HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-30, Page 4An Accident Policy for $1000 Free 1 Nvith a pock el diAry is our New ",(earis greetings to you. nowsional The diaries are worth• from 20c to 35c mill wld an accident policy 'goes with each one, • Canadian Almanac for 1910, 0 0 CrP E R 'S I BOOK STORE CLINTON W. H. Watts Son - have everything needed in the Shoe Repairing line to .execute all- ire ir lenders with neatness and prompt- ly. A. trial will convince Toil that our material and workman- ship are of e the best procural31e aaywhere. • Ws also shish' and aloe clean repair Suit Cases, Sat - Pocket Books, seta earn and dye the same. Our stand:: . HalmeavIlle. The unexpeeted rather happened at . the municipal nominations on Mon- day., inasmuch ce an all-around fight was put on. For the reeveship the prrsent in-. eumbeat, Mr. S. Sturdy, is opposed by Mr. John McClure, who has been a. member of the eounell for sesetal years. Mr. McClure is a square leen and havingrendered remit , • 'Ice what is more natural than vett he should seek for advancemest, - but i what may tell against hita re 11.e Met that Mr. Sturdy has had erly one year as reeve though it has :be- come somewhat the customto r.,eke Ithe- term two years. However,they are both good fellows and whichever , wins the ratepayers may rest ii e :wed that the township's interests will be well 1 3.0k -ed after, . - • Mr. McClure entering the reesesitip NM. leaves: John Rathwell, W. .1i. Lobh and J. W. Yeo of the : pree .nt 'council in the field. To till the 3 esen- cy, for four men are required; 'lenge lludie and George Laithwaile • were nominated end are active can 11 Both have claims on. the position encl. would 111.1 it capably. . Mr. Wilbert Cantelon, eldest on. of Ur. Albert Cantelon, arrivetl. home from the west last Friday evening, to epend Christmas under • the parental reed. It. waseindeed, a very pleasant surprise' .as he has not --been home for • nearly six year and was not expect. ed. Ifis Rielly friends are very pleas- ed to see him and wish him an en- joyable visit. Miss Teska 'Crooks was home from Goderich .for Christmae. • . - Mr and Mts. Wm. Mulholl.and spent Xmas with tleir (taught*, Mrs. W. Cole of Seaforth. Miss Leila Fore of the London Nor- mal is: ho e for the vacation. • . Mr. And Mrs. IL • - R. - Foster of Locust Ilill are .visiting friends. here. Mrs. HeMillen , of Hamilton IS the guest • ot Ms. .Sweet. ' Mr.H. Seel], of Hulle'l spent. Sun- day at his mem, Mr. II. Staid, y. . • We wish .The News -Record . and all its readers A• lia..ppy 'and ProsPercius. New. ' Year„. • ..• • - •: .:..-., •• ' . . • days. with her si iters in Goderich. • e Mish..D.• - • A. Helms spent several Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Ford . of Berlin .spent the holidays at .th&. home Rot their ,brother :John: .. , . Mr. and rs, Fred li% Stanley. and: •shildren of Toronto: are - epending.. a emelt with. his . father end Mother,: ' Mr. Jas„, Loh!) of Galt. spent- holidays :the. guest of his sister, Mrs. Geo, Holland: , - - • • .- .. . A .• .'Mr. F. Leonard. spent ' Xmas vtith :his .mother . at Bright. - • • •• .