HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1915-01-14, Page 1tr7iK455P-TT"- wow
r year), in ffairauceI z4$ otherMiSe
•1411x 'en jou ;Olasit
ewelry an
Come to us,
a n14:-
Jeweler and Optician
,149eAl AND '6144?A.1,4
J. G. Andenion L vistting ber
sister in Burlington. • •.
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Onteltzer are visit-
E;S,'SfeLeanA0f Toronto, was in
town on busineselast week, •
Mr.:41161ns Of Manitoliaf is vting
IMO& in IttieknoW anirvieinity.
Mitts Mary MaSOlh. Liatott'A, is
.visiting her sister, Mrs. t„j• Hawke.
- • •
Mrs. John *Keith, Of Burlilletoat
'visiting her Mother and •other frierals
• Mr. and Mtg.. Charles Coulter have
returned.to town alter visiting .friends
, in Clinton. •
• . .
Herb. §myenson apd. sieter.ltenr1
of Stanley,. are•viaithigMiende Luelr.„
new and vteinitY: ' •
teerreetedup,te-W-ectnesitay noon) -
Pe4S ;.•e• "t "414. • ..1". 00 "
()au; • 1.1' ';11.•
Butter Ir 11•:•• ,r 28_1 -,24
- 750
TOPLINTO PRICE! 'min littigie
whint• : ▪ , 1;30 to 'S
' Oats, bush.: •57, to ,
•13arley,buSli 70 to 1
Peas, bush.- , , 1 50 to . 1 6
Timothy, rlay;', • 21 30 to 24 0
Mixed and Clover... 00. to •19
Baled Timothy 19. 90. to "20
choiceheavy steers -.78.,_00 to: 8
Hogs, off cars. ... 7 75 to.
... ...... '9 00 Us. 10
Spring banibs, .... 6 06 to 8
Sheep, ewes,. ........ 5 25 to ' 6
But•er, 113.: .... ,30 to -
Egg, .4..4. 50 to
Potatots. 60 to
•:Mr, f'ted Rill a. .sister Alma, pf
Miniota bfan., visited with friends'
here tin: past week. •
*era tQ Toronte Oh
4'Tuesciay, where he is loading two cars
ef horses for tlie West. .
' 301111 IL McKay, Whorls visiting here
from. Sas1, and Miss Isabel. Nixon are
Visitieg at Willow Creek '
Now' we, at'oaskrng
you to try
!to -Olive Soap
• and Toliet
To introduce themto ibu.
we 'give you - vake of
\ 8Creents. kir 56 cent's
'Oz.' -)it pottage of Face.
cre0..tri or Shampoo each:
50 penis and 2 cakes of
Soap at 15 cerits each.
Se Window Display
DRUG 94011E,
Thos .Webster, Sr„ who ha v antlered
from 'en lifliictiOn. of the knee. for some
time, is atill unablo 1,0e !shoat.
•Ir. A. Parker, Osteopathic phYsic-
tau, will be at the Vain tionse, Leicknew, •
Wednesday, aL erneions 24-9-t f.
Mr. 'Fred Davison, Vitlited this . week at
!John Da,Viseree, near Killen rditid.
Wissr Win Ire* Juckoew1u%';11.6int
eit dame levethOf Nlgbt
The opening game of haeltey in the
A.Orthern-Liealgue• seriStf was svon hero.
ViterelitieVeningbyWhighttip over Leek. •
now, the snore being S-3. The game
was fast and 'hard -fel -10V trirelighbi
thnes a bit rough,. There were. ne
serious casnalties,howsier, though three
of 4lie visiting Play* tholt headers, and
had to -be weisted to their feet '
.Tbe Winghatu players are ?a: husky
bunch and it loolteil Tuesday *Wit as
though the cawing, was Wing. done
The strong agregation.' • •
J. J., Shea, of ..PalinertoN was ;referee
and the line-up:148 as follows: •
Wingliam Position .Litehnow
Groves Goal - • Iteel
Point, . ..Jolinaton
MeLtan . Cover,.
Rosier'. - 4 'Bahia
Teller Centre ' J, McCoy
Fender • L. Wing -
C. McLean R. Wing McDonald
Mrs. A. Jones,. of Toronto,, who has
bden,,visiting her fornierAinine son . the
4th, of Kinleeerhaa returned to city.
, .
virot..-Siowart, 9f McAuley. ; Man'
. was
home the past week to see his father,
Walter Stewart- who contumes vet y 111.
1 Walter: Stewart, who has heel) M. for
theipaet few .nieritha, is not inipi?vieg
and -his eondition ia'regardert as quite
serious.. • , • '" " •
.Litss A. Anderson has gone to stay for
some timeivith her brother near Dun-
gannon, Anderson:being very ill at
precept. : •• . , .
