Boys' Sweater Coats,
One Melt's' Fur -lined Coat, $35,0o: foe $g5.00. Metes
Black Dog Coats ,with ,A*racha,n collar„ To% off
fo• r cash,
—flow is a good time to buy.
Oft~oh•gewakeiviliftftweirmotrate 169~~•~014.0
' .e
• *:(Intended for last Week)
Miss Rutledge 'Omit the week. end -
with Mrs. Wm. Culbert, _Pali& Grove.
. .
Mr. and Mrs: Isiah Cengpin of ..the
boundary, visited with itlendii.4?P•the
line this w'eek.- " • ,
The Bei Mr. -H011ard and wife' of
•Bervie, visited. with some .bf his Church
m8mbers here on Wednesday:
La Grippe. is Ireri,prevalenti• Imre at
present. Mrd. John Culbert has had:a,
very severe attack of it; we are pleased
to hear that she is improving.
A couple of sleigh loads from the iith.
journeyed south towards the .second on
Monday, arriving at ' Sam Congram's
their elestinationcL-where they spent a -
most enjoyable'eyening:
Mrs. MurdoPh MacPherson held a.
quilting bee on Friday afternoon. In
the eVening Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson
entertained all the piling people of the
line, A very enjoyable time was spent
al games and, dancing.
-Tuesday, Jan. 26th .
Robert McIntosh was in Stratford last
Friday,. . , • '
Miss Million, of Lucknow, spent the
week -end at tne bane of Wm. Struthers.
John'Muidoti and his, bride who,are
here from •' the, West, •visited
Murdoch's on Monday.
- Mrs: Arthur Cook had in old-fashion-
ed quilting bee last week. Those Who.at-
ended say -Mel -had Ta fine time.
• Mr. midair& David McGill attended
the Diamond Wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
A.ndreW McLellan, which was held Sat-
nrday night at the houre.OfJos. ' A ew,
'Lucknow. Mr. McLellan and 43'
lived for many years in Paramount. •
The Annual. Meeting of' the Che
Fact,ry Was held last Thursday. The
old Board of Director- were re-elected
Mr. and Kra. J. Ejnmay visitedfriends
in and around Tiverton last week. ,
The Silent Detective.
Monday, .18m. 26;
Witl,CratottirgistArStiaiLi 'it,t -Gee.
•• - .
Eva,Brown, of Lucknow,
ing friends in this neighborhond at
•Missee Gettig McCall- and Ella Hasty,
of Lueknow,, spent the week end With
.the latter's easter, Mrs. Jahn Rlake. •
Mrs, • Harry White, of Stratford, is
visitingher mother Mrs. IL Johnston,
this week. . •
Bailie Stothers is teaching schOol. at
Westfield the peat two weeks, supplying
for Miss Barkley, who is quarantined at
,home on account; el rneasels in -the
meeting will -be -held in the hall, ---St, R,ecd, of,Inelganay,
Helene, on' Fridav. Jan. 22nd, at 8 p. m. visited.al Thomas Anderson's
he following are the officers: PM., H.
oods; Vice -Pres., D. Woods; Secretary,
It. H. Robinson; Treas., W. McDonald;
Critic, W. D. ,Phillins;' Editor, John,
Taylor; • Aseittant Edit% John McDon-
ald; Committee " for ' Debates, Elliott
Stiller, Wm. Rutherford, 'R. Robinson;
Musical comMittee, Misses Edmi Woods,
Shaw, Clark; Literary Committee, Miss
Mary_Murray, Wallace Miller, Cairns
Aitchekar • •
• Winter it not nearly oyer yet, judging
by the fur some of t•he -animals are ac-
quiring. .
and Epworth League -11,111titrite Was'held
in Blitke'e Church on Monday, :Jan. .18,
afternoon and et/ening. A: large number'
of delegates wet° present from Ltickinee_
and Whitechurch. Rev. -Mr. Farewell's,
_three ..ddreSseS wore brimfull ofinetrile-
tion end inspiration. Duncan McTavish,
of Olivet, gave an addthSs in ,the after-
"FlOwerdate .
• -Monday, Jan, 25,
Mail genie Scott spent the Week end
at 'Laurier. , .
Charles Stratirdke had the telephone
i;stalled last week •• •
- Our Itipleystudenta. spent. the week
end at their honieS bete. ; •
Miss Rhoda Douglas left Monday 1 r
Whitby, where she hassecured a school.
A few of our young people attended
the hockey taatch inlateltitow Tuesday,
ti!Tli.t. •
MiSSee Margaret Black and lettoio
ItarringtOo left,Wodne3d41 *nips to
ineon,-his-subject-being "Thet-ginvorti
League as a miritimi -force, 'is it nria it
noti" Mt McTavish annwered the goes -
Lion the aihrtnative, giving his ressoith
in no uncertain wayd His address Was
well •preparetrand Well delivered. Mr.
