HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-09, Page 10cilutoit News4tecor4 Dorisiobor 901 190 isseeteseeeeeseseeesseseeseeheesseenerheeweewhiseellesegoolliellnlholhollee a The _Police Magistrate„ and 0 Chief of Police are Favorable to 1Lfocal Option,. It will be observed that Orillia carried Local Option, but the bydaw $ was queshed on a tech n icality. The Government, however. exercised the to power and no 11C0400 will be granted there during the three years' ,$Orillia as follows : period. . The Police Magietrate testifies to the success of Local Option in "It is somewhat difficult for me to Rive statistics in the matter, as $ the circumstances are so different. Under the license system a man had to be both drunk and disorderly before the police ran him in. Un- $der the present system if 41 person appears on the street in a state of intoxication he is pinched at once. The consequence is that a drunk man is as scarce an article on the streets now tie he was plentiful be- fore. You will understand, therefore, that. crime hits decreased in a $ like ratio. Six months previous to the passing of Locel Option the County Crown Attorney who only appears in the more serious cases) appeared in my ceure here sixteen times while for the six months after $ the licenses were cut off he only had to come here once. The work in the police court has fallen off to about one-fourth what it was under the $ licence system. "We had considerable trouble, here, the first few months after the licenses were cut off, the whiskey people evidently thinking thnt the law would nct be enforced and that they could go on and sell and defy the powers, Ind when they learned that the people of the town were behind the enforcement of the law. and that they ,nut live up to $ $ • $ -Se i $ $ $ $ Roy take the conseqnences, tbe consequences being flees of 100 to $100 $ for infractions, with gaol as alternative. they have walked very circtins- speedy, and, I believe the majority of the hotel keepers are now living up to the requirements of the law fairly well. There is no open flag- rant selling, and it is harder to get a drink in Orillia than it is for an outsider to get into a Masonic lodge. "Of course the thirsty ones can get all they want by going to Atherley, three miles away, but an Atherley jag, if the jagged. one falls into the hands of the police. costs $10 to $12, besides the amount spent for the cause, and few there are that care to try the experiment. • (Signed) "Ginonein H. CLAIM, Police Magistrate." • 0 0 ' $ . The following letter, written by the ()hief of Police, Speaks OOP- . vincingly es to the success of Local Option in Orillia. He says - : reply to yonr request for the opinion of the police of the town $ as to the benefit Local Option has been in COIN I beg to state. Both for myself and the men under' Me, that the passing of the Local Option By-law was one of of the hest things that ever happened in the town. $ With the corning of Local Optinn thework of the police fore . has lessened considerably. For the six months prior to May the lst1 was A called out of my bed after midnight three times to quell drunken rows. • 7In one case the man had kicked his wife end four little children oueon 0 the street and t.heeatened•to kill them if they poked their noses inside. A Together with another policeman I succeeded in arresting him and he 7 was sent to the County jail for three menths. I may say thet Since ) 9 Local Option came into force this man has etrainhteneh up told has eon - 'A neeted himself with one of. thh, thwn churches. A seccutd ease was that of a Thr. "thee wife was lying on her death bed and who creat- ed such a drunken disturbance that we were compelled to lock him up. ; When he sobered up, the magistrate let him go on suspended sentence on account of the death of his wife. This man has not been seen the A worse of liquor since L'ocal Option came in force. • The thh•d case was ve that of adrunken man smashing things in the house while his wife lay , f in bed with a baby two da,vs old, This man has also leen e peaceable, ft law-abiding citizen since May the 1st. A "Prior to Local Option it was a very rare night that we did not T, have at least one drunk in the lockup. Now drunks are SQ rare that 9 we scarcely ever have one in the building. One other very creditable that : thing at can be traced to Local Option is the quiet way in which the crowds behave on market days Last year when the Christmas crowds were on the stret ts. the whole police force Was kept