Niss 'Sadie Meguitig, of Chicago, Who
; •
. has beerr• spendingthe past couple of
Months at her home here, returned to
that City On Friday. • • "-
POSI •0100. BOW•
'" • • •
Any boxes not' arranged fitr b
cdusidefed 'siaeaut; - • - • •
- • - tiudsay, M.
Gard -of Thaalis •
The family of the lste Mrs. Martha
Ashfield, Wish/ through the Seii
tinel, to thank the kind friends and
• ;neighbors who showed .synipatlik and
gave assistance at the, time of their
yecentbereavement, • ; •
Just a.Word Ifetwpeo Yea and•Its
EVery. ounce of ,Seply
-rich in tobd v.eint4 i.lniforitt in quality.,
color and.',strength, Don't bother with
aeeendhest;t1Ohr because it happens to
hefitatle away from Uwe.: .. With it you
will have vexations aiuldisappoint meats; •
but. buy Sepey or tlayeloelc, whieh•Mahe
*the kind of breadtheehildren can't get
OVA. •
• -011ie 1914' ;
Ar all new patterii%
Call and'ste them.
Merchant Tailor.
TO Be 01101.11ke' 4 In Wrslere Oattirie
Instratierei have been received for
the or•eaelzatien of two new Infantry
-Alattaliolle, in tile first Ilivieloni which in -
Cludes ike golioties of.I4en, Lanibfon-,0
Ion. WellinetY), Perth. Heron and Preee
with headquartera at London, Ontario.
These Will -form prot.of the Third, 100a-
tiegent Canadian, ExpeilitientTrY Vace
and will be milhillzed tor training at
Londen. •„.
„ Lt A. Wilson, at present in -Mil:
mold of the 33rd Huron Reginfent, hae
been appointed to the coMmand of the
now 33td .Pattaoion u. E. by, and ,enlist-
ment. tg.,•reeitsiiill, it is exPeeted., begin
ina., few days 11 eerni tin titiltion • for
Iluren Will„likely be eatithIsabed at OH n.
ton, as the most ,central• point in •the
.e91114.Y1'witere, all desiring, Le join Will.
• reqtUre to 'PreSens.. inset tee •at their
own expense; If aecepted',. they will at
once • le put on •the pay roll. The
pay,for'ti privaleis $1 00 per day With
_an additional 10e field allowance; iihut
75e per day for sitbsistenea till inObili-
Change. of Date
5 • • •
• 'The.date, fer .tlie annual in acting' ' of
Lackuow A ricultin•JI pocie.ty, amour'.
seed. laitl wee for the_21et., has been
chtingedto January 22nd. This change.. -mainder of tlie fund on hand, it was de.
. In matter the (Merl( vim.' instrInted
resPeet irgtheTranStent Ttaderst License.-
cided, should be retained for the preeent;-
,itLinade on acceant. of the anniial intiet,
itig of the, sharell4Olclers. of -the . pa„rtc- to Meet posstble lecal n ;1
The. meeting was not larg li aftended to prepare a by4awaniencling the by-fayr
the 9...ist. Oifiehtl notices of bOth meet... owing to a curling'tonrnalue t at Wing.- ' respecting. sixelulicense iit the coreplidati
d b 1 f ' h '11 h ' th
mount Cheese' Factory being held on-
rplaizatiori for ,1915.--AgittiCallo0.-for Peal
R01101. 1.10-Onite Laid Oiler
Monday last was a busy day for thi;
village fathers. At eleven:p..0x, tbe coma -
ell as coaStitliterl for 1041 Met tr* fled
with.a.few' ,unsettled uonto„loa: to
from, the Past year,- '
FolloWing the final adjournment9i.
the old.Couneil, the ruentbere elect for
1915 took the oath- of 'office, met and
adjourned until ft o'cl3ek in the eVeni
At the evening Session the following
comm4tees . were,..a,pplinted, the • first.
named, being chairman of each: :Pinnacle,
.Messrs, )fitidoeb, J.ohriston and iiender-
son; Fire and Light, 'Spenee, Dumb') and.
lohastOTT D9rnui Ileriderson'
and • Spence; Petitions and - Bi -Laws,”
Jahnetorri Murdoch and DITtoia•
tootroto. wove 400goiot-401ot
• Nos ticgoo Deportotea 7
Thee.wer,c close on, 8:hundred persons
*itilhe court rooni;ow. Thursday- of last.
• week when -Abe -ow againet-Mgliingten
,MeClOy oho ged with britring wbisirey
into the villa:00in acencealed form-. Came
foi trial • Additional interest: was
ed by ythe fact that hoth the prosecution
and the'defence had engaged legal talent..
