The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-21, Page 8Th
=KNOW illeNtiliklitL
Murdoch et Cameron Company's
Weekly $tore News
Getting Ready for Stockprrk,1
As we take all inventory. of Stock on the first of February •• and we are busy these
days getting everything measured and into shape for calling off.... in going through
our stock we find a number of lines which we desire to 'greatly reduce before the
end of the month, and in order to Make them. go quickly we 'have put the knife,
deeply into the prices. Last week we mentioned—a lot of odd pairs of Women's
Fine Shoes t� clear at just halfpricel and also. a number of Men's Overcoats, reg-
ular rs:o.00 and 14.50- to clear at $7.95, and now we are offering, a very attract-
ive lot of Furs at prices cut at rates rangin,g•frora 20 to, 50 per cent. off. Buy NOW •
Stool( -Taking Sale of Furs
With three months of InNwearing Weather ahead of no this is an exceptional opportunitv to buy
seasetmable reds at very Iow prices.. Below we, quote a few of tho many bargains we are ;fibrin& '
No. ?I—
SET with large full Stole and
Bolster Muff, regular price $2.00,
eale price $13.25.
No. -
SET with fine wide Stole and
fancy Pillow Muff, regular Price
• $25,00, sale price $16.50. '
No. 477
SET, both Stole and Muff pretti- "
ly trimmed with Silk. fringe, ,and
heaths, regular price 421.50, sale
price 413.00.
No, 83—
new style Animal Stole and Em-
pire Muff, regular price (W7.50;
sale price 0.05.
Stole to beautifully trinifned with
silk fringe, Muff is plain pillow
style, regular price .$16.50, stile
PH"' $11'50.* ,
Ne. 82—
ONN MOTE 51,,A,B510T SET,yery
bencleome full shouldered Stole,
trimmed with qmaizerits and tns--
sels,„nuff Empire style, tri.rareed,
same as Stole, regular , price 09
on sale for $11.75...
No. 167_
°NB NouclItir u101.4 regular 07 50 for
$4.50. Another ,-.1arger, regular Kiev $12.50
for $8.25.,
NO. 20— '
ONE 11,141t11/10T &COLE,' inches brocadel
satin lining, extra'value at '015.00f -for 09.05..
Women's Fur- o areCoats
There Are in all ten of these very'Useful And coni.
fertable Coats left, they have sable or marmot collar
and quilted or curDelotly ,with sizes ranging
from 36 to 40. Regular prices` *ewe $15.00 16.50,
22.00, 25.00 and $0.00 with silo prices 'itt' $10.00
12.954,0.50, 19.00 and $00.00
ood,si*eel,c,,Stole and ,Muff, a; -
fer very little-, regular price ;".„",;,
;.or $5.75. ,
sf.a, with pretty new style Stole
and plain pillow Mtiff,
price $12.50, sale price $8.95. •
No. 98.-L
with fancy. Anineal - Stole and
'Unit to inateh;A, verV, handsome' '
net, special reed ler price 020,00,
ale -price $19.00.
No 7 --'
Ci E A FF; ',regular
. 'rice pl 50, sale price t6,25,,
9NpEricLeE$°7.750A1Rori)$5W1.51:16-111?' r'Clular
W4 --.
• h ' Throw and, BIN) .51.rieffe
4ne $2().00; salep
• regular price
ttirom d - with „lit ads. And
.regialat prim $10.00, sale 'price
$7.25;:' '
Style trinimed witif tails, regular price $12.-.59;
sale price $95. Another style,' r4iilar $15;
,.400 price .$11:(0; • '
'rhere are nine o roes° fine Coats left. Thev,,,come
in quilted; eurleleth or 'plush linings,- regular prices
;$15.00 and 21:00, en'Ariledit 511.25 to s19.q0,
'Black tofig ,-coatat$
... There are just three of these fine heft' furred. ',Coats
:left,. reg. prices were $20 and. $22; to clear at 516.
