HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-25, Page 8Novembet 25th 19491
Man ggart Oros.
- - H. T. RANCE. - -
OYFICE-Sloa.sie •Bler.k-C1
Conveyancers, Commissioners,
Real Estate and Insurance
Agency. Money to loan. ......
L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S.
Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night
calls at front door of office or at
residence on Rattenbury street.
e—DR. J. W. SBIAW---.
Special attention given to dis-
eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and
Eyes carefully examined and suitable
glasses prescribed.
Office and residence : 2 doors west of
the Commercial Hotel, Huron St.:.
-DR. F. A. AXON. -
(Successor to Dr. Holmes.)
Specialist in rown and Bridge
Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor
graduate of University of Toronto
Dental Department. Graduate of the
Chicago College of Dental Surgery
Will be at the Commercial hotel
Bayfield, every Monday from 10.a. m.
to 5 p. m. -
R. e.'SY'keT. Em.,1
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows:
Going East 7.35 a. m.
II It 3.07 p.m.
5.15 p. m.
11.07 a. In.
1.25 p. m.
.-40J p.m.
11.28 p. m.
Going South 7.50 a. In.
4.23 p. m.
11.00 a. m.
6.35 p. m.
' It II
Going North
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
Inteitiy ascertain our oalnion free whether an
Invention to probably patentable COnneutilea.
Vona striettyeenadential. HANDBOOK on Patents
dent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. ,
Patente taken through Diann Ft CO. receive
special neffid, without charge. in the
A handsomely illustrated weekly,Largest etr.
viands of any scientific journal. Tertna.fOr
,lona1a,51.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sole. by
co 361Broadway, Mew vork
Ogee. 6'2.5 V St.. Washingt(n. 1). C.
'De Best in Current Literature
I a cOMPUTE NoVeLet Yeast/et
$2.50 Pan YEAR i 25 clad A COPY
EVER', NUIVIEISel teeeiliaLere tra ittieee
Business & Shorthand
waxers -
Resident and Mail Courses
Cateleaess Free
J. W. Westervelt, J. W. Weseevelt, in,
Principal. Vice-Principel.
Othbv Room
Fancy Buffet -Large Mirroe, Long
. Linen Drawer, reg. $25.00.
Extension Table -Quarter Vet Oak
Finish, round or 'square, reg. $10.
SiX Chairs -1 Large Ai'm Chair and
5 small chairs, seated with leather,.
reg. $16,.00.
FOR 847.50.
J. H,• Ohellew
Kier Apples .
• Small sound apples wanted
. by -the undersigned for
• maing cider. Highest
• market price paid. Deliver
at Ford & McLeod's ware-
house at the G.T.-R. tracks.
May be largely asseeased by knowing the
exact conga». ef fare tarmer's market,
and by learaiag et the boat method in
farm practise. 'Tisk is rotieely the
aort of icrferasatias Mee liParseate Weekly
Sun gives in sew item. k Lae so weal
as a /armee* Pareareas Paper. • Good
farmers slily ea it. Par pairia sea our
slabbing eta. '
Kidney -a n (I; Liver Medicated Pada
Cure by.nbsorption through .pores of
the .Skin end Neryes, Kidney and Urin-
ary, WeaknesS, .Children bed wetting,
Pains in back; Lumbago, Rheumatic;
Neuralgic, by their soothing strength-
ening effects..
. . .
Liver and Stomach. Indigestion, tonstipation,
Sallow •coplexion . and all 'Liver and Stomach
complaints. Men, Women and Children are ben-
efitted alike; Female Weakness, priM-less to those'
'desiring regularity. Price should be $2, but to
anickly introduce will man one pair for $1,.
Order to -day, this cheap reliable treatment.
The'Medtcsited Pad Co., WiNnsen ONT.. Cipt.
' ettoneer. for the counties of Huron
and Perth. -.Correspendened prompt-
ly anewered: Immediate a.rraeree-
ments can be inede forsale dates at
Tho News -Record, Clinton, or by
calling phone 07,' Seeforilt. Charges
moderate and satiefaetion gua,rin-
teed. '
The MeKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Comeau
-Farm and Iaolated Town, Property-
-Only ,Insuted- :
J. B. McLean, President, Sealorth P
0..; Thos. Fraser Vice-Preside1.!.
Brucefield Hays, Sec.
Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0.
