The Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-21, Page 1aaereere atentearare....-eareeeelar- 7 BELL St DOWSE ,447,O1,1, 14,4,,WW21411M6,4417174, W•Nr•-•', `,"T r•-• ' --•••••••-•••••.trarr 'wars 1,6"••••••••••19•19111. .1 $Loo per Aar, in advance $1.25 otberwise• en you want Jewelry atul Silverware Corne to u L. -.4,1114LE - Watchmaker/ -Jeweler and OPtieinn - inaaveaeuaeva - AtiARKETS , - (Corrected up to Weeneseay noon) , Peae•; ▪ ,.. • . 00 •OfttS T • 1LX-4:LA 2,2 • • • f, 6 • 60 • ; „ , 85 eia , r-ilutter , 23 • 24 'fame; f • .; .30 ' oge 7 50 f;r1 ironoiare exiiene Tara WEEK Allrbeat bush.— 1- 30 to $ Oats, bush !59 to. 60 Barley, bush... , • 70' to 72 Peas, bush 1 50 to 1 60 Timothy, ilay, .... 21 00 to 24 00 Mixed and Clover::::), 17 00 to le‘ 00 Baled Timothy No. 119 00 to 20 00 Choice heavy steers- 7 75 to & 00 Hoge, off Cara, .. 7 is to • Calves„ 9.60 to It) 00 f_pa ing (V, to 8 00 Sheep, ewes, cwt.... , 5 25. to -! 6 50 11ut4er, lb. . . . ........ 30 to ,35 Eggb, doz • Clio— 45 • Potatoes 'bag • - • 60 to ' 70 1. Irow we are Askiiigf yOif. to try our Palm e oa. and 01 et Goods. To introduce them to you we give you value of 80.cerit$ for 50 dents viz. package o Face Cream. or Sharnpo each , . so cents and 2 c kes ofe Soap at ° 15 cent eatit: eeWiinIoW ispla 1 - A.,.• Mb '27,-i$On4-.ST„o OL NL OENERA,I4 The Silent Datectivg, Reed-Mende1tion'S--4leating:-.440 on page hi:" ; Mrs. W. ge,- johnsten s aisiting friends p Toronto, „, AcJgar gollyman spe.nt a lbw days in woronto leap, week, • : • 'Mr. and Mrs, Jelin Carter are visiting with friends in Blytlif, • .. • Tom and- jameaOatter, of .01intQn‘;' vipito friaado le* town last Week,- , !Miss Maty Eabick, of Tonto, xa ePOnfling ftp,v wceksa ier Polue " • tliss Iona Nesbitt, rif Aixiberleaewas the geeet'ef Mrs 4 Blair, 'feW dayle leet week. = . :Luciulow, °NT., Arkw:owirl ,JANUARY 2Ist.,, 19154 .NEW 'BOW- AT . • TIflflU�1JLIBRMY LUCKNOW VICTORIOUS IN THE 'ONTARIO AM) , THREE 11190KBY IIIAMES WEST SHORE RY,, ilydro.constossiss sityerkisert ii* Ur 'goat, At Teeswiter, '91. -At. lanearelite .a..3... -At Pt Petteeletleu sad Probable Sandi* `Enekneit lel; '' ..." • _.. ..! ..., _J..: Pii!,i01 - . .. - A number of interesting news budgets to The Sentinel wereaainavoidablY held over this week. • . • Mies Mae VeMorran .is visiting her Aster, Madeleine at Stratford, also Mrs Kaltfieish of Berlin. • • • Mr. 404 Mrs. Welter Day of; Culross, - were were guests test week oT3iltse K., Mae - Kenzie, 2nd. line Kinloss. - • Mao Mable Reid, of Auburn, weethe guest Of Mr. and Mrs, •SanuOt Reid/ of Zion, a few days last week. • De. P. A:Tarker, Osteopathic physic- ° Ian, will be at the.'eain House, Lucknew, Wednesday afiernoons. 24-9-t,t, -Miss Frances M. Siddall returned home Tuesday after having visite with friends in Toronto for two *weeks. ' , The County Cenncils of Hur n 'and. Bruce will hold their January estnoun next week eminnencieg on Tumid „ ,26th. The Table Co. haa bought -large quantity of dry hardwood lumber at St.. Helene, and is having it hauled to the factoiy, . . ' Ur Ruesalobertson is thin- ek• in 'Toronto, in charge cknow Trble CO'S. exhibit at theFurniture Ex - Lake, Man., and Misti Keith, of le uleinasek, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston -o were week -end guests of Mrs. I Gra- ham, Caninfeell-St,=' .- • • " Mr. Harry Annitage, a for er em ployee of the Lucknow , Table o,„ but or the past few- years, a reeiden bf_Wina- eipeg, its.on a visit to his home 'ere.' Dungannon and Auburn are e net -tem: - big en epadende of • ineatmas, cording to mod about belt 'the hettlf10 in M- b= are . placarded 'While itogennoe has e, half 'dozen Cases, , . .. ' Mrs. Wm. Hethei /neon and Master Bei,' Of Wilkie,•Sask •i and Miss Lottie Bell, .of Lucknoir, spent last week .visit- ing. the former's cousin, Mrs. Samuel Reid, of Zion, Mrs. Reid, who has spent some time with -her son, T. S. Reid, of the Moleons Bank, and ether relateetee in this vicin- ity, lett-on