HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-02, Page 8revoluoiewibristoi~wwww00,011.10,40~.......1000.4
What- Bonsai' litosinetes 11/1,en
Say of Local Option.
bUsinefie has xtot suffered through fence! Option. Fewer people
are welch*, for eredie than ever before. Furthermore I cannot see that
the toWn has suffered coetiMereittily and it certainly bite gained motally.
- ALEX, MePHSRSON, Merchant. Tailor
My business heti largely increaeed since Local OPtiOn came into
forge. Fewer asking for credit—more paying cash, Real estate has
ineremed in value
3. W, ORTWEIN, Merchant $ ..
(DeV. Geode and Groceries)
$, ' Our business bas increased eince Local Option, We find more
readycosh in circulation, and are not asked so much for credie. From
a moral standpeint the town bee certainly ireprcived.
I $•
G. F. YIINGBLUT, Boots and Shoes, et.
4 w I do not consider that Local Option has injured my busineee in the
i least. In fact, no businese has been increasing ever since Local Option
carne ih force. I do not claim that Local Optima. *as responsible for all
the increase. This 1 will say, that tneeeeireleseer of rny customers
asking for credit. Soms whom we AIWA ys carriecrare'fiow paying sash.
3.•• virvamlf,i_f,Elyclre,ols, Groceries, eto. ;*
j $ who couldu't pay before are able to pay nem., 1 woeldn't like to see
Local Option certainly has not injured my business,. The fellovvs
4 the town any ether way except under Loc 41 Opticine : Our acconinioda-
tion is firet-class.
E.'RANN1E, Dry Goods, Glroceries, etc.
$$My business has increased since Local Option camean force. Real
1 $
, estate ha,s increased hi
Hensel' seems to be in demand.
3. 0, STONE1VIAN, Jevieller, etc.
. ,
value. Both as a biteiness apd, residential place
BROWN .4 OLARK, Carriage. Maker*, ellaelterniths, etc,
Since Local Option came into force. ria' blisiness has increased 20
per cent, We must acknowledge it has lergely shut otr drinking. it
is the hest thing that ever happened Hensall,
JOHN ZUIFLE: Boot and Shoe hiaker and Repairing
My businees has not been hurt yy Local Optioo. Local Option is
all right,
My restaurant business has largely increased sinceLocal Option. A.
considerable 'number of people can afford more luxuries. iaer business
in genpai has been better. I can poktiyely Say the, morel effect has
been -excellent. '
J, W. PARLMER, Restaurant, etc.
The Village of Arkona.
Arkona is one of the village e• in which tbe liquor party made a
strenuous effort to secure the repeal of Local Option in January, 1909,
and failed.
. Three -years ago Local option' was carried. in Arkona by a majority
vote. We believe the measure has given ver7 general satisfaction.
These three years can be counted as the most successful—eocially,
morally and tinancially—in the history of the village, and every busi.
nese man who is in sympathy with good morals is very anxious fur a
, continuation of the same. .
Property is increasing in value in valueWe?
, as es for the last fe
A years will prove to be the case. The accommodation ie all that can be $
/ desired. The village is free from rowdyism, and seldom do we see a
1 0 lean the worse of Inver. Liquor and trounle always go hand in hand. '
To show the sent:ineent of the ratepayers, the temperance coin-
mittee submitted the following for signature; . •
"We, the undersigned ratepoers of the Village of Arkona, are
strongly of the opinion that Local Option has been beneficial to the
social and moral interests of the village, and desire continuance of the
it same." .
- 'With the result that there has been secured over ninety ,tionst fide
• signatures. Sonnewho are away from the vjliage Would readily' Ogg.
: if they were:here. . . .
, $
it..qbAb,..1bAboliAlh.ipoub,ogyilb,1116.4111.0.111.411i.11b..111PAIII.;.1,16.111•41*Aur •
.... . -
I Sikul
llsic Empon
S. C. Rathwell Shoes •C, Hoare, Music
0 -
$ Regina Shoes for Nothing Like #
$ Women MUSIC
$ Fit for a Queen •
Have you seen our Regina
$Shoe for ladies. We have them
in Velour Calf, Vici Kid and Pa-
tent Colt. If you want the most
:stylish, nicest -fitting shoe on
the market, try a pair of Re-
PRICES—$3.00, 3.25 and 3.50
in Pat. Colt and Vici Kid'.