=Directors -
William Shcsney, Seaforth ; Joh
Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Sea
forth; John Watt, Harloek ; John
l3enneWies," Brodhagin ; James Evan
Beechwood; James Connolly,
• Holmesville.
Robert Smith, Harlock ; i. !lin-
chley, Seatorth ; James Cumming
Egmondeille; J. W. • Yea. Holmes!.
Paa4ies desirous to •effeet insurance
or ttansa.ct Other business will be
promptly attended to on applicatio
to any of the above officers addressed
to their respective poetoffices. Losse
inspected by •the director who live,
nearest the scene.
Clinton News -Record
Terms �f SuliseriptiOn-$1 pet year in
• advance $1.50 may he charged • if
not so paid. No paper discontinued
• until an arecars are paid, mikes' at
the opinien of the publisher, The
date to which every subseription is
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Advertising ratei-Transirnt, adver-
tisement, 10 cents per nOtipariel
lino for first insertion and 3 cents
per line for each subsequent insert:.
ion. Small advertitements not to
• exceed one inch, such as • ""Lost,"
"Strayed,", or "Stolete" etc., in-
serted once for 35 cents and •mob
subscauent insertion 10 cents.
Communications int:laded for public:a-
tion must, as a guarantee of good
• faith, be aCeoMpanied by tbe name
of the writer.
W. J. mrrattrzt,
Editor and rroprietT%
custom Itiovro.1114*.r41
there.' Indeed, he seemed more von-
cernee SS to what Kirkwood. au older
man, would he thinking to see hint so
endeared and fondled than Moved by
any other emotion. Kirkwood could
see die shnmefaced, sidelong glances
and despised -him properly for thetn.
But without ottending to his re-
sponse Mrs. Hallam rattled on In the
uneven occents of excitementet
waited until I couldn't wait any long-
er, Preddie, dear. 1 bad to enow, had
to come. Eccles came home about 0
and said that you had told Lim to wait
outside, that some one 'inel followed
you In bere and .that a• bobby had told
hint to 'twee on. 1 didn't know what"-
"Whet's o'clock now?" her son ieter-
"It's about 3, 1 think. Have you hurt
yourself, dear?' Oh, vrby didn't you
come home? You must have knowu
was dying of anxiety!'
"Oh, I say! Can't you soe I'm hurt?
Had a nasty fall and must 've been
asleep ever since."
"My precious one! How" -
"Can't say, hardly. I say, don't paw
a chap so,. mamma. I brought Eccles
*along and told him to wait, because -
well, because I didn't feel so much Ilee
ehutthe myself up In ibis beastly old
tomb. • So 1 left the door ajar and told
"Llizve you 114ert yourself, clear?" •
hint not to let anyhtady crime in. Then
I caine'upstairs. There•must 've'been
somebody 'alretidy in the house. • I
'know 1.,tbought -thee was.. It made
me feel creepy rather. At any rate, I
heard voices down .helow, nod the door
banged, and somebody began hatnnien,
In' like fun on the knocker."
.•Tbe boy.paused, rolling an embar-
rassed eye up at the Stranger... ••
"Yes, yds, dear!" Mrs. Halle ni.urged
hire en.. •
• "Why, qt)..tny. mind to cue
• nay stick -let whoever if was paseme
on thestair, yem .Iluow. But hel
Iowed the 'and struck nw, 11 Mt teen I
premed at bine tied we beth fell down
the. whole' flight. And that's all: De -
Odes; my • head's lichee, like ' every-
thing." - • , • •
"But this eine"- • ,
Mrs. Halkina looked, up at Kirkwood,
• who bowed eilently, struggling to hide,
both his amusement and perplexity. •
"You, Mr. Kirkwood!'" •
•,Again.he bowed, griunieg•aWry.
She rose suddenly. eYou, will be
geed 'enougb , to explain your presence
.here," she informed hltn, iv.itleclanger-
-MIS serenity.
"To be frank with you" -
"1 advise that course. Mr., Kirk,
"Thanks. riwrly. I, came • here half
an hour ago looking for a lost purse,
full -well, not quite full of sovereigns.
It Was. my purse, by the.wity," '
'f3uspicion glinted like fortire in the
cold green eyes beneath her puckered
'brows. "I: do not understand."' she
Said; slowly and In level tones.
