HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1909-11-25, Page 1.•,? arm
30th Year
Whole Number 1605
The News -Record will be sent to any address in Canada to the end of 1910 for one dollar. To the end of 1909 for 13 Cents.
tidg 4 tOce.k.s eYt
to P13.ug for V,e.tristmclo..
Our stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery of all
kinds, Cut Glass and Chinas, Everything suit-
able for old or young was never so complete.
Have already laid aside choices, and will be
pleased to do the same for you. . •
The earlier the better.
lass Van,
Riddlecombe's o/d stand, Clinton
May Be Small at first, but -the noticeable feature of
Royal Bank Saving Accounts is that they grow.
We are &instantly opening accounts for small sums,
but these usually increase lea amounts tliat'are very
satisfactory to both Depoeitoe and. Banker. • —
The first deposit acts as a eia,gnet for the oda
amounts that are so apt to be wasted.
Clinton Branch. R. E. MANNING, Manager.
Tne castor will preach a special
Temperance sermon next Sunday
morning;. subjects, "God's Woe on
Drunkard Makers." Rev. J. Greene
will prearh in the evening.
Mr. and Ma. W. Jackson will en-
tertain the members of the lawn
bowling club on Monday evening next.
This is an annual •event and' is al-
ways looked forward to be the de-
votees of bowling on the ereen.
One day last week a couple of ener-
getic lade killed a pet rabbit, down
near the diamond, and when the little
owner raised a. hotel they ordered him
into the house or they would shoot,
pointing a gun at him the ivhile. The
youngster's father complained to the
authorities about it.
In forwarding his dues to Clerk
Cottle of Clinton Camp of the W. O.
W. Mr.Albert Wallace of the Battle -
ford district, Sask., writes' that he
has had the best yet crap. and that
the weather favored him throughout
the harvest season. , Albert is great-
ly pleased with the returns, and says
the prospects are also bright. If a
few more or his IIullett friends
would only locate in his district and
there was a Camp of 'Woodmen with -
air a reasonable distance his happiness
would be complete.
• •
,................., . ....-
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest Fund.- $3,500,000
. •
Has 73 Branches in Canada . •
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
in the world. • .
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate.
Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager
10111111811 156 uruuiis CLOTHING
65 Ioys Wanted
We want 05 boys between the hours 8 a..m. and
11 p. m. on Saturday, Nov, 27th, to take -part in one
of the greatest races ever held in Clinton. This is no
111ARATHON, but a GENUINE .race to make good
gold dollars. Here is our offer and your chance,
boys. We have just cleared out a large manufac-
turer's outfit of
New rind Up=to-Date Overcoats
this reason's goods and very latest styles, which we
are going to clear out on Saturday, Nov, 27th, start-
ing at 8. a.m. at the following slaughtering prices.
38 Boy's Overcoats, regular price and good value
at $8,50 to $10 get in the race boys, .you. can have
your choice while they last for - 5.90
18 Boy's Overcoats, good styles and mnterial, reg-
ularly sold at $5 to $6,60, boys' race price will .
be - , - 3,48
9 Boys' Reefers, regularly sold at $3 and $3.75, first
9 Boys to corne here will get them -each at - 1.98
First here Saturday will get. best choice, but
all are good" Coats and genuine bargains.'
Don't fail to. see our SPECIAL Overcoat for
men at $10
"A Square Deal for Every Boy,"
Succesiors to Hodgens Bros. Clothing, Store,
Mr. S. G. Plummer has eald his
residence to Mr. John Little Of the
5th con. of Hullett who gets posses
, -
sloe the first of Janeary. The pur-
chase price was $1200 and Mr. Little
gets big value fbr his Money for .., the
house was erected by air. Piet -tuner
himself and there is nothing flimsy
about it. Mr: Plummer will take up
•his abode with his daughter, Mrs. II.
Hibbs on the 16th con., Goderich
township, and thoagh he is leaving
town it will just be for the suburbs.