busy keeping or- der and making it possible fer the shoppers to get round without. be- ing jostled by drunken men. This year, withas many if not more people in town, there is no call for the police to he moving about and • there is no discomfort to ladies or children from that enure% The ehange in that respect is .remarkable. On a Saturday night ender ' license. it was himosible to get off the street for supper before the bars were closed, Now the fariners go home in good time and sober, and we have no trouble with the men calm fornaerly kept us on the Move- • whenever they came in town. . Option Under the license system we were • constantly pestered with . • "The whole moral tone of the town bets:been improved under Level $ billed pigs or unlicensed dives and specially honsee of ill fame. Now : there is not one of these houses to be found in the town or io the out- , skirts. There was scarcely a time under the license when the streets .were free from the presence of the inmates of these houses. Now we : never see one. .There has been a great reduction of crime of all sorts • since May the at, and so far as the police • are • concerned, there is no besire to go back to the license system, , .. ," CM& OF 'OLICE, Orillia " 4,4110,,Abilbeib,116.aabArAlkelb.lioisillIV•16,46,41/6)4&-ii,16.41ValrAlo".1.440;.ea, 0 • THE CHRISTMAS ROBE READY THIS WEEK Price 50c, An excellent and season' able reminder for your friends abroad, 0...A•ee•ewe'se;seeieeees,-svessae•essesie eitseftswee.eseesewiseisseeseese 0 • sto Hubs Eilmorm S. C. Rathwell, Shoes C. Hoare, Music • IZegina Shoes for $ Women • Fit for a Queen • Have you seen our Regina' 0Shoe for ladies. We have them ' A in Velour Calf, Vicixid and Pa- r tent Colt. If you want the most :stylish, nicest -fitting shoe on the market, try a pair of Re- . . . • gina. , • 0 PRICES -$3.00, 8.25 and 3.50 . • , in Pat. Colt and Vici Kid. $ We are Sole Agents in Clinton • S. C. RATHWELL • • THE PLACE. WHERE YOUR :DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY $. Nothing Like • To pass away the long fall and • winter evenings. Geed second- . hand. Organs and Pianos to sell $ or rent at reasonable prices. • . • NEW . Newcombe Pianos arid P .. Sherlock -Manning • Pianos and • ' Organs always in stock. . Try us for Sheet rluslc 0, and Violin Supplies • We Aim to Please. 0. HOARE. 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nelson pall I FOR I EVERY ROOM ' IN THE HOUSE We have added to our stock a loog list of useful + and attractive Xmas presents, Fancy Parlor Chairs and ; Rockers, Parlor Tables, Desks, Altaic Cabinets, Cou- • thee, Sectional Book Cases, Extension Tables, ete, We are offering a three drawer dresser, in rfch quarter -cut • oak finish with heavy bevelled plate at $6.50, Wash. ; • stand to match $2.50, •• Iron neds ranging fro rn $2.50 to $20. Full sized Bed Springs $1,50. The cheapest spelt in Huron COnfity to buy all kinds of furniture. oover.1:a • Pt.I'leleTeelitileallZht.TleT211e.A.Z.XJX11,434=01R,fg 44**4114ele•04141••••41•414(1414•0**0•00.4004440.0041,040.41.40.***414411 W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - AlwaYs the Best ,L;c1.1.0110ailitalig.tsiN 0" 0_ .. .m Rev. J. Greene preached in Zurich on Sunday last. Mr, W. Cook, son of Mr, H. W, Cook, has gone to Toronto. , Mrs. W. J. Ross was in Toronto on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr, S. S. Cooper was in Hamilton and other places this weelg. Reeve Gibbings, is attending county council at Goderich this week. Mr. Gordon Johnstone, lately with 'Seeley & West, has gone to Paris. RSV. R. Hobbs of Exeter, was the , guest of Mx. Jas. Ste-vens over Sunday. . Miss Dorothy Rattenbury has been confined to her room this week ow- ing to illness. Mrs. Gordon Wright of London was a • guest at Wesley, .Parsonage during her stay in town. • Miss Mary Glenn of Stanley spent Sunday with her Mend, Miss Fan- nie Hibbs of town. Mr: and Mrs. John Swartz of Wing - barn visited the former's parents in -;-town. on Friday last. Mr. Walkinshaw, whose illness was' recorded last week, is recovering, we are ael pleased to hear.. ' Inspector Torrance and Dr. Shaw at- tended the meeting of the county • council at Goderich this! week.. Murray Jackson returned: from Tor- onto on Tuesday after having spent seyeral weeks visiting friends there. Miss . Gertie , Chant of • Cliaton vi.s- ited her sister, Miss •Chaet of town, the past week. -Hanover Post. Miss Della Finch visited her .sister, Mrs. R. A. Moore, and her brothels Mr. George Finch, Seaforth, tnisi week. Mrs. R. Welsh and Master Wilbur were guests of Goderie.h friendg from Saturday Until' Monday after-, • . lea. John Perigord and Rev. C. R. Gunne Were in London this week at- tending .a meeting of the executive • of the Synod..