HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-30, Page 6. ' . • 0 CONLITIAS Commissioner F. A. McKenzie TaItke on Imperial Tempt.. Mr. F. A. AfelietirAe, the commis- eioner sent out to Canada to report on existing conditions in thbe. coun- try with reference to pretnotinet tree r•Ontions between Canada aad Creut rietain, has :made some iuterestitiP diettoveriee, r Many 'British menufactureie, he . e rites to hits journal in London are convinced, that it is useless to com- pete seriously for Canadian trsde wie the -Arnericens have so great en advantage over us on aeeount. of their proximity and the similarity of taste and requirements in the. Dcnnio- ion Riad the Union. This belief receives it best contra- diction in tho snceees of h number of British houses thnt have gone to work intelligently to push their manufac- tures in Canada. The advantage p.os- seesed by the Americana in being next door to the ;Ontario wad the Western niarkets' is undeniable, but it is not so great as many suppoee. The British facto -y can ,deliver tts ro•ids as cheaply from its warehousete •in *Glasgow or Liverpool to Vancou- ver as can its competitor in New Eng - lend. N•essele tem Idiut at Bristol or London and 1i nn' their wpres at Feet William on Lake Superior, the linlf-way city liteross the continent, veitheut once disturbing freight On the way. Some months ago a Birmingham f;rni nating a special line of windowenehrs set out to cultivate Canadian trade. The 'senior partner,. himself croesed the Atlantic . and went to work with the uttnest• enerev: He .1•01/0•10 DANGEROUS DANDRUFF. Will Make Canada a Baldheadcd Na- tion if Not Checked. • • • • M. Pasteur, the great French Phy- sician of Paris, once said : "r believe we shall one day r1 the world of all diseases caused by germs." Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact accepted by all physicians. • Dandruff is *the root of all ban evils. If it were not for ,the •• destructive germs working with persistency worthy of a better eaus , there would he oo baldness. . . Parisian sage will kill dandruff germs and remove dandruff tn two weeks or money hack. W. S. R. Holmes guarantees it. It will stop sitching scalp, falling hair and make -the hair' grow thick and abundant. . It puts life and lustre into the hair and prevents it from turning gray.. ._ It is the hair dressing par excel- lence, daintily perfumed and free from grease stickiness . It is the favorite with women of taste and culture who know the social value of fascinating hair. V".11?%Zeel arerilVeti ana gave them practical dernonetration of the merits of Ins produet. He interviewed build• ers. he button -holed hardware men. Imd finally he appointed a responsi- ble firm his representative on the spot and fired them with some of his own Opt11116144111. Aft 4 result one giriOiM•hani firm has „received orderf y. th i Toronto district alore th.19 seeisen for £2,000 worth of god. *The American -Canadian houses ere securing practically all the trade to the exclusion of the British. The rea- son -a this was very clearly shown to me hy, the manage r of a large power plant. "You can rely on it," ho said, "Abet very few more orders for elec- tric plants will go to the old (":"'xitry your manufacturers elth„ bold fun stooks here or etart branch works. 11 you buy from a British house now you are,under a serious disadvantage. Fuppose, for instance, you want ex- tra parts, 'spares,' or sundries. 'When You want `spares/ usually you want them mighty cmck, and. something hos to wait until yen get them, If yon nest ceble to England it means a elelay of weeks. "If anything goes seriously wrong in the British:built plant men are sent out front England to see what is the matter and put it right. The men come out on the understanding that if Itits .the makers' fault they Pay. and it it la your, you 1pay. The fault will probably be here, and we have both the • ;delay and the ex- pense+ of men coming from Etigland. All this is evoidedPmployinw the on'tbe spot. If the grele'Brit- eleetrie firrne weeit,Canadiart trade let them. efart Canivlien bronelies." Thf, rd ware 1-nsinese Affprcle Many Iins great opportunitiee- for the English maker. • The activity in Ilte Canadian building trade is very great e.risl is inereesing. The class of houses nut