HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-21, Page 7e
•pitrri§uiltER:ixprt rou 4
VAL 1/411,71,41,
liSV,PrerSa�o k Proteeted on titie
Great IiIMIern Dottie.
• shins,
, If we eoulti age the ehips a the
Orentl. Fleet in the •NOrth Sea we
Ina,7 he enre,they weneld hardly pre-
_Nene_ that spiek , .and span; 4ppeare,
anCee wo asgeOiate with s liip
peae0 rit-beir.
•-Wee all etathed With ruit arll round
-410 water line, and a 000351'41y •lie-
. draggled eiPpearanee-thet is if
they, hug been keeping the saki
• :says the Navy ant•Army: Journal,
.But the. :Moat .startling change
• *00.14 be-tbetetrippp:LI .and naked
• ' -appeerente theywouldlireeent, or
• penee would he a,l.1 sails, heed dav-
•it*, li4ge rOPee Pied. Ole tieleal•PArae.-
eiheenalia that' itsetiaXt Q't ariy§n'145'
:peace triennaings. The vessels are
• C,Ienftti for aetion I
•' •
Get ing a ship reetelY for the stern
"Wee .91 battle is light .ttodertalc.
' least once a Week dukin‘g
Up At
the piping .times of peace 'the. Whole
ship's -companyare exercised at
"general quarters," an •evofetion
whieb takes a very few minutes to'
•Perform\ On these • occasione the
.buglers sound off t'exereise action4'
when, the„ guns are "chet loose,"
' magazines opened, . the •guria haiug
"loaded with a projectile And dumillY
...charge..., Drills . are then proeeeded
with, t,1ue. guns generally being, se-
efrured, ,and all stores returned' by
•,eix bellse-114.m. ' , • •
When the ship is .going to target'
;practice "actin,"-lif soifnded, arid,.
.of course, the 'guns are loaded with
•,a, real elurrge and laic firing pro-
, - ceeds until the ea -leo -Lint of tenreunie
•:thinallowed for theSe oceasiens is
expnctcd..‘cee,Curiirr is
Sounded. 'That also is a. prephea-
• • tory performitilee • alongside "Pre-,
• pare' for battle." ' Then the -ship is
. 'stripped • of every atom of „frilling
likely to Prove - dangerons to life
,and. lineb, •
All .Wood Is, Heineved.
• • .„
One bf the greatestAingers in a
'Modern action is fire, owing to the
• ftereible incendiary- nature • ,oPe the
"'..eliMis \used, so thht theoretically no
!sertip, of weed should .be fouhd in a
warShip; but as m'ea have to live' in
them during times of peace, , a cer-
tain meantof wood fittings is ab-
necesearyefor comfort, But
• -.overy• scrap of wood • fitting •is of a.
•.• •,peethble nature, and easily re-
, moved, Occasionally men go • to,
•"stations, • prepare' for battle," rounds them up at night on some a spupencleies henount id • natural
wilder' every ' piece of weedWork' that good bed g ro nrid,.ej nAt AA- a -human:. 'Wealth_ _For_.eeery _dollarethat • Uc'r.
' ' • eould be jettisoned. is, marked, and ,herder would do. And 'all the time niany„ pats up as an ante in the
• t•
-each man or group of •Imen made to -he keeps i'sharp loOkont.for rowl great game of ;armament the Un,iied
understand ,for what Parta- theY jog wolees or coyetses,,-1- almost .S1lp will have . -to- put-tep
..1hWa'rra4441,Jiting' pr9jeetile5 nOw
in use. In the direction of arnior
'the derinan'shipte have a alight wd.
vinitairc.„, but nothing commotnAl'ate
with ot r groat, gun power. c,
Illexlean •Itancher Describes Uh
Ilteth011 of Training' Thou.
1ttst befOre the - iGried
crOlieks the beitt'ndary lin.e.betVfeall
Celorado and New MeXico, it en-
41, • •
t4? 1FUNCL
I Germany .,'Wfitia the ;World 111.11
, e ProsSittniSeil°Atint United .
States Threatitfed:
• Prof. Franklin- H. if.delingii, of
tenar box cenon Whose wa:i. . In',ColUrnbia ,University, vonsidered to
some places 'ere a' thousand le et.in :be America's *leading eetiorogiet,
height ,and *wet aperpendieilleree-eayee•Concerning'theeear ; - -
Vex a nuneher of iniles, before it en --"quite lipertireen_'all _queetions
-ters ' the Calioitii":14:.iiira- itii*s- 'zirfhe violation of „neutralitY, frorri
through a rough, country that. is ;all dieCteesian Of the ceuees of the
worthless for famine' purposes. war, •or of 140 was right and Vito
'Phe pasturage even is so scanty that yv Wrong-4-eweVing all that aside
itis suitable only „ tor sheep and - lie' iniportant question forthe
goats. • The ' few 'get:tiers "•044 all' i LI it States is, how are we going
Mexicans., ' %coyetes haunt the
- . to •be affected by the result?
WelYeend .
r e 'If the...allies. win there will be ii.