Thursday, *um
Thew litoseises Vet Pot °moon OF GREAT MOM
About 2 o'clock last. Sairmloy after. .
i noon the Whiteeloweli Nome Guard Loos of 1,1f,s. Plsood at About Twonty
I nnder the efficient leoderollip of Copt
i Wawa Vorriek, mustered at the Pew Thoavarigg, With Twice That
I paraded to the Grand Trunk station to e._;ve, Nutrilm_r lnl-rod
nstantly ehirting estiertee hoed
i abed* at the Presbyterian Church, and
stirring, tuned of the *pines by Johii. m reports that contiade to, trickle in
iihuPson, in honor of three of their mice .tace Or death total from last week's
her+ RUAsel MCKAY, Tom, Garton end artbsvake hi Italy at 29,0es and 0 1
John Kennedy, all Vaitadinn:born sena, 'nliirscl at a figura In excises of 35.00.
who have enlioted in the third conting- Ilundreds. ,posolbir tho..siiii4.4 of
eat, and who left on the afternoon train letlnif-are atal buried alive, lin-
ear Louden. There were 67 men 00 olsonisd by the wreckage of 'Pelf
parade in additio& to the menthols 91 'cures. while rescuers trgru crerr
,tion., At the ' Station between 200 ktatI *4111t Qf lir° igrlIgIl'e de""ratelY:- t°
the Whitechumh Red Cross orginiza-, . ile theta, out: ' - CeirontunicAtioneare,
250 -of the citizens -of Whiteehnrch and lowly blnig re-"eAtqbliAhe4*°°°41 ha°t'
cetenrimity assenibled to bid farewell to 11'.; 1P1Previorti becP'tals and 044°4
ampS have been eet up.
tlor boye. At the depot Several, selec,. Seventy-eight towns and yilleges
trona were reedered by the Whitechurch
mouth„argmt B,wwl . and to. the . sr,,in , llollY .ot ' rattly' destroVid. A ter*
rolvaseadboyutfhlemicgrowadn.el Alotibodutchtweeord Zeckrea' Emr. :telli:eas.A.mtaditrlodellel,,tirutitf. tred TriTtehnetrIllina!
''.0'4t,Qcletrliteap(t'146,,Grrui:irrdwit st;g4iontoare,dWilit: .+)af ttittrV:pilineedeTiutalleiTultalliaese44berri:th'4:1:rtkitici"
26 mem enrolled. Drill takes place each, The greatest damage done was At
`tabular Mrening-- in theIlleOyteria^4. Viers 'no, 50' ' miles' east' -eV Rome,
elfurcb. shed -1/2 and elready;ever 50 have :vb.1 . Area totally destteyedr_with a
enrolled, and and the membere at the Givird 'AAA losn. of life of mere,thail 8,140,,
feel proud that throe of their number ,at - 'AL tliTif'41otriet the ' 'scenes .paralel
feast are to represtnt thee at the front „hose of Mesaina in 1908; when 76.000'
j itibeereatrond,p6re,e4Jatend4 sCiiridappaelrift4hieteicke
slualr".:, not n single life being .164:
. in Roe the damage Was relatively
1 in defeno of the British Empire and of OereeneAlierlehed,
to headquarters, clothing made by its 4,t, fslkiples and Florence, which .4180
'eh the 'shriek, there were no casual-,
menibere and valued at over $100. .
fee and, very little destruction, The
• militan7 authorities sent . Out 6 000
l'.otlilan .-.- 4ehuers ,to prevent 'looting and to pre-
, Tlerve order in 010 de7A00.04,Y*4-.0., 19.., Tertrulars of. the -disaster at devastated
-.Jim Clihecre returreturned to .Sasliatiili ' --',:ino. and the Snri"-Glindisnt:tingetrolooti,
Ovvan last. Week. . ' . , , • Celand. * Belsorano, COlinntelle , and
Giela der'Maral,*.all places well Imewa ,
to tourists. linAlre a sad impression, -
housesQnlYA°t?'7 '13Veer as :141:0 were
the e°umt 0.,cinf e'ntitl e
el rf
the eaerthquake. The remainder were
surprised In their beds.' ' pour soldivrs
are all that survive of the garrison ef
more. than, 400. An express. trata,,
,-wbicb.. witiitravening „towel* A.Vea-,
nine, a few minutes before -the 'earth-
-quake,. /ailed to -reach its destination.
