HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-30, Page 841„.11.1.1111.1111.11!".11r,
seeseeite_ eitteeeeseileneseesesee *see* emote eelesseeeeeseas sesetellieuesle.
: Fellow Electors: Is it $
: to be The Bar or !
$ The Boy ? . 0
$otber week rolls around.
Tour Tote must be marked for or against Local Option—ere an -
Let your desire be "for God and Home and Native Land."
$Think. voter, of the temptation which the "BAR" bae been in
your life. Perhaps it has overcome you—it may be through grace Haat
you were made able to overrome it. •
: pathwDon't hesitate to cut that form of temptation out of yonr boy's
ay. Don't let the liquor party frighten you about increased
taxation ; other municipalities with Local Option in force do not re- '
:quire to raise the rate. If it were necessary to make ie up by increased
rote—then, sixty One 0013t8 :0.47Therezse for property asseesed at 500
, dollars—what a paltry increase. Surelythat price does not buy you
9 to vote for a system that entails sufferieg to so many helpless and
se innocent ones. The Bar removed you can walk down town and not
r, be counted a 'cad' for refusing to take a strong
drink. •Youcan
• irA
your time:ex In Yeur pocket, pay your way for ell the i
forts your neighbors may have—you can soon wipe off that mort-
gage and all the Other email bills, and he a free ream in the true
isenee—you will be able.to, wear good clothes, when you atop cloth-
ing the liquor men. Busineee men—who drink but little—tools at
the matter squarely, and see that with the, elrain of the bar stepped,
the money will come more in other trade, as. dry goods. groodes,
A boots and shoese.etc. Citizen—you that never drink, do you desire
. the open bar winch tempts the young, to lessen your tax -1-5° mills? :
Would 'you. not much rather pay that slight tax and have tbe good
: moral tone which would prevail when elcoholeis not drunken so
' unwisely.
Mothers—whoehave a vote—vote for tbe overthrow of Beet
enemy of your some Wives --pray over it. and entreat your husband -
to mark the balloqfor bis and your best interests.
Beware 414 tricky individin7;ho may, with a flourish and
: eloquence, comeiete print at the last few hours of this campaign,
outwit wisdom have tine nor opportunity to ,answer. Tile per-
son who Would uot come out in fair discussion, now attempts to
outwit wisdom by publishing a. ROOR--BACK which may he
signed J. It which being interpreted may mean JONAH REVIiSED A
h and may like many other Piscatorial yarns have been inspired by f
ee lingering too long on the shore in company.vviele J. 13. (John Barley- 0
IF corn)
Please mark gourballot thtis ;. #
To ctur friends nd customers
"we extend the
with sincere appre3iation for
the liberal favors and emir-
tisies shown us during the
year now drawing to a close.
May the New Year bring
blessings of peace and pros-
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
CllintoA Neweelltoteed
December 30th, 1909
II * 10%11 . 9 1 eae
. Mr. F. Hodgen of fGoderie
Mr., Will. McTagrt camhome from
h was• in
toven. on
• • .
A' Toronto for Christina,
A ort; .... 0 ! . Miss Margaret Wiseman of Ottawa
"IA spent Christmas at home
: . le •
.1 :2 1
- , 0 Will. Greig of Toronto spent Christ:
e .
e Z
leeee ;
ri 0 • • With his parents in town. ,.
Mr.' Len : Caetelon, Toronto, ate .his•
'i• CP
14- ;
. ' °
(") 0 • 0
a Christmdinmer at
Mr. JeLeelie s Peat is visitieg xelat-
1 ives in Toronto over the holidays.
ee home. •
$ tr
0 ,
ra4 21, 1 Mr. S. Davis has been visiting in
f Toronto and Petrolie the past week:
, CD 9 Miss 'L. Sparks went to Stratford nee
In 0 ' , • Chcistmas ,and ,remaided, until Mons
Mr. E, J. Jenkins of the Cenral -Y.
•• ,..r m. C. A., Toronto, is home ore a.
s ref` • visit.* e ..
0 • ' 6". . .• Miss Hattie Trick • of the London Nde-
• mal is spending the holidays at her
/Mt , •
; . heels, ee. ° • •
;• ' -
. Mr. alb° Pollard a Coloma, Mich.,
e • is visiting his •stister, Mrs. J. F.
i Wasman.
• Miss Kate Ross. • of Tororito epeat
4i • ' Christmas with her aunt, Mist Ross
of town. . • •
• . Mr. .and elfre. J: . Armour and family
.. • . e • • ' teent ChriStbiab• with relatives, in
• • •*Goderich. . ••,* „ • ",
Mrs, •and Mise Taylor of • Townsend
'street went. down to Lsindon • for
, .