DadleY...1161ines. barrister of Winging%
conducted the piosecution while It Van-
stoue, also' of .Wingliam, 'defended Mc-
Coy, • 7 •• • . . ,
• The case was Called for 11 0'4001.t'a.111.,
but owing to the condition of the ,roads,
Mr; Vailitene vas tatti,in arriving and
In response to a ennuoUnication from
•Pite: trial 'tlidr. not 'get uuIer way Until
th Hospital for' sick”..chtrclreti at: 'room, 11 :30, „, °Reeve .Murdoch jraci secured the
to,it'graift, of $19.09 was oiktle• to that= Atiajetane4 of cr 'Alacken4ii.,_ ji•incor,
institution.. ' • a cOnaty'Magistrafei and ° both 'ad,*
' A :conaminicatien from the 'ChealPy. eailtTnessledtehae: obeenncshta. bi.Te lice:Leu,sevieorli•e, mb.hhot-thwa,40
:Patriotic 'Lea,glie; risked the 'Council to w
;loin in inereciraliiing the. Bruce County laid the charge,, and •I‘lecni,..Twilhenoguarvt
regatlipeeounty .assistance evidertoo. his own, behalf.
- alifotWererera•cliasogtetilheunartguil two ratos'e..ioofek;e-oiuvlinceil,;
the magistraies announced that they
should some .tinie- Consider the
evidence, and Weida give their decision
in Itlibut UMW." -They later-otmeituted
that there were anatzther of points in-
volved with which they did not feel cern-
nitwit to deal, end theae they submitted
to the Provincial License; Department
(-Jousts:hie Cameron was first t'y. give
evidence and stated that on Dec. 30Thi,'
he knew ilia MCCoYlial. goat' to Lis-
supPly,of He accordieglsi 7 v.f3T,Z"YZ,11.;`),:;;;;Te•a'it'-''„It,Z-1 •
,to the G. .T; It station to :meet the _late itry (Jetta s ord.
'off the train ca ' •
• 4.- the Ethpire o ;account of the war in• .
• .r Europe. . response to this the follow
PATJUOTIL tE.MAJE„.•m_EETINa ioginaion was tnib.mitted by -John-
- T •• 4.; E. Dnipiri: c`That - the
• Cash Denatheetjp .Ree Crass - Society. atik
• B,elgiso , Repel Fniid:.
•eten ati.41'•A
LucknoW bel
Bruce Shoul
ability,. anti
• ..
oinicir Of the village .of
eyes that the • County- of
• v
,.te the full extent , of ita
ort,t e EnWire and the po-
'At a meeting of the Lutknow-, Petrie*. minion of aped:ill) the great war we
tie League held Friday evening .of last" are Waging in defence of onr liberties,
week: the treasurer was instructed to -•and.te perpetuatethe freedom we have
. .
hitherto enjoyed, and wethereforeptdeel
• -
fereeird &•.?,oCk of the cash on hand. to the
Canadian:Rea .0rosi.Soelett'and
§.,200„oo to the Baleian Rehef
. • • .
'This action was taken on recomtnend.--
atiOn of the . Executive of the, ,League,.
,whieh had held a meeting earlier in .be
'evening. M. 1. G. Murdoch. as ,chair
.rnar*--br she-Exeentive,:- r,eported.., to . the
'League that up to the present time cash
aniountingto $77.0,09 had been received
while 8230 50 hadbeen.expendod. This
expepditure inelnded $100 00 handed
over to the hadies' COmmittie. The re -
•this. reunieipality.to hdartily support, a
grant by the County pf Bruce an am, ..
aunt equal to onetinill additional tax-
ation to be paid for patriotic pet:poses
to such organizations or societies as the
'Coun.t.incil may determine in pul
muddy contributions spread over the
year. 1:015; or until Peace is declared?'
" A detaitatibiiebfaiiating elf- the- -hard-
waro inerettants of the village appeared
before the Council to ask that they be
..given protection from theuetarpompet
ition of •oasiders who cern to the vill
age to °Roils and to get information
. The Krithern 'Leave ,hoekeY-damo
.played at Wingtain last Friday' evening,
Winghain vs. Lucli'nove, resulted in a'
. score ef'1,----2 in favor of Win4hain,
Mr, Richard .has sold' his-
• (ape to 'Taylor, , of Galt. The
. farm hag. been in.the possession of . tht
Webster family for over sixty years. •
wig,EAT: viragialt wit:EA:int
Demand for the flour at the '14Oct:1o*
Flour Mill is such that Treleaven Bros..
want all the wheat in. the district. Get
quotations at the Mill before sellinz,
' f
- Tom Webster, now. o Detroit, was
back in Luckily* the pod .of the Week.