. : a •` . .
t of some sort. •
hills and ravines, Moog. the river settleMen
Veellie and the herels -must be watch- al:Oulu! ....0' fif thSkee vierae,intelaYrywyttry-• to. tilnl:
ed day and nigitNear the en
• •:*- true, if the doctrines'of TreitSchke
teadeeto the canon iiiies a Mexican
arid Berotexcit, prevail,, then there
reacher who °Yes ''sesi•eral "large willbe no negotiation. - There:will
heeds of goats. He has. 'i .rand Out be ,.elej.3,- ApAgthission„-,:c4cermany will
hew to:hord lils'ii6ele. without hired. gay., to ale, me,elei tioeieeee`e 'You're:
help. .Ple sande' .the*herel Out en iiekeeie \ Take your moidele; ..‘and
*he range ender the bare of:dogs, we will take the rest' °
each of which has been raised 'The world will he I'ru,Ssia.nieed.'
among goats, and hae,, in fact, had Everywhere except in America .the
a goat foster mother, • This man dee- triumph of 41c/intim:la vill be corn -
scribes his method ef training ' his plet... The spirit of .demoeragy and
dog herders as follows:. ' . all liberal thought' will be
"MY dogs are keross between the '
.. Utterly :Critsited.—
'eleePherd-and Scentch-criAlic.-' As Wo rld-p o Wg e'en oh Vs his rieve'r been.
Soon as the pups. are born, I take know, ..10,;,„.„1,
those that, r liartik to make into - 't :4 4,t''' Y -**"11.-4. wielded by
a nation tnat has .developed _along
herders away froth the Mother dog the • materialistic lines, •that
and put them to. luirie• on .6., mew steeped inthe teching pf Nietz-
goat, One • puppy to 4 goat. The sche, that .berieves- weaknese the
•goateniiik-agyees, with them Peefeete eseential- evil and might' the esseir--
ly. The' are , never, pernaitted • to tial righteousness and eompaseion
fun w ith other dogs, 'and ,lcnow n the -only- sin-a-nation-thatedeni
ootripanions exeept .goatse and - by th.e rigiit Of eovereign peonies., to
thee,time :they are grown they ,haye both erete and enjoy thristitutidnal
a- -thorough- -knowledge- „-Of--thliberty; -
'adbpted, re1at14s, 'You might' ale "Now,' discarding all the bosh,
most 'say that toey were half goat: ehontwhat eliould. be, 'and 'lacing,
.."`Afterthe, pupPies • get their things us eth.ey are, theseene gre.a.t•
,teethe. I have -to watehtliena• care- -lad stands Out '': .Thoughtful- inereare
for now and then one of .saying: If Germany' wins' it will he
, '
them will:get the habit Of 'biting the ourturn next.Now whether they
goats. That trait renders the dog are right or wronga • ,o that, there
can ..be ieo...questien , a ieto what. it:
fihaoltitely usele.sS for my purposes,
and 1 immediately kill him.. , But ,m. •Tiar•• • '
biters are ..very.rare. Thee dog rais- • ' naeans thatneif Gerthany *ins
edin this,way. soon becomes a inetu- •‘ge 1.11 m . nation.
have • o choice. . Democracy
gna'rdian 'ef goats, and at 4 Mild a rin. .4.J. defend itself against
year or so can.be put; in•keharge Of autocracy ;-mut-- 'arm t� preserve
a" herd. The'lleTele go ' to the hine- liberty a-nd all the things this
in the • early spring, '‘*.' and• rem*, try tands for. . We have a popiera-
there till the first, now cone. The tion of 100,000,000 which is growing
deg staywith hi hered: :day,._and, !faster:, bY_ immigration_ than that of
night, drives bis -charges , to: the: any Other' coinetrye and, 'will grow,
best . eerasS in . ,the • morning, and still :faster after the war. • We have
_tvotild be responsible,. , _ never lose any goats to these ani- . Misdirected Pifileienei.
i 7i -tit Whit. would:- be done With. eielsis, • , - .. : „i i , • . - ...,..- ,
"Of ' ' .s 0' Al' ' • '
, 'boats in aotibrk seems never to -have ocill::P 1 is will give pain to
"1 carry..food toilie-dogs Orme- a'many I good people,' and great num-,
- ... 'been definitely gettled. S'eree 'ea', _day. The only time a dog will leave bers of ne will be sad and not
,, 'cars are in favor of 'lowering, them his herd and, eonae in to the ranch prove ' of it, but that is •' not the
. , ,ir Ito erdeches on deek or sUppestrece la when 1 fail -to -take Intomething--Testie. It is not Nvilqt ...a.....e NWAit' to-
•turee and filling them with water • •
., to eat. And then he is 'impatient to do but *hat we shall have to do:
'ethers suggest Cowering there with get back to his work, and as soon as The fact we have to face is that if
- •• ' oanya.e and .binding, them round
. "Wit1.1 rope frotn stem to stern, oih- .
he has got his meal, hurries away. .Germany wink riVitly or. wronglk;
and. whether we, like_it or_ note -the
,ers, again, take -the iherolb-:eourse . "I find thedog lierders..more under-sitt-
United_ States, will become one of
;of deopeing-ilitin in-to,the sea all isfactoryhthanb• men.. :They 1.0y, .the greatest militaristic nations on-
well„funteneatogether, and•allowing stand t gir usieiess thoroug
the face of the 'earth. . Net because
• them to delft Where they will-, : The and theyeare always faithful... More -
any' one Wants it, but because it
litter course'eeems themost p-cieei_ over, I do` not have to. pay them.
would be our only salvation '''•-•
....ectil:and_,sensible one. ' . any waget.''. . . . _
'After the. war, if the. allies .win,
' • The only object qf the boat ean ' .
