HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-21, Page 5"t• - '11,1014s(inf; nnuare,0 t. t - ?mum4ow arrives: AT ,e have decided, to (*goalie gilt' Dry Goods business anti the store ; NOW be managed on Another system before Spring. -1•4141 • Order to do' this our stock on hand has mostly to be sold out of all lines—Cloth- ing,.,;_. V.V1.4$.93ts!lindeflifeatAlrati-or*tka-stok,GOOdii..At:A.2c;.: Our goods gOo4 must be sold out, and we are making a grater sacrifice than„was ever' Offered before. - ..Sale.commences on Sato. ela4 23rd. . , .. .,Shaker Flannel °I,n all' colors; regular •hread.pee spool 4.c; ' - lo 'rents to clear at 8. cents.. cents.. All wool ,Unnerwear 2,00 per suit for - .. • • ' , . Shaker 'F'annel in all colors,regular quick sale at $1,45 2,..14, 1,cents far 1634 cents ' ' :SoCks,all 'wool- in grey -pr Wick 25C» • .• • `2•. ' ' ,.., . ,. '.. Shirting's' and 12:Oa-Fast Drill, .reghlar. elearinz at oc.: ,. . is and ,..16C,.19-elear at 1,'34 3conti., Feather Ticking: will tiO. ld-all- ti•i4 ICthli-• • . '•. •• • ''' er : 11i2"t114t-'46-"cents, for - 22 'I -2C., Piinc in ail 'ocid` Colv.rs '10 and' 13/1 ' .•..' ' ,' -•.- ' ‘' . - - ', - ' , Men s Overcoats, black, bearer shell )6 tO Clear at 8 and to% cents.. and black plush lining, with fancy „ • , • Bleached and unbleached Cotton clear- ' • fur collar, ne%u ar $16 00 -to- clear t, .- r.. in at 8 I:2' cents., . , • fnr S9,95° , - WraPeAl1e, aU ninrs. 15 and IC' "C. MenVOverct;at% black, brown or fancy clearing at 1,3 and 8 cent's., '• greys, regular $14 00, 12 00 and , Men's Fleece -lined Underwear,.regular o oo. Clearinv Sale 'Price $10.4 51 $ t,00 per suit to clear at 75. cents, 9,45 and 8.45, ig Slaughter in Prices of Men's and Boys' .Suits' and Overcoats also Men's and Boys' Fine Sweater Coats in all the newl-shn.dee-i -- Don't Miss this Money -Saving Opportunity. Everything Mitst G. Read this advertisement. next week for other great sacrifices.. , Watch fol the Big Sign "BIG CLEARING SALE" North' side otcamPbell St. New BOOKS AT • THE PUBLIC. LIBRARY ((ontinued from page 1) • MI bdrtS and Conditionn of Aient.- by BeKint, The Bride's 1'itit41 Sentirevrtb. . DiAis4cPagoelliBISIadteigliter; ' ' .: Tlie Hidden Hand; - " . sT:ief.:lifilasedi7Br.1110;. Tried for Her Life; r ----Dailel;Bbieknesre; - '---;-'''`'` -7. .. veriviyal.;.ft.s. the. Grave; Tinder Tiro, Flags; baida._ ' . •- Thelma; Core11.4,r, ,--,----- , --,- , --- .-: ' 111*-ribrjoN . ',.;•' Lueile; :Vforectifir , ,... *- . Pillar of Fire; Ingrahani,: • Garderi"of a Co nmeetevla Wife; Wright: .flardening for Profit; Iferidergbu$ - I.vietry of Robert Brownieg;;Breoketiv r.realrldneYr Mn;ankinrigleBR;lley.A • . O : ' • , ;The Gospel for OM 4$59.0t'l)PlIbt„; Vttre Dyke, • •, - . . • • Out of Doors- in' the Holy- Land; ,Van Dyke, Blan:FloWer;• , . -• Viins•Dyke.•.