Fie has been a. highly respected resi-
dent for the past twenty-three years.
John Cotton, who has been 'over
from Detroit the past foitnight, and
Joe Ratteebury have been exchanging
reminiscences and in looking back-
ward 1876 seems to . them to be but
'a decade ago. That vvas the year
both enterecrthe service of the ' late.
Ike Rattenbury, Joe as enteia.ger.
the hotel and John as: boss 'of the
stable and general handy man. Thee
worked togethar .for eight e ears and
though there is 33 years arid 12 days
difference in their agee-JOe will: be:
50 in February and John 83- they
have always been the best of friends,
and Joeinvariably speaks most kind-
ly • of hie old ' mate who always en-
deavored t6 do 7hjs (lute and:. Was
more prompt than any clock,
'The pastor will' ta,lee for his morn-
ing subject' next Sunday : "Whet will
make this Earth Jike 1Jeaven.." Even-
ing subject : "Alcohol ts detrithantel
to health." 'All are :eyelet -sate. '
The pastor haseergenizeil e Bible
which Meets each •Thursday ev-
ening at the • homes of the -Members.
Jt' has so far proved. -most interesting
The annual commencement enter-
tainment of the Collegiate ,vill be
given in the town hall on nee. 9th.
Walter Gordon Craig, Toronto's fav-
orite dramatic monologist, has been
secured for the evening and a treat is
in store for the friends of the Col-
Wheat $1.00 to* $1.02.
Oats 35c to 36e. ,
Peas 85e to 87e.
Barley 530 to 55c. -
Butter 21c to 22c.
Eggs 26c to 27c• .
Live Hogs $7.25.
While Mr. Will. Carter, engineer for
the Jackson Mfg. Co., was the other
day assisting in removing the, fence in
front of the former -MolsOns Bank
building he !mind jack plane under
the capping of one of the posts. It
had evidently been 'placed there and
forgotten when the fence was aeing
buitt about a score of years ago and
was just about as good as the day
ft was covered up.
The Exeter .town council and the
Jackson Mfg. Co. have been negotia-
ting for some time and matters were
brought to a head on Tuesday when it
was arranged that a bylaw ne sub-
mitted to the ratepayers Elt. New
Years providing a factory building
free of reel and taxes for tee years.
By paesing this bylaw Exatei will se-
cure a branch of one of the most
progressive and pedmising industries
in Western Ontario.
Mr. T. Mason is busy buying tur-
keys this week and already ' aboet
1200. have been delivered to him,
coming front. all the adjacent town-
ships. He pays lat cents per pound
live weight and as they'iare clump. it
doesn't require much of a rate of the
birds to net the farmer a goodly
sum. Sergeant Welsh presides at the
scales. 'Nur said.
The officers and members of the
Se A. walked -down to the Nouse of
Beluga last evening and gave the in-
mates a reusing old-time elelvation
meeting which they appeared to enjoy
.heartily. 'Some took part in the tes-
timony and others by the • uplifted
hand expressed a desire for the pray-
ers of the Army. The. Salvationists
through themedium • of The Newe-
Record desire to express their. appre-
ciation Of the kindness and eourtesy
of Manager Mutch and his good -wife.
Mr, Stewaat Jackson again favored
a very appreciative congregation on
Sunday =mine last with that.. fele
solo; "A Voice of Paradise." Stew.
art possesses- a full • rich eoice : of
good range, and this „ecimbined with
good- enunciation and a -.natural man-
ner makes him a favorite soloist le
Clinton, and he is always in demand
when he tomes home fba•a isit. •
The anthem • Sunday .. . evening
•Mr. L I. Carter of • Sarnia is offer-
ing $300' in scholarships to the stu-
dents of tbe Collegiate Institute and
High Schools of Via county of Hur-
on. There are 5 scholarships of $100,
$80, 460, $40 and $0, respectively,
which will be awaraell b order of,
merit to the candidates obtaining the
highest aggregate merles at . anyef
the enidsumraer examinations in tap -
Pee Sehool subjects. These crautina-
tions. are: entrance to • the Faculty
of Education, Honor tnatriealation
and Scholarship matriculation.
