HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-12-02, Page 1t'
Whole Number 1606,
he News.Record will be seat to an address in Canada to the end of 1910 for one dollar. To the end of 1909 for 13 Cents.
4 -Weeks *it . I
to Zug ,.f.O.r 1:41cti8tmaj,
Our stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery of all
kinds, Out Glass and Chinas.' Everything suit-
able for old or young was never so complete.
Rave already laid aside choices, and will be
pleased to do the sa,n3e for you.
The earlier the better,
eye Slass Wan,
...Viceellecombe's old slang, Clinion
May -Be Small at first, but the noticeable feseure of
Royal Bank Saving Accounts is that they grow.
We are constantly: opening accounts for small sums,
but these usually increase to amounts that are very
satisfactoey to both Depositor and Banker.
The first deposit acts as a Magnet for the odd
amounts that are so ape to be wasted,
Clinton Branch. R. E. MANNING, Manager
Capital Paid up - $1,S00,000 Rest Fund e 0,500 000
Has 13 Branches in Canada, •
and A -gents and Corespondents in all the principal eitiee
in t he world.
Interest allowed at liigaest. Current Rate:
Clinton Branch C. E. Dowding, Manager
CLOTHINC 1110111/i.Sh 86 Crooks
Men's $22 Suits
Made to Order fiSt
DURING the'past four
or five months our
• large staff have been
working overtirrie,turn-
ing out Local and West-
ern orders. We are
getting pretty well
• caught up with the
work now and ase anx-
• Jotsto keep • our staff
employed over the holi-
day season, after which
• our western • orders
Commence to come in.
, In order to do this, we are offering such
inducements in Suits, Overcoats and Trousers
that are bound to keep our staff busy.
• Starting Decetxtber ard, and' ending December
t 1st, we will MAKE TO YOUR ORDER any $22
suit for $18. This includes black and blue Serges,
Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds.
, Every garment guaranteed to be made up to
the minute.
25 pairs Uen's Trousers, regular $6 490
and $8.50, m •
made to your measure for
See Our Corner Window.
"A Square Deal for Every Mau."
'Successors to lloolgens Bros* Clothing Store,
Mr. lieges, the genial e-nanager of
Wonderland, is arranging for a vau
deville show in the town hall on
Christmas Eve and has already se -
'cured his Peelaruiers, at large ex-
pense, Mr. Hanes. believes in giving
his patrons big value for their money.
The other der Cantelon Bros. made
a shipment oe four big dray loads of
dried apples and a couple of weeks
ago they sent away 6,000 pounds.
What this well-established firm has
shipped in the past few years would,
If billed at the one time,, require a
long string of modern /might ears.
Mr. W. Carter of Constance, the
"Poultry Xing of Huron," received a
shipment of fancy poultry Irene Eng-
land the other day -It is said the birds
came through the experience in excel,
lent shape, . having apparently enjoyed
the sea voyage. Few poultry breedees
go to the trouble and expense ot im-
porting, but the best 'is none too good
for Mr. Carter and it explaina why
he is the leader.
The Ladies' Guild of St, Paul's
aura were particularly fortunate in
their choice of a day tor the holding
of their bazaar, when it fell upon
Thursday of last week, the weather
being ideal. The .bazaar was held in
the town hall which was tastefully
decorated for the occasion with flags
ane bunting, plants anti flowers, and
piesented a very attractive appear-
ance. The booths, which were pre-
sided over by members of the Guild,
displayed a variety of articles useful
and ornamental, which were sold at
reasonable prices ; Many people tak-
ing this opportunity of obtaining ar-
tides for gift purposes. And beside
all this, at one of the booths'could
lee obtained 'good homemade tread,
cakes and other articles- for "home"
consumption. Needless leo say,' this
booth, presided over by Mrs. McLeod
and Miss, Hine, was One of tae most
popular. . • The , Faney. Wo'ric was
in charge of Mrs. H. T.' Rance,
Mrs. Dowdieg, Mrs. Rattenbury, Mrs.
Barry Combe ahd Mrs. J. n. Hovey.
The booth where 'samples Were sold
Was in charge of Mrs'. Armour and
Mrs, 1VIcLeah. Vegetables and Fruit,
Mrs. Dunford and Mrs. MeBrien. The.
Candy booth and Rose Garden was in
charge of Mrs. Hill, assisted by a
number of young ladieS.
