HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-25, Page 44 wouroommoonowspnionosoaunna 1 I0 BO0 oOK PSTOREER' S GUNTON Foreigner Ralph Connor's new book now on sale, Price $1.25 postpaid. animmom Christmas Globe ready for next week. Have you left us your or- der. .Price 50c * • • r.4.1. The hot supper to have been served in the Methodist church on Monday evening had to be. Postpoaed cwing to the very unfavorable weather un- til Friday evening of this week. That it is to be liKd at the latter date will be good news to the many who wished to attend but did not cue to brave the rain, wind and iarkness of Monday night, even for a sumptuous supper, Port Albert. Mr. William Richardson and famIly move to the county town shortly, it is reported. Mr. Frank Willis had a son added to his family the past week. Fall work is well advanced in this section even if the season na,s been backward. Goderick Township Mtge Lottie Sinclair returaed borne on. Tuesday after spending a week with Henatt:11, triends. Mr. Jas. Stoddart lost a, valuable cow a fear days stgo., A. paekage of Paris grren had been forgotten and left in the field and the result waS as above stated. We understand that Messrs. ,Thos. and Robt. Dunbar, brothers of Rev. IL IL Dunbar, who went so Calgary some weeks ago have been suceessfut in obtaining good situations. We wish the boys every success for they are the kind to destrve jt.. Wis. IL Jenkins returned a few days ago from a visit to his son George who ha.s hemesteaded at in Saskand is doing well. The Thomp- son boys and Albert Anderson have also located in somewhat the same district so it has the savor ti good old Goderich township, Mr. Jenkins, bad a Pleasant time and eas favor- able recollections of Sask., . but. he could not be persuaded to leave his lovely home here for the hest half section in the West. Mr. W. H. Lobb is down in the Brockville district this Week having in view the purchase of more caves of a superior milking strain. The new shed in connection with St. James' caurcla. Middleton, has now been corepleted and is a most commodious structure. It reflects very creditably upon tbe ehurch war- dens and members of the congrega- tion. The Young Ladies' Guild of St. James' church is now in a very flourishing condition and often find it necessary to meet weekly for the eVecution of the numerous orders that are continually being received. The young ladies are deserving of great credit for their noble and self- sacrificing efforts, under abe leading of their able president, Miss Hattie Middleton. The next inestingemill be held at the home of Miss Nellie Hicks. • The. Ladies' Auxiliary in cone;tion with St. James' church iiet this week at the home of Mrs. Dunbar. There was a good.etiendance of mein-- bers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Mose. Mr. William Brinaly has moved from the farm to his residence in the vil- lage for the winter months. Thos. Richardson is busy cutting straw and. chopping grain for the farmers in this neighborhood. Winter is about at hand and the electric railway is a leug way from being completed. 1 Mr. John Schoenhale made a trip to Milverton the past week. Dr. Sinai() arrived home last week after spending the summer on the ' road and will 'be again found at his Iwork bench "cobbling" during the winter months. W. H. Watts & Son have everything needed, in the ' Shoe Repairing line to Canute all orders with neatness.. and. prompt- ly. A trial will convince,. .you that our material and workman- ship are of the beat procurable • anywhere. We aIso repair Suit Cases, Sat- chels anti Pocket Books, and. can also clean and dye the same. Baby's Own Tablets a Smile in Every Dose. ••••••:••••••••. Smiling, happy, healthy little ones. are founk in every home where Baby's Own Tablets are used. An occasional dose regulates' the. stomach and •b,ow- els and keeps little. ones well, or will speedily restore health if sickness comes tinexeectedle. Ask any mother who has used this medicine for her children and she will tell"' vou . there s nothipg else so safe. and sure. Mrs. N. Paquin', St, . Wenceslas„ Que., says :—"I have used - Baby's Own Tablets for most of fhe little ail- Mente . of childbood, - and _nave not known them to fail. .From my • ' own experience I can recomMend them to. all mothers." Sold by all medicine dealers Or by mail at 25 • cents a box frorn The Dr. Williams/ Medisine Co., 13rockville, Ont. , • . - . • . . . W. M. Lettere