HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-14, Page 6, a AUNTEP TREES ORION GIVE FOE PERCY Ulta ;POE GERMANG „ei0 SO CONSIDERAIVF0 A Tro.vekr iti ltilalay Peninsular Had Weird Adventure When He Defied ,Loeal, Superstition The pckuk heya _matzo or -.exit c3 tree, ie. to be felted in. every tivi- liztet old settled toenship. •villege kanareng ..,01 the Malay reran- suls,,' le the •clenee jertgles ehey ex- ist by Where they .are siteated i 1 th settled areae •tpen offerinee ia tlie ehare a sues vecio• and pa;per ney hy te Chineee, aize and, takee by the Tamils, ard prayer -cloths by the Malaya are deter laidot their feet and roots te propitiate the esaieleee..osdaiit or pen, veliereae, the aettral jungle*, they ern teener- ' ally ;avoided by deteur, .oroef thet ia not ptacticalele, passel ii eilenee with reverent salaam. • r, To Op open-minded aud iinPartid searcher among the eaystio ways of the eavb,iteome curious and puzzling experieneee`peeeent themselves, and will oentinue to do ao until niedern reience elamifies themrn in their pro- per place =Ong oceult phenomena, v. at, write r in the, Vide World Magazine. In this narrative 17proiose to set down a tiersona,1 experience of • hatioted .trees. It cceorred hauoted trees. 'Vie -single tree whith had been felled lay aerese this vette formiug au- oba.taele. eeeine four feet high, -will& had to 'he clambered over, at einieli diseora. fart to bare beget and earoug, nbeit negotiating the path for the early aver ing bathe bich aneeeeeity in ese troweal land* " "For goodness* sake get eome one 'to mit 'a deep notea in this tree to lee one ettep through' in comfort without barking trie'e Shins climb- ing over it," I urged my friend. • 641"11 try, boss,'' be mumbled in teply, t - I spent another night, in the house - n my return.from the jungle and found that the suggested notch had not been Fut.. My -friend reasserted his inability to get a eon', Malay or ehinesei.to• taCkle the ,ipto aud, oeluged nee' with stories of the tell/gene* ••of Cornishmen, in mat- ters supernatural, a•e. compared "Ali the ignorance and stupidity of t balance :of Englishmen,. while la' glied uproariously., 7 A week or two later Sir Hugh Low retnarked to me at, a 'Kuala . • Q Kaugaa r esaden dinner Kuala leaugsat Perale, in -the esa Fy NI Sir Hugh Clifford ineorPorated "I wish You would go up to 'Wilk Part of it in one a his -clever Ma- ,and bring veil* P-- ,to the keeple layan stories; but I think the ac- tal here, whether he wants to come' Vaal facts, just as they happened, or not. I bear he has, • make letter materiaI for, reflection. Dangerously -Injured his Feet,. A young friend of• mine, * Cor- nersiets Au. deetertux himself with nishman, full of superetitiona Peeu-, ;uoleellyeleneee medicines and re - 't'a raluetal had been .fuees to. submit himself tocivilized appointed. insPectOF otmiuev at Medical treatment, He'll ecene to k saeea little miegog 'village eclite serious grief presently, and' you eight miles 'north el Kuala Xengsee must -bring bleb clowne-hy foreee if the.then capital *f Perak. • ,e eeetary ,. • .. I wa,s 'cli,striet engineer , . . , The Ilnevuee a-': Iliai promised to go neXt• dav.,„ and, . time, and we were Prole.ch.ug „e' as itbappened, it WO -11'obla, ay too, • gaze, fell upon: great. zonin road iron. Tazinpx, 'Vat soon. „ pcpcir 1)- jay in a, ehtiiiri ' • .e. Mere- Dead 'Belinda Ipolt; to Kuala Lumpur, 'A the with hi a 'foot swathed in Otterife - ' • -'. • • ' ', ' - • neighboring. state of Selangor. SL --elle reee,„ he was ila a 11.104 revet. *Web lay LCI os •the path at my was then the fartherneeet Settle,. . tie 110.3 -,-..ii, 41.s.,eoverect, ;.,.t :deep aed fr. t.:,', It•hatl'fallen ..ficgia Qu'e of the 1 t of the• Kuala R,aosee, di.elriet ; Iledeees, „cat 1),,,, tlItt .testei). , Noll:eh he, t,4,gg, _ ,., , :--, . ., beryond wed around t- lay ,, , . hue been, ..teeeeterta„. eeiet, :beee4 _lied I arot,feettioetely tieeped hate ' The 0:reef Prhuevel jangle % • -leaves': and•kither g)ncdetiOo; of oo,-- -.444 .dolied /a..Y. "'Stott 'Pith"'helmet, ' A fe.vi big Chinese, ban.,,a!,,,4, balm% AiNre tnedlei I craft At 11 foot 'me, akall', would , liAv,e been 'ere:shed,. na , an . as„.1., . „ , . , , , ,. , , , , 1 leaf sheds) were dotted 'Yountl. -the ','NvaA alliVSt il:a a ,stAte.4if PittiefAa- 41''''' " egg8nel" ' . ' ' ' 7 • Miele pits for the Chinese vcollent, Wee ele, tad ,eue, ee ,nethea. woo/1g, .'"Pmeeeding thoughtfolly down- to. my 'bath. I returned--witheorie eye but qoartere. weee required fer the a epeeleS of lecety ollieel set like an ' new. ieeepettor„. ' • • ' , - , axe :in a -Tight handle, and . lashed. 911. the tree -id, °*itli Such dig -4 Sir ,Augh Low, oorereeideilt,,''al.