and: It Is tearer'that the trani leil
tiver.a :i.urned except
r:tdgeeo'unz'oe:i.Oand iall.ncludeta41
PrePulleed cr. not r,tioual if, he conttn:. ,.thirhe deleeetw:ekrisilede's
tie4 to entertain the Same ideas, . if, Government ' -officiate, including Alio
Kingsbridge scribe,will drive up tothe dienster'srit Avesseno was made Averse
a 4 v
eu 80010 .bcortignI.,frosty aliening, theMayor and the Town Councier of bullors.,'TO0
t , i b r skating rinkand take netice 16041 custom '-ildiiig bounce
of the hundred -or Mere people ' to be withc'ut 'cement' '
, „woding there, he will begineio to A toil. 'of the towns and villages
,ank. Kinonbiidovnk rink i4 jut ,0.1601 aroundLakePutine diselotedtilvast
, e ut.,, A, . . ea .rde on. The town -9t.a nnO,
bite4Inirch. the; %territory ot Marie, .seeme to
have 'been' ripped open.' Re historle
• belfry, which - rose about 390: feet,.
eella.psid. lethe church below all
everithing. . About', is scattered Awl
•teblirureo-el'iteenilinx:P:z eil:, -TN,. :s.'ett:ne-d.r,,uingin. efl,it, -let xa:::,,ut wl-thhlalet
of the.,Saviour, , where an. initnense
'At.,reszina the cathedral bzlfry 'end
the howee et'the Sishop have entire:yr,
The newlire-eleeted illeinhere'.iff Ole
Council met 'onnbover date as Oft.
Xitet and hating "subscribed ti(41.1011:Cer,
easary . declarations and lbetsi el y
took theiramta st, Coercion, ',,Board
With Reeve MeDellaidtin lthe e1rsk4
Minato; of _previotomeittilw:..were
read, and OarnotoaointibPutd watt trkiled.
Moved by J. MDiarmid. iiegenklect by
Tiffip.that,,tilim following offLeerti be
appointed lopthoeurrent year and that
their'sdaries:bis as .fpllain: Thos. 14dur-
. ray, Ofork;.itud'FreasumatiV90,. Donald
‘ittae1)ona1dt..A13_40410, 460,.J. Panda;
-Collecter.460i M. 11,
Thalth Offieer,4264-Board Of Health,'
Me.e0eno$, Edtvax4 Xfodkbis and
•Th000 MIttraiY4. $2.00 each per xtufetilsgi
'Sanitary trispeetor, Alex.0.1licho/Oor„ 82
% per meeting, Auditor* %Vm. Stt and
ThOS: Gana, 28,00 each, Careitilter of
Ball, Jainee riaileyt $1.00 ipeitaltiormett.
ing and 500., per night tineetiO4 Sheep
Inspectors, %IOW Latoe,„ Thee. Ileum
John MeLeod and lehritItetinedy, Pees
$1.00 each and 104 .perrialle; and that a
By-law he now introduced ott read rt,
--first.and Seediidtitildiane6riallY: pawd
confirming the MOW. Carried'
MOved, bir,Onagitis set, by Ilaioehier;,
that .the.euni,of $1.50 be returned too
Mies Rutledge, charged for the Ilse ad
Nall fr, choo1 concert. tarried •
Morodiby E. Hodgins by J, J. TIAN,
• that, the sum of $160 be allotecl to omit;
toilliellor to be expended in their \rtrc.'s
apective Read that no fustiien-
expendoturo be made 'unless and unfit'
the approval of the .Cbtineil hasteem
givcathereon, Council giving eorisidhir-,
ettcn to ateetinta passing* and iasuing
the ‘following ehequeet Thomas Ilbrao,
Insp. Sheep, S1.104 John Macnonafdt„
Grave1,13.88; 0, Olio, Insp. Itealvitey
d4nf:t $3.00; A. MacKinnon, reftu4i4.