"I didn't . expect you to," returned
Kirkwood.. ,"Ne more de 1. But, any-
way, It nnist'be dear to yen that. I've
done my hest for this gentleman here."
He •paused, with .an ioterrogative lift
of his eyebrows..
"This gentleman' te my' son. Fred.
erick Hallam. But you Will explain". --i
"Pardon me,; Mrs., Hellion; I shall
explain nothing at present. permit '
Me to point out that your position here
mine-eis,• to any the least, anotn-.
alone," , The random .stroke told, as
he could tell by the instant conferments
of her eyes of a eat. "It would be best
te defer explanations till a, more eon-
Venient time, don't -you think? Then,
If you like. we. min chant confidences
In an antiphonal eltorus, Jtjst time
yoer-er-son Is not enjoeing himself'
npperently, nnd t ;Mention of the
pollee had bek not be called to this
houseton often in one night."'
nig levity seemed. to displenee and
perturb the woman. ' She turned from
him, with an -impatient movement of
her elemidetti. -
• "Freddie, dear, do you feel tilde to
"Eh? Oh, I (inr)'. sty --1 don't know
Wonder would your friend --1111--,111e
Mrkwood. lend me ne nem'?"
"Chereital," Kirkwovil defile -tie)
tionvely', "if you'll take 1 110 ennille, Mrse
"One moment." she. interposed in
•confusion. "1' won't keep you .wait-
ing." And, passing, with nti averted
fnee, she ran meekly umenirs to the
eeeond Inking -the lae with her.
Its glow fettled, from the walls filmy°,
end Kirkwood surnileed Butt she lied
entered,, the, front laidelinmher. For
some mitmente he could henr her nune
leg about. Once something scrapetl
told bumped On ille floor, as n heavy
bit of furniture had been Moved
Again there. was a reeounding thud
tbat doled speeulation, mei this eels
presently followed by a dull elmig of .
Eventually -it was not really long -
there came the tilatek ruelt of Irs
lIallanfo foot along the tippet. hall
and the wotnan reappeared, ene hand
bolding her skirt's clear of her pretty
feet as she descended In a rush that
caused the candle's ilame to Melee
lialfwny down "Mr. Kirkwood!" she
caned tetepestuously.
"Didn't you find 10" be countered
She stopped jerkily nt the bottotn.
and after a moment of confusion "Find
what. sir?" she trseeti
"Wbat you sought, Mrs. Italia m."
Sinning. he bore iinflinelting the pro-
longed inspection of ber eyes. at once
somber with doubt 01 1(1111 end 'flashing
with indignation [Wen Intl.,: of his- lawn-
)11 knew 1 wouldn't. find 11, then.
aidtvt you?"
"I tnay • have suspected you
wouoldwbe il'tt."
Nwas sure that elle bad been
searching for the gindsione bug. That
evidently was the belie of contention.
Calendar hod sent his aeughter for it,
Mrs. Ilanant her on Dorothy had
been suacessful. Rut. o0. the other
hand, Calendar and M re. Hallam were
.unquestionaley nines Wile,. thee—
" W'bere le it, NI r. Kirkwood?"
"Aladero, have you the eight to
• Through planter lengthening pause
while they faced each other he mark-
' ed ugain the curious contraction of her
"1 • have the right," she declared
steadily. eWliere Is it?
'"Ilow. can I be etire?"
**Teen you don't know!"
"Indeed," be interrupted, "1 would
be glad to feel that 1 ought to. tell you
what I know," .
• "What you know!" ,
Tlie 'exclamation, low .spoken, • more
an echo of her thaughts than Mtended
for., Kirkwood, was etwornotteied by a
little shake.of the woman's bead, mute'
evidence to .the fact that she was be-
wildered by his tinesee. And this de-
lighted the young man beyond meas-
ure, making him feel hitneelf master
,of .a difficult situ:Ohm,
. The woman vtould have. led again,
but young Hallam • cut in .none too'
courteously: •
""I sey, menena. it's no good stand-
in' here pela vcsrin like a l�t or fiats
Besides. I'm a wily knoekell up. .t.et'a
get home..and Intve it Out there."
. Instantly his mother softened. "My
poor boy! Of .course weli go."
