HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-14, Page 5Thursday, January' i4th, 19t5:
On Paces--thetowest
All" silk 'Neck Scarfs in'
' kinds ot. fancy cosorl, are
albgain -from, to
LadR ,. 40(1 hlld...
's sweater Coats are -to-
Le cteared•at very reas�snable
i .- . "tr r' the ..,Ghristitnas=
��'1Ges 'after
and New, Year'strade,;
Suits : and Overcoats,..
�11�c� �+nll s.�• ,
-'• o s'' fine 'Wor-
�l� a
�+�li �: c�ilt� y .
at ver'..reacotlable prICCS',,
• Don't :miss ,our
or every pur-
pose, u� fP
c oth, Useful,-
pose, ..
t Oil` .its • 'Caps,
Big: r�da� ,1
�; : ` Clive � and
black a d'white .check
other 'fancy colors for win-
ter wear.,a L "
Tne'Lo N,o
The �Coune of • 'Ilowi41k. I ownsliip,
includiMlg the ,room and deputy Pt
1914 Imo re.clected by acclamation.
, fter�sert.ing. 25 years; ;u cloth
leader in: the Presbyterian church,
Wingharn, George 0 in. hags resagned ;,
thatrositicn, ° .
Stewart, who for the past live.
years, has praewcod .his profession at
�Belgrave, ha deeided to retire
business.on nccuunt of Unlash)).
',the past • o.ee . at Prosperity was'
- aiitiT a?ir .Arid.
clawed' at ille�rad�ofi rite- p r r
thee° whohiave. not put up• -mall b
in. that vicinity have now to get' their
mail at Auburn or Dungannon.
' Messrs.• George and John Oibson, Vii£
;\Vilnuipeg, sons of Mr Time. Gibson,
former) of •:W.ioacetor, aro in the sae
;arid continent: �.'hts: wit intake :s kit
of the Gibson family iu Kitelaei1Cx'a
ono,„,er in protest Conciliatory` In
Tone !redress PrornieedIn der-
thin. eaac :V�Vaaic > tict4
Great De'tain's n elimltiary reply to
the not from. • the, United wtatee
tioverunlent requesting. on improve-
ment iri the treatment of 'Atneriean
o,arainlerre hY thio BBritiilt deet .wau
toad public i -.Sunday. '
'rite l3ritti+li ,�cputtattnication enuen�ra
In the' *few of the United. States that
Commerce between . iieutrai . iiationa
eIrouldbe interfered with ouiy when,
itcipeirativf' nese ar9, ;uI1kkiiil3
:of `tli i” 'za iitigti>n 'Oovcrnnent Con.
s ed it:its .conCededathnt_.;t»e, grin-
tray .
clples exprc sped; by the American note
were lust and. upheld by^ the previous
1y accepted usages of-interilatiOnai
An in reue in motor house foes ell.
t t d t boost the Provincial re- A London deetrateli say's that .Cap»
vea c o 0109,909i -10o - Denzil Ons o,,r .O c1trane. NeVitof
vgtiuQ• from that swim. by • of lPrincess. Patriciate 07iti Di>tht In -
wars , put through} by' the i� o rinciaal
Cabinet recently: The pew tem
vhich•will be' applied! to alt Boon
for Tfi represent general settling up
fear/ hail. beau 1ClliLeti iu Ont. fighting
Thio would indicate t ,at the Prin.
tele Patricia•'s Bove. at last been itr
»' t rates Gaarged, and it is only tlao eetian. They were reported A ie r
vi Iia,
ve .y;light ears )41 #11 will escape svittl days' ago tint the reserve !ranchos in
less: than double the old ,,14 fee per' car France.
. new rate's' cannot be put in Capt. Newton, 'I►I.V.0. WAS.* :soli Of
As the
operation at once, tires , Government, • George Onslow Newton} and Lady
o ilces that; rho o1;i x914 licenses ,Mice • Newton. Ile wag'; educated
a 1.
and .0Aqu and t1ie. Loyal Military
•�vt11�-rQcoguiiz� t}1t, to .Tnntar� �isb,..' _ l�,iddox:"Regi-,.:
Dryad -with tile .