up is steadily iMprov• ing, and the dentetud for better -class goods is certain fo become more, and. • more inerked. •The• people who 'once ' wore content to folleve some of. the crnder American fashions tire now in° marry cases showing n disposition to .come back to British styles. In To- ronto alone the building work this season iU cost between ' Xil.6C0.000 and R3,000,0fill • All the members or the new Portu- guest • Ministryare: Progressistsi , ,.. . To prohibit, the sale by retail of spi ri t u ou s, ter. melded. or ot bow t nan u Me t a red lie 'tors in the•• Municipality of the Village 'of Bay field. . -The Municipnl Connell of the Village of . . • • aylleld hereby 0050(5 55 fellows : . , • 1.... -That the sale by rotail .of 80'11110es, fer- mented, or Othr,l• MB imfactured liq.nors is 'and 1;1mll he prohibited in every tavern, inn Or oth• er house or play° nf Public entertainment in OM Said mit n icipality, and the sale thereof •eN- ttept by wholesale. is and shall be prohibited in every shop or plaee other than ts house of . nubiln entertainment in the said inuoiciPalitY. 2.-Thatthli vote of the elector, . of tho ,saici Village of Ilaytield Will be taken on • Ati-i by- law by the returning officer hereinafter • nam- ed on Monday. the third day of 3 ativary. th..e :Thensand Nine Hundred and Ten, common - rem, ,at nine o elock .in the morning unit con- ' tinning,until live o'clock in the undermention- ed place at The Town .11411.. Bayfield. • 3. , That on the 27th day of December A. D. 41 , At his office in the said Village of Bny field pier. , the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon , he reeve shall appoint. in writing!, signed.. by himself. two persons to attend, atthe final summing upset the votes by the clerk, and one person to attend ateach polling Waco ell be halt ot the persons interested.lti and desirou. otopromoting the pas;fing of this . by•leiv, and like number on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous •ot opposing the passing ot thi : by-law. • . 4. -That the • Clerk of the. said Municipal Connell of the Village of Bayfield shall attend' •at. the Town Hall at the ' hour of eleven online. in the foretiocin,on the fourth day of Jana' my A. Li 1910.- to - sutn up the moaner, of votes given for and walnut this By -Law. ' 5. -This By-lawshall come into force and take effectas from the first day ef May next after the final passing thereof, • . . . Connell Chamber, Norember Qth,. Igen. , . ... , Bee ie. - • • • A large bottle Costs only 50 cents at leading druggiSts everywhere, and in Clinton by W. S. R. Holmes. The girl' with the auburn hair is on every package. 1 THE .EINS-RECEID'S CLUBBINC LIST FOR HOS-10 Much good reading for little nr ,ney. Wentkress News -Record and Mail and Empire $1.50 News-Recuiel and Globe.. , 1.75 News -Record and Family Herald and Star with Prenainin 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun 1.75 News -Record and •Free 'Prose • • 1,75 News -Record and Myer- • tiser '1.75.. News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night, 2,80 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.26 News -Record and Farm . • and Dairy 1.76 News -Record and Cants- dian Farm DAILIES News -Record and Mail and Empire 4.25 News -Record and °lobe., 4.25 News -Record and News 2.30 News-Reenrd and Star .' 2.30 News-Racord and World 3,25 News-Becord and Morning , Free Press 8.25 News -Record and Evening Free Press 2.75 • News -Record and Adyer- User 8.00 MONTHLY News -Record and Lippin- cott's Magizine 3,26 If what you want is not hi this list let lift know- about it. We can supply you at less than it woul(l cost yott to send direct. In remitting please do so 'by Post-offlee Ceder, Postal Note, Express Order or Ilegristered. Letter and address. 1.75 W. J. 5/11tekell News -Record m CLINTON . . Clak. • ' NO rlf..110. '• ' Take notice that the above. ie a. true 'ecIPY of a proposed 13y -law Wh:ch has been taken in consideration by the Municipal (Mundt of• Vilhge of Bayfielti and whieli will Inc finally passed by the said cou nen (in the °Vent of the e..sent of th,; clearers being obtained thereto, as provided by the '''The Liqnor ',Moose Act" amendments theretoo after one • month from Inc ilrst publication thereof in the (llititne -NeWs-Revorti the date of which first pepliettlian wa..