HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-09, Page 9Decimber 9t1s, 11,09
Oa 1141-CleilART
MeTaggart Bros
A GiENEAAL LBANKIliTa 131)131.
- - H. T. RA.NCE. -- --
BARRISTER, somerroa
OFF10E-S1ortee Bleck-CI INTON.
L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S.
Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night
calls at front door of office oe at
residence on Ratteabury street.
>DR. J. W. SHAW ----e
Cliiktom 144nts-lhost4
Business & Shorthand."
Residua and Mail GUMMI
Calahoses Fees
3- W. 'Westervelt, 1W. Weimer.lt, 3 CA.,
Peados], Vireeteriadmil.
Pianos, Organs
and Sewing
Those who wish to buy a good
reliable instrument at a moderate
price, cannot do better than call at
this stoLe.
Our Pianos are noted for their
beautiful finish, durability, elastic ac-
tion and superior toee effects. Every,
instrument guaranteed for ten ytars.
We have a select stock of Vio-
lins, Accordions, Harmonicas, Bows,
Strings and Music Books.
Special attention g:ven to dis-
eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and
Eyes carefully examined and suitable
glasses prescribed.
Office and residence : 2 doors west of
the Commercial Hotel, Huron St.
J. 11. Chellew
Rubber. Tires.
oeettpied and was, moreover, not a
mistaking tax. He received a leetiug
imilaoosioa of a womates rtartled eyais
staring into als own through a thief
mesh of veiling. fell off they 'remains
board. talammed Our door and karied
himself toward the next compare:meat
Here happier fortune attended upon
Ids desire.. ' The boxlike section wen
untenanted, and a notice blown upon
,the window glass announced that it
was "Second Class Smoking." Ktrk-
wood promptly tumbled in, and when
he turned to shut the door tin coaches
were moving.
A pipe helped him to bear up while
the traln was makiug Its two Miser
stops in the borough of Woolwich. It
consoled hitn little that nom disputed
with him bis lonely pciseesston of time
compartment, that ke bad caught the
Sheernees train or that he was really
losing no (line. A sense of deep de-
jection had settled down elei his con-
scionanese, with a reolisation or how
coutpletely a fool's errand was this or
his. He felt foredoomed to failure.
Ile was never to se* Dorothy Calendar
again, and his brain eeented numb
with disappointment. Presently he
tuppled limply over on the cushions
and fell fast asleep.
Rattling and swaying, the train left
the town behind.
• Presently be put aside his pipe and
stared blankly out at a reeling land-
scape. the pleasaut bomelY. smiling •
countryside of Kent. A deeper mel-
ancholy tinted his enind-Dorothy Cale
ender was forever loet to lane Pres-
ently he toppled limply eYew on the
cushions and fell ant Weep.
. Having purchased a machine for
applying Rubber Tires, ' we wish to
say that we are now prepared to fur
isle and put on such tires at reason-
ble rates.
We also do all kinds of Grinding,
nything from a pair of scissors to a
irculo.r saw. This week we installea
machine for' grinding horse clippers
which does perfect work.
• We likewise ' do all kinds of lathe
fork on short order and at reason-
ble iates. -
lVfachinery repaired, 'Horses shod.
Speleu &West'
-DR. F. A. AXON.^.*
(Successor to Dr. Holmes.)
Specialist is Crown and Bridge
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor
graduate of University of Toronto
Dental Department. Graduate of ths
Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Will be atid te Commercial hotel
Bayfield, every Monday from 11 a. is.
to 11 p. ea.
• *-4.1'- "ir.EM
Trains will arrive at and aepart
from Clinton Station as follows :
Going East 7.35 a. m.
e 3.07 p.m.
5.15 p.
11.07 a. m.
1.25 p. m.
0.40 I Pan.
11.28 p. m.
Going South • 7.50 a. m.
4.23 p. m.
44 II
Going North 11.00 a. m.
1.35 p. m.