- 4-ith -e-rattau, - %Ida-, inetruenent is 11,0, aq.le,bOdalesa6-c with a•-nealir loWed 'ine '?;00• to put Up.,..a. ,.013.a useli as liatelet bythe Malay's in w's1,9e4ten,n0kand.sPrained $,boxili- w od area palm -roofed and walled preference ,te;•-••,the heavier 'Eugliteh, der, 'bade .1x1Y•Men,..rell up 111 swat toot ',,. ,, .,,:: ... ., . , : • . and follow, whilat Started•igtiftly, on - A 'Wall of Yoresi lffnaeuni. f Y,pres has been entirely eleetreyed. One of the walla of. the • famoti what -the beinibardeeetit punish not, peeekery, but also how they . bad managed it so suddenly; and with auch terrifie force. • • Rising stupidly to my- feet, and wrenching my helmet, *.ith.ap..,littie discomfort to my skinned. nose and face, behold my orderliee-staude ing where had left; theme by the hue doure-glancing ,with bulging NT$ alternately at !me and the haunted trees. Then. my startled .- bitilding for My fried.,-,!;Sperahere• . • , , , ci,tx. think iciot-,. soi.taige, weeeeme • . -olakese:•.0.tketitth,•„aid ..xall.,ilizili,ige. :,,...,y 137,e,•erampfe,„ ....,,,,. • ... .,......„ ..,.o. . e... ,tO . metruetionsee.: • . . : '' --,,.... .... , ehle.elo.:1: eekete, tziox, 11,3ter...•,. ..,,,.., . • . : ,i ' "I • u se- on think the•nantuee did, ',that* '':X;inpinfrad.bi..tho ,01**,,,: ..0D..• foot: ta., Sala& :and: seleeted::* en,Ursee.When. I •tet.prot:!7k k.ryinItilOd, .1i."'"I'''.-11-.1.1,4"*.t'''''":latai'''': e: -'-'''''' .: rep' (3...1••'1e,,...' °J, 4T1!°..°:!: ??rt,.;..',...across.;'.'•.-i:'.-171; ' ':1:-',1t,i-i4.41, ,t4.Fitil:‘1,41.all:mti.,,i1-0,.ft s.a'r-ar: . ,‘The Coroisliniare, eieteeepanied me. ''Well$ :.ehoeSea,'; eeic'..II. i '1064 ,•:•O'f' I , email. bill, .about 50 Vet •highe.:Sitike taYi•suPerStiti:r.itis: itriondel•-'''buti. an' e :-.''•Wb-a;ta•*" rti'firT.'"jaP'''44alts-tPli .-,.. ,,.1 -.mu •noWedireeter On4.1,r: :the ,.. , . , ... , ,.. . . st atcd at 't'ic•, -5-4011. of the 'Salalt."vale: .114-Ye'it'athe''ttath.'-'. ':1-i:WIO:S. like .thig 0:iO4. .4t'oi,t11044b,,t;iti*:1•4:,.,,,th.s1,:or'.4,44;::,ottili,oii.,,4i,x.::(-:vuilliotii:ilti,li,:iiiit"eilit:, .Ited. C.ree.a)::of en,Oftlen in P•aili,14r.l4 ' The -atWent -6i TurkeY 'into 'dxe. ••the , loin, and • : huff:dins, ,..aeotind, •,n0erebeeeirensed..ahenita, ate T , g- .1tY' and etimniandinga't..aW,Ine7K-44)E leeenilel4%.•ieretea •'..s.O.h.1'..to••'*•Cat.i- 6' :06,1,maitocivjiatt:,11::: i.i,: i::144:144.:,,,,, .. ''*!.iteitel,-;17:0'.`:::leii:-;13.- ''&-.144-..°'7i.'' '1;:ri:PI:t':i'.0,:-'.'4,eittl4111;tHg.4)0f.' 'fiel4 of .14.0atilitisa..14As ar•oiised soine interest 'At to what sbe MaY-.:On.n.ble- .:,,t1i,erii. ..• ..' .........' i -,. •• . -- :'! :' '• ,i...1....b-,-tial',' ,..toltrie., .ett:topLo:t.i.Y.ti:i,i.ie-ii:.-•!ttape,t:er, , ..•,,of.,0614,7i:s..4*11 ".4.r.,,4:i.,rA.,o'ci;::::.i:Ot;i43.):f, letters, all TNit.,.ithis..,'": a..a:Micite, . I agreed Wet*, -m,, .:.'et oin4-A-c4iiikut*Iiiitge,441.1Citi,;-0:541fIty. ', .10 , Istp.0 ocli- 0, :tic g; o,. tifie:A.p3Orienit a...inilitarY...athorit,' .to•elo„,hot: so far littlainformatiOn' .:aeireka inueei.vbite tfoodeotelcu,ivo(0101 ,i1,1,,..,.,.i.it6t,poL .t..0.4„ 41,012.t; 't.aiottoi'dti.::ot:"0:;:p','.i'v,'!'ricSa,:..4..i).1,:tit'.'.iillo;.:,:,..1h!..::1',....,.,"'Iiiiiik!e4i.fr.,...,,' ',1.°....16:1;e41:e''::..0,.°14e. 7'•in'.0'..'t'°4161lin.':,,,a,ir. ;14iivr.*,1:.::.4.6.64')o:::', lei:ua"(19;6::::::':11:1;:;1".:::.;'Y''-'1":PPI.-1.:.11Sc"-":h6:1': ...,,. bni17$25 ta, get, theAtip:.i.af_Yt .,.,.• ,1.ass-,aLara :'" , eo 1 .rA '7f.'' ' ' arainilitt, th6_ traoe.tor,„00,,t..e,..4 .4000,1 thp., u.t...,,,. so .,.; „ . .r4.z....,,Itott.:ittbeii:.:, !0•:teex:,:ei,..rt-thozeti.e7:ivoacridota.actofe•sr. .•Y.:"..t.1..i,).g;-*elttel.. :.41...a.;,':,'.: thee"....IU1)..ii;i;e.. 'AO; 1.4'",R,Ptitraeisf(),.,1PIPTONYI:Uhiy.:*no'',i-ar. ea.' V: re;:* northward ' three& the &reel- :ek- Z_ n- '$*Ze. iiati: *a tt6t.,,, stt. 1 - 'cart -reed ta•Irieli- • • , . •.' - .....•:• . .. ',;arid.olied,',"*.,..Ietrsktio ocip '00e, . ••• , ?,•„. .. • • . „ „ , , •.: .., : . _, . „....ee.,. •,„ • ,eitooleeed endaeeefelieederees.:..ee "ehe, :girding ,'whiele .,i.t. le..emere; diffienit . . , . . ,., , tret.s res.'inngle ',en thi*.beiZeoele.., , .. . , Poe to' . .., . ,, • , , . ..„,w.bee.: .rmi...ilexe.„...hve4 : In . t ese • eegieoeeee, in ,e,eleli: the reigting,.,then. 'to make ,,,thq:defie.ite,..etatement 'et, ' •shinnitte'all dend;Otteretinded, „ ,.. ,',"R:4`err.1- .s .. :- .,. ,,,_ . ..,Se. _ ,•.'e."'"r.e . a1.7.. ,e 7si, Hugh Lo;'. f.,0;•• at or;ards , ,roaind- the,..V.':ariOns• .. 'hes:Pita:14 ' .and. Pt ih.''ee tali' ha7""d :*ire'°' 4'4' se .r - • .. . .., :4 , • : . •w. leeemeries as eeaeo.ceeeee as.: X,he.vee. , iervea;:...1;i:erre't"'.1"..ift'i'663 :ttstg.te'il"..4t,t.:,..fi.. P.irAunk-.et"errit.l. Pattal" 'lighter: .-{041*.th's. • .0 ''.171.Pitia.IP '''' ' . . ' .ed ....P4:-. 4041:1 .-37' 11,-, r6i. : .- -•- . --,- . -- -.,-6 , get&-a••bani,Plete,list.et itttaateS...froiii. enene'fiilly'earined - and , 'oCiuritiped, treee., • reeds paws and. -oreapers. ,,b te.iene .-oek , ,•.;e"toe• . , ., .: ,,eonee ,., •e.iry, .- ..qn.er: ,,,,eah.,..! ,.. ,.,, :. • , , . . ,-.. 'that "Tivikey •Can:..peit in : the field" : , , , • N, )11.$ 0 StirLii.t& WaS. ,'$!.i'. 