• Clinton News -Record 1$0.0001:1 Misses Nell and Millie Cameron and brother, Mr. Will. Cameron, of De - Itwit spent Christmas holidays under the parental roof. 1 1 Mr. F. Dronnann and mrs. Knan hibition of himself. of Gravcnhurst were the guests the Stanley is not in favor of ari every, past week of their brother, Mr. Harry year election so the expected took Drelanann. . place, the whole council being re- turned by,acclaination. Varna. • It Mr. • Jam ee MeDiarmid is pleased with his actionOtt general and his language in particular on nomination day, then he is fond of naking an ex- • • Mri Wilbur. Ford and r•Seter, Miss Cletas, of Clinton visited friends • here and on Sunday greatly asS:sted the Methodist chairs • ,Mr. .Edgar Caritelon'soh of Mr. Albert Cantelon, spent Christmas llfl- der the parental roof; returning, how- ever, on Monday evening to Toronto after having a most enjheble • visit • at the old honiestead. • Mr. and Mrs. P. Tudor' of Con- stance spent Xmas with her parents re. Opposite the Post Office he4 7Frippy New Year To All . • STAPLE AND.FANCY .DRYGOODS MILLINERY FURS MANTLES WE WISH YOU A Happy ew Year And take this opportunity of thanking you for your esteemed patronage during the past, and Solicit a continuance of the same. Yours Truly COUCH p CO. EVERY. COURTESY AND: ATTENTION AWAITS YOU tiERe. Mess Massie Stanbury is home trc m Toronto for the holidays. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Erwin spent e few days the past week at the lat- ter's old borne at Marton. Mester Leon Melhurn ot Berlin is spending lais holidays as the guest of his unele, Mr. John Tippet. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Falconer, who have been on the lakes the past sea - eon, so:rived home last week and have taken up housekeeping in Miss Simpson's cottage. The Christmas Tree entertainment givea in the town hall on Christmas eight, under the auspices 01 Trinity Sunday school was a very pleasant •lind successful affair. At the meeting ot Court Rose : of Sharon C. 0. F. -held the other even- ing the following officers were elect- • ed for the ensuing tvrin Chief Ranger, Thomas Cameron,. Vice, Arthur Elliott. • FineSteeetary, Gee. E. Greenslade Ree: -Secretary, Dr. Smith. • :Treasurer, John Whiddon. Chaplain, .D. C, Galbraith. Sr, Woodward, Richard Elliott. • Jr. Woodward, William Osmond. • Sr. Beadle, W. J. Whiddon. JL Beadle, Geirge Castle .Jr. • This Court has a membership of eigheyeeight andmeets mettle first and third Tuesday of each month, Our reeve, councillors atid school trustees were all elected by acclaim - Oen on Monday as follows: Reeve, Dr. Smith„ • Councillors, David Leitch, Samuel Moore, Joseph McEwen and Jas. • Thomson. Trustees, George -E. Greenslade, • 0,eorge King and Jas. S'pe.ekman, A Itappy New Year To..A11. -Miss A.ggie • Sewers is visiting her 'brother, Dr. Charles Sewers'. MisS Mame Swann has quite- recov- ered tronelne: remit illness. • Ale and Mrs: , Will.. Baird and Miss Thelma Lyons of Toronto are guests et Mr. and Mrs, George Baird: ot Stanley.. . . Mr. Mack Ross is home from. the •west. • Miss Jessie Grainger was callej to Seaforth last week in her capacity as nurse. • ' • • Mis,s Tine McLaren Of Clinton. is the guett of Miss Kate Hart and oth- er Mends. • . • JILL Torrance .Dunlop,. manager. of the Farmers' Bank, is hiving. a. two - weeks' .Vacation. • Miss Sadie 13owie is kerne for a visit; • Mrs. Rogers ot Belmont is .the geest of her son, Dr: Rogers. •. Mr, Jack Rettenbury, manage; of the Bank of Hamilton at Burlington, Shent Xrna.s at his home here. . The entertainment given .by the 'children and yeung .people of ' the •Presbyterian church on Thursday, ev- ening was the beet we have ever had. These taking 'pert certainly de - Serve great credit for making it stick a success. • , . Miss Maggie' Mackenzie of' London •spent 'Christmas at, her home here. Mis's ,Bell Ross of TorontO has re- turned hope after a very pleasant vi it to her father, Mr. James Ross. • Mr, Andrew iiftirdock of Detroit•wes horne: for Christthas.. : MiSs 'Mary Deattie of Pond Mills is Visiting .Brecefield friends • and Mrs. Alex...Muitard 'atten- ded tlfe•iveddihg of a friend in Tieer- steri last week. • • Mr. Joe Kaiser of l‘focsejaw, 'lathe guest' of his blether, Mr. jack Kaiser, • . Mr. Scott of Bad Axe, Mich, is visitinghis brother,Mr. Wililam Scott. Mr. and Mrs, George Stong are vis- iting Sarnia friends.' ' Miss' Addison is the guest of her, brother, Mr. 