At this booth on the. payment • of
five centsone was entitled to pluck
a rose to which- was attached a prize.
The prizes Were many and varied,
some of them quite pretty. ,
• -Lunch was served all afternoon; and
at six "O'clock a good hot supper Wes
served. • "
Commencing) ; at eight o'clock, a
farce -comedy entitjed, "The Ole
C9evention," was •'given • by
Mend a score of young ladies, before
a crowded house. • The admission fee
was 6ely ten cents, and ?emetic who
couldn't get ten cents: worth af laugh
out Of it must have ; been a sorehead: -
The ladies were dressed for the oc-
casion and carried the •parphernalia of
thele order, parrots, uMbrellas, lunch
baskets, etc., and declared Oat.. the
principles. of. the eider'Were. sammed
lip in one word "Man; with a big
Some of the local hits were . quite
evitiv. as when a fist ca the bachelors
of the •town was given, :With a hint as
to their. "'willingness." It must be
confessed that if these statistics caw
be relied up" the maids. of Clinton
have a grievance and we would not
blanie them a bit if they did dead°
to go in a bode' to Northern of West-
ern 'Ontario, or anywhere, where
"Barkie" would prove mote "will-
Duribg the progress of • the "Con-
vehtion" aiearned "Professor" was
announced who claimed to be able to
traiisforea any lady whose first beauty
had faded into a blushing school -girl.
The nrst and second trials were very
successful, but Upon the third, a tall
blonde who wante4. to b? "short cuid
dark, and play' an histrument," take
hig too much of the traasforbaing
liquid, the cutest little • piekaninny
was ground out, curly, wool, checked
ppeolore and all. A second trial made
matters right, however. The next
lady to be transformed desired to bci
a man, so that, as she said, she
eould '"go on asking and asking un-
til she found someone to marry her."
The "Professor" didn't want to risk
his reputation by asking so biuch of
his machine, and tried to di:made her
from her•purpose, but in vein, so af-
ter drinking all that was left of the
"elixir," *she stepped into the
cabinet, the erank was giVen a kw
vigorous turns by the industrious)
"Professor," but all that ramie- from
it was a feW articles; of mens 'attire.
This seemed • to put the machine out
of business, ane no More trafiefotm-
ing operations were gone through.
Mr. John Hartley -took the part of
the -"Professor" and did it well.
• The introductory song, ',Three Old
Maids- of Lc "sung by laissce Stella
Copp, Glad ye Hemet° and May Webb,
was very fetching. Miss Devereaux
sang "Whustle Coot To. Ye
lVfa Lad." Miss Maida Armour sang
"Pretty Peggy i3rady," very sweetly.
tiut3two should not particularize as all
did so welt, and the play ea e whole
was very mirth -provoking.
We understand the ladies realized
seine $208 from the litteeede of the
Wear, supper and ahe evening's per-
Wheat $1.00 to $1.02.
Oats 85e to 36c.
Peas 85e to 87e.
Barley 53e to 55e.
Butter 21c to 22e..
Eggs 260 to 27c,
Live Hogs ;7.85.
As was anuounced in last week's
issue, Mrs. Gordon Wright, Dominion'
president of the W.10. T. C., li ad-
dress a Mass meeting in the feein
ball at four o'clock on Sunday cattle
noon. ee parlor meeting will be had
at the residence Of Mrs, W. te. Har-
land at 7.30 on Saturday m'eneng to
which the public gee cordially. inviied.
On Friday lest Messrs. Ben Chur-
chill and Jam Watkins wound up
their operations ' for the season dur-
ing whicli they shipped closeon to
6,000 barrels of apples. They. edught
in all lour of the adjacent . town-
sbips, but chiefly lxi Hullett and God-
erich, end •from Ctiaton aleme they
shipped about 4,500 barrels. Being
practical' men and exercising a elose
personal aupervision over the packing
they did riot run, up against .any "un -
Pleasantness" to prevent them mak-
ing a .fair profit in this somewhat
hazardous .business, "Ben." and
"Jack" make a streug team.
•A, prominent citizen and heavy rate-
payer called on ,Tho News-Reeord the
other evening and after discussing
municipal matters wrote down the
names of six citizens who he sugges-
ted as the town council for 1910,
claiming that they would be progres-
sive and at the same time work to-
gether with that peace and humane+
so eeeential if a council is to accom-
plish anything.The Dames he sug-
gested are :
Harrison Wiltse
B. J. Gibbings
Albert Coopet
Thos. Jackson Jr,
W. J. Paisley
• W. G. Smyth.