Monday morning fet-Toronto here she will spendlwo weeks 'before r turning to her home in Edna:erten. . R lerielty at Home , • • , - • The 'mill running night and day and scarcely able to meet the 'demand for bran; "shorts and love -grade flour. Ws went•yeur wheat and more of it, if you are to 'get -what YOU want -our feed stuffs and more of there; We. guarantee you positively the highest ifeice paid for Wheat enthis.market--..Treleaaen Bros. . Women's it-iionte. --- . • • • ' - ihe Woman's Institute intend 'hold-. ing their Anneal "At Home in the Town Halton Friday evening; Tani 29th; to which all the ' members..and - their •familiee are Invited, 'Abe 'cleinniitteeS are busy making arrangements and a red time itt expected. Please bring re- reehments as in former years.-Seey. A. New ieltsadth ... • , - The j Imperial Bag Holder Ss, Machine Conipany (soon to be known as the SepoyManufactaringennitsanyLimited) heetiecareiktheservicet of- aetirst-class experienced,: blicksinith_ in the. person .of.1140. Leslie Irwin. • Mx. 'Irwitea imam ' .-iii . acknovLa . • ::., ved a eriod •of ap rentieeship a 'IaiteknOW shop, hut for some, time past has been work• ing i . the -village--of -Ethel:_ _Ileihat take a •finaneial inter*, in lafeknow.'s new industry, teed hie •;•prestance there will o doubt bring , et considerably in- creteed voluine of repair Work .to the firm -1 ' • ' '" • • - -- The Library Beard' have been, apply. ing tikeln$Q1Ve0 •to the :Pot -inconsiderable 'iSk 'Wilding -70V the • gollOction.of iiikiiitp0-:ohikrati-,:lowliira (101* Lucknow hoeltexists. won no, lesS tit Antgineera .ths Oydie Electric. some good work; , They began the , new yonnuisoton bar), 'prepared the• :year pureintsing the following. books ;rig, report far the .0ouncils „of the which, we. uuderstniid, Are uoiy intereated. in. the. atufertunatS; let !the PubliOi . ' • Ontario- and?Weat Shorolt-tilwayi . 11TOTin$ Gentlemen -In response totesoliitions. Blazed Trail.; White., of the 0ouncils of some of 'the. nineleie The Red City; Mitchell: POities interested in this line we have -Truth, Dexter; ' Mede ancanvestiettaton into the eenetrac- • By Right of. Rarchasejoirmer„of tinp ti.oh-that lies" been :dower have prepereda .,Northweet; Greatsr Power;.! Cattle •Rarr.-, eetainate " • • - • Daughter; .Altork'Haf Sonianc94. -FOr . 1 -The coat of coMpletieg theliee- Jacinta•,' • .. reedy.for operetion. ' . - . : Otte n ef .the -*irises; Tipeyi•, . . 1 -7 -The annnal:revenue• that- that .• lecee;',White. ' ,exeeeted, a a • r • :AS t,110. Inimertals; 1/Vheel. .3.---Arinruiliso-peratingjiarges, .!r• • rortu fneWenderfill'•Xight* Tracy • Welie've esetunee.theethe f/400,000i1e. .Th eStetdays; .Wright. 'bondecovereell. charges againd the ,_ 'The Into. ,•:Prophet,' veli.; The' to date; end thatietereet at 0%bechtirg- Chrietia ;The Etereal .CityeThe Bead- ed' On the .0titl, cost when •readY tot oper- man; Tbe Manxman; Caine. . • Idiom We ha,Ve Riede noatlewante fer The Mageee; Ro.veland, ' einking fund. • •• • Father Betties; Tlie Forged • Coupon; ' Attrie Gorierielt end .„of • the line we ifidji Mnrad;Tolstoi, • r , taveaseumed that the 0 PR will allow 'Tlie.Long Patrol; Cody. the inunieipalitiea to eireet eVerhead Oariale; WeeteOlt. • • • oyer the .0.-P.R....ttacke .together ....The • Deetor; . Thie Prespecter;. .01exi- , with the bonding of their railer Irma garey 'School Dela; Sky. Pilot; •Blaele, Meneset Goderich ease .ef die, Rock; "Connciat • ._ • scheme Of electrie.motor ear' beieg ad' .. Duncan Polite; Keith, , 400teda, 41- •' .4 ThOtougkihreds,.; Fraser,' • In. the/fir-St OlieS itWaiildeoetiptiOX--.. -The Cloain.g Net; Rowland.", •imately $;100,000 te beild- the 3 miles,n1 Delilahof the Snorts; Bindle. • Reolitay from the present- Conneetion' . The. Apple of 1)iscord; itowian . 