HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-25, Page 7Novembet 25th 1909t t. D. NoTAQOART.,n 14 ID. filer AlasaART McTaggart Uros. --BANKERS-eee •••••••••••••• A GENERAL BANKING 1.31.1$1 - NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED INTELEST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUIT,C.:11-. ASED. - - - H. T. RANCE. - - - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESEN- mg 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION dOURT OFFICE, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. OFFICE-Sloa.ae Bleele-Ct CHARLES B. IIALE Conveyaueers, Llummissioners, Real Estate and Insurance Aency. Money to loan. OFFICE - - - I-TURON ST. DR. W. GUNN L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. Edinburg Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Night calls at front door of office or at residence on Rattenbury street. J. W. SHIAW--- RATTENSURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON.- c. W. THOMPSON. FFLYSICIAL, SURGEON; ETC. Special attention g:ven to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat. Eyes carefully examined and suitable glasses prescribes]. Office and residence : 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel,- Huron St... -DR. F. A. AXON. - (Successor to Dr. Holmes.) Specialist in rown and Bridge work, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor graduate of University of Toronto. Dental Department. Graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery Chicago. Will be at the Commercial hotel Bayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. GRAN RAIL:w," . Yt,T E.NP -TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East II 41 11 le Going ,West 44 Li it 41 7.35 a. m. 3.07 p.m. 5.15 p. m. 11.07 a. m. 1.25 p m. 8.40 I p.m. 11.28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV. Going South 7.50 a. in. 1 It 4.23 p. m. Going North 11.00 a. In. It 6.35 p. m. .60 -YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS ' DESIGNS COPYRIGRTS &C. Anyone sending a sketola and description may frimickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention la probahlypatentable tommunleo- A Clone strIctAy conadential. HNuBOOK on Patents Jent fre.Oldest agency for armouring patents. Patella" taken throurth Munn & Co..recolve etnetat rtet4ea. without C.hatge, lathe . Sciettlifie A bandloomely inustratad \ream,. Largest cir. tnlatioa arly sCientido journal. Tering for nauiada, 82.75 a year, pastors° proPold. Sol.1 bY tU newsdesgers. VOT %Hal Z C 0 ann3roadway, • . , .ran 'Coco. 6•25 r at.. Washington. 1). 0. SommlflisselessillistsAllese. LONOON, ONTARIO Business 14 Shorthand . $1.113311C11 ' Resident and Mail Courses Cataloguo. Fro, J. W. Westervelt, J. W. Wostorfolt, Jr., C.A., Principsi. Vics-Pripcipal. smasimmitamm. b Thing' Room Suites. Fancy Buffet -Large Mirroe, Long Linen DrieWer, reg. $25.00, Extensien Ta.ble-Quarter Cut Oak Finish, round or Square, reg. $10. Six Chairs -1 Large Arm Chair and 5 small chairs, seated with leather, reg. $16.00. THE comPLFTE sum] FOR '$47.50. MD-Y-77IT Cider Apples anted Small sound apples wanted • by the undersigned for making. elder. Highest • 'market price Deliver at Ford (V MeLeod's ware9 house at thetl.T,-R: tracks. .CARITELON. FARM PROFITS May be largely is:messed by knowing the ' exact co.:elitist. of the /tereser's market, and by learning et the leeet method in farm practiere. Tisk is pled/rely the sort a inhumation the rarinere' Weekly Sun give, is .ereeri, icatee. It loot so equal ea a Vierisee's Recision Paw. Geed farmers testy es, it. Ter pcioe see mu slabbist eget Kidney and Liver Medicated Pads Cure by absorption through pores .of the Skin and.NereeS,* Kidney and Urin- ary weakness,' children bed wetting, Pains in -back, Lumbago.. Rheumatic, Neuralgic, ,by their soothing strength- ening effects. . . . Liver and Stomach, :Indigestion,. Constipation. Sallow complexion and all Limier and Stonlach complaints. Men, Women