HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-09, Page 7r. • '4' 04mombor Otio:1909 i0+110414.0.04,441114401M144100114111140641100114.41004.44•*440 work not finished under ties contract, In morns reenact* the action wee A We- , i• blue one. Mr. Pigett warn muter grim- The.News From Godench sxaminetion for ineteen days, during -ELOISE A. SKIMMINGS COrreeperident -****41.1t* reep•fele.4.0••••••• tileO44040,•••104tOrlhoit.•11.•10414004140. At North Street Methodist Church.i The Junkie Send (Ilunicke's) will on Sunday lama Rev. *Ir. Hazen OC give it concert at the Victoria Opera, London, 0, former pastor, preeehed at House on Dec. littb. . The Ir. M. O. Am A. gave their ,anY gueetes it delightful evening on Nov. 0th. Their heti is very large and very nicely furnished, and it was de- eorAted for the occasion. The fleet part of the evening was spent in play- inggenies., then refreahments were served and, a brief progrean was pre- sented. Mr: Cook rendering a very Pretty vocal solo in good voice, Ur, J. East Jordan acting es accompanist, and also contributed an exeellent piano solo. Miss Rope Attkin, in her well told recitative story, "Miss Jonea' Burglar" received warm applewie. Miss Skimmings presided at the piano for * abort time. Mr. Flenxing, general director of the West 'Milton Y.M.O.A. was present. The Florence Nightingales had a doll's table. which attracted many admirers. The tea table wise well looked after by Mra. James Olark, who is secretary of tbe1.0.D.R. The flsh pond was another attraction. and three merry. maidens took ebarge of it the Misses McDonald,. Eroudfoot, Jor- dan, Eliot sect Oorbould. Mesdames D. McDonald, honorary regent. Mrs. (Dr.) Macklin, regent. and Mrs. W. L. Eliot, treasurer of the• acted in concert, greeting the guesti and ov- erseeing_everythieg. 1tr. Kilpack pre- sided at the piano for some tune and Mrs. May sang two fine solos. Miss Ekineminge also rive some of her fav- orite eelectios, Mrs. and Miele Proudfoot have re- turned from their recent visit to To. route. , .. both the morning and evening ser vices, and els° spoke at the Somber School anniversary held in the lecture MM. For the evening service Rev. Mr. Hazen selectee' his text from Acts. 27.33, "For there stood by nae this • night, the ,angel of God, whom I aro, arid whom 1 serve." His whole sermon was based on the last sentence. At the 'offertory "Hear My Prayers" was sung as it solo by Miss Turie Brown, in the Best Terse, Mr, James einging the pee- •ond base as it teat), winding up with veiling their VOleaS in the chorus. It gave us much, pleasure to listen to them. The A.T.P.A. met on Monday even- , ng, Dec, Oth, *t St. George's lecture ball, whick was crowded, Mr George Porterwas made chairman. Mi48 Edna Webb gave a beautiful piano solo, and the pretty quartette "Sleep My Baby Sleep," was sung Isy JOS. Curzon, Miss Wells, Charles Blackstone end A. S. Mitchell, Mr. A. 8 -Mitchell gave his very interesting lecture, "Wbv I Join. ed the Anglican Church." It would fill two columne of this paper to give it in full to we. must only my that it was a very echolarly production and . was listened to with much attention. Rev. Klerk Turnbull followed With ilatteriag renuteks regarding the &d- olma The steamer Kee wee the lest boat to leave our harbor lest week, clearing on Tuesday. The total amount elevat- ed this searton was 1.120,010 bushels as against 6,118,000 last season. At tho close of last season the elevator had 400,000 bushels niftiest that amount be- ing in addition to the 6,118,000 bushels - mentioned above. • • of the Bank of Oonernerce is now on fitlit.wRy ggsE sETTLED, H. E. Fowler of tbe Exeter branch the staff of the Goderich branch. veveral weeks to bis Mr. Eddie Campion mother'i. Mof r. OCCUPIED THP 0011atT FOR is on a sle iCampion holds it responsible position TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS. *thick time he Showed himself to mealtime of marvellous Meneoty. The Principal points under disputa were • The chiewifics.tion of material removed, 'extra* for overhaul. And extre cleargea tor, pumping Water iron] foundation. In