HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-16, Page 2.44.11rgY 4441:4410.406.- •41441.44e11.41044140. 2 its Easy • Here Our selection* of liTeeful 3 and Beautiful Xmas presents '11 make choosing easy. Our prices make• buying easy, because we bought righe. Don't forget the Kodake. 1 1 i.immeiiii, I 1 OUR ,PERFUMES I We •cell tell you all about 4 I predate tnena, then you won't 1 ‘ them, you must see them to ap- want to leave them ere;hwe idon't railed that, for we bought - " them for yon, I . EBONY 1 We have Ebony in hun- t : t deeds of shapes. Our Manicure.: IMilitary and. Brush Cases are simply beautiful, also Hand Bags, Pocket Books. Collar Bags • and many other usefill gifts for et men, women and children, 4 f. W. S. R. HOLMES i 113.anf'g Chemist, 4••••••••••••••••••••••... --RELIABILIT.Y — EXPERIENCE -- The Best En! IF YOU w.A.14,T THE DEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOTJR sup - PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT DAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO, W. Jr Stevenson • $962 One year. ago, Mr. Ge•orge `i'Vaketuan was earning about $100 pee year as farm laborer. No* 'bele earning at the rete of $962 per year. • Six months' training at our Business College made the nifference. .Wes it a good investment..? He thinks ea. His address isNew Oilgoode, Sask. Firer Cpueseg, : PriEPA114TORY COmMERciAi. ' • STENooRArti.Y• • .TEI.E9-RApt-ly. • Enter any tittie. Indie vidual oction, ••• • Write for Particulars. • CLINTON Business College ; GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. ; '•••••••• • ••••••••• fee 1•4410. WE WANT YOUR GRAIN. for which we will pay, tbe Higbest Market Price. Call at our store next Morrish 86 Crooks or at our Elevator, —We keep on hand a, full—• , —stock of Flour, Feed,- -Etc. We are agents for the Canada Car- riage Company Buggies and Stan- dard Wire Fence and Posts. • FOIM&.WEOP DR. OVENS, SURGEON, OCULIST, will be at Holmes' Drug Store on Tuesday, Dec. 27th, I: ma 9 to -3.30 P. in. Glasses properly fitted. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noe.: arid Throat treated, Winter Term from jailt 3 apITRAL STRATFORD, ONT. The best practical training •school of Ontario. We offer advantages not offered. elsewhere in Canada. Our teachers are eeperienced, cour- ses thorough Mid practical, and ; we assist graduates to good post- tigns. The dernand at present greatly exeeeds the supply. We prepare teachers foiS Business t College work. Write for our free Catalogue. Rev. A.. J. Vining of bandu* hie dee dined a tall to Jame e Street ChUrcli liarailton. Or. C. s. Marshall of Bridgewater was nominated for the Commons by the ConeerVatives et Lunenburg. Hon. Dr. Pugsley and Dr. King ha.Ve gone to Washington on bueinesa Cene fleeted with the boundary dispute. The Desbarats Advertising A.gencyl of Montreal is Suing the 'Farmerst ..A.dvoeate of Winnipeg for $25,009 damages for alleged slander. *Miss ,EuPhremia Sharra of IreqUoig was blown into the cane' and drown- ed. Repeat it :-.."Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my. coughs and olds," Read the London- Daily Advertiser, the Best Metropolitian paper in West- ern Ontario. Contains latest unirket quotations and all general and local news worth printing. SPECIAL OFFER, Send $2.00 for the London Daily Advertiser for le months in adyance. This offer must be accepted before January 1st, 1910. HER SKIN WAS YELLOW. "I had only to try Dr. Hamilton's Pills to appreciate their merit" writ- es Miss Annie S. Bryce of Woodstock. "My system was out of order. 1Vly blood was weak and thin. I had 6a nasty, murky complexion. • My skin was hard and dry. The first box ot Dr. Hamilton's Pills made a complete. change. I felt better at once. Heal- thy color came into my face. In about three weeks, I was cured." Dr. Hamiltoa's Pills effect an easy cure. Try •these good pills, Mc. per box, ot five boxes for $1.00, at all dealers. • WANTED.—FORELADY, MUST BE Good Knitter on Creelman machine • also on Henworth looper, steady work.' a,nd good pay. Apply to Avon • Hosiery Ltd.; Stratford. Ont.. Q l I up, No Dcembcr 16th, 1009 Huron County News G.rattere for News -Record Readers 10 Yean AO well as can be expected. FrOD1 The News -Record of i As the schooner C. M. Johnston) December 36th,1.891. 