and Children are ben- efitted alike. Female Weakness, priceless to those desiring regularity. Price should be 32, but to quickly introduce wilt maii one pair for V.. Order to -day, this cheap reliable treatment. The Medicated P.ad.Go., WINDSOR ONT., C. AGENTS WARTED, MEN AND WOMEN, WRITE FOR TERMS THOMAS BROWN, LICENSED A1JC- tioneer • for .the counties. of. Huroh and Perth. .Correspondence' ptomPte -ly answered.. Immediate arrange-, ments tan be• made for .8a1e. (dates at The NewS-Recoid, Clinton, or .by calling phone 07,; Sealorthe Charges moderate and• ' .sa,Iisfagtion greaten - teed.. MON THLY IVIAC.AZINE, 4 FAMILY LIBRARY 710 Cot In -Current litorature 12 cOMPLZTE NolitLo VtARLY MANY SHORT' STORItS AND IPAPERS ON TIMELY Tomos $2.50 MI YEAR •:' 26: twit. A cOPY v NO CONTINUED STORIES s Eve RY NUIVIRER COM laLEtE IN rinet, The ificKillop Mutual Fire • Insurance Compaq -Farm and .Isolated Totem Property- -Only Insured-. -OFFICERS- ,1, B. McLean, President, Sealorth P 0. ; Thos. Fraser, Vice-Presidet„:. Brucefield P. 0, ; T. E. Hays, Sec. Treasurer, Seaforth P. 0. ' -Directors- William • Shesney, • Seaforth ; Joh.* Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dalle,, Sea forth; .John Watt, Harlot* ; • John Bennewies, Brodhagah ; James Evan • Beechwood '• .rames Connolly, Holinesville. • -AGENTS • - Robert Smith, ITarlock ; Fi. Hitt- Seaforth o James Cummings Egffiondville ; ' J. W. Yea. Holmes- ville. • Parties desirous te effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on applieatio to any of the above off -leers addressed to their respective postoffices. Losse inspected by the director who live' nearest the scene. Clinton News -Record CLINTON ONT ,Terms of ittbscription-$1. per year in advance $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper °discontinued ••until all endears .are paid, unlesg .at . the opinion or the publisher. The, tittle to yllich every 4hscriptioa ia paid' is 'denoted on the jabel. Advertising ratei4-T2ansient adver- tisement,:;, 16 cents per notiPariel pc 'for first insertion and 8 cents per line for each subsequent insert - don. Small advertisements Mit to exeeed One inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," et,, in- setted once for 35 cents and each kubspatient insertion 10 tents. Communications intmded fot tion must, as 'a guarantee ot gobd faith. be accompanied by the ',name •of the Writer. • W. .1. MITCHELL, Editor and Prop etOr. Mato* Nowak -Remora there,- Iticleeed; he seemed more Niro cernecl as to what Kirkwood, an older man, would be thinktn,g to see Mtn sq endeared and fondled than moved by any other emotion. Kirltwood could see his shamefaced, sidelong glances aud despised him properly tor them. I3ut without attending to his re- sponse Mrs. Hallam rattled on ID the uneven accents of excitement. "1 waited Until 1 couldn't wait any long- er, Freddie, dear. I had to know, had to come. Eccles ensue home about 0 and said that you had told hint to wait outside, that some one had followed you in here and that n bobby had told him to move on, I didn't now what" - "What's o'clock now?" her son inter- rupted. "It's about 3, I think. Have you hurt yourself„ dear? Oh, why alan't you come home? You tonst-hav,e known I was dying of anxiety:" "Oh, 1 say! Can't you see I'm hurt? Had a nasty fall and must 'ee been .asleep ever since." "My precious one! How"- •• "Can't say, hardly. I say, don't paw a chap so,..thamtna. 1 brought Eccles along and told him to wait, because - well, because I didn't feel so much like shuttle.' myself up in this beastly 'old tomb. So 1 left the door ajar and told "Have you hurt yourself, dearr; . hitt not to let anybody Come in. Then I came upstairs. l'bere must"ve been • somebody already In • the • house.: I .knov's I thought there was. it Made .me feel creepy rather. At any rate, 1 heard, voices down below, and the door banged, and somebody began hammer - in' like fun on the knocker."' Tbe boy paused, roiling an embar- rassed ey.e pp at the stranger.' . 