ell ok these fillieetione the railway claimed that the Otiglual contract cowered the entire cost. while Ur. Pie gott maintitined that these. wersl ex - tree. Ten well-known engines's 'Were called including R. R. Oertelleerie, who waahrought from China to give evidence. He actet as reaident engtn• eer of section 8. Engineers were brought also from England, Celgary Aud Montreal. as railway inspector, with headgear - Mr. D. Currie hae enlarged his store- r .. Piggott . Michael .e.is to Receive tem at Spokane, Washington. M e Sum tit the Neighbor oo bouse. • 1st Dec. a bazaar and afternoon tea $175,( 00, and each Side to Pay Its was given under the as.uspiceof the Oa ti Costs. , 1 0. D. E., the doors opening at 3 p. rn,, and closing at 10.a0. The work table was superintended by•Mesdatnes ' The suit of Michael A. Piggott, a W. T. Hays, Re B. Smith, 0. Slack, contractor of St. Oatherines. against Wm. Lee, and Firth. Their tables the Guelph & GoderichRAilway, • "0 tech occupied the attention of Mr. ••••••••••,,.. Mr. Edward' Steuffer of Roland & Sustice Britton for twenty-eight deys Oo has been singing. at the earne to an sibrupt endin• 0. g • Monday quotations than et the end of last • week. Export ewes, $3.90 to 15 ; Live Stock Market. Toronto, Dec. 7th.--Receipt3 of live stack, es reported by the railwave. were 105 carloads. consisting of 1803 cattle, 937 hogs, 874 sheep and lamb and 59 caltree. There were several lots and loeda of the best cattle 'seen on the market its many months. Trade was good, with everything early in the dey at as high iprices 86 have recently been quoted, in All the different clauses. Foismoplit000rst Exporter. There were some export etesers on the market, but they were all bought for butcher 'purposes, one choice load sell- ing at $6.50 per cwt, to the Marra; Abattoir Company. Abopt it load of export bulls sold at $4 to $5 per owe, Beliehers. • Geo. Rowntree bought for the Harris Abattoir Company 540 cattle - steers and heifers at $4.70 $5.75. and one extra quality load at $6.50; cow's, $1.75to $1,65; bulls, $2 75 to $4.75. per cwt. • • Stockers tine Feeders. • Several loads of feeders and. stockers were quickly bought as the denaand was good, velment dealers and many farmers being one the inerket, and more •would have found ready sales. Best steers, 900 to 1010 lhs eamh' at $4 te $4.00 ; best steers, 800 to 900 las each at $3.7E to $4.15 ; best stockers, WO to 700 lbs each at $3.40 to $3.80. Milkers and Springers. . The extre demend for choke cows shows no alaitement; and prices still rute high at a range of $85 to $05, with an extra quality cow noW- and again reaching 070 and even $75. • „The best cow on the market, was sold by McDonald & Halligan to -day at $85. Sheep and Lambs. • A moderate supply sold at firmer APAR Renting st. Furnished Flat le the Enalish Metropolis, . LyricYoung theatre. and on Thursday even- when concise!, for the litigants in ot m ing sank "The answer." ed his Lordship that they had see - Mr. flamlink estimates his loss hY eeeded in reaching an emichale set - the burning of the evaporator, at VI, - m , tleent out of court. While both 000. The new cement addition to the sides refused to divulge the terms of evaporator lans 40G injured ',Inch. We learn that already .Mr. Hamlink con- templates rebuilding with cement. The Woman's Institute met on ,Dec. 2nd, at Odtifellow's hall. • There were about forty members present. The president, Mrs. Ohms. Reid. end Mrs, Robert Jcihnscon, and • the secretary, Vise Mary Salkeld. and Miss Wake- field entertained the institute to five ,o'clock tea. The' bome-made bread and cake with the construction of ehe line T e table was looked after by Mesdames W. O. P.R. disduted the claims and enter - T. Hays. W. Lane arid (Dr.) Taylor. ed a 'counter claim for $300,000 for melt; and rams sold at $3 per lauabs sold at from $5.$15 to $0.10 for best lots; common lambs. $e.50 per cwt, settlement, it is understoott that a Hogs. Piggott is to receive in the eeighbor. • hood of 5175,000, and each Fide IS 10 Mr. Harris qaoted selects at .