HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-09, Page 1linton 30th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER ,,Pth. 1906. Whole Number 1607 There can be no more acceptable present to your boy on the prairie, or your girl in the city, than a subscription to The News -Record 1111111101111101P Itight 14 '7111 fficis Our New and Beautiful Line of Holiday. Goods full of Choice Selections for the Christmas Trade is now ready for the inspection and approval of all. Useful and Appropriate.Gifts for Little or Big, Old sr Young. Do not fail to see the special attractions in—Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Cut Masa, Jewelery, Silverware, Rings, China Etc. Our stock is generous in variety. Our Reasonable Prices will delight you. Store open evenings. YieUttar feWeier Clinton vorimmiumeraimnrine BAPTIST CHURCH. ••• TO -NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT. SECOND INSTALMENT. THE BEST NONE TOO 0-00D. Rev. T. W. Chariesworth has ehos., Do not fail to hear Walter Gordon The town treasurer has this week Mr. Harry Fitzsimmons' big white en for his subjects tient Sunday ; Craig in his masterly interpretation received the second instalment front steer won fourth prize at the Winder morning, "The Apple -tree in the et Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Ai the License fund, making la all $9411 Fair at Guelph yesterday, in a eom- Wood" ; evening, ',The Fixed Heart." treat of the season. At the Colle- received as the town' e shar? from the petition that was keener than ever. Special offering on behalf of foreign, Igiete entertainment in the town hall liquor licenses of Clinton for 1909. Harry was offered a big price for the missions will he received. THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat $1.00 to $1.02. Oats 35e to 36c. Peas 85e to 87e. Barley 530 to 55e. Butter 21c to 22e. Eggs 26e to 27e. Live Hogs $7.35. McKILLOP'S TURN. Frank Ziegler, who has reached the advanced age of eighty-six years, was when he was accosted by the Clerk, admitted to the House of Refuge 1as5' Bert Fitzsimmons, who asked a ques- week, making three from that town_ tion or two and having satisfied him - ship in one week. The old people not self as to the ownership of the bill, infrequently enter in bunches that he handed it over, with, "I guess it way, The next :trio will in all prob- is yours, all right." ability be from some other town- ship. , 6 THE COMMITTEE MET. to -night. *11 AN HONEST 110TEL CLERIC. One of our business men had occa- sion to make change at the Rattea- bury HOW the other day and in do- ing so dropped, a ten dollar bill from his big wad. He did not notice it fall and the weight of a tenner not making arty .appreciable difference in his "pile, he went about other . fairs. However, later in the day, he happened to be in the House again Tho committee of the county eoune cil, consisting of Warden Lamont • and Reeves Fraser of Grey, Stothees of Dungannon, Moir of Usborne and YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT M. D., met at the House of Refugd Watson of Seaforth, accompanied by' Inspector Torrance and J. W. Shaw, on Tuesday. They looked over the May Be Small at first, but the noticeable feature of Royal Bank Saving Accounts is that they grow. We are constantly opening accounts for small sums, but these usually increase to amounts that are very satisfactory to both Depositor and Banker. The first deposit acts as a. magnet for he odd amounts that are so apt to be wasted. We ROYAL BANK of CANADA Clinton Branch. R. E. MANNING, Manager 1 The MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855. • Capital Paid up - $3,300,000 Rest Fund - $3,5004000 Has 73 Branches In Canada and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities in the world. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED.: SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager 1 1 1 Successors to Hodgetts Bros. Clothing Store RuE0ATTN:DE 1 IOrriS11 Crooks 1 ORDERED CLOTHING Men's $22 Suits, Made to Order for $18. During the past four or five months our large staff have been working overtime, turning out Local and Western orders.' •We are getting pretty well caught up with the work now, and are anxious to keep our staff employed over the holiday season,aqer which our western orders commence to come in. In order to do this, we ar6 offering snch induce- ments in Suits, Overcoats and ttousers that are bound to keep our staff busy. Starting Dec. 3rd, and nding the 31s, we will MAKE TO YOUR ORDER any $22 Suit for $1.8. This includes black and blue serges, tweeds and fancy worsteds. Everytgarment guaranteed to be made up to the minute. 