'Tee, yes, dear!" Mrs. Hallam, urged him on • . • • • ' • • '"WilY., 1-1 Maile up illy Mindto cut •My:stick-let whoever it was' pass. nie .on the stairs, You knew.. But he fel:- lOwecl me and•.struck tne, and then' I. jumped at hini,•and ire b0113 fell down the whole flight.. And, that's all. Ile- sides,ttling.„ my head's actiin' .11kc' .every- ."Btit this man" - Mrs. Hallam lookedup at KIrk.wood, who boWed silently, struggling to bide betbliis atnusement and perplexity. "You, Mr. Kirkwood!" Again be bowed, grinning .ti*r3i': • • She rose sudde,nly,.• • "You will be goad enough to explain your presence here,". -she informed 'WM, with danger- .otts serenity, •° • • • "To be frank with you"- , "I 'advise that course. Mr. Kirk- wo•odlri" 'Ttnks,.awirly. 1 cattle here bait an hour ago looking for a lost purse, full -well, not qpite-full of sovereigns. It Was my purse, by the way." Suspicion glinted like foxiire in the cold green eyes beneath her puckered brows.. "I' do not understand." she se* id slowly; and' in' level times: "I didn't expect Yon to," returned Kirkwood. "No more do L But, any- wayelt must be clestr to you that I've done.my best for this gentleman here." He paused. with an interrogative lift • of his eyebrows. "'This gentleman' is my son, Fred- erick Hallam. But you will explain" - "Pardon me, Mrs. Hallam; I shall explain nothing at present. Permit me to point out thnt your position here -like mine -is, to say the lenst, anom- alous." ,The ra ndom...stroke • told, ,as he could tell by the instant contraction of her eyes of a 'nt. ."It would lie best .tioclefer •explanatione till a. more con- Veneent time, don't you think? :Pilot,' If you like, we can chant confidences in en entiplionni 'cheer's. Just now Fehr -or -son i5. not enjoyitcg himself nmetrently; and the nitention of the pollee lied best. not he called to this house too often itt one night." • ^ [Tis levity seemed to disrilenee end nerthrit witinan. She turned' from him, tvith .stn intentient renVentosit of her shouldets. "Presidio, deer, do 'yen feel able to : Ole. 1 dere say -I don't Itninv Wortil:er w(1111(1 your frietul-nh-Mr Kirkwood, lend Iowan arm?" "Chit rmsel,". Klykwerd 4 eelit red :merely. "it' you'll take thfocimille,,,Airs. Hallam." . "One moment." she intis,rposed In -eolith:don. "I won't 10s01) yall re it. Ing." Anil, paseher, with en everted Owe, she ran quietsly liteenirs ip 010 k•ocond floor, taking the lield with. her. Ite glow failed from. ihr 'wane stbove, and Riricwoed surinteed that she Irul entered the front bedchamber. Per mime moments he could herd, her mov- ing Mena. Onee something ecraped tied bumped on the floor,A141400'1 heave bit of furniture had been moved By Louis Joseph Vance ..Copyriant• 1008. by She Bohba-MerrIll Co. • Again there was a resoundIng thee that deded speculation, and this wus • presently followed by a dull clang of metal. Eve.ntually-it was not really king - there Ottrite the quick •rush of Mrs fIallain's feet along the upper hall and tire woman reappenred, olle band holding her skirts clear of her pretty feet as she descended in a rush Out cneuritusidtyhe candle's flame to fileker p Halfway down "Mr. Kirkwood!" she called d".708u1 u 11d11 sl " t ?" b e countered blandly. -She stopped jerkily nt the 'bottom, and after a moment of contesion "Find what. sir?" site Itatied "What you sought. Mrs, 11alinne" Smilinge.he bore unflinching the pro- longed. inspection of her eyes,.81 once sonsber with donlit ot him and flashing with indignation because of his- hulitt• deuce. "You knew • I wouldn't find it, 'then, didn't you?" "1 May have suspected you wouldift." Now be was sure that site had been searching for the gladstone beg. That ,,evidently Was the bone of contention. Calendar had sent 115: de tighter for it. Mrs. Ilstilam tier son, Dorothy had been successful. But, on the other •hand, Calendar and Mrs. Hallam were unquestionably allies. Why, theu---- "\Vbere he it,.7.Cir. Kirkwood?" "madam, have you the right to know I, Through another lengthening pause while they Bleed eneh other be mark- ed again the curious contraction of her underlie. ".