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i GIFTS. :
0111.111110 OM
1 . Our new goods for Christmas 1
Oilts have arrived. We have
tile beet stock and. most beautie !
ful designs of
including Military Brushes, :
Cloth Brushes, Hat Brushes, I
Hand Brushes, Manicure Buff-
ers, Shaving Brushes and Tooth
S3rushes, all at prices that are
as good and better than the big
city stoma
Our Christmas Perfumes are I
a the eboicest redoes, the pack -
ages are wonders in beauty and
design. Our prices the lowest.
W. S. R. HOLMES j.
Matirg Chemist;
Be[ Cog
W. J Stevenson
.1 $92
One year ago, Mr.' 2
George AVakemart - was IP'
2 len earning about . $100 per I
• year as farm laborer. Now •
. 40 he is earning at the. rate 0
2 U-1124 of $902 per year ,
. i•
2 IM . Six menths' training •
2 te9 at.our • Business . College •
made the uifference. Was vl
They Cured His Lam -131g° c 'reality
Years Standing, and Vette Ulm
Feel Twenty Years Younger.
Fortune Harbor, Nil ; NoV. —
(Special).—Sixty years of ego but
hale and hearty and with all the Vig-
or of a young nail, Mr. Richard (Mak
well knave led Inehly resin ted Wei
gives all the credit for his good
health to Dodd's• Kidney Pills.
"I suffered for over twenty'syears
from Lumbago and Kidney Disease,"
Mr. Quirk says, "and after consulting
electors and taking their -.nedicines,
made up my mind I was incurable. I
was unable to work when 1 was per-
suaded to buy a box of Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills. To my great and happy
surprise 1 had not taken half a box
when I experienced great relief. Sev-
en. boxes cured me. That was in 1.909
and 1 an still cured. Iewould not be
without Dodd's Kidney Pills for any
money. 1 am tveenty years younger-
than before I took it."
Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid-
neys. Healthy, Kidneys strain all the
impurities out of the blood. That's
why they cure Rheumatism,' Sciatica
arid ocher diseases caused by the pres-
ence of uric acid in the blool.
Repeat it :4--"Shilob's Cure will al-
ways cure m.y coughs ander:olds," .
• George Spence, an old, maa fri m
near 'Toronto, was found teed. in
Smali Lake, near Cobalt.
, •
Repeat it tee"Shiloh's Curb :will, rti.!
waYS cure my coughs and colds.."
Edward Crump was caught' an•
• a
shaft et the Penman mills at. "Paris,
Ont., and killed. •
She is in sabiety, in business, at
home, 'everywhere yOu .see ber, but
always worn and iatigned. She hasn't
heard of Ferrozone or elle would be
perfectlyt • well. How quickly it
strengthens—what . an appetite it giv-
es—what a glow it brings to Pallid
cheeks 1 The nutriment 'contained in
Ferr•ozone puts strength into any,.
• body. , Laughing eyes, rosy lips, bright
quick movements all tell ot tae .Vital-
ity Ferrozone produces. Thousands of
attractive happy women use Ferro-
,:ine—Why not you' A. box of fifty
chocolate coated tablets • cost e fifty.
cents at any drug store.
it a gond investment. S Ile •
t h i n k s so. His address t
2• l'"' is New Osgood e, Sask..
• 40
0 eir3 Four Courses r o
.. tdr4 0
Enter any time. Indi- 2
• vidna I. Instruction. •
• •
Write for Partioulars. :
: =
• Ca
t it
• • =
• 1--.
ii Business College •
•••••••••••••••••••• 1•••••
for which we. will pay the
Highest Market Price. Call at
our store next •Morrish &
Crooks or at our Elevator.