"As they peeked_ nue Kirkwood shut:
the door. and 'at the same Momentflit.
little party Was. Ifrought Up standing
.by a gruff ami anthoriettive sufmtionte
"Just a minute. please, you thereri •
"A hal" said Kirk wend so himself
"I. thought so. And .100 halted in tin•
feigned reepecit for' (he burly and -irn•
pregsive figui•e, garbed tit. blue ak
brass, barring. the Way to the ear.
• riage..
• :NIES; Haile Ili SilOWNI less .deferencE
ter the ohetreetionlet, aseumed
hauteur and trotintienee 'of her posE
W000 a rtfulle :refleeted. in her ireiee fl
she roiinded open the bobby. with -or
Indignant demand, is the inea0.
• ing of thig, officer?" .
"Precisely whet '1 wants to kilow
men ne" returned:the• Mate uneieldins
beneath his eeepeeteni ettitude. "Pe
obliged to ask you to tell me what yot
Were doing. in 1 bat eniSe. And weate
the -matter' with thie, 'eye gentleman?'
he added, with- a dubious, stere nt
young bandaged head anc.
rumpled clothing ,
"Perhaps you (Inlet understend," 11(1
milted Mrs. Hallam sweetly. • °Cla
ceurse-I see -it's. perfectly ...tentufal
The house' has. been" shirt up for scent
time and"— . • .
"Thank you. ma'am, that's. just . It
There was something wrong going or
early 111' the evening, and I was tole
to keep an eye on the premises. WE
duty, ma'am. I've got •my report t(
"The house." said Mrs,. flannel. witt
the long !Mitering patience of one ellt
cidating•ft perfectly plain propositiot
to a being of n. lower 'order of' intenl.
genee, "is the property' of My son
Arthur Frealerielt. Burgoyne Hunan
of Cornwell. Thee Is" -
"Beg ptirdon. ma'am. but. 1 was •tok
Colonel George Burgoyne. of Corn
"Colonel Burgoyne died Pottle tini.
• ago. . My eon Is his heir. This es tm
son: .Ile crime to the honSe this even
Ing to get some property lie desirei
and, it seems, tripped on the stalre
fell• unconselomt 1 became worrlef
elootit TAM end drove over, tweom
nntiled be my friene ir. Kirk:weed'
- The eolleeinati looked • his treelike
state of mind anti %yenned a doubtfu
head • over the 'enSfi 'neve, weebit
duty. end 'there WTI 8. opposed to it,t10
feet thet.till three .were gnrhett in tin
livery be ow tp
• At length,•threleg to the arleer, ie
demanded Tem:eyed mid • noted in hit
memoratelern 1)6..1( the ileenee thimbei
of the equipage.
'It's n very weenie! (elev. littl*ttln,'
hio ttnilloglAO, "1 'oni,s )1:n Won't "rile
11 attainet me, len only trying te„d(
tny ditte".e
'Anil safeguard ellf tIorerty. • Vet
ere 'porter:fly ilk'
".1.11n it It yeti. L))!1'11 10. would.yot
mind giving ititoyeur Puede, please, al
of -you?"
"Cevtabily net " hegitatiot
the ivoluitn1 (4(11* n hand lrig, rron
the sent of the em•rie.:e end predneet
a reed. Tier *eye I:1:1w I. o relied leo
Cage and handed lie, 0::10er obliais
"l'i'e Tin 0;1 1414 WW1 Mo." II1P Airier!
Pan told the polleemen. "My name
however. k Kirk weed. ned
.stnying et the Ness."
"VP** gotel. ehe thank yen"
21200 penciled tlie I11form0!1:1e. iti id
itttle hook, eft you, nn;
Mt I 1:1 flit lit 1:1i- Ila t
1,0illtet! 1,11„ to s',0 itioptiing
trennitl Noting int
the (.80)1;) g", 1.,,t1ve Mrs lianale hi
Itatid alai follwved her. Tiic man I.
4.104 81.11/1 tioor, it:miming the tee,
beehle the shiver. Immediately tho
trete. in million.
' CliArelalt XII.
•'-‘ Elia A iiierleati got n Med glimpse
ot the bobby, swilling 11) trail
a NO. :ii Vile:min street aml
prof01111C1.1111;:liti•litel•glailiiiitty'!" "ili-iliti. 1:111"ii t*01
W()0(1'$ sympathy therein bill he had
little Bine to feet with him. for Airs
Hallett' Bulled upon hen very sui-
:11::1;. Kirkwood, win you be good
enough to tl me vle and went yet::7
The young num sinfleti his teimely,,
candid smile. "I'll ht. only too glad.