. *--•-:-.;..--,. " the whole world will ask•itself one
0 :be to save life•should the ship be •re -• question.:
•duced to it sinking tondition, and -
. Was Duly Invitee: "How .did airthany do it? Hew
. • both' the filling of them with water ; ..:
A ntl ”1Y1 n wit ch ttia to hiS° did she make herseef into's° mar-,
or ma.rling thern-doWn Would .ren • g.e a •• s a • g
• AS 4 Would take some time before
in, always sappesingeehey escaped with tis to-morrove, It takes him all te... .,1„. _____ _VT theLreat_d_mai.__
. they eould be made ready'for lower:- ask Mr.
.der them nseless for this purpose, w-fe 15
„daughter, - and remarked, "'We
i in tiete resence of his . libtle.
Brown to come and dine tahlishing' herself
Nyiii. that she came -Within an ace of es-
and imposing her :Will and'
vellously 'efficient an organization
as . th,e world
, . n.
th-e-eiliat eriet-g-effierei-f-sherd.,, hie time to keep his.head, above vv.a- lurndr. upon a11 v".1. .
' Whistle being regarded Asa good ter.'' Mr,:! Brown was citOy tr, ii
in -1.-- • ".The. world . will ask those -Ties.:
• .stibstitute for life-euiring purposes ed, and -came. As soon as he had
tions not with any idea of smashing
in many ships in the grand- fleet is got eothfOrtably settled- in a. 'Chair
the emen2eLiness -tables: , These areetheelittle 'daughter went' and sit on :a thilitatY Denrer. _that 'Joie hive
ceased teeebe-eitlenabee-beit with the
made `Of one -inch planking, are his•knee, then- etanted stroking his intention ' of cepying and utilizing-
...a.beltit three feet wide, and from hair. "Well," she said,, with mut !the things. that have made 'Oefinany
seven to ten feet long. Pleating 'surprise, "your' hair, isn't wet,' se great and Powerful.. Wliat will
114' on .-leie water, they would sup- "No, little woman, • said 10. the Answer _be/ :This,:
• it a gl-eat number of • inn. Jen- Brown, "why should it be wet?" . ".Long before the rest .of the
a;diately meals are finished, these "Papa said it took 4eii all eour time world got ontceit, 'Germany discov-
Wes are dismantled, , 'Teade . for to keep.Your..head aboYe wat:ere so- ered the v•alue of,national efficiency ,-ously with this -comes. the decietori or ...,__. • . ..-.., ___, _ , ,
, •-. wl eellessofe swamp and forest
rryin deck.-- - 1 4 e nee(• 'I:was sure erotn- hair .nrrts:tbe• V-617Bitinarcki list•-ofaTI, arie-Ithen the
. .
the_ettnaiito.muire to- -deiodeeteinio- ei,eeechen.g- from the React of Laze
iikplAniciBron PHOTo-04130.118;;
Larte Wog Illdirard and the ,B.pis't'r
inAttittuleis, of; Auger. ,.
, ..
"I call tho pileturo 'The Begl.1-
va.a".:HEST.TIEDICOSIE. "4.14'S itistIAiv."
llotr Piaocce and Partnership
• Were Won. '
.exbret Own Tablete eat the. best
.rung of the wax hew sir •-vier. nietaeme for 1:ttle,ortee. 'They are
bort Tree .dosoribee a: remarkable glta'r14nte'd' by "g°Ver*Ililln 414'
PilOtOgraptt iy11,101,i liep,esseeo,as,ihrits. lyfAtt be ainadutely safe and neve
trating a... quarrel between. .thet late
Xing Edward and ctina ItaiSer,
several years ago.. The origin
ee tura tonst:pattoo, oolte,
colds andEiteple fevers reguist-
4ug Ihe stomach- a31. boWelo, fjon,,
eernAng them .1/fra, 8. ahention.
of the. quarrer is not ,divulged, • but.
dent of the • Petit Parisien, relates vrtraidt,enks t‘bleeeyi hattvree.u:u:
111r* Bas'et' the 14"34"' "c""rePP°7/:* /Alav'e Own .Tablets for *my two
ren and
IMW he 4,rat .siw.1111"aaPall,01 avhat little ones need. I would not
g"taleen film or six keeme -ago, YuePd •he without*thein;" Theablete are
f6iind °e-6es's°1r31.0 1' ii Medicine co., Brockville,
tell Williarri 11. what he thought of oat,
him fairly sharply. The iridisZreet
'ph9tograph theme the end of the
wane. The, two sovereigns .had -SCURVY 116(IPS,
been talking in a corner of the gar. .