—We keep on hand a hill-
-stock al Flour, Feed,-
We are agents for tho Canada Cal-
• riage Company Buggies and Stan-
dard Wire Fence and Posts.
will be at Holmes' Drug Store on
Friday, July tithe and thereafter on
Wednesday Aug.. 4,d Sept. 8; Opt. 13;
Nov. 17, Dec. 22. 'Innis from 9 a.
tn. until 3.30 pn. Glaeses properly'
fitted:. Diseases of the EYe, Ear,
Nose and Throat treated.
• 04•0•11•0000 eisse**0•60400.000
• Has the reputation of being the
• best, practiced training school in
Canada. Thorough eornara have
• produeed results-. linsiness tnen
* say our gratirtatee are the hest
ee. and they apply to us for office
2 help. Our graduates suer -Nal as
none ()awes, Thi•eo depart-
• tritet at one. . Write now for
• D.. A. McLachlan
0 •
• the Dry Good haziness. Must be
srnaet and Willing to work,—Apply
to Tozer & 13i•ovin. 99
aloe Road, one mile south of tilinton,
132 acres, fine shape for eroPPInge
to better land anywhere, fair. build-
• ings. Must be said as Owner cannot
work it. Will be sold cheap.
rent to a good 'tenant -ell. Pluinsteele
.. •
the east half of Lot 21; Concession
4, L. R. S., Teckersmith, containing
• 50 acres. The land is all clearekl,
• well fenced ,and unclerdrained. There
are on the premise's a good bank
barn and good stabling, a , good
house and plenty of -Water—one well
at the house andoncatthbstablc.
For further particulars apply on
premises, or address George Brown-
lee, Seaforth P. 0.. • 'Os
Rooms. Best location in Clinton.—
Apply to W. Bey -done, 87
Paper hanger. All work doneegtiar-
ariteed to give satisfaction. Prices
moderate. ,Residenceenea.rly opposite
Collegiate Institute. Clinton. • 83
. JAMES D010
filliter Tires.
, Having purchased a machine for
se applying Rubber Tires, • we wish to
elsay that we are am prepared to Eur -
ish and put on such tiles at reason-
• ble rates.
• We 'also do all kinds of Grinding,
• nything from a pair of scissors to a
• herder saw. This week we installed
machine for grinding horse clippers
• whien arms perfect. work.
\Ve likewise . do all kinds of 'lathe
'ork on short arder and at. reason -
be rates.
Machinery repaired, norms shod.
• •
our free Catalogue.
• ' PlaNCIP A
oe WL 1
4446 1444-011640114.06,6 0.4t.
Clinton News -Record
County NeTsicrs Gathered
for Nowa-Record Readers
Ao .B. 113Vil4kii7soanre1 II[spent Sunday
at Rip1er
Mrs. T. Anderson has returned from
From The News-Reeord of
•• November 25th, 1891.
Clinton, Nov. 25th,. 1891,
Dr. Gunn was in 'Brussels last week
visiting Dr. Holmes who is quite.ill.
Mr. E. Dinsley of Albert street is
buying considerable quantities of dres-
sed h , • Last wk he purehused no
less than •503000 pounds.
At the meeting of the Guelph Board
of Trade last veeie the matter of the
extension of the C. P. R. to Lake
Huron came up. It was stated th
'Huron.' It wall stated that Guelph
had bonuSed the building of the read
to Campbellville on the understanding
that it would. be extended to • Goder-
ich. Mr. Van Horne had promised as
mucla One member said that Van
Horne's promase to extend . the road
to Goderieh was like tire Scrishman's
promise to marry,' he did not say
when. This discussion era.s kept up
at great length, when a esolution
was carried instructing the president
of the board to write to Mr. Van
Horne concerning the extension of the
road. •
The Prince of Wales hotel changed
hands. the 1st of Dec., Mr. J. F. Lee
having bought Mr. Bell at. •
Aire Turnbull, headmaster of • the,
C. C. Ie, who lime been dangerously ill
in Toronto wilh• typhoid ever the
past ten days., is, ..at time pf writing
met of danger.' • •
Baputy Postmaster, - Mr. W. Fair,
was a• day Off last week while endea-
aoringto •diyorce hinfeelf from• neural-
gia. •
.• Mr. Joseph Brownlee: of Clinton,
who went to Moryteeal some time ago
for the purpose of securing. the , best
surgical aid, died there yesterday af-
ter undergoing an operation. •
.•• Deputy -Reeve Holt of Goderieh took
Clinton by storm last Tuesday after-
noon. •That is, about. the 'time he
came here from the northwe had the
stormiest day of the season. Whether
Mr. Holt•wes the' causenf the storm
visiting ,irs'•or whether the stnrm.was
the •cause of his appearance her 'depo- •
nent..sayeth not. •
• Mrs. Daniel Allen • died Torontei
lest .Weefea 'The "'body eras taken. to.