141or, 1.76; *try *tenni remitl,Ww,;
. tc I 400; JohiffeWit tOnfito Doge -W.4
1401 Jas. L. 1444'
41, Orokvellf ',tog
Miss tlanindr llogan is home from
Sarnia for a, couple of weeks. '
Miss Chtra MelToottri4; of -gluten,
is her grandinethees here -
is•mary e,e.a meg. mer,ean visit
ed friend Kinlotia for a couple of
artys, '
A person hat liberty to think what
he „wishes matter what it, is, but
when the eviclenee proves that What
he was thinking is wrong, lie is either
MentlitY, -fan. ,16th
• The regular irionthli‘ meeting, of the
Women's Missionary .SocietywaS,lbeld
in .the ellnrOlron Wednesday aftertioell
,Tan.,13; at -2:30 O'clock; the ,President,
Mrs. (Rev.) Stewart, indIsappre-.1dMisiguor
lowing the business 'Psrs of the Ineeting; • 13agnolli,- the Idaho') of ,tessinit, •and
Ars. I). Jamieson give a reading On our
Indian work in the -West, "ilow Best '.21tiwaae,nb'iatac.aritniaunlite,aa-'iv
feairtalt; ,htrati'
to Improve Our Snciety- for. 191-67"- Wei an hal* . perish ,d, ,--
60.1""anaddress ' At Veiggi, a well known ePa, near
art, in which manyhe1pfu1 hints we,re •
breught Tho_topiotfot the;,,Fehrti- eerved.4.,' For two hours .titter thejfheeX,'
ary ineethig is, "Out Educational
stode," and will he in Charge of ,Mrs, l'ront a, coal Mine. , • .
for the meting On, ;arngaer4Slele:r40°11'ata: gs9elletrkt:1,1'.°'"rth.aictigt°wile.41-The '
David Kennedy and Miss Stettin.4--+"
topic Sintigl*,''tillitOeVveedn'iaP8C4e!rMyttinetel3re9Sitaingile'sgtiu9d6; S'°°6 "feet 1°11g 'a44' feet *tde'
)to 4n4sdi sdeaciietwhi to, a nd nswere abaci rb, AeTtvjles‘sc, rorit_sitiihrte leaving death nand cgur ant 1 istthe drdei river urt °Ae. trtriohenenniai inetYde
inembersi.and a paper, dealing With the
Subject;' wa.s read by 'Miss: *Bessie Laid-.
law. A discussimpfollowed which was
full; otsdnestions that could be used by
the..young people A,' 13risis . for "bold.
-beginnings" in Chrlstian-Work Next
Sabbath -evening
of •the Bible",will he the 'subject • con-
sidered,.witla Mr. J. V. Davidson, as
leader. 1,
..Ronle, A curious phenomenen was eb-
the rivers ran as-blatk as the *eters'
• THINTIfta A"TIVERItiAltir. Court prop' shelter: panic and tear gill
‘Whiteehurch, No. 116 0,01 'eelebtat- h
ed -the thirtiet11.-anniversarroritrorgan.,-. voritogintboir grivand.terver muffler
Id the I habita to of the smaller
o en .11
'ration On Pridareveohfit, Jan, 10. On avow 'among tlke,larger where,
thietiater-1885-the'Courtr-ritartett with the r Ittopir -have. been cope
18. charter ineniber$,, add in the: thirty' with- :the extraordinary .situation to
years that have elapsed it has • grown rbettetNadvantage.
until to-dty it has a membership of 83.
It is one of the most prosperous Courts
in, the vicinity. "When r-fficial report
with regard to assets used tolie issued,
Whitechurch stood seeend in the pro-
vince. fitroicial standing le, beconi-
A new Peril nt;vg confront', the peen-
lathie...ef the stricken valley below"
Aireizano: 'Debris ' from the earth-
qeakeliari daiinmed Lake Fueino, and
enleis,' the engineers now grappling
with the lierenlean task are able to.
iftroVide. an Outflow, for :the: fast -rising
. and the 'valley Nor be deluged: „
Pnennionia has struck down .
dreds -ef. refugees, forced to gamy in
'the' Snow, M. the. Open places without
Why buy Oil_ fror4 'Travelling
Agents when we give you
a better deal.
u.c noyfr_:,
-We have Cleveland Coiled wire' at 62.25 per cwt.
WA-- town .:lfelassine
$2 00 ' . Cake 02.00 per , cwt
We hiive'Scrapt.sCoal—the Standard Anthracite
Connoil Met pureitent to, adjoironint;
With 11-,..!eVe Wtlisfrison in:. the chair The
Meinbertf led Council' of 1615, arei..:3„.