• h t -anal •s
Nnl 'coma In o e eC : was A.P.O.to the Furl o un
1815, upon which flag t e . n fates
Meat" 1n. the l3+outth.:Mewed . ar •
1 i s f D don:tid,
T11e;. t o fho " "following
fair. the in 1902'-04 Whet the latter .conanaand-r`
TraynlPnI of the following• fees, accord- ed the Canadian militia. amid later' to
�,; iv r or less; x:.00; between, 2G o sr . 'k SleneraX, ".In �.B1Q he entered
lint 3 p9 + x ee
anti 3.� ionise pciwer; ;:�19,' .between 3a �">
bttaijas�s 1.n. lliantreal, a4 i�$Dreelgi?•ta.•
trig to the horse pllwiers of the cars` 2a Maxx Grey 'Using' the tatter's term. as
G , korai. ower . 1 0,• direr a0li+ari a tivo •of• tiio:,eanantre Ageii0}�,. roe. m ta,
and P p•
int issued by Secretary Riled,. owe $25. • ":. and was cnected .as. a,. director with
:statement _
>i anid; powers,
` • ,� ; Ali electric
�rebt^yea, ;vd►tlt ChM e�cCel?t- a .nutnbe�r �':pQmkauiea, t�;Dt� view•
li& coni gird „ , • the •l tr a miser' of .rho. Mo it. Royal `
#xis az:s�vet being p;..4,.......,... : ,194Of trucks, vill'b -itha geed, tun vias Hie . r. 1ub* .'
rote deck ~xa;,, . pIIt luta• r ll ;canny- . l[ontrealt, .<the 11.41"41•1‘
,ideaU .
not beialtr . ii ; 4,.. A
t st Ana coli rant !!aril ins cial r -follicles
it . $ s c tinct ' 'Ottaitr , ,4, -
lY r�o wt 1 po c t • 1 ' l used solg3c a u li �
. K. o the: 'Moat t3ucces&ful. enter
Qxte � . • 1 s.
aur. Ants ever given in the
t � .�. n 'et
.if Ethel, Vias. that "of =the • evening
Decei hci�.4. th.,'°0ithen,' the VYtmau's
Inst tute'.wi>s rospousible,.for the ar,
raniget rent l p4 irocejds� a,tyoutited to.;
over X71 0l), all 'et whtvh was donated
to the `.1ted Oros $o siety, •
The Business Metes Asaoeiation . of
Wingham, baa made arrangements for
. • , • :.- . Horse fa'it' and exhibition an rise 13th:
if each mionth beginning :on 44nua47
ban, of Asp
ris nottolae curedP
by harsh_ pii :ga
prom girlhostl to old AftP.
these little red health re-
' 'starers are. an' unfaillror
guide ta an netivaliverand
stomach. Take a
Chamberlain's Stomach
Tablet iltlnight and tho
et:Air istomach and Or -
nictitation; and the
or bY-tnnitirent-
flippant, Hands y2
'Pio 'Wowing lsri0g,Will be A-
.• Rev. Dr.. Barber of LiatOvVeli
Ili easels WV the evenin 4 9f ,the' 215t.;
when his subiect will 'he qiew I'Es
giro daly formal eomment'Made is
washingWa. wast contained, 14,-40. 'brier'
re ; , ,».., . •mercies Ve ixc ea uK >-
vror 1' recei�ooi '
t1le:, fell..nc all nintor trucks s' itis; a catrYteg ca6p,ac-. ,
•llrictl ,, rise k3�itlsti •ngker. tl% can �•} will �;$,; aSid.
Y s r Hasa pay , • PTI
.ceding -:the j ineiplcs of, tiro .Aui4S"i tta,.n., .ity eft wo'"wa s Will'.s' jiny. P$'- ever; ton mo
Goverinneut's ec, 1t , ioae Pointe:700..411 :all over - -i'' lp. x�'rit3 er; to
.. z '
I ;culties, lis„ ..rt tnn1 1:praetice,.,, refers 114, motorcycle t;. 1i' _'that' „6.3.