'alit oe for,-,feRe•4 od V.Ark*I1 -the .WAy from, icover .1,200;000', .'1,tetitl:„....4e,A,ri'ee' -..in• iiintin4-'"tsiti;11*Athhiell11;'htt443.4Pre'alt#L':'Tlii.'cni:i.:$4..tittti91;.);-qv!P"t.',' - . ' ' ' '' '''S°11.1ng* .4:+eivS" • leg' the large trees*: and 1O tel. le% -ter. 500,-006,' the 'latter heing the •esti...,. 1, . _., ,a , ..., ,rif. fiti'' 6.. :1,,nr.' _ ,1*,p,,k,-„A,t .gi.,, z;,,7-,..,---.;,'''.---7-41-h..Hoii- ' yet-,dreaant..Of in', • iir • plilleiSO lieeo....".;- • . ";•Perlitiptethoniiesing man.is safe' .iet toy_ 20 0;11.7,.,6frititeiAini.,g,v;:jho.0,;4ftv..4,4i00.1,pl.d.ifo,,otthride:: .:iyieneetlaille‘v, ec,;laie,,eitielex:,'.;61.i,„ea:,,too. !,,,6e.i.'„,i6d1,6,1133.0.,ar.,,L.4*:,. i‘..1.,:;.y. 0,47,..v.,..:..,,,,s. ...0:4,i,„filFz., ,..i,314:,...,s..,...,04,:,08.,. ,..,.11;..;.'hety..:,:,:e•.%t::tit.,0,6::: '013:11',11'..,et...if.h".0.ntoti.tiet:' a',teih..perit,,..,..,11:1to,lia:•11.ttt_10.t..:','rfo,1•1?„eag..ii...a•at...hrloir..iit.,01•,k. .*`•ii,i ,h,i:TIO14- na.'0111P,a.Pit.ti„olli'oe-',. theritieS, 'AitF,. ,ix.er,6.4.,,f4tr.olexii,t,eitit on this suoret are unusually' favor- ;:tattralrnitila; .litlfth77, .!,.r4',6-;.i7777.:T.:- ;:.,7,... ':'1,:i1.--.17-4ilihT-,:iii- ii-40.41.Ti7 WI,. :lifiii'''', 4 -t -i. -.4.4,4:;- 1',t...i01$-,7'.t.Ii..,4, '-.: .. ''' : I'l ' • : . - Is it'-:-h"Pit If s'r' 4. 'belei°9;ili:se4` .' 9' '2's .nmehbeting,:poliee:-.statio*.e-lied.,e0if sireitii.eteeeenereideleeetiteddred lot,: '..,- ,' ... . .. - .. - . .: , :,--,•,.-,-. .. . ' . -. - :. .::; ,;: .,-.. ,ociiiii.. staifF-44, : iiaio.itia-t-6: iii..t6' 'itio: able, '‘ - : - . r ' ' , . ... • '. Isis ittrig16;''.4eAred'iliaj0104;:,0,41e. 'The hilionk.•,61,•iii40444*.a .:4:;' ' a' lt101401.'0.*,er''''.*Ou'"Iti4'/O IVO§ of our weeeeed nee.efi.' belong .' IU.'.10j.e.'''.6.0.'i° wa.s' 1111Clertilleh ' alttrer.:Wf-t4;0.1?..41,0i4•444.'We.*:;:.dlistinet.l,k,':101t,•*e*ren,•.*ri.P.Ped :ili'....:':.:.. 1 :SI:tared' •Vt'ela Jhetni : - '. ibgi.:to' the Stirae.leglineirta:S the :Man:. 'l'avii"I'A'' °f: tha. whole 1' ihkliba-Y 'Ya. - 1. eerie:nen:Pea. AS he 4.6...,4„.04..-:044.1044.L,ViliOtig. it.t.::.':*-,',and..X•:-.tilod.:'•It6:-:too.o' .. ..,...„, - ,,,.....:'ti.:!$ -.P',.... is%..... 1-_,ii.il. 1.4;.,' ;,,,,f a iktai.6.iii .f.L'ii'..faervvg..1E, ,a:r41:16.' ':,-..<;.-."471•:':-64L, :+;:e1.41:01.W•tr.*-4':4t:',I04.•':i.tii.pta'LT,'irtiPt117:::..t'elitigiogCle' .°a1494ng'1°:r::•his'..'*°4i.4°'• '*'''''• .1*.'ritd4'''''41•*'''124 **:e4.44**:-Icit4::°16 :- ''' The ... ' ' ..".i il• th. *''.e.vi..if 'as' -ae for' nittnnl• A115•PI::uil..'11-illa•'51'.a.3/43'31;:k. '‘7.1;iittl'is4ft*.v!.t.'ia,1011:'5;''t' b:cf,..t:'•I'la,i*if,lallit41,::*.it.e;,Thor- 11:0°: tatt-•' .7iOCIO‘L'-,:l1:1..:krIt514ta'17.:".4?'. Ir''7,14.ri-v,ik--P.:71' ,01A..-P.'cl,.7'.. ,1,..7%,,--'774f-';',.-. ‘,.11...:4.:‘,.8,.,,,b220eticina0:. fit.'i'''..0t:-::6;ktiCiil: :rietiiii,.,,W,,e,lele..taitrit, 0......*Oti.0.,...t.olt:•ett,theet.8r.eege,•oeft'ul'...Poc,.:ife,r, ,,a,t1ritt11 tito,p-:: . •t.Irging...,0.an.ge.rons:' .fq.:.,IniittIa,:dvii. t: .11.%-',,,p,' 1'.4r,0.-',„:,,,,;..-'..,..:•:...,,,:.• ,.„ .-..... .. .„: • . ,• , ., .: e..., :e.rmnied. T a, .. - ,44,et.e:I:iis:tti'.Dn'Sr.,lt:I.,S.0,4.:t.k.:ztilttu.414,itoic:7),;rid:as, ,..4. ,iiiit..1,1,, tui„..:01,,40..to 41 the otioantin .1110,ie, 4 .lh OA .v,ifoitiity,. of letilated, trees....e.Mee-.0yieepathy,.for;fiii iii,IY ilia.i.ind;'°',1"..fr; '1,r4.1 .., .• .P.,,z14:,,,-A,iw•i77,iire-a..&..a.e-,it.-_*6.,.J.., 41 as one 01,_:111, _Were.**Mptc_ lent heel ee paan.ex- ::.1.4:-Ituatri.,,,..0.:;:eli'l:'el.i-13.0hoer.4••„:-',.!!!:t4ilie•-:.i.tShu4Ploe.):1-itnt...e.i.i.if.:,••,6e*eicias,ilribtatoer.t.43h4n‘.rheiliYit.dlie4if;ei :t":1:16 He had ba14,9•...ri..!7„,i.li.,'.i"..311td-•!4::,r7611til t. -1-.01i. theii.:1-.stretcher liettiers„"! ‘Re- died. ill me, :Oherafien ..tak ;'-'"t"O:-daY; 7 UnleSS-%a' ,.. •„, ' , ,. 'viaraStians are :subjectta Servioe, .. ' :We4.,'Oke0,e4i-, 'Maderaturat'StalYai- taken. 'doviet the . iiirerti'i° -.1(iiiii'...trenehes-cha-.-Pula4 hiitoatidur 'to, ';417011.1,•'; q':'44., ''. hint '-horl'otil -*told 1114 •,--11.,a;i1g°-.''has ' Xleen,A13 '-4.611 34111416'' ta:le agitallti:W.14.-it.h.'000i...04t.fixn-P0i.'iroP'"•atte'fit461:1 . ' v. .. ' ' '. ' 'blieti.:4:6116P1.6u'll',1.1•v.i.11;P,,u;seic'ne.,,ileee',11.ftinarlf,...,t1,7; :43.,,,rilltl:V', eto,118:.y...a.o'..coTasiOn-.-4.1:1Y: doubt 115e ".tristietir,,, t„.11-1,:..in..1f941.n0.t_try,_inc_tpa_staglivweatIr ,4,s4traebnpgatth, -.7-ofi,.,• - ' ' ' . ' ' to 'Moir tiVerirr.theli .tr- ` kin- ''• ' • • .4 -- 'iit -'11 • .' Ill .f ore errone • : , . • u le, gea..• an j) into. osp or , . dead.• .. ...ir •1,.,., , -tee.eet'inytiative'hililditig4t4141106i-iYaA'gfill under :treatinenty I 1d to :U'ul•-hed 4a. haat h6.' ''''''°111.(1' tAly*'ard , the •..4.itri,e:d in ' 'the.- spot .'elippouie,t4 .6.artd • pb6it.,,p0fil, .tiroiufir. 61.t,viittla.isottihttirtr,'etrtioneipiki:1;' ... 1..1*"'t°' ''.". V4. 't46..tr4")i**-1.•iall'S' id' ''' "..Ei'veak.'Or tWk; later,' *it'll:a. .t-.-,..,..,;,. ..'o'keth,er. all.d ileanifig, on bia'swqra'ne. woeteer a man m reapy ,...t...ti...t....