den, and after a oliseUesion,, which The. Drinking:W(4er Searo IA
seams to have been very heated, . svito of ,Rolo; 1
King Edward ha e turned brusquely • , •
amay, called his doge .0-11.e.e1/ and, Aritialitroops in the trenches in:
OhliOnalydispleased,lee refused to *est Flanders and northern
hear another word. The ,Kaieere ,France are .suffering seriously •frorti
looking thoroughly asherned of him- seurvy ,and • vermin, • Water ' is
.self, is trying _to: detain him, . his scareg for drinking 'purpeses, and
hands butstrotobed••44.. supplication. .fulttne'st none;:nt all of it to"be. had
e • :1 have, never seen snob a ett4k-. for bathing itiiiliOses „despite, • tha
jug .'and prephetic picture,". great quantitiesofnein that have
Sir Herbert Tree got the photo,, fallen. The folfovriiig letter from a
graph in Homburg in 1909 !roili a member of the now.fareous Middle;
certain prominent person who wit- sex Regiment, says: •
nessed the royal quarrel. It may "We !have been kept busy lately
well be that that quarrel sowed the waiting, and cantinually moving
seeds of the Kaiser's anger that from the beastly Ge.rtnen
'have- - attained such • /*oestrous The Germans ,are -using Vast (wan-
-51:0'411:--sance thewarbegan. ---, .- - - -tides -Ofelyelditeeeared many . of the
_. . A, . hue have been permanently deaf-
•' eneel by• the 'rear when the shells
knee Joint -Stiff Tlirec Years •exP,04..nearbY. ' •
. qi lia,Ye not had my clothes :or iny
beofe dff for twenty -days... All the
, . CORED iilY'Ng.RVILINg• ' Others are in theegaine-fix-e---There-
ere, writes Mr. .logonard."Lothain, a little, water for drinking or bathing
ming -Men _iron _known about ,Chate: _purpose's.. .- • .
iam. .i inherited `a rheumatic ten- one. le;
i o ini4 Thateis the principel
(lacy through ' my• reotheeee *family, ev- .
and. an_rilY--eatie--days--sufeered-frighte Part-a41,e-.41nds444}6L-9n-evetY-41-a'n4r"
fully. About three years ago the pain We" are living in dug -outs at .the
anti etiffness settled' in rily left _knee foot of :little hills or. behind patches:
joint. 1 was lame and walked with a of woods.
very distinct lima,. • Nerviline was "The Germans have four big gun -s
.- . .•
brought to MY notice and I rubbed' it in front of our iines whiCh are liable
into the stiff joint four or five tithes a to go off st_any hour of the.claY• or
day. It • dispelled every' vestige of .night. Each shell weighe"i130.peunds
pale; reduced- the "Swelling, took out
the stiffness and -gave. me the full use .and we call them-. Mack MitriaS.
Of my limb, again. I don't believe there They can shoot 'tem miles, and th•e
is a painrelleyeag• remedy, not a gin- other diey,6ne struck near the edge
gie liniment that , can compare with of the trench, burying me beneath
,. .
Nerviline. F hope every •person with a wagon -Toad of mud and slime, but
hope they will try out Nerviiine-whieh - etyestoido
1. aM convinced will quickly, and per- .
pains, with sore beck, with lameness, the boys dug me out before I Sidle -
with -lumbago, with •oneuralgia•-7-1° do, oated. :•
W.ae'. a. ternme 4M-.•
/'-- •
in nently cure them." . The German artillery kept biazing
feet° dawn td (lark, and it was
f NerVIline wasn't a .wonderful
painless remedy, ' if .Nervilincr didnt InwPaoYs ible to get in or out of the
quickly relieve, if Naivilincr wasn't:-.Iirst Ilite4,;-trenehes. This phase o?
enewe to be it grand cure for an rheu- fighting is far from our old etencep-
matic conditioze, it wouldn't have tions of fighting. W • la
om see
been so largely used as 'a •family rem- an*._germans to shoot at except
edy- for: the -past -forty 'years.. No bet-- 8,0101. parties of 'Snipers ' -:
ter, stronger, or more soothing ,litti-•
ment made., Get the large 50c. fain- ' • "My teeth and geneS 'are ,getting
sere from eating the hard army bis -
size bottle. small•• tylal_age 2564,
sold by any dealer, anYwhere.'
. cults, and most OlT•tiiers are fl
,' the same' -way. , We, 11So:illy soak
. . them. in warm water or: tea before
'Mentary, Webs. • , . r,..we iry to eat tEetn. Writing paper
. Not only dates, but figures and and envelopes are very scarce at
factse'can be committed to Memory , the front, for all the epace ori sup:
ivithodt much. effort by making it piy trains is now 'being taken ini
• a rule never to think of one „thing with proyision,e, ammunition, fresh
without 'recalling \ what :you. want 'arms 4nci. other ., aocontremeitts;
to remem.ber with it. ..Suppose you "c'el$ 'small. packages ' ile'iv get
through , the .railitarY postal service.
wish to remember, a school friend's -
,address. If • You think d the nuni- A. II big oiled, are barred."
