HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-16, Page 7OrEV
Desernitur 160, 1900
G. illiorr.O.00ART
D. ,14,0,AGOART
leTaggart Bros,
-- H. T. RANCE. -- -
OFFICE -Sloane Block -Cf INTON.
11••••••••=...M.M.... •••••11=••••••....11,
L. R. C. P. L. R. C. S.
Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night
calls at front door of office or at
residence on Rattettbury street.
e -DR. J. W. SHAW -et
Special attention elven 1c.
eases of the Eye, Ear, No and
Eyes carefully examined and suitable
glasses prescribed. • •
Office and residence : 2 doors west of
the Commercial Hotel, Huron St.
-DR. F. A. AXON,-
(Succeesor to Dr. Holmes.)
Specialist in ;drown and Bridge
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor
graduate of University of Toronto
Dental Departrnent. Graduate of •the
Chicago College of Dental Surgedy
Chicago. . •
Will be at the Commercial betel
Hayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m.
to 5 p. re.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Statioe el follows :
Going East 7.35 .a. m.
3.07 pen.
5.15 p. m.
Going Nest 11.07 a. M.
'4 3.35• p.
1.40 1 P.m.
1.28 p.. tn.
Going South .7.50 a. m.
Going Nortb
44 46
4.23 p. m.
11.00 a. lad
1.3a p.
00 YEARI' •
Anyone Sending e sketch and description may
quickly natertain our opinion free Whether an
invention ila probably patentable, Otanntanlesa.
Lions strlotleconaaenese hAtielloat on patent'
sent free. Oldest agency forsecuring_patents.
Patents, taken through Diuttn ds co. receive
rpeelainoties, wit/nest charge, filth°
t handsomely illtudrated weekly. lAnntest
rulation of tut? sweetie., journal. Termcfor
qanada, is year, postage prepaid. Sold b/
all nowsderdent.
VI UNN & CoiselamdwaY, New York
eniece mace. Ir tea Washington. p.0...
A FAMILY 1.11111Aftif
The Best In Current Literature
12 COstletalIt NOVaLs VitattLit
ti2.80 fogga oat, A COOS
NO comfiNutro STORMS.
avetty NUM! is taaatatatft IN Pratt,'
1,0NOON, ONTA.1410
Business & Shorthand
• sugusoT$
Resident and Mail Courses
.7. W. Westervelt, 3. W. Weatereat. Jr..
Principal. )(ice -Principal.
-Make Fine Presents --
Furniture is very popular for
• Presents, because it is 'Adel
and ornamental. We have an-
ticipated your wants by laying
ia a large stock of odd pieeess
such as Rockers, Morris Chairs, -
Couches, Tables, Stands, Music'
• Cabinets, Hall Racks, Pictures,
Easels, Well Pockets, Music
• Rolls, Piano Drapes, Children'• d
Chairs, Etc.
Picture Framing
a Specialty,
.11, Chelletv
1:1111)DOT Tires.
Having purchased a machine for
APP.Iyetig Rubber Tires, we wish to
say that we are n,ow prepared to fur-
ish .and put on such tires at reason -
Isle rates.
We also do all kinda of Grinding,
• nything from a pair of scissors to a
ircular saw. This week we installed
machine for grinding Norse clippers
which does perfect work.
• We likewise do all kinds of lathe
Tork on short order and at reason -
bio rates.
Machinery repaired, 'Horses shod -
SOBIOU & West:
Beery fernier shoal& knew that; the
rise offered by the dealers for (tattle,
hop, eta., s s fair Gee. How can he
know this if he doss not take a, farm
bueiness paper? What glettOr lsw-•
eyer or business nun would be without
his business 'paper? 'There is but one
fanners' business and market paper, that
is The Weekly Sun. Start ling right by,
21 111 • stew Discoveries by an old physician
C. N. Tablets forinternal use. C. N. A.
AND weal tourist:ter for ekternal use.
• The two -both used in conjunct -
C. •N. A. on at the same time produces more
invigorating, vitalizing and rejuvenat-•
ingeffects then has ever before been offered. Suff-
erers front vital weakness and lost vigor, that
saps the pleasures of life, will find one of each
produces wonderful invigorating, enlarging and
lasting results. •The two -one of each will be
sent by mail in a plain package on receipt of this
.advertisement and two dollars. -Address
The NerVifie Company Wir.rDS012.,ONT.CAPTAD.O.,,
tioneer for .th.3 coenties of• Heron,
atid' 1.3erth. .Cerresp.Ondence' prompt-
• ly answered. Immediate arrenge-
• ments can be made for sale Slates at.