, Chris -bads,. . . ' ,
Mr. .Robt. ' Seeivart teem Toronto
weaseeteeeeieeseeseleselleelb.seesebeele-lb.4*.•sis*,<*ellielieSkr.will. spent Christmas with bis parents at
the manse • ' . ,,
• $dI
. •
1 ^
. 1t Niles Lizzie Chidley ' et • Flesherton
Mr; and Mrs. J. J: WashingtOe mid Mlikg Effill1111110 • : is selling the holidayss et her .home
faenily spent Chdstmas •at. "Wood -
0 • ° . lends Farm,"
0 5. C. Rathwell Shoes C. are, Music. . Mr- Jake Chidleye came deem
— • , from
1 1-Iii A °Won Sound to spend • Christmas
0 r
' with bis mother,
0 Miss Kate Scott went to Listoefel on*
0 . ' # . Tuesday to visit. IVIiss elaeearet .
aedenkt ef that elape:
0 .
-Tt.1 Wish our. friende, and patrons
. 0
. . 6 ii.g Peed, Centelon of ()rims.. was
• ', .
, : ••'
, . .., home •for ' Clitistreas, -returning, , to
. Misses Clara •Chidice• and Jessie Wise--
. ,
' 'ey . ••
IA liapiiy.,- ...,.....,
# Miss Jean McTaggart intends giving
• . .
, Reba Smyth .ine Toronto. .. , • •
• 1 . - man left en Tuesday; eel. 41 MiSS
I . ,
0 a dance for a number of her. young
0 * friends on New Year's . Eve:
an ros ero s :, Mr. 'and Mre. William. ° Forel spent
_Christmas with the latter's sister,
. . Mrs. Henry Diehl of 'Stanley. •
$ y • $
: Miss L. Hoovet of tho Havergall Coll-
holidaye at her home in town. •
lege staff, Toronto, •is spending her
$ • Neir Mr. Tom Rance of the Bell Telephone
0. Company staff, Leamington, eame
0 , Mane for the Christmas dinner.
0 0
Dr. Beacom of Harriston spent
Christmasat the home of his pat
S. C. RATHWELL 0. HOARE t wets, Mr. a.nd Mrs, David Beacom.
Mrs. A. Weir, Loncion, and •her sense
Archie and Teddie, have been visit-
ing at the old homestead in Hullett.
. It
School, Toronto, is spending the
holidays with his parents at Wesley
• .••• •••• *N. •••• •••••••• • •••••••••••••••4•••• • ••••
* J. 13 Hoover Nelson Bali
, V ellesee/WegeHOUSE I
i_ --- - •
We have added to our stock a loog list of useful t
and attractive Xmas presents, Fancy Pavlor Chairs and 4
Rockers; Parlor Tables, Desks, Musk Cabinets, Cou- 1
chec, Sectional Book Cases, Extension Tables, etc. We •
are offering a three drawer dresser, in rich •quarter -cut •
oak finish with heavy bevelled plate at $6.50. • Wash- I
stand to match $2.50,
iIron Beds ranging from $2.50 to $20. Full sized Bed Springs $1:50.
The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy all Wachs of furniture. 4,
Hoover Sc Bali 1
r-r_Tzt,w.i.irtT14,351 aft..1,41n leeri'leTVIsteee,:re. 3:5XleeleleeniCeVeS1
Mr. and Mrs. J.. Elligsen of •Hibbert
and Mrs. .J. Eichinier. of Staffa,
. spent, Christmas it' the home. of Mr,
J. F. Wasman,
Mies A. Vonllitter and Miss A... E.
• Hamshere of Niagara Falls • pent
• Christmas in tow e as the • griests el
Mrs. W. H. ilellyar.
Mrs. F. Wannest el Mitchell, who has
been visiting her son, Mr. 3. F.
• Wasmanfor the past six weeks,
returned' to her home on Saturday.
Mr. 'and Mrs. H. D. Cameron of
Arthur and Emerson St. John te
Toronto are spending the holidays
with Mr. Thos. Jenkins at "Wood-
lands Farm" on the Huron Road.
The many friends of Miss Mary Math-
• eson will be pleased to hear that,
though still very ill in Wingham
hospital, hopes ere now entertained
for her recovery.
Mr. Stewart Jackson ate Christmas
dinner with his people on Saturday,
returning to Toronto the same oven -
evening. He will sing in the •town
hall on New Year's hight.
Mr. Will. Wiseman of the Maisons
Bank staff, St. Thomas, and Mr.