Ile is again, engaged as travelling ; sites -
man hy. the Bag Holder, !Jo. and resumed
'MS dutterin that ca,pacity on Monday;
CrquittiNG Sat,a Sin. going
lugs appear elsewhere in. this prkper. ham and other social attraceoris:. In the e o t evi age, n angIng
• absence of: Mr. Andersen; the president,
words Alrom.pne dollar to fifty dollars,"
'of) aa: to read, afronv_one_ dollar' to .one
Cet Fingers•VI Mr. Murdoch 60tipied-the chair. •
, • • . , • ' . • •• \ hundred dollare
Iii a letter received by his wife a week
ago, Charlie Pinner gives seine details of 'Mr, Geo A.'.'Siddall was re -appointed
the fighting in width lie took part in a Member of the Board Of liealth.' , •
The resignation_ of _Cleoi A. 8iddalf.
wohnitled•a-bout 89 of his regiment had from the Library Board was received,
and T S 'Iteid.was appointed to fill the,
Belgium. Four dais heforo , he was
been but Off, surrounded by the ene,my ,
The annual „Congregational Nfeeting
of the Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church .
•will beld in the chureh this evening,
when the various ancieties a;:ti
'aliens of the church will make their
report. , • • ' e '
LrdieueLThe misSienary coin-
inittee qf the League, vet on.a. very 'in-
teresting -Programme on Mdriday even -
Tee topic which. was "Opportue-
ities.for our own League in the Misaion-
ary way" was very -instructive and
A map talk was given On -the
work clone among ale Indians of ' t.ttr
Eaeh Some was pointed
?tit and everyone wati .given a clear
idea .of Where the .work is On.
history Of the Kittimaat Home in
tO put Caps in the window, the regitiar B. C. was:givee and the kind of work
price-of:which ia 75 cents :and $1,0e; wt, Many had the index iiuget of the, right •
e children of the Indians are ' taught
will dear these on Monday tile 18th: hand (the trigger finger) cut off Tree '
(one day only) at 59 cents. Come and --0,,,,ent of prisoners such as that might be sviin„Inake worthy citizens when rightly
, B. 1.1,,T•cswhile - terrya STo-s I expected from redskin's and Sonia be -guided: • . •
The GITIF,D-R.• E. Knowles, Caned. -
see them, it will be worth
Islanders hendild years ago, but the •
ian author and Presbyterian prea.cher •
The Patriotic Conimittee is in receipt has not been practiced in European
hat letters free' the Supt, of ftpplies of ve r a for at least it thorisand years. It made a very interesting study at the
the lied arogts •Oucte4r,..Toroato, also 'took German Kultnre to get white men Guild last gor.484. evening: ...A. sketch
Mr. rrttahoinme; Bellow,. ()mini. at back on a. levet with the early' Amer. of Mr. Knowles life arid his works was
'Montreal, gratefully acknondedging re* ion '• • given by Nliss-Adelia Spinoler and Ur.
&Apt Of the League's contributions to • Clyde Reid. ;Akan illustration of -Mr
thework of the Cross and Belgian Knowles' Style, Mrs. .titek Sheriff. 'read.
....e‘ aTni119,1
• Wach...
The name oTbe
keeper of Magritte holongS 't4O.
'.-the-ftatoilton Ve.itth
.... &cause actnallisutpasses the
Railroad Standard of nconrocy
hitt beeaueo,of this ioteresiing
'Droved record •
Over onehaif (56%.) 4'1'6 k
railroad men on Areetican ykri
rogla where' time irispeetivri
pai-ry the, tlairittlaiv,
. •
There are twetity.fiVe models'
°Hatnittott • watelm • Eveil,-
61)4Zi 0,arriiltaii quality and
accuracy., They rage in ;price
geom. for *oven:tent
•uPi. to the superb flamilton4
masterpiece' ,at ,,i5o,00, We
.recominend inov,eMent: 92d
at.$11.00 for • a good service -
I 'able watch. • "
5 a.
• ThiiS3iisfaciori ."-
Jewelet.,and. OPtician,
• s,
Store oloies on Mondays and
Fridays at 6 p,lfl
trainzoModetcoddyiCuegeoect °0:notd:ivotn,hhw n ,fc'aet, taking
reply. or I ortesYlMrx:t tic 10:1 :haoeeY-aawparcel 'parcel,r ItN:wijl :htak. bcgi rel leede: IWy ":::34:1-hi)RK Wer-7—bT5iA.:1114NLPTr°7011E;A4:111:)1311:1::g18:Le.111B7311:7:::::::PutivP:4:.las:!Y:TvIll:7::81";:al.:us:::::
conversation between the two as th4 bus
Cameron followed,. Theie
'ebilivta,s eine: odred t i gtto er guk7aQuI7,„le,, v „ „ „ „
and Made prisoners, The famous regi,. vacancy thus caused..