Going ;West
44 it
Beery farmer. nevoid knew that te
• prigs °flawed. by Ake dealers for matte,
hogs, eta, is a fair Owl: How aka he
know this' if he dem sot take a f•arui
busineas peper? Wine • (teeter oi law-
yer or .bitatnesa as wouldbe without
his huainese taper! Titers is but one
farmers' bueinen ead enareett'.psper, that
.Tb. Weekly Sun. tart 1111,0 riget by
,116 -UAW-
Anyena minas a skate% and desorlptItm esal
Quickly ascertain atm apinlon fres Willther 111:1
[invention Is 101,4,1,1017' 'Wilmette. Jeosaminanleis.
tlons strlstly soalltdontlaL 'Meninx on [Manta
gent fres. Oldest sigma? for aesaringtpagenta.
Patents tribes amuck Mama & Co. reeNtre
*pedal *elite, without elms% tatua
haaSsesaely lifastriats4 weekly. Lamest ete•
3ulatIon a ear aolintlfla joitraaL Tarsal for
Waimea, 33.76 I year, postage eteman teat by
eu newsagent*,
iSeir:5warmagaet. WeekbeFilrk
Kidney and Liver Medieated •Pais
•cure by absorption through pores of
the Skin and Nerves. Kidney and Urim,
arY weakness. Children bed wetting,
Pains in back. Lumbago, Rheumatic,
Neuralgic, by their soothing strength-
ening effects.
Liver and Stomach, Indigestion; Constipation,
Sallow complexion and all Liver. and Stomach
complaints. Men, Women and Children are ben-
efitted alike. 'Female Weakness, priceless to those
desiring regularity. Price should be $2.• but to
quickly introduce will mail one pair for $1.
Order to -day, this cheap reliable treatment.
The Medicated Pad tee WIND$011. ONT., CAN.
tioneer for the counties of Heron
and Perth. • Correspondence proMpt-
ly answered. • Immediate arrange-
ments Can be znade tor sale (dates at
• The News -Record, Clinton, or by
calling phone 97, Seaforth. Charges
moderate end •eatisfactiou guaean-
The bit In Current literature
$2.60 ran ytin ; gears. A OOPY
aVittlY NUllegiat VOMPLeTt IN ereseLe
The McKillon Mutual Fite
Msurance Companu
*. • ' • * ' • se *
After a long time be reamed to real-
ize rather hazily that the ()ferriage door
had beep opened te admit somebody.
Its smart closing bang shocked, him
awake. He set up, blinkles in con-
fusion, hardly conertoes of more, to
begin with, 'thin that the train had
paused and was again in full Night_
. Then. his eetitsee clearing, he became
aware that his solitary companion, jest
catered. was a woman. She waa context
zeros, from bim, her bat* to the en-
gtne. In an attitude which somehow
laminated a highly nonehakent frame
ot mind, Mile laughed. and immediate-
• ly her speaking voice was kigh and
settee( In hts hearing. . •
Beneath .his breath the bewildered
mail mkt- "The deucer and above tt.
• is a ititpeded tone, "Mrs. Hallam!"
aim nodded in a not tenfrtendly twat--
• ion, rmilieg brtgittly. "Myself. Mr.
Kirkwood! Really our preeleattned
paths are badly tangled j&st sow,
aren't they Were you serprieed eo
and nee in bere with you? Come, sow,
conferee you werer' .
He rematrited the autootitgirlish
freshness of her cheeks, ttgasease and
humor ad her rnouth, tbe veiled gleam
et 'excitement th her eyes of tbe chang-
ing sea, and Intarus 'well that she was
dreamed for ...travetive, sensibly, but'
wjth in air, and had brought a small
hand baa with her.
',Surprised and delighted," he replied,
recteterin,g. with tnendaetty so Staten-
, . .„
timid and obvious that'll'. woman
lAttgbed alotad.
"I knew you'd bel • You see, I had
the carriages ahead, the o.ne you didn't
take. 1 Wes mudisappointed wbett you
flung up to the door and away again_
You didn'tsee we imaging half out
the window to watch w heoe you were,
did yetil aliat's bow I discoeered that
your diacourteay was unintefutional,
that you hadn't recognized ere -by Um
Net that yeu took teal mempartneeat
right behiud my own."
She paused invitingly. bat Kirkwood,
grown wary, routented himself veal'
picking up kis pipe and carefully
knocklag. out the dottier on the whitlow
ledge, •
.1 was glad to riee yeti." ramoiermed,
"but only parity because you • were jsela,
Mr. Kirkwood. 'fie ocher and amjar
part was because sigbt eit yeet cori61111-
tuy cress seeret it-Al:Wiwi. You as.,
Pat quite old encash anti •tartee esonah
to questios eves my owe tataitions.