• - , ' Days Otr; :,' -Ait'lleknOWn Ciiisotit4; " •Bluebird; Maetailink, • ' ' Burns' Nenis. - • Onion Culture; Greiner. • Gardenirl for Fe mere, Hendereon, New Egg Brent; Stoddard. ' BRUCE COUNTY NEWS .1 II. • ti.:bteWitrt of Teeswater, repeals having' seen a robin in his- 'yard dur _ lug the fine -wets therof leat _Alex McCannel, reeve of Sangeen add and canaidate. for the warflenshiy . of the ceunty' has served his tovcinslup bathe .council for ten successive Years,' On aecourt of low water in the' Teeswater. River, W.. Case, proprietor of the fibtir milt formerly .mineby - the W. R. Thompson Do, has found it necessary. to install steam power. Peter,Dippel ofr-the Durham -Toad, east of Walkerton, and his Prother-in- law,s Jelin Hunstein, a fernier Mild. nuty mersliant, are opening up a new li,rdware store: and automobile garag,1 in - t The engagement is announced of . Mies Eva Mabel, daughter of Mr. and •-Mrs. D. M Barbour of Hepworth, Opt, to Mr. Wesley Magwood. son of' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Magsvatid;Of Ramey& oep. The marriage will .. --- take place, the later. part of this • Lindsay Tp, oeuneilikcompbsed of Reeve„Phil Forbes; , Councilors, ViTia; 140n, Istornianbeqyl.,., ArthurMe- doneld and Dan, McDonald. • In pol- itics two of these McDonald, are. Lib - ere% and one a COnsei votive; in ion two are Protestants and the. other . Donald McLaughlin the' chap• who twice burglarized the. store, of - R J. Mann, in TeesVvater, and' later broke away, from the'. Walltertorr jail; and 1atr still escaped from the Oen trel. Prison, Toronto, Was 1as yr-tiek sen tenced to. Seven ye4rs in Kingston Peniteutrary for his crurtea.• • --Friends. 'of Mr: And 1Vir Alexander ampbell, Kincartlinc, weretzongratu,; ting.tbe. old couple on the. Idth. inst, on the fact,Of Mr.dompbeli hav- ing attlined hie 85th. year. .1kIr: Cempbell is very well known through Bruce Ceinty having been for years iiiertee inspector in Old Centre Bruce: Ile and his wife are in the iftiljoynient for good health. • 7-•• _ . • Lvinatie BirsY-,-V1a,ny of them. on• the Saugeen Reserve are VOL'. htisy these • days hauling pulp wood intq Southaniptori. • Wm: Eld- ridge.of flop orth;• fofnierif reeve of Amabe. l has purchased. some. Ove un re cot( s on the Reserve, ..pay- $4:70- per cord for it delivered 'at' the Southampton station. This wik mean abOut forty. two; ,carloads, and , when its all ;hauled we nwlerstand, it it be shipped to the pulp mifls at_ the Sock:, .Tlie money loft with. the' Indians should help them. sorne' this 'wipter.--Southargptoxi Beacon. • 1 MAKE YOUR APPEAL -to the 'pubilo.through'the'Oolunins • f-this-papet, - With- every issue it - carries its message into :the hornet and lines of the people. Your competitor has his store news.in this issue. Don't blame the people for flocking to his *ore. They 'know what hb has. . • JuvEnr.,E Ojr1 of the Limberlost; Porten Freckles. ' • Penelope's Progress; Wiegin • Penelope's Irish Exneriellet5; Wiggin New Chrcinitles of RebeCea; " When Patty went to College; Webster. Aunt Diana; Carey • Averil; • .0 'Merle's: Crusade; " • _ Tom Brown's School Days; ,Hughes. • •Anne of Ivironloa-; -Montgomery. Kilmeny of the Orchard; • "- , Story' Girl; - - .44• ' Pollyanna; Porter. Just Patty; Wehater. • Anne of 'Green Glablesa; Montgomery,' •Little Onioneys'House Party; . Johd- ston Little Colonel's Vacation; .Toldiston, ' • Little Coldnel'e Maid of Honor John- ston. • Little Colonel's KnighteOmes ohnston. • Halinters oi the Silences; Roberts. The Closed Room; Enrnett. ' • The Life of Kit Carson; Ellis : Rolf in. the Woods; Seton. , Little t101eners'.