HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-16, Page 41 Orel nor • Ralph Connor's new 'book now on sale. Psie $1,24 postpaid. 771.1111111Di Christmas Globe ready for next week. Have you left us your or- der. Price 50c 'COOPER'S BOOK STORE CLINTON sseinsmaseensnasseisamemeenionseispaileme W. H. Watts & Son have everything needed in the Shoe Repairing line to execute. all • • orders with neatness and prompt- ly. A trial will convince you that our material and workman- ship are of the best proeuralile Miss Julia Dirm chare, who exas been Summerhill. Christ* e wervtces will be held Oa Sunday, next in St. Peter'e church, compienceng at 1'.80 &chick, • Hillsgreea Kr. Thomas Sharp, our 'genial blacksmith, is going around thesd days with. bis countenanee all emiles owing to the recent arrival Of 4 young daughter at his home. • Mr. Thomas Consitt, smith of thei village, has been made happy by ths arrival of a young son. , Mr. J, T, Turner, accompanied by, Mr, J. Logan ef the 5th eon., drovd to Lucknow ou Saturday week to vis- it friends in that part. 1 Mr. David Alton and wife a Lauer, vilie visited at the home of Mr. Robt, Steelier:Son and other friends in the vicinity recently. Anse Mamie Reid of the Front Road has been spending a few days 'with her aunt, Mrs. George Coleman, Goderlella Township Miss Daisy Currie, who bas'• been at Leethbeidge, Alta., for the past lifs teen months, is now vidatixtg'eelatives in Manitoba and is exempted bonie be- fore Ohristmae. Mr. Bob Elliott put his traction engine into Mr. John Beacom'g bush a few days ago. He cleared out that bush prettY well last season, but ex- pects now to buy Mr. John Olufre Mali which is along side. I Mr. Gordon Butts from Toronto is visiting at Mr. Charles McGregor's. IMrs. Edwards of Souris, Man., is !expected at the old homestead in a 'few days for a lengthy visit. A new subscribee from Coriluee, Sask., writes : "There are quite a few Bayaeld and Ooderich township people in this district and they all seem to be taking The News -Record.; An enteetaininent will be given in the school house of seetion No. 11 en , the 16th con. on the evening of Dec. 21st. An excellent program has been prepared and a good time is assured. Come to it, If you are not a subscriber to Ther News -Record, then why not? Christmas services will be held at St. James' church, Middleton, awl St. John's church, Rolmesville, Sunday next, There will be a special celebration of the Hely Communion, The Young, Ladies' Guild in con- nection with St. James' church, will meet on Friday afternoon at • the home of Miss J. Chet . Percy Weston lost his valuable Tex- as driver last week. Percy has had several handsome offers for this horse but thought he could drive at good one as well as another. He is on the lookout. for a new driver. R. Harrison is now driving his fine Texas colt. R.MeClelland has gone West on a trip. It is his intention to go as• far as Vancouver, B. C. John Weston intends moving to Goderich very shortly.. • Evidently Percy Cole does not beL, live that apple growing pays, as the is cutting . down his orchard On• the Groh farm. • Drysdale • A large number of the members of the Union ohurch at Drysdale as- sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs.: W. Jagerner ote evening recentle and , presented their daughter, Miss Myr- tle Horner, with a • well-filled purse. ' Miss Horner has for some time acted as organist of the church, and the members took this means of showieg their appreciation of her services. St. leSeph. The R, C. church of this parish was the scene of p. pretty wedding • per- formed by Rev. J. A. Loiselle on the 23rd, when Miss Matilda Ducearmei was made the heppy bride of • Mr. Joseph Roneleau of ;Spruce, Michi- gan, Alpena county. The bride wasp supported by ha neice, Miss Colinas, while Philip Bedard acted as best man. After the ceremony was sole emnized the rest of the day was spent at the bride's home, whore a very enjoyable tinie was spent by all tho numerous friends and relatives thee ' were present. The bride and groom; • • received • /rimy presents to -confirm lit5.1111,081+111es their popularity with their many, friends. Mr.I and Mrs, ,Rende.a.0 in- tend making their future. home at Spruce. anywhere. Courtright for the past five. months, is • yisiting with her brother Da.eid- at present. • . , We also repair Suit Oases, Sate' chels and Pocket Booke, and can also clean and dye the. seme, Hay 'Township. The ratepayers • of Hay township will on the $rd of January vote on a .