The Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-23, Page 304004110at 240, 1:10(19. lk woe See MO* lesiiiiirlikaketnews ? --eindl e-w.ee, 1 "Ilignsek. isIgnesda" Waite Ike willetrelle et Ilie enneiele la tele Ikea "Wisorowirwerr - orlobilkot the wind. 'And * Wow Peaseen hot ea* Isla the refaillhe et kw ined. "Irlfear raked Penes and eilkinted donee Ikeda We Ark neat. .: The welters' planed her head oat of the window. ''''Wleatte tile swelieserr' she seared. "Itily hat letew Wit" Peter bad her, 'and kw wheel is Wank Is the stud, • "O'it, toter, Trterhthe princess chided. "Tees mot get that wheel out of the vend at sem." 'rerlitch ts easier Reid thee done," Peter grumbled. "It's that dark I can't see my Wind before me." "There's a light back there among the trees." the princess informed Wm. "Perhaps you could get some semto help you." "I'll go and see, miss, If you ain't afraid to stny alone," said Peter, after 'eerie You wenn sintee, earnings; so 000D?" SUE ASKED. some effort eneceeding in quieting the plus:ging horses. "I rat dreadfrilly efrald," she admit- ted Waveringly, "but 1 seppesee you will have to go.' Noir. in the middle of the Pine grove was ere a little cottage. l'eter knock- ed at the door. "lirite's there?" asked a childish volee, and a tittle girl poked her head out et the stmere window. "Our wheel is stnek In the mud." Peter inewered from the dark. "and want to got a man to help me." "There lern't any man here," Jenny informed him. "There is only me and Jessie, and our mother has gone to nurse a sick neighbor, ande she won't be home until morning." So Peter went back to the carriage rind reported to the princess. "I tdiall freeze out here," said the princess. "I will go up to the house end Mt by the ere while you look for some one to help you with the car- riage." She climbed out of the carriage, and with l'eter In the lead she plodded through tbe woods. and the wind blew her long cont this way and that, and at last, wet and panting, she came to the little house. And once more Petr knocked. and once more Jenny came to the window. Then she flung the door wide open, and so tall was the pt•incess that Abe had to stoop to enter be It was a dingy little room, and there wan a dumpy blnek store in the corner, with ,t babbling iron pot that gave forth a moat appetizing odor. "Oh, oh, how nice and warm it Is!" said the princess as she held out her hands to the fire. In all their tires the little girls had never beheld stich a wonderful pee- enn, for the prtneests wore a long red cloak and a black relvet hat. with a wavier ranrac. and her muff was big end rowed and snit, end she had scarf of the some soft far about her nerle Tier hair wen pale gold, and she bad the lancet eyes and the reddett tips. end her made was so sweet and ire/tender Chet eenny ran right up te her and cried, "Oh. I am so glad that yeti co me!" .Teeste 'from her little Omar echoed her eleter's words. But she did not run. for there was n tiny ernteh beelde Jesete's chair 111 the equnre window. "And I am glad to be here." geld the prineems, whnse qnleit eyes were tak- ing in the &tells of the sheishy room. It's en niee end wenn and cozy." • el en' t It ?" ea Id .1 e n y h a mills.. 'And we are getting reedy for toninreow.^ On n smell round tattle beside Joe- We's eimir was ft tthe eeder imeleAnd Jesele's fingers land been busy With •r*.A41.444,...* ;‘. • MAK 111. SWEET AstogoosiwAsemosok lieltaashithe. We, kr Miaudaais Sams *awe- alsokiha • hits of gal sad We mod atrahieh pe - per. "'We eve going be Pap alma meow" Jenny explained, "and eeekke le add hang k eat rine tree." "Oh, way I itetp?' the paseena sated. ba'reh't Phiread iner own skies I wee a• little girt." - :fend, etesped hese thin tittle beads. "I think it 'would be the leTeliest thing, In the world," ekte maid; "if you would stay.", ' "Peter 1. going to find sone one to help with the carriage; and 1 will Way until he comes back." And when Peter had gone the prin- cess slipped off ttio. long