•Thursday tho Vvh 41 Ly of Deeember A, 1), 11109 and tic .1 at the hour. day and .1.11iteeg theklt- -latlxed to; f;iking the votes of the electors tite polls will be held.. .• • .CLERK; B.• W. ERWIN . By -jaw ho, 7.For .1800 To prohibit the sale by retail of•spirituoits, fer- mented or other manufactured limiors in tho municipality of the Town' of Clinton. Munieipal Ctuneil Of the Town of Clieton hereby enacts as follows: i.That the sale by retell of spirituous . merited, or other manufactured' liquor.; 15 and shall be prohibited in every tavern, inn or•oth or house or place of public entcrtainnient iu the said mneleipality. and the sale thereof, except by whclesale is and shall be prohibited in every shop•or place other than a hong* of potille entertainment in the Paid Inutile %Otte' • 2. -That The vote of the electors of the said Town of Clinton will be takes; on this by-law by the deputy -returning officers hereinafter mimed on Monday the third day of January One 'Thouairrid Nine Hundred and Ten roa- n -mooing nt, nine o'clock in, the morning and eentinning until five o'eloek in the afterzoon ,nt the onclermentioned places: • , *Polling Sob. NO 4- At Leslies Carriage Shoo S. J„'Androws, Demity Returning Officer, J. Cunningham, P11 Clerk. • 'Polling Sub No. 1 -At Town Ball, W. IL Manning, Deputy Returning Offiestr, Ed. Su Ville, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub, No. 2 -At Dawn* Evaporator Thos. D. Johnsom•Depoty Returning Officer. Edgar East..Poll Clerk Polling Sub No. 3 --At Thresher Company's Office, Jae. C. MoMatk. Deputy Returniug Officer. H. Alexander, Poll Clerk. 3,-1 hat oti the 30th day ot DeeeMber A. D. 1909, at his office in thc Town 0* Clinton at the hour of 10 o'clock iti 1 Inc fore..00n the mayor shall appoint in writing. eignod by two peroons to attend the gumming np or the votes by the clerk, snd one person td at•end at each polling place on behitlf of the persons in. torested ih and desirous of the Promoting the passing of thie 133,1aw, and a like number on behalf ut the persona Interested in and dealt- ous of oppesing.,the passing of this by-law. 4. -That the Clerk of the said Mtinicipal council of the Town of Clinton shall attend at his office in Clinton at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon en the 4111 (lay of Jan. tutrY A. D. MO, to gem Op the n urn b9r of votes given for and against this 13y.law. 5, This Byelaw shall come into force end take effect as from the first day of May next after the tIoal passing thereof. \ Connell Chamber. November bit 1909, Mayor Clerk oloo...6.01•0 NOTICS. Take notiee thet the ebeve ter a tree eopY of 1(1 pronesed ily-law which banheen taken bite consideratiett by the nuntleipal (Menetl of the Town Of Olinon and will be finally passed by the said Council lin the evettt of the assent of the eine tors there(0. being obtaitmd as provided Int "The fAquor Licenao Act,' and amend. month thereto,) after ono month from the first publication thereof in the Clinton No wo4tword tho ditto of which dretpublieetion was 'Thum day the 2nd day of beeetnber 1909. A. I), and ',het at tho hour, day end pierce therein fi,eede for taking the vette of the eleettorti the volts will be held, D. LMA.OPRit flatlet fl1.4kitit t.t.A BLEEDING HEARTS. ,Lt in the dewy gaz path, we walked, t love and T. Between the herder rows of shells. With holly -hocks for sen- tinels, Under a palin.g .e The •eldeY-evented° garden pinks, by trop'e breezes haunted, marigolds, and lour- o'elocks. Long since asleep; and crimson phlox Hie gorgeous; turban . flaunted. 13ut at the very farthest end, the narrow pathway parts anti, drooping there, eath ruddy bell, vestye In the breeze It loves so well, 0I4 -fashioned bleeding itetirts. nen Sold my love: "The bleeding. heart in best of all for nie. For, come foul wind or sernmer weather, These hearts are trite end awful', tv- gether, • So," sold my love to me. "My heart is true to thee." ' • "The Wafting Table." Save ?steps; this Ise more .impertstet than women realise until too lete and the lame back, the aching 'head, are - the penalties. Cave a "waiting" table. Pinot,. it at Biter end of the ilat or have one, or a Shelf, or 'cubby-hole of some sort, a' either end of the stairs if you. live in a house. And