•Holidays; Johnston. Colon4s Hero; • jpidnitsttl9emeolonet. Boarding S. chool; ._MarY Ware; J911,4,496. -• • \ Mary Ware's PrOmised 'Land; John- • , . • " " Fourth Con. Kinitiss ---MOnday, Jan. 18th. • .''.'tbe'llis'Aes..F1Sher 'visited On the 4th., • • - • on'ititesday afternoon, Archibald• McCatil hod a., very rennin i eratiyei sale on Tnesday, the 12th. inst ' Miss 1&e1'Catneran returned is slow -try; visited at P. 11.%McICenzie's this •week: ' . •. - Mr..and Mrs; .McComb, of 'the 'South Line viaited. at Ritah., Nificil‘ton's,' on •Tuesdaat Sherrie -en . • It is said that, thiSouth Kinloss ton- gtegat bas given a.' call : to .the AeV. -Mr.--MeLeat, ofTitiPley. • The. boxes. fon the Rural Mail are be- ing,puton the fiosts along the 4th, this 'week -Rent° No, 6, laicknew. • Messrs..Matan and Robb ere busy de - horning cattle arcing the'. Fourth • these fine,daya- They areluite expert at. the wit*.• -v-J11111111111111111111011111111111101111111111111111111111111111111U1111111_111111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111101111111 111 11 111 111111111111111111111111 W-42_ • qt,-;., • • _ NUAL S AWES VICTORIOUS AL G THREE UM Pare $ • Turkieh Perces cbmpletely Routed, Uermins Theaot; Esek Neer. 'Cost end Bucelane Make Ad4tices The` 003'41 COM111•1111`111101iii by ,the' French War Offic3-on IgiandaY 'contained nima more titan testally fsmOrable to the allird opetatiotialf • western WAR zct".•?.. • The ,riVage of Ida :1341111401le,' 20 T00% the :noitheast was taltan roni tbe FrericTiby the Oernlan"'., AO; -.ter ,xeceptnred .1iy Tfrench. At • .'lis 'point' there hap beep tr,ob„ tork 'aid the . bayonet, A Freech•'arein.u.„, •-•tio irepnt.,blew i lir,l Part of Mese • was 'destroyed hy fire. Tho "errimpa +Ohm advan'age of tide 'ttaelt:ed the French with . the steel'. ;tad drove thern to positions beyond' dr a fierge"^punt-er.b,ttat k acme hear 'iter the French recaptured .tho ptel- fons,"'' • ' •*". • Another Weeping victory over tile Turks ilk the Cauctteue. i. r4eordi.44:11$ p-eritts:.froriv Toftregrad. Jima - ;Wm general beadrina.rters reeefreci,ii Messitee from Tiflis snid: ',The army ,of the :caifeasus has. livered its fia:e's w`tii glory bra fresh q*plelt, ' having. e,sternifnatear 'lie :14th ,Tmr1F1sh cents, -Ninth the ex-, tcpt'on of Sever -'1 insig-illcant ele- lente. which are fleeing in d,noril-r captured all the .art ilerY itis eorpsi. . "The Rattle of Kara .1Irgan, whi^h , as •foue.htl•tiing the last three dayt tel. ceaseless sno-vetcrin has (nil - Softie interesting Valptes. itt Purs Ladies' ''Cloth Coats, Etc* tOke stock at the eat! of this month. There are manY lines we want to clear regardless- of cosi before Eebruory 1st. t 1 '•-• • I 1. A . ulV,C10-til-q).45- wi1l'; bewriered-- barViii .price§-; • — Everything. in 'Furs at prices that will tempt customers to buy, " Special Prices in Men'sand Boys' Sweater Coats:, One:MeWs. Fur -line Coat, $.33-96 for $2,s,00.