The ffnal revistou of the voters'
lists was conducted on Saturday -last
by .Judge,- Doyle. • Clerk Macphrson
.was, of course, in. attendance by vie -
tun of hie offiee and among others
taking part in the revision was Mr.
A. A. Hill, the 'secretary ot the
Local Option committee. The follow-
ing names were added to those en-
titled to vote at municipal elections:
William Butts, Prof. W. Brown, Jos.
Barber, Rev. T. W. Cosens, Rev. M.
Charlesworth, T. M. Cullen, • Mr.
Cook,- A. le. ECudmore, e Geo. Cooper,
W. E. Duncan, Mr. Ginn, W. K.
Greenwood, Mrs. IL B. Kerr, R. E.
Manning, Jas. Manning, , Alf. „Mc-
Keown, Carl Olson, Wilfrid Pickett,
Amos Townsend,, Thos. Watts and
W. S. Downs.
The pastor's subjects for next Sun-
day are, in the morning, 4'The Trans-
figuration of Christ." In the even-
ing, "Shall We know each other in
Heaven." All are welcome.
An exceptionally interesting League
Meeting was held last IVIouday evening.
when the following boys who are
members of Miss Gkeene's S. S. class,
furnished the program; John Watts,
Sidney Watts Edgar Pattison, Eenie
Graham, Ernie Britton, Eddie Nichol,
Ray Cantelon Wellie Cook, Leonard
Harland, Willie Twitchell.
• The program consisted of devotional
enrolees conducted . by the pastor,
followea by •a. chorus, . "The Fight
Is On" by the class, 'A, Dialogue
"Father Tiene," by the class. ' A
debate "Which is most -useful, the
leersa 'or the Cow ?" Debaters, Ed-
gar Pattison,' Ray Cantelen and Wel-
lia Cooa and Leonard Harland, Quar-
tette, eWhen the pun- is Called,"
john. Watts, Sidneae Watts., Edgar
Pattison and Willie Twitchell. Dialo-
gue, "Wanted, A Boy," John Watts,
Ray *Cantelort and Eddie Nichol.
The ludic% for the -debate were .1.
Doherty, C. ,for
and Morris.
cision was given in J. favor of •th°
horse. .
John Watts- occupied the chair and
Prof. Brown presided at the organ.
The attendance was large and every-
body enjoyed the program. lao it
agaen boys.
Oonsecratioa meeting next Monday
night, ••
The Junior League ate giving a
Cantata, -entitled •'The Junior Gar-
den," in the. school room Friday (toe
morrow) evening,
The Ladies' Aid purpeie holding ' a
bazaar in the school room on Tues-
day afternoon of next week, sale to
eminence at 2 o awe,
Rev. laible Study Class
meets this week p,t. the home of Mrs.
Mrs. W. Drown, wife of the choir
leader, ehtertairied the members of
oir at her home last Thursday
Last Sunday being the allorld'd
TemPerance Sunday, the l'esson. was
crn temperance, after which Mrs. Jas,
Southcombe gave ea inost excellent.
temperance address which show-
ed a great deal of thought and
eare in its preparation and was
much appretiated by all who heard
Masters Fred. and Charlie Thomp-
son, members of the Ontario street.
8.-8., sang "The Fight Ts On," very
• Iteeitt
The pastor will preach at each
service net Sunday when his sub-
jects will be : In tle morning "Our
debt to the Heathen"; evening,
"Christ at the -door." The Lord's
Supper will be observed after the
'morning service.
Mr. Chard, who has been laboring
here the past week in the interests
of the W. 0. W., has succeeded in adde
ing to tee membership very material-
ly and on Monday evening a number
were admitted to the mysteries of
Woodcraft. There • are more still on
the way so that 'considerable addi-
tional work will devolve upon the 0-
tablo Clerk, Mr. T. 'Cottle.
Do not forget the Collegiate en-
tertainment on Thursday evening
next. The Toronto Saturday Night
psaryogsraenf;W: alter Gordon Craig who
will furnish t•he major part of the
"In .his Scotch readings, more es-
pecially in 'Saunders McGlasban's
Courtship,' he made a . decided hit ;
indeed it may be doubted whether
that pawky piece of genuine Scotch
tumor has ever before received a bet-
ter interpretation in Toronto. In re-
sponse to an encore Mr: Craig gave
'She Liked Him Rale Weel,' in' the
interpretationof which he was no
less successful, Judging from the
marked success which attended his
efforts, Mr. Craig has e bright future
before hina"
•The. Woodmen won from the (J. O.