on this table er put every article which* belongs some where else. talless the need is sneh tkat it must be immediately .put into its proper place, why not let It waif your convenience? A rug thathas been airing on the back perch ,dops not need to beat once carried .to the library. Wait and when. the fr.ont door -belt rings, or when , yoae heve smile' occasion to go to the front of the house OT flat, take the reg trifle you. • Perhaps bee' vase .o2 flowers npels replenishing. But it need not be ta ken tp the kitchen on the dot; wait and when the peddler ciemes, orthe telephone rings, or the beans need stirring, carry the -vase with you as you make the trip to the kitchen, and , make the one walking de for both, er- rands. • . The sight of the "waiting" table with .its things • read Y to hand will serve to remind. yo, and will save much unnecessary tramp, tramp 1.11) sad' down, back and • forth, making true the old saying that "marz's work . Is from -sun to sun, but woman's. work. Is never done." 1. eliatert illows4Atiagord VEN t ABINIET WHY AUNTY'S NEVER SICK.. 4 OLICS tell nee I look deli- cate, And oid, a.n4 peat zuV prime. And yeti I'M never ewe a day. You ace, I haven't time. Occasionally, i leek uu,., A. cold ;atm hold of me, I3ut just as I about give up, Some one gate ;sick, you see. I recollect once 'Osmium, tle Got etarted In My side. rdat 1Ust, then nrether flant took *telt Artl pretty nearly Wed, tml by the time I'd nursed hiut 'round, 'And helped that wife o' la% test gm well 1, cles,r101•404 Ali 'bout my riasiumatiM. • Another time I started In With a armour acare, „ Then Marthy had a baby, and I had to go out there. Then Met'm book get to s.chinl rot. Seemed notbin' would relieve her, And just aa she got sitar. Par Came down with typhold fever. 1 lo how on earth can 1 get stele? 'Twould almost he a crime, ' With everybody else upset, I never find the time. . Rett(es and lilablee. A prominent woman phyzicia.n has this to say about the,.feeding: of •bot- tle bebieer "I3abics are creatural of habit,..eittl can eosily be trained to the utmost rey,uIeirity. To this end the in, font should be allowed 210 minutes to each bottle, , and Af it '14;not Ileished -then it °mitt to be taken`taway. Thus It will learn to take its meals regularly and quickly." For everybody knows that babies. will .tlawale over the bottle, keeping the 'nipple in the ,lips longer than is good, either for digestion ter the shape of the mouth. "Meals properly apportioned are s•af• fleient when methodically taken. It ;baby cries, give it water'. And remem- ber that. baby's food should be regulat- ed, not only by age,. but by growth, Re- gardleas of the months, a large east - growing child requires more food than one who la sznall and slow in growsth, There.is a tendency to act, opposite to this, antl'over-flied the puny child. This is bad because the sickly child will suffer more from the over -crowd- ing of a weak stomach thau from too little faod. Fresh air, plenty of sleep, and care and regularity in what he eats. are more importent than quantity. ,Give the larger amount to the strong, healthy child. sell° shows that he call • take e ,e of arid assimilate it. MY REAL HOME. , • . HIS •Itent,',:they'. 'San la ' home,i,'but that /a 1ar. from . being The racken which"I hatig my hat - Do they call that Items,. The front eters whenee • . tnir wettry feet ' . Ascend ,Ett set of •eun,t The table " where let7 Meals / eat? • . . The bed I lie upon?„. .p,sternal signs of home •. , ' are. theme, .• • I" nye' here,te'' be snre, at creature , comforts, Shelter, . ease? Not leta.g ,do they. endure.. ? No -here or there, where'er 1 roana, Though soill and body ,Part, • Tlie • place I truly •five-rey theme, • • Is in thy dear wire's .heart: • Thli is what . our grandRotherS called it, gni.] *they permitted far more of it than Was goad. for •its, no daug4;.! For doctors are. ,agreed" that eitiing between :Meals ts•one of tile itnest pee' ten t 'causes of indigestion. • 'Teve dieura . after. =mole., digestion ts.still weil., one der way, and if we put new Iciod iatce the etornach, we change the elichteical action and upsti•t condttionet 'The Old - material, is. Ina condition eirhich lends itself tsi. easy 'fertnentatien, and ,tlee new toed,. miXing 'Fah it, precludes