344). the CA;ne, Pecifie . Into • Bleck Oreelr -Stopping ilouse;-. , QedPrich, AS:),17.6 ,,W01,11d 1E10, tO climb! °Clung. • . dawn some let) feet tObt-eati, " , Battiaiee-Ladde'.11,Oheetti.". River/ t.heo uP.egain On' tinis 'abet side laeverley Graueterle; MeCutcheon, • into, Goderich.: Valet* ,we haVe en Out- Bow of ,Orange RibbonaCaedillae; Barr side coetiection wittatienipiot'herraileray The Circuit Rider.; Egglestoo. • - so AS to, be able tO dIVerti41! 4,40 traffic 'Comrades; Pixoa...., • ' _ in Mir traffic belt, .it would be inipoSsible The Cro,stimg; Churchill.. • to -get any freight-7ievenue ,worth., , De,Le•vender'e People; Delan For.thiareaeoe;'veie hews not eonsidered Creuetata; McCutcheon.- the Continuation, ef.. this line from Half RegnealfacGratie present -terminus alto: •Geaeriele Dee }labeler School Master.; Eggleston. , to 'difficult And .eapensiee ponstruction, Burnharn ' ive now miggsst'aii arrangement With' 0. -.Knight of the Cuttiberlanch4roF.` P.R..whereby nipping righte dan be o.b- • 1.44 of lQuality; Blinett. tained Oveietheir line 1 rom• oar. ',resent • •• Lavender and Old Lace;•Reed. Junctien inte Gedirieh, a distance of itp- The• Leaven of Love; Burnham. proximat,elyli treiles-also that aal haiee Little Shepherapf • Kingdome ' Omni; the use of their Bex and Ca,ttle Cars free ef.charge, and that we act .as. a, feeder toire.ls the Sune of It All; Egglest,on. Ai* to them,,they togive_th.e beet 'pos. - „ The Master's Viofill: Reed. , k ,eible-rateefroar oar Junctiento-foreign- Misitees et-Sine:mon& . Rebid. ..We have taken for graiitedtliat A, %Modern: Chronicie'e,,Mr. Crewe's all the rininieipalitiee trill:divert all -pee- Career; ChurChill.. , .• sible, traffieineet_thistlithe.c.P.R..• Old Peaboaly„PeW; connectiOns, as the' Revenue estiina.tes • A,Prairie Courtship; Amdloss. . are. made! liberal With. this in View.; : The Rivermati; Miles of the ' Game; ---Ileaegaed-tothatameretime•of-thaline- =White, , • - • • • from. t 9.P.R. 3 unctioe north, this line The' Shuttle; Barnett has' been .partly constrneted free -4 a point- -!.• The' Silent. 'Barrier; Tracy. .., or the .C.P.R 'Just nOrth of Goderia, A Spinner in theISun;-Reed.,:, pointheing on the eppesiteeide ' of 'The S.towawayeGirl; Tracy, • . -11oriorabli .0141 age • northly• from this point, to Kiri, The 'Traitor; Dixote ,.. • • .M attend. River from the teem; .the line' , The Trail of the Loriesonie Pine; Foe. .Joseph 13.arker, one- of •Kincarchide eerdiee. The rail's 'are laid seine 14,34 Lonesome Tiail (speciaIk' Weer.' west esteemed old' residents, was' last. Miles trona the O.P,R, North end thaline The Harvester; Porter. • . week preseread by 'hia friends' With. a- throughout is in different stages of con- The LongTortala; Bindloss. purse conttriniug•$200.-00, and:a compli: struction, as the eitimatee and proelc 014 Mee aed Silver; Reed mentary -address, the opeasion being the will sliOr • • • Mirabel's Island; Tracy. Beulah; Weston.'" „ . • • " eelebration of bis '91st...birthday. • IME1F4ENT CONDITIONS A Remiaiter - • ' The portiOnof partly built line is • in Cloister and thnHearth; Reade. three games, in. the' pest. week -at, Tees - water, Kincardine, and at home. The Teeswater and LucknoW gee* Were lir the Lakeside League, series, while at Kincardine ezdtibition. game ! WAS played.. • ' ix.TathethlelibelaenyaLsoafliethsied7,0tecaajoit3ttrilLat. lere on Tuesdayoight when they. were' 'defeated by the unusual score ef :11 ; Tim •gaine was two nee;•sided to bet 'or, Orst=ehiSs interest. The teams, will soon •..nieet again on the Ripley. ainit<when • a "hard.:.foug,ht: battleje expeOted.: „! ....` • Tire line'up On Tuesday night Was ,ao ' „ LU.61cnow Itea,vie • goal • • W. Reid Martye r. defence ; C Reid Crawford , ' I. deience Allin 'Ferris • Neer - • Allin 'Bowers ", centre. Milison Meteani .1 r. wing ' MalloUgh • Jackson ' wing Horn • ligoree•Ot-A..