War .you aro going to eastizalbotwook.
aren't yea, Mr. ft:irkwoceer
• "Qeteassabareashr be oebcad blembe
ly. sad, ta fart be was al a tan lie
Lbilrew holir drift "Ate Med Dikaistere.
.Fus sot bound tame." •
Her ~mass we. onsterscat. Rem
wade se Wort tra, eabeeal lit. "Bet"
Sha Paltered, "it' rot there"-
• %Hee now say ward. Mac Ifialleteu
I leave an tatentkuo whatever of gots/
to Quecstaborouga." Kerecouod eatotean
"1 &net matieretawl." The xervoas
dremintial ef a patent leather covered
• toe. vhsibte beinate the Mem of her
drama, alone leetrayegd a rains dd. at
Inzteatience. "'rasa sev latottiaa was
at fault!"
"In thin Instasee. tI St woe at all
concerned with cry trestasitwastt af-
fairs, yeti -mom derieleally at teeat."
"Very we -N. then! Now, iM um -
where are yoe bonnet?"
Ktrkwooel tooled out re tem e -know
. "Ian convineed it's a retalorsvosts."
• Kirkwood tonil.ed . patiently at the
"Is Dorothy atilendee no eery, very
heatit I fete Mr. K Irk wood ?" with a
trace of tnalice.
Ostentation:41y Kirkwood road the
Sotttheanterti and eliethettem fremed
card of warnIne, vented jam above
Sits. /Ittlinnes head. to all enelt In-
eurnble tenet lee ni are paretenseti of
a desire to trorel on the running
bort rds of ra II way cti rri 'urea
"'You are going. to meet ber, aren't
Ile gancefttlly ennetelled A yawn.
womtmec teen of attnek took an.
other form. "Last night. when you
told toe yoUr story. 1 bettered you"
Ile devoted himself to euppressing
the temptingle °beams retort and sue.
corded; but. thongh he left tt ittotrioken,
the humor of it twitched the eoetters of
kla mouth, and Mrs. Reliant was ob.
mervaat. io that her next atensept to
sittikW httie oat wag edged with tesarAr
Winced yoU ab t st
Louis Joao* Vance
CopYlrights IOW by tka Ce„
gentleman. It Appears Mat ir you ,
ever ;were the latter you're fallen so
low that you willingly east your lot
with thievete"
Haring exhausted Ida repertory of
rudeeess. Kirkwood took to twiddling
"I want' to ask you If you think It
fair to me or tny eon to leere es In
lguoraitee of the place where you are
to meet the thieves who stole our -nay
son'a jewels?"
"line Hellatre" he staid soberly, "if
1 ain going to meet Mr. Calendar or
Mr. eluiready, I have no areurance of
that fact,"
There was silty the briefeet of
pauses. during which she analysed
this, thew quietly, "But you Pope tor
she snapped.
He felt that the may adequate retort
to (bis would be a slanag of his shoul-
ders. doubted hi s ability to carry one
Off and again took refuge in silence.
The woman abandoned a second plan
of siege with a readiness that did cred-
it to bar knowledge of mankind. ahe
thought out the next very earefully
before opening wtth a masked battery.
"Mr. Kirkwood, can't we be friends?"
"Nothing could please me enore,. Mrs.
"I'm sorry if Fee annoyed you" -
"And I. too. beret been nide,"
"Last night, when you cut away so
suddenly, you prevented my making
you a proposal, a sort of business prop-
osition"- .
:'-`.ro come over te our skle"-
. "I thought so. That was why 1
"'fest I understood. But this tnorn-
Ine,when you've bad time 'to think it
over"- .
"1 have no choice In the matter, etre.
Hallam." .
The green eyes darkened ominously.
"You menn-1 am to understated, then,
that you're against me that you prefer
to side•with swindler* and moundrels,
all because -of a"- • ,
She discovered him eying 'her watt
smile of such loscrutable and sardonic
intelligence that the words 'died on her
lips, and she ceintsoned erearronably to
berself, for he. 'raw it, sad the belief
he kad conceived • while- !Mending to
ker tissue tee tabripation 'earner ehat
morning was strengthened to the point
01 convictiou that if anything had been
stolen by *flying:1y .efrs.• Hallam and
leer eon owned k a little .att Catendar..'