publisher of The .New York Sun, is dead. • ' - The dowagereDuchess of Alancheeter is..dead in London,. " Clint° ,News -Record * 114eKillop Township Me. David McCacheon hag returned home from Westti'm Canada. The team of Mr. Conrad Eckert ran away with the manure spreader. Noe body was hurt, but the spreader was badly wrecked. tlss Tessie Switzer has resigned her position as teacher at the sehool in section 8, McKillop. Miss Switzer is a superior teacher and will be missed in the section. Heorge Richardson, goes down to Mitchell with beef every Saturday. Re says the article sells well in that town. Dried Apples have been advancing in price and our lady friends are de- lighted, The next monthly meeting of Bethel Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Hall. Some a the farmers have completed their ploughing and. othere are pretty well through, .AN.ADVT. PLACED IN THE WANT Our Stand : . Column 'of The Newsallecord brings • good. results. 'Try 'it. The cost .is Opposite the Post Office . ' s. of Extraordinary Valuss giving. Important special for Saturday, $13 10 and $14 coats tor A. splendid collection of per . fectly tailored winter Coats, made of the very. best cloth, good length, • loose and semi -fitting, some with v31vet collars, others . with military eollars,c many.are trimmed with pretty. buttons, , All are the latest ideas and strikingly handsome garments. ,Colors black only.. These coats worth up to $14 00, $10 for Saturday selling. , Cashmerettes and Kimono Cloths The new -fall colorings -and designs are now on display in our Staple Department. Cashmerettes for ladies' waists, sacques and ail.- drcn's dresses, in navS7 and white, black and white, and red with black Spots, also Paisley r'esigps., all fast. col- ors, 27 inches wide at per yard 15e and 20c • Kimona Cloths in plaids, stripes artd 'figured designs for ladies' kimonas, 0 sacques, wrappers, etc.,. 27 • • inches wide, at per gd. " 25c and 35c. evERv couRresy.". AND AMMON . AWAiTS. YOU HER. 'Upper' Mrs. Jas: McDiarmid has returned home after spending a pleasant visit with friends in the Rest. ...Mr. Buchanan and son, Golden, ba.ve returned. from EsseX where they were called last week by the death of the former's mother at the ripe old age of 83. The sparrow bunt led by Captains Peter Cameron and John McGregor was Very closely contested. It came to an end on Saturday evening the Gth inst. when the sparrows were counted and were found to total 6075. Captala McGregor's side came out victorious by the close margin of 25 heads. Captain Cameron's side then treated alt hands to an oyster supper in the hall. There is some talk • of having another whea the weather be- comes colder as tha, sparrows will be more easily taken then. As mentioned last week we give this week a few impressions received by Mr. Jas. McDonald in his late trip to Scotland, the home of his father. He was greatly impressed by the natural beauty of Perthshire, es- pecially around Loch Tay, where most of his visiting was done. The excel- lent roads are made of broken stone • by first potting down a heavy coat - and then passing heavy steam rollers over this. In some places consider- able of the stone is talcenfrom' old stone houses which at one time were the dwellings of crofters, now, these crofters have disappeared. Some have • emigrated, others have gone to the towns. or else their children have, and the houses become vacant on the death of the old people, when the landlord allowed them to remain so and. increased the size of the farms. These farms in some cases are quite large, one of Mr. McDonald's cousins keeps a thousand sheep on nis and there were many larger flocks than his. Rent is high for good land, one pound Sterling and over being of- ten paid. He felt the great draw- • back to be that no man coutil hope to own bis owe land and therefore didn't improve his buildings or farm as men do here. Harvesting was in full swing during the last of Septem- ber. On cite farm he noticed - them using a tno,wer with a table to cut the graila, having one man 10 rake off tne sheaves and eleven men follOw- ing binding the grain. Wages were from two shillings to half-a-crown, i. e., from fifty to sixty cents a day' for men and one shilling for women who work out a great deal. ' Their misconceptions of Canada were very marked and they had a strong ten- dency not to believe the Simple nar- ratioa of ordinary eery day oectir- xencee with us: 0 that we had half - a -million of those studry, •Scoteh far - meta eoming over to enjoy 1 he large farms we are anxious to present to them! • ' St Mrs. Henry Woods and Miss Veisa attended the concert in Winghtun last week. Mrs. Cranston is spending a few days in Luelcnow at present, Messrs.