25 pairs Men's Trousers, regular $6 and 4.90 $6.50, made to your measure for SEE OUR CORNER WINDOW, "A Square Deal for Every Man." MORRISH CROOKS entormillan —Inlialancl....11.1111.110111101.11.1114111.11.11111.1111111r DEATH OF MRS, TUFT, A former resident of °Untie in the persda of Mrs. Tuft •died at Phoenix B. C. on the 26th Wee agedseventy- four years, Mrs. Tuft lived here sev- eral years ago and owned the old Greed Union hotel, occupying the site of the present Normandie, as well as considerable other property. Seven years ago she went out to Phoenix, where her two sons Nelson and Jul- ius, House and premises and then . from had located, In addition to her P' she is 'survived by as •many the warden to the M. D.. they o. k'd m - the flattering remarks which County daughters, Mrs.(Dr.) Godfrey of Mi Clerk Lane will neatly inscribe in 1 the* big book • which records the pro - endings Of the Council. By the way, Manager Mutch feeds his big family well at an average daily cost. per inmate of 134 cents, WESLEY CHURCH. The bazaar held by the Ladies' Aid in the echoed room on. Tuesday after- noon was, in spite of the very unfav- orable weather, quite a :cess. The schoolroom was •nieely decorated and was bright and attractive in con-, test to the storni whirh raged oute side. The booths Were well. Supplied With useful and pretty 'things, all of which were disposed of, The Nonni! of Clinten owe something to the dif- ico and Mrs. VVilliarn Ilele of Toron- to. The remains, accompe,nied by Mr. Julius Tuft, were brought .'east for intennent in Wilighare cemetery, the funeral taking place from the An- glican church jin that town oh Tues- day. Among old friends of the de- ceased who attended .were D, B. Kennedy and Mrs. W. Cooper of Clinton. AN INCREASE OF TWO. "This has been an uneventful year," said Dr. the medical healtli officer, in his report • to the coun611 on• Monday eveaing. "We. haven't had an epidemic and I was oftener called upon olliciallY in regard to an inade-, 111ARRIED IN WEYBURN. steer, but he prefers bringing it home •Miss Grace Tedford, daughter of for the customers of R. Fitzsimmons ne Son at the Christmastide. ... Mr. John Tedford, formerly of Clin- ton, and well known to many of -our THE BOYS' ENTERTAINMENT. citizens, was married on Nov. 24th It will be a juvenile minstrel show'. in Weyburn, Sask., where the family of fifty people in fancy character, now reside. The News -Record join g singing, telling funny jokes, moving the many Clinton friends of the bride pictures, Master Douglas Stanhury, in wishing the young people long life the great boy singer, Mr. Stewart and prosperity. Jackson of Toronto, ,IVIiss May Ranee Miss Grace Cluff, Bob Downs, and LITTLE LOCALS. others who will give a program that Quite a number from Clinton atten- will attract a big crowd to the enter. heist your vote and influence. If elec- ted I will endeavor to guard the town's interests, financially and oth-c, erwise, as I would my own.—Sineerely Yours, Jacob Taylor, LITTLE LOCALS Mr. W. G. Smyth informed the News -.Record this moenifng that? he would he a candidate for the Reeve - ship. Mr. J. L. Kyle has disposed of the right to manufacture his patented machine in Canada to J. H. Hall Son of Brantford and purposes leav- ing shortly for Buffalo to arrange for the sale of the U. patent. TO THE ELECTORS. Mr. Wiltse having announced his re- tireraent, as Mayor for the corning year, and having been solicited by a large number of our hea•viest ratepay- ers, I have decided to offer myself ad a candidate, and most respectfully so - tied the funeral of the late Mrs. Ar- faun -newt' Hulk Cantelon, in. Goderich, on Tues- ONT, ST. CHURCH, day. The C. 0. F. were defeated. by the Very successful anniversary services L. 0. L. at carpet' balls the other yore held on Sunday last when Rev, evening, but the latter were :trimmed Richard Hobbs of Exeter preaelnd by. the Independents. both morning and evening to large Miss Minnie Weston entertained a congregations. The rev. gentleman, number of young people from town who did not appear as a stranger be- at her home on . the Bayfield road on fore a Clinton congregation, preach-, Thursday evening last. • ed very powerful and stirring serm-. ons on both • occasions.. The music THE D. D. G. M'S VISIT. • rendered by the choir was vcry pleas -1 ing rite Beautiful City," given bY • 44, The Masonic Lodge received an o21 - the male quartette at the evening cial visit on 'Friday evening last frorn service