N. wilkinson, Iteriver •M 'Vtranielar,.
Deputyreeve;Councillors; Alex. Wailer,
Duncan Campbell mut :SannieL 1:froWn,
The members Wok and 'subscribed the
necessary-deelarations The minutes of
last. meeting Were read and adopted:
The tender of 0. Motfoey, $160.00
for,all township: printing and advertising
and -all Ward of Health printing; was,
accepted. .
ly-law, No. 490 (as atncnded by the
for drainage *irk in the TOWnShin of
litircm. in the County Bruce, and for
,bpallirt7tihnif 86tInnit.hel.j11Pitat;kftohr4.11e,l'
ingthe 'same *WA.' duly passed, Warnaley
Lakeside Leaps Orgasisarioi. •
Oftelra for 1916, re•eIected from 1914.
President—L. Kennedy, Winaham.
' President—A. M. Eeeleston.
Teetkw•gter,„;T,. _
jog betterio.oety y„car,- and: the Court uas • •,13-6-e .teisee, amcartow.
• Second Con,,, Kiritoss every respect for it'brig t future.The e e iosnuraz
MissAbitledge, refund ch. or Hall 1.50; delebratiOn took tlie form of an oyster ,
.1* 11 Teesvrater at ItipleY,
WaltertKoake amt. IC. St C. Beig, 10.00;
Chas. Ellis GlaVel, 4.004 John' Purvis, m" m• uesclaY4 Ian" 19th. ':81-1 Peristeherited ev well -selected r en'
it!hu Coat Oil dealers have beie. buni of to the splendid repast, which, of()r "-1161 5 Mallow itlPlesr•
er pro..
late loOking for businesaiptida ne :tv anLietiantity, it would'bri difficult. to ‘..• treestutets
!.. , and• rs. Rod: ....,'Eamtibell 'enter-, graProine. ,The inicabers of the Court Li41211„,ciken...,6W. tenesekwiltwet"...'.
taxes remitted, gi 44; erect t.38,Y,71 tallied a few of the young people ; Vile with their Nylvds and lady friends; gath25 -
411mM Sheep, 4•00. evening -last week. ered abolltrtieven O'cleck and sit down v. b • .6 Tarefa;ater ley ".Tteueaskwniotr;
0 "#
ow, 0o,
'St. Helens
and Milt: • Morris of WingYanit
ep,orit a kW days ,with the letters sister,
Ytra, Henry Woods. '
!" 'Mr. and Irwin of Ashfield,
Spent Sunday; with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
' .
, .
Messrs -Wig Ond Altoheson, are
.spenditig st-couplt, of weeks with friends.
tirtitind Chesley and Moorseburg. •
Mist'aolina Clark is at present epee&
ng a few days with friend around
"us. Hyde wheelies spent the SUM -
in Now Ontario,* returned home the
Kither day, looking fine, , • . -
George is spending few
days with friends aroUndi St. Helen be.
fore, leaving for London, having enlisted
• with the Third Contingent
The annual
!era Of the Public' Hall, St. Helens, will
*he held .on **day, Jan. All
Shareholderslire 'requested to be pre-
borhood. The farmers believe tin-isaliete Ken --Patetson IQ -charge
18 nettling like opposition in all lines' ot the catering arrangemen , and deser es 16 Teeswater '
11 Te te • s Lueknow.
husiness,,therefore,thq new dealer has great credit for thejsplendid way in „, milky ."---Lucknow.
.betin, able, to phico some large orders
• . which the Orders were prepared. About • 'Llicknow • " Ripley.
- 410.ST OttOTUER DAY a. farmer told 6:30, Chief Ranger, Bro. '1'. .G. Gaunt
26 Lueknow Teeswater:
us that we would have to Pay the Cour- took ehe chair in the beautifully, decor, ' . •
tited AsSerehly Hall cf the TrAy block, ler for petting the mail in the boxes
n th d It tell
after we. wmild buy and erect • them,
Now •we are sorry that a few, for lack'of
instruction, are condemning Rend Mail
Delivery in this *ay,. doing themSelves
an Injury and Cheating others from their
rights. ,
Mr. and Mrs; Sam COnirainentertsin.
ed a number Of the • young „people here
end from .the Eighth ebti.s. lea :Monday
evening, About 45 were present and the
evening was Soot :chnitly in dancing
The folk of the 8th. are a 'fine lot -et,
friendly people, and will be welcomed
book to the 2nd... any tiine they wish ,to
come. The dosing wish is that the re.
cent event will be an anntlal One.