(ii.:T.e.....t.1.0-.1ii.. ,tA.'iritelid.?...:„.:•rl.e.4,0,4004;0:;,cign; .;.01.srw„4::i,,,.;,:,,ish,i4s,,.:ii._.tohiriciitiiiiii;:us.4:11;k4.,ae.g...0.,,laiyi.y.,,,,,•:noila ilivitah, ,.g.1113.,P,0sea*oh,.,e.i,ter Ok:s.f. h.is.•..eten, ,... r,•.e.ele.si,• an rteltatiyfiehs,. t.olt 1,,,,!._.s .0....,kajc.,:._• „..,iie,‚.but thil4 siiele a force, exieted anywhere. the bur -.-----2: ''.' ' ' ''''''' * ' '' ' '''' - . ' '' ' * ' •- ' •••.' ': --' '41.-- --; 7 ' ' 7 ' '-'"' ' :'**•- ---.. " '-'1--' - ----I'T 'rj-li 7 ----A.q."'te-' 4-eklie. 'tau -1'1U' .0.-n.,.. het. escslryw;p11:11rolNis'eseec'erewls.r°431); ,- . ,'.,n.. -..P. ti.Pe'..r"...... : '''.•; .. '• ' • OS-talitte.,,exeite,dry, ,,,..•:".'...•.--e'eei. -•,-,:-...e- Jena ee ,•liereantee.'•.reepettoilly .,,,,,ilia, .Y!o w,,?Pt-oi.. .:3::ga-Y,' . -Pr:'' , ' . 'al. ; itiet'i : .,i, -,,i --4-yit7iiiit6i4•444,,, oeganizationeantte re-equap.ping.„.,.of i'MUifX' VieriiV'Y'leinals-40-$i,-te7-ek-Aira--iita.Aers'''ter-the'•'••Ttin" ht":' :';-:Malav. • '' "4iist. ae .I reached the edge' :o.• -. il'4:54°. r 41'''' 4. ' - . •••• A i Who' the w•ar, broke but the re- 7----.4.,:',•,`..LOOlr,'--,•:'-liarei-,-Lhos4,11t.T.,..14.7.:7.....gaid;. •;:eitisatthe,..4,iie$tieltfit.-liantrts.iiit ' **.r.-u,...-'2,e.'"•!..u.elueoe' qt....1°4, 1,8t"lacoetrethereqe. ,,,,,....,,, 4 .1,ti31; t$4..,.h..04.4bOillood .i.t'i the':_ojtqattp,:.tirny .tindor• the Gor-: :. "Yett'll - iattgt4 -I kiliqW; betanee you', 'Ine •-paillantailki:iii:-iege...-te.r.te Pe a '.•-•-wer-•:'--..-Aww:4116-..-:-.4".k..:4-.•,*-9--''.''''.:---,-.7 . -- pioet--..,•--'•-..;•;;77-7-:'741.-ie- '' ;-eoe Metiegehertilolvere.der.Aeltee,... *,1:4-P .. ., , , . ,..,s, ao, 40 .,, t , ttry, !...t.e; sounded ,-i,ri:1ta. ttessialy erenT.aere-h y, (I-1 ,I. ., ..„. 11,3 b ee eete •to. under-__way,ohutefat from eomplete ;- ' denVIrelieOe'l in Teed-. thirigie but rii;;.'h • - • ed :Poke l- ''re t' ' • l ' ' • '' • * ' * -:** * .* (it - .1 ' tn- Antt-•°1g.'-'47:71.1:P." -- -•.1-a. : ' *''' ' ' ' ' ' : e y . u -Aitalny to :.*Ork .thi.'",oleatin.; I'lloY. ' .".. The fl night :of the.. Geniis. night.- Another nrelf %A.,,,ii.f4iver , den tleeltara la of Aar y the Ba e,d, in Sa: isfy Qureelve.s as to the e ,, , , . .., .• ; tee • , •o ;„ i_ eoeieeity and there:is:11C- doubt, that ,t -lie,-, -si--3,6-: .'t 1.8,yewl,..b001.1;0 0, to .46s,:a., euegio.:eiseeet ..0,-pe.e.. „:;, e • , . • and dreadful. an. the • ,still.. antugln In pYerr,'"'so... ?We. ' ve il4lor,6-t674hred tk0-0S---t- f-'--tun--ii-j)-ol' ' ' ' . ' t,liti. eit,tae..1,01:11kantaW,11,,"14iii.4:ro. , al: ilic.tthe.: of the liodieli feeetieti, exettejet .Webnetri,o - 0460.044,..:ttnit.thAi.,<Ifre oele.. weeebee, is enc , - a , i e , toinei enc , , _ . )4. I heox'a .xt, .,..0,.,-,„,,,...„..i, ....:4..n.tr.....p.e:Fpint, 1._fi...ett,C4t.i.oeirntilm,„$,,haiindlocir,Toin °eft ii:the.t.:ki.ed:b5_,0i. .ik'•.c jo*tsin'Us'd,tyvtl!,laniicte.fgeeet*totienid ',. that -:t:: jeenifTruetpehlIbp!r,atectialteo!.0:. len' 11 4.+4...aln.. •:•.'h • ' ' 1 • g ' ' •,' '3' ' ' ' 1 1 ---"Y* ' 4 '.1' ' 'Ste' 'el'A aP ' Pri eg"- •:' t " .0 iits'il : • ' : -4. ' e 'till it .14. ,ov ,oilte ito.tuditii..with them; „geew•Itiine to go to bed.: ; . - e - ;cot panee, growing • -rounder and oried th;., •Pook e fello,ea' *ibl.1..l()ut when the German troops poured 'Xiliallee..-4„eti-t.:07±4' •,s.• (2- hixt- .01,4, 0,0,44040 - El'arlY the e't nu'ilmlg I Was up , meeo 'exoltent every. entim.ent. • oeteleing- •, . . : . 3.- 4 . the across- the. neutral' lands of.: B•el- '-fe...--e, o. toevaeo.....,ee,a,M• a Vort(i.-: .. 7 Th" the.F1';',we,s .6.;.° c'...(1! 't. .giunt. ti, tal4':'•the:•'itili;'- 'di:i"Lahling'.: the 'Itn''''' ultoki..V.'fo...t,idlY.' bath; ' .g.3t.littt-1,...... 1 =tin . . it.oiint ..rovcajlowia ,,,....., out ef- ei., aye. s o ,. tea y .for the -made Y •men arid hive killed .ManY. oh es buriateeervice , is•- read, le, . us . . Th. ' ' h' '• ' 1 A '` f „own toekeeee•„ . e.: . '7., ‘•. 7; ^.::;,..,:_tfil.:)..trik .400ti ....,04,1ting .te;....,014"'.up., i3.1 ,-;hunts, ,h4t,..'"ciliat. t heaxd that hope,t, our hle4rOred.erar_,eetitknan4,}tpelinacvet,08.8.,:ff Inc .:,'6ro6:iiltitsEc'bwili,rteggT,:tii•loetlocieln8ittrieyr - ei 'ere . . • ..t , ee. .• .rey ogee SW,tig whale I' vraa •leb My ni lie I tok, ns f. ' 4 - •Tbe ch 10 one word mere • acetate r leel.a • er y ea eou no ete• enern - eh- , . • • • - - . . • e ' '• : - • • . It - , • ' . • - -• • ,e• • ArrAY. 'tad:Ale-of •the. beet teginients anolt iti. ' .I inquired, - • • . kept toming•ele-t,• er aud closer, bie;--.,...to zee a flower in -any, ,,g,artlere) ,,.wi.a.• , ,l,ti..,trtiarrelut., . a eA,). A vat i . r e . • . 1 '-' • bat • Proeeedirig -*few' -Paess-doWh.' tiebewlinge•WhiehineloSed ria&likP a .g . ---'-'-'llaito--el•Alte-F.rieteme-iitee .• ilr,oi. 6`1 uP1;°. Anti 41c.'giort''''oas•11:41:10i'• In • draeving to ' the teritte of the eirolo Stilt less in house or oottage,•• in amount •PA' ° TY . 