Guelph for interment. Deceased lived
in Godetich several years .where her
husband, Rev. Daniel Allen, died a
fele years ago. 'She :was the mother
of Mr. A. Mc. D. Allen, well known.
in this section, And. was .a eister. -op
the late Hon. Donald Macdonald.' '
A. pleasant affair Wasthe marriage
last, Wednesday, at the Grand Union,
of:. Miss . Minnie France's 'Spooner,
-daughter of, Mr. Chas. Spooacr, • to
Mr. C. M. McGregor of Hullett. 7 he
ceremony was persformed by Rev,
Rnral Dean Craig. A grand dejeueur
a la foutchette • followed* or which • a
large anther of the guests parteok.
Miss' M. Denieon •ot Mitchell and •Mr=
J. Livingston Of. Seafortlie supported
the faie young ',couple. • The brido.
was the recipient of a•large Lumber of
'presents.. The 'Wedded couple will Te-
,side.41-Kiebern; "
visiting her son, Walter, in Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton of Goderich
township visited his brother, Dr.
Hamilton, this week,
Mr. John. Ceultes of Morris .shipped
a earioad. of ugar beets to the Berlin
factory last Sunday. . . .
Mr:* D. Sproat ,spent a, few days in
Seafarth„ Stratford, St. Marys and
London. •
John Shottbottorn bas, returned from
Saskatchewan alter spending a good
part of the summer there.
; Mrs. -W'>A. Bryant -of Hallett spent
a few days .at the bottle of her:a/ee-
1 ents, -Mr. and Mrs: Wm, Wray.
IMiss Allison of Manitoba is at the
:home of her mother here. :ilia
' been ieManitoba four years. •
1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross of- Blyth and
I Miss Isabella.. Watson et , Bluevale
spent Sunday at Mr. \ rn. Aratereas.
.Dr. Ilarnilten, Garner. Nichelson and
Chas, =Johnston came honw last week
from the- hunting grounds. .
Ed. J. PaeLean has taken •a situa-
tion in a large carpet and ;ary-goods
house in Midland, heave has removed
from Norwood.
ales. J:Stewart and
her mother,
Mrs, Walsh, attended tlw funeral ' of
Mr. and Mrs. . Grairigee's :ratio
• Holmesville, Nov. 23th, 1891.
IVIiss Tilly Tebutt has been spending
a few days in 'the village. •
Sine March, who has lately been in
the • State of New Yciek, returned
Mane last week. • '
• Miss Minnie Halstead bas gone
north to visit friends in •Wingham and
Kineerdine. •
. Mr. F. J. Evans had a stoney day
for his sale, but notwithstanding This
most a the stock was sold. .
Mr. Mulholland, our enterprising
blackstnith, has added a new branch
to his business. He has eone into
the manufacture of butcher knives.
Mr. James Ford, Son :of Mr, • Thos.'
Ford, who has been in British. Colum-
bia for Some time, returned home lait
week, We remember quite Well stat-
ing in these columns when he left,
and now we are glad to see hint bee*
again, •
Godeiich Township, Nov. 25th; 1891..