• As for the Woman, she felt ebe had
steadily lost rather than pained ground,
she raid *lowly •atter a silent
ttme. "you are -net for Queenebotough!
The corollary of !kat ,adminion, Mr.
Ktrkwood. 1. tint you are far • Sheer -
need" • •
"I•belleve,".ke replied wearily. "that
there are no other. 'Stations enable line
after Newington." • .
"It follows, then,' teat -that I fel-
lone" And in answer to hie perturbed
gianee she -added e "Oh, grant that
intuition is .sometimas a poor guide..
But if you meet George Calendar. se
WWI- I. Nothing can prevent that.
You can't hinder see." •
• During.the brief balance of the jour-
ney Mese Hallam Kest' mibly had 'food
• for. tbonght She troweled. pursed- her
lips and -with oos daintily gloved foie
Linger ;followed a sea re' of, her t ilored
skirt, .while Kirke/nail eat wutching
and wondering how to rid himself' of
her if sae prored really is eroublesome
tes she threttiened to be; also he won-.
awed couttnually wttat „it • was all
about.. Why, did Mrs Hallam suspeet
• Was 01 ,deeigutng to meet Calendar at
Queeasboroirghe Hid she any tangible
ground • for ;believing t bat Calendar
eaultabe found in etueentaborough?
Presumably mho .had. eine*. she was
avowedly in pursuit of teat gentleman
and, • K irk wood Inferred, lied . booked
.for Queemittorough Was be. then,
•running away. tettan Calendar and hie
-Farm and Isolated Towa Property-
• -Only loured--
J. B. McLean, President, Sealorth P
0.; Thos. Fraser, Vice -President.;
Brucefield P. O. ; 'f. E. Hays, Sec.
Treasurer,' S'eatorth P. O.
• -Directors •
Willia.m Shesney, Ssaforth ; Joh
Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea
forth; John Watt, Matlock; John
Bennewies, Brodhagal ; James Evan
• Beachwood; James Connolly,
Robert Smith, • Harlock ; it. Hine
chley, Sea.forth ; elamest Cummings
Egmondville ; J. W. Yea. • Holmes -
Parties desirous to effect insuramee
or tiansact other business will be
promptly attended to on applieatio
to any of*.the above officers addressed
to thciy respective postofficea. LOSS0
inspected by the director vrhe live,
hea.rest the .scene.
Cliriton News -Record
Terms of subscription -$1 per year in
advance $1.50 ma.y he charged if
• not so paid. No paper discontinued
until all areears are paid, unless at
the opinion of the publisher, rho
date to which every subscription ia
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates -Transient adver.
tisements, 10 cents per nonpariel
line for first insertion and 3 cents
per line for eaeh stibseqUent insert.
lob, Small oeiVertisemente not to
exceed one inch, such as •
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc,, in-
serted Once for 35 eehtee gent oath
subsenueht insertion 10 Cents.
ConeMtinica.tions intended for publica-
tion must, as ti guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied by the name
of the writer.
• W. J. miraim,L,
ntlitor and Proprietor.
A sueiden jolt interrupted Ode pa*
dine, and .1t+e warning sereech of the
brale-ce Informed hini thou he had ne
cane to scheme, but had beet mutant*
on tbe ow) a ill:lion t bat tiad areuelli
bite thus fur -that is. meet to his mar
eee Accept what etionki befall Without
lie rose, Oftt'llet1 Ow door and. boki
lug it so, nutted.
"I regret, Mae linliam." he an
notinved. smiling his crooked smile
"that e pressing •etigagenietil is a bout
to prohibit my liquIrIng you through
the ticket gates. You.underetauti.
Ille irrepressible !tumor proved lie
feetious, and hire Hallatu'x merit ran
as high as his own._ She Yeats suillittg
cheerfully when she, too, rose.
. "I also am In soine baste," she
averred demurely, gathering up her
heed bag end umbrella.