•I hare the riche". she declared steadily, '"Where Is it?" "Dow can' I be sure?" • • "Then you don't -know!" "Indeed.," he MterruptNI, "T would be glad to feel that 1 ought to tell you what I know." • "Whet foe !mewl"- • • 'The exciamatiete' IOW spoked, more • an eche of her •thoughts than intended for ISIriciveod, 'Ives aceompanled by a little'shake of...the wOnian's head, Mute evidence to the feet that .she was 'be- wilciered by his "Meese; And this de- lighted the young men .beyond meat- ure tuning him .feel •hlutseit master . of 'a difficult' situation.' • The evennan would have led. again; .but young Hallaiu ent 15 notee too.• courteously: •• • 'i sey, mamma. 'it's.u.o good stend•- in'. here pelaeerin''. like el lot of flats -.Besides; Init•nwfly knoc..ked up. • l'etne get home eted have it out there." Instantly hlrl Instiller softened, eelY poo•r•boy! Of eourse we'll go." • AS they esteeed oiet Kirkwood shnl the door, and at the same moment the • little party wes brought up .standitig by a gruff and anthoritative. Au re derive Minute., plonse., ytni 411(.1e "A ha! said Kirkwood elo himself. thought see And 110 batted- in un• feigned respeet for ehe burly 11.1141 Im• presidia, figure, getrbedle blue rule brass, barring eine weeto the .car., Ms.s. Ilallam sheered lees deferesicen- tor • the ' obstroctinnist. The a ssumed ' .hrtuteur and linpallence of her post were ertfully refleetiolin.,her 'Videe as. kino'renteled opon the bobby with ere indignant demand; -1'''dliat is the Mean isig of this, officer?" : • "Precisely what 1 .wants: to know; ma'am." returned' the man. opyiekling• bet -tenth his:'rekiteeifttl attitude: obliged to.ask yen to tell rue what' Tot Were doing in that 'onSie And when the teatter..with ellie 'ere gentleman?' he ,added, with 'a duldmiS stare at young bandaged head anc rumpled elothing " • . "Perhaps' you don't understand," nO mitted Mrs. Hallam sweetly. "01 course -1 see -It's Perfectly- natural 'he house has been shut up for 'sorra 'time and"- ' "Titanic you, ma'am, that's juet It There was somethtng wrong giiing pt early in the evening, tend -1 was tole to keep an eye ett: the premises„ • Ida duty, Ma'am. I've got MY report ti make." .• • . • • . "The house." geld Mts. Witi the • long suffering patience of :one eiu cidating a perfectly plain propositiot to a being of it lower .order of intelli gence, the property of iny son 'Arthur Freeleriek Burgoyne Hallan .of Cornwall. This is" - "Beg pardon. Ma'am. but I was toil Colonel George Burgoyne of. Corn . - "Colonel Burgoyne died some tine ago. MY son IS hls heir. This Is m3 sou.. He came to the house this• even Ing eo get some 'property he destiret and, it seems, tripped on the stairs anC fell unconscious. I became worrtei• About him. arid &eve over, •accom panted by my friend . Mr. Kirkwood,' The reinvent:in looked hhs traublet state of mind and wagged n'tlottbtfu , head over the ease, • There Was hilt .duty, and there was, ()Newell to it. tin feet thtit ell three 110 '4' garbed in Hu livery of OP We!l to do. • .length„ thrrieg nettle driver, hi drermieled, revolved end rioted le • hif' inentoreselinn luk linelleeted; 115111189 of Ihe .equipage. 'It's a very temente! (else. meg:int,' he opoleetecel. "1 'opee e(e1 eee 11 agailisPone. I'm only trying to di •my duty"- 111;.1,17v1,111t 111:-11.3fityni•;11%1,1 11:1:1 : 41 111,r ol,..Itt,:),11 1:4:::,t 5. I' et "Thank you. ma'am And would mind giving mo yetis. verde, Neese, ah of 3.