John Wiseman of the staff of the
Bank of Commerce, Guelph, :Vent
Christmas at the parental home.
Miss Florence Cunningham will spend
New Year's with friends in Walker-
ton and Hanover. Miss Cunning-
harne has had a eeMenrhat stren-
uous tirne In the express office dur-
ing the holiday newt), •and a
change will be welcome.
.47 • •
A Health0
..;and Prosive
�t Personal Mention The News From Lonclesboro
Mr. Lee Brown came up 'from Toron-
to for the holiday. • •
Dere. Carlton, Goderich is visiting
her son'Mr. Wm; Rutledge. .
Mrs. F. Gibbs Londesboro visited
her sister, Mrs. T. Lawson on Mon-
Mrs. C. J. Tibbutt and ehild of Ches-
• ley are spending the holidays in
Bir. and • Mrs, Robert Sweet spent
the festive tiventy-fifth with Eieter
relatives. • 0 0 •
Mr. and Mrs. Merck of Stratford • are
' lord will spend the Now Year's with
• Clinton friends, •
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Twitchell and
Miss Tvvitthell visited Seaforth
friends on Christmas Day.
Mrs'. Alfred Elliott, Godcrich, ' was
• the guest of her sister, Mrs. Josh.
'Cook, Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. C. • IL Pugh and children are
• visiting in, London. Mr; Pugh was
• with them Saturday and Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson . of
• Monerieff were Christmas guests of
• the latter's mother, Mrs. E. Moore.
Miss Sybil Courtice, who fs taking
• a course it the Deaconess' Training
&hose, Toronto, is. holidaying at
home. '
Mr. and Mrs, Murch, Stratford, are.
guests of the lady's mother and
sisters, Mrs. • T. and the Misses
• Smith.
Mr. H. A. Hessian of Toronto visited
• with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thoseeessian of town over, the
Mr. 0. IL Wallis returned lest week
from another business trip to the
weet. He got back in time to help
fill the Christmag stockings.
Mr, Lal. Paisley returned Monday
night after an absence in the west
of several months, Ile twice as if
the country agreed with him.
Mr. Robert Hanna and his nephew,
Herbert Eainie, ef Milverton, were
• guests Saturday until Tuesday of
Ids sister, Mrs. S. S. Cooper.
Mr. Charles Oliver lertees on Friday
for Stratford to spend New Yeer's
with his unele, Mr. Wm. Chilling -
worth. Mr. Albert Carter will ac-
company him.
Mrs. Geo. N. Henderson, the Misses
Edna and Gladys Henderson and
Mrs. Oscar Neil of Seidl:idle and
• the 'Misses Neil of ,Stratford Woo
pegs of Mrs.. W. It, Counter the
past week.
Charlie Hall. of Leaden spent Christ- • . . .• . .
mas in town. ' • • The reviler monthly meeting Of the 'Mies R. Lyon entertained a few. 9f
Miss Cowan has been visiting at Fox- the Woman's Institute will be held at ' her friends Thursday evening.
• est and elsewhere; • ' the residence of Mrs. - J, W. Cart -
Mr. Eddie Steep is home from Pe- wright'e on January 6th, at 2:30.
trolia for the holiday week.' • . Miss K. Little will read a piper on
Miss R•eete. Cook is spending the "Apples, , -their food .value, and the
wkwithV best -keeping varieties." A sleigh will
Engineer and
be at the postoffice at 2 oielock : for
e6Mi nrgs . a ha lr ee friendsnwoodreturn-
ed from :remelt) Tuesdayeveninganyone who wishes - to attend • the
Mr. -Roy Ward of Toronto was the Meeting. . - . '
sian. _
Mr. John Stephenson :came up from
-- churches on Sunday last.' lenias wite frieeds out of town
number from the -village spent
ducted services in Burns' a.na Nnox • - -
with feiends at Tavistock an
•• : Last Sunday Miss Esther Lyon was
• .,
London for the twenty-fifth and sqc-
Mr. Harry • Steven of Platteville presented with a gold Medal and elso .
an eaey chair for 25 years service it ,
. Mr. Fred Youngblut spent Xmas ceeding day. -
spent Christmas with his tether, Benj. Lyoh of Brandon, Men, is :the Londesboxe Methodist Sunday
Mr. Robert Stevens. • school in the capacity of teacher, of
visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Anestrong of Misses M. and J. Wiseman • ate]. C. the infant class. In, several Jae:Lilies
Goderich ate Christmas turkey at Chidley of Clinton eisited at • R. Miss Lyon has taught two genera -
Miss Vire Heywood has gone to IL W. Adams spent a few days with are very rare ane the metnbers el the.