Mrs. Hallam. when I feel sere you'll
de as emelt for yi myself."
She gave him no answer. It wnS ns
if sbe were choosing words. Kirk-
wood braced himself to meet the
storm, but 11011P tiliSllSti Tin.rt, WttS
rather a lull, whiell stymie itself nut
Indefinitely to the monotonous music
Of ltnati (HA rtittn,r 11008
The earringe stopped [wrote 0 house
with lighted windows. Beene; jumped
down .front the box and scurried t(i
open the fi•oot door, •
• They were returned to Craven street,
"Oue more hip round t he 1 re (-kr inugetl
Kii•kwood. "Wonder will the next
take tne back to Bermondsey Old
'St•Allitrs'"Mrs.' Hal:lanes direetion. Eecies
tiSilOreti 111111 . hlto t110 SITIOkIllg Minn,
en the ground floor in the reir of the
dwelling, there to Walt while" she
helped her son upstairs toni tit bed
Ile ..sighiel with pleasure •at first
glimpse of- its luxurione but lefortnal
comforts ond threw lilinSielf carelesaly
into a twaVily padded :lotinging eimir.
dropping one enee over the other and
lighting the last of his einenSive ;
eigars with it sensation of undiluted
gratitude. as 011e cenning to lest in the
abadoW ..rf a great rock io • n' weary
:land. , Ile wag very sleepy.
Through the halls, on the • stairs.
there were.. liurryinge 'end- seurryings.
• of .feet Sind skirts,.eoufeSed With time
Merin voices:: Presently, iii an lid!
joining, room. :Mien Kirk world heard
a • inaideerrant ivsestlitig ,hopefulle
with - that most exaeperating of mod
ern..tiene 'saying devices. the telepluire
as countenanced by our Mintitsh Nam.
Ins. .IIor- patietwe n nd detertninatior
Won his-appruval, -bin availed nothing
for jeer purpose. In the outcome' tin
telephone: triumphed. end the . mak
gaveupthe uneeunt aontekt. •
Leter n butler elitered the moth, a'
short hilo sturdy tenon, extremely it
at eatie. Drawitig a 'small' taboret tc.
the side . of - K irk wond's. .clink, itt.
pieced theremi a tette, deferentially iin
parting the 'infortnatioh teei ."Mrs.
'Allan. eis thought 'ow as Me Kirk
wood might core - for ei bit-. et sup.
"Please thank Mee. Halinie for ale.''.
E.' irlt wend'S gr;tt i fleet 'eyes ranged tin.
laden teaY. There ,Were saildwiches•
• biscuit. cheese, and a: pot of, tenets cef.
li‘o,.. With -sugar . mid Cream:. "It wet
very .kindly thought of.'". he added.• •
e'Very good, ter; thenk y.ou, sir."
' • The man turned to gee sbefiling
sounq)ossiy. Kirkwood .was 50dde013
Impressed with •his evasiveness. :Evei
since he had entered the Nom ...his
countenance had 'seethed • tweed from
the ghost . • .. ' .
. ."Eveles!" he•called sharply at a ven-
The butler halted, • thtinderstruek.
'"Ye -es. S:sir!"'.... • •
. '"furn 'round. Eeele:s.. 1. wept a look
at you." .
Eecles.faced him unwillingly with a
stolid front, but shifty eyes. Kirk -
31 8 Kirkwood niaiiiireare tor 11.1,t)
wood glaticeil him up and duvet), glen
uhig •
'Theek you. Eccles .111 refitemme
you 11011' Yolfil ton
won't yen? You're ti had actor. nr4:111
you, Eleeles?"