Alex.-Ress, Spindler and
J. Akx-
mciit Nail& not rest with this grievance •
to wipe out, and they watikhed for ait ander were appointed fenc.04iewers for,
opportunity to 'averige or reseee their theTyheeaer.rieti
.comrade. In the grey dawn they crept engineer of the:waterivorks was,
up wile Gernia trenches "caught them appointed- Poniidkeeper: ,This be the
nappine and jumped in with thc bayou- only. village pound • mairitaine& during
et. The Gernmes fled, marly of them 191.5. '•• , •-• •
y,•ifin. Connell and Dr., *Paterson were
chased from the field. . BeyOnd the tree-. appointed auditors ef the . corPoration
that it mild. -e carried like • •• r02 -9 -se* 'to serianv tl
gnus or mt.
being stricken down as they were being
elms Was a barn and iii -this building -the. accounts. • • • ' •
ur. ter4y Haw marte•spraidatioh: for,. :rope had,been tied about the parcel. so stock. of Mai
to the unlis
Snireys found their captured cornradeS. 'I-• "i,--46 • lnYlwil
All ltd their kande tied ' behind their. a license to orierate a ;Peel room; After
and•it had been cakried and also .se t•• in to take in a \
backs; some had theiFfeet tied its well, discussion the matter of granting a lie -
the bus in seen a, way as t6 hate the
sons "twin
. ,.
, . •be taken o
11411S others were Strapped to the Walls erkaa was, on motion- of Hendercon and
exposed edge of the ease below. . prim in Ire
We would
in a standing position. But worst and Durnin; laid over until the next -.regular
Much cif the esidence-andargumen
most barbarous of all Was the fad that nieetingi Which 1,vill be held the first
Tuesday in February'. • >me tentred around the manner of theivral)-
,,C•4 4 ',Ion,
A Lai, rbaTiker. 7.4hIcoow
Shall Grail '
earceluntilaintliesjhatAzes_reattooPPed. .Nlahre-
permit iady to l'Attn0FO.
•Pchuab.rg. oafill'ieV.r'eral.111:ct0.06.yrEi_atiadkyril 7/tilt take„ (111051461ell'!"7104ricir,ti;1:41,.
the rope on the nOiki, of • °•"iN'aiered. ---, .aaund
e lady out.. When sive •te$s tlyalg; Igittaltu"g"4C(1141,itt
dirw or. or 7.11511.
interferileleitel'Atmee°:"°.Y.whatile had ii
kiwtr - '''''''P8etde'laIusij"41.11:t:v-::a.:41'1:1";1-.
gpoaordde.V., 0 eCoy relied, 'just seine dry' rt:":44111- 'If lu.". P'r-j'hillug%Pm44--
,.. ti 1
, you ad better not
' mitted•ininto take thlelpePar°/etta.bluy•Petr:
Cameron 'then expl.ined that he took .
the parcel to his own house Where he re
moved a -rope with wh• h 't ' d
nweiellr noftt"h Cameron aPnadm:a1(18:4ill' a--:4174 vo°f1f. 11441
got out of the bu,a in
:der ;to let the
out; he ask
Auction Saks,
lc I Was brain
. .
a piece of brown wrapping Taper kf,id a
.newspaper which were. wrapped about
the case and fastened on With a number
of tack. The case, wrapping paper and
rope,vvere on exhibition in the - court
rem)) The paper had been on in whit
way es to cover the two sides, nee, edge.
and the two ends, of the case. A light
. ,Notice
4)11 race.tiog of the riiramou
ChOe5e' anti -Lieict on
Thursday, Janua'ry 21. MO, at 1 Wotan% p: 41.
at the Memory:
',Pones BarabY, SC(C.14.:1.V5fr.
/ Notice
• -We, the undersigned;lwish' to /Arena. ciago--
baylug Ida's tO 'Sale; unit owing to tu0 C 11
' tee targe stiatk al: • v,,;•.•!1:1i
NVIOLOr httVe a very lazge
05 illa& WO WM110010 .531.50d .
45411 LerrbiltraS WO•40410t
LO waste We have •,cot,ktr."4,
eiqy s maiistook, '50 fllit P,!•e!'
tdW down trouser logs'thatiatisti,
WO Wilt be opeat buy lineal; ail% •
iflt. with present rade eeiMitions..,
•ixisit these . having gootic green, -
INV :to leave it -scan ng.41S,
• h ping as on this point depended, the im-
portant matter of 'concealment. Theo&
,fence charged via,S not as to the quantity
of liquor ;brought in, but, the fact'arcon•
cealment • One may, bring inte•lecal on -
tion territory liquor in a quantity •less
than two gallons provided it is done op-
:-Tuesdity,,Jan. ig
Relief resitectively. • the .thriiling_litatchapter of "The Web
, • of Time" one of. Ws most powerful sOr-
: Eatepayere of Kincardillicleill vote • les. .Another reading -of kniore. humor.
.0o a bl'iavir, eatheriZing theinaking of a • -Tuesday, Jen. 12. ons native from "St. (dathberts., was
MISS May McKay is sin Kincardine • given. by Miss Dean Geddes; and itet
'loan of. 01,0,000 to a company which
'Witham -Mitchell Proposes to form and ' Y another from the same book by Rev •Wir.