'down bound was running under easy' canvas she collided with an unknown frire and aft off Kemp's dock. No Clinton, Dec. 1.6th, 4891. damage was done with the exception ed by Drs. Gunne and Elliott, ampu- tated both feet of one of the sailors! whO were cast on the beach • three weeke ,ago. The patient is.doing as Town Clerk Coats is again on deck - and able to take part in nia.custom- ary business. Thursday evening about fifteen of the lads and lassies of Clinton drove out to Mr. Gabriel Elliott's on the Hayfield Line, and spent a social time ot the loss of the Johnston's head; light and the jarnbing of her figure- head. .The unknown craft carried lid , lights. Grey Township. with his family. The visiting Last week Martin 1VIcNair, 150 party, express themselves as highly pleased, eon., sold a 2 year old draught geld- ing sired by Baron Black, for which he received the sum of $225. Jennie Randshas been re -en-', gaged as teacher of • the Summerhill school at an ahvance in salary. She is a good teacher. James Armstrong, 10th con., who Is not bothered much witk bodily ail- ments, was fairly well used up for a time with the shingles, a very both; ersome companion. with the hospitable treatment they' received. Messrs'. Hearn and Couch shipped from Clinton on Monday afternoon, two, carloads.- of really especi- ally fine cattle as a contribution - ta the Christmas beef that will gladden the hearts and tickle the palates of the denizens of Montreal and Toron- to. And it must be admitted, if ape pearanees count for anything than Ilia animals will do justice to thel judgement of the shippers and reflect credit on the breeders • and finishers of the cattle. - Summerhill, Dec. 10th, -1891. !The Grangers held their ennui' meeting at M. William H. Ball's on Wednesday . evening the 9th inst. Af- ter the business was over they with a large number of invited friends sat down to an oyster supper. There Wag a magnificent spread of all imagin- able dainties for which those present showed their appreciation in the usual manner, and Mrs. Ball performed the duties of hostess in such a pleasing '' manner as to make all feel at home BOY WANTED:ee130Y To LEARN and thoroughly enjoy themselVes. the Dry Good business. Must be •• smart and Willing to Work•.--Ipply anci was in his fourteenth year. Lecal Option. should •carry in Grey; on January 3rd deepite the handicap. At. the former ,vote the 13y -Law • was only defeated . by a few votes • and temperance sentiment • is better, grounded than then. -• , R. M.* Douglas pf StrassbinieeSask. IS 'visiting here. He is a former resi-i dent of the 15th cori., who wexit West sevenyears ago: Mr. Douglas is do- ing well and looks like it and Mrs. Bodgies: and the five dalightees • are also well. He still, hae 150 acres in Grey that he Wishes to sell :before he returns home. Strassburg is • fifty, miles north of Regina and is a Oivis- ional point ein the C. P.11.' Wedding invitations' are out for the marriage of Miss Sara'h F., daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Buttrey, 12th con., to Russell Riddell of Elma township. The date of tbe important event is Wednesday, 22nd inst. • The Neil McNair farm, lot 22, con. 15, has been purchased by John Mc- Taggart of the same the, who now: owns 250 acres. He paid $4,700 for the McNair property which suits him, well, owing to itg proximity to hig other farm, • Mr.. Mac. ie a thrifty gellig man aed a good farmer. • Ames and Mrs. Smith have the sincere sympathy of this ccimmunity in the less of their youngest '• son Lorenzo, wbo died last week once three weeks' -illness with inflamma- tory rheumatism and pneumonia. Ho Was going to school •iithen 'taken: ill; to Tozer & Brown.. • ' 99 FARM FOR SALE.—OPT THE LON- {don Road, one mile smith bf. Clinton, 132 acres, fine • shape for eroppiag, no better land anywhere, fair build- ings. Must be sold as owner cannot work it. Will he sold cheap. or will • rent tie a good tenant.