. . Time'
in Tho regulation • a i rilrelee.$e any
to alleged, fi�iuii?leit'�£,�,,;�xactires • by' ,
shippers and bites statistics showing -pperson*for,.
stn. een
Increase rather than a .decrease In et+ibe`r"•`i'st and DQeediber• 3lst; rf any
certain neutral cOminerce in support year ...:�� ha.,�+.� r�ay.on7v half . ,f
•of Great 'I3ri�tain's • cusp o-lofs that
Germany .and Austria have been le*
directly, obtaining contraband through
aentsal eountriee. The note promisee,
honaiver,., that '''''‘Treat,'" Britain . will
Speci;il.provisidasare Made to Matta-
flve 'sets of. rriarkera for $25, 1,4114 for,
e.zeit additional set Of tharkens the fee
. • Sir Edward Oreyiputs his finger:,.on oyelea raw take 'out the, „five sets of
'the weal. spot 'of the -Gutted' Statee markera for $10. •:, .
case when he .. states,that ' "there aro The regulations:also pro -vide that the.
bis wife Were in Germany wilco 'Wee GoVernatent,- delinitelr- dee4ned, fra' the.horse liower of gasoline miters will be
.by the Aasociathin of Licensed. !Lame
country, end limn?. • CAloADA PAY
bile Manufectiarers, Whichis as Inflows:
a logavviren Ilia hor,i-o. 'gave a siad,deti ,. ,,,,tralifit ,I,. Pe44e0.741- teorfle,elvca;r,VanI 'Llp. which is expected t'o' be moreaSed'bY.
etart- :r.rhe'ehainliboli caught -hi -the' -•:.1 2,.-, ‘i. -
'tory Service Says" 043100 :fairilister
Friday, the Earl Ye Selborne said that
dbribred If the Government had ilia.:
fieleatlY. -UTPTeSsed,, the 1101011 With
the Amu:41)44 the,:taelt the country;
was faeing. The Aret Object Of. the -
Rritish erhly wee' to turn the Gerratanti
out of Belgium, he said, arid it the
fall significance, of ' this task' Wria
Vlsaoluit Haldane,' Lerdsiligh Chan;
celler,venlied on behalf of the GOvera-.
want, He agreed with the Earl of'
Seltiorinks estiniate of the gravity of
the oriels. Tre said be was tine Of
those who had* hoped that the more
vati, but alio was. eo well aware _et
the gangir- to. he eatpected from. the
or the 'ririritl , of the German neoPle
eAlf his Aeg And ' was. dragged '; "r!:.1.4•• burg "on Friday on the charge •
'Highest Class of ,Equipment
Winter Tours.
o California; Plorida, and
Sunny, South
hie reg being badly tern, lie waslaati n., th?.. shoeting. 'affair in which twe
up forseveral days (riving to the. •rairP 'altea $tates oitiZens, Walter Schmidt
trounie.witu its Water taipply •agruo„ 1:04 betwecn ,tae t WC?' natibns. The
' -Ra4 Trains- Choice of Routes •
i,ow Vires new in"Rffect,
11cr Vartiditlara consult G. T. R.
Wedding :belli•are ringing on the 'lib.'
Drawing gravel lithe eider -Of -the day
Sam Moultaa Su,ecta.yed with Meads
sate" eta Woanded.rnan and the-..famay
e. . ▪ eat aro : offered to coni an -
Earn ie. -Cason. is • attend
P. Now, he sure
90' dead roan. This course %taken -
cost'about 138,000; hi being agitated. • initialled' • atTatisstihQ. 00yern.111.011Ve (le.
Iston antedates the "United States
that the 6114 Connell he returned liy:e:„' a forTrial iii:caet Brreltiinthrougb
oia; Salting- that adequate"coineensation be
found favor and -the. varion4 nominee's • ..
as a result the. Councit•for 1915 will h *
Miss Cora Guest is viitaia
T. Last, of Kineardinevis visiting his
RoiStringer has *retarned from Brant
looking hale and hearty..
g Stratford
her cousin,
that, While at the wet -Office; he Ilia,
able of the.,;noceetarY expansiOn.
As to the suggeetam comPelsory
service; Lerd Haldane:said he thought
'this; was a bad thiag, although in the
time •of. -graie national necessity it
anight Jac:denary to report thereto.
That time, however, had not Yet aOree
considerations- _The Lerd •allaeeelier
else 'announced that eafperts 1.11.'
land were produeiag a gun which at,
least was the equal orthe. German. 4.2,-.