-rseott-,leesuraturT ThegainearlaYed Teeweter on the, 13th; was extreniely hard, fouglit: from . the start, Om honie team, puttieg up a 740-lie-fnte.11-glit-fOlrte Win' On -Moir; ow :ice: At hell tune the score was 3-3 and ,attelltirrie 6-6. To'break the tie the teen* PlaYsa 0 minutes each way Lucknow soaring twice and Teeswater once. The lineette-wase ' Luck noW FTPr ieePnwdastirp . goal ' . • W. Reiel , Mallough ' r. defence' C. Reid Macdonald 1. defence, C. Allin }Pecos ! • • - realer , • lahepmen centre , ° Mb Donahue • wing Mallough Bracilerlia L Horn - Referee, S. Bowers, of Ripley. The exhibition game Kincardine on the 14th. wee: another ,good •exhilii- titian of hockey • and the scoring. was • clotie throughout. At hall time the, figuree were and during the second half Taucknow made three pale. whale' Kincardine made. only me. The scope Was u to 3 The line -tip was. , Kincardine'. Licknew RO'FAS • 6'4 W. Reid E Whitely • r. defence - %Alan , E. Armstrong 1. defence: M. Johnston • A. Smith•raver • P.-Aitcheson B. Fyfe • ' • 'centre E.. Wilson W..Termani 'r. wing N. Healey Neplien: - • • Referee J. blitick • ',L. Os L. Box, Social P s ' A Bei SocialWill he given at, , the Orange 12th. con, of , 'Ashlieldoindor auspiees L. 0, 14. ,. hfc, 1944, nn he evening of Fri., /January 29th... 1916. ..Adinispion .10entlemeti 15 cts. Ladle( with; *Kest free. -progiaid *cal ;andinetritnient- ! et noune, etc. •• ' 28 Sees. •••••••••••-• .1914°. .ew ...gu*intO! Call aiid 'gee them, TEMPLE CLARK meromt Too*. , outdoor skaitIng, • The sboviati. of lvfouddy ;night his Ppoiled tile skating 'On the o preteote AA Attifilated tieetle' with he • nueicroue bonfires and 'groups of young 'people attired. in .itod sweat. ets Of Varlet* colets;'derting hither and thither, $01116 !l5( the 13ketertt reatiegitig erg stars anti bas Kti intipate knOWI. will make. the ,eotnitaity a plant one of Imply the ice thel),titla . . The Sileet Deteetive ". row,v 4 , pn 00 ot in ic no roid than'it lo , 6- . t. tl ice 8befeee; vt:irdee:..-neorn-. Crucifixion .,ot Pnillip,StrOng; Sheldon. • ._ . . . . . The Woreenai,Comitlittee of the Pat;Ishmael; Southworth. - riotic Leeghe wish to rentina „the•-iniblic top, the culverts being aisaialiert,,it•Will : Lamplighter iuiinnins. that any 'old cotton or bade linen, • clean be necessary to have the road 'bed' at Throne of-Devikingetthein. • , .. • . and free from starch; will be grateftillY 'least 12 feet Wide and of cotirseevould be Winningof Barbara Worth; ,,Eyes of • ! receieed by them, and , may beleft at better 14 feet in Width: The culvert pipe: the World; Wrieht. • ' . • leliss•Beya's drew/king. mato; . Such as.Of very inferior quality having no re. -Bambi;Cooke• OOttOE: %Ed linen' can he Put to good :use inforcemenql, •and being • built by .the ' %To( PartitienieBatelay. in the tnakiieg of lant.and bandages which 'Company with dirrai ; gravel. The con,' TWenty-Fourth of Jime; Richmond. : .are very greatly'beededin thehospitals erete in culverts' and abutts is also poor, :The Clean Heart; -1111tchintion.. , . Where the Woanded , soldiers .are _being being constuicted for the ,niost part of The End of the Rainbow). Keith: *elated for, and urgent appeal ,. are lkittg dirty gravel, the mietura being very un. Little Eve Edgerton; Abbott. . • . -neade--•tor-theeo supplies lay-thosaAn- .eveir • Semeenbutneente-will -have-teehe 'Yeti Never Know Your Luck Parker. . . incased Pi, concrete, the: part of the eh, r Petrol of •Sau Dance.Trail(teinforced). charge of the work, •.: _ ,. ;, ' ' Cheerful Soldlifi :, - , ". I. - .:-` - utinenta,atia4ile River will have babe Connor. "'• - a 1 ' _ 1. , . . : LeaMiseiables,•1 vote.; Hugo. Someeuiverte will„have • to .be .. , In ou, WO to 0, Wingaane paper. • Et.,. ' reheitt mitt copoutittb, *twig... from eriesee,ry :lengthened, attl witee-italle" bnilt-ou :Mediu). of Allan Water; McCall.. Plains, says; • "Although we are still un. °thm•-•The Right.of Way at preempt is. The Dint efannilict;,13indloss. . . .- der canvas, and the wet weather,. CO. 10 ft, wide through Aaron County and . Open Shutters; Burnham. _ . blued With (militant tread of the troops, 15 ft wide through Betide County. • We • Adventures of-Bobhy Orde;.White• ha S .made camp very niuddy, yet'ali out: will require 10 feet wide Right-of-wayat .