'aus.' ' genera', te. inash th t°' b . ' -i. ' " . • a u--ne-cs.. Iv 1 e You "-. ' the path to the liathhot 'e.e • I itatie'' -bAin s44:,,, .1;‘, 44,, _fella it „.,4,,,,,,,, et see .41.1„1" he.-7-hA*616.-T.:, tif4t.t.:-ILthoilight-4104_ •ailtire' i.-lwastaii4tha e tiit,:'. • Vat, °It eveil-grai7e"-uildt• ''°6-44,t•.11,0,11/8111,LWi.EIT.t'antitittrti,c 't°r1.0.tiugg,4:i°r" igett.::tbe:„.0b1aaa„ iela as, chop,. heirtietingi for aereeinient or :twee I Pt . S'AW 'el --,eitr-ly ' there . Nseia,..S.'-i'lii- "hitte-V4Siteti.;.:,seerefiee' the. .._130,444n,ox. , , . , , - , • - . . Pw $4, at it,,.. :tin: 4.4.1 f., e xitiao evavereel aa tile Whether:I eheieTd.,g0 tante: Of sevings raYself 'allien the 'Put. 1.11:°P:::Prbg'Its: 4Pl'ilb'wers''*144'6"11' tWi.:6U-,:gotftrinit'iv.ItitigIlh•gle.P;. IntU1-1;71--....4. l'141:!ilr ,., . .. , ,, -, 1. , .• • , • ,. • , On Weithou;titily iitithat,. and risk Via (Argo had &Med '13aTli*ii-Ileii- Mee of oiterg•reeneee eltideenete:_. Of 'red, elretheintcrval-eatioe that meare .the... farlr reorni-iiK sin on the hack et" . I \went rtoitirig-,,IlieW I managed- it . white and .blue ribbon, to -testify -,•-, , :inicrel. "ton fWa,..'fitani'- • teovornment, vith Getman assist. . °at' 06: ri) for•I*043, or money,. • get, it,: : Very- fortunattlys. i I., .6 1 hundred 'Yards au s'. :1 .rettehed ‘ wilt 1 .4441 got 4 toot to :go illy 'nook ttn4 eeTeleee; or whettiPr ,t don't kriee;v-trovard Sorileebilahes - theie affeeeion for out artily. ' - - tutithrito among the ire.eal 1,./alayti..petied, I . went 'back; And 'presently- voids .top,olirej to fight,:og kris as 1 -, 10. tee& troops, and.,eroyally Y • . I sbourd, walk baek to the holiee 'to as ...t... -a,-*- • them arid dropped to tli*e,ground, ' I afleld. •I have been. •billeted . with °;rgeetleid4iatIZ. ittlist°*,,,,tiattrttillsi.etbbrePfLoc-..' ,..,xy and . - . h. . eskee me tante, hie ben..ehrrying on the re.- . „w etings live . *he' . tiYa Strap thy it latliffieult to eaY. - to Po beat* 'thenv. e: .. .".• .*. . ' hanth 'eheatiOit lig-0'0' ttleha'aCiii) Ttheriiii'''-artlierliVideirTef-tthe -414"0".h-P4rt•I'•ft!An their* 'PivP' 14* 'tile of „,1",' 'vet who •had Man idols- otiatleo,myeMalay,eenteitetoe, to run •dreed. lirebe-above mi.. , . A tiie trees. ' Unable ,te.pPend more t'iM6 ilt. tile 44 th# 'WO Oinin.011k;tieett,'„atill, mare...wood; In the darkheati I toilld dee. Ol--ther'illrlItOittle-f`S.f*Otttid--'21..t. '7''.,11.--.14.1r,--.7.,,,,!...,..t.„..,..-.. e3:.:t.th inity, with. great ,aiinetilty I Per-•' h.* 'their ' gaunt &ad trunk atid dim ilittdo*60.okihg.t4Io‘aly.,be.etvotik 'them, • ., , . • • „ thc l'ciaalll'iii•S two••tiii.eg;';'61-'2,illd#1911.1•"...-'reto orff4heetillAizalift,ittg" the, ',their he*.iing Ailed the night, XOW tertire-of-being.Gerietneprieoneri,, end. Chinese iferiiittl'his &tate:rat:14s • eatiie one agai-L: With iny :sera 'efip,ee could; . e ibtia my ,ititi4g4 revptver 1 I. iiiia,:v4ei,m'etict!rtia.ihtlae.vidorn. ttlikt,V,w'•!L)-.ite,1-6,1.,titth8611;11 2. :. • g .,..,„. abkolkto.,eefuettAeofeerieone.to•teeieh ssing lily men At the door,: I • .....fhe Wolves, earn. • nea;rere and: ' and women 'AO hfVO'nodergottertho tO, What .104. taapp..oetli and the o ' - ,- - . . and n'. &word, ' '41; Notiojere,elanuathinfitnrbi,thiitni4rAieurti..,:rolr,i'taS, ierilizinr'etctah:tehtnebtolue.vvintti.a.:h:pp. 8.1terirettininer oAa itiol• .4eivol'o out ...of the: wiorta. city '.of Senile rind- e.floken With .the a ,' ' ei hmt..e. slept ee, eb,o etheetors„d ..tTlitoelutthoeitighhotwalletwmaoerloiltet6ihteivriat000el -vv,orE: nipe the ea ; anlarg,, _ exee :great MAny years Agitirthe've 11,1 lilt 4-4 eat IliaorY. • , $gria, 41 1'10'/' • markilig out 'itho zitet, T,,Itriowyeige ". of , the White eneee .1, .4.,4ZeleettieffretoriteteTrtei4eiletgatrIc li4err*°d*,t .6lonctiteti at, i'l'ipi•ibtl°x•iec.),Ightalirrtelic'tIlitit tietTriiitil;Wtblie6. 11$14111tik:',".4.1)6.1tdb.41'6°tIl'Ort''-ihiVealritill'6'i,31B:i68111: , left -thy leen to nuke propitiaorY '3t/rike/t. rill attitttlet Ana: Ohalriftg V\. otml stood tbue for rilMile inintit0s. keYe in his Po:Olt-et, .eletilied etp into -timee full and at other tidies only a. .11 Iht treseent or • tts • we t•I' - lialt. . oftestp ta the: hantat;Ufore oath. ,rist` it the two 'tree&, elialle'riged•the 'Then ,, wthtr, wolf low e . front the ;belfry 'while. the Germane *eft g. • _ . a , i • .Y, •olencieibie building'. - - . , - bantue, in nig n-p.o.st. vitnperativ4 .-abirriewhoit: oar on the ' „leattletiteld,:- 011atitig it'f j11. Order to he 'alio to PleePet°4,:.!. Ite,e°.d'ilh,e13;:teTiti'44.11teee6)40.eellf•i.d,e;I:le.'We.".telhit.i.: •A month 'later it was, Completed Malay, to &nue' tlowity.,synti ;theme -tire '614 44 'at once' 'the pack began to eigillel tiel big 0001C 'be.10W. 'Mien thOY . without 'ittod.denti and 'cul' IV llat•-atrau;Itill'oatal the u'Utieliavlhg! 'tt'lld ''1110-Ve+, Vith011'f,hitete , iti tt little de.. Willa 164ve, th6 tovii, ' - 11h6 '14".let. . V41111./e thez itavo to ttit for tho •word tam the fate Ni'dt ill the- mighbor%04)(1 the Iiiela. a'oirte3 -erang DOW .(cduta ' 111.01.),'. 