The News -Record, 1 Clinton, or by
catling phone 97, Seaforth. • Chargee
• moderate and • -satisfaction guaran-
Tfie fficKillop Mutual File
Insurance Compano
-Farm and Isolated Town Ploperty-
••. -Only lettered-
J, B. McLean, President, SeaforthP
0.;• Thos. Fraser, Vice-Presideel
Eirucedeld P. 0.; T. E. Hays, .See.
Treasure, Seaforth P. O.
, •
Sheeney, • Sealorth ; Joh
Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Sea
forth ; John WA* Harlock ; John
Bennewies, Brddhagan ; James Evan
Beechwood; James Connolly,
Robert Smith, Ilarlock ; Pi. Ilin-
chitty, Seaforth ;• James Cummings
Egmondeille ; J. W. Yea. HolMea-
vine. ,• ••
Parties desirous eto effect insuranCe
•or ttansact • other business will • be
promptly attended to on applicatio
to any of the above °Meets addressed
to their respective postoffIces. Lone
ilispeeted by • the direetor Who live,
neatest the scene.
Clinton News -Record
Terms of subseription-$1 per year in
advance $1.50 may he charged if
not So _paid. No paper discontinued.
until all attars are paid, unless at
the opinion of the publisher. ThP.,
• date to which every subscription is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates -Transient adver-
tisements, • 10 Cents per nonpariel
Un e for first insertion and a tents
per line for each subsequent insert.
ion. Small advertisements not to
exceed one inch, suelt as "Lost,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., in-
Serted (ince for 85 cents and eueb
subsehuen t lesertion 10 eentg:
Cominunica,tions int.nded for • publioa-
Mon tnust, as a guarantee of goe'd
faith, be accompanied by tbe hadle
the writer.
W. Jr, mtrannt,/,,
Miter and Proprietor
Cliaktorow Nows.Reeordi
too great to be grasped at once by tbis
erude, -cupidinotte brain,
"How do know?" tbe men repeat-
ed Neeerthelese he dropped watch,
• and chatn into his pocket, then, with te
meaning grimace. extended again his
horny, greedy palm.
. "What" -
'Hand over th' two pun and well go."
• "I'll see eou hanged first!"
"Ashore ee go." He pronounced his
tIlthlIfttlitn,, motioning KirkW001.1 to en-
ter the boat,
The American turned, looking for
the Alethea or for the vessel that he
believed bore that !tame. She was
nearing the -lightship when he found
her, and as he looked a at -malt blurred
• the air between them; blotting the
brigantine out with It PUDIUdge of ram.
The effect was as if she had vanished, "
as if she were forever snatched from
his grasp, and with Dorothy aboard
her -heaven alone knew ie what need
of himi
•!Jute and blind with despnir ad.
wrath, he turned upon the map and
caught him by the collar, forcing bim
out Rrver the Hp of the overhang. They
were unevenly matched, Kirkwood far
the sligitter, hut strength ceme to him
In the crisis, physical strength and ad-
dresS such as he had not dreatned were
at his command. And the surprise of
hid onslaught proved an ally of un -
guessed potency. Before he himself
knew it he was standing tip the -over-
hang and bad shifted his bold to seize
the fellow about the waist; .thee.
him clear of the dectc. and aided
by .the lurch of the•claboet. he cast
hlm bodily.into the dory, The man,
falling, struck hisbead against one of
tbe thwartsa glancing • blow that
stunned him temporerily, Kirkwood
himself dropped as if shot, a trailing
reef point slapping his cheek until it
stung as the boom thrashed overhead.
• It was as close a cell as he had known.
The knowledge slckenedbim a little.