Miss Miller is spending a few days
with her friend; Mr, Cole.•
The wife of Mr. John W. Elliott
presented him with a son and heir
Miss Martift frpm Goderich Was
spending a. shorttime with her
friends, Mr. - and Mrs. G. Elliott, • ou
the Bayfield Line. She returned heme
on Wednesday.
• We are glad t5 know that Mr. Jew-
ett is still .imprbving. IIe has had a
long terns of sickness.
Miss Thompson, who ha been visit-
inp; at Mr, John Beacom's, nift last
Thursday after having`a splenlid so-
cial time.
miiis Edith Cash left on :Nionday for
Varicoueer; where her marriage to*
Mr. Dan, Hutchinson will take place.
Miss Coll has been with the W. Pick-
ard •ta. Son establishment as . book-
keeper for the past sixteen years and
was 'a vented -employee. IRO: services
were kindly remembered by liar, ineke
ard lay- a substantial gift. 1,The em-
ployees of the store also •preseeted
her 'SOU/ remembrances which will no
-doubt be silent reminders of the days,
spent among them. Mr. l lut chinson
was also for a number of avers cone
meted with this store' and many
friendand aequaintances will send
their .goOdwishesfor a very happy
at Denfield lest week, •
The ladies of the Methodist chin eh
W.I.M. S. sent a large box of cloth-
ing and flowers to the *Jeacortess'
Home in Toronto last week,
Mr, and Mrs. George bodge • were
the geests of their une/e, Rev, and
Mrs. Cook; for a few days, The
young couple weee; an their wedding
Morris Township,
Ede Nichol and children, 5th line,
were visiting Elmo, friends.
'John Clegg has disposed ef a fine
horse to Listowel buyers at a good
figure. • . ' •
$19;170,59 is the total Tax Collec-
tor -Prectoe has to account for: in his
Week this year. Not quite as large
an amount aslast year but a large
• amount to handle just the eame. • -
-T... S. and Mrs. Brannon and family
have removed to: Winghena for • the•
tirne. being, .• • •
• Al J. Bensley and • bride nft Blim-
vase 'station, 13th'tat., for Malta-
wannin Manitoulin• • Island, where
the former has ;secured a situation.;
Last week Mr,. O'Connor and family
moved to Blyth • whole', they, purpose
making • their home, .for a time •at
least. •Thiey have been residente of
this township for '.Years aad carry
with -them to Blath. the: good wishes'
of ananie old friends. • e - •
:On the 8th. line there is hardly a
culvert, big or little,- where for -want
of gravel e .person runs the risk of
breaking a -spring or axle if not their
neck. Some of the other lines are not
flinch better. Thepatlineasters surely
know of this., 'condition 'of affairs and
should remedy it at once.
There .passed•nway -0.t.Seatorth on
Saturday, Wm. Masters, an old resi-
dent of the 5tia lima having owned
the farm now occupied. by .• G, W.
W: Proctor, 'which he disPosed ot
some. 20 years ago. .Mr. Mestere had
been in failing health for sew% months
a,n'd the end waanOt unexpected, he
having reached 'his 82nd year. Hig.re:i
Mains were interred from Belgrave. G.
ptation Monday on the: arrival.
of the 11.45 .train in MOCrae's pew:-
tery, Rev. Me. Cook having charge of
the service. Deceased • is survived by
one ,daughter in Detroit, another in
Algoma and one in the West, arSo two
sons in the West 16 mourn Medea -tie
Zurich Wingham
Father Loiselle, who has 'been par-
ish priest of Drysdale parish for a
number of years, and who has -many
personal friends here, is leaving for a
parish near Windsor. Father Lander -
eine of Montreal is 'to to bis eucces-
son end while we regret Fr. Loisel-
le's deperture we extend a nearty wel-
come to Fr. Landervible.