'Joe Addison. Miss Mary Gibson is honte. on visit. . • . • Mr. George. Turner 'spent Xmas in Wallaceburg. .• Mr. ,Wilson Turner Went down.to .Teronto on Saturday to take in the Karry 'Lauder 'concert. Mr. 'and Mrs P Wheeler were, ing Seaforth friends last week. Mr; Charles Hunt and family .niove this weekon to their farm Which they purchased from Mr. White of Tuckersmith. • . (intended tor last issue, h Mr.. Joseph Kaiser of Moosejaw, Sask„ visited. his brother, Mr. John .Kaiser of this Village, the past week. • Mr. William Taylor of •the Front Road, Stanlee, shipped carload of ehoice cattle to Toronto on Moeday. Mr. Robert Murdoch, the • genial clerk at the graiti elevator, is kept busy this week. Mr. Lew E. Doherty of • Goderich, general agent of the Federal Life In- surance Company, spent a • few hours In our village one day last week. Mr. William Ross of the London, Road sports a new cutter. Mr. James Thompson, who was tak- en suddenly ill one night last week, Is able to be around again. •Wedding hells maysoon be, ringing near ohr . village.• Mr, Got i' Chesney has secured a pos- ition with 'Alex,. Mustard As: team- ster. Miss ElSie McQueen returned • this week from • visitihg .relatives at Da- mon, :Ont. Mr. William McQueen, a son ot Mr. Tames McQueen, and a student of Toronto University, conducted ser- vices in the Kippen and Ilillsgreen c hutches on Sunday last. West Tneketsmith Mr. Norritati 'Hannah, of Sask. JO visiting friends in this neighborhood. Mrs. Ritchie of Shallow Lake Is visiting hie Sister, Mrs. Ell Crich. Wesley Gibbings is spending the winter at his home on the Huron Road after ari absence Of five years In Sask. Mr. W. L. Keys was nominated for the meveship, but retired, Re is a publie spirited and sum ssful man who has served the municipality well °and has a host of loyal friends. After years of unassuming, painstak- ing service Mr. W. J. Stinson with- drew his name as councillor . and re- tired into private life. No man in Stanley .exceeds• him in popularity and, he could have, had the reeveship tor the- say.ing but alwaysrefused, lie recommended his neighbor, Mr. Toti,„ heeholsep, as his .successor and he was chosen, Mr. "Sandy" lanes also retired and was sueceeded by Mr. John Dinedale, also ot the second concession and a capahle man, Thus, with the excep- tion of Messrs. Dinsdale and Nichol- son, this year's vouncil• will Ser v e for nineteen hundred and ten. A Happy New Year To All. • Hullett Township lis.ppy New Year To All. • Mrs. Wm. IIesk is wider the doc- tor's care. The 'Misses Amy. • and Mina Hughes .of London spent ChtiStritas at the home of their uncle, Mr. Wm.. Stew- art. . Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Glazier and children of London spent Christmas a, Cf. Hatry A'. very successful creertainment was held in school section number Iwo on Thursday evening lAet. The prograin was rendered in part by the pupils, who showed careful training. Instrumental • solos, •on piano and violin, were given •hy. Mrs. Van leg-. mond and Messes. Van Egmond and lssherwood, vocal • solos by, • Dies. Bayley; Miss Olive Chukchi!' and the Misses Sheitzer: Miss /Tolland gave a number of recitations in. her usual pleasing style and a ilfe band' dispens- ed. sweet music at intervals. The dia- logues, "Woman's. Rights," and "Pumpkin •Ridge," created • mtich amusement.: Mr. John Hartley, Prin- cipal. of the Clinton. Public se:het:de made an. excellent chairirian.... The .en- tertainment . was -very pleasing throughout And the teacher, Mr. Hol- land, 2 is to le congratulatZei .