A raised platform shot in beside the
carriage, and the speed *us so sense
bly moderated that the train seemed
to be ereeping rather than running
Kirkwood dung the door wide open
and lowered tilmseit to the running
board, The: end of the track was in
sight, and a unit) -who'han been trained
to board San Francieco cubic) curs
fears to alight front no moving ve-
hide. He switeg off, got his halance
and ran swiftly down the pletform.
A cry from a bystander caused hint
to glance over hie stiouider. Mrs. !Ina
lent was then In the act of alighting
As he looked the flurry of skirts sub.
sided, and she fell into stride; pursu•
ing. •
Wee weve. woe* saallbta (1100.1011,44 .0041.1"
leg Per the Ideterts lattakit alba 'Alba*
(took. hot e oldie sakeieg Yew* or
Rut *004 eirtmetal Was * *Oat eual
whom he me leer lalieftWeedat imart ler-
Vale* leseryase Wiele key* mad he Wien
be tremble witk servo's. eagersaiss, for
It. believed kw It be tis kothea,
There's es atietahieg a *We brigion•
tine rigged fee stay Meer Ayer of email
that sails the rose.
Voices appesatlekag lermeglet tam
back te shore He trattal. reetutniug
his mask of manity, the better two you -
for with the limiter ter the manse and
beets, beava, keee eyed fetter', un -
greet -one mod truetaieut of tidbit and
chary of his words. ate he promptly
"I'll hire your beat." .Kirkwood told
him. "to put me alentrd that brigate
tine oft to leeward, We ougbt to start
at onee."
The fishermen elated hie gutd of
tobaeco from cheek to cheek, grunted
inarticulately end 'swung deliberately
on his heel, displeying a bull week
lettere a puir of heavy ebouldetes.
"Dirty weather." he croaked, facing
heck fromhis eureey of the eastern
skies before the Amerlean found out
whether or not be should resent las
"How muehr. Kirkwood dental:140d
• curtly. annoyed.
The man hesitated. scowling blackly
at the IteetIng versed tnonaeutarily in-
creasing her distunce from the shore.
Then, with it crafty stnile, Two pun,"
lie declared.
Tbe American.nodded. "Very well."
ne agreed eihnply. "Ciet out your
The fisherman turned away to ethane
tilt noisily over the sihlngie, huge
booted heels ertinching, toward one ot
the dewing_ To this set his shout -
der, shoving it steadily down tbe
beach until only the merit was dry.
Kirkwood looked bare for the laet
time, Up the road to Siteerness. Notts- I
ing inoeeil mien it Ile was rtd• ot
Mrs. Finiteni It fsiee to Ince with a
sterner prehient. He bad a few pence ,
over 10 shillings In lax -pocket and hall '
promesed to pity the stors foor times us
much. Ile wouid have agreed' to ten
titnee tee runt denim, tided, for the boat
ap must atel wtaild here. But Ile had
oegleeted to cometele his bergaieto
come to 811, uoilerstsuding us to the
method of poyment, anti he felt more
than a little (albinos sit to the neap -
t len the tlehernea n would give hit
proposition, sound . as he (Kirk wood)
knew It to lee
In t he ck.ground the ea 1)1)7 loi-
tered,gnawed by insane:ibis) curiosity.
'rite fietterinan turned, over
latx shoulder, "If yea) (eine' yon vete
eel conse!" •
• . CIIAI"fi'llt XV.
SLEET'Y Sheerer:es mind heve beer
se•anda Heed that day atui attiros.
sips have ;teetered groutid to
• many an uncharitable stir in ise
Kirkwood, teen'ever. was so fortu•
nate an to pan the wicket before the
employee there awoke to the ultuatiou
Otherwise, Foch ix the tetnpe,r of Brit-
ish .petty officialdom, be might laitye
detained the ' fugitive. As it.
Iairitwood surrendered hies ticket and
ran out tato th.e.-eitreet With his luck
still a dominant factor in tile ;ace
• for, looking back.; be raw that etre...Hai
tatnteed beset'teeki up .et the gate, an.
ether victitn of British red tape. Bei
ticket, read for .4)steusborottgla, she
was attempting to aligbt one statioe
• farther downethe line. and, while un-
doubtedly she wes anxious to pay• the
emcees fare, Mayan alma eisew when
she would succeed In allaying tin ents•
picions and reeentmeat of the ticket
taker. • .