*have gieorporated. The compani pro- this week' •••
loses to ereet for thevurpow of a fact- ' Smith has.returned Chiicage; •te, This last was aa examPle of
o.nowies. style iu dealing with the
Zr$-"far 661"6"*I"hen *14;3°' retifAe-lii"tudlee'at" he -4911431' r-Ttife-patilette
Lae business of the COUVE011Y-WIlLiiet9 tate • • - * delta of, life. The musical features. of
manufacture woollen knitted goode; - Miss Blair, teacher on the OtE„,;Bince, tlie evening inCluded siAo Mrs.
VIE PEOVieS, Society 'did
Presbyterian church eiis recently re.
,ergarlized, wider 't,1.0 name 'of the Itoung
• People's Onild of Endeavor
The followiag officers were elected• for
the.ptesent year; • Iloti, Pres., nem. J.
I qt.gwatt• Pres.; Ale*, J3,.. Rory; „„,
"'Vine rree;Voia-tilltiortongomathecy„x„tieliaxs that retently the bayonets btui.
Iliad Terrid., Treasttrer "VV, . bebilerrighlralilliiPaatunrt•thts.frti—
i, The Society nieetsin ihe class aid requirdiliente :ea • id shape. • That
mr..DAVi3Vilson . who leit-Iiiiknow .l3P6ot over SitudtTli.t4T-hiAlm-'14----t-bli- - Tlionipseni tinet -by. ..Messie: 'Errkie and
rkweiliy-utris. years ago, _ _WeeTtioki- alai" • - ' ' .• ''_ -. - ' Ailjuer Attolfzson, duet by -Miss Carrie
week visiting his old friend, Thonias public schoolhai-beeli-feiry-iiiiteh 7ted Mr: Evan -Geddes. The Social,
Webster, ,Sr. , Sinee 'leaving here . Mr; ed With it new ceiling:and black- ennur.ittee will lia,v4 charge of next
, ..
Wilson has spent inotit •of the time in ' which were put in during the Mondays' ineetir4.. . .
antorina•ana on Stat#couVyr island.' X •
eniatkable fact is that siiies• lie lefthere , . Dplphisit Boundary. East, is very
Mr., Wilsfiti had not 'ridden in tL atttter ill' a ''Pre,sent: • MISS , Niel'hail is the
-ortleighlUntil he arlited-here last' Fri..; nut anttendance. We hope to hear
day• .: '-..- • - , . ' of. ile: inOovitig.8.0on.'
. ...
]?red. Es' i7viseni, 0-; ' !Stirlday service in the' MOthddist.
been in town thepast_week paying oluir • was gond as usual. -The
isit to his brother, W, Mi. 'Shier and Mr. Smith, was. well
aVison has been on the coast the re e ived, also the solo by J. Smith.
teen years, and for a time Ire ladies of Tiverton aro sending. a
ther sliop thare. net SAe conligninent, of-7'016tIfttig7" SWgitter
, that callint ,___coats;cornfort•erOt sOcks. and many other
duse:.:keept on -Leon. "-thinge -of iiieritt blittife-tes-Ilit Del-
and otthe N. E. cOas " - 'YU nilder the -tiipervisioa_
tid is.
of the Women's Imaitufe.
Sortie Of the grewimine realitiesbf War • MiSti Thelma: Bobean left for her home
e suggested in letterAvhich M I. Gil- in ,Chicago on Monday aftera,six Mouth
'es M. D. of Teeswater, receetly TO *visit with friends in the village: She was
ceived front 'his brother, Ernest, neeoturviied by het eetisif,',
Me -
who Is on Salisbury Phsins;svith the Loon, cf ,Whe in.ends to, re:,
Ingillooders from Van 1•1 mem for s-,nie tirle in Chicago arid itiso
• room on Sabbath evenings at &dock, leoks like preparing for , the real busi-
• after the regular Anteli corvine, thn rless of *al&
d evening Jan. 'lb
• 'Meeting On sun ity ,
• topic being "Soctrd 'Service tvangel-
vas chirge MN, .1.). kflotiestui$ tlii
ISM by Yonifereoplo," The•scripture
vaswage. was rend bv "Alex. gory., fol.
•' lowed by a splendid met\ by leader
• en the subSect undet. consideration. A
• • dismission of the tole' ensued, IsSvoral
Of the Merabers taking. part, The okett.,
log was trti .favored , with a dna by
,Nlisses M rjorle Gordon and arets, P02.