.Without rising' be vrorkecl the paint -
loose and east the dory adrift; alien
crawled -back...Into the cockpit. No
pang of compassion disturbed him as
he abandonedthe fisherman to the
mercy of the sea. Though the fellow
lay still, uncouthly dietorted,. In tbe
bottom of -the dory, he was in no dan-
ger. • The wind and waves together
veciuld gam the bolt ashore. For that
Matter. the man was even then: re
covering struggling to sit up,
' Crotwhing. to avoid: the boom, Kirk-
wood wept forward tti.tbe bows and, •
grasping the mooring catile grew it in,
!dipping back into the'eockpit to get a
stronger purchase, with bin feet. 'It
was it Woggle., .The boat polled slug-
gishly.against the windthe cable inch-
ing' In jealously. And behind him be
could henr a eoice bellowing inartivie
late menaces and knew that in another
moment the. fisherman Would ,hent his
Frantically he tugged anti tore at the
slimy rope, battling with a will, and a
prayer.. It gave morereadily toward -
the end, but he seemed to here fought
with It for ages when at last the an-
chor tripped and he got it '
Immediately he leaped back to the
stern. 'fitted In tlie:tiller and seizing
the ineinsheet, drew tile boom in till
the wind 'should catch In the calm's..
In the dory tbe skipper. bending at bis
oars e was not two yards hs.tern.
Fie Was hard aboard when, the 'tails
filling with il bang, Kirkwood pulled.
Louis Joseph Vance
copyright, 1008by the liebbegdiortrill Co.
IFor .the longer Diet maneever was
deferree the better was hls etlaney tie
. Attaining •his object. It was ti for
torn beet. Bet In time the eresan-
tine, to escepe Seaside sande, would
be forced to tack mod anted out past
the ligbtship, the wind off 'her port
bows. • Teen their courses would in-
tersect, It remained to be demon-
strated wbether tee cattioet was
-speedy enough to strrivt at this point
of contact hi advent.* of or shunt.
taneously with the harger vessel.
He watched the tboat anxiously,
quiet: to approve her merits OS W19
displayed them. lie bed sellee smell
craft before-frall eenterboard cat -
boats; bendy and swift, built to serve
in, summer winds and protected wa.
tens, never such a one as this. 'Ye he
liked bee
Offshore, too. the wind 'Unrifled with
added strength or possibly had fresh.
ened For minutes on end the lee-
ward gunwales would run green, and
now and again the ecreaminge.peiting
squalls teat scoured t he 04 Mt ry
. would heel her over until' the water
renicaded in over the lee combing, and
the rinbler, lifted clear, would hang
idle punt. smitten by wane' rating bil.
low, the tiller would be alt but torn
from Kirkwood's hands. Agsin and
;wain this happened, and • thosewere-
times of trembling. But iiiwaym the
mit boa t • righted, shaking the t',1inging
weter$. tette her and awinteng tier
stem Into • the wind again. Ittlfl there
Would follow an abbreviated breath-
ing spells during whites Kirkwood Wile
5 t liberty to dash. the Stilt spray from
WS e,Veii anti search the wind berried
wast'e for' the brigitetine. Sometimes
she found her, sometimes not. •
. Long after be indlexpeeted her to
she Weet about, and they began: to
close in •upon env}, other. .. Ile eotild
see that even with shortened 'convert
she. was staggering drunkenly under
tho. fieree impacts of the Wind. . For
himself, It was ,nip .and tuck how,.and
no man In his normal sense Would
have: risked a sixpence on tbe . boat's
chance; to live .until She creamed the
• brigantine'bows. - .
•iTitrie outof reckoning he was forced
:to kiieel iii the swimming cockpit,
steering With one hand, umieg the bail-
ingdish with. the ether and keeping
bis eyes relielopsly turned to the...belly-
ing patch of sell.. It was heartbreak -
leg toil. Ile.beganretuetautly „to Cote
eede that 'it could net hist much longer.
• :And if he missed the brigantine. he
• .would be 'Ioet. . I, ,. ,.
Long since he had become numb
with cold from incessant dienchingis
. of icy .spray • that plied de over the
windward counter. keeping the .btittom
ankle'deep regardless of his laborieue
but intermittent efforts with •tbe : bail-
. ing-dish. And tee ttvo, brIgantipe and
cockleshell, ' were drawing . together
with appalling:deliberation, i
But teat his .voice steely .in his
par,ched throat heeoulde baye sheeted
In his elation whet; . eventently he'
geined the point...of interseetion an
eighth, ot. a nine ahead of. the Magee- .
tineetind got sight of *her windwnrd
freebeard ss wont slewly the eat bon t
forged across her:emirate . . • •
'.1Ser all..that, tbesinomerit Of his ac
Mil triumph 'Was not eete Ile had still..