red• cloak, and uuderneath it kite wore a shining silken genes, ited itrOund her•neek Was a collar of pearls. "And now if ,you will lend Me an apron," she saki, "we will pop the But Jessie' and Jennie. were -gazing tat- her speechless. . ' • "Oh. you mast be a fairy princess!" ' gasped little Jessie at hint • The beautiful lady leughed. joyonsly. • "Peter calls •me the princess," .she said. "Ile has. lived with me ever since 1 was a little girl. But really I am.. Just an everyday remise woman and am going to spend Christmas with some friends In the next town." . . She dletnissed the. enieleet With" a, wayeof her hand, .. • . _ . And •noveto our popcorn," she Mad: -Jenny' brouglit a green gingham apron, And the princess tied the apron On, making a big.buttertly hoer of•the. etringi in the' beck, and, then she danced over.tO the dumpy little•etoye and peeped int* th.e bubbling pet - "Did you ever. smell. anything •so good?" she :asked. "I• sum as hungry., as a beer." • ,f • • The little.* girls . laughed . joyously. • "Tt's. bean •ooup."*Jenny geld, "and we are going to hate•It forsupper, with some little dumplings In It. 1 'wes afraid It wasn't niee enough tar'you." • ."Nice enough!" the. delighted lady exclaimed, "t think...bean- soup' and little dumplings. etre4-une-um!". 'And she flung•out her halide expreseleely. "I thetIght,", jessle remarked faint- ly, that fairy .prineosees.•cluly•• ate honey and deW.'" . • : ...101itreie.finews.that ; atr fic.e*:•true• princess," said the heatitifel lady, "for' lkiney !Ind den, ivould neveresatisfy me." .** , ...*. • • '.. Jenny got out.three tittle him:0)01:1;1h and set thent...on a table that was sprend 'With e coarse but •sPotiess cloth. There were a cfnity. loaf end . elorer sweet butter. and haft and best of all there were elm...bean :soup •stud the bobbing little dumplings served to- .gether in an old mulberry tureen,. ' it was perfectly wonnerfut tn. see the .prineess he her shiuing gown •itt astaessee, "kat les se as with tin Arse• jard lac tun. 1 no yns haves t - k ad ihreogh, ee yen Moat*" Wog ay eleamplac it a MIME *Wass ewe ea sae Was aloe same saw; elaffeav Amur somas loan biro die* le see ideal wee Ube mat tea. A/riff 10Sais IffiestOW alas low Mos a Saab, Tote ayes lb* abaration as* Ilecew IMP the istrole, When what te her weraeatetig twee @beak! waywoar DM a wasemetimao L)O1g lisi aaslat WRY roisasvul "Oilt. so; I target! I mesa - "When what se ber wonderkag woo eald ocoomor Ben a garcons* Mask In the ran* right eat Dora Axil• a Aerie eld driver, toe Hvety Kea oeviek Yen ;mak 'Rate thought Peter was dear aid St, Mee:" The children laughed gleefully, acid Jenny sold: "We would hare thought that. only we aren't going to hang up our stocking's this Christmas at all. Jesitie and I aren't going to get any presents, for mother hasn't been well. and she couldn't get any sewing,. But she snid we could make our Christmas merry, and we were to pretend that we had been to the big stores in the city and bad bought things for the tree and dolls and everything." "'That's a lorely way," said the prin- cess gently, and she lald her hand. with ite flashing rings, over Jessie's Otto mime', • "And we are going to pretend." ;leg- ate eel& "that our chicken is turkey, • mew, r • -Ai " ,f., „Se r " 041.. la•-• KT1... , STDv, ryTER,f' WA Man TIM But we won't: here. to 'Pretend, about the mieve pitfor neither hes Made a lovely eine!' • • • • wiele help you 'eat the elticken." eti id • I he .erineess wist failly, eand1 should like to meet your. moth- er., • 1 kessiveShe. Is loyety. And I: ..haveiet nue multiple yoe 'knot:se": "(thr ,saidthe little giris. round .eyed with systientlev.' And then the: ...prineess.told .014911'411M all tier .life she . had lived' in n big. lonely nouse and, eLi' had always yeti riled for A cozy henneand fur a sister. ' .After suPper they popped lite corn, 011(1 -Jut as they fluielied• In came ter: • • . "I•cati:1 iind any 0I1('mise he enmities:set: estad it's estowitig. hstveela unites:It the horses and ge •letee "to town and get something to telite'yon ister • • "N),".. the orbit -este denittered•es she • 1.1 the Mhitils• of the room with O I:nettled* tip tlielt of seowy kernels in her liatel. "Nie Peter. .I'm goiug to eefes het e " ••••• Peter stersel, and the • little -.ghee. 