$7.8e, pay their own costs, A. conservative fed and wittered at the market. and eseimate of the costs is $25,000 for $7 Oil f.o.b. cars, at country points. each side . Mr. Piggott who built the Guelph & Goderieb Railway, which is controlled by the 0.P.R., stied to recover 000 for extre work done in cennection THE TRICKS. OF THE AGENT itt Meat Everything le Plearesint, Ist4 After , the Place Is Taken this Wool if the Tenent Begin With the Ad- vent of the inventore Mere • • • . eats eneert "+. • ' ;.• • "1,:r ,.• The Pleri's Store. e • . ••'• 1iF\.• ."•• 4,7 •••-•'•- •••: - ES T2 OM 5 7e 7 12 3°1,4 7 VigarZnigggiggigg1PSM Christmas Shirts, Ties and Mufflers. The new Christmas floods for men and boys are now in stock, and we again urge early buying when the stock is completeand service good, You Will find Many new and useful presents here. • ChrIstmaSTIes for Men ,The Christenas Ties come in it great range of styles atal colorings to suit every taste; Font -in -hand. bows,. . strings, ascots-, puffs; teaks, etc. 'Prices run from .25 to 1.00 Christmas Bracers for MOP and.Bogs Men's Fancy Web•Braces in separate Nixes, in yerypret- ty colorings and style, front. ' •up to .78 ChrlstFraas Mufflers for Men and Bogs Fancy Neck Mufflers in separate boxes, foe risen, girls and boys, ih Ways, Beadlee, arid Square, from .25 to 3.00 rancg Shirts as MS ;?.• rri .•.•• •rf„ rr".. .4; Ns, • Men's and boys Fancy Shirts in great *axial., in all. sizes, from . .50 tip to I.50 Gloves as Gifts Men's and boys' Gloves,. waren Gloves and. Mitts in kit and mocha with wool a,ndfer lining, all sizes, from. .50 up to 3.00 • Bogs ClOthing We havejttst ripenedtip a, new shipment. of Ploys' Suite rn. fine worsteds and tweeds, with bloomers, knickers, trousers (those are partieularly good value) at 3.50 toid.so Ordered Clothing • Dttring the month of December we are holding a Suit Sale. Now IS the time to get it good tailor:A. suit at 0, saving : Regular 320.00 Snits for $17,00 Regular $21.00 Suits for B20.00 " 22,00 " 18.1)0 " 25.00 21.00 Tozer,4:Browrt oh• Tie the enieltiated American tbe rent Of a turisished fiat in London wenn, a very temp* and remarkably inexpen- stirs matter. Every one la extremely pottee„ lind your path IS Made eaar. Bat*** sooner hare you closed the door of /our new quarters than you are beset by the bogy of "extras." While Tow are taking a contented glance et the new domtelle, congratu- /atta$ Yeureelf tee the bargaie end thinklag hew much more a similar piaci would cost you in New York. YOur musings are interetipted by the antral or the man with tbe ineent017e flte btisisesa fa to make an inventerY of *eery blessed thing your eat eeltn- tains. front a four riest bed to it kitch- en *eon. At -first you are 'anti,' stntised• Over the Iletfng et Onleh apparently ineignia- emit Items aleI Ilnernsta Walton Ware," the nninber of tiles in tbe -fire- place, the bolts on the windows, the leeks on the doors, delicription of the bandlps oteihe dressing chest end the. entieber of screws therein. but .when yea have been dragged through every roma,gotng over hese-to •us -absurd details, you plunge from rage to de- spair and finally collapse .when your tormentor at last departs. For this entertainment you have paid from half a guinea (about $2,40.1 4rivard. accord- . Ing to the rent of emir flat. But the real power of tbe ineentory Is only felt when you lake your de -- parterre. You may be morally 'certain that the only damage you bare done -has been to break one or two teacups, for which you are quite prepared to pay an extortionate slim without ' murmur. Yo o may he Sure of this, but Presently you will reeeive a tell all neatly written out and coVering sey, ertil pages of foolscap and entitiect "Dilapidatione." You will find that in every room the • wallhave been "chippiel," the enamel on the bathtub "sile,htly tuarred," monogram on a napkin ring "scratch-. ed," several 'saueepansdamaged.' a knife handle . !"bent." a .number of plates "cracked," end . so on. 1 am quoting from list of "dilapidations" presented to friends of mine who bad occupied a. flet for two 'months, during. • whleb time; after etrenuous.' cleaning efforts, they left the premises. in •much better Condition tnan when they went . In. -The bill •iiterninted to Ll 18s. fid.. rotighly about Here there iS no snob . fact reeog- !listed as ordinary wear audaeear on The Bertlette :of Nevifoundland. '.