- `Mak atthe inn; Wiggie. 'hardships and iricenveniences are endue- least. The line ia not befit to grade -"AnAffair of Dishonor; Alice,fotehottp .edwithoutecereelY a miirmur. eit,fact, . throughout as shown on the real; ' but DeMergan. ' , .. our hays tare -very--eheetful, • and, wee -o-- -as. the -traffie is light, the present grades. •Arizona Lights; White iskealf they 'don't find it rather . bard . Can he operated all tight.. As. far as I n: Arnie and the Woman; MaeGrath. , At. the Foot of the Rainbow) Porter -. • phitirritiutoi with.n .0 ig i bt eh; ,,, : iis ici ti 717, nrieeinueren ,,cflonta..lpcli.tlewaietnhitLieee is ndllellait 'or, train. ' -witir ther cheery, 4014 "Ivo • iduinj-k-. vOlurt' it will,probably be necessary to ;Make an : The -Celebrity; Churchill. •- ', r -'0:6.Fm.iles-of,Ons linei.ste .......,Beia. nut; Wallace: teer for luxuries.' " • . egreeineet with the 0.P.R. for KM* hal- Otliaitintheinsaunmj 01)1:r/flown:hue.; , A en" omen rga , . ., .unc ion -an s , ' • • , 'rale= eteralliele last (they heye a•geod pito ,thiles east of i I • $ I , '' Application -has been. ITO , 0: to and. material " • • • -' • • ' " • Dorothy,South; Eggleston, • •seeepted by the PrOVITICial f.;•ler,e4ry '.for . _The -tails on.liandereirt good -condi. Emili Fox Seton, Berndt. . the Incorporation of a .ncea ,Lacknow tion, hiit, the 'holtrattrito6 short tor tie 'VI* Viedini- rotheigill: - - :.conipany to be known as ,-'r he. Sepoy use of nut. locks. ' The present rails are Gold Trail; Bindloss..- . Manufacturing Company,. Lituite4 with also laid With even 'joints, wliteh 'iti.. nu' Goose Girl; 0rerOloak; Hearts and ' an authorized eapital of twenty thous. fortunate, as they Will have tobe left Misks;. Maceiratle• • • , ' ' . • -, - •• and dollees..-alhe-bharter Memas Members of theyalrea• ••IforeYeteraterlitioFord. •, the new coinpaeysie; John Soya% . Dr. We suggest a eervice of approannately ' In Connection wirh the Willoueliby A. G. • "Newton, Frank Tate. W. G. And.; 4:trains a day each way. ., , ' . • ' Claim; Aliened. • ' - • . row, ,Geo. It'Smitleloe.. E. Agnew and .• Two echemee of ,.motor. power have :Lilt NeVer Can Happen Again; ' Da:. W;.3". Wraith; who with. James Millar been considered, Mutely,straight goo- Morgan - • ,, • ' . ' -arti:the provisional directors -The cern line car anrLelectric inteteteat..:_litheit:Janice Meredith; Ford. pony'a•elitleterenthetizes it toartannfae- ' would bettapable of -handling one or two 06031 VStorytookell-erilhate. - tare beglealtimeettiereke, 'sleighs, Wheel '-frefghtears.• • •• . ' , ' .' ,Joseph V•anceeDellorgan._4',. ,,, .. 'barrows, ladder's and other articles m . , The,fpliCwing.IS a summary of the Leopard's Seas; Dixon: , wood and iron -et -peed thereof.; to 'Ant- • Capital tOetitlit hies for the. reconstrue. Atere.liangs-Letters; Lerimer.-: as jobbers be metnifectuters'• agents tion, to Witieh haie beenk added the . Lure of the;Mask; MacGrath.. and to conduct a garage . and general bends guaranteed by the, municipalities, ' Maid' of Maiden Lane; Barr. • ' • .• maim) and iepitir shop.. The Sappy viz: . ' . .• • i , . gaking of a Marclitoness; Bartlett; iManufactering Cempany, ,Limited, witl ' . ' . so tenie :t./. • . . Man on the Dox; MrieGrath;.• 'be;practicallythe presentIniperial Bag Capital Cost - •/ • Miffs Pritehard'S Weadifig Trip•;13tire- ' Holder aa...- ale:chine Company put. tinder Track eonstractitin $ 350:800 )1ailt, • • the new IlitAle and eigtietzea Ueda the • &Mem Ste*. .. . . i • : 17.000. The One Woman. Dixon, lawa...ef: Ontario, into a. limited liabiliiy, --_, Prince of India, Mime. aeliaeanatiffiVilagedtililt -MeV' TI14' -7W0t1t17:!'.7.--.(f..1-T-r-tv.-".*...--0-4t0;t007,--31-tatet AtWittloc14:-Egolefitguit same factory *III be . used, the SUES 167 Engitieering and other . • • . ' The Papa CroWir..,Madiltatlic woricektried on, the ,Sattie • leen. will be eTratgcs.. , .;.:-.....--.