*onto me rest p V iUe .
Ladles'clog Coats,
t,440 stock at the 044 ON ithiS
There are many lines we want to cleat,
.rogio#ess. of cpSt before February 1st
L'4clies' Cloth Coats wilt be ,;:ffered al bal'a4111
also Children's.' '
Special prices in'''Kett's „and Bois' Sweater Coats.
Dead t-i_f70-ntlitiuryamP•te alloy*
spinal meningitis; in London, Eng --
land, 9f Lient.-Coloriel,Frank Strange
formerly Staff Ordnance. Meer of. the
Ord" Divilional Area, Kingstoa,
',P. Gibson ited,B.. §trioger Sunday,- left with the first Canadian • con IA-
• At an prprActies
:7111V III.
MisaTiltiit Pier was a,,,; visitor on 'the .week. . , . -
Colouel Strange *as one of Eing-,
Lieut. ;.Ross • Briscoe, of the '.103rd.,
*eve g„hortr..2.uillora. W• t:Onilitting !wee -rents aa.to ,'„Oaae of. • iqOttnitli 80111610Wine •WaS a.; iii4t0 se': Regifrient ef 'Saskatoon', was• shbt and
loamy -BObertson'a,,,Nertliline. • • ' ; • 'instantly killed during target praatice
er and Vv. Elston. • • : ' George Gibson entertained a "few, or, 4t
.. A.Ntots r RE,SENTATION — w nue tar, 'Belgirmi characterizeS tse report that • ' g.ocds Merch.ant at Galt, Ontaild %He
Ross McKinnon, ,w.ho is a •mereber: of Cardinal f ,Mereler, •Arehbishop of George Young made hie usual trip W.- wee, 2.2 year- e a age. • .. • - . •'• ', ,••••,_
the second voluateer Contingent, ;stet . Mannar; bad beea, arrested, ars ,abso- the 120- ef Pree009k, SundaY lt.-41t.. 'the prevaleinie of spinal: meningitis
Miss Minerva Smith, of Kinross-, is ambrig meinbere of the Canadian ex.
Vicinity enjoying the holidays ahd The Cardinal neither kis been ne- Visitieg her friend, aliss.Lydia Colwell. .p,editiainary ,foree IS 'Calming ,cirrisideta.
!alined in. the , bishop'e, 'Palace at .P Sirallweli. and Misall-CeoPer were able uneasiness,: aCcOrding tia • de-
.viiitina at th'i -home of -his mallet ;,
naeMbers of Brussels Oddiellows Lodge statenient gays. It sisals. denied tha . 'decided to move, the eatire contingent
Mts. Hugh McKinnoa, in Grey, the; veillatiee ot any .sort, the official* last: . ':. -. • ' ,:,
presented -bins Witli- an .elegant 'wrist
841Y ' --141616' a -- • • ; hauling •votiii. te..giacardine for: Win. ' vent tai.epidemia• OVer One. thoasand
Dr -11 ve been arrested. .Reat Latehferd Thatker has the contract of' to some other part of England to Pre,:
declare that •the Card:Mai la -uhder-re- Guest, , ' ' " , .. : • Caatidiatie tire in the hospital, -Land
wateh. ' Walter_Aireadforit, ' the new ports from. Belgian. , sautes; however, _ . . .
NerbleGrandi made, the •.presentatien
:strait -it, and that many priests._ have _ __ ..
Miss: Beatrice MeConnell has resumed there are twenty easel of meningitis..
been .murdered. '1‘11;ie •:Cardinal.; leaned atai avaao- afDr. MeCrim4ton's.--.at 1 711 till V and cavalry haVe alreaay
even, Sisk„.from which point 25'. men, a• pastoral. latter advia•ing the Belgians itia ,e ar , er„ • . . ,
be n Moved to darlous villages In ;the
German overlerds. , It is quite' al entisual sight tin • see a
• " Sallebury district and the men have
been billeted' in the houses.: The
have gone:, ; , .ndt to give their alle.giance.. to their .