$10,000 bylaw for cement culverts ' and bridges. It is proposed to spread Our Stand : the payment over ten years. The de, Opposite the Post Office bentures will bear five percent. in- . terest. Cotioh. STAPLE AND -FANCY DRY' GOODS I MILLINERY FURS MANTLES Our CHRISTMAS 1 Stocks are all New. GIFT.BUYERS are delighted with the sel= ections offered here. Nothing old or shop worn resurrected frotn past sea- sons, but every line NIL of holiday merchan- dise is strictly new, Best choosing for early buyers and values that cannot be duplicated later on. Make This Store Your [lead -quarters for. Xmas Bulling. Christmas Gifts in furs. It is hardly possible for one to think of a more suitable elft to a Canadian than a Fur, Its usefulness in this climate is too apparent to mention, while there is nothing prettier or more luxurious than a beautiful Far. Our stock offers a decidedly unique and varied selections of beautiful and exclusive creations in every Fur. Remember our Furs are all new. Handkerchiefs for Xmas Gifts: - Extra special ladies Swiss embroidered handkerchiefs with hem- stitched edge, regular 20e value for • . awe4 e_t / Hemstitched and embroidered borders with plain or Cross barred .25 Beautiful assortmene of embroidered handkerchiefs, in hemstitch- ed edges, very fine Linen, at - 500 60c 750 $1.00 centre, each A Feature of our, Store is a .Constant Arriral of New Goods., Umbrellas for Xmas Gifts: - 'Adios Twilled Silk Parasols, selvadge edged, silk -eased, sterling mounted pearl, gold ebased, pearl with carved gold; gold mounted ebony: bronze, metal . and stirling trimmed ivory handles. OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST QUALITY eONSIDERED. • OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING NEXT WEEX. L.v.Ry eOURTESY AND . • MIEN* ON AWAITS. YOU HERB. moimiiii • Mr. J. 11. Holmes maimed from Manitoba, where he took a carload o . Apples. • . iss Emma Courtice is friends in Montreal. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha was in God- erich on Tuesday attending the funer- , a1. of her aunt, Mrs. Kirkbride. • The Si. John's S. S. intend holding their Christmas Tree on Thursday next at the home 101 Mr. and Mrs: OWN' iti4implioelar4 Standen Township. • Miss Matilde Reid spent last weelt at tae Nene lereaGeorge Coleman of leillsgreen. Mr. Alex. Sparks of Saskatoon, Sask., returned hOme last Week. Mies. Fell of Staffa has beenvisiting with friends on the Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. William Rathwell res turned last' Wedeesday from visiting friends around St. Helens, Mies Georgina Johnson spent Sun6 ay with Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'John - SOU. Mr. William Diekson, who seen last week in London, has returned home, Mr. Herbert Dunkin who spent the past tbree years in Sask., returned. to the homestead. on the Front Road on Saturday. He likes the west and will go back when the spring comesj‘ around once more. Mr. Richard Peck Sr. and Miss Alice Peek of Seaforth spent, Sunday: at the home, of Mr. Henry Peck; Mrs. Henry Peek, who has been on the sick list, has, we are pleased to say, recovered. Miss Ada Galbraith and Miss Edith Down spent Sunday in Clinton. Miss Maggie Reid is visiting friends in Clinton this week, Miss Mabel Reid. • left on Thursday for Stratfbrd where she has secured a position. Miss Eva Stinson of Clinton