- Men's for asaccicph.o. Cats .with. Astrachan Collar), to% off „ Ilovv i,s a goigl time to buk. ELL -I in a rompleteyletory for rs gtark: .6,4~00.44,040.01.040/swoimigiurssebieswit lissomparafirastak"0,61004 .. .........• . • •-•o the efforts --f:our ve.11ant.regyrucni's '''''-• ' • . • ' se th,; Oan-ast-n, Tur're tat end the . giberian Cossacks.' T'• e r il iatini of ill . . _ be enemy is shattered; luld h's year- "uard ,s.is. covsr n-4. thq retreat of . th4 Special Annihilated army, which is harried bn he flanks and rear by ourtroops. The "'rent:. of•-tho -T•va‘kish -force; is, fleet14--- -Lowards •Erzerum." • While the mafn Russian' attny has teen busy repelling what •Geand p k • 'zicholas in • his official • report de- aebes--is-a-seities of . vrolentThttacks sw"rield Marsha)" von Hindenburg st•reak hiS -way throiTh • lc Warsaw • Rus �i • forces ,have Stormed -Ind taken, Itirlbaba Pass, on the b^lr- ,dersc of TranKttlyania, and haye made tnrther• progreSs• • in their advance along the firht bank' of the Vistula • toward the gentian frontier, • • .. . . PLEADS WITH ONTARIO, Quebec. House Asks Coneestion‘ le .. Regard ;to Teaching ofprench , •,After. a debate virhich was 'eharged with 'Moments.; of importance„' and. • speeches which:•va1d0d-• ',fel one of 11/Ir. Tenter, reader -9L,th• e, Opposition, and •11-iiit Air-11On. 'Air. Titschereau. to. the challenging de - "(lance to Orengeism by 'Armand' La- ,rergn,e. the Quebec House of Assem- , adopted uninhirously.ra ir,oposed •sbd secontic4 by •tw,o;Protes- ••• Mit M PIM bepti , play • 'ndqua1 rie,•hte to the French 'minor. 'ty in-Optiteo: in pleat:tatter of. teach. ii'Preirch in their schools. r - • The-1eader:6P the Onpapition; 'while --Tie with .Mr. Laverqp on theobject. sviTv:, • dissented' 'from the Manner •'If attack contained in 'the ndiffress of •. mn,mbnrfor., fttentniagny, as h9 feared !t Would provoke, iecriminatlem, 'n Ontario.. . • The motion .was follows;. . "That th[s 1ouse wrthut deregst: ng from the 7 princitles of Provincial -tut6nOmy; ;and'. without Any intention ')f, advising: or' interfering with anY ,of„ -the Pr,ovinces of. Confederation la .1ny ..manner .• whets:011r; with. . regret the diviSions See* to Piist among ,the people of the Pray - ince Of Ontario .over the bilingual, school question, and believes that it IS in the interest of the •Domblion at large that all 'such questions Miculd be considered. on broad, generous and patriotic. lines, always remembering • 'that one of the_cardaLprinciples- 'British liberty' thrOtighout the Einpire •is regard for the rights. and privileges of minorities.' • VON 'BERCHTOLD, itiTIRgs 11111111111111111111111111111ijii111111111111111111‘11111111j1i1111112 • • • . As. sulimitted to the Shaieliolder's at the Annual Meeting held aktlic • _Nowt Office: of-Ilto.Bank-At lYktieraY. January' 18th, 1911. • .... • - . ---...