was especially fine. the Deputy Grand Master of District The officials asked for an offering of Isi.o. 4, in the person of Mr. C -Hod- tied upon the 1 lth concession. Here gins of Emcee, who was accompanied $050 to wet expenses for the year, and the amount Was al•nost reached Mr. Sheppard. lived until his marriage by Dr. Hodgins from the same place. A number of visiting brethern from by the collections for the day. Ib ' when for a time he lived in Lueknow. The officials and members are con- le`roin there he came to Clinton and Seaforth were also presen,t, including 1 in company with his brothel.: William: gratulating themselves and nra to be Dr. Cooper who was last year's D. congratulated upon th3 all-aroenn started in the grocery business. Byl. D. G. M. The Third Degree was ex- 'and by the partnership was dissolvedf A GOOD MAN GONE: On Sunday morning last James Sheppard passed into the great be- yond. He hah been in poor health for some time past and a second stroke of paralysis a fortnight ago proved too much for his enfeablcd frame Mr. Sheppard was born at Streets- ville on the 12th of March 1833, and in June of the same year the family, moved to Goderich township and set- emplified in the mesterly manner for success of the es ent. he carried it on alone until' At League on Monday night, which and which the local officers are noted, And ' after the lodge had been closed, a,c- was consecration meeting, Miss ,LueY1 Mr. Thos. Beacom bonito associated partook of refreshments which were Mrs. Downs rendered a solo. paper and with him. They continued together orn returned :to farming. After a long Stevens read Eta excelleet cording to ancient form, the brethern. for several years and until Mr. Beac- servod in theinjbanquet hall. An int- ' Next Sunday morning Rev. i... W. interval the ' partnership was again Cosens will preach on "Demes, the promptu program of speech and song formed and continued until Mr. Shep- followed, the entire evening being one .Deserter." In the evening- his theme pard retired froni active life ten of profit and pleasure to all. .. • I will be, "Two Reviews of Life." ' . . • • years ago. I WITH THE PASTIMERS. • TEACHERS' MEET. Mr. Sheppard was a Man of the most staunch I .7ntegritY and was held! The executive comm'tt f the i ee o On Friday evening la.st about.tvien- in. the highest respect by the whole, ". ty-seven members. and honorary mem- aaecommeeity. He was El Member or ' West Huron Teachers' • Association met in the Model Bohol, Clinton, bers of the pastiiiie Club met at their , St• Paul's chum a • ' ' ' A and in polities was, . • , , Saturday last. Those present were ;. • a Conservative. He was tvvice mar- ried, his second Wife surviving him: uo rooms a1 gnt ' • In Messrs, J H Lowery Clinton,,pree- qiiate din than for any other rease I thence re aired to Mr. H. Bartlift'a meat elves A ...... Al jonnston, Exeter, The death§ number 32 •and th , , , d 'rest -meant where a fine 'supper con- 1."..'' ' .''.' - tercet churches for . thus sepnlying -"• '• • vienepresident ; W. H.i Johnston, see- The surviving feembers of the old 1m- thembirths were greater than that numbee sistine of all the dainties' of the sea- , • . ily are William of Portage la Prairie, • with so niany useful and fancy „ - ., retary, Kippen ; J. .' 4 y vo. . DelgatY' Man. Thomak-and 'Ars, D. 13eacora of articles for the Christmas tithe. The • son, Has setveh . to them. When arai ....; homemade candy booth, ?mica *1:8' ..Councillor Jac , . P . • . d . Jackson chairman of the le justice had been chine to the good . ' • .. sector Toni, Miss,, ; Geo. Baird, Bavfreld ; Miss Er Wiggins and In- ,I • ' • vlinton. presided over by Misees , Graee iff the property committee, suggested ' a things provide , Manager Davis eau- The funeral took place yesterday af- Clinton, and N. W. TreWaetha, Holm- ternoon, the services being ' conducted and •Bessie Doherty., was cleared cut' half. dozen items in connection with ed order and .in excellent program, esville. Mr. J. Hartley was chair - and which' would add. gorisisting of speeches and music, was by Rev. C. R. Gunne, •The pallbear- early in the evening, as was also the the town hall man. It was decided ' that the next ers were : S, '. Treleaven ,ef• . Ashfield -, homemade broad, cakee and pets. .,e to its appearance, convenience and gone through: There were a number . Institirte meeting will ed.' Mild in e„ S. Sheppard and T.. G. Sheppard ot • dainty and appetizing tea wee' ser eel CaPanitY, and at' small expense. He of speeches which proved that there Goderich on Friday and