'liberate trot they NY4tit past roe, ., • . Strihieg Intehleet..; t '1161b, f. 6.:Ibto' 610.0a, . The word hes.; 1).een was. eetuineil by gly.•Irlend, And X. I-made:an inipreseive Pattae 'ED ialloW istethe ve.ry olump of bushes where ..,:._.!:(4,,thAteereate, it,r6f,10111CirGolliP.Itili., til)i.org,t,(1! ;Ny14 ir, gwi, ,)„,„(1 ,.,,pn, $ kite through Salak on , Wad, lyorlis.: As they '1614 to,avaii tin ll Xoe •ono eulteed toward ,oia., X nittriddl and tha,Ve 0.1.11101L'.8e4 ‘''rith 77417. ,L.er:142._..aP 406 4 ''',ia gl°P. t4* thP 'Pa'b*, carepe4 there for u.., night ort 1'0 way ,thein hilt opportunity; ' . ' witia 4r..ittin g' with drawee' revolver. was re, .A footpath led Afton): I( 41 top ot, of the dhalle ttp.)'. t. laughed itrium. wakohm. Neat eme 014 ho. , wont by,„ Gerinaleieounded,who *eke .no te,, if ut.qg $t'illu PlitSY '6'0 14% Pet ,11,t,1810.3 the lan,,,idown the Itzekt to. 47.011111. PhantlY. . Tat Iny tte.rem ,okiortio „enwtting flat 110. Woult1 sprinf a %rot of having' been shot by their <".P1' ulti01, 44Ywh'el.43 1110W.. )111,t fow.. Well. near whiolt a tiny 'batlitiowe unytrvaulting• over the, fallOit iet11114; no, / don't know lroW many I iere (mit battle Police: - ' -. illirik 41,441116.&11fin" 'LW' 6"7"1' 'I') h6t 'hod been ;built. Ott emit sifle of thia e'llAke 0WhIll14 to 016 ground, with a ',wore, lira thorp will* 'tor mow "In one lotel A sPY' Nta6. ea,tight tho, 11"1,:kithrri b1;641.gt*,,ty t 1: di 101,1 ,. . nt f t 4111113' little eighteen -in -di ratlt the iblitliah blow. oii the 'heivi 11 411 dray. ray. 401; trottlog, .0. ;tifilt fly to; the ,fledt` IsAti:1446'Ititig anY Chatiffenea bedre•ein I" 's11 4 4 . e0Onatir.Y:4 . : iti tfil40 .:.g ro 'CV tit> Itil4 I 1 ''.1:e.;111°t 4611"11. to' Irt”, 'hiri,t' •'4111.e41 0 edit:teethe dead wove lying, . • 'ter ,-i*PeVe• She Wiasr. kielted .up P11 ell iu.'41,",;.,,, • sprung.up with the usual': rapi4ity 1001? of oparitO before ,ins- eyee, , 41 1,v,mq . mercifully . Oloweit 'to within ten minutes. '' ' . '' of tropical, vegetation, 4,141 rentaith od left Me for a, fOW monde lying ,14.,,q.e. fx.ito unton6diougoe.a& aobn tit. "And: lot cheerfulness oointikon4 , '"Aett Yee tag YolLate herk' dealt ... 4 ed tillt4', .litift•CASi .0Aitiglt itt, IV, friend. stutinkt o#: the ,groutgowoluteringAer:. .,,At, swathe i waq,Di.e..keti Atp., nie to the pritish seldier in hospital, ' daritiK•the '81°,64- Of r 4130 1101,v ral' stettta, :to. tii( .rofisal: - ot ''' Witi 'eonfuuilly not ,gply why ,.;uay Irtell 'still uttoomelous) hy.4 Costa* .0.14, 1. .t'4116, Imo eifo .06 Bentley and ' it- servoll", "A la eartei: ' .01. coolies to work anywitcrO-neitr , the, ,liaiti,-talten--ein4 vitr4)14twa...,tePs. to, itaio:$•!, ., . , , 'heat4 thein„ 'in One Wiird tinfoil, the .4 "comet. sr' etropture shows: • EORL Hundredth as they lay in their ll 'CRORS VIORt 'AT FRONT hedi' .wheu e n yin , 'Well, you are good -plucked ones to, sing thattheree-40:whieh 'the 'general an - ewer VAN' '-'1V's better to sing than to cry, ;isn't it, "I • only :lave one man crying. The doctor ogee to •, eceidort AIM; wyo we!ilt ejlee-etnr and eiaide,he-wouleleoereha but as the. mao'.,: with gentle ecciin said : OL Treeing the- not erying About MY' leg,' but because 41:19t. OfflGet •40 * • was Carrying him fioin,the trenches ' -Shortly ,after the outbreak of the- iniveyearms.': .• . • • . -war, el:an Maleolent, ." *Ah,. well, . soniebedy'S" gat to M.P. for ere -Aloe,. England, joined 'get is the general 'commene of the 'Ited Cross service, which be the wounded. •• -Let ' that be , our has been, etreneetisly engaged, -be philosophy. great £444:1;u0ble France. -' 04110e-': :sTp may. all :have to' get it \\Triting from Franee he.d.rtr.ws: &°°"1. or later -bel.'"vem°11t' SOrne , piotnreS scenes ertY,," Pain; deprivations of everyhind the ftring 1ine.' , sort And land, Pray: Ged :that we pouf. lei.7a,es doctors, ' our maY•lhave...eourage., to 'face our lot- te s and anibillanees and .hospi- with.,the, glorious., teuraee our tale, are,ralieVing-,,paizarhard. .nusery frier. -ds en the . forces. by land and every 'hour. of the. day.,"1', he says, , . '• " 'While. the • 'wounded. and- Missing- ", • - labors •Without..cq4sing STRENGTI1. hiing'elefinite.neWs of dear, ones., • like VIVIDLY PICTURED BY IRN ItIALCOLI14 Soldier :WOOS of ,Experieneee Miaow Pap; Tribilte te Mho! tor'e Bravery. • Shefeeld is hearing !rem. her seres at the front. , . • ' --Private- -A;'• 19Kko4erll'arn,. who is. in the end Yorkshire: Beiglinent; Ari4f lives Sheffield; -Eiagra-iitte-writes home to his mother that he ha* Wen • wounded in. t hand." "Vile fighting is geing on all the tirace ..;he Pctdo, "tend there is not rattan chance reef); We lost our -colonel and that upset all the bat- talion as he wae A real geed fellow. We lie. int:he treuelies end if we get op jest, to , hale a. look round they get ele ehot At. eci And 'they are sending hig over our tremehes alI the time. holes these f(hePs make' you :e.oald' bury hoeeentl cart'io, ',It :mace Yene very sad to *e .the people ' leaving' their henaee and the Ge#mani. destroying the Places. When the poor folks eeturn they And their hemea.01111 burnt to •the ground, But; never mind* 004 is making them seller for it now, • Enemy Using. Thousand. "The Germans inuet.