-:,,-- -,J,- .--•,--'-. • -- .- - -BOARD—c*,----DiRECTOR$'-.-- - -. - --. -- .'` —'' - • - • C,- •c. baltok :12o-bert- Ilabs:on, C. H.• Arewtow. 'eo-, ,Krifiroloitt, -I, 7.7etitbittl,'. W.. "A: Wand-. „ .. . PROFIT AND, ' LOSS ACCOUNT 'balance let Credit' of Profit find LoSit Account; 80th NoVeenber, hus..- , • . iiii 151.131:75 Wrefits Or the year, ended ;30th NOvenMer. 1814. titter deducting..chargis.,or management, intereat rtecorkad_. dermal% rebate on. current dtscounts, and4unking provision fdt pad Mid doubtful- debts..... ..... • .. . . ... 411§,235.49,: , • $ 630,897,24 - Appropiintest as follows'. . ' • . • . • . . . , . . . • . , ....., , .'• pour miarberly dividends, ;nail 12W, ; . , . tt !:". • ".,;....... tt..... .. t . t . t .....t. , • 4 • • • .04 '4-44 4. 0' • • / •,••• . , 0" . t37605..001100:: , . Provision. for Depreciation in Securities Mid' fpr Contingencies . . . . 6 . • . PePSIOil POnd t. 4 • 0,11 • • .1 ' . •,1,0,100 . . ••••. 4*114 4 •11 04 ...... 4.114 444.114 l• 11' 309.02. , . Patriotic, Red CtOss and Belief %ads.... - .tr.,...'„ • ,..:. t .....:... . , ...... ..,..... • . . ' cs 000 00 • . .., . -Balance •of, Profits Carried forward .• .....'• .........;....',. t . . . :41;91.683079.:06: . .., . . , . t•''-' ," , ° ,t •C E...N ER A _L ;.. STATEMENT 11A131uTjEg* - , _ ,,..-..t.-___.-..; .... .. . :T. - ' :"' - .-....' ,-. 7T\ ' . - ASSETS • , .. • ... • ., 17, the pubile: • • ' , . - • Current Cielii ' . _.t. .- -- r • Dainiition.Governeng;::-bT. 'is':...:::'.!.4"-;,....:*‘-.13 8,e61:11713:22-21' . /lbs. fohn'S. Piettdiie; C.11.0 „ 'President. 'Cyrus Vit'e-Pre.ritient, , . ' .1 $ ii;137,684.03 Notes of tlie.,11ank in Circulation,. , i.,,,,....„„•,, • .4 $,022,00.00' , neposit in the Central Gold2Reserves........e.....,- r .-. 101,000 00 ., IR...posits not bearing interest . .. t . ,. 11 6,011,098.84 - : mnestt with the Minister of Penance for the purposes of Deposits healing interest. including interest accrued to ' date of Statenlent ,„, '. . ' 7 . a! Notes of other Batiks . -210,745.00 ilie Circulation Pund• ..... t....„... . t. . ........ . . . . .. . - 155,000.00 • 28.482,822,27 'Criequefton other Banks' 14;523.80ln 1.430,086.20' . . '' . . Balances due by other Banks in Canada . • . . . 296,818,44' Mal:times due to other Banks in Canada e it. 4 , Batances due by litkilkt4 and Banking gorresponelehts else - ,032.18 .litil 1T4 de '10-IttenIes- ansd tanking Correspondent.* tu the 'United, ' , where than in Canada., .... . . ............„. ... . .. . . .. „ . 250,782.31 • ' • 1" 1 "CIO " i ' ; o au ries 0 A . Areetitaileeh auder Letters of credit as per Contra .. • 2 :87, 8$902i .. 7602 • 1 t , 8,060,504.98 .... ........._ -.--. . :-..-.7 , • • .. ,- Dominion and Provincial government Securities. not c vecedi ng Market value . ' — 282,840.85 ft 37,84,0,9A4.47 . _Canadian Mienielohl Securitiert, and British lfforeliftl, and ,.. . ,. .. ... . .....;.:.,,,,,_ . :-.....-t-z„; ,,.....,„.-7:::- .- .7„..- r:M ----.--,-cobularritIltuteettritietrnstfuertlnurdmuttlfirc=.74'810:180.08-...: .'