•"That's good for ten mioutes' Marti'
• Kirkwood orowed. "And it never es.
.eurred. to mer' • .
Beton) the "attain he found tie(
backs In "eating, with little' to citimie
teetween them.. Neither ware or ti typt
that .dkinot seem to advertise as. pre
yicto0au fasbittiling, and to neitiam
was .harnessed -en manual that deserfec
anything but the epithet of screw
Kirkwood took the nearest for no7 oth
.er reason than because it was, the
nearest and all but .eitairtleal the drires.
off hie boa by Offering doU We fare f0s.
a brisk peee mid .et simple ateraiee ai.
'the etel of the ride. etticicIttetfy Ale set.
forth hi$ wants, jumped lute the tied
quated four wheeler and threw blieseli
• down upon Mindy, duety cuattiona tC
hug himself over the joke' aud totem
• weatever English board -of . railway di
rectorsit was tliat first ordatatid that
' tiekets should be taken Up at the son
instead of the outset (eta journey.
• It wart promptly made.baanifeet the,
Et. had . fun her (Name for grat
than. 'rho cabby, revovering trout kir
amazement, was plying no eindefuttga
hie whip and thereby eliciting a degree
ef speed from tits superannuated tuts
tkat al/ fare had by rto maws hopee
or, numb Leas naticipated.
• lea period ,tef time eurprietagly abort
Kirkwood saw, from teetiug glimpse,
ate tbe scenery to be abut lued t lerouge
the reeliug windows, that they were
threldiug the outskirts of the town
Sy ne hrotioualy,. whether by disaigu os
• hint t unintaiu it
Llit hacanto namws ram Me m•ottnry COY*
palliein woe tecnnen.
laughter to clatter a will-o'-ttle-wtap of
t:tilsoret;redulotte fleecy Keeeruess
leist tinting redaction. Ile scow ltd
over ft, then conaltionel the oilier tilde
et the Inc.. Presatultee Hallam
to have had reettostalily aependeble as-
sitrauco that Cale -titter would stot) in
Queeiteborough, woula elle so retadlly
lave ttleandimeti leer deaign to naive
hina iltere on the Steve nhliposition that
tatight he locating for him 111
Sheernese? Thet did uot sweet) likely
to One tet
. wen eesteeed lIallanes
teatoen aa !flighty se kick wood aid. Ile
heighted we, foaemt that ills ents
Nees e.ented aada beaen :welt) to pro-
leet atettaaie piateil WO A problenaatie
ihronste art uu ea y
the speed was 'moderated, and lu tea
• COWS, of a few more minetteatin cat
Mopped definitely. •
• Kirkwocx1 clambered patafully
Okook.hiumelf.iosetteer and tlae brakete.
out of kis bones and looked battle
• Alike* front a Money isettilug dead el
dust, te* road rau rtear as far as he
. maid see -to Om point, la teat, wean
• tea town cloyed in about it
fie Ittee woe, at all /tents insonaucb
• ms to wis menet *iodise the beanie* •
itbr ltre. Hallam But to wine end?
• Abateeetrittli be teadered b Wanly
metopes' Is the driver awl ennead
ewes Molina at it cram -mod t.ba heavy
• weight of ebaa.go lose lab pocket, as
efreetetalet venire met tasty w is aim tea
sweestrare aduntaticar at the cabby,
but 'stalked earderepeesees (11 rosy bo)
be Halo a ppm kende& 11 • was witi as
abeeettnieded nod that So antektored
in tee seeset annoseeement that be
might arrenge gamut the boat for itim.
Accordingly the cabby ditsappeared,
and K ire woosi conanaed to stare attout
him eagerly. hopefully. .
He mood on the brink a the Teatnewe
estuary, there n poesible five tittles
front Maori, to shore. From hie feet
Onion n 'arotel shIngle beach sloped
•;putty to the water.