„ The Newfoundland Bartletts, Robte .rn--rnituree• • Foe- tne lease. Which here ! and r. 'W.; were seeders before -they • and' 0. "agreement,".yOu have to pay,from 10 were Arctic • piplorees, shillings up•to 3 guineae and more, ace' 'cording to•rent.: 'Then the gorernment stamp affixed thereto, witheut whleb the • document Is not nwal, -eosts. yen from half a eroWtr(62 cents) tea guinea or more. Again wording to•rent. . • You mayabave taken your tint by he, -month," but when your agree- ment Is sent ewe find out it ts for every font weeks: You will probe bly . phone the agent ealtthg hie attention to the ' error. and ,tie- will inform you It is cor- rect Met way. • In renting en enfurnished fint, • the. 'shortest term far. whieh,le three y'ears, •7911 dieeover Met i he eteetrie• light fi x- t•aree are not Inehuled in the rental •. • Protest unarnilitig.. yert• 'buy, them 'Yourself 'and pile for I heir inet lin tem.. You must rent _oleo your own ens cook- ing store. • You fa ttey the fendera,. for the. fireplaces nmst hare neon ever - looked. but not so; temImisi hay. thetn you:ester. As you hare been ae areni4. tooted In '• a coat lions . supply of water, it, never 'occurred'io 'you to in - mere into the mindere. you . find yen " canobtain it onty • ey teepieg a eon- tinuetis tire in your k Hellen mega . As the penetrieing„clammy gray norior of an English winter draws an you begin- to n ppreeinte w tin 1 it means to be minus steam heat- Vont only do - tense ..are the void tires. vont:little in story, .but totally inedeipiate . to defy this marrow Tenehing,. damp teed of London. flathroom anti halls remain tit ari•tie temperature.. free tee grate. fires • "do not rediete eeyeed a feW .reetso, you mny eft end burn lor -retire . tie a corner end freeze, , • . After haring' I•tarnerl. through pain :ful esperkIi 0 trill futility et struggle agelteit English iietys 110(1. 100 00g1g 11 Is 1111111S111g 10 TrAlr'll 1110 explosive Amerie,ati. who in hetet (Mite.. itt rail- way .station .11nd-0u...steamshi1.* •holds forth as to thecarious iiiings be wut• not submit to. Be is ueuelle listened towith a i•erteln exesperating 'defer- . rnee nt widen the British underling is past master. Rut nightie: is e hanged:. and he hos to submit, and the Sootier the lesson is len rned t he more. comfort- able be nen be. • The Inipenetrahle Atoll -tiny of the aw• - erfige Briton is hot to be disturbed, and thelonger, one remains in this eountry the tnore definitely one learns thet tbe English 'potpie' hare s pretty •'tat hstil ntial Men of (!erenwrelalisin and that yen tire payingtor the lesson. - London Cot. New York American. ell. BERNHARDT - MA.ASS Zero ichim Nov. 27th, Victoria A., daughter of Rev. C. C. J. Muss, to I. A. Bernhardt of Preston. WALPER ELLIOTT •-• In London on Dec. 1st, Lottie to John Viralper, both ot Exeter. Births. KEYS -At the Babylon Line, •Stan- ley Line, Stanley, on Nov, 30th, to Mr. and Xis. Nelson Key, a son. WHITE - In Exeter on Nov. 29th, to *Mreand Mrs. Fred. White, a daughter. . , WILLIAMS-In Exeter North on ...Nov. 28th, to 141r. and Mrs. Jas. Williams, a Me Deaths. SHEPPARD - In, Clinton on Dec; 5th, James Sheppard in his 77th year. MANNING In Hullett on Dec. 5th, Laura May McCool, wife of Thos. E. Manning, in her 29th year. TUFTL-In Phoenix, B. C., an Nov. 26th, Mrs. Tuft, formerly of Clin- ton, but later Of Belgrave, geed: 74 years. McMILLAN- In Goderich on Nor. 26th, Effie Morrison, relict a thd late Malcolm McMillan, aged pa years. KIRKPATRICK -, In the township of Colborne on Nov. 30th, Agneg Young, relict of the late Alexan- der Kirkpatrick, aged 83 years. CANTELON - In Goderich on Dec: 4th, Catharine Currie, wife or • Arthur Cantelon, aged 74 years • and 5 months. IlicEVOY - In Goderich on Dee. 5th; Burnett Lawrence, son. of Mr.. and .