(eu?" • "Certainly m 1 " Witty:tit heAtatiot the. v;(1111415 1001; it little II:110 1,:nt the sent of 1 ho cerrlies, wi diedilvec rt eat•d. Her rule Pleovi ,‘, .reneo, ire, 0t150 iitt1 11511(101 Ow 0::101.r Alt 0110117' 711.111;v0 no etird.4 with Me." the Ainerli eau told the litiliceman.",Nly 4118111m however. It !hid Tn stnylng (11 1111' .1 1' 11;11-, I (:}4slli;n1; • tro 1 men pent -lied thr., infermatien 10 tittle ""Thack you, ma•.;;;; no, Sorry be have e edited 3 tee (..1Umorning " leirkiteal Netted 3 tesugellelLtui 1111 the earrlitgo. gave .I l's ilnlinto 51 11111111 and followed her. The mast •lo e1e.4-• shut the door. mounting the her beside the driver Immediately 11,4.) were in metier' • CHAPTielt X 11 UPI A610'1..1111 got 11 41 nal glimpse 01 Ilk. 541111.12,,, Hi trim; ef No.. sr Vreguen sorted atm thew wit74 ail air sit Prefellnd utteeristinty Ile lent Iiirk Wood's 14,4'111011W Iller0in, but he hati tittle rime to tete .witti hint. air Mrs• Hallam turned enens Mut very soil. denly. • ''Mr gb 1N011;1(1..,1.411(1(. (13AIV111011. l'16(1111 Will:: I t g1')0( nye?" '1110 young man smiled his homely,. candid smile. "I'll be only too glad. Mrs, whet) 1 feel Kure vou'll do as much fitt. yourself."'" • Sile goer, 'him .00 ntisiver. it WI1S as It' she ws,re elude:lug words. Kirk- wood braced himself to meet the etorte, btit nom, etistied There WM rather a lull, •whieh strung itself out Indefinitely lo the monotonous 131117410 of beefs and rubber tiros - The carte:lee stopited liefore it itintge wish lighted Mildews. Reetes jumped• down front the boX and eetirried to opee the front doer. . . They were returned teCrstven street! "Out, 1130re lap round t i1 track!" trineed Kirkwood. "IN'omier will the 11011t take natnek lito ilerilulndsoy Old St.:\tirs.N"Irs. Ilallours direction. Eccles ushered hint into the striokitig reoln„ on the ground Cum' itt t),10 relll• of the theie, to welt while She helped her son upstnirs Anil to led Ile sighed with pleasure at first glimpse ed.' its luxurious but lamella) comforts 'and threw himself carelessie info a heavily padded 'colleting (21ist1r. diemping one lows, ()rev the (Aber and lighting :the lest of hie expensive eigars With a sensation sit undiluted. gratitude, ns one ensiling to'teet In the shadow of a great rock in A weary laud. Ile was very sleepy. '111N/ugh the halls.' on the.. stairs,' there were ,hurryinge sled -st.ueryings •of feet and skirts, eonfused.with unite • intiring yotees. Presently; In stn. ad. jointng, rein% Philip Kirkwood heard Trigidser'rant 'wisest it lig -.hopefull5 with that n torit exit spere dug of Mod .ern dine saVing deviees..the telephorle fls ethiettenanced by nue Xitglish cots* Iler patience .and detertninetior won,etiproval„ bat availed..nethIne ter her: purpoee.• . In ilie (illt(;Otne ehe telephone' trjuniphed„ and the niaie gave up, the unequal contest. 'Later-. a Initler entered the room, a short .end sturdy .fellow. extremely il eit ease, Drawlng 11 •sinalltaboret tc ihe • side of Eirkwend's chair, placed thereon airey, defer'etitlally im parting the • leformation • that 'Ailttrn 'as thought 'ow as 'Mr. Kirk ,,wood elight ...clue 'ter a bit .of sup, . ."PleaSe t.hank ,Irs.,Illatiam for tne.''. . Kirkwood's, 'gratified s,yes einged the laded. tray. • Ther.e. were sendwienes bisCuit,•clieese•aml a pot 'of black cot tee, with, sugar end oreatn. - "It was veey•Icindly thought of," he added. . •• "Very good, sir; thank 501). sir." • The. plan turned to gee sheifileg soundlessly. Kirkwood- Was . 85440513 impressed WILLI his ernSiveneSS. EVei Since be had entered the Nom his cetintenance had eeemed turned teeth the guest. "Eccles:" he.called sharply ate ven- ture. • • The butler halted, 'thunderstruck. "Ye -es,' ssiri" • • "Turn.roond, Eccles. 1 want a look at you."• • Eccles faced hint unwillingly with a' stolid front. but shifty eyes. Kirk - v.