-upon its ettcceSs.,•• •Surnmerbill. I Heppe -New Year To All. A very successful Christmas Tree and entertainment Was held one even- • ing last week When: the proceeds am- ounted to ahoet twenty dollars. Miss Reeds is sPeading the holidaya l'eto her home near Brussels. . •Mr, and Corley of Burketon visited .itteMr. George .Tyser'o last . week. • • • . lie.' J. Hill efereber, Alberte; home oa • Mr. •C. tyriet. - has totem • 'Visiting-, friends near Brucefield: ' • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston: •of Wawanosh paid a flying visit to the latter's parental home, and to other -friends here. '• • • Mr. Anthony Lawson and bride a T'oront:o are. spending the ..halida.eS at MieWilliatn•LaWson'S. , Mrs i Elie McLaughlin of Saskatoon, Sask., is visiting et Mrs. - James Miller's: . A. mpst suceessftil • . Christmas Tree and entertainment in connection with St. Pi ter's- Senclay school was given in the Orange hall on the eveningof •the 22ne. inst: The program .coesiet- .ed cf dialogues, recitations and nuts• :- ical nunibers which were well. rendet- ed. Much credit is due Miss Rands and Miss Maud Tyner,. who. trained the Children. Mr. „Johesen acted' the • rble of Sento. Claus and did 'The amount realizedwas $20. • ' • Klppera- • (Received too late for Isst itsue, • The following • students are home for the Christmasfestivities Miss Maggie Mellis • and Miss Nellie Gregor, from the. Stratford Notmal ; Miss Pettie, from :the London Nor- mal • . Williani McQueen and H. P, Johnston from' Toronto University'; May 1VIdGregor, 'Etta Jarrott and Re- im •McBeath, • and Murray • Fisher, -Herbert Jones, George Stephenson and 'Gordon and Harry GaUld from Seaforth. Collegiate ; Hugh • McKay and Alice Cochrane from Exeter High School;. and le. C. Clegg from Lon- don Medical Scheel. Other visitors are Miss Ida Dins:, dale and, MelvinAlai•r, sten•ographers In London.• •The following is the December tee port of section • umber' fourteen, Stanley, foe the month of December, the names being in order oi merit Fifth Class—J, W. Kehl, Oda Me - Beath, Anna Dinsdale. V'ourth-11. A. Fisher,' II. C. Kehl, W. W. McIleathe Sr. Tiiird•-•:•A, M. Hood, W. 0. McBeath, J. Collins. Jr,. Third—J, N. Hood, Jessie Col- lins, A. McMutrie. Sr!. Second—G. G. Ross, A. L. Fisher, W. b. 13. Johnston. Jr Second—W. R. Cooper. Second Part—W. Parsons, M. A. McGregor. First Part—A. •Parsons, R. Os- borne, Nornut Hood. The best spellers for the month were; Fifth—Oda Mc13eath. Fourth—Herbert Kehl. Sr, Third—Anne Hood. Jr, Third—Laurence Wasman, Second—Cecil Johnston. Those who attended every school day, 'are : Iferbert Rehl, Jessie Col-, Nelion tx0oa, Anna Fisher and Cecil Johniton. Herbert Rehl hasn't missed a day from. School in the past four years. Each scholar in this school who attends every day in the year gets a copy of ChatteeboX. A nappy- New Year To All. Docember 30tht 1909 St Helens. Miss. Jessie Cameron has returned after a. pleasant visit with friends in Guelph. 