Oftlie.year-:rnany of the
farmers Will be lapog out plans Iry the
coming season. No doubt sortie, uaual,
will he depending on the highway as a
pasture field for their live stock, saving
a field for something else, This Wilt be;
as in the poet. a nuisance to the travell.-
yng New the law governing the
control of the highara a is, we under,
stand, that any Winne may rim on t,he
road, but at the owner's risk., Now who
has to eilforee the kW an it le it
not neighbor rigainat neighborl and. who
is to blame for eget/leg such a law to
exist? Would it not be propte 'for the
'Councils of the diftertmt nalinieipalitieS
to petitien the Government through our
reprceentative in the Local ltousot cud
P*.a5Nt VINVIIIti net l-
oteeLt 4,1)4' %kid to lAatuta oo the
bloffiva 1 •
qiie Annual Meeting of the
Club, St. Helene, will be held irt the
ForeStet's Hail On Iite.• 4
The Annual Meeting of the Pubile
Library was held on Monday', Jan, 18
The officers elected for ioip, were as
President-41ov., Vs'. Mackintosh,
Vite-Prea,--D. "McKenzie, •
8ecretary....4. 13, Veylbt.
Treasurer, ---W. I Glordon4
Librariare--.1e-sa ()Mica Clark.
1)irectort3.41egdOtO08 Peter Clarki tr„,
flordon. 'Afessrs. W. r. Miller, Foto
Otter, Joh* Joynt WUL .XkltliVforgo
e, d e prograt t commence .
to Ere.' Frank Henry, who 'has. bgen,
Financial Secretary of, the Court since
org nization,- tieliGer the their
, -
mares address, An& in few,' but app3b.•
priate words, he welcei ed the assembly
'to the celebration of the ariniversary.
Rev, -Mr.-Stewart, paator of the Presby.
tenon Church, gave an address, and
'Rev. ilro, C. C. Itaine, Methodist iniie
ster, Londesboro, in a very interest-
ing address,de'alt, chiefly with the War.
,13ro A. II. Sluagrove, M P .Whigham,
also delivered: an excellent address,
.touchnig mincipally upon. the solvency'
and financial standing.of the Order.. Mr.
Herb. Jobb, Wingliale,,,gave _RitinithOr7_
'of 'splendid recitatiorig, Which greatly
pleased the au hence. Mr. 'Tarry Macey,
St. lIeltes, Sntig.eereratol Harry Laud-
er's famous soi!gs which always take
well with nb, audience, and received
greet apPlause. Instrumentals on both.
tile -piano and Violin were eiteelleritly,
given by Mr Stewart, St. Helens, and
Mr. Ellison, Langside, The necompairt
igt for each was -his Sister, brio Stewart
and M ide Ellison. All enjoyed theni,
selves to tho strtePt and tho evining
Will loiig ho remembered in the annals
of tbe Court, '41e success of. this
splendid celebration Will be an incentive
to the Foresters for tlie ftitfire, and
eattae theta to look forward to the next
thirty Yout With goeallir interest and
with 'greater determicationt. to Maks
them even tfore. aaccodul UNA 00,59
ht itsvo geno,
Ito.,_Stewert;e,,uer: of the EaSt 75 acres
of Lbt,21, Con. ,1I, to -have bis said. let
transferred. from S. 2 tee. S. No.
3; be resolved that •-the , Clerk dotify.,
,the said, parties • to , present- 'at 'next
-Meeting Of the Peuncil and also, :notifY, '1
tho,trOsteee of `the ;Aid School,.:Seetitnie
to appear before the trauma at .its.nexS
Meeting to skew cause, if any, why these
changes:Illiquid het be, Anode .and the;
houildiries-of-tho said-sectioni-altered:
ifeeerdiligly. Carried, '
Wilkinson—Biown--ThUt thn,
• be, instructed to advertise tot hildge.
covering ee1011owi::, 6000 feet of tome*"
Jack plank 1.4.feet long, 4 Inche0 thielr
land not lees than a in, wide, and 800 ,
*Wet tionarack plank
'in. thick..sna mit less than 5 in,. wide;
Tenders to be opened at next Meeting
of Council:- ,Carried.