Saiard"4 Colborne : 'Fred. Alcock, Hamilton irom six to eight, and ma 're . Id for instance provide a chair! are ' in Clinton budding orators who May 20th and 21st next, subject to I eola would , . , . . the approval of the Department. ••John Murry, Stratford, and R. J. had their evening. meal nue. for the *mayor which even his honor, will, no doubt, reachperfection . full,• • ••Jud e Innt will take pleasure in in le •sletive halls A 1' f 'the Proceeds . of sale- end tea emoiaited g Cluff, Clinten. , . list o , to about $80, with wleivi the ' .latit.s, 06duPYiag . The question of -Model school lib- In addition ' to the .many citizens. • . when he opines down be speakers will not be gipen as el- I small and unpretentiOus, no greeted- Councillor Ford . etneted . a good , . -. . - rary was disposed of by deeidieg that tl • ' book b d"d d d that Mr • le .s, e en e an I . orv of the depArted. bY. attending•the , were .welf pleased, 'i.s the alai!: v.as hpld'.cpart... , , . ; ection time intearing, and the young, ._ who paid their respects to the mail- men do not wish to go on the hust- Rev. Dr. Dongall elf Clothe:en. v.ill Which directed the clerk draft a Manager Davis made a fent remarks " It hold the b I:tl last s' - . d e . • Tom is I empowered to have boxed len. fort being put forth.' . ... ' - reads • . diSeus'sioe ' by- a reeolution, In.ga• . . *. @ ."ed rites, there were Present a • made o• e op s while leY number of old 'relatives . an fronus were being moved and kept. at •-the from Ashfiod, of the Educational Society of the ; 00 Jai?. 3rd to raise a sum: of money which is a purely social one and Ivarious centres.. • • . tovmships. Colborne and Goderich preach next . Sunder in 4.•he inteiesto hYla.w. for subinissiOn to 'the eleetrir regarding . the progress of the club, • en at both servieee. . ..• . A hearty vote of thanks was tender -- Church. Special offering's will be tak- for Permanent road improyements. Ile which now numbers some thirty-five !contended that there could scarcely members, the 'elite among the young ed the echoOl ' board for the use of b' two o inians as to the need for men 6f the town. . . the school and to Principal Hartley e Mrs. Gordon Wright of Loedon, • . • . for his courtesy. such 'a work and. now' was the .timd • spoke at the evening Service last Sun- . s- • . . • .• During'. '.the evening instrumental.; • *day., taking. for her .subjeet, • "Tokens . P . so -los mete reedered rms.-Messrs. Bert irnously adopted : . - The. following ...resolution was unane to make ronision ler the fends. • of Victory. ' Councillor Jackson said it was too slierriff and Hector Grigg, and a • 'The cantata, "The Junior Garden," f late in. the life of the present council vocal solo by Mr. Otto Fink. To the Huron County Ceuncil League on Friday eveeing last, , was possible that it can be threshed out national anthem and a. vele, enjoyable County Council be called to the mat- Mr. j. J. IVIaedonale still continues • •Personals Mr, J. B. Hodver was in London yes- terday, ' Mr. Wesley Walker was in London oft. given by the members of the Junior to iatroduee this matter and it is iin- Monday. All joined heartily in singinn the Resolved that the atfeeteen of the principal parte were taken by Miss get some, of these other questiOns out I . I believe ei ' mista,ke has been made in Messrs. Joe .Rattenbiley and F. B. evening was brought to a close: . ter of . grants to Fifth Classes as wee very lin : both interepting end enjoyable. The in an hour or two's disaussion. Let'g Lizzie Reid, little Miss EmilY .Cutler of the wan first •and then for goodf MRS. WRIGHT'S ADDRESS. paying only an equivalentto the Leg- Hall were among those who left and Master D. A. Cantelon, but it. roads with a will. We ean't: profitah- A large crowd atheredi the islative Grant to 5th Classes, whereas was participated . in by about half a, 1)' do without them mucIi. longer. town hall on Sullay afternoonn last we believe they intended to pay dou-: !hundred boys and girls, running in I Reeve Gibbings : There has been a to hear Mrs. Gordon Wright of Lon- as loge fon eight to fifteen.. Thev all cry for they arq doing. to Continuaton :good roads as far back *as r , don, Dominion • President .01 the W.. ble this ..grant to Fifth. Cladseeo las too'c the'r parts, i env nicely and nat- can remember, but thee are worse , C. T. II., speak on the subject op ses - . ... urally; and, considering the fact thati today then . when I was berm wa License or No . Lioense. Mrs. Wright LAST NIGHT'S MEETING. they were only two we?ks practisingehoilld get ready early and then make I has a - pleasin resume and 'a good they did remarkably well, . . • i i a throe) job of itI have, been talking voice, and on this occasion her. ad- 1 The elements were agaiest the -The girls looked very sweet 10! about the log -drag since I entered the dress was clear ,and forcible, appeale Temperance committee last night, but 4 P . . - . .