• • Mrs, Johe Hodgens, late of Clinton, but now of • Goderich, ha•s been spending a week or so in town with her Many friends. - Mrs. • Ed. Acheson of ' Goderich was a gudst at Sergeant • Welsh!e on . Monday while on sher way eto visit her sister, Mrs. Laivrence Luelc- •. now. • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Graham came down front Hanover on Friday. The former retur•ned on Tuesday buti Mrs Graham is taking a , longer • stay. , • Mrs.(Rev. y Wright, who had been , visiting her parents, Mr. and Mys. ' Jas. Connolly of Goderich, was the • guest of Mrs. A. J. Morrish on • Tuesday while on her way home to Kincardine., Vise Winnie O'Neil, who has been in- dispoped for several weokseis, we are glad to say, quite her usual self agaisi. •She enterttained the mem, bers of the girls' sewing club at her home on Monday evenieg. Mr. E. E. Ball, Master of Moderns) of the C. C. I„ who has aceepted similar position with the Hamilton • C. I. board, has leased No. 105,1 13urris street, that city, where he/ and hisgood wife will take up their abOde during the holiday season. Sergeant J. J. Walker, who has for oVer twenty-five years. been a mem- ber of the Toronto police force,( was in the recent promotions made Patrol sergeant. Ile has been mak- leg a steady • climb to the ifighee positions and to superannuation. . The Sergealit is a brother of Messrs. Wesley and G.- L. Walker of •town. Yr. A. 3. Grigg was in Toronto this week sorting up his stock, for the Christmas trade. On his Way back he visited the big Winter Fair . at Guelph where he met many exhibit- ors to whom this Fair is as a Mee.. ca, sa to speak. tT, J. is alwayg WC of finding them thereand its a good time they have exchanging ideas re. the proper breeding of the finest thorohred stock. ' Rey. John McNeil at Itayfield was in town on Tuesday on ono of his last visits to Clinton as ho leaves en the 20th inst. for Bedded( Forks, Nova Scotia, to whieli. place he has eeivcd a tall, NeXt ,Sunday he will preahh his farewell sermons on preSent charge where he is greatly' respected. Mr, meNtn is much es- teemed by those who know him and all Will join heartily in wishing him suecess in his Work down by, the sea. •J 1 Ato PopazAw 45rJA-Lof 1 .•... .Christmas Sui........ggestionso Just Sixteen More Shopping Days. What will I give for Christi as? a question that will be asked a great many tunes foi the next sixteeu, days the world over. Why not do your shopping early when the stocks are largest and the assortment at its best. We have made a special effort to make shopping a comfort for early buyers by adding extra clerks. Don't wait until the last minute when the services will be poor, We ai e shovt ing a greater range of Christmas Novelties this season than ever before, Presents for• MOTHER, FATHER, SISTER, BROTHER, and the BABY. Presents for your AUNT, UNCLE, FRIENDS and SWEET- HEARTS will be displayed on our counters in great variety. • • Whg Not Give Furs? in planning your Christmas Gifts thirk of the comfort that goes with good furs and, -1\• the style they add to any cos- tume.. You can meet any pussible requirement in the line of small furs or fur gar- ments with the largest stock ir town at your disposal, Canadian /slink stole and muff to match German Mink ‘4 White Chenielle " Alaska Sable Marmot 4 I 1• Fancg, Linens as Presents. Fanog Muslin Shams • We show a splendid range of Fancy Muslin Pillow Shams, size 8242, prices (Runners to match.) .50 .60 .751.00 Hand Drawn. Tea Cloths Exquisite patterns Fancy Drawn Work and Embroidered. • designs, very handsome and new. Trag Cloths and Runners Suitable for table centres, all sizes, from .25 im t� 3.00 A Superb Stock of Large Table Covers, - •Napkins a0f1 Table Linens • Just now we are showing hne of the most attractive stocks of Table Linens and separate Table Cloths with Napkins to match. ever put on our counters. If you have any Linen needs it will pay you to come to this store. • Tozer & Brown Sell the Best Underwear for Men, Women & Children Useful Presents for Balm Christmas Will make you remember the little ones. Wel3ave a complete assortment of useful and pretty gifts. Infants' Knitted Coats • • In assorted pink and. blue also white, , • pure wool, and comfortable for .75 and 1.00 Child.ren's 13ocitees•. • . In