-• he • losing thoueands of MeP. )33rIlv6 'time You t40 .010.^10,10" So%11. 41' tt: • - 0111 thc: Farin $ 4e4keeeeereeleet ',..o,,04ov,. - . ,.., . . , WriniAlte.6.° en Pleasure llorses.' ' There are inany Venaishe$, ;In 'horses, t.lint ,clo ne4 Imp* 118e11114ess ..'bu..t, wactl04,113i iieli&"; them enet' for the pleusnee velli,ele. A llorno with erur4 knee, envila 'honest Arbor o.n• Ole laar4 944 '.11°.- • will elte"many aorta of work in the e/ty, but .43,-04.'illeve,a: had' ta':.,. the emcee:apse- of teeepreaeure eett' .", age. , --- 'There lire blemiehese to neinereile to •mentioe that practicallY IWO ft, -Ogee for theporposee Ab9V0 'men- tioried, : • . , e, . , • ' Ceeked pcisteilia, capped •• hoeks, 'seraggy 1114140 and tails,. .. sprung knees, ,epairins; bog or honeOl*ss .of •one• eYfe .e.e.erreel. knees (a sure aign • of the etehrbler).. spriets,erinebouee , sweeney or or: :atrophy of the..elionider :. :inueelele,...the natural earriege 0 . a., • 'low heed and interferibe, . •-• T104$ are eorne of the. appa,rentl,y, in S * : . ;09i t5 . . leleviiiihes ethat ee too:. it: fi ma . liorsea. suffer freni aoll„any one 1 thein will render unfit . ter . e.pleeeure vehicle,. • - . leo .not listen to dsialers or even .. to your beet friend and buy a. horse that has .blienielies on .hirnif you Want him for. preaeore per- . pages.: - .• • ' . e."- - • - receive this letter I' ekpect I shall • 41glit-Well'and 'IreadY.lor-emother',. Islotee -of the alitepte140', . awee. eett6i.syoaar:haelneeagto4 'Sheep feeding is a 'business in which the hope of profit aod cep, pf:4 at the Germans, They have „ a • . • and inen of have " sirch. young Piles at the front tatoty of ineking the land more fere- end when yoU theixt,they_Aout 'tile shoeld ettlerzeet to the venture. betfer the tare. the MOTO they re get for mercy. The Eng s give respond to of,io. care.; Ti-kp mercy, but some of the Germano when they get: oureferlows give them -poieh•-inercer.." A eon of J 16 Broepo BMW •was: with the TwaIi(1.611 Se0t- 'tiOp rarely disappoints ite -owner. spend. ( We need 'more ainall docks ou ;Snell a • . . The feirs supply a splendid oP- portunity fur beginners to find oil for themselves what • oonstibutes - Mutton forin and, excellence. The lamb that cashes , the. meet_ money. in the fall is not the produote of 'poverty ; he is a delicately mode elTd and finished creature. of ale" , ; tsitisgn, 1,,heir. oclehrated charge, an. d , "We, hadabeet A day and a pi qi. it with rp..th,e'r .hoalty..losses. The Majority, I an pleased,„to pay, were net very:fiCavily .:Wounded,„ i .was giail to ,,ge,t away from the eeineen 7 PAii11617 fire, whiele was very waren .stoffO Wee are now away ftora it aodeliaving .0; good rest; f)lqu'PY di . hairy SuggeSiteltae. , timeg:11.4.'cia:1410..11:c' ,:e9,1...13aP%T:::gilrly-e4ra.r.,g.. 71: .0ream left on 'the Milk : too 11°Cg ..' . :. - t/e, .41fred ' iicae has -received aill ill" *. ilLg..tie!r;bullr,•erchaulirdnirolcleideh;teOfet;e: --,tareStiOR-letter,froinl•ILRagarthoi loi.ig.:411, eheewinteretimee..e.e.eor who fouled theee,rtillite"tie the out- , in the perfect ereamery.,_ :Oak 41.4-• ° th,(wr;htihz3v.; a)bicez,. line. ..t.yhoserthiacLi;st. , Mal- heat' and odorare go Hp it 'rid 'of as soon as pOisible, ......- . - • break of the war. Ite. writes,:- 'Severer:Of any'Aot, myself fiachic10, ' 3Y4ilic%)ai's 'D'A(I'Pail5.. are 1611 .'twabt?iiedart'oe.tha6rtRill.:Feri,rnitca watrloata.- :better for a good liTI :bath 'fri :a, hot • ti.M_e of it, . The enemy Made '51P$W.e''itSbet'da;"i.reYeardl:Cde atr tiihitliik'Cbin det6rmined • virfpitt.„ to. iii10,0e our The sooner milk is Set in Lieee0 :gonciani,iiiiiinviti09t1.4eu. htesariisrpo,:ii,ritri4t place ready fx"IlIe Orenan. to riee,; • • 'MY .battery • especially, the slaughter t:4U*E3 st91-76'.onlfy'aiSealtiratthijbeetrt Mill be. :bine::C.inai-- -of: tlie,''GO'rinaila Was .LIAVfail..: 'Only i.ty,.., and grain 'foe .ibutter.. these who have witnessed the terri, siontiftegiani.:gtioh:heile3ioriteb.017talloati.; igthwtei:*atinktioi el, bat. is A real farmer 1 Vre.euie • Thii.,Real /.4,ariner. lite effects , Of modern warfare ea.:a zotoe. horrifying iiigritmare. Dante a th":52 e''Pre'ssiu.n, tae.,:dree.43e what we ,•.: 'Inferno. at its worstas a mere ,noth.' often and desire .eolintlfie ,teco°drinoallwdAltey-to.