-to. carry off suecessfully n seheitie that '
'for • sheer flUdaeitY• of conception sind
cieiteuipt.. for " da OK' transcended • all
that:bad gone befere. ' ' -. s
. Holding tbe s 'catboat on for a • thee,
• he .brought her; • a beet ' ha nilso teely a •
little ' way beyond the.: brigantine's
• coureeand hung in the'.eye Of tbe
wind, the• leach* Caplet* 'and tighten-,
lag with report's' like rifle . shots and
the water sloshing about hie rervetes
bailing dish new altogether out of
mireb-vvhile be watched the oncoming
.rpent.1es0;11,.• his eyes gliate'niter With andel-
. .
• She Was footing it smartly. the brig-
antine'. lying doWti to it and snoring
into • the wind,' 'Beneath • her . stein
wares .broke In snow white showers, .
whiter than the yearn; of her letiging
jib -:broke and, gnashing their teeth. In
• impotent . rimy. a willed andeddied
down. her sleek dark flanks'. ltolibing, .
courtesying, she elunged• on
shortening the Ihterral„with Mighty..
, leaping bounds, On her boirs- with -
each instant the golden letters of her
• Dame gr.ew !street. and tneree legible •
• until-Alethett-he , could . read It elate
beyond dispute. • .-• •
Joy welled Inhis. heart. ele .foreet
till that. he. had undergone In the pros.
peer of what he proposed atilt to do.in
the nettle efehe only woman the world
• held • tor • him, ,teiggestionime he had
eotne thus far In her serviereeniques,
tioning, hy her side, be was prepared
to go atilt • ftirther, though' all butnan.
lty. should single her out with ocelot.
Ing fingers.. • .
.- They were- nettehing lien aboard the -
brigantine. Ile conkl see a line of
!watts abort her windward rail. Per '
haps she was of their number. Ile
waved tin enclacions immi. Some one
replied,it great ahem shattering itself
ithintelligibly against the gale, tIe nel.
tiler understood ntii• attempted to reply.
His every Neon y was 1 oneentrattal on
the ettprome momeut nowat eand.
Cresol:ding the heeled to a nieatas,
he paid off the sheet nod pulled up the
tiller The (grille:it levered oh boy heel
With II rriltik iii•t* :40 11 Ill ppm/ run and
rigid : then, . with the tit twelves -lel
'might et the elm' belied .111,1., she 'mei
like • an snare 1111(1)9 11S' rxiii.o ill linen
bows, so close that the trespass{ 4 op,
latter first threntened to impale the
sail: nett, the boas plute.lus, (walled
down n Imre 4 so root beloi,d the rn 5.
boater stern .
Working in A frenzy of haste. Kel.
wood kliiiitutil 5 he trier 111111 ol P1'
bringing tile oat h Tullis, ANL Iritnin!lig
the melligheet ea beat he might, rotted
himself nudist under the brigs n Oleos
leeward uroirtrr, (rater pouring In gen.
eroustraiver the eat's. '
ladling, he edged nearer, initialing
ills r rnft as though Intending to rem
the Istraer retreat, toot be tem phort.
40klin$ th0 littio 1001E21 Wilt n it was
1.tj ton) lam clear of ,thedeolc, he east Itim
• . bodily Into ay: (4)41.
the tiller up, and the catboat slid away,
a .dozen. feet separating them in a
breath: •
. A• yell of rage booting' down the
wind,. but he paid 110 11,Vd • careless,
alike of the dangers lit* had paSsed and
those . that . ya wiled before is les, lie
trimmed the sheet fled stood away on
the port task, heading directly for the
Nom lightahlp.
LEANI 11011)st:the teetering. feet
iiraeed epon the slippery and
treat chosen's; deck, IS'1rk 'wood clung
to titter and inaluslieet lied two',
ed al) NI 51 It' i t h nuxions twee, a Illtelter
a flaring entree deep between his
brows. .
• A mile to westward, three nr morn
ahead. he voted aye the brigantine
standing eloae in under the ItISSOX
shore, At limes elle was 1111.10)1e.