Ott otte hated a dilapidated picket
tenet Welcomed the ckuiryard of u fisher -
manes cottage, or, better, hovel -if It
neeel aceuratety descrtbed-at the
door of which the ea bby was knocking
Some tittle tiktaike offshore a lish•
Mg boat:cat rigged and not tpore tint»
twObly feet over all, rwung bobbing
it her mooring. keen nose settrehIng
into the wind, nt sight of whieb Kirk-
wood gn Ve thanks, tor bis adveittltioue
guide tutd served him well, if that boat
Wet* to be hired by atly windier of
But it was to the farther reaches of
the estuary that he gave More prolong.
ed and most anxious heed, scanning
narrowly what shipping Was there to
be seen. Vat* out a liner wao ridtn
Ahaardee Melo anagether. hair
Oareleamil tor leave ligena as0140011140^
Of time a Alki 104 iwiyed sodas We
terms es,le for tear kW they be rw
Sem* Now. top tole, as oval% bap robv
ibt$1004 bis error. et* esseey. ewe
themallet. 11 aboaki be appassat a* t. tes
that Mow letelligeses that Ines tense
pima alone was wort* me011 tAkkok th4(' •
kat Nord.
"Will you take thrwr he aellerect
"Take anti keeP them Okk, see ut
*board tbet ishipr
Leettberately the laborasalt
the stitch *ad chat?* in kis broad, hard
palm, eyes narrowing to Merfa slits in
his bronzed Blase
"How tutieh?" be asked elowie.
"Peghty pounds together. The eliair
nione cost me twenty,"
The shifty, covetous eyes ranged
from the treasnre in hit hand to the
threatening east. A puff of wince
ettught the sail and sent the boont
ntbwnrtsistps like a mighty flan. Botk
men ducked instinctively to escape 0.
"flow do I know?" objected the
"I'm telling yon. If you've eyes yowl
ean see," retorted Kirkwood savagely'
seeing that he hnd erred in telling the
truth.. The amount he had named was
• With one •nnal twinge of doubt -the
task of ptacetiug thee .iurly dog was
anything but invittug-the Anievican
strode to the beet end climbedin, tak.
tug the -Meru meet. The fisltertuue
teh•oved or. • •
in, thee tbe dory lay ittciug,stdethe.
catboat; the fishertnati, witla a gnarled
hand graeping.the tatter's truu.witle te
. hold the two together. With some
...amity Kirkwood t.ranssielptied himself.
Wading staterawl in the eockpit amid a
tangle a cordage sleepery with scales
The skipper followed. with clumsy ez•
pertneas bringing the dory's palutet
with him and hItclang it to a ringbolt
abaft the rudder hoed. Then. pausing
es instant to stare into the net witb
taomber eyes, be shipped the tiller anti
bent to 'tiee balyards. As the sail rat:
tied up. dripping vainly, Kirkwood
marked with relief, for it meant se
touch time saved, tbat it was already
close reefed.
But when at last the boom was
threshing overhead tied the halyards
baBhoade fast, to their cleats the
fishen again etoml erect, peering
entrustfully ae Ole distant wall 'ot
Then, in two breaths, "Can't do it,"
he deelded-"not at the price." '
''Whyr Kirkwood stared despair.
kigly after the brigantine, that was at
ready drawn.far ahead. .
•"Danger," growled the fellow -
• At a loss eompletely, K1rkwood town
no words. He dropped bies.bead, eOlik
•"Not at the prime" the suttee velem
Iterated, and be looked up to' find the
mutinies gun upon ekillt.
"How mock 'Uses?"
• "Flee pin have, -DO Wag JOE
say Ole this day." •
"1nages01ble. 1 leaven% got it."
• la slime* tbe man unshipped ihe
er aud useved toward tin .beats.:
"'Head on a minute."
• Kirkwood inbuttoned Mis goat arid
freein,g ties chefs 'from hie wallahs's'
hatioutholes, removed his weigh. As
Eatablisheal 16/9
!ATM:SA, tOUtillS. I:Romanis. SORE
Vaporized Cronalene stops the paroxysms of
Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can-
aot exist where Crasolsme ia used. It gets
directly on nose and throat, making breathing
easy M the ease of colds, soothes the sore
threat and stops the cough. It is a boon to
suffercre 01 Asthma.
Cranolene is a powerful germicide, acting both
as 1 curative and a preventive in contagiouo
diseases. Crosolene's best recommendation is
ito thirty years of euccessful use.
ror Sale by .L11 Presets:a
Sencl Postal for Do-
scriptivo _Booklet
• Crasoleno A.n:Ineptie
Throat Tablets, simple
and sot thing for the
irritated throat, 10c.