We are Sole Agents in Clinton
•• TO pans away the long fall and
• winter evenings. Good second-
hand Organs and Pianos to sell •
or rent at reasonable prices.
$Newcombe Pianos and
Sherlock -Manning' Pianos and $
Organs always in stock. ' •
Try us for Sheet Cluslc
and Violin Supplies
We Airn to Please •
iftwqm..W.10116,11s.maegewlivib/lb.qwftw4••••••411,111,111.411...`16.4116Abollbellb. e
J. B. Hoover
Nelson Ball
For . EVP11... ROOM in.the
• W ehave added to our
stoak a long list of useful and
attractive Xmas presents,
Fancy Parlor Chairs and
Rockers. Parlor Tables, Desks
Music Cabinets, Couchec, Sec-
tional Book Glasses, Exten-
tion Tabes, etc, We are
offering a 8 drawer Dresser,.
in rich quarter -cut oak finish
with heavy bevelled plate
at $6.50 'Washstand • to
rnacch $2,50.
, Iron Beds rangin6 in price from $2,50 to $20.00. Pull
sized I3ed Springs $1 5O'
"The' .4heapett ApotHUrail'Oaarify, tcs buy all
kinds of furnitUre.
Furniture and Funeral Directors.
Clistos Nivoionlimet4
DoomIvor 2114,
of Private .0hrishoos greeting.
A. le, r):$
Just received, representing an
extensive stook of the newest
designs, ranging in price from
$1.25 to $5.00 per dozen. The
feature of your name and ad-
dress being neatly printed on
each card makes your _Christ-
mas salutation one of positive]
reaneineht to the oils) who re-
ceives it and is pleasingly ex-
clusive for the sender.
We solicit ;Our order early.
• W. I MIR ()I). *
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
.xeeptioncd Value hi Dress
- °pods.
50cs, 600, 75c and $1.00 Values for 39c.
ABOUT 500 yards, a cleaning up of our Dress Goods Department and a rare bargain; Vent
etians, Cheviots, Mohairs, Lustres and Tweed in Black, Blue, Red, Brown, Green and Grey.,
• All Dress length and over. We have given our patrons,
mans, bargains, but this is the
best value we ever offered, In order to give out of lown patrons a chance at this big snap we
are putting them on the counter at one o'clock Saturday next Ragular values
50c, 60c, T5c and $1,00 All at price Saturday •
L Now for yotw Winter Coats WOnien's Misses and
• Children's Coats 25 percentoff. •
•. 200 New winter coats in the very newest style .in Women's, Children's and Misses coats,
tall new this season in Black, Blue, Green, Red, Brown, Toupe etc. The Season for cleaning these
out is over, the benefit yours. Come when the range is large and complete and get first choice.
Women's sizes 32 to 42, Children's all sizes. Corne and look thein over it will be worth your
whether you buy or not Your choice of our complete stock at 25 percent off reg. prices.
- Deep Cuts in Staples for Saturdag onlg.
Mrs, ' j. Q. Armour and children vis-
ited in Goderich this week.
Miss Bessie Doherty is spending a few
days with Seaforth friends.
Mr. JamesCampbell, Clerk of Hul-
lett, was in town on Tuesday.
Murray Jackson has been in Toron-
• to for the .past few weeks with
friends., •. '
Mr. "Cap.". Cook has gonei te Toron-
• to where he is employed in cold
Mr. Waldo E. Weir of Howick, spent
part of last •week And this visiting
• his Sister, Mrs. John Hartley. •
Mr, "Billy" Cantelon, who has been
• packing apples in the Brussels •
trict, was home Sunday,
Mr. Harry Cook and his son, . Bert,
• have returned trom Luca where
they speht the season packing. ap• -
ples.• - ,
Principal Ranisey of Listowel • was in
town on Saturday; last on a Matter
Of business iti ,which he is Personal-
ly'keenly•interested. :
Miss Lena Walton; after having spent
a feww'eeks with her sister; Mrs.