Wilkinson--Brown—That the the' Clerk *
be inutrirted to advertise for 'applica-•
veto:4_14'V; • , ..tionS, for the._ offices: of. Assessor- and „"• No. 491„,to. fix the witriett 6saheotor for the year 1916. Applications
the Township 'Officers tor Year " will :be reeeiVed by any inereber ofthe
wasdulY. passed. ;The ,..salaries titO 48 'COnneil or by the Clerk,until the", nett
folfers: 60,. and for extra- weting of COuncil; Carried, •
duties SUMP- aaoted ul:fermer Pare; Fraser---Wionaley,That this ennikeit
Treasurer,'2120.00 s5.00. tei.Prefar do now adjourn to meet again On Mou-
oolvi.tinancial.stathment 4t; the end Of day, the 8th 'day of February, A. 11,
the Year aixt-.$5,00 41Oared 'fot;''Postage' ,.'1915 at the usual hour aridplace:- -Car-
and stationery; ' AtibeSsOr, $70,00 . an, fled. s,
iiosbige and statiguery; The Medical ANGUS MAIWYN, 'Clerk.
Offieer of Health, $150:00; Sanitary In
•Spect4,. $10006;I:lareteiret of the hall; .111tT ItEvICieN' RE RF;'EY 14#4."4.P.T. _
$20 00 and 21.00 foe -each. Mitre ineetin$ The Court of, Revision met inirettant
exeept a dance* ball ter,: Which ',he is tolojournnient. at two O'clock in . the
:ailowed 'Sg toy Auditors, 10.00 .100 eaChy afternoon Of Monday, the lith: day of „
Selecting Of areti„' 0:00; Sheep, Valu- January, A. 130:, '1916. , The,,inerobers
Iff-aY; itointrattir 'tweak; Tiiit only vaa
:Officera,sscotyeaelit,'P011 Clerks'. $2'.00 that oilitinald..14elver 'held oVer
.rent Of:polling rauniern;i1 hait'sittings.. • ..*
does is placed at uSualfignre,23.00; Brown..-Citinphell.4hat Donald Mo...
Medibera of 0ounekS2.50, day each Iver's tifaiessnient bereduced**00;:leiiii.,.
' eounail, 'Meetings ing balance of me for outlet' ifabeffyi,
,5..deata.aiffille4egek_LWay,_.and.,84,50.Le.. .,withthe_cOntentiot the
day each while 'triinaaeting.toWtnihip:' .4.;techiction ot 6:00 be made in .itenkr
toisineiiii,SUClimiletting; and.. iiiiineeting Lathe. Clitleafees, and 10.00; teMictioo,
jobs.• _ „ be m e th .iteinot ceet. of draw lig ,
'ESN-law:No:495, adiy-laW of the ToWit, 'hy-laWsi-etai-and'tetit-tha-cou4 of.
ship of Huron, to ahtlioriZe the Head ironed be now closed. Qatried .
and the Treasurer to borrow .tertain The Tewnship engineer was Present *
'sums to, 'meet: eurrelit exnenditure for at the sittlegs ot the.qourta of Revision.
tilephone Constructien and nutintenanee Angus
by the Huron andf'cliinlesii Municipal
• ' Tuesday, Jan. 19.
Shating_in_tho_oider °Utile do!
' Chopping luesday gmd.F; ida,y. o' .
Hugh Nicholson was a visitor in
the *al this
George Colwell, of Bervie, was in
the village this week.
Mra lUidgkinaott of Mamie `
was visiting friends here. '
Joseph Purdy hai'been out . the,
village for a couple of weeks, '
Atka Merle flimble, of Lucknow„, is
-visiting her 1411444s. HaYes.
Oscar Armstrong, Of Itervie, visited
friends in Itinlough,on Monday.• -
Mein. Boyle, from the week is spend.
ing the winter among friends here,
'The *ardent"; of the Anclicsb chnith-
attended meeting 1* Ileivie, Tues
Mt; and MM. • W. Percy attended.
the funeral of the- latter's, father to
ruittirs cemetery last Saturday.