'cried -()te. will yeti?"' • A nti, the tsettiesses enicle"1. Ante iheer. you eati bring tip. the esteettier trash: end my bag." \Valet yottr friends expert you,, miss'?" rotor inquired..as If awaiting' •Irds•re • "I selti send is note hylyon," wee the rempottese A lel as (he "nen Wee* :elt she followed him Anil shut the door Lelthal her, "Oh. Peter; letterr• elle whteptstesse eistititletitielly. dm twine, to give 11WID Sad; a ChrietM111.!". • "The !title girls. init.444"r' ."Ves. They stre.tto sieeet and lirneel. Atel I hey'. the preetetts In my trunk Ilea I. ',eyes 'ening to eerry to ltie ol het • childree. But tbey Imre se tettelt that' thee won't mess them. no 1 SIMII Chtitenotte in h. ploin littlt• !solvate hut it will be e Jay -fol house. Pet t•r." "Vest, miss," Peter tigreed etatklingly. • • apider- ''1 meet' tee lied it big tree," Mad the prliteree regret fully. "Well, leave that to me. Mien," Peter told her ens:telly. "Von ellet gat them tittle lislisgs to sleep early, end l't1 be here meth 11 tree" "t`ii. Peter. Pelee -Solite ("Inns!" ex, eitiiined lhe .pritieest4 gleettitly, "It wilt Arleta STIPP= TII1L1 POPPED TIIS CRAM. the heed Of the.tsible, .and tittle Mine Jessie teild: "Ton were turd sett to us or Christmas. Why, It's jnat "The night before Chi -lamas, when all through the hawse Not a creature was &terrine, not even mouse,, 'rhe stockings Were hung by the ehimney with cart In hopes that St, Nicholas coon Would he there • The cheat -en were nestled ail snag '111 their beds, While visions of sugar phime 'tlaneed ta ;het*. heads." "lint one sired:Inge weren't buret yet, end we weren't In bed." sold Jenny. "It was too early tor that," said the e e• 1.".• arobis W Oar sine*rki0einalft *Pre hal Admen I ye* Saes bilk sr 0 der *a raw snot WOW. Wild the prize am% with her eras aidatat WIN ORM, 1111111e$ *OP 0.11/0 deal cher* "911. WO play nachterer Jena% sad tenni beat never 'weal of each a lank twit Rio' petite** herd ;hitt "the was a .ehtei Mt tire high sea* ilia thee they- were to tell trete her earns Whet conntry eh* hailed "1 carry tea," eh. berate. "'Where de tremor "(thins," gemmed Jenny. •11.0.,t "Impale." evils] Asa% with bar lake face gleetrtnit- ore. t* '17heit the tittle slag peeedered. *tie might be ventured Xently.kat the princess 'hook her hoed, rhea 4refele etietel, Oeitleht" Asir WO woe *Ott • aded afteh fiat Zee* treneglet a en* gee id erintges frost rieritla Oleo . SAM %Toon A r. d leAcevri, wampum • eerreff WOMAN. brought a-carge of rugs from Persia, and there weri.carguee of spices and of coal and of coffee and of tish and of grain and of lumber, and ihe prin- cess finished triumphantly by carrying a. cargo of oysters from the Chess- peeke bay. "One more," .begged Jessie, • "1 carry •a cargo of castles," said the sparkling princess. "Where' do 1 hail from?" •,Tlie -little girls guessed and guessed, • and .at lest the Prineese said: .."Tbat wasn't a fair one, really, for my c.astles tire eitaties in Spain," . . Then, with jeesie*tu. her 'arms, the told 'them her own castle building, and When. she tied daislied she saki, "And so your mother shall bave all of my sewing, and thet will .keep her' busy until. spring," . . "Oh, you are going to be, married' and live happe everefter!" sighed Jetee sie rapturously:- "It's just what 'a fairy princess stinted eAedwhat-you should do." •said the princess, looking at . the clock, •"is to go to. bed. bed,- bedsts that.yeu cati •• trakeeup early in the rnorhing." • She backed, them In and Came beet' tater. tn. a. fesciniuting pink kimono.. with her lialren Ise thick braid.. and she kissed•thern both. But it was little lame .leesio that -she kissed last. And then elle. went ;mai, Bee a gio-: Wane yldnn, and the little giris,•sank hite 'stringier: .. • . • . itt the next reem the'princess opee- ed the dnor ertutiously. and there Was. Peter WiTh. seow all over :Wm. and his arms , were full. of holly and ads; tiptoe,. end, n great' tree wale propped• * against the. doornost; .