. "Yes.' sle:„ thinly you. Sir." tnumbitee
the man unhappily and woe 11144111 111
telventa go of the permit:sem
to go. •
I n te n se I y diverted kg the 1444111)8',
ti011 ' illort attimipt to Kelp
Mtn at the door of No. 111111(1 womfer
bait. now that he mime to thitik of
why preekely young liana nt 11nd deem.
ed It necessary to trnvel With A 1gnly-
14.1111 111 end Adopt suet) furtive methods
' to enter into as well as to obtain what
wise siesertyll to by tile own proeerty,
ICItimouil turned eetive (M)'ntion to
the luntee
l'houghtfully be poured himself a
cup of velem., ewellowing it hot and
black as it veiny front the ellver pot,
then munched tbe sondwiehos,
It WitS kindly thought of, this early
morning repast.' Airs. Hallam seemed
more and more a remarkable woman
with enelt phase of her eimracter that
she those to diseloae At othfs whet
Win. slit. yet took: thin. to 1111118 Ilis
ereature needs Women. mi propound-
4.1‘1(11.(g)giiiiiitrill;r.e.itfill.t;;t1141171!):411)(Itilist;14'tP1(11(17.:Iiiiiiit:11:41'1'1311.110siti (1:1(14
owns of the sex on which he pro-
nounced this highly origited dlettun
entered the remit just Own, end lei
found himself tit otwe out of his cheir
and hie dream, howing'
"Mrs Hann 01 "
The woman neteledfeel smiled gra-
ciously. "Eeeles haa attended to your
heeds. I hope? Meese don't step smote
Mg." She sank into an ermeintir on
the other side (if the evert 0 mut prob-
ably bY tweident, out Of the rallitis 01:
illumination from Ilui lump. sitting
siden•Ise, one knee above the other, her
white arms immaculate against the
smelter. heel:proem! of (Timmer
She wile very handsome, indeed just
then, though ft keener light might.have
proved less flattering. '
"Now. Mr. Kitliwood?" she opened
bleakly, with 11 sepond intierette and
frkeelly nett. mei paused. her tiose rt'•
Kirkwood 801 down again, smiling
gone entered appreeiation of her no
"Your son, Mrs. EInllain"-
"011, Frodclitee doing well enteral
Freddie," she explained. "has a deli
mite constitution ancl has seen tittle of
the world , Snell melodrama us to
night's is tint to shock him severely
1Ve must melte ellowariees, Air Kire•
word. • 1 think," idie'seld dellberotele
"Ilini it ,IS wts e1111i0 to tin andel.-
Kirkwood agreed -"'1' es," a ffei Oly
"1 purpoge beieg perfeetly gtraight,
forwinalTo been] with. I don't eleee
yon. lJr Kirk word. Yon are an un-
known )100111113, n new bleier Wmot
you pleiniti tell ine what yen art. nod
you Mr. t'aliindar's?"
"1 thine I may ley 1111 to 1 11:1 1
nonor, Kirkwomee 10113•*
seeing things itoiliP little 10111111 18'$4
his. own part %wiled be essent lel if they::
1(11,10 hIni
2"1.040;, It.1(18.1glittln.0 071 711uk111311(11i1eY
meeting 11101 only t1118 a fterittein " •
bc Itti 111Pti her lirowS !wet' this
I assure you, is the.truth," he
Ireiglied. • • •
"But 1 reelly doart. Onderstand"
"Nor I, Mrs Ilnfluin. ' (7ale110r
aside, 1 em ['hide 16i.ltwood. Muer',
ett n, • resident a broad for eome yea rg;
a. native of' San -Francisem- pf 0. per-
tain -age, trammeled, by...profession a
po4);:niciia?1,u, ter," • .
_'..B..yond that? • I presume I. must
tell you, elumeh 'I.:confess .I'm. in
doubt." He hesitated, , weighing can-
dor in tbe. balance with discretion.. '
"Bet 'Who are yeti for? Aye you 10
George 'Calendar's pare"
; "13.eayen, ' forfend I" piously. • ."11Y
sole' interest at 'the eiresetit inoineet is
to unravel a most entraimihg !nye.
tery." •
"Entitled.. 'Dorothy .•Calendar,' • of
course. You're i'lhiown her lug".
"Eight, .hours, : • believe:"
ted gravely -"less thee Chat, In tact."
• "Miss Calendar's interests will not
suffer 'thrhugh anything eon mar tell
" "Whether they *wilt or no, I see 1
• moatswing a looser eengue or you'll be
showing 1110 tne emir." . ' .. •
The .ivoinan shoptf...0er :heed, enetised
"Not until'," she told hini eigoltleitotly.