'ber of the house and the'neane of ' : ':, '1*
the street, whenever you think of e.
his hcime you will never forget it. ° . ALIVIOST.' LYNCHED., -'
11 is this habit of tying one idea or .- 4 happened to a .local druggist that
fact to another that enables 'sonde sod a chem., acid corn sailVe instead of
peisons to reniember quickly; and the reliable Putnam's• cot p t • .
any one can acquire this, habit Who suestituees,eern the ffreb-Putnam's curest
will, perseveringly 'follow this- sine- the 001721., Use onlY the beist--Putnaues"
, The aneeSter of lienry lreahotie
:her, Pierre -Cesar Labouchere,
was a shrewd • businese "roan and
lover.- Xt. Labouthere Tho -
void tells. in the "Life of lionry La-
bottebore" hew /WYK% at the sa1314
tiMii a fiancee wed a partnership. in
.the hause oe Hope. . • •
He Was sent by 'Mr,. john Hope to
England to see Sit Francis Baring
on businees, and erhiie there fell an
;love -with Sir Prancle"s thlreldauglee-
fie.reePo,retheYe _ Before - he _lei • -
land he asked Sir krancis, to let.
him become engaged to his 'daugh-
ter. Sir Frapsie refused. Pierre,
'ear 'then scad, “Werield it Make
any difference in yciur decision
you Irntw that Mr. Hope wao,aboat
to take rne. into parenere)liP-Vi"'
Sii Franeie 'unbe„sitatingly. ad-
mitted t'ia,t it .would. Pierre-Ceser
.then went- back to gollancl and: aug-
gested Mr...Hope thatit,Miglit be
a, 'good plan to take him into ‘Rarte
eerehiP-..- When Mr, ilopeediscopee
aged the idea, he said,."Woulte. it
make AO difference' yolir deeie
shell if you. knew that 144i -engaged
to the daughter' of Sir Francia Bar-
ing '
Mr. Hope replied "Certainly/'
Whereupon the wily elerk said,
"Well, I am engaged to Miss Doro:
thy Baking,"
That very day he was able to
• *lite ;Sieeenteneis-,-rinetetecieeg
the news of .his admission to part-
nerihip in the house,.ef Hope, and
, in the" same letter ha claimed the.
, hand of his ,
t . • ttt.4.43
HiS4elit Stade bearlaige$ Whole
anctinealy terfeerVaking,-
Tetalnini t4ir, full strength,'
•Plavored with;delicions sauecs.
Tib• ave no equal. ,
FARMS FOR satpe,
H. W. 0AwSON, Ninety. colliorries StrOit,'„
:Toronto, • ;
11 YOU n'a Stlitf
Frit,. Stock, Grain or 'Peery
!The 11. W. peeeen, iireineten, 1,kr
,borne Weenie). • .
H. vti,:.•1": ,A: 1.,,.S:411.N.-Tcs,o,1:4.yoiAnNeT,..,Df.'4,
A -up' eiteti'-e..-1"..A.- tr,"0.4BEAE•Eciit
Stecteni hand. tailored, made td
antasure elothee, risk4 good profit.
mica; everything ‹kuerenteed. Baolusote•
terriry. Spr.vg Outins ready .10,41,1217.
Write to -day.- T. Syetetn Co., Noolhouner.
• Building, .Toronto, Ont. '
p.a.nias 4i77"ANTAii. ,
houses. • Pewtress
• .0/n1r-ob.-St. .Toroni ,'Pentelist, 112
• Pen sax.v.
ix Holstein Calves, T. J.- Morrison.
Durham. „
Anyotte would marvel 'at my vecov% has been lots of rainz lint there llow a 'Sick WOMair , ,mis.GEtuktapus,
ANcselt. ,T1/1101tS...
• . ,oa iles,rout. oaiturnottoitaidho,i)J4BulelateitrIlelytits;:i1O-nrd„•-•
(aa Dom Health
• • co., I.bnited. tonlanwoosr-sint.
Machinery For Sale
"For Yeara I was thin and delicate. •
yellow pallor, pinipies d Engine,„shafting, belting, pulleYs, •
„ I lost .color And was easily tired. a •
' P. es anblotches 611 'etc. from large factory • for sale,
my feelings, but because I thought my my face were not only mortif 1 to
Wheelock engine, 18' by. 42, colliPlete
skin would never look nice .again* 1 with eylincler frame, fly wheel* hear-
tened. .1 grew ,very :weak. ;Various
grew despondent. Then' my appetite ings, etc., all in good condition. .
'remedies, pills, tonics and •tablets .1
tried without permanent benefit,' A
le rule. 26c., at ell dealers; TT
"Ale then you. didn't mean to call
Shafting from one hie); , to.. three.
inches, pulleys thirte inehee 0
vis4 to nay sister put hike h,ands tfiwfteYlveillitel'es.belting six ieches 'to
a , hbx " of Dr. Hamilton'a Pills; She le itit '4°1 entir° r
P •
-placed .reliance upon. theni •and new, ,
.11,E4.0\ -1.11t P
1. would not be withont them whatever' e OPFER
they might cost. I found Dr. Hamil- S. i•tank Wilson le Sons
79 Adelaide Street West Toronto
that they have made me a well woman
ton's Pills by their mild yet 'searching,
action very suitable to the -.delihate
chaeacter or a won -iota nature. Thou
never cam griped me, yet they estab-
lished re* ity. . My appetite grew
Reen-my toed 'red and pure -heavy
rings under my eyes'llsappeared and
today ‘my -skin is. as clear and un-
wrinkled as when I was a girl Dr.
from Mrs. J. Y. Todd, svife of a well above straightforWard letter!'
known miller in,Rogersville,.is 'p,toof.