• •• • "Quietly.' Odell:se Peter.'" warned tile Print'ese. end Peter tiptoed in and Set , the tree .up tn. the vortier[and iti top .reacheden tlie ceiling. .pritietee; *opened the steamer Crank- end took out: two white Teddy bearseeone with a flaring 'bine bow. and the other W.tili a flaring pink one; and then .sits• took out a green and a •• •• yellow and a red • mid • a blue . fairy . 'heolt and a beautiful square Inteket of rawly. 'tied with tiotlyribbete. and '• then from the very. bottem of -the trunk she drew :string afeer string of stinting little silver bells, fastened on. red wid..pele greets had:Anne . , WaS going to get up A • cotillon for We' children -at .the other house.". the prineess explained to Peter, "but • these llrtle folks ,need It ho mucti more," • the little hells. went "tinkle, tinkle'," as Peter bung them. and Jessie,. "iron AXE TRU "Armee MOTHER.° SAID ran PrittgArmd. • art -seining in her little lied. heard the Poilnd and iliatight It a part of her area And while l'eter and t he princess trimened and whispered and laughed Home otle rattled tilt. doorknob. . Peter omitted the door, and there Wood a White }need, shivering worrier]. "Oh, Whathas happened to my little littder ittbe.laatitesl. Oak the'Vglit. and ills<so bele." UWO 34* 'be beheld the **hen haired Tisliten 4thil the rag woe aend Peter 40 aim ber- et" tee **Wed. "Wkf, 1 believe. it la tatrieter And she oat down rear nod. deatT Jesnien 'law ea* the riftae siothet,' meld ,Che Itrtireas se Ms Such beside her and Ptrt heir arms alteittid bee' Led told bar how ikte mime to be there. sad, :whom 01- htd iMiSbe41 the mill ohooty. "Algl I levee Warted eery ewe teether et Illtieb MIS Clirk‘tiaves. alid the Otte dtria were Pe "sweet that 1 kart, T ;dived kere yam" - 'Toy peer Mae adagio eased the tle vitether ye the tad penmen., gad the beentffiel Indy tan iMw head *awe on Me *Meer nielbleY Eleeedder end web*, beano* ta 1/74" of bee glebes rim had beet, reli, waft ineedy bee big hanne, ind ether loaner had game afar talk. ed tietinigbt of Annie Pad Jellaee amid Mena tkeg geseneried sweat pleas t'beett Ike Plea* Man nest the Wan usellimet nes ha waits few the gelseisa. And la the asearsing iamb, and ley, waft la the swag Oleall. maw Wilma 00 00 Illaaaasaai af Oho bail tire TOM, Iltesea. ems lath a Swift pink beer wed an* with *soft illar hew, and the Weddy haw bold eat their anal woo* sad amp( at law aim Rale Or* with aterianting apes& 40•0edd. adead 0.Min skin, who lad swear mom it 111064 bow Work Asd fiat was the infilimblir fte saw wousectrit dor of Voir Bros. roc eat dew Ow awe we* +OA* tinkle," aff thew henaged ireamehan fee hatalsean, A.nel the Alamo thaw was it datiodatia easeasa. And Sa the after. neon they all bask fi Ado in thee prin- cess,' fdagh, with Pieter daring an the box. and when at last be set them tie*. OS their own humble doorstep and lifted Mete Jeessie is his arms ttte prineeee smiled at them radiantly from under her plumy hat "Remember, Peter will come for yous every Saturday, and you are to stay at my house day," she said. "Oh, yes!" Jenny sighed. With rap- ture. "And you are to emits to my wed - ran rerneess seneme AT einem Beni - Annie itiKNEATS AEU PLUMBS. ding in the spring' -all 'of you'," !aid tbe princess. gaYly. see the' prince!" said Jessie over Peter's shoulder. "And you are going to let me share ;n third of eonr mother?" "Yes, oh, yes!'" from both of the lit- tle giris. : "Then you eball•share a third of Pe- ter," the princess :called -Emelt as the smiling coachman drove her away through the glistening snow. , ..The-Freseet ,§aid ."Papai " Itt ,stalinn le in -New- Tot k cliv•• young. elerk :who was eortirig a sack: of :Christmas ntnfl wile aninzed to See a package in the week, MOVe. *Be car- ried the sack: jo the sorting table and dereeed. out the contents.. Something Suddenly exelaimed: • :"Pnpo! ' finpa.:" The' frightened Clerk examined every* package eareftilly„ .