lite. ni3.tural. aetiOn. In sickness-, the 'pa.: .tient uaust sometimes 'tehe sneJJ quane often, but •theee mutt be /104 and siMple roods; and thie arrange- ment is different from.the three meals a• day With ."niece" between. Ogle. very lima children should, be fed see. eral Unitas ,a day, but this is also; a different arrangement in every S'Vtty, mid is net a question or "between. . • .0.0 • A prominent writer has said!' "liflaa Is notonly his Own architeet, but hels even his own posterity." And JUgatiee te our poeterity demands prop. er good, proper carte of the stomach Ina attention to hygiene and theilitlee 01 right living. • T -hat Old Refrigerator. It may be made ias good as new by giving the • inside a Coating of i-vory paint, the kind tufeci for bath -tubs, Let title fret coat dry. for 24 hours, Then put on It•seconsl, and wben it, too, has therdaghly dried, apply a coat of .On. uric!, Do not use the reiligerator for testa or three days. It /Mist be thor- oughly dry and hard. eix-L ° feeterfe. 111EN ItNiEr APRIL RAIN. , — Oxid ram, erft rain. ...Tiring bask She flowers again! • • / Come, rain, rosins af zny. .gersbrel 4561,1%), A trwinarsing-pool ler Win- Tiss:or'ristinit'ave"si. letzelding sprouts and may: 'Ta-retierrevit wilt .1rrIng, an- other day, Altd April's 'sae and 5a7 Shot:earn-et •• • '" en.mrea•t.11:raia,..''.ieaft• ..AOr.101 . . • • Bring summer bee* again! • • • . , Rain, say which wind lovemt be•lt, -1'he north? This south I'. Thu' burly One thing I•know,.thou latest i.etat . To drive before the churlish er.et. ,Ilain, raln U//f.ti. the ,oti,lok #1'.5 Agt ' Thou I's:newt' alike upon the. heal . Of unjust and cif 'jest, wiitt etovii • And all impartial chs.rity. „ • «; ' "Inernatt's Militaritim.me; "Vornan'a innate militarism" --47..!:: • • • . iswhat: one ,, -London. paper eallfe• ;:o ..latest patriotic: response iya 01 worin It is'ascribmd partly to in hal .6 1ltarirn1 anif peetly ' lier:ibte•atEir,diteItrebt and .• rads, Of coursec the. editoi! .anoivii. too; nokl....r :ivotfTe.d. : • ° ;The irioveaent Mader discussime th :43e forzoaIlcn of a military (eves Celled "The` Firet 1dd.'Kurning rer.i4,stnd isezi collo ef the 'Kew.. :eval;711.tee.sentinsent aotiegable r.nerlaid: it • 'wail k%todod &year,:tgeS:' by Capt Baker, but itally last 'week flid. its, •riJ stat.bit3:• „zi.e.ite3AIe. gesnOval115 kSowt. 'Ito • ohebt- lr te rettlEet fitet. oSdte. the we.enied nild•te'„,foliew Clone to the cavalry ani bOyise ortht aoh trooperette.,,matet 'ha :bur 'fire feet, three inches 'is ehe mutt pre•ride bet ewe *atilt, tuel,ttlit2 a horse Raid /it 'oar*. Se it will •ble .5eeti that there are. lianitatiems, anti . that the rinks are • refeenited trete weroesi or poialtioe and rooms. • • Daily practice combing:le the week of cavalryman: and none. Thtev rtes tiP to • ties . wonntled 2)05.0, 0tnoitpt nroduee eurgleel wad metliiehii, alletle; and deems the (setseneeser• weer, de. Rifietis emigiet4ronn tiel=0 patie of splints $4) goevel aBatrist emergency In hetteal eetoetier.e' The sweek sevotete of the idea may re,pel tease tellies, but. the rnaierity leoher'salely witieholdOte judgment .itatil tines tells whelltet tt atovernep as fie il,to la a lets..ttire fonilnerit,fer gt.sd ear,s. or in Ne'ele.'z eon', wee. wet:he:ply December 30th, 1909 THE GROUCHY RAOHELOR. .".1.001100 • 11PN the long dare worlc ie over, Then it's "Home, sweet home" for in, Where I can start the small gas stove And make my cup of tea. For I live ve a three -pair back, A dark room, square and small, But, gee, no Wedding - bells for me. I'm keeping baoheloVe hall! And I make tea. there goad enough °To keep A French chef guesain', The rest I leave to bakeries, , .And mhop iti called "Pelieatessoll." And / sit on my btacking box/ A trunk for table servere, A.nd what lf n,flk get, on my coat, And on Ply mite, preserve'? Such restful, quiet comfort'. No ecoldIng; not a squall, Disturbm the calm rePoze of hint Whose home te-Bachelor'e 11,111 • ., Orende Strips, Doll, 20 minutes, bits or orange peeling, cut into fine strips. Change the water and boil again; repeat, each time Changing water. ,Lastly, .take a cup granulated sugar, one of peeling and water to cover. 