Makes Ilfesisilastitote
..heeirlaY ItAnIsd)viski+n)eePu5s•tAtini
ID M., aim nanktageol by deal, • '
ord OVerywhere, Whin. int,
Poultry Guide.' *roe, •
1,NtElditd*tad. STOCKPiob Ca.
11140. TO nntiTni'sut
Sufficient that Dr,. IlamiltoWe'Plild are le.====.eieeeceeeelieee=eeee
a wonderful. woina.n's .niedicine. Use
no other pill but Dr.'llamiltpn's, 250.
er ,b6x. Alt dealtqe or The Catarrli-
ozone Co., Kingston; Ontario, •
'Just the Trouble.
Kuieker-:-:-All.T. men are equal
fore the law. • • : •
• Bocker-Thait's-just• the trouble,
they should be equal after the latv: ,
. • .
code said a tnank...who had .
. -
Just been .sh'own. into the editor's
room, "to see why yon•called nee a
_political. jobber in yOeir paper eto-'.,
da "I•regref the. error quite as
much as you," replied the editor.
- • bee' very distinctly."
mg that?" "No„ sir, I wrote 'rob -
The comfort and well-being_of_the A Felie Hittleon_Bey4gents,- Half -
passengers who travel on the Cense • Breeds anal Natives There ---
dian Pacific is always foremost in •
Though_ninch-4-written :about'
the ininds 4..thooffieials of the -corn- —
Reny, . and further evidence of this Western Canada nowadays, writes
es.. to 'be' tenind-in the, ,caoinian _2. _GodselI,- in the Vide World
noun•oement" made that all the cars Magazi•ne, one hears ver Y ligle of
, service the , Amat northern wastes ot that
in the. Ago -Areal -Chicago
Dominion, where the conditions of
hate been equipped with an up-to-
dateeleglet seryiee, 'so that you oten .life -vary but little from what they
now have Your. clothes' brushed and
were a century -ago. • (
pressed vlule you'eleep. Sinuiltanc- . very recent years thegreat
or udin 'thernieir liteesaving pure. „wet!! ' • ruling group tei feermany got onto
lv ben • , the -only thing -on vidnolv.a, cotintry
previded. These are worn- •
- the 'idea. that -national • efficiency is
. call build up,4eaa andlaeting power,'
. . and that it *Could "Only„he attained
eip Will.keele- the weitre D..0n•Y•AlWari'rn.l..t°13P-'844`141' by 'bi•inging about a practical wok -
- ound the ermet and. can be blown.
It e'CV afloat if the ship ,goes down. cal.
• , ing• agreement on the One hand
• • . .
the use •of the toothpicks on the innmeg to ". fincisen Bay.; and
ifd*s of the cars. this stiep-..noraili.r to the Are* Cirele was
lia.s not beeneaken without attients- ':ka.°1? ihe'cliatriet (If .-1*9-11n.
/ -
consideration. Many lettere of 6m- With :the exception 'of small de. When a man comes home sick, Ilit
Plaint have been -reeeived in. this tachment's afe- Nort'leweet 40.14.11 -expecte :him to 'held the -babe*
known that.peOvisien of thotilielicks and the
eareeeecekta;.-and if • pretty well Police, •a few scattered thiissi6naries while she, mixes him dose'. Of some
-*Reason Bey Company's
at -first-class hotels. and restaurants •traders and employes • this vast die: ,nasty stu
Everybodyroteeteff. '
,. t en a ate- a
ple on the o er. Why s.!hon,14 not 15 now e6lis. t3141-
• . otie big Modern ehips, no one proofreader that Woeles nights can
thist. a SoratOb.
BUT it needs. looking after '
Just the -same:, 1-11U--
• treatment with
C—A-1113-01.-: A TE -D-
Minards 'Liniment 0°4 Limited.
..Gentlemen. -Last on•inter .' I keeeiveci greg,
benefit .froan the use of ..MINARD'S LINI.
MENT in severe attea of %IA Grinve,
and'I have frequently.vroved it to' be Very
effective hi eases of liatimmation.
A...gul.) sbx.
• e • •
---....--ennebeeeeeeeseeleee-emee ' :-feed-hinisellout of ciyineepsut, which. thing.
the whole world do this 7 of theCree and .Salteaux tribes, antl
• • eeirretheeler norpheen portibii,' few
' ellienes the Course of an action. most alt c ass au et , '
a 1 A
• There are net.seeendarY arnleMents woYth whk., to know the kind of IC* a the real catisea of the , Putting It Mild. ians. •
ost Of our breadnotightsr the "iron Ta4..ina , Baia lectual Machine of the Germain. It d Jit • . • • • 'almost Arctic seyerity bolds sway
ar ne ye emet y or et , ea c. tenY
gyes and Grann1,4ed Eyelids; No StilartIng-
litgt-Eye MO/1MT Wilte for'neekof the Eye
alailrree, Mining Eye Remedy eo., Chleego,
•to nee to -day; for although the lat..' 'food used
War is the break4doWn of the 'hated- - 14W6 country wineen, mother. and This coentry, 'in winker of
a new alter • writer and ot s'o that it. could onl see thin s •• •
Duke" class, carry twelve 6.fneh "Being sp
er, were visiting nietlag- . . .