* web 14448erted to bct1L own property. Kirk wood to riled • 11031113 lItto011011 to the lunch 1.1roughtfully ite poured Newel'. a eup or 4:4erve. swellowIng It hot and black 110 it ensue Nom the silver pot, then uninvited the satalwielies. It was eindly Benicia of, tide early morning repast. .Mrs. 111111;111i seemed More ntitt metre a remerenbie wournit Willi 011011 1/1111Se of her elearsteter that site chose to (Useless,. At (aids 81' 1117 111111. she yet toots time to think fit 11174 rfellfltre Ilet.tirl Waling!, tlf. pommies!. ed gravely, are queel"Illiere's no te11. lug anything elemt them • 050 of the most unrieulette, speci .117e41s of tpe ses 011 1V111013 110 pro. nounced tills itighly original dictum entered the mem, just 11101), Hnd 110 1101111d illinstqf lit 0111,0 out of,, And his dream, bowing. , "31r8 :Liana • The women texided and smiled gra- ciously, 'j'('(' 1014 lute attended to your needs. I hope? please don't stop smote Ing" Shot sank luto 115 ItrInelinfr the other side tqf die hearth and. -prob- ably by necitient, .0111 of hp End ills of illumitiation front the In sitting eideivise, one 14ites; ;there the other, her white arms Inutuiculate rig:dust the ember Ilitekt2 rental of etenteint She weir very handsome, indeed, just then, though :I keener light might haVe proved less flattering. "Now, Mr. Kit kwood?" She opened briskly, with a second intimate' and frieodly 1)00. and paused. Iter pose re- ceptive. Kirktvited sat down again, smiling good natured appreetation of her on prejudiced attitude. • "Your son,. 111114.. Italia In" - • "OIL Freddie's doing weit enotrit Presidio." she explained. "has a dell elite constitution and has seen little of - the. world melodrama as t0. night's is apt to sheet; hint severed.), We [mist 15:' 114' it 110 eel Mew, eir Kirk. weed. I think." she' said dellheratel:,•. "that 71.in we.ealne to an undor- standing, " 1,7.1 It Wood agreed --."T es," affably. . "I p417715144'heieg ,perfectly 141retight- ronvq,14. To with, i don't pinee you, . Mr. Ki:.k woed you ar41 ati 114) known tinantirv, 'a new feeler I'Vettl. you Neese tell 111se whet 3•1111,11re ;nal- -are you si friend. of My .:Celsnelar'e?" 'I •1 linty lily' to 111:11 ii01101% • t K irk Wood's ' or seeing things some little .frailitnoss en his. OW11 plIrt .wonld is-es:sold 111111 77743' to got hardly .tcoow him Mrs. flail:Int • I had the pleasure of Meeting hint only thi n f tern oo I) " She .14iiitted her • brou's over. tills statement, assure you, is the.t•s•eth," he toughed. "IIut, I even), don't underetatel" .".N.or. 1, etre. •• Csileedar aside, 1 am l'hIllp 'etre-wood.. Anterl.. can, resident sibroed tor. some years. a native of San Franci8osi, of cete tab) -age. eeernarried, .by prOfOSSi011 poor pa in ter.". .."And ?" • • "Beyond that? 1 preserne i must.. tell: you, thougli.• I confess '1'in Itt ,donbt.": He hesitated, weigbIng can-. der in the balanee With discretion.. "Bat Wno are you for? .Are you in George (.alendar's.pe3;•?" • "Lleaven •• forfend!" plottsly.• Sole interest at the present moment- is. to unravel a most. entrancing mys• • "Entitled 'Dorothy Calendar; of cotirse. .yo.u'Ve Rilown bet' long?" , "Eight' hour's, • belieN'e," be .stduele; ted gray. ely-"lees than that, in fat," "Anse .Calendar's interests' will: not Stiffer through anything you , may' 'telt me." : • • •• "Whether they will:or no, I see I mist swing a looser tongue or you'll be; showing tue the door." • .1." he • woman snook her iwere.itmitsed "Not tiotil," .slie .741111 Itt 11 'sI,,ttitil (1)111 "Very Well, Mem" And, he 111tinche.1 Into au abridged nevratiVe of the -night's ev.eins •tiS he tiudet•etood theme iouchinglightly on his own dream.- stanees, the real pieVerty which 'had brought him back to Craven street by way.