The match game of ten pins eleyed.
in 'tiles alley on Friday evening last
wee keenly eonte.stee -and interesting
from start to The eonapeti-
tors were few Hullett, captained by
Jas. Fair and Reuben Graham. Reu-
ben .and his- trio thought they were
going to win, ' sure, but when R.
Townsend, a green player, rolled up
365, they threw. up their hands, so
to speak,.' and cried enough. Charlie
Midden of Londesboro was expected
to take pert in the match but his
calculatibns went wrong ;led . he
coeldn't coat°. Nothing pleases Char-
lie better tiren. a contest that
body's until tae last ball and he
doesn't miss any, More of them than
he can possibly help. The players
aed scores were
.. W. Gray • 295
A. SP11/11 • ' 242 :•'
-• R. Townsend • 3ta .
-J. leau.
to all who attend. -- •
. .
The Junior League, are praeticine
Caritata entitled "The Juni et a1241r- 284
den," to be given. in the course of : J. eaeott 271
couple of weeks
D. Gibbs ' .. 267
Anniversary services 10 onnection D 'Gibbs • 267
with Wesley S. S. were held 00 Sun -
last and proved very auceessful. ' esa". Graham 390
Rev. S. T: Bartlett, General Sec- • 1213
retery .01 Sunday Schools end Ep-
worth Leagues, preached moieties; arat
evening, and .aleo addressed en. •open-
.sessien of, the'school in the after-
noon. The morning seavice .was de -
Voted principally to children and
young people, • while the reamorr 111
the evening, was quite applicable to
all. •
Mi. A. T. Cooper the superintend- ,
ent of .the school, presided at the
afternoon session, which was Very in-
teresting, censieting of the' singing
6f the doxolOgy and. the caantingeof
thel,ortBs maim A. march and song
by the primary alas's_ Several chor-
uses ay the school, a' solo by -Miss.
Ilill and a Btble drill in. which the
ifitermediate pupils astonished older
People by their knowledge of • the
Bible. The pastor even admitted that
he could not give the ."divisions"
with their •"keynote" as those
girls .and boys did. • Another in-
teresting. feathre was the alass
roll 'eall. Most of thn classes
reepolided by reeiting a 'passage of
scripture, others by singing a verse
of a hymn. The primary class res.-
pottded by one little tot singing the
solo paet while all joined in the
chorus. It was a Danceable feet
that many of the classes were- in
full attendanc.e with their teachers.
So linen's:ice' wee the speaker of the
day with the fine organization of, the
school, that he said if it only had
a "Home .Deparithent" it would be
almost perfect.
All three services were well ate
tended by both' pupils' and parents
afel were Most interestine r•nd in-
stritetive. Mr. Bartlett le a forceful
and convincing speaker and succeeded
in holding the at entian of the large
eongregation on each °melon,
Reports by the secretary, Mr. Ed-
gar East, and the treasurer, Mr. NV,
II. ilellyar, sbow the school to be in
a good etate financially, and the offi-
ce -es ere to be congratulated on its
•• -
'the 'last carpet' hall Match in the
fraternalsociety schedule took place.
00 Thursday evening last in the A.
hall; the compeettore tieing the
W.O.W. and the LO.F. For a time it
looked • as if the Choppers might;
win, • but the Independents grew bet -
tee es the game progressed and final-
ly won 'out by 80 points. The rinks
Were .maite up. ee.'followe
I; 0.1?., ' . W.