_'..'-teee.!•:•.?•In...:'_.-.V.• ' . , • . Railway' and other' Bonds. Itebentures ahd Stocks, not To ilte Sharehtilderst • .execedla a 4eaarket 'Vane '. . 4't4,4e.'.7 48 • . Call sthi,STiort loans (net exceeding thirty dal's) in Canada , .. , • ' t'apital.stocE paid in ....t.. b 1.1%. ., • , . • i 94,00.000•00 • pit Minds. Debentures and Stocke. .1 .,', . , • a1,278.4440 8,13,104,06,9' m , - _ er Other current itotens and Diledourite in_ Quads (less lellatt ---- -• - • - • -•'-,- ' ---- •-••••••••lt • -ciflinerst) ..... ...... • ........t...,.............. .-.8 28,314,qt/517 ... . important, Results 1May- •Poliwk Stop- • ping Out .of Man Who Started War • dount V.ori Berehtold, foreign mints - ter for Anstria has retired front-office an will be aticeeecled by the 'fled- garittn • Minister, • tiaron . Stephan, , auriar Von Rajeca; • CULkOSS-COUNCIL MINU'I'ES" Von ,Berchtoltl Was' lonely respon, • inter . Rog4in*: We d6nt want th, carry .one pair Of ,this sidaSon's •-goOds• into next' seas an: On Jan. / sth and We will give special prices, on all our feet)ods''Ipr spot cash.-, Every pair. must go at reduced Ora:7es: 1011'1 :Ruhlms at 10 per • cent . 9ffs On and .after Jan.- xsth We. will -give a. discount Of lo per cent. on all our Men's Heavy Rubbers. We have them in the popular styles of buckle4pd and leather top. lfyour Rubbers are -getting worn this is a chance to :;-et a pair to finish out th5 at reduced- priccs: • • W.. J. JOYNT • tociciovi, A ,Square„..ShOe,peal .for '..Everybhdy. owehriiikvekattiamowqfrasko Art,waptookpo7.01,* 111711MMEMIE=MSOIMINIMEIMINIIIMININOIN ,A1111144.114.4MINIMMIANO2140. Letter Heads Statements BIllHcads •Envelopes • le Anything an4 everything in the • way of high-grade commercial printing. Our assortinent of job - type is ,comPlete, our press facili;-. - ties of the best, and ourworkmen true typographical artists. 'This tells all the story of our facilities tord-oi-wrobiginung of the rallzt, kind at thCardsofigirt prices. veiopes DM Heads State/me/413. •Letter liteati . . 7sible--fOr..forratilat4-ag-tiri'Pelltk'vAtitif‘ :P_IftS-T-,-SESSI011k- 1915-, - - tlie declaration. of 'Servitt. The appointment Hun- ariau to succeed him in *Control . of :Austrian foreign ffairs-is belleVeete indicate that bencWith Hungary will • f•-,-7 asSunie fi More prominent place In the -Pu1ity-of7tho -I:mar-Maw b.rchy during tbe war. • ,• 'Reports from Budip'est.stitte that it • is believed Comit- Von• Berchold's resignation i11 be fdllowed by a re - lima] of the %Hungarian. Pout*. to ,Hungarian troops to raa.r...12• tigainsts&via: in view of the hue- • ••• Man.` menace. .:-.1teser-Ve--PetudltrerierrtrIl 4 :-i r 6; .‘ i i IA.' .. .• • . • . ia-000:000;00--- ' • Ititinee &Traits carried forward .....;.... , 157,08/.82'.. • . . e. . ' 0 ' sea . , . .. ... ........ ... . . 31f.110114 • • . Overdue Debts,estinlated foss prOvicled for i .... -107.417.08 ' ° if 8,18.7.087,82- • • ' • Dank Premises/. At not. ;11Ortt than test, less amounts • , „ Lvitiden't No.102,.payable lot Dedeneber. •ntite • s atssixod •• uttuca ofr . 