plain and fancy colors, special for • •Christmas • is and .25 • • Infants' Bibs • A large range to -cheese from, plain and fancy, special for Christmas ...... ' .10 .15 .20 and .25 Useful Presents for -the .H ome., . • Wool Blankets • Union and pure wool Blankets with pink or blue border from 2.50 up to 10.00 Pown Comforters • Bed Comforters, large size, sateen and .chinz, innew designs and colorings, $ 1 to $10 Rugs and Malts . A. pretty hug or matt would be appre- slated very highly, we have all the new designs from .... I-00 to 35.00 Six Frills in- a Box for 33c Six Collar Frills in a pretty Christmas box, no tWo alike, these would make a. Fancy Collars', Boxed, 60c Fancy Collars. with extra frill, in a - pretty separate box, all colors ......„ ; .90 . New Frillings The new Christinas Frillengs are here, they are very pretty; come aud'see.thelia -to Gloves for Christmas We have just received our Christmas • Gloves shipment. &owe that we know and guarantee, all colors and sizes1.001.351.50 .Christmas Belts A large range of new Christmas Belts • • in all the new styles and colors, in silk, ' leather and elastic from .25 op to 1.50 'Parasols and Umbrellas. In great variety, bought especially for very dainty present at a, moderate cost .25 Christmas Presentee from 1.00 to 6.00 • • 1 • C2rivroAr „le Constance Concerns. While. Mr: Owen Flynn was riding one of his horses the other day and in going to get oft the horse reared and threw him• on the hard ground with such force as tO freeture his collar bone and two ribs. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Geo. T. Dale visited his broth- . er-in-law, W. Connell of Holmesvillo one day last week. The Xmas Tree entertainment will be held op Dec. 23rd in the church. • Mr. Thos. Toeves and -son of Bran-% don, Man., is expected to atrive thie week for a visit With Mr: and • Mrs. W: B. Cook...• • • • • • • • Mrs. Wm. McIntosh spent a few( days last week the guest of her daughtlock. •er, Mrs. John Mills of Hare , . , The Bible Society meeting was held on • Thursday evenifig. Rev. Mi. Cos - ens of Clinton addressed the meeting. Hullett Happenings. Mr. William Snell, son of Mr. Jas, Snell, left a few days ago to accept the position of Stock manager of .11.1r. A. W. Sthitles big farm .at Maplei Creek near Lucan. Mr. Snit% has a herd of fifty Shorthorns to that it, will be seen that the positioe is a re- sponsible one, but Williams thorough training on the homestead will enable him to do justice to it. Councillor • Barr is at the :Winter Fair at Guelph this week . and • has two entries; a two-year-eld heifer and a one -year-old. steer. Last year Mr. Barr's big steer captured the red ribbon in the : amateur class. Mr. Gray of the 16thcon. has his ,stal- lion on' exhibition. , • In the •event of an election taking place on :Tan. 3rd the polling places will be as in former years with the °flowing as dePuties : No. 1-C. Me - Gregor; No. 2 -James Watt; Na. 51 Patrick Quigley; No. 4-R. Adams ; No. 5 -William McCool; No. 6 -Hum- phrey Snell ; No. 7 -John Ftngland. Mr. James Snell,his ion Egh, and hiS daughter Miss Met,' Snell, 'are in Guelph. this week attending the big Winter Fair now in progress. While in . the ,city the young folks will be the gueets of Mie•Goodkellow, i el em- inent resident of that city. A very successful neood bee was held by Mr. Moses Mann on Monday, which terminated in a dance: A lot of wood was cut during -the day, and the dancewas much enjoyed. The following is the report of b. S. No. 0 for the month of November: Sr. 3rd --Flora Fingland, Edna Rob- inson, Margaret McLeod. Jr. 3rd -Dora • Mogridge, Willie Good. ' Sr. 2nd -Katie . Wagher, Gladys Roberton Janet Govier, Wag- ner, Arel'ileunbinson hlelburne Cox. 2nd-Ehdie Good, Leslie 13all4 Minnie Wagner, Henry }Inking. Sr. -Part 2nd -Nelson Paterson, Dave McLeod, • Average attendance 25. • - F. C, Hess, TeaCliCr, Summerhill. It was announeed in last week's paper, that there will be a Sunday' school entertainment and • Christrnag Tree in totineetion with St. Peter'sl church on Dec. 23rd. Please notiCe that the date has been ehanged toi Wednesday Dee. 22nd. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. R. GoVier and family visited on the 2nd con. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston spent Suriday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chtte. LeVett. • The News Froin Lfondesboro At her home near Londesboro, on 1 Mr. Thos. H. Cole bad the snider -4 . Sunday last there passed away, Laura tune to loose a horse last week. 