IMr. Warren. S. Dignan of the Zurich
Road, this township,. died ef heart
failure, .on 14th inst.,. baring leached
the age of 09 years, 6 'months and 21
days. The funeral took place. on Tues-
day afternoon to Fannsville cemetery
anirwas largely attended despite the
inclement' weather. He leaves a wid-
ow and eine childrea to mourn their
!I°t65A.very pretty wedding was c
ds.at the Mennonite church on the
• 1411 nst., when Lydia, Ann, daughter
of Mr e and Mrs. Joel Beater became
the wife of Mr. Christian Erb of
-Blake. The ceremony was nerformed
at high noon by Rev. N. Stauffer of
nerlin. After the ceremony- the young
couple drove to the Immo of the
bride' a parents where a wedding din-
ner was served. The young vouple.
will settle down on a farm on • the
Bronson Line. We • join with the
friends in wishing the young • couple
every ;success. •
• Mrs. B. Ifewald's house at the West
end had, a narrow escape from being
. destroyed by fire on Weduesday. There
i Was quite •a hole burnt into. the roof,
• near. the, chimney, . and but for the
' thncly rrival of some. neighbors it
;is hard to say how •serious a • blase
might have occurred as there was a
Ogle blowing Irma. the West at the
i•tiow. • ,
' . Last Sunday being tine lat Sunday
• of the church year, the morning, ser -
nee was devoted. to the' • commemora-
tion of the departed ones. The even-
ing service was conducted in English.
'That wasthe last service hi the
'Churele :Year, the subject of medita-
tion was, "Christ. • the Alpha and
:Omega, the beginning and the end of
' all
1 The old telephone booth which waS
badly shattered by the burglars . last
July, has been . replaced by another,
Mr. R. R. Johnston of • the' Domine
ion Houst‘ has been laid ep. in led for
SOII!O time with • rheumatism, but his
Imany friends will be glad. to. hear
that he is improving. . •
•• IhliigittlinolL
. • •
Gi • S. Woods, Goderich, visited
[deride here. on Sunday that
G. Stothers, who' is, engaged in. the
collay toWn, visited At his home here
on Sunday.
II, Bellamy. and Milts Gibson • were
among those wile attended the • con-
cert at Crewe on 'Monday night.
Miss Gladys McLean ot. Goderich;
visited et , the inane ot her eyeedpaie
elite; Mr. and 'Mrs. •Jas. Whyard; 011
Saturday and Sunday of lest .eneek..
Mrspainter and deughter, Mies
Winine Pointer, after a lengthy visit
witb' friends hereleitthis week • fot
Lacknew, where try wilI visit ,for a'
short -time before returning to their
home in Pembroke. •
ISCV: A, E. Jones occupied the pul-
• pit in the Methodist church twee Sun-
day Morning and • contracted annivere
sary services et Cretve in the after-.
nooe andvening. Rev. L..Bartlett
took Mr. Jones" *oak On the Auburn
iwr. Wm. Matters, • an old resident of
Sean:nth, died OA Friday last at the
advanced age of 82 years, Mr. Mas-
ters had notbeen in good health, for
some anonths. Last Springhe had •
quite a severe illness, but reeovered.