. kiad of haY 'pass through our burg on
•divislonal staff Officers have moved, to,
• -e--• - ' - tafanotitnthoritles Object» te • Friend! ,,,,ed their, gravel contract' ,aral returned ing Canadians with the gaped tio arY
coupty finances e,re• in good Shape. ,
• fy. Carries on Battlefield ' node' lad *Kik: ,• .- •, • . -•-• ••• . ; • -- -•.- - ferae as nori-coniMissioned officers to
this there' a sinkitiCf.undt-of--en_P_--.7z-alle'cieritan. army-antheritles have, 1). MeGill,yrniaial compelled to ten -lain '.."---- ' '' — ••''
he free Of debt , One of theproblenikthe •
county councir will have, to deal with _
-troop$ 4a -.the ilea- Prater end Mrs, Isaac Cdoper and family TURK
,slip with .forces oP the erieimy, its
`hey •did .ot several points le, the .wee were vantora at., the - tome of W-illiani .Allied FIEet. Forced Suiten a b7d
tern ttiss.tra of the war at Christaia a ..Lewis ort Sunday last. .
. � ' • _. to .. l✓vaouate.• Stronghold
TO etch a i r.ttent was MA trot: r- meek'. Brown is going to have a: ren
ilz n t• f'arrieet od .- : nC • �': o�';'n•from. this t ut•,.wluci will a fort's! Tailanak italessi; guard'
•where the 'Germarfrlind l3r•tisti -play be more. convetiient for they' bireti- n ing the. soli a � a •o to t ,
sal .Cris "iitmae T�'ay, .they agree!
Mdat of aur boys silig "It's a I:ong the . Dardanelles, has been demolished l
susii�ricl los vie„,0q'y.�,,_ :,
• �`a`�-ti�'1.'ly�erax�y; �lrtit.l'erry still sings •by.. the i#bitttzrued.bornberdment o! the
ares "It's a Liirg Way to goocl'old GireenOCk. .allies' warships, and has been evaeu-
Gnrbe P t n rt' of Aottot .Finlay Gordon entertained hie friends a d n dee the Turkish conison, frons Salrd-
av iia:'•"h :.f«•nm Ceiristan'inorl and ineinhbora to a.hop on Friday even, lea,tor a de kites ands Sbdil h m Salon
,s r ing lash All report' an enjoyable time badly damaged, but are still%ceding.
,'1'urkidh•frog, .'- , .
whrc.0 now.Hies the TIM lihones• on the seventh out..
ir�;+blt tvvir: �.ussiari milieu in i;iie neigh.:'�f �rrdei: Ittst'ireek;-bit't'were anon nui� ib .C�nnAt I�alessi is ,known as_ utile
trliood of the Ilos -She
And was repair'sgaiti. b lineman Lewis; wI ie Cdette of, Alia." The fort !hares Il aln
Trios on xl inia 1. Sl�e:lias %avo iiia-itltvirye: Johnnie on rise iipoiu_ -:_- ,SultaliiC,-'was_.ol.old construction, but
ales •nu lair t r e * line, and it viii
lie' two o'` titres 'iriantlis to repair It was Stated in the I�tnetirdinr�13 new gave of the lay last °two �+enxs '
rga st tylia harteev
.r. Tt'i : fact, the ilespath' adds, porter of last week that a nun bei of Ira mounted within tl
s beer, l' pt sedi.et !rods the people in htngarf neighborhood had got
.', , tcwrti air.e. selveainto trouble for duck -thieving. As' More Bombs tsar fdunkirk
. _ our boys will net lie under this • charge, lrty Sunday afterngdn bunictrk
vie tri y sti,o th'if these youo men live .ryas Visited thy• German Aeroplanes in on the ninth irf li,t►cxt'dine. • force. ,Thirty bombs• were dropped
••-•� - • - arid It Is known several houses near
Eke station and :dosses caught tire.
, let deriGl_ .ii f1 1ii� renal
a� nrtnT rk �selt,:
•panda ,fan 'lith • but at the suburb e - ala es ainb
y' • five civil ane ;we're killed and a few
fi , I��,I.>; ", o 1 Miss •
C hit; of .Dungannon,. is the new tninred, There were also a few„
the floeritig of the large number of
aa smiled. the rt ges w
recent election in.'aciihfield by, polling
'stilx11yisions was as follows:
131g4 Clearing Sale
eolOrs,'• would make
nice 'ladies' nod .„^cliildren's
diestrs, ;tog 15 end 90e. for 12i
Jutd received nice assortment'
tear AprOns, fine on'alitY, reg,
price 25 oeritti for . ...15c.