- el Prognall; "And there you have it all, Mrs. Elellarre" • . • "It th so like Calendar„" she excleine, ell, "Solike him that one sees hove' -foolish it was to trust -no. • not to 11 W111011111111111111,1111MMIES.1111110WOO crust, nut ro evne7'e-tuat tie einekil ever be thrown off the scent one he got nose to ground. So it we Ruffen. ray bon and 1, I attall have only MY - Belt to thank:" Kirkwood wailed in pittleet 'Men- tion till she chose to continue. Wheus elm did, "Now for my side of the' easel" cried Mrs. Hallam and, rising: began to pace the roam, her slender and rounded figure swaY141 groce- fully the while she talked. "George C.:derider Is a scoundrel."' she said, "it swindler, gambler -what 1 believe you Americans call a (T1)11- /WM*0 Than. Ile Ls also my late hue- • band's first eousin Some 7ears siace .fitund it coe reeked f() Eng - 1:10(1, I kew Ise his wife and daughter. Airs (Wender -a countrywoman or ours, by the loye--died shortly after- ward Dorothy, by the merest °eel - deist, obtained a situation as private seeretary in the household of the late Colonel Burgoyne of The Cliffs, Corn- well You fellow me?" "Yes, perfeetly." "Colonel Burgoyne died, leaving his estates to sity sou, some time ago; Shortly a flerivard DorottlY Calendar disappea rest We., know now ttn1 her father took her may, but then the diseppestrance seemed inexplivablee esneetally since with her vanished a great deal of valuable information. She alunioknew of the mention of cer- tain of the old eoloners personal ef- fects. "He was an eccentric. One of his peculiarities involved the seereting of valuables in odd reams. jle had no faith in brinks. Among these valua- bles were the Burgoyne family Jewels -gaffe ei treasure. believe ute, 'Kirkwood. We found no note of the're • (TO BE CONTINUED 1 Vammanmvosm••••V.Iir Old Tree Gone.. Vancouver's historic old Balm of Gilead tree, to which Lev:is and Clerk, ere.' said to have tied their. canoe in 1605, and which marked the landing. poiut ef "the Hudson 1153' Co. of fur traders in 1e24, less fallen a victim to the waters el the Colionbia River_ llos old -tree, . which stood ou the bank of the river ht the foot of -limn' - street; 'Was the starting • point for all . early surveys. in Clark • county and the weetern portione :of WitsLitigtors., state.' It Marked •the point whero the. -city limits jet:led tlw tuiliteryereeer- v„:tion.• The tree' was' hel11 ri.n veiiera..; tion by Vancouver poople• and all over the Paeilic North -Wet who, took an interest in matters of historic.. ' interest,' .'The tree was about:five foot • • tit diamete.ret its base and was .75, fra.high, being itelly-.50 feet across .at its crown, A-copperrailroad spike- • is. said to have been driven into the. tree, and it was _from this Point all surveys_ 'began. This spike isnow- groWn oVerebut it is likely thatit wilt be chopped out and !writ in the ar- diivee:of the city. • ' - • • SAVED FROM SUFFERINS Ht n HIS OLO AGE. Gin Pills cured him. . 'Annapolis, N.S., May 14; 10092 • I .am over 80 years of age and hive .been suffering feem Kidney and Bladder. ' trouble for fifteen years: • I took doctor's* Medicine but got no help. I want to. 'thank yoit for sending me the -sample box esef Gin Pills, which helped the. - I have taken six boxes of Gin. Pills elto-, gether but got relief before I had taken . near that amount, I had to get up sortie nights every fifteen minutes and. • had to use an Metrument before I could • urinatei Now, I can lie in bed four or five hchire without getting up: I. can say. *that Gin Pills have nearly cured me an& . shall elways keep a.box in the house. 'hanking you for your timely help, am your .sincere friend and ewell-wishei; , W, H. PIERCn. • And all as a,reSult &sending for a free sample box of Gin Pills. n Do you suffer whet your Kidneys or • Bladder? Send to the National Drug - & Chemical Co. of Canada (Dept. A). Toronto, and get.a sample free by return , mad. Regular size, at all Stores, 50c. a. box -or 0 for 0.50. . • 1 .reliR.jSTFIAS::STANP CAMPAIGN THE IMO BATTLE AGAINST THE DREAD* 'WHITE PLAGUE. Available Beds in • the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives Increased Three -Fold as a Result of Last Year's Sale of .Christmas. Stamp's, The Number" Can Be Doubled This Year. If Everyone Will 'Mr, KW/d('ing) .71) utti 4 Card lor n hit to. r.filmer.” . , wood ginswed htnoup and down', 'ning • , "Thank you. Reeles Pll reinemites you now Von'll' reowleher ete, 71.14 eete't you? • You've 11 bad 1) 'tut', 11 