-. -..........59,070 The Bight Princere4latiinliam. ' , . • . • ' •••••*4..........., The Root of Evil; Dixon., Wand the eoneern as new ' (With eta, • .. ono acted front 311116 to -..tinae).;--btit' - otal.eitt-te-completel-, ,S- 462,670..,..... Shot Vedder, Aare._ _ Unite will beadditienal. advantages in tiarantecatonds;... „:',400,09---' -Soine,hew Good4.L,Dellorgan...„..,,. .Splendid, Hutted; MacGrath... the fact that stares in the company can ilOW be 1)0411;161d Or transferred with- . Tot.;) 004. ; ...,,, . :S 652;810 ' :TriiktOn King; MeCatcheson. out foettuility ,and -the 'safety of the ..0petating Revenue . , ... The Westerners; White. . .. company is. now enhanced., , 'The ,cott. .. ' Passenger ..' . „ .. . . ..7.4f - 30,009. ,,,„,Woro'ver of ,Walaelaill 11510,s,t00. °piny inipecti to totinufitettire tine year Maki: ., ,4,,:,.• •''.'„ • . , 1,440. ' Winston nt: NA wade; 1311ittleaS. I from three to five hundred sefs of _bob- • • Freight . , .4. .'.. ;"..,. '. ,.1.. . . '. • , 1 5,();14 • 'MISS LivingatOnee-CoMpanY;.. D1114)11., shfighe, sevetel thoneand.wheel barrows ,. • . 4 . .' ' . • ,...4.---- no Vadis; Sienkiewicz . and s large. lumber of handsleighs in ' .Total IleVenne.. 6. '4 4 4,4 4, 6 .5 . 54434 ' Trinity Ilella, Bart. , , ' additl:m. to its Oiler lint'S. This, to , Operatieg Chops .. , • Mether Qatey's Chickens; Wiggirt. gaiter with, the tepaii work which Mar , . Track Mtet: lig Arils 6 4600$ ' , ' 16,600. 0•10'nua ird gdei. • • ' : may !ra,vitlit.ea to A, girl) of thn liiia.4! :Operation, 4 retold trips . . Obristuta' :Eve on touesontei tact . 'Winter . • • -. At 2100 o'clock in . the afternoon of Jan. 26th, Miss S. 'Campbell of Toroeto,; will atideeee the laaies, of the Women's testitute.itt the, Couneit-Chainheraif the' TOWE En11: Miss.040113bell-is -soot 1y the Department, and comes highly tee. otifeuded its an instructor and pleasing epealter. She has a nuriiher of splendid subjects for ee to chore* from. All the ladies of the village and surrounding tentatt•y are nOidialVittYtted to attend this meeting. As there will pa no speaker -gent from the Departmeet to licilyrood or St. Helene this wintet, the ladies- of .thetia, branchett; are given iipeoitirivvitotoq t6-Atttid. get6 eleall Peelle* ; • . ' A, copy of the Daily Province to hand this week contains a despatch from Winnipeg repotting A, -cheap In the pianiigetuent. of the Northern Crown Batik there. 'Catliereti Bartlett wile re- eigtied as Manager in succeeded by Mr. W. Vtle, of wheel the deseateli Yitie Apent ten yore With the Hamilton, .joing: tuettoow, 044 iti 1606. Ile Min* west 100a and Opdvidit several butruihes in tip west, being alto tuanader isf Saskatoon. 10 -joined the 'Northern Ceewitatt 1007 and has been ou the inspeetinn staif ante. Ito wwsehief.iuspentor,ior. set: LIQUOR CASE •DECISON Trile.*******.••••••* "c0ISSIOkbk Wais Juptified In 611414 *here, . leid 0 eade 01411.14"C01101,41ed • ' d „ •• Na Fine Unposed ' ' ' , •''' Vet lieding1e• that -Conetablo .•CaMa- eionves „Iiistined ;in eeiaingthe ease of liquor in ouestitaa es it was being tonight , in contrary to laiv--1304 covered 9,r concealed, At4 Oa% a 'manner 4.5•• would . Probably render discovery bfAile. nature Of the. content e of the package in 'which the 841116 WM 0011teiited Porte; ditecultn. Such is. the _teat of the ,pidipment handed•eat fg Magistrates Mnrdoch and , Mackenzie in the McCoy' ligudr ease, tried, here two weeks • ;ago. ' By Way of eXplanation the magietratee add; "As , to the liquor being brought in concealed 'oinilatellaist148aalPe;rwrebte4:` t' rerndeaieufadcaitlt,6,Nvift Coy, the benefit of the *doebt,l,'. 