Svory (Inv aprons. 40 inalleft
widc,:reg *25s „clearing at 15c.
rfattilkerebiefs 10 for
Maj for StaWart
'Riehttrdson 26 4 9$* 65 52
'0,a) roLic EsTrairrattlift.-1:4 unique
of Ilefuge;on filtristraus afternoon, kb,
the assistatite " of the, assistant
matron, Mrs Parlitt. -Tbeprogrinianiei
-Viroy heartiness Wen :thototiglity
iiijisyed, not only by those' who Imiong :
by,• the, visitors present. 4tie. 'Torrance,
the:occasion One long tel;RI remember,
butea. 0,41: ii7atos 1•1444 Of 004
K lino. a toilets, Ole very
lattst, *ill lin gold at. todomgct •
I-1_ Airtiliort-
Many men have fallen short of business
Ihey neilected- to cultivate habits of
economies' train the. ratan to rise tapital
wisely in business. *eat nOtri
Titegehtlernan, oh the tortoise
reptelifits the titan who docs not
towertise-thq one who trie.ato
business ea it was do' ne the /lays
oldie. tallow candle or the oil lamp.
Are you in the glare isf:the elec.
tele light -40 Pie automobile ef,
Modem Methods? .
but Want Ad3. are fugh rob
bauctics, whether you want lig t
or powort*, business publicity o
lagoon toto.,
voods text season On Jan isth and after
we will give special prices. ofi all pur feet goods for .
spot cash Every pair must go at reduced priCes.
-MOO-Healy .RObprs at. 10 per cat off. •
L_.have them in tlisio:paii• ,styles of buckle arid lace
and leather top. if yiitICRibliers are getting worn
this, is a chance to get a pair to finish out the .win: -
ter at reduced priciz..s.
'1' , (The Chicago Ptiblic)
aChievernents ini a nation for the post
Le;rit:ve11-1.4)foregLewet, iiintaL,..$1thositnikng,Livesriosio:Le
One of the things that reibitula uS, that the, nutaiboeflivitths elOI,irn63.1;ienrl:t!:;'tliriiTl.t ,
ord. lot Menday,t6 rOsume the Soma -seta t6 ,laritiliirk within the, pais, t fort., 1
aerators hp" We still. have a loni Way.to 0 On the lap: and tri
Iliesie;moitstrToil.totaitis 61,§,t. he Teal.
`•liiii'Mity Elliott returned to- Stmt. lie 'Sixth visit German lint -even neire • regrettalqe that; "al ''
. , peop es spose o rk e • ' killed 'by' nobs. Earlier yetirs elie s.-
, , in good humor, btitolift. to wreak ven. nintarlargertotala--Lin 1,80g. it was :Oa...,
ifai es of Greenobk wai f . ,,,.ht e t '' an r A i * A niiicia:yt thee:fan ,i.,,li tot .eifiwel 10 ar gatl 1 ori;,.. it tijo
are spending tliiit week with their datigh- :' ., at ' - Hi gs 6$ ini;. 0 -,Ge )
epent, ti, c6,,,, :dots rocend3„m the hemeolf trtunue.r'M arnter8 'in I ..rant who for utility, the most. precious of our tralti of
,sonio time had. ht,eet lottil.e..irie...ketts.hy, character, has, riot yet' been boM•ided to law in. -1014" was 74. ---only •• 09 inov4
Nvill be sotry to. hear that lie to, suffering ' • Claiming to, stand vt the imul'of el .
from a seveye tOttek of seiatio, and hove , holaid informatidtt with .1; n. Arull in good' hum& he is toollIerlint„ ditto gh ilizeil entiolw. (Air reOrti. of ptirgof.ai 4' ,-..
for,liis speedy revoriitY. ' 4tt'°"g'W4 ljtesi.elitlY 1/4,id °Ili 14 7" ng Cenetosity; -mien in Newt be tneR.,,,.0 violence exceitisibmt of any - ether la ,t.,. , ''
. Air white batt ye. waled how att,er , 4 men a tho noigoborh000 ttficler arretm. I without Alto reflection. . ,t .
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