F. at carpet balls on Friday evening
las.tbisit: on Monday lost to the A. O.
F. the rinks and sedres being as
• W. 0. W. C. 0,F.
J. B. Hoover J. Finch
J. pair • M. Graelis
a Crich • M. McEwen
T. Cottle (16 N. Cote (18).
W. Ladd
0, Witt Pja. hiaSnzshioeinprpar'd . •
R. Sweet
G. Cook (20) G. David (8) •
a.10, CrichW.°. W Ve. C. Brown
selootintlaen .caCookok
F. Young (15) F: W. Evans (13)
.ALa, dBd• Fremlin
R. Bell Watts .
G. Cook A. Cuchnore
0. Wats (13) J: Appleby (1.7) •
On Thursday last Mr. Honey Mire
shall ,appeared to he in bieeisual
healthabut while sitting at thd. fire-
side in the evening be suddenly ' be-
came ill and ten minutes later his
spirit had fled. , Heart failure was
the Cause of his abrupt . deperture,
Mr.. Marshall was born in County
Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1832 and fif-
ty-nine years ago located in el -oder --
Leh township where he carried on
farming for ' number •-of jeers.
Thirty-two years -ego Mrs. Marshall
died and Melee then he livea chiefly
in Clinton but, at intervals, paid
long visits to his five children who
are residing in Vancouver B. C.,
William, John, Fiebeet, James and.
Mrs. Robert Smith,and his daughter
Mrs. W. J. Young at Moosejaw, Sask.
Late in September list he. returned
from, an elev.ee-months'• visit to 'Van-
couver and since then appeared to be
in the enjoyment, of perfect health for
one of his advanced years. He resid-
ed mostly with his nephew, Mr. Wil-
liam Marshall, at whose home he
passed .away and from whence the
furieral took place on Saturday after-
noon, interment being made in Clin-
ton cenietery. The services at house
and -graveside were conducted by Rev.
W. J; Jolliffe while the Pallbearers
Were ; Robert • Marshal,, Alex. El-
liott, S. G. Castle, Henry Joyner,
Thos. Trick and David Beacom.
On Wednesday of last week a wom-
an who has been passing as Mrs, Joe
Barber left town suddenly for Owen
Sound, taking her two-year-old daugh-
ter and a well-filled trunk add 'ewe
Mr, Barber did not know that she in-
• tended leaving him and on his return
from work was first surprised and
tben downright mad. He posted, off
to Police Magistrate Andrews and
asked for a warrant for her arrest
for theft, claiming that she had tak-
en articles which/. were bis property.
:The warrant was issued gad Ser-
geant Welsh left 'ay the firet train for
Owen Sound to/execute it. He re-
turned :next day with the woman and
on Friday afternoche the hearing took
place which revealed unsavory de-
tails. The *defendant admitted that
at sixteen years of age she had been
married at Slineoe to a man who
and left her, when she went to live
with a mae named Gamble whom she
deserted for Barber and to Camel°
leqt week• she returned. .1.3y the way
Gamble came down with her frorre
Owen Sound and was present 4 the
trial. A search of the woman's box-
es brought forth three or four dollar
worth of stuff which did not belong
to her and tha P.M. could not but
And her guilty, but, taking .into con-
sideration that she is not yet nine-
teen year el age, be talked lo- her
like a "Dtiteh 'Uncle," and, point-
ing out that the road she has been
traVelling *is broad yet very, very
slippery, he' bade her "Go and sin no
more"—in other words he let her go
on suspended sentence.
Mr. ThOe. McNeil has sold his how
on. Isaac street to Mr. J. woolly
who la already in possession. Mr.
and Mrs. MeNeil will reside for a
time in the French cottage On Town-
send street recently occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Taylor.
The Ladies' Guild regular monthly
tea will be- held on the afternoon of
Thursday next instead of Tuesday,
when a few articles not sold at the
bazaar will be apposed of.
A week ago ,Sunday at the evening
service, a duet -was rendered by
alessrs. T. Jackson Jr. and Stewart
Jackson. Stewart also sang a solo,
both 'being much appreciated by all
who heard them.