'The liquor, in question, . was . aceordingli or - tiered: venliseated, but no : fine is Pesed. In case of confiscation of goods so ,beeeizoefitlertehdeforlaswale.l.itte4tst .4.4thtthtetleyeenfrdoei sale being Made the expenses in con- nection with the seizing, trial, and ete.; -be paid hem the proceeds and lhe re:, mainder, if any, be handed tkv ',the Pro- vincial Treaseary. , In this instance- requests bave been Made that thelatiorhe clOnarel. to the Kiecaedine . Hospital for ' medical pee - ✓ ises We understand that Magistrate Murdoch has asked the License Depart- ment if this legally be done,' -. , tr • ISO MCS fr9111.11rOce _ ' The COunty,of Ilyuce has been 'asked ,for 150. men: for:ffie-.3rd. Contingent, and recreities is now in progress in Walker-' ten, and will continue until. Jan. 251h.., .unless the "number should be lorilicoin- •! ing before that date. ' Al good number have already velenteered; but there is I "still loom for many more: .Aity• young -Irma who is desirous of servarighit k !,!un- . try, should lose no time in eenetta to the Armouriee, as recruiting must Close no the above date. Do not be hackward in getting, forward. There will be ple,nty of won) for rite Parents Should encoar age theie boysto serve, not discourage them from serving their Country. Pay commeneeti from date Of enlietnieet W: S. 'Douglass, Lt. Ca' • Recruiting Officer. New ' Ceell""Gergaile"ndh,°•491-0Z, District ..De ptity I.O.O.F.,.paid a. visitto the loard lodge and coneucted the inntalletion of officers for the current year. \After the, business of the evening,. the _assembled' brethern enjoyed imi oyster supper at Mra.-Quirpbellaraestaritaer..----C)ffieera .4 - the lodge for thaarear, ate ae team _ :.,_, ,. • S.. P 'a -Ernest Sitehison. N. 0 -Thos.' Wation. . Warden -en_F. w11.0,Aiterimgmtreoltugen. zie:" • Conductor -Robert Johnston. • Treas.-Alex. Ross. i • Fin..aec-,1): Paterson. . Rec. Sec. -A. H. Boyd,. ' -I. G.-aCliff Aitcheson. ' . no.. sG..-N.Ard.j_. 0. --ttig. L. S. N. G.Robt. Fisher. , It S. V. G.—Riss. Roberteon; ' L. S. V. G, -C. I% RiCheadsoe, L. S. S. -John Bell. • R. S. S.. -W. Ferris.. '. ChaplainA, GI: Seiith. Ilse Printed Wrappers. . ' For offering butter for sale in un- Priated wrappers merchants of an Ont- ario town, it is reported, paid over. $4po in fines recently. According to e re- cent provincial order butter wreppers- must-berprinted-to show whetlreP - the - butter 'contaieed therein' is "dairy" • or '-"creardery". This is for the proteetioa of the public. Unprincipled pa.; sons ,were defrauding the public .by wolking over dairy butter and labeling it."cigaine ery" because the latter generally sells a few cents per pound higher. Far the afecomodation of these desiring only a Small quantity of•butter paper The See. tinel will, keep ;on hand a • sueply of wrappers the Words 'i"Dairy tter" printed -on them. These can be had -at 26 mita per 100 sheets. Wrappeis With _thealaninandaddresi.Of- the_•:pamlasee: - printed eta' theiii_tnay..he_had tat_a_no 'fot $1,60or 1000 for $2,00. Thi Brant ResConot orge c a um, can e. ni •reeveship of Brant, being defea4i by the sinellinaierity.el one, 44.44; 14, re-count, and the same was held the 9th. inst. Re-counts frequentiy vault in wine curious revelations in cowl etiot evith either the voting or the eon tting by -the returning officers, and tbit one was not without incidents. I: was. found that a ballot raarkea for lum at Elmwood Wes so lightly marked ot to far iv the river (:,vaii m.stilp ledge tho west, , - the „ti1,9.10,111 .440144 COtioefttpat * • "- „, it‘lantiiiiimItilltitio 4) ping nod nu pito alt Watch RepOrin Does your watch keep train' Onie4, If No WhY Not? 11=1.161.111411M4.4414•1114•WOMMI4.04.6 Out knowledge and 'skill. Otis- the rjght . kind of - material ifAs llif4de our , repair dcpartthent 0 of thei,(-s1, Atilis part - -of the courltry.We - are prei...sreft` to do all kinds.of watch .ancl clock repairing promptly 'ape. . satisfactorily. SA4S-fatticiii Guaranteed - .14prity P. T. ARISTRONU .The,,CtsIactpxy /Jeweler. Optician Store closes on Mondays aim • • Fridays at 6 p • m. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN F.1111,41, 111AntET 1)11101f,' forAorSe 014 • Rubbers Lusa eauthq4. AilerAigisen'S Dry Goacl Store. AIONOV" LOAN., --On reartgages rung, iv:4;e AG•p3asonitoieLrapos. vita ia,tamac4,_w,,t,tk Stook and Alututtr.Oompauels. •- , tiE0. 