spent a few days at her home on the Sauble Line. Mr. James Cameron!, teaener of ot• Zurich Public school, has been en- gaged as teacher of S.S. Eo. 4, Nortt. for the balance of the school year at a salary of 1250. • Wedding bells will soon ring on the Sauble Line. If you read it in The News -Record, it's so. Mrs. Edmund Westlake and son, Thomas spent Sunday in Zurich. The deputies for the municipal el- ectiona which may take place on the 9rd of ..Tan, will be : No. 1 divisionW. Malcolm McEwen; No. 2 -John Mur- doch: No. 3-.,,janies eileClymbet ; No, 4-Williard Rathweil ; No, 5 - Robert Dewer. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boys, who spent the summer in the west, ard .home for the winter. Mr, Boyce has) invested in land and purposes making that country his home for some time. Mrs. Swayve of Blake received a call to visit •her daughter in Sagin- f aw, mic.h„ who is very low,' She left on Monday morning and intends. td visiting remain all winter, if not ldnger. Mr. J. A. Cameron of Bayfield has. been engaged as teacher in No. 4', North; at a salary of $500 per aenene. Mr. Cameron is a good teacher; and tee trustees are fortuaaee in being aele to engage hirn, • • Mies Lizzie Pollock, •who went west hi the spring, is home again ane • at preseet with aer brother,. • dCideritCh tOWIliShip Varna. The following are the officers L. O. kto. 2035 for the ensui term Master, George Beatty. Deputy, Isaac Rathwell. Chaplain, John Rathwell, Bec..Seeretary, Ben. Rathwell. Pin.-Seeretary, Samuel Janson. Treasurer, Frank Weeks. D. ot C., George Johnson. Lecturer, eitavid Johnson.. Committee, John Johnson, J. ' avid, J. W. Reid, Wiliam Loge Walter Rathwell, The Christmas Tree entertainine in connection with the Methodist S. will take place 011 Wednesday e ening next. A joyous time is expee ed. Leadbury. A number froM around here ba been attending the revival meetin in Bethel chtirch, conducted, by M Scott, There 'will be a Xmas Tree and e tertainment tIl Leadbury school et. Monday evening next. A good pr grain is being prepared by the pupil under the able managemeat of the teacher, arise Shepherd. Miss Margaret McLaughlin bee r turned hozne after a visit wit friends near Clinton. Mr. Hugh Grieve entertained a fe of his friends to, a sociable eveein last week. A Letter From th • • West Mr, W. J. Mitchell: Dear Sir, -Enclosed please find on dollar for subscription to The News Record for 1910. We are having sons very cold weather here •just now, th theremorneter eegistering 22 degree below. zero. We have a very Jive an prosperous little .western town her We call it Buffalo City as we have th largest herd of buffalo in the world The buffalo park is 72 miles arotm and any time you .come 'over. the G T. P. the keeper will ooly b too pleased to show you over it. 1 We now have a tri -weekly mixe train between here and Edmonton an expect to have a. passenger train o en the near future.' . Tee laying o track on the G. T. Ps bas ceascdfo • Ia. short time an account of a ver • The C.O.F. meniberS hold their an- . nual oyster supper a week' ago Fri- day night at the home of Mie and 1Mrs. Wm: Mulholland, It was.. the best they have had. • and it was the unanimous.• opinion that theseccess. was Mostly due to their: genial:. host and hostess. . • The toienshipcouncil ma op. the '6th -inst. with atl the members pres- ent. • , Councillors Yee. and Lobb -That the parsonage taxes be refunded for . the • public us, re the church shed, ; . Ceuncillote Lobb and Yeo-Tha George Hill be refunded $9..10 by er tor in the assessment rolls • ' Coancillors Rathwell "and,Lolib That the nominations for Roove an fonr Councillors be held ..in the Mae 'know e as Holmes' hall on the laa • lelenday in the Present. morita an ehaethe elections take place the fa! lowieg Monday with tlie following a deputies' and eoll clorieseeespectivele i No, 1.-s.C.