In a letter received by Miss Floe-,
ence Cunningham the other day, Miss
Edith ITodgins, who is now in Tor-
onto, tells of a pleasant evening
spent at the home of the Misses Ida
and Louise alohnes, in Palmerston
Doul., which was a veritable re -union
of Clinton girls. Among those pres-
ent were : Miss Lucile Grant, Miss
Edith Jolliffe, Misses Olive and Edna
Cooper, Miss Sybil Courtice, Miss
May Armstrong, Miss Bessie Glen,
Miss Kate Ross and Miss Edith Hod-
• Mr, Walkinshaw, well known to all
who frequent the postoffice, on Tues-
day celebrated his seventy-second
birthday, Mr. Walkinshaw has been a
resident of Clinton for some fourteen
years, five of which he has been in
charge of the postoffiee
is at .present in the hos-
pital, having undergone an operation
last week, and at time of writing is
in a somewhat weak condition. His
many friends, hewever, ampe that his
recovery will' be rapid, and that be
will live to see many happa returns
of his birthday.
Mr. A, Cantelen has completed the
reservoir and is the first contractor
to finish though he claims to have
had 'the most difficult job of them all.
The reservoir is of circular forrn and
42 feet in . diameter, The walls are
11 .feet -high, the AmconcaYe and • •
the roof dome shaped. The centre HUGH miss GOES FAXMING...'
colenin is 15 feet eigh and the roof is . — —
supported by 9 columns, 04, arches Hugh Boss bas rented ' the.
Sanderson property just • north of'
and 8 beams, • reinforced' -"With iron
town of weieh he takes • poss.ession.
rods, • triangle wire and expabbelemete shortly,. It consiets of a comfortable
al. The reservoir will hold' 60,000
New Advertisements
A Christmas Gift -5
For Sale -11. Cantelort-5
Our Specials—W. Walker -4
Bylaw 7-11. L. Macpherson -3
22 Suits for $18—M. 0.-1
Announcement—Couch & Co. -4
Dairy Cows Wanted—B, Churcleill-5
Has Not Missed" n Single
Meeting of the Count*.
Mayor Wiltse Announces,
His Retirement*
Clinton, Dec. 2nd, 1909e.
To the Electors,—I take this meth-
od of informing you that I will not
again be a candidate for the Mayor-
alty. For six' years you have given.
rne your conffilence and support, and
although I have not always been abbe •
to see eye to eye with you all, 1 feel '
you will give me credit for • doing
what I believed to be in the best in-
terests of our town. To those wbo.
have pa:filtered me 'heir support should.
I offer myself for re-election, I re-
turn my sincere thanks; and as far
as Municipal life is concerned, 1 will
now say adieu. Wishing you one and
all the compliments of the approach-
ing festive season, I remain,
• Yours truly,
house . good stabling and egt 'acres:
gallons of water and the whole work ' ih
• . . •
ex -
reflects much credit on the contractor of land • so that it is somewhat
and Engineer Greenwood.
, pected that Mr. Roes will deVelonan-
to a poultry fancier and devote at,
In addition to the reservoir Mrleast his spare hours to the raising'
Centel= has:built concrete manholes of early birds eor the best market.
for cleaning out the Overflow drains ) -
and a concrete :chamber • around the TWO BROTHERS ADMITTED.
stop valees. and has dug 800 feet of 1 Two brothers named. Stafford frinie
ditch of an averegc depth Of eiglYt. MeKillop, James and John, aged
feet,' . .. - - - . . . .1 fi0 and 68, respectively,' were added
ALL IN SIGHT. . ' e . to the House' of . Refuge tell , lait
' :week, a third • brother being enstru-
The Bauseels Gun Club Tourearheet," mental in having
them Omitted. -
held Nov. 24th and 25th, was atterid- The Provincial Inspector, DreBruce . .
bysrdm•je. 0! our Hoveylcoacrarliedsh000tttearsl
visit toth
tli°, !TeIllotuon
°ee paTiddeaslida
the principal ptizea, winning the
Wessels handicap With a score of 37 took occasion to say that everything
out 0!° , i long .. is ance c env .. tinanagaepnipelnet, pin.ie goenrdereari aizsidofthtahtp. 1-3erthe_
Pionship with 'a score of 45 oat of .fect order. .