sufficiently to be up • and around the
streets, although almost Mired. The
funeral took place on Monday to the
G.T.R. station, the remains -.being
taken to 13e1grave, his former home,
for interment. Mi. Master's, who
survives him, has been an invalid for
some time. • •
The following are the amounts give
en by the different Women's Mission-
ary Societies and Mission . boards el
the Presbyterian ehurehes in the Pres-
bytery of Huron for the year ending
November 9th, 1909 From Auxiliar-
lee—Auburn, *1111.25; 13a,yfleld, $47 ;
Blake $26 ; Myth $112,50 ; I3ruce- ,
field,$2`28.50 ; Clinton'$138 ; Duff's
church, McKillop, 125.85 ; Egmond- '
ville, $194.81 ; Exeter, $45 ; Goderich
Knox ehurch, $118 ; Goderich town -1
ship, Union church,. $27 ;
*18275; Hillsgreen, ' $30 Kippen,
$126 ; Kirkton,• $90 ; Leeburn, $33 ;
Londesboto and Bura' church,
$81 ; Seaforth, $222.40 ; Smith's Hill, i
$30.; Thames Road, $110 , •Verna. -1
$23 ; total, $1,893.06, From Mission ;
Bende—Bayfield, "Lon Graham," $17.- I
119 -, Myth, "McLean," $36 ; Bruce- 1
field, "Little Inseipir s4" .$33,15 ; God -
(*rich; "Metiillivray," $10 ; Hensel!,
"King's Own," $6.07 ; Seafortb,
"Barbara Kirlenan,"' *9.07; ,Seaforth
'"Barbara Kirkman;" $30.60 ; Sea- 1
forthe "Sunshine," $21,11 • Thanes
Road, "Busy , Bees," ; total,
$l92.72 ; "'Seattertd Itt1per8," Caea.
an church, alekillop, $1 L00 ; grand ;
total, $2;090.7a. •
Mr. 'Harold Chem' of San Fralleise
co arrived in ?town on Saturday.
Meg. Cherry and children live spent
the rammer witli her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Davidson.
CO T. EL Notes.
A strong and ringing note • was.
struck by the labor leaders of. Amer-
ica at .Massey Hall,. Torrent° last
week. It was the 'note of open and
uncompromisingAntagonism to the sa-
loon. . There was ,no minceing and no
saving clauses. Straight 'rem,' the
shoulder the blow Was struck, All'
fellowship between labor unions and
the saloo,n was denounced. Without
reserve or eq.uivocation. and in the
name of internatiohal labor, endorsed
by four thousand men with the right
to speak, the liquor traffic was .ecire-
demned as an ...enemy of the working
man, a hunter' on his life, and • a
elms° to his home. The -significanee
of this declaration is very great. It
means a fresh e rally of the forces
making for sobriety and anew social
order. It signalizes the deliverance iaf
a great host of the world's workers
from a bondage that has for. pewee -
tions in Britain. and •iti America,
been a blight on the vitality and. a
bar to the progress of the labor move-
ment. The•labor leaders of America,.
study economics first -band and at
short range. • They know right well
that the tvork tif the saloon is, to
weaken the muscle, to defile the
blood, lo make unsteady the nerve,
and to be-eloud the brain. They
know, too, that the workingman who
epends mbney in the saloon has less
nionriy with which to buy food and
clothes and a , for his .family.
Knowing ellie, they and their men
:with 'them. say in the frankest and
most resolute Ione that 'the time
is come when the° labor movement and
llu‘ liquor traffic \mist take eeposite
sides, stand divorced from each other
arid never meet except for war to.thci
lbe knife, with every knife to the
hilt. That is the meaning of the
Above is a report of a ,nettting, held
on Nov, 11111 -in Massey Halt, Throne
10. We rejoice • to eee the leading
men in the labor moVenniait ready to
move along with lig and swPep ' from
our midst this great evil, ..
• —Press Representative
The death took place in Wing -ham on
Sunday afternoon of last week of An-
nie Stein, relict of the late Charles
Robinson, after about two weeks /M-
eese with fever. The deceased lady
was a daughter of Mr. John. Stein of
this town :and she was born in East
Wawanosh. After her marriage to. Mr.
Robinsou they moved West rani lived
there for • sone. years. Mr. Robinson
pessed, away some nine years ago.
Mrs. Robinson had a large eirele of
friends who heard with deep regret Of
her death. Her death is a aro:tinier-
ly sad one as she leaves nne son,
Leonard, nine years of age, who will
have the sympathy of may triendS,
as will her tbree sisters and six bro-
thers. The brothers and sisters are :
Andrew Stein, Ashfreld ; Albert, Rob -
vet and James Stein, Of Saskatche-
wan; William .Stein of 'North Dakota
and John Stein of „Kincardine; Mrs.