'e May McCool, :wife of Thos, E. Mann- l Mr. John Hutton paid a flying vis- ing. The deceased lady had been ail- it to London this week.. • ing. for nearly two years with a seri-1 . Mr. Wesley Lee, a G; T. IL em- • ' oua form off. throat trouble, and had. ployee of Port , Colborne, is home for . been in Clinton hospital for porno; a week's holiday. • timeundergoing treatment. (leer a 1, Mr. D. Cantelon shipped his last year ago she, with her husband, went ' carload of apples for the season from: to the west in the hive that the( here last • week. change might prove beneficial, and Mr. Thos H. Cote has purchased upon their' return Mrs. Manning spent the farm owned be Mrs. T. A. Moon. some time in Toronto under the care on the 100 confor the sum of five of specialiste. But in spite of the thousand dollars. • best Medical aid which could be pro- Mr. George Brogden had . the inise cured the disease progressed and on fortune to fall and injure his toot last. Sunday' terminated in her death, at week. ... the early age of twenty-eight years. Hasselwood Brosof the 10th cone The deceased was the eldest daugh- are having a finedriving sbed erected ter of Mr. William leleCool of Hullett. William ' McArthur doing the work. About four years age she was .marr- Miss V. Mackeniie, who spent thes ied her now bereaved husband,' spring and fall term witn Mrs. Adams who has the sympathy .of all in hig in the millinerydepartment, returned, sorrow: to her home in• Brussels last week. Mrs: Manning was possessed of a; The evaporator was closed down on, very sweet and amiable disnosition Thursday for a few days bet is 'inl- and was much beloved by all who ning again. • knew her. She leaves to mourn her Mrs. ArthStrong. of Listowel, who. untimely death, her yonng husband; has been spending a few days with hr parents,hear sisters and two her son, W. C. Armstrong, returned brothers, besides a heft, of friends' home on Tuesday of this week. who deeply sympathize with the tam- Willard Lee, who spent the summer at Holmesville, is spending a feel days at home. • • Mr. John Nott put a metallic roof' on his housegast week. Mr. R. G, Smithis preparing to ,dr move his ice house front the lot own- ed by Mr. Fred, Richards to the lot) he purchased from Mr. R. Adams. • The employees of the eVaporator treated themselves to a banquet and: fowl supper on Tuesday night of this week. Invitations were sent out to all who had been employed in or ar- ound the evaporator this season, the number being betwe,en thirty and for- ty in all. After tea a short program • ily itt. their bereavement, The Intieral took place on Tuesday afternooe and was very largely at- tended. The Serviees at the house and cemetery were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Currie, pastor of •the Meth- odist church, tondesboro, of which, the deceased had been a member. •Derwin Carter and his sister Eliza are spending the week :with relatiVes at Ctancleboye and vicinity. Mrs. JatheS Webster, who under- went an operation some time ago for eye trouble, has recovered her eye- sight sufficiently to be able to distin- guish persons in the street. • • Mrs. n. Saville has returnothto her was rendered, consisting of gramo- home in Clinton after a few days VIS- phone seleetious and speeches by , the • It With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. following : A. Asquith •and I. John - Jas, Webster, Mrs. Webster accome sten, Auburn.; Thos. Miller, Fred. panied her to Clinton. Button. and E. Lawson. iWedding bells arelikely to ring in the near future, on the sixteenth con. cession. lVfiss Rana spent Sunday with friends in Clinton. Mr. 13. Hambridge Visited at Mr. Ileacetn's last week. Miss Ida. Colborne of Seatorth spent Sunday at her home here. The invitatiOils are 'out for the wed- ding of MSS Ida M. Colbourn, daugh- ter ot Mr. and Mrs. John Colbourn, to Mr. Edward Alfred Williams of • Lela Draper, the.eeven-year-old dau- ghter of ReV. C: D. Draper of Beach - was killed by a train while crossing the track• . A young Scoteinnan named Judd was drowned near Vittoria Harbor' 'while crossing on the ice to Maplel ,Island. • ' The I( ingston Shipbuilding' rom- p:1y has obtained a lease of the dry,' doek at Kingston from, the <lov6rn- ment for $10,000 it year. -Personals. • Postmaster Sproat of Belgrave was in town yesterday. Mr. Ed. Hyatt of Crosswell, Miehe is • la town thiS week, He has been' buying, fowl and has taken almost: anything with featherS on, for Ship- ment to "the other side."