—H. Plum - steel. • • FARM -- FOR SALE.eFOR .SALE, • the east half bf "Lot 21, Concession • 4, L. R: S., Tuckersmith, containing • SOacres. The . land is all. cleaned, well fenced and underdrained. Ther• e are 'on the premises a good bank • barn and good. stabling,• a good house and plenty of Water --one well • at the heuse end One at the stable. • For further particulars' apply on premises, or address Greorge Brown- lee, Seaforeh P. 0. •99* D. A, • McLachlan, • PleINCIPA HOUSE • -Fon SALE. EIGHT Rooms. Best location in Clinton.— Apply to W. brydone. 87 • WOMEN AND GIRLS 'WANTED AS • MACHINE OPERATORS AND FOR • OTHER FACTORY WORK.. GOOD WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOY- MENT. WRITE US.—THE CLIN- TON KNITTING CO. LTD., OLIN - •TON,' ONT. . F. W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done guar- anteed no give satisfaction. Prides moderate,. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton, 83 •MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL' • JAMES DOIG • OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. CHRISTMAS STAMPS HELP CANADA'S NEEDY • CONSUMPTIVES •T the week of the Muskoka loree HE net proeeecls from stames sold ;vein be used foe the extension of • Hospital for Consumptives, The avail- able beds were trebled as the result, of lasb year's Stain? Campaign. HUY TIIE111. • IJSE imap THE GOOD WORK • TIIE1 I3EST INVItSTIVIENT YOU EIVEIt ONE CENT F,ACII. • Not a single patient has ever been, hefused ad ni melon to the Muskoka rree Hospital foe Consumptives because of hie or her inability to pay, EVERY STAMP SOLI) IS A • BULLET IN THE 'WARFARE AGAINST T BEIt OUre0 S I S If -not on eale in your town, 'write 1. S. 11013EAON TS0 SeeeTreas. National Senitariuni Association, 341 Xing St. W., Toronto. All information fern. felled and stampe mailed promptly on receipt Of order, Holmesville, Dec. 16.th, 1891 As Mr. and Mrs. Cook and lady from Hayfield were driving to church-. on Sunday last the bridle bit • gave way and the • colt ran off, throwing all occupants oat and bruising arid. Mangling them very much. Mrs: Cook had her wrist broken, nose bro- ker' and shoulder Put out of jointi The others received • several injuriel also.. • L. 0. L. 189 umt• on Monday even-. ing, District - Master • George Hanley. in the , ehair,. The following •• officers were appointed for the ensuing year : W. M., A. Cantelon ; D. M., F. Moe Cartney ; Chap ' ., A. Halstead Rec.- See.; W: Lobb, : Pin. Sec., James Laithweite ; Treasurer, Robt.. Dir. of Cer., john Woods ; Sect., W. J. Curriee. Correnitteemen, H. Sweet, .Pas.. Elliott, S. EmmeIsori, A. Cur- rie and Willi -am 'Crooks'.• After • .-the business was- finished a hearty .and enjoyable time was spent and refresh- ments partaken of. . . • Londesboro, Dec.. 16.0, 189e.. Mr. RobertHeggitt eeturneti from Manitoba last week. • Mr. Wfllialn, Lee has started to drive" the scholars. to and frore school., Mr. Thomas Macclenald and his sis- ter Flora of Porter's Hill were visit- ing at Mr. G. Newton's last- week. . Rev. Mr. Hamilton preanheil and ad-' ruinigtered the Connieunion in the Presbyterian .church on Sunday., • The following officers were elected in the Sons of England Lodge on Thursday °veiling last : President; Arthur, Woodman. • Past President, Geo. C, Thompson. Vice -President Coo E Williams • Secretary, Bond Lautasen. • Treasurer, Gecirge SnelL • • 0haplain, Rev. J. Fergesoe. Managing Comnettee, George Smith' Thomas Cole, John E. Teylor,' -.Alfred Wilkin, • David Mountain, Albert Brensdon: •• Inside Guard, Edmond Crawford. Outside Guard; James Woodman. Bayfield, Dec.' 16th, ' 189e. • The skating rink is to be let to the highest bidder on Tuesday. • Miss Siisie Bargess of Detroit ie home • here vigiting her ,parents. , Mr. Williara Johnston, who was esti the sick liste is able to he: around again. • Mr. Thomson is busy repairing the dam, vehicle -was broken- bythe fresh- et. • The bridge ig in a very unsafe con- dition, the centre foundation being undermined. • • . • Mr. Simeon Middleholt and ' wife have returned from their honeymoon' trip and settled down to everyday life. •• The enterprising youth of our towt. have secured a set of boxing glove and "khoekbuts" are of frequent oc- cerrence. Our esteemed Reeve, • Mr, George Castles., though • able to get about, isr far from being as robust as he was - forty years ago. Mr. J. Senate is going to leavd our town. He