„ Mrs. John McElroy, iu his 23ra year. their father before them. A gen e - man now living in Toronto, who met the seniat Bartlett on the Mietimichi Barer many , years: ego, declares he . was the most tacitern man alive. The many Winters be had passed in the frozen north with few save Beldmos to, converse with had caused him to lose the habit of speech, and he would sit and smoke nil day and never uttet a word. That Pear' -s sailing enaster got such a hearty reception when the Roosevelt reached Sydney, is an ire dicetiee el the exeitetnent prevailing at 'teittle Pittsburg," For Newfound. leinderit are Meant as popider in 'Cepa Breton as Jape . in Vancouver: :The mem who. cortee to Sydney -from the apeient colony when the fi.811i11g itt P00r at, homeelooking for work in the rAin-g, as known in Capg, Breton tvA Caes." To the uninitieted, this term suggests a Neve Scotia Hieland- er's pronunciation of 'Tseillingate, belt • tradition has it that early immigearas • from -Newfoundland to Nova Scotia were all pessengers on a ,schooner • Whese owner ano commander ivas one wil run Ga.. • TAKiNG THE OATH. There Are Many Symbolic Variation* • In the I:titterer:a Countries. • Taking of the oath in• Araerica and in Great Britain, whether in court or in the assumption of ofikial ditties, is a simple matter. Not so every- where. however. When a 'Chinitman, for instance, ewears to tell the truth, it is customary , for him to . kneel,. when it china saucer is handed . him and the oath is administered asi •fol- lowe : • • . ' "You shill tell the truth 13,nd the Whole truth. The saucer is cracked'. If you do not tell the truth, yOur soul will be cracked like the saucer," the last. words beieg epolien as the one kneeling breaks the chinaware. The exact significance of this oath ' has never been • made precisely clear to Oeciderital mimic but its solemn- ity and force, however, are quite clear, it appears, to the Oriental tem- perament. Other syrnbolic Variations of the Chinese oath are the extinguishing of a candle or the cutting off of a chick- en's head, the light of the candle representing the witnees' 'soul, and the fate of the fowl symbolising the . end of it perjurer. itt pints of India tigers' and lizards' skims are substituted for the Bible of Christian eountriere and, it is aver red, the Penalty of breaking the In- dian oath is that in one case the witness will become the prey of a tiger, and in the other that his body will eventually becomv covered with scales, like the skin of it lizard. In the courts of law in Norway there is et prelude to the oath proper. contesting of ei long homily on the eehject of its sanctity end a die. quieition on the terrible consequences of not Aiding by it. When the wit - teas is thought to be appalled by the sonee of his fearful responsibility, the oath Is then administered, he holding aloft the while his thumb and faro and middle fingers AS an emblem of tins Trinity: Turks and other Mohammed:me take the oath with their foreheride iaverently resting on the open Koran. The ene '.worn takes the book into Jlis hands and, stooping low as if in the presence of a higher power, slow. ly bows his head until it touches the volume which is to him inspired. In tome provincee of Spain the witnese must cross the thutnb of one luind over the forefinger of the other. then, Waling this symbolic if primi- tive cross, he annouricee, "By this C1OSS I swear to tell the truth! ANTED Backe • A. large quantity of fowl to bedelivered at Constance on Dec. 18th and morning of the 14th, for which the follow- ing prices will be paid: Tur- keys 14c, Geese 10c, • 'Ducks, 11c, Hens 7c, Chickens 10c, .UIdry plucked and heads oftDucks and Geese. • R0i3T, CLARK - Constance. he Headache Internal Pains. FOR SALE -A HAPPY THOUGHT,- • Range, burns coal Or wood.. In ..first-class • condition, :used only; a short time. Has reservoir. -E. E. Ball, • Victoria street. • APPLICATIONS ADDRESSED . TO One Wish Unfulfilled. promleed that If I Would marry yob my every wiStt should be gratified. fins/land- Weil. isn't It? Wite-No; I wish I hadn't married you.-Illustritled Bits. area t reaults usunlly arise front great daagera.