Chas. J., Rintoul of East Wilivanosh;
Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. Jas. Purdon of
West Wawanosh. The funeral took
place on Tuesday 'afternoon from the.
residence • ot Mr. Rintoul in East Wa-
wanosh to the Wingham cemetery, .
At a r ent meeting of the Directors
oofintetrsli,eaun liospital the following
elected for the'
President, R. Clegg. .
Vice-Peesident„ L. W. ,Hanson.
Secretary, R. \ muttony. • •
• Treasurer, Dia A. J. _Irwin...
.Ceannittees were appointed as 'fol-
lows :
property—W. •II. . (Tepee, John Wil-
son S., Wm, Peasant.• . '
IfIre\—„1114,s...t\otiI.,Iansoti,.Dr.- Kennedy-,
• Isinanee—L. W. Han .
Hanson, Dr. .0. v.,.
•.Itedmono,-„Dr. Ji. .1. Irwin. -
A resolution_ was:unanimously adop-
ted, •• extending •the hearty -thank, of •
Abe Board to the Superintendent and
her staff for the faithful and efficient
manner . in :which -they baVe discharg-
ed the- onerous duties. devolve" - upon
them (hiring the trying periodthrough
which they have just passed.
Mr, • James- Anderson .pf • this town,
last week purchased Mr, "Samuel .
150 -Acre farm, being lot 6, in
the Oth Pon.. • of IVIOrris. Mr.' Ander-
eon will Move' his family to the farm.
Mr. .Irwin. is. taking Mr. Anderson's
house. in 'Own.- hut -eller/rises taking a
trip. to the 'Weat in. the. spring.'
Grey Township.
miss marthaisthitii, 7111 con., artiv- •
eda, home last week- after an 'extended -
visit. with rehitiveseili Toronto:. ,
Teter :Stewart, tot 9, con. 14., Pass-
ed' away' on Tuesday of last weekain
his 44th. near. It,- had not. been' in
good 'health for' genie thee. The fun-
etal took place Thuteday afeertiootr,
interment being made at Brussels
erYbe Bible Society. O.
friendly teeeption• as they. aro eageiged
,in it•grand work in which you'. -ought
to, be greatly interested. • •
:A' series of -Local' Option public
• meetings wiil. be held in 'Grey Owe-
shie Miring the morning month.
Angus alampbell, con. 11; Grey, was
the first' to ship a, car load. of segat
beets from Ethel station to the Ber-
lin Sugar Beet Company, They were
'a good- cron.
• Evangeliatic, eervices are in Progress
at Roe's church each .evenieg, conduc-
ted by the 'pastor. Salsa Julia Toomb
of- Toronto, a nieee of J. A. Frain, is
assisting, her .part being the :Singing
ot t1i "Old, Old Story." , • '
At. last Monday's township 'council
the. Local Option .trireIale was pienen,t-
edand reCeived a „1st and 20d ' read-
ing. • The by-law • , will lie published
and will be voted on it the coming
Municipal 'election, Janeary• • 3rd, at:
the usual polling places. • Clerk A-. H.
McDonald assumed office an Monday
as successor to the late John McIn-
tosh.: ' '
The appeal 'cane. of .Maisn, es. Grey
township, came, up • for hearing at
Toronto last week and was ergued by
Barristers Vanstone and Proudfoot
for the respective sides. Decision was
given in favor of the township but
the wi1 haveto pay their share -of
the 'costs. .Reeee Fraser and 'Deputy
Reeve Grant Wert in attendanee. •
Novon;bor 2$thf 1904
T_Ixt MISS1011
Of thou corpuscle' in your blood that
have been called *Little Soldisrs,° ia
to -light for you against the diseaso '
germs that constantly endangor your,"
health. These corpucclos aro made
healthy and strong by the us0 of
Hoogru Sarsaparilla.