has decided to locate itt Wingliam. Dayfield loses one of ite hustlers. The "boys" are all practising for the Xmas • Trees. Those entertain- ments Will be a very flood of musio and song. On Saturday all the owners of fast three-year -olds asseinbled on the square and gave an exhibition of speed. The best time made was id the neighberhood. of 4.10. On Wednesday Dr. Stanbury, assist- • PROVED.IN MOUNT FOREST. Every d.octor in this teen tried his best to •relieve Mrs. Withom of Asthma; none succeeded. "For years she states; "I was a dreadful sufferer; - nothing gave relief. At times I found it necessary to have all -the doors and *inciows open to 'get My breath, Belgrave Dungannon, One morning of last week Mrs. Jas. • Gibson bad tbe misfortune to slip on • the back door step. She fell heavily • to the ground and sustained a tract-) ure of the arm. Her hip was alse seriously injured and was at firsb thought to be broken. She has since •been suffering much pain, but is pro- gressing as well as can be expected. • Her daughter, Mrs. McConnell of Kin- cardine, was immediatelyjsent for and/ ii now In attendance upon her. Work on the am church Is progres- sing favorably and a is expected that/ everything will be in teadiness for the opening on Sunday, Dee. 19th. The! 1 ' dedication services will be held, ort the Sunday following. .... At a meeting of the director of the West Wewenosh IVIutual Fire • Insurance Co., Mr. J. H. -Kaake of Kincardine• was appointed secre- tary and Mr. Thos. Stothers, reeve of Ashfield, the treasurer. • They suc- ceed Mr. J. M. Roberts, • who occupied both positions for a number of years. Mrs. Tisdale is Spending, a couple Qf weeks with her mother, Mrs. Robin.- • s9n at St. Augustine. Mrs. James Walker of Niiinghaml spent a couple • of days with her daughter, Mrs. Carlisle, last week, dos. Iirovenridge of Brampton at- tended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. A. Proctor. • Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton has returned after spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Ross of Seaforth. Mrs. Waugh of London has returned to her home after spending a couple) of weeks with. relatives in Beigrave, and vicinite. Mr. Samuel Irvine and family have moved to Winghane Mr. Irvine having sold his farm on the 5th con, of Mor. xis, to a son of Mr. John Anderson. Dr. Godfrey, M. L.4.A., and Mr. Timmins Jr. of Toronto called on old friends around Beigrave last week. The apple season is over and on the whole it has been fairly profitable in the Belgrave district. Therewere shippeO from this station, 45 care loads or 8675 barrels, which netted the farmer on the • average about, $1.25 per barrel, making in all $10,4 00 distributed. throughout'. the come try, which will go a considerable dis-I tance in paying taxes and other rure, ning expenses on the farm, There died in • Beigrose an the 4thr inst., Mary A. 93rownridige, relict oe the late Abraham• Proctor, in her 83rd year at the h,orne of her daughte er, Mrs. Thee, Scandrett, after an ill - nese of ten • enonthe. Mrs. Proctoe previous to her illness Bleed alone;in her residence in the village . and . on the evening of the 20th, of February last; 'while eralitying a Pan of ashes, ,about forey •feet frora the house, sne took a stroke; • fell in the snow and lay there Until about nine o'clock thd next morning •when her grand-daughe ter, Edna ScanOrette came along and • found her. The heat of her Body tide ted • the snowteethe ground, -bull ;strange' to say ..she was living arid 'not frozen, but in an uncoriseicies !state in which she has been most of 'the time until death released her. -In her younger days Mrs; :Proctor was ae great worker in -the 1VIethealist chinch so . much so that • her counsel was sought after • by many. She, with net husband, was ' . among the first settlers on the 4th line of Morris when • a 'wilderness,: moving, in 57 Inears ago from the county of Halton, 'near. Hornby, - By hard work :they' 'made for themselves abeautitul horny Mrs. Proctor'. • 'leaves to mourn her demise; two .sons and brie daughter - George. on the homestead, Thos. and Mrs. Scendeett, of Belgrave. Her hes- batid predeceased :her six years ago. She • leaies one brother, • Joseph lirownridge of Brampton. Tire funer- al services Were conducted 'in thd Methodist churcb, Helgrave • by Rev, J. E. Cook and the remains .