)bath o.ninee toic is "Make
• IinilingS,'" tut 101..der4 hiw
10144410M' Paid ilettu. 01141,1b,
A,nnual Meeting
titf- Arintuil Meeting' 'of-. the
lucknow Agrinultural So ci t 3r
Will be [iota the. t
littegtowo .•ott Vridak, tike‘
4ay of Jitheary, 1015,, at hour
.ot vgrenioilt the •aftdritoeu.
• .103trit
visit friends in S yerior beton) ceiling
A-butriber front Tivertbn atterrs
funeral of the :late Mrs, -I3arndet
• 'Monday, She Lae gone to' her rest tol
fOrever with her Lord. She wits
. highly e.stectnecl and beloVell by old and
young, $11e WAS 75. years of age, , and
mother of Mrs. Itigne and Mrs. n. Eviii
of Chili village. . •
0:sheen met for the dr`st time Ott the
feature initic$able out
the usual lido of business was the many
requests for *army in aid of Chlititati1C
t such AO Piielt Children's liospitra,
Patriotic lkiii1„; Free itospital and maw/
The daininds eve thi8
for kelp are ocai+rr, - •
-Tuesday, Jan. 12.
Parsons; -of St, Thoinaa,' is a
guest at Mr, Eitlestone's:' •
• Di. and Mrs. Bennett, of'Toronto, are
spending nfonth at the manse." •
Is at present on a visit. to Tensivatei.
ed to irive,'Miss Guilfoyle haelt in the
second departmekt the continuation
class. .
John Grenache, who waTs operrited on
ter appendicitis on New Yea.es, eve, is
recovering. Miss Walker is the nurse
in attendant°. • . ,
. .
A•pretty house-weddmg was solTn--
izedAtt the home of Mr. and Mrs. h. J.
The offence is in selling it ti,ter
Batton of town,:at ocloCk on Tees.- KAY.
11 is brenight in; and the law as• -•,tunes
day evening when Margaret, dang ter
of Mr. and lira John Howe, of Tees -
water,. and. sister of NI.N. Batton, became
Alm wife of Ernest O'Neil, of Windsor.
Rev. Geo... 'McKinley tied the nuptial
knot in the presence of relatives and a
few intimateefriends of the bride and
'groom. The bride was. prettily ; attired
in yellow:- satin 'and shaxlow • lace and
carried a. beuquet, of roses.. She was
given away -by ner ?father, and little
-Marsala lintren acted as flower gir
wedding dinner, the evening wae 'Spent
to SaY in t-gh6e°\(1:re''s'131)rileants)eilitexlia4-he la'61 r411
-and social converse. ,
was whiskey. .' said he . •glfie to
and Mrs. O'Neil lef rhy ;the alterncon Listowel bit Pee..730t4, for the -pt
train- on -Wednesday for :Windsor where of buyieg ..case• of whiskey; he bad
:they will reside. NUBS FloWe had betn beltdbt it it With 41i,‘
teaching tifIehaOr01: near Windsor for the ',Tame,. and it was iutended
. OWII" use. He had asked the party front
, P-:hebetiglit•'-the--•ca,se-•of :his"- 1',
4` wrap it paper over it and to !tie .4, tope
•,) •
aboutit so that he could carry it in one
hand. This had been donei.but-414,•-diel
not know that the paper had been ti-cked
that when an attempt at eonecalromt 18
matle. the intention is to selL •
MtCoy's evidence in a- general way,
argitect with Ginteron's; bat on a few.
Points 60:differed. McCoy. d'tate a
he did not bear Cameron ask hini • op
the Station, platform as to what ;he had
in the parcel: He said. that. Canter*
asked him while they were in, the. nu
and while the lady was in the
what lie had in theparcel, and he
Messrs,. Brink.and Ecclestone iptiear.;
ed -before the 0.( awed re&ntstneeting
hashalf ttie.LAbilirtand wet% Arant
t ' will 'on tlie-dolliiir*I6r-ft.
suppoit. • From the cheerful way in
which it was 'given the prespeats of the
,j..,ilyary. look bright. . .
• Tire tinamtvls, now comPleto except
IneelearienA fixtures and blinds.1which
are expeeted to be in this -week. The
old board 18 giving a receotion on Friday
'evening, pursuant to haedieg over the
wo'rli to their asors in office. As
the; board will.have heavy tack before
them rode:160'1m the honks. o,nd
Jan, 11,
R: 13. Camphell, spent Sunday it Jas..
McKinney's Sr, , •
-John Nesbit 'Spent 'StinditY it • his
home, Soitth line, • '
Mrs, Jelin Stout of I:erne; i'he
u 8 team
_Florence and Lynn Fair, who were
unden-deetOrs care; are improving,
We are pleased tO See W. •Gat;•."
areund at his duties,:nfter illness.
Mrs: John Sturgeon speniling few
days,with Mrs...W Xinearclinc.
Master Russel Stiller, who was ill
with ),Matteratory rheumatism, is arourid.