-lierodotua. Getting on. . feather -And tie* are ynti gettintt el. et sehnol, Johnny': Johnny - On. 1 have learneri to rtee '"Ithantt you" Mid "lf yoil please" in F11433,13. rather - That's n3ore thith yon ever learned In English. • • Not Quite 8 Sponge. Percy-Sk fits is (1 spouge-et perfec sponge, "01), not When fl ripetige absotbi arise Idea, by squeezing it yout can go tt ogoin.".netroit Pres Press. Self Is the firet objeet Of eitatitY: Attie Proverb. 6,StPti • 14 "If every suf- fering woman w71 a( d' id w0iakise .:Peon eY- rhnow its value and never be without it." . eleer this reason, I recommend it to all them wile are suffering with thee terrible malady, dyepepele. I hope( that all who are afflicted 14 Oda way • will take retUlla and Manalin as laid? ChraeleNasal Catarrh. Mr. Chas. 11. liWyees, 120 lahrteeitth • St., Detroit, Mich., writes: "It effoeds me great pleasure to teett- fy to the merits of Penne* ae * remedy for catarrh. • "I wagered for some tirae vrith, chronio cased catarrh, but after fleet months treatment during which time' need Seven bottles et Peruiaa, I Ma PISS.Sed to say that I am entirely well, • there not being the slightest trace Or catarrh left. "Peruna is witliont it doubt, in ray mind, the greatest remedy known for eatiterb.". Weak, Tired Feeling. • Mies Marie A. Leseer, 929 W. 39th St., Chicago, Ill., Worthy i3ecretary 1. 0, G. T., writes: "I am giad to give a good word for Perrino., and I hope that all whoriee thee wbo see troubled with systemic catarrh as I Was for years, will profit by it. "I had tried many remedies, but nonet did more than give Ina temporary re*. lief, told some did not even do that. "I took Peruna at the suggestion of s friend, and 'OW more than pleased and. surpitsed at the results. • "I am now perfectly well and strong.. That weak, tired feeling ,has left me, and I feel like a different person en- tirely." * ' The Slavery of Disease. M. JOSEPH LA.CELLE, 12/ Bron- • son St., Ottawa East, Ontario, Canada, writes: el suffered with backache, headache and draggipg pains for over nine months, and nothing relieved me until I took reruns. This medicine is by far better than any other medicine for these trouble. A. few bottlerelieved me of my miserable half-dead, half -alive con- dition, • , "I am now in good. health, have neither ache nor pain, nor have I had any for the pest year. "If every suffering woman woald take Peruna, they would seort know its value and never be without it." Dyspepsia and indiZestion, • nide. aoseph. Beaudoin, 59 Rue St. Olivier, Quebec, P. Q. Can., 'Writes : "Peruna is wonderful for indigestion. I eat whatever I want and no loeger feel any oppression. Having had dys- • pepsia for a long time and having tried various other remedies, I decided to try • Peruna and with the fourth bottle 01 11 • I was perfectly cured. to Monday evening, Dec. 1§th., for the position of Waterworks Engin- eer and assistant Engineer. -D., L. lefaapherson, Town Clerk. • ' e0TICEe-The stockholders and pat- rons of the • Helmesville ' •Cheese' and putter Company will hold then.' annual meeting on Thursday, . Dec. 2 -iiia at 2 o'clock h. m. ' in the Hol- meseille hall. -All accounts are to he eashed before Dec. 15th. -N. W. Trewartha, Secretary, • Halmesville . . .. • W A N,T E D.,FIVE l'IRST-CLASS dairy cows, newly calved or near time. -it. Churchill, Box e , Ceneon ••••••• .. • FARMS FOR SALE, -ALL Is INDS and sizes of forms •it all tiovtei. ef • prices. , Also ' a number al low resi- • dences. For particulate apple to H. Cantelon, Real Estate A rant, Clin- , ton. •• : 6-2 NOTICE.