Leeming, Miles Co.,
Limited, Agents, Mon-
treal, Canada. 500
Canada Seems to Have an Excellent •
Market In V lad i vestock.
In a recent issue of The Journal di
the Canadian Bankers' Association,
there appeared an article by Mr -
Allen Lethbridge on the market which •
Siberia offers for Canadian • manu-
factured goods. With regard to the
possibilities for trade, Mr. Lethbridge:
has this to sae,:•
Vladivostock, the harbor of Si-
beria is situated • approximately at
the same distance from Vancouver as
is Yokohama, and is open to naviga-
tion at all timee of the year. Canada.
should therefore be in a position be
supply, easily and economically, a. •
great propertion of imported goods, '
as at present these must either travel
from Moscow by a 'single line of rail-
way 6,50C1 miles long, obviously it
times causing terrible congestion- of
traffic; or must make the lone sea
voyage via the Suez Canal and long sen
apore, occupying over two months.-
. "Alreary Canadian agricultural .
plements are f avorably known in
Western Siberia, where they ake in
soceeseful competition with both the
German and. American makes. The%
international Harvester Co. of Chica-
go are opening a branch at Vladivos-
tock, thus shewiug :that they are alive'
• to the possibilities of the situation,
and intend making a bid :to capture
the market. Owing to the • f act Qat, ...
this coeporation are willing to irarit
more extensive credit facilities than
the . Canadian firms, it is probable
that they may kucceed. • Canadian
companies would do well to carefully
consider this questien of credit, as it
must prove the keynote, of success.
The demand for agricultural timeline
ery of. all kinds must be a growing
one,lo keep paee with the increase of
population caused by the influx of!. ;
immigrants." • •
A neunber of English papers have• .
taken up this matter to eome extent,
and The Canadian Gazette of London,
says: .
"Siberia will outlive its ill fame as
an ley -wilderness as the Canadian.
'West has dune, and there is no limit
to its expansive eapecities. Cauadian.
industrialism has Imre a great oppor-
• tunity."
hy Green Flour When You
Gan Get Five Roses,
Age is a wonderful improver -in certain things,end flour k one of theee.
Fractireally ell cheap flours 2rei " green" flours.
Up tillfive or sixmonths after milling, good flour win go on im-
proving steecti in quality and dryness, developLug many admirabie
traits which it would not othersite pbaleltS.-frof Instance, Wearer
'color, smoother feel," increased absorptioh, aad se oa.
It is in obedience to this same principle that good wine gets bettet,
and a mere "fiddk develops into a valuable violin.
But it must be rest in the beginning.
At the etid of a century or more, a
cigar box would Nardi), beciome a
When a flour ie improperly milled or
milled from cheap, off -grade wheat,
it has lost its keeping qualities before
it ever had them.
It ean only get worse with age.
Your dough cannot Tied ehows'
poor graining in the loaf with a
crumbling erumb and sickly crust,
Your best pastry efforts are rewarded
with corresponding pastry evils.
* *
When your friends are seated round
the table, comes the disoovery, the
very embarrassing oreetfallen
FIVE ROSES, Madem, is milled
right from perfect materials in 6.
sant tary plan t cleaner than your own
kitchen, tf that be possible.
H ie packed n'ght atal stored
awhile in our own More-
house*, until expert exam!,
nate declare it eged to peeper dry-
ness, witboat a trees of scat,.
Marvels of cannellini indoors are
theist atorehoissea of ours. To vistt
'them would gladden the heart of the
moat finkky houaekeeper, 'Twould
astonash you, Madam, really. •
* *
FIVE ROSES is never " green,"
never weak, nor " dead," nor acid.
FIVE ROSES is drier, and beteg
drier absorbs more water, prodecing
more of thoae light, toothsome,
flaky loaves and rolla which tickle
the knowing palate and fill a vacant
place most pleasantly.
Those extra loaves pay More than
the difference in first cote. -
Since you waist a flour fully matured
and aeaeobed, that cannot spoil' or
sour en your hands or misbehave itt
any way, that does not acquire the
"worm habit," but lmprevee with age.
If you want this flour.
Madam, you will insist on
FIVE ROSES from your
(A) LAKE Of 411111100041 IMUltiCt., UN., MIPOITILAL