•g for- eight.mouths in the year, is a
ad' te• *II, • g elle for the first time. At last -they'
it RIM' I WA
The itivehter.ef rubber tins for
.made •fortune because of
,4b;ittg48_14;t4e4xothemili .4ni •ii,lutest orfirilOil;ggen,1 other 'people's mistakes.
b I b t' k s,i st
pins. tie die' all pre-Dreadhought proofreader, also a gr ant ; in terms *of force. If you look
Tridearifirk' • 7
Will 'fielp it to. heal, quickly
and prevent risk' orinfeetlon:
Cerbelated "Vaseline. Is
most- .effeetive- u'utiseptit
dressing for cats,. bruittes:
boils, and skin irritations of '
all kinds; -Such as eczema,• -
ereleent ire- nerd Itarle-ez itch. -
Also good for corns.
SOld_ by (themists. Auld de
partment stores evetywhere.
Reftnie t� accept •substitutes.
Pree *booklet on request,
• (Consolidated) .
•• - • • •
lad eh.aboi Ave., • Montreal
Magistrate' - Now, prisoner, l• •
wish to know why, yen hit your bus -
lakes river and
ships, these are a PUrely anti tor- medieine. as well; though not' prac-. through the ..vorion, white and blue 'tP ppop,o• emus, „an 41 . • ,. .
Wham sr, ud Minara's -Liniment, Aures Diphtheria. you aclunt you. did 7' P-riAoner
'band with ,the 'kitchen poker, as
, .
__pude .arroatnent,"and -wolikel-e'nee-le,e ticing,--V14k-O-Ei -&—:e0111 Tiatagfl—t• la-t---imf-ye Iowl3dpexs."you win :seat.---,---.. /- - • .
' used in, a general action.... 'Vile' gtirr„Wotikl. pro nee a s
d ' ice. ti i the sub -G 1, ••
p e o i e,, e tile Ge] _mac e gabl.e -waters,. sift -rated from a-feun-
'. • Wheri.a man boasts -of -4 eing s osV the rooms it , a tt . It ge ,
•bi in silent wondei. Then. the mother - •
' eVelY ' -11"Si 13- tiirtfed" to her. daiiglttei inli said
.. nun -Ames' would he all ,in their tttr- I . . . - . ini (slowly and .solerehly i " • . ': aired. to two hundred and Aft - itiil %
. N. e . ,
ect If anything would. 'stake of elipliamirey. Some of the , , hut 4eure, *e are at lea•st sure about so, I took the nearest thing :that
• ti low. part 1 eame to hand,
. u re , yet- find
rets. whi/e the remditirter Would be "bay after ay tread the proof things German statesmen said and • • hpart stand the lonely ..traceing, ie s
• below the. penteeteire"eleek. and in- 0111 the, Grape:,Nuts .advertis'ements did, we're downright . stupid. ., le a ., posts or -forts o the lItidsim Bay'
tide the- belt antler, . - with the feeling that they were all "The Germans h.ad devoted them- ' • — _:, • Convene. These fort e usually con-
„ At the commencement ,of, an ac- •. . . minardat Linlmenit Cures colds, MO. ' -
'buriceinbe.' All this time I• was, selves, to building tie their military , ,.... ' sist ,of A picketed or stoekadeel
tiori-that. is . if the Weather ,weee suffering frail.' dY'sPePeia front. the Organism, to the extensiOn of trade k•agistrate--Why did you 'marry square inelosing a ,number of log
ekes "enough' to allow for , long improper food 1 wae eating•at the, and teethe develepment of their' in- ., or frame buildings, usually four or
range --the min. trews svoilld have restaurant. , dustries ; all of which, *Wile limits, t
five, with a tall flag -pole rising in
. , wo NViVeg 1,' Pat -Well, so.; so long . •
do, beyond 'loading the * "One, -dart saw of N ere tele commend ble tings. ut.
nothing to • . I •Si 1oi. ed the both -of them wid-
e -, package . e • 'le ` 8 P
. out wan enowinl about the other i 't4 c'eilfl'e”' f1.41111. wIllith' 011" 'Pe''sll
gun, the training; I4ing and firing Grape -Nuts at the relitaurant and they carried their milii--------- lm
thought e how lineight i ' oteasions, floats the.red ,,,triaign_o
4 11.
. Goodness rim he 1 in /'
Junxix.o.artko d _out the -.ken trol '
in' the7-cont-Fot -etatiOnTifsitiii2
aited at the foremost head. It
.; poisible that a.battle may be.
decided before the fleet getnear
enottgh for the indiVichtal
ers ,to show their skill. AS things
stand in the North. Sem, we have
every, reason to -believe that our,
sbips have a much greater superior..
ity. gon.fire (her 'the German
ships • than the diteisenett and
Selutenhorst, had over • the.. flood
nope and Monmouth. Therefore it
be to our interest to 'make the
tta• far aft ipbesible;find a
/ellicoe altiti, One of our
leading gunnel,* 'exPerto tlepen.
*lenee into be placed upon him to
t ake eVO111/ advantage that alaperier.'
ity gun -re offers. .