•- their •dainty white dresses, and can- I counell, but haven't suceeeded in gee? ing more to the intellect than to the , , rying the flowers which they .repree in spite of the storm, a fair audience stilted. A twelve -year-old boy gathered in the . town hall to hear ting it iyet. • I belieee it would 'affable in Vons: SI ave a lot of statise marked afterwards that, T t 'w 'M re- ins to keep our back streets in good worth 15 cents just to see the girls ; "- - - a- eltape and that they wouldndry up a they looked so • nice." But the ' boys fortnight earlier than they do if tie would use the. drag. And lhe' expense appeared none the less attractive in their sweaters and overalls,. carrying the implements of their work, spades, hoes, etc. Mueh credit is due Miss.es Reid, wOuld he small. Councillor Taylor. claimed that 'the street e of Clinton are ie gdod shape Dolly Cantelon and Beatrice Greend ten Months in the year and when they are net good they are better than for the thee and trouble given to the Wingham—where the mud for depth training of these children and als) 'and stickativeness is a holy terror -- to Miss Gladys Cantelon, who play- I and other places lie has visited 1 ed the accompatiiment hi a very syrn- late. Seaforth has pent , n. _ Pathetic manlier-. . ' its front street which. in the .inuddy &aimed that this law could be enfor- Little Donna Miilholland sang season is billowy and sloppy. In con -1 ced as. well as any other if gone about • liame recited one of Drummond's! "The Holy City" and Miss Cunning- elusion, . Councillor Taylor heiined to in the right way and backed up by I joik the good roads procession,' jus?' public opinion, She instanced the rase of North Dakota where, the pen- alties for infringement are much more severe, and where the penalties are seldom incurred by the same person this:Morning to attend the Winter Fair • at Guelph. - • • Rev.. C.. • R. Gunne, and Mr.. Jelin Rinsford sof Tuckersmith attended a.' meeting of the Synod _in.; London ' * this Week. • Miss Florence Johnstone; who has been. 'a, resident of Clinton for seve eral rnoeths, returned to her home '.in Kinloss this' week. • '• ties, gathered from different sources, llev.• Dr, .Pigeon tell about the work- Mr.: Albert. MeBrien yesterday inform- . . . to prove that. prohibitory laws are jag of Local:Option in West Toronto ed The . News -Record thet hepere . noses leaving far .Sask.' as soon ate working satisfactorily in other plae. and other,' places... .. es., and made .a strong appeal to the Rev. T. W.. 'Cosens occhpied the ter the New Yeer as possible -. Mr. Andy Taylor, travelling passeng-, • ' er Agent of the C.M.& St. P. Haile way, and Mr. 13. • Il.. Bennett of the' • Chicago and Northwestern, . spent last night in.town, These two, to- gether with "Billy" Doekrill of the eleetors of Clinton topass Local Op- chair. A musical program was ree- tion. She spoke of the 'revenue der- dered consisting of a couple of quin- ived from the licensing of the liquor tettes by Charlie and Fred. Thomp- traffic, but also pointed out the loss Son, Clifford and Harvey Harland and sustained by the community, earnm- Lloyd Wilkie ; a clever :instrumental ercialty and otherwise by the drink by Mr. A. A; Hill and a quartette by . P. n habit. Sne also dealt' with the dintHC, are the most popular trio.-, Misses Greene and Hill and Messrs. . ' of railway men to visit this part or way experienced in some places in Downs and Cook. enforcing a prohibitory law, but Dr. Pigeon, the speaker of the ev- the province. ening, had charge of it Presbyterian church in'Toronto 'Junction, and took part in the hard fougbt battle for Leeal_.Pption milNt it first came tato force there, .IIe met the objection that Lpeal Option engenders a eotef tempt for law by saying that the license law is constantly being brok- en and that • in West Toronto -Local Option did away with dll the legal retailing of liquor and with ninetY, per cent, of the illegal retailing as well, and he claimed that, the same could be accomplished in almost every other place. To regard to the state- ment that Local Option would ruin trade, he instanced the Mee of a man In Toronto Junction who had large habitant poems in her usual