Armour, returned to her home in
. :Gioderich on Friday, '
Mr. C. H, Macpherson .Of London re.
turned • to his home hit week "after
• spending a few days ,with his bro-
ther, Clerk Macpherson. •'
Mrs. Wm, Cantelon returned last
•„week from Mitchell, after having
spent some weeks with Mre, Jas.
Brooks of that town. ' •
Mr: Oliver Johnson returned' hone on
Saturday/ ifrom ia' business trip • to
Lloydminster and other Points in
the Province of SeskatcheWan.
Mr.' Guy Miller, Who has been out to
the Coast, and has silent some time
in Seattle 'surprised his friends' the
other day Seattle,
walking in home.
Little. iVliss Donna ltfulholland took
part in the program in the Holmes -
Ville Methodist church on Friday:ev-
• ening last and greatly delighted the
. large audience.
Messrs. John and Sol. Aulseybreek
returned to their. home at Burford
the latter, part ofthe week,. having
wound up their extensive • apple. ope
erations in...this vicinity.
Mrs. Trotter. of • Toronto via§ the
guest'• for a few •doe of the pest
week of her cousin, Mrs. H. B.
Chant. Mrs. Trotter also .yisited in
Ailsa •Cihie •before her return to
the city. . ••
Miss Mabel 'iCerr is in Atlantic! City,
and will probably remain -fon the
• winter, she hiving accompanied a
• Detroit lady, whom she had former-
ly nursed in Goderich, t�that lane.
ous •winter resort.'
Miss, Bernice Morrish, daughter of
• Mr. and .Mrs. Harry, Morrish of Ox-
• bow, Sask., arrived on, Monday 'end
is visiting her uncle, Mr. A. J. Mor-
rish, her grandmother, ' Mrs. W.
Robb; and other • relatives and.
friends at well. It is eight years
since the family left Clinton and
this is Mies IVIorrish's first visit to
, the old toWn since their departure.
•Mr. * Cla.usin O'Neil returned on Sat-
• urday night last from Moosejaw,
Sask., where for -the past few
months he has beeassisting his
father, Mr, Fienk O'Neil, • who
• carries on an extensive business in
that city. Next to Clinton, Claus -
in probably thinks more of Moose-
• jaw than any other place and will
in all likelihood return there after a
holiday period at his home here.
Mr. Fred. Chant, ,only son of Mr...end
Mrs. H. B. Chaet of town, who for
some time • past has been physical
director of the Y.M.C.A. at ?eme
broke, has resigned that position
• owing to an injured knee which in-
terfered somewhat with his work.
To show their appreeiation of his
services and regret at his depar-
ture, a banquet was tendered him
alt which aa. Very handsome society
pin was presented to him. " Fred, is
• new engaged at Fort William.
Mr. Eph. 13utt returned 1 erne on
Saturday , last from Sas atehewan
to 'which he paid • another of his
business visits,' The News-Reeord
understands that while there he
Teased a sales stable at Saskatoon
'Of Whieh he will take possession. in
Mareh. This may imply that i the
family will next spring move to
that town and thus the Base Line,
• ef - whieh • they have.beou much.; re -
sheeted residents for so many years,
will know them no more, except as
Read the list over.
Flannelette Blankets $1.10
25 pairs only, White' and Grey
Flannelette blankets with pink or
blue border best quality and weight,
68-72 inbces and perfect goods, Regu-
lar $1,50 per pair, Saturday - $1.10
Ask to see our special all pure
• wool blankets at $3.75 per pair.
,12%c Toweling for 10c
• 5.00 yards pure linen Roller
Toweling with or without border,
• good heavy weights and round thread
and will give the best of wearin
the Face of all sotton and linnen goods
grigng up in price this is an exception-
al bargain. Our regular 12ic TOW-
• Ong SctturclaS7 for 10c
1234c Factorg Cotton 10c
1000 yards ot beavy factory cot-
ton, round thread forty inches wide.
Reg. 12i for - • - 10c
10c Factor"; Cotton 8c
1c00 3.ards good clean rourd
• thread factory cotton 84 inches vide.
Reg. 100 tor - 8c
50c Worsted Hose 35c
Boy's ,black worsted hose all
sizes. Reg. 50c forC, -• - 3sc
25c Worsted Hosel9c •
• Boy's black worsted h•ose sizes 6
to 10. Reg.. 25c for - 1Cc
35c Cashmere Hose 25c
Women's black cashmere hose all sizes, Reg.