• Johnston and G..FalcOner No. 2-J. Sturea and M. Sterely No.3-T Harrison and J. II. Harris- , on ; No. 4e -J. .Cluff and J. Thomp- son s No. 5- J. IL Lowery and I. i ;• No. 6-11. !Hicks y.r.1: 'Richardson.. • '• 1 Mr. Andrew Porter. of Goderich ad- diessed the council in regard to the parcy Weeton. has putchas.ed arm: ..J. Rensford. and W: Brydonelot 30, eon. knewn as the Wm. •Morgan farm. • General News • A Winnipeg deputation arrived at Ottawa to ask for $2,500,000 for thd tl Selkirk Ceetennial Exposition. - I Eva Mary • Embleton.seVen-year- old Port' Hope girl, died while. under - d going• an operation under chloroform. The Liberal 'caucus at Ottawa dis- etissed the naval programme and Drees .tically agreed upon its main features. d• Miss Jessie Taylor,: an aged wom- an; as karma toeleaeh in the iire ; that: destroyed the Central . Hotel at, ; • Huntingdon, Quebec. • I . ' Croderich Rural Telephone Company and asked for the .ptivilege' of erect- ing poles and operating .a teleohone System in Goderich township. After, discussion and consideration the: couricil did not think it in thetinter-, est of tbe 'township to grantthese privileges Sylien the !township' had aiready begun on the Municipal Tel- ephone System. Councillors Rathwell and McClure - That the following accounts be paid. : Gravel ---R. Rogers: $26.06, W, Col- ciough 9.80, John Tbompson 5.18, • G. Bissett 20.16, R. Torrance 13.51, Reba • Johnston .22.48, F. Leonard • 14.35, T. Betties 16.75, E. Wise 82,20, B. nathwell 9.38, Jas. Connell 15.12, J. Potter 2.38, D. Gliddon 38,- 85, 0, Beacom. 14.70, 4. T. Minces 0.04. Lumber -.1). J. Burns 3.30. Tile, Stanley township, 7.6e. F.quale izeng union sehools, J. 'Thompson,: 7.50. Notices, J. Thompson, 1.60. Tile, R. Torrance,, 6.00. Error in Assessment, George Hill, 9.10, ; Goderich Star, Printing, 41.70. Qver- seeing on Base Line, W. II. Lon,. 4.00. Councilors eateries,' •140.00.1 G. AnclreWs, salary as collector 80e30.1 J, Whitely, salary as treasurer 85.00, Meeting adjourned to meet as per statute on. the 15th inst. N. W. Trewartha, Clerk. The following is a report of the, pupils 'of the Hohnesville Public school for the month of November, based on regularity, good deportment and general proficiency t 4th --F, Jenkins, 0, tair, i. Fars en, J. Palmer, L. Levis, D. Duller, 0, Connell, 0. Alcock, A. Connell. Sr. 3rd -M. Ostrotn, R. Ostroin, aarren, 11. Leyte, C. Holland, Jr, 8rd-ff. Ostrom, V. Jervis, E. .)roctor; P. Palmer, it. 1VIunnings. Jr 2nd -A. leonatd, M. Holland, f. ilulier, 8„ Mair, mitiaoh, L. Jervis, C. Proctor, Sr. Pt. 2nd -1. /Avis, W. Aleoek, Jr. Pt. 2nd -A. McCartney, E. Pord, N. Moir, B. /Tolland, G, Reed, IL Port, J. Ostrom. Pt.,Ist.-W. MI11er W. Jervis, ANvuerarabgere o3n3,roll 87. N. W. TreWartha, Teacher. • Montreal detectiees exchanged shots: with a than named Lanzon„ whom they .were trying to arrest,, and in the • usi a e Mr..ay,,-Oo su g- ..entf.or Switzerlend, was shotin th cheek e The New York Canadian Club •heid its annual. banquet One evening ; lase week. , President Taft sent his fast annual message. to Congress last week. The greatest gasometer in the world exploded at Hamburg,. Germany, last week, causing the loss of many lives. Prince Frederick Von Sayn Witgen- stein, a German Prince, has forfeited his Princely ' rank by marrying be- neath him. • • The Tariff Reformers ill Britain pro- pose to place a tax on practically all imports except raw material and a tax of two shillings a quarter on wheat, ... The Women's . Institutes mot at; Guelph last week, The Resat rostenaster. A good many surraner sojourners, who during the past fortnight have ben drifting back to the big towns, are full of sound and fury anent that peculiar type the Rural Postmaster. The potentate in question deserves to have his /lame spelled in capital: lots tors, for he exercises •a prerogative greater than any Diet }U.S nominal employer, His Majesty Edward VII., would ever presume to, and often if he is looted in a lonely place be- yond