Again he could eritch merely the glint
of her etinens, white egainet the dark
gloom of the littoral, toned by a mist
af flying spindrift. Ile Strained his
ryes. eratehing for the thanee which
would take tattoo in the rake of her
intlitta and Hails When eh• alatmild eon*
.. ...
four feet he :you'd risk tbe jump. Fle
.erawied out fly tete overhang. 4:vouch-
ing ou. Ina toes. 47140 baud light 'leen
the tiller, the oteer totaling the deck.
ready -ready,
Abruptly tlas Alethee shut off the
weed: the 'all fietteued aml tile vat
dropped bece. In a secuud the dis.
tepee bed doubled. In augutsh Kirte
wood .uttered an exceedluis bitter cry.
Already be Witi falling far off her
A sheet restelted him. He was dimly
conscious of a clerk objeet burtlitig
of rope. He fell forward upon it into
water eighteen lushes deep and for
the first time realittel teat but for that
line he had gone to his firowulug its an.
other neuute. • The cat was staking,
Ai he *crumbled to his feet, elutch-
ing the life line, it eeavy vveve washed
over the weterlogteel vraft and left It
all but submerged. and a Benin tug on
the. rope added point to the advice,
whieb, reaching his ears iu a bellow
like a bull's, penetrated the panic of
his wits.
• "Jump! !lump, you fool!"
• in an instant of eolierenee he saw
that the brigantine was lufUng. None
the less much of the line had already
beenpaid out, line there was no reek.
(ming when the end would Ise reached.
Without thne to make it fast he hitch-
ed It twice round his waistline! chest;
once rowel en grin, mei. grasping it
Shove hie bead to ease Its constriction
wilco the tug should (sane; lenped on
the combing and overboard, A green
roaring aValanehe swept :down upon
hine and the leakiest; catboat, over
wheittiltig both simultaneously..
The agony that was his during the
tlext utinutes ca;.n by no means 00
exaggera ted. His senses .were blatistl
out in blackness. Then he was breath
Ing once more, the iseen clean air sfue.
bine his hetes. the While he :ewer') UP.
supported In an ethereal void of bril .
• Ilanee..11.15 mouth . was full 'of aome-
• thing that bui•neet, a Iteuld hoe acrid
end stinging Ile gulped, swallowed:
• slaeberedechokeel, mutter& atteintited
to mit ep, was aware that :le: PYQS the.
• &COI venter of a ring Of glaring, burn -
Ing eyes, like eyes of ravening beasts,
and fainted, •
Bis next conselons Impression. was .
•of Standing up, supported by friendly
. arms on either side, while somebody
was asking. nim .if he couid walk 'a
110 or ‘„.atswpost..rt seati.d%nalliy: held ups.
on the edge of the (*aidn. skylight..an
object of interest to some half dozen
men, seafaring .felloWs. nil, by . their
habit, clusteredround bet ween hitt,
and tee witelvetird rail. Of their num-
bet' one stood 'directly before 'him,
dwarfing hie companions. as anich by
Ilia air of cointeand as' bY his Oneerts
men height -trill, thin .faCed and
.low, with hollowweateerworn cheeks,
a mouth like a crookmi gash front ear
to ear and eyes like dying. coals, with
whieli he looked the rescued np.., and
down itcone grim, aemi-huntorous,
aeinespecniat Ire glance. In ha tid!.4both
huge :Intl red. he fondled ten.clerly a
'aettientits •been empleyed tot 'filet
.ascipt.it bra.i.ide feta* whose .contetes had
aid to the .clrowning..' • . • .
As leireuteod'S gaze encountered his
the man' stalled, 0u11 117 jerklegeble
heno .to one Side witte a singularly :de-
risive a Ir. • . .
• etre einteyd' he blustered: "'Ow
.gees it now? : Feeen"attpier, eigh?"• .
"Rome,' thank you - more .iike
•drowned • rat.", • kirkwood eyed • him
stieepistley. "i supposeyou're the man
who threw me t bet line? I'll have to
wait' till • my head Mears up, before I
Can thank you properly." •. ,
'flou't mention: it." Ile of She lan-
tern jewel Stowed the bottle away with
jealontt care In one ,of his immense
:g00t -poekets and seized . K wood's
hand in a grilsp. tiet. made the young
tnan wince. "You're Byte enough now.
nytneds. Stryker, Capen Wilyum
Stryker. •Wetet the row? Lookhe for
a friend?" he demanded suddeelyeest
Ktrkyroodes .attention wandered
"Yes; your •.paisengers, „I presume:
they're. below"-
. eintasetigerel"
hush fell' upon• the group, •durttig.