&:.otrt(iliteoit,hzitiinsWde ''''.irt'':431.1ariteeiioopilitiew r, mean.whinalcA"'ehailS Itri.1141'-avis-tiallii:Pttb9 ' land and who lives. on,the land :be . the vest. - The o.ereseni; are riot.all, vvoilks.. gen -N;the 'Own farm lands. Ilailvtterwitcd-alike-agttrtieoaltout rrahvoexi; tahmetScri: -their propel -re, or 'letoling • it-One- 841d''..live in towns. or cities; rentin* . rushed Ao certain death unflinching-, shares, etre not farmers, even lyt. We learn very little -here. of elle they claim. to he .farmees. `lhe teat. • progress of the allies .generally; as is not e sentimental one; hut °collo- we have had: no, ,newspapor's for. a uric. ,-.1.1,cal farmers live ibee evoorle .., „ • long time, lent I venture the opinion alone7oa'is-the land. . that:. in view of the eriorneous ex- ' , . - . ._'1. . :t .penditure arid slaughte•r ehat lame- . . nig. oni 'daily -it ;menet, he of:long SOLDIPAIS-Pne-k•Pt.oPI.Ps- war.." • • ' - . Hussars' hot. 'L'ime'. • . lq-ot titled-. to ..ColtleiVeletheereel., oFdreptir•-40,gooeoleii'lego,4. attr•tclet-useavp: etitoetre otfi-otithee.: .. .: illanYt. Are .11**fuell • - .. . .. .is at. Matlock, writes etb,°•11j5 Par- Troops ;froth, the trOpies, are su , --enti.:.---"The leth Iluse-ars-eaoght it fteiire*ing ,panostietnal:',. . firuana tthlr„, _csoe,115, ..jaann : hot to -day. We tIon't know 410,w trenches. Phis is .especially_triac eif'. many have gone •unde,r, as they Are thp Senegalese.. . In- 'many, it...ages ,.• buried. in 'their own trenehea. • The their toes or feet have been. frozen Germane ,got the range ' with their eo badly that , iniptetetitnee liove• . big:guns and dropped shells right been necessary, ' . :-. `1' ' into the trench,es. They belong to Mrs. 'Ilerry Floyd, ehief °omen:li- mit brigade end have been , very sion.er, of the • Fre•neh -wounded • , Malty Until' 'to-daY... '.''Otir • airinair emergence -e'en& e-Ao-ees-.eleee'Ve---.'.... :rave been doing fule 'emelt .1.ettilY. turned to .Lonclonefiem -a visit -tti: : .Thef-eakei-Mere.chanteeeethan ann. the lie.enteh botpitale' at.: r AgArr ,, •.:_ body • by ileing. eletit over :ehe,(4--eee- teeiouee,eioneenkee___.eieeeeeellk. aeld_..:_ee....„ • Min trenches, and direlet. °lir artile• other, points,,eells, et the suffering, of ' • ,lery fire by, dropping differently -cal,- :the ..:,,oldiers, from . the tit ;Ric*. She, <Peed 'lights: 'MY' word! Talk about says alio that 'many of the hospitals,. lieing eCtleerefrre:'-'21Tel-get-it 'Irv- Wir&-hadly m .need ol, anoeStheties;. .. ' der, over . and all amuncl.„ Lint an tetanus serunt,, ' stirgiCal .. instru,.. : aeroplane ',on the move takes `sOrne meets and surgeons, . .• . • . , - • :. hitting. If. people wane to know : "In On,e hoz:pita! It ewe. SonsgaL... -.what -at is. like oilt here let; them feseeoperated• upon entheut -th•-e*.u.se- , join the larritY and try it, It .in4ght of; an anaesthetic," -sald 3.‘11,4, surpriSe a few. Hell on earth ,as•ret Floyd_ reneir, toos had 1.1g.o.n1 .ly.:-, . zett, a•ied ireme.dieto. empotaeten \tam neeeteary. ' • • :- :• - . 'All. the :Wen, ‹.1 ene floriagale,sa : were..rentaved ,withait evett A groan ' .. feasmehineeefintideteyheleapsel:teera the OPerating, '•tahie vand .,bea,;an` ,•seklrehing• for ,o-nfitielog, .. V'te' .30.011.-.. ''- i',Orq #11,114 nurse could not discover . Whet be' Witalted.:--110 foul -4,41. ptpe,' -filled it e arid ley -clowo, -etoitieg •to deaden the pain. Theo he began to • • pray in e "The toura,ee . 41d heroisni el_ these mpir is .simply b,tiyoed belief. They never toreplein, but their sef. terings ih the •Voitt elteeleee are Pitt- ing •and edeke are .1;etl;y: ne. celed ,n;•,'• 44* laigket;,.. -Ii5..ifir the herpltals and ,e,..r14,aioe,?,;;,..I.V,,ti'' bornOS ail nOrthera Viur.ee. . . ., •`"Npliokl fever. now see Me i',( li live eiree, , I 7 ih There has been °Ile continued roar of artillery and rifle fire all last niiht laud to -day; and it Elva on. Iteeehtry we had another black. daYte.-1 hieing 1.4 inehiding our Major:BeeVening; and ailother Officer; ' 'wounded_ And Ith*Iniss.: ing. We had 34 casualties in cnir stitiatiron.'k • Ilin t-• • Slie etiticollv ejtanairied. the gold ;In&vn were set before her and then requested the clerk to show' her another line. •She decided. OA a pair,. plar;i1,4ring..t0.,hetiolf4.....„,.. riteti,l'in' Auto 'he'Irrike'ilieSe;" "Do you carte, for any initials, Ansel" queried the clerk, • bee gangt• ra time, Von may'engr1LV6"411-e'-1eL-tej rattrli4 AlriAlififfillitiailae.,31i0itiNa' "or :itTriterri6riet):111re;Pni:16*:1titi!.tld'ati1106116:°-1(.1°01.kW,Ia‘E'''Mle;.. to tre, nit eltis,.....of_•:e..._ntstati7 eafts.:,41 Uriah or trlyseest Namea earn - in gire•ithd itlisa, if it ' bityrtnetr, paletaairrieeg,'s.aa,c11114elselli .1)A6s.'Pritit,:r;141yLiclacl: theneing with are ae very rere„" o • the laek of eartim, There le ;Aliso , great need electricel eqtlipirient ^ th.e young wie, Y. 111411' P1:4:1,11(11).:tiei'-eilited." • A •;1 keet thete."0 rePort, frone 171,611004,•thate concrete -bitefor Oernian ,a111111.1itti,fe. ,•.16o,ett 1161iti),,,o; ''wOrti. 'you• 'heat .(toM lIolleed, ;Tile googtagiy ,saya it IS a 1ow..1.1,,titittountryv • ° Itoverseill Cobalitioi84 \t, " "I met Jones on the etentneel hs weagoing abroad for a nip" ulemes, cr 1: remember that' Clan when he didn't 'know NtliNT hie next ineal was emeing from." "Well; it; was it the opposite what 1 146 bite Oil tile PAPatiter 10.1eW wh'e,re laqt meal wee going to," • 41. •••