•that tnoeed he fatted a lire•kitten 'packed in a small bird enge. The kitten bed."' pink, how 'of ribbon at its neck, and attacked to the tiblepti WAS a card.hear- • ing the inscriptions • • "A Merry •Chtistteas • from Unche Jack." • Further itivestigetion bronght l'ortas the fact that the cry "Paper. .ctiens from a eloil with biond.eurta„thet ealls et" "Papa!"' each thee it was:squeeeed.' In moving 'the mali enek. the peatal, clerk loid frightened the kitten In one .Paekage enri•stpieeeed the mechanical doll In the other peekage..:,De Was .arneti rebored when ho. had uneaVeled the dontile. mywery. Revised For Christmas. "You tete Jivek writes he can't los hers Wet% erm em Christmas day? Well, 'Al -mance makes the heart grow fonder,' • So the poets Isar." "'Tis, not Jaeit'e absence. What oare Bemuse be can't be near? it's absenee of the. presents 'I'hat 4. of all, molt tear." V'or sake of tip to idatrness now Well Orange this tittle rhyme. "'14+3 presento Maim the heart grow rend. est" Yost at Ohrtstonts time. -Walter Wellman. Daddyss Chrisimas Dream, That Christrvists'remes bat ones a year Is rather sad for Willy, And likewise limits much the *hoer Of Mabel. Mend and MIlly, • For they Would welrome ten or twelve To mhos; around the shanty And in their otoeltings deep to delve For goodies left by Santy. But once Et year 114 quite eriengh L_!Sinte thlhInghl such a bother W - hen • hr eel ere panteky end tough) ..Por these dear youngsters' father -- lit rect, poor daddy hopes the fates Will callee (10 get a cheap year) rile calendar to change lee dates • And Chriaterias swap Wath leap year. It013ER1LI8 4111111111111.111110PRIMINIEM 1 seription to The Neuswiteeord would 1)e an appreeiam led Xmas Gift to the boy in the west. 'This its a" ongy-- Saving SAL It will continue until the end of December RANGES REDUCTION FOR CASH FOR • I'dONTEI OF NOVEMBER Happy Tho rpht inge square $3.00 with reservoir 3,00 " with reservoir and high shelf 3.00 916 Pandora and reservoir 3.00 res•srvoir and high shelf 2.00 and reservoir 2.00 reservoir and high Shell 3,00 Model Huron .2.00 and Reservoir 2.00 \Kitchen Rang COAL HEATERS No. 5 Radiant Home " with oven No. 113 McClary's Famous 114 . " Fairy with oven • 2,00 2.00 3,00 3.00 - 2.00 and 5' per cent. discount off all small Coal Heaters HARDWARE facEd Steel Hammers. Wrenches Fite Shovels 3 -ft English Rules Handled Axes A fine quality Shaving Br Razer Strops, good Special prices on Razors Glass Cutters . 8e.e.the.new Self -wringing Lanterns, large burners reg. 75e for 40c 50c for 38c .5c and 10c 30c 75C ush. 25c 25c 100 Mops only -75c A good Storm Door complete with fittings $1. 0 Just received a large !assortment one.qhird off " the regular price. $1.:25 Double Cookers for 3411cM(). WashBowls for 80c Water Pails tor 30c Tea Sleepers for 35c Chambers for 40q 50c " $1.50 Preserving Kettles for L25 " 1.00 " .75 " .60 " .30 Dili era for . 84c .666 20e. 53a 276 23c 23c 30c $1.00 84c 66c 500 40c 20c . • DUSTIBANE Why You Should Use Dustbane It saves labor in sweeping. It saves one half your dusting, It saves your carpets and rugs. It saves yonr health. It is sanitary as it contains an antessptic fluid which kills germ v; The evaporation of this fluid while sweeping thoroughly disinfects the room. Try it once and you will continually use it. List of Second -Hand Heaters in Good Repoir 1 Actne Coal. Heater $10 1 Expeit Coal Heater $8 1 Radiant Home with oven $18 1 Princess Acorn -$14 1 Imperial Jewell $15 1 Vesta Pearl $7 1 McOlary Belle $4 1 Parlor Cook for wood $4 2 Box Stoves for wood $2 1 Honor Bright wood cook:$15 Try Wyandotte Cleaner and Cleanser- a full 5 lb. Bag' for 25c. The Cheapest and best Cleansing Compound in Use. 'Harland 13:Pos. STOVEAND HARDWARE CLINTON 1