- John Banner and 'William True are both improving after their recent illness. Misses Mary, Emma. and Master Harry.Woods spent a few days with their water. Mrs, James Irwin of Kin- loss. Mr. Jas. Hyde. visited A few days with his father at Paisley. The Harris Mission Band intend holding a Christmas tree this year. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ford have re- turned from their trip to the West. $tanleu Township On. Wednesday of this week anOther of our pioneer residents. passed away.. in the 'person • of Mas G?.o , S tephen- son Sr, who had reached .the pod. old age . of 82' years. and 8 'months. She was a native %of freland pid cattle to this country -in i8t. Mr. Stephenson died sixteea years ago and now. the 'viewed 'mother is sure vived by five eons and • three (laugh - tem.: George, Robert, William, Johe, Edward...3 , Mis W. Ryder, ter Stewart' and IVEss Sara at borne. The funeral.: will take place . leriday afternoon .to' Bayfield Cemetery. • November 2stb, 1909 London Road Mr. Byron Waldron was called to Toronto on Saturday on ausineee, Mr. G. B. Hanly, is this week fin- ishing up the see.sonal apple.packing. Winter has eaught a great nunaber of Dinners with considerabie plowing and other work undone. Telephotie contractors expect finish stringing the line this week, • Mr. Hubert Gladstone has accepted the pest of Governor-General . of ' South' Africa'. • SW)kLLOWS.. Stanieti Township. gient.. noinv,,from this township niIE Rend the 9;ie vicee in Varna nekt Supdayfind the fowl supper .on Monday evening as we all know from eXperience that it will be first class. . Mr. Robert Penhale bas returned from a three anorrth's stay in the Mile.tone distrien, Sask., where W. 0. Johnstone earl other former resi- „dents of t his township have •settlect. Bob has teken a fancy to Sask.; so no. one need be surprised if he goes baek egain next spring. • . When 'daylight fades, and sunset eel- ' .ors dim, rhe rrteadcw-land is .sweet with even- ing. scent; • • and', there • where flows the biopic in , . . - calm content : • . • .rho eattle wander, 'grezing by • the brini rem, •joyeaslY. the . Swallows. lightly No -longer 'fai. up in 'the firmament, tut, law, aline' Va. hteeta .with. one. Ply tbborckri.rnand. and-. leineath Bend darting wing. With twitter soft. . and sweet, • • • (Ip stream atrel down they go in .staser .delielit. • ' • they. dinping -thus be - file pia -sang surfitee, 'they would fain • repeat • • • ' l'be joy cif . that elay's :gladness' in. their flielit ' , . • . •batliing in the very Siinset glow. . Elizebeth . Wade, in The Canedi en Magazine, 'Nsturenets. Anmeg .1:Muralists who have risk- ed their lives to eocurea_ photograph of a chore -fres wild -beast' are Mr.. Ed-. weril Profile arid Me. Treat Thorne - en . Sot on, se ho reoently journeyed to the Creel' Slave Lake.' The party sighted.e musk ok,a big, •• shaggy. • brae, with .wieked red eyes:. • "Nowa' eeid • Mr. Prehle to Mr. Seton, "if you'll touch the button, I'll do the sleet. etepped torsvard, , rifle in hand,- arid Mr. Seton followed with the coutore. Th. moment the meet- oa sew eleven down he came. • The' plucky mi • waited till he 'was within fatty yards. Then the ciaanera began te click. At twenty yards Mr. Proble'a rifle spoke. • . The fleece brute Crashed dead at Mr. Setorea .verf -feet. un „Iowan:10m kq.RAILvyAy SYST E m nmuu . GUELPH a $•2.20 RETURN DEC. 4th fo• 10th INCLUSIVE RETURN LIMIT, DEO, 13TITf, , ACCOUNT "ONTARIO PROVINCIAL FAIR” • CHICAGO • $13.15 RETURN NOV. 28, it, 80 DEC. 1, 5 and 8th. RETURN LI141IT DEC, 12T11. „ ACCOUNT • ' STOCK• EXPOSITION: Abofe rates apply from; Clinton and proportionate .aates from all pOillts in Ontario. Secure tiekets and fur- , ale): InfOrtnation from JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent. • A. O. PATTES014, Depot Agent. ARE • YOU GOING SOUTH d'E.' WEST TIIIS WINTER' ? Now is the time to plan your trip to 'California, Mexico, Florida, or the Sunny South. Consult nearest. Grand Trunk Agent re e 'Mina low tourist rates,- or address J. D. Macdonald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. :The G nild in connection with the St, Peter's Choreh met last 'week at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hill. There sveae tweni v. fi ve ladies. preeen w ie h hi evidence of the deep interest. taken ia the work. The next 'meeting will be held at the hotne of Mrs, George Tyner. . Rev..