Tlic',great test of' general actiOn,
if Olin talcea, place). be the ar-
,plate, itta, it le poseiblo that
• thee° will be quite Vulnerable. to
rie Borne i cream . Tit food Achill! of „,u,Inme4..11-miy.;,ekr.piegt,..,their e theeonip ti
tiv*!=iny lumpy itor a tra(Te g * hum y a, essin • y 4spensin
ee sue t extreme teat •A ,„, • The 'Staff. of the smaller ontposts
few lunthes. on it at -midnight • r they ceased as a nuticni to be in, wit' wa" c"'"`i
generally consiite 'wile White era.n
noted an improvernent'.in my, feel.' terested-as they' were two genera- as officer in eliarge, with two or
ingtesand was Able to worle with less tiOne, ago --in the -iittellectual life
"I Rave used drape-Nute..hs
), three half-breed 1.
in music, in art, in literature.", tants "or dogedeivers. As in most
('11505 these poets' are situated in a
regular did once' tlien and have
'improved greatly. The ld dys0p. « 'Whavirgin wildernesS, .far f,rotri t ° .\ thin, the trader maynot see a
and bad feelings that If athought •
. loW White titan fOr six Months at a
were neteseary adjunots 'to nightm
Ito came hoine And tonna a' e
work disapperited, and I ant able:to yOung,. wife dissolved in tears, At -tattled *retch, lied his only t.hsoeiety
by hi.s half-breed ieereants.
do mita more slid better, work with 'What do..yoti thinii has happen.
less effort, than ester befOrO.' '
.ed V! she ierieat. "I left the tage
"I eetke 'nearly, ready to give up open And our canary has flown. iliteAdciii. •
and tieek.health an some other walk why," lie undertook to. give, what Magistrate •-••) X undet.stiind tha1
in life but, thartks,to ray than& it tetteolation he might and took the, you overheard the quarrel between
diet, intri iloW all right. ' (.1bere's poor distressed lady in his arnaes the defendant arid his wife?
. alt‘e nestled ago,litst.lus alioalclor a Witteita-:-Yes,
N 11110gi"n bY °4144144' 11°6tnna now -Access of sobs eonvtilaed her. • lifagistrate-,,Tell-me, i1. yorr, van,
liiiridttr) Ott, Geoega,'i she tuurtuured What he seemed to be doing.
Look in pkge. for tailitil;ie yttiO voiooj "now I've only you - Witt:Was-He seemed to be delta
lieeillikri* lees tO IMO& They .
book,' ‘/Illit Uotlid to Wollville.' ...,_ lott.))uuig , .
rimy rigid the *bats 16'104 lit niiiii ono the listening, sir.
aenuiniii trate ant giill Ot.hiltiuka Intatar' `Mtliarill Liniment dates ,Cligrielt lit COW )01)6
•• 4 • .
• 0 ,
$500 FOR A NAME:
Th;s fs the bOAlti fill MOW pOr tlinle. 213 2(14' Ili '
0 _, Canada, endorsed add u.,led exelueivelY by ltdo. ; -
- 1;:is!!311::.!. Don:ikla. the fatn,nts Canadians Vrima
We lar..4,4L-A... • "ible,..aanizz..te,ar4t,..antl.....S. wP,..„-1 .
-.4ri't0,' " - -.. -.'-- - - : - - - • -,•••A
. 5500 11-1 ca'sti Psizts :
' Its follomit'•
$.400.00 for tlie licot ammo. •
50.00 for tlie brst 4V'sorl3,ti44n otythe P.offtuno•
.. 25,00 fur the second bcrt Mune.
. ,
.. • 10.00 for the oroond iciit deseription..
. ndten $ 0
. 1.0 rios Ir pttoOw next be:..t li
aC.,erip, .
5,00 for the third hest ele.seript.lon. -
., tfons. •
The ,ivinnei • of ..tito ,r,olts..t WI 1i • ba iliVided 'by a
o edditaff3al
eminnitto of itiontreel'e leadng a
idvertising mon
and thotr <lo oi,ott will be, 4111:41:4111:41: Should two -4 -or
rfnoe,e uontegantiq send .in the( winning' wens 'It
nrizo will li\I o
prize to tele ve0o•k1 415.ttl S%;)) 11' ttiven cave eue- •
„omelet contestent. • No eniployee or trieniter of
• this firm ellen enter tile onto'. Cooca elelic4
• , et Mihillittlit, ,Tatittary• 30th, llis.
now To z
•prEn:•40 01,11.1)1(4 0v0ry tosiN-ton• 't
to try 1h0 new nortnine betore stibinatinit thelr
41/rcei14114)014 iii6rri.: ba:o?"111311:. dltiten:teittiti 'etlett(1114.14)t$13:04'.1rifl
vend 010 Orttoli fIgtti;;;LI ii4,tiViitir TIOIllOS Oi tue
Perfume -teat t.5 eidisla bleb-. tefrother 'With
• ' r'Altrtotkbi'otie4entts. i',14, illnritiogoo°i1.13603iYrIt'601111111410 II:1;0111We*
, .„. Asiiikit Olin IR eater..
itk 4141/. You *tit qui delialiwi r.tull' .--tho •
- i 1)orfinee, ited Itiavo'3eivuleo to tin tho ilia '01,qte,
, 441)(3 kS; ORAN': 'tc STEWART PERI4J,MtiRs
titot. W.I. . tia lit:EDO/Y.01'4 140tri'll$/it..
1.1ntineat 'Corea Witioper.
ae• •