'The Mission, Band held their Christ- mas 'Tree entertainment last Thurs- day eVening. Miss Lizzie Rutherford. is home for the lzoidays. Mr. Donald Clark is spending the holiday season at Lis home here. Mr, Charlie Mina of MeCaula,y, Sask., is visiting friends around St. Helens at present. Messrs. W. Henderson. and T. Ford have returned after spending the sum- mer in the west, • A , A A* Stanleu Township. (Received too late tor last issue.) Miss Martha. Richardson spent this week at the home of Mr. Henry Peck in Seatorth. • Mr, John Foster, who spent the past few years in the west, returned to the home of his brother, Ur. Will- iam Foster, on Saturday. Mr, William Taylor shipped a car- load of cattle end sheep to Torouto on Monday. Mr. John DOWS01). and Miss Elise Jane Stephenson drove to Seaforth on, the fifteenth of this month and were there united • le the 'holy bonds of matrimony. Their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous jouraey through life. Mr. Rufus Keys, who has been leb- °ring in the west in the interests ot the Canadian Order ol Foresters, re- turned last weekto his home on the Babylon Line• for the Christmas season. Mr. Themes Drownett intends ven- eering his house with cement blocks next- stmener and when •completed he will have an up-to-date residence. Miss Maimie and Miss Eunice Reid apd Mr. Nelson Reid attended the wedding of their aunt, Miss Clara Webster of Lucknow, an Wednesday. • Among tliose , who atteekle'l t t e wedding of Miss Clara Reid of Luck - now. on Wednesday were Mr: and hr -s. George Coleman of the Parr Line, Mr. Harvey Turner, Miss Annie Tur- ner, and Messrs. Thomas, Leonaed and Fred, Reid. Miss Lillie Dunkin accompanied her cousins, Hilton and Ernest Ames to :their home in McGillivray last week. Mr. Andrew Reid and • Mr, Burns spent Sunday in Clinton, . Miss Maggie Reid,-. who spent two weeks in Clinton, returned 'home on Sunday. • Miss • Mabel Clarke • spent "1' few. days an the Sauble Line this week, Bluth (Intended for lest issue.) • • 'rhe :next monthly horse. fair will be held ort the fourth of January. Thewife.' of Mr. Thomas Laidlaw deeartid this life an TueSday of last week. She was • three months .over her eizty-seventh year. Thefuneral took Place on Thursday afternoon. The Methodist' Sunday schciol enter- tainment held recently: was a great success,. both in attendance. and • re- sults: . The • Silver collection amounted to °her nfteen dollars. ": •" • Te Presbyterians also had a eery large gathering and realized some thirty-nine. dollars at the door. • Jeeebs,. Who has been • at- tending the Business College • at Stratford, is hemp...for the helidaYs. A meeting • Was held in Industry hall ip the interests of Local Option andwas addressed. by Mr.: Robinson of Guelph.' , ' • • The frilloWieg Are the officers ef the .0range Lodge . for the ensuing term : Master, H. ITObinson, Deputy, C. Stewart.. • Cho.pIain,. W. H. Cooper. • • IsineSeceetary, J. E. Tamale Treasurer, W, H.. McElroy. 15. of C., jos. Gibson, ' Lecturer, VS: Coombs. • CoMmittee; J. Males., Haggitt, D. Carter, C. Barr, W. Bryans. • THE- HIGHEST •SALARIES, graduates of Cenade'a • greatest Chain ot high grad.e. modern 13usiness Colleges receive seam:leg ranging.from six hundred to twelve hundred doll- ars per year.. The Clinton Business College, which re -opens on the third of January, is es Worthy link in this. great ehain. Those who can not • attend may StUdy at home through the Spotion C'orresponderice Scbool.•• • W.V. T. U. • 'Notes. You know the drink traffic breeds criminals, makes drunkards causes murders, it makes • truthful men Rats, corrupts. legislatures,, makes deadbeats out of • honest men. •You kilo* the _liquor traffic tills our ,asy- lums, is the,main• entrance to the penitentiary,anci furnishes the 'club- room for crooks and thugs. Yoe know the lickuor traffic ruins the fam- ily, causes euicide, makes brutes of husbands and fathers,- • breaks the hearts of thousands of .mothers. You know the liquor traffic is the clearing house •tor criminals, drunken sots, ruined men, blasted hopes, eniserable lives,suicides, and, in fact, all man- ner of elms, On Monday next we will have it in our power