John Cook• T. Cottle
•Conlitaa J. Fair • ' •
rr Grdelie.... • 0. • Catch
M. Kaufman: (Il) C. E. Dowding (12)
W. Walaer Geo. Cook '
J. J. Macdonald Ce Witts
G. 'Niemen W. Ladd ,•
C. Oliver (21) R. A. Bell (16)
On Tuesday - evening the '
seered another victory but they had
to fight hard or it, the 14.0.1's bee'
ing deuglity.-opponents. , The scores'
were : -•;%. . • '
L 0, .1
John Cook • • W. S. R. Holmes
T. Graelie G. Doherty ,
C. Oliver T. Managhia •
M. 1<.aufman(19) Ilitywaad (16)
W. :Walker • J. Hartley .
;le J. Maedoneld Ss C. Railiwell •
Coehreme Josh Cook
Hellyar (15) D, cattier (113).
When the Canhaian 0. V: met the
Anciteit Order it WEIN with only one
rink side and they won
quite. handily. That iloes not
imply, however,that the .kneients
are not expert bowlers, but merely
tliat they do riot show to advantage
in the early stages of tae schedule.
Tile players were ;
• A. 0,
II. r eml in
G. Cook ,
N. Cole A. Fisher
C. Twitchell (30)1'. Watte (33).
was ,well•erendered by the choir,
,the a beautiful solo wets being
taken by. Mrs. •Chowen in:- good
'voice, and' the duet parts were also
well rendered by the Misses fedith and
Margaret- Torrance.
• .
Divine service will be held in El-
liott's hall on Sunday afternoon at
2.30 p. m. to be conducted -by Evan-
gelist W. G.Burns. The evening ser-•
vice at 7 p. m. will be conducted by
Mr. Fa J. Hill. All are welcome.: •
A number of citizens elisgueted with
the stele of the principal streets
bave •requested Mr. W. G. Smyth to
again offer his services as a member -
of the council, remembering taat it
was while be was chairmao of the
committee that Victoria street
was macadamized and made a credit'
to the town. It has kept in 'splendid
state, in just such condition •as all
the highways leading into twee should
Mr. W. J. Paisley ought alp • to
be in next year's couneil. Any 'com-
mittee of, whieh he is a member gate
goodavalue for money expended. .
A union meeting, of county and local
members of the Poultry Association
was held Wednesday evening to tran-
sactbusiness. relating to the anima
show to be held on Jan. 171h, 18th,'
lath and 20th. .The resignatioa of the
president, Mr. •• If. .R. Roilete, was ac-
cepted, ' After Much 'deliberation, the
cbunty secretary,. Mr, M. C. •Katif-
man, accepted the honor. This. nec-
essitated the'election of • F. B. hall
and ea Maneghan 05 seeretary .and
• tre.asurer, Jespectively. A hustling
rize••lisl committee : 'has been ap-
matted, and with the assistance of
the &beers' elected there is no doubt
f. the entwine of -the Show! Alter
ccepting the booksrelating to . the
a,st show, the .meeting adjoerned, to
the call of the president._ •
,On .November 22nd 1887 Mr.. and
Onslow Crich were united ie
marriage, the knot being tied by:
Rev: .W. W. Sperling, 'then pastor of
the Ont.' St. • church.. During the
twenty-two .years • that have singe
elapsed, with one interval, they have .
lived • in Clinton of , which Ilea are
respected residents.. Tuesday being
the anniversary they entertaited a
Party. of twenty-five guests in. honor
of . the occasien- and after dinner con-
sisting .�f the seasons delicaeies, the
.evenieg %passed • away all too quickly
witie.mueic and games. Those pres-
ent were all . Of town,with the ex-
ception of Mese O'Brien -and on of
Teckerernith, Mr, and Mrs. Walter
•Swinaank . of •the London - Road and
Mr. John Freeman of Hiihlett.• , The
friends- of Mr. and Mrs. Catchcor-
dially wish them a long succession of
happy anniversaries. .