• were • laid to rest. in the -Brandon eemetery, followed • by a large number Of rola- . tries and friends, .• When in deipeir I heard of "Catarrlie • • . ozone." 'I Used it Slid now am per- fectly enred.''.,.. This proVes 'beyond doubt that any case • otAsthma is curable with Catarrhozene. No tem- edy se Pleasant _none so absolutely .dertain tie theeoughly cure ; try "Cate arrbozOne" yourself ;' it's guaranteed. I Repeat it :—"Shiloins Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and olds," The Christmas Number of The Farmers' Advocate 1• Over 14 percentinterest, on a valu- ation of $1,000 per acre, after mak- ing liberal allowances • for wages, eq,uipinent, and every other item of expenditure, is the result Of the first - season's work in the Farmer's Ail4 vocate Demonstration Apple Orch-1 ard, near London, Ont., as detailed{ in a two-page, illustrated article in the splendid 1909 Christmas Numbee of that old, reliable •agricultural jour- nal and borne magazine. Another fee- ture-eone' certain to make a wide ape peal to Canadian .pride—is an article on Canadian Hunters and Jumper, by R. P. Stericker, , the noted -')Arileri- can horse judge, who, in a • carefully compiled story,states that out ot some -twee y g -juinp ng • orses, known to have official- records of sev- en feet or over, fourteen were Canad-1 ian-bred. Canada's 'pre-eminence in this.field of. breeding and performance is freely conceded.. This article lends) point . and interest to the front-coveil illustration; a painting by, Paul Wick - son, the celebrated Canadian animal artist, represeating. a horse going . over a hurdle, with a 'lady up. The, painting is reproduced •by the expene sive trfLeolor process. "Education. • for the Farm" is the title of a suc- • cinct review by John Dearnese, a pio- neer champion et the . natureStirdy. phases of edueation, • designed to edu- cate the child Pattly through a:gene des that will awaken, instead . of dulling, his interest in country Wee and work.. "A.' Land of Promise and Fulfilment" is the • truthful title Di ' a graphic article: dealing with Ontar- io ein 'and new, and illustrated with a *full-page photogravure of whae is , being accomplisned in the ncirthlani, 'partieulerly in agriculture An tiele on "Shorthorn Cattle," • by • Prof. En ct. Day, one. on "Sone :sh Sheepfolds," by Prof: He• S. Ar- , Repeat it :,--"Slfiloh's Cure Will -ale kell, and a racy eissertatiein by Prof. was care mv cou lis aed:eolds." ' F, C. Elford,.. on the "Origin. of Our Domesticated Poultry;"- going • heal Does it Cure Not beiname it °entities flarealtarilla, but because it is a mielleine If peoullar merit, ecomposed of more thee twindY different remedial agents peesh greatly strengthened end prorieheil by this pe - *idler combination. It effects phs- riernenal cure. ef trouble, ef the idelede etemach, liver and bowels. Thus Hood's Sarsaparilla curds aerofula, eczema, anemia, :hem-nett/me eatarrb, nervouenese, that tired feel- ing, dyspepsia, lose of appetite, and buildup the syglem. There i no ret4 substitute for It. If urged to buy any preparation said to be "Net as good" you may be eure it L s Inferior, costs lese to make, and veldt; the dealer a larger profit. • Get It today of your druggist. Pre- Pered only by C. 1. Hood Coe Lowe/ mass., IL S. A. The London Presbytery claims that petitions against racetrack betting were sent to Major • Beattie evert though be did not receive them • A remonstrance will be forwarded to Washington by the Canadian Gov -f ernment against the actions of immi- gration officials in turning peoples back. at the Manitoba boundary. •4* --0b. King Leopold of Belgium is vex* • A case of leprosy of the most viru- lent kind has been discovered at Cal- untMerts,C '1Trerlile Nation was arrested at Washington for smashing whiskey bottles in a buffet. Two New York inen dale tbat'theY were engaged • by Dr. Cook to fakg polar records for him. • WOMEN'S WOES Clinton Women are Finding Relief at Last, It does- seem that women have morn. than a fair share of the aches and Pains that afflict humanity ; they must ••ikeep up," must, attend to duties in spite of constantly aching backs, or headaches, dizzy spells, bearing -down pains; they must steep - over when to stoop means torture. They -must walk and bend and worlc.. with racking pains and many. aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause, more suffering than' any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is cagily maintained. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and •ie 'endorsed by People you know. • • Mrs. j. • Cook. of Joseph St., Clin- ton, Ont., says :. "After Mitering {with a severe attack of la grippe, my back was so tender and .weak • that, I could scarcely get around-. A eon- . tinual dull, bearing •down pain had. settled in the region, of the kidneys and extended around my sidesitly- head would ache constantly: and there' was often a dizzy feeling- and spots appearing before my eyes. I felt • languid - and • *poorly in 'ray general ,health and although I knew my sick- ness had "weakened and disordered the kidneys, I foetid nothing to beitefit me. • Ie. learned of • Booth's Kidney{ Pills through an advertisement and. procuring a box. at Mr. Holmes - Pharmacy; commenced. treatment. •ft. was 'a comparatively :short tinie when I had. been relieved of the headaches and dizziness." My • eyes eee;an 10' clear and were soon strong -end well, •The pain gradually left niY back and sides and I strengthened. I ani very , grateful to Booth's Kidney Pills for the speedy relief given : inc d • • will gladly recommend them." , Sole by ' .dealers.. Price 50 cents.The R. • T. Booth Co., Ltd,, Fort Erie, Ont., • Sole Canadian Ageritg.• • to Old Testament times, are amoug • Morris Township.' the othee fe,aturee of specie]. ietexest; • while an excellent report of the an Dan. Denman, 5th .me, took itt. the a:diati stonkmen's succeises ate Mice-, • go makes firsiee ass reading Space • CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S: EXCURSIONS. • Winter Fair at Guelph. • Zurich Mrs. Barnes of London was visiting forbids mention oi the many other. her parents, Wm. and Mrs. Gray, 7th -interesiing features which cover the{ 7th quiet wedding was solemeiZed •at the horne of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Dat- ers • on the ist of December when their, youngest daughter, Miss Ethel • be-, came the bride of Mr. John NIcHrida of Stanley. The ceremony was per- formed 'beneath • an . evergreen arch. by the Rev. C. 0. J. 'Maass of Zur- ich in the presence of only the imme- diate eelatives of the• contracting •parties. To the strains. of the wed- ding march, the bride entered the - parlor, leaning on the arm of hellfather, • who gave her away. •She wore a gown of white silk and. car- ried a shower of white chrysanthem- ums, caught with white silk ribbon, They were unattended. Atter receiv- ing congratula,tions the party. repair- ed to the dining room Where a pretty wedding dinner Was served, amid de- corations of smilax and white cher{ santhennues, The • bride's travelling costume was- of dark orown cloth, with hat to match. Numenee beautiful wedding gifts were eeceived, testifying to the popularity of the young couple, Iti 11 0 fili[MTV line. comitry froni British Celumbia; to P'. C. and Mrs. Taylor of Pyle° Hill Nova- Scotie—iedeed, to the British Farm, Gorrie; visited D. and Mrs.1 Isles—and every phase of agriculture, McCutcheon, 6th line. ' from .berse - breeding to apiculture. ' Mrs. H. Lowell of Lockport, New "The Home Magazine", always a • St lielcns. • Mr. and Mrs.. . William RathWell spent a few days at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods, Mr.' John Bonner, we are pleased to say, is ablb to bo out and, atround again. • Mises Edna and Clara, Woods lave retuned home after a pleasant visit with friends in Stanley towliship. Mee Lizeie Salkeiti of Goderich has been visiting at the home of Mee. R. K. Miller. Miss Elsie Dow visited with Miss Evelyn Webster last week. Miss Jessie Cameron has been vise iting friends in Guelph. Miss Lott of linseeds is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Ferrier. WHY' IlitONCIIITIS IS StRIOUS, tiecause it becomes a ehronit eon- dition that verges closely on eon» • Rump Hon. Catarrhoon&' is thei • most pleasant, simple and certain /tpat it :.,..,t(Shileles cute win ate dire. Try Catarrhozone, York, has been visiting • her sister, popular department, is this year par - Mrs. Wm. Bernard and other Mends • Ocularly strong. One of the features. of the 5th .line, Morris, for the past is "Sixteen Acres of Flowers," des - two weeks. 