Stratum spoke on •"The Ten Point Stan-
dard ot, our S. Schools." .The grading
arid orgteizing of mirages was discussed
at some length., Rev. Geo. IVIcKinleee,
address "The S. School as it Force in
the Itingdetnis BXterkeitnis givee in
hiti. usual eloquent and thorteAll manner.
The Sunday Sehoetis regarded. as the
groatoo inatittittla a natoil .0au boast
of... Iley, 14o:well% suilects wete
_"1.410 ofihs School Alt '‘Alodern
P*440atiot4' "4, icat'er rr0Faril tot Lil
British Airmen Retaliate
..,British airmen haveheen hue,y
13eliium, and; according. te a report
from Holland, 'ventured ds far as.
•Essen, .Rhenish÷Prussia,-Where-they-
destroyed some buildings', • Essen Is
-the-lionir,61:1116rninous Krupi workb
• wherethe blg•guns and nuinitions+of -
war for the aermali, erniy and natey
are matinfactnred.
4 cable. to 'Ottawa .littates that an-
cordipg to the lateeit diagnosis Col.
-Victor Williains, Who Was' reported.
from. Salisbury ?lain. as having. con
treated spinal .ineningftia, is 'not out
tering from-. that : AINease; though
serlogsly .111. fie. further Word. has
been' received. .
'* Mad mulish' Troublesome
- With all- her- . other beetinatioiie,
•itritairi hag 'found the to "deal .• With
aehad a fine section •of country and, a
leit-claes cheesemaker, and all that was
needed was for the firepers here to co-
operate. in sending -their inilk to the -fac-
tory to make it a decided slime*
-Monday; Jan.•25th.
-Wedding--bells are stili ringing, -
Miss Minerva Smith rettirned home
last week:—
Finlay Gordon is able to be out again
after his recent illness, •,
•--Edward-White .1s going into -the- pig
business en a large scale. ,
• Col. Williams on Sick Lint•
We 'den; want to -carry one - pair of .this season's
-groods into -next seasort..: On Jan. ,- 15th - after
we will give special prices on all -our feet g )9cts . for
spot cash. -gvery pair must go at reduced- prices.
Men's Heavy to' pei!. ,cent off
On and after Jan. 5th we Will give a discount o
. to per cent: on all our Men's. Heavy Rubbers: We
have them in the popular styles ofibuckle and lace,
and leather top. If your Rubbers are getting worn
this. is a chance to get a pair to finish out the :win-
ter, at reduced prices.
• ,
• • .
'A Square,. SitOeT,Peal _for Kveryicidy
to,fsafrarravomayearofe.se,yompardkoksaaatoseatliwikaavaeit), •
,. •
ank 'Of HalniliOn
. u or ze. ,
Ca lel A th cl $5'000 000
Capital, Paid-up, $$,000,000
Surplus • .• ,g3 75%000
The lack of CaPital stands -between many
a Man and the carrying out of,a goad busi-
nes's idea. .
•Ryer, voting man on salary, has. the ineans
of accuinulating capital. Weekly addi,tions
of small 'amounts to a Savings account in
, the Bank of Hamilton soon place him in a
'position of readiness. for business ,Oppor-
, • ••
itunities. , .
GLEINNIE; Malinger:. ,
getting things in' agape for the phone in
thea rio
• %prim Gibson, of the.seveeth enter-
tabled his friends and neighbors to
patty one evening last wesk. Among -
those from from- a distance -Were: J. Gib-
bon, Goose Lakti; 'Saalt.; Miss Laura.
Gibson-, South-Dakota,--Durican-
livreyi gist Bruce, We hope Mr. Gib.;
son will live to give us anothei buch.
•.time as this:
• Kintail
• Katike passed through our burg
on'Sunday,.enroute for Zion. • 1'. • .
Albert Gibson is under' the Weather
tbis 'week as ti : result of it sprained
anklet,• ;.•
S Gibson.. and; IL Stringer: . were
visitors at the Pine Hurst fariu on. Sun-
'..dathist, •
Sam Moulton aad'Willis visited
their 'friend,. Billie Ste -Wirt,- south line,
over thaireek.brici. • •
the "WWI MUllell;" *he has' 43neh t Ur" J.'G, Gibson, whe hto3 been visiting,:
his father,' George Gibson; spent. Friday
with his Mint Kinloss.
'Albert Says if the weather gets any
colder, he will have a pair of felt shoes,
itornatter what they cost. °
Thos. Sphin, v;'ho is tinder the care Of
Dr. /Murray, is not,getting 'along as well
is his many friends •wolild . like to see
Mr, and,. Mrs. George Pace, ;Of the
eighth of Brute, sport Suaday with, the•
litteres parelitirSfrand-M-1. Jo
'Bert Limy, of Kiricardme, yam hilt
been visiting his mint on the seventh,
nes returned to hiSdrities in Kincardine
Pork Factory.