35e for • 25
Mr. James hlinshallwas in .
for a fhw days this Week.
Miss Thorns of ' •Seaforth was the
guest of Mrs.. J. F. Wasman this"
week. .
Mrs. L. Greig is at Present in Sea -
forth, the guest of her son, Mr. J.
C. Greig.
Mrs. S. a. Ranee is elightly irdis-
,. Posed this week. We trust eLe will
• speedily recover. ••
Mr. J. J. Macdonald became sudden-
• ly •very ill on Thursday night: last
and is still confined to lied..
Mr. Duncan, Ferguson of Stratford, ac-
• companied • by his wife end" two
children, visited his old friend,. • Dr.
Shaw, over Sunday. ,
Mr. Robt. Fitzsiranions • went to
• Thorndate on Friday last to *attend
the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Thos.
• Fitzsimmons, who no reached the
• advanced age of • einety-One years.
• He returned home on Saturday.
Mr. Nelson • Carson, a former resi-
dent of Clinton, .now- cf Phoenix,
• B. C; has been • in town renewing
• old, acquaintances. Mr. Cursen is
interested in mining in 3. C.,, and
reports business brisk:
Mr. Fred. G. Wasman arrived home
a few' days ago from. Nolan, New
Mexico, but to his regret,. is not
• able to spend the Christmas season
• in the borne circle having to • leave
• again nein week to resume his dut-
ies as grocery traveller.
• The regular meeting of Royal Tem -
piers will be held 2nd Tuesday this
month ihstead of lst Tuesday, at the
home of Mr. W. 5, Downs, Frederick
street. All members and any, others
wishing to join in the work are
• vited to be present. 6
nuniber of thc boys and giris of
sixteen and under, are working on
the essays for which the are
offering 'three prizes of $3, $2 and $1.
Subject "Reasons Why Clinton
Should ' Have Local Option." These
essays are to be in the hands of •,the
seemlier), of the local branch before
Dec. 13th.
• Prof. Campbell presided at the or-
gan on Sunday alter an • .absence of
some weeks through BinesS:
The Woman's Assoeiation met for
their monthly tea on Wednesday af-
• The„juniors had charge of tilo.oxo-
gram at the meeting of the Guild on
Monday night, and did very well, in-
Little Locals.•
How does , your sub to The News
Record stand ? '
• The 'exteatiye of. the West Huron
Teachers' Institute will Meet' in Clin-
ton at eleven a: in. on. Saturday. .
A number of young people • braved
the long drive over extremely Muddy
roads, and went out to Varna Mon-
day, night to the Methodist church
supper. They report a good time.
At -the Holmesville entertainment
last Friday evening, the members' of
the Ontario street church quartette
contributed the major portion of the
musical program. •
"In the lexicon of youth, which fate
reserves for a bright manhood, there
is no such word as fail."•-•L•From Rich -
ellen to be presented in the town hall
in a fete weeks.
Our lOcal express agent inrorias
The News -Record that there are lit-
erally tens of live turkeys and chick-
ens being shipped through' here from
the north to Toronto and elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid tiggin have
moved into Mrs, Vodden's house • on
Princess street aed the place they
vacated is now occupied •by Mr. and
Mrs.' Thos. Churchill Jr. of , the .Base
• A• number of young people, • three
loads in all, besides some single rigs,
went out to the postponed supper at
Holmesville last Friday evening. They
report having had an excellent supper
and a good time.
The members and honorary members
of the Pastime Club intend treating
themselves to a Supper Friday (tn-
morrow) evening. This club has a
habit of treating itself well,and also
,quite frequently treats its Meads.
The Boys' Assoeiation intend now.-
ing an entertainment New Year's
night, which will be the biggest and
best of the kind ever given for the
money. A juvenile minstrel show of
forty boys, Master Douglas Stanbury,
the great boy singer, songs, monolo-
gues, moving pictures, all for 26c.
The boys need the money and need
encouragement, aid • there is )10
doubt that citizens will respond.
• Last Sunday heing Teinpetance
day, the pastor preached an excellent
sermon on that subject at the evert-
ing service.