41DIJA1410,,Dainter,LueRiloW FOr Sale s •••• , HOUSE AND LOT 1,0_,ILSAL111.-Asix-roomect • • tiouSe wood•sheA nou suunner an twee. taru soic_warmr, good. oe'Ou,r, goou . • -76W)-X-FV-arlrelletIttatt,,,Aatt AuuSar,,,ott tand , AFply C.110.1/13141140311 10 --•Vq4 DO 111.-6/t.litAti4Attl, - irousx AisID Ltit:FOR, SALE1.---On eat . eamosa ritau.s, 'Aorta cm station, au,u4toki ProlluSet11 8-r11011101* iits.•ry eutuage 8,444Lawil, mit ot •----',11011s0..goo1G.591741,tot_Illa.k_OOAVOn ,M4 to Ovum); &pit; t.o.uu W1141 cecto4a, •house want:nen, tort over K4010224 k: WA* 1056 PA GO guuu Leptur. JAW. ig • Soros ot WAG, atue..4i adel,toti, it,S • Spring Crop. Xnere,are nuoauy IX1.111 trees. tu grupe Autos, anti 'tdle.rgis quantity ur truit preinlina. ineumuersinm 44,14 \ • tv ilsoo Likk110'Vro • • NOtice • vire; HavLuir lade or saw, 1414C 1.141167 to Ditt5 .5114 tlUitS 'VC • tt•titiU IttriphitileS. et Aug's,,wiolt to4,103- mutt; 138c, wlurar 1,1 VelY ..rtrSer 11.00K us. iuutour un ti 5.0 uou aeatt, et aux tow./ 1,o10 Winter, wit as %%to 40`,1411, 412511 u110o14 Gi*'*upr im aattao VV. us.vuotiveitteLt GO tostO 15 5 s, 110011, ss WAD UAW sons nevaug raw auwii tree. ur lotr4 0144 n1,11,10 ' • us +ascii out, we Wilt 01.1 Up411 Lu tkuy Attar price au atuukneg walk presthit uratliA0011.43.44tni. Vt• wautu 551,654 1414-1$0 1041A0.6 tiGualoGit4 01111.101' r,0 Itp.tVO .,..5t1..ttag (101,1U41.1t W111- WOrtu MOICO G.0,04,mt Got oggit_ mature. Vor tiutner JourciutiL4Attirlity iu GriattlatlIGnr—X16741 . t84-278 a . releaugere • 1 • 444,444.4iirartritriatt tes'Sharpened • All kinds of Woodworking Horseshoeing an General ' Blacksmithing G. OSTRA,NDER- . •64tran....•..".".."..'"41,64ormaumr,C.4564, BRUCE COUNTY -COUNC) The trade Catiuty; • meet at V•talkei tea otauea.day, 26. The menibership will, be as follows: -L.. (Those markal with a, star lir!: nevi inembera) , • Armn 'etaiB • by the pencil that ithad been• overlook., Amabel............... . • ; • *D. 4.au.; edhyllle"-clerk and -*Witt htit 'Albemarle , he marked. This put McCallum even with Brant: ...........Nesbitt, his opponent, Spence Neshit, aod t looked as though the returning (sheer should -hose deeide the election. The returning offieee was ti tensiti Ni.`1,. Mc- Callum and it was expected the' his vote would pat that gehtlerrqh 0.1 more in the reeve's.chair. woe not, however, to have the chalice, for A' an, other polling 13nbdiviston it- !was fotind . .,.ne„. ...„. ; .;..V'. • H. !Nil/ , • Eldo: Aie •• h :ass Kaattior A• q: • s • • Ea a .atarab. 33 • )t.0 , . ;1)„ latiaaita Heron .. Wilkinson, *Wainatteee , Hepworth • James I that a ballot wl.ich sheltie' have counted Kincardine.Tp ,Jaines iinntee - fOrAeshitthad...keen_pcniii,ted for Me- . Kincardine Own ,WM.41.1tLIWO reducing McCallum's count by one and adding' to Nesbit's, gave the tatter a jority' of two; This provetelo be correct and ,the returning officer was relieeea of the neceseity--'dtatistieglieletillot:" Mc- Callurn, 'it. appears, was eletted leer year bra majovity of two. -the same n -rrow margin by Which; he was this yew.' de- • •, t 14e3 Ledo:Low. . ' . . ... eituateelz' •Paisley. -.... $ 6 o S▪ o lasliaeneye PortElgirt......a • * * • „6:.14.4•• ;11, .I8104 ireWnikVit+er 11 *a, Tiverton.. B. gai.la,iaidi • Saugeeti A. ,l,ceannel Southampton.. . RaznEs fated. It is said that party- politics as -St, hamaads. as s..6 . 6 6 6 6 A, ita 1";tetatt well AS personal antagonisms enters ii1,1*.gre- ly into Ore Municipal' elections iti Brant, and as the cottendingelements Axe near- ly evenly matched in voting stm,igthe Tara. 6 4 f• • • • 46 6•14 44.4. t J. ki.Grtrli. .WidiErrt8A• • il,fr11-)111,0* A. E. Sie,laiale Wiattoni * • • 111 * % • 6 • '6 * ,*(31 1(1... nee polities:21 of the above are • '-'everyJanuary kings about a, vigorous ale iiud4i Coneeivativ.de. A. Met ateela and bitter eturrige,.Se.ugeme e,andidate for the watictit , Tho $iittottictoiivo oftiga tcv,trlire4. • •• . been tWiee defetfed ts. Art, rt