. tions. Terms of service Of this length.
Adams last -week.
Mr. A: Armstrong's, town.
Me. and Mrs. Thos. Farquhar. school felt it their duty to show their
elillsgreen :to, spend a month with
Mrs. J. J: McCaaghee of Blyth and
Mrs. Frank McCaughey of Leck-
now were in Clinton on Tuesday.
Mrs. B. 0. Gilpin of Gilpin, Alberta.,
is expected New. Year's on• a visit to
her parents, *Manager and Mrs.
Muteh, • •
Mrs, R. Brown and her son James,
from Londesboro, spent Christmas
• with her ;nether, Mrs. T. Lawsou. Mr. It. Adams left Wednesday moral ed in the whole Ounce being elected.
- ,c ing to visit les daughter, Mrs. D. W. • be acclamation as folloWs : Reeve;
ef -towns" • e.. .
with the former's• sister, Mrs Me- I Jr. W. Adams visited friends in Lon- Barr, Robert' ,Cletk, James Leiper.
Hugh' II. Hill ; Councillors, -John
Mr.' and Mrs. .J. J. Mecdonald visited i' Boyd of Chicago. • .
Gregor of Seaferth, on Friday and I don this Week.„
Saturday last. ms.e. and John Tamblyn,
Mrs. Peter Perdue has returned from
tho west and is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Robt. . A. Downs and her
daughter, Mrs, John Dodsworth of
Miss Priscilla' Cook, who has lieen
teaching, in the . Parry Sound Dia -
trite for a few years, has returned
to town and is visiting her brothers,
Messrs, Josh. and T. IL Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Fessant and
daughter of Qui Appetit, Sask., • are
visiting relatives here. •
Miss V. Spites, sehe has been at-
tending Alma Ladies College St. •
Thomas, is home for Xmas holidays. •
• Mr. and Mrs. John Grainger enter,.
•tained aenumber of their friends Wed- .
guest thie week of Mr. Thos. Hes- .Rev. Mr. ,Edgar of St Joseph, con- P'esdaY evening.
Clinton friends last week.
The holidays brought a :number of appreciation by this small token.
Christmas visitors, among ...them Mr. and Mrs. Relit. Carter of Gow-
were Miss L. Young and Rachel of ganda are spending Xmas and New
Brantford, X,. Riley, Z. Mains and I Years 'with • their parents, Mrs. W.
E. Lyon and E. Govier of London. Whitley and. Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter
Mrs. Jas. Scott attended the tuner- ' of • Blyth.
al of Mrs. Laidlaw of Myth. Wm. Moon and Jas. Ltiper paid a
D. .Cantelon shipped a car of hogs flying business trip to Strathrey this
on Wednesday....The price paid this week.
week was $7.75. The nominations On Monday reset -•
Mies May Armstrong returned to
Toronte Monday evening after spen-
ding a very pleasant Christmas at
her home here. Ifer father and her
brother, Walter, were also hole° for
the festive day.
Mr. Walter Holmes, Toronto, was" in
town Tuesday and yesterday, at-
tending the annual shoot of the
Oen Club at which he won rt good-
ly share of the prize money. Hie
mew friends in Clinton were pleas-
ed to meet him again.
Hullett Happenings.
Deteetive Mike Lennen af Detroit
arrived on Wednesday and is spending
the week the guest 'of Mr. and Mrs,
Patrick Quigley.
Messrs. Richard J., Thos. Michael
and Miss Nora M. Blake arrived home
and spent Christmastide at the par-
ental 'home, t. •
Mr. Edward Tighe of Nermicott
spent the holidays at home.
The many friends of Mr. Owen Flynn
-will be glad to hear that he has al-
most recovered from the effects of an
eceidene which betel him a f eW weeks
• Mr. John Medd arrived home Iast
week front British Cqumbia where he
has been for the past efeW years.
M. and Mrs, Owego Carbert ana
family .spent Critistmes in Seaforth.
The pupils ef S.S.S. TO. 2, present-
ed their teacher, Miss Theresa Lamb,
with a net address and a .silver env-
elery btes with dock to match as a
little token of gratitude which shows
the • high esteem in which Mies Lamb
is held by the pupils of this section,
•Mr. Thos. Reynolds ef Pittsburg is
vieiting relatives in this township.
and th Clinton.
Mrs, Wm. Hughes. and lately or
Dauphin, Mete. are spending the win-
ter at the • home ,of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Sundereock,
• Miss Edith Stewart is speeding
Christmas under the parental roof. •