to sweep this traffic from our town. We have had much argu- ment and information on the subject of Local Option during the last three months'. We have no excuse in this respect for neglect of ditty on polling day. Every voter has a responsibil- ity as well as it privilege. Do you want to help to clean our town? Do you want to make miserable homes, happy homes? Do you wish to keep happy homes, happy? Do you Wish our boys and young mien to become exemplary C'arta,diarts ? If you desire those conditions, vote for the bylaw.. We owe it to ourselves, to our good town and to, Canada. "Dodgers," nifsstetements, falsehoods, and cor- ruption, we will likely have in plenty, between, now and voting day.. Let no consideration come between you and your sacred duty. Let no vain regrets haunt your metnory be, cause of lost opportunity. Save the boys. Press Representative W, C. T. U. AV3101,10111,frakP 111,101104111111W110, WI* 4101110 ; Items of Interest ; For New Year's Buyers • Taken Front Dry Goods, • New 1131184mm Blotisingse— AII the new popular shadee • - in plein and fancy etripes, lb beautiful assortment, specially e) priced per yard - eft See our stock of fancy Col- e lare, Belts, Silk Scarfs, gaud - • kerchiefs, • Mete, Scarf Pins, , Ribbone,"ete. • SPECIAL II—A few- doz. • fsacy Collar!, eeperately boxed .•in pretty boxes, a hOe. velue • specially priced, 21c 41 IMI•11.8. Every Departnienti Gent's Furnishings. Thie department ie ▪ over- flowing with pretty and accep.t- able gifts for men and boys In such articles as Ties, Gloves, Handkerchiefe, Susp en d e s, Fancy Xmas Shirts, Panty Hose, Cuff Linb, Tie Pins, Mufflers, Piney Armlets in boxes' Sweet- srs, etc. See our Fancy elespendera in pretty boxes tkiery Attractive Present et 1, popular special price - 50e AO special induement to Xinas buyers in these departreente 0 WO will 0011tballe our 10 percent, discount elate until .Tan. let, 1010. Ocnuine sacrifice sale of latlital'aud children's mantles for balance A 0 a Dec. All lines priced to sell. PLUNSTEEIA BROS. t— f•• Smell Profits end Mere Bnetnees. • iverb•trisavw-waria..0-zifra.vs.•irea.sper Abietibeib.4%,411k,494111.-eo"b81›..ilbetitoO3 Millinery tore Clearing out the remaining- hats at half price. Xmas toys sold at this store cheap. MISS CANTELON & CO'Y SEMIERZNMEMONE041241010Ite MINEKEZI -oculesail VVE WISH ALL A H4opy..New:Yor.... REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT.. FRED. KSON ‘‘ Always Reliable CLINTON MINE1111111NEMMOUSIMMBISIMMER=MZEMIZZEt. AT EIZ'S IFurniture store you will find many.useful Xmas pres- ents, if you are in doubt Just what ,to buy. A visit through our Immense Stock will be of great help to you in deciding. What represents better value than a nice Rocker? We have 28 different Rockers to select frorn, or buy a Conch, we have 22 in stock from which to select. We also have in great variety Parlor. Tables, Parlor CabinetS, Jardinier Stands, Car- pet Sweepers, Baby Sleighs, High Chairs, Children's Rockers (toy Sets,) Rattan pieces in • great variety. Space will not permit giving all the lines in detaili but nearly every one .within 10 miles of Clinton known That this is the best store to get selection and value. • It's no trouble to show you through. We will have every department well heated and • lighted up from now till Xrciv until • 10 o'clock. Gime and look throilgb anyway 1 WE HAVE ANOTHER 13A.RGAIN READY FOR YOU IN PICTURES. See our Windows. ......,—....-.....-,....:-.....- 200 At 35e EACH IT'S- YOUR OWN. RA.uur IF YOU. -DO NOT COME.EA.RLY AND GET ONE. : r The Store of Qualltys W. Walker Purniture Denier and thldertnker Phone 28 Nightor Da ss • sessisessiiiiisissier