the beaten path of the %spec. torial staff he is nothing less than a czar, instances could be multiplied of the tyranny that this individual exercises in a small community.. In the northern sections conditions are worst, though curiosity is more frequently at the heels of the trouble than mere tyranny. The postmaster or his family open the letters just to get news from the eity. If the letter is intereeting they show it to their friends and the pereon addressed does not, get it at all, A Toronto man who had a sister sojourning in the pine woods for her health discovered this situation, and, being somewhat of it humoriet, he went to see the post. master, who was not 0 had fellow, "Look hero, ohl Man," he said; "I don't mind your opening the letters write my sister, but for God's sake give them to her afterward." The postmaster promised he would. Ile saw nothing unique in the request. highbridge being constructed acros the Pembina river at Entwistle, .• 6 !Miles wot of Edmonton, but as soo as it is completed ..the work. will b !rushed again as the country throtigl I which they are building is . musk° land can only be laid while,. the ,fros is in the ground: Tae land west of Edmonton is ver heavily w.00ded and there ;are • 'sem very eine lakes which swarm with fish it is a great •game country. Iri' tli fall of the year there are great 'flock of wild duck and . prairie chicken that would Make yotir mouth yvate po 'get' at there. • I• The crops between here: and Edmon ton Were very good this y.eer ap4 w had one of tbe finest falls I eave see in this country. • Our little town is growing steadily We have a paper printed. here calle, tlei Wainwright. Star and we hay two good hotels, one bank, grocery hardware and gents' furnishing stor es, a hake shop and 2 meat markets 2 churches, the Metliodiet end Angli can, two pool-roorris and barber shop 9 • iesVelery stores and , severalone small stores. We get. oue coal shiPP ed from Edmonton; it costs ue froir a6 to $6.50 pef ton. There is cnougli fire wood around to do us hi ,th summer time, •but it is so , email tha it burns, away quickie- and idnot much use for winter. We lees§ our old Ontarib apple ; the apples her are from 3 to e lbs for 25 cents some of them come from British Col melee but they do not seem to hay the same taste as a good old spy ox a Sneer apple, Now I think 1 have told you all the news so wishing you a merry Xmas andbright and pros- perous New Year I remain yours Truly, . • 11. Corey; Wainwright, Atte.. W. C. 1% U. Notes. During .the past week me:1y ce: fiats tales have been coming to our ears. We have. been expecting that and now they are here. No. 1-"A certain man conies to town to look out for business premises. lie found a corner very suitable for his purpoee, but in view of the Local Option vote owning on he decided to wait until January before he Axed on any arrarigement, as he considered business would be driven from town werethe relate to carry:" We learn on the authorlitY of the owner of the above mentioned corner that the story is without one iota of foundation. No. 2-"A. looai Professor who visits Henson occas- ionally must now under Lool Op- tion pay 50 cents for his dinner." Well, a, man ought to get a good din- ner for 50 cents. We suppose he might have been. able to get a.50 cent din- ner before Local Option went into force. In any, case tve are assured' that hotel accommodation is mucb better than it used to be and that the rates are as reasonable as the were before the town went "dry,", No. 3 --"The story goes that Jack - eons' factory is to be moved from town if the vote be declared for Lo- cal Option. Such nonsense is hardly worth noticing,' still it has been put forward as a reason for opposing the movement. We notice that that proe pressive industry has been extending Its work rooms which We judge le answer enough. 