The localbreech of • the W.C.T.te
attend Iteldieg a grand, rally.- on Dec-
ember 5th, having secured. for that
occasion Mtn- Gordon • Wright, •Presi-
dent of the Itomieioa
:add.Fe.SS El Mass meeting ia the town
ball at 4 o'clock. Mts. Wright, who
is one of the inost brilliant speakers
in the -society in . Canada, scarcely
met's. an. introduction to • :Clinton.
people,. she having been here at for-
mer tines in the interests.. f the W.
. 'Rev, T. W. Cosens may 1 e expected
to accupahis own pulpit next Sun-
day. The theme of the morning dis-
course will be ."The Everlastirig Em -
ire." In the evening he will preach
a Temperance sermote . The anniver-
sary serviees will be .held a week
. later. • • .. • . •
' .At the Meeting • of the, 'League on.
Monday evening Mee. R. B. Carter
gave an interesting • report ef the re-
cent convention held in 'Londesboro.
Miss„ M. Kerr gave e paper • on Mis-
sions which threw new light on an
old subject. . At the next a meeting of
the League • .Peiecipal Hartley will
give an address: on Temperance.
. ••The "Philathea" . eiass of Ontario
:street catireh. S. Semet on Nov, lath
when alto following officers were elec-
ted for the coining terni
- President, Miss Corena Lockwood.
• 1st vice; Miss Emma Plumeteel.
• 2nd vice, Miss Ethel Govier.
3rd .vicee Miss M. L. Manning.
Secretary, Miss 'Louise Beaton. . •
Treasurer, Mita Beesie Weikel's
• . . .• •
A peeler .meeteng . will also be held
on the afternoon of Saturday; . Dec.
4t11, to which the public will .be. in-
vited. DO riotfail to, heerthat Mee.
Wright' has to say.
The er.C.T.la offer three prizes. of
93, e2 and $1, reSpeCtIVelYr for the
."Best reasons . .'why Clinton should
have Local Catlett." •• The mama:Rion
is open to boys and girls of not over
16 years of age. Judges will be ap-
Peinted by the el,V,C.T.U. and' the es-
says must be in. the hands of the 'sec-
retary, Pars. A. T. Commanot later'
than Dec: 1.3th. • . •
. • -
. • . .
woise, as the ,saying goes. :They will
reside in the groonas cettiage at the
south 'end of the town :
Tae following front a London daily
of Thursday ;last • refere. to Mr: "DIA"
.SmaIleandePars. Biddle of town who
have taken --each other' for better or
"A man of 00 years sto.od on the
platform of the Gratid Tritek sta-
tion yesterday, awaiting' the arrival
of the train from Clinton. lIe seem-
ed anxious ta eleat conversation,
and, When several of the station.' of•
ficiels and hotel porters mile amer he
told them that he was waiting to
meet his bride. ' . °
' "t've only seen her two or three
times, and T met her nt. the fair here
last year," . he related. "But I've
badseine correspondence with her,
and she saidwhen she wrote jest
that elm would be ready to emery Inc
when she mite down todea.... I came
from Yarmouth, and after we have
eon tae sights • in London re are go -
leg to St. Thomas to be married..
I've got a nice feria down at Yars
Mouth and we expect to be hapey."
Those who had been 'taken into his
vonfidence offered their congratula-
tions and passe(l the word around.
The old man went into the waiting
•ronin just before the „train 'arrived,
with the 'remark) aI must get my
hands warm, so as 1 can shake halide
with her when she comes."
When the London, Huron at Mum
train arrived he gazed at every one
who left the train, and did not move
until be saw a woman in apeearanee
about len years his junior. Then he
advanced toward her and gave her
big warmed bands. She tmlled graci-
ously upon him, and they left the sta-
tion together. lae waved his band at
the group that stood watchlug him
ae he went toward Richmond street."
New .Advertisements
Cutter For Sale -5 .,
Men's Store-Tozer's-5
Wanted-Robt. Clarke -5
Boys Wanted -M.