- Mil:Dunbar very kindly at- tendeesietae Friday afternoon Sind im- parts Bible Instruction to the pupils of the Public Scheol here. The Sunday' School offacere and tenehers:. •nre planning Christmas Tree and ..Entertainineet. Look out for something good. Mr. Thomas Churcbill end wife are to take tip 'their residence in Clinton eilnretiY. M llv. r, Dunhar's eeries of sermons on 1 he Lord's Prayer are touch ap- preciated by his congregation. Millinery Store A Window of Hats $a and $4 ••••• SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN TRIMMED . DRESS HATS. - MISS CANTELON 6i CON • Varna . • Mr. 1...T.. Keyes. Inspector of CitY &lined's. Memphis, Town, ii expected to. arrive here to -morrow but his, tny will he. by ief he cone e over for his family who have beet' here for the last. five months; Renders of this . eel tea pondence wilt remein.ber that mention wits made of the, feet that two of the •ehithren were .takeni ill' with the fev- er during the long holidays and were nneble to ret ore with Mr. Keyes when • Was mWho Sen uffer. he went hack on the first of Septenaher Ty 13 to enter upon •bis duties as Inspector'. ' • • 'WARNING. . The Family Herald and Weekly. Stir of 'Montreal in this week's issue ••ate weaning their preseat subscribers to renew earlier- than usual this season, as there is an enormous deMand froth neW subscribers and there in apt to. be a congestion at the Close of the year. The new tree:limn picture, "The Soul's Awakening, "is causing a perfect fur- ore of enthusiasm in ell parts of the Dominion.• It is certainly a beautiful picture and is appreciated :nose and more the oftener one. sees it. It is 19 24 inches, ready for framing. A copy sent to every subscriber for 1910, and along with such e paper as The Family Herald. and Weekly' Star at one dollar a year certainly is the best bargain of the year. Clergymen of all denominatiOnS are urging parents to become possessors of a eopy of this. interesting picture. • The -good people of the Methodist congregation are looking forward to their annivei ear y 'ser vices to lie held. next. Sunday when Rees W. Butt of Centralia will ,be aim preechee. On Mosday evenieg. the Annual 'Fcre'l Supper will he served in the Temper- ance Halt to be followed bv the after program in the Town Hall. The News - Record outlined .the Program in lest - week's wiper whicli wilt be fleet claas and will be worthy of a big audience.' East.Watvanosh • Mr. and Mrs. Albert King of Auburn who lately returned from the West • where they have been spending the past few months, %defied Mr. King's old heme'in this township oneday last week. • • Mr. Wm. Weber was helping Mr. John Pfeffer a nal t of last week. A few people un this vicinity made use of the recent fall of snow by halt. nag a sleigh ride. ' Mr, John McOlinchey WU in Clioton on husinese wig day last week. • ,7 • •- Miss Irene King of Toronto returned borne on a short visit to her mother and sister on Saturday last. Auburn Anniversery servieee will he held on Sunday next. Rev. 8, E. Grigg, B.A., of Toronto' will preach in the after. noon at 3 and evening at 7, and on Monday evening he will give a sperial uddress on "God's Canadian" and a special program of voted and instru- mental ramie will he rendeted, ing vocal solos by Mrs. Hoover and violin solos by Miss Eileen Hoover of Clinton, the choir of the _church and other local talent, A speeikl thenk. offering will be received at each ser- vice rm.. behalf of the thttech debts Since Mr. -Grigg left Aulturh he has achieved great success in his pastorates Btockvire, Toronto and other plares, and all should take t he oppor- t unity of hearing this talented speak- er. . • The young people had charge of the prayer Meeting at the Bapttst drat ch otr TuesdaY evening and Miss.M. Rob- ertson and Mies Rose Jackson toek np the subject, "13eulah.l4Lntl.:' $1.00 Will pay a Subscription to the Nows.Record to the End of 1910. liKilb•VgbolietWeAlls.6"0...116. Siellb•iii'llw4)11i401s4)446.41P00...b.