'.'N'ery, well; then." A tid inemehed
into nu abridged narrative . of '-the
night's events as he oMierittood them,.
touching, :lightly bn ',hie own theme-
etrinees, the real poverty whice had.
brought .hite back to Craven street by
way Of ,Frognitil. "And there you
have it ale, Mrs. Elailerre" •
"It t so like Calendar," she etelairm
ee, "so 'like hina that one. sees how
foolish it wos . to trust-eno, not to•
mtg. OM 10zerreve-that Pe could
ever be thrown ort the scent one* lie
got nose to gruntal. So If we suffen
my son and, I, 1 trhali InIve only, :My-
self to thank!"
Kirk woe.) waited la patient 14011i -
tion till she cbose to continue. Wbeno
silo did, "Now for My vide Of OW
eaSe!" cried Mrs Hallam and,
began to pave the roam, her slender
and rounded ligure swaying gram -
fully the 1111110 she talked.
eft eortee Ca le rid ti r is a Scoundrel,' •
she said, "a switicilet, gatnbler-what
believe you Americans call a ceell-
denee men Meet; also any late hue- .
band's liNt cousin Same years sirsee
he foneo 11 vow...teem to lett 00 Eng: -
land, likewise his wife and daughter.
!tire Coletider-ht countrywoman or
ours, by Me bye --died shortly after-
ward Iforethy, by the merest aeci-
dent, obtained a situation as privato
seerebtry 1I9' household of the late
cidonel Durgoyne of The Cliffs,' Corn-
well eon fellow ine?"
"Yee, fierfoi•tly."
"Colonel ;Burgoyne died.. leaving his
estates to' my son, some thee apfe
Shortly afterward !timothy Calendar
disappeared We.. know now Hint her
fattier melt lier away, Me then tbe
cl lea p pen ra itee seelned inexpileabie,,
espeeially sieve with lier vtinished a
great deal of valuable information.
She alone ,knew ot the Mention el cer-
tain of the old eol(mers persona) ef-
"Ifo was an ecventric. One of his
peculiarities Weaved the stiertiting of
valuables in odd platys.. Ile had no
faith In benks. Among these valua-
bles were the Burgoyne family jewels
e-cialte a treasure, believe . me, Mr_
*Kirkwood, We found no note of the'
Old Tree Gone;
Vaneeuver's .historie old Balm .or -
Gilead tree, to .which Lewis and Clark •
ere Said tO have tied their canoe 111
3605, and which marked the landing
Point' of the Huebion Bay •Co.: ot fur
traders li;:s fallen a victim
to the waters of 'the Columbialtiver.
This eld -tree, whinh eitood on -Cho
bank. of. the. 4viir lit the foet of .Main
Street, Whit WO starting point for. all
early survoya (lurk county .and
the - western ',tethers 'of - Wasl,ingtori
state. It marked thc point where the
city Ihnits jOined the military. reser-
vation.-• The tree washeld in veuera-
tion' by Vancouver people and peopll..
all over the Paella! .1sorthwest ' whe
'took aft interest in 'matters Of •historie
hip:test. The tree was about five feet
te diameter at its bese" and 'was 75:
feet.high, 'being :Mlle, 50feet across
at its crown.- A *copper. railroad spike -
is said' to have been driven into :thee
tree, and it was from this point an'
surveys began. This spike. is now
grown ever:, but it is likelythatit will
be chopped out and kept in the are
Olives :of the .city. -•
IN llS 0113 AGE.
Gin,Pillis cured him.
Annafealis;'N.S., May 14, 1009_
I am over 80 years of age.. and have
been suffering from ICidney and Bladder
treuhle for fifteen year's. I took doctor's.
medicine but got no help. I Want to
thank you for sending tie fhe sample box .
of Gin.Pilli, weich helped me,
I have taken six boxes Of Girt Pills alto-,
gether but got relief before I liad taken '
near that sentient; I had to get, up
some nights every fifteeit minutes and
'had to use an instrumetit before I cella
urinate. Now, I can lie in bed four or
five hours without getting up. I can say -
that Gin Pills havenearly cured me and
shall always ,keep a boat la the house..
Thanking you for our timely help, I
am your sincere friend".and well-wisher, '
And all as a result of sending fora free
taniple box of Gin Pills. -
Do you suffer with your Kidneys or
• Bladder? Send to the National Drug
& Chemical Co. of Canada (Dept. A).