• *Mei) Kirkwood sought Stryker's eye
ip iuhtifUl pleediete and: Stryker looked
rotted him blankly.
"Where's Mist; Calendar?" the'iybilng
than HUI rifled nlisif ply. "1 must see
ber. t once!" •
• The keen studdeep set eyes of tbe
skipper. elonded • es .they returned to
Kirk Wood's perturbed. eoutitenanre.
"%Vote* you telithr about?" he de-
test:Weil brusquely. •
• "I ilium see Miss Calendar or Caren -
dor himmeit or Stieready.". iiitkwood
pe mod and, get tine. no ratify, grew
restive under tetra keret Maarten bb' re-
gard '"I'llat's why I cone. nbotird." he.
amended, beset to tie* absurdity of the
:statement,- eto .see-ee-Catetelar,"
'Well, em ,
setryear Man:used' to itifutie into lila
tone n 515.0 of euspleioum sometime
• "-Why ?" instated • 1: irk wood, nettled.
but 55111 tinenniprellending.
"Wylie mean to tell me. Yoe come Off
from-. wherever tem tilti elem. from.-
° Intentifie to beard thisevemsel and find
0 part' ,t13111Cia Caletelar?"
"Cerminly 1 did Why" -
"Well!" pried it . Stryker, rubbing
him Minds 1e:tether with ;to air oppress-
ively obsequious "I'm sorry el
term yen 34)5 111 +seine to the wrong_
slum. sit'. 'WP Stfh.k 110 011(1)5.
date We're III the eurdware line, we
tire Yon might try titett door, or I
()easily yotill tied what you went nt
A giggle frnm hie Mullein* stimulat-
guessed you wita tench a fool, hammy
f wouldn't ''ro 105 you drowtull"
Stagyercd, KirWtied bore Ilia so ren.
tie trueuletue without rettenttoont
"f'ttitsular.".he SbuS Mniered, trying te
explain. "Calendar YS IV-
"! rill 'Op Woi Volatile? said.
'e tuyt:o tut Ettesegettietxt
with, you an' you*vs gone nu' went nu'
forgot tiw dyta. Menne it's forst
year's velenear you're teluldn' of
You, Johnny" Ito it lout of a boy in
the group of tittl Meth -"yOU E811 80
fetch tides• gentiewau Wbitakwo for
nieeteeteelx. Look Metre. tiowl"
With nu Wort Kirkwood
mustered up 51 seow of dignity -Nip
1 to wettest:ea' tie mid as valully 85
he could, "that you deny knowIng
George II Calendar and his daughter
Dorothy and"-,
41 (loon 'live to. Listen to me, young
man." For the time the fellow dee
carded his clumsy favetiousnetre "I'm,
Witrum Stryker, Caere Stryker, nettle
ter an"arf owner of this weasel, tin'
wot 1 says 'ere Is law We don't carry
00 passengers, Dare understand me?"
aggressively "There ain't no nUM5011
.4 Ill'Cen reetrinu oralonehe swept dow»
',pow titnt
byhted 1.111P1i Oil r aboard the A ily t beer,
SO' IleVA: WAS, 55)1' liet't.t, Will UV!"
'"Wlitit ' nit itie Old -.roe say 'i" ti 5 rk.
WetHl 1114110r.A1 '
'1111S 811111.; This A 1 131 heer, • rtigim.
tei:fiti front Liverpiall, bonne -from Lou-
don to Ilentwerp, in cargo. . Anythink
el,Se?" • ., ' - '.• •
.k.irkwood' Filtitlit his head-, owning to
5051 55 the taw:Tates with a gloomy gaze.
As he did itu-slial remarked how <dose
upon the Sheppey headland the brig-
atitine bad drtt Wit .5lie umee wa'given*.
to go about, For the Moment' he waft
left alone, wretchediy wet.. shivering,
wan -and shronken visibly. with the
.knoSylede that In. had dared greatly •
for nothing. lint for the„neeessity •of
keeping , up.. before Stryker and. his
Crew the Yoong Man felt that he Could
gladly have broken down and wept tor
sheer . vexation a nd disupPoint wept. ,
Some little while later Stryker again
• approac.bed him, perhaps swayed by
an unaccustomed itninilse .. of eoinpes-•
Sion. vi.vb 101, however, he artfully con-
cealed." - Blandly 'ironic, returning to
his Wiper:mention of the shopkeeper,
".N.othitik elSe we Can show you, sir"
he eteulred. .. •
el• presume you cenidn't put • me
• ashore." Kirkwood repliectingenuonsiy.