-abami,lietla• •qa-.41t40 0 ta a 0 a ,Special Sale ; , a ; 0 ; 'Boots, Shoes, and Clothing. ; DR. WILLIAIVIS PINK PILLS GIVE •REGULARITY AND GOOD HEALTIT. " Every woman at some Unto needs a tonic. At special limes. unusual de - Lands axe Made up -on her strength. Wherethese are added to the worry and hard work which falls • to her lot, weakness will result Unless the blood is fortified to Meet the strain. Weak wonien find Le Pink Pills the tonic exactly suited to their. needs. Most of the ills with which they suffer are. due to bleed, lessnesi—a 'condition: which the Pillsreadily eure. • These Pills save the who enters into -womanhood in a bloodless condition from years of misery, and afford prompt and ...per- manent relief to the Woman who is bloodless, and therefore weak. ' Mrs. R. Fisher, Coates Mills, N. B. says "Sometime ago my system. was in a very anaemic condition as the. • result of an internal hemorrhage caused by an accident. Though I had the Ser- vices of a skilled doctorfor a • time, I slid not recover my, strength, and gradually I grew so weak that I could not do any house -work, As I eeemed. to grow steadily. weaker I be- came much discouraged, for previous to my, ateideht I had always been, a healthy woolen. About this time I received a Pamphlet telling inc of the strengthening powers,of Dr Williauis Pink Pills. I procured a box at onco. and began using them, when they were gone I got three boxes more, and by the time I had used these I found myself somewhat strong- er anti my appetite much better, Be- fore I began the Pills I could scarce- ly walk up stairs, and could do no work at all. Now after taking three boat; I was able to walk out in the opet air. I kept on with the ?ills, and after using six boxes was de- lighted to find that I could again at- tend to, My hOusehold affairs. ' 1 took two more boVes of the Pills, and "I kit that I was as xvoll as Ater 1 had been, and 'ettiial to at kind of' exer., tion. 1 have sinee tecOmmeteled Dr. WU:limns' Pink Pills to friends, with beneficial results." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by, all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents, a box or six Wee for $2,50 by Tho Dr. WU- liatrisl Medicine CO., Brockville, Ont. 0 le a0 Although these two departments are already brim full of 0 money -saying opportunities we have decided, to give a Special 10 ; ca discount off all goods in these departments for30 days commencing 0 Sat., Nov. 20th, in order to induce new- customers to porehase be- ; al fore the Xmas rush is on and also to make new customers for these 0 departments. . ; a With our ' New Fall Stock all in and prices away below all a others in the trade, this discount offers one of the greatest money- # saving opportunities ever offered at this season of the year, Buy- ! 0 0 now while the stock is fullest and prices lowest. * 0 Special in Underwear. a . . t , Mens .pure wool elastic knit, unshrinkahle underwear, all sizes, regular $1,00, special value - - .78 t .10 0 0 See our Ladies' 'Mantles and Skirts.. Full 4' S (11 0 Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods a ; t0 0 LI] S EE OS. 2 0 . Small Profits and More Business. ta 0 ; Gi•c:StaiiKi. firqSAD'zili,8•Zis,.0.•tb.IP^Cisi.fiPt3b..b.841t41~Ziwilba.:cdellboa'flA4Blibre^gb•r, 4 . The present seasbn is. so wet that . every man whose business requires him to wade through mud ad slop should have.the-protection .afforded by a pair of our leggings. • We have a big stock of the best that .Canada produces at prices 'fo suit all...purses, William's patent leggings, choice grain leather $2.90r - William's patent leggings; No. I split leather 1;75 First quality heavy grain leather • . 1.60 B`irst quality light grain leather 1-50' . No. 1 fine split leather 1.25 Heavy duck leather bound :.75 Heavy moleskin • • .1.00 Leather leggins tor boys in all sizes at $1:25, $1.40, $1.50 and $1,90. REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT. FRED. JACKSON " Always Reliable " CLINTON erairrommrarommonamtunconsmnis it=11i112311111111111111111111=1112 1 Special Discourt Sale at Walker's Furniture Store For the balance of November I will give the following discounts — • 10 percent. • Iron Bedbteads 10 " Extension Tables 10 " Dressers and Stands 10 " Dining Room Chairs- 5 Parlor Suites 20 " 20 " 5 20 " Rugs Linoleums Pictures' ° Don't fail to grasp the Opportunityjiiat awaits you. On every purchase -of .$100 you will -save $20. • Conie and put °dr prices to the test. Anothe.r., shipment ,of those $2= Rockers is to hana:-: tb • Picture Framing and Repairing Neatly and. Promptly Done, The Store of Quality. W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 2% tslight or Day