0 • , a , .... ,,. IS • . a a ..1.. • .. • * • • . • . * •'• 2,092.393.6i 1 ' jj. % • Other Meets noitnelude'd in .... foregoing; ...,.....* ... t . .317,A10•01 • • ' VorMer Dividend/1 ml Clatened.... • .?.... . • 6•4 • • . 240,80 ' ' • • • .---------S11,1102,394 .28 0 • • . . .. . . .1,iabilities. of Customers hauler Letters 24 credit as per , .• . , . • +••••••••••••"."-*--"11 C8.47,32812 .. toutra .44046444•tOik..“.•••••••••,. .. 4' .. 4, ........ .1401. , • .114#allati, IVOIMenbOr SON 4944 . .13APPA282AS9 . . . . . $. 44.::::::: • . ' • it . . . JOHN S.,i-leNDRIE. Presitient , . _____,„..,... . '' I.. P..BELL, deneral Mansget.. , • ' Auorrons; REPORT. in sed04aitor up. fth the provisions bet'ubtreetions 19 Mid -'2d" of PC.,;tion sii of ice.te Aral( Act, We re'pett to the Shar'eliblderil as Mints.: . . . . '. 'We have elaiftlined the. Above netehee shed -ttits, the books arid %calibers at 110:0 Ofilre 111.0 with' tier certified tetulas 'rivet the reranelies; end tve have ehtlfeed all the In. , ' iforftlatioh ahd flphrinttkitis AVe,luiVe required; reed is our opinion' the tralleiartions uhlth lueve %due . ' ' nbXoa•. t 4oig •ths• A , . v 14a, . i.i•t i `aNIwiin owpetvpr•e vot. e, ,i a',n1A lnvecheritoi nte.esol ta mined eiosoeutetd (If the uoenu, t:ilitt oifimandaevri er tho pris st tireogss dtotOW enti.tt yes r,.. gWen:l4.$ t18110thstetd: in eur steam tIible %ea iMP:0Y 0" o. 1il ra id obitid efelitWOhWOf the. let.atradepeia he but 01 mer inforMtn l tlsaieivitoeN R1lta::::l bF,1,ft' •,e • t.tsrp71,i:I . I, • ' --------------------------- 4; 1 . /' ; h .1 6iitttrol Ateniiitaitta, •1111,1 11 1110 III Illg 1 1[11.1 IIIIMMIIIIIIII 1 I MI ilgi 11111111111111 11 1111 Ifil 111 ii rof willo ilumill it mazilsiiiii liti 1 ,.. 4.4. 111TV111111111111111111111111 1111 ' _Soldiers. titt%t, tem Provincial. 15.tifiee Oflieer,*ThOmae Corporn1 knehle Kayo arid - Privates Edmund lifac'ntosti and Les-, Ile •Kinsman wereeem'tnitted for trial • .7 t Bridgeberg on ' the mans1aughf4 , I Ilarge..,' due tO the kilang of N'Valter • .Itchmltlt of •ilurfalo an the Niagara off ;Port " HOn, Thcrnas ealt DeAd Mon. *Thotna's ex-Sp5eiker, me House of c",mtnopa, died at ri•ni • Ho rev nentee' A.•:*nitworth 'helloes?, 'or •011111111 r.08 for twenty ighti yore, fro-'1P7I. to iitee. _ • c' • '.41111C44111Cr.11. 7).oe- l‘tlq b • ,' m -no it; • • Harry Hilker fotnei• rnsident • 0,f Poi -t. Elgin,its tin e;c-wardeil of *tic& • Othitity, died in'thei hospital, kluelph, on Sunday Ian. 10th. of paralysis ft 0113 which he had guttered for some Vane. He was it. native'Of Port Elgin, lia:vind boon bort( tbere 153 years et. .1' - Ilo bad been in the inereantile bus, I too in Verb :PA prin.. bat _tetirekth 1 - Ave0 to .11VO 11% 4101V $elin t op, • .‘ . • ..• Triwe Hall, Teeswater„ Jan , -11,, 115 • the Council elect fOr th,e _Thwitehip oT quiross, inet'op the above date. rite - or; Authotiyaq..tlei.iDesa etirdi,4-tASylet1r;."*, ,ried. . • • • • - their accountelvithOtaroes, so that. we .cati have the saute setae-dtip as so,..1 La • ....,:.... -polsieitiried." -- ••,••• -- - . - ..