.10 sternest -lie digest the eaptalu silow.
ed him Ks htick. "'Eye, year". he call- .
ed to one of teecrew, "tyke thisaiwyet
Tyke 'ins below un' put lin t� . bed;
give 'ini a drink" an' , dry le' do's...
idebbe 'ell be better when 'e wykes l
up:- 'F.1 don't . talk- sense now, Ituit'S '.
.atire. 11' 1051 arsk me," sye 'es benne .
an' no 'ope for lun., • • -. . . .1
' • : • S • • F,
.•CritiPTErt xvit. • . . • 1
C. ' ONTRADI OTORY , t� the ' hone -
- • " ful prognosis. et... Oaptate'
. Stryker, hie unaccredited pee.'
. • .., • sengee was not better when.
after a period of oidivious rest illde.,' .
nite Itt• duration, he' awoke.' . Hite sub-
• sequent nesuiention of listless resIgna-
• tion, of pecific.aecitilesdence. in the dic-
tates of his 'dsstiey, waa.. perety de: •
eeptire--thio ice of .despair over pro-
found:depths of exuslieritted: rebellion.
Overhead on • the deck a heavy
thunining of hurrying feet.awake IsIM
to keener perceptiVepees. ' •.
judging from the Inceseant rolling .
and pitching 'ofd the brigantine, tbe•
. crashing thunder of sestet upon, her e
sides,. the eldritelt shrieking of tbe gale,
ilf3 Well as from tbe chorused"grbens
and plaints of each individual bolt stud
timber in the frail febric thee housed
,bia fortunes, the wind had strength..
ened nutteritt7ly •Curing his beer* et'
forgetfulneste however malty tbe /ate
ter .inIght have been
• A wilt) night, rertalnly. ProttalitY by
that time the little roasel was to OS*
Siliddle, of the North Se*. ifrouftel tor
The first colnr ef reSenttneat ebbing'
trout .his thoughts. left We rather lege
terested than excited for the taro:speeds
tie found that be was neither pleassal
uor dispitatsed Ile presumed that iR
would be tie more diffieult to tease
money on personal belongings In Ani.
werp timn nitywherr rise It has been
observed that the first , flower of via-
ill:lathe' the rum blossom, the next
the entiventionalized Maw -de -11m of the
tnoney balder. wonid P.� pawn-
shops, then, Iti Antwerp, and KIN: -
wood wits conthlent that the sale nr-
pledge of his sisnet ring, attar:attt..
matchbox and vigor caRe would provide -
him with niontsy notiall for it retuna
to Loudon by third elass, ot the worst.
There -well. nil events, were 4011 tt14*
kneea tif the gods. Ele'd squirm oat of
hts trout,h,s somehow. An for,the
other miter, the Calendar affair, be
presumed be was well rid of .ft--toh
sigh tif regret. It had •beeo a tuost
enticing mystery. you know, nncl the
woman iii he ease Waif ex traurd hairy.
to say the loud.
Established 479
F0142 ihr.11001'ING couen, cnorr,
Vaporized Cretonne atopsthe paroxysms of
Whooping Cough, liver dreaded (...“..ns, can-
not exist where Cresolesse is used. It acts
directly an nose end throat, making L11,006'414
easy in the ease ot colds, soothes the sore
throat and stops the cough.. It is a boon to
sufferers of Asthma-
Crezolene is a powerful gerinteide. acing hoth
00 si curative and A preventive in rent:lions
diseases. Cresoleno'n•best reeommendnuou is
es thirty Years a successful use.
ror Edo ty Ltd Arcxxists
Sport Postal f )r ;5-5--
acriptivo lk,oklot.-
Cresolere Antis.eptic
Throat "r0,:lois, su-a•sio
WO soothing c r ihe
i, ritsted throat, 10c.
Leciaine, Mile Co.,
Limited, A gents, 1V14 n -
trent, Canntid, :A
How They Defend It Against Leal De -
straying insects.