A nutnoer nr young folks drove o'er
tolCinlough to attend service, Safelay
Silas lleDonald of Am•hlerley, is visit
Mg at flirirome of het grandmother;
Mrs. m. Mael.)enald. •
Misses Franci4 McLerand and Viola
Blackwell, spent Sunday at Kinlotigh,'
the gnat of J. tfociginsl
.• .
The South line Sell0Oi. entertainment
even on Prides*. was a decided 131teCoftzle
Much -credit is given to Dunean Gue.at,
poskkibly adopting t 6 lard system, as Miss Maggie Kitchen gave a birtle14.1,
Well al etwaging a; tibiae and care. party to 'her many young , triend8
taker, thor may anniA tram:before Werlueulay eve, a very eiloyable • tlino Mt, nolinta was even more crai,-, ,Atic
For the ieforina,tion efthoseiiiho have
riot seen a case ef ',`G, W.". we nay
say that, thasase is a neat wooden box
which; wheflip eked, contains tles
•of whiskeyAbutting in all to 1.80
galrOr..-844111042- teats -than:- two- gallow ,rPtillOak -WAS•driVIng-thelnrSe4 la_AtZtta • _ •
standing, t
doubt, it ne worth more inMeyin thq•near
future. Fur turtnelf partial biks.apply to .
The Liteknow Taiiie
28-1.2710 • , Batton, ii/coicger.',
Skates Sharpened
. ' . „ •
/// woodworking
Horseshoeing and
" -General
, • FattOltr Vr•Tr
result of being rather badly beateu '11)
tollowitiga horse' deal, Toni Pollock, .•
r (vitt of •Kincatifille-Townshin, has '
stitutkd pto.!eedings against R. Iral•,,
Ripley. Pollock has a, scalp weind
he Says Irwin gave hint, '
Pollock, it is said, promised to sell sk
horses to Irwin at'Ripley,but be,
ont 'and took them to Fo.iiley., . Flier°
"via heated arguinentin Fislier!s btit-
smiki, shop and a nitraber of . 'friends of
Pollock sided with him. Later, hd
the litititalloWed in munitipalities neder
Meal betieb On itlai sideiiind -et 1::s -of
the case is stamped itt plairrietters the
name of the distillers, the quantity iri'
the case, mthiber of bottles, etc. ' '
After the evidence Vita all la Inth
lawyers addressed the court at cen4der-
able•length, Vanstotre speakiee tirc!t.
Re argued strongly that 'Whatever his
clienfs.intentiOn !nay have Avert tjimte
'certainly was no e'vidence that te narl
violated the lasv. Ile syttpathized itli
Iey, Irwin met hinvat Benne, and,
puma him front tlre cater
and adthinistered abeating,, thai.itt
addition to the scalnviound, suffered '
two black eyes and. numerous' !muses. .
He was attended lay Dr. Ferguson, and
later driven to his home.
ting away front a cowittiOn; and IIatZ
not.the slightest doitl)t but the m
trates would be justified 'in contis.uuttcr
iohntfoliiiele*Z?itt17..tlifair"wboitst-th-66eArt 7,1fti-.1;11' 'ilit,-'..7."°1-°11.-egev°,%c't,.\-itirt... toe, i•-lakiiviliti-t'-to-Fritio
wtre a. nnumer or ntee points hro•Ived
there were certain .things that it c:14th .
..iiteg8 . ,,t,,tai,40 .40ainat .41_ p„ttvilard :-Iiquor into the village.irt -(118giiis
was altoWed to do.,Ile tliouglit the ..1., nag littiaonetiae.nloitellteletioisonikgioenlii..aagx7dueart-.1iwttotfnvilcitiiehititvekb:i2Itt:zni-•'*--:
bottles of' whiskey within pa, emit aa of
men. who undertook -to drink . it i.,..;pn
. only•one ending; Sohn Barleycorn' al-
eth. te)eltitireeilfetiff mtliautie..:ulecie.i'!,Iliavee:16.1erlarife'ttilzflits4rifix.tilri.tinca:iie','-isuirearsetatlitiAlivtile7flit,oilfile.b1---- *— '
Ii7a Pys6sgietti(s)tith; to Make it any 'worse. for the rai
61atevand the best eonrne'was for a f,1•10.11
to 'leave hini alone, but lie could ,nrf. 88e thaa cLe law compelled than to, : •
that in tilil dalai there Were. grianid,.. for. Attor .1Pillimiti.oq the megintratoer;14 .
daiivietion under tho law c.s 11: 13. Audit tbat. tut' 1,4e; owilo.ovriirtte
l*U —
it ru rota tha. License ,,,,e'Pr4,11o:it
OA 041,41AVOtAtd IllifOtieiN •
10 he in 'two thq PabliCh Avol'ote#V, 'OA Utt sarxiiioitioottittthero wo fpt.,
t •
4,4 .
0 a"