__- -,..,.....-_,--.. ..,."•"% ..7i •(J:ise -41cPhereod-,.-That the ofiiOU'a • . •of the Towtethip be apPoiated as..ffel- • lows: Chas. Button Clerk. Jno. reiteurer; Alfred 'aslick, x• Col ... t. - members are as follows:" 'Reeve, E. U. Kuntz; Councillors, Jim 1./onalcIson • Case:Thos. IVIcPherson and Jun. S. A .1:1 - strong. • The Declaration of..'qeiterdcat- ion ilird of ,Office Were subscribed to, ' as required by • S!atute. • The • Members • then took then- seats at -the 00,1'qeil ,board. -rThe Minutes of the Decom her • Meeting of 1914 were thenreacl • MePherson--arinstrong---Thet the minutes„of the_December meetingyial.,47: 'as now read be adopted., Carried4,• 71- CaSe-:41ePherson--That we app int Jas. Donaldson to be Chairman of Fi- nanee for the year 1915. • 'Donaldson-t-Armstrong7,--In . awend- inent that WM. ease • be chairmae of Finance for 1915. For the mOtion. 'Carl and itlePherSon, .Eor the ainendinent, Donaldson; Armstroeg Itta .K untz ahlendmeet ,Carried: • •Armstrong -Donaldson -That this Council as a whole, act • as road cent- missioners. Carriedpoint Thot , 7Meliiiiiiir-.4/TieddeliliZtiltrwe op- MaeDonald and Kent, McKenzie as Auditors, and that at By. law be passed confirming their appoint- • Connty Ho'spiti:11 .B10.60 and -S-ick Cu;k1.- ArinStreng-MenerSeit-=•-Thitt 11-te io•-• hate the usual uniount to the lIt et" rens Hospital Trironto .$15.00. Car as& rmstrong-Mci herson-That troop- poifit Will. CJASO to the South and Jas. Dotialdshn to the North on Grovel road, to see that it is kept passable for the winter. 'Carried. . , Artlistrong-MePiiersen- That Robt-. Grant be appointed a member of he Bold of Health for 1915is and 04., a, Blly•e-iail,W abeleprrieldt.ribtirniiii; tb 6 111);:t ;tat- '. eate-1.,Venaltisen ,-That We histr•ict lie Ohnit to ektity ,the Towe-t11-1 if I PittOttAth (neck Aral SpIstAck ts. to, .. • .„ . , - • MePhemete---Dcnaldsoti•-•1 ha t • . Fivarice reptort trts'reatt be adopted' antI orders issued fol. payinent ef the .o- cbunts, -• Carrie. Chas., Button, 01.-145. • veeduil Addisork „Armatrotit spent _rritLy_ _ evening at R Har.-dd Fraser 18 yiSiting lus parcels; Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Fraser, , • Jetulle Shiells visited ifist \fog. gie Campbell a day last Week. Ellee Ilellentertaineda of her friends Friday evening. - „ „ -Itss F,va Fraser,..of Blanchard, D 2e9Avpiring-trict3tlicin '4.7nimber front here spent Aim ' everting at Win, J Canieroe s; etli. (Nei, • 1iss Mar/ Wilkie 'visited her ger,ied- ' avirents,ltr, ;Md.:Mrs.-J.41411de 1,q• .. MIAs. Teta MeNtrillen spent an .t;ter. Tav.. ..... noon wtth her friend,: Alai • Bessie ' , • Mr." aria :tbs. Ater. Fraser spent ' an eveningrat the home of Seminal , Getitles ricerttly, 1 . • Alessi*. David and • Doeald PArctIS spent Friday 4venIng at sleA, Ctee-eli 8th. Coo. •• Mr. ,1,1,1 grs. *At; of r .e C. iaettiay al, the 14 muti • iiert ° Huts .0.te,rat 8•011t; 1;1141 10. ee Taft .4)t. tbo wok trkt tixo Lts41. 1. gratattothor Suet " 4. •