13oil un- til it strings from a fork. Serve covered' with powdered sugar. Another • Queer Sweetmeat -is called Turkish Delight, and is made with common starch as its chief in- gredient. • The original is Imported at high prices, The following recipe was given by the proprietor of a Turk fah bazaar. - Boil 2% pounds lump suer with scaet two pints of water. Whart clear, add ope-half • pound of starch, dis- solved in cold water, Stir Until it has beeome think paste. Add a cup chopped almonds and water, if too thick to stir easily. Favor with rose or any fruit extract. When 9/ald, cut into squares and dip in powdered • sugar. In tin boxes this will keep a 'long time. • A "First Course." . • Puff paste cases filled with a mix- ture of creamed sweetbreads' and mushrooms are delicious. Flavor with - chicken stock, or with- the stock in whieh the meat has been boiled. Gar- nisle with a few unohopped roushiooms • or tiny celery stalks.' This, served with hot biscuits, is elaborate enough for the "piece de resistance" of the meal. • • ad Japan. will Adopt a tariff for reven- ue only. Albert Leopold, Belgium's, new. King, ascended tlie throne on Thurs- day last. Eight mon were killed in an ex- plosion in a coal mine at Herrin, Ill. The GIVeialt Military *League has decided to overthrow the Ministry of its own creating. Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure wdl al- ways cure ray coughs and eollf,:n The police of Pittsburg, Penna., have challenged all the police forces of America to a drill competition. Rev. Father Kielty of Peterboro dead. Mr. H. 13. Ames M. P, of Montreal is ill with • typhoid fever at Pert Said. Repeat 'it :-"Shiloh's • Cure will al- ays cure my coughs.4d colds." PROVED IN MOUNT FOREST. Avery,51octor in this town tried his best to' relieve Mrs. J, Withora of Asthma; none succeeded. "For year *e states, "I•was a dreadful sufferer; nothing gave relief. At 1,4116 I found it necessary tp have all the doors and windows 'open to get my breath. When in despair I heard of "Catarrh - ozone." I us.ed it and now ani per- feetly culled."... This proves leeyond doubt that any case of, Asthma is Purable with Catarrhotone. No rem- edy so pleasant none so absolutely certain to thoroughlYepte ; try "Cate arrhozone" yourself ; ittIS guaranteed. • . 13tiffalo people who have homes- al- ong the Grand. Trunk ts far as Port Colborne are striving to get a better train service: , The Catiadian 13rotherhood of 'Rail- way F,mploy.ees has amalgamated. with the . Canadian Federation of labor. • , • ' • WATER IN YOUR BLOOD? Lots of people have thin, watery blood -they eat plenty but don't di- gest. When, digestion is poor, food is not converted into nourislurfent-t* consequence the body rapidly loses strength. To positively renew health, nothing equals--Ferrozone. It excites sharp appetite, -makes the stomach digest, forms life sustaining blood. Abundant strength is sure to folloir. 11 you need more vitality, eta en- ergy, better nerves, their use Penm- en° the medical triumph of the age. Fifty' tents buys a box of fifty choco- late coated Ferrozone tablets. Louis -Ga.uvreau was killed in Rite- hie's lumber camp near Mattawa, by a tree falling upon him. His father was killed in ohe same way at tka same place four years ago. Miss Isbister, a nurse, was awarded four thiusand dollars in her actioa against the Dominion Fish Company at Winnipeg, for injuriee received in the burning of the steamer Premier two years age. Repeat it :-"Shilob's Cure wilt al- lways cure my -coughs and colds," 110'W'S TH'IS ? We after One Hundred Delays Re- zard for aoy ease ekCatarriti that annot be cured iiyAlall's Cataxrk. lure. F...7,CHENEt•4 Co.,Poed*, 0, We, the undersigned, hare known . Cheney for the last 15 years., and elievd him perfectly. honorable in alit esiness transietioes, and Cuancially hie to.carry out any elongation': lade by his (gm. • • „ Wadding, Kinnan Jo Marvin, , 'Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ct41 Hail's Catarrh Cure is' taken inter - ally acting directly unon the blood ?id mucous sorfaxesof the system. 'estimonials 'sent free. Price, 75c. per 'riffle. Sold br all druggists. . Take Hall's Fanuly Pills for cOnsti- eescume=....."ve.