Toronto,'ancl get a sample free by return
mail. Regular size, at all stores, 50e. a.
box -or 6 for $2.50,
Available Beds in the. uskoka Free Hocpital for
Consumptives .Increased *Three -Fold as a Result or
Last Year's Sale of Christmas Stamps., The Number ,
Can Be Doubled This Year If Everyone Will Help.,
LJ the succees of a
year ago theNatiopal
.Stotitarinni Aesticia-
• teen have nettle large
preparations for the
sale of the Christmes
Stamp of 1000-10, is-
ateel eh behalf 9f the
.Muskoka, Free Hos-
t OW 'for Coesump,
Nearly $0,000.00 was netted from
last yetteer sale, making it poesible for
the trnstee$ to increase the available
beds for needy patients Loin an aver-
age 0 t fin y -five, ft year ago to .600
hundred and foetyi the aceemmodation
to -day.
The trustees are.ltepeftil that theY
Mar 1111 og t lie . tleeointoodat ;On
8011)MS as the 011100m0 of rids. arena's
sale of this httle one centmessenger
of hope d irea 1 i
The Christmas Stamp, as ft ItWallS'Of
fighting: 010 WilitO plattne,
Its origin in Dehuterk in 11114, the stile
front which juts financed a 1)081)1 (id for
eolunimptiVes in that eounteee The
idea WAS taken up by the Reit Cross
i-lociety of the 'fruited Statee in Nei,
end interest lets growe each yew.,
A pate ngo 8. Christinas stamp of
epeelalilesleee,ivits. put in. eiecolathin..
'11,1110ef12skolte' Eteei Ifespital foe
eiestionittives with 1 he iniecess aleteuty
Indicated in thiEeertielte,
. •
The 11.01(0 01 !le iteliviehmt steterois
:silly one emit, dint .eliat, woodereiii
thim.rs can In aceomplishiel 113' 80 tiny
)11 1)181 4111411' 01. 10/.0 is TM
why everyone whit writes aim lel', ,
a.idres,,ii.s malls 8 UPWs-
rain.r. or parcel from this 'day out
shoulil not one of. these -atampe.
Tit 1 0 Imeiti mai value of the stamp
rippeariegoti every piece of mail 1118)-
1)0 tented 0 1 ehnertions, One pot
!Pestle (teem! vet the material resells,
IL would:11110811 .4.10utin3 o tile enemy
Tuberculosis that W011id briftg hope
and joy and gladness to thousainds of
homes and connnunities in till parts of
Tile let n ka, 'depart 1110121 111 ore5.
drug stores, hook awl statinuerir
st ores and minty other stores w 111 ell
t leen. "Nrontenet elnite (detach orgetrie
eit ions, 011)1C einsses and Sentley
sehools, • pulite4 schools, tine mem?
other- (meet oiztitions mid individenize
wi, I help (1)111 year 88 1881 year..
There Nronhl Seeni to 11' 110 "tettNota
why •evevybod y everywhere may not
help in,fortufher nu itentY of v;eline
workers. to ‘ell these sl Imps 1(11 wale,
,Jbe potninion. Th' 'Muskoka Vrre,
lin,pital fop 5'012811111p1 12'o8 is hi 11111
fullest; sense tt .fintional institution
N11011(8 ft'on) vverY
'Vine.. in Caluttle,
The stamp of 1900 is More beautifuli
s town in this Reticle, but printed... -
than- Tat of a year agii. The desiga
is as
1)1 ree and green, mei is of same size
as the regular gOvertlinent poStake.
titainp. •
. This Christmas etarem will not carry'
auy kind of mail, but any kind of mail
ivill catty it -and Caley too the' happy .
Seasrin'e Geer( isigs from gender to 2 0--
ceiver. The stamps •Will be done up irt
envelopes of ten,' twenty-five, fifty fintit
ono hundeed foe ordinaty selling, and
lama: ogees will be Ftipplied 111 quan-%'
lilies. The iwiee for ten or •for (moo
thoosand 18 n etkeh.•
fiest bison of the (1,11,11 fin' 1 11114'
11 'i!iji114ins awl these •will
put into ('111 '111:1(041)
*Chem mu' linr(1117 11113' renson in•Ly
the 14:•110 iiliortiel Amt. bet 121(1e:1er/I
many times ot:er before Chriefeete.
1711e direetinn of the stale of t'erist
trek Stampwia in the hantle ri'
Itebevistet, les.,-Treitsneve. tonal
tari Associa thin'817
t, vst, Toronto, whe. will girit
manna reply to -any menet las tegarde
bee tlie atanee • '