pleasing Yet aWinle. style. ' . . , Altogether it : , was most pleasin I Councillor 'Cooper held up botle and reflected great credit on all eon - AI hands for good roads, but he would cerned. ;Prefer • that the discussion do not go. mere than once. Mrs. Wright, urged It is understood the cantata will , business !on during the holiday season when • . , upon Her hearers the necessity of see - sae le me low Men are at their busiest. Ile t C 1 11, d . C 1 11 ' oa s amp )0. in ing that such a, law, if enacted, be given at the Ilotise of Refuge some ; • I shoeld be strictly enforced. Rev. W..1, JOIliffe occupied the chair and upon the platform were a evening soon for the entertainment of iTbronto recently and that gentleman At the regular meeting held at the I offered t come . up and give' the eiti- the inmates. -erns a talk. on the question. home .of Mrs. Wallace on Thursday mayor willso number of the members of the W. C. afternoon last, the Ladies' Aid elect- The good roads T. LT. inoluding Mrs. Jolliffel Mrs. question laust be taken up at Cot ea - ed oflieern for the year. The ladieg Boles, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs, Cooper, lv clef that the material may bo peeting their president, Mre. John brought into town during the wintexi en - Mrs W Harland IVIrs rfonv d ig interests in the liquor business there,. were delighted to have present at this • Hodgens, 'who has filled that aneo :months. As this council is divided ag °titlwreshoir made. no of Metnhers of the' and who had used this argument, but to the wisdom of submitting a bylaw: ely taken up her residence in 00(101-(1 1( in 01 " • f the singing', stirring campaign songs mediately got rid Of 'his hotel busin- for a number of yeers, but has. tat- • choirs of the different churches lend in when the bylaw was carried he he- t .1 in 3rd, I think it fele The -mernberg showed their ap- would:,actilyniesiai. 10 Ilt .11 Nlvt'itttIe. it or g • ess and invested in a business bloek preeiation of Mrs. Hodgens' On Saturday evening a parlor in the town, thus proving that he had, promising to cOrne down as often JruMps are now installed an that .1. W. .1. • I „ f tl lac • Dr. Pigeon stated services, ° ni • co by re-electing her president, she : Hngineer Greenwood stated that the meeting was held at the reSidenoo of not much fear of the Ultimate sur4 possible for the monthly meetings. gas engine will be in a few days, Thd Wright addressed a large gathering of that the business men of the Junction. All theold officers were re-elected'. - power home, machinery should be ia ladies. Mrs. Wright believes • that were at first all opposed to Local forward do a great deal On- o qs .Yrl 10exceptions, they were in its favor. The ladies at this meeting presented operation by the end of next week. though women have hot votes, that tion but that now with possibly two tMrs. Jolliffe an autograph uilt11 will be given a month's test ht they Ca which 'will, no doubt, prove a most i the coutractors. Ile suggested that the cause of Local Option in Clinton,: , . The Dr's address was a Modena*. interesting Souvenir Of the time speat the engineet for the pump house lui and strongly urged upon them their tion of facts gleaned from the differ - 'Meet fq the Members of Wesley church I may ,famillarize hinlsolf MO tho ' Mrs'. Jolline pre.sided at this meet- tun ea places in which be has had oPPor- ny of Outlying the workings °IS in Clinton, as it has the names of 'secured as soon as poseible so that lui responsibility in this matter. i ing and Mrs. Hoover sang a solo, the law. • - and also those of many others. machinery. Bagfield • Miss Mary Porterfield has been en- gaged as clerk by Mr. James Reid, dry goods merchant. Rev. Mr. Davidson of Varna wilt &each in St, Andrevee chttreh on the evening of the 19t11 inst. Dr. Stnith, reeVes is attending county eouneil itt Goderich this week, Master Herbert, Sturgeon, who was at Alvinston the past • two •months, returned home last week. Miss C, Parsons is visiting 'friend at Hillegreen this week. Mr. Ken Moorhouse of :London: spent a few days in the village the ipaqs'theweek' statutory Meeting of the coun- cil falls on the Mine day as the next session of the court here, therefore; the ethmeil will hold their meeting ia the evening at 7 p. 10. instead of It, 4.11'111. 1e service in connection with the, Methodist church has hem withe drawn for next Sunday evening, ow- bitylaeo.. gtTrot..h5ieicfNalell.r. ell in St. Andrew's/ Mr. and MA rs. . NrWin spent' Friday last with friends at Seaforth. The Local Option bylaw appears ori ,p •