„,e-e.irse"seeseeeme —.....euszesealategetaingsnesssagr (LONDON) India Pale Ale • '• Prejudicecl iss?dunscrupulous vendors may suggest others, but compare it aim way you will—mitity, freedom from aciditY, palatableness-:-Labatt's Ale is stirpass• ed by none, equalled by few -at about hall the price of best Imported brands. mugesorlagenorig""‘""gorowselswi— 'aia5mm3rmilmEsiramminm'Emizi inmalmommarlow.faramosp :POPPING. CORN. T WAS 0, ver'. nasty night, . Yet, ' doughty as Loan- .dirr, • ' : - • To see his - neighbor's . daughter bright, ' Young /Eire did mean- der Walked baldly:: up ,'"to ' • where he sat, (An awkward curtsey • dreppire): . • :Sophronia put 'away hie . And.. got some ,corn for. Potpin'. • • : . , • • pi • "Right pesky wether ' out," said he, . As .on • hies chair, he" • • t , wriggled. . "Why, ain't the weather titually „Out?" ophronla giggled.' • • • . • And that - made Ezra .blush as red . • ' ea suer cosi or. n -e, Then, •."I 1iI� pcpnin" corn," . he 'maid, Azid 'hitched bis chair Sp nigh her. • . . ,i•ler 'father finished 'up the ehbres,. A'nd 'Went right' tap .to bed, ' "Da is osIcepitny, ilo* he sno.tesr Sofibre.nia, said: Her ma, who'd " Worked since veitily mOrM, At,1 the suggestio,n, ' • .• 'herr:Ezra lett off popOln' corn, • ' And •straigh.l.wrw POPPrOH:the questa,* • • • , • 'Bridget's Beatitudes. ,,T4leesed ar0. the drippings of baeen, grease.; :Mitch better „than lard ree:fer- te9i. ,to,ptiebier . the Meat leaf fee...battitig, . 'tilVesed are tht fishy plateand ,q)-. ver put immediately foto cold •Writet..., 'Afterwerils wash.,atith,,,liot `Water to -whietamineniti has been iiided. • fileasetV. are .the„ belied POtateas' .whiedi are fir.st „parekermil..4ion, put into a pry.:, hot* eyere':.•It• tares- the waste next 'to.the • 'Peaties; and. 'elegem. • Select large, Perfeet .petatees; AO. cut'a tiece off one end ie, that they, Win eland firInly. When 'belted' soft,* remove 'pert of tbe potato. and Is the onviti Pat chopped kit:oiled bacrni, al- lowing it te. rise ti bit out of the top of the • polite. Garnish , with parsley. 'Phis la, an excellent breakteet disk, or may do dray for a simPte luncheon eogree. Verve for more elaborate -ee- cations, with a pickle and *gnarls Of tout oca tbe elate. TO Clean PurnitUrd, Vile oil very sparingly. and then ap- ply it nixed with one-thltd gasoline. As act latter 'evaporates quickly, it !testae the risk of leaving a sticky !twit of 011 on the surface. Rub it weli atterwarila With it dr Y cloth. Platen or 'willow furniture should be ideated with ammonia, not swap, ac the latter makes it turn yellow. Tlis Root of • Neuralgic Headache, ls an irritable condition of the net- vfs caused by cold. Relief comes quickly from Nerviline, the great pain reliever of to -day, "I eonsider Nev. viline a magical remedy for neural- gia." writes- Mrs, E. G. Harris of Baltimore. But I never worry if Net- viline is he the house. A few applica- tions never yet failed to Mire the pain. / cat also recommend Nervilirie for atithieles, rheumatism, mitt muscular pants, In use nearly fifty. yeara ; try NerViliiit yourtelf. Repeat it :-"Shilok'u Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." The Allan steamer Coriethian was pulled off George's Island by, three tugs and steamed into HalifaX. Plans or the Qu'obee bridge will he open for inspection at Moetreal on Jan. third. The estimated cosfrof the I bridge is ten million. dollars. Several blood-stained flage kora° by Canadian, regitrients i* the war of eighteen ktindred and twelve have been handed over t� the Dominion Archives by the Militia Department. A drive -wheel parted from the en- gine of a traihi running between Pal- merston and Guelph. Engineer Skea brought the engine to a stand 'With!. out any further accident. Recorder Weir of Montreal fined a number Of bakers for delivering bread on Sunday, and Recorder Dupuis dis- missed a number of similar cases shortly afterwards. Repeat it :---"Shilehts Cure will al - *VS elite my coughs and eoida," •. . • •• Your -sayings are the safeguard of your future. • You want' to place them where there "is no Chance whatever of losing them. You can do that by depositing them with this Company, Dir by taking ,•out a Debenture •for 100 or ractre,, for one or more •yeais. 3;IY•lawno depositor or debenture holder can lose one dollar of prinCipal or interest 4hile any assets remain to cover is • investment. The assets .of this • Company exceed $11,000,000, so ... that there la' no 'Chance, of loss. • ."