--HULLETT TAKES -THE undersigned will be at the follow- ing places to receive taxes': Lon- desboro on Nov. ' 30 and Dec. • 14, Clinton on Dec. 8, Auburn Dee. 9 and Constance Dec. 10. • After Dee. 14. five per cent. will he •added • to unpaid- saxes. -W. H. Moon, Collet. - tor. • . , • . . FOR SALE. -A . PORT -LAND CUT. ter, positively as good as new, Vety little used. Will be. sold eneap. A• te ply quick at The News -Record of fice. • MEETING OF THE HURON COUN. ty' Council. --The council of the Cot. poration of the County" of Hero: will meet in the council chamber, it the town of Goderiehe on Tuesdas the 7111. • day of December, at o'clock p. tn. All accounts to settlernent Must be placed with th • clerk on or before the above date -W. Lane, Clair. Dated- 1,7:)v. Mb • 1909. • AS a tait flesert.' The new minister of a small tow in. Inverness.shire was walking horn from Morning service reeently whe he chinked to overtake one of hie pal ishioners, an old shoemaker. "Goo morning, 1dr. Bain," said the miti• l ter. "How is it your greed wife is re • out to -day?" "She's no' but poorly," was the r " ply, "It's nee wink of sleep she , had for the last three nichts." The minister was sorry tobeat sot a poor areount of Mrs, Ilain'S 'flesh and expressed a wish tor a speei , improvement, ' "t'm thinking if she could got Vitt sleep," said the shoernakc 0 "she'd soon be on the maid. Mayl l• if` ye're pa s'sing the hoose to.morrc ye'll no' object to en' in an' just fi' het ttie 'Wray' to the'end of your d• . nurse this tnorning. Vila tio' sayt it wmina, be very helpful."-Dund :it/Ivo:41,aq. It is wonderful how- many women itt Canada and the United States have beeia practically made new again iv the use of reruns,. • Not they -Jaime of y organ le dis ens°, but just a halfelead and half -alive, con- dition. • Miserable, dragging pains that keep a, woman always from doing her best work, from being her best self. Cross and petulent, perhaps. Maybe even it slattern in her household, just because. her ,health is continually below par.. She never feels quite right. She gets the reputation of ' being sullen, or mor- bid, oriil tempered. • Her trouble is not a moral one at all. it 1E3 simply a physical one. Make such a woman well and she immediately be- . comes transformed int() a new being - mentally. This is exactly what Peruna has done in a multitude of cases. • Xsk IV our Druggist for a "roe Parana' 'On:anew ior 1.910. 11, LGibb OYEBER GROCER . . • FRESH FRUITS. DAR JIIP Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Peels, ' ' Nuts, Oranges. Lemons, eta. 13 41 Special prcces in Crockery. We carry all the best brands of flour. D. L. GIE3B Successor to B. A. McEwan • Looking . THIES ROUND • 100 lbs Re,dpath'Es'Grran. Sugar for.$5.00- 19.1bs • " " • 1.00 14 Ths new selected Raisins for 1.00 14 lbs new cleaned Currants „. 1.00 NEW PEELS. Lemon Orange and Citron; ' mixed, at 15c per pound. 7 lbs for $1.00. There ia no feature of our business that we wish to impress upon you niore than this -we want you to feel just as free to come in and view our stock as to glance. bathe window when passing. Anything you may select will be laid • awn)/ for you till later on. Sotne buyers are now choosing the presents they intend to give for Christ- mas. It is a good idea -This choosing of gifts early. A. J. GRIGG Jeweler and Optician, • Issuer of Marriage Licenses New Cooking Fins at .... 5c per pOmple New Dates at... .. , . ..8c per pound New Prunes at • 110c per pound A Christmas Giit Suggestion. • SEND.Tip NEWS -RECORD for a year to your boy oat on the prairie, or to your girl in the crowded. city, .They will appreciate it more than Any other dollar gift. Try the idea. and see. • AN ADVT. PLACED IN THE WAN' Column of The NeWS-ReeOrd brings good results. Try it. The Wet is small, elelle-ethelb eleeeer •earshele.eareil~e~ss-gwehela/neoewe4eWeAltele • 14 Are You Satisfied . $ With the clothee you have been getting? If not try us for your 0 - - . : next suie or Overcoat. $It doesn't look like a uniform that everybody is wearing. There's . • a big indueement too when you see the goods and ask the price. . Arail and Winter Stripe Woreted ' trouserings made to yonr order V $13.01)* A speeial Blue Serge suit, made to your order $18.00. , $ the factory and will otter these regttlar $1.25 shirts for - $1.00. A 1010 Shirts -We are able to get a, few shirts in advance front. et Agent for Britielt AMerican Cleaning and Dying CO * montroot A MO. W. BARGE ; MERCHANT TAILOR. - "CLINTON : 048.A......A.44,....1041.4iii.ii..". 16,110 41111011P16.411M AlreAllellielb.. ileAllo 0 /