A standing army of aids for delete --
sive purpose* is kedteend provided
• with food by a• sensitive plant of.. •
Nicaragua. •in this swede there are -
two large therns at the base of eacix
-leaf • vinhabited by the colonies of ants,
.ilitch bi
ore nmake'
to the thorns and ma
a home for themselves by eating out
.the •soft inner tissue. •On the lea.
• atalks there are hon,ey• glands. and.
atthe tip of .euelieleatlet there is a
sausage [shaped body about as large
as a pin's laead, consisting of albu-
minous .food... The ants sip the nee--
• tar and eat the food bodies and, be• -
iinaigurcy,ontented with their lot, remain
on• the plant without dieing•it tin
When the plant is •threatened by an
inyasiori of leaf-Cutting:ante 'which
would damage it the exits composipg
• the plant's army or police force reale
out and repel the intruders, Many '
• similar arrangements exist in tropical.
In one of the most remarkable of
. these ant plants the female ant bitee
e• hole in 'the stein and brings up her
brood inside it. The • Stalls Of . each.
leaf is swollen at its base and bears•
food bodies, which • are eaten by Die• s
ants When they. emerge to find for
thenasele's As the b d food bodiee : •
are eaten now ()nee are formed; these, "
keeping the, aritswhieh are of a fierees -
'disposition, in • the ,plant's • eteploy-
.thent, ?lents et the sante . species
which do not. happen to be inhabited
by ants fall an easy islets to .leafe
cetting kinds of antaeevlitch are pnly.
too plentiful in the 'tropics. In other'.
eaaes the defensive ants are provided •
only With shelter in cavities of• the
stem, and various naturalists•have Oh -
•served, thee these ants pour •oet isa
troops whenever leadeutting enemies '
attempt' to attack the foliage. •
The ants which thus defend theses
plants are small, but sting with ex-
treme virulence, 'their small size mak-
nig them the mote formidable The
leaf -setting ants cut off the leaves
and pile them up in heaps,. forming •
a sort of kitchen garden of leaf mold,.
uponwhich they eultivate a tungus
• belonging to the mushrooth faintly_
They sow the spores of the mushrootra
and make a pure culture of the lune
• gus, nibbling at it to prevent the
development of intehroom heads ani
thus promoting the growth of spawn
Whence the Wonderful Bread -
Life in Five Roses
DO YOU know,..Madarn, that billowing from the Lake of the
Woods clear to the snow peaked Rockies are the finest wheatlands
that ever threw back golden kisses to a smilleg sun?
• Our selection of a birthplace was indeed Most judicious.
We cannot too fervently congratulate ourselves over being born
. Canadians, can we?
Alt the infinite resources of Provi-
dent Natere have concentrated to
• produce in our own Northwest epee• -
/act /me berry.
• 0 la the cream of this Manitoba
wheat crop,. not Me skim milk, that
rnaketh FIVE ROSES quality.
And Manitoba wheat, owing to
• climete and soil is the prime cereal
of the world. .
• * * * *•
lust listen 'es the explanation of Sir
James Grant, a real
" rhe intense winter frost penetrates
"deep into the ground, in the spring
when the sail is ploughed, harrowed
" and planted, the lower depths are not
"greatly disturbed; but in the warm
" summer months this eald stoeaga
"chamber o," nature, imparts gentle
"MoiSture to the roolS of the grain,
" keepbtg tool during the kenSe heal."
Therein lies the eoodnesa of the only
wheat fit for PIVE ROSS,
* * *
If you,Mistressnousewife,
with your own white bends,
Wore to pick the very cream
of this flee wheat, wouldn't
it mewl periett flout?
Yet, you couldn't be more fastidious
than our expert buyers.
Just as you wouldn't let Mrs. Brown
do your shopping, we watch our
own wheat buying and selecting..
Wherever the fairest crops are har-
vested are one of the 75 FVg
ROSES elevators, sifting them/kr
Years of practical knowledge and
experience stand behind each buyer,
who is wed -paid to 'know where the
• rare grains grow.
• We have the money and the ant
to control the very best. Certainly
your interests: a e well looked afters
Believe us, Madam, FIVE ROSES
con tains only the plump, wholesome,
well-filled berries of the spring
wheat; the mellow sun -ripened,
transparent berries. All thia
and more is yours if you will but say
"FIVE ROSES" to your
FIVE ROSES bread-lifo.
healthfulneea, nurftee
strength, economy.
Read the label, Madaneend
be flour -happy at last.