you, Evolve?" "Ye& sir; 111;11)14 yon, sir." nnimbles1 the 'Man unhappily and 1110k InSfn 1)1 edenntage of the • implied permission NY. g(r. . • intenscly.' diverted by the ree.ollec• lidn of Evened abortlia attempt to erne hint at the dqor ot No. tined evonster ing,enoweiltat ('5 11)0 „to thlok It, ,Whe preels'ely yottent 1 fit 7 Ittnt hn0 deem - 0(1 lt tieclaietary tineel with 0 bed.Y.' and robed mu+ furtive teielmilia to enter hito tut well 88 to obtain What QTIMULATED by 1--/ the success of si yearago t he National Saeritaritun Associa- tion have made large preparations for the sSai 1211 1°1 pf 1C01(11911 -81t01,11418- sued on behalf ofthe Muskoka Free Hos- pital for (Joint:imp. t ives. Nearly $6,000.00 was netted front last 'year's stile, makingit possible for the trustees to increase the availnIde beds for needy patients from atr avet•- age of fifty-five a year ago to one Ititt)littltyrt.el and forty, the accommodation. The trustees are hopeful that they may lping the accommodation up te 30:).beds its the. otticome of this yestee Sale of this Tittle one cont messenger of hope and healing. . . The Christmas Stamp, as a menns'of fighting the deenil White plague, land 1114• origin itt Dennteric in 15(41, 'the- sale, f vein which has fireweed it hospital for es'nistottpeives in thot esinntry. The idea weie taken 11e by Ow Red Ceoss .Hodieler 'of the Unite74l fitateis in 104, in. 111)1 haserrown each year, A year. eget a ellit•isttnes stamp of. eeeelel .tieeiere 1111.8 11111; in circulation by I ho Pree Ifospit al for (1111141) nip t With 1110 frillegemiS already indicated ill tilitri . The ingre fif Stain I) fel enly one cent, but whet wondeeful litinee can is, accomplished byte) tiny nil boil 1.11111,111. null, is 110 3'0(1.4011 Why 0170i•3,'01ie W110 Writes a It.i 701,, .1.4.11'04.400 11 peeteeted„ 1H1Ll14 re news- paper tot parsed fermi this daV -out thoirts1 11(11 8114' one of theee stampe, The heal 1 mai value of the stamp epe,,eriee on every piece of instil mat - let woul,1 it eon; mous. 'One can 11•Ardly 11 4;11'o 11.1 umterial results, I& would mein 1'outin3 of the enemy Tuberculosis that would 1)ring r'pe' iittdjey aud gladness to thousands of' homes and conimonities'in all parts of Canada. • . -1'.he stamp of 1000 is more beantifnE than that of a year 'ago. The design, IS as shown 'hi tilt§ art tele; but printed... in red and green, and is .of same si0i, as the regular government postaget stamp. This Christmas strinv will not carry' any kind of mail, but any kind of Mai& will e.arty it -and earrytoo the happy Season's Greetings from sender to 3 e- ceiVer. The stamps will be done up in Velopes of •ten, t wen ty-five„ lifty Ana 11110 hundred for ordinary eelling, anti. largo users will be supplied in quan- tities. The price for ten or for ono, 1.110t1S0,11(1 is it Cep t, 01,01. Tlta b:111k81 V.PaViill en 7111 si:Orefr (frog stoves, book and stetienery 'stele* tied 111/111k Ot her Storett AL1 111 1,eti thorn. \VOnCeit's clubs, church organ' wit ions, bible (1114 84448 SImO 811111111 y • Schools, public schools, ni1/1 'Many' 4)1 174')' orga iD1 t10118 1111(1 11i(11V1(11111.1S1 Wi.;1 11(.11) (hitt )ear yettr. • ••'• sereit.to testerni *why eeeleyboily eviTyWh('re'insty Hon I1(;11) in filming an arisen," of • ver.inti, workers to evil thesesiampe veer 'the Dominion, Tht. Mitskohn Free Hoepital for 'Constimpt Ives is ill 111(4, l'itl 1t sense n national institution 1,:teing for petients teem -every prate 'time, ' (i1.4f'iSsIto of Ilia 34.11)11) ens, toillietninel these will Ito 11111 ink) Virettla hisit 1111111(41.11(1 ely. 1 here 118 1(115 be 11113' TO:114011 Tay 010 14:•,1 it, 5111111111 Mil hi, the> easial tirtny tinieS over be ft)ro Christmas. I ne direetion of 7 he sale of C187.11.4 Inas Stamps 1.4 ill I110 11101118 (f J. S. 11'41)0r71744)5, ltec,-Treastirec. flat Iona) • i t ,Xesoeintion, 817 1Citer Stereet, Wrest, Tol.olito, AV110 Will We - Dromitt eeply to any enquilics hes the ;damp. '