• Mr. and. Mrs. Willialn'Oraharn enter -
tatted a few of the' friends and neigh-
bors on Thursday evening last, IAA
repOrt an enjoyable tfine. -
MISS Ithody Coopoi, who is tinder
the doctor's care, We are berry td
port,- not getting along cui well as
ninny friends would hke to Ito, ;
George Milieu has 11, 4 the eurne ic
ring:, up the tribes in gonlabland nn4
attaelthig these friendly to Great
Britain. The Mullah's adherents •haVe
been defeated and stattered, -
Aged Emperor -May Retire
tietinatches Rome say that
KniperOr Franz Josef of Austria has
decided to abdicate In :favor of A:reit-
duke CharloAL-Vr64,4180hs_lteir
•it Is 're meted t a earl;
_dreadethight.-.1as. -*ruck ,hillne-off--.
Pola a.ad sena.
Epworth L igae" and "Tragedyof youth
and the ;1 ttreli's Iireventioe,?those
who were a fayored as to har any or
all of tu, .1 were surety impressed ,with
the responsibility that rests en the
church, Sunday School, Itpworth. League
(or any church 'orgorization of whatever
name), on the home, theparents and on
each individual, ni %idea us feel as , per-
haps we, never felt before that we: 'WOO
Oar hrotheni,keeper. W trust Lhs.tithe
indue.nce, o!. the lust:tuto will r
1.-tcacbmg and laet104,
I 04444 1)40,00101. '
(Intended tor last Week)
Mrs. J. T. Griffin is at -piesent.
ing,in Detroit.•• :
Miss Miry McLeod is visiting her
sister in Oinnlachie.
.• Mrs: L. Taylor . and Et el, were
Rohl. Drennan and Chas. .SteWert..
were the gaests of Mr, and Mrs, Rod,
McKenzie on Wednesday last.
The •monthly Meeting of the Waintrea
Institute was held at the home of Miss
Jane McDonald, and was wellottende:d.
Mrs.*Beekett read a paper on "Sunshine
in the Heine". Mrs. N. -McKenzie ion
the prize for embruiderlog on linen.
The judges were: Mrs Benjamin, Mrs,
Garrison saa Anna May McDonald.
htaled in hie henna Wittman Lova%
140k 4010010.4 A40, ar#119t1V aori
' 41.
(Intended -for -last -week)-
-Mr. and Mrs.'lliorTr. etTry--, o e t:iit,
%iSited at .Joseph Hackett's last week.
' A number of Zihnites attre
nded a
time at St. Helens on Fridayeveeing.
Mrs.. Williath Ilifehie, who was visit-
ing•friends in Detroit a few weeks, has
returned honle, • ' '•
Mr, aria Mrs. Henry. Gardner. ipent. a
Amy last week et Mr, and Mrs, X. K.
WeMbes,te.ttend' Liaireak.nrete' t Yatson, 'of St',
Ifeleti%, visited the letter's mother, 'Ors.
Revbeher6u1Honmnbteertai 047 tridoay44, Is 0 .t...:, in
. . .
hold eflott edclal in tbalr hall here 04
1,14tI1Ntr004 Jim $4,. Poet Mvi0 P.
1 . .
&dead; .Townakip
• (Intended for laet-week)
W. A. Cole and. Mrs. Cole are
spending a few days La -Clinton. • '
-Mrs. 7WeatherWay, of
iViiss_DollCantelpir spent e
end -at thehomeof H.:Can •
Lawrence dray has ret'ed honic
from visiting his sister,' Airs. Sliackleten,
Adam Oantelon, -Who has been otib •
West it Maple Creek, Sask., is
his„ brother Hanley and other frier* id
the neighborhood. • .
Thomas Shepherd and sister, Mary I.,'
of Nile; called on,a,ntunber of friends in •
this- toninship on their way to Stard,y
where they will visit relatives. - •
wyAth,rjaailtilk41.-,Marrt vSitsirwitinfiEnhitllL"victiWnitt.
They have been living ill the. West- -tor
fifteen. yearaand appear to liks
The Sitinineteetive.
• '
• 71,
„-Monday, Jan, 25.
Mr; Naylor, *if Whitechnreh,
at Andy .
We welcome Mr, and Mrs.
,Taylor to their iiew home and ivisirtLin
A ilitirtber from here attended '
Buros", ittiniversaryballply
Thonvis is back front Toronto wl• ;.o
he shipped, two ears of horses ont ,
and is buying it load aronnd here. •
arid Mrs. Wm. Laneau and. T., ',T.
Attended Peter Gurm's funeral Fri Iy
in Goderieh, the deeeased being a brother
of Mrs, Lannam ' • • '
" A &Lurie' of sleigh -loads .ftom 1. ire •
journeyed to Edward 0. johestoi
near Atibntiit last week and spen.;. a -
night in datourg and other social spo.m. '
Itverybritislo,‘king forward to
w!,w egp. gel
4010 4.irot of Otit .,t4
then, wiribob000lografiltiti A