6..) • ' cribing the immense greenhouses at W. Badgley and R. Gray have re- Fsrampton, Ont., illustrated. by al turned home after spending the fall in 1 nineteeneineh cut representing' a pan- , Detween all stations in Canada,alsa to Detroit, Port Huron, Mich., Buff- alo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and Suspension Bridge, New York. - • AT SINGLE • Good going • Dec. 1909, • and returning Also gaouoid, going Dec. Jan. 1st, 1910, and the West. They are well pleased with eramic view of the premises, as well I Tan their trip and will likely return; het I season, Milton Currie; a formernsident of the 6th Hee, who has been living in Manitoba, is here on it visit and will likely spend the winter in Ontario, . I Mrs. Aleti. Nichol • arrived • home • from Clinton hospital last week feel- ing a lot better. She was in • thd hospital eight weeks. We trust • she will soon be as vigoroes as ever. I The annual Sabbath school enter- tainment in connectien.with the Jack- son .church, 8th line, will be held on January Oth. 1 Duncan Ashton, wife and family of Strassburg, Sask., are vieiting Mrs. Aghton'e parents at ,Goderich. Mr. !Ashton Was a former resident of the , 7th line. He has prospered in the 1West. • 'We are sorry to state that George Davis, 5th line, had the misfortune • to inflict an ugly gash on his :left foot at the instep with an axe, doing damage to the cords; 1 After an absence of two years in the West, 0, E. Bone, son of Henry. Ilene, 3rd line, is home on a visit. He bas a farm at Scott, Sask. 'rand/ will go back next spring. Mr. 13ond gives a good account of the country and the favorable prespeets. 1 A week ago Sunday afternoon Rev. W. Hood of Alma, Mich, a former Morrisite, addressed the congregation of Jackson's church and gall° a Very helpful discourse. Ho is engaged •• in Sabbath school organintion work in I Michigan • under the Presbyterian! (+era, EelHood ,is a soil of the late George Hood at Sueshine and a brother to Mrs. W. Jackson of Myth. .Ways tuft ihy eougits gold Mlle." FARE 24th and25th, Dec. 27th, 1909. 27th, 1909, and returning • until: as by Many ether interesting teatue-: At. Fare and One Third. ' es. Throughout the eighty -page book I Good going, Dec. 21st to Dec; 25th special atteation has beeri paid to ill- inclusive. Also good going •Dee. 28th' ustration. The priee of this special to Janist, returning until "Jan. 5th. issue to nn -subscribers is 50 cent's. Secure tickets and further ix:tonna- It easily ranks as one of the very • tion from best Christmas Numbers of the sea- JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent. son. { A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent- OWWW0 tAAANNAAAMOVewWWWWWAAAAAANOW0e41,0%.%•10V I Jewelery the Gift of Gifts IT'S 50:— ALL GOODS BODOBT HERB Engraved FizeR oli CHARGE T ror a gift ought to be more than the mere presenta of something worth about so much. The aesthetic sense ought to be recognized. The fittiees of the gift. to the occasion ought to be considered. Thus you always find Christmas and jewelery inseparably eon - fleeted. The question for you to decide is what art- • icle of jewelery is suitable in each ease. We NVould like to suggest that our stock furnishes innutnereble stiggestiems. Your gift wants might redly be sup- plied from it with profit to you and satisfaction lo those who wish to 'remember. Because jewelery is liked by everybody, as we said it's the gift of gifts. . Here is a list thatinav help yon ie your decisions. Peir the men folk: --Watches, Binge, Watch Chains, Watch Charms Ord tieks, Umbrellas, 'Tie Pins, For Ladies:—Watehee, Plugs, *oriehes, Necklets, Braeelts, Dutch Collar Pine, Hat. Pins eVaist Sets, robs, Lome Guard Chains, Lockets. ,t Miscellaneous. liandspainted China, Silverware, etc. 117. R. Counter Jeweler and Engraver, issuer of Marriage Licentea AAAWWWWWIANVANAMAINVIAWWWWWWWWW4