This medicine effects its wonderful
cures, not eimply because It contains
earsaparina but because it combines
the utrnoet remedial values of rnore
than SO different ingredients, cad/
greatly strengthened and enriched by
this peculiar combination. There is
no real substitute for it. If urged to
buy any preparation said to be "just
as good" you may be sure Itis
fr'rlor, costs lees to make, atedlYields
the dealer a urger profit.
Get it today of your druggist. •Pre-
pared•only by Q. L Irood Co., Lowell.
Mass., In S. A.
Grey TOWAShip.
A superflous growth on the thumb
of Oliver Turnbull's left hand is
bothering hina It was occasioned by
the scratch of a nail.
Tuesday of last week John 11,
Smith, a well known resident of the
3r4 eon., for the pest 50 years, left
.for Canning, Oxford ,county, where he
purposes making • his borne. He. took
a car load of- stock, impleinelnts and
household effects with hira for his
farm, Mrs. Smithand children wilt
follow in a. few days.
The Value of a
.Cordial Hand Shake
Collies Weekly recently ha.c1 an ar-
ticle on Senator Cox which contaiued
the following- very significant story of -
his first expvience in cherciagoing at •
. "The first Supday in the new town
'he went to the Englisn enurch, for his
;people were Anglicans, and he had
beenebrought up in this faith. It was
a very cold little church, but he was.
very lonely, and he went hack again ,
the next Sariday. Nobody took hint.
by tile land and' veiled -him b rather. or
friend, or said he was glad to see •
him, and :asked him his. name and
wham he was: working for, and luiw
Mirth he was' making. Se the the
third Sunday night he carried Ms
loneliness to another church, • the '
Methodist. The service may • have
veined strange and crude to him, but •
after it, wasover there . was a couple •
of men to grip the boy by the band
and make bit» Weleome and ask him
to. come hack. He- canto back, anti he
has been going beak ever since, Cok'g •
adherence to the • church of his father •
could have been bought for e hand-
shake and a cheerful Word ; but 'it '
fell oat that even this currency, was
Scarce at the• moment, and he passed
into •the Methodist fold which has
benefitted .to the extent of thousands
of dollars thereby."
A Pdsitiue Cure
for Indigestion
It you have indigestion, your food.
terinents in the stomach and bowels; '
•It does snore : It decays and the nut- -
ectious matter: which should. go to
make new blood decays with it, 'and. ,
this leads to an impoverished con-
dition of the 'bleed, tonervousness,
billiousness, constipation, • sick' head-
ache, bad breathwhich disgusts your
friends, attcl either , disagreeable
unpleasant condition. •-
And all this trouble is caused by
the food that doesa't digest, but fer- •
Ments and oftimes • rots .in the- ..
stomach. ,
Aad ferinentation' is c'eused by the •
stomach not being strong -enough and
eneegetic enough to thoroughly mix
tile food with the digestive
M -1 -0 -N -A is responsible. for tens of
thousands of curet. In fact, it is such
a positive cure for indigestion and all
stomach troubles 'that .it is ariarante- -•
•ed 1,:;y -W. 5. It. floinles to carve
money . back. • The price of a• large
box of Mi-o-na tablets is 50 cents, .
and they are sure to promptly reie
lieve the worst case of indigestion or
-gastritis. Try them,
1 (ficticonsi Avait-olii)
t'auteWthio Coliqt, Coughs and Colds, or
matey heat& Sold awl guaranteed by
Y• ou bave.not, yet visited our newEstore, one
door' outh of 11totrish & Crooks, if not we respect-
fully invite you to call and inspect our comfalete
stook of Jewelety, Silverware, Japanese Goods, etc.
We car please you both in quality and price.
Wo -COI:121101
&meter and Engraver. Issuer of Marriage Licenses