The New Rookooper's-1
County Couneil-W. Lane -5
Exceptiorml Value-Tozer's-a
'Elliott Taxes -W. II. Moon -5
Ideal Gifts -W. S. R. Uoimes-e •
Turkeys Wanted -T. T. Murphy -5
Dress Hats $3 -Miss Cantelon-4
Four Weeks More -W. II. Hellyar-I
Dieing Room Suits -J. H. Chellew-T
If the reader is not a eubscriberr
The News -Record would be pleased to -
enrol aim as suck.
The entertainment in tbe Se ea. tar -
racks on Thursday evening lest was
enjoyed by those present.
A meeting of the Boys' Association
will be held in the town hall on Fri-
day evening at eight o'clock. .
The Boys' Association intend hold.ing a monster contert in the town
hall on New Year's night, and are
now practicing for it.
ibee your lunch at St._ Paul'e
bazaar in the ton hall this eveaing.e
They will serve Boston baked liewas:
and other seasonable dainties. • .
',JOhe Iiricr, colored; .porter at the
Hotel .Nortaandie, were - a look of
tnech concern on Suriday inornieg' last
and the cease thereof he expleinel in
tlie follow,itig mannet
'F was at Zurich yesterday after --
noon end came across. to Hensel' •
the evening and bed a few game i of
'pool there. About 12.e11* 1 started
for -Clieton witit. one. of Warrener'sel
livery rigs. and when • at the .first
eross mile Mirth of hrecetield .1 wae
Stopped by two men. •• Oue et them
stoo.d at • the horse's • head rotd the !
other poked a gun -at ate and . esclei ed•
nee to get oat pf the, buggy. I got,
What else could I:do and as 1 •did so
he .put his hand la my pocket and :
pulled out my wad of twenty-four
dollars. They then. ordered .me .to
drive • back to Brucefield or they
would shoot. I went 'back:and tried
to borrow al gun 'from Bossenbesry,.
the aotellaiepee, but he • hadn't • one'
so 1 hunted: up a club and started, for
Clinton again and got here about
3.30 this morning, .No, a I am not
sure about , the men as it vas
.very dark thOugh . I think • they
were men who were soe 111
Hensel'. • Perhaps they sew me Play-
ing pool- and heard lee offer to • bet
twenty-five dollars on n certain shot.'
Yes, I. showed the Wad then to let
them see that I meant businees."
' .
.7 Personals.
•With the ,article whiehappeared tin-
der the above heading, last week .
"From an occasiolial correspondent"
our regular correspondent had noth-
ing whatever to do. The writer is a.
well known and respected resident of
the village but the sentiments express- ,
ed were,perhaps, somewhat. outspoken,: '
in view 'of the fact, that the article was
unsigned and that a controversy' • ts •
altogether out 6f the question in this '
.column.-Editok .News -Record. .
Mr. John McLeod left ,on • 'Friday
last for Defiance, Ohio, to visit her
sister, Mrs. Walters..
• -Mr. Alelander Martin of 'aorouto
arrived an Friday last and *ill saena •
the •Wintei with his sister, airs. Pe
John Pollock, Who spent
past. summer at Selkirk, .Man., ree
tuaned , home Fridae.
Mee: la 'Elliott:left last week for .
Windsor to, visit friends.. •
Mrs. RObert Howard, and .ceild who
has spent the peat ria 1111) L,i5 t ith
her parents, Mr. eand 'Mrs, v mas •
Johnston .reteratea eo tier leasie • et f
Shilths Falls on Tuesday. "
'Mr: 1.atel Mrs. Wallace, Joimaton end
family tef 1 on Tuesday .foe a he West
\viten they will take up • their. reei-'•
dello at Corieca Sask.. His father, .
Mr, James Jblinston, left on Friday
last in charge cif hie .Itousehbla fur-
niture end stork. Mr.Johnston will
engage in the teerchantile beebea-e•
Will Sitepsoe, who spent the sum-
at Ma, ...James Spacaman'a •- left.
thil eek ler Des. Moines, Icieta; when
beeeeillaspent :the • winter. .