50, and ist Peize in the ellerehandiee •I •
event, scoring 60 straight. He also •A BIG 'WHITE STEER..
won high average of alt targets shot 1
year ' ago •11'.: Fitzeimmons • mat
at. 4Ir. Ilovey •is exceedingly modest '
Son bought a . white steer,. a grade.
over his vietoryi anti enly .those es -
Shorthorn, tWo years old, from alenrye
pecially favored: have seen the traph-
:Sterling of Goderich township. • It
fes won, evidch are very handsOme, 1
. lVfessrs. J. Dodde • and J. E.' Pail- Naas. ... aa !hie looking, animal and . neer
poi ho i ito9oveta fer the :
telon. also attended the shoot, and
ucteacnitterd t a r a 19 a . Guelph 3,10t
each succeeded in carrying sa a good ",'
for some time have been preparinq
pxize. Bat "Shorty" says he's all
it for t comPetitiona In the last
out of Pradtice.. • 1 : - • .
t , ths it has gained 230. pounds
and, no ais the bean' at 1680. Neat.
• IIVIonday Mr, Harry Fitzsimmons AA-
• On Monday evening Iasi, Mr. Wile es the big .steer to the Fair anewilli
liamJackson, president .of the Lawn probably -be in the city the greater*
Bawling Club, threw open his spade part of the week, the Fair having
ous residence "Carview" to the many attractions for a live stockmani
members of the Club on the occasion ' like Harry.
of the third annual. bee/ling ty, •
The bowlers, to the number of%f THE PASSING OF MRS. HANLON-- .
odd, met at th6 town hall and . pre- 1 The death took place last Monday,
ceded by a piper in full Highland re, night at her late residence in Prince--;
galia matched to Mr. Jackson's home. ton, hear Woodstock,- of Mrs. ' Ara&
The first part of the evening was Hanlon, wife of Mr. John Hanlon ot
spent in peogeessive euchre in the the village, :
forni of a contest between the North The late Mrs. Hanlon was born he
and South, the representatives of the Seethed, 72 years ago, but hai 1i -
North winning by six points. The ed in Princeton for many years.
versatile Mr.. James Fair then con- where she -was a eighty respected at-
tributed several song and dance num- lzen. She was a woman of maey ea -
bore, hiS beautiful Tenore Leggier°. thimble qualities acid was Lela in:
enrapturing the delighted bowlers l high esteem by alt who knew her.
his recitation of "Asleep at. the She leaves to mourn their less, ber
Switch" or "The Beauties of , the husband and two sons, Rev. Father
Goderich Road by Moonlight" also nanion, pastor of St. Joseget
aroused glint enthusiasm. SuePer church, Clinton, and William of Lon-.
was then served after which the taro don. .,.
gentlemen agriculturists, Messrs. D. • • The funeral took plo.ce Wednesday;
Forrester and Ja leansford, provided morning from her ,late .resicle:te •tie
an agreeable half hour with aseours- St. Mary's church, Woodstock* u•herp. •
ea on "Bunco Steers I Mee Known." her son, Rev, Father Haulm, sang:
The host himself was then prevailed the solemn High Mass at 10.30'
uponto give hie Classic "Old • Mack •0'-elock, and was assisted by 'Rev..
Joe" end as the plaintive, welcalY Father MeEpon, Chancellor or the%
rose and tell—principally fell—etrong Diocese, pastor of St. Mary's chirrele,
enietion manifested itself througholit London, as Deacon of the \Lisa, anal
the gathering. After • several roueleg
thoruses and three cheers ;end A Vger Rev. Father Egan, pastor of the Int--
proceeded to their homes, ine piper roster acted as Master of faeremealitat"
for the host and hostess; .b� 1)owlets, maculate Conception church,. Stratr-
ford ' 'aS Subtletieon. .11eV. rather.
o 3
again yuptow
nhpwlaayingtaeenee.ee,test 01 ...min and Very" Rev. Father aylwardaacee
tor of St. Peter's Cathtdraf, London,.
••Sinee the above was put into.tylm delivered the funeral oration.
a second report has sonie n whkit The host el friends in Clinton *Pa'
appears nn. page 4. It is by a gentle- throughout the ("minty of Rea. rather*
Man who is well and widely enowe Hanlon wilt most sincerely smooth
and whose contributions to the press ise with him in the great loss wide*
are always rend with interest. he has sustained,