•Tii fact. there is no financial in- atitaticin in Canada which can • ' • offer you more absolute Certainty of safety. ' • Correspondenee, will be ,gladly... ' •••• 'entered into with those. 'interested • in banking .by-thail. • e • oan & Savings Co. London Ont. , . f Make Each Animal Worth 25% Over Its Cost • EEL" 2:02.si you :4:orndyereeivyerrtheedatnrgd tohf.e'm,'stOwdhicaftiood" curing the bots or cat...making .•. bodice get All the good out tcr the teed you gitte them so they cen go fat ' .. ..iserts lay in winter, iticreasing the yield of rpillt fivevounds per cow a My, • ..or rewsthoerninvgoruunf;deodwpsatoncipt arolsodto.,ntlyosoniuyonanureerscsiawonw,dihnV7girgosoenr..yowujrnoewornpirrmiti..y: . ! On ,24'. of e Cent a;Day Your animals do need not war* feed, but something to help their . and stay fat all year round; also to Prevent disease, cure disease and keep , , , them tip to the best possialeveemdkion. No ' 'tock food" can do all these ' adritYnt/e4ceoPt:f, %I Not a "Stock Food ' But a''',Conditioner'' l'a"'at ;Pm"' qf thing*. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can smd does, it is . r ROYAL PuttPLE.STOCK EPEtCIFIC contains no grain, nbe farm products. It increases yield of milk from cheer to live pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than Any other preparation known, Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when. ' fed withorptipLEKs inaryamatersiaTIsoact tenpiFeckiti. ROYAL ta build s up runelown animals and restores them to plumpness almost magically. Cures bob!: colic; worms, skin diseases nod debility:permanently. Dan McEwan, the horteman, says; I have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC persistently in the feeding of 'The Eel,' 2.0.2i, largest winnee of Any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1908, and 'Henry Winters,' 2.09}, brother, o? 'Allen.Wintera,' vviriner of S36,0001n trotting stakes in 1903. These homes have never been off their feed Mote I commenced „using Royal Purple Specific almost a year ago, and I will always have it in MY ntables." P•. , STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS , One 50c, package of ROW. PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will last one animal seventy days, which is a little over two-thirds of ti cent A day Most stock foods in fifty tent pttelfageS lost luat fifty days and are given three times a day. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPE CIF LC aisnigoivuennt bort hoen cflertay, dcaeyni paaneditlaagset sw het lifasotg2a8iondatty%IoritovA 910 pail containing four tidies the AL PURPLE will increase the value of your stock 25%. It is an astonishingly quick fattener, etimulatina the appetite tind the relish Inc food, assisting nature to digest and turn teed into flesh. Asa hog fattener it is ri leader. __ it will save many times its cost hi veterinary bills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPEC?. FIC is our other Specific for poultry,. not Inc Stock. One 50 cent Package 'will last twenty•five hens 70 days, 0.• a pail costing $4,50 will last twenty-five herte es) days. which is four tirnes more material for only three times the cost, It makel a laying machine" out of your hens summer and winterdwevents fowls )(mint flesh at moulting time, and CtireA poultry discasee. Evert, package Of ROYAL PURPLE TOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is guaranteed. use ROYAanimal in the table condition: after comparing results you will saY Y dust ROYAL PURPLE ononeof your animals and any otherrepapoAaLatprounRoripoetotht them all beet to death, er else back cernes yew r notice. FIII3E-Ask yeurtnerchant or write us teener valuable 32- rums booklet' on cattle and poultry diseases, eootaining atso cooking receines and felt terrtiettlars about ROYAL PURPLE STOOK and POOL- RirS PoeuCTanotnCSt, it y tot Rorti puepie specifice from merchants agent, We 0911 ts,O;slypeye•ouiptecsi.irect. exerces prepaid, on receipt of $1.80 a pail for either Poultry er Wee money n tting Is Mir agent in your district. Write for teems, Per sale by all un.to,dote merchanta. Ilir, L Jenkins. leg, 04,1:London,. Can Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifie rind free booklet aro Kept 10 steek by W'. 8, ft, Mhos