I. Mr. Geoege Chesnea of taeeforth
spent 'Monday in the. village. .
eMiss Chesney who has spent • the
seamier at Mrs. Cowie's left foe See -e. •
forth- on Tuesday,
Tae social given:- be the lade e Of
St, Andrewai ehe'rch on Tuesday ev-
ening was: a success. •
In 'spite of, the' stotiey .weathei- of
Monday' ever:tate there was 'a, large '
gatherieg :ot the members of the
cengregation 61 at. Aedrew's. church:
Who .11 -let for the purpose of • consider-
ing the' call which Pastor. McNeil has •
received -from Nova Scotia. . Tim
meeting appointed six members to ape
pear .before the Presbytery, end op-
pose the call .and Unanil000sly ex-
, pressed- its appreciation of Mr. Mc -
3 Neil'
'lebors; far' the church ditring
Ilis pastorate has made satisfactory.
: progress,: spiritually,. fintmeially ' and ,
and as heartily did it-
indicitte its wish that he would- re -
'main. After all, had been iteard the
call was put into Mr. aicNeire heeds.. e
He eNTITSSed his appreciation of the,
kind words spoken of him and his. •
work and felt grateful to God 'for the-
- peace aricrarniona which bits pre -
availed ie ebngreeetion during bis:
pastorate, but. in consideration of his.
having been eight and it half years in
Hayfield and that the call from Bad -
deck Forks came :entirely unsolicited,
it loolced to himas if divine proei-
deuce indicated to him that he sheula
weep t it. °
. • .
It IS with regret that we are call-
ed • 011 thee week to record the death
, of 'one of our ;West and most re-
spectad ciliate's in ..the evastin of Mr.
ateirge IL Heveson, • ,druggist, Who
passed away at' one o'clock •Teesaate•
inornteg, aged seventy years. He was.
at hie, place of business as- itettai .
Monday but not feeling very well he ,
yetteened home early in the evening
and retired to biel about the usual '
hour. At one o'clock he got up and
walking across the room Ile fell fore
I weed and died suddenly, the (ems(' beet
ing 'heart '• failure. The • funeral
lake place on Thursday afternoon a
two o'clock. 'Mr. Hewson became a
resident of hayfield in March I88t
when he cable from Grimsby where
lw had lived for "some time. In Oc-
trawl- 1880 he married Miss Isabella
t Woods., daughter of the late Niniatt
Woods, M. la, who now survives him.
lie was and Anglican and it member '
'of Trinity church. In politics he was
„a Conservative. Three years ago he
was appointed a Justice of the
Peace. Ire was 0 member ef the
„Masonic fraternity end high up art the
order.The bereth
aved Wife has e •
8y111P0,ti ry of the community in the
great loss which she has sustained.ate
Miss: Sparks, spent Sunday and Mon-
day at her home in Sttatforde
Rev. J. Greene occupied lite 'gen()-
, dist pulpit at Hensala on amide),
last. ' •
Miss •Ross Lavas entertained a few of
her !riptide at her Mime on Tuestate
evenieg. •
Ilea. C. R. Jones and Mrs,. Jones of
Goderich were guests of or. and.
Mrs. Thompson °on Monday.
Mr. James Marshall, a recent art ival
from Se011111111, 11118 lam 0 potation
on the stall of the Jackson Mfg.
Co. "
Miss Mt Clark; Toronto; sister of Mr.
.1. T. Clark, editor Totento Star,
las joined The. Newseltecord etre/.
,aliss Clark was for a couple of
. years on the staft of 'Toronto Sat-
urdey Night. ...
Mr. W. P. Chard of Lindsay, co ganize
er for the Woodmen of the World.,
is in town in the interests.of that
order and with eIceilent prospeets
of making a substantial eddition
to the membership.
Miss Grace ChM took part in the
entertainment in the Presbyterian
chureh, Brueefiela; on 'Monday 'even-
ing and her selections, in elocution
were greatly appreciated. .