1n, our work (hiring the past week we have been confront- ed with these statements and we ex - Peet many rnore such between no* and Jan. artt, Let to one be misled by probable or improbable tales told by these whose object is to keep the bar -room open by any means 'that can he devised. Tho facts are on our side, Truth is mighty and will prevail,- Press Representative of the 111. 0. T. tr. Aroisaber 14* 1,09 04104410e Iree seek • eletesee. wee este wise 40 eibeiete. *vow teeseeeeme eeizi ot r. 1, ' ir" t. -o ;s r. L... e e• ° 0 or• Items of interest I 4 I 1 0 For Christmas Buyers 1 Taken From Every Department. ; Dry Goods. , New Christmas Blonsingsr-1 Ail the new popular shades e in plain and fancy- stripes, a la _ beautiful assortment, specially See• fan-ey C6001c. Tii.a pricedpoerury::::k of A Jars, Belts, Silk Scarfs, Hand- v kerchiefs Rats, Scarf Pins, m 1 cobes, 'Ribbons, etc. 7 SPECIAL I t -,A. few doe. 6e, fancy Collars, separately boxed 7 in pretty boxes a, 500 valve • specielly priced ' - . espe 0 , Gent's Furnishings. 1 This department is over. 4 flowing witti pretty and accept. i able gifts for men and boys in 1 such articles as Ties, Gloves, i Handkerchiefs,. Suspenders, i Fancy eemas Sturtre Fancy Hose, , oa f Links, Tie. Pins, Mufflers, I eFia,:ceyte4. 7lets.in boxes' Sweat-II A a See our Fancy Sus enders 4 m pretty boxes a very at motive i present at a populv special 4 price - - sue ; 9 •: A BOOTS, SHOES AND CLOTHING, A As a special inducement to Xmas buyers in these departments . re we will continue our 10 permit. discount sale until Jan, ist, 1010. A .Genuine sacrificesale of ladies' And. caildren.'s mantlesefor balanee 1 of Dee.. All lines priced to sell. 0 • 0 • I 0 s 0 . 1 0 • . 0 cm . 0 pLumsTEEL . BIOS Small Profits and More Business. - si•-•arsewitesawipar-04•41~Paik,0-46, damvis.45,4si.,.a...ibeAb• -aa..ivis-soibeest. D $ - ismissass . ' Millinery Store Clearing out the remaining hats at half price. . Xmas toys sold at this store cheap. i . - • ° MISS CANTELON & CON IIIINCEMPINIIMIMMINEIMMIMI L Ullillill.1100011111 MIMS 1 f r L ) L, .,‘ , .. A : , , , i 1 • • gli • LEGGINGS I . The whose business aud slop pair of our We ' produces William's William's First quality First quality No..1 fine Heavy duck 1.16ayy moleskin Leather $1.40, $1.5a . REPAIRS RED. "Always fammainmeminin. present season is so wet that requires him* to wade through should have the protection 'afforded leggings, . . have a.big stock of .the beat at prices to suit all purses. patent leggings, choice grain patent leggings, No. 1 splitleather. heavy grain leather . . Jight grain leather .. • .split leather • leather bound leggins tor boys in . all sizes and $1.90. every. man mud* by ,a that Canada . leather $2.00 1.75 . 1.60 1.50 1.25 ..75 , . 1.00 . at $1.25, CLINTON : . . 1 . . WHILE ° YOU WAIT.. 'JACKSON Reliable" • . Imalcammingsmn _ . . • • 1 • I AT WALKER'S Furniture store you will find many useful Xmas pres- ents, if you are in doubt just what to buy.. • A visit through our Immense Stock will be of great help to . you in deciding.- What represents better value than a . nice Rocker? We have 78 d,:ifferent Rockers to select . . from, or bay a Couch, wa have 22 in 'stock from Which to select. We also have in great variety Parlor Tables, Parlor Cabinets, Jardinier Stands, Car- pet Sweepers, Baby 'Sleighs, High Chairs, Children's Rockers (toy sets,) Rattan pieces in great variety. ' Space will not permit giving all the lines in details but nearly every one within 10 rtnies of Clinton known That this is the best store to get selection It's no will have - lighted o'clock. . and value. • We and 10. trouble to show you through. every department well heated up from now till Xmas until CArcie and look through'aa.nyway. IWE HAVE ANOTHER BARGAIN READY .1. FOR YOU IN PICTURES.. See our windows. . 200 At 85c EACH. • IT'S YOUR OWN FAULT IP YOU DO NOT COME EARLY 'AND GET ONE. The Store • (*Quality, 1111, walker a Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 28 Night or Day