Monday night the League had a
special tom:parolee Tfograrni;,a feature
of whieh WM an :address ty Mr. Sohn
This church will hold anniversary
serviees on Sunday next when • Rev.
Richard 110bbe of Exeter will preach
both morning and evening. Special
music will also be furnished on both
•The News From Londesboro
Kra. John Bowcock returned Fri-
day -`night. from a short visit with
friends in Toronto,
• Miss M. Brogden spent Saturday
last with her sister, Mrs. D. Floody
of Blyth. ••'
• Miss Hogg of Blyth spent Sunday
with her brother Imre. •
Mr. Jacob S. Wagner. of Auburn
moved his household effects through
the village Monday on his way to
Tavistock. He loaded them on a
•ear here. • '
Mr, and Mrs...J. D. Ainsley of
Leamington are visiting relatives in
the vicinity. .
Longman has engaged with Jas.
Hill to help in the .mill 'during the
winter months. ... ••
Mr. W. L. Peffers moved his furni-
ture to Blyth Monday' of this week.
Mr. J. 6tewar4 of 1.131yth ftnished his
work on the new sidewalk here Mon-
day by banking up along the edges of
the walk. • •
Miss E. Hill spent a few days i
Clinton this week.
Miss Zella 'Whitley accompanied'her
brother, Dr: L. N. Whitley to Gerrie
Monday Of this week where she will
remain and keep house for him.
Mrs. S. Cudrnore of Clinton spent
a few days witn• her parents, Me.
and. Mrs. Wm. Bruinbley, this week,
Mr. Dixon . of Knox College', Torou-
• to, occupied the pulpit of 13ure's and
Knox churchee on Sunday last, Rev.
Mr. Hackney of 'Bristol, Que.'• will
occupy the same two pulpits Sunday'
next and the following Sunday.,
Mrs. G. . E. Saville of Clinton has.
been visiting at the home of her
Parents, Mr. and • Mrs. James Web-
ster of Londesboro and • also her
brothers, Wm, and Jos. of the 13th
con. of Hullett this week,
Mr. John • ' Hutton attended 'the
meeting of Mystic Shriners in 'Lon-
don on Wednesday.
Constance Concerns,
Mrs. McCully left on Sunday for a
visit to her daughter, Mrs, hecGa.vin
of Leadbury.
Messrs. Joe Rand e an& Charles -Wil-
son 'arrived home from the West on
Friday last.
Miss Jennie Love has returned • to
our village after spending sane time
with friends in the West.
• Mrs, Day of Killarney, Man,, is at •
present • visiting her mother, Mrs.
Mary Staples, and other friends.
' Mr. John Vareoe of Woodstock, has
hired with Mr. W. Britton fo
a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike McGavie of Lea
bury, spent Sunday the. guest•
W. Winn. •
Hullett Happenings.
The Beef Ring of the 8th and 'Oth t Mr, John Allen had the misfortune.
niet at Mr. 5. MCools on ' to fall out of an apple tree some timo
Monday and .worttuci up thet seasoms
Mr. George Beadle of Auburn had
the circular saw at work last Thurs-
day euttifg wood for William Plun-
Percy ValttrOtt t,S, at present break-
ing his driving colt, which will be a
very fine driver, indeed.
Miss Lily Wettlaugher of Myth vis-
ited at the home of Mrs. Lawrence
illatap,r 13n Satubda,y last.. •
• Mrs, Warren. et' Clinton Nita& the
guest of Mr, and Mrs. S. McCool on
Sunday last.
Mr, Wilfrid Armstrong was engaged
part ot iast week collecting apple bar-
rels for the owners of the' Auburn
cooPer shop.
More Mullett news on page four.
ago and is sintering from the effects
of it yet: • We hope to See him bet-
ter soon.
Mr. James Cartwright is doing a.
big business at the cider mill at
Mr. A. J. Blake, ;who recently re-
turned from a • business trip through
the west, Opt Sunday at home.
• Mr. William Doerr was in Goderich
last week on business.
Wesler.XeChnie and "joint Glousher
aniat present cutting •wood in Wm.
Piunkett's bush,
Mr. Arehie Robinson is at present
laitt up with an abseess on his leg..
We hope Archie will soon be o. k.
Albert Doerr returned home last
week front Westfield *where he hag
been spending a few months.