The annual' 'business meeting of the
Posbyterian &melt, followed by A
Was held on Wednesday eVeil•
Ing. •
, tr, arid Mrs. Ingram. of, Sachatehi,
04 Mies Alossnclet of Luck -
now$ iStra ths *loos Mri As4
VtlhOr4. CO. OP./ liAtt
Telephone System that io tO say ,the•
mini of 21000, d'Ul passed; Lulross Ctntre
oTueeday,.Jai. 1Q'
wfitthhits. .spinioliiinacrietobt:niiiitptepoeinatifrdalnot. Mr,
an mrn.
the Torwils'hip of Ailifield to come to an "fit—I-1;13 outi tio, *40
atreellitifit with regaidteStatuteLabcr - - •`. ' -
hat a committee
_done on the boundirrybetween. the two,
townshiPs.80.that, each toWnsliip shall
put an equal iimOun% of gravel on. Said
ineinidary line ea& ear, and t
Clerk be instruetedte forward a copyo;
this resolution to the -Council of Add
requesting theta to appoint a Committee
at their next Meeting and fix tkffi. time
and place of such mesthig. Carried.
. Bylaw No. 406..tto appoint _Certain
offieers, vitt—The Auditors for 1915 are
Wesley Mills and W: a Logan; Care-
taker of hell, Jacob Gates, and , of the
eeine.teryFlialcoho_IlleLayL '
The Reeve,, the .Medlegil _Officer of
„health and Mr. Alexander Fraser coin -
prise the Board of Heath for the' year
and a BY.laWINO0-497Y.Wilit duly Passed
for the appointinent'otsaid board.
The turn of, 61875.00 reedited to
meet the interest -oil the. debentuies of
the Ontario and 'West .Shore Railway
Co.„ guaranteed by Huron, and which
interest hi payable Ori the first days of
January and July in each year. A by.
bin', NO. 406,, -well passed for this
Rebt. Keith Ire purchased a niee
Iwo vear Oki Celt from Uee.
' Mr. and Mts. Walterjt)or_ipc
thu week (MI with,friends neat 1.44ei
, enne y an ei leS\ ate' spent
last Thurday evening wit,11\if1:tnilds '
nuniber from here attended
Ilotte,kair held in Willglian), Wed..
a last Week.
M. Brown 4t1i.__line,__Iraft- built, -
new verandalho bitt houBe Nothing
like beim( up te. tie,te Mold&
The Oueitt,ros. Kinlough, have
finiehed drawing hay from Itingarf to
to their bi•other Joe's hop heiv,
Mr ayrd Mrs. S. Stobo, spent
Teeiday evening of last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs J, D. Little.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. °Little of,.°Tees.
„ _
water, visited at the home of A. 540,0 -
Laughlin, Tuesday of last week. - •
pnrpoAn sZplieation by: Dr. Macarlinmenrc- A.-Ilughe's 'and R. Meliagno - -
Medical Officer, for an increase of salr ry 1 ed at the hoine of B. Hughes near ,
from 8126.00 to $150.00, that is' to say flolyrood, Tuesday of last week. '
$25 increase for the - year 1916; VAS
granted and ilia salary fixed at 51.50.
Cenimuilication bean Cheeky Patri-
otic League was read; milting 6000%00
10, recomthend that the county Council
levy one iniii On the assessment for
patriotic Th
purposes. e matter was left
tO the discretion of the ROVE) and De-
putytteeve, ,
,Brown--Campbell—That applications
having been made tethis Council by (1)
NeiI MeXay to have the East 25 acres
o( Lot 19, OM. 16c ()tilted bthiss, trans-
ferred front 11, S. No. 15 and added. ,to
SyS: No. 4 ,(2) Ily Xeutieth IdeLeod,
to hare the WOO 70 urea of Said Lot
VII, 0,04 by ,doi, transferred S,
$0i a to 8Ots0.4 00414 (0), 404.4,
ROSES, ,..